Poultry Planner August 2017

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VOL. 19 | No. 08 | AUGUST - 2017




PROLOG delivers.... Ÿ Lowers feed conversion rate

Ÿ Better body weight gain Ÿ Increased egg production and improve egg quality Ÿ Improve fertility and hatchability in breeders Ÿ Lowers ammonia in poultry houses Ÿ Decrease egg shell contamination by reducing pathogenic bacteria in faeces Globion India Pvt. Ltd. Corporate office: 2nd Floor, Vasavi Gold Stone, Survey No. 25, Near Military Football Ground, Trimulgherry, Secunderabad-500 015, Telangana , India Phone: +91-40-2799 0397 / 98 Fax: +91-40-2799 0399 Email: technoforum@globionindia.com Website: www.globionindia.com Factory: D. No.4-3, Survey No. 321, Biotech Park Phase III, Karakapatla Village, Markook Mandal, Siddipet District- 502281, Telangana, India


Ÿ Lowers digestive disturbances

From the Editor’s Desk Indian Poultry Farmers Concerned Over Potential for US Imports The Indian poultry industry has strongly opposed moves to allow import of chicken legs from the United States after India lost its case in the World Trade Organisation (WTO) last year. The Business Standard newspaper reports that the Indian poultry industry fears a potential for huge imports of cheap chicken legs from the US after India lost its case against US imports at the World Trade Organisation in July last year. The WTO ruling to allow US poultry imports was effectively notified in July 2016, though no imports from US have yet started. In a letter recently written to the Ministry of Agriculture, the Poultry Federation of India has warned the government that the use of pig fat as a feed by US farmers could create religious disharmony in India. Mr. Ramesh Khatri, President of the Poultry Federation of India said that "we have written a letter to the government highlighting use of pig fat by chicken farmers in the United States.

OUR TEAM Vishal Rai Gupta Managing Director vishal@pixie.co.in Bhavana Gupta Editor in Chief editor@pixie.co.in N.K. Gupta General Manager pcslkarnal@gmail.com

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Import of chicken legs, therefore, might create religious disharmony in India. The government should not allow its import from the United States," said Indian poultry farmers have urged the government to create stringent guidelines for imports, Business Standard reports, including a ban on birds slaughtered more than three months ago, full declaration

Aparna Mehmi Marketing Manager Poultry.pcsl@gmail.com M : 999 170 5007

about use of high protein feed and not allowing birds fed with genetically modified (GM) corn and soya

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Dr. J Tamizhkumaran

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POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.08 | AUGUST - 2017




Mycotoxicosis caused by a natural toxin produced by a fungus. In poultry, this usually results when toxin-producing fungi grow in grain and feed. There are hundreds of mycotoxins have been identified, of these aflatoxins, fusariotoxins and ochrotoxins are most common in poultry. These two toxins will affect the growth of poultry severely with combination of nutritional disorders and pathogenic microorganisms. 1. Aflatoxicosis


Decrease egg production in layers quantitatively and qualitatively also in breeders decrease hatchability.


May lameness, ataxia, convulsions and opisthotonus preceded death. Mortality depends on amount and type of toxin consumed species of birds and age

PM findings Yellowish or reddened lesions observed in the liver. Haemorrhages may occur in liver and other tissues. In prolonged cases liver may appeared as grey colour.

Toxins released by Aspergillus flavus, A. parasiticus are called aflatoxins. These toxins mainly act on liver. Ducks, turkeys, geese, pheasant, chicken and other birds are susceptible to aflatoxicosis. Ducks are 10 times more sensitive than chickens. Young birds are more susceptible. Adult birds can resist up to 100-200 ppm of aflatoxins in feed.

Toxins released by fusario fungus group is called fusariotoxins. Young birds are more susceptible than adult birds. Transmitted through Consumption of contaminated foods with fusariotoxins.

Clinical signs

Clinical signs



Decrease food intake due to ulcerative stomatitis.


Decrease growth rate because trichothecence severely inhibiting protein synthesis, decrease feed efficiency, poor feathering and anaemia.


The most economically significant effects in growing birds are decreased growth rate and poor feed conversion because it reduce protein synthesis. It effects the immune system which leads to vaccination failure and decrease resistance to infectious disease.


Passage of undigested food in the dropping.


Anaemia of the infected birds due to decrease food intake and hence occur failure of normal pigmentation.


2. Fusariotoxicosis


Immunosuppression due to bursal and thymus atrophy


These toxins can also produce lethargy, wing paresis, defective growth of long bones, dysmetria, bloody diarrhoea and seizures and other did not.


In laying hens, decreased egg

production can be accompanied by depression, recumbency, feed refusal, and cyanosis evident in the comb and wattles. 6.

Affected adult birds will develop oral ulcers, decrease egg production decreased shell quality and hatchability.

PM findings Lesions include necrosis and ulceration of the oral mucosa, reddening of the GI mucosa, mottling of the liver, atrophy of the spleen and other lymphoid organs, and visceral haemorrhages can be identified in post mortem. 3. Ochratoxicosis Aspergillus ochraceous is the species that produces the toxins in grains and feed. Ochratoxins are quite toxic to poultry. Main species susceptible for these toxins are ducks, quails, turkey and chicken. Young ones were most susceptible than adults. Transmitted through ingestion of contaminated feed with ochratoxins. Ochratoxicosis causes primarily renal disease but also affects the liver, immune system, and bone marrow. Effected bird's shows symptoms like depressed, dehydrated and often polyuric and also observe decrease growth rate and poor food conversion, anaemia and immunodepression. Severe intoxication causes reduced spontaneous activity, huddling, hypothermia, diarrhoea, rapid weight loss, and death. Moderate intoxication impairs weight gain, feed conversion,

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.08 | AUGUST - 2017


pigmentation, carcass yield, egg production, fertility, and hatchability. In Laying hens may delayed sexual maturity, decreased egg production egg weight and egg shell quality because may develop wet dropping causing increased number of stained eggs, decreased hatchability due to early embryonic death , also fertility, poor performance in progeny derived from intoxicated hens. PM lesions Affected kidneys are pale, swollen, and hard and may have white pin point urate crystals. Pale or yellow enlarged liver due to fatty changes and glycogen deposition in hepatocytes. There are other mycotoxins like ergot, citrinin, oosporein, cyclopiazonic acids are effect the poultry industry, but occurrence is rare. How to diagnosis ? Mycotoxicosis should be suspected when the history, signs and lesions suggested that feed intoxication, and especially when mouldy ingredients or feed are evident. Toxin exposure associated with consumption of a new batch of feed may result in transient disease. Prolonged or intermittent exposure can occur in regions where grain and feed ingredients are of poor quality or when insufficient feed storage or prolonged storage of feed. Chances of toxin production is more when feed wet. Sealed plastic containers are appropriate only for short-term storage and transport, because feed and grain rapidly 12


deteriorate in air tight container. Impaired production can be a clue to a mycotoxin problem, as can improvement because of correction of feed management deficiencies. Identification of specific toxins is difficult because of the rapid and highvolume use of feed and ingredients in poultry operations. For conformation of these toxins feed and also birds that are sick or recently dead should be send to certified laboratory. By using thin layer chromatography or HPLC chick performance liquid chromatography to conform the percentage of toxins. Treatment for Mycotoxicosis The toxic feed immediately replaced with good quality feed. Simultaneously treat the other diseases to alleviate disease interactions, and substandard management practices must be corrected. Make sure the availability of vitamins and trace minerals like lysine, methionine especially selenium in newly provided feed. Provide toxin binders like Zeolite, Bentonite along with feed more than the normal concentration (30-40% high) and hydrated sodium calcium alumino silicate about 1% mix provided with feed , helps in removal of toxins in body by absorbing. Activated charcoal also helps in elimination of toxins by act as digestive tract adsorbent.

Prevention of mycotoxicoses should focus on using feed and ingredients free of mycotoxins and on management practices that prevent mould growth and mycotoxin formation during feed transport and storage. Mycotoxins can form in decayed, crusted feed in feeders, feed mills, and storage bins; cleaning and correcting the problem can have immediate benefits. Temperature extremes cause moisture condensation and migration in bins and promote mycotoxin formation. Regular inspection of feed storage and feeding systems can identify flow problems, which allow residual feed and enhance fungal activity and mycotoxin formation. Ventilation of poultr y houses to avoid high relative humidity also decreases the moisture available for fungal growth and toxin formation in the feed. Moisture percentage is not more than 10% in feed bags. Antifungal agents added to feeds to prevent fungal growth have no effect on toxin already formed but may be costeffective in conjunction with other feed management practices. Propionic acid about 0.5–1.5 g/kg in feed acts as effective inhibitors in toxin binding. Sorbent compounds such as hydrated s o d i u m c a l c i u m a l u m i n o s i l i c a te (HSCAS) effectively bind and prevent absorption of aflatoxin.

