C mpass Rose APRIL 2016
The Nassau Bay Volunteer Fire Department held their Annual Appreciation and Awards event on February 27th.We are lucky to have such wonderful volunteers always ready to put their life on the line for our community. Thank you for all you do! Fire Fighter of the Year Bob Juillerat Medic of the Year Mike Bodak Rookie of the Year Donald Hannsz Line Officer of the Year Marshall Boyd Administrative Officer of the Year Brendan Moses Top Responder 1 Tom George Top Responder 2 Javier Trujillo & Robert Chapman Top Responder 3 Bob Juillerat
Join us for a great evening of live music, delicious food, and fun entertainment for all ages on April 23rd. Mark your calendars and tell your friends!
Nassau Bay City Hall | 1800 Space Park Drive, Suite 200 | Nassau Bay, TX 77058 | 281-333-4211
APR 16
The Annual Easter Egg Hunt was held on March 13th and it was perfect weather! Thanks HEBuddy and H-E-B Volunteers for joining us and providing face paint and bubbles! Please also help us thank the Easter Bunny and the Special Events Committee for another wonderful event!
Coffee with City Manager................Apr 1, 9am Garden Club Style Show...........Apr 1, 10:30am Nauticats Swim Team Registration.......... Apr 2-3 Planning Meeting (if needed)............Apr 5, 6pm Coffee with City Manager................Apr 8, 9am NB Parent Co-op Potluck...............Apr 10, 4pm City Council Meeting.....................Apr 11, 7pm Garden Club Meeting...............Apr 12, 9:30am Coffee with City Manager..............Apr 15, 9am BAH Ballet 40th Anniversary Event..... Apr 15-17 Keep Kids in School Golf Tournament..... Apr 18 Coffee with City Manager..............Apr 22, 9am Street Eatz Party on the Square........Apr 23, 6pm City Officer's Election Early Voting...... Apr 25-30 Coffee with City Manager..............Apr 29, 9am
May 2016 City Officer's Election Early Voting......... May 2-3 Planning Meeting (if needed)...........May 3, 6pm Coffee with City Manager...............May 6, 9am City Officer's Election Day....................... May 7 City Council Meeting......................May 9, 7pm Bay Area Business/Wellness Expo........... May 12 Coffee with City Manager.............May 13, 9am Hurricane Preparedness Seminar...May 19, 6pm Coffee with City Manager.............May 20, 9am Coffee with City Manager.............May 27, 9am For more information about these events and a complete list of community events, visit www.nassaubay.com/events
SAVE THE DATE: MAY 19 Join us on May 19th at 6pm at Nassau Bay City Hall
to learn all about hurricanes and what you need to do now to be prepared for Hurricane Season. Whether you are new to the area or you have been here through hurricanes, you are sure to learn something from the weather experts at this seminar. Open to the Public and free for all to attend. You can also get a free goody bag full of items to help you start or add to your preparedness kit.
Nassau Bay City Hall | 1800 Space Park Drive, Suite 200 | Nassau Bay, TX 77058 | 281-333-4211
APR 16
When someone famous goes green, it makes headlines. However, the green movement also has its share of home-grown heroes; people you never see mentioned at all, yet they are making substantial contributions to the green movement. As a community, we can get inspired by “random acts of green” by our friends and neighbors in Nassau Bay. When I see a Toyota Prius at a stop sign, it makes me smile. I’ll never know the names of all the local citizens tooling around the City in hybrid vehicles or golf carts, but to me they are environmental heroes. When citizens are incorporating green elements in the construction or rehabilitation of their homes, I can break into a full grin. When a certain citizen is riding around town on a three-wheel bicycle picking up litter, it makes me stop and think about why I couldn’t do something like that from time to time; a random act of green-ness. It’s the sort of thing we can all do. These random acts don’t have to involve buying a hybrid vehicle or installing green elements in your home. It can be as simple as walking when you can, picking up litter, or turning off a light at work in a room not being used - just something spontaneous and outside your own usual green focus. Just imagine, if every adult performed one random act of green a day, over a year that’s a lot of litter collected or lights turned off. For those of you who do regularly practice random acts of green - it is noticed and it does inspire.
