Natural Awakenings South Jersey June 2022

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Special Edition

MEN’S HEALTH new trends in



EMPATHETIC KIDS peaceful passing with an


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Happy June! Spring is turning toward summer and thoughts of baseball games, the beach, and barbeques start to take shape in our minds. June is also a time when we traditionally honor and remember our fathers and our father figures—all of those dads, stepdads, grandads, godfathers, uncles, and other men of integrity who step up and step into the role creating beautiful legacies of love, support, protection and guidance. In this issue, we will examine those masculine energies and emotions that surround all Shae Marcus of us, influencing our families, homes and communities each and every day. We’ll focus on men’s health and wellness and also turn our attention to healing trauma. Check out our very insightful feature about tough-guy gender roles and cultural expectations which can amplify men’s stress levels. This stress can then increase health risks, as well as addiction and suicide rates. Thanks to changing social mores, guy-friendly mental health resources and support, help is more accessible. More men are taking responsibility for their well-being and stepping up to the plate as strong, sensitive leaders. Don’t miss The Healing of the Modern Man: Men Redefine Their Emotional Power. I was especially moved by The Gift of an Imperfect Father which addresses the long work of coming to terms with the failings of a flawed father. How a shift in perspective can help us realize in shorter time their weaknesses actually might also give us important survival tools and resilience. Examining what they have done right and giving credit where it is due can help us move on toward achieving full healing and forgiveness. So, as we begin to make plans for summer, let’s celebrate our masculine friends, family members, spouses, partners and children. We are ever grateful for them and recognize the special part they play in shaping our lives and our world.

Deep bows,

The summer solstice is a time for strength and vitality for action and movement. ~Carole Carlton


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June 2022


CONTENTS Natural Awakenings | South Jersey | June 2022 Issue

18 22 36



Men Redefine Their Emotional Power

Simple Ways Parents Can Cultivate Compassion




The Rise of Sustainable Wine and Spirits



Emerging Therapies Offer Fresh Hope

THE EXERCISE POWER OF E-BIKES Get a Workout on an Easier Ride

Emotional and Spiritual Support for Peaceful Passing




Eco-Tripping for a Digital Detox







South Jersey Edition

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ADVERTISING & SUBMISSIONS HOW TO ADVERTISE To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 856-797-2227 or email Deadline for ads: the 12th of the month. EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS Email articles, news items and ideas to: Deadline for editorial: the 12th of the month. CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS Email Calendar Events to: Deadline for calendar: the 12th of the month. REGIONAL MARKETS Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing, franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets, call 239-434-9392.

EarthShack Gift & Herbiary has been offering the highest quality of locally hand made goods and natural services since 2011. Organic teas, extracts, tinctures, Hemp Products, essential oils, jewelry, mugs, and gemstones are just some of the goodies you could find from our large selection of products.

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June 2022



Acupuncturist Rebecca Fanali Joins Discover Practical Spirituality and Its The Center, Life in Balance Connection to Improving Real Life The Center, Life in Balance, in Medford, recently welcomed Rebecca Fanali, DiplAc, to their community of healing practitioners. Fanali, a licensed acupuncturist, energy healer and herbalist, will offer acupuncture as well as a combination of therapeutic modalities to optimize clients’ healing journeys, including cupping, guasha, moxibustion, facial acupuncture, energy Rebecca Fanali healing and card readings. “With a master’s certificate in Chinese herbal medicine, I am excited as I complete the process of getting licensed so I can prescribe Chinese herbal medicine formulas,” says Fanali. Fanali has a background in behavioral neuroscience, where her passion for mental health began. From a young age, she received acupuncture for her anxiety, which further developed her passion for holistic healing methods. “To support patients in healing the energetics of mind, body and spirit, other energy modalities can be incorporated into treatment if desired. These include the use of reiki, crystals, aromatherapy and card readings,” explains Fanali. “We are so pleased and blessed to be able to offer acupuncture at The Center again,” states owner Susan Drummond. “Rebecca’s energy and philosophy fit in so beautifully with our mission statement: balancing body, mind, spirit.” Location: 45 S. Main St. For more information about Fanali, visit For more information about The Center, visit

Tom McElroy, practitioner of Christian Science healing and international speaker, will present his talk, Spiritual Discovery: In a Time of Upheaval, at 2 p.m. on June 11 at the Cherry Hill Library. This free event, sponsored by First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Haddonfield, will focus on universal healing precepts found in the Bible, especially in Jesus’ life and teachings, and show how they are available for anyone to understand and experience through the lens of Christian Science. “Spiritual discovery is about understanding more of what God is and learning to see our lives and the world through God’s all-good nature,” says McElroy. “It’s about stripping away surface-level appearances in order to discern what actually is. Spiritual discovery reveals what is substantial, lasting and powerful— and this leads to healing.” Sharing examples of healing from his own life and professional practice of Christian Science, McElroy will explain why Christian Science is both Christian and scientific, meaning that people can prove its effectiveness for themselves, as fully described in the book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, written Tom McElroy by the founder of the Christian Science movement, Mary Baker Eddy. Location: 1100 Kings Hwy. N. To arrange a consultation with McElroy, visit For more information, call 856-429-5251, email or visit

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June 2022


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Functional Chiropractor Joins Merchantville Medical Wellness Center Lillee Chianese, DC, ART, CPSC, NRCME, has recently joined the Merchantville Medical Wellness Center. Chianese is passionate about getting to the root cause of patients’ health concerns and preventing further health problems before they start. Her knowledge and clinical expertise uniquely qualify her as an authority on the conservative management of neuromusculoskeletal conditions. “I’ve seen too many patients who have undergone unnecessary surgical interventions, resulting in a life unLillee Chianese deserved,” says Chianese. She describes her approach as salutogenic, meaning “health promotion”. To that end, the goal is optimal health, rather than helping patients become “less sick”. Chianese graduated with a Bachelor of Science in exercise physiology magna cum laude and with her doctor of chiropractic summa cum laude from Sherman College of Chiropractic. She received numerous awards including the X-Ray Intern award and was a top tutor in anatomy, physical examination, orthro/neuro examination, case history and technique. She also achieved National Board awards including the highest Part One Score in her class. Location: 5 W. Chestnut Ave. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 609-651-7436 or 856-532-2063, email or visit

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Fun, Holistic Kids’ Summer Camp at Excitari Wellness Center Excitari Wellness Center, in Medford, is offering a fun mind and body summer camp for children in kindergarten through fifth grade. Their Stress-less Summer Camp will be held from 1 to 5 p.m., July 25 through 29 and from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., August 15 through 19. Campers will have fun while learning about yoga and the science of mindfulness. They will learn how to create calm and inner peace, manage worries like warriors, handle peer conflicts, develop the art of patience and build self-esteem—all in a fun-filled environment. On the last day of camp, parents are invited to a workshop that teaches the strategies the children learned at camp. The camp will be led by Gina Neri, a school counselor, licensed associate counselor and certified yoga teacher who has more than a decade of experience working with children and their families. Location: 30 Jackson Rd., Ste. D-101. For more information or to register, call 856-885-2990 or visit Mention this news brief or use code SUMMERCAMP2022 to receive 10 percent off the registration fee if registering by June 15.


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June 2022



Pump Iron to Boost Sleep

Cut Back on Booze to Protect the Brain

For the one in three Americans that are sleep-deprived, working out with resistance exercises to strengthen muscles may produce longer and deeper shuteye than aerobics, new research from the American Heart Association shows. In a 12-month study, researchers randomly assigned 386 inactive, overweight adults with high blood pressure to one of several groups that worked out for an hour three times a week. A resistance exercise group did three sets of eight to 16 repetitions on 12 machines; the aerobics group used treadmills, bicycles or elliptical machines; a combo group used both; and a control group did no supervised exercise. Among the 42 percent of participants that were not getting at least seven hours of sleep at the study’s start, sleep duration increased by an average of 40 minutes for the resistance exercise group compared to an increase of about 23 minutes in the aerobic exercise group and about 17 minutes in the combined exercise group. “If your sleep has gotten noticeably worse over the past two stressful years, consider incorporating two or more resistance exercise training sessions into your regular exercise

daxiao productions/

Dmitry Naumov/

It is widely known that heavy drinking harms the brain, but even drinking as little as a few beers or glasses of wine per week will reduce brain volume, according to a new study of 36,000 adults. Researchers led by a University of Pennsylvania team reported in Nature Communications that alcohol consumption even at modest levels may carry risks to the brain, shrinking it in ways similar to the aging process. The study was conducted using the UK Biobank, a dataset from 500,000 British middle-aged and older adults that includes genetic and medical information, including white and gray matter volume in different regions of the brain. The researchers found that the more alcohol people consumed on average, the greater the brain damage. Going from zero to a daily average of one alcohol unit (half a beer or half a glass of wine) is linked with the equivalent of a half a year of aging in 50-year-olds. Drinking an average of two units a day (a pint of beer or glass of wine) produces changes in the brain equivalent to aging two years. The difference between zero and four units (two beers or glasses of wine) was equal to more than 10 years of aging. “It’s not linear,” says study co-author Remi Daviet. “It gets worse the more you drink. There is some evidence that the effect of drinking on the brain is exponential. That means that cutting back on that final drink of the night might have a big effect in terms of brain aging.”

routine to improve your general muscle and bone health, as well as your sleep,” says study author Angelique Brellenthin, assistant professor of kinesiology at Iowa State University, in Ames.

Nitrate-rich beetroot extract and citrulline, a non-essential amino acid, have been shown to be precursors of nitric oxide, which benefits athletic performance by expanding blood vessels and increasing blood flow. To determine whether combining the two produces better results, Spanish researchers gave the two supplements separately and together to 32 male triathletes for nine weeks. The dosages were 3 grams a day of citrulline and 2.1 grams a day of beetroot extract. In a study published in Biology, they reported that the combination did not improve markers of exercise-induced muscle damage, but did reduce cortisol levels, and also enabled those participants to run 5 percent farther in the standard 12-minute Cooper Test. 10

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Run Farther with Beetroot and Citrulline

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June 2022



Six Reasons Missing Teeth Can Impact Our Health Missing teeth can put us at risk for other dental problems as well as systemic health issues. That’s why it’s crucial to replace missing teeth with metal-free dental implants. Missing Teeth Make Eating Difficult Individuals with missing teeth often report pain or difficulties chewing. The inability to eat properly is linked to poor nutrition due to a restricted diet. This can contribute to nutrition deficits and even digestive issues. Lost Teeth Harms Other Teeth and Gums Teeth which are no longer supported by healthy gums begin to loosen and may even fall out. The absence of teeth creates gaps between existing teeth enabling the remaining teeth to shift or lean into the void spaces. This contributes to weakened ligaments that increase the risk for teeth to fall out or it can cause the jawbone to shrink and lose density, and creates misalignment. Systemic Health Issues When a tooth is out, neighboring teeth are harder to clean, subject to increased plaque buildup and additional decay. This heightens the risk for periodontal disease and a greater chance of infection, to the mouth and the rest of the body. The health of our mouths is a reliable indicator for assessing whole-body health. Oral health and systemic health are connected, in diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, dementia—just to name a few. Missing Teeth Make People Look Older Missing teeth causes bone loss which affects facial structure. Teeth naturally serve a purpose: to protect the jawbone which helps maintain the shape of the face. Like a house with collapsed frames, missing teeth are unable to support the jawbone and as the bone deteriorates, it can no longer support the facial muscles causing them to droop. When facial muscles begin to sag it begins to alter the overall shape and structure of the face, giving the appearance of people looking older or having aged. Missing Teeth Take Years Off Your Life According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, by age 50, most Americans

have lost an average of 12 teeth. As we continue to age, it does get worse. In the U.S., more than 25 percent of adults ages 65 to 74 will have lost all of their teeth. The focus of recent studies has indicated a relationship between tooth loss and mortality. And individuals with more missing teeth live shorter lives. That’s why it’s so important for people to replace missing teeth. A Broken Smile Can Damage Confidence We’re naturally inclined to be attracted to individuals that have a pretty smile or even brighter, whiter teeth. It’s common for individuals with missing teeth to develop insecurities about their smiles. This can affect self-esteem, mental health and even physical health. Along with missing teeth taking years off of our lives, replacing them can improve our health and quality of life. Restoring teeth with a metal-free dental implant helps support a healthy mouth and healthy jaw. By improving oral health, we are also improving our systemic health. Ceramic dental implants are strong and durable, and they fit, function and look like natural teeth. Also, they are hypoallergenic and biocompatible, making them a safe and friendly option. It’s time to restore our health and the confidence in our smile, today. For more information or to schedule an appointment with the Holistic Dental Center New Jersey, call 973-609-5984 or visit

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June 2022



Shady Solution

California Canals Gain Solar Panels

Easy Beezy

To both conserve water and generate clean energy, Project Nexus, an innovative pilot project from the University of California-Merced, will install solar arrays over 25-foot- and 100-footwide canals in the Turlock Irrigation District so operators can monitor and evaluate their impact on water quality and evaporation, as well as assess maintenance and logistical issues. External Affairs Department Manager Josh Weimer says, “In today’s world and how we are operating our system, saving every possible drop of water for future beneficial use is something that we are really trying to focus on.” In Europe, canals are lined with tree cover, while India has already started using solar panels. Project partner Solar AquaGrid, LLC, recognized the untapped opportunity to curtail evaporation and advance California’s Solar Over Canal initiative. CEO Jordan Harris states, “Research and common sense tell us that in an age of intensifying drought, it’s time to put a lid on evaporation. Our initial study revealed mounting solar panels over open canals can result in significant water, energy and cost savings when compared to ground-mounted solar systems, including added efficiency resulting from an exponential shading and cooling effect. Now is the chance to put that learning to the test.”

