Happy NEWsletter # 6 Decmber 2011

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BOSS Talks: New Year is coming!!! It’s time not only for celebration, but also for reflection, understanding what was done and dreaming about future achievements. Past year I can definitely name as “Year of changes”. A lot was made to shake AIESEC in Ukraine, to make new path and invent new things. It was hard work. But we already can see results, and I’m sure that next generations of AIESECers will recognize our work even more than we now. But New Year which is coming also brings us new challenges and focuses. In the end of the term (it won’t be soon, but still) people will remember not only changes that were. They will remember results made and will recognize people who made it real, who proved that we are great not just in talking, but in achieving results. We are changing lives of youth. And it’s our responsibility to make this impact larger. To engage and develop every young person in Ukraine! So wish you to have Happy Holydays, take a good rest and come back with new inspiration, new goals, refreshed motivation and desire to be on the TOP! Yours Santa Dmitrius

6 months of LCD by heading to 2015 vision. th

30 of June were special day for me – end of something “I were confident in” and beginning of something “I have no idea how it will look like in 6 months”. Passion to work, ideas, innovations, energy, willing to do, dozens of hours in trains, kilometers of roads, hours in McDonalds’s, 12 cities and hundreds of questions…all this things were done for one reason – finding this “idea”. Engage and develop every young person in Ukraine! Exactly this vision was showing direction to all things which were done during the past 6 months – AIESEC extended to 4 new cities! I think this is one of the most valuable results, which is bringing us closer to 2015 vision. Development of new physical and virtual coaching systems, structured processes of reports and analyses, additional LC visits – all this things is exact basement, which should be in place and help us in achievement of our goals and vision! Being a person in charge of LCD, I strongly believe in Ukraine’s potential and can confidently say that we still have space for development! Sincerely yours, Snowy-Liza

Main Corporate ICX results: •

We grew in TNs matched and realized: 3 corporate TNs are already realized and 3 more are matched to be realized soon. We dropped in TNs raised! Guys, according to your reports, we have 30 companies in follow-up process! Let’s sign contracts with them! Be persistent! We have very important change in legality: interns can’t apply for long-term visa and maximum internship duration now is 6 months! (short-term 90 days visa and possibility to prolong it for 90 more days) Make sure, that your LC knows it! Corporate ICX teams are working in 5 LCs: Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, Donetsk and Mariupol! Corporate Events were realized in Kyiv (International Business Opportunities) and Lugansk (Global Business) and will be realized one more time in Kyiv in March Corporate Communications initiative is running! Looking forward to have media appearances and lot’s of new info on the web! Elite Sales Team is selected:

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Maria Mrychko - Lviv Neonilla Usenko - Simferopol Alexandr Buli - Mariupol Ekaterina Fomenko – Donetsk Elite Sales Team will have a physical meeting in Kyiv on 14-15 of January together with National Sales Team. And starting from 16th of January each week Maria, Nilla, Sasha and Katya will attend meetings with companies and raise! We will have 7 more weeks to see who will raise more TNs: these 4 brave and smart people or whole AIESEC Ukraine? You will be able to track their progress and see reports on this wiki.

ICX results for half a year Just look back, 184 days behind, 2 seasons ago – WHO WERE YOU THAT TIME? Just go back to 1st of July of 2011 and try to find out what you feel? What are your dreams? And what do you want to achieve by the end of the year? And now, on 31st of December – how do you feel? Are you proud of what you have been done? - I’m! Second half of 2011 brought to us really great results: • • • • • • • • • •

We realized 290 GCDP TNs We achieved 97% of plan realization. We grow on 36% comparing to last year We implemented crucial changes in quality measurement We build new and exciting cooperation with more than 20 countries of network We created and realized unique and totally new project “act.in.UA” First time we had national partner of PBoX in Ukraine We run first ever campaign for reception and integration “Interns are also members”, created database of more than 500 interns, organized more than 100 different events for interns, involved more than 30 interns in our daily activities We organized first even preparation conference for interns “International Trainers Camp” First time we have 19 VP ICX in commission with 100% of retention rate

And many many other things to be really proud of work, which was done! Thank you, AIESEC in Ukraine, for great performance, for being so open to change and implement innovations, to adopt to new situations, to find new solutions, to work hard, to show commitment and never give up! And THANK YOU, my beloved ICX WaveMakers – Maryana, Sveta, Tanya, Lera, Ustya, Iulya, Natasha, Bodya, Tusya, Vika, Oksana, Katya, Yarik, Anya, Dasha, Natalya, Sveta, Tanya, Tonya, Yulya, Solomya! Only you made this results possible! So proud and honored to work with you! Love you so much!!!!

