_ Nathan Bolton nathanboltondesign@gmail.com _ BA(Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Year 2
Por tfolio 2012-2013
_ Nathan Bolton www.nathanboltondesign.co.uk nathanboltondesign@gmail.com 07863106520 _ BA(Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Year 2
Ellas Kitchen
Publication, Illustration, Format
01 _
Ella’s Kitchen pride themselves for using 100% natural and organic ingredients. To communicate this throughout the publication I created a set of characters which are taken from the ingredients of the products. The publication informs the reader about Ella’s Kitchen as a brand. To break it down I used three seperate publications and a binding technique which makes the user interact with the publication. The format of the publication works so whichever way the user picks up the publication it can be read, thus making it easier for the user.
Nathan Bolton Design www.nathanboltondesign.co.uk nathanboltondesign@gmail.co.uk
Publication, Packaging, Poster
02 _
The Fedrigoni stock finder presents the paper ranges in a way that makes the printers interact with the stock. The main focus is being able to touch, see and feel the stock. Through using the stock finder, printers can identify which stock is best to use and read the specification of one. In order to bring the paper ranges to life within the stock finder, paper craft has been heavily used throughout. This presents the interaction of the papers with one another and is a good way to identify which stock to use together.
Nathan Bolton Design www.nathanboltondesign.co.uk nathanboltondesign@gmail.co.uk
r Spa ral flavo n, natu cti tu
Sp ral flav n, natu cti tu
Na & pe b ne l) caro carote 100m 0.2g, ), Fat beta ein g* (per
ess ), Prot gar 8.8 oodn kcals su y G J (40 which Juic 169K 9g(of gar ergy rate
C ra n
b e rr
y & Li
Feel Good Drinks co.
No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients
60% Orange pe, Gra rola Ace
Feel Good Drinks co.
it & Frustab
l ter Wa natura ur; ing s, l colo Spark l flavour natura
ts Drink ice redien c it Ju al Ing m con Fru Still Natur Juice (fro on, 100% % Fruitnge, Lem
tin, ura Nat & pec e b caro caroten ml) , 0g, a 0.2g *), Fat r 100 bet (pe tein ness ls), Prosugar 8.8g Good (40 kcawhich ar Juicy 169KJ 9g(of t sug 0g frui rgy ate ng Ene ydr ium boh Sod occurri Car 0.2g, lly Fibre natura 0% *10
Ora pe, Gra rola Ace
it & Frustab l ter Wa natura ur; ing s, l colo Spark l flavour natura
tin, ura Nat & pec e b caro caroten ml) , 0g, a 0.2g *), Fat r 100 bet (pe tein ness ls), Prosugar 8.8g Good (40 kcawhich ar Juicy 169KJ 9g(of t sug 0g frui rgy ate ng Ene ydr ium boh Sod occurri Car 0.2g, lly Fibre natura 0% *10
M an
O ra n
an e&M
Feel Good Drinks co.
C ra n
ssi & Pa
on Fru
60% Ora pe,
it & Frustab l ter Wa natura ur; ing s, l colo Spark l flavour natura
Gra rola Ace
tin, ura Nat & pec e b caro caroten ml) , 0g, a 0.2g *), Fat r 100 bet (pe tein ness ls), Prosugar 8.8g Good (40 kcawhich ar Juicy 169KJ 9g(of t sug 0g frui rgy ate ng Ene ydr ium boh Sod occurri Car 0.2g, lly Fibre natura 0% *10
Ap pl
e & Bl
& be rry
60% Orange pe,
ts ink ce Dr redien c it Jui al Ing m con Fru Still Natur Juice (fro on, it 100% , Lem Fru
tin, ura Nat & pec e b caro caroten ml) , a 0.2g *), Fat r 100 bet (pe tein ness ls), Prosugar 8.8g Good (40 kcawhich Juicy 169KJ 9g(of ar rgy ate Ene t sug ydr 0g frui boh ng Car ium Sod occurri 0g, 0.2g, lly Fibre natura 0% *10
ts Drink ice redien c it Ju ral Ing m con Fru Still Natu Juice (fro on, it 100% , Lem Fru
Feel Good Drinks co.
