Dairy Planner July 2017

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Vol.14 | No. - 07 | July - 2017



From the Pen of Chief Editor


Indigenous Milch Purpose Cattle Breeds


Signs Of Heat In Dairy Cattle


Common Infertility Conditions In 11 Livestock And Their Therapeutic Interventions “Management Of Tick –borne Diseases In Dairy Animals ” Lice Infestation In Cattle An Overview

13 14

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Effect Of Heat Stress In Dairy Cows




Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley announced that the total allocation for rural, agricultural and allied sectors for 201718 is a record Rs 1.87 Lac crore which is 24% above from what was allocated last year. 'Dairy India', an industry publication, has pegged the Indian market for milk and dairy products – in terms of the value paid by consumers – at around Rs 5.25 Lac crores in 2015. With promise to boost Dairy economy, present Govt. announced earmarking of Rs.8000 crores for this sector. It is necessary as felt for a long time by Dairy Industry that infrastructure created four decades ago needed overhauling. It was the demand of the dairy sector as the existing infrastructure had become obsolete. The cooperative sector did not have funds to invest. The infrastructure created during the Operation Flood movement had become 30 to 40 years old was the statement of R.S. Sodhi, Managing Director of Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (AMUL). The Union Budget announced creation of Dairy Infrastructure Development Fund of Rs 8000 crore over next three years which Nabard the apex rural bank, (National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development) will streamline. In the first year, the government announced to give Rs 2000 crore. Sodhi feels that this is a huge investment and will help create an additional rural income of Rs 50,000 crore per annum. It will have a multiplier effect on the rural economy and especially the dairy sector. This is the first time after independence that such a large fund has been allocated for the dairy sector. Industry stalwarts are ofthe opinion thatthe current domestic milk processing capacity is about 850 LLPD (Lac Liters per day). Thatincluded 450 LLPD of private dairies and 400 LLPD of cooperatives. Itis suggestedby industry thatthebenefitsofthis fundshouldbe extended to private dairies also and it should not be limited to just cooperatives, as it was during Operation Flood. Most of the capacities in the last decade or more have come up under the private sector, without any government assistance. “The target for agricultural credit in 201718 has been fixed at a record level of Rs 10 lakh crore,” Jaitley said in his Budget speech. An additional incentive of 3 per cent is provided to farmers for prompt repayment of loans within due date, making an effective interest rate for them at 4 per cent. To help farmers get better value for their produce, he said that a model law on contract farming will be circulated among states. Additionally, Jaitley reiterated the government's earlier goal of bringing in more regulated agriculture markets on the electronic National Agriculture Market (eNAM) platform. Bringing dairying in the ambit of digitalization will help dairy farmers get more profits. For that purpose spread of internet access is inevitable. It is hoped that with better infra structure coming up fast, there will be better flow of information and produce


Dairy Sector's Star Position In Budget 2017

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M.VSc.Scholar, Department of Livestock Prouducts Technology, Madras veterinary collage, TANUVAS, Chennai

DAIRY PLANNER | VOL. 14 | NO. - 07 | July 2017

BENEFITS OF COW DESI GHEE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.





गाय का घी नाक म डालने से पागलपन दरू होता ह।ै गाय का घी नाक म डालने से एलज ख हो जाती ह।ै गाय का घी नाक म डालने से लकवा का रोग म भी उपचार होता ह।ै (20-25 ाम) घी व म ी खलाने से शराब, भागं व गाझ ं े का नशा कम हो जाता ह।ै गाय का घी नाक म डाल ने से कान का पदा बना ओपरेशन के ही ठीक हो जाता ह।ै नाक म घी डालने से नाक क खु दरू होती है और िदमाग तरो ताजा हो जाता ह।ै गाय का घी नाक म डालने से कोमा से बाहर नकलकर चेतना वापस लोट आती ह।ै गाय का घी नाक म डालने से बाल झडना समा हो कर नए बाल भी आने लगते ह।ै गाय के घी को नाक म डालने से मान सक शां त मलती ह,ै याददा तज े होती ह।ै हाथ पाव मे जलन होने पर गाय के घी को तलवो म मा लश कर जलन ठीक होता ह।ै िहचक के न कने पर खाली गाय का आधा च च घी खाए, िहचक यं क जाएगी। गाय के घी का नय मत सेवन करने से ए सिडटी व क क शकायत कम हो जाती ह।ै गाय के घी से बल और वीय बढ़ता है और शारी रक व मान सक ताकत म भी इजाफा होता है गाय के पुराने घी से ब ो ं को छाती और पीठ पर मा लश करने से कफ क शकायत दरू हो जाती ह।ै अगर अ धक कमजोरी लग,े तो एक गलास दध ू म एक च च गाय का घी और म ी डाल कर पी ल। हथल े ी और पावं के तलवो म जलन होने पर गाय के घी क मा लश करने से जलन म आराम आयेगा। गाय का घी न सफ कसर को पैदा होने से रोकता है और इस बीमारी के फै लने को भी आ य जनक ढंग से रोकता ह।ै




28. 18.



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जस को हाट अटैक क तकलीफ है और चकनाइ खाने क मनाही है तो गाय का घी खाएं , हदय मज़बतू होता ह।ै देसी गाय के घी म कसर से लड़ने क अचूक मता होती ह।ैइसके सेवनसे नतथाआतंके खतरनाककसर सेबचाजासकताह।ै घी, छलका सिहत पसा आ काला चना और पसी श र (बरूा) तीनो ं को समान मा ा म मलाकर ल बाधँल। ातः खाली पेट एक ल खूब चबा-चबा कर खाते ए एक गलास मीठा गुनगुना दध ू घँ ूट-घँ ूट करके पीने से यो ं के दर रोग म आराम होता ह,ै पु षो ं का शरीर मोटा ताजा यानी सुडौल और बलवान बनता ह.ै फफोलो पर गाय का देसी घी लगाने से आराम मलता ह।ै गाय के घी क झाती पर मा लस कर ने से ब ो के बलगम को बहार नकालने मे सहायक होता ह।ै सापं के काटने पर 100 -150 ाम घी पलाय उपर से जतना गुन गुना पानी पला सके पलाय जससे उलटी और द तो लगगे ही लेिकन सापं का वष कम हो जायेगा। दो बं दू देसी गाय का घी नाक म सुबह शाम



डालने से माइ ेन दद ठीक होता ह।ै सर दद होने पर शरीर म गम लगती हो, तो गाय के घी क पैरो ं के तलवे पर मा लश करे, सरदद ठीक हो जायेगा। यह रण रहे िक गाय के घी के सेवन से कॉले ॉल नही ं बढ़ता ह।ै वजन भी नही बढ़ता, ब वजन को सं तु लत करता ह।ै यानी के कमजोर का वजन बढ़ता ह,ै मोटे का मोटापा (वजन) कम होता ह।ै एक च च गाय का शु घी म एक च च बरूा और 1/4 च च पसी काली मच इन तीनो ं को मला कर सुबह खाली पेट और रात को सोते समय चाट कर ऊपर से गम मीठा दध ू पीने से आख ँ ो ं क ो त बढ़ती ह।ै गाय के घी को ठ े जल म फट ले और िफर घी को पानी से अलग कर ले यह ि या लगभग सौ बार करे और इसम थोड़ासा कपूर डालकर मला द। इस व ध ारा ा घी एक असरकारक औष ध म प रव तत हो जाता है जसे चा स ी हर चमरोगो ं म चम ा रक िक तरह से इ ेमाल कर सकते ह।ै यह सौराइ शस के लए भी कारगर ह।ै गाय का घी एक अ ा (LDL) कोले ॉल ह।ै उ कोले ॉल के रो गयो ं को गाय का घी ही खाना चािहए । यह एक ब त अ ा टॉ नक भी ह।ै अगर आप गाय के घी क कु छ बँ दू िदन म तीन बार, नाक म योग करगे तो यह दोष (वात प और कफ) को सं तु लत करता ह।ै वं दे गौमातरम।्।

EFFECT OF HEAT STRESS IN DAIRY COWS Introduction Heat Stress is an important factor that negatively affects productivity and performance traits in milch cattle breeds, especially in hot humid climatic condition. Lactating cows especially during peak of milk production can experience heat stress and dry cows, especially during transition period, can experience heat stress. Cows are adversely affected any time above the ambient temperature i.e. more than their thermo neutral zone, which ranges from 250C. Thermo-neutral zone Thermo-neutral zone is defined as the zone of minimal heat production at rectal temperature. Out of this zone, some disturbances will be observed.

earlier than white cows, but radiate heat better at night and hence recover more rapidly. Evaporative cooling occurs when sweat or moisture is evaporated from the skin or respiratory tract. High humidity limits the ability of the cow to take advantage of evaporative cooling.


Decreased dry matter intake and feed intake


Decreased milk production, and milk quality


Change in body hormones level

Effects of Heat Stress in Dairy Cattle


An increase in heart rate

Some of most important results of heat stress in dairy cattle include


Lower calves' birth weight


Increase the maintenance energy requirements.


Figure 1. Schematic figure of thermo-neutral zone and comfort zone


Some behavioral signs such as Seek shade, refuse to lie down, In coordination, inability to move Increased respiration rate and laboured breathing, or panting

Dissipation of Heat from Body


Excessive salivation

Dairy cows can dissipate body heat through conduction, convection, radiation and evaporative cooling. Conduction is based upon the principal that heat flows from warm to cold. Convection occurs when the layer of air next to the skin is replaced with cooler air. Radiation of body heat can occur when the ambient temperature is significantly cooler than the cow. Black cows do feel the effects of heat stress


Poor reproductive performance


Increased sweating,


Crowding around water sources, and increased water intake


Decreased blood flow to internal organs


Some changes in digestion of food, such as reduced or absent rumination (chewing of cud) and Slower feed passage rate through digestive tract

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Figure 2. Panting in cows as a sign of heat stress


Methods of Heat Stress Prevention Different method used for preventing heat stress in dairy cattle is as follows: Ÿ

Lowering the environmental temperature by modifying the structure of the shed where the cattle are kept, or by introducing cooling facilities.


