hammed was given the opportunity to share her recently acquired skills to operate the Acous c Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) as no one on board was specialized to operate this instrument. This instrument can determine the current velocity and backsca er through the en re water column. These two parameters were of interest to Dr McGrane and her team as they can provide informa on on zooplankton concentra on and transport mechanisms. On the third day we collected samples using a gravity corer and box corer to get evidence of corals in some previously unexplored area. We analyzed the sample for species varia on in the wet lab from both dead and live cold water corals. We also deployed an underwater camera on the mounds to explore an unknown area assumed to contain deep sea corals. At the end of the third day, we all gathered together for a mee ng in the conference room of ship. All par cipants split into different groups based on our research interests to get some basic ideas on how to analyze the data. POGO par cipants par cipated in a spa al and oceanographic data analysis group. A er the cruise we all gathered at the Na onal University of Ireland Galway (NUIG) for a workshop on data handling and management. Dr Chris McGonagle gave a workshop on how to process data in the ArcGIS environment. He illustrated how to analyze mul beam data in the GIS environment. He also highlighted different types of GIS so ware and their func ons specifica ons. Our POGO colleagues Subrata Sarker and Shaazia Mohammed delivered talks on ocean data management and ADCP applicaons and func ons which the fellow par cipants could apply to their own research. On the last day of the research cruise we gathered at NUIG for the final data analysis. Dr McGrane divided all par cipants into different groups i.e. oceanography, geology and sediments. Par cipants from POGO (Shaazia, Subrata, Lobsang and Mathew) were responsible for oceanographic data analysis and interpreta on. The oceanography sec on was structured with plankton, ADCP and ODV. From our previous background knowledge on oceanography we did our best to analyze and interpret the data as our contribu on to the cruise report. Dr. McGrane delivered a short talk on the future of the SMART program and declared a successful end to the summer school. The seven-day training program on deep sea coral research was an excellent and enjoyable experience for the four of us. We thank SMART organizing commi ee and AWI for selec ng and suppor ng us to a end the course in Ireland.
NANO Profile - Q&A Shovonlal Roy Lecturer at the University of Reading, England Wikipage: h p://www.nf-pogo-alumni.org/~Shovonlal+Roy
What is your educa onal background and how long have you been working in ocean science?
I did a Masters in Applied Mathema cs, and a PhD in the field of Mathema cal Biology. I started working on ocean science during my doctoral research.
What are the favourite aspects and the most challenging parts of your job? What type of experience would you recommend for a young sciensts star ng in this field?
I am in a teaching and research posi on at the University of Reading. So, a major part of my job involves undergraduate and post-graduate teaching, which I find quite fascina ng. It’s challenging as well and rewarding, as I get the opportunity to interact with bright young students. My research is generally quan ta ve, and it involves data analysis and modelling using a computer. Quan ta ve research can be challenging because it requires learning sta s cal and mathema cal techniques; but rewarding at the same me because it nicely complements the experimental side of ocean science. Anyone star ng in this field should be aware that ocean science is ge ng increasingly interdisciplinary, and so, one needs to have interest in experimental as well as analy cal wings of this field. Would you like to propose someone to be profiled as a prominent alumnus? Send us a name and a reason and we take care of the rest! Send an e-mail to lilian.krug@nf-pogo-alumni.org with the subject NANO Profile.
Ly Son island fishermen and Sargassum seaweed harvesting. Read more about Vietnam seaweeds at page 24 22
Contact us: Suriyan.S@chula.ac.th, info@nf-pogo-alumni.org, lilian.krug@nf-pogo-alumni.org NANO website: www.nf-pogo-alumni.org