it & Frustab
l ter Wa natura ur; ing s, l colo Spark l flavour natura
ts Drink ice redien c it Ju al Ing m con Fru Still Natur Juice (fro on, it 100% , Lem Fru
y & Li
berry Cran
60% Orange pe, Gra rola Ace
it & Frustab l ter Wa natura ur; ing s, l colo Spark l flavour natura
Gra rola Ace
it & Fru
l stab ter g Wa s, naturacolour; rkin Spa l flavour natural
tin, ura Nat & pec e b caro caroten ml) , 0g, a 0.2g *), Fat r 100 bet tein s (pe nes ls), Prosugar 8.8g Good (40 kcawhich ar Juicy 169KJ 9g(of t sug 0g frui rgy ate ng Ene ydr ium boh Sod occurri Car 0.2g, lly e Fibr natura 0% *10
Lim e
be rry
Le ou dy
mo n
tin, ura Nat & pec e b caro caroten ml) , a 0.2g *), Fat r 100 bet (pe tein ness ls), Prosugar 8.8g Good (40 kcawhich Juicy 169KJ 9g(of ar rgy ate Ene t sug ydr 0g frui boh ng Car ium Sod occurri 0g, 0.2g, lly Fibre natura 0% *10
ge Oran
& M an
60% Orange pe, Gra rola Ace
Sparkling Fruit Drink
No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients
No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients
Feel Good Drinks co.
Still Fruit Drink No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients Feel Good Drinks co.
Feel Good Drinks co.
O ra n
D ice
tin, ura Nat & pec e b caro caroten ml) , 0g, a 0.2g *), Fat r 100 bet (pe tein ness ls), Prosugar 8.8g Good (40 kcawhich ar Juicy 169KJ 9g(of t sug 0g frui rgy ate ng Ene ydr ium boh Sod occurri Car 0.2g, lly Fibre natura 0% *10
tin, ura Nat & pec e b caro caroten ml) , 0g, a 0.2g *), Fat r 100 bet tein s (pe nes ls), Prosugar 8.8g Good (40 kcawhich ar Juicy 169KJ 9g(of t sug 0g frui rgy ate ng Ene ydr ium boh Sod occurri Car 0.2g, lly e Fibr natura 0% *10
te egrana
& Pom
te egrana
Still Fruit Drink
No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients
No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients
Feel Good Drinks co.
Feel Good Drinks co.
No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients Feel Good Drinks co.
Feel Good Drinks co.
an e&M
le &
B lu e
b e rr
Still Fruit Drink
60% Orange pe,
it & Frustab ter g Wa s, naturalcolour; rkin ral Spa flavour natu
Gra rola Ace
tin, ural Nat & pec b caro carotene ml) , 0g, 100 a 0.2g *), Fat bet s (per tein nes ls), Prosugar 8.8g Good (40 kcawhich ar Juicy 169KJ 9g(of t sug te 0g frui rgy Ene ydra ium urring boh Sod occ Car 0.2g, ly e Fibr natural 0% *10
ge &
No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients
Frui , Lem 60%e, Orange
t ap Frui b co. Feel Gr ts er &Drinks ink Good Drla iceero redien at ral sta r; Ac c it Ju al Ing ngm W con natu colou Fru ki(fro vo urs, ral arce Still NaturSpJui on, fla n, natu it Lem 100% , ral Fru nge 60% Ora Natu & pecti it e pe, b Fru Gra l) , rola caro ter & roten l stab 0m g, Ace t 0g Wa ta s,canatural colour; er 10 ing n 0.2 g*), Fa beour (p ark ura tei Sp l flav nat ss tin, ura ), Pro gar 8.8 Nat & pec eodne b kcals, ich0g,su ten caro caro ml) Go (40 r wh Fat 0.2g rJ100 icay 16 (pe tein 8.8g*), suga Jubet ss 9K Pro (of ar ls),e 9g fruit sug 0g odyne kca erg ng (40 rat ich m EnGo KJ ohydof wh diu t sugcuarrri Juicy 169 rgy rb 9g(g,0gSong fruioc Ene Caydrate0.2 ium urrirally boh re , Sod occtu Car Fib lly e 0.2g ura % na Fibr nat 00 0% *10 *1
Ap pl
it on Fru
e & Bl
rry ue be
e & Pa
Feel Good Drinks co. ink ce Dr ts it Juiredien Fru c ling al Ing m con Spark Natur Juice (fro on, it 100% , Lem Fru 60% Orange pe, Gra rola Ace
Drink ice ts it Ju redien Fru c ling al Ing m con Spark Natur Juice (fro on, 100%
it & Frustab
it , Lem Fru 60% Orange
l ter g Wa s, naturacolour; rkin Spa l flavour natural
it & Frustab l ter Wa natura ur; ing s, l colo Spark l flavour natura
pe, Gra rola Ace
tin, ura Nat & pec e b caro caroten ml) , 0g, a 0.2g *), Fat r 100 bet tein s (pe nes ls), Prosugar 8.8g Good (40 kcawhich ar Juicy 169KJ 9g(of t sug 0g frui rgy ate ng Ene ydr ium boh Sod occurri Car 0.2g, lly e Fibr natura 0% *10
t n Frui
Cl ou
dy Le
tin, ura Nat & pec e b caro caroten ml) , 0 a 0.2g *), Fat r 100 bet (pe tein
ness ls), Prosugar 8.8g Good (40 kcawhich ar Juicy 169KJ 9g(of t sug 0g frui rgy ate ng Ene ydr ium boh Sod occurri Car 0.2g, lly Fibre natura 0% *10
mo n
Still Fruit Drink No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients
ink ce Dr ts it Juiredien Fru c ling al Ing m con Spark Natur Juice (fro on, it 100% , Lem Fru
Pom rry &
Still Fruit Drink
Sparkling Fruit Drink
Feel Good Drinks co.
