AIESEC UA internal newsletter # 7_Lovely Month

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Boss Talks New year, new generation of AIESEC in Ukraine leaders, new dreams... January was full of events, happiness for some people, experience of failure for another. But for all of us it was somehow month which helped us to understand something new - about ourselves, another people, our future plans and dreams. But there is 1 important thing. While dreaming about future we shouldn't forget about current opportunities and challenges =) We still have less than 5 months to rock AIESEC in Ukraine. 5 months full of new excitements: recruitment, Just Raise It campaign, LICs, elections etc. So let's take as much as we can from this time in AIESEC. Remember your excitement in the beginning of your AIESEC career. It's time to remember it and turn it on again! AIESEC in Ukraine is waiting for your passion and achievements! We are ready to go! Are you with us? ;)

Elections This year elections were really historical for AIESEC in our country! Firstly MCP of AIESEC in Ukraine became girl from Kharkiv, firstly it was such great number of applicants in MC (20 amazing persons!!!), firstly it was in Dnipropetrovsk... But as usual it was the same emotions, the same tension, the same feelings of success and failures. From side of all AIESEC in Ukraine we want to say big THANK YOU to all candidates who passed those elections and say that we were proud to share this experience with you! And now - one more time congratulations to members of AIESEC in Ukraine Member Committee 12/13!!! MCP - Lisaveta Bachina (MC VP LCD) Catherina Troino (LCP Kharkiv) Mykola Bryzytsky (LCP Ivano-Frankivsk) Dmytro Diedushenko (LCP Donetsk) Maryana Stupins'ka (NST Middle Management, LC Lviv) Liubomyr Polyarush (NST GIP OG, LC Lviv) Ivan Syrovatko (LCP Lugansk) Marharyta Shetkina (NST ER, LC Lugansk) Wish you all the best and the best year for AIESEC in Ukraine!!! Aaaaaand we are waiting who will join AIESEC in Ukraine MC 12/13 team!

Apply now!

Campaigns Announcement Matching in Time Campaign has finished! Thouthands of letters, hundreds of interviews, days and night of matching… And here are the strongest, the bravest, the quickes, the smartest – winners of Matching in Time Campaign: Big cluster – LC Lviv; Midlle cluster – LC Simferopol; Small cluster – LC Ternopil

Best OGX Matcher – Nataliia Petrova (LC Simferopol); Best ICX Matcher – Ustyna Hasiy (LC Lviv)

National Finance University Creativity and devotion, passion and professional approach, strong will and desire to win – everything is about one person – Elena Gimaldinova (LC Lugansk) – winner of first ever national finance education campaign!

Light New Star the winner is…. is…. is…. AIESEC in Chernivtsi! Congratulations! AIESEC Ukraine is deeply proud of you and looking forward your next victories and achievements!

True Life Changers During 3 months of True Life Changers Campaign 45 OCPs took part in it. But for sure just the strongest could be awarded The winners are: Best OCP of – Olga Genyk – LC Lviv Best OCP of local ICX project – Olga Tsilyk – LC Kyiv, WWB project Best OCP of Ping the World – Khrystyna Chopko – LC Lviv Best OCP of Bright Young Trainer – Lyudmyla Lirnyk – LC Kyiv Best OCP of CICX project – Mariya Mrychko – LC Lviv Best OCP of non X project – Violetta Voronkova – LC Simferopol – IT project The most active Local Committee – LC were 100 % of OCPs actively took part in the campaign and contributed in the result – LC Kyiv!

Alumni Hall of Fame On 28th of January on ElectCo there was gala award ceremony – AIESEC Ukraine Alumni Hall of Fame 2012. It was real pleasure to be present on this event, to see what impact AIESEC can make on country level. Awarded alumni became real role models for AIESEC members and the ceremony demonstrated the power of the AIESEC network in Ukraine. So, let’s one more time recognize the achievements and contribution of our alumni:

Alumni Hall of Fame: Igor Solodov LC VP HR Odessa 2001-02, LCP Odessa 2002-2003 Current position: Trainer-coach at Pucelik Consulting Group, founder of Personal efficiency Club Igor is the one who truly corresponds to the quote “Once an AIESECer – forever an AIESECer”. Even after his active AIESEC career, he contributed a lot in development of our organization, he gave his time, passion, knowledge and experience in order to grow new leaders and support young generations of AIESECers. But that was not enough for Igor and he created his own AIESEC – “Personal efficiency club”, where he continued our mission and brought to more and more people of different ages opportunity to become better, develop their skills, transmit AIESEC values.