Preventive measures J. Tamizhkumaran 1, DirisalaVenkataSivaji 2 1 Teaching Assistant, 2 Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Veterinary Education and Research, Kurumabapet, Pondicherry – 605 009.

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.08 | AUGUST - 2017




Correct litter and ambient temperatures are vital to ensure chick activity. Pre-heating is important and begins at least 24 to 48 hours prior to placement, even during summer. This will ensure the litter temperature is at least 32°C (90°F), with the air and internal structures adequately heated at placement. Failure to achieve this target will reduce activity and lower feed consumption, so the grower will lose the opportunity to quadruple day-old chick weight in the first week. A newly hatched chick cannot control its own body temperature until fully thermo-competent at 14 days old. Their core temperature ranges between 40 to 41°C (104–106°F), increasing to 41–42°C (106–108°F) by 5 days of age.

levels for optimum growth. Always use bird behavior as an important guide to gauge comfort levels.

breeder flocks) require higher brooding temperatures, about 1°C more for the first fourteen days.

Comfortable chicks breathe through their nostrils and will only lose 1–2g of moisture in the first 24 hours. A chick that pants can lose as much as 5–10 grams of moisture in the first 24 hours. Dry bulb temperature, air movement and relative humidity are linked.

If humidity is less than the guide, increase temperature 0.5 to 1°C (1°F). If humidity is greater than above, reduce house temperature by 0.5 to 1°C (1°F) for the 1st 14 days.

An increase in relative humidity will reduce moisture loss but can also reduce the chicks' heat loss capabilities, so correct temperature & RH is vital (a lower RH% requires a higher dr y bulb

Careful consideration of the five essentials driving early feed consumption and growth will ensure the grower captures the maximum potential of the least cost advantage provided by the Cobb500.

A core temperature above 41°C (106°F) post hatch will lead to panting and below 39.5°C (103°F) reduced activity and low feed consumption. Remember to always measure a chick's core temperature when it is completely dry post hatch. A yolk sac contains 1–2 grams of moisture, with two parts fat and one part protein. If early feed consumption is limited, the chick will use both fat and protein in the yolk for energy leaving inadequate protein 14

temperature). Furthermore, chicks are very sensitive to air movement until they are fully feathered at 25 days of age. As illustrated in the temperature guide, chicks from smaller eggs (younger

G.K.RATHINAM Hatchery Specialist, Technical Consultant, India

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.08 | AUGUST - 2017



COPPER AS AN INEVITABLE MINERAL FOR LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY Introduction Minerals are the essential element for optimal growth and reproduction of the l i v e s t o c k a n d p o u l t r y. P r o p e r supplementation of the minerals is important for maintaining animals in healthy state. Fresh green fodder and cereal grains can supplement a large por tion of mineral requirement, therefore judicious use of supplement must be done so that to avoid excess feeding and unnecessary mineral excretion. If the common feed stuffs do not supplement the nutrient requirement there are many ways to supply the deficient nutrient inexpensively. The trace elements are added in extremely small amounts (milligrams per day) in the livestock feed and they are evaluated in the ration as parts per million (ppm). Function Copper is component of many enzymes like Ÿ

Cytochrome oxidase - electron transport during aerobic respiration;


Lysyl oxidase - catalyzes formation of desmosine cross links in collagen and elastin


Ceruloplasmin - absorption and transport of iron


Tyrosinase - production of melanin pigment from tyrosine


Superoxide dismutase - protects cells from the toxic effects of oxygen metabolites

Copper Requirements The requirement of copper depends on stage of animal (maintenance, growth, and lactation), age of the animal, dietary copper source antagonistic minerals. Endogenous losses of copper are approximately 7.1g/kg body weight in cattle. Copper content of colostrum and milk is about 0.6 and 0.15 mg/kg respectively (Lyford and Huber, 1988). Copper sources 16

requirement and excretion (lower copper levels in manure). Commonly 35 % of organic and 65 % inorganic copper can be supplied for optimum maintenance. Efficiency of Copper Absorption from Diets

The concentration of copper in green fodder is highly available than the concentrate feed. The variable level of copper in the forages is due to the variable level of molybdenum, sulfur, and iron. Legume fodders contain more concentration of copper than grass fodders. Similarly oil cakes contain higher level of copper than the cereal grains. Copper can be supplemented in the concentrate as sulphate, carbonate oxide or in organic form. Copper oxide is poorly available compared with other the copper forms listed. Organic and inorganic combination of supplemental c o p p e r c a n re d u c e t h e c o p p e r requirement, thereby reducing the Concentration of copper in some common feedstuffs (Adapted from NRC, 2001)

Molybdenum, sulfur, and iron can reduce the availability of copper. In non-ruminants and in calves 70 % of dietary copper is absorbed. But in adult cattle the absorption of copper is drastically reduced (1 to 5 %) as the rumen is completely developed. Upto 4 months of age 50-60 % of copper is retained in the liver of the calves. Copper Deficiency The shortages require months to exhibit deficiency signs and trace mineral deficiencies affects the health and reproduction rather than an immediate effort on production. The ideal serum copper level must be 0.81.5 ppm, if the level of copper in the blood falls below 0.55 ppm. The c o m m o n s y m p to m s of c o p p e r deficiency in cattle is anaemia, reduced growth, loss of hair pigmentation, changes in hair growth and appearance, heart failure, fragile bones, diarrhoea, compromised immune function and impaired reproduction. Loss of hair around the eye area is the initial symptom during the copper deficiency. In ruminants copper deficiency is characterised by scours. The efficiency of the neutrophils are greatly reduced that they are more prone to infection. The deficiency symptoms in pigs are not common; usually they are fed as a growth promoter at levels of up to 175 ppm for pigs to 16 weeks of age and 100 ppm for pigs over 16 weeks of age. Copper Toxicity Copper toxicity is quite common if animal is supplemented with excess amount of copper or copper

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.08 | AUGUST - 2017

ARTICLE contaminating feeds. Copper gets accumulated in the liver. Stress in the body may lead to sudden release of copper from liver RBC cell breakage and eventually methemoglobinemia, level in blood, which leads to impairment in oxygen transport. This also causes high level of hemoglobinuria, generalized icterus, widespread necrosis and finally death of the animal. Molybdenum, sulphur and iron levels in the feedstuff may affect the level of copper level. In most cases of copper intoxication, the concentration of copper in liver will exceed 900 mg/kg on a dry weight basis (Radostits et al., 1994). Young calves are highly susceptible to copper toxicity than adult cattle. Pregnant cows divert excess of copper to the foetus; therefore care must be taken when supplementing copper to the pregnant cows. The maximum tolerable level of copper for cattle is 100 ppm. The toxicity signs occur when the levels are



40 ppm and 25 ppm for cattle and ewes respectively. Sheep are the most vulnerable species to copper toxicity. Mineral mixtures providing over 4 mg of copper per ewe per day should be avoided. Non-ruminants, like pig and chicken can tolerate higher levels of Copper in the feed. The toxic level of Copper in the diet of chickens ranges from 250 to 800 ppm. When toxicity occurs an oral drench containing 50 to 100 mg of ammonium molybdate and 0.5 to 1.0g of sodium sulphate is given as treatment. A common ratio that is to be maintained in the supplement is zinc: copper – 4:1, copper to molybdenum 6:1 and iron: copper – 50:1.

Picture showing loss of wool around the eye area due to copper deficiency

Conclusion Copper can play an inevitable role in health and growth. Feed manufactures should take adequate care while using copper in mineral mixes so as to maximise production with minimising the mineral output in waste.