Sincerely yours, Anya


Hey, AIESEC!!! This month ER had several important things done =) National Sales Team elected and for now we have 3 brave guys who will boom sales on national level starting form the end of January 2012!

Aleksandr Nosik - Kharkiv Diana Altshyler - Lviv Ibraim Mustafaiev – Simferopol Good luck, guys!!! AIESEC in Ukraine believes in YOU!

For now we have 8 ambassadors of company Unilever – Yuhooo =)

Olesya Bondarenko – Donetsk Kikhtenko Oksana – Kharkiv Olga Genyk – Lviv Olga Myakotkina – Berdyansk Golubeva Anna – Sevastopol Artem Pakhomov – Kyiv Kulko Valeria – Odessa Anastasiya Avtushenko – Mariupol

Main ER achievements from the 1.07: • Resigned partnerships with P&G, DTEK, Ernst&Young • After a short break SellCo is coming back!!! • This August we had 20 people on selling track in Kharkiv =) • Launched ambassadorship programs of P&G, InBev, Unilever • DTEK – national partner of the 1 wave of Act.In.UA • Forum Youth & Business successfully organized with the participation of such well-known companies as Metinvest, Ernst&Young, P&G, Fast Food Systems, Cisco. • 70 000 UHR raised during Just Raise It Campaign • National sales team is selected and about to start its work!!! Also we remember about our partners till New Year =)

OGX HAPPY News It’s the end of December and we have what to look back in OGX!  1. Growth in middle management. Two LCs have coordinators on different pools and two more LCs have elected at least for one of programs! Also we have first OCPs working for OGX direction. Autumn projects brought 7 OCPs and current even more: Bright Young Trainer – 11 OCPs and Ping the World – 7 OCPs (which are not vice-presidents!) 2. First projects in OGX direction. With implementation of project management we got a chance to add members from different directions in one team, focus on concrete product (program and type of JD), realize goals of specific period. 3. New members in a commission team. New expansions enlarged the size of our team – we are happy to help Stasya, Anya, Vitalik, Olya and Masha with their first steps! 4. X+Fin summit. Besides usual working conferences we also met on a functional meeting in Kyiv this December – X+Fin summit brought new and old members together for new ideas, development and sharing experience. Together with these steps in first half a term we understand that our main focuses for further work are current projects and the ones that will bring realizations in peak period – May and June, Bright Young Trainer and Educate the World. Prepare quality human resources for these projects and make intenvsive plan of promotion inside each of them! Our aim is to deliver our plans and everything is in our hands. Just do it.

HAPPY TM NEWs This last year has been a great one for our country. In 2011 we emerged from our self-imposed internal obstacles and re-entered the world of AIESEC. In 2011 we may be proud of our achievements in Recruitment, new-formatted conferences, middle management and talent process developments. The year has brought to us TMP and TLP – the independent AIESEC programmes. Now in the Talent Management area there are separate OCs TM and special tracks at the conferences. In this coming year, then, I speak to all AIESECers and wish to you all the best. I pledge to continue to lead Talent Management as best I can, to be a members’ mentor and a partner. I am not Talent Management, we all are. And together we shall continue to build toward a great future for all members in our country, in our organization.