Alumni Entrepreneurship & Leadership Award: Dmytro Shymkiv AIESEC Trainee, Copenhagen, 1998, MC Information System Ukraine 1996-98 Current position: General Manager, Microsoft Ukraine There is no doubt in amazing entrepreneurship and leadership skills of Dmytro. He was a Founder, Managing Director and Shareholder of IT company “Alfa Team, Ltd.”, Chairman of IT Committee at American Chamber of Commerce and General Manager of RedPrairie Eastern Europe. Later only after 2 years of working in Microsoft Ukraine, he took a position of General Director of this company. Moreover, Dmytro is a member of National Board of Advisors.

AIESEC Contribution Award: Viktor Kiyashko LC VP OGX 2002-03, LCP Ternopil 2003-05, MC VP X Ukraine 2005-06, MC VP X Norway 2006-07, eXchange

Quality Board 2006-07 Current position: DHL Information Services (Europe), Service Delivery Manager Viktor made an outstanding contribution to AIESEC both being an AIESECer and AIESEC alumnus. As alumnus he participated in a wide range of activities, including chairing and facilitating national AIESEC conferences, being an active member of AIESEC Alumni Association in Ukraine, participating in EuroCo 2011 and being initiator of Alumni Fond in Ternopil.

Opportunities Just Raise It Campaign 2012 Strong OGX, Brave ER and Powerful ICX! Which LC has the best RAISERS? Every member has the chance to become the BEST SELLER in ICX, ER or OGX! On New Horizons we will find out which 3 LCs will be the WINNERS!


SellCo&FinCo Dear AIESECers! It's time to get new eXPerience! Are you interested in Sales or in Finance? Do you want to know how to sell even the air? Do you want to count even stars on the sky? Then National selling and Finance Conference is for you!

25-26 of February! Kyiv! 3 tracks: SellCo Basic, SellCo Advanced, FinCo Track Best speakers! More practice! New XP! For EVERYONE

Apply right now



Train the Trainers Train the Trainer is the world famous conference on training skills. This year in AIESEC in Ukraine the conference takes place in Lviv on March, 2-4. Tracks: Basic track I, Basic track II, Advanced track, MCe track Delegates: not more than 70

Facilitator application form (DDL Feb, 10)

Trainers from companies:

Delegate application form (DDL Feb, 26)

Conference This Winter Conference

was really unusual! Not only because of warm venue, but in terms of working

atmosphere. this year we will have one more working conference for EBs 11-12 at SprinCo together with elected EBs. Agenda was divided into 4 main proiects: Summer Camps, OGX projects, Recruitment, Corporate projects. Almost sessions were in synergies of directions and there was even block named "cross-synergies", where the most unusual synergies were found out=)) We talked a lot about second half of the year, about concrete steps and initiatives that we can make to bring results and to climb the Everest of our term!!! For me this conference also was special in terms of national conference management experience and it was a real pleasure to work with such conference team: Elizaveta Bachina, agenda manager EB Track & Expansion Track (Yulia Sorokina before the conference made a huge work as well), agenda manager of Advanced Leadership Track, Catherine Troino, and agenda manager IDS Track, Elena Krupova! Thanks to all facies of all tracks as well!!! And huge thanks and respect to OC team of LC Dnipro who made really quality conference, especially, to its brave OCP, Natalia Omelchenko!!! We have half a year ahead to climb the Everest!!! Anastasia klysakova, conference manager WinCo 2012. Unforgettable experience with more than 50 delegates on Advanced LeadershipTrack and faci team of 3 strongest LCPs of Ukraine. Delegates have deepened their knowledge of AIESEC work, tried themselves as EB members & got to know how to be effective personally and professionally. Faci team is thankful to delegates for their activeparticipation and sharing. We wish each and every delegate to take up the challenge of being an EB member and live this unforgettable experience driving their LCs on the top of Everest! Best delegate - Elizaveta Degtiarenko (Kyiv), best faci - Kolya Bryzitskyi. Catherine Troino, agenda manager Advanced Leadership Track Expansion Track: Best facies: Ivan Sirovatko and Olga Ditmarova!!! IDS Best faci - Bogdan Anghel; best delegate - Aliona Novgorodskaya

