Ashdown Forest Living December Issue

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S u p p o r t i n g lo c a l B u s i n e ss

December 2015

Sheffield Park & Gardens Š Chris Roe

Christmas Customs We Didn’t Know Existed Local Business Directory & Community News Art from the Heart Call 01342 300152 to advertise Boots on for Boxing Day The Future Comic Strip Support your local businesses Visit: w w Please mention us when responding to adverts


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Had enough of SLEEPLESS Nights? Are you suffering from insomnia, habitual snoring or chronic daytime tiredness? If so, read on…. Dr Peter Venn is a Consultant Sleep Physician who set up the Sleep Disorder Centre at the Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead, in 1993, A leading expert in his field, he was the medical adviser on BBC1’s Goodnight Britain, and broadcasts regularly on both radio and television.

Dr Venn says, ‘Poor sleep is very common, and many people have chronic problems. Snoring and breathing disorders affect about 4% of middle-aged adults. Sleep apnoea is a disabling condition in which sufferers stop breathing whilst asleep with both medical and social consequences.”

Literally thousands of lives have been transformed by Dr Venn with a device called a CPAP machine, which is used to treat sleep apnoea, and which guarantees to stop snoring completely – see photo. He calls this device “true preventative medicine that gives people their lives back”

increasing problem for many people. Sleeping tablets are usually NOT the best treatment, but Dr Venn’s expert advice will help to select an appropriate alternative after a full discussion and assessment in outpatients. Whatever your problem with sleep, Dr Venn will have seen it before.

Like snoring, insomnia is an High blood pressure and diabetes are frequent associations with sleep apnoea, leading to a higher Private consultations are available at: risk of stroke and heart attack Sleep Disorder Centre in middle age. Symptoms Queen Victoria Hospital in East Grinstead. include snoring, stopping or struggling to breath and Call Catherine Frantz on 07803 421447 excessive tiredness in the or email: website: daytime. Visit: w w Please mention us when responding to adverts

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Dear Residents,

Whats inside this month

Welcome to the December issue. Now that the month has started, all references to Christmas are hopefully welcome! On that note, we have various Christmas features which we hope will help to get you in the Holiday Season spirit.

Art from the Heart

Christmas Customs We Didn’t Know Existed

This month we have featured incredible local comic book author, Garen Ewing, whose art has recently been featured on digital screens across the country. And on the subject of art, mouth artist Bazza West, who lives near Uckfield tells us how some of his paintings have come to be on Christmas items across the world.

Capability Brown and Sheffield Park

In a Split Second

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support over the year and wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. With Best Wishes, Tally & Chris

Keep this directory handy for when you need it

Ashdown Forest Living To advertise call 01342 300152

The Future Comic Strip

Boots on for Boxing Day


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Bertie the ‘Ball Boy’

Hospice in the Weald

Ashdown Forest Living Notice: Ashdown Forest Living prints various articles, features, and advertisements. Although these appear in Ashdown Forest Living, any opinions expressed are the opinion of the author, these are not necessarily the opinion of the publisher. © Copyright Ashdown Forest Living 2015. The contents of this publication are written specifically for our readers, no part May be reproduced elsewhere without express and prior permission.

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EH Shepard: An Illustrator’s War

HOSPICE IN THE WEALD EXPANDS A pioneering innovation in healthcare in Kent and Sussex is set to be launched with Britain’s first neighbourhood cottage hospice, bringing expert palliative care to terminally ill patients at the heart of their own community. One of a chain of three planned by Hospice in the Weald, it is expected to open its doors in 2017 on a site in East Sussex.

said: “We are not trying to replace or duplicate the work of our existing hospice at Pembury. That will always be there for people who need high-intensity medical care and nothing will change. But we want to build on the work of our Hospice in the Home service which currently looks after 700 patients in their own homes.“ The new cottage hospice will provide residential suites for terminally ill patients where relatives or carers will have the chance to stay with their loved ones round the clock and care for them through their final days with the as much or as little help from nursing staff as they need.

The 10-bedroom cottage hospice is intended as a community hub, with drop-in day activity facilities for patients as well as ground-breaking training courses to teach families and carers the skills to look after their loved ones who want to be cared for in their own home.

“Where we really aim to reach out into the community to touch the lives of as many people as possible will be through the drop-in services we offer to patients and their carers during the day and the new training courses and development programmes we are designing,” said Mr Woolley.

