Fedrigoni // YCN Brief
Nathan Bolton
_Concept / Proposition
_Aims / Outcomes
I will create a campaign which will inform printers across the UK about the range of Fedrigoni papers available. This will consist of a information pack, which is solely based on paper craft and user interactivity and website & app which will let the printer access all papers available, to view and find out the specifications of them.
I will produce an information pack that will consist of 5/6 publications of the most useful papers for printers. These publications will use paper craft and pop up elements to bring the papers alive and show the use and adaptability of them. The website and app will be a online resource for any printer / designer to access all the fedrigoni papers available and see the range, use and specification of each one. The design will be consistent across the two platforms.
_Audience / Tone of Voice
Fedrigoni has been part of the paper world since 1717, when the San Colombanu paper mill was set up in Italy. Over the years, Fedrigoni have consistently been at the forefront of the paper industry, pioneering the techniques and processes that makes paper the beautiful, versatile medium it is. Fedrigoni has been refining refining the art and science of making fine-quality special papers, producing striking surfaces, tactile textures and vivid colours. All papers that can be pressed, bent, cut and folded into almost any form you can imagine. Fedrigoni papers are ultra-functional and at the same time wonderfully expressive.
Audience: Printers - They have a big influence over paper decisions and can in some instances change their clients specifications. We want to raise our profile with printers and make us their favoured supplier.
_Mandatory Requirements
Information Pack - 4/5 publications - packaging Website & App
_Submission Details 6pm on Thursday 14th March 2013. Attention to detail in the presentation and layout of ideas within your digital entry. Entries will need to be zipped up and uploaded via the YCN website along with the completion of a simple online registration.
Tone of Voice: A fun, tongue and cheek deliverable which is memorable and maybe even makes the audience laugh!
Your idea must use and or showcase paper in a creative way.Your idea should show how you would promote our papers using various channels to reach our target audience. We’re after a campaign full of originality.You are free to respond and create communication or content in any combination of mediums you wish. We are open to new ideas, as long as you can fully demonstrate how your work will promote our wide variety of Fedrigoni papers.