it & Fru
l stab ter Wa natura ur; ing s, l colo Spark l flavour natura
l stab ter g Wa s, naturacolour; rkin ral Spa l flavour natu
gy te 0g fru Ener ohydra dium rring So occu Carb 0.2g, rally Fibre % natu *100
su En ohyd 0g fruit ng um Carb 0.2 ra Fibre % natu *100
Gra rola Ace
it & Fru
Natu & pecti b ne l) , caro carote 100m 0.2g, ), Fat 0g beta ein g* (per
ess ), Prot gar 8.8 oodn kcals su y G J (40 which gar Juic 169K 9g(of it su
t Ju edientSugar No uiAdded No Added Sugar gr g Fr conc klin ural In Natural Ingredients (from at Spar N100% 100% Natural Ingredients ice on, t Ju 0%
60% Orange pe,
ts ink ce Dr redien c it Jui al Ing m con Fru Still Natur Juice (fro on, it 100% , Lem Fru
rri Feel Good Drinks co. di g, So lly occu 0g,
te rana meg
& Po
ts Drink ice redien c it Ju ral Ing m con Fru Still Natu Juice (fro it Lemon, 100% , Fru
Feel Good Drinks co.
), oodn kcals
G J (40 f which No Added ySugar 9K Juic 16Ingredients 9g(o 100% Natural ergy rate
Drink Still Fruit Drink Still Fruit rink
Still Fruit Drink
Still Fruit Drink
Natu & pecti b ne caro carote
10 Fa 0.2 ta Still FruitbeDrink (per otein 8.8g*), Pr r ess
gy te 0g fru um rring Ener ohydra diNo Added Sugar So occu Carb 0.2g, rally100% Natural Ingredients Fibre % natu *100 Feel Good Drinks co.
No Added Sugar No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients100% Natural Ingredients
Feel Good Drinks co. Gra rola Ace
b e rr
tu lou king urs, na ral co Spar ral flavo n, natu
ol Acer
Natu & pecti b ne l) , caro carote 100m 0.2g, ), Fat 0g beta ein (per g*
ess ), Prot gar 8.8 oodn kcals ich su y G J (40Still wh Fruit Drink gar Juic 169K 9g(of it su
Still Fruit Drink Sparkling Fruit Drink
Dr ice ts it Ju redien Fru c ling ral Ing m con Spark Natu Juice (fro on, it 100% , Lem Fru 60% Orange pe,
su En ohyd 0g fruit ng um Carb Sodi occurri 0g, 0.2g, rally Fibre % natu *100
No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients
r gy te 9g suga Ener ohydra 0g fruit ng um Carb Sodi occurri 0g, 0.2g, rally Fibre % natu *100
No Added Sugar No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients 100% Natural Ingredients ink
Drink ice ts it Ju redien Fru c ling al Ing m con Spark Natur Juice (fro on, it 100% , Lem Fru
Feel Good Drinks co.
ge &
e & Pa
Still Fruit Drink Sparkling Fruit Drink
Sparkling Fruit Drink
Feel Good Drinks co.
