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“In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or step back into safety.” ~ Abraham Maslow
We are constantly faced with articles, recommendations, therapy and more to be inspired to do better, feel better, eat better, emote better…and the list goes on. It can get excessive with how much advice— unsolicited many a time—we receive from our friends and family, self-help blogs, social media posts, and the random acquaintance you run into at the supermarket as you smile politely. And they are, for the most part, well-meaning in wanting the best for you. Their words might be geared toward your love life, work worries, parenting, health, weight, living situation, kids, finances or something else. Although we may not agree with what they say or their delivery, what can we learn from them? Awareness is half the battle, right? But awareness is a constant need throughout every aspect of our lives. And who wants to be “battling” all the time?
So, as Dolly Parton once said, “If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one.” Reaching out for a helping hand from a local practitioner can lend you the guidance you seek to make that change in your life and pave a new path forward. We are so lucky to live in an area with many amazing practitioners and businesses focused on supporting a healthy lifestyle for you and your loved ones. In our annual Natural Living Directory, businesses in our in-depth profile and spotlight sections expand on how they help clients with their expertise, unique aspects, future plans and more, enabling you to find a match for your needs and philosophies. In the annual directory listings section, you can find more services, products and specialists to help you along your health and healing journey.
Our local articles delve into stress-busting foods with Renee Edge and nourishing the “Mom Brain” and focusing with Cortney Katz. In this annual edition, we also have articles about Ayurvedic seasonal eating, summer health for kids and pets, beneficial nutrients for the skin, chemical-free weed control and more. There are several big wellness and festival events coming up in July and September so keep an eye out for the ads with more details!
This annual edition is great to keep on hand as a resource for the next year as you strive to be better for yourself. We are grateful to continue being a resource for you along that amazing journey of self-discovery and self-care.
All the best,
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Eco Tip
In every garden’s life, there comes a time when weeds attempt to take over, turning what was once a serene escape into chaos. But combatting weeds does not require a chemical solution. By adopting these eco-friendly practices, we can maintain soil health and biodiversity, eliminate toxin exposure to people and pets, contribute to healthier air quality and lower the cost of weed management.
• Plant Spacing. Plants need space to grow, but too much of an open area can lead to weed proliferation. The goal is to keep plant spacing narrow enough to create a canopy that limits sunlight to areas where weeds would otherwise flourish. For an optimal garden layout, follow the instructions that often come with purchased plants or seed packets, or use an online space calculator like ViteGreenhouses.com/plantcalculator.asp.
• Solar Power. Covering the soil with clear plastic during warm months creates a greenhouse effect that heats the soil, killing weed seeds and harmful pathogens. It’s a great way to prepare garden beds without lifting a hoe.
• Mulch Magic. A thick layer of organic mulch comprised of wood chips, straw or grass clippings is a formidable barrier against weeds. Mulch offers the added benefits of regulating soil temperature, retaining moisture, providing nutrients, preventing erosion and inviting beneficial earthworms.
• Hand Weeding. There’s something meditative about getting down on hands and knees and connecting with the garden. Pulling weeds removes invaders directly from the root, preventing regrowth.
• Natural Predators. Birds, insects and even certain types of fungi feast on weed seeds. Installing bird feeders and creating habitats for beneficial insects can tip the balance in the garden’s favor.
• Boiling Water Blitz. For the toughest of weeds sprouting in cracks and crevices, pouring boiling water directly onto them will cook them from the inside out. Just be mindful of surrounding plants.
• Vinegar Solution. Spraying a vinegar-based solution directly onto the leaves of unwanted plants can dehydrate and kill them, making this a quick and easy spot treatment. Vinegar is non-selective, so precision is key. Martha Stewart’s recipe includes a well-combined mixture of one tablespoon of dish soap, one cup of salt and one gallon of white vinegar.
• Soil Health. Robust soil is the foundation of a thriving garden and a natural deterrent to weeds. Regular supplementation with compost and organic matter improves soil structure and fertility.
• Native Plants. Selecting plants that are native or wellsuited to the area’s climate and soil conditions creates a resilient ecosystem. Such plants are more likely to thrive and outcompete weeds, reducing the need for maintenance.
