a look at the 2013 NAPCP Retreat!
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Hello friends!
We all just returned from an amazing week meeting new friends and
reconnecting with old friends in Charleston. To sum up the experience in a few paragraphs would be nearly impossible, so we've decided to dedicate this newsletter to recapping the event and highlighting some of the amazing speakers, sponsors and attendees that were there.
The NAPCP team spent countless hours pouring our hearts into this event.
Because we understand that our members and attendees are all visual learners and artists, we put a great deal of effort into the design elements of the Retreat. Custom Retreat Welcome Kits, a hand-illustrated Welcome Board and signage filled with our attendees' pretty polaroids, handwritten thank you notes to each of our attendees, custom letterpressed programs and swag tags, a Pinterest-worthy Welcome Reception and a Farewell Soiree fit to compete with any high school dance! It was truly our labor of love to plan and execute and we're excited to share with you some of our favorite details of the event.
We're also delighted to highlight some of our Image Competition winners in
this issue! Congratulations to all who place in our January 2013 Image Competition - this was our favorite round to date!
A special thank you to all of our members and contributors who make NAPCP
such a vibrant and supportive community. We're excited for what's to come!
The NAPCP Team
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Newsletter Januar y 2013
TA BLE O F CON TE N TS Pg. 3 .................Image Competition Results are in! Pg. 4 ................................News & Announcements
Pg. 5 ......................... NAPCP 2013 Retreat Recap
Pg. 29.. .......................................Behind the Scenes Pg. 31...................................Video Interview Series Pg. 32 ................................. Apply For Membership
Newsletter May 2013 | 02
Clockwise from top left: Sandy Summers Russell, Daddy's Girl. Dana Pugh, Water Baby. Rittar Rajagukguk, Anticipating.
C ONG RAT U L AT ION S t o our January 2 0 13 I nt e rn a ti o n a l I m age Com p e t it ion W inners!
view the full gallery here! 03 | NAPCP
Newsletter May 2013
N E W S & ANN OU N CE ME N TS Facebook Community We hope that everyone will continue to partake in our NAPCP Facebook Community page! Join now and get involved with the latest discussions, trending topics, news and updates, and much more! Click here to request to join today!
Vendor Download Page Several of our amazing vendors have contributed FREE downloads exclusively for NAPCP members. These downloads include template designs, educational videos, and much more! We will be adding new downloads every month so make sure to check it out periodically! To view all of our fabulour downloads simply click on the "Resources" tab and select "Vendor Downloads."
Newsletter May 2013 | 04
Newsletter May 2013 | 06
Our third NAPCP Retreat was a true success and we could not be more thankful for the many people who made it possible. We will cherish new friends, new memories and the wealth of inspiration we aquired during the week! Now sit back and relax while you get a peak inside the NAPCP Retreat 2013: Charleston, SC!
Newsletter May 2013 | 08
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Newsletter May 2013
NAPCP was thrilled to have such an impressive lineup of talented speakers this year. They each brought a range of skills to the table while providing great insight into both the business and artistic sides of the profession. Mandy Johnson, sponsored by WHCC, Preveal, Pixel 2 Canvas, and Kolo opened our Retreat with a powerful presentation on Sales. She demonstrated how she begins her sales strategies with the very first initial client communication, and how it carries on throughout every client point of content. She then performed a live pre-session consult and Sales Session for our attendees! Jane Johnson, sponsored by WHCC, HBPhoto Boxes, Big Folio, and Jane Johnson Branding & Design, opened up to our group about exploring within to find our style. She performed exercises with the group, asking questions that ranged from
Newsletter May 2013 | 10
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Newsletter March 2013
our favorite fragrances to the pivotal words that best describe who we are. She then dissected some of the most recognized brands in the world and why they worked so well. We enjoyed hearing one of the industry's gurus on Branding talk intimately to us about the subject. Virgil Bunao, sponsored by Richards Photo Lab, closed the first day of the Retreat with his presentation on the in's and out's of getting published in the creative world. Virgil's name is synonymous with the wedding publishing world, not only because of his incredibly gifted skills as a film wedding photographer, but also because of his tenacity to build meaningful relationships with his clients, vendors, bloggers and of course - publishers. Sarah Lane, sponsored by Millers Lab and The Frame Guys, opened our 2nd day of the Retreat by talking about her revolutionary Senior Model Program. Sarah is redefining how photographers capture Seniors, and she talked with the group about the importance of establishing a rapport with the Seniors and capturing the beauty within them. Sarah then shared with us her secrets be-