Weeds Attract Pollinators to Increase Harvests

Kiryakova Anna/

A recent study published in Insects compared mango trees at a local farm in Homestead, Florida, where one plot of trees had weeds growing around them and another plot was maintained to be weed-free. It turns out that the presence of weeds benefits trees and pollinators. “Weeds actually do a lot of good. It might be helpful to think of them of wildflowers,” says Blaire Kleiman, the Florida International University Institute of Environment graduate teaching assistant and alumna who, under the guidance of professors Suzanne Koptur and Krishnaswamy Jayachandran, undertook this research funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Hispanic-Serving Institutions Education Grants program. Fruit trees can’t live without pollinators. Bees and other insects have been shown to increase the size and quality of yields from 70 percent of the leading, economically important crops in the world, but it’s getting harder to bring bees to the trees. Over the last 30 years, pollinator numbers have declined significantly. Farmers already rely on insectary plants to attract pollinators, and Kleiman notes that her findings apply to 80 percent of all flowering plants of Earth, including vegetables like tomatoes, beans, eggplants and squash. She wants her study to help farmers also reduce the use of chemical pesticides that harm pollinators.

Nesty Habits

Climate Change Causing Birds to Lay Eggs Earlier


Our national parks are places of unparalleled scenic beauty and wildlife for all of us to enjoy. These national treasures are being threatened by plastic trash. Nonprofit Free the Ocean is circulating a petition to Get Single-Use Plastic Out of U.S. National Parks. Sign it at Tinyurl. com/PlasticParkPetition.

Summertime is always the best of what might be. ~Charles Bowden South Jersey Edition

©2022 Free the Ocean.

Ban Plastics in National Parks


In a new study, “Climate Change Affects Bird Nesting Phenology: Comparing Contemporary Field and Historical Museum Nesting Records,” published in the Journal of Animal Ecology, scientists were able to determine that about a third of the bird species nesting in Chicago are laying their eggs a month earlier than they did 100 years ago by comparing eggs preserved in museum collections to modern observations. Researchers think the culprit in this shift is climate change. John Bates, curator of birds at the Field Museum and the study’s lead author, says, “The majority of the birds we looked at eat insects, and insects’ seasonal behavior is also affected by climate. The birds have to move their egg-laying dates to adapt. Egg collections are such a fascinating tool for us to learn about bird ecology over time. I love the fact that this paper combines these older and modern datasets to look at these trends over about 120 years and help answer really critical questions about how climate change is affecting birds.” Bates advises, “These early egg people were incredible natural historians in order to do what they did. You really have to know the birds in order to go out and find the nests and do the collecting.”

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Access Denied Don’t Fence Me In

A group of biologists in the northern Rockies published a paper in 2018, “A fence runs through it: A call for greater attention to the influence of fences on wildlife and ecosystems.” In 2020, a meta-analysis in BioScience looked at all the studies of the effects of fences and found that their profound impacts are often ignored or greatly underestimated. The impacts extend far beyond blocking animal migration routes and include furthering disease transmission by concentrating animals, altering the hunting practices of predators and impeding access to key areas of water and forage. Fences are going up rapidly as border barriers and livestock farming increase. In the case of the U.S./Mexico border wall intended to prevent illegal immigration, “The main threat ... is the landscape-level impacts of curtailing or completely precluding wildlife movement and eliminating landscape connectivity at large scales,” says Aaron Flesch, a wildlife biologist at the University of Arizona, who has studied the wall’s impacts. Bighorn sheep and jaguars are cut off from their kind on the other side of the border. That means that the genetic interaction needed to keep small populations of jaguars or ocelots healthy may be affected. It also means bighorn sheep in Mexico may not be able to migrate north to escape a hotter and drier climate.

Spiritual Discovery In a Time of Upheaval

This lecture is about how we find real change and healing through new views of people, power and prayer A Talk By Tom McElroy Christian Science Lecturer As a Christian Science practitioner, Tom McElroy prays with people from many different walks of life in order to help them find spiritually-based solutions to issues ranging from health problems to financial and relationship difficulties. He has spoken to general audiences and groups in universities, churches and prisons throughout North America, Europe, Africa and Australia.

Saturday, June 11 2:00 PM Cherry Hill Library 1100 Kings Highway North, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 in the library’s Conference Center. For more information visit: or call 856-429-5251

Be like the flower, turn your face to the sun.

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~Kahlil Gibran


June 2022


ECO TIP Lend a Helping Hand at a Park Local, state and national parks rely on volunteers to conduct tours and maintain green areas and facilities. Even artists and scientists are welcome to lend their experromul014/

tise. Consider combining a park visit with


purposeful assistance. The National Park Service runs a Volunteers-in-Parks program ( that offers one-time service projects and longer-term positions at parks throughout the country and in U.S. territories in the

Helping nature while enjoying the great

Pacific and Caribbean. Visit

outdoors is a classic win-win opportunity.

Get on the Community

Here are a few ideas to join the fun while

Gardening Bandwagon

contributing sweat equity.

Community gardens are springing up on school grounds, at hospitals and correc-

Corral the Cleanup Crew

tional facilities, on rooftops and balconies,

Becoming a weekend cleanup commu-

and in unused public spaces and under-

nity leader can be as simple as gathering

served communities. Researchers have

family, friends and neighbors to beautify

proven what we suspect: Gardening is a

the surroundings and save animals from

great workout and leads to improved heart

suffering. To improve water quality, pay

health and weight loss, while breathing

special attention to beaches and rivers.

fresh air and helping things grow in kinship

Get permission from local authorities,

with like-minded people is a surefire mood

arrange a special trash pickup and equip

enhancer. Reaping the benefits of locally

the crew with gloves and garbage bags.

grown, fresh produce; beautifying a neigh-

Afterwards, stand together proudly before

borhood with flowering plants or shade

the enormous hill of discarded plastics,

trees; and providing food and refuge for pol-

fishing lines, beer bottles, aluminum cans,

linators and other wildlife is not too shabby,

fast-food containers and other refuse.

either. Now is the time to join an existing

Congratulate the team and take pictures

group or start a new community garden. For

to post on social media. For more tips, visit

inspiring examples and how-to ideas, visit and

for tasks like a campground host at the Rocky Mountain National Park or climber steward at Joshua Tree National Park. Many state park systems and municipal parks and recreation departments use websites to manage their volunteer opportunities, such as Volunteers.Flo or All it takes is an internet search of the name of the state or county plus “park” and “volunteer” to find local openings.

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June 2022


The Healing of the Modern Man



South Jersey Edition

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For generations immemorial, men have been builders of culture, solid providers and inspired adventurers, but gender roles and sometimes-conflicting cultural expectations have taken a heavy toll on both the individual and community. The pervasive “tough guy” paradigm has denied half the human race its full emotional expression, resulting in amplified stress levels, compromised physical health, toxic aggression, broken families and a higher risk for addiction. According to research published in the American Journal of Men’s Health in 2020, death by suicide among men is almost four times higher than that of women and is partly attributed to the stigma of seeking treatment for depression. African American men carry the additional burden of racial and economic inequality, and their depressive symptoms are often more persistent and incapacitating. Contrary to common myth, men are deeply emotional and responsive beings by nature. Centuries overdue, restrictive cultural definitions are slowly shifting to a broader psychosocial view of authentic manhood. Thanks to guy-friendly mental health resources, virtual and in-person support communities and diverse options in the alternative health field, more men are taking responsibility for their well-being and learning how to embody emotional freedom. They are stepping up to the plate as strong, sensitive leaders, something our world needs now more than ever.


The masculine expectation and requirement have been for most boys to “buck up and tough it out” during childhood and adolescence, and this overt or sometimes very subtle conditioning can promote disproportionate power plays, homophobia and resistance to emotional intimacy well into adulthood. “Every society has ‘feeling rules’ that govern how emotions can be expressed publicly,” says psychologist Michael Reichert, executive director of the Center for

the Study of Boys’ and Girls’ Lives at the University of Pennsylvania and author of How to Raise a Boy: The Power of Connection to Build Good Men. “Research tells us that boys are born as emotionally expressive as girls, but in a short time receive constant messages from their loved ones, schoolmates and TV shows that only certain emotions are okay for boys.” Such emotional restrictiveness has a profoundly negative impact on male development, he says. For Todd Adams in Elmhurst, Illinois, cofounder of MenLiving. org and a Tony Robbins-certified life coach, recognizing societal trappings is key. “The first step is to have the awareness that we have been lied to for as long as we can remember about what it means to be a man. We have been conditioned to stay in the ‘man box’, which means if we show any type of vulnerability, our value from the outside, as well as from the inside, plummets.” Reichert concurs. “My belief is that tragic outcomes—addictions, violence, suicide and premature mortality—are a reflection of how men’s human natures are thwarted by cultural norms. Being confined to a man box is hazardous. We humans, including men, are built to express our hearts in close connections to others we love and who love us.” The notion of going the distance solo is discouraged by Adams, whose organization helps men from all walks of life find support and connection through online meetings and adventure outings. “Once the awareness is there, I would invite family, partners, et cetera, to invite us to show up in a more authentic and human way,” he says.

STRESS AND THE PHYSIOLOGY OF FEELINGS For many men, emotions—other than “socially acceptable” anger and irritation—rarely see the light of day and instead morph into physical maladies such as digestive trouble, headaches, chest pain and high blood pressure. Unmanaged stress can also zap any zing in the bedroom. “I’m certainly not a doctor, but I’m sure there is a correlation for some about their emotional/mental/financial well-being being related to erectile dysfunction. The men that I work with often have a habit of not taking good care of themselves, and that lack of self-care ripples into other parts of their life, including their sexual life,” observes Adams. In spite of the fact that many others are struggling with the same condition, out of shame, it is often kept in the shadows. “My advice is that men find safe spaces to discuss these challenges with others. My hope is that men can discuss sexuality and intimacy as openly as women do.” Josh Beharry, project coordinator of, in Vancouver, Canada, an online resource hub for men battling depression, has spearheaded online stress assessment tests for more than 26,000 men over the age of 18 and found surprising consistency. “The results suggest that the two most common stressors faced by the men are a lack of meaning and feelings of loneliness, followed by financial strain, relationship difficulties and problems at work,” he says. According to data gathered by Tulane University, human connection boosts immunity and wards off cardiovascular disease,

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June 2022



anxiety, depression and cognitive impairment. For men especially, social bonds are critical in coping with life stresses. Forging new alliances and maintaining old ones can be challenging with or without a pandemic, but online communities offer additional support, camaraderie and nonjudgmental sharing, which can be especially helpful for those suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), addiction and depression.

BEYOND TALK THERAPY Male depression can be hidden in plain sight, disguised as hitting the bottle to “relax”, or by working compulsively, engaging in highrisk behaviors or easily flying off the handle at loved ones. Beharry knows firsthand how insidious the disease can be and why seeking help sooner than later is vital. After miraculously surviving a horrific suicide attempt, he unexpectedly found hope and the will to live through walking, breathwork and human connection. Being honest with others, as well as himself, was a turning point in his recovery. “For a lot of men, talking about dealing with depression feels like an admission of weakness or something to feel guilty about,” he says. “Try to think of emotional pain like physical pain. If you get cut, you bleed; that’s part of being human. Then 20

South Jersey Edition

you do something to treat the wound. Or if it’s deeper, you go to a doctor or a hospital. Denying painful emotions is like trying not to bleed when you get cut or trying to pretend you’re not bleeding.” For family members or friends concerned about a man’s mental health, he advises, “Vague assertions like, ‘You seem depressed,’ can make a guy feel attacked or put on the spot. Instead, it’s helpful to start by pointing out specific observations you’ve had about changes to his mood or behavior, such as, ‘You seem stressed out,’ or, ‘You haven’t been eating much,’ or, ‘You’ve been isolating yourself from friends or turning down plans more than usual.’” It is estimated that 4 percent of men suffer from the physical and psychological consequences of trauma, and PTSD is certainly not reserved for combat veterans. While traditional therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy and exposure therapy are excellent for treating depression, other modalities offer light at the end of the tunnel for men plagued by traumatic overwhelm. Somatic Experiencing, developed by PTSD psychologist Peter Levine during the last 50 years, targets trauma stored in the nervous system and gently helps a person to increase their tolerance for difficult physical sensations and buried emotions. It is also highly useful in addiction recovery. Therapeutic massage, yoga and regular exercise are all allies for men to combat stress, anchor into their bodies and access unconscious feelings. In the end, little things add up to a whole lot of change for a man. “You are not alone. Take your responsibility in how you experience life. Empower yourself with resources—podcasts, books, therapy, coaching—whatever support might look like for you,” advises Adams. There is no better time than now for the masculine to rise to a new level of greatness. “There is ample evidence that we are in a paradigm-shifting moment in the history of manhood,” says Reichert. “When I speak with parents, I say that there has never been a better time in all of human history to raise a son.” Marlaina Donato is an author and multimedia artist. Connect at

HELPFUL RESOURCES MenLiving, A national program of virtual and in-person opportunities for men to forge healthy and nourishing connections. EVRYMAN, An online men’s community group. Good Men Project, Includes articles on many topics including relationships, dads and families, advice and confessions, and ethics. HeadsUpGuys, A program at The University of British Columbia that provides support for men to prevent and manage depression.

