Nassau Bay Compass Rose Newsletter — August 2020

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FRESH FOOD DISTRIBUTION On August 1st, St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church will offer

the fourth of its monthly fresh food distribution to neighbors in need throughout Nassau Bay, Webster, and Pasadena. The July 4th distribution was canceled due to issues with the Galveston Food Bank. This distribution will begin in the St. Thomas parking lot at 8:00am for volunteers to help package boxes and bags of food into serviceable quantities of fresh fruits, vegetables and meat. Distribution begins almost immediately. In June, volunteers assisted over 100 cars. If you are interested in serving in this effort, please email Mike Stone at Non-parishioners are always invited to serve with St. Thomas. The next food distribution will be on Saturday, September 5th. We can do more together!

NEW AMERICAN FLAG FLYING New in the City! Big kudos to Troy Bradfield, Elias Sauceda, and Ross Patrick from the Public Works Department, for taking it upon themselves to repurpose the old City Hall flagpole. The crew found it a new home in front of the Waste Water Plant. "I am very proud to have dedicated employees like these, who always look for more ways to improve the quality of life for our residents." – Paul Lopez, Public Works Director Great job, Team Nassau Bay!


This has been a year not quite like any other for the Nassau Bay Garden Club and its members. Between COVID-19, the HEAT, and the KILLER HORNETS, it’s a good time to stay at home indoors. Until We Meet Again: There will be more information in the September Compass Rose about IF and WHEN the next regular meeting of the Garden Club will be. Sun-Loving Flowerbed Plants: In the meantime, your best bet for sun-loving flowerbed plants would be Lantana, Portulaca, Bottle Brush, Shrimp Plant, Hibiscus, Plumeria, Hyacinth Bean, and Purple Passion Vine, to name only a few. These plants need a big drink of water too once in a while, but try to water only in the early morning hours [4 o’clock or after] to avoid mold and sunburn. Air Quality Improving Plants: Plants that can improve indoor air quality, thus our health, while the City works to "stay-home" are Peace Lily, Boston Fern, Philodendron, Dracena, Ficus, and Bamboo Palm. All are natural light-lovers, easy to keep, and rid the indoor air of so many toxins in products we use (such as most cleaning products, soaps, Teflon pans, room deodorizers and synthetic pesticides). In addition, these plants put oxygen into the air! Stay safe and healthy, and check out some of the references below: • 15 of the Best Bedroom Plants for a Prettier, Healthier Space • How to Grow Fresh Air: 50 House Plants that Purify Your Home or Office by Dr. B.C. Wolverton (more information online at Garden Club Scholarship: The Nassau Bay Garden Club is taking applications for a Scholarship Recipient. If you or someone you know might be interested, please have them check the eligibility requirements at The scholarship application can be mailed, with the necessary paperwork, to Nassau Bay Garden Club, P.O. Box 580341, Nassau Bay, TX 77258. For any questions, please email Sheila Self at

ANNIVERSARY GALA CANCELED The City of Nassau Bay has chosen to indefinitely postpone the 50th Anniversary Gala until we have better guidance and knowledge around the COVID-19 situation. As the celebration is a fairly large scale event, the City has to make big decisions well in advance. There are many unknown variables with COVID-19, and currently, Nassau Bay’s celebration does not meet the State’s COVID guidelines for hosting an event. Please know this was an incredibly tough decision to make, but at the same time – it is this smartest one. The health of our residents and guests who would attend this event is our top priority. Nassau Bay has a responsibility to the public to do our part to slow the spread of COVID-19. Refunds have been issued. Please call City Hall at 281.333.4211 if you haven't received your refund. Keep your fingers crossed, as we look at the possibility of hosting this event in April 2021. We look forward to celebrating with you in the future when it is safe for all!


The City of Nassau Bay is preparing the City's budget for the coming fiscal year. The following calendar lists the activities staff and City Council will follow as we prepare the budget. You can learn more about the budget process on our website at

08/03 Tenative Budget Workshop City Manager’s DRAFT Budget to the City Secretary, made 08/04 delivered available to public, and posted on website as DRAFT Budget HCAD Chief Appraiser certifies 08/07 approved appraisal roll; Calculation of effective and rollback tax rates

of DRAFT Budget to City 08/10 Presentation Council and Public Budget Hearing

09/14 Adopt Tax Rate by Ordinance

Presentation of Final Budget to City 09/14 Council and Second Budget Public Hearing; Adopt Budget by Ordinance Tenative Special Council Meeting to 09/21 adopt Budget if Certified Roll is received late 10/01 Fiscal Year 2021 Begins

Nassau Bay City Hall | 1800 Space Park Drive, Suite 200 | Nassau Bay, TX 77058 | 281.333.4211

AUG 20


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