hind her Senior Model Program and how powerful and enriching of a program it can be to high school students who become a part of it. Garrett Nudd, sponsored by Graphi Studio, Burrell, Livebooks, Pinhole Press, then opened up with the attendees about the realities of opening up a photography studio. Our dreams as photographers are the same. We dream of one day greeting our clients in a beautiful, light-filled studio with walls featuring our published work. Garrett has experienced many different types of studios and shared with us the good and the bad, the real expenses and overhead, the joy and the pride of operating a studio space. Our minds were blown. Andrea Halsey, sponsored by Organic Bloom and Millers Lab shared with us all of the details that make a perfectly executed Baby Plan. We learned how Andrea capitalizes at each stage of the plan, while building a relationship with a client that will come back well after their child's first year. We especially loved Andrea's beautiful product showcase! Sarah Heibenstreit, sponsored by ProDPI, and Pictage closed the Retreat with an inspiring presentation challenging us to break the rules, dialing into what we really love, and becoming photographic stewards in history. Each of the speakers poured their hearts into all of us. We left inspired, rejuvenated, and eager to go home and make some real changes in our work, our businesses, and in ourselves.
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Newsletter May 2013
Sarah Lane gave each of our attendees the opportunity to participate in a styled Senior Session that took place along the gorgeous cobblestone streets and alleys of Charleston. Eight models, representing three different looks, were styled - complete with hair and makeup, and coached by Sarah on posing for their photographers.
We spent hours in beautiful
downtown Charleston learning how to pose, use light, and creatively bring out the beauty within our models. Here are a few of some of the incredible images captured by our attendees!
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Newsletter May 2013
We were proud to partner with some of our favorite vendors in the industry. Pair that with some of our favorite PEOPLE behind the company, and we'd say it was a success all around! Our sponsors each had the opportunity to spend invaluable oneon-one time with our attendees and gain valuable feedback on how to better serve child photographers. We loved the intimate conversations that came from our sponsors being present and completely focused at the Retreat. Huge Giveaways and Prizes were presented, and we all had a chance to take a sneak peak at some of the beautiful products that would debut later this year. A special THANK YOU to our wonderful and amazing sponsors - Farmwood Press, Artsy Couture, Pictage and Photo Card Boutique for supporting this year's Retreat! And thank you to so many of our favorite Vendor Partners for donating amazing door prizes for our attendees. We love you all!
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Newsletter May 2013
In the end, our Retreats are a celebration of our members and this incredible community of child photographers. It's about celebrating the accomplishments of our peers, encouraging one another to delve deeper in their work, keeping one another accountable for growth, and working hard to elevate the standards of our industry. NAPCP could not be prouder to host a lovely week in Charleston with some of the brightest photographers around the world. Thank you to each of our attendees who traveled far to spend a week with us. We hope it was as amazing of an experience for you as it was for us!!
Newsletter May 2013 | 20
We decided to feature some of our favorite behind the scenes Instagram photos from
our week in Charleston! Here's a look at what made our 2013 NAPCP Retreat so special!
WORK SH O PS Start Submitting Now! NAPCP’s July 2012 International Image Competition opened on Monday! The purpose of NAPCP’s Image Competitions is to recognize the accomplishments and creative excellence of our members, rewarding their talent with medallions, priority listing on our directory, vendor endorsements, member points, titles and professional recognition. Members each receive a total of 2 Competition Credits per Competition with their Membership. Details are online! They say a picture is worth a thousand words … and yours may be featured in our next press release. For the past two International Image Competitions, the winners announcement highlighted the names of the competition winners and received great exposure – collecting thousands of views, postings to other websites, and search index hits. Wouldn’t you like to see your name and photo sent over the wire too? Members, you can start submitting your best images here!
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Newsletter November
(c) Jane Johnson Photography
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