The City of Nassau Bay is sponsoring an employee team for the 2016 BP MS150. The BP MS150 is a two-day 150 mile bike ride from Houston to Austin organized by the National MS Society. This year’s ride will take place on April 16th & 17th. The City team includes seven riders of various experience levels. If you are interested in supporting the City’s team, please visit the 2016 BP MS150 website, click on the donate link, and search for Nassau Bay under Team Name. The City is excited to support the team in this great cause.
All residents are invited to this month's meeting on April 12th featuring "Tulips and Other Bulbs for Your Garden Experiences from the Amsterdam Flower Show" presented by Garden Club Member Peggy Hill. Social meet-and-greet begins at 9:30am and the program at 10:00am. For more information, visit www.nassaubaygc.org or contact Cherry Nims at cherrynims@hotmail.com or 713-294-4268.
The unseasonably warm weather is coaxing us outside. Azaleas and green grass are beginning to burst into color bringing the yards out of the doldrums. Whether you choose to garden yourself or hire lawn keepers there is one thing we all need to be aware of and that's mulch volcanoes! Too much of a good thing can be harmful. When mulch is piled against a tree trunk it becomes a Mulch Volcano. Excessive mulch eventually penetrates the bark and suffocates the cells of layers of tissue that transfer food up and down the tree. Once the food supply is compromised, the roots will gradually die. Secondary problems are insects, borers, fungi, bacteria, and even rodents all of which enter in through the mulch and eat their way through the decaying bark into the tree, thus taking advantage of the tree in this stressed condition. After the recent rains you can go out and look at the tree's trunk. If the mulch is piled up against the trunk you will see what is beginning to happen. So what do you do if you realize that you (Gasp!) have Mulch Volcanoes in your yard? Don't panic, but act soon! Simply use a shovel or trowel and carefully move mulch away from the trunk, trying hard not to damage the trunk. Use a water hose if needed to blast away mulch clinging to the bark. If it is a large tree with roots above the soil, then keep mulch away from the trunk and roots. If you have a young tree, use a trowel to make a well with the mulch so that it dips low and doesn't touch the trunk but mounds slightly around the outer edge. Part of Nassau Bay's charm is it's beautiful trees. Many have been around for a hundred years and others are just getting started. Let's all work together to keep Nassau Bay a beautiful city to live in!
Nassau Bay City Hall | 1800 Space Park Drive, Suite 200 | Nassau Bay, TX 77058 | 281-333-4211
APR 16
BY THE NUMBERS Statistics for February 2016
Total Service Calls....................323 Total Reports Taken.....................31 Total Patrol Miles...................7,041 Crimes Against Persons.................4 Property Crimes..........................16 Arrests.......................................10 Avg Response Times (in minutes)....2.88
Total Calls.................................21 Fires.......................................... 3* Rescue.........................................3 HAZMAT......................................0 Motor Vehicle Accident.................3 Hazardous Conditions..................3 Fire Alarm....................................5 EMS Assist...................................1 Canceled in Route/Other..............3 * 1. Assisted Webster FD with structure fire. 2. Assisted Webster FD with structure fire. 3. Cooking fire in the 18100 block of Upper Bay Rd.
Total Calls.................................50 Total Patients in Nassau Bay........21
Tom George has been employed with the City of Nassau Bay for almost eight years. Recently, Tom assumed the role of EMS Coordinator and is also the IT Coordinator for the City. Tom enjoys his IT position and takes great pleasure in keeping the city up to date with new technologies. He has spent many years learning IT and most has been self-taught. He is always willing to drop what he is doing to help someone simply reset a password or come to an employee’s desk to discuss more difficult IT issues. He also serves as the Fire Chief for the Nassau Bay Volunteer Fire Department and has been a member of the Department for 28 years. Currently, Tom and the fire staff are working to make the old EMS ambulance into a state-ofthe-art command center that will be invaluable to the city during major storm events.
