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Boss Talks Ukraine OG realization

New Horizons 2012

Sellco + FinCo TtT


COMmission: possible

Functional news

Congratulations to the new National Team!

Boss Talks Congratulations! Winter is officialy finished! It brought us a lot - new MC team, high results, challenges and the main power to move forward and make this Spring totally unforgettable for us. And with such mood we are going to te one of the most "hot" periods for AIESECers all over Ukraine!

New members, local conferences, preparation for New Horizons, new interns and new experience for our members and EP's.... and of course election of new leaders of AIESEC in Ukraine! Want to wish good luck to everyone for whom this month will be trully life changing!

And want to wish all AIESEC in Ukraine members to find energy to move forward towards our experience! We still have a lot of work to make our local committees, our organization and our country better! Sooo - keep rocking AIESEC in UKRAINE!

Ukraine OG realization: During february AIESEC in Ukraine realized: IC GCDP 27 IC GIP 30 OG GCDP 21 OG GIP 11 And we have total growth 15% comparing with previous term! Let's do much more in march! Recognition in Network:

Next ukrainian LC's were mentioned as TOP-LCs in february among more than 1400 LCs in whole network!

GIP TNs RE: LC Lviv - 4 place LC Donetsk - 15 place

TMP RE: LC Kharkiv - 7 place LC Lviv - 10 place

GIP EPs RE: LC Lviv - 7 place

TLP RE: LC Kharkiv - 9 place

We are proud of you guys!!! Congratulations!!!

New Horizons Conference details

Dates: 4-7th April Fee: 130 UAH per day (520 UAH + damage fee 15 uah for whole conference) Venue:

Application Forms: Newbies Track Leadership track

More information: VK WIKI


During February lots of heroes showed what they are able to do in raising! So we have: 47 EPs raised, 4 partnerships signed 2 GIP TNs raised!* This is a real serious work! Keep going like this and even better! *results for 4-th March

And some LCs work to their fullest: Big Cluster: Donetsk and Kyiv, Middle Cluster: Ivano-Frankivsk, Small Cluster: Ternopil Expansions: Mykolaiv! What will be in one month? You have time till 1st of April to show what you are able to! WIKI

Great opportunity for members of Kyiv! Become Tetra Pak ambassador! To learn more about the company web-site To fill in application form DDL for applying: 16.03 23.59 All applications send to Use a great chance to become part of the corporate world!

SellCo + FinCo Dear AIESEC Ukraine! I would like to congratulate you with realization of the Second National Selling and Finance Conference, which took place in Kyiv on 25-26th of February in Kyiv!

We had 3 tracks and 7 speakers, smiling Chair and great atmosphere, kind OC and comfortable accommodation! Thank you everyone, who participated! I’m sure, that you have left the conference with new knowledge and inspiration to improve yourself in selling and finance more and more! Conference Manager, Irina Prokofieva

SellCo – conference that corresponded to the status of national in content, structure, elevated themes and organization, but not by the number of delegates. As for speakers, for me it was very useful to work with people who are AIESEC Alumni and now have considerable experience in business. This synthesis of diverse experiences generates the correct vision of the work in AIESEC in work with partners I felt it on the Advanced track sessions, and I heard this from Basic track delegates .

Another very important aspect of the conference is a motivating factor that affected not only me but also members of my functional area. Thank you for the conference, the new (forgotten) principles, methods, work tools and attitude. Alexandr Oleynik, VP ER LC Odessa

Finance Track On Finance track we had great opportunity to communicate with such a great speakers as Maksym Shkilov, Denis Kudin, Serhiy Shakhov! Passing through new tips about finance (personal and in organization), deciding how to be financial manager without being financier and playing super-exciting game “Wecanomy”, we managed to have really warm atmosphere, full of knowledge and positive emotions! I hope, that tradition of FinCo will be continued and will find much more followers that today! Agenda Manager of Finance Track, Irina Prokofieva

It’s a great pleasure to say that Selling conference (SellCo) was already organized for the 2 time duringthe year! Ah… So mane positive emotions that it’s difficult to describe them in few sentences))) Of course, we are on our way of establishing sales culture especially if taking to consideration that we had 2 tracks: basic and advanced!!! During 2 day guys were discussing sales flow, their problems in LCs, passing simulations and enjoying participation =)