Increasing heat loss from animals by sprinkling them with water, using fans.


Increasing the efficiency of feed energy utilization, and reducing the heat increment of animals by feeding strategies.


999-170-5007 DAIRY PLANNER | VOL. 14 | NO. - 07 | July 2017

Environmental Control and Management for Reducing Heat Stress Shade, fans, mist and fan systems, and night grazing, are presented as effective methods of modifying the environments of dair y cattle for prevention of heart stress in hot climate. Depend of the different climate, several different methods can apply.

Table 1: Recommended methods for different humidity under heat stress

Late evening or Night grazing

feeding programs can help reduce the negative effects of heat stress on the dairy cow.

Because that heat stress usually observed under sunlight, therefore one of effective methods for decline the affects of sunlight is evening or night grazing in summer. Air temperature and the level of solar radiation begin to fall after about 3 pm. After 6 pm, usually in all regions, the sunlight is very low and is not stressful for cows.

Heat stress causes a decline in dry matter intake, the cow's energy and protein requirements in hot environments increase. Therefore, it is important to increase the energy and by-pass protein contents of diets in order to maintain the performance of dairy cows in a hot environment.

Free Water Availability

Treatments of dairy cows under heat stress condition

Providing access to water during heat stress period is critical and it is a common method for heat stress eliminates in every climate and don't depend to humidity levels. It is concluded that dairy cows water needs increase 1.2 to 2.0 times when cows are under heat stress. Prevention of heat stress throught Nutritional ways Nutrition is one of the most important factors that affect on heat stress. Changes in ration formulation and

First immediate action for treatments of dairy cows should involve housing the cow down with large volumes of cold water, minimizing stress/physical exertion, placing her in the shade and provide air movement with increasing the ventilation rate. Use of large volumes of intravenous fluids and electrolytes, rectal enemas or stomach tubing with water, can be beneficial methods in some conditions. Use of sodium bicarbonate with ration is another effective method for

treatment of heat stressed cows. Proper temperature for dairy cows Dairy cows have decreased mortality when their environmental temperature is between 14 and 24°C. Conclusions Heat stress can affect negatively on animals production and health. Livestock owners must try to minimize the effect of heat stress to the maximum extent possible. Use of proper management methods and dietary changes are always beneficial reduces the heat stress and helps maintaining and improving the cow's performance and consequently increase the herd profitability. SUBSCRIBE TODAY

DAIRY PLANNER Contact.. 999-170-5007

Dr. N. Anand Kumar, Govind Mohan, Sushil Kumar, Revanasiddu Deginal & Lokesha E Ph.D. Scholar, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana-132001, India E-mail (Corresponding author): nanandkumar.kumar64@gmail.com


DAIRY PLANNER | VOL. 14 | NO. - 07 | July 2017


Introduction There are 40 well-defined indigenous cattle breeds. These breeds can be classified into three categories based on their utility. These are (1) Milch breeds, (2) Dual purpose breeds and (3) Draft purpose breeds. The cows of milch breeds are relatively high milk producer, but their bullocks are generally of poor quality draft. The animals of dairy breeds are generally heavy built with capacious udder, pendulous dewlap, sheath and loose skin. The important breeds of this group are Sahiwal, Red Sindhi, Gir, Tharparkar and Rathi. Indigenous milch purpose breeds 1. Sahiwal This is one of the best indigenous dairy cattle breeds. The Sahiwal cows have their native home tract in Montgomery district and adjoining places in Pakistan. The Sahiwal cows are also found in Ferozepur, Amritsar, Gurdaspur districts of Punjab in India. There are quite a good number of breeding herds in Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Chhatisgarh and Madhya Pradesh. The cows are red and light brown in colour, but some animals with white patches are also found. The cows are good milk yielders and cows under village conditions yield about 1350 kg in a lactation of 305 days. Well-bred cows on institutional farms yield an average of 2000-2500 Kg/lactation. The average age at first calving is about 36.0 months which ranges from 29 to 52 months. The average calving interval, service period and dry period of Sahiwal c o w a re 4 1 5 , 1 4 8 a n d 1 5 6 d a y s , respectively. The average fat and SNF the milk is around 5.0 to 9.2 %. 2. Red Sindhi The native habitat of this breed is Karachi and Hyderabad districts of Sindh province of Pakistan. It is an important dairy cattle breed in Indian sub-continent. Red Sindhi cattle are maintained on few organized


Government farms in India. The breed has red colour, which has shades from dark to dim yellow, with white patches on some animals. Head is well proportioned with an occasional bulge on the forehead. The ears are of moderate size and drooping. Dewlap and sheath are pendulous. Udder is capacious and pendulous. The cows are high milk yielders and produce milk on an average 1800 kg ranging from 1500 to 2200 kg. In a lactation of 305 days. The average age at first calving is 42 months and ranges from 32 to 50 months. The calving interval, service period and dry period ranges from 425 to 540 days, 105 to 293 days and 112 to 179 days, respectively. 3. Gir The cattle are found in Junagarh, Bhavnagar, and Amreli districts of Gujarat. This is one of best Indian dairy cattle breed. The Gir cattle are also widely distributed in adjoining states of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and northern parts of Maharashtra. Most of the Gir cattle are purely red in colour and some are with patches of red, black and red & black on white skin. The Gir cattle have medium size and well-proportioned body with massive heads, extremely bulging foreheads, and long pendulous, curling and drooping ears with notches at the tips. The cows have good-shaped udder with well-placed teats. The cows are very good milk yielders with an average of 1400 kg ranging from 1200 to 2000 kg in lactation. Certain outstanding cows with 26-27 kg peak milk yield in a day and lactation milk yield more than 4500 kg indicate high genetic potential for milk production. The age at first calving varies from 40 to 60 months and inter calving period from 430 to 490 days. 4. Tharparkar An important cattle breed raised primarily for its milking potential. The home tract of this breed is in the Tharparkar district of southeast Sind in Pakistan. In India, these animals are now found along the Indo-Pak border covering western Rajasthan and up to

Rann of Kutch in Gujarat. Animals with typical characteristic of breed are found in Jodhpur, Barmer, Jaisalmer districts of Rajasthan and Kutch region of Gujarat. Animals are white or light grey. Face and extremities are of a darker shade than the body. In bulls neck, hump and fore and hind-quarters are also dark. Head is of medium size. Forehead is broad and flat or slightly convex above eyes. Udder is large and well developed with prominent veins. Teats are long, uniform in thickness and set at even distances. Tharparkar cows calve for the first time at an average age of about 41 months (range 37 to 52 months). The average milk yield is 1,750 kg (range 900 to 2,150 kg), lactation length is 285 days (range 240 to 380 days), dry period is 140 days(range 115 to 190 days), service period is 128 days (range 108 to 190 days) and calving interval of 430 days (range 408 to 572 days). Milk fat is about 4.88 % and SNF 9.2% 5. Rathi The cattle take their name from a pastoral tribe of Rajasthan called Raths. Rathi cattle have been developed as a result of admixture of inheritance of Sahiwal, Red Sindhi and Tharparkar cattle breeds with high proportion of blood from Sahiwal breed. These are concentrated in the Bikaner district of Rajasthan. This is a medium sized breed with symmetrical body. The animals have brown colour with white patches and some animals with complete brown or black coat colour with white patches are also found in the tract. Horns are short to medium curving outwards, upwards and inwards, ears are of medium size, voluminous dewlap and large naval flap. Skin is loose with fine short hair. Udder and teat are well developed. The cows are docile in nature. The average lactation milk yield of Rathi cows is 1500 kg, which ranges from 1050 kg to 2000 kg. The average age at first calving ranges from 36 to 52 months and inter calving period ranges from 450 to 620 day.

Sushil Kumar Yadav*¹ Sushil Kumar², Govind Mohan² and Hunny Sharma¹ 1-MVSc. Scholar, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana-132001, India 2-Ph.D. Scholar, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana-132001, India E-mail (Corresponding author): sushil.yadav164@gmail.com DAIRY PLANNER | VOL. 14 | NO. - 07 | July 2017


Mounting Other Cows

Heat detection is an Efficient and profitable reproductive performance of a dairy herd, requires routine observation and proper timing of artificial insemination. Failure to detect estrus early in the breeding season or improper timing of insemination due to heat detection errors results in extended calving inter vals, low fer tility and additional semen expense. The expression of heat is due to the elevated level of estrogen in the blood when progesterone is very low.

Mounting activity is performed much less frequently by cows in mid cycle. Although mounting cannot be used as a true primary sign of heat, cows exhibiting such behavior should be watched closely for standing behavior.

Signs of Heat It is essential to understand the primary and secondary signs of heat in order to achieve accurate and efficient heat detection.

Mucus Discharge Mucus discharge is an indirect result of elevated estrogen levels, mucus is produced in the cervix and accumulates with other fluids in the vagina before, during, and shortly after estrus. Long viscous, clear elastic strands of mucus generally hang from the vulva. Mucus also may be smeared on the tail, thighs, flanks, or perineal region. Swelling and Reddening of the Vulva During heat the vulva swells, becomes moist and red. Generally these symptoms appear before heat and remain for a short period after heat. Bellowing, Restlessness, and Trailing

Fig.1: Standing and mounting activity Primary sign A cow standing to be mounted is the most accurate sign of estrus. Standing heat is the most sexually intensive period of the estrous cycle. During this period, cows stand to be mounted by other cows or move forward slightly with the weight of the mounting cow. Cows that move away quickly when a mount is attempted are not in true estrus. The average duration of standing heat is 15 to 18 hours, but heat duration may vary from 8 to 30 hours among cows. An estrous cow usually stands to be mounted 20 to 55 times during her estrous period. Each mount lasts three to seven seconds.