KEEP OUR COMMUNITY SAFE With several recent home and car burglaries in our community, the Police Department wants to ask for your help in keeping these crimes to a minimum. You can play an important role by being the eyes of your neighborhood and always calling the Police immediately to report a crime or any suspicious activity. Please know that you can always remain anonymous. Light up your residence, lock your doors at all times, and call Police when you notice something suspicious. In addition, the following tips can help protect you and your property. Locks • Always lock all outside doors and windows before you leave the house or go to bed. Even if it is for a short time, lock your doors. • Get the best - ask a locksmith for advice on your specific doors and windows. • Change locks immediately if your keys are lost or stolen. • When moving into a new home, have all locks changed. • Never leave keys under doormats, flowerpots, mailboxes or other “secret” hiding places -- burglars know where to look for hidden keys. Alarms • An alarm system is excellent for home security. It provides peace of mind to homeowners, especially while on vacation. There are a wide variety of alarm systems on the market, so make several inquiries to different companies for the best security system available to you. • If you have a home alarm system, use it! Alarm systems are only useful when you remember to activate them. Don't Tempt a Thief • Make your home look occupied whether you are leaving for a few minutes or a few weeks. • Lawn mowers, grills, and bicycles are best stored out of sight. • Always lock your garden sheds and garages. • Use curtains on garage and basement windows. • Never leave notes on your door such as “Gone shopping.” Targeting the Outside • Have adequate exterior lighting. Motion-sensitive lights are recommended for backyards. • Trim trees and shrubs so they cannot be used as hiding places for intruders. • Make sure your door hinges are on the inside. Going Out of Town? • The Police Department offers Vacation Watch - Patrol Officers will know to keep an extra watch on your property while you are away. To request this service, contact the Police Department at 281-333-4200. • Don't let daily mail or newspapers build up - arrange for a friend or neighbor to take them regularly or contact the Post Office to hold your mail. • Arrange for your lawn to be mowed while away. Additional Advice • Keep a detailed inventory of your valuable possessions, including a description of the items, date of purchase, original value, serial numbers, and keep a copy in a safe place away from home. This is a good precaution in case of fires or other disasters. Make a photographic or video record of valuable objects, heirlooms and antiques. Your insurance company can provide assistance in making and keeping your inventory. • Form a Neighborhood Watch Group. The Police Department can help you work with your neighbors to improve security and reduce risk of burglary. • Be a good neighbor. If you notice anything suspicious in your neighborhood, call 9-1-1 immediately.
Nassau Bay City Hall | 1800 Space Park Drive, Suite 200 | Nassau Bay, TX 77058 | 281-333-4211
APR 16
NASSAU BAY ANIMAL SHELTER I'm seeking a home with loving humans that may have some toys or a nice spot to take naps. I am a civilized "house-trained" spayed cat. I'm good with kids and other cats, but I don't get along with dogs. I've seen a lot of other cats get adopted and I'm ready to meet my match. -Speckles
Nassau Bay Animal Shelter 18900 Upper Bay Rd. Nassau Bay, TX 281-333-2944 www.nassaubay.com/animalshelter
Hours: Mon-Thurs 7:30am-5:30pm Fri 7:30am-11:30am
The City of Nassau Bay has updated its phone system to better assist you! This update will quickly direct you to the appropriate department and you only have to remember one phone number, 281-333-4211. Beginning April 11th, when you call City Hall during normal business hours you will be greeted with a recording that will ask you to choose from a brief list of options: • Court: Press 2
I've been waiting for an energetic human or a full family of them to adopt me. I love to play in the water, take long walks, and play with other dogs. I'm neutered and have all my shots. I also love kids! Please come play with me and consider making me part of your family. - Midnight
2016 started off with heavy equipment on the ground and mud on their boots for Public Works Staff! Contractors mobilized equipment and new water lines for water line replacement on Carriage Lane. This Capital Improvement Project was completed at the beginning of March and consisted of the replacement of approximately 1,020 linear feet of 6“ and 8” water lines.
Calls Pertaining to Municipal Court (citations, warrants, court dates, etc.)
• Permits, Animal Control, Public Works: Press 3
Calls Pertaining to Residential and Commercial Permits & Inspections Calls for the Building Official Animal Control Inquiries (trap requests, lost animals, animal tags, etc.) Maintenance Issues or Inquiries (water leaks, sewer back-ups, street maintenance, etc.)
• Water Billing & Administration: Press 4
Calls About Water & Sewer Accounts (Billing & Payment) Calls for Administrative Staff at City Hall (City Manager, Assistant City Manager, City Secretary, Human Resources, Finance Department, Communications/ Special Events Director, Fire Marshal)
• Police: Press 5
Non-Emergency Calls: (If Emergency, Call 911.) Police Department Inquiries (Police Reports, Open Cases, Fingerprints, Vacation Watch Requests, etc.) Calls for Police Staff: Police Chief, Police Detective, Police Sergeant, Emergency Management Coordinator, Patrol Officers
When calling after-hours you will be greeted with a similar recording that will allow you to select from a list of options for immediate assistance if needed or to leave a message for one of our daytime staff. We hope that you enjoy this new convenience as a resident of our great City!