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June 2022




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by Sheila Julson

Iconic food and beverage magazines such as Bon Appetit and Food & Wine affirm that sustainable and socially responsible wines and spirits are becoming a major force in the market, yet consumers wanting to pour an Earth-conscious tipple need a sobering amount of research to sort through what’s truly eco-friendly. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not require wine makers to list ingredients on labels or regulate the use of terms such as “natural” and “sustainably grown”. “There are more than 70 additives that are allowed in wine that don’t have to be disclosed on the label,” explains Brad Kruse, who with his wife, Allie, owns Nonfiction Natural Wines, a Milwaukee-based specialty wine retailer. “The only real requirement relating to additives is the declaration of sulfites, which makes it trickier, because even wines with no added sulfites have to have the warning on the label because some naturally occur in the wine.” 22

South Jersey Edition

Some wine labels tout that they’re made with organic grapes or grapes that are farmed sustainably. “But those may still have a host of other additives or lots of added sulfites,” says Kruse. Certifications can act as a shortcut to locate eco-friendly wines. Demeter USA, for example, certifies vineyards that follow strict biodynamic rules for how the wine is farmed and processed, including limiting sulfites. But many small producers that operate naturally don’t bother obtaining certification. Independent wine shops with knowledgeable employees can help consumers choose wisely. Kruse recommends looking for the name of the importer on the back label, saying, “If you learn a handful of importers that focus on naturally made wines, such as Louis/Dressner, Zev Rovine or Jenny & Francois, it can be a quick way to find a good option.”

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Sustainability in the Vineyards

¼ oz cherry liqueur 2½ oz sustainably produced rye 1 oz sweet vermouth 2 dashes angostura bitters 1 dash cherry bitters 1 maraschino cherry

Rudy Marchesi, the former chairman of Demeter USA, practices biodynamic farming at his vineyard, Montinore Estate, in Forest Grove, Oregon. “We view our farm as one whole organism, below and above the ground,” he says. Biodynamic farming, founded by philosopher Rudolf Steiner a century ago, requires using nutritionally rich compost teeming with microbiology of fungi and bacteria, as well as synchronizing specific farming practices with the seasons. These practices help the vineyards buffer droughts and weather swings, resulting in a consistent product that reflects the region. “Wine connoisseurs and collectors look for wines that have a sense of place and tell the story of where they’re from,” Marchesi says.

Coat a chilled cocktail glass with cherry liqueur. Add the remaining ingredients over ice in a a shaker. Stir and strain into the cocktail glass. Garnish with the cherry. Recipe and photo courtesy of Dad’s Hat Rye Whiskey.

Distillers Move Toward Sustainable Practices

Sheila Julson is a Milwaukee-based freelance writer and contributor to Natural Awakenings magazine.

WHALE HELLO THERE 2 oz sustainably produced gin ½ oz fresh lime juice ½ oz fresh lemon juice ½ oz agave syrup Fill a cocktail shaker with ice and pour in the gin, lime juice, lemon juice and agave. Shake vigorously and strain into a chilled martini glass, or over a glass filled with ice. Garnish with a lemon twist and serve immediately. Recipe and photo courtesy of Gray Whale Gin.


Alcohol is an agricultural product, so producing a sustainable spirit starts with the grain itself, says Herman C. Mihalich, founder and distiller of Mountain Laurel Spirits, in New Hope, Pennsylvania. “Rye is a much less resource-intensive grain to grow compared to crops like corn,” he says. The recipe for the company’s signature Dad’s Hat Rye Whiskey calls for malted barley and rye, but no corn. “Rye doesn’t need much fertilizer and few, if any, pesticides. It’s easy to grow and it preserves soil because it’s a fall planting crop that helps prevent erosion,” he says. Their grains are sourced from a nearby farmer, and they save water by capturing cooling water from the still’s condenser and storing it in a tank, then using it to clean tanks and make spent mash that can be used for livestock feed. The bottles are made locally by Stoelzle Glass, in Monaca, Pennsylvania. When seeking sustainably produced spirits, customers have to do their due diligence, Mihalich says. “It requires a little digging and asking the right questions: What grains are you using and from where? How are you using water?” When Extreme Chef host Marsh Mokhtari and his wife, Jan, founded Gray Whale Gin, they rotated proprietorship with two existing distilleries instead of using land and resources to build a new one. A vacation in Big Sur inspired the couple to “capture California in a glass” and make a product with ingredients found along the gray whale migratory route between the Baja Peninsula and Oregon. They hired a professional forager to collect juniper berries along the coast. “Juniper for most gin is sourced from Italy or Macedonia,” says Mokhtari. “We predominantly use juniper berries from California, which are light purple and larger, with a cedar component.” They also source mint and limes from sustainable farms in California. Gray Whale Gin gives back through a partnership with the environmental nonprofits Oceana and 1% for the Planet. They recently joined with Oceana and former California governor Jerry Brown to support responsible swordfishing practices off the California coast.

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June 2022


Natural Ways for Promoting

PROSTATE HEALTH by Abbe Lang Prostate cancer is one of the leading causes of death, especially among men, worldwide. In this sense, being a male is one of the risk factors for developing prostate cancer. Others associated with prostate cancer include body inactivity, obesity, increased height, old age and a family history of cancer. While it is impossible to decide our DNA or genetic line to prevent prostate cancer, there are several natural ways to promote prostate health. One of the natural ways of promoting prostate health and preventing cancer is eating a healthy and balanced diet. Notably, understanding how a healthy diet promotes prostate health is crucial to understanding how different diets lead to cancer. For instance, diets with high amounts of the wrong saturated fats (trans fats) and inorganic milk products tend to increase the risk for prostate cancer. In this sense, it is crucial to eat diets that balance the rations of these products at various mealtimes. In addition, fish consumption has also been cited as a factor that lowers prostate cancer deaths. The other natural way of lowering the risk of contracting it is reducing our body mass index or put simply, maintaining a healthy body weight. Obesity and no exercise are factors that increase prostate cancer risks. This is because obesity increases inflammation and abnormally high levels of insulin, as well as sex hormone growth. The best way to maintain a healthy weight is by observing a healthy, whole-foods meal plan and exercising at least three to five times per week. Body inactivity increases insulin resistance, increasing blood sugar levels and body inflammation. These factors are 24

South Jersey Edition

responsible for increasing prostate cancer risks which call for the need for regular body activity to lower weight. A study by the World Cancer Research unveiled that, of all of the cancer diagnoses in the U.S., 18 percent of them are linked to body fatness and physical inactivity. This means that such risks are preventable when we choose to lower our body weight. Taking natural vitamin supplements is the other preferred way of promoting prostate health. Vitamin E, for instance, protects against prostate cancer if taken at a standardized rate daily. In addition, this vitamin can be found in food sources such as peanut butter. Similarly, vitamin C is essential for inhibiting the spread of prostate cancer and has natural sources such as oranges, broccoli, strawberries and potatoes. Finally, vitamin D is also an essential supplement for protecting against all types of cancers. Notably, this vitamin is created in the skin during sunlight exposure. Basking is, therefore, a natural way of preventing prostate cancer. I still

recommend additional supplementation of vitamin D with K2. Green tea, which contains carnivora, goldenseal, buchu and suma, are just some of the other recommended natural supplements for promoting prostate health. However, it is crucial to seek professional advice on how to consume these natural products. Some herbal products can be taken every day while others such as goldenseal, which according to expert views, should not be consumed steadily over a long period of time. Other natural products include modified citrus pectin, pygeum, grape seed products and turmeric, all of which prevent and reduce the growth of cancerous cells. In summary, exercising, basking in the sun, staying sexually active and maintaining a healthy diet are ways of boosting prostate health. Notably, vitamin and dietary supplements and homeopathic products may also boost prostate health if consumed in the recommended ways. Please be sure to consult with a homeopath since there are numerous homeopathic remedies for this condition. Whole-food diets include whole grains, berries, vegetables and fruits, foods rich in zinc, drinking plenty of water and cold-pressed organic oils. In addition, abstaining from meat other than grass-fed, alcoholic beverages, coffee, excess dairy products and caffeine teas is suggested. These, among other natural practices, boost prostate health and prevent cancer. Abbe Lang is a certified health and wellness coach and homeopath, located at 701 Rte. 73 N., in Marlton. For more information or to make an appointment, call 856-452-3434 or visit

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June 2022



The Exercise Power of E-Bikes GET A WORKOUT ON AN EASIER RIDE T he familiar adage, “No pain, no gain,” doesn’t really apply to e-bikes. Although a pedal-assist electric bicycle is zippier and easier to ride than a conventional model, researchers are finding that as long as we’re pedaling, we’re still getting our heart pumping, building stamina and experiencing some of that cardio magic. That’s good news for those of us that like to work smarter, not harder. What’s more, that battery-enabled oomph supplies riders with the enjoyment, motivation and self-confidence to venture out more frequently and for longer periods of time, give hills and inclines a try and even pedal to work for an active, eco-friendly commute. It’s a win-win-win. In 2018, researchers at Brigham Young University (BYU), in Provo, Utah, sought to quantify just how good a workout was possible on an e-bike, and they discovered that the average heart rate was only 6.21 beats per minute lower than on a conventional cycle. “The e-bike and conventional bike averages both fell within that 50 to 70 percent maximum-heart rate threshold which is indicative of moderate-intensity cardiovascular activity, so there seems to be a similar amount of benefit for heart health when riding an e-bike, despite the fact that the perceived exertion was significantly lower than on a conventional bike,” says Taylor Hoj, lead author of the study published in the journal JMIR Public Health and Surveillance. The college-aged men and women that participated in the study rode the same 10-mile trail on each type of bike, so it was easy to compare how much faster the e-bikes were. 26

South Jersey Edition

photo courtesy of Gail Coleman

by Sandra Yeyati

Cyclists averaged 12 miles per hour (mph) on the conventional bike and 16 mph on the e-bike, reaching top speeds of 22 mph and 27 mph, respectively. On average, the same route took 54 minutes to complete on the conventional bike and only 39 minutes on the e-bike—a 30 to 40 percent time savings. For people considering using an e-bike to commute to work, that reduction might make it easier to give it a shot. Using questionnaires given before and after each ride, the BYU researchers found,

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“In general, participants agreed that they could ride an e-bike on most days, in the cold, when they were tired or dressed in formal attire, while carrying groceries or books, or on hilly terrain,” says Hoj, a health equity epidemiologist at the Utah Department of Health and adjunct faculty member at the BYU College of Life Sciences. Notably absent from the study were e-bikes with throttles, which with a twist of the handle or the push of a button, provide a boost even when the rider isn’t pedaling. These bikes would probably not provide the same level of exercise benefits. In 2019, the same BYU researchers conducted a similar study with experienced mountain bikers, published in the JMIR Formative Research Journal. “Our results in that study supported the idea that using a pedal-assist electric mountain bike (EMTB) retained the cardiovascular benefit and that the participants overwhelmingly perceived the potential of EMTB use to be positive,” Hoj says. “Some of them said an EMTB could help get them out on the trails more or perhaps get them to ride longer and go further, and also would allow older, injured, disabled or less-fit riders to enjoy mountain biking on dirt trails, whereas maybe their age, injuries or fitness levels limited their capability on a conventional mountain bike.” According to Hoj, e-bikes offer a great set of benefits for fitness buffs. “Even if you’re a very serious athlete and in training programs, there are days where maybe you’re recovering from a more intense ride and your muscles are really sore, but you still want to continue to train your heart and that aerobic side of things, and an e-bike could be a great use for a more laid back aerobic day while the legs are recovering,” he says. “And if someone is wanting to get into mountain biking but doesn’t feel like they have the fitness to get there or doesn’t know how to start, that pedal assist could remove that initial barrier.” Ultimately, the decision to buy an e-bike—good ones start at $1,000—may come down to emotional considerations. “They’re a lot of fun to ride,” Hoj says.

