Saving the BEST for Last
Carol Twombly
Saved the BEST for Last Carol Twombly didn’t set out to be a type designer, she began her studies as a sculptor at the Rhode Island School of Design before she found a new interest. As she puts it, “the communication of ides by positioning black shapes on the white page offered a welcome balance between freedom and structure. Graphic design seemed a more practical choice for me.” One of her professors discovered her type design skills and inspired her to continue working with type at Stanford University. She graduated from him brand new digital typography program in the easy 1980’s. She began working as a staff designer at Adobe Systems in 1988.
While working alone and collaboratively, Twombly created many typefaces which have become mainstays of the design work. In 1999, Towmbly retired from both Adobe and type design in order to pursue other artistic interests in a more leisurely environment. In her first international type design competition, Twombly was awarded the Morisawa gold prize for her entry in 1984. Twombly was also the 1994 winner of the Prix Charles Peignot, given by the Association Typographique Internationale (ATypI)—the first woman, and second American, to receive this award given to a promising typeface designer under the age of 35.
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn
Chaparral was released in 1999 and is the last typeface Carol Twombly designed. In her years at Adobe, she was a prolific type designer whose resume includes accomplishments such as Caslon, Charlemagne, Lithos, Trajan and Myriad.
The humanist feature of Chaparral lend to its true versatility as a slab serif, it is equally appropriate for both text and display purpose. To enable this wide usage the face was granted an extended family of optical sizes.
Twombly says that she was inspired by the humanist lettering in a 16th century manuscript by Marcantonio Flaminio, and design a slab serif face. Chaparral is true to its origins and has now become a popular standard for many print applications.
n Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Accessible Chaparral has varying letter proportions that give it an accessible and friendly appearance in all weights from light to bold.
Semibold Caption
Italic Caption
Bold Caption
Light Caption
Bold Caption Bold Bold Subhead Bold Display Bold Italic Caption Bold Italic Bold Italic Subhead Bold Italic Display
Caption Regular Subhead Display
Light Caption Light Light Subhead Light Display Light Italic Caption Light Italic Light Italic Subhead Light Italic Display
Italic Caption Italic Italic Subhead Italic Display
Semibold Caption Semibold Semibold Subhead Semibold Display Semibold Italic Caption Semibold Italic Semibold Italic Subhead Semibold Italic Display
MOST Versatile Chaparral combines the legibility of slab serif designs popularized in the 19th century with the grace of 16th-century roman book lettering. The result is a versatile, hybrid slab-serif design, a unique addition to the Adobe Originals family of typefaces. Like the drought-resistant brush that blooms on the arid coastal range near Twombly’s California home, Chaparral’s highly functional design is surprisingly beautiful. Chaparral Pro is true to its origins and still conveys a times sense of class and has now become a popular standard for many print applications. Due to the broad range of available styles, Chaparral Pro performs as a workhorse, succeeding in the smallest optical sizes, up to large heavy headlines that boldly convey their message. Chaparral has numerous uses, including books and other texts of length. Due to its availability in small optical sizes, and combined with its clarity of design, Chaparral is ideal as a caption and small-print typeface.
Legi Stem
Chaparral is the work of type designer Carol Twombly and combines the legibility of slab serif designs popularized in the 19th century with the grace of 16th century roman book lettering. And because it is a multiple master typeface with an optical axis (ranging from 7
To 72 points), Chaparral is clear and legible in smaller text settings while remaining subtle and lively at display sizes. Chaparral´s highly functional design is surprisingly beautiful, the perfect choice for correspondence, as well as book, poster and newsletter design.
ible Ascender
Cap Height
X- height
Descender Line
MOST Flexible Chaparral has great consistency and variety making it an extremely flexible typeface With a smart and witty personality, the family is brilliantly designed with bold serifs, open letter forms and the ability to be optically legible at small sizes and immensely interesting at larger sizes. The hybrid slab-serif typeface molds to lend itself to a variety of purposes. Chaparral is clear and readable at smaller text settings while remaining subtle and lively at display sizes. Optical Size: Chaparral Pro family contains faces designed for the following optical sizes: Caption: design size 8.0 points, for use from 1.0 to 8.4 points Body Text: design size 11.0 points, for use from 8.4 to 12.9 points Subhead: design size 18.0 points, for use from 12.9 to 25.9 points Display: design size 72.0 points, for use from 25.9 to 99.9 points Headline: 83/90 point // Body copy: 8/12point // Typeface: Chaparral
Headline Subhead Bodytext
rdable It will last
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Established in 1929, the Academy of Art University is the largest private school of art and design in the country. Located in downtown San Francisco, the university believes that established artists and designers are best at training the next generation of professionals. The school’s highly regarded Graphic Design program maintains an international student body that has won numerous student design awards. The program enjoys a strategic partnership with Monotype Imaging, which provides students with scholarship funds as well as numerous other opportunities.
Monotype Imaging is a multifaceted enterprise that combines technology with design to help the world communicate. The company has more than 150 years of experience serving the typographic needs of the design industry. As one of the most established type foundries in the world, Monotype offers a myriad of typefaces through its designer-focused portal, www. Degree: MFA / Class: Type Composition Designer: Nandita Rajan / Instructor: Andrew Loesel