A. Shanmuga sundaram, K. Rajkumar, T. Muthuramalingam, M. Arul Prakash and P. Tensingh Gnanaraj Instructional livestock farm complex, MMC, Chennai-600051

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.08 | AUGUST - 2017



AMMONIA EMISSION FROM POULTRY INDUSTRY, ITS EFFECTS AND MITIGATION STRATEGIES Introduction Nitrogen is found in relatively high levels in all excreted animal manures. It can exist in many chemical forms and can move easily in the environment as a gas in air, a dissolved constituent of ground or surface water or in combination with other materials. Nitrogen in the form of a m m o n i a ( N H 3 ) i s of pa r t i c u l a r importance because of its potential to create odors and negatively impact air and water quality and animal and human health. Cattle farming especially dair y, is regarded as the largest source of ammonia production (Bussink and Oenema, 1998) and poultry industry is second to the cattle farming in being the largest source of ammonia emission. In addition to the effects on bird's health, ammonia has significant hazardous effect on the health of caretakers and to the environmental ecology. High NH3 levels sometimes found in a poultry house have also become a cause of concern for the atmosphere outside the poultry house. Therefore, there is a great need to reduce NH3 volatilization from poultry manure to reduce the possible harmful effects of NH3 on animal and human health and the environment. Production Of Ammonia Gas Ammonia is not directly produced or excreted by the birds, but is a common by-product of poultry wastes. Birds excrete waste in the form of manure containing unused feed nitrogen in the form of uric acid. The term “manure” refers to the combination of feces and urine that is excreted. The potential for ammonia emissions exists wherever manure is present. Ammonia is formed through the microbial breakdown of uric acid. Conditions that favor microbial growth will result in increased ammonia production. These conditions include warm temperature, moisture, pH in the neutral range or slightly higher (7.0–8.5) and the presence of organic matter – factors normally 20

present in abundance in poultry waste handling systems (Carey, ND). Emissions depend on how much of the ammonia-nitrogen in solution reacts to form ammonia versus ionized ammonium (NH4+), which is nonvolatile. Ammonia emissions are not constant over the year, but can change seasonally. The degree of seasonal variation depends on the geographic region, and management practices adopted in the farm. Precipitation and humidity can either increase or decrease emissions depending on how manure is managed. The relationship between NH4+, NH3, and pH plays an important role in determining the fate of manure nitrogen because NH3 is much less soluble in water than NH4+. Therefore, NH4+ is not readily volatilized from manure, whereas NH3 is rapidly converted to a gaseous form and emitted from manure. The rate of NH3 volatilization is influenced by the concentrations of manure NH3 and urea, temperature, air velocity, surface area, and moisture. Understanding how NH4+ and NH3 are formed, the characteristics of these compounds, and the effects of various conditions on their environmental fate is the key to understanding how manure can be managed to minimize NH3 emissions. Effects Of Ammonia Gas The volatilization of ammonia (NH3) from poultry manure has become a major problem not only for the health of the birds and caretakers, but also in the negative perception of the public sector, concerning poultry waste. It has been known for a long time that high levels of atmospheric NH3 can negatively affect poultry performance (Anderson et al., 1964). Numerous studies have demonstrated that high atmospheric NH3 within layer and broiler facilities have been shown to reduce egg production, feed efficiency, and growth (Charles and Payne, 1966). NH3 may

produce a serious threat to the health of the birds such as; increase risk of skin burns, high incidence of contact dermatitis: foot, hock and breast burns that can be a gateway for bacteria causing further health problems to the birds. Similarly, NH3 has role in causing trachea & lung lesions which are associated with fluid accumulation and low blood oxygen, rendering the birds more susceptible to bacterial infections such as E. coli. Apart from this, ammonia is found to be associated with eye irritation, gastrointestinal irritation and ascites. Ways To Reduce Ammonia In And From Poultry Farm Reduction of ammonia level inside poultry houses is the important part of management to increase birds' live performance. The most appropriate strategy to control ammonia is to reduce ammonia volatilization. A number of compounds are available for use by poultry producers to reduce the pH of poultry litter to promote formation of NH4+ ions that will bind to other compounds and thus reduce the amount of volatile ammonia. However, since manure, which neutralizes these acidifying agents, is constantly produced, these compounds provide pH control for only a short period of time. There are many ways to reduce ammonia emission in the poultry farms. Some of them are as follows; 1. Reducing litter moisture Perhaps the simplest thing most poultry producers can do to minimize ammonia emissions from their poultry house is to control litter moisture. The more moisture in the litter, the more potential for ammonia emissions from that litter. Ferguson et. al., 1998 confirmed the relationship between higher litter moisture and increased litter ammonia. So, it is important to keep litter dry. However, keeping the litter dry depends, in part, on how well drinker management is maintained. Similarly, ventilation is also critical in maintaining

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.08 | AUGUST - 2017



proper litter moisture. Humidity levels must be maintained below 70% to prevent caking of the litter. 2. Dietary approaches Bird diets that are formulated using proteinaceous ingredients such as soybean meal and meat-and-bone meal to meet the recommended levels of essential amino acids and contain relatively high levels of crude protein and excessive amounts of amino acids other than the first- and second-limiting amino acids (usually methionine and lysine, respectively). Because the birds have no storage mechanisms for amino acids consumed beyond the requirement for protein synthesis, the amino acids consumed in excess are deaminated and the amino acid–derived nitrogen is excreted in the urine mainly as uric acid (80%), ammonia (10%), and urea (5%) (Goldstein and Skadhauge, 2000). The amount of nitrogen excreted by poultry can be reduced dramatically by not specifying a dietary crude-protein minimum and instead formulating the diet to meet the chickens' amino acid requirements. Such 'low–crude-protein' diets can be obtained through a partial replacement of soybean meal with corn and crystalline amino acids or amino acid analogs. A three to five percentage-unit reduction in the dietary crude protein content has resulted in up to a 60% reduction in the total nitrogen excretion from broilers and laying hens (Summers, 1993). As mentioned previously, ammonia emission can be reduced from the birds by minimizing the excretion of uric acid and, therefore, ammonia emission. However, some ammonia production is inevitable and additives can be added to the diet to sequester or trap it. Among these additives is zeolite, a type of mineral with a porous or lattice-like structure, which when included in the diet binds ammonia in the feces and prevents it from being emitted into the air. Another strategy is to acidify the diet through addition of gypsum (CaSO4) or calcium benzoate, or by lowering the 22

Fig 1: Conversion of uric acid to ammonia through a series of microbial enzymes, including urease.

dietary electrolyte balance (Canh et al., 1998). The acidic diet will result in acidic manure, causing ammonia (NH3) to be conver ted to ammonium (NH4+). Because of the electrical charge, ammonium is more water soluble and not readily emitted into the air. Xin et al., 2005 reported that feeding a low-protein diet fortified with gypsum and zeolite reduces ammonia emission from laying hens by 40%. 3. B i o - fi l t e r s a re c o m p r i s e d of housing ventilation systems that pass air through a bio-filter media that incorporates a layer of organic material, typically a mixture of compost and wood chips or shreds that supports a microbial population and reduces ammonia emissions by oxidizing volatile organic compounds into carbon diozide, water and inorganic salts. A bio-filter system can be, thus applied to reduce ammonia emission from poultry houses. 4. L i t t e r t r e a t m e n t A s u r f a c e application of an acidifier to poultry litter to acidify poultry litter and maintain ammonia in the non-volatile ionized form (ammonium) can reduce the ammonia emission significantly. One approach is to incorporate acidifying agents such as aluminum sulfate (alum), sodium bisulfate, acidified clay, calcium chloride, calcium sulfate, magnesium chloride, and magnesium sulfate.

ammonium sulfate, a water-soluble fertilizer, reducing the ammonia emitted from the litter and increasing the nitrogen content of the litter. The acidity also creates unfavorable conditions for the bacteria and enzymes that contribute to ammonia formation, resulting in reduced ammonia production. Conclusion Poultry industry has the major role in ammonia emission to the environment. Ammonia not only affects poultry performance but also has the significant hazardous effect on the health of people around the farm and to the environment. So, poultry producers should start from the very beginning to reduce ammonia emission from their poultry farm. Otherwise, controlling ammonia emission will be the daunting task in the future. Ammonia emission in the poultry farm can be controlled by reducing litter moisture, dietar y manipulation such as use of low crude protein diet high fibrous diet and dietary additives to sequester ammonia, use of bio-filters and litter treatment with acidifiers such as alum, sodium bisulfate, calcium sulfate, magnesium chloride etc.

