July 2023 Compass Rose

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12- 2pm: Water Wars (City-wide)

5:00pm Parade Line-Up Thhhhhh

6:00pm: Celebration in the Park s

6:00pm Veterans’ Parade Parkini

9:00pm Fireworks hanna lweoryyy

World Series Trophy on its Way to Nassau Bay

The 2022 World Series Trophy will be making a stop at Nassau Bay City Hall on July 15, 2023! Volunteers with the Nassau Bay Parks and Recreation Committee are delighted to be working with the Astos to bring the championship trophy to the City.

The World Series trophy will be on display at Nassau Bay City Hall from 11 AM to 1 PM, and the Astros’ mascot, Orbit, will make an appearance from 12 PM to 1 PM Residents are invited to come out to get their picture with the trophy and Orbit and to meet an alumni Astros player Family fun activities include face painting, refreshments, and giveaways.

1800 Space Park Drive, Suite 200 | Nassau Bay, TX 77058 | 281.333.4211
Compass Rose 4
of July E V E N T S C H E D U L E
Page 2023
HELLO. I am your new best friend. 01. 5 kittens and 1 sweet Momma cat will be available for
in 8 weeks. We also have more beautiful cats and dogs to choose from. For more info on animals available, please contact ACO Troy Bradfield at 832-574-0877


The Nassau Bay City Council will be appointing a Charter Review Committee to review and update the City Charter

The Charter Commission is a temporary commission that reviews the entire Charter and puts any proposals for its amendment before the voters as a referendum For information to the Citizens, the Charter is out of date with significant errors. In addition, changes that might be made during this most recent State Legislative Session, the City will need to incorporate those changes as well.

Out current Charter states that City Council must appoint 5 citizens of the city The duties of the Commission:

(A) Duties of the commission:

(1) Inquire into the operation of the city government under the charter provisions and determine whether any such provisions require revision To this end public hearings may be held; and the commission shall have the power to compel the attendance of any officer or employee of the city and require the submission of any of the city records which it may deem necessary to the conduct of such hearing

(2) Propose any recommendations it may deem desirable to insure compliance with the provisions of the charter by the several departments of the city government

(3) Propose, if it deems desirable, amendments to this charter to improve the effective application of the charter to current conditions

(4) Report its finding and present its proposed amendments, if any, to the council

(B) Action by the council: The council shall receive and announce that any report presented by the charter review commission is available for review by interested citizens during regular hours at city hall, shall consider any recommendations made, and if any amendments be presented as part of such report, may order such amendment or amendments to be submitted to the voters of the city in the manner provided by Chapter 13 of Title 28 of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as now or hereafter amended.

(C) Term of office: The term of office of such charter review commission shall be six (6) months, and at the completion of such term a report shall be presented to the council, and all records of the proceedings of such commission shall be filed with the City Secretary and shall become a public record.

The City of Nassau Bay will be accepting applications for this important 2023 Charter Review Commission. The application is available on the city website, please visit Volunteer with the City | Nassau Bay, TX . The City will be accepting applications through July 31st. The City Council will be appointing 5 citizens to serve on the 2023 Charter Review Commission at the Regular City Council Meeting scheduled for August 14, 2023 at 7:00 p m

1800 Space Park Drive, Suite 200 | Nassau Bay, TX 77058 | 281.333.4211 Mayor Phil Johnson 281 734 1074 | phil johnson@nassaubay com Councilmember Lucie Johannes Sommer Position 2 832.338.1828 | lucie johannes sommer@nassaubay com Councilmember James Abbey, Position 4 979 422 2383 | james abbey@nassaubay com ContactyourCityOfficials Councilmember Michelle Weller, Position 6 michelle.weller@nassaubay.com l 832-8688663 Chase A. Waterwall - Council Position 3 Sarah Hollowell Horton - Council Position 5 Paula Tomasi - Council Position

Top 5

Activities to Discover in Nassau Bay


Explore the far reaches of space from ground-level at Space Center Houston. Enjoy boundless outdoor activities surrounded by blossoming fauna and bustling wildlife at both the Armand Bayou Nature Center and Nassau Bay Peninsula Wildlife Park. Bring your family, friends and loved ones for a stellar summer trip this season. Read the full article online at the QR provided.


This year ’ s Reindeer Fun Run will be held on Saturday, December 9, and we ’ re looking for corporate race sponsors both large and small. If your business is interested in sponsoring this popular community event, please contact Committee Chairperson, Gayle Nelson, ghnelson2016@gmail.comor 832-419-7987. Family sponsors are also welcome.

Unsung in Nassau Bay

In Nassau Bay, we take for granted our place in the history of NASA with the Apollo, SkyLab, Space Shuttle, and Artemis.

Former residents walked on the moon, launched Hubble, recovered and repaired satellites, and constructed the International Space Station. And sadly, some gave their lives to the country they served and their unwavering passion for exploration. Did you know we have two residents in the Texas Aviator Hall of Fame? Read the full article online at the QR provided.

1800 Space Park Drive, Suite 200 | Nassau Bay, TX 77058 | 281.333.4211


As the dog days of summer are upon us, Here are a few friendly Water Conservation tips to help reduce drinking water consumption and help our water supply. Following these tips helps the City’s daily usage and could also prevent Water Rationing in the event of a drought Remember “Every little drop counts!”

Replace broken irrigation heads and adjust accordingly. Water your lawn not the sidewalk or grass.

Use native plants, flowers when planting. Install rain sensors on your irrigation system. Visit the Galveston Bay Foundation Website for additional information. Look into rain barrel irrigation

TheNassauBayGardenClubinstalleditsboardofofficersinarecent ceremony byformerpresidentSueWartersatalocalrestaurantlastweek.

Although the club is not meeting during the summer months, there’s still gardening to do In July, deadhead your annuals and perennials to encourage a great fall showing. You might plant pumpkin seeds for October Jacko-o-Lanterns Eliminate standing water to prevent those mosquitoes from breeding Water deeply, especially the trees. Don’t rely on your sprinkler system to water adequately in the summer

Royce Walker will lead the organization in her second year as president. Other installed officers include First Vice President of Membership Diana Clark, Second Vice President of Programs Christina Jordan, Third Vice President of Finance Ann Davidson, Secretary Angela Braun, Treasurer Jennifer Barnes and Historian Michelle Weller.


City Council Meeting held June 12, 2023 and took the following actions.

Introduced new staff members

Officer Ben Benford

Building Official Herman Myers

Building Coordinator Cesalie Caldwell

Presented a check in the amount of $16,000 00 to Hal Wixon, Gulf Coast Film Festival

Thanked the outgoing City Council Members for their service to the City.

Welcomed new Council Members

Appointed Lucie Johannes Sommer as Mayor Pro Tem

Awarded the bid proposal for Project 2023-01 -Sidewalk Expansion to Queen Constructors, LLC in the amount of $49,937.50.

Approved the first reading of Ordinance No 2023-06-12 of the City Council of the City of Nassau Bay, Texas, amending Municipal Code Article VI – Short-Term Rentals Section 11-113-Enforcement to update an additional violation, Section 11-105 – Short Term Rental Permit amending Subsection 6 and Section 11-117

– Penalty

Approved Resolution 2023-06-12 of the City of Nassau Bay, Texas, designating Council Member James Abbey as the representative and Council Member Waterwall as the alternate

Appointed Jack Cronan to the Parks & Recreation Committee

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