Achievements: Recruitment - 93,5% realization, 589 new members! TtT – 60 delegates Process Development – Goal Setting, PDP, Tallent Planning & Allocation JD – 100% TM culture – OCs TM We would like to thank the vice presidents of Talent Management for you precious contribute to this sphere. You are the ones who make the success happen! In the following year we are waiting for the great changes in the sphere TM PROCESSES and EDUCATION. Let the great things begin! Say goodbye to year 2011 and welcome a brand new year 2012! Be happy and healthy, find new opportunities, new friends and love. Open your heart to the magical things and let the magic happen! Our national TM team is wishing you all the best in the year! With the kindest regards, Polina Kovalova & Serhiy Stepanenko

PS – Кто не в ТМе? Мы не в ТМе? – Мы в ТМе и мы в ТеМе!

Finance Makers. Empower Your Excellence.

This half of the year was both operational and innovative for Finance direction. We had to continue a lot of initiatives of the previous term, but also created a lot of new staff in Finance. These months seemed tough for us sometimes, we met difficulties and problems, but we managed to overcome them all and created New Wave of Finance in AIESEC Ukraine. We started our year with 14 people in direction and are finishing 2011 with 15 VPs/coordinators and about 45 OC VP F in the country. We started to do what has never been done before. We developed one of the biggest, strongest and the most singing commission =). We were striving for excellence, and now we are empowering it… So let’s revive our achievements: • Monthly Financial Overview created and implemented. • ER Pricing for LCs developed. • Statutes changes made and started their registration. • LC Budget template changed. • New Financial Model of AIESEC Ukraine implemented. • First National Financial Conference of AIESEC in Ukraine held. • National ER pricing development started. • Project Report Template created and implemented. • Contracts for OGX, ICX, CICX, ER reviewed. • Training in Grant Management from external held for Finance commission. • Current CICX contracts re-edited. • 2 Visits of National Internal Auditor made. • Grant Yourself campaign realized. • National Finance University Campaign started. • Accountant hired for AIESEC Ukraine. • X Legality – guide (package of documents) developed. • MC Re-registration finished. • Lawyers for AIESEC Ukraine hired. • “One AIESEC, One Ukraine” initiative started. • First National Finance Summit held. Thanks to all Finance Makers of AIESEC in Ukraine for development of Financial Direction. I wish us to achieve much more outstanding results in the second half of the term and left a great legacy for the next generation. With huge love, your MC VP Finance&Legality.

Our COM mission is to support all organizational goals. Everybody needs us, and it’s COMmission!

My dear COMmission! It’s hard to express all my feelings towards you and your work. Thanks for impact into direction and into AIESEC Ukraine! Really love you as people and as professionals! =) I wish the best year ahead!! We spend unbelievable half a year together, but I strongly believe that the next half a year with you will be even better! Wish you a lot of energy to realize all your dreams!!! With Love, MC VP Comm So, what was done to achieve communications strategy? Focus # 1 Web presence (social media, web-sites, myaiesec.net) Internal: “ Brand new U” (updating internal brand standards); “Beautify wiki campaign” (all wiki creation and updating according new internal brand standards)


New web-platforms for AIESEC: OGX web-sites: pingtheworld.org.ua, youngtrainer.org.ua; ICX: act.in.ua; ER : youthandbusiness.com.ua, talentsfair.org.ua. Online applicant system, ua.join-aiesec.com, for our recruitments, was implemented. *LCs are tracking their growth in social media due to HIT. What is planned: Updating national and local web-sites; SM strategy development, comm campaign, wwb.org.ua, OGX web-sites. Focus # 2 On campus strategy


Together with new expansions there are 2119 AFs out 2196 (together with new expansions plans) that is 96 % of realization!) Guides for promo in universities were developed.

OGX projects

Power of Three (winner – LC Kyiv) had the results of 722 AFs. 6-th of November we finished active promo of True Smiles & Bright Young Trainer, first OGX projects. # of AFs True Smiles in the country – 506; Bright Young Trainer – 686 From 28-th November we already started promo of second wave Bright Young Trainer (GCDP) and Ping the world (GIP). All LCs received 2 types of posters from our beloved partner rabota.ua. What is planned: market research, wiki about work with universities Focus # 3 AIESEC presences externally across the sectors (media, events) In January we’ll know the total number of media appearances & events in the country after Growth Report and Publicity Analyze realization. What is planned: business promo development, Talents Fair, comm campaign.