Litter treatments apply an acid that produces hydrogen ions that will attach to ammonia to form ammonium, which reacts with sulfate ions to form Dr. M. Anudeep Reddy¹*, Dr. K. Rajesh² and Dr. G. Balakrishna Reddy³ ¹Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, C.V.Sc, PV Narsimha Rao Telangana Veterinary University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-30 ²M.V.Sc. Scholar, Department of Veterinary Physiology, C.V.Sc, PV Narsimha Rao Telangana Veterinary University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-30 ³M.V.Sc. Scholar, Department of Poultry Science, C.V.Sc, PV Narsimha Rao Telangana Veterinary University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-30

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.08 | AUGUST - 2017




vaMs dh detksj 'ksy] vaMs ds VwVus vkSj fcuk 'kSy ds vaMs ds :i esa gksus okyk uqdlku] Qk;ns uqdlku ds fglkc esa cgqr vge~ Hkwfedk fuHkkrk gS] vkSj bls fu;a=.k esa j[kuk cgqr gh T;knk egRoiw.kZ gSA detksj 'ksy ds vaMs Hkh] nks rjhds ds gksrs gSa] ,d tks rqjar gh igpku fy, tkrs gSa] vkSj nqljs tks iSfdax vkSj ;k=k ds nkSjku VwV tkrs gSaA vDlj QkeZj flQZ igys rjhds ds uqdlku dks gh tksM+rk gS] ysfdu nksuksa gh uqdlku tksM+us ij irk yxrk gS]dh geus fdrus vaMs xok fn;s] vkSj buls gSu gkml çksMD'ku esa fdruk uqdlku gqvkA

1- LVªsu : vaMs dh 'kSy dh etcwrh ij eqxhZ dh LVªsu dk çHkko gksrk gSA 2- eqxhZ dh mez : eqxhZ dh mez dk Hkh 'kSy DokfyVh ij çHkko iM+rk gS vkSj 40 g¶rs ds ckn ,x 'kSy DokfyVh detksj gksus yxrh gSA 3- vaMs dk otu : vaMs dk otu vkSj vkdkj cgqr vf/kd gksus ij] 'kSy lEcaf/kr fnDdrs c<+rh gSaA 4- U;qfVª'ku : vkgkj esa fLFkr dSfY'k;e] QksLQksjl] foVkfeu Mh] d‚ij] ftad] eSXuhf'k;e] eSaxuhl bR;kfn Vªsl feujy dh ck;ksvoSykfcfyVh ¼tSfod Lrj ij

miyC/krk½ dk vaMs dh 'kSy DokfyVh ij cgqr çHkko iM+rk gSA bu ?kVdksa dk ,d nqljs ?kVd ls vuqikr Hkh cgqr egRoiw.kZ gS] vkSj ,slk u gksus dh fLFkfr esa budh 'kjhj dks miyC/krk de gks tkrh gSA 5- rkieku: xehZ;ksa esa vf/kd rkieku vkSj lfnZ;ksa esa gksus okyh de ykbV baVsaflVh vkSj de ykbV ?kaVs dh otg ls ,x 'kSy DokfyVh ij nq"çHkko iM+rk gSA ,sls esa foVkfeu Mh] lh] bZ] ,] lksMk ck;dkcksZusV] vkSj eq[; dkj.k ds Bhd djus ls enn feyrh gSA 6- nkus esa eqf'dy ls gte gksus okys çnkFkksZ dk vuqikr T;knk gksus ls Hkh feujy dk 'kks"k.k lgh ek=k esa gks ugha ikrkA lgh ,atkbe vkSj QkbVSt ds bLrseky ls enn feyrh gSA 7- ek;dksV‚fDlu dh otg ls Hkh ;s fnDdr vk ldrh gS vkSj lgh VksfDlu ckbaMj dk lgh vuqikr esa QhM esa Mkyuk cgqr t:jh gSA 8- dsfedYl: dqN nokb;ksa ls ,x 'kSy DokfyVh ij foijhr çHkko iM+rk gSA blfy, fcuk M‚DVj ds ijke'kZ ds nok dk pquko u djsaA 9- ikuh esa fLFkr ?kqys gq, çnkFkZ tSls dh vf/kd ek=k esa ued dk gksuk Hkh 'ksy DokfyVh ij nq"çHkko Mky ldrk gSA 10- vksojØkofMax: de txg esa T;knk cPps j[kus ls] f'kf¶Vax ls vkSj fjyksds'ku ls Hkh cPpks ij LVªsl vkrk gS vkSj ,slh fnDdr fn[k ldrh gSA 11- dst fMtkbZu: dst dh fMtkbZu vkSj j[k j[kko dh vge~ Hkwfedk gksrh gSA 12- ,x dysD'ku ÝhDosalh : vaMs dk dysD'ku de ls de nks ckj ;k vkSj Hkh ckj gksus ls ,x VwVus ds dsl de gksrs gSaA

13- chekfj;ka tSls dh ND, IB, EDS, AI, AE, MG bR;kfn dh cgqr vge~ Hkwfedk gSA ck;ks flD;ksfjVh vkSj oSDlhus'ku ij fo'ks"k /;ku nsA 14- 'ksM esa yscj }kjk dke djrs le; de ls de vkokt djus vkSj vaMks dks lko/kkuh ls tek djus dks çksRlkfgr djuk pkfg,A 'ksM usoyk] lkai] pwgk] balsDV~l bR;kfn ls Hkh lqjf{kr gksuk vko';d gSA 15- vkarks dh vkSj fyoj ds LokLF; dk ,x 'kSy DokfyVh ij çHkko iM+rk gSA 16- lgh ek=k esa vkxsZfud/psysVsM Vªsl feujy dk lekos'k ykHkdkjd gSA 17- dSfY'k;e vkSj QksLQksjl ds eq[; lzksr] tSls dh ykbe LVksu ikmMj] vks,LVj 'kSy] MkbZ dSfY'k;e Q‚LQsV] ehV cksu ehy dh xq.koÙkk vkSj feykoV ds ckjs esa fo'ks"k lrdZrk cgqr vko';d gSA le; le; ij budh ySc VsfLVax t:jh gSA bu NksVh NksVh lko/kkfu;ksa dks /;ku esa j[kk tk, rks cgqr lkjs uqdlku dks Vkyk tk ldrk gSA

Dr. Praveen


POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.08 | AUGUST - 2017




The chosen breeds must have to have good production capability.


If your chosen breed contain the desired characteristic and have a reputation for egg production, then that breed is suitable for your business.


Always purchase healthy chicks from a famous and popular hatchery. You can see their catalog before purchasing.

Keeping Chicks for Layer Poultry Farming

Layer poultry farming means raising egg laying poultry birds for the purpose of commercial egg production. Layer chickens are such a special species of hens, which need to be raised from when they are one day old. They start laying eggs commercially from 18-19 weeks of age. They remain laying eggs continuously till their 72-78 weeks of age. They can produce about one kg of eggs by consuming about 2.25 kg of food during their egg laying period. For the purpose of producing hybrid eggs layer, consider the various characteristics of cock and hen before breeding. There are various types of highly egg productive layer breeds available throughout the world. Layer Breeds According to the nature and color of egg, layer hens are of two types. Short description of these two types are listed below. Ÿ


White Egg Laying Hens: This type of hens are comparatively smaller in size. Relatively eat less food, and the color of egg shell is white. Isa White, Lehman White, Nikchik, Bab Cock BV-300, Havard White, Hi Sex White, Sever White, Hi line White, Bovanch

White etc. are some popular white egg laying chickens. Ÿ

Brown Egg Laying Hens: Brown egg laying hens are relatively larger in size. They eat more foods, compared to white egg layers. Lay bigger eggs than other laying breeds. Egg shell is brown colored. There are many types of brown layer available. Among those Isa Brown, Hi Sex Brown, Sever 579, Lehman Brown, Hi Line Brown, Bab Cock BV-380, Gold Line, Bablona Tetro, Bablona Harko, Havard Brown etc. are very suitable for commercial layer poultr y farming.

Layer Hen Selection You have to keep in mind some essential information before selecting the layer hens for your poultry farming business. You have to select those breeds which are suitable for your layer poultry farming business and can produce well in your area. Read below for selecting proper breeds for your business. Ÿ


For commercial eggs production, you have to chose highly productive laying hens correctly. All type of hens do not produce equal number of eggs.