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Sandra Yeyati, J.D., a professional writer and editor, can be reached at Be sure to let our advertisers know you found them in


June 2022



How to Raise Empathetic Kids


olesia bilkei/

by Carrie Jackson


South Jersey Edition

Empathy is the foundation of a caring society. While we are all born with a certain amount, cultivating it is a skill that can be strengthened with practice, and it is critical that the learning process start early, say childhood educators. An empathetic child can better manage their own emotional responses and understand how someone else might be feeling. Studies show that children that practice empathy are less likely to bully and better suited to collaborative environments, setting them up for academic and professional success. According to educator Traci Baxley, of Boca Raton, Florida, empathy in children is developed over time and with repetition. “The earlier we begin to model empathy with our children, the more they will mimic the characteristics associated with the awareness and care of others. Teaching and modeling empathy early supports children’s emotion regulation development and contributes to creating safe spaces in our homes for children to feel nurtured, valued and cared for,” she says. As a speaker, coach and author of Social Justice Parenting: How to Raise Compassionate, Anti-Racist, Justice-Minded Kids in an Unjust World, Baxley uses empathy as a tool for fostering civic-minded awareness. “Empathy is foundational to achieving social justice and creating a world where everyone has a fair chance to live a full, productive life. Social justice requires us to see each other’s perspectives, circumstances and lived experiences through the lens of empathy and compassion. It’s the

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Empathy often starts with listening. only way to live in the space of active hope that we can create a world free from inequities and injustices,” she says. One innovative program, Toronto-based Roots of Empathy, began in 1996 after a mother brought her baby into a kindergarten classroom for children to relate to. With the aid of an instructor, they were encouraged to understand the baby’s needs and feelings, and to take the baby’s perspective. So successfully did the interaction reduce bullying behavior that the program has since spread globally, reaching 1 million children in K-8 classes. “In school, students are taught to read, but if we don’t teach them to relate, then we can expect failed societies,” says founder Mary Gordon. “By interpreting the feelings of the tiny baby and sharing when they had the same feelings, the students develop emotional literacy and awareness. This enables them to build connections and healthy relationships, which leads to inclusion and integration.” By parents modeling empathy and vulnerability around their children, the foundation is laid for open conversations, she says. “At the dinner table, say, ‘Today I felt embarrassed when I was called on at work and felt unprepared.’ Identifying and normalizing feelings is the best way to show them it’s something you value and encourage their natural instincts. Kids learn best through observation rather than instruction.” At The Children’s Museum, in Oak Lawn, an Illinois nonprofit, play is an essential part of childhood development. Executive Director Adam Woodworth says the institution focuses on kindness and gratitude to build a foundation of empathy. “Helping children find their empathy for others develops strong friendships built on trust and understanding. Parents can incorporate empathy into explanations for everyday interactions such as sharing toys. Instead of focusing on the negative of giving up their toy for someone else, talk about how happy the other child would feel,” he suggests. Empathy often starts with listening. “Teaching children how to listen for context is a skill that is developed over time. Parents can help by asking open-ended questions while reading, such as, ‘Why do you think Frog didn’t want to invite Snake to the party?’ This helps cultivate both understanding and empathy, acknowledges their feelings as real and validates them in a way that they know we care,” he says. Baxley stresses that it is imperative for parents to model the behaviors they want to cultivate in front of their children. “The way we show up for our children is how they will show up for others,” she says. “We have to pour these habits of empathy and compassion into our children in the privacy of our homes if we expect them to know how to show up for others in that way out in the world.”

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June 2022



Healing Trauma



by Ronica O’Hara


South Jersey Edition

Refugee children with tear-stained faces, the frail elderly being wheeled away from floods or fires, the sobbing families of gunshot victims—the faces of trauma are seen in every heartbreaking newscast. And the faces are even closer to us than that, walking down the street: a woman that recoils from touch, a child that has withdrawn into himself, a man with incoherent bursts of anger. The trauma of death, cruelty and destruction has always been part of the human experience. In the U.S., surveys show that as many as 60 to 70 percent of people report being traumatized by sexual assault, accidents, violence, war combat or other causes, and as many as one in 11 may be diagnosed in their lifetime with the more severe post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The encouraging news is that in the last few decades, a revolution has occurred in the recognition of how widespread trauma is and how deeply embedded it can be, not only in our behaviors but in our bodies. That, in turn, has led to effective and ever-evolving approaches to heal what’s been broken. “Although trauma and PTSD are visible in the culture everywhere now, from films to popular literature and from legal to mental health fields, until 1980 the topic was virtually non-existent,” says San Francisco psychologist, PTSD researcher and author Harvey Schwartz, Ph.D., who has treated trauma clients in clinical practice for 35 years. “After it became a legitimate diagnosis in 1980, long-overdue research and development of clinical protocols occurred, and today, almost every tradition and subculture within the mental health field has its own model of how to treat trauma.” Shaping the ongoing dialogue has been the research of Boston psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk, whose 2014 book, The Body Keeps the Score, has occupied the top rung of The New York Times bestseller list for three years. In magnetic imaging studies, he found that when a person is thrust into a terrorizing incident, the cognitive functions in the brain’s temporal lobe shut down and activity shifts to the self-defense mode of the amygdala. When the person responds by fighting, fleeing or freezing, physiological reactions kick in, which armor the body and trap emotions and thinking in that fraught moment, distorting future perceptions and experiences. He argues that any true healing of trauma must include “bottom-up” modalities focusing on the body rather than only mental “top-down” insights. He also insists that no single treatment alone is likely enough and no

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combination of treatments will be the same for every person. Christine Songco, a Los Angeles dental hygienist and wellness coach, used cognitive therapy, journaling and meditation to relieve the trauma of a grueling bout with cancer, but hearing loud and angry voices still made her panic. What ultimately proved healing was an hour-long session of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), in which she followed a therapist’s prompt to move her eyes back and forth while memories surfaced. “It got to the root of my fear and anxiety and the source of my trauma without hours of therapy talking sessions, but I do think the other work I did set the stage for EMDR to be effective for me,” she says. Schwartz says that two major approaches to treating PTSD have emerged: cognitive and experiential. Cognitive, or “talk therapies”, supported by academic research and insurance companies, emphasize mentally processing painful memories to manage such symptoms as nightmares, flashbacks and explosive anger, often using anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications. They can include such strategies as narrative recall, slowly increasing exposure to the traumatic material, mindfulness training and deep breathing exercises. “Cognitive approaches help survivors learn how to become an expert of themselves so that they can respond to their trauma in a healthier way,” says psychologist Sabina Mauro, of Yardley, Pennsylvania, author of The Mindfulness Workbook for PTSD. This type of therapy can take months to years and effectively treats about half of PTSD sufferers. Experiential approaches, which have been researched less, but have engendered substantial therapist enthusiasm, do a “deep dive” to work through traumatic patterning embedded in a person’s mind, body and psyche. “They help people restore

not only their nervous systems, but their capacity for self-trust and self-forgiveness and their capacity for connection to their bodies and others,” says Schwartz. These modalities mostly focus, at least at first, on physical sensations rather than intellectual comprehension. For example, Somatic Experiencing defuses deeply held, fear-based contractions in the body by integrating those sensations with peaceful alternatives. EMDR, once an outlier but now practiced globally and endorsed by the World Health Organization, uses eye movements to lower the emotional charge of a traumatic memory. Internal Family Systems repairs a wounded psyche by relating a person’s deeply felt, damaged “child parts” to their essential goodness. To re-inhabit parts of the body frozen in the past by trauma, patients may be encouraged to use somatic meditations, trauma-informed yoga, acupuncture, massage and martial arts, as well as art, music, dance and other forms of expression. Psychedelics, which if used carefully can open a trauma sufferer to a larger sense of purpose, may become a legal option in a few years. In a recent U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved Phase 3 clinical trial on MDMA (previously called ecstasy), 67 percent of participants no longer met the criteria for PTSD after three therapist-guided sessions. Says Schwartz, “It can feel like a supermarket of options out there, so people need to read, become informed consumers and combine treatments at times. We have to think of the mind, the body and the spiritual as all needing attention and integration.” Health writer Ronica O’Hara can be contacted at OHaraRonica@

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June 2022


Why Men Need Sleep Also by Julia Snyder

It turns out that sleep isn’t just for beauty. Sleep is not only essential for health, it is essential for life. Sleep is important for every system in our body including our heart, brain and hormonal systems. Unfortunately, sleep experts say that we are in a world epidemic of sleep deprivation. The average sleep time has gone down from 7.9 to 6.5 hours over the past 100 years. This means that humans are getting 15 to 20 percent less sleep. This has important health consequences for both short- and long-term health. For instance, in the short-term, worsening of emotional regulation, memory and coordination all contribute to an increased risk of a motor vehicle accident. Correlations of sleeping less than seven hours per night have been found with increasing risk for chronic disease like cancer, obesity and dementia. Sleep deprivation also increases risk for depression, anxiety and other mental health issues. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, men sleep less on average than women and therefore may be more at risk. One study published in Sleep in 2015 showed that almost 30 percent of men between 1985 and 2012 got less than six hours of sleep per night. One reason that men may get less sleep than women may pertain to an unwillingness to have an early bedtime. Another is that men may be more prone to certain sleep disorders. Obstructive sleep apnea is more than 3.5 times more common in men than women. It is diagnosed when our airway closes off during sleep and causes us to stop breathing. The low oxygen level in our body sounds the alarm and wakes us up. The low oxygen, stress and interrupted sleep puts people at higher risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, 32

South Jersey Edition

stroke, diabetes and depression. In men, there is also a strong link to erectile dysfunction. Men that get less sleep are also more likely to have problems with fertility. Poor sleep is also predictive of marital difficulties, arguments and even how people rate the quality of their marriage. The good news is that managing these problems and sleeping better improves health outcomes and quality of life. For example, erectile function can improve with CPAP treatment for obstructive sleep apnea. Insulin resistance, a risk for Type 2 diabetes, develops in less than one month of sleep restriction, but recovers in about one week of proper sleep being restored. We can learn a lot by trying to understand how our ancestor’s slept. Before both electric lights that influenced our circadian rhythm and the Industrial Revolution that

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valued productivity over sleep, it is believed that most people slept in two phases. This helps us with two healthy sleep habits: n Be mindful about light exposure n Don’t worry so much about waking up in the middle of the night Follow a more natural circadian rhythm by getting bright light exposure first thing in the morning. This especially includes the blue, green and violet light from the sun that help prepare our bodies to make serotonin for the daytime. In the evening, try creating an artificial dusk by dimming the lights one to two hours before bed and turning off screens. Take LED light bulbs out of the bedroom and replace them with warmer color lights. If needed, consider wearing special sleep goggles that block blue, green and violet light about one to two hours before bed. Sleep in the dark and use room darkening shades or an eye mask if needed. This helps optimize our melatonin production. Avoid sedatives to aid in sleeping. Men are more likely than women to use alcohol to help with sleep. This can increase health risks and further disrupt the quality of sleep and increase risk for breathing problems like sleep apnea. Instead, if one can’t sleep, try getting up, doing a relaxing activity with the lights low and get back into bed when feeling sleepy.

More sleep tips: n Avoid caffeine and alcohol n Exercise and see the sun during the day n Get in bed early enough to get enough rest n Go to bed and wake up around the same time every day n Keep the bed for only sleep and intimacy (don’t read, watch TV or worry in bed) n Incorporate a relaxing bedtime routine to wind down n Sleep in a cool environment n Keep electronics out of the bedroom When it comes to how much sleep we really need to be healthy, it’s controversial exactly how much sleep is the Goldilocks amount. For most adults, it is between seven to nine hours. An optimal goal for healthy sleep is to regularly wake up without an alarm feeling refreshed. Talk to a doctor if we think we may have sleep apnea, or if our sleep doesn’t improve after making some healthy changes. Pleasant dreams. Julia Snyder, M.D., specializes in Whole Person Care at Golden Light Integrative & Holistic Medicine. Location: 703 E. Main St., Moorestown. For more information, visit

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June 2022





Misbehaving Dog Walks WAYS HUMANS GET IT WRONG by Karen Shaw Becker


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One of the primary activities we do with canine family members is to take walks because they love them and benefit from them. But just as some dogs, for a variety of reasons, are difficult to walk, some people are less-than-ideal dog walkers. When we’re teaching our canine BFFs how to behave at the end of a leash, most of us aren’t nearly as concerned with our own behavior during these outings. We assume we’re doing everything right, and it’s our furry sidekicks that need correcting. But believe it or not, we’re just as capable of bad behavior during walks as the other way around. Here are a few reasons why. NOT ALLOWING SNIFF TIME. A dog’s most acute sense is that of smell. She explores and experiences the world through her nose. Smell is a dog’s “first sense”, much as sight is ours. Just as we depend on our eyes to inform us of the world around us, dogs depend on their noses.



South Jersey Edition

If we can imagine how it would feel to take walks with our eyes half-closed, then we can empathize with how it feels to our dog to be prevented from stopping to sniff things. It’s unnatural, slightly intimidating and, ultimately, boring. Dogs need lots of outdoor sniffing opportunities to help them learn about the world around them and stimulate their minds. For a change of pace, instead of a normal walk, try taking the dog on a “sniffari”, letting him take the lead. Allow him to sniff whatever he pleases and make all the navigational and investigational decisions. IGNORING THE DOG. Unfortunately, there are pet parents that do everything but pay attention to their dogs during walks. The daily activity becomes so routine that they do

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Dogs need lots of outdoor sniffing opportunities to help them learn about the world around them and stimulate their minds.