• Barrier Methods. For particularly vulnerable areas, physical barriers such as landscape fabric or cardboard can prevent weeds from taking root. Covered with mulch, they blend seamlessly into the garden.
The world’s largest pollution vacuum started operating in May. Built in Iceland by Swiss company Climeworks, the direct air capture and storage plant named Mammoth is designed to draw in air, filter out up to 36,000 tons of carbon dioxide annually and either store it permanently underground, reuse it or transform it into solid products.
This is the second large-scale carbon vacuum by Climeworks. Its predecessor, which launched in 2021, captures 500 tons of CO2 each year. Both facilities are powered by a geothermal power plant. According to Jan Wurzbacher, co-founder and co-CEO of Climeworks, the company intends to scale up its technology to remove 1 million tons of carbon per year by 2030 and 1 billion tons by 2050.
According to a scientific article published in Nature, a male Sumatran orangutan was observed self-treating a facial wound with medicinal plants in Southeast Asia. Three days after the injury, he ripped off leaves from a liana vine, chewed on them and applied the resulting juice onto the wound. As a final step, the orangutan covered the wound with the chewed leaves. The liana is a tropical plant that has antibacterial, antiinflammatory, antifungal and antioxidant properties. This is the first documented case of wound treatment by a wild animal, providing insight into the origins of human wound care.
For most of human history, the possibility that animals experience sensations and feelings has been dismissed. The New York Declaration on Animal Consciousness, which is signed by nearly 300 university educators and scientists worldwide, challenges this view. The signatories assert that there is “strong scientific support for attributions of conscious experience to other mammals and to birds,” and that “the empirical evidence indicates at least a realistic possibility of conscious experience in all vertebrates (including reptiles, amphibians and fishes) and many invertebrates (including, at minimum, cephalopod mollusks, decapod crustaceans and insects).”
The declaration is supported by 10 years of scientific discoveries about the possibility of animal sentience, including crows that can be trained to report what they see, octopuses that avoid pain and value pain relief, cuttlefish that remember details of specific past events, zebrafish that show signs of curiosity, and bees that display apparent play behavior. The signatories conclude, “When there is a realistic possibility of conscious experience in an animal, it is irresponsible to ignore that possibility in decisions affecting that animal. We should consider welfare risks and use the evidence to inform our responses to these risks.”
by Carrie Jackson
Each season brings a unique bounty of fresh food to sustain and nourish us. A ripe tomato off the vine in the summer or a hearty winter squash stew highlights what the Earth naturally offers. Seasonal eating is a rhythmic approach that is more sustainable than relying on grocerystore staples and connects us to the world around us. Combining seasonal eating with the Ayurvedic concept of balancing our
doshas helps to maintain harmony with nature. It also helps support local farmers, reduce carbon emissions, maximize the food’s nutritional value and nourish holistically.
Seasonal eating is intuitive, but modern technology and busy lifestyles get in the way. “For thousands of years, people
ate seasonally all the time, as there was no other option,” says Erin Casperson, director at Kripalu School of Ayurveda, a global leader in mindfulness education. “They trusted that each harvest gave us exactly what we needed to survive and thrive. It is only recently, with the development of refrigeration and modern transport, that we are able to access food from other areas of the world and store it for long periods of time.”
Eating local food when it is fresh not only helps to maximize the food’s nutritional value, it strengthens our connection to its origin. “From an Ayurvedic perspective, we look at the prana, or life force, in food,” explains Casperson. “Generally, the shorter it’s been off the plant, the more life, or nourishment, it will supply. When it’s treated with pesticides and sits in storage or refrigeration for days or weeks, it starts to lose that life force. Looking at a freshly picked strawberry, you can see the value it has. If I pick up a plastic box of spinach at the grocery store, there’s no connection. I have no idea how long it’s been traveling or what it’s been exposed to.”
