C mpass Rose JUNE 2016
Whether you are playing or working outside this summer, you should take the following precautions to stay safe in the heat. • Stay Informed: Monitor local weather forecasts to know what times you should avoid outdoor activities. • Cover Up: Wear light-colored, loose-fitting clothing, a wide-brim hat, and sunglasses that block UV rays. • Use Sunscreen (SPF 15 or higher): Put on sunscreen before you go outside even on cloudy days and reapply every two hours or more frequently if you are active and sweating or swimming. • Limit Direct Exposure: UV rays are most intense between 10am-4pm. Limit time outdoors during these hours. • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water regardless of your activity level. Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink more fluids. Stay away from beverages that contain caffeine, alcohol, or large quantities of sugar. • Check Family and Friends: Keep an eye on family members, friends, and neighbors. Pay close attention and check regularly on young children and those 65 or older. • NEVER Leave Children or Pets In A Closed Car: In just a few minutes, temperatures can rise high enough inside the vehicle to hurt or kill your loved ones. • Know the Signs & Symptoms of Heat Disorders: Heat Stroke, Heat Exhaustion, Heat Cramps, Sunburn, and Heat Rash are common conditions that you should be able to recognize and know what to do. Learn more about heat safety online at www.ready.gov/heat
The regular election of the City of Nassau Bay was held on Saturday, May 7, 2016 to elect our Mayor and Councilmember Positions 2, 4, and 6. The total number of voters was 581 (132 regular votes, 392 early votes in person, and 57 early votes by mail.)The total number of voters for Precinct 307 is 3,173, which means that we had an 18.3% turnout. I would like to thank the community for your participation in our election; however, I would encourage more residents to vote as our numbers have declined. Specials thanks go to City Secretary Marisela, what a trooper! And to the residents who served as election officials including Bill Larsen, Charlotte Larsen, Wendy Peters, and Arlene Phillips. Thanks also goes to Public Works and Roscoe. Finally, congratulations to Mark, Sandy, Bryce, and Bob. Continue your efforts to make our City a wonderful place to live. To Bob Juillerat, thanks for your interest in additional service to the City. Regards, Tuie Lee (Presiding Judge) View the official vote tabulation at www. nassaubay.com/election
Nassau Bay City Hall | 1800 Space Park Drive, Suite 200 | Nassau Bay, TX 77058 | 281-333-4211
COMMUNITY CALENDAR June 2016 Coffee with City Manager.............. June 3, 9am CCCT - Theatre Summer Camp Begins....June 5 St. Paul's Summer Kids Programs Begin.....June 6 Planning Meeting (if needed).......... June 7, 6pm Coffee with City Manager............ June 10, 9am Nearly New Trift Shop Re-Opening........June 11 City Council Meeting................... June 13, 7pm St. Thomas Summer Camps Begin.........June 13 Coffee with City Manager............ June 17, 9am Coffee with City Manager............ June 24, 9am
July 2016 Coffee with City Manager................July 1, 9am July 4th Parade & Fireworks..............July 4, 6pm Planning Meeting (if needed)............July 5, 6pm Coffee with City Manager................July 8, 9am City Council Meeting.....................July 11, 7pm Coffee with City Manager..............July 15, 9am Coffee with City Manager..............July 22, 9am Coffee with City Manager..............July 29, 9am
August 2016 Nassau Bay 101 Application Deadline......Aug 4 August Street Eatz Party................. Aug 13, 6pm Nassau Bay 101 Begins.........................Aug 18 For more information about these and a complete list of upcoming community events, visit: www.nassaubay.com/events
ANNUAL JULY 4TH PARADE It's time to get ready for this year's parade! Decorate
your parade float, golf cart, bicycle, outfits, and join the parade - no need to register, just be at lineup at 5:15pm at Gloria Dei Church parking lot. The parade entry award categories are: • Grand Prize - Best overall entry. • R.O.C.K. in the USA Award - Entry with the best use of patriotic music. • Spirit Award - Entry that displays enthusiasm and receives the best response from spectators. • America's Red, White, & Blue Award - Entry with the best use of the American colors - red, white, and blue. • Super Heroes Award - Entry that honors and shows support for military men and women that have served our country.
We also want to honor all veterans in Nassau Bay with a special parade float, if you are a veteran that would like to participate in this year's parade, please contact Special Events Committee Member Stacey Amdur at 713-261-9151 by June 15th. Monday, July 4, 2016 Water Wars @ Noon - 2:00pm
Water balloons, water guns, water hoses... soak your neighbors in this new event. All participants must register to receive game rules and supplies. No cost to participate.
