January newsletter 2016

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Hello friends!

With the New Year in full swing, we can’t help but beam with excitement over the

awesome things that have already happened in the NAPCP world! In between planning, retreating (see below) and gearing up for the coming months, we’re confident this year holds great promise for our organization.

Returning home from our annual Retreat feeling refreshed and renewed, we’re

excited to share details from this past weekend with all of you! The following pages are chock-full of highlights for all to enjoy, soak up and be inspired by – if you missed out this year, makes plans to join us in 2017. Yes, we’re already thinking ahead!

If you’re like us and have been planning for the next Image Competition, the

time is finally here! All submissions will be taken now through Thursday, February 18. Winners will receive medallions, priority listing in our directory, vendor endorsements, member points and more!

Other goodies this month include the release of our 2016 NAPCP Marketing

Guide. Let us help you make this the best year yet with successful marketing campaigns. Find it online in our NAPCP store.

Read on for more happenings, advice and a deeper look into our world of child

photography. Enjoy!


The NAPCP Team

TAB L E O F CON TE N TS Pg. 2 ............................Image Competition Update Pg. 4 .................................News & Announcements

Pg. 5.......NAPCP 2016 Retreat: Reynolds Plantation

Pg. 36 ......................................Behind The Scenes Pg. 38............................................Video Resources Pg. 39................................. Apply For Membership


We are excited to announce that our January 2016 International Image Competition is now OPEN! The purpose of NAPCP’s Image Competitions is to recognize the accomplishments and creative excellence of our members, rewarding their talent with medallions, priority listing on our directory, vendor endorsements, member points, titles and professional recognition. Be sure to review our new Image Competition Rules and Guidelines here.

Click here to submit your images! 4 | NAPCP Newsletter Januar y 2016

N E W S & AN N O U N CE ME N TS Facebook Community We hope that everyone will continue to partake in our NAPCP Facebook Community page! Join now and get involved with the latest discussions, trending topics, news and updates, and much more! Click here to request to join today!

Napcp Store If you are in the market for fresh, new photography templates and creative client gifts, be sure to hop on over to the NAPCP store! We are constantly adding new products to help make the design side of your business a little less stressful! Don't see something you've been hunting for? Drop us an email with new products you would like to see!

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NAP CP R ET REAT Reynolds Plantation

JAN 12-15, 2016

Above bye wWilly Images contributed by Mackenzie Dalton, NAPCP Staff 6 | N image APCP N s l e t t eWilson r J a n u a r| yInterior 2016

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Nestled lakeside at The Ritz-Carlton Reynolds Plantation, one of the most luxurious lakeside resorts in the Southeast and arguably as close to nature’s perfection as you can get, NAPCP members gathered for our annual retreat. This year, we welcomed a new track of Senior photographers and invited some of the industry’s leading senior photographers to speak alongside our highly acclaimed panel of child photographer experts. The combination of topics and speakers resulted in a rich curriculum that focused on our theme, “Make it Matter." We welcome you to dive into this issue as we highlight and recap a memorable week of learning, discovery, connection and inspiration.

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This year, NAPCP invited a diverse and very talented group of speakers to teach on a variety of topics. Social Entrepreneur and author Jeff Shinabarger opened the Retreat with a keynote presentation that spoke to the hearts of our members that “Better is Possible.� In our chaotic, sometimes overwhelming life of balancing business, family and personal goals, we sometimes lose sight of our purpose. It was a wonderful reminder and the perfect start to our week of learning. Our attendees then split up into small groups for intimate breakout sessions with our mentors. Heidi Hope Guerard, of Heidi Hope Photography, shared about her journey of building and running a million dollar studio.

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She discussed the challenges of running a profitable studio in today’s competitive photography market while putting family first. Alicia Caine spoke to our group about powerfully positioning ourselves and our specializations to create multiple streams of revenue. Liana Hall conducted a financial exercise with her group and unveiled the truth about money and photography and how to make money work for them. She showed them how to get the “Big Equation” that will ultimately determine the success or failure of their business



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shared her strategies of maximizing sales by discussing the steps of in-person ordering. She discussed her approach to relationship selling and how she educates and guides her clients for higher sales and ultimately, higher client satisfaction. Hilary Gauld-Camilleri outlined her presentation for experienced photographers looking to diversify their business outside portraiture work. She gave us a look into the commercial industry and discussed the tools and skills needed to succeed. On the Senior-focused track, we were incredibly excited to host a panel of some of the most sought-after Senior leaders. Latasha Haynes, “Tash� talked about the basic needs of high school seniors and what makes them tick. She shared about her experiences and explained how her youth development strategies helped anchor loyal followers, develop brand loyalty, and build upon her highly successful senior rep program. Sarah Lane talked about the psychology of the sale and how it is such a critical component of our businesses. She taught us how to price our services and collections so our clients make logical choices leading them up the ladder for high sales naturally. Amanda Holloway educated attendees on how to efficiently run a seven figure business and the sacrifices that come with its success. She shared exclusive details on scheduling, outsourcing, and ultimately increasing our income while decreasing 14 | NAPCP Newsletter Januar y 2016