Kadiatou Sibi, a board-certified Ayurvedic and reiki practitioner and founder of Los Angeles-based A Web of Wellness, recommends frequenting farmers markets, co-ops and grocery stores that offer locally grown food to maximize freshness. “Consuming foods during their harvest honors the natural cycle of the Earth. The crops are brighter, tastier and more nutritionally dense. By purchasing food from a [farmers] market, you are supporting marginalized communities, which historically are often women and families working in the fields. Cultivating locally grown foods also helps to maintain the biodiversity of crops and prevents big corporations from taking over the land.”
Cutting out long-distance transportation doesn’t just increase the food’s freshness, it is better for the environment, too. “When we eat locally, we lower the carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions it takes to access the food. It also eliminates the
need for pesticides and other harmful agents that make the food last longer,” Sibi explains.
Eating seasonally is a cornerstone of Ayurvedic practices, which Sibi says are rooted in a deep connection with nature. “The idea of seasons is based around the cycles of the moon and sun,” she asserts. “Food is one important way we can balance ourselves holistically. Seasonal eating teaches us to wait for the right time and not rush nature. We can look forward to watermelon in the summer and Brussels sprouts in the winter. We learn to cultivate deep gratitude and respect for the land and all it provides for us. It fosters deep stewardship for the Earth.”
Incorporating the Ayurvedic understanding of doshas into our diet further supports our connection to nature and intuitive eating. “According to Ayurveda, everything and everyone is comprised of five elements: space, air, fire, water and earth,” says Veena Haasl-Blilie, founder of Minnesota-based Saumya Ayurveda. “These elements combine to form three basic energy properties called the doshas. These foundational energies, known as vata, pitta and kapha, are the building blocks of our universe. While all three doshas are present in every one of us, they manifest to varying degrees. Our distinct physical, mental and spiritual traits are the result of our unique dosha constitution.”
Disruptions in our daily routines, stress and diet changes can cause doshas to get out of balance. By mindfully incorporating dosha-balancing foods and herbs into our day, our bodies and minds can reset. “In Ayurveda, food is medicine. When we eat to balance the doshas, we are eating in the most supportive and nourishing way possible,” explains Haasl-Blilie. “Instead of a one-size-fits-all diet, we are eating what is balancing to us specifically in that season.”
Understanding an individual’s own dosha type is a key starting point. HaaslBlilie recommends, “Fiery pitta is best balanced through naturally sweet foods like fruit, most grains, squash, root
vegetables, milk and ghee. The best tastes for balancing pitta are sweet, bitter and astringent, while sour, salty and pungent tastes should be minimized. Airy vata has a cold, dry, light nature that can be countered with foods that are warm, moist and grounding, such as hearty soups and healthy fats. Sweet, sour and salty foods help to balance it. For kapha’s cool, dense, oily nature, we should
favor food that is light, dry and easy to digest, ideally served warm or hot with invigorating herbs or spices. Sweet, sour and salty tastes should be minimized.”
Cooking with seasonal food that supports dosha balance helps to further nourish holistically. Chef Divya Alter is a cookbook author and the co-founder of Divya’s, which combines culinary education, good-for-you packaged foods and a plant-based restaurant
in New York City. Aiming to offer practical ways to bridge the ancient wisdom of food with modern living beyond the boundaries of India, she notes, “Part of my mission is to show people how to apply the universal Ayurveda principles to every part of the world, incorporating the ancient principles of food compatibility and digestion into local cuisines.”
Alter says that in warmer months, choosing balancing foods helps to naturally regulate our bodies and our doshas. “Summer is the season of outdoor activities, travel, vacationing and more. The heat and exertion tend to deplete our systems, but nature’s peak harvest season provides us with abundant produce to help us replenish. Ayurveda is all about balancing with nature, so in the hot summer, when we tend to sweat more and feel dehydrated, we need to incorporate cooling and hydrating foods. We feel extra pleasure eating the juicy seasonal fruits like peaches, apricots, berries and watermelon because they quickly cool and nourish us. Zucchini, fennel, leafy greens, okra, carrots and green beans are all great vegetables to give us minerals, vitamins and fiber, plus keep our bodies cool. Coconut in every form is our best friend in summer because it is very cooling and nourishing.
Fresh coconut water is the best natural electrolyte drink, and you can add fresh coconut milk to your curry or smoothie. For plant-based protein, mung beans and red or green lentils are all great choices.”