During the first weeks after birth, many chicks do not want to drink water due to transporting them from one place to another. So you have to make adequate water drinking systems in their brooder house, and you have to train them for drinking water. Mix 5% glucose with water, so that they can easily get energy. Provide them any types of high quality multivitamin by mixing with water (suggested by electrolyte production companies instruction). Multivitamin and electrolyte are very effective when you transport chick from a long distance. It reduces tiredness and lack of water, and help to make the chick normal. Vaccination and it's Importance for Layer Poultry Farming Vaccination program is a must for chicks for keeping them free from all types of diseases. The main advantage of poultry vaccination are listed below. Ÿ

Timely vaccination makes disease resistance power in the body of chick.


Help to keep the hen free from infective poultry diseases.


Disease prevalence will be less.


Mortality rate will reduce.


And low mortality rate = more production = more profit.

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.08 | AUGUST - 2017



There are many types of poultry vaccines are available for layer hens. Marex, Ranikheth, Gamboro, Bruchaities, Bosonto, Salmonela etc. are used for layer chickens.


Withing the first 20 weeks of age, about 5% of hens start laying eggs.


Cut the lip of chicks 0.2 cm from their nose.


About 10% birds start laying at their 21 weeks of age.


Cut 0.45 cm in case of growing chickens.


When they reach 26 to 30 weeks of age, they produce highly. Although, it may be different depending on their strain.


Cut the both upper and lower lips.


Don't cut the both lip together. Cut one after another.


Use block chick trimming machine to cut the lips.

Before Vaccination You have to maintain some rules before vaccination. Ÿ

Hold the chickens very carefully.


Vaccinate the chickens without any strain. There is no need to vaccinate the ill hen.


Wash the vaccination equipment with hot boiled water or germicide medicine/antiseptic.


Do the vaccination program in cold weather condition.


Preventive vaccine is always applicable to healthy bird. Never vaccinate an infected bird.


After laying a maximum number of eggs, they usually stop laying for a few days.


And after this period, their egg production might reduces slowly.


Egg laying rate and size of eggs increases gradually.

Don't cut their lip two days after or before vaccination, after or before using some medicines like sulfur. Don't cut the lip if the hen in a strain, and during adverse weather conditions and if the hen start laying eggs. Serve the chicken water mixed with vitamin “K” three days before cutting lips. Wash the lip cutting instrument with antiseptic. Test the edge and temperature of blade. You have to b e c a re f u l , a n d d o n' t damage their eyes and tongue. Choose cold weather for cutting their lips. Lip cutting process should be observed by an experienced technician. After cutting lips, serve them water in a deep pot. Provide t h e m s o m e e x t r a e n e rg y enriched feed.

Keeping Growing Chicks You have to maintain the suggestion listed below for keeping growing layer chickens. Ÿ

You have to provide the growing chicks special care until they reach 4-5 weeks of age.


After brooding serve them good quality pellet feed. It will make good results in the future. They will produce egg highly. High quality pellet will make the chickens healthy and increase their body weight.


So it is very important to provide them quality pellet feed during growing period.

Egg Production Farming

for Layer Poultry

Egg production from a Layer Poultry Farming depends on the care and farm management. If you take good care of your birds and manage them properly, then the production and profit will be high. 28


The hens grow till their 40 weeks of age.

Feeding for Layer Poultry Farming


Weight and size of eggs increases till their 50 weeks of age.

There are many companies available throughout the world, which are producing commercial feed and feed supplements for layer chickens. You can buy feed from your local market or make the feed at your own house. You have to be sure that the feed and feed supplements you bought are enriched with essential food value.

Method and Importance of Lip Cutting Cutting the lip of laying hens is very important. The main benefits are listed below. Ÿ

Lip cutting help to reduce mutual fights.


It help to prevent food waste.


You have to cut your chick's lip at their age of 8 to 10 days.


Cut the lip of growing chicken at their 8 to 12 weeks of age.

Protein,Vitamins and Mineral are very important for laying hens which is affecting the quality of eggs ,layer poultry fertility and layer bird's health Ÿ

Provide 2% of calcium for two weeks after their birth.

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.08 | AUGUST - 2017


If you notice they are not gaining expected weight, then you have to serve starter feed for eight weeks.


Serve feed two or three times in a day till their 18 weeks of age.


Demand of feed increase very fast when the birds start laying.


Serve them layer poultry feed according to their age and weights.


Don't decrease the amount of feed while laying (even if their weight increase).

Wa t e r M a n a g e m e n t f o r L a ye r Poultry Farming Chickens health depend on the supply of pure, clean and fresh drinking water. You have to provide adequate water according to the demand of your laying hens. For purifying the water, mix



Aquacure. Determine a suitable place to keep the water pot inside the poultry house. Supply cold water during summer season and hot weather, and slightly hot water in cold weather or winter season. In accordance with the age and species of chickens, food providing can control the weights of chicken. Use sufficient calcium, phosphorus, vitamins, amino acid and other mineral substance in their food. If you follow the methods mentioned above, then you can make better profit from your layer poultry farming business.

each day. This is not an exact thing and most eggs are laid in the morning. Eggs should be collected regularly and transferred from the hen house to an egg room where they are graded or checked for weight and for damaged shells. A sample of eggs is often broken open to check internal quality. Eggs are packed into cartons for 12 eggs or trays of 30 eggs for sale. Prices vary with egg size, so eggs must be separated on the basis of egg weight. This is done automatically by a machine called an egg grader.

Egg Collecting and Grading Mechanical collection of eggs is common in modern layer farms. It takes about 26 hours for each egg to develop and each hen lays an egg a little later

Mr. Rakesh Kumar Founder: Growel Agrovet Private Limited

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.08 | AUGUST - 2017




Introduction Proper feed storage is essential, the use of poor storage facilities will lead to deterioration of feed quality. This, in turn, will result in poor growth, malnutrition, mycotoxicosis, health problems and possibly high mortality. All of which decrease farm profitability. The storage facility When thinking of feed storage, one could picture a fairly simple facility in which feed can be kept until it is needed. Feed needs to be protected therefore a feed storage facility should meet a number of criteria to be considered good enough: Ÿ

Provide a shelter from direct sunlight and rain.


Be properly ventilated and cool.


Keep feed dry (and therefore ensure low humidity).


Protect feed from vermin (rats/mice) and insect pests.


Keep the feed off the ground to prevent ground condensation and mould spoilage.


Keep feed away from chemicals, drugs and from side walls

Storage conditions Poor storage will reduce the shelf-life of the feed through loss of critical nutrients, such as vitamins, essential fatty acids and anti-oxidants. This will lead to reduced growth and higher mortality due to poor bird health. 30

F e e d s u b j e c te d to w e t s to r a g e conditions may become stale and mouldy. These moulds may grow quickly and produce mycotoxins, which is particularly the case during warm weather. The use of mouldy feeds may lead to performance losses, illnesses, and mass mortalities.

Feed handling One of the most important aspects of feed handling on the farm is the correct "unloading" or flow-out. A first-in-firstout mass flow is ideal. This will prevent old feed remaining in the farm. Finally,

The temperature and the relative humidity of the air can also have a tremendous influence on the condition of the feed. Even with a good feed storage system, feed should only be stored for a short period of time, ideally for less than 15 days from the date of the feed being manufactured. Cutting down storage time ensures that the feed is turned over faster, thereby reducing the inventory costs and providing the birds with fresh, high quality feed. Feeding pattern Feeding empty to empty feeders and once in a week we have to clean feeders with dry cloth and keep it in direct sunlight for half an hour. 1. Feeding up to prestarter: 3 times/day, 2. Feeding up to starter: 2 times/day 3. Feeding up to last: 1-2 times/day Note Use feed saver cup for every feeder to not only prevent feed waste but also avoid birds to pick feed from litter which complicated with bacterial infection as well as coccidiosis or enteritis.

there is no point in having the best possible feed storage conditions on your farm if the manufacturer and transport distributor has not carefully handled the feed prior to its arrival at the farm. Therefore it is always necessary to check the date of feed manufacture and how the feed has been handled prior to and during transport. Note Proper maintain Feed Room Hygiene with spray insecticide or cuso4 @ 25ppm on empty floor before feed come. Proper maintain first-in-first-out policy.

Dr. S. S. Rathore Sr Technical Manager, Maharastra Feeds (P) Ltd.Haryana MVSc, Poultry Science, IVRI, Izatnagar, U.P.