There is also the potential on walks for unexpected things to happen, like an unfriendly dog appearing seemingly out of nowhere or a car swerving dangerously close. Staying focused on our dog and our immediate environment affords the opportunity to react quickly when necessary, keeping both owner and pet out of harm’s way. If boredom prevents being fully present on a walk, change the scenery. Instead of heading outside in the same old direction, buckle the dog in and drive a few blocks away or to a neighborhood park or nearby hiking trail. Everyone will find new things to see, smell and experience. CHOOSING THE WRONG TYPE OF COLLAR, HARNESS OR LEASH. Many pet parents don’t realize the importance of choosing the right type of collar, harness and leash for their dog. Certain dogs should wear a harness and should never be leashed or even handled by the collar. These include dogs that pull or lunge while on a leash, those prone to tracheal collapse or a seizure disorder, and dogs with chiropractic issues involving the neck or back. Choke collars and other outdated training devices can cause pain and injury to a dog’s neck and in extreme cases, strangulation. They should be replaced with safer alternatives.


leashes should be no longer than six feet. MULTITASKING. This almost always involves a cell phone. If we have a phone to our ear while walking, we have only one hand available for our dog. And even if earbuds are being used and the phone is in a pocket, it’s impossible to be present for both the pet and the person on the other end of the line. The dog will inevitably be the loser in this deal. And if texting, searching the internet or even listening to a podcast or audiobook while walking, our attention is not on the dog. One of the most important gifts that can be given to our dog whenever we interact with him, including on walks, is our undivided attention. Put down the phone and other distractions and let him know through our focus how much he means to us. Veterinarian Karen Shaw Becker has spent her career empowering animal guardians to make knowledgeable decisions to extend the life and well-being of their animals. Visit

For walks, training sessions and whenever the dog will be on leash, use either a head collar or no-pull harness. Be wary of retractable leashes, which have the potential to injure both dogs and their owners. Flat Be sure to let our advertisers know you found them in


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it without giving much thought to the furry fellow at the other end of the leash. This is a bad habit primarily for the danger it can pose to the dog that is often busy looking for dead or possibly deadly things to pick up in his mouth or interesting places to lift his leg (like a car door).

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June 2022



End-of-Life Doula

Emotional and Spiritual Support for Peaceful Passing by Gina Marie Saka

Just as a doula helps welcome new life to the world, an end-of-life doula assists in peaceful passing at the end of one’s life journey. The time of death can be scary for individuals and their loved ones, but these practitioners help transform fear into comfort, healing and clarity. An end-of-life doula is a trained, non-medical professional that provides

emotional, spiritual and physical support to people that are dying or terminally ill. Also known as a death doula or soul midwife, they assist individuals and their loved ones in navigating anxiety and finding a sense of direction, lightness and acceptance during this difficult phase of life. Their services complement those of doctors, hospice professionals and funeral

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workers, and fill the spiritual and emotional gaps that inevitably arise when navigating end of life. A soul midwife is a holistic, intuitive companion that often has healing modalities in their repertoire to deepen the sanctity and therapeutic quality of his or her visits. End-of-life doula services may differ slightly, but generally consist of regular visits, deep active listening, text and call access, medical directive planning, evaluation timing for hospice, caregiver support and check-ins, life work review, legacy project creation and vigil plan development. Depending on the practitioner, visits may be complemented with services like reiki, mediumship, art therapy, sound healing and more if the patient desires. “In the Western world, death tends to become very transactional—where a person sets up a will, buys a burial plot, plans the funeral, says goodbyes and waits,’’ says Andi Daniels, End of Life Doula of Innerlight Healing. “But what people don’t realize is that death can be as beautiful as birth—a celebration of life where an individual can express themselves, share their last wishes, process what they’re going through, and die with dignity and grace.” It’s during these precious, tender times that a person can take agency in deciding where and how they want to die. “People don’t always realize that they have a choice to die at home rather than in a clinical setting, to have loved ones and pets by their side, to plan a beautiful vigil with an atmosphere that helps them pass in the deepest state of peace,” Daniels says. Andi Daniels is an end-of-life doula at Innerlight Healing. For more information, visit Gina Marie Saka is a professional health and wellness copywriter. She has been a contributing writer to Natural Awakenings magazine since 2012 and currently resides in San Diego. To connect, email

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June 2022


Realizing Positives From Negatives

Photo by shutterstock_569861092

by Matt Preston

Instances of divine timing is certainly ironic at, well, its timing. Whether this is through signals or signs, synchronicities or instinct, it can be hard to ignore them. One of the most common in occurrence, but not necessarily in sheer volume, are certain songs being played when someone may need to hear them the most. One great example is a song that’s nearly a decade old now, Every Storm by Gary Allan. Having just heard it again recently, while stuck in Jersey traffic of course, it began to spur on some thoughts about various times of positives and negatives that occur in people’s lives. Some of the longest lasting can be from the negative category, but with the right mindset this can be transmuted into the best lessons in life. Negatives from the past, for example, are easiest to pinpoint through virtue of them being in the rearview mirror. As people get older it can become easier to 38

South Jersey Edition

pinpoint these instances to gain experience from. Losing a relative is a common one and can certainly be one of the most jarring ones. The lyrics at the beginning of the chorus in the song are “Every storm runs, runs out of rain, just like every dark night, turns into day.” Now as hard as this example is, in a lot of cases there does seem to be some truth to it. This, of course, depends on the person and situation, but looking back on these times, many individuals can feel that the pain isn’t as raw. From there, the figurative skies may clear up from those darker times. Then there are negatives that are currently happening in someone’s life. Most people can name at least name one, with the hope being that it’s not that serious and/ or common. But as that person is wading through those lower vibes, they may have someone also there helping them through

it. If that’s not the case and one has to fight through such times alone, all hope doesn’t have to be lost either. Say an artist can’t gain traction with their endeavor, the hope is they still have people around them that are encouraging and motivating them. If such supporters are few and far between, the creative light can still keep burning, if for no other reason than for the love of the art. The point is to appreciate the positives behind those at someone’s side that keep them focused and their own personal determination to see their project through. A little harder to deal with are negatives from the future, as the variety of ways they could manifest are many and unknown. It’s hard to come up with an example, especially as a positive thinker, as that’s going against type. That’s not to mistake being positive for naiveté though, as many can get lost in that thinking. Most people aren’t going to get to the finish line without a little sweating, an untied shoelace or maybe a shin splint or two. However, this allows people to appreciate the abundance in their lives, both currently and in the past. And if that feeling is lacking, then changing their outlook could not only benefit them now, but their tomorrows as well. In the end, the energy behind this song and the best ways to engage in life is surviving the past, sustaining the present and prepping for the future. And what better way to utilize the darkness than to create light from it—because the past is gone, the present is all around us and the future is yet to be. Matt Preston is a creative and professional writer from Gloucester Township in South Jersey. Writing is one of his passions; body, mind and soul wellness one of his goals; and belief in destiny his continual motivation. His website and podcast can be found at

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June 2022





by Sheila Julson

Smartphones come in handy for emergencies or checking directions while traveling, but a brief glance at a website or social media can quickly turn into a lengthy scroll session, distracting us from why we go on vacation in the first place. For those that want to truly unplug, unique off-grid, eco-options beckon.

REMOTE AND QUIRKY CAMPING The National Park Service has many affordable campgrounds at parks, forests and lakeshores with little to no cell connectivity, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in nature. Listings of wilderness/backcountry camping sites, as well as front-country sites easily accessible by vehicles, can be found at State parks offer closer-to-home refuge from the digital world. California’s Hendy Woods State Park, in Philo, is brimming with old-growth redwoods. “A lot of people head way up north to Sequoia National Forest to see old-growth redwoods, but there are also redwood forests closer to Sonoma and Mendocino counties, and similarly along the coast,” says Milwaukee-based travel writer Kristine Hansen, contributor to, and other travel outlets. “Standing beneath these towering trees, you can’t help but feel like a small part of this large and wild world.” Hendy Woods’ proximity to wine country allows explorers to drop by a winery or creamery and put together a quick picnic, she notes. Locally owned campgrounds can offer an escape to a pre-cellphone era. Camp 40

South Jersey Edition

Wandawega, in Elkhorn, Wisconsin, has a storied past of hosting both sinners and saints, opening in 1928 as a speakeasy and later becoming a Catholic youth camp. The historic charm remains intact. “Spending a night here is like dialing it back to the 1950s. Think The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel’s upstate New York summer camp,” Hansen says. “You can climb into a treehouse or a glamping tent to completely unplug.”

IMMERSIVE GETAWAYS River rafting tours provide an escape from the virtual world, says John O’Brien, a scientist and environmental advocate who, with his wife, Kellie, owns Fairbanks Trails and Rivers Tour Company, in Fairbanks, Alaska. “The moment that we shove off from the shore, we’re immediately on what we call ‘river time.’ It’s best at that point

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to put your phone and camera in airplane mode. We’re often in areas where there is no cell coverage,” he says. “There’s something to be said about just unplugging and being in the moment.” Eco-activities such as river rafting might conjure up images of young, physically fit adventurers in rafts slapped by wild waves, but O’Brien notes river rafting is suitable for all ages and abilities. In tours with framestyle rafts, the guide does all the rowing. “If you are able to stand, walk and climb into and out of a raft, even with some assistance, you can go river rafting,” he says. Trekking is another proven eco-trip strategy. Sometimes confused with hiking, it involves a long journey across a large swath of land that often requires participants to pare down to the absolute basics, which means ditching the cell phone and charger. There’s often little to no service in these remote stretches. North American treks include Canada’s the Long Range Traverse, a 22-mile, unmarked, backcountry trail in Newfoundland with moose, bears and caribou. The Appalachian National Scenic Trail is a 2,100-mile stretch that takes explorers through 14 states. Stretching from Springer Mountain, Georgia, to the northern terminus at Katahdin, Maine, the trail passes through the diverse terrain of the Appalachian Mountain Range. Hikers of all levels can take advantage of day hikes or longer treks.


land stewardship projects. Working in small crews of six to 15 people, volunteers handle a variety of land conservation and trail maintenance needs. Project access ranges from backpacking to day-hiking, and accommodations vary from primitive campsites to bunkhouses or cabins. “Some of our Volunteer Vacations are remote backcountry trips that are only accessible via foot, and some are offered at local, state and national parks as well,” says program manager Ellie Place. “There is a Volunteer Vacation for everyone, whether you want to sleep in a cozy cabin with amenities or sleep under the stars miles away from it all.” The American Hiking Society has more than 35 Volunteer Vacations planned this year; more information can be found at Sheila Julson is a Milwaukee-based freelance writer and contributor to Natural Awakenings magazines throughout the country.

For an immersive nature experience that also does good, the American Hiking Society offers the Volunteer Vacations program, in which people join in public

A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing and the lawn mower is broken. ~James Dent



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June 2022


The Sparrow in the Airport by Kathy Milano

Waiting for my luggage at the airport, I was startled as a sparrow swooped low before me. I enjoyed watching the aerobatics of this small miracle as it moved effortlessly above and through the milling crowds. Mostly invisible to those chatting or gazing anxiously at the luggage belt, this little bird appeared to be purposeful. Never still for long, the sparrow carried a speck of human food to the rafters and then was off to the next crumb. I felt a sense of delight watching this bird until I noticed a sadness arising within me. I contemplated her life in the baggage claim area, then imagined how easy it would be for her to bypass the elevator and fly up the escalator—giving this winged creature free rein throughout the massive airport with plenty to explore in the food court and glimpses of sunlight at the wall 42

South Jersey Edition

of windows at each gate. Yet, I wondered if there were spaces that allowed my little friend easy access to an indoor-outdoor style of living or if she was confined to a prison of artificial lights, stale air and crumbs from Starbucks. I wondered if she sang much or missed flying on the air currents to land in a tree which was dancing in rhythm to the breeze. I wondered if she even knew there was more than airport living, if she ever yearned for freedom or thought she was already living free. The sparrow didn’t seem dampened down by her unnatural home, so I let go of that sadness. I realized that any creature, human included, could live free in a prison or live bound in a life of abundant opportunity. Hearing the luggage belt fire up, I turned to watch the people crowd forward, captivated as each bag fell to the circling belt, struggling to grab a suitcase and

wrestle it onto solid ground. Their faces ranged from bored to anxious to frustrated. It looked like the vacation was over and reality had returned. After flying the friendly skies, I wondered whether my fellow passengers were living free or were unintentionally imprisoned. Since I wasn’t in charge of the luggage, I was free to reflect upon that question for myself. If asked what brings meaning to my life and makes me happy, I’d easily express what matters and what I love. I imagine we are all able to do the same. Sometimes it takes some reflection to really hone that list. It’s worth exploring by ourselves or in a heart-to-heart conversation with good friends. A few key questions can help us mine for gold. What really, truly matters to us in this life? What brings us happiness? How can we live a meaningful life? That sparrow helped me recognize how easy it is to acclimate to our surroundings and perhaps let the most important things slide in our day-to-day lives. When we don’t explore these questions, it’s easy to live on autopilot. Flying about our day, settling for crumbs. In time, living an unintentional life shrinks our potential for meaning, growth and even happiness. The longer we live in the unnatural world of societal expectations, the more likely we’ll fall asleep to our original dreams, delights and desires … and perhaps just be glad to make it through the week unscathed, waiting until that day when we’ve raised the kids, met our career goals, met that person, etc., to find contentment. The societal map for a successful life often guides people to live like that sparrow: happily flying around in an airport. We may feel we’re innocently imprisoned in a shiny, artificial environment, grateful for company, Chick-fil-A nuggets and sunshine through panes of glass. “Not me!” we proclaim. Yet, something within tells us differently. Here’s a way to find out how free or imprisoned we are actually