For a simple complement to any dish, Alter recommends using fresh herbs, most of which can be grown locally. “Cilantro, basil, parsley, dill, rosemary, thyme, curry leaves and tarragon, and the cooling spices such as coriander, fennel, cumin and cardamom, add flavor without overheating the body. I use very little or no chili, and if my digestion needs a bit more heat, then I’d use warming spices like black pepper, turmeric, cinnamon and ginger in small amounts,” she says.
Sibi points out that using fresh herbs and spices while cooking also helps to preserve cultural traditions. “While they may not have originated here, locally grown and ethically sourced herbs honor global cooking and customs,” she says. “Incorporating fresh cilantro into a Mexican dish, turmeric into an Indian recipe, or parsley into a Mediterranean meal reminds us of their origins. Besides the medicinal benefits, the flavors are more palatable, and it’s a valuable way to teach these traditions to a younger generation. They learn that what you put in your mouth doesn’t just affect you, but has a larger global impact.”
While this may seem like a lot to consider when making daily food choices, Casperson recommends starting with seasonal eating and balancing our doshas using ingredients that are readily available. “Seasonal eating is more accessible, because you can literally choose what to eat by what is in the market. From there, have some fun with it,” she suggests. “Look up recipes and menus that you can easily digest to support your dosha balance, and add in herbs grown in your own garden. Sit down and eat in a relaxed setting without distractions and really connect with how you’re nourishing yourself.”
Carrie Jackson is a Chicago-based freelance writer and frequent contributor to Natural Awakenings. Connect at CarrieJacksonWrites.com.
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by Marlaina Donato
By the time we see our backyard gardens explode with abundance or notice a hillside’s vibrant palette of summer, stealthy forces beneath the surface have been at work for many months. Like nature subtly turning the page to another season or the decaying, secret magic of mycelium networks underground, human milestones are not always obvious. The job promotion, dream vacation or new car promptly gets posted to social media, but emotional and spiritual progress deep within our recesses is not usually announced or even capable of being articulated. In a world that values shiny, tangible successes, the stuff that matters to us most gets lost like rare wildflowers in the underbrush.
We struggle for decades to get out of the stranglehold of trauma, labor silently to refine a spiritual practice or create a new life brick-by-brick after devastating loss. Some of us work late into the night honing a craft or work through addiction recovery programs without a visible support system cheering us forward. Sometimes getting
out of bed after a long, debilitating period of depression feels like winning the lottery to which very few are privy.
Whether we put an old grievance to rest in a soft grave of forgiveness or master a yoga pose, our most valuable accomplishments are the quiet kind that rarely inspire commemoration. Too many of us refrain from sharing our hidden harvests because we do not wish to appear foolish, or worse, fear being judged, envied or even dismissed by others. Too many of us feel that our internal achievements are insignificant or unworthy of attention. Too many of us minimize the value of what is utterly invaluable.
For today, take a personal milestone from the shadows by honoring it or sharing it. Inspire someone else to do the same. After all, this deeper work—and the cultivation of our intangible joy—is what makes the human journey exquisitely and arduously worthwhile.
Marlaina Donato is an author, visionary painter and composer. Connect at BluefireStudio.art.
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If you’ve been feeling more stressed out than usual lately, it’s important to know which foods are best to choose when it comes to combating stress and helping you to deal with feelings of anxiety. Comfort foods increase the levels of certain neurotransmitters in the brain that are tied to a sense of well-being, like serotonin, dopamine and endorphins. The short-term gain is swiftly eclipsed by the long-term downside. Serotonin starts to go down, dopamine goes down, endorphins go down and cortisol goes up—then the stress starts returning. The best way to fight stress is to have a healthy, balanced diet that includes a moderate amount of each of the different food groups.
Choosing foods such as whole grains, leafy vegetables and lean proteins as the basic staples of a diet is the best way to ensure that your body gets the optimum amounts of nutrients to fight both physical and mental health problems. When it comes to choosing the foods to eat, some have a range of great properties which help the body to combat stress. Choosing these stress-busting foods will help to heal and calm your mind, rather than providing a temporary fix.
