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A monthly publication from the City of Nassau Bay
Get ready, folks! The City of Nassau Bay is hosting a Spring Street Eatz on Saturday, May 18th, from 6-9:30 PM at the town square. Get set for toe-tapping tunes from The Line Up and Marshland Ranch (featuring Trey from the Fe), delicious food trucks, cold brews, and vino! Oh, and don't forget your trusty seat - BYOC (bring your own chair)! For more details,swingbytheCity'swebsite!
National Police Week was established by a joint resolution of Congress in 1962 It pays tribute to law enforcement officers who lost their lives in the line of duty while protecting and ensuring the safety of others. President Kennedy proclaimed May 15 as National Peace Officers Memorial Day and the week in which May 15 falls is designatedasNationalPoliceWeek.
In April, the Public Works Department upgraded the lighting system at our Police Memorial, honoring fallen police Sergeant Kaila Sullivan, who gave her life in the line of duty Thank you for your service, Sgt Sullivan The City of Nassau Bay will always remember you. This monument is located in front of the Marriot Court Yard HotelinTownSquare.
NationalPublicWorksWeekwascreatedtoenergizeandeducatethepubliconthe importanceofpublicworkstotheirdailylives:planning,building,managing,and operatingattheheartoftheirlocalcommunitiestoimproveeverydayqualityoflife.This year'sthemeis"AdvancingQualityofLifeforAll"forthe2024NationalPublicWorks Weekposter.Publicworkscontributestoadvancingandenhancingourqualityoflife,no matterwhereweliveintheworld.Publicworksprofessionalsprovideessentialservicesthatleadtohealthier,happier,more vibrantcommunities.The"AdvancingQualityofLifeforAll"themehighlightshowpublicworksprofessionalsadvanceourqualityof life,whetherasfirstresponderstoanelectricityoutage,regularwastepickup,oramyriadofotherwaystheysilentlyservetheir communities
May19-25marksthe50thanniversaryofNationalEMSWeek.It'satimetothankEMTsandparamedicswhoprovidelifesaving careacrossthenationeveryday.EMSWeekeducatesthepublicaboutEMSandtheessentialserviceitprovides.Thethemeis "HonoringOurPast,ForgingOurFuture."NAEMTpartnerswithACEPtoencouragerecognitionofEMSWeekandcontributionsof EMSprofessionals.
ThethemeremindsusofEMS'sproudhistoryandcontributionsoverthedecades.Wemuststayfocusedonevolvingand innovatingtoensureEMShasthesupportneededtoanswerthepublic'scallforhelpwhenit'smostneeded.
AsofJanuary9,2024,HarrisCountywillnotbecontractingwithlocalentitiesfortheMay4, 2024election.Therefore,theCityofNassauBaywillbeconductingitsownelection.Election DayisMay4,2024,7AM–7PM ThecitywillreceiveallNassauBayBallotsByMail applicationsfromHarrisCountyandwillmailballotstothoseindividuals CityCouncilhas appointedthePresidingjudgesandAlternatejudgesforEarlyVotingandElectionDay–these individuals,alongwithallotherelectionofficials,willbetrainedaccordingtoguidelinesfrom theSecretaryofState.Voterswilluseavotingmachinetomarktheirballot,whichwillbe placedinaballotboxbythevoter,andthenallballotswillbehandcounted.Onceallballots havebeencounted,theelectionresultswillbeannouncedassoonaspossible.
Helpus*CELEBRATE*ourNassauBayVeteransthisFourthof July!
DoyouknowaveteraninNassauBay?Letushonorthemthis July4thwithspecialsignage!PleasecontactMichelle Micheli (mmicheli@peoplepc.com),andourNassauBaySpecialEvents Committeewillinstallayardsign.
St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church
On Saturday, May 6, 2024, St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church (18300 Upper Bay Dr. in Nassau Bay) will host its monthly food distribution The Galveston Food Bank will arrive in the St Thomas parking lot about 7:45 am and distribution will begin about 8:00 am until about 9:30 am. Community members are always welcome to serve with St. Thomas volunteers in this ministry. For more information,pleasecontactFr.MikeStoneatrector@sttaec.org.
Families,friendsandscoutsjoinedforceswiththeNassauBayGardenclub membersforitsannualBeautificationDayMarch30focusingonits gardensandothergreenspacesthroughoutthecity, saidDianaClark, eventchairman. TheGardenClubpartneredwiththePublicWorks Departmentandvolunteerstoworktogetherontheclub’sgardencleaning ofthebedsandplantingnewflowersandshrubsforthespringand summer BSAScoutTroop1966ralliedsomeoftheirmemberstoworkat theDavidBraunParkentrancegardens.Everyoneparticipatingthisyear receivedafreeT-shirtfortheirparticipation. Theclubmaintainsfivegardens:DavidBraunPark,Reflection,Swan LagoonButterflyHabitat,TranquilityArborinHowardWardParkandCircle GardenonUpperBayRoad.Inaddition,theymaintaintheBlueStar MemorialonNasaRoad1thatwillbereplantedonApril17.
Congratulations to Kimberly and Dick Gregg III, recipients of the CANBE 4th Quarter 2023 Beautification Award!
If you would like to nominate a residence or business for the CANBE BeautificationAward,please contact Coleen Ethridge, coleen@cammgroup.com. Please follow us on Facebook, by clicking the blue button on the homepage at www.NassauBayCANBE.org
The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Nassau Bay, Texas, shall hold a pre-application review/workshop on May 2, 2024, at 6:00 PM in the CityHallCouncilChamberstodiscussamendingthe Zoning Ordinance by changing the zoning classification of 0.05022 acres of land generally locatedonthesouthwestcornerofNasaRoad1and Upper Bay Road, also known as 1910 East Nasa Road 1, from Commercial (C) zoning district to Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning district. The applicant and owner of the subject property is 1910 Nasa Pkwy, LLC. The pre-application review/workshop will allow the applicant and City todiscusstheparameterswithintheproposedPUD, prior to the formal application being submitted by theapplicant.
The City will host a Marine Safety workshop on May 3, 2024, at 6:00 PM in the City Hall Council Chambers. Citizens are invited to join! We hope to seeyouthere!
May21:SafeCommunityPublicForumw/ CouncilmemberAbbey
During the Regular City Council Meeting held on April 15, 2024, Mayor Phil Johnson and the Council paid tribute to a long-time resident, George W.S. Abbey, who had recently passed away. The Council proclaimed every August 21 as George W.S. Abbey Sr. Day in honor of the father of modern space flight. George W.S. Abbey passed away on March 24, 2024, leaving behind a legacy and a long list of accomplishments. Mayor Johnson, on behalf of the Nassau Bay City Council, Nassau Bay City Staff, and the citizens of Nassau Bay, expressed heartfelt appreciation to George W.S. Abbey Senior for his over 60 years of service to our nation and the human space flightprogram..