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living. Answer those three questions and create a short list of the most important answers. These are our Map Markers that may guide us and alert us to times we have strayed from the Path of Meaning and Happiness. Once we have that list, take a look at how we are living day to day. Are the items on our list represented in our everyday activities, emotions, intentions and relationships? Does our daily energy sing in harmony with what’s most important or does it feel heavy, depleted or flat as we go about our week? Are we bound by obligation, schedules and activities we’d rather let go of or are we truly free to live what matters most to us? Look deeply into these questions and conduct an honest appraisal of our lives. Most of us will find a discrepancy between what we say matters most and how we actually live our days. It’s the nature of modern life to get caught in the binding of a life dictated by societal and familial expectations. Tell the truth, make no excuses and be gentle with oneself as we explore the

distance between our dreams and desires and how we lived today. Take heart, for this awareness hands us the key to our unintentional prison. With intent, we begin to craft a life aligned with our list, bringing fulfillment and happiness (or whatever matters most to us). In time, we’ll recognize how the changes within us shift the landscape around us, gradually bringing our dreaming into alignment with our daily lives. Sparrows are described as small, light birds that easily fit through tight spaces and effortlessly soar to the tops of tall trees—

revealing their capacity to connect to the higher realms, to fly free and perhaps to easily exit the Philadelphia airport any time they chose. However they live, I’m grateful for that little teacher who swooped down to invite me to take a long look at how I spend my moments and whether that aligns with what matters most. Kathy Milano, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist, Diplomate, Comprehensive Energy Psychology, is the owner of the Energetic Muse, LLC. For more information, call 856-778-1981 or visit

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June 2022


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The Gift of an Imperfect Father


by Marlaina Donato

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For many of us, Dad was the first person to throw us a ball, take us fishing or treat us to ice cream after a game. If we were fortunate, he was the one who made a bad day better, was a strong protector who kept the metaphorical wolves from the door and, by example, secured our place in the world. Fathers give us many “firsts”, and for some of us, that also means a broken heart. Parents, like all human beings, are fallible, learning as they go, never quite getting it right, but doing the best that they can. Sometimes their “best” is tangled in a net of unresolved personal trauma, addiction or mental illness, and we learn to bear the bitter with the sweet. “Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this, too, was a gift,” wrote poet Mary Oliver, and her words can be a beacon as we journey through healing the father wound. Once we come out the other side of childhood, it might be difficult to love someone that destroyed our trust and even more difficult to love ourselves. This “gift” might take decades for us to unwrap. Children of difficult dads sometimes blossom like lotuses into more compassionate beings from the mud of absence, cruelty or indifference. Perhaps with a shift in perspective, we may realize how their weaknesses might have given us survival tools and resilience. Flipping the coin to examine what they have done right and giving credit where it is deserved can also help us to open that dead-bolted door to forgiveness. Taking inventory, both positive and negative, can encourage us to become a different kind of parent. In a black-and-white world, the heart’s gray areas can teach us how to lean into our own healing. We inherit a lot from our wounded fathers, including an energetic opportunity to change the familial emotional code, and it can be beautiful. Marlaina Donato is an author, composer and painter. Connect at


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Email for guidelines. We advise confirming in advance directly with the business or organization.


Kids’ Yoga – Thursdays, June 2-30. 3:454:45pm. With Melanie Morgan. Classes give elementary aged yogis (5+) an opportunity to build their focus, strength, flexibility, mindfulness and most importantly, play. Live In Joy Yoga & Wellness, 118 W Merchant St, Audubon.

Interpretive Trail Hike – 1:30-3pm. An interpretive hike through our varied habitats. Easy pace suitable for all ages. Masks and social distancing required. Inclement weather cancels. Registration limited. Free. Rancocas Nature Center, 794 Rancocas Rd, Westampton. 609-261-2495.



Eight Gong Sound Bath Meditation – 7-8:30pm. Join Angelo Rizzo and Sara Joy Kuhlen as they play the gongs to provide the frequencies to resonate with your body on a cellular level, optimizing your physical health and stimulating the free flow of energy, gently releasing stuck emotions. $33. Excitari Wellness Center, 30 Jackson Rd, Ste D101, Medford. Register: 856-885-2990 or

Yin Yoga with Angelic Reiki with Crystal Bowl Savasana – 6:30-8pm. With Alexis DiTullio and Sue Raletz. Class will incorporate essential oils and healing Angelic Reiki as you rest in the yin poses. An extended Crystal Bowl Savasana will bring harmony to complete the class. Beginners welcome, no experience necessary. Live In Joy Yoga & Wellness, 118 W Merchant St, Audubon.

Evening in the Pines: Frog Walk – 7:309:30pm. Take our guided evening hike to get a different perspective of the forest under the light of the moon. Pinelands Adventures, 1005 Atsion Rd, Shamong. Pre-registration required:



Discover Double Trouble: National Trails Day Hike – 10am-1pm. A free 3.5-4-mile guided overview of the park’s history, industry, plants and wildlife. Free. Double Trouble State Park, 581 Pinewald Keswick Rd, Bayville. Registration required: National Trails Day at Whitesbog Preservation – 10am-4pm. A variety of guided hikes and programs including a dog walk gathering, nature walks and more. Free. Whitesbog Preservation Trust, 120 W Whites Bogs Rd, #34, Browns Mills. 609-893-4646.


The Hum of Nature’s Pet & Owner Group Healing Sessions – 11am & 1pm. $50. Venus Moon Space, 226 Chestnut St, Glendora. Register: Reiki Level 1 Certification: Beginner – 126pm. With Jennifer Chamberlin. Learn what reiki is, the history, principles and how to perform it on yourself, others, pets and even plants. Goodness Grover, 205 Rte 9 N, Ste 39, Freehold. Register:

Mindfulness in Action – 6:30-8pm. With Kathy Hardies. An evening of mindful breathing, sharing and snacking, as we explore ways to bring more mindfulness to our daily experience. It will help transform the way you navigate the world around you. $30. The Center, Life in Balance, 45 S Main St, Medford. Registration required: 609-975-8379. Power Animal Guided Meditation – 7-8:30pm. During this meditation, Katie will take you to a sacred space to invite your Power Animal in. Spend time with this animal and ask it for any messages you may need in that time. Then share our animals and discuss their symbolism. $25. The Nurtured Soul’s Sacred Backyard Sanctuary. Address given upon registration:


A Night with the Angels Mediumship Gallery – 7pm. Presented by Inkie the Guided One. $35. Venus Moon Space, 226 Chestnut St, Glendora. Register: InkieGuidedOne@


Aromatherapy Weekend Intensive – June 10-12. 9am-5pm, Fri & Sat; 10am-4pm, Sun. Aromatherapy Applications: Raindrop Technique/Auricular Therapy. $375. Medford Memorial Community Center, 21 S Main St, Medford. 609-321-4843,

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Nature Rx Guided Walk – 7-9am. Immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, and smells of the forest on our guided Shinrin Yoku-inspired forest bathing walk. Pinelands Adventures, 1005 Atsion Rd, Shamong. Pre-registration required: National Get Outdoors Day – 10am-4pm. Pick up a scavenger hunt checklist inside the Nature Center before embarking on the trails, complete it and return to the Nature Center for a prize. All ages. Free with admission. Woodford Cedar Run Wildlife Refuge, 4 Sawmill Rd, Medford. 856-983-3329. Saturday Guided Walk – 10:30-11:30am. Studies show that taking a walk in a natural area is good for your physical and mental health. Free. Rancocas Nature Center, 794 Rancocas Rd, Westampton. 609-261-2495. Spiritual Discovery: In a Time of Upheaval – 2pm. With Tom McElroy. Talk will focus on universal healing precepts found in the Holy Bible, especially in Christ Jesus’ life and teachings, and show how they are available for anyone to understand and experience through the lens of Christian Science. Free. Cherry Hill Library, 1100 Kings Hwy N, Cherry Hill. Moonlight Walk – 8-9pm. Join an experienced guide for a night walk in the pines. Whitesbog Preservation Trust, 120 W Whites Bogs Rd, #34, Browns Mills. 609-893-4646. Night Hike: Adults Only – 8:30-10pm. Enjoy a guided hike to visit nocturnal habitats that are home to owls, raccoons, opossums and other wildlife that emerge after dark. $15/ person. Woodford Cedar Run Wildlife Refuge, 4 Sawmill Rd, Medford. Registration required: 856-983-3329 or


EFT Practitioner Certification – 9am-3pm. Presented by Allison Havemann, ND and Holistic Nurse Nicole Pavlik. Learn how to apply the incredible healing modality of EFT (aka tapping) to your own life and/or to your wellness practice. Goodness Grover, 205 Rte 9 N, Ste 39, Freehold. Register:


Intimate Conversations Group Coaching – 6:30-8:30pm. Join Teja Valentin and Richard Parkes in this dynamic group class for intimate conversations and practices. Will have some Q&A time and partner up and to explore some techniques to deepen intimacy and awareness. $40. Live In Joy Yoga & Wellness, 118 W Merchant St, Audubon.


June 2022


coming in the july issue

Food Food Connection Connection


Beardfest – June 16-18. Unplug in South Jersey’s beautiful Pinelands Preserve while enjoying music that spans an incredibly wide range of genres. Paradise Lake Campground, 200 Paradise Dr, Hammonton. More info: Gallery Reading with International Medium Rich Braconi – 6:30-8:30pm. Rich’s unique abilities allow him to relay deep spiritual messages of personal guidance, insight and love from loved ones in Spirit, often filled with universal wisdom and insight that everyone will find inspiring and uplifting. No guarantee that everyone will receive a message. $55. Excitari Wellness Center, 30 Jackson Rd, Ste D101, Medford. Register: 856-885-2990 or


World Peace Meditation – 6:30-8pm. With Lou Ann Graves. A guided meditation calling in the beautiful energies of Mother Mary and Jesus. Together we can raise the vibration of the world as we send out love and peace. During this meditation receive a reiki healing. $35. The Center, Life in Balance, 45 S Main St, Medford. Registration required: 609-975-8379. Kirtan with Gershone with Special Guest Mira – 7-8:30pm. An evening of live music and chanting. Gershone offers devotional songs with voice, harmonium and tabla, rooted in the music of Pakistan and India. Live In Joy Yoga & Wellness, 118 W Merchant St, Audubon.



Summer! Farmers Markets are OPEN!!

Upper Delaware Bay Driving Tour – 10am2pm. Visit Canton, Stow Neck Road, Mad Horse Creek, Stowe Creek Rd Landing, Bayside/Caviar and end with a walking tour of historic Village of Greenwich. Gibbons House, 960 Ye Greate St, Greenwich. Pine Barrens 101 – 12-2pm. An introduction to a little bit of everything that the NJ Pinelands has to offer. Pinelands Adventures, 1005 Atsion Rd, Shamong. Pre-registration required:


8-Week Homeopathy Course – Learn classical and practical homeopathy using curriculum by Joette Calabrese, homeopath, led by holistic RN Nicole Pavlik. Certificate of completion provided at end of course. Register:


Summer Solstice Sunset Hike – 7:309pm. Join Naturalist Kate on a sunset hike during the longest day of the year! Start off the season with a 2.5-mile walk around Arney’s Mount while enjoying beautiful views and the sounds of summer. Arney’s Mount, 150 Juliustown Rd, Columbus. Register:


Blueberry Summer Festival – 10am-3pm. An old-fashioned country fair with museums, historic homes, a General Store, tractor-pulled wagon rides to the blueberry field to pick heirloom berries, local handmade craft vendors, local folk music, with berries for sale from a local blueberry farm. Whitesbog Preservation Trust, 120 W Whites Bogs Rd, #34, Browns Mills. 609-893-4646. Lower Batsto Guided Tour – 12-5pm. An immersive journey on the Batsto River led by one of our trained guides. Pinelands Adventures, 1005 Atsion Rd, Shamong. Pre-registration required:


Kayak Expedition and Picnic – 11am. Bring your own kayak or canoe or use one of Old Pine Farm’s 5 kayaks to enjoy an adventure on the south branch of Big Timber Creek. Learn how to kayak from an experienced instructor or just head upstream or downstream on your own to explore. Old Pine Farm Natural Lands Trust, Willoughby House, 340 Pine Ave, Deptford. Earth Fair – 11am-5pm. Ideas in the Sustainable Living Tent for reducing your carbon footprint and a presentation from Mike McGrath, host of “You Bet Your Garden,” the 2022 Earth Fair will be full of ideas to live cleaner and greener. Free. Historic Smithville Park & Smith’s Woods. 803 Smithville Rd, Mt Holly.