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the amount of hours spent per client. And finally, Dan Brouillette mesmerized our group by sharing innovative techniques of using one light for both studio and on-location shooting. He reviewed different lighting modifiers and techniques to achieve the look we desired. Dan, along with Jennifer Kapala, also lead the group through a live portfolio review and image critique session to help us get ready for the Image Competition (open now!) Our busy week closed with a fabulous Marketing Exercise, lead by NAPCP Co-founder Alice Park, and was designed to create effective and impactful marketing campaigns for the 2016 calendar. The session focused on turning goals into action and creating deliverable marketing and social media campaigns. Attendees each received an exclusive NAPCP Marketing Guide Binder, which will aid in tracking individual success, as well as constructing attainable yearly and seasonal goals. The 2016 Marketing Guide is available now in the NAPCP store for those who were unable to attend the Retreat. Be sure to snag a copy today!

Thank you to all our speakers! NAPCP Newsletter Januar y 2016 | 17


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This year, we were pleased to introduce a series of creative classes for our more seasoned photographers. These extracurricular classes were held during our free afternoon, and attendees could opt to attend a class or visit the spa! Kristen Smith, the lead designer and creative genius behind NAPCP, demonstrated the fundamentals of hand lettering, and attendees had a chance to follow along and practice using a variety of tools and mediums. Kristen shared several applications of hand lettering that they could incorporate into their photography business! Lauren Carnes brought a fresh perspective to our lineup of speakers by hosting a hands-on and interactive food styling and photography course! Lauren guided attendees on how to artfully style food, and then demonstrated the best practices for photographing food.

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Our live shoots are always so much fun, and this year was no exception! The Senior Shoot was uber stylish with a colorful Valentine's Day theme.

Lead by

Sarah Lane, LaTasha Haynes, and Amanda Holloway, our attendees had models with professional hair & make-up to build some amazing portfolio shots!

As the sun was

setting, our resident lighting expert, Dan Brouillette, shared his tips and tricks for using just one light to maximize low-light shooting outdoors.

And finally, Heidi Guerard of

Heidi Hope Photography, demonstrated a wonderful newborn session with guidance on posing and in-home lifestyle tricks as well.

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Our attendees really enjoyed creating personal relationships with our Platinum Sponsors in attendance: Musea, 17 Hats, and Shootproof.

We were able to deliver

the highest level of detail and personal touches to our attendees because of the support of all of our sponsors, including Minted, Millers Lab, WHCC, Borrow Lenses,












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Aside from the education, the focal point of the NAPCP Retreat is connection and inspiration.

We shared meals, gathered

around the fire, relaxed in the hot tub, wrote TONS of love notes to our new friends, and inspired each other to be the best version of ourselves. The theme this year was 'Make it Matter', and after hearing several stories of people going home to quit their full-time jobs and do photography full time, we know these retreats have a life-changing impact on everyone. We are so grateful for the personal time each of our attendees commit to spending with us.

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On Wednesday evening, many of our attendees joined Mandy Johnson in a shoe cutting party benefiting Sole Hope and the children of Uganda. We all brought in an old pair of denim jeans and worked together to cut 30+ pairs of shoes for the organization. Paired with tasty s’mores and lemonade, it was the perfect way to end the evening. NAPCP Newsletter Januar y 2016 | 27

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We decided to feature some of our favorite behind the scenes #NAPCPRetreat images from

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our week at the Ritz! Be sure to find our hashtag on Instagram to see more Retreat photos!

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WORK SH O PS Start Submitting Now! NAPCP’s July 2012 International Image Competition opened on Monday! The purpose of NAPCP’s Image Competitions is to recognize the accomplishments and creative excellence of our members, rewarding their talent with medallions, priority listing on our directory, vendor endorsements, member points, titles and professional recognition. Members each receive a total of 2 Competition Credits per Competition with their Membership. Details are online! They say a picture is worth a thousand words … and yours February be featured in our next press release. For the past two International Image Competitions, the winners announcement highlighted the names of the competition winners and received great exposure – collecting thousands of views, postings to other websites, and search index hits. Wouldn’t you like to see your name and photo sent over the wire too? Members, you can start submitting your best images here!

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Interested in applying for

Looking for a photographer in

membership? Learn more

your area? Visit our exclusive

about the benefits of a NAPCP

NAPCP Member Directory on

membership on our site!

the site today!



please visit napcp.com or email us at info@napcp.com with questions or inquiries.

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NAPCP Issue 26

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