NANO REGIONAL PROJECTS NANO SEA mee ng hosted by the Ins tute of Oceanography, Nha Trang, Vietnam Dr Victoria Cheung Scien fic Coordinator for the Partnership for Observa on of the Global Oceans (POGO)
n April 2014, a mee ng of 14 par cipants of the NANO Southeast Asia (SEA) regional research project “Eutrophica on in the coastal waters of Southeast Asia – an assessment” was arranged to discuss the progress made so far and to receive training on the LOICZ (Land-Ocean Interac ons in the Coastal Zone) budget approach for determining residence me and measuring eutrophica on indices. The mee ng was coordinated by Mr. Phan Minh Thu and hosted by the Ins tute of Oceanography in Nha Trang, Vietnam (VNIO). In addi on, the par cipants were joined by the Vice Director and the ex-Director of the VNIO and Dr Vikki Cheung a ended on behalf of the POGO Secretariat. The mee ng enabled the NANO SEA research group to apply the LOICZ budget methods where appropriate and present the data collected so far from the first field trips from each par cipa ng country (Vietnam, Philippines and Thailand). During the workshop Mr. Phan Minh Thu gave an overview on the method used for measuring eutrophica on. Dr Laura David then gave a presenta on which explained the LOICZ budget methodology and provided a comprehensive overview on how to make each of the measurements necessary to apply the procedure. Presenta ons were made by each of the NANO SEA Project co-leaders with the results so far, as well as a presenta on from Prof. Bui Hong Long describing some hydrodynamic characteris cs of the Sea of Vietnam and Bien Dong Sea. Addi onally, several poster presenta ons on research conducted in the waters of Vietnam were available for the par cipants to view and discuss. It was a produc ve and useful mee ng enabling discussion sessions where the ini al data from the first set of field studies were reviewed and the methods to be applied were evaluated. It was found that to make the residence me calcula ons for each of the study sites using the LOICZ budget approach, the difference in salinity needed to be at least 2 ppt. However, the salinity range in the study sites for the Philippines did not meet this requirement and therefore the residence me was calculated by using DELFT3D-WAQ model for this study area, whereas in the Gulf of Thailand and in the sites for Vietnam, the necessary salinity differences were applicable and therefore the LOICZ single-box methods were applied. A follow-up mee ng is planned for November 2014, with Burapha University as the host. A brief update on the project progress since the last edi on of NANO News is provided in the following ar cle.
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