NANO REGIONAL PROJECTS La n American regional project - Phase 3 Long term changes through costal zones all over La n America based on me series analysis Natalia Silva Hernández Facultad de Ciencias Marinas, Universidad Autonoma de Baja California, Mexico Introduc on hanks to funding from the Nippon Founda on-POGO, the third phase of the La n America Regional Project (LA-NANO) is being coordinated by Prof. Adriana G. Silvera, with my assistance in coordina on and development of the project. During the first and second phases of the project (2012 and 2013) some major outcomes were achieved: (1) the par cipa on of different countries in the ANTARES network was strengthened and expanded, with the objec ve of monitoring the temporal varia ons of phytoplankton communi es, through the detec on of phytoplankton pigments using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), and (2) a common sampling procedure at all ANTARES sta ons was discussed. The idea is that each par cipa ng country would have in situ data, as well as access to satellite informa on on sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a concentra on corresponding to the dates of in situ sampling through the ANTARES webpage. A final report with the recommenda ons and details of the sample collec on and transport to the NASA laboratory was wri en (Results & Final Report 2012,available at the project’s wikipage: h p:// n+Americ an+Regional+Project). The coordina on of the LA-NANO Regional project has rotated from Argen na during the Phase 1 (Ana Doglio and Guillermina Ruiz, under supervision of Vivian Lutz) to Venezuela during the Phase 2 (Jaimie Rojas, under supervision of Vivian Lutz), then to Mexico for Phase 3. In situ samples taken at each par cipa ng country were analyzed for pigment composi on at the laboratory of origin if feasible and they were also sent for HPLC analysis at the NASA laboratory, in order to compare and support the knowledge about phytoplankton community composi on, especially for those sta ons where there is no HPLC. This required the frequent collec on of pigment samples (February to October 2013) at the different sta ons. Results of the first exercises were discussed at the workshop in Isla Margarita (Venezuela) in October 2013. Two reports were wri en, the first one about the workshop itself and the second “Variability in phytoplankton pigments at the Antares/ChloroGIN meseries sta ons” (both available the the project´s wikipage).
NANO 2014-2015 (Phase 3) The actual coordina on of the third phase of this project is in Ensenada, at the Faculty of Marine Science (University of Baja California, Baja California, Mexico). The coordinators gave me the opportunity to par cipate in this effort as a scholarship holder for a year supported by the NF-POGO. At the same me I have the opportunity to learn and interact with the researchers carrying out
Le (Fig. 1) - Sampling procedure at ANTARES Baja California sta o Top right (Fig. 2) - Me, working on par cle light absorp on coeffici of Marine Science). Above (Fig. 3) - Par cipa ng countries in the LA-NANO Project and responsible for each sta on and dates of sampling during 2014.
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