g Oran
Na & pe b ne l) caro carote 100m 0.2g, ), Fat beta ein g* (per
ess ), Prot gar 8.8 oodn kcals su y G J (40 which Juic 169K 9g(of gar ergy rate
Still Fruit Drink
b er l sta Wat tura lour; king urs, na ral co Spar ral flavo n, natu
l king urs, n ral co Spar ral flavo n, natu
Sp ral flav n, natu cti tu
Natu & pecti b ne l) caro carote 100m 0.2g, ), Fat beta ein g* (per
ess ), Prot gar 8.8 su oodn kcals y G J (40 (of which Juic 169K
gy te 0g fru Ener ohydra dium rring So occu Carb 0.2g, No rally Added Sugar Fibre % natu 100% Natural Ingredients *100
No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients
b er l sta Wat tura lour; king urs, na ral co Spar ral flavo n, natu
ol Acer
Na & pe b ne l) , caro carote 100m 0.2g, ), Fat 0g beta ein g* (per
ess ), Prot gar 8.8 oodn kcals su y G J (40 f which gar (o Juic 169K 9g it suFruit Sparkling
Sparkling Fruit Drink
su En ohyd 0g fruit ng um Carb Sodi occurri 0g, 0.2g, rally Fibre % natu *100
Sparkling Fruit Drink
Still Fruit Drink
No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients
No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients
Feel Good Drinks co.
Still Fruit Drink
Feel Good Drinks co.
No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients
& Lim
Sparkling Fruit Drink Sparkling Fruit Drink
Sparkling Fruit Drink
No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients
Sparkling Fruit Drink
Feel Good Drinks co.
be rry
No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients
No Added Sugar No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients 100% Natural Ingredients
Feel Good Drinks co.
Feel Good Drinks co. Feel Good Drinks co.
No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients Feel Good Drinks co.
Feel Good Drinks co.
k nts Drin ice redie nc it Ju ral Ing co Fru om Still Natu Juice (fron, t 100% % Frui ge, Lem
k s Drin ient ed ice t Ju al Ingr conc Frui om Still Natur Juice (fr n, t 100% % Frui ge, Lemo
60 e, Oran ap
t Frui er & l stab Wat tura lour; king urs, na ral co Spar flavo natu
Gr ola Acer
ts Drink ice redien c it Ju al Ing m con Fru Still Natur Juice (fro on, it 100% , Lem Fru 60% Orange pe, Gra rola Ace
it & Fru
l stab ter Wa natura ur; ing s, l colo Spark l flavour natura
tin, ura Nat & pec e b caro caroten ml) , 0g, a 0.2g *), Fat r 100 bet (pe tein ness ls), Prosugar 8.8g Good (40 kcawhich ar Juicy 169KJ 9g(of t sug 0g frui rgy ate ng Ene ydr ium boh Sod occurri Car 0.2g, lly Fibre natura 0% *10
ge &
M an
k s Drin dient ice t Ju al Ingre conc Frui om Still Natur Juice (fron, t 100% Frui , Lem
60 e, Oran ap
t Frui er & stab Wat tural lour; king urs, na ral co Spar ral flavo n, natu
60%e, Orange
Gr la Acero
t Frui er & l stab Wat tura lour; king urs, na ral co Spar ral flavo n, natu
Grap ola Acer
Natu & pectie b l) , caro caroten n, ral 100m n 0.2g,ink), Fatts0g beta Natu & pecti Dr g* ien (per tei ice8.8 b ne red Proit Juga r c l) ness als),Fru caro carote 0g, sutural Ing (from con 0m ll ichNa 0.2g, ), Fat Good (40 kcSti cer er 10 beta wh0% on, it Juiga s (p Protein 8.8g* Juicy y 169KJ 9g(of 10 , Lem Fru it su nge e 0g 60%fruOra dnes als), sugar it pe, Energohydrat dium rring Goo J (40 kcf which & Frustab r rola So occu Gra y rb l ter Ace Ca 0.2g, Wa natura ur; suga Juic 169K 9g(o rally ing s, l colo gy te 0g fruit Fibre % natu Spark l flavour natura Ener ohydra dium rring ura pectin, 00 Nat & e *1 b rb ten g, So occu
Ca 0.2 rally Fibre % natu *100
O ra n
an e&M
dy C lo u
dn als), suga it 0 kc Goo (4 f which & Frustab y ter ic gar 9Kl J ura Ju g Wa s, 16 nat colour;9g(o it su rkin
Gra rola Ace
caro caro ml) , 0g, a 0.2g *), Fat r 100 bet (pe tein Pro ar 8.8g ls), kca ich sug ar KJ (40 wh 169 9g(of t sug 0g frui rgy ate ng Ene ydr ium boh Sod occurri Car 0.2g, lly Fibre natura 0% *10