Parade Lineup @ 5:15pm
Gloria Dei Church (18220 Upper Bay Rd.)
Parade Starts @ 6:00pm
Begins at Gloria Dei goes down San Sebastian to Point Lookout to Kingstree to Martinique to Lake Nassau Park.
Pie Contest @ 6:15pm
This year's contest will be open to any pie! Peach, pumpkin, coconut, any pie your heart desires. Prizes will be given to Best Overall, Best Taste, and Best Presentation. You must register in advance. No cost to participate. Register online at www.nassaubay.com/specialevents
Fireworks @ 9:00pm Learn more at www.nassaubay.com/specialevents.
Mark your calendars, the next Street Eatz Party on the Town Square will be Saturday, August 13, 2016 from 6:00-10:00pm! The party will feature an evening of live music, food trucks, and family-friendly entertainment. We are seeking sponsors for this and future Town Square events, if you are interested please contact Special Events Director Kristi Sykora at kristi.sykora@nassaubay.com or 281-333-4211 ext: 6283.
Nassau Bay City Hall | 1800 Space Park Drive, Suite 200 | Nassau Bay, TX 77058 | 281-333-4211
Hurricane hazards come in many forms including storm surge, heavy rainfall, inland flooding, high winds, tornadoes, and rip currents. Planning ahead can help you protect yourself, your family, your property, and your community. Visit our website at www.nassaubay.com/ prepare for tips and checklists for what you need to do now to be ready in case storms strike. Also, make sure you are signed up for Nassau Bay's Emergency Alerts - register for free to receive emergency alerts from the City via text, phone call, or email. www. nassaubay.com/NassauBayAlerts
As required by the By-Laws of the Nassau Bay Homes Association, Inc. (NBHA), the annual election for Trustees for its Board of Directors will be held on Friday, June 24, 2016 at the NBHA Office (1120 Nasa Pkwy, Ste 109). Early voting will take place Monday, June 13th through Friday, June 17th from 10am-4pm. Monday will have extended hours to 6pm. Two seats are open for election this year, both positions are for a term of two years. Any resident property owner who pays into the NBHA Maintenance Fund and is paid to current is eligible to file or vote for office. Those desiring to run for a Trustees position need only submit an application to the NBHA office by Thursday June 9, 2016. Application are available at the NBHA office which is open Monday from 8am-7pm and TuesdayFriday from 8am-4:30pm. For more information, visit www.nbhaweb.com or contact 281-333-2570 or residentservice@nbhomesassociation.comcastbiz.net. We would also like to take this time to remind everyone about each homeowner’s responsibility to maintain their working yard light at all times. We are constantly monitoring this issue, in the hopes of keeping the community lit and safe as possible. Please see the deed restriction that follows. “Each house, when completed, shall include a gas outlet and line to the front of the house for the purpose of installing a gas light in the front yard thereof; such house tap and line to be installed by the builder at a point designated by the Architectural Committee. The gas light shall be kept burning during all hours of darkness by the builder or any subsequent owner or resident. In lieu of a gas light, an electric light of similar light output, quality and design may be installed.” We appreciate your continued support and help in keeping Nassau Bay the best community around. NBHA – Board of Trustees
With our Winter being so warm and our Spring being so wet, many of you are up to your ears with plants and weeds that are growing like monsters! What can you do? Where do you turn? This is where your neighborhood garden club is here to try to help! The club has a Landscape Designer, 3 Master Gardeners and lots of members who have gone through the same garden disasters as you are going through. We have had questions such as "What do I plant? Where to plant? Why does everything I plant die?" Send your questions and/or pictures to: info@ nassaubaygc.org - Your questions will be answered and might be printed (anonymously if preferred) in the next newsletter Nassau Bay Garden Club believes in neighbors helping neighbors so start emailing those questions!