Cows in heat are more restless and alert to their surroundings. When allowed to interact with other cattle, cows coming into heat “proestrus” and cows in heat persistently trail behind to try to mount other cows. Cattle may bellow more frequently during estrus. Although these are not definitive signs of heat, cows exhibiting such behavior should be watched closely for standing behavior. Rubbed Tailhead Hair and Dirty Flanks As a consequence of being ridden, the hair on the tailhead and rump is fluffed-up, rubbed, or matted, and the skin may be exposed. The legs and flanks may be smeared with mud or manure. Chin Resting and Back Rubbing Prior to mounting, cows often rest or rub their chin on the rump or back of the cow to

be mounted. This application of pressure may be considered a test for receptivity to being mounted. Both cows should be obser ved closely for mounting and standing behavior. Sniffing Genitalia Sniffing the genitalia and licking the vulva of other cows occur much more frequently with cows in proestrus and estrus. Head Raising and Lip Curling Generally this activity follows sniffing of the genitalia and occurs more frequently if the cow being investigated is in heat and urinates (Flehmen reaction). Decreased Feed Intake and Milk Yield Estrous cows spend less time in feeding and decreased milk yield. But since many factors other than estrus can also affect milk yield on a specific day, this is not a reliable indicator of estrus. Fig.2: String of clear mucus being discharged Met estrous Bleeding Some cows and most heifers have a bloody mucus discharge one to three days after estrus, but onset of this symptom, called met estrous bleeding, is quite variable. High estrogen levels during estrus cause blood to leak from vessels near the surface of the uterus. This discharge indicates that the cow was in heat and does not mean that she failed to conceive. However, such animals should be watched closely for a return to heat in 18 or 19 days.

Secondary sign Secondary signs long in duration and intensity. These signs may occur before, during, or after standing heat and are not related to time of ovulation. Dair y producers should use these signs as clues or watch the specific cow more closely for standing behavior. 10

Saleem Yousuf, Govind Mohan* Sushil Kumar, Revaansiddu Deginal, Naseer Ahmad Baba and Anand Kumar N Ph.D. Scholar, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana-132001, India Email-saleemyousuf57155@gmail.com DAIRY PLANNER | VOL. 14 | NO. - 07 | July 2017

COMMON INFERTILITY CONDITIONS IN LIVESTOCK AND THEIR THERAPEUTIC INTERVENTIONS Introduction Infertility in farm animals causes heavy economic losses to livestock industry. Infer tility caused by acquired /environment or congenital/hereditary causes. Infertility caused by physiological, anatomical, infectious causes. The incidence of reproductive disorders in buffaloes ranges from 4.66% to 12.66%. Infertility in buffaloes is mainly contributed by anestrus; repeat breeding, infectious diseases of re p ro d u c t i v e s y s t e m a n d p o s t parturient disorders which indirectly leads to infertility. Common Infertility Conditions Cystic ovary Traditionally cysts have been defined as anovulator y follicular structures (diameter, >25 mm) that persist for 10 or more days in the absence of a functional corpus luteum and are accompanied by abnormal oestrous behaviour (irregular oestrus intervals, nymphomania or anoestrus). However, recent data using ultrasonography indicate that follicles typically ovulate at 17 mm in diameter, so follicles that persist at 17mm or greater may be considered to be "cystic." Follicular & luteal cysts are the impor tant pathological cystic conditions of bovine ovaries. About 70% of this are thin walled and usually multiple follicular cysts. GnRH is the drug of choice especially for follicular cysts. It gives a recovery rate of 80% and conception rate of 60%. Buserelin 20µg i/m (Receptal-10ml vial 4 µg /ml) is the commonly available drug. After treatment the animal will come to estrum within 18 to 23 days. The duration of recovery can be shortened by giving a luteolytic dose of PGF2α on 9th day after GnRH injection. (2ml Cloprostenol- Cyclixor 5ml dinoprost- lutalyse). The animal will come into estrus within 2 to 3 days and 11

can be done double AI on 3rd and 4th day.

Luteal insufficiency and early embryonic death

In cases of luteal cyst injection of PGF2α alone is sufficient. Different forms of progesterone and hcg can also be used with good result but it is more expensive.

Single injection of Progesterone depot 250mg i/m on 4 to 7 days after AI. Injection before 3rd day is detrimental to fertility and after 10 to 14 days produces no beneficial effect.

Fig 1. Cystic ovary (bigger size) compared to normal ovary

Mild Endometritis causing repeat breeding

Delayed ovulation Delayed or subnormal LH surge for ovulation or intrinsic factors in the ovaries causing reduced response to LH is the reason behind this. Improving nutrition and protection from the stress factors can solve the problem to a great extent. Double AI at 24hr interval is the simplest treatment. Injection of GnRH (Buserelin 2.5ml) or injection of 8mg plain progesterone (1/3rd of 25mg ampoule) can favor ovulation or hcg (chorulon 1500 IU) at the beginning of heat/ along with AI). Fig 2. Delayed ovulation

An intrauterine injection of 30 to 50ml of 1% lugols iodine in distilled water is a cheap and effective method of treatment for repeat breeding due to mild endometritis. It can also be given 24hrs after insemination as a post AI therapy but the concentration should not go higher than 1%. Injection of strepto-penicillin (Dicyrsticin LDV) daily for 3 days from the day of AI or intra uterine infusion of 10 lakh Benzyl penicillin and 1g streptomycin in 30 to 50ml distilled water 24h after AI is found to give good results but the risk of antibiotic residues in milk should be considered. Anoestrum Anoestrum is the external manifestation of a wide variety of pa t h o l o g i c a l a n d p h y s i o l o g i c a l reproductive conditions. Hence a thorough examination of the genitalia DAIRY PLANNER | VOL. 14 | NO. - 07 | July 2017

is essential before treatment. True anoestrum with smooth and inactive ovaries are common in pubertal heifers and postpartum cows. Direct or indirect nutritional deficiencies are the most important reason for it. Elimination of external and internal parasites, chronic wasting diseases and improving the nutrition can solve the problem in most cases. Use of GnRH, FSH and LH combination and different protocols of progesterone therapy can be tried in deserving cases as a last resort. Oestrogenic preparations are not advisable. Functional anestrum due to sub estrum, silent estrum or unobserved estrum is the most common form of Anestrum seen mainly during postpartum periods. Improving feeding standards and better heat detection can solve the problem to a great extent. Adopting timed AI protocols using either PG alone or a combination of GnRH and PG can be used especially in high yielding animals.

Fig 4. Septic uterus with accumulation of pus

Septic metritis Septic metritis or acute puerperal metritis occurs within few days of parturition due to dystocia, calving trauma, RFM, uterine inertia etc. Septic metritis is a life threatening condition with toxemia, septicemia and pyaemia. The treatment of septic metritis requires both good nursing care and vigorous medication. Systemic broad spectrum antibiotics, fluid therapy and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are widely recommended. The use of estrogens, corticosteroids and intra uterine therapy and attempts for removing placenta are contra indicated.

includes the use of sensitive antibiotics systemically or locally to counteract the infection. Intrauterine infusion of 1 to 5% of lugols iodine in 100ml of distilled water can also be used. Injection of PGF2α can be repeated at 11 days interval till the size of the uterus becomes normal and estral discharge becomes clear. PGF2α is the drug of choice for p y o m e t r a ( c l o p ro s t e n o l 2 m l o r dinoprost 5ml i/m). Evacuation of the uterus occurs in 3 to 9 days in 90% of treated cows. Concomitant antibiotic therapy can hasten recovery.

Postpartum metritis and Pyometra

Fig 3. Anoestrum ovary – no visible follicles

Postpartum metritis usually occurs within two months of calving with no septic or general symptoms associated with it. It may persist as a chronic metritis for months or occasionally pyometra with cessation of estrus and persistent CL. The line of treatment for metritis

Fig 5. Iatrogenic pyometra after AI

Dr. M. Anudeep Reddy¹* and Dr. N. Anitha Reddy² ¹Department of Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology, College of veterinary Science, PV Narsimha Rao Telangana Veterinary University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-30. ²Department of Livestock Products Technology, College of veterinary Science, PV Narsimha Rao Telangana Veterinary University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-30. *Corresponding author:anudeepreddy07@gmail.com 12

DAIRY PLANNER | VOL. 14 | NO. - 07 | July 2017

“ MANAGEMENT OF TICK –BORNE DISEASES IN DAIRY ANIMALS ” affecting cattle and buffaloes and have great importance on productivity of cattle. In India approximately 33 million cross-bread cattle and domestic buffaloes are in high risk its infestation found all over the India.