e & Bl
ue be
gy te 0g fru Ener ohydra dium rring So occu Carb 0.2g, rally Fibre % natu *100
our ural l flav tin, nat ura Nat & pec e b caro caroten ml) , 0g, a 0.2g *), Fat r 100 bet tein s (pe nes ls), Prosugar 8.8g Good (40 kcawhich ar Juicy 169KJ 9g(of t sug 0g frui rgy ate ng Ene ydr ium boh Sod occurri Car 0.2g, lly e Fibr natura 0% *10
o nodness LeJuimcy Go
Ap pl
pe Na ink ien b ts& tene ce Dr redro l) , cro it Jui al Ingca m con 100m 0.2g, Fat 0g Fru ta ca (fro Still Natur Juicebe (per otein 8.8g*), on, it Pr r ess 100% , Lem Fru 60% Orange pe,
Cl ou
B lu p le &
n Le mo
y e b e rr
k s Drin ient ed ice t Ju al Ingr conc Frui om Still Natur Juice (fr n, t 100% % Frui ge, Lemo
k s Drin ient ed ice t Ju al Ingr conc Frui om Still Natur Juice (fr n, t 100% Frui , Lemo 60%e, Orange
60 e, Oran ap
t Frui er & stab Wat tural lour; king urs, na ral co Spar ral flavo n, natu
t Frui er & stab Wat tural lour; king urs, na ral co Spar ral flavo n, natu
Grap la Acero
Natu & pectie b l) , caro caroten 0m g, t 0g er 10 n 0.2 ), Fa beta ss (p ), Protei r 8.8g* odne kcals suga r y Go J (40 which suga Juic y 169K e 9g(of 0g fruit Energohydrat dium rring So occu Carb 0.2g, rally Fibre % natu 00 *1
te rana meg
be Cran
Po rry &
Gr la Acero
ts ink ce Dr redien c it Jui al Ing m con Fru Still Natur Juice (fro on, it 100% , Lem Fru 60% Orange pe,
it & Frustab l ter g Wa s, naturacolour; rkin ral Spa l flavour natu
Gra rola Ace
tin, ura Nat & pec e b caro caroten ml) , 0g, a 0.2g *), Fat r 100 bet tein s (pe nes ls), Prosugar 8.8g Good (40 kcawhich ar Juicy 169KJ 9g(of t sug 0g frui rgy ate ng Ene ydr ium boh Sod occurri Car 0.2g, lly e Fibr natura 0% *10
rry &
te egrana
No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients
No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients Feel Good Drinks co.
Still Fruit Drink Still Fruit Drink
Feel Good Drinks co.
No Added Sugar No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients 100% Natural Ingredients Feel Good Drinks co.
Feel Good Drinks co.
Still Fruit Drink No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients
Still Fruit Drink Feel Good Drinks co.
Still Fruit Drink No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients
No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients Feel Good Drinks co. Feel Good Drinks co.
dy C lo u
Le m
k s Drin ient ed ice t Ju al Ingr conc Frui om Still Natur Juice (fr n, t 100% Frui , Lemo
Frui , Lemo 60%e, Orange t Frui Grap la er & stab Acero Wat tural lour; king vours, natural co Spar
a caro bet
*), s (per tein nes ls), Prosugar 8.8g Good (40 kcawhich ar Juicy 169KJ 9g(of t sug
e & Pa
te 0g frui rgy Ene ydra ium urring boh Sod occ Car 0.2g, ly e Fibr natural 0% *10
Orang Pa ge &
t Frui er & stab Wat tural lour; king urs, na ral co Spar ral flavo n, natu
Grap la Acero
ink ce Dr ts it Juiredien Fru c ling al Ing m con Spark Natur Juice (fro on, it 100% , Lem Fru 60% Orange pe,
it & Frustab l ter g Wa s, naturacolour; rkin Spa l flavour natural
Gra rola Ace
tin, ura Nat & pec e b caro caroten ml) , 0g, a 0.2g *), Fat r 100 bet tein s (pe nes ls), Prosugar 8.8g Good (40 kcawhich ar Juicy 169KJ 9g(of t sug 0g frui rgy ate ng Ene ydr ium boh Sod occurri Car 0.2g, lly e Fibr natura 0% *10
Cl ou
mo dy Le
Natu & pectie b l) , caro caroten 0m g, t 0g er 10 n 0.2 ), Fa beta ss (p ), Protei r 8.8g* odne kcals suga r y Go J (40 which suga Juic y 169K e 9g(of 0g fruit Energohydrat dium rring So occu Carb 0.2g, rally Fibre % natu 00 *1
te rana meg
Po rry &
be Cran
No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients
Sparkling Fruit Drink
Feel Good Drinks co.
