Nathan bolton graphic design cop3 proposal form 2013

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BA (Hons) Graphic Design Context of Practice 3 Proposal Form 2013 Name:

Nathan Bolton



Level 4:

History of Typography

Level 5:

The Gaze within Advertising / Success of branding

AIM AND/OR OBJECTIVE OF YOUR PROPOSED C.O.P.3 PROJECT Is Print Still Relevant within the Digital Age?

1. What research needs to be undertaken into the general and specific contexts of your practice? I will research into my subject area by using primary and secondary research methods to look into the past present and future of the subject. The essence of the dissertation is how print and digital design are seen as two different sectors of the industry, but they can be used together to create a better product. In today’s world digital products and design is becoming more apparent. Print is being affected by this but to what extent? And how relevant is the printed page in today’s society? Along with this I will research into the past and present of digital and print design to highlight key areas that have changed over time and influenced either of the mediums. Also contacting studios/designers to get there views on the subject and first hand experience of how they have been affected by digital technology and design. Researching into facts and figures that can back up this argument and that I can use within my research study will make the argument and study have more background information to it and validate the theory. Lastly I want to put theory into practice to get a better understanding of digital design, by doing it myself I will learn first hand research about it. This subject matter is very on par with times now, I am looking into an area that is vastly apparent within today’s world, and so this project and study should be relevant to an audience of today and inform them about the changes that could occur in the future.

2. What approach (es) will you take and what processes, methods, materials and tools are to be involved in research into your practice? I will carry out primary research through the use of library to look into the theory behind the subject and to gain further knowledge of it. Also to look into the history and possibly the future of digital design and the effect on graphic design. This will also come from placements and contacting relevant studios, which will give me first hand information on how digital design has affected them in both positive and negative ways. Questionnaires will also give me more primary research, which I will focus on using for getting fact and figures about the subject. Secondary research will be carried out through using the internet and online resources to research into the subject area. Also reading books and articles online / magazines will further inform me. Finally I will research by doing. By actually looking at the idea of digital design and look at either creating a digital publication or website then this can be part of my research for how you actually do it and then the process of doing it.

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