Ticks are specialized ectoparasites of mammals birds and reptiles it found around the world. they causes direct and indirect damage to their host. In diary animals tick infestation is one of the most dangerous and economically important it is also important from zoonotic point of view. ticks send his life on several host so it's difficult to eradicate completely. Tick have tendency to survive in unfavorable climatic conditions also. They have high reproductive potential also resulting in to high population. Tick infestations is also found in human. on a single host more than 1000 ticks can easily survive. They gives direct injures to the host resulting in to ruff skin coat and damage to skin coat as well as dermatitis Ixodidisis the more popular tick to give above infestations. Disease Transmission Ticks can transmit disease like Theileriosis , Babesiosis and Anaplasmosis also causes extensive damage to host . worldwide losses reported due to ticks infestation is US$13.9 to 18.7 billion /annum. In India it is reported as 489.7 million /annum. Now a days tick borne diseases are growing rapidly due to resistance of medicines used against the ticks. as per the available data in India 70 % population is depend upon Agriculture farmers are keeping animals for milk, meat , wool , hide etc. In India we have observed that approximately 199 million cattle and 105 million buffaloes are suffering from multi host tick infestation. A)Theileriosis caused by T. Annulata and T. Orientalisis the one of the most important tick borne disease in India 13

Diagnoses of Theileriosis is mainly depend on the clinical signs as well as based on microscopic examination on Giemsa Stainde lymph node and blood smear. Antiparasitic drug are effective in animals based on the clinical symptoms. In most of the cases treated animal remain carrier for life time. Buparvaquone is highly effective drug against Theileriosis. milk and meat is not suitable for human consumption after the treatments up to 48 and 42 days respectively. Noe a days modified vaccine is also available against the theileriosis. B)Babesiosis Babesiosis / Tick Fever is a disease of domestic animals characterized by extensive erythrocytes lysis leading to anemia icterus and hemogl-obinuria. This disease caused by Genus Babesia an interaery-throcytic-protozon parasite it is mostly found in cross-bread cattle and domestic buffaloes. Diagnosis of babesiosis usually include examination of staned blood smear as well as serological examination effective treatement is also available on babesiosis c) Bovine Anaplamosis Anaplamosis is one of the most important economicaly important rickettsial disease. This disease characterized by fever, anemia, weakness constipation, yellowing of mucosa, lack of appetite depression, dehydration and labored breathing.

In India this disease reported first in Odisha after that it reported in U.P, P u n j a b , H a r y a n a , Ta m i N a d u Karnataka and J&K . Oxytetracyclin @ 20 mg/kg body weight is effective remedy on Anaplamosis . Effective control of tick infestation there are various kind of chemical compound are available to control the tick infestation like Ivermectin (MECTIN INJ) is commonly used drug against ticks. Organophospate, pyrethroids-formamidinesect some commercially available preparations are PORON 100 ml, PORON PLUS 50 ml are highly effective against single host and multi host tick. Proper management practices ensures effective control of tick in farm its always advisable to take expert opinion from Vets .

Dr. Santosh Shinde, Dr. Sanjay K Latkar, Dr. Amit Singh, Dr. S. Midhun Alembic Pharmaceuticals Ltd Mumbai www.alembic-india.com Email: - sanjay.latkar@alembic.co.in

DAIRY PLANNER | VOL. 14 | NO. - 07 | July 2017


lice”. The “Anoplura” are described as “sucking lice”. Life cycle of lice on cattle Lice undergoes an incomplete metamorphosis. The life cycle takes about 1 month to complete. Each female deposits 20 to 50 eggs (nits) during her lifetime. Female deposits them one by one to single hairs. Incubation lasts 4 to 20 days. Young nymphs look like adults but are smaller. Adult life lasts 2 to 6 weeks. Off the host most lice survive only for a few days.

Adult Haematopinus, dorsal view in 10x magnification.

The lice (order: Phthiraptera) are well adapted and successful ectoparasites of birds and mammals. Most species of mammals are infested by at least one species of louse. In complete contrast to fleas or ticks, lice spend their entire lives on the host and are highlyhost-specific, many species even preferring specifican atomical region (tail twitch in cattle). Lice are small insects, about 0.5±8 mm in length, dorsoventrally flattened and possess stoutlegs and claws for clinging tightly to hair, fur and feathers. They feed on epidermal tissuedebris, sebaceous secretions and blood. The Phthirapteran is a small order with about3500 described species, of which only about 20 to30 are of major economic importance. The orderis divided into four suborders: Anoplura, Amblycera, Ischnocera and Rhynchophthirina. However, the Rhynchophthirina is a very small suborder, including just two African species, one of which is a parasite of elephants and the other a parasite of warthogs. In the veterinary literature, the Amblycera and Is chnocera are usually discussed together and described as the Mallophaga. “Mallophaga” literally means`wool eating' and the 'Amblycera' and 'Ischnocera are' known as “chewing 14

poorer diet during winter weakens their natural defenses of cattle against lice infestations. The denser and more humid hair coat in winter offers an excellent environment for lice development as well. In spring(from Mid-January), food improves quickly when the herds start grazing fresh pastures. The shorter hair and the exposure to the sun reduce skin humidity, and free grazing ends. Therefore, lice infestation usually recedes spontaneously during the summer season. However, a few lice usually manage to survive in some animals that will re-infest the whole herd when it comes back to the winter quarters for the next winter.

Lice spend their whole life on the same hosts: transmission from one host to another one is by contact. Transmission from herd to herd is usually through introduction of an infested animal, but flies may also occasionally transport lice.


Chewing lice feed on skin and hair debris as well as on skin secretions. The other species have mouthparts adapted for piercing the skin and suck blood.

Twenty-six species have been described in the genus Haematopinus in which only three are of Veterinary importance in temperate habitats: the Short-nosed

Lice infestations develop mostly in the colder season and peak in late winter and early summer. Usually they decline during the hot season. Stabling the animals during the winter season favors overcrowding, which makes contact transmission easier. And the usually

cattle louse, Haematopinus eurysternus. the tail louse , Haematopinus Quadripertusus and the buffalo louse, Haematopinus tuberculatus may infest cattle and buffalo in tropic and sub- tropic, the hog louse, Haematopinus suis, and the DAIRY PLANNER | VOL. 14 | NO. - 07 | July 2017

Nits (Louse Eggs) are attached to the hair in the tail twitch of a two years old cattle.

horse sucking louse Haematopinus asini. Pathology Heavy louse infestation is known as pediculosis. In medical entomology, lice are most well known as vectors of impor tant human diseases such astyphus and louse-borne relapsing fever. Blood-sucking lice associated with domestic animals have also been implicated in the transmission of disease. For example, the pig louse, Haematopinus suis, may spread pox virus and cattle lice may transmit rickettsia, anaplasmosis. Some species oflice may act as intermediate hosts to the tapeworm, Dipylidium caninum. H o w e v e r, d e s p i t e t h i s , l i c e a re predominantly of veterinary interest because of the direct damage they can cause to their hosts, rather than as vectors. The effect of lice is usually a function of their density. A small number of lice may present no problem and in fact may be a normal part of the skin fauna. However, louse populations can increase dramatically, reaching high densities. For example, the number of the louse Bovicolaovis on a sheep has been recorded as increasing from about 4000 in autumn (October to November)to more than 400000 inspring (January to February). Such heavy louse infestations may cause pruritus, alopecia, excoriation and selfwounding. The disturbance caused may result in lethargy and loss of weight gain or reduced egg production. Severe infestation with sucking lice cause anemia. Heavy infestations are usually associated with young animals or 15


Fig. 1

older animals with poor health, or those kept in unhygienic conditions. Clinical Signs The lice are usually notice in the Tail twitch and vaginal hairs of cattle. The typical sign exhibited by the cow is licking the Tail continuously as shown in Fig.1 Transmission Transfer of lice from animal to animal or from herd to herd is usually by direct physical contact. Because lice do not survive for long off their host, the potential for animals to pick up infestations from dirty housing is limited, although it can not be ignored. O c c a s i o n a l l y, l i c e a l s o m a y b e transferred between animals by attachment to flies(phoresy). Effect of Louse Louse infestation may also be indicative of some other underlying problem, such as malnutrition or chronic disease. Louse infestation is more common in cattle than other domestic animals. Cattle which are heavily infested with lice develop an unthrifty appearance and can show reduced vig our or weight loss. The hair coat of louse-infested animals becomes discolored and will appear greasy. Dairy animals produce less milk when infested. Calves that become infested with lice in autumn (October to November)may not achieve normal weight gain rates

during the winter (December) and may remain stunted until spring (January to February). If populations of sucking lice are high, infested animals may become anemic and may be predisposed to respiratory diseases, abortion and death. In Sheep, transmission occurs through direct contact between ewe and lamb, ram and ewe during mating, and during aggregation. Lice may be a problem in housed flocks and in heavily fleeced breeds where there are increased transmission opportunities. After initial infestation of a sheep, it takes several months before the louse population has increased to the numbers that cause rubbing and fleece loss. If the burden is heavy the fleece develops a characteristic tatty appearance, with snags of loose wool, and it develops a yellow stain. Shearing can remove a high proportion (up to 50%) of the louse population of a sheep. Louse infestation in Pigs is ver y common. It occurs most often in the folds of the neck and jowl and around the ears. Light infestation causes only mild irritation. Pediculosis in pigs leads to scratching and skin damage. In Horses, light infestations are most commonly found in the mane, base of the tail and submaxillary space. As the population of lice increases, the infestation may spread over the body. Continue page on...17

Tamizhkumaran. J, Ph.D., Teaching Assistant, Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension Balaji.N,Jayakumar. M, Haribalaji. S, Under Graduate Scholars Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Veterinary Education and Research, Puducherry – 605009. DAIRY PLANNER | VOL. 14 | NO. - 07 | July 2017

i'kqikydksa ds loky vkSj xzksosy ds M‚DVj dk tckc ds bl Hkkx esa i'kq iks"k.k vkSj i'kqvksa dh fcekfj;ksa ls lEcaf/kr i'kqikydksa ds lokyksa dk tckc xzksosy ds M‚DVj ds }kjk nh tk jgh gSaA i'kqikyd HkkbZ xzksosy ds M‚DVj }kjk nh lykg ds vuqlkj i'kq iks"k.k djsa vkSj i'kqvksa dks chekjh ls cpus dk mik; vkSj fpfdRlk dh C;oLFkk djsaA i'kqvksa dh LoLFk dh mfpr ns[kHkky vkSj i'kqiks"k.k dj i'kqikyd HkkbZ ,d lQy i'kqikyd cu ldsaxs A