No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients
Sparkling Fruit Drink
Feel Good Drinks co.
Still Fruit Drink
No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients
No Added Sugar Feel Good Drinks co. 100% Natural Ingredients Feel Good Drinks co.
Frui , Lemo 60%e, Orange t Frui Grap la er & stab Acero Wat tural lour; king urs, na ral co Spar ral flavo n, natu
Natu & pectie b l) , caro caroten 100m n 0.2g, ), Fat 0g beta g* (per tei
ss ), Pro r 8.8 odne kcals suga y Go J (40 which gar Juic y 169K e 9g(of it su 0g fru Energohydrat dium rring So occu Carb 0.2g, rally Fibre % natu *100
C lo u
d y Le
Drink ice ts it Ju redien Fru c ling al Ing m con Spark Natur Juice (fro on, it 100% , Lem Fru 60% Orange pe,
it & Frustab l ter Wa natura ur; ing s, l colo Spark l flavour natura
Gra rola Ace
tin, ura Nat & pec e b caro caroten ml) , 0g, a 0.2g *), Fat r 100 bet (pe tein
ness ls), Prosugar 8.8g Good (40 kcawhich ar Juicy 169KJ 9g(of t sug 0g frui rgy ate ng Ene ydr ium boh Sod occurri Car 0.2g, lly Fibre natura 0% *10
Sparkling Fruit Drink
No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients
rink eD Juic ients uit ed g Fr al Ingr conc klin om Spar Natur Juice (fr n, t 100%
60%e, Orange
ral fla n, na Natu & pectie en l) , carobcarot ink 100m n 0.2g, ), Fat 0g betace Dr ts (per g* tei it Juiredien ss ), Pro gar 8.8 Fru ne c su ling al Ing odm con kcals Go (froJ (40 which Spark Natur icy Jui,ceLem gar 9Kon, (of 100% Ju Fruitynge16 it su 9g 60% erg Ora rate it m 0g ng fru pe, En yd rri Gra diu & Fru rola oh ter So staboccu Ace Wag,natural ly ur; Carb g0.2 ralcolo rkin reflavours,natu tural Spa Fib na tin, ural % Nat 00 *1b & pectene caro ml) , 0g,
Still Fruit Drink
Still Fruit Drink
Still Fruit Drink
Natu & pectie b l) , caro caroten 0m g, t 0g er 10 n 0.2 ), Fa beta ss (p ), Protei r 8.8g* odne kcals suga r y Go J (40 which suga Juic y 169K e 9g(of 0g fruit Energohydrat dium rring So occu rb Ca 0.2g, rally Fibre % natu 00 *1
rink eD Juic ients uit ed g Fr al Ingr conc klin om Spar Natur Juice (fr n, t 100%
No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients Sparkling Feel Good Drinks co.
& Lim
Sparkling Fruit Drink Sparkling Fruit Drink
Still Fruit Drink
Feel Good Drinks co.
be rry
No Added Sugar No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients 100% Natural Ingredients
Fruit Drink
No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients Feel Good Drinks co.
Feel Good Drinks co. Feel Good Drinks co.
Sparkling Fruit Drink
No Added Sugar 100% Natural Ingredients Spa Feel Good Drinks co.
No A No Ad 100% 100%
Feel G Feel G
Feel Good Drinks Co.
Packaging, Typography
03 _
The idea behind this is to change the style of Feel Good bottle labels, I wanted to create a more modern approach, but something that was in keeping with the brand ethics. They pride themselves on using 100% natural ingredients, so I wanted the focus of the bottle to be the ingredients, hence why the label is printed on the bottle, this enabled me to use the colour of the juice as the colour within the labels.