A creamy and versatile fruit which can be eaten raw, made into sauces, dressings and dips as well as in a smoothie. They have a high glutathione content that specifically blocks the intestinal absorption of certain fats which cause oxidative damage. Avocados also have higher levels of vitamin E, folate and beta-carotene than any other fruit, which boosts their stress-busting properties.
By Renee Edge
However, be careful with portion control when eating avocado, as it is high in fat.
If you’re feeling stressed out and reaching for the snacks, swapping ice cream or chips for one of the best superfoods is a great way to help you deal with your stress levels and achieve a higher level of calm. High of antioxidants, especially anthocyanin, which means that this berry has been linked to a wide range of health benefits including sharper cognition, better focus, and a clearer mind, all of which can help you to better deal with stress.
Drinking liquids which are high in sugars and caffeine, such as coffee, energy drinks or soda, can increase your stress levels if consumed regularly. Chamomile tea contains no caffeine. Chamomile tea has long been used as a natural bedtime soother. In clinical trials, it was determined that chamomile tea is effective in reducing the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder.
There is an undeniable link between chocolate and our mood. Studies have shown that eating chocolate can make you happier. Chocolate works best as a destressor when eaten in moderation and as part of a healthy and balanced diet. Dark chocolate is best for you, as it contains more flavanols and polyphenols more than many fruit juices. These are hugely important antioxidants which can help combat stress.
Grass-fed beef is not only kinder to the planet and to animals, but also good for people. Grass-fed beef has a huge range of antioxidants, including beta-carotene and vitamins C and E, which can help your body to fight stress and anxiety. If you’re looking for more reasons to spend a little more money on organic, grass-fed beef, it’s also lower in fat than grain-fed beef while being higher in omega-3s.
A filling comfort food, oatmeal also has many healthy properties to make you feel better from the inside out. Eating oatmeal causes your brain to produce higher levels of the feel-good chemical serotonin, which increases relaxation, calmness and creativity. Oatmeal also helps to keep your blood sugar levels steady and reduces the levels of stress hormones in your brain.
They are great for snacking on and can also help to combat stress and anxiety. Studies
have found that simply eating two small, snack-size portions of pistachios per day can lower vascular constriction when you are stressed, putting less pressure on your heart by further dilating your arteries. As well, the rhythmic, repetitive act of shelling pistachios can be quite therapeutic!
When you’re stressed out, the foods that you’re turning to are most likely going to be traditional “comfort” foods— think big meals, take-out, fatty foods, sweet foods and alcohol. Let’s face it, we’ve all found some comfort in a tasty meal and a bottle of beer or glass of wine when we’ve been stressed out or upset about something. However, this isn’t a good permanent solution. While turning to unhealthy foods you can feel better temporarily, in the long run, you will feel worse. When your body isn’t getting the right nutrition, you can begin to feel less energetic, more lethargic, and, in some cases, less able to concentrate and focus. All of this can lead to even more stress. Instead of falling into the comfort food trap, pull out this list and grab a treat that will benefit your body and bust some stress!
Renee Edge of Edge to Health focuses on how food impacts physical health and brain function, and how that impacts behavior, learning and the ability to form and sustain connections. She has a bachelor’s degree in child development and a master’s degree in special education, in addition to being a national board-certified health and wellness coach. Connect at 860-681-3427 or EdgetoHealth.com.
by Sandra Yeyati
Mark J. Tager, M.D., instructs medical practitioners and consumers in new approaches to wellness, emphasizing the complementary treatment of chronic conditions and the use of personalized nutrition as a cornerstone of optimal health. His synergistic approach to skin health and beauty has been shaped by years working in the integrative, aesthetic and regenerative fields.
Tager received his undergraduate and medical training at Duke University and currently teaches at the school’s Integrative Medicine Center. He has served as founding vice president of marketing for Reliant Technologies, where he helped launch the Fraxel laser for skin rejuvenation, and also served in executive positions with Syneron and Lutronic, two leaders in advanced aesthetic technologies.