Rob Woolley, chief executive of Hospice in the Weald,

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ISTD and RAD Dance and LAMDA Drama and Musical Theatre classes

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In a Split Second

‘Field mouse on hazel tree' Photo Competition runner up 2015 © Glenn Alford.

In a world full of smartphones where so many of us are now amateur photographers, congratulations must go to one local resident, Glenn Alford who came runner up, ‘by a whisker’ in the prestigious Sussex Wildlife Trust’s annual photography competition. His photo will be featured in the Trust’s 2016 calendar. We got in touch with Glenn to find out how he got this amazing shot:

I had been at my parents garden that afternoon taking photos of the flowers and butterflies that gather there during the summer. I was just packing up to go home when I spotted something moving in the hazel tree, I froze for a moment and saw a small mouse desperately trying to get to the last of the hazel nuts the squirrels couldn’t reach, it was so intent on what it was doing it hadn’t noticed me. Waiting for what seemed like ages for it to look away from my direction, gave me the opportunity to raise my camera and keep a focus on it until it popped its head up and looked straight at me. I got the shot you see in the photo just at the moment it realized I was pointing a 400mm lens at it and it shot off, hence the very surprised look on its face! So it’s just a case of always being ready with wildlife photography, as it nearly always presents itself at the most unexpected moments!

How did you get into Amateur photography? I have always had an interest in photography, but it’s only in the last year and a half, that I really got the bug for it. My cousin came to visit and showed me some of the pictures she had taken of the wild flowers in the garden using a modern digital DSLR camera. This was the first time I had seen the quality of the photos these cameras we capable of getting and I was stunned, I decided then and there to invest in a good DSLR camera and get back into photography. After spending hours taking lots of photos, I decided to get a longer zoom lens and try some wildlife photography, as nature and our countryside have always been close to my heart having grown up in West Sussex. It is one of the most rewarding forms of photography as every photo is unposed, unplanned and nearly always spur of the moment, but the feeling you get from that one fantastic shot never fades.

What was your reaction when you found out you were runner up in the competition? I had an email from the Sussex Wildlife Trust to say my picture had made it to the final 12 in the photo competition and it would now go out to the public vote. The other 12 final photos were all very good, so I wasn’t expecting to get any further. A few weeks later I received another email to say I had got runner up in the competition, I couldn’t believe it!

How did you manage to capture such a special shot?

I must say a big thank you to my sister, Elsa Bridger, who told me about the competition but mostly to my wonderful girlfriend, Carol, who very patiently comes with me and helps me out with all my camera gear when out looking for my next wildlife pictures.

The photo of the field mouse in the hazel tree was again a case of being in the right place at the right time, but also knowing your camera inside out so you can concentrate on getting that split second photo opportunity.

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13/10/2015 10:32

Well I Never! Christmas customs we didn’t know existed.

Japan: Kentucky Fried Christmas

Ukraine: A Spidey Christmas Instead of glittering baubles and tinsel, Ukrainian Christmas trees are covered with artificial spiders and cobwebs. Why such eccentric tastes? According to folklore, a poor woman could not afford to decorate her Christmas tree. The next morning, however, her children woke up to see the tree covered with webs. As the first light of the day touched the web threads, they turned into gold and silver and the family was never left for wanting again! Therefore seeing a spider web on Christmas morning is thought to bring good luck.

Christmas turkey is a must-have meal at Christmas, but for the Japanese, can you believe that it’s the Colonel’s very own chicken! Since the beginning of a very successful marketing campaign four decades ago, KFC has been associated with Christmas in the minds of the Japanese for a few generations now, a tradition passed on from parent to child despite its commercialized beginnings. Clearly someone in Japanese KFC marketing from four decades ago should have been given a very hefty bonus! More than 240,000 barrels of chicken will be sold during Christmas, five to ten times its normal monthly sales.

Finland: A Christmas of Remembrance Families in Finland usually visit the graves of their ancestors and relatives on Christmas Eve to light candles in memory of the deceased. Even those who don’t have their kin’s graves nearby visit cemeteries to place candles in honour of their family members buried elsewhere.