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pkjk i;kZir ek=k esa miyC/k u gks rks nkus dh ek=k c<kbZ tk ldrh gSA

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dks vkgkj mudh nw/k vko';drk ds vuqlkj gh fn;k tkuk pkfg,A i'kqvksa dk vkgkj larqfyr gksxk tc mlesa vehuks i‚oj ¼Amino Power ½ feyk dj nsa A nslh xk; dks çfr 2-5 fdyks nw/k mRiknu ij vkerkSj ls 1 fdyks vfrfjDÙk nkuk&feJ.k nsuk gksrk gSA ;g vkgkj fuokZg ¼ 'kjhj dks cuk, j[kus ds fy,½ ds vfrfjä gksuk pkfg,A mnkgj.k ds fy, %& xk; dk otu ¾ 250 fd- xzk ¼yxHkx½ nw/k mRiknu ¾ 4 fdyks çfr fnu nh tkus okyh [kqjkd ¾ Hkwlk@çky † fd- nkuk feJ.k ¾ 2-85 fd-¼1-25 fd- 'kjhj ds fuokZg ds fy, vkSj 1-6 fdyks nw/k ysa½

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;ksX; ckr gS fd iSnk gksus ds ckn ftruk tYnh gks lds [khl fiykuk pkfg;sA bls xquxquk ¼dkslk½ dj ds cNM+s ds Hkkj dk 10 oka fgLlk otu [khl fd ek=k 24 ?kaVksa esa fiyk,aA tUe ds 24 ?kaVksa ds ckn cNM+s dh vkarksa dh çfrjks/kh rRo ¼bE;wuksXyksC;wfyu½ dks lh[kus dh {kerk de gks tkrh gSA vkSj rhljs fnu ds ckn rksa yxHkx lekIr gks tkrh gSA blfy, cNMksa dks [khl fiykuk vko';d gSA

cNMksa dks muds 'kjhj dk nloka Hkkx nw/k fiykuk pkfg;sA pkSFks vkSj ikapos g¶rs 'kjhj ds dqy Hkkx dk 1@15 oka Hkkx nw/k fiyk,aA blds ckn 2 eghus dh mez rd 1@20 oka Hkkx nw/k nsaA blds lkFk&lkFk 'kq#vkrh nkuk ;kfu dkQ LVkVZj vkSj ml ds lkFk vPNh fdLe dk pkjk nsuk pkfg;sA

DAIRY PLANNER | VOL. 14 | NO. - 07 | July 2017

tks vDlj T;knk nw/k nsus okys i'kqvksa dks C;kus ds dqN ?kaVs ;k fnuksa ckn gksrk gSA jksx dk dkj.k i'kq ds 'kjhj esa dSfY'k;e dh dehA lkekU;r% ;s jksx xk;ksa esa 5&10 o"kZ fd mez esa vf/kd gksrk gSA vke rkSj ij igyh C;kar esa ;s jksx ugha gksrkA blds mipkj dh fy, xzksosy dk xzks&dSy Mh3 ¼Grow&Cal D 3 ½ nsa A

y{k.k C;kus ds 1&3 fnu rd çdV gksrs gSA i'kq dks cspkSuh jgrh gSA ekalisf'k;ksa esa detksjh vk tkus ds dkj.k i'kq py fQj ugh ldrk fiNys iSjksa esa vdM+u vkSj vkaf'kd ydok dh fLFkrh esa i'kq fxj tkrk gSA ml ds ckn xnZu dks ,d rjQ ihNs dh vksj eksM+ dj cSBk jgrk gSA 'kjhj dk rkieku de gks tkrk gSA

xk;ksa&HkSlksa esa C;kus ds 2&4 lIrkg ds vanj T;knk gksrk gS vksj xHkZoLFkk ds vk[kjh nksuksa esa Hkh gks ldrk gSA HkSlksa esa ;s jksx vf/kd gksrk gSA vksj bls vke Hkk"kk esa ygw ewruk Hkh dgrs gSA ;s jksx 'kjhj esa QkLQksjl rRo dh deh ls gksrk gSA ftl {ks= fd feêh esa bl rRo fd deh gksrh gS ogk¡ pkjs esa Hkh ;s rRo de ik;k tkrk gSA vr% i'kq ds 'kjhj esa Hkh ;s deh vk tkrh gSA QLQksjl dh deh mu i'kqvksa esa vf/kd gksrh gS ftudks dsoy lw[kh ?kkl] lw[kk pkjk ;k iqjky f[kyk dj ikyk tkrk gSA

jksdFkke gsrq] i'kqvksa dks fujks/kd Vhdk vo'; yxkuk pkfg;sA ;s Vhdk uotkr i'kqvksa esa rhu lIrkg dh mez esa igyk Vhdk] rhu ekl dh mez esa nwljk Vhdk vkSj ml ds ckn gj N% eghus esa Vhdk yxkrs jguk pkfg;sA

yky vk¡[ksa ] xys esa xeZ@nnZ okyh lwtu xys ls Nkrh rd gksuk] ukd ls yky@>kxnkj L=ko dk gksukA

le;≤ ij fpfdRld ds ijke'kZ ds vuqlkj cpko ds Vhds yxok ysus pfg;sA ¼[k½ jksxh i'kq dks LoLFk i'kq ls rqjUr vyx dj nsa o ml ij fuxjkuh j[ksaA ¼x½ jksxh i'kq dk xkscj ] ew= o tsj dks fdlh x<+<+s esa nck dj ml ij pwuk Mky nsaA ¼?k½ ejs i'kq dks tyk nsa ;k dgha nwj 6&8 QqV x<+<+s esa nck dj ml ij pwuk Mky nsaA ¼M+½ i'kq'kkyk ds eq[; }kj ij ^QqV ckFk* cuok,a rkfd [kqjksa }kjk yk, x, dhVk.kq mlesa u"V gks tk,¡A ¼p½ i'kq'kkyk dh lQkbZ fu;fer rkSj ij yky nokbZ ;k fQukbZy ls djsaA

tkrh gSA ikuh ls /kksus ds ckn ,d ckYVh ikuh esa 5 xzke yky nokbZ ¼iksVkf'k;e ieaZXurs½ ;k 50 feyh yhVj fQukbZy Mky dj /kksuk pkfg;sA bl ls thok.kq ]twa] fdyuh rFkk fo"kk.kq bR;kfn ej tkrs gSa] i'kqvksa dh chekfj;ka ugha QSyrh vkSj LoPN nw/k mRiknu esa enn feyrh gSA i'kq'kkyk dks fo"kk.kqjfgr j[kus ds fy;s ]i'kq'kkyk esa fu;fer :i ls fojkDyhu ¼Viraclean½ dk fNM+dko djuh pkfg, A

okys ladj i'kqvksa ls fnu esa rhu ckj nw/k fudkyuk pkfg;s vkSj nw/k fudkyus ds le; esa cjkcj dk varj gksuk pkfg;sA vxj i'kq de nw/k nsrk gS rks nks ckj ¼lqcg vkSj 'kke dks½ nw/k fudkyuk mfpr gS] ysfdu blds chp Hkh cjkcj le; gksuk pkfg;sA bl ls nw/k dk mRiknu c<+ tkrk gS vkSj fu'kfpar le; ij i'kq Lo;a nw/k fudyokus ds fy, rS;kj gks tkrk gSA



lM+uk ¼[k½ lQsn nLrA ¼x½ U;weksfu;k ¼?k½ isV ds dhM+s ¼M+½ iSjkVkbZQkbM+


gj jkst ikuh ls >kM+w }kjk lkQ dj nsuk pkfg;sA bl ls xkscj o ew= dh xanxh nwj gks


Mr. Rakesh Kumar Founder: Growel Agrovet Private Limited

Contd of... Page 15 As with other animals, the lice spread by contact and their presence leads to irritation, restlessness and rubbing. Long-earedand long-haired breeds of Dog and Cat are especially prone to infestation, although heavy infestations are most usually seen in neglected, underfed animals. More than 40 species of chewing lice occur on Birds. Infestation can cause severeirritation, leading to feather damage, restlessness, cessation of feeding and birds may pluck their feathers. Loss of weight and possibly death may result. Infestation is especially common on young birds and in barn or free-range flocks. Treatment Insecticides can be used to treat infected cattle and calves. However, they may not be effective on nits (louse eggs). This means that after treatment, eggs can still hatch and continue the infestation. With insecticides, a follow-up treatment 2–3 weeks later is necessary. This time interval is critical to achieve control, as it allows time for the eggs to hatch but not to mature into adults which will lay eggs themselves. It can be important to know whether you have sucking or biting lice, because the different method of feeding means that they have different susceptibilities to treatments.Topical application Cypermethrin (Trade name -Tikkil and Butox Usage: 1ml of solution in 1liter of water for body spray) and pour-on formulationseg. Flumethrin (Trade name- Tikkil Power and Flumax), are effective. The Permethrin,Pyrethroidsand Cypermethrin, are effective against biting louse. A single injection of ivermectin 1% at the dose rate of 200µg/kg has been shown to be effective in treatment of sucking lice.