The author and co-author of 10 books and hundreds of educational videos recently created the 40-hour continuing education course “Personalized Nutrition for Practitioners” on behalf of the American Nutrition Association. His most recent book is Feed Your Skin Right: Your Personalized Nutrition Plan for Radiant Beauty, which serves as the basic content for the 10-hour online professional training program “Inside Skin Beauty”.
What are the characteristics of healthy skin?
Healthy skin begins with good barrier function. The epidermis—the outermost layer of skin—keeps water and key nutrients in and helps repel harmful agents such as bacteria and chemicals.
Healthy skin has a glow that comes from good blood flow, rapid skin turnover, ample collagen and clarity—by this I mean skin that has been protected from harmful UVA/UVB rays to minimize aging spots and premature skin damage. Radiant skin reflects light, so when someone is taking care of their skin, there is literally a glow about them. What foods do you recommend for healthy skin? Make plants a central part of your diet. A wide array of colorful plants provides the body with key antioxidants that
help ward off the effects of oxidation. Interestingly, many plant ingredients have a mild, skin-protective effect when eaten because their key function in the plant is to protect it from harmful UV rays. While the effect is nowhere near that provided by sunblock, you do gain a “natural SPF” [sun protection factor] of 3 or 4 from some of the yelloworange carotenoid phytonutrients, as well as the red-purple anthocyanins.
The second benefit of plant-based foods is providing fiber to the body. In addition to promoting healthy bowel movements, fiber is the preferred food of the helpful gut bacteria. They convert fiber into, among other things, shortchain fatty acids which, in the gut, protect the lining, and, when they enter the bloodstream, help to maintain a healthy skin microbiome.
What aesthetic procedures should we consider?
I’m a big fan of fractional rejuvenation, which essentially produces small thermal wounds that heal quickly, leading to skin turnover and bringing heat into the dermis for collagen remodeling. Microneedling creates a similar effect, although it does not have the added benefit of the heat going into the dermis. There are multiple products that combine microneedling with radio-frequency heat, and this provides a dual action.
How do we personalize a plan to optimize skin health?
It starts with a hard look at your diet. There is no way that anyone can out-supplement a crappy diet. If you are working with a professional, they will take a careful, functional-medicine history; look for the medications that deplete key nutrients; get basic bloodwork that can shed light on imbalances; and closely examine the hair, skin and nails for nutrient insufficiency.
There are new tests that can shed light on personalization. One of these is a nutritional genomic test for skin
health. This identifies the genetic variants that affect a host of skin-related processes, including the assimilation of vitamins and minerals; the rate at which collagen is broken down in the body; and glycation, the binding of sugar to collagen, making it more brittle and contributing to wrinkles. Then there are more advanced blood, urine, saliva and stool tests that can provide a snapshot of hormones, the microbiome and the metabolites that are produced in the body. Increasingly, these tests are going direct to the consumer, but I highly advocate having a well-trained professional help with the interpretation.
How does gut and skin microbiome testing relate to skin health?
The three to four pounds of bacteria in our gut produce more than 30 neurotransmitters, key vitamins and short-chain fatty acids. The gut communicates with the skin via these chemical messengers, but also through the nervous system, most notably through the vagus nerve, which sends signals to the brain. Ideally, we want to live in harmony with the good bacteria in the gut and support healthy communication.
There are less helpful bacteria in our gut, as well. These bacteria can proliferate and crowd out the good bugs. This is known as dysbiosis. Increasingly we are seeing specific changes in gut microbiome composition associated with conditions such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, acne and rosacea. Changes in diet, including the removal of offending agents, as well as the addition of nutrients that repair the skin barrier and probiotics, can help restore this balance. I think we are in an infant stage with our understanding of the skin microbiome. This will change.
Sandra Yeyati is national editor of Natural Awakenings.
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by Maya Whitman
Our skin is the largest human organ. In addition to protecting us from ultraviolet radiation, bacterial invaders and chemicals, it also provides a visual record of the human story, as it is vulnerable to emotional stress, hormonal rhythms and poor diet. While more research is needed, there is growing evidence that food can be an ally for resolving stubborn acne, preventing certain types of skin cancer and aging gracefully. According to a clinical review published in the journal Medicina , nutrients like vitamins A, C, D and E, as well as omega-3 fatty acids,
may be beneficial for atopic dermatitis and psoriasis.