Sweden: Let the Goat Live (Until Christmas ) In the town square of Gavle, in Sweden, in 1966 a 13-metre tall goat figure made of straw was erected. At the stroke of midnight, Christmas Eve, the goat was set alight. However the town still builds it year after year, and naughty people never stopped trying to burn the goat down! In 2013 the goat had already been burned down 27 times. The burning of the Gavle goat happened so often that bookmakers began taking bets for the survival of the goat since 1988. To clarify the town DOES NOT want the goat to be burnt down!

Santa’s own Postal Code (H0H 0H0) Did you know that Santa has his own postal code, H0H 0H0 (with zeros instead of the letter ‘o’) and it’s in Canada. Letters, the kind that bypass parents, used to end up undelivered because there was no centralized address. But for the past 30 years, Canada Post volunteers (in their thousands) have been helping Santa reply to a million letters every year from children around the world even in different languages, including Braille. What lovely people!


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The Estate Yard, Eridge, Nr Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN3 9JR


Boots on for Boxing Day

© Rob Srothard

Following the excitement and dare we say gluttony of Christmas Day, Boxing Day is the perfect time to burn off some festive calories, get some fresh air and catch up with friends and family, or even start early on those New Year’s resolutions. What better way to initiate this then with an enjoyable, exhilarating walk! Of course there are many amazing walks to be taken on the Ashdown Forest and you can find leaflets at the Ashdown Forest Centre. You may also wish to try some of the walks taking place on Boxing Day (and New Years Day) at a couple of the beautiful National Trust properties that we are able to enjoy in this neck of the woods. With so many picture-postcard landscapes, here are just a couple of options:

With the trees laid bare the formation of the Arts & Crafts inspired hillside garden is revealed each winter. Perched at the top of the garden, the new viewing platform on Rock Top Walk provides the perfect vantage point for views of the garden and dramatic wintery scenery over the High Weald, Ashdown Forest and East Grinstead. Additional woodland walking guides can be picked up from visitor reception. On Boxing Day, join the head gardener on a guided walk of some of the estate’s special areas, including Hollybush woodland. Part of the forest ridge of the High Weald and one of the most wooded areas in Britain, Hollybush is home to a large

collection of ancient trees, one of which is said to be rarer than a Giant Panda. Also on New Year’s Eve a guided woodland walk will help to blow the festive cobwebs away and start the New Year refreshed.

on New Year’s Day. One of the longest serving members of the team will add colour to the history of the garden, its owners and their legacies – you won’t find any of these stories in any guide book.

NB: Garden, shop and Barn Café open 10am-4pm, house open 11am-3pm between Boxing Day and New Year’s Day.

NB: Parkland open daily from dawn until dusk. Garden, tea room and shop open 10am-4pm daily between Boxing Day and New Year’s Day and throughout January. A Winter’s Trail runs until Sunday 31 January, £1 per trail. New Year’s Day holly hike, 11am1pm, £6 per person with booking recommended on 01825 790231.

Boxing Day stroll, Saturday 26 December, 12pm-1pm. New Year’s Eve Woodland Walk, Thursday 31 December, 12pm-1pm. Both walks are free with no booking needed, meet on Goose Green. Sheffield Park & Garden With its reflective lakes and impressive tree collection from around the world, Sheffield Park is particularly beautiful in winter. After the leaves fall, the garden gives way to dramatic winter vistas and the lakes are transformed by mist, frost and ice. Adding to the sculptural forms of the trees in winter, a series of willow shapes and frames are dotted around the garden as part of A Winter’s Trail.

© John Millar

© John Miller

Standen House & Garden

Explore the lesser-known parts of the estate on a guided hike


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displayed alongside toys and games. Garden, tea room and shop open 11am-4pm daily, house open 11.30am-3.30pm between Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. Boxing Day walk and breakfast 10am12pm, New Year’s Day walk and breakfast 11am-1pm. All tickets £17.50 per person, booking essential on 01435 882302.

© Stephen Robson

Books for Boys exhibition daily between Friday 1 January and Sunday 28 February, 11.30am-3.30pm, normal admission charges apply, house closed. In January the garden, shop and tea room open daily between 10am – 5pm, house closed. We included this as it’s not far from the Ashdown Forest area and well worth a visit. With whirls of rolling mist and frost glistening on the neatly clipped hedges, Rudyard Kipling’s English country garden is transformed in winter. Pick up an estate walking leaflet to take in the spirit of this special place on three walks - Puck’s Walk follows famous characters from Kipling’s Puck of Pook’s Hill published in 1906, ironmaster’s walk takes in the local history of iron production in the area and the Dudwell Farm walk winds through Bateman’s estate and the local village of Burwash.

