AIESEC Ukraine_Word Heritage 2012_Project Program

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World Heritage 2012 Project program

Time of realization: 1st of October 2012 – 25th of November 2012 (8 weeks) Here you can find general program and the flow of project realization. More detail program you will receive from your OCP – it can be little bit different in each city and depend on the city you are going. 0 week (1st-7th of October) – interns are coming to Ukraine, interns’ preparation, project opening. It’s better for interns to come directly to Kyiv for International Training Camp (ITC) 2nd of October: - 2-3 October – ITC in Kyiv for interns to give knowledge about the project, prepare interns for internship; - 6th of October – project opening in the cities. 1st week (8th-14th of October) – formation of the educational groups of students in the cities. Interns prepare and deliver lectures and seminars for Ukrainian students about cultural and historical heritage of their countries and methods of protection and preservation. 2nd week (15th October – 21st October) – interns organize research (feel survey) among students of the history and culture specialties on "The role of local communities in preserving World Heritage." Key issues for analysis:  The level of awareness and interest young people in World Heritage  The role of youth in the protection and preservation of World Heritage  Youth recommendations about methods and measures to ensure the preservation of cultural and natural heritage Familiarization with the cultural and natural heritage of the city – work with groups of students. Interns prepare and deliver lectures and seminars for Ukrainian students about cultural and historical heritage of their countries and methods of protection and preservation. 3rd week (22nd October – 28th October) – interns organize research (feel survey) among students of the city, non-core specialties – for comparison and evaluation of awareness and consciousness among students in general and in particular specializations. Familiarization with the cultural and natural heritage of the city – work with groups of students. Interns prepare and deliver lectures and seminars for Ukrainian students about cultural and historical heritage of their countries and methods of protection and preservation.

4th week (29th October – 4th November) – analysis of survey results, formation descriptions, doing reports with results of observations and recommendations for the protection and preservation, awareness of World Heritage. Key issues for analysis:  Culture and the history of the city of internship;  Objects that require preservation and protection;  Information about what work is done with that objects;  Possible solutions to problems that exist in Ukraine, taking into account the experience of the intern’s culture. Take part in the round table (if such will be organized) «The role of local communities in the preservation of World Heritage» with the assistance of local experts on the protection, preservation and restoration of cultural and natural heritage, academics, representatives of local governments, research institutions and centers, municipal authorities of Youth, museums, parks, media and other organizations are not indifferent to the conservation of World Heritage. Interns prepare and deliver lectures and seminars for Ukrainian students about cultural and historical heritage of their countries and methods of protection and preservation. 5th week (5th November – 11th November) – summing up all results of researches, formation reports, visualization, presentations for the international science forum, preparation for the forum and festival of cultures. 6th week (12th November – 18th November) – international science forum and the festival of cultures.   

November 15 – opening of the Forum November 16 – the scientific part of the forum November 17 – festival of "multiculturalism"

7th week (19th November – 25th November) – interns come back to the cities of their internship, summing up the project; evaluation, analysis. Official closing of the project with all participants. Each group of students present their results, interns are doing presentations about international forum and the festival of cultures. Sharing. Interns are going home.

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