NANO News 7

Page 14

NANO REGIONAL PROJECTS NANO-Africa project update Workshop in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, 9-13 June 2014 Tiago QueirozA, Dr Ted Edgard WangoB, Dr Elisee ToualyC, Houssem Sme


and Abdelfa ah A ouiE


University Agos nho Neto,Dept. of Geophysics.

Wikipage: h p:// B

University Felix Houphouet Boigny and Laboratory of Marine Geology and Sedimentology, Ivory Coast.

Mr Queiroz Wikipage: h p:// C

Dr Wango

Dr Toualy

Mr Sme

Mr A oui

University Felix Houphouet Boigny, Ivory Coast

Wikipage: h p:// D

Ins tute of Research and Development (UMR-235MIO, Marseille & UMR-182LOCEAN, New Caledonia) and Na onal In

Wikipage: h p:// E

Na onal School of Engineers, Tunisia

Wikipage: h p:// ah+Atoui


he NANO project for Africa is on nearshore hydrodynamics and coastal erosion, with par cipa ng countries including Angola, Ivory Coast and Tunisia. The project started with a planning mee ng in June 2013, during which a proposal was wri en to establish sustainable observatories of nearshore erosion in the three par cipa ng countries. The data will provide invaluable informa on to set up a Swell/Storm Early Warning System (SEWS), and will improve our understanding of the role of local and remote forcing wave genera on and its impacts along the coasts of western and northern Africa. In addi on, the observa ons will be the pillar of a modeling effort, which will correspond to stage 2 of the project (2015-2016). The Abidjan workshop aimed to provide hands-on training to the par cipants on se ng up the observatories and to provide some preliminary training on the modeling component by using the Del 3D package. The workshop was hosted and organised by Drs Elisee Toualy and Ted Wango at the Félix Houphouët-Boigny University in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. Par cipants included project mentor Dr Christo Rautenbach (Council for Scien fic and Industrial Research, South Africa), project par cipants Tiago Queiroz (Angola), Houssem Sme and Abdelfa ah Atoui (Tunisia), and POGO representa ve Dr Sophie Seeyave. Various high-level representa ves from the University a ended the opening Ceremony, including the Vice-President of the University, Prof. Affian Kouadio. In their opening remarks they showed great support for the NANO project and gra tude towards the Nippon Founda on and POGO for their capacity building efforts. The workshop was very produc ve, as it allowed the par cipants to learn how to configure the de/wave gauges and meteorological sta ons that were purchased as part of the project, and to agree on a common set of parameters for these configura ons. Although it was planned that a de/wave gauge would be deployed during the workshop, this was not possible for administra ve reasons and had to be postponed un l a er the workshop. Although this was disappoin ng, it was not essen al as the par cipants were able to discuss the deployment methods and all agreed how they would go about deploying their gauges back in their home countries. Another important aspect of the workshop was the modelling component. The parcipants were able to install Del 3D on their laptops and received a very comprehensive tutorial by Dr Christo Rautenbach, a modeller at CSIR in Stellenbosch, South Africa. Dr Rautenbach introduced the parcipants to the numerical wave package “SWAN”. The goal was to get par cipants working with SWAN and eventually implemen ng their own numerical ocean simuThe par cipants of the 2nd workshop of NANO-NHG group at the Félix Houphouëtla on models. The par cipants received Boigny University in Abidjan. From le to right: T. Queiroz, H. Sme , L. Akpetou, C. hands-on training on how to (i) generRautenbach, S. Seeyave, E. Toualy, A. Atoui and Ted Wango. ate a numerical grid of their study sites


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Articles inside

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Ha Nam Thang

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Tin Hoang Cong

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KhaniƩ ha Uthaipan and Ha Nam Thang

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Sutaporn Bunyajetpong

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Nashad Musaliyarakam

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Pham Thi Phuong Thao

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NANO Profi le – Q&A: Dr.Shovonlal Roy

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Research communicaƟ ons by NF-POGO alumni Vo Xuan Mai and Le Nhu Hau

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Kirill Kivva

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Gerry Salamena, Michael Kingsford and Tiff any Sih

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Shaazia Mohammed and Subrata Sarker

page 23

LaƟ n American Regional Project - Phase 3: Long term changes through coastal zones all over LaƟ n America based on Ɵ me series analysis

pages 16-17

NANO-Africa Project update: Workshop in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, 9-13 June 2014

pages 14-15

Engaging students in Harmful Algal Bloom monitoring and predicƟ on by Prof. Raphael Kudela

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POGO message

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Southeast Asia: An assessment

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Marine Data Literacy (MDL) Training Resources by Dr Murray Brown

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NANO regional research projects NANO SEA MeeƟ ng hosted by the InsƟ tute of Oceanography, Nha Trang, Vietnam

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Not so nano anymore. The latest staƟ sƟ cs of NANO

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NF-POGO: building the foundaƟ on for success by Dr William Cochlan

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From the Editorial Board

page 3
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