Nassau Bay City News - April 2015

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Nassau Bay City Hall | 1800 Space Park Drive, Suite 200 | Nassau Bay, TX 77058 | 281-333-4211

APR 2015


Improvements are underway at the Waste Water Plant. Since the plant was installed in 1982, minimal maintenance had been performed due to budget constraints. Current improvements are necessary to increase the capacity to keep up with our population's needs and state compliance laws. The first phase included converting the old tank basin into a Sequential Batch Reactor. This tank was installed prior to 1982 and has been out of use for decades, so it was in need of major repairs and upgrades. Additional height was also added to increase capacity and new piping and pumps with aeration diffusers. This phase was recently completed and it has already been put to use during the heavy rains last month since it provides additional capacity to the sewer plant.

CALL BEFORE YOU DIG As the weather gets warmer and you begin to think about projects around your house, remember to call 811, a free line locator service, before you dig. Digging without knowing where underground utility lines are buried can be very risky. You could cause harm to yourself and utility disruption for your home or neighborhood. To use this free service, just call 811 at least 48 hours before you plan to start your work and professional locators will come out to mark the approximate locations of utility lines on your property. For more information, you can also visit the website

ELECTION NEWS Phase 1 Before and After

We are now on the second and final phase of improvements. This phase includes installing a Grit Removal System, the installation of a fine screen, and replacement of the diffuser system and clarifier. Phase 2 is expected to be complete in the next few months. City staff members, Chris Defrancis and Ross Patrick have a done an excellent job managing and coordinating this project. Waste water plant operations are vital to our city and we are thankful to have these great staff members overseeing the safe and dependable operation of the plant.

The regular election for City Officers scheduled for May 9 was canceled by resolution at the March Council meeting. The 3 positions up for election each only had 1 candidate file, leaving all the positions unopposed. Accordingly, the following will begin new two-year terms at the June Council meeting: Position One Harry Dollar, Position Three John Mahon, Position Five Jonathan Amdur. Clear Creek Independent School District will be conducting an election for three school board positions in the Council Chamber, 1800 Space Park Drive, on May 9 from 7 am to 7 pm. For information about the District’s early voting times (April 27 through May 6), please call Beatriz Bentley at


APR 15



VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT With City officials and other special guests in attendance, the City of Nassau Bay paid tribute to the Nassau Bay Volunteer Fire Department’s members at its annual banquet on February 28th. Organized by banquet committee chairman Rich Baumgartner, the evening was a true celebration of a memorable year of fire department activities. Special recognition was given to the following members. Fire Fighter of the Year Robert Chapman Rookie Fire Fighter of the Year Richard Wooten Medic of the Year Doc Walden Administrative Officer of the Year Mana Vautier Line Officer of the Year Bob Juillerat Ed Newton Scholarship Awards Brendan Moses, Leslie Bodak Outstanding Member Service Awards Robert Hebert, Vic Studer Chief’s Coin Awards for Special Service Brian Webb, Javier Trujillo Top Responders for 2014: #1 – Tom George #2 – Javier Trujillo #3 – Robert Chapman 10 Years of Service Glenn Blome, Marshall Boyd, Bob Juillerat, Dallas Webb A special highlight of the evening was the presentation to Chief Tom George by NBVFD Captain and departing member Brian Webb of a framed original City of Nassau Bay map. Captain Webb also personally presented every department member with a thank you gift for serving as part of the family that is the NBVFD. If you are interested in joining this incredible team, please visit our website or stop by the Fire Station any Tuesday night at 7:00 p.m.


Statistics for February 2015 Total Service Calls.................................................270 Total Reports Taken................................................ 30 Total Patrol Miles...............................................6,065 Crimes Against Persons........................................... 7 Property Crimes....................................................... 20 Arrests.......................................................................... 18 Average Response Times (in minutes)..........2.04


Statistics for February 2015 Total Calls................................................................... 15 Fires*............................................................................... 1 Cooking Fire................................................................0 Water Rescue..............................................................0 HAZMAT........................................................................0 Motor Vehicle Accident............................................2 Hazardous Conditions..............................................5 Fire Alarm.....................................................................5 EMS Assist.................................................................... 3 Canceled in Route/Other......................................... 3 *Assisted Seabrook FD with structure fire.