Butterflies of Boundary – 2-3:30pm. Join Naturalist Kate to learn about different butterflies that are seen here throughout the summer. Learn identification tips and how to tell moths and butterflies apart. Boundary Creek Natural Resource Area, 515 Creek Rd, Moorestown. Register:

I am summer, come to lure you away from your computer ... come dance on my fresh grass, dig your toes into my beaches. ~Oriana Green


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CLASSIFIEDS Fee for classifieds is $1 per word per month. To place a listing, email content to Deadline is the 10th of the month.

For Rent AFFORDABLE OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT ON MAIN ST IN HISTORIC MEDFORD, NJ – South Jersey’s premier source for all that is holistic and spiritually enlightened, The Center, Life In Balance on Main Street in Medford has office space for rent. The office space would be shared with other like-minded practitioners, so it’s very affordable. A BOH certified kitchen and a large multipurpose room are available for rent also. For more info: 609-975-8379. NEWLY RENOVATED OFFICES – For rent in Medford, NJ. Info: 856-906-0644. OFFICE SPACE – Integrative Physician looking to share office space in Voorhees. 856-669-9118.

Help Wanted REGISTERED NURSE – Holistic Wellness Center is seeking a parttime nurse to administer IV nutrition. 5-10 hrs/wk in Merchantville. Must have experience inserting IV’s. Michelle: 856-532-2063. Resume:

Seeking DENTAL ASSISTANT (OR TRAINEE) FOR HOLISTIC PRACTICE – Part-time position (Haddon Township, NJ). Seeking: high-energy, reliable, compassionate assistant or trainee. Ideal candidate: 1-3 yrs of experience (with x-ray license) preferred but will train. Work hrs: M-W, 20-25 hrs/wk. Email resume to: Learn more about holistic dentistry: HALO WELLNESS CENTER IN MARLTON – Looking to hire 3 parttime licensed massage therapists. Offer flexible schedules, excellent compensation and a positive work environment. Send resume: NUTRITIONAL WELLNESS CENTER – Is hiring a clinical nutritionist. Please contact Sean Inselberg: 856-499-2160.

Volunteers VOLUNTEERS – If you are interested in crystals and everything holistic, we are looking for volunteers for HeartSpace Metaphysical Gift Shop. Susan Drummond: 609-975-8379.

THE LARGEST ONLINE CONSCIOUS DATING NETWORK IS WAITING FOR YOU! We invite you to join and experience a truly conscious, loving, dating environment with amazing members.

TRY FOR FREE and manifest an Green was the silence, wet was the light, the month of June trembled like a butterfly.

extraordinary, enlightened relationship. Be proactive by joining today. Your natural match is waiting to meet you!

~Pablo Neruda Visit us at Be sure to let our advertisers know you found them in


June 2022



can help you access the resources you need for help staying healthy and happy!

MONDAY Monthly Meditation/Mini-Workshop – 6:30-8pm. 1st Mon. An open invitation to those who are interested in exploring meditation, energy education/topics and reiki. No experience necessary. $15. The Center, Life in Balance, 45 S Main St, Medford. Pre-registration required: 609-975-8379 or

TUESDAY Lunchtime Walks in Smithville Park – Thru June. 12-1pm. A great opportunity to exercise, explore nature, meet new friends, and get to know parks in your own backyard. Walk is about 2.5 miles with some elevation and stairs. Free. Visitors Center, 803 Smithville Rd, Mt Holly.

WEDNESDAY Midweek Meditation – 12-12:10pm. Also Fri. The focus of this meditation is love. Each week we will raise the love vibration personally and globally. Treat yourself to a mid-day refresher. Free. The Center, Life in Balance, 45 S Main St, Medford. 609-975-8379. Marlton Farmers Market – Thru July 27. 4-7pm. Evesboro Down Park, 159 Evesboro-Medford Rd, Marlton. MarltonFarmers Hump-Day Afternoon Hike – Thru June 15. 5:30-7pm. Like to hike, but don’t like doing it alone? Come on out for a brisk hike in nature. Masks and social distancing required. Inclement weather cancels. Age 18+. Registration limited. Free. Rancocas Nature Center, 794 Rancocas Rd, Westampton. 609-261-2495.

Vinyasa Flow – 6pm. With Laura Jensen. Incorporates poses, breathwork and meditation to relieve common aches and pains. Halo Wellness Center, 968 NJ-73, Marlton. Register:



Burlington County Farmers Market – 8:30am-1pm.500CentertonRd,Moorestown.

All-Level Vinyasa Flow –9:30-10:45am. With Eric Herman. Tune into your true essence through asanas, breathwork and meditation experiencing a place of peace in the present moment by the end of each class. $10. Live In Joy Yoga & Wellness, 118 W Merchant St, Audubon.

FRIDAY Virtual Pinelands Commission Meeting – 9:30-11am. 2nd Fri. The Pinelands Commission is the state agency that oversees conservation and development within the Pinelands boundaries. They hold a regular monthly meeting that is open to the public. Pinelands Preservation Alliance: 609-894-7300 or RhyanG@Pinelands Agenda: Midweek Meditation – 12-12:10pm. Also Wed. The focus of this meditation is peace. Each week we will raise the love vibration personally and globally. Treat yourself to a mid-day refresher. Free. The Center, Life in Balance, 45 S Main St, Medford. 609-975-8379. Audubon’s Third Friday Returns – Thru Oct 2. 6-9pm. 3rd Fri. Presented by Greater Audubon Business Association, (GABA). Enjoy an evening of fun activities for the kids, massage, card readings and much more. Live In Joy Yoga & Wellness, 118 W Merchant St, Audubon.

Collingswood Farmers Market – Thru Nov 19. 8am-12pm. 713 N Atlantic Ave, Collingswood.

Haddonfield Farmers Market – Thru Oct 15. 8:30am-1pm. 2 Kings Ct, Haddonfield. Walking Group – 9am. 1st Sat. With Michelle, Teeming Health Wellness Studio. Walking group at one of our local county parks. For more info & location: Meetup. com/Healthy-Mount-Holly. Psychic & Healing Fair – 10am-2pm. 3rd Sat. The fair offers different avenues to healing. Be able to have an intuitive/psychic reading, a reiki session, energy healing or lie on the BioMat. $30/20 mins. A variety of 20-min free talks offered. The BioMat incorporates amethyst crystals, far infrared heat and negative ions to help the body heal and relax. Walk-ins welcome and encouraged. The Center, Life in Balance, 45 S Main St, Medford. 609-975-8379. Volunteer Service Day – 10am-3pm. 1st Sat. Volunteer in outdoor or indoor projects in the village. Whitesbog Preservation Trust, 120 W Whites Bogs Rd, #34, Browns Mills. 609-893-4646.



july food connection

self- empowerment

september inspired


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Connecting you to the leaders in natural health care and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide, email to request our media kit.

Alternative and Complementary Medicine MARK JAMES BARTISS, MD

Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine 24 Nautilus Dr, Ste 3, Manahawkin 609-978-9002 504 Hamburg Tpk, Ste 202, Wayne 973-790-6363 639 Stokes Rd, Se 202, Medford 609-654-5900 Dr. Bartiss is both conventionally and holistically trained, giving patients the best of both worlds and the freedom to choose. ICAM’s HEART Program addresses the body’s basic needs in terms of hormone rejuvenation to include adrenal, thyroid, sex and growth hormones as well as the essential neurotransmitters. As an active and founding member of the American Association of Ozonotherapists, Dr. Bartiss is an expert in various forms of bio-oxidative therapies that include ozone, hydrogen peroxide, ultraviolet phototherapy and high-dose vitamin C. These and other powerful therapies are offered by only a few hundred medical practitioners throughout the country.

Animal Intuitive SALLY KYLE

Animal Communication & Holistic Bodywork Paws 4 Healing 609-791-9406 Curious about what your animal friend is thinking, feeling and sensing? Want to learn how to bridge a connection through communication and gentle touch? Your animal companion does not have to be in discomfort when experiencing dis-ease, mobility or behavior projects. When heard and acknowledged, transformation begins. Sally, a clairsentient, specializes in Tellington TTouch®, Reiki Ryoho, Jin Shin Jyutsu®, Bach Flower Remedies and Emotional Freedom Technique. She channels through automatic writing offering sessions in person via home/yard visits or phone consultations.

Awareness Coaching MARYANN PINO MILLER, M.Ed.

Certified Heal Your Life® Teacher Emotion Code Practitione Consciously Living, LLC The Center, Life in Balance 45 S Main St, Medford, NJ 856-912-2087

Become aware of your true nature, meet your inner child waiting for your love, become aware of and unload the baggage weighing you down, become aware of the depth of love that exists within you and gain the understanding of the importance of your relationship with yourself and how to foster it.

Ayurvedic Healing Practitioner JANET WATKINS, RYT, CRM

Ayurvedic Healing Practitioner Registered Yoga Teacher Live in Joy Yoga & Wellness 118 W Merchant St, Audubon, NJ 08106 856-816-4158 Utilizing the principles of ayurveda, nutrition, yoga, meditation, and herbs for natural healing and self-care to support your body in returning to its natural healthy function. Reiki session, ayurvedic cooking classes, restorative yoga and private yoga sessions.

Bio-Identical Hormone Restoration Therapy DR. CAMILLE SEMPLE-DALY, DO

Replenish Center 215 Sunset Rd, Ste 204 Willingboro, NJ 08046 856-380-1330

Don’t wait any longer to restore your hormone balance. Symptoms due to menopause, andropause, PMS, thyroid dysfunction, adrenal fatigue, etc., should not negatively impact your quality of life. Regain your vitality and zest naturally with individualized Bio-Identical Hormone Restoration Therapy (BHRT). Dr. Camille Semple-Daly is board certified in OB/GYN, Integrative and Aesthetic Medicine.

Besure suretotolet letour ouradvertisers advertisersknow knowyou youfound found them in Be


Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine 24 Nautilus Dr, Ste 3, Manahawkin 609-978-9002 504 Hamburg Tpk, Ste 202, Wayne 973-790-6363 639 Stokes Rd, Se 202, Medford 609-654-5900 Dr. Bartiss is among a small group of physicians that pioneered the early “integrated” health care system. As a conventionally and holistically trained physician, he offers the best of both schools of medicine. Dr. Bartiss’ “HEART” Program (Hormone, Endocrine, Adrenal Rejuvenation Therapy) addresses hormone imbalance and focuses on restoring his patients to optimal levels. The simple explanation of this program is that when the endocrine system is balanced, a person is less likely to become ill, overweight and emotionally imbalanced. ICAM patients report an improved quality of life, both emotionally and physically.


The Strawbridge Professional Center 212 W Rte 38, Ste 100 Moorestown, NJ 08057 856-273-1551 Dr. Bidwell is dedicated to providing patients the best possible spinal health care including chiropractic adjustment, massage, electrical muscle stimulation, ultrasound, hot and cold therapy, cervical and lumbar traction, and stretching and strengthening exercise instruction. Her adjustments techniques consist of diversified, activator, arthrostim, SOT blocking, craniosacral work, active release technique and PNF stretching.


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Andi Daniels 609-334-9518 Andi’s role as an End of Life Doula is to accompany the dying and their loved ones in the final months of life. Her support is non-medical, focusing on your emotional, spiritual and physical well-being to help navigate a transition with purpose. Support is available from developing medical directives through processing grief with loved ones after the transition. Book a free consultation today.

1020 Kings Hwy. N., Ste 110, Cherry Hill, NJ 856-667-6805 •

Safe, natural solutions for many health problems. Get to the root of your symptoms and heal your body with Nutrition Response Testing. The practitioners at NHIC offer a non-invasive, advanced form of muscle testing for food sensitivities, chemical and metal toxicity, and immune system issues for all ages. Individualized, targeted, “Root-Cause Nutrition.”

Holistic Coaching



Goodness Grover Holistic Health and Family Wellness Center Holistic Nurse, Auricular Therapy Practitioner, Health Coach 205 Rte 9 N, Ste 39, Freehold, NJ 07728 732-534-2805 We offer various classes, workshops, treatments, services and products to optimize your health. Homeopathy classes, auricular therapy, ionic foot detox, organic herbal teas and more.



New Moon Holistic Health Coaching, LLC The Center, Life in Balance 45 S Main St, Medford Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Reiki Master and Shamanism practitioner who helps people transform their lives from the inside out. Using energy work and coaching to help them make changes in their lives.


