Iconic cities

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Brief 03:

Iconic Cities

Nathan Bolton

Iconic Cities

Iconic Cities: Brief Overview Brief



Create a travel guide that engages a younger audience for travelling around cities across the world.

The concept of the travel guide is to work around the idea of travel, as this is the main focus of the guide.

The audience for the travel company is young adults 18-25, that like to travel to different areas of the world, especially cities that are a little different. Budget will be considered.

Create a website that expands upon the travel guide and offers more information on the cities.

Working within the travel industry I have decided to use the idea of luggage tags and flight tickets. This will relate to the audience as they will be using the guide to book a holiday and it also has some interesting aesthetics that can be used within the design of the guide.

Create a pack that could be handed out within a travel agent to anyone that books a holiday within the given range. Produce branding for the guide, this should be presented on related products to the travel guide.

By looking at a range of luggage tags from the very old original tags to the much newer and modern digitalised version, the aesthetics of the design style for the guide can be inspired and determined from this.

Background Information


Travelling to a new country can be daunting, especially when you are going there as a tourist. The locals don’t always speak good English and everything online you could find is over complicated, has too much information and is too hard to follow.

The purpose of the brief is to collect research on various cities around the world which are identified as cultural cities. Presenting this research in a visual manor in the form of a travel guide.

A guide to a city should be something simple that informs the reader of clear information about the city. Direct them to the best attractions available, along with local cuisine and places to visit and see. A guide should be informative, but also engaging and aesthetically pleasing to make the user want to read it. Along with these it should be well structured to make it easy to read and find the information needed.

Tone of Voice The Tone of the guide is informative, but with a relaxed style as it is to communicate information about each city. Deliverables 1. Printed Travel Guide 2. Designed Website - Mock up 3. Branding for the travel company, presented on suitable products. 4. Presentation boards

As a person that has a keen interest in travelling and editorial & publishing design, this brief combines two interests of my own.

But does it need to be a publication or a map? How else can these aspects be communicated to the audience?

Nathan Bolton

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Concept Research The concept of the project is to use the aesthetics of luggage tags and airport tickets to create a consistent design style running through all products of the brief. Looking at these products from the very old vintage style to the modern day digitalised style, will provide a range of inspirational material to create the design style of the travel guide. As the design of luggage tags and airport tickets are very distinct and bold it is important to use the right elements from these designs in order to create a a style which is relatable and recognisable but also one that balances well with the city information.

Nathan Bolton

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The Cities The cities were determined from a number of factors. I researched into city locations that are not the main stream ones which everyone visits, also looking at city breaks which don’t cost too much as the audience are youg adults which may not always have alot of money to spend. The final factor was to find cities that had a lot of things to do and see as the focus of the travel company is about the experience of the city. The Cities: Budapest Brussels Amsterdam Prague Riga Tallinn Istanbul Vienna Krakow Rome

Nathan Bolton

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Brand Development With this brief being heavily driven by the concept, each individual element of the project needed to adhere to the visual style of the publication and relate to the concept that was going to be running throughout. To achieve this alot of development has taken place throughout the project, starting by drawing out ideas on paper, this elimated to bad ideas and got me thinking along the right lines. The logo was a big part of this process and from drawing out lots of ideas, I could selected the best to further develop and use within the products.

Nathan Bolton

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Concept Development The main concept of the publication is use the aesthetics and visual style of travel in particular taking inspiration from travel tickets and airports within the typography, iconography and the short hand codes. By drawing out the ideas in the first place, I could use these as a guide to develop into the final title pages. These pages were the essence of the publication and where the concept was heavily brought through into the product.

Nathan Bolton

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Publication Visual Style Carryint the concept through the rest of the publication was essential to create the overall design of the publication. Taking inspiration from the title pages, a master page design has been created for the content pages. As these pages will have more content that reader needs to be legible, the design had to be subtle, but still bring through the idea of the concept. Small detailed elements have been added to the pages which replicate travel tags and tickets, but still leaves lots of room for the content of the publication to be displayed on the page.

Nathan Bolton

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The Travel Guide The finished travel guide includes information, images and maps of 10 cities from around the world. With an emphasis on the idea of travel the publication clearly communicates the idea of travel to the user. The travel guide is very visual and uses the imagery of the cities to make it more visual and to showcase the city to the reader. Laid out within a specific grid on each page, the content is legible and very easy to follow. Iconography has been used throughout the publication, in the form of headings and information categories - these add the visual nature of the publication. Being an A4 publication, this product is a great size to use for the travel guide, as it provides ample space of the content. Bound with elastic bands, the guide can be added to or have pages removed. A perforated edge down the spine means pages can be ripped out, if the user only needs one spefic page.

Nathan Bolton

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The Website The website is an extension of the travel guide. This is will provide the same information as the travel guide but much more too. More information and images will be available for each of the cities. The website works as a search engine for the destinations, once a destination has been picked the user will be presented with a tiled design to show all options for this city. These can be broken down to smaller categories and will present more detailed information about a certain aspect of the city. There is also a forum, shop and personal log in space within the website. The personal log in is called cityspace, this allows the user to save certain parts of a city to their personal space, which they can go back and refer to at a later date. From this area the user can create, share and print their saves and city itinerary, they can also search for similar destination and attractions. This personal space creates more of an interaction with the brand and puts the holiday making into the users hands.

Nathan Bolton

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Custom City Guide Within the each users cityspace area there is the option to request a catalogue. In requesting a catalogue, they can choose the content of it themselves. The content will be formed from the information they have saved within their own personal space, which they can go through and select. This creates the users own personalised and tailored travel guide for the specific city break they will be going on. Once the user has selected the information and gone through the steps the Iconic Cities team will produce the personalised guide and post it to the user. The custom guide will be created in the same way as the full guide and have exactly the same aesthetic. The idea of this links the web and print element directly together, it also deminishes the amount of print and paper used which ultimately could be a waste if the full guide isn’t need for a user. Having a personalised and tailored guide makes it easier for the user to plan their break and carry the guide with them.

Nathan Bolton

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