© Rob Stothard

Follow in Kipling’s footsteps with either a guided Boxing Day or New Year’s Day walk. Start the day with a hearty English breakfast before a gentle walk through the fields, hills and woodlands of the Bateman’s estate on Boxing Day or a more invigorating ramble on New Year’s Day around the beautiful Wealden landscape, with the head gardener highlighting some of the best views. Indoors in January, the exhibition Books for Boys celebrates the golden age of children’s literature during the Victorian and Edwardian periods. Books from some of the period’s best-loved authors are


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‘Family Fun Christmas Quiz’ Can you score 20/20?

1. 2.

What date is St Stephen’s Day?


London’s Trafalgar Square Christmas tree is traditionally given by which country?


In the song “The Twelve Days of Christmas”, ‘... my true love brought to me nine...’ what?


Which Christmas carol includes the lyrics ‘...To save us all from Satan’s power, when we were gone astray..’?

In Charles Dickens’ novel A Christmas Carol, who was Scrooge’s dead business partner?

11. 12.

Who wrote “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”?

13. 14.

How many points does a snowflake have?

15. 16. 17.

What are the traditional colours of Christmas?


What is the total number of gifts in in the Twelve Days of Christmas song? Which Christmas song by Irving Berlin is considered to be the best selling single of all time?

Who is officially credited as the author of Auld Lang Syne?

What is the name of the cake traditionally eaten in Italy at Christmas?

What does the ‘X’ stand for in Xmas?


What colour are the berries of the mistletoe plant?


What are the names of the three wise men said to have brought gifts to the baby Jesus?

8. 9.

What is New Year’s Eve called in Scotland? In what year was the original Band-Aid’s ‘Do They Know It’s Christmas’ the UK Christmas chart-topping record?



In which modern country is St Nicholas’s birthplace and hometown?

20. In the iconic Christmas movie ‘Home Alone’ in

In which European country is it believed that decorating Christmas trees originated in 16th century?

which city is Kevin left?

Answers on page 38 Bertie the ‘Ball Boy’ Local resident, Michael Carden’s golden retriever Bertie likes nothing better than a good romp over Ashdown Forest in all weathers. While he’s been there he’s been busy on his very own ‘forest mission’ and is doing his bit to keep the forest tidy by finding any abandoned or lost balls. Here is a photo of Bertie with the first 100 balls.......... And counting!


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Dutch Christmas Tree Cookies Great recipe for keeping the kids occupied in the Christmas holidays - suitable for adults too!

Ingredients »

250 g plain flour


1 teaspoon baking powder


1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon


pinch of salt


165 g caster sugar


1 teaspoon finely grated lemon rind


165 g unsalted butter


approx. 1 tablespoon milk


To decorate: Icing Sugar, cake decorations, chocolate, etc. (to taste)

Method Sift the flour, baking powder, cinnamon and salt into a mixing bowl. Mix in the sugar and grated lemon rind.

up on the Christmas tree or use them as decorations then, with a thick skewer, pierce a hole in the top of each one.

Cut up the butter and add to the flour then rub into a breadcrumb consistency and knead into a soft dough, add a little milk if needed. Shape into a ball and put in a cool place for at least 1 hour before rolling out. Turn the dough on to a floured board and roll out to 3 mm or an 1/8 inch thick. Using biscuit cutters, cut out a variety of shapes (Christmas trees, stars, rings and animals). Re-roll the dough trimmings to make more cookies until it is all used up.

Bake all the shapes in a preheated moderate oven at 180°C / 350°F / Gas Mark 4 for 15 to 20 minutes or until set and golden. Cool on a wire tray. Decorate to taste using icing sugar and decorations. When the cookies are set, thread a narrow red or green ribbon or a tinsel cord through the hole in each cookie and hang on the Christmas tree or wherever you like.