Functional News

ER ER direction is working hard! Why??? Cause we are HOT TO GO  So what actually happened in January?  We celebrated New Year with a calm heart after having serviced all partners!  Than on 14-15.01 we had meeting of National Sales Team! Dianka (Lviv), Sasha (Kharkiv), Ibraim (Simferopol) were working during 2 days to prepare themselves to selling and work with big companies! Finally company researches, proposals and planning are done and starting from February guys will work on companies from their list and support sales on local level!!! On 20.01 we had meeting of Unilever ambassadors! 8 ambassadors are ready to show to corporate sector how professionally and actively AIESECers work! Olesya (Donetsk), Olya (Lviv) and Olya (Berdyansk), Anya (Sevastopol), Lera (Odessa), Nastya (Mariupol) and Artem (Kyiv) – just do it =) Great time with great Commission =) Now we are 100% ready for next 5 month!!! And finally Personal award for 1 of the VPs – Edie Sabitova!!! Congrats, Dear! Wish you all the best cause you deserve this award and hope that it will inspire you for future achievements! Finally we are moving to February! Main focuses:  National projects are coming and Sales team is active looking for partners!  Talents Fair preparation is going actively!  We will have final list of companies soon and registration starts from 6.02! p.s. promote this opportunity in your LCs and among friends!

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OGX This month OGX has good results in GCDP raising: from 19 forms raised in December to 28 forms in January. Despite all New Year celebration days, WinCo and exams . And on 23-25th of January we gathered with all our commission on WinCo – to prepare for next projects Bright Young Trainer and Educate the World, work with Universities and even involve ER and Fin into OGX projects. OCPs in OGX direction also could join us on a third day of the conference and feel as part of our commission. And at the same time on WinCo we had IDS track for our dear EPs with really strong international team of facis – Rosen form Bulgaria, Kasia from Poland, Bogdan from Romania with agenda manager from Ukraine, Kharkiv Lena Krupova. And also we had recognized the best OCPs of our projects: Bright Young Trainer – Lyudmyla Lirnyk Ping the World – Chrystyna Chopko And we congratulate the person which received Personal Excellence Award in OGX – Nastya Gutsol! Keep rocking, girls!!! See your OCPs on 11th of February on preparation meeting in Kyiv!

Finance Dear Finance people! Form day to day we are having new people in our direction! Welcome VPs Finance of our expansions: Oleksandra Todoryk (CV), Lyuda Yakuschenko (SU) and Igor Nosatov (ZP)! Let’s welcome them to our commission! Besides, we have just had Winter Conference! Thanks to everyone, who was present at Finance Commission! Also, I’d like to express my personal thanks and congrats to Galyna Condratenko who received Personal Excellence Award in Finance and Lena Gimaldinova who won the first National Finance University Campaign! Thank you girls for your passion and love to Finance direction! I am sure that these small winnings are only the first step towards great victories!

NC ICX First brave step into 2012 has been done! 66 GCDP TNs realized in January, 66 interns came to Ukraine and now having amazing time in our LCs. We already started “World Without Borders” and ready to start more and more projects. We had amazing time in Dnipropetrovsk, accumulated knowledge and motivation to rock Ukraine this year! We are young and brave! We are ICX WaveMakers! Our Heroes: Sveta Udovenko – VP ICX on TOP of the WAVE & Iuliia Atremenko – Personal Excellence Award of ICX direction 11-12!!! Nothing to add, simply PROUD! DO NOT FORGET: 1. MidCo 2012 – send your interns to Simferopol! Let them have amazing time and get prepared to be valuable part of your projects! 2. MATCHING! Never stop! More then 150 forms still AVAILABLE!!!! Match! Match! Match! Ask Ustya how – our Matching Hero!!! 3. Take care of your team and grow up strong successors 4. Your work won’t worth anything if there is no one to continue it!



The beginning of the year is very fruitful for CICXers: there were 5 non-project GIP TNs raised since 1st January: 2 TNs at Ucoz (LC Kyiv), educational TN at New generation school (LC Lugansk), TN at Chudo-Tour (LC Lviv) and TN at OBI (MC)! These are really great results, let’s keep the same pace! And congrats to LC Donetsk, which realized 2 GIP TNs with India at M-Kvadrat!

WinCo CICX commission was very memorable. Summarizing our half-year results and analyzing what should be changed and what should be continued was very useful. One more distinguishing feature of this conference was big amount of synergies. Thanks to them we have clear picture of new ways of promoting exchange program to corporate sector. Also discussion about new pricing system in GIP ICX was started and till the middle of February it is going to be presented. The last day was devoted to finding the perfect CICX structure in LCs of different clusters and learning GCPs of short-term GIP TNs and corporate projects in other countries. And of course let’s not forget creation of new shout: Всем стоять! Работает СЫСК!