DAIRY PLANNER | VOL. 14 | NO. - 07 | July 2017

NEWS Britannia mulls expansion of dairy business


ood major Britannia is keen to expand its dairy business, which contributes five to six per cent to its annual turnover, as it looks to tap into the sector aggressively, In its just-released annual report for the financial year 2016-17, the Bengaluru-based major, whose FY17 turnover was Rs 9,054 crore, said it was evaluating transition of the dairy model to a fully integrated one, India has remained the largest producer and consumer of dairy. Looking at opportunity for growth, existing private and cooperative players have continued to invest in the sector, A few private industry players have also announced their entry in the sector, Britannia said in the report, In the past year, Patanjali, Coca-Cola and ITC have

forayed into the dairy space. PepsiCo, too, has expressed interest in the

market, nudging existing players into action, sector analysts said, Apart from Britannia, key players in India’s dairy industry include Nestle, Amul, Mother Dairy and Danone, In its annual report,

Britannia said the major growth driver in dair y had been value-added products, such as cheese, dahi and milk-based drinks. “Basic products like pasteurised milk are also growing significantly in absolute numbers, it said, The company also indicated that levers of success in dairy were access to quality milk,right product value-addition capability and access to cold chain for fresh dair y pro, Parallely, Britannia said it would strengthen its position in key categories within baker y including biscuits, cakes, rusks and bread, and would enter adjacent segments for accelerated growth, We will expand international business with focus on countries with Indian diaspora,” the report added.

Rising costs force Dairy Crest to cut spending as butter prices hit record high


K dairy company Dairy Crest has been forced to cut back on promotional activity for its Country Life butter famously advertised by Sex Pistols frontman Johnny Rotten to offset the impact of rising cream costs which have pushed global butter prices to all-time highs,The FTSE 250 group said sales volumes of its four main 18

pressure”, but will have a negative impact on sales volumes, Mark Allen, Dairy Crest chief executive, said the financial year “has star ted well”,adding, Dair y Crest is well positioned for long-term sustainable profit growth. Despite the pressure on butter input costs, the strong p e r f o r m a n c e of o u r cheese business means that our expectations for the year. brands increased 7 per cent year on year in the three months to June, with particularly strong growth for Cathedral City cheese, However, Dairy Crest said it had seen “substantial” increases in cream prices, which “will put pressure on margins in our butter business”. The company said cutting back on adverts “ m i t i g a te s s o m e of t h e m a rg i n




DAIRY PLANNER | VOL. 14 | NO. - 07 | July 2017

NEWS Haagen-Dazs rolls out its first ever dairy-free ice cream flavors


ce cream is a summer staple,but for those who can’t have dairy, the season might not always be so delicious. But now there’s good news,Haagen-Dazs has just announced the launch of a new line of non-dairy flavors and they all sound just as sweet as the brand’s traditional pints,According to the company’s website, this ice cream collection is different from others like it on the market since they aren’t just substituting soy, almond or cashew milk in place of dairy, Instead,says the brand,each of the four new flavors in the collection start with a core ingredient,like

the coconut caramel starts with a creamy base of coconut cream, mixed with ribbons of caramel, Want to get your hands on a pint? You’ll have to head to Target where these non-dairy flavors are being sold exclusively right now, Haagen-Dazs isn’t the only big ice cream brand to roll out a non-dairy collection. Ben & Jerry’s launched its own vegan line last year. real pieces of Belgian chocolate, actual peanut butter, or real coconut cream," that are then blended with water and other ingredients for a more true-to-life flavor and creamier texture, There are four flavors in the new collection, Love peanut butter,Try the peanut butter chocolate fudge flavor that starts with a creamy peanut butter base that's mixed with chocolate fudge, The indulgent mocha chocolate cookie features Belgian chocolate and fragrant coffee blended with swirls of cookie crumble and pieces of chocolate cookie, And for those craving a tropical treat,

For dairy farmers, National Cow Appreciation Day is a stark reminder of the declining milk industry


OWARTS, AL (WTVY) Tuesday was National Cow Appreciation Day and for many dairy farmers it serves as a stark reminder of the declining milk industry, Dairy farming is becoming an increasingly rare sight across the nation, A recent report shows that U.S dairy sales are expected to decrease to $15.9 billion during the 2015 to 2020 19

period, Lewis Family Dairy is one of only two dairy production farms in Southeast Alabama, The dair y farm has nearly 900 cows that must be milked twice a day,Jerr y Lopez has worked at the farm for 29 years, He gets up for work at 1 a.m. every morning, seven days a week,Still, he enjoys the work, There are a number of contributing factors to declining dairy farms, most notably: direct competition from plant based alternatives like almond and soy milk. Additionally, specifically in southern states, dairy cows can get heat stressed, resulting in less milk production.

Qatar Gets First Herd Of Cows In Response To Arab Blockade


he several dozen Holsteins were flown in from Budapest, the first of 4,000 cattle to be imported by August, AL KHOR, QATAR: A first herd of boycott-busting cows has been airlifted to Qatar to boost milk supplies five weeks after neighbouring Gulf states cut links with the emirate, The bemused bovines took to their new surroundings at a farm 80 kilometres (50 miles) north of Doha on Wednesday, despite being the centre of attention from journalists and the pride of Qatar, which sees their arrival as a sign of its defiance in the Gulf crisis,We brought in 165 Holsteins, all highly bred Holsteins, especially for dairy,said John Dore, a senior manager at Baladna Livestock Production, There are 35 milking cows, that are in milk at present and there's 130 that will calve in the next two-to-three weeks, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt cut all ties with Qatar DAIRY PLANNER | VOL. 14 | NO. - 07 | July 2017

NEWS last month, closed the only land border and halted all exports of food to the emirate,The Gulf states accuse Qatar of supporting extremism,a charge it denies, Prior to the crisis, Qatar largely relied on dairy imports from Saudi Arabia,especially of milk,Its population of 2.7 million was dependent on foodstuffs from Gulf countries, which made up almost half of all imports, However, since the political crisis began Qatar has resorted to importing food from different countries including Turkey, Iran and Morocco, Qatar aims to increase by five-fold the number of cattle it has in the country as it looks to lessen its food dependency on imports because of the ongoing crisis, Dore said the livestock were the first steps in Qatar trying to become self-sufficient in beef"and it aims to boost cattle

numbers in the country from a current 5,000 to some 25,000 in the near future,The cattle will be farmed for both milk and meat, Local supply covers between 10 and 15 percent at present of Qatar's needs, Dore told reporters at

the farm, as the cows quietly munched on grass laid down next down to the large pens in which they are housed, Despite their journey of more than 3,700 kilometres and adjusting to new

Exercise helps dairy cows reduce heat stress


ANHATTAN, Kan For several days a week during this past summer, a handful of Kansas State University faculty and students took a couple dozen dairy cattle to a small paddock for early-in-the-morning, getyour-heart-pumping exercise for the dairy cows, We are doing a project where we are looking at the effect of exercise on heat stress in dair y cattle,Tim Rozell, a professor of animal 20

sciences and industry, said in a Kansas Extension news release,This is a real problem for dairy animals, they have a lot of struggles when it gets hot out, and we have hot summers in Kansas, Project technician Phil Steichen, a teaching associate in the animal sciences and industry department, and the rest of the team have built a circular exercise device with moving panels that gently keep the animals on their walking routine, The project includes a control group that doesn't exercise, a low-intensity exercise group that walks at a slow pace for an extended period of time; and some heifers that receive

heats of 41 degrees Celsius (106 Fahrenheit), the animals seemed unworried by their new surroundings, and certainly unaware of their political significance, Before, most of the milk in Qatar was imported from Saudi Arabia and the UAE, said Dore, At the moment the gap is being filled by Turkish imports, which are welcome for the present but the quality won't compare with local produce, Qatari officials have confidently claimed they can withstand the boycott forever,The cows were brought in by a Qatar A i r w a y s c a rg o p l a n e o n Tuesday, Moutaz al-Khayyat, the chairman of Qatari firm Power International which bought and imported the cows, told Bloomberg News that once all the 4,000 cows arrive in Qatar, they will meet around 30 percent of the country's dairy needs.

high-intensity training with alternating periods of fast and slower walking at increasing rates, Rozell said, Ashley Rhodes, teaching associate professor with the division of biology, and Abi Wilson, master's student in biology, record weekly measurements of the cattle. They monitor their weight, take blood samples and track their hAt the beginning and end of each trial,we take muscle biopsies, Wilson said,We are looking at enzymes, hormones and any changes in the skeletal muscle that may enhance their tolerance to heat, pregnancy rates and milk production.eart rate before and during exercise, If we improve these heifers' fitness,we hope that they can tolerate the heat much better,Therefore, farmers can yield higher reproductive Rozell said the connection with the university's division of biology is a good one. Rhodes has had an interest in the physiology of heat stress in wildlife and its increased severity because of global climate change. Dairy DAIRY PLANNER | VOL. 14 | NO. - 07 | July 2017

NEWS cattle serve as a model for heat stress in other large animals. rates and greater milk production rates, Rozell said the university has conducted similar re s e a rc h t r i a l s f o r t h re e y e a r s , Preliminary results from earlier tests show cattle that exercise regularly spend less time in an elevated temperature, so they are less susceptible to the negative effects of hot days, according to Rozell, We see increased protein in milk from exercised cattle, he said, Last year, for example, we exercised pregnant heifers up to three weeks before they under went parturition, and even 15 weeks or so

into milk production, we saw increased protein in their milk, elevated lactose and other improve ments in milk production, The exercise routines for the high-intensity group are similar to those followed by athletes, We've used a lot of human research in developing our exercise protocols,” Rozell said, We've looked at something called lactate threshold in dairy cattle. We know about where they switch over their metabolic system from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism, and so we are trying to exercise them around that point, and that's based on human research, Wilson treats the cattle as a

coach would treat her athletes, She whoops, hollers and whistles to encourage them during their daily routine, I enjoy getting up in the mornings and hanging out with cows, Wilson said, They're fun to be around, Dairy cows are exceptionally friendly, Now that the team has shown exercise has positive effects on heat stress and milk production, Rozell said the university is moving toward developing recommendations that would help dairy producers incorporate sensible exercise protocols for their own herds.