If you wish to hang the finished cookies

A very Merry Christmas to all our Readers and wishing you all a Happy New Year! 18

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Art from the Heart Barry West otherwise known as ‘Bazza’ lost the use of arms and legs in a life changing car accident 19 years ago. Since then, however, Bazza has proven that no matter what has happened, you can always fight back which is just what he has done. Having become an artist just four years ago, this Christmas his paintings will appear on tags and calendars across the world, thanks to the MFPA (Mouth and Foot Painting Artists). Here is a Q&A with Bazza about how this all came to be: Please explain briefly how you got into mouth painting? I was asked if I ever painted by mouth and I said no, but then thought more about it and got some paints and gave it a go! I was painting and not having a clue what I was doing, just getting colour onto the paper.

The paper was curling up, I didn’t know how thick or thin to put the paint on and at times I had thick paint on there trying to spread it about, then the next minute I had water running down the page where I was trying to thin the paint out! So when I first got into painting I felt like a 7 year old in a pool of water out of my depth. I really felt like I had no artistic skill at all but something inside me said ‘keep going, don’t give up’ What has happened since those early days in terms of your painting career? After I’d done a few paintings somebody suggested contacting the MFPA so I sent an email showing them a few paintings and I had a phone call back from a gentleman called Tom Yendell that asked if he could come down

and have a meeting with me the next week. We had the meeting and Tom looked at a few of the paintings I’ve done and he was very impressed and said, ‘if you can do this in a few months, I’d like to see what you will be doing in a few years’. Then Tom suggested to get rid of my fish tank and get an easel set up at all times so I started painting more and more, sending 8 paintings into the MFPA to be graded to see if they would take me on as a mouth painting student. So it’s 2 1/2 years down the line now that I’ve been painting for the MFPA. I’ve painted over 100 paintings, I’ve come second place in an award for being the most inspirational artist of the year in a big competition for the MFPA... I will be first next time! I’ve painted from the crypt gallery in Seaford to the Towner Gallery in Eastbourne to the Wallis Collection in London and also I painted in the Balloon Festival in Bristol to Whiteleys in London and of course in my home town of Uckfield.


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What do you hope to accomplish in the next couple of years?

I’ve had lots of interest from BBC, ITV and Channel 4 in interviewing me to hear more of my painting journey.

In the next few years I’d like to keep iimproving my painting skills and get more of my images onto the products like greeting cards, calendars, jigsaw puzzles, etc. all for the MFPA. I’d like to be involved in bigger exhibitions and move onto bigger canvases. I’d like to get more confident with my water colour and other mediums and I’d like to higher my profile. Please tell us how your paintings got chosen to be on a Christmas tags and dairy chocolates, etc. across the world? As I paint for the MFPA each of my paintings that gets sent in to them get photographed and put into files. ‘Top’ people look through the images and they short list so many to be picked out, then send round the publishing houses in other countries to see if they would want any printed for distribution on Christmas items. Happily some of mine were chosen.

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Capability Brown and Sheffield Park

Next year marks the 300th anniversary of the birth of Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown, a garden designer who changed hundreds of landscapes across the country and shaped our view of the typical English countryside. Gardens countrywide are joining together to celebrate the occasion in the 2016 Capability Brown Festival, including Sheffield Park and Garden, a local, National Trust owned garden and parkland near Fletching alongside the River Ouse.

or ‘seats’, suitably placed to take in the views created by carefully placed trees, lakes and clearings. During 2016, the team at Sheffield Park and Garden will be re-creating some of the work by re-instating a raised walkway and undertaking a project to move a semimature tree using only 18th century technology. The two lakes at the bottom of the garden, known as Upper and Lower Woman’s Way Pond are thought to be Brownian creations. The lakes are joined by a cascade, now crossed by a bridge but originally crossed by stepping stones. Local group ‘Nature Corridors For All’ have been recording the seasonal changes in this area through artwork, photography and soundscapes for the last year. The results of this project will form the basis for an exhibition during the festival.

Sheffield Park and Garden has been changed and sculpted by its many owners over the last 300 years, but look below the surface and you can still see remnants of the plans and vision of Capability Brown that remain to this day. In 1776, Capability Brown was employed by John Baker Holroyd, later the 1st Earl of Sheffield, to shape the existing parkland and garden in the latest fashionable style. Copies of his plans for Sheffield Park have not survived, and so it is only by looking for clues in the landscape and examining historical maps that researchers are able to piece together the changes he made.

Walks, talks, carriage drives and an interactive, multisensory summer trail will also add to the festival feel and engage visitors of all ages with this beautiful, designed landscape. 2016 is certainly shaping up to be an exciting year at Sheffield Park and Garden, and volunteers are always welcome to be involved. A volunteer recruitment fair is being held at Sheffield Park and Garden on Saturday 16th January 2016, from 10.30am to 3.30pm. Call 01825 790231 for details.