Delegates together with a great chair Yulia Kochergan (alumna AIESEC Kyiv) and our awesome speakers Dima Baikalov (alumni), Max Nemesh (alumni), Irina Pokalova(Terrasoft), Oleksandr Zagnibida (alumni) created great spirit and atmosphere!!! For sure that’s a great impact on the future of sales forces of AIESEC in Ukraine =) Agenda Manager of Selling Tracks, Yulia Vasyliv


On March 2-4 we had a Train the Trainer conference hosted by LC Lviv in Novoyavorivsk. The conference was chaired by Vergiliu Grosu (Moldova) and it was really productive and funny. We had three tracks for the delegates of different skill sets: basic track, advanced track and MC elect track. It was a first time we decided to add this special MC track for the newly elected MCP Lisa Bachina and her team. The idea was really successful and guys spent some great time together while learning and practicing in training and conference preparation. The conference hosted 45 delegates: 20 on the basic track, 16 on the advanced track and 9 on the MC track.There were delegates from Ukraine, Moldova, Japan, Netherlands, Turkey and Germany at the conference. The delegates enjoyed the presentations from Ukrainian and international facis. Also we were happy to have our partner professional trainers: Igor Solodov, Natalia Teslyuk, Serhiy Shakhov and Andriy Kozachenko. They really helped to prepare our future trainers and we greatly appreciate their contribution to AIESEC Ukraine.

At this conference delegates had different sessions, exercises and of course some fun and relax part at the end of a day. At the last day delegates of all tracks went through not an easy task and successfully passed theirsimulations and received some feedback from facis. And at the closing plenary each delegate and faci received their certificate. The best basic track delegate award went to Olga Chetverukhina (LC Kyiv). The best advanced track delegate award went to Olia Secrii (LC ChiČ™inău, Moldova). The best advanced track faci award went to Dragos Sarbu (LC Bucharest, Romania). Also on behalf of the conference team I want to emphasize and recognize a great performance of the organizing committee led by Viktoria Cherneva (OCP TtT, LC Lviv). Congratulations to all mentioned above! At the Train the Trainer conference all participants did a great job and the right time to use everything you have learn is now. That’s how you can become a professional. S.Stepanenko, TtT conference manager


Next meeting for OCPs on 31st of March will cover transportation costs of OCPs and there will be all the reasons for them to attend them! So chose OCPs for next Bright Young Trainer and True Smiles and we welcome them in Kyiv. As well we can see the results of Ping the World project – we have 10 more EPs for IT internships! Recognition to Kyiv, Lviv, Dnipro, Kharkiv, Mariupol and Berdyansk! Now it’s important to add matching to one of focuses for March and April because it’s the second step to results in OGX. During February we matched 27 GCDP and 10 GIP EPs and had 6 Matching Manias. We make it happen! Some impressions after OCP Meeting in Kyiv on 11th of February: Eugenia Prikhodko, OCP BYT+ETW Anna Patsiuk, ОСР BYT in Kyiv: in Simfer: I’ve got a clearer vision of a The February was quite productive month for OGX The projects Bright Young Trainer and Educate the World started and we have 17 OCPs working in different cities to make this final sprint for the biggest realizations in the term – for May and June 2012 peak. And the current results are: 24 GCDPs and 8 GIPs Educational raised! And… we had first national meeting of OCPs of OGX projects! Congratulations and special thanks to Kyiv, Simfer, Sevas and Donetsk for bringing OCPs there

project. I’ve got plenty of new ideas how to make it better, knowledge how to avoid difficult situations and add cool additional things. It was cool to meet other OCPs and share the experience with other LCs.

The atmosphere was really kind and sincere. In this short time I found out lots of new things about projects, opportunities and responsibilities of OCP. I came back home motivated, inspired with plenty of new ideas which I already want to realize.

OCP Meeting for Bright Young Trainer and True Smiles: After first meeting of OCPs in February we launch the next one – for OCPs of Bright Young Trainer and True Smiles. It will take place in Kyiv on 31st of March. And this time each LC gets 150 UAH to provide the free transportation for our OCPs!

During the meeting we will cover such topics as team management, promotion events, selection, fast matching and others. Be sure your OCPs are updated See your OCPs in Kyiv on the OCP Meeting on 31st of March!