Due to continued complaints and reports of illegal boat sewage discharges from those in the boating community, we want to remind you to Pump Don't Dump to keep our bay fishable and swimmable. Sewage discharged from boats degrades water quality by introducing disease-causing bacteria into the environment and depressing oxygen levels as the sewage decays. This can result in fish kills and may make the water unsuitable for swimming and recreational use. It is illegal to discharge both treated and untreated sewage into Clear Lake and illegal to discharge untreated waste into Galveston Bay. In order to properly dispose of boater waste, you must use an approved pump-out device, station, or service. For more information and to locate pump-out facilities, please visit www.galvbay.org/boaterwaste or contact Charlene Bohanon at cbohanon@ galvbay.org
Nassau Bay City Hall | 1800 Space Park Drive, Suite 200 | Nassau Bay, TX 77058 | 281-333-4211
BY THE NUMBERS Statistics for April 2016
Total Service Calls....................310 Total Reports Taken.....................31 Total Patrol Miles...................6,307 Crimes Against Persons.................4 Property Crimes..........................14 Arrests.......................................11 Avg Response Times (in minutes)....3.57
Total Calls.................................54 Fires............................................ 0 Rescue.........................................3 HAZMAT......................................0 Motor Vehicle Accident.................3 Hazardous Conditions................10 Fire Alarm..................................13 EMS Assist.................................12 Canceled in Route/Other............13
Total Calls.................................75 Total Patients in Nassau Bay........44
Jamie Vasquez is the Senior Account and Internal Auditor. He has been with the City since 2010 and handles many of the City’s accounting and reporting functions in addition to overseeing the Utility Department, Accounts Receivable activities, and coordinating the City-wide annual audit. Jaime’s precision and attention to detail make him an invaluable employee. He is the proud father of six beautiful children and devotes his time and energy to his family. While residents may not have a lot of opportunities to interact with him, it is reassuring for all of us to know that he is tracking and monitoring the City’s many financial transactions. If you happen to see him helping out Katie at the reception desk, make sure to tell him thank you for all that he does.
NATIONAL RECOGNITION Distinguished Budget Award The City of Nassau Bay has been awarded the GFOA’s Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the fourth consecutive year by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA). In order to receive this award, a governmental unit must publish a budget document that meets nationally recognized guidelines as a policy document, as an operations guide, as a financial plan, and as a communications device. Budget documents must be rated “proficient” in all four categories and the fourteen mandatory criteria within those categories. The GFOA’s Distinguished Budget Presentation Awards Program is the only national awards program in governmental budgeting. Congrats to all City staff and the Nassau Bay Finance Department - Finance Director Csilla Stiles, Senior Accountant & Internal Auditor Jaime Vasquez, and Accountant Julia Mendoza. Playful City Award The City of Nassau Bay is being honored with a 2016 Playful City USA designation for the second year in a row. The Playful City USA program, facilitated by national nonprofit KaBOOM!, honors cities and towns across the country for making their cities more playable. Nassau Bay is one of 17 cities in Texas and 257 communities nationwide to receive this recognition. Nassau Bay is a waterfront community and all residents live within walking distance of a city park or green space with a variety of amenities. Along with the standard parks and amenities, Nassau Bay has a nature trail on the Peninsula Wildlife Reserve, a dog park, a boardwalk along Clear Creek, an art walk on the Town Square featuring interactive art sculptures, green space, and water feature - splash pad, and several garden areas with flowers, benches, and gazebos throughout the city. For more information on the Playful City USA program, please visit www.playfulcityusa.org.
Nassau Bay City Hall | 1800 Space Park Drive, Suite 200 | Nassau Bay, TX 77058 | 281-333-4211
This playful pup is great with kids and other dogs. He loves playing with toys and his favorite game is tug of war!
Kittens, kittens, and more kittens! Come meet these three cuties!
Thank You St. Thomas Kindergarten Class! As part of their unit on money and business, they had the opportunity to become entrepreneurs. They started a cookie business and learned all about marketing, sales, money management, and baked lots of cookies! At the end of a week they made $191.75 from their cookie sales. Yesterday, they visited Troy at the Nassau Bay Animal Shelter to tour the shelter, see the animals, and to donate their cookie proceeds to help the shelter animals. What a wonderful way to learn about money, business, and giving back to your community!
Contact the Shelter: 18900 Upper Bay Rd, Nassau Bay, TX 281-333-2944 www.nassaubay.com/animalshelter Hours: Mon-Thurs 7:30am-5:30pm, Fri 7:30-
City Staff is constantly working to improve the parks to improve or add amenities and to improve or maintain safety features. In May, the parking lot at Lake Nassau Park was re-painted. See the before and after photos below - what a difference!
The Peninsula Wildlife Reserve Nature Trail is also maintained by City Staff. Please remember no dogs are allowed on this trail - dogs could scare away wildlife especially the many varieties of birds that make the Peninsula their home during certain times of the year.