Walks and raised pathways in the woodland and parkland surrounding the garden are certainly attributable to the 1st Earl, as well as resting spots,


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This Kitchen company, based in East Grinstead, is the brainchild of Rachael Workman who has been a kitchen designer for over 20 years. Six years ago she decided to set up a ‘one stop shop’ to help clients create their perfect kitchen, that suit their budgets and she has not looked back. Rachael has found that being a female designer gives her an edge: “I design from a practical view point. Most people who use kitchens are women and I can relate to the need to balance aesthetics with function”. She works to her client’s budget requirements and is always testing new products and materials to see what works, saving time and money for her customers. Kitchens Bespoke can also attend to lighting, decoration, flooring and building works if necessary. The word ‘bespoke’ refers to the design process itself and Rachael says that her kitchens are more affordable than you might think. Rachael can design a kitchen that fits you. With her expertise the kitchen you have only imagined can become reality. Call Rachael for a free quotation & advice call on 01342 313133 Visit their showroom: 88 London Road, East Grinstead

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Christmas Quotes


“Christmas doesn’t come from a store, maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more....” Dr. Seuss, How the Grinch Stole Christmas! “I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.” Charles Dickens “My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?” Bob Hope Ask your children two questions this Christmas. First: What do you want to give to others for Christmas? Second: What do you want for Christmas? The first fosters generosity of heart and an outward focus. The second can breed selfishness if not tempered by the first.





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EH Shepard: An Illustrator’s War

Mum’s quote A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie.

Tenneva Jordan

Drawing Pin Decorative Candle Children can really enjoy creating a pretty drawing pin decorative candle and this activity can be enjoyed by children of a wide age range.

Best known for his drawings of Ashdown Forest’s favourite son, Winnie the Pooh, it has recently come to light that E.H. Shepard also produced a substantial body of work while serving as an officer in the Royal Artillery in the First World War. The collection of more than 100 never-seen-before sketches was recently found when researchers stumbled upon a trunk belonging to Shepard which has lain unopened for almost 100 years.

Materials: Drawing (push) pins, thick, plain candle. Instructions: Decorate your candle by pressing in the pins, you can use multi-coloured pins or christmassy colours like red, green, gold, etc. to make simple or intricate, beautiful patterns.

The first ever exhibition of E.H. Shepard’s illustrations from the trenches of the Great War is being held at the House of Illustration, London, until 24 Jan 2016 (10am - 6pm). The exhibition presents the breadth and variety of Shepard’s wartime illustration, produced for a range of purposes. As well as recording his experiences, he continued to work as a commercial cartoonist, regularly sending work back from the trenches for Punch and other publications.

This is a fantastic, creative activity that kids can do to help make a lovely decorative ornament for Christmas.

See a different side to one of Winnie the Pooh’s creators in this major exhibition of E.H. Shepard’s war illustrations.


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The Future Comic Strip Garen Ewing, award-winning comic book author extraordinaire (Rainbow Orchid Series) who lives locally in East Grinstead, was commissioned by JCDecaux, the biggest outdoor advertising company in the UK/world, to write and illustrate a comic book story of Norwegian bird Arni, a baby Pine Gros. The comic strip has just finished airing on thousands of digital screens across the country throughout November. It’s the first graphic arts story of its kind on digital screens ever! It told the story of Arni being swept away when his tree was felled and then his perilous journey to London, with a happy ending, just in time for Christmas. Hopefully you may have caught the story if you took a trip to the capital last month.

Here we have a Q&A with Garen about this very special project: How did the story of Arni come about in the first place and why did JCDecaux choose you for this project? I was contacted by JCDecaux after they came across my website. As well as selling advertising space, they also have an editorial department (a growing area of out-of-the-home digital content) which I believe is to present non-advert content for all these digital screens that literally span the UK. They’d been thinking of the idea of having a comic strip appear, daily, on their screens, and they seemed to like my style. The concept of Arni (a little bird who follows his felled tree on an ‘epic adventure’) came from JCDecaux themselves. They had the basic idea of the plot, but I developed the character (making him a Norwegian Pine Grosbeak) and wrote the actual script, as well as drawing the whole comic, of course!


