< The Analogue Website >
<div id="logo"> <a href="index.html"><img src="images/logo_solid.png" width="60" height="60" alt="Logo" /></a> </div> <div id="author"> <p> Written and designed by <b>Nathan Bolton</b> </div>
< Introduction >
In today’s fast paced and ever growing technological society, digital design has proven to be vital. The ability to access information via different mediums at any point in time, and at any location is becoming more apparent in our current environment. New technologies are being developed at a vast rate causing designers to respond with advanced methods of communication to deliver content to their audience; as we speak the approach to digital innovations is becoming more focused and widely used. “Why wait for Creative Review’s monthly journal to tell me how the latest Sony - commercial was made when John Smith is hosting ‘The Making of’ video on their Tumblr, announced via Twitter or an RSS feed. The very fact that I can now watch the video as opposed to being presented with a few select screenshots is a significant advantage in itself” (Judge, M. 2010)
What society doesn’t realise is that print, particularly books and magazines are a form of technology in their own right. They are ‘a piece of equipment created to perform a task’ (Oldham, C. 2012). Therefore we shouldn’t see emerging digital technologies as products to over ride the printed publications, but one that provides alternate options and other ways in which we can still gain access to the information we require. Through this turn of digitalisation, we have seen printed products being transformed into its digital equivalent. Examples can be seen through various established magazines such as Computer Arts, Print and Wired. These examples have taken their original printed state and redesigned them as a digital product, in doing so they can change how it is interacted with by using motion, sound and video to create a whole new experience for the user.
To illustrate and answer this question, I have designed a website - the digital product. Taking the coding of this website, I have created a publication that represents the website in its printed form. This publication is the printed equivalent of the website. The design and layout imitates that of the website. By producing the publication in a large format, and using high quality stock in various colours and weights, it creates a tactile and interactive product. This communicates how digital design can be produced as print.
In contrast, how can a digital product be produced as a print?
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<div id="projectinfo"> Iconic Cities is a travel company that specialises in city breaks around the world. Providing a travel guide that can be personalised and tailored to each customer, Iconic Cities aim to make holiday planning easier for everyone. </div> </div> </body>
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Life with Energy is a information pack aimed to educate and inform new home owners of ways they can save energy and money within their home.The pack engages the user by creating hands on activity within the home.
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<div id="projectinfo"> Life with Energy is a information pack aimed to educate and inform new home owners of ways they can save energy and money within their home. The pack engages the user by creating hands on activity within the home. </div> </div> </body>
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Imprint is a contemporary publishing house based in leeds. They produce high-quality, affordable books by combining impeccable design and production skills with insightful texts and information on a wide range of subjects.
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<div id="projectinfo"> Imprint is a contemporary publishing house based in leeds. They produce high-quality, affordable books by combining impeccable design and production skills with insightful texts and information on a wide range of subjects. </div> </div> </body>
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Imprint is a contemporary publishing house based in leeds. They produce high-quality, affordable books by combining impeccable design and production skills with insightful texts and information on a wide range of subjects.
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<div id="projectinfo"> The 90 Years of BBC Radio exhibition is an event proposed to celebrate the 90th anniversary of BBC Radio. <br />The exhibition looks back over the past 90 years of the BBC Radio and displays the history within the exhibition. </div> </div> </body>
< #90 years of bbc radio | 10 >
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YCN 2012/13 Winner. A stock finder that presents the Fedrigoni paper ranges in an interactive manor. The main focus is being able to touch, see and feel each stock in each of the ranges available.
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<div id="projectinfo"> YCN 2012/13 Winner. A stock finder that presents the Fedrigoni paper ranges in an interactive manor. The main focus is being able to touch, see and feel each stock in each of the ranges available. </div> </div> </body>
< #this is fedrigoni | 11 >
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Design Practice
Born and raised in Yorkshire, I am a Northern graphic designer, which I take pride in. I currently live in Huddersfield and study at Leeds College of Art on the BA (Hons) Graphic Design course.