Marilyn York Independent Distributor #489656 877-436-2299

Essential oils: revered for thousands of years for their naturally enhancing support of body, mind and spirit. Become a Young Living Essential Oils Member/Customer, and/or an Independent Distributor.


Abbe Lang is a Certified Life Coach and Homeopath practicing in her Marlton office. If you are struggling with your physical or mental health she can help. If you need to stick to a nutrition plan, she can create and implement one for you. She works with women, men and couples. Her practice style is to combine all the modalities of healing (homeopathy, cell salts, Bach flower remedies) to her clients coupled with a life coaching directional program to implement positive changes in their lives.


Health Coach

Using the incredibly powerful benefits of medicinal-grade essential oils, Lisa can design customized protocols to support various health issues, body systems and detoxification.

Liesha Getson is a Board-Certified Thermographic Technician, Holistic Health Counselor, a Reiki Master and Energy Practitioner. Liesha is a founding partner of Health Through Awareness in Marlton, a cooperative wellness center that provides a variety of alternative services to facilitate healthy living including nutrition and lifestyle counseling, reiki, thermography, infrared detoxification and biopuncture.

Health and Wellness Center

Essential Oils Lisa Lermitte Huntington Valley, PA 215-608-6087


Health Through Awareness 100 Brick Rd, Ste 206, Marlton 856-596-5834

Laurel Hill Plaza, corner of BlackwoodClementon Rd & Laurel Rd, Lindenwold. 856-784-1021 • For a complete selection of vitamins, homeopathics, body care, bulk herbs, bulk grains, packaged foods, frozen foods, organic produce, snacks. Open 7 days. Mon-Fri, 9am8pm; Sat, 10am-8pm; Sun, 10am-5pm.

I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection. ~Sigmund Freud


South South Jersey JerseyEdition Edition

SupportNeed the Small a Chiropractor? Businesses You that Can Advertise Find One in NASJ Here!



Chairman, Medical & Dental Division, International Hypnosis Federation 214 W Main St, Ste L4 Moorestown, NJ 08057 856-231-0432 • Dr. Jaime Feldman, one of the pioneers in an advanced technique called “Advanced Parts Therapy,” has been able to unlock the subconscious and remove unwanted behaviors: stop smoking (guaranteed), weight loss, stress, depression, pain and anger management, and more. Outstanding success in curing phobias and deep-seated trauma, and treating the immune system to put cancer into complete remission.

Integrative/Holistic Medicine

Health Through Awareness 100 Brick Rd, Ste 206, Marlton, NJ 08053 856-596-5834 Health Through Awareness takes a holistic approach to health and well-being. Dr. Philip Getson is a board-certified Family Physician and certified by four Thermographic Boards. He specializes in thermography, an early diagnostic tool for many health conditions including breast health. With the mission of providing a balanced approach to wellness, the center offers diet and lifestyle counseling, thermography, the area’s most unique infrared detox sauna (The POD), reiki, a smoking cessation program, physician standard supplements and ongoing wellness classes.

Integrative Medicine/ Holistic Pain Management POLINA KARMAZIN, MD


Institute for Medical Wellness 110 Marter Ave, Ste 408, Moorestown, NJ 856-231-0590 • Board-Certified Family Medicine blending traditional family care with a holistic focus and preventive, nutritional and integrative approach. We look for causes and triggers for disease before reaching for the prescription pad. Same and next day appointments are available.


Julia Snyder, MD 703 E Main St, Moorestown, NJ 08057 Julia Snyder believes in taking a whole-person approach to healing. As a trusted partner in your care, she empowers your own growth and healing through healthy lifestyle change, nutrition, mind/body medicine, supplements and pharmaceuticals only if needed. Offering in-person sessions. Telehealth available for PA and NJ.

Board certified in Integrative Medicine & Acupuncture 2301 E Evesham Rd, Bldg 800, Ste 219 Voorhees, NJ 08043 856-528-2258 • Our practice treats each person individually by addressing the root cause of the problem. Dr Karmazin employs holistic therapies, such as acupuncture, biopuncture, homeopathy and nutritional counselling for a variety of ailments. We also specialize in holistic pain management and do not use narcotics, NSAIDs or steroid injections.


NJBalance at The Center, Life in Balance 45 S Main St, Medford 609-923-3154 Susan is an Intuitive Medium and Reiki Master. She specializes in intuitively enhancing the mind, soul and physical body with healing energy for your highest well-being.

To be the father of a nation is a great honor, but to be the father of a family is a greater joy.

Intuitive Healing & Yoga TRICIA BANFE HEISER

Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master/Teacher, IET Practitioner, Energy Intuitive 856-905-3024 It is my desire to help you live your best life. To feel balanced and at ease in mind, body and spirit. Join me online for yoga, meditation, pranayama and other pearls of wisdom to help you navigate life with joy and grace. Or, in-person, allow me to shine a light on the divine guidance that is always there for you but sometimes goes unnoticed with energy work and intuitive guidance. A session with me will leave you feeling as if you are in the Divine Flow of Life!

Medical Skincare and Cosmetics DR. ANAMARIA NEWPORT, DMS, DMD, MHS, PAC

17 White Horse Pike, Ste 10B Haddon Heights, NJ 08035 856-323-8885

Dr. Newport is a discerning artist, highly experienced master cosmetic injector and renowned dermatology speaker with 10+ years of extensive medical training. Her continuous dedication for skincare, surgery, dentistry, and cosmetic procedures are enhanced by combining the use of the latest technology and her unique homeopathic style. As an artist, she is genuinely passionate about bringing out the unique beauty in each one of her patients. Look no further for your organic skincare specialist, offering the purest treatments achievable with our personalized natural products.


Moorestown, NJ & Narberth, PA 609-261-1955 With over 20 years’ experience and 60,000 sessions, come experience methods to reconnect the body back to wellness and free itself from symptoms, then move into greater self-awareness.

~Nelson Mandela

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June2022 2022 || June


Naturopathic Doctor



Naturopathic Doctor Marlton & Haddonfield, NJ 856-472-9495 • Holistic health care for all ages and a variety of health conditions. Find the cause of your health issues and heal using safe, natural and non-toxic therapies.


Numerologist & Empowerment Coach 609-417-4526 Join the region’s leading numerologist as you discover your life’s purpose. Encoded in your name and birth date are your lessons, talents and desires. Traci will help you realize your full potential.

Outdoor Recreation & Pinelands Preservation PINELANDS ADVENTURES

1005 Atsion Rd, Shamong, NJ 08088 609-268-0189

forest tours.

A nonprofit Initiative of Pinelands Preservation Alliance. Recreational activities include guided/unguided river paddling, camping, hiking and small group history and ecology


Board Certified Massage Therapist, NCBTMB Approved Provider, Reflexologist 609-321-4843 Marlene provides workshops and classes in reflexology and aromatherapy for Massage Therapists seeking continuing education credits and certification in reflexology. Her reflexology sessions incorporate the use of Young Living essential oils on reflex points, and her approach helps clients understand the emotional/mental (psychosomatic) causes of illness and wellbeing and how the nervous system (reflexes) are key to reversing stress responses in the body and mind. She also teaches Raindrop Therapy and was previously a national trainer for Young Living Essential Oils.



A Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Ayurveda Yoga Teacher, Chair & Restorative Yoga, Certified Usui Reiki Master, Gong practitioner and an Ordained Minister. Private, semi-private and group practice. Offers guidance and personal coaching program through The Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality. Focus is working more intimately with self-love, sacred sexuality & spirituality, women’s empowerment and relationship coaching.

Sexual Dysfunction DR. CAMILLE SEMPLE-DALY, DO


Jose Vega Jr 30 Jackson Rd, Bldg D, 2nd Fl, Ste 202 Medford, NJ 08055 347-605-4810 Reiki is a form of energy healing. Its purpose is to release trapped stale negative emotional and mental energies which promotes healing and well-being to the body, mind and spirit. I start working with the auras and then work on the chakras. The sessions last about an hour. By appointment only.

coming in the july issue

Food Connection Someone has to stand up and say that the answer isn’t another pill. The answer is spinach.

Replenish Center 215 Sunset Rd, Ste 204 Willingboro, NJ 08046 856-380-1330

Natural, non-invasive procedures for sexual dysfunction affecting one or more of the following: desire, arousal, lubrication, erectile function, orgasm, pain, dryness and satisfaction. The Replenish Center utilizes an integrative and functional approach looking at key factors such as hormone imbalance, vitamin/mineral deficiencies, certain medications and chronic illnesses. Other contributing factors are lifestyle, diet, exercise and stress. The Replenish Center specializes in therapies which utilize your body’s own healing mechanisms. Dr. Camille Semple-Daly is triple board certified in OB/GYN, Integrative Medicine and Aesthetic Medicine.

Spiritual Wellness BETH O’BRIEN

Spiritual Healing Through Guidance The Center Life in Balance, 45 N Main St, Medford On Angels Wings, 110 Creek Rd, Mt Laurel Beth, a psychic/medium, can give you spiritual and intuitive guidance from your loved ones. Beth is also a Reiki Master and an ordained minister to officiate your wedding. She also is a paranormal investigator and does private and public homes. She also does house blessings and cleansing.

~Bill Maher, 2007 52

South South Jersey JerseyEdition Edition

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30 Jackson Rd, D101, Medford

A full-service holistic wellness center offering everything from yoga to integrative osteopathic physician services and sound healing to psychic wellness reading and more.


Regenerative Whole Health™ Benefits



Sean C. Inselberg, MS, CNS 1 Cinnaminson Ave, Ste 206 Palmyra, NJ 08065 856-499-2160

Offering simple, effective solutions for optimal health for the whole family. Includes: Functional Medicine testing, Othromolecular energy medicine, Neuro Emotional Technique, Psycho neurobiology, autonomic response testing, Theta Healing.


Terry Veit-Harmening 714 E Main St, Moorestown 609-923-5782

Terry Veit-Harmening is a certified Yoga Therapist, a certified Ayurvedic Lifestyle Educator and a brain longevity specialist with the Alzheimer’s Research Association. Yoga Therapy is a holistic approach to health care using postures, movement, stretches, lifestyle choices, relaxation and breathing practices to address your specific issues.

KnoWEwell is a One-Of-A-Kind Platform that centralizes today’s trusted global knowledge, resources and community to Prevent and Address the Root Causes of Chronic Diseases.

Find best-matched Vetted Practitioners. Learn from Top Educators and Experts. Access Evidence-Based Resources. Make Meaningful Connections in Community Topic Groups. Explore Funding Help for Outof-Pocket Costs of Practitioner


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Practitioners Apply: NAPUB0221P | Individuals Apply: NAPUB0221 for the latest updates in health & wellness

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June2022 2022 || June



Sunday, October 16th 11am - 5pm

The Expo’s low-pressure, social environment allows you to network with like-minded people and businesses, creating a community and building connections to share gifts and knowledge with others.

The Westin Hotel

for more information go to


555 Fellowship Rd. Mount Laurel, New Jersey

The Holistic Health & Healing Expo is the go-to resource for natural wellness and green living in South Jersey.


contact Shae Marcus at 856-797-2227 or email


Crossword Puzzle HINT: Some answers can be found on our website by reading the entire April edition.

For clues, simply read the articles in this month's edition of

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


1 Key quality that leads to a happy life (integrity) 5 Years of youth 8 Intimidate 9 Works with clay 11 Relating to Hindu and Buddhist mystical texts relating to yoga, meditation and mantras 15 Disliked intensely 17 Arrival time, abbr. 18 Protected 20 Do research, 2 words 24 Celtic singer 25 Isolated 26 Eastern discipline 30 The establishing of a rapport and relationship 31 Travel 32 Evergreen tree 33 Animal companions 34 Soothing spa treatment

DOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 10 12 13 14 16 18 19 21 22 23 27 28 29 31 32

Addiction Hose material Blurt out Sure! Stereotypical role for a man, 2 words Ability to relate to someone else and their feelings Family girl, for short First aid box Southern state, abbr. Relating to Social worker’s assignment Fall a little Comfort Often the subject of stress in a family Nashville locale, abbr. 24 hours Stomach problems associated with stress Love deeply Flower supporter Kid’s playthings Band booking Scaled note

8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20

21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

You can find the answers to this month's puzzle by visiting

this month's

CROSSWORD PUZZLE sponsored by:


For more information, contact Shae Marcus at


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June 2022 2022 May

55 55

Nutritional Wellness Center Total Healing for the Body, Mind & Spirit

Offering simple, effective solutions for optimal health for the whole family. • Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist

• Digestive and Thyroid Health

• Functional Medicine Testing

• Immune System Support

• Food Allergy & Intolerance Testing

• Treatment for Anxiety & Depression

• Autonomic Response Testing

• Nutrition for Autoimmune Conditions & Autism

• Orthomolecular Energy Medicine • Neuro Emotional Technique • Theta Healing

• Treatment for Skin Conditions • Urgent Care for Colds and Flu’s • Healthy Cooking & Meal Planning

1 Cinnaminson Ave. Suite 206 • Palmyra, NJ 08065 In Office or Virtual Appointments Available


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