Nathan Bolton Design www.nathanboltondesign.co.uk nathanboltondesign@gmail.co.uk
Secret 7�
Packaging, Illustration
04 _
Taking inspiration from the style of music Nick Drake produced, I have created the design to reflect the idea freedom and travelling the country roads. Using selected imagery I have built up the artwork.This design was chosen by the judges as one of the winning designs, which will now be displayed in the exhibition they do.
Nathan Bolton Design www.nathanboltondesign.co.uk nathanboltondesign@gmail.co.uk
Leeds Brewe ry
t c r e a
ne tw
e iv
Leeds Brewery
o r k s
t c r e a
ne tw
e iv
o r k s
hel lf ire
H e l l f i re a fiery 5.2% pale ale
Hel lfi a fier re y 5.2 % pale a
c r e at i ve
ne tw
e iv
hel lf ire
t c r e a
ne tw
e iv
hell fire
o r k s
o r k s
a fiery 5.2% pale ale
t c r e a
t c r e a
fir e
ne tw
e iv
hellfire o
r k s
o r k s
Packaging, Branding
05 _
The concept of this design for the beer label came from looking into the meaning of an eagle. The natives honor eagles for their opportunistic ways. They dipicted this as work smarter not harder, this as a message and symbol would fit in well for a creative network which is trying t target young creatives. An eagle also represents masculinary, dominance, power and ruler which all have a relevance to the beer itself its a masculine beer as it is as bitter, dominance shows through in the strength of the beer and power and ruler are reperented by it being the best on the market.
Nathan Bolton Design www.nathanboltondesign.co.uk nathanboltondesign@gmail.co.uk
Wedding Invitations
06 _
A traditional and elegant design within the products which conveys the style and feeling of the wedding and the setting it will be held in. Consistency throughout the products is key to make the products a successful set. The products are designed around the colour scheme of the wedding which is royal blue, this has been used as the accent colour within the products along with silver.
Nathan Bolton Design www.nathanboltondesign.co.uk nathanboltondesign@gmail.co.uk
Print Production & Finishes
Designing For Print
The Print Manual
Editorial, Publishing
07 _
The Print Manual covers all areas of designing for print in the industry. The format of the publication splits the subject matter down into two seperate booklets but the binding technique keeps them as one. Each booklet has a different accent colour to make it easier to identify them, this also runs throughout the booklet as the accent colour. The front covers use greyboard as the main material, this gives a rigid and tactile surface to the publication, each one has a lasercut design.
Nathan Bolton Design www.nathanboltondesign.co.uk nathanboltondesign@gmail.co.uk
3 min u t e wan der
3 m i n u t e wa n d e r
Write your name here...
3 mi n ute wa n d er
Write your name here...
3 minute wander
Write your name here... Natha
3 minute wander
Draw your job...
3 min ute wan der
Draw your job...
3 minute wande r
Find the number 4...
3 minute wander
Find the number 4...
3 Minute Wander
Web, App, Branding
08 _
3 Minute Wander is a campaign to help working professionals get away from their work and have a break. The two elements of this are the website and application. The website informs about the campaign and ways which you can get involved. The application is the product which is there to help the users, this engages them into a game and takes them away from their work.
Nathan Bolton Design www.nathanboltondesign.co.uk nathanboltondesign@gmail.co.uk
Life Lessons
Print, Editorial, Publishing
09 _
Life lessons is a project in which I experiement with digital and print based work. The focus of the project was to produce posters which were inspired by life quotes.The posters were to be bold and eye catching, along with illustrative to give the quote a meaning and better understanding. A publication was created from all the posters - ‘A collection of life lessons’.
Nathan Bolton Design www.nathanboltondesign.co.uk nathanboltondesign@gmail.co.uk
BBC Radio
Editorial, Publishing
10 _
A visual and audio exhibition that informs the audience of the history of BBC radio and how it has changed throughout the years.The focus will be on visualising the radio and how the stations spoken words can be seen through exhibits. This is the research booklet for the project which provides all information needed about the proposal of the brief.
Nathan Bolton Design www.nathanboltondesign.co.uk nathanboltondesign@gmail.co.uk
I would be delighted to meet you and Get in show you my touch! work in person.
_ Nathan Bolton www.nathanboltondesign.co.uk nathanboltondesign@gmail.com 07863106520 _ BA(Hons) Graphic Design Leeds College of Art Year 2