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.08 | AUGUST - 2017



VENTRI BIOLOGICALS HAD CONDUCTED THE GRAND SEMINAR ON “INFECTIOUS CORYZA: CHALLENGES & PROGRESS” Ventri Biologicals had conducted series of technical seminars on “Infectious Coryza: Challenges & Progress” at Kernal, Baranala, Chandigarh, Hyderabad, Siddipeth, Raipur & Pune along with Poultry Farmers and Technical Consultants from 18th to 27th June 2017. The resource person for the Seminar was Prof. Robert Bragg. antibiotic era and Vaccine development. They are assisting vaccine producers in South Africa, India and Israel to improve the formulation of vaccines and are investigating variant field isolates of Av i ba c te r i u m pa r a g a l linarum in South and Central America.



b Ro . f ro


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Prof. Robert Bragg was head of Research in the Poultry Department of the Faculty of Veterinary Science in University of Pretoria since 1992. He left the University of Pretoria in June 1998 to take up current position as Professor at Free State University Department of Biotechnology, South Africa. He has published extensively on poultr y diseases in which 70 ar ticles in reviewed Journals and 9 in conference proceedings as well. He has also attended numerous conferences and has been an invited speaker at international conferences. Prof Robert Bragg and his research team are regarded as world leaders in their area of research. Current research areas focus is on Infectious Coryza in Poultry, Disease control in a post-



ag Br

During his various presentations he had emphasized on emergence of various Serogroups and S e ro va r s i n I n d i a a n d presented a detailed analysis on current status of Infectious Coryza and its impact on the Poultr y industry as a whole. D r. B r a g g h a d a l s o

elaborated that Infectious Coryza still not under control and method for isolation and identification of pathogen is the key to control the Infectious Coryza. The selection of the chickens to select for isolation is very important. He mentioned that species specific and serogroup specific PCR test for the identification of Avibacterium paragallinarum works very well.

India are A-1, B-1, C-2 and C-3. He advised before doing the IC vaccination it is necessary to ensure that vaccine used contains the Serovars present in the country. The cross protection in Serogroup C is highly strain dependent. He notified that the C-3 is very virulent type of Serovar which causes 3-4% morality in affected birds and upto 40% egg production drop in layers. He mentioned that Ventri Biologicals introduced Infectious Coryza Vaccine with the Serovars A-1, B-1, C-2 and C-3 a l o n g w i t h V I S A - 1 5 ( Ve n t r i ’s Immunostimulant Adjuvant launched in 2015) technology. This updated vaccine helps to protect the birds against current type of Infectious Coryza challenges. He detailed the Ventri’s IC vaccine field results, in which 88% of vaccinated flocks shown no clinical signs of IC, 0% of vaccinated flock’s shows vaccination reaction, 12 % of flocks with clinical signs & mortality indicating the Serovar C- 3 is highly dominating with mostly doing single vaccine. At Kernel, Barnala & Chandigarh on 19th, 20th & 21st JULY 2017

He stated that the Serogrouping and Serotyping is the most important aspect for the diagnosis of Infectious Coryza. The ultimate goal of Infectious Coryza control is reliable system for molecular characterization of strains. In India, the isolates first identified was A and C then B strains. Large numbers of untypable isolates were identified as C2 and C-3 Serovar. Serovars identified in POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.08 | AUGUST - 2017


Veterinary consultants, Poultry Layer & Breeder farmers attended the technical seminars at Chandigarh. Mr. Deepak Khosla (GM Marketing), Mr. H.S Padda (DGM Marketing, North and East Zone), Mr. Naveen Sehegal (AGM Marketing, North Zone), Mr. Shashi Bushan (ZM North III) and Mr. Raju Tanna (ZM North I) welcomed and facilitated the speaker and delegates. Mr. Deepak Khosla had given brief introduction about Prof. Robert Bragg and his research in poultry. Subsequently Prof. Robert Bragg uttered his talk on “Infectious Coryza: Challenges & Progress” followed by Dr. Sanjay Gavkare session on Updates of VISA 15 technology, Drift variation of IBD virus and Genotype evolution of NDV in India. Then Mr. Naveen Sehagal and Mr. Raju Tanna concluded with vote of thanks to all the participants.


& Progress” followed by Dr.Praksh Reddy (DGM Technical) session on the New updates in poultry vaccines. Mr.Suneel Sharma concluded with vote of thanks to all the participants. At Raipur & Pune on 24th & 26th July 2017 Poultry farmers, Veterinary consultants from Raipur, Pune and surrounding area attended the technical seminars. Dr. Hanumant Murade (AGM Marketing West & Central Zone), Mr. Akashdeep Sharma (ZM Central), Mr. Ram Ghate (ZM West) welcomed and facilitated the speaker and delegates. Dr.Hemant Murade had given brief introduction about Prof. Robert Bragg.

Subsequently Prof. Robert Bragg uttered his talk on “Infectious Coryza: Challenges & Progress” followed by Dr. Prakash Reddy (DGM Technical) session on the New updates in poultry vaccines and he also shared some scientific information on VISA 15 Adjuvant technology. Mr. Akashdeep Sharma & Mr. Ram Ghate concluded with vote of thanks to all the participants. Dr. Vinit Deshpande (Product Manager) & Mr. Ranjith Kumar (Asst Product Manger) Ventri Biologicals Division attended the seminar and interacted with participants.

At Hyderabad & Siddipet on 22nd & 23rd July 2017 Veterinary consultants, Layer farmers, B re e d e r A s s o c i a t e s a n d B ro i l e r Integrators from Hyderabad, Siddipet and surrounding area attended the technical seminars. Mr.Suneel Sharma (AGM South I A Zone) welcomed and facilitated Speaker and delegates. Mr. Deepak Khosla (GM Marketing) had given brief introduction about Prof. Robert Bragg and his research in poultry. Subsequently Prof. Robert Bragg uttered his talk on “Infectious Coryza: Challenges 33

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.08 | AUGUST - 2017



AB VISTA SEMINARS: BRINGING HOME THE LATESTDEVELOPMENTS FOR BETTER PROFITABILITY AB Vista South Asia (ABVSA), an animalnutrition technology company offering pioneering products and technical services to South Asian animal feed industry, conducted a series of seminars in Nasik, Pune, and Raipur on 19, 20, and 22 June 2017 and in Bengaluru on 5 July 2017. The main theme of the events was, 'How to improve poultry farm profitability through nutritional management and enhance poultry feed efficiency'. The seminars were a huge success with more than 130 poultr y farmer s attending the events. Dr. Chandani Parihar, Marketing Manager, ABVSAstarted the events by welcoming all and briefly describing about the humble beginnings of AB

two international experts of AB Vista discussed about the latest developments in phytase and NSPase; providing new insights to the value of phytase, phytasesuperdosing, combination of phytasesuperdosing and NSPase , while also discussing the p r a c t i c a l a p p l i c a b i l i t y of t h e s e developments. Key points discussed by Dr. Gilson and Dr. Rob are:

Dr. Gilson Gomes, Global Technical Manager, AB Vista, UK presented before participants in Nasik, Pune and Raipur, while Dr. Rob ten Doeschate, Technical Director-EMEA, AB Vista presented in Bengaluru seminar.. The

Dr Rahul Sawarkar presenting to the audience 34

Xylanases: solution beyond energy release Ÿ

Among all the NSPs present in corn soya based poultry feed, maximum percentage is of Arabinoxylan (47%).


As birds have only limited time for feed digestion (<3hrs), use of cellulase is futile.


Econase XT is a unique xylanase which is intrinsically thermostable, and delivers maximum return on investment by improving energy and protein digestibility in poultry.


Econase XT acts beyond its role of NSPase and also acts as a prebiotic because of release of right ArabinoXylo-oligosaccharides

Super dosing with Quantum Blue is the cheapest way to improve broiler performance Ÿ

Among the many phytases available, Quantum Blue-the noncoated, intrinsically thermostanlephytase-is the best

Dr Gilson Gomes presenting

Dr Chanrasekaran presenting to the audience

Dr Chandani Parihar introducing AB Vista Vista. AB Vistais one of thetop three companies in feed enzyme industryin a short duration of 13 years. A feat achieved solely on the basis of its innovative products and technical expertise.

investment of 1:4.

due to quick release after ingestion and sustained activity in GIT. Ÿ

Quantum Blue reduces higher phytate esters progressively to lower esters enabling more availability of protein and minerals.