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digital screens, but a comic flashing out of the corner

Was the process hard from start to finish, what was the highlight?

of the eye is certainly something different - the first ever in this format and delivery method - and it does

The script came quite easily once I was given the rough idea. JCDecaux asked for some nice vistas and landmarks on Arni’s journey, and I contributed more of the character and action stuff. The drawing has been a big challenge, not just because of the fairly tight timescale (as this goes to print, the story has already been running for two weeks and I’ve still got the last page to draw, as I write) but also because of the technical aspects - drawing lorries, ships, various animals, countryside, cars and several views of London - many from Arni’s bird’s eye view. The highlight is probably the idea that comics are being brought to tens of millions of people across the UK - an exciting thought.

seem to draw people’s attention. People have been sending me photos of screens they’ve spotted from all over the country. I’ve yet to go out and see one myself, I’ve been chained to the drawing board! What do you hope this project will do for digital outdoor advertising in the future? It will be nice if this leads to other comics appearing on the screens throughout the year. It’s a great way to get a daily strip that develops over the course of a month, a quick read as you go by, leaving you wondering what the next instalment will bring. I guess it could develop, with animation, and book and

What has the reception to Arni been so far?

game tie-ins, perhaps even interactive stories. It has

From what I’ve seen, very positive. It’s hard to know how much commuters and shoppers notice these

great potential, and is good for showing how diverse and accessible comics are for every & anyone.


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What’s On in December

If you would like your event on these pages email for information

Tuesday 1st December

Saturday 5th December

Open Art Studio, Nutley. Up to 19th December Juliet Murray Art & Framing will be open for browsing. Local landscapes, prints and cards, plus vintage artwork. Perfect presents. Please contact before visit:, 01825 712565, By appointment, Cogcraft, Clockhouse Lane, Nutley,TN22 3NZ.

Ashdown Arts’ Winter Art Exhibition. Affordable local artwork, crafts and mulled wine at this annual event. Open Saturday 10am - 8pm and Sunday 10am - 5pm. 10am, Peter Griffits Hall (Small Village Hall) The Square, Forest Row. Thursday 10th December

Gold Frankincense and Myrrh: Stories of the Magi. Christopher Bradley will deliver Ashdown Forest Decorative and Fine Arts Society’s preChristmas lecture about the historical fact and fiction surrounding the Three Wise Men and the traditions that surround them. Members free of charge, guests £6. Why not become a member of AFDFAS. At 2.30pm, Nutley Village Hall High Street, Nutley,TN22 3NE.

Wednesday 2nd - Saturday 5th December

Groombridge Amateur Dramatic Society Autumn Production. Close Encounters, Tales of Village Life. Four plays for one wicked evening of fun. Tickets £9.00/6.00 Wed 2nd Dec/Thur 3rd Dec from Groombridge Post Office or on the door. Supper night tickets 4th/ 5th Dec from Box Office in advance 01892 860493, 2/3 Dec at 7.45 pm 4/5 Dec at 7.30 pm, Groombridge Village Hall TN3 9QX

Thursday 10th December

A Celebratory History of Christmas. For the Groombridge History Group and non-members. Andy Thomas, in an uplifting presentation, uncovers the long and intriguing background to the festive season, from the ancient celebration of light in the winter to the marking of the birth of a messiah. 8pm, Groombridge Village Hall.

Friday 4th & 5th December

Uckfield Late Night Shopping. Uckfield will be holding its late night shopping event on Friday from 5.30pm and also on Saturday 10am-4pm. There will be entertainment, food, craft stalls and our ‘Hunt the Elf’ competition. You can also enjoy the Festival of Christmas Trees at Holy Cross Church this weekend. Get the latest updates on our Facebook Page www. Uckfield Town Centre, High Street.

Thursday 10th December and Thursday 17th December

Late Night Christmas Shopping at the Cats Protection Visitor Centre shop. Free parking, free mulled wine and mince pies. 4pm - 7pm. Cats Protection, National Cat Centre, Chelwood Gate, East Sussex, RH17 7TT. Telephone Number: 01825 741 370.