Important facts:

*The medal of Legendary VP Communications was given to Anastasiya Ganenko! *The winner of Beautify wiki campaign was Ruslan Korniuchuk *The winner of Power of Three was LC Kyiv & Yulia Zhirova as VP Comm LC Kyiv *6-th of October was a strategic meeting with almost all VPs where we discussed recruitment, OGX projects, Act.in.UA. Then the most active part was rewarded with participation In European PR Congress. Communications wiki

Change yourself every day. But stay strong and curious! Happy New Year Annushka

AIESEC globally About growth… Below you can see how is growing TOP countries in Network and compare us with another TOP performers X realized



































Ukraine in Network Looking back or looking forward? During the past 2 quarters, 6 months, 26 weeks, 182 days…we can name this period of time in different ways, but it won’t modify all results, projects, changed lives and impact we did together! Anyway, everything we do should be measured. We shouldn’t forget about what we are striving for and how are we growing. “Who is forgetting history is having a risk to live it once again in future!” – Let’s see what we already achieved and how our progress looks like. Programme



Q3-Q4 2011 Q3-Q4 2010 Growth

708 1065 -34%

234 290 -16%

XP in GCDP TN EP 290 132 214 112 36% 18%

XP in GIP TN EP 32 89 17 90 88% -1%

And totally we already realized 543 X and grew in 24% Looking for this table after the formula automatically counted results of growth, I was thinking what kind of description should be below it. Suddenly in my mind a question appeared “What direction should we look at?”- Looking back to things we already did and discoursing usage of our potential, or Look forward and think what can we do during the next 6 months for our growth! What direction look at is our choice! So, let’s choose right direction!

X + Fin Happy Summit NCICX Spirit, friendship, sharing, emotions, understanding, joy of being together and warm scarves =) It is impossible to tell how it was, you simply had to feel it... 2 days passed so quickly, but we managed to do quite a lot: we went through all the ups and downs of last 2 quarters, we talked about national initiatives and projects, we shared tips about matching, reception, education, we created strategy to build strongest partnerships ever and we had wonderful sushi time afterwards! Thank you, my dearest ICX WaveMakers, for every minute of these two days, for your openness and your belief! All the world we can MIX, we are team of ICX!!!!

CICX track on X summit was successfully held on 4-5 of December. And we had a maximum number of people on CICX commission: Olena and Mariya (Lviv), Alexandr and Valera (Mariupol), Olya and Kirill (Kharkiv) and Egor (Kyiv)! Thank you, guys, for coming to Summit, for sharing and wonderful time! The goals of the Summit were realized: functional news and legality updates, current situation discussion and gaining new knowledge. We talked a lot about effective questioning models and how to ask the right questions based on SPIN model during meeting with a company, about e-mail marketing and how to send right cold e-mails, about using LinkedIn for assigning meetings, about communications and PR in CICX. Huge thanks to alumnus of AIESEC Ukraine Alexander Zagnibeda for participation and sharing with us!

OGX This X+Fin Summit gave us a chance to meet new members in commission – Vitya Stepanenko (GCDP Coordinator in Lviv), Anya Derykolenko and Stasya Kurman (OGX GCDP, OGX GIP in Sumy) and meet old friends – VPs from Dnipro, Kharkiv, Odessa, Kyiv and Lugansk! During meeting we talked about current state, Bright Young Trainer, Ping the World. Also we had a time to share GCPs in our cities, talk about X culture and cooperation with ICX commission.

Finance For the first time AIESEC Ukraine organized Finance Summit! Congratulations to all Finance Makers with the born of new good tradition! Summit, which took place in Kyiv together with X Summit, was visited, in total, by 19 people! That’s just incredible! Finance people tried to prove their proactivity and took active participation in the event! Thank you, Uzhgorod, Lviv, Ternopil, Franyk, Chernivtsi, Kyiv, Odessa, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Lugansk, Donetsk, Mariupol, Berdiansk for visiting our Summit! Special thanks to Galya Kondratenko (VP Finance, Kyiv) and Jenya Barannikov (National Finance Manager) for facilitating wonderful sessions for delegates! And thanks again to Serhiy Shakhov (Board of Advisors of AIESEC Ukraine), who expressed his support to the organization and financial direction.