Production of significant quantities of inositol: improves FCR and bodyweight as inositol plays an important role in fat metabolism and cell functioning. Results in an overall return on

Dr Rob ten Doeschate presenting to the audience


It breaks down soluble arabinoxylans to decrease gut viscosity, increase feed intake and reduce substrate for potential pathogens in intestine.

Quantum Blue superdosing and Econase XT combination The combination of Quantum Blue superdosing with Econase XT further improves the FCR by additional 2 points over Quantum blue superdosing alone.

Dr S V Rama Rao presenting

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.08 | AUGUST - 2017



This helps farmer to be more competitive in the market. International Phytate Summit (IPS3): Formulating for the future Ÿ



Major focus until recently has remained on IP6 but lower esters specifically IP4 and IP3 also have anti-nutritive properties. Function of inositol diphosphates (IP7 and IP8) are being explored in relation to cell repair, energy metabolism, bone deposition etc. Determination of calcium and phosphorus digestibility in feed ingredients has generally been overlooked. There is a need to determine novel ways of determining the same.

Audience in Pune

Post seminar demo on NIR machine

Gilson presenting in Raipur


Protein and energy variability occurs in the variants of SBM: HiPro, Premium and Regular.


Variability is also seen among SBM obtained from different sources in turn affecting the body weight gain and FCR in birds.


Dr. D. Chandrasekaran, Professor (Retired), Veterinary College, Namakkal, TANUVAS discussed with participants in Bengaluru about optimizing nutrient utilization. The key points discussed by him are: Maintaining gut integrity is of prime importance for optimizing the nutrient utilization.

Use of high levels of phytase has impact on the availability of amino acid and can be of importance while formulating feed for birds.


Gut integrity is dependent on the villi development which in turn is affected by factors like cold stress, feed/water access.

Dr. S.V. Rama Rao, Principal Scientist, ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research, discussed with participants in Pune regarding protein sources. The key points discussed by him are:


Key aspect of villi development is stimulation from the gut microbiota and hence probiotics and prebiotics play an important role in maintaining gut integrity.

Soyabean meal (SBM) is the most commonly used protein source in poultry feed as soybean has high protein percentage and is also a rich source of lysine, tr ypsine and threonine.



Audience in Rapur 35


Nutriferm-Yeast cell wall has MOS (Mannan oligosaccharide) that acts as prebiotic and stimulates growth of good bacteria like Lactobacillus.


Nutriferm-Yeast cell wall also hasβglucans that binds with pathogens in GIT and suppresses the activity of pathogens.


The combined action of MOS and βglucans results in improved immunity, improved gut architecture and enhanced overall health.

Cotton seed meal (CSM) can also be used as an alternative source of protein.



ABVSA further added to the discussion on prebiotics and probitocs saying that with ban on antibiotics in many countries and promotion of antibiotic free farming, the importance of preand pro-biotics has increased. He said:

Dr. Rahul also discussed about the ongoing Feed Quality Service (FQS) carried out by the ABVSA team over the last 7 months which indicates presence of p h y t a te i n a l l r a w m a te r i a l s emphasizing the importance of phytase.

Dr. Rahul Sawarkar, Technical Manager,

FOSS India also joined in the seminars to discuss about the importance and relevance of Near Infrared Spectrometer (NIR) machine for feed and feed ingredient analysis. The team from FOSS India gave a live demonstration of how to analyse feed ingredients through NIR indicating the relative ease of analysis with NIR machine.

Audience listening intently, Nashik

Audience listening intently, Nashik

Energy sparing enzyme like βmannanase should be combined with energy-releasing feed enzymes to combat feed-induced immune response (FIIR).

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.08 | AUGUST - 2017





he David Harrigan Pavilion at Tony Luchetti Showground was a hive – or should that be hen house? – of activity in the lead-up to the annual allbreeds poultry show on Sunday, August 13, For the second year in a row, all the available boxes have been taken for the competition. The success has spurred organisers, the Lithgow and District Poultry Club, to dream of expansion, The scene is very different to that five years ago, when the club was preparing for its show with just four or five active members, Now, with more than 30 members, Lithgow and District Poultry Club is acknowledged as a fast growing and, more importantly, friendly family club, Where did its new members spring from? You may have guessed it Social media, Several of the group's dedicated new committee, who are all women, made contact with each other

on social media sites for people who loved all things feathered and fowl, Based in the Blue Mountains, they went searching for their closest club and they found it in Lithgow,Their enthusiasm has resulted in Pat Gallagher becoming “the rooster in a hen house the sole male member of the committee a situation with which he was quite happy, We c a m e b e c a u s e w e l o ve o u r chickens,breeder and club member Carmen Prendergast said, A lot of people are wanting to get back into teaching kids where their food comes from,People want to keep chooks, just like everyone did 50 years ago, That being said, not everyone loves chickens as much as this group,They swap stories of seeing people's eyes glaze over as they delve into their favourite subject, T h e g ro u p c o m e s f ro m d i ve r s e backgrounds, united on social media sites by their passion for chooks of all shapes and sizes, laying eggs of all colours,Together they can talk about chickens with no judgement, and plenty of rueful understanding about how addictive breeding can be, I came from Leichhardt and barely knew how to keep a cactus alive, Belinda Heath said, When I moved to Wentworth Falls, my

sister-in-law gave me a chook pen as a house warming present,She did not expect to be draw deep down into the world of chickens but now has a collection of feathered friends, For fellow member Margaret Latty, seeing the delicate, feisty beautiful little Sebright chickens was love at first sight, I needed to know more about them and I found the club, she said, Everyone made me feel so welcome,The group involves their families in their hobby, which they all say is very relaxing, “like feathered Zoloft in the backyard,Belinda noted, You can lose hours watching them, Margaret said, It's very romantic and old fashioned to me watching chooks in the garden, Life is so busy and so hectic – it's a similar reason to why people love gardening, I suppose Carmen noted, The club is involved in heritage breeding, to keep pure breeds alive. Each member has their own breed that they know and love and together they endeavour to keep species on the rare lists ticking along, They keep the best to breed and sell the rest to people who want backyard egg layers, The annual Show can be a good oppor tunity for enthusiasts (and beginners) to find breeds they like and be connected with established breeders.



otorists are being advised to expect delays on the Calder Freeway as crews work to cleanup poultry waste after a crash, Two vehicles collided this morning south of Taradale on the freeway,causing a truck carrying poultry waste to lose some of its load,Castlemaine Sergeant Rohan Scott said a Magna sedan attempted to overtake the truck but lost control, All southbound lanes 36

were closed initially, but one has since reopened, Sergeant Scott urged drivers to take care on the roads, especially at crash scenes, If motorists see an emergency incident on the highway, please slow down,he said, It's also a reminder to check the roadworthy condition of vehicles, particularity tyres, The 59-year-old driver of the Magna was taken to hospital following the collision with minor injuries,The truck driver was

unhurt, Emergency services were also called to a second crash on the Calder this morning, this time at Ravenswood, Police said a Toyota van collided with the side of a truck that was turning onto a south-bound lane just past the truckstop,A female passenger of the van was taken to hospital to be treated for shock, but both drivers were uninjured, The crash happened just after 6.30am and the van was towed from the scene.