Saturday 5th December

St Nicholas celebration - Small Business Saturday. The Forest Row Business Forum is organising a St Nicholas event again this year. Forest Row will be celebrating St Nicholas Day. Come and enjoy the festive activities, entertainment and competitions across the village including horse and carriage rides, a festive choir - the Young Deers, the village market and funfair plus food and drink tastings in many of the local businesses. We will be supporting several local charities this year so its a great opportunity to indulge in some festive fun whilst supporting those who need help in our local community. Forest Row Village Centre. 2pm until 8pm

Friday 11th December

Kent Chorus. A Candle-Lit Christmas Concert by one of the southeast’s finest choirs, Kent Chorus. The programme features highlights from Handel’s ‘Messiah’, Vaughan Williams ‘Fantasia on Christmas Carols, and many well-loved carols for choir and audience. Tickets £12 (£6 disabled and children under 15) from Frant Stores, Britten’s Music Shop Tunbridge Wells,, or by tel 01892 750665. At 8pm, doors open 7.30 pm, Frant Church, High Street, Frant, Near Tunbridge Wells, TN3 9DX.


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Last month Alfie was on pages 6 14 24 30 The name of the game is to locate the 4 Alfie’s hidden on 4 pages in the magazine. Ages 4 -13. Let us know the page numbers, enter online: or email: Closing date: 19/12/15

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David Townsend 07706 002342 Based in Forest Row

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What’s On in December

If you would like your event on these pages email for information

Saturday 12th December

1839 Consort’s Classic Christmas. Enjoy a lovely programme of Christmas choral music spanning the centuries including Bach’s Cantata for the first day of Christmas, Berlioz’s Adieu des Bergers, Vaughan Williams Fantasia on Christmas Carols and modern arrangements of light hearted pieces. Tickets £10, under 16s refreshments included. Enquiries 01892 660159. At 7.30pm, St. John’s Church, Crowborough. Saturday 12th December

Christmas Carol Concert to raise funds for the RNLI. The tickets are £10 and include a supper. Licensed bar. Tickets available from Bishops The Square, Forest Row or Roger on 01342 324196 at 7:45pm, Freshfield Hall, Forest Row. Monday 14th December

Sussex Family History Group. A traditional Christmas Mummers play. At 7.15pm for 7.30pm start, Luxfords Day Centre, Uckfield. Thursday 17th December

Holy Trinity Forest Row Christmas Tree Festival. Come and join us for the annual Christmas Tree festival. Open daily 10am to 6pm till the 20th December. At the Holy Trinity Church, Forest Row. Saturday 19th December

The Tailor of Gloucester. A new family show by award winning Pericles Theatre Company and Atelier Community Theatre (The Tale of the Pig). A Beatrix Potter tale about a poor tailor who falls foul of his cat when he rescues the mice- a merry Christmas adventure for all ages. Directed by Vasile Nedelcu and music by David Brett. Further performances- Sun 20th, 12pm and 3pm, Mon 21st 4pm, Tues 22nd 4pm. Tickets £7/ £5, family of 4 £20 on the door or book on 07590 517393/ Forest Row Village Hall, Lewes Rd, Forest Row, RH18 5ES.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

26th December Jacob Marley Norway Ladies dancing God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen White Balthasar, Melchior, Caspar

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Quiz Answers Hogmanay 1984 Turkey Dr Seuss Robert Burns Six Panettone


Running until 6th January

Art Exhibition “Wilde about Kingscote “ by William De Wilde. William said, ‘Christen Monge asked me in September 2014 if I would make a record of life and landscapes at Kingscote in drawings and paintings over the course of a year. This exhibition is the fruit of that request and a tribute to the memory of Christen and his wonderful vision for the place he loved’. Address: Mill Place Farm, Vowels Lane, East Grinstead, RH19 4LG.

15. 16.

Red, Green, Gold X is a Greek abbreviation for Christ 17. Germany 18. 364 gifts. 19. White Christmas 20. Chicago Enquiries: 01342 300152 Please mention us when responding to adverts

S u p p o r t i n g lo c a l B u s i n e ss

Award Winning Care Homes

Care homes for people with learning disabilities/ physical disabilities/neurological conditions

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Beech Lodge and Oak Lodge


01403 791725

Horncastle Care Centre

East Grinstead

01342 813910

Kingsmead Care Centre


01403 265335

Kingsmead Lodge


01403 211790

Norfolk Lodge


01403 218876

Orchard Lodge and Boldings Lodge


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Rapkyns Care Centre


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Rapkyns Care Home


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Redwood House


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Sycamore Lodge


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