Help find loving forever homes for Rambo, and all of the dogs and cats at the shelter. Please call the Nassau Bay Animal Shelter at 281.333.2944 and schedule a time to meet one of our dogs or cats ready for adoption. Hours: Mon-Thurs 7:30am-5:30pm Fri 7:30am-11:30am
Find us on Facebook @NassauBayAnimalPound
GLORIA DEI EASTER EGGSTRAVAGANZA Join Glora Dei Lutheran Church (18220 Upper Bay Road, Nassau Bay, Texas) for their Easter Eggstravaganza on Saturday, April 20th from 9:00am to 12:00pm. Great for children aged "walkers" to 5th grade. Visit for details!
HELP! SPRING HAS ARRIVED As Spring returns and brings us warmer weather, it also
brings the growing season, with pollen and those pesky weeds that can be seen popping up in driveways, sidewalks, and lawns. Spring is also Mother Nature’s call to begin “Spring Cleaning” around our homes. This is a good time of year to begin buttoning up any exterior maintenance items, including pressure washing, repairing loose shutters, touching up faded or peeled painted surfaces, cleaning and repairing fencing, and applying weed control to your lawn and cracks in your front walks and driveways. Here are some tips that will keep the City of Nassau Bay Code Enforcement Department happy: Maintain your lawn and trees. Unkempt lawns are not only unappealing to view, but they can also serve as the perfect home for vermin. In addition to lawn care, trees are also important to maintain. Unhealthy trees can be hazardous, so it is crucial to have them evaluated to prevent costly projects and hazardous situations. Ensure swimming pools are up to par. Standing water attracts mosquitoes, providing ideal breeding grounds. It is important to maintain swimming pools and filtration systems to prevent mosquito infestations which can spread diseases. Maintain the property structure. Properties that are detrimental to the community values and safety need to be properly addressed to upkeep the neighborhood. Address and eliminate factors that threaten the property structure, such as excess clutter and weakened structural features. In order to maintain the well-being of the community and avoid possible citations, it is important to maintain every aspect of your property. It is your responsibility.
SPECIAL!!! Through the month of April, receive a FREE Legacy Brick with each Legacy Bench purchase! Honor a friend, family member or wonderful Nassau Bay citizen today with a Legacy Bench and have the joy of knowing four more benches will be refurbished. Our latest Legacy Bench honoring Roscoe Lee is now installed in David Braun Park, stop by and check it out. For more on CANBE and how you can contribute, visit
MARCH 11, 2019 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tabled an ordinance providing for the regulations and the registration for the operation and use of short-term rentals in the City of Nassau Bay. Approved a resolution canceling the May 4, 2019 City Officers’ Election due to unopposed races. a Proclamation Approved a resolution supporting Presented to Sharif Amr Abouleish for a Criminal Justice Division / Office earning the prestigious award of the Governor Grant application of Eagle Scout for the Nassau Bay Police Department for body worn cameras and designating the City Manager as the authorized grant official. Approved an annual resolution accepting the Anti-Fraud Policy designed to enforce controls and to aid in the prevention and Introduced new Nassau Bay detection of fraud, theft, waste, Police Officer Clint Brown or abuse against the City. Approved action to accept a Proposal for Professional Services from ARKK Engineers, LLC for the TWDB water and sewer line project. Approved a resolution authorizing a Proclamation to the Mayor to sign an updated Presented Nassau Bay Garden Club in Contract for Fines and Fees the honor of Beautification Day Collection Services for Municipal Court fines with Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson. Heard presentation of Audited Financial Statements and Accompanying Documents for Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2018 by Belt Harris Pechacek, LLLP with acceptance of same by Council. Awarded a bid to Dynamic Signs Systems & Marketing, LLC for the construction of a fixed structural landscape artwork amenity to be located on NASA Parkway. Approved a resolution repealing Resolution No. R20182138 and adopting a New Fee Schedule for fees charged by the Building Department. Approved first and only reading of an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2018 Budget. Approved first of two readings of an ordinance correcting non-substantive errors such as misspellings, punctuation, grammar and sentence structure in the City Charter. Join us for next month's Council Meeting: Monday, April 8, 2019 @ 7:00pm, City Hall Council Chamber
Nassau Bay City Hall | 1800 Space Park Drive, Suite 200 | Nassau Bay, TX 77058 | 281.333.4211
APR 19