Govt Looks to Strengthen Dairy Infrastructure INDIA - Keeping in mind the growing demand of milk in India, the government has submitted a proposal for availing loan from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) for creating\strengthening dairy infrastructure across the c o u n t r y. T h e total outlay of the proposal is Rs 20,057 crores (1 crore = approx. US$15.5 million), The Times of India reports that besides meeting the growing demand of milk w h i c h i s estimated to be in the range of 200-210 million metric tonnes (MMT) by 202122, the idea behind this proposal is also to help farmers double their income through allied activities like dairy farming in next five years, The proposal primarily aims to cover additional 1.28 lakh villages and 21

121.83 lakh additional milk producers in the country. Under the proposal, the government will set up 1.05 Lakh bulk milk coolers at village level, create 524.20 lakh kg milk per day capacity of milk chilling facilities and create 76.5

lakh kg per day capacity of milk & milk product processing infrastructure. (1 lakh = approx. US$1550) Besides, the programme will modify/expand old

milk and milk product plants, created 20-30 years ago under Operation Flood,It will also create milk & milk products plants for value added products which will benefit 160 lakh existing farmer s,said the Union agriculture ministry, It said,The fund will be routed through the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) for the development of dairy sector,The proposal has been forwarded by depar tment of economic affairs to the JICA, India, at present, ranks first among the world's milk producing nations and the countr y has the largest bovine population. Though the milk production in India has increased from 17 MMT in 1950-51 to 155.49 MMT in 2015-16, the per capital consumption remains quite low due to growing population. DAIRY PLANNER | VOL. 14 | NO. - 07 | July 2017

NEWS Call for CBI Probe into Hyderabad's Illegal Slaughterhouses


NDIA Hyderabad-based Senior Telangana BJP leader G Kishan Reddy demanded a CBI probe into a beef mafia operating in Hyderabad through "illegal" slaughterhouses, According to FirstPost, the BJP floor leader in the Telangana Assembly said the beef mafia had inter-state connections and the police could not probe all this, The CBI can reach all these places. So I am

demanding a CBI inquiry,Because of exports, the price (of meat) for the poor is rising,he told reporters, Mr Reddy claimed that those who engaged in the illegal meat business in Uttar Pradesh had moved to Hyderabad after the Yogi Adityanath government curbed their activities in the northern state, A large number of workers from Bangladesh and children from states such as Bihar and Uttar Pradesh are working in illegal slaughterhouses in Hyderabad, he alleged,The BJP lawmaker said the population of cattle in Telangana stood

TN Dairy Minister Alleges Milk Adulteration by Private Firms


amil Nadu Milk and Dair y Products Developments Minister Rajendra Balaji once again stirred a controversy by alleging that the products of private milk producers are adulterated, In a press briefing, Mr Balaji held two packets of milk products one by Nestle and the other, a product of Reliance and affirmed that he had laboratory results which shows they are contaminated, according to IndiaToday,The dairy minister alleged there are contents of caustic soda and bleaching powder in the milk products, Mr Balaji was not worried about the health secretary's earlier report to the court claiming that no such adulterants were discovered,He stated that he has with him laboratory results, which prove his claim,The samples were tested in Pune to see if the firms were following the Centre's food regulation norms,Mr Balaji said,The minister also

stated that he came under pressure when he took his stance and he had to fight many hurdles, A verbal spat ensued between Mr Balaji and former education minister Vaigai Selvan over the ordeal wherein the dairy minister accused Mr Selvan of saying anything if bribed with "a mere Rs. 500, Mr Selvan retaliated by stating that it was the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK, an Indian political party in the states of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry) that pushed Mr Balaji from rags to riches and hence, he should not speak against a party member in such a manner,Mr Balaji made assurances that action would be taken against those who add adulterants to such (milk) products, When asked if the state would ban Nestle and Reliance products based on his test results, the dairy minister said that he would discuss with Chief Minister E Palaniswamy before making any decision.

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at 56.76 lakh (approx. 56 million) in 2013, but their number is dwindling fast d u e t o t h e p re s e n c e of i l l e g a l slaughterhouses, He said the main reason for this decline (in livestock population) was large-scale illegal slaughtering,The meat is being exported illegally to foreign countries,Every year,approximately 50 lakh animals are being slaughtered in our state,If this continues, dairying, small and marginal farming and rural employment would be hurt, the BJP leader added.

Heritage Foods Hoping to Grow Dairy Business


elling off its own retail business to the Future Group and acquiring Reliance Retail’s dairy business has earned Heritage Foods shelf space in two major retail chains which will help grow its dairy business, according to Brahmani Nara, Executive Director, Heritage Foods Ltd, At the launch of a range of Heritage’s flavoured milk in PET bottles in Chennai on Thursday, Ms Nara said Heritage Foods is keenly focussed on its core dairy business which it hopes to more than triple over the next five years, Heritage Foods has over 120 outlets in the South but with the business going to Future Retail, Heritage’s dairy products gain shelf space in a much larger chain. Along with that of Reliance Retail’s chain, it will be present in over a 1,000 outlets pan India, she said,The Hindu Business Line reports that in addition,Reliance Retail’s dairy business gives Heritage Foods a significant presence in the North where

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NEWS Reliance brand’s volume of sales is estimated at about 1.5 lakh litres a day,Heritage Foods handles about 14 lakh litres milk daily and has a presence in 15 States, In the last financial year the company’s business was Rs. 2,640 crore with dair y and related business contributing Rs. 1,860 crore, With the exit from the retail business,Heritage Foods hopes to grow the dairy business to Rs. 6,000 crore over the next five

years. It will have to grow at about 25 per cent annually, Ms Nara said value added products, growth in cattle feed business, a relatively recent addition, and a new joint venture with a multinational for producing yoghurt will all contribute to the growth. The joint venture details will be announced soon, she said, Capacity addition is also in the pipeline with five new facilities at a cost of Rs. 30 crore each planned in

the coming years. These will add to its 15 facilities now. The company has also rebranded itself and revamped its product packaging in line with market trends, she said, Company officials said Heritage Milk will be cutting prices by R s . 2 a l i t r e f r o m t o m o r r o w. Standardised Milk will be sold at Rs. 48 a litre and Full Cream Milk at Rs. 52. There will be no change in price of toned milk.

Irish Milk Prices Have a Way to Go to Catch Up with EU Competitors


s co-ops decide this week on their June milk price, IFA National Dairy Committee Chairman Sean O'Leary said they have some catching up to do to ensure Irish dairy farmers receive the full benefits from improving markets, and competitive milk prices relative to their European counterparts, Bearing in mind the 6.15c/l gap between best and

worst payer in the 2016 Farmers' Journal/KPMG Milk Price Review, it is time for co-ops to not only up their June milk price ,but consider what they need to do to improve their relative returns back to farmers, Mr O'Leary said, The latest (02/07) EU Milk Market Observatory returns from an Irish product mix have continued to inch up, supported by fast-rising butter prices, and would return an equivalent milk price of 35.6c/l + VAT after deduction of 5c/l processing costs, At our regular COPA Working Party on Milk and Dairy Products on Monday this week, we had our usual tour de table on the milk prices paid in each country. Looking just at our main European competitors, Danish farmers will be paid 35.5c/l for June/July milk; German producers will receive around 35c/l for June milk; French producers around 33-34c/l,and the Dutch Friesland Campina

Ag Groups Worried About Import Restrictions


he National Pork Producer s Council and 17 other food and agriculture organisations, representing 23

the vast majority of production agriculture, sent a letter to the Trump administration this week, urging it to refrain from placing restrictions on imports of steel and aluminum, The organisations are very concerned that such restrictions will boomerang against US food and agriculture exports, The groups warned that "the aftermath [of restrictions on steel and aluminum imports] could be disastrous for the global trading system and for US agriculture in particular,The groups

guaranteed price for July milk is set at just over 36c/l, Mr O'Leary said, The LTO 2016 annual European milk price comparison, published this week, is weighted for constituents, SCC, TBC and minimum 500,000kg volume, and it excludes VAT, It shows the average price paid for 2016 supplies by the three Irish milk purchasers it monitors (Glanbia , Kerry and Dairy gold) at just over 24c/l. That is just over 4c/l below the average of all the milk purchasers' monitored by the LTO, he added, The FJ/KPMG Review should focus the minds of all co-op boards this month and in the months to come, Not only do they need to up their June milk price, they also need to devise strong efficiency and marketing strategies allowing them to better leverage our Origin Green market advantage and return stronger milk prices back to farmers on an ongoing basis, said Mr O'Leary. pointed out that many countries that export the metals to the United States a re a l s o l a rg e i m p o r te r s of U S agricultural products,The potential for retaliation from these trading partners is very real,said the groups, Under the 1994 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) Article XXI, national security can be a legitimate reason to restrict trade,but it rarely is cited,No country can dictate another's national security needs," the organisations wrote,so now every country with a sensitive industry would know that it DAIRY PLANNER | VOL. 14 | NO. - 07 | July 2017

NEWS could follow the example of the United States and find a national security reason to circumvent trade commitments, no matter how flimsy the reason might be, The farm groups urged the Administration to "avoid igniting a trade war" through the imposition of restrictions on steel and aluminum imports.