Corporate ICX • Starting from middle of February LC Kyiv raised 3 more GIP TNs (Leater and Kodisoft companies) and is leading in ICX in Just Raise IT! Congratulations, you rock! • Business conferences and events: Kyiv and Donetsk are preparing CICX conferences. Olena Khomichak (VP CICX Lviv) is going to present CICX program for companies at • Great job, guys! If we want to have more TNs at companies, we should have more brand awareness in corporate sector! • CICX market research. Only Lviv and Mariupol are participating! Don’t miss the chance to know more about companies’ needs and get to know which companies in your city are interested in AIESEC interns! • Elite Sales Team: Intensive sales period (7 weeks: 16 Jan – 2 March) is over and Elite Sales Team had business meetings with 55 new companies! And how effective is your sales team? Now Maria, Neonilla, Sasha and Katya have time till New Horizons to sign all the contracts! • Ukraine on global scale. Due to limited internships duration we are focusing on raising companies in export/import/international business issue. Find more information in this guide.

NC ICX News Spring has come! A lot of interns are just now having fun in most of LCs, celebrating holidays and working hard! Main things to know about NC ICX in February-March: • We had cool MidCo! Thanks, AIESEC Simferopol for your hospitability and contribution into warm memories and best experiences of dozens of interns! And special thanks to Brazilian delegation and new song for AIESEC in Ukraine! • and Green Rush are now in progress - LCs are working, MC is just proud ;) • Summer peak is coming! Time to raise TNs, Summer Camps, select OCPs, educate OCs has come! Hurry up! Let’s make this summer rocking one! • New generation of leaders are growing! Congratulations to Sveta, Oksana and Natalya to take proud ICX background to LCP level! As well, congratulations to those, who got successors already! Next wave of elections is coming, look forward for new starts to light up!

TM Recruitment 1) It is hot recruitment time! At the moment our country is holding interviews. Application forms are being calculated and it’s possible to hear such nice and dear words as “AIESEC is an international student organization…” from everywhere. Some LCs have already had LICs: Kyiv and Simferopol. Good luck to you! In total, the country has gathered more than 1300 of application forms and now is preparing for the hearty welcome!

– Кто не в ТМе? – Мы не в ТМе?! Мы в ТМе! И мы в ТеМе!

TMers to LCPs! 2) Simultaneously with recruitment happy time of EB elections has started. Our country already knows some names. And among them there is a representative from the TM commission. Pavel Iliushin has become LCP of AIESEC in Lugansk 20122013! Pasha, we congratulate you and sincerely wish you good luck and strong will during your LCP term! We are proud of you!

5+1 курьёзный момент во время рекрутмента 1) VP TM: Представьтесь. кандидат: Вам мою настоящую фамилию назвать?

4) кандидат, первый раз звонит: Я тут краем уха увидел вашу рекламу.

2) VP TM: Ваше семейное положение? кандидат: Конечно.

5) VP TM: Курите? кандидат: Курю, но хотелось бы бросить.

3) VP TM: - Какое у вас гражданство? кандидат: Наше, ну нормальное... русское.

6) VP TM, звонит по аппликашке девушки, слышит мужской голос, ошарашено: - Вы, наверное, не девушка кандидат: - Нет, я брат

FIN + Comm

COMmunication News •Firstly, VPs Comm, thanks for active participation in COMM campaign “COMmission: possible”! Anyway, we have still 3 weeks more of campaign and YOU can do MORE! WIKI •Secondly, want to recognize those LCs who achieve and overachieve their goals in Recruitment AFs realization: Donetsk, Kharkiv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Kiev, Mariupol! •Thirdly, we’ll start in March our first student market research!!! And you’ll be the part of the history as the person responsible for this in your LC! Visit wiki And feel free to ask me all your questions! Congratulations to German Kachkin who will be LCP of AIESEC Mariupol next term!

Finance News Hello, dear Finance People! Hope, spring started for you with bright sun and money rains in your LC! =) Let me pay your attention that we restart the visits of National Internal Auditor – Olya Vaskovets! So prepare your Local Committee for the check and do all your best to succeed in it! Also, I’m glad to inform you, that the work of CICX Pricing Working Group has started in February! So wait for new pricing for CICX in the nearest future! Good luck successors!





P.S. Thanks to everyone who visited Finance track at SellC0&FinCo! Hope, you enjoyed it! =)

Hugs, your national COMM team! The main goal of campaign is to increase the results in X by strengthening COMM support

Timeline: 13.02.12-31.03.12. 12-18 of March – double points for all the video 19-25 of March – double points for all the video from EPs and OGX offline events!

• for ICX (CICX, NCICX)and OGX, • to connect VPs Comm all over Ukraine, • make quality business and student market research to increase awareness of AIESEC to make more impact

We wish you this spring will bring you new power and inspiration to make your performance more than great!

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