Statistics for February 2015 Total Calls................................................................... 50 Total Patients in Nassau Bay................................ 30



COMMUNITY CALENDAR APRIL 2015 April Fools Day...................................................April 1 Gardeners by the Bay Plant Sale......April 1, 9:30 Coffee with City Manager................... April 3, 9am Planning Commission Mtg (if needed)......April 7, 6pm Board of Adjustment Mtg (if needed)......April 9, 6pm Coffee with City Manager..................April 10, 9am Assistance League Gala................................April 11 City Council Meeting...........................April 13, 7pm Annual Wine Pairing Charity Event........... April 13 Garden Club Meeting.................. April 14, 9:30am Coffee with City Manager.................. April 17, 9am Spring Fling Party on the Square....April 18, 7pm Boeing-Boeing - CCCT................................ April 24 Coffee with City Manager................ April 24, 9am Parks & Rec Committee Mtg...................... April 27

CITY OPERATIONS Each year, a city audit is performed in accordance with City Charter Article III, Section 3.15. It is approved at the March Council Meeting to uphold state and federal regulations requiring the audit to be completed within 180 days of the end of the fiscal year. The fiscal year starts on October 1 and ends on September 30. Each audit begins with “interim audit” in the summer when the auditors spend several days collecting information and samples for the current fiscal year. The audit is completed with a week-long on-site visit during January or February allowing the staff and auditor time to compile and review all necessary information before the presentation to City Council in March. The audit is considered complete upon its acceptance by Council. The approved audit is shared with the City’s financial partners, the City’s grantors, the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board, and most importantly the public via our website at www.nassaubay. com/financialtransparency If you have questions about the audit or audit process, please contact the Finance Department at 281-333-4211.

For more information about these events and a complete list of community events, visit Add your event to the Community Calendar. Email event information to

50TH ANNIVERSARY For 50 years Nassau Bay Baptist Church has been blessed and honored to serve the City of Nassau Bay. Recognizing the interconnectedness of a church to its community the members of NBBC invite our Nassau Bay neighbors to a weekend of remembrance and thanksgiving as we celebrate our 50th Anniversary on April 25 and 26. For more details go to or call 281-333-3844. NBBC is located at 18131 Nassau Bay Dr., Houston, TX 77058.




Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) come from meats, butters, lard, food scraps, sauces, dressings, dairy products, and cooking oil. When FOG goes down the drain it hardens and causes sewer pipes to clog. This can lead to raw sewage backing up into your home, lawn, neighborhood, and streets. Not only does this nasty mess cause health issues, it can also pollute Galveston Bay. Additionally, it can result in costly plumbing repairs in your home and for the city's sewer lines. Protect you home, neighborhood, and Galveston Bay by following these steps to keep your pipes clear: •

• •

Scrape food, oil, grease, and sauces from plates and utensils into the trash. Don't pour oil or grease down the drain or garbage disposal. Store used cooking oil, once cooled, in a sealable container in the freezer, and recycle it once


The Nassau Bay Garden Club invites residents to join their monthly meetings. All residents are welcome, no need to sign up, just show up to join the fun. April 14, 2015, 9:30 am, City Hall - “Floral Design” presented by Corrie Ten-Have, president of Piney Point Garden Club and active member of Houston Federation of Garden Clubs and several floral design groups. Thanks to all residents who attended and contributed to our Nassau Bay Garden Club Fundraiser in March at Lakewood Yacht Club. As a result of your contributions, we, are able to beautify our City and make donations to worthy organizations within the Bay Area. In February, we worked with the Bay Area Turning Point to make our donation as worthy as possible to their needs. With their input, we contributed 10 $10 Walmart and 10 $10 Cinemark gift certificates. Thanks to the Bay Area Turning Point, an agency that provides services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, for all your organization does for the Bay Area.

SAFETY FIRST The Nassau Bay Police Department recommends a safety app for your smart phone, SafeTrek. SafeTrek enables citizens to be proactive in their safety. How SafeTrek works: When you feel unsafe: Simply launch the app and hold your thumb down on the safe button. When you are safe: Release your thumb from the safe button and type in your 4 digit pin. In an emergency: Release your thumb from the safe button and do not enter your pin. Local police will be notified of your location and emergency.

Lisa Smith, BATP Development Director; Nancy Guthrie, representative of the Garden Club; and Maggie Abitua, Volunteer Services Coordinator.