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.08 | AUGUST - 2017





June 13,10 ounce retail car tons containing LUVO Steam in Pouch A Little Spice Chicken Chili Verde with white chicken, black beans and polenta. The lot code is 2018 JUN13A with a best before deate of June 13, 2018, Consumers who have purchased these products are urged not to consume them, The products subject to recall have the establishment number 424 inside the Canadian Food Inspection

Agency (CFIA) mark of inspection,The food products were shipped to distributors in California, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia and Wisconsin for further distribution to grocery outlets,There have not be any reports of anyone feeling ill after consuming the products, but the USDA says that only who is concerned should contact their healthcare provider



uvo, a Blaine, Wash, company is recalling more than 4,800 pounds of poultry products due to misbranding and undeclared allergens, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced,The issue was discovered when Luvo received customer complaints that the meals inside the packaging were not what it was advertised as being, The products that were recalled were produced on


one-day awareness programme on livestock and poultry farming and the Meghalaya State Livestock Mission, organized by the Office of the D i s t r i c t A n i m a l H u s ba n d r y a n d Veterinary Officer, East Khasi Hills district, in collaboration with the Office of the Block Development Officer, Sohiong C&RD Block, was held at Sohiong C&RD Block on S a t u r d a y, A n i m a l H u s b a n d r y & Veterinary (AH&V) Minister and local MLA HDR Lyngdoh graced the occasion as a chief guest. The programme was also attended by AH&V Director Dr B Rijal, East Khasi Hills Deputy Commissioner PS Dkhar, East Khasi Hills DRDA Project Director D Hynniewta, East Khasi Hills District AH & Veterinary Officer Dr (Mrs) A Pakyntein and Sohiong Block Development Officer MA Challam, besides a host of government officials and farmers and villagers,While addressing the 37

gathering, Lyngdoh said the farmers of the area are fortunate to have such an awareness programme on livestock and poultry farming, which is very important to increase their livestock and poultr y rearing, especially in this area where the environment is suitable for rearing of poultry,He also urged the farmers to go for large-scale farming so as to earn higher profit margins,He said State Livestock Mission launched by Chief Minister MukulSangma recently aimed at creating livelihood opportunities for rural farmers and also provide employment opportunities through livestock and poultry rearing in their own backyards,He also emphasized on the ready availability of market for livestock products as the State depends largely on other States for supply of raw meat and poultry products,The inaugural session was followed by a technical session by Dr RK Marbaniang and Dr (Ms) I Warjri, both AH&V officers, on the topics “Impact of Livestock and Poultry Farming on Rural Livelihoods and Common Diseases Affecting Livestock and Poultry and their Zoonotic Importance.

The Crown is seeking a four-year jail term for a former manager of a Coquitlam poultry company who stole $1.9 million from his bosses,


n sentencing submissions Thursday, Crown counsel Kevin Marks noted that Bruce Steven Arabsky, 54, had committed his crime against Superior Poultry Processors Ltd. because he was financially over-extended, He was drowning in debt. It’s fair to say that at the end of the day, Mr. Arabsky was desperate and as a result he did what he did, Marks told B.C. Supreme Court Justice Miriam Gropper that Arabsky’s moral culpability for the theft was high and argued the offender had showed a “wanton and reckless disregard” for the welfare of his employer, In March 2016, a few days into his trial, the father of five pleaded guilty to one count of theft over $5,000 in relation to the offence,

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.08 | AUGUST - 2017

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NEWS that took place between November 2009 and May 2010. He later tried unsuccessfully to withdraw the guilty plea,Court heard that Arabsky made several dozen electronic transfers totalling nearly $2 million from Superior to a c o m pa n y i n S a s k a tc h e w a n controlled by him. He did not tell his employer he’d done so and the employer was unaware that the money was missing, The theft was only discovered when the company was looking into another financial issue and stumbled upon the crime, Marks told the judge, Marks filed victim impact statements from the owners of the company which said that they were devastated by the breach of trust of their employee, He said the primary sentencing principles were denunciation and deterrence, Arabsky


was found liable to the company in a civil lawsuit heard earlier in B.C. Supreme Court and ordered to pay $1.9 million,He has paid $400,000 so far, leaving nearly $1.5 million owed to the company, Arabsky has no prior criminal record but in December 2014 was convicted for mislabelling and selling chicken drumsticks as turkey drumsticks, an offence committed under the Food and Drugs Act, He’d instructed the production supervisor at Superior to prepare chicken drumsticks for export to Afghanistan and place them in boxes labelled turkey drumsticks, In March 2016, the B.C. Court of Appeal upheld his conviction for that offence, Hollis Lucky, Arabsky’s lawyer, told the judge that considering the circumstances of the offence and

his client and applying the sentencing principles, a more appropriate sentence for Arabsky for the theft was 30 months in jail, He emphasized that his client, who at one time acted as an adviser to two provincial ministers of agriculture regarding the poultry industry, had remained employed throughout the civil and criminal proceedings and had a supportive family, Lucky said the impact on the family from Arabsky’s incarceration will be significant because there are two teens who remain at home and will be supported by their mother on a single income, In a short statement, Arabsky said that he deeply regretted the actions that he’d taken, I stand here accountable for what I’ve done and seek your grace and will accept whatever judgment you deem appropriate,” he told the judge.



illmar Through sporadic rain, the Kandiyohi County Fair kicked off Wednesday here with a lot of judging, One of Wednesday's main events was the poultry show. The poultry and rabbit barn was bustling with commotion as 4-H members carted their birds around and answered the judge's questions, Chickens, ducks and turkeys were judged based on all kinds of characteristics. Birds are judged for their physical characteristics, but the 4-H members who raised them are also judged on their knowledge. 39

They not only have know about their bird, but also about other types of birds in the industry, Wednesday m o r n i n g 's j u d g e , Pa u l Merkins, has been judging poultry for more than 40 years and is the president of the Minnesota State Poultry Association, They have to know) breed characteristics, so they know what breed they're showing, he said,(They have to know) the different parts of the birds, and the different parts of other birds, not just the ones (they 're) showing,The Kandiyohi C o u n t y Fa i r c o n t i n u e s t h ro u g h Saturday at the fairgrounds on Seventh Street Northwest in Willmar. Today there will be beef, horse, goat and swine judging as well as a draft horse and antique tractor parade, a free sweet corn feed and auto racing,The youth who do well at the County Fair will advance to the Minnesota State Fair and present animals there. Many of those

presenting birds at the poultry show were also presenting other animals at the fair and had to run back and forth between buildings tending to their animals, Some youth qualify to go to the State Fair with more than one of their animals. When this happens, they often give up their spot in other categories to runners-up so those kids will get to go also,It's good to see the kids work together and try to get as many kids there as possible,because the State Fair is fun, said Robert Moller,who helps run the poultry barn and is on the Kandiyohi County Fair board,For some kids,it's really the first time they've been without their parents for four days,The same barn also holds the rabbits and hosted the rabbit show later that day,The rabbits were judged much the same way as the poultry where showmanship is a key component, A shuttle will be taking people to the parade from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. from the Willmar Community Center and Kandi Mall.

POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.08 | AUGUST - 2017





International Exhibition on Poultry Livestock & Technology

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uvo Inc. (USA), a Blaine, Wash. e s t a b l i s h m e n t , i s re c a l l i n g approximately 4,805 pounds of poultry products due to misbranding and undeclared allergens, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced today. The products are mislabeled as Chicken Chile Verde that contain milk and soy, but contain Turkey Meatloaf, which has additional allergens, eggs and fish (anchovies), that are not declared on the product label, The products were produced on June 13, 2017. The following product is subject to recall, 10 oz. retail cartons containing “LUVO Steam in Pouch A LITTLE SPICE CHICKEN CHILE VERDE with white chicken, black beans, and polenta and lot code: 2018JUN13A, with a best before date of June 13, 2018.

The products subject to recall bear establishment number “424” inside the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) mark of inspection. These items were shipped to distributors in California, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, Nor th Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia and Wisconsin for further distribution, The problem was discovered after the firm received consumer complaints of the wrong meal inside the retail boxes, There have been no confirmed reports of adverse reactions due to consumption of these products. Anyone concerned about an injury or illness should contact a healthcare provider, Consumer s who have purchased these products are urged not to consume them. These products should be thrown away or returned to the place of purchase.

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POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.08 | AUGUST - 2017




(Life Time Period 10 Years)




Ingredients 3 large chicken breasts or 4 small breasts ¾ cup sliced black olives 1 can artichoke hearts, drained and quartered 1 lemon, juiced 2 small bell peppers, sliced 1 tablespoon coconut oil 2 teaspoons dried oregano 1 teaspoon dried thyme 1 teaspoon garlic powder ½ teaspoon onion powder 2 teaspoons dried parsley 1 teaspoon dried onion flakes ½ teaspoon pepper Optional: crumbled feta Directions Preheat oven to 350 degrees Heat coconut oil in a medium oven-proof skillet over medium high heat. Place chicken breasts in the pan and sear on one side, roughly 3-4 minutes (depending on thickness). Flip breasts over and add sliced bell peppers. Cook additional 3-4 minutes Add the remaining ingredients and spices. Mix well and transfer skillet to oven. Bake 15-20 minutes or until chicken is thoroughly cooked, reaching an internal temperature of 165 degrees Serve immediately and garnish with crumbled feta if desired

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POULTRY PLANNER | VOL. 19 | No.08 | AUGUST - 2017

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