As a Graphic Designer I am a problem solver at heart and strive to deliver the most effective design solution at the highest of standards. I specialise within publishing & editorial and print; within these areas I focus on using printing techniques, bookbinding, stock and formats in order to find new creative avenues in order to produce a unique design. With a high set of technical skills I am able to adapt myself within a group of creatives. I believe design should stand for itself, communicate effectively and enable interaction. This is something I try to convey within all my work.
Placement, Graphic Designer The Engine Room, Huddersfield July - September 2013
Working across both print and digital formats, I am a all round graphic designer. I specialise in Editorial, Branding and Illustration. Which I have a key focus on stock, format and finishes, I like to incorporate this into my designs to make them unique and that little bit more special each time, it also makes it more enjoyable for myself as I like to get stuck in and be more hands on. University has been a great platform for me to be able to experiment and investigate into the massive amount of different areas there are today within graphic design. Having the facilities, tutors and visiting professionals my course offers has enlightened me and broadened my knowledge of design. The course has improved my fundamental design skills and approaches, which now heading into my third, will allow me to be more creative with them under my belt. My final year is going to be all about producing high standard work in the areas that I enjoy the most and see myself working in after I have graduated.
Intership, Graphic Designer Numiko, Leeds August 2013
Awards Secret 7 Inch Winner April 2013 YCN Winner Fedrifoni Brief May 2013
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<h3><font color="#DE6A26">Design Practice</h3></font>
<h3><font color="#DE6A26">Experience </h3></font> <p><b>Placement, Graphic Designer</b> <br />The Engine Room, Huddersfield <br />July - September 2013
<div class="column1">
<h3><font color="#DE6A26">About</h3> </font> < p> Born and raised in Yorkshire, I am a Northern graphic designer, which I take pride in. I currently live in Huddersfield and study at Leeds College of Art on the BA (Hons) Graphic Design course.</p> <p> Working across both print and digital formats, I am a all round graphic designer. I specialise in Editorial, Branding and Illustration. Which I have a key focus on stock, format and finishes, I like to incorporate this into my designs to make them unique and that little bit more special each time, it also makes it more enjoyable for myself as I like to get stuck in and be more hands on. </p> <p> University has been a great platform for me to be able to experiment and investigate into the massive amount of different areas there are today within graphic design. Having the facilities, tutors and visiting professionals my course offers has enlightened me and broadened my knowledge of design.</p>
<p> As a Graphic Designer I am a problem solver at heart and strive to deliver the most effective design solution at the highest of standards. I specialise within publishing & editorial and print; within these areas I focus on using printing techniques, bookbinding, stock and formats in order to find new creative avenues in order to produce a unique design. With a high set of technical skills I am able to adapt myself within a group of creatives. I believe design should stand for itself, communicate effectively and enable interaction. This is something I try to convey within all my work.</p> </div>
<p><b>Internship, Graphic Designer</b> <br />Numiko, Leeds<br />August 2013
<p><h3><font color="#DE6A26">Awards </h3></font>
< p><b>Secret 7 Inch Winner</b> <br />April 2013
<p><b>YCN Winner</b> <br /> Fedrigoni Brief <br /> May 2013
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<p> The course has improved my fundamental design skills and approaches, which now heading into my third, will allow me to be more creative with them under my belt. My final year is going to be all about producing high standard work in the areas that I enjoy the most and see myself working in after I have graduated.</p> </div>
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<p><b>Address</b><br />40 Woodhouse Gardens<br />Brighouse<br />West Yorkshire<br />HD6 3UH</p>
<p><b>Phone Number</b> <br />+44 (0) 7863106520</p>
<p><b>Email</b> <br><a href="mailto:nathanboltondesign@ gmail.com"><font color="#636467">nathan boltondesign@gmail.com</a></font> </div>
<p><a href="pdf/NathanBoltonDesign Resume.pdf"><font color="#636467"> Download Résumé</font></a>
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<div class="column3"> <p>Website designed by <br /><b>Nathan Bolton Design </b><p> © Nathan Bolton Design 2013 </div> </div>
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