Nassau Bay Garden Club is proud to award a $1,000 scholarship to Stephen Perry who is currently earning his PhD in Horticulture with a focus on plant breeding at Texas A&M University. Each year, as part of fundraising efforts, the Garden Club has been able to award a $1,000 scholarship. Applicants must be a Texas resident attending a Texas university, a college-level Junior or above with at least a 3.25 GPA, and majoring in a field of horticulture. Stephen is from Texas City and received his second undergraduate degree last December while maintaining a 3.9 GPA. We are proud to be able to assist such a competent student as Stephen in the pursuit of his educational endeavor in horticulture. Should anyone be interested in applying for a future scholarship, contact Nancy Guthrie, Scholarship Chair, at 281-333-3055 or




Female, 2 Years Old

Mittens is a handsome little fellow. He may be a little shy, but he is very friendly.

Diamond is still looking for a loving family to call her own. She is very sweet and loves to snuggle.

For more information, please visit the Nassau Bay Animal Shelter 281-333-2944 18900 Upper Bay Rd. Nassau Bay, TX Hours: Mon-Thurs 7:30am-5:30pm & Fri 7:30am-11:30am

RESIDENTIAL ANIMAL SHELTER TRASH SERVICES NEWS Nassau Bay's back door trash pickup service is a special benefit to residents and our city. The back door pickup allows for our streets to look cleaner and to maintain our city's appearance. Please make sure you are following the rules. • Residential trash is collected on Monday and Thursday. If a collection day falls on a holiday, it will be collected the next regular trash day. The City is fortunate that AmeriWaste provides service on many recognized holidays. Please check the website calendar which is updated as soon as City Staff is informed of holiday trash collection times.

Did you know? All Nassau Bay residents must register their pets with the City. Registering your pets and getting your pet tags helps us reunite owners with their loved ones in the event their pets get lost. Learn more at

Recent Adoptions!

• Citizens should keep household trash at the garage or back door location for collection. • Heavy trash is collected on Mondays. All yard debris, grass clippings (clippings must be bagged and not placed loosely in a trash can), and household appliances/furniture must be placed at the curb for collection. • Residents must bundle the following materials: rubbish, brush, tree limbs/trimmings and other wood waste. Bundles may not exceed 5 feet in length, 18 inches in diameter, and 50lbs in weight. Bundles should be placed within 5 feet of the roadway. Residents are limited to 5 bundles and 10 bags per pickup. • No hazardous substances are allowed. • To keep our neighborhoods clean and free of debris, do not place curbside items until the evening of the day before pickup. If you have any questions about your service, please call AmeriWaste at 281.331.8400.





VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT 911 or 281.333.3473 During Business Hours 281.333.2677 E-mail: ●


March 9 Council Meeting

Appointed Angela Braun to the unexpired term of Councilmember Position 1.

POLICE DEPARTMENT 911 or 281.333.4200 During Business Hours 281.333.2212 Vacation Check Requests 281.333.2212 ●




WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT During Business Hours 281.333.2944 Weekends/After Hours (Emergencies) 281.333.4200 MUNICIPAL COURT ELECTED OFFICIALS

281.336.6297 ●


Fax 281.333.2301

Mayor Mark Denman [Home 281.333.9633] E-mail:

Approved a resolution canceling the May 9, 2015 City Officers' Election due to unopposed races.

Councilmember Sandra Mossman [Home 281.333.2194] E-mail: ●

Councilmember John Mahon [Home 713.702.1185] E-mail: ●

Councilmember Bryce Klug [Home 832.474.5461] E-mail: ●

Councilmember Jonathan Amdur [Home 281.333.3424] E-mail: ●

Councilmember Bob Warters [Home 281.333.4750] E-mail: ●

Councilmember Angela Braun [Home 281.333.3331] E-mail: ●

View the digital newsletter at

Approved a resolution updating the Anti-Fraud Policy. Approved a resolution updating the Investment Policy. Approved a resolution accepting the audited financial statements and accompanying documents for Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2014. Approved a resolution entering into an interlocal agreement between the City of Nassau Bay and the Harris County Fire Marshal for the sale of a pumper fire apparatus. Approved a resolution opposing Senate Bill 343 eroding the authority of a Home Rule Municipality. Approved an ordinance on first and only reading authorizing and ordering the issuance of the City of Nassau Bay, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2015; Awarding the sale thereof; and containing matters incident thereto. Approved an ordinance on first and only reading amending the Fiscal Year 2015 Capital Improvement Plan. Scout Troop 952 did the Pledges during this Council meeting.



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