Happy Campaigns Announcements Matching in time 1 month to match ALL your forms! Be QUICK! Be SMART!Be the one to bring real impact into your LCs!!! Seems hard? Take example from Lviv, Simferopol and Berdyansk! In December we matched only 54 GCDP TNs; 21 GIP TNs, 16 GCDP EPs and 11 GIP EPs. Is it enough? – No, it is not! MATCH Ukraine! Let’s make the network talk about us! Let’s shake the history! Don’t waste your time! MATCHING IN TIME!!!!Wiki

Alumni Hall of Fame On 28th of January on ElectCo there will be gala award ceremony – AIESEC Ukraine Alumni Hall of Fame 2012. The goal of Hall of Fame is to showcase the impact of AIESEC on country level, to profile role models for AIESEC members, to demonstrate the power of the AIESEC network and to recognize the achievements and contribution of our alumni! There are 3 nominations: • Alumni Hall of Fame Award • Alumni Entrepreneurship & Leadership Award • AIESEC Contribution Award If you want to know more about Hall of Fame or to nominate alumni of your LC – download information package and nomination. PS Don’t forget to invite your alumni to visit this event!

Light New Star Finally! This December! First time in Ukraine we launched National Expansion Campaign! Our new entities have undiscovered potential and huge amount of motivation that made them deserve something special for themselves! Sumy, Chernovtsi, Khmelnitsky and Zaporozhie – exactly these four cities will be competing with each other during the next four weeks and at WinCo 2012 we will know who is the best! More details you can find on campaign wiki

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National Winter Conference WinCo 2012, 23-25 of January, and ElectCo 2012, 26-28 of January, in Dnipropetrovsk! Faci Application Form Leadership, Expansion, IDS tracks Registration for delegates EB & Expansion tracks Registration for delegates ElectCo 2012 Registration for delegates Leadership Track Registration for delegates IDS track

Announcements|Useful links

AIESEC Ukraine cooperates with universities!

Let's make cooperation with Universities effective. Use this wiki to build it in your LCs.

Act.in.UA closing Ideas can be life-changing. Sometimes all you need to open the door is just one more good idea. - Jim Rohn

That was simply small idea of enthusiastic, unexperienced, naive young people, who just started their leadership journey and didn’t want to admit that to change the world is impossible in 1 year. And who ever could imagine that just in half a year that small idea will bring us to quite big conference hall with about 70 people ready to show the results of that small idea implementation. On 10th of December first ever national project of AIESEC Ukraine “act.in.UA” finished. Great gala night showed results of 22 projects, which were organized by participants in 6 cities. Emotions were on the top, but friendly and positive atmosphere made everyone really open and inspired by work done and results achieved. “act.in.UA” in first edition brought us 5 charity projects, 3 ecological initiatives, 3 sports activities, 5 cultural events, 3 conferences, 2 IT projects, 1 entrepreneurial idea. All together, it gave strong confidence that “act.in.UA” MUST exist and spread all over LCs, in order to bring real movement to the country, which seek for it! So, best project of “act.in.UA 2011” is “’EURO’12 Kick off” – quest aimed to put attention to problem of language barrier, organized by participants of project in Kyiv. But “City Mood” project of Odessa was as well recognized. Idea to evaluate mood of the citizens of each city inspired us to bring project to national level together with AIESEC Ukraine. But the most important – the value of initiatives and inspiration our participants got out of the project. A lot of their ideas are still in progress, some projects are going to be organized again, some will be taken as great exampes for future! Thank you, everyone, who made it possible and especially Kyiv, Odessa, Simferopol, Donetsk, Lviv, Berdyansk for you support and realization of so risky, but so cool project! And this end is just beginning of great and bright future of “act.in.UA”. 11 of February 2012 – “act.in.UA II” is going to splash! 8 LCs, even more interns and participants, more ideas and more impact! Let it BE!

AIESEC Ukraine MC 12-13 applications are opened! Create future of AIESEC in Ukraine! Lead the whole country!

Know more Application package If not YOU, who? If not NOW, when?

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