BY THE NUMBERS Statistics for Febuary 2019
Total Service Calls............................ 343 Total Reports Taken........................... 39 Total Patrol Miles......................... 4,502 Crimes Against Persons...................... 6 Property Crimes................................... 15 Arrests.................................................... 5 Avg Response Times (minutes)..... 2.84
Total Calls............................................. 34 Fires......................................................... 5 Rescues................................................... 0 Motor Vehicle Accident....................... 1 Hazardous Conditions..........................5 Fire Alarm ............................................. 5 EMS Assist............................................. 4 Cancelled in Route/Other................. 13
Total Calls............................................. 72 Total Patients in Nassau Bay........... 39
NEW POLICE SERGEANT Corporal Jerel Crowder was promoted to Patrol Sergeant on March 20. Sergeant Crowder has been with Nassau Bay Police Department for 7 years and has been in law enforcement for 11 years, with 5 years of service in the U.S. Navy. Congratulations!
Honor a loved one, graduate or your favorite person in Nassau Bay with a Legacy Brick or Legacy Bench. Now through the end of May CANBE is offering a free Legacy Brick with each Legacy Bench purchase, as well as offering buy 2 Legacy Bricks get one FREE! For more information about ordering Legacy Bricks contact Ashley Graves at CANBE is also looking for a new Junior Board Member. Any high school sophomore or junior looking for a unique and educational experience should inquire to Gayle Nelson at (subject line: Junior member). As always please visit for more information and other ways to contribute.
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE Plan 2040: Our Legacy Our Future. A Comprehensive Plan is a forwardlooking document which provides a framework for how the community desires to develop or redevelop in the future. The plan typically includes goals to help guide the community. What an exciting time to be planning for the future of this wonderful community just as we are celebrating 50 years as a City! Being in the heart of a significant tourist region, substantial commercial frontage along NASA Road 1, expansive community parks and waterfront, and unique history tied to the Johnson Space Center, Nassau Bay has remarkable assets for a community our size. However, we recognize that some things have changed since the update of the Comprehensive Plan updated in 2015. With the City turning 50, the time is right to look to the future and plan accordingly. The City has engaged a nationally recognized consulting firm, Kendig Keast Collaborative, to work with staff and the community in this important endeavor. Let’s plan boldly Nassau Bay! Let’s continue to ask the tough questions, confronting our challenges and strive to implement innovative solutions. Let’s build the strategic framework to address our opportunities. Town Hall Meeting Recap On February 24th, over 200 residents joined in at a Townhall Meeting as a major event in the update of the Comp Plan. It was amazing to see so many citizens working side by side discussing the issues that face our community. The “Where Do You Live” Map showed that there was representation from all areas of the City. Throughout this process we want to keep the momentum going. We don’t want to do this without you. We’ve developed a process that is transparent and allows the community and stakeholders to be highly engaged throughout. You may already be involved in the process. You may have participated in a small listening group, attended the Townhall Meeting held on February 24th in the Council Chambers or you may be serving on the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee. If you are already engaged in the process, thank you! Get more information online at All meetings on the Comprehensive Plan Update are open to the public. The presentation slides and the working draft documents from the Townhall Meeting and other planning meetings are available on the City’s website. Please visit This process is an excellent opportunity for citizens to provide input on how Nassau Bay should develop and redevelop over the years to come. We want you to share ownership of the final product. If you are not already engaged, please join us! For further information, contact Mary Chambers, Assistant City Manager, by phone at 281-333-4211 or by email at
Nassau Bay City Hall | 1800 Space Park Drive, Suite 200 | Nassau Bay, TX 77058 | 281.333.4211
APR 20