A second crew was mobilized at the end of January to begin the replacement of 5,680 feet of 8" line through twelve Sanitary Sewer lines by pipe bursting. As of mid-March this project was at 60% completion. Once the Sewer line project is complete, the Capital Improvement Project Street Replacement will begin. Parks Staff will also prepare to remodel the Lake Nassau Park restroom in April. “We have many big projects scheduled for this year and we hit the ground running. A great deal of planning and coordination is required between staff and contractors to meet deadlines and work around any problems or weather delays that may occur. We hope to stay on track and have these projects completed by summer, so the residents can enjoy the summer months in Nassau Bay,“ said Public Works Director Paul Lopez.
Nassau Bay City Hall | 1800 Space Park Drive, Suite 200 | Nassau Bay, TX 77058 | 281-333-4211
APR 16
On February 26, 2016 NASA held a Ceremony and Tree Planting in Memory of Late Councilmember David Braun.
March 14, 2016 - Regular Council Meeting Pledges led by Troop 957. Mayor Denman presented a proclamation to Eagle Scout Ayman Amr Ambouleish. Presented retirement commendation for Joe Cashiola.
Received a presentation of the NASA Area Management District NASA 1 corridor Proposal.
NASSAU BAY CITY HALL • 281.333.4211 After-Hours Emergency 281.333.4200 E-mail: city.receptionist@nassaubay.com
Received a presentation on Council Retreat - Draft Goals 2017.
VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT • 911 or 281.333.4200 During Business Hours 281.333.2677 E-mail: fire.station@nassaubay.com
Approved the minutes for February 8th Regular Meeting and the February 26th Council Workshop.
POLICE DEPARTMENT • 911 or 281.333.4200 During Business Hours 281.333.2212 Vacation Check Requests 281.333.2212
Approved the second reading of an ordinance calling for the renewal of the City’s Juvenile Curfew Ordinance.
PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT • 281.333.2944 ANIMAL CONTROL • 281.333.2944 WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT During Business Hours 281.333.2944 Weekends/After-Hours (Emergencies) 281.333.4200 MUNICIPAL COURT • 281.336.6297 ALL OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS • 281.333.4211 ELECTED OFFICIALS • 281.333.4211 Fax 281.333.2301 • Mayor Mark Denman [Home 281.333.9633] E-mail: mayor@nassaubay.com • Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Mossman [Home 281.333.2194] E-mail: sandra.mossman@nassaubay.com • Councilmember Harry Dollar [Home 281.333.0259] E-mail: harry.dollar@nassaubay.com • Councilmember John Mahon [Home 713.702.1185] E-mail: john.mahon@nassaubay.com • Councilmember Bryce Klug [Home 832.474.5461] E-mail: bryce.klug@nassaubay.com • Councilmember Jonathan Amdur [Home 281.333.3424] E-mail: jonathan.amdur@nassaubay.com • Councilmember Bob Warters [Home 281.333.4750] E-mail: bob.warters@nassaubay.com
Sign up for the digital newsletter at www.nassaubay.com/news www.facebook.com/nassaubay
Approved a resolution updating the anti-fraud policy designed to enforce controls and to aid in the prevention and detection of fraud, theft, waste, or abuse against the City. Approved a resolution updating the investment policy. Approved a resolution approving the revised contract for detention facilities and dispatch services with the City of Webster. Received a presentation of Audited Financial Statements and Accompanying Documents for Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2015 by Belt Harris Pechacek, LLP and acceptance of the same by Council.
Mayor Mark Denman and Councilmembers Sandra Mossman and Bob Warters are running unopposed. Council Position 4 with incumbent Bryce Klug is opposed by Robert "Bob" Juillerat. Please vote in this City Officer's Election at Nassau Bay City Hall on the following dates: EARLY VOTING April 25-30: 8am-5pm May 2-3: 7am-7pm ELECTION DAY May 7: 7am-7pm
Nassau Bay City Hall | 1800 Space Park Drive, Suite 200 | Nassau Bay, TX 77058 | 281-333-4211
APR 16