Women Officially Leading the Way in Canadian Agriculture


he Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame represents the leading lights of the countr y’s farming industry,What’s so special about this year’s inductees, As Angela Lovell reports, it just so happens they’re all women, For the first time in its 57-year history, all inductees to the Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame (CAHF) are women, Agricultural publisher and c o n s u l t a n t Ro b y n n e A n d e r s o n , livestock photographer Patty Jones and

president of the Canadian Animal Health Institute Jean Szkotnicki will be formally inducted into the Hall of Fame in Calgary, Alberta this November, Since 1960 the Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame Association has been honouring and celebrating Canadians for outstanding contributions to the agriculture and food industry, and publicising their achievements throughout Canada. But prior to this year, only five women have been among the 210 inductees into the CAHF,I had no idea I had been nominated,so I was shocked and touched,says Robynne Anderson,We have an increasing number of women who are in senior leadership roles inside agribusiness, and also inside the association environments that support the underpinnings of agriculture, so I really do think our time has come, Some of the people in the Hall of Fame have been my mentors over the years, and to be considered in the same league with them is humbling, says Jean Szkotnicki,I think the fact that three women have been inducted this year sends a clear message that women are an important part of agriculture,They are competent, high energy and collaborative, and we’re going to see more women in agriculture recognised for their roles, Robynne Anderson grew up on the family grain and oilseed farm near Dugald, Manitoba. While she had her heart set on becoming a history professor, it was her talent as a born communicator that led her to a distinguished career in Canadian a g r i c u l t u re , W h i l e w o r k i n g a s a legislative assistant to the then deputy prime minister of Canada, Ms Anderson realised there was a communication

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gap in the agricultural sector, I learned that the things I considered to be the most basic understanding of agriculture were not necessarily common knowledge, she says,That’s how I embarked on my career, trying to share my understanding and passion for agriculture with people who need to communicate about it and work on policy environments around it – to help them bridge the divide between what they understand about agriculture and how that actually meets the rest of the world, Ms Anderson saw several important pieces of legislation through the Canadian Parliament, including the new Plant Breeders’ Rights Act. As an active member of the United Nations Committee on World Food Security (CFS), she helped develop the Voluntary Guidelines on Governance of Tenure, a proactive document that emphasises the importance of secure land tenure for women in agriculture globally, Women represent about 60 to 70 per cent of the world’s farmers, and in many parts of the world women do not have access to land ownership,says Ms Anderson, The question of land tenure underpins success in agriculture. If you don’t have the security of your land, you don’t get access to credit, or have the same ability or incentive to steward your land; you don’t have options for multi-generational transfer, and the entire security of the infrastructure one needs to farm comes into question,We raised the bar on the discussion about how land tenure underpins the success of women, as well as access to finance and markets, Her knowledge of agriculture and experience in government set the course for her return to Manitoba to create Issues Ink –

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NEWS a consulting and publishing company that has worked closely with the Canadian Seed Trade Associationand published a number of business-tobusiness agricultural magazines, Ms Anderson was also the founder of Farming First, a global coalition for sustainable agricultural development. She led the effort to have the United Nations declare 2016 the International Year of Pulses, and was invited to coordinate the activities for the year on behalf of the Global Pulse Confederation, which she counts among her proudest moments, n that year, we had 752 events all over the world, and reached 1.1 billion people. We activated over 100 partners from the scientific community,farmers, consumer groups and NGOs. The outcomes were so exciting," says Ms Anderson, Ms Anderson, who now lives in Calgary, currently operates Emerging Ag – an agricultural consulting firm where she applies her international expertise in agriculture and food policies to assist clients from farmers to processing operators, and from scientists to governments, Jean Szkotnicki was nominated to the Hall of Fame for her work championing antimicrobial stewardship as president of the Canadian Animal Health Institute (CAHI). For the past 25 years, she has been an advocate for Canadian veterinary pharmaceutical companies while balancing the needs of livestock producers and consumers. She was instrumental in ensuring antimicrobials are used properly as part of a “one health” approach to human and animal antibiotic use in Canada, Most Canadians are far removed from the farm so don’t have much knowledge about agriculture," she says. "They are

exposed to messages in general media that give them concerns about practices such as the vaccination of animals, the use of hormones in beef cattle or the use of antimicrobials, They don’t understand how many checks and balances are in place to ensure that we have a safe food supply. We need to talk about these things downstream to our consumer base, and working with government, producers and our veterinary industry is an important way forward. Collaboration and building key relationships in the animal sector so that we can support each other in doing the right thing is a critical aspect of work that I’ve done, Patty Jones has spent the last 44 years building her worldrenowned photography business. Her method of photographing dairy cattle has changed the way they are marketed in Canada and around the world. Her library contains photographs of more than 70,000 animals from all breeds. She is the official photographer to the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair held annually in Toronto, Ontario. Patty also buys, sells and breeds dairy cattle on the family farm, Silvercap Holsteins near Puslinch, Ontario, A number of grassroots- and industry-led initiatives are emerging across Canada to advance and support women in agricultural leadership roles on farms, in agribusiness and on industry association boards. They include the Advancing Women in Agriculture West and East conferences held in Calgary, Alberta and Niagara Falls, Ontario each year, Agri-corporations also have programmes that offer mentorship, networking and skills development to encourage the advancement of women in their organisations, such as Agrium’s Women’s Leadership Group and

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Syngenta’s Leadership at its Best diversity programme. A small Facebook group, Agriculture Women’s Network, grew to 500 members in just one year, The Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council (CAHRC) will soon complete its three-year project Suppor ting the Advancement of Women in Agriculture, which conducted surveys, interviews and held focus groups to examine and address critical barriers to advancement facing women in the industry, Balancing career and family responsibilities, breaking into the "old boy’s club" and a lack of female leader role models were the top three things identified as barriers to women advancing in agriculture, The CAHRC is implementing a strategic programme, based on its findings, to increase women’s access to leadership opportunities. The programme will feature a webs i te dedi cated to 'Supporting Women in Agricultural Leadership' as well as a suite of resources, including guides, checklists, templates and supporting webinars to help boards and training institutions broaden the range of leadership opportunities for women.

Process to Implement Statutory Dairy Cattle Export Charge Commences


hina’s recent suspensions of milk products from factories in South Australia and Victoria reflect a rapid increase in inter ventions by the country’s food and drug administration. In October last year, the administration suspended the importation of 296 food and cosmetic products from a number of countries for failing to meet Chinese standards. In May this year, 487 were

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Cows may seem like simple creatures - most of us have seen them grazing with seemingly not a care in the world. Well, there's more to these ruminants than meets the eye. Here are 20 facts you probably haven't heard about cows:


DAIRY PLANNER | VOL. 14 | NO. - 07 | July 2017

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In a large bowl, thoroughly mix kiwis, Golden Delicious apples, raspberries, strawberries, white sugar, brown sugar and fruit preserves. Cover and chill in the refrigerator at least 15 minutes.Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).Coat one side of each flour tortilla with butter flavored cooking spray. Cut into wedges and arrange in a single layer on a large baking sheet. Sprinkle wedges with desired amount of cinnamon sugar. Spray again with cooking spray.Bake in the preheated oven 8 to 10 minutes. Repeat with any remaining tortilla wedges. Allow to cool approximately 15 minutes. Serve with chilled fruit mixture.

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AUGUST 2017 Event Date Venue

: Dairy Tech India 2017 : 28-29-30- August 2017 : Bangalore International Exhibition Canter (BIEC Bangalore India) Contact : (Exhibition Division) J-73, Paryavaran Complex, J Block, Neb Sarai, IGNOU Road, New Delhi-110068. INDIA. Tel.: +9111-41859815 Website : www.dairytechindia.in

FEBRUARY 2018 Event Date Venue

: Food tech Pune 2018 : 23-24-25 Feb 2018 : Packaging Machinery, Food Products and Allied Industries Contact : (Exhibition Division) J-73, Paryavaran Complex, J Block, Neb Sarai, IGNOU Road, New Delhi110068. INDIA Ph. : +91-11- 65656553, 29535593 Email : foodtechpune@gmail.com Website : www.foodtechpune.com

The licences for Parmalat’s Clarence Gardens milk production centre in South Australia and Bellamy’s infant formula and other products from Camperdown Powder in Victoria have been suspended — the former because the temperature at which it heats milk is not that required by China, and the latter because of unspecified concerns raised by an unknown third party. President Xi Jinping said earlier this year that his government would impose “the strictest standards, strictest supervision, strictest accountability measures, and impose the strictest punishments” to ensure food safety.

The current Five Year Plan that ends in 2020 requires the government to play a greater role in the dairy industry, including in “policy guidance, the control, support and protection of the sector overall, and in propaganda”. But it allows for a continued increase in imports as well. The plan aims for the domestic industry to increase its production from 38.7 million tonnes to 41 million in the five years to 2020, with its share of the sector overall to remain at a minimum of 70 per cent. But in 2015, domestic production accounted for 77.9 per cent.

In the seven years following the melamine scandal, the quantity of imported milk products soared from 387,000 tonnes a year to 1.79 million tonnes. At the start of this period, a free-trade agreement with New Zealand came into effect, and quotas imposed on European Union dairy It is seeking to speed up the rebuilding imports were removed. of confidence following the scandal of The FTA with Australia has also now been 2008 when it was revealed melamine in operation for 18 months. Under the had been added to some Chinese milk a g r e e m e n t , t h e s a n i t a r y a n d products to boost apparent protein phytosanitary measures of both countries content, causing thousands of babies to that prevent the introduction of pests and become seriously ill. diseases and help ensure food is safe for China’s fast expanding dairy industry is also under a strong drive to buy local. The China Dairy Industry declared 2017 the Year of Chinese Milk, with a media campaign assuring consumers that “Chinese milk products meet international standards”.

During a visit a few months ago to a milk producer in Zhangjiakou in Hebei province near Beijing, President Xi said: “I am completely convinced of the need for our next generations to grow up on quality milk powder.”

consumption remain in place. But the FTA establishes a framework for greater co-operation and information exchange on SPS measures, and provides for a committee to help address problems.

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He said the communist party had taken many measures to ensure domestic producers continued to dominate China’s dairy markets. Agriculture Minister Han Changbin has said that “a country with 1.4 billion people cannot afford not to have a dairy industry. We have no reason to give up this massive market and hand it over to others”.

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