Elite Sales Team is doing great job! During first 3 weeks they have done 20 meetings with new companies and they have about 10 companies in follow-up process! Katya, Maria, Nila and Sasha are great selllers! if you want to follow their results in terms of # off meetings and contracts – subscribe to


Coming soon: 

Corporate communications criteria will be included in national communications campaign! (By the way, take a look at the first article about CICX – more are coming soon)

One national project in Corporate ICX

New GIP ICX pricing system

New TN contracts templates

Communication Just want to thank all COMmission for active involvement into recruitment campaign development, into marketing materials for OGX and RCR development!!! Special thanks to Roma Dovgoshiya for proposing idea of video creation and being final responsible for this initiative! Also, special thanks to Nastya Ganenko who created main concept of Recruitment poster! At ElectCo we also have Gala Night!!! And Heroes of communications this year are... Nastya Ganenko who received Personal Excellence Award in COMM! And...Yulia Zhirova who become Legendary VP Comm 2012!

LCD We are growing! Let’s see which results we achieved during the past 7 months!










01.06.11 - 01.02 12







01.06.10 - 01.02 11














After the 7 months of the hard work we achieved average growth of 50% in Xchnage realizations! The highest growth we are having in IC GIP! We realized 3 times more TNs in this pool! We still should be focused on growth in OGX direction and put stress on quality of February-March OGX projects and raise people to summer realizations! At the same we already should start preparation to Summer IC GCDP realizations and make huge growth during this peak. As we can see we still have negative growth in TMP and TLP realizations. The main reason is low usage of myaiesec,net functions which are directly connected to TMP and TLP realizations. Lots of people still not assigned to teams and have late shift to TLP. Only 5 months left! We should be really smart and concrete in our actions to provide as much XP in programmes as we can! Expansion Track This year in frames of Winter Conference in Dnepropetrovsk were organized first ever Expansion Track in Ukraine. The main goals were to connect newly opened LCs with each other, give strategic and fictional knowledge to EBs of expansions and introduce them to AIESEC in Ukraine network. All VPs had opportunities to participate in sessions at EB track and took part in work of functional commissions. If to evaluate the track for the first time it was really successful. We had representatives of 3 out of 4 expansions – Zaporizhzha, Chernivtsi and Sumy - and 9 people out of 15 EB members in all expansions. Huge thanks I want to say to National Expansion Manager and Agenda Manager of Expansion Track – Juliya Sorokina for preparation of track. And special recognition and regard I want to give for 2 amazing people, who took challenge and became a part of this track – our amazing facilitators Ivan Syrovatko (LCP of Lugansk) and Olga Ditmarova (LCP of Odessa). My dears all of you did a great job and deserved to be recognized one more time!

Sincerely yours, Liza

TM Dear Valya, On behalf of the national TM team we congratulate you with the award and wish to achieve more in the next 5 months of work with your members! For the first time this winter conference there were 16 gurus of Talent Management at the commission at the same time. Thank you, dear vice presidents, for you passion and commitment to TM!

Working moments Talent Management in Ukraine has implemented a new model of work. Thanks to the model now it’s easier to understand the TM area and keep it on level! Benefits:  Supervision of the TM processes   

on time

Structured TM work in AIESEC in Ukraine Similar TM work in all LCs New TM trackers

Recruitment The hot TM time is coming and the LCs are getting ready for the recruitment activities. The LCs have planned to recruit

500 people for the TMP experiences!

Interesting facts about people: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Andorrans live the longest, four years longer than in neighbouring France and Spain. China's labor force stands at 706 million people, almost three times that of Europe and twice that of North and South America combined Luxembourgers are the world's richest people - and also the most generous. If you like kids, then Uganda might be the place for you. Half the population is under 15! Single guys should check out The Virgin Islands, where the women outnumber the men. Many Americans live alone - the United States leads the world in one person households. Kazakhstan is the world's largest landlocked country. Looking for geniuses? Head straight to Iceland. There are more than 3 Nobel Prize Winners for every million Icelanders. Sri Lanka has lowest divorce rate in the world - and the highest rate of female suicide. Australians have a huge 380,000 sq m of land per person - and yet 91% live in urban areas. Nearly a quarter of people in Monaco are over 65. The United States has the world's highest marriage rate - as well as the world's highest divorce rate. Of all the nations of the world, China has the most people. But there are 71 nations that aremore crowded. Most households in Europe and North America contain fewer than three people. Like living in cities? Guadeloupe, Nauru, Monaco, Singapore, Gibraltar and Bermuda are only nations that are 100% urbanised. There are 11 countries where the average woman has more than six children. Ten of them are in Africa.

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