The City is working to control the mosquito population by spraying on Tuesday and Thursday evenings throughout the entire city. In order to make these efforts the most effective they can be, we ask that all residents do their part in eliminating mosquito breeding places from their property and to take appropriate precautions to avoid being bitten by disease-carrying mosquitoes. The following are simple and helpful tips to help do your part in mosquito prevention: • Wear Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-registered insect repellents. • Cover up with long-sleeved shirts and long pants. • Keep mosquitoes out with air conditioning or window screens. • Limit outdoor activities during peak mosquito times • At least weekly, empty or get rid of cans, buckets, old tires, pots, plant saucers and other containers that hold water. • Keep gutters clear of debris and standing water. • Remove standing water around structures and from flat roofs. • Change water in pet dishes daily. • Rinse and scrub vases and other indoor water containers weekly. • Change water in wading pools and birdbaths several times a week. • Maintain backyard pools or hot tubs. • Cover trash containers. • Water lawns and gardens carefully so water does not stand for several days. • Screen rain barrels and openings to water tanks or cisterns. • Treat front and back door areas of homes with residual insecticides if mosquitoes are abundant nearby. • If mosquito problems persist, consider pesticide applications for vegetation around the home.
Nassau Bay City Hall | 1800 Space Park Drive, Suite 200 | Nassau Bay, TX 77058 | 281-333-4211
Call 811 a free line locator service, before any excavation project at your residence. Avoid disruption of services caused by cut lines and the possibility of serious bodily injury. If you have questions about this service, please contact Public Works Director Paul Lopez at 281.333.2944.
May 9, 2016 - Regular Council Meeting
Presented a Proclamation to Eagle Scout Sylvester J. Vredenburg. Presented a Proclamation to Eagle Scout Rohan Sur. Presented a Proclamation to Eagle Scout Diego Contreras. Presented a Proclamation to Eagle Scout Lawrence Der Chang Chu.
NASSAU BAY CITY HALL ADMINISTRATION & WATER BILLING • 281.333.4211 After-Hours Emergency: 281.333.4200 E-mail: city.receptionist@nassaubay.com VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT • 281.333.2677 After-Hours Emergency: 911 or 281.333.4200 E-mail: fire.station@nassaubay.com POLICE DEPARTMENT • 281.333.2212 After-Hours Emergency 911 or 281.333.4200 PUBLIC WORKS/ ANIMAL CONTROL/ BUILDING PERMITS • 281.333.2944 After-Hours Emergency: 281.333.4200 MUNICIPAL COURT • 281.336.6297 Email: municipal.court@nassaubay.com
Follow Us
ELECTED OFFICIALS • 281.333.4211 Fax 281.333.2301 • Mayor Mark Denman [Home 281.333.9633] E-mail: mayor@nassaubay.com • Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Mossman [Home 281.333.2194] E-mail: sandra.mossman@nassaubay.com • Councilmember Harry Dollar [Home 281.333.0259] E-mail: harry.dollar@nassaubay.com • Councilmember John Mahon [Home 713.702.1185] E-mail: john.mahon@nassaubay.com • Councilmember Bryce Klug [Home 832.474.5461] E-mail: bryce.klug@nassaubay.com • Councilmember Jonathan Amdur [Home 281.333.3424] E-mail: jonathan.amdur@nassaubay.com • Councilmember Bob Warters [Home 281.333.4750] E-mail: bob.warters@nassaubay.com
Sign up for the digital newsletter at www.nassaubay.com/news www.facebook.com/nassaubay
Approved a resolution exempting a portion from ad valorem taxes of the market value of a residence homestead. Approved a resolution accepting a contract with Linebarger Goggan & Sampson LLP for fines and fees collection services. Approved a contract with Tetra Tech as the primary contractor for disaster debris monitoring services. Approved a contract with Phoenix Pollution Control & Environmental Service, Inc. to provide pre-position equipment for the city for pending disasters. Approved a contract with Vizcarra Hospitality to provide catering services for responders during disasters. Approved the guidelines and application for filming in Nassau Bay in order to become a Film Friendly Community. Join us for next month's Council Meeting: June 13, 2016 7:00pm Naassau Bay City Hall
Nassau Bay City Hall | 1800 Space Park Drive, Suite 200 | Nassau Bay, TX 77058 | 281-333-4211