“The global market for skincare topicals is estimated at around $180 billion,” says Mark Tager, M.D., an integrative healthcare synergist in San Diego, California, and author of Feed Your Skin Right: Your Personalized Nutrition Plan for Radiant Beauty. “There are some topicals with ingredients that do penetrate the skin. For the most part, these approaches pale in comparison with the power of an inside approach to skin health and beauty.” He reminds us that what we consume is reflected in our skin.
Emerging research published in Gut Microbes in 2022 shows the relationship between intestinal flora and skin health and proposes the value of supplemental prebiotics, probiotics and fermented foods. “Trillions of organisms—mainly bacteria in our gastrointestinal tract—produce vitamin K, neurotransmitters and shortchain fatty acids, each of which plays a role in skin health,” says Tager, highlighting the microbe Akkermansia muciniphila, which produces acetone. “People with acne have much lower levels of this short-chain fatty
acid in their skin microbiome. Raising the acetate levels, along with changing the ratio of good-to-bad gut bacteria, can help with acne.” Tager recommends eating fiber, which is the preferred food of the good bacteria like Akkermansia, as well as taking probiotics.
Deanna Minich, a nutrition scientist, functional medicine practitioner and author of The Rainbow Diet: A Holistic Approach to Radiant Health Through Foods and Supplements, concurs, “An imbalance in the microbiome has been linked to acne. Eating a diverse, colorful, plant-rich diet is a wonderful way to promote a healthy balance of gut bugs.” For acne, she lauds the benefits of green tea.
Skin-friendly foods are nutrient-dense and include avocados, sunflower and flax seeds, almonds, walnuts, berries and cold-water fatty fish (herring, sardines and salmon). “Colorful plant pigments or phytochemicals can fortify skin internally,” Minich asserts. “They tend to accumulate in the skin and offer protection from the sun by absorbing UV rays and reducing inflammation. When we eat a colorful diet, we’re eating an array of nutrients and phytochemicals that protect our skin.” She recommends carotenoids like beta-carotene and lycopene, which are abundant in foods like melons, tomatoes and carrots. Minich also touts protein to help repair damaged skin, especially plant sources like lentils, beans and tofu, as well as animal proteins such as eggs, fish and lean meats, but warns against charring
in the cooking process. “This can create inflammatory compounds known as advanced glycation end products (AGE), which can contribute to aging. Instead, prepare foods with low heat and wet cooking methods such as boiling, stewing and steaming.”
A 2019 prospective cohort study of French women published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition connected a decreased risk of melanoma and basal cell skin cancer with the adherence to the Mediterranean diet.
Reducing inflammation and taming a sweet tooth is important. “Too much sugar attaches itself to the collagen in our skin, making it brittle, and this leads to more fine lines and wrinkles,” explains Tager, advising, “Diets high in saturated fats and fried foods contribute to inflammation and changes in sebum production.” He underscores the possibility of food sensitivities to tree nuts, dairy, fish, wheat, eggs, shellfish, peanuts or soy that can manifest as skin irritations, itching and swelling. mvw@tut.by
According to Tager, collagen forms a scaffold within the body and is an essential component of connective tissue that supports the skin’s elasticity. Minich notes, “Collagen supplements can be helpful to improve the appearance of skin, but the body also creates its own collagen and needs nutrients like zinc and vitamin C to do so.”
Ultimately, better skin depends upon multiple considerations, including diet, lifestyle, genetics, medical history and emotional health. “The real breakthrough we have seen over the last decade is the rise of personalized nutrition,” Tager observes, encouraging people to work with medical and nutritional professionals to develop a customized plan.
Maya Whitman is a frequent contributor to Natural Awakenings.
This salad is very colorful and fresh-tasting. The vibrant greens flecked with red, orange and black vegetables, as well as the white quinoa, paint an image of a righteously healthy bowl. For variety, add steamed vegetables such as beets and sunchokes [artichokes], or raw cucumbers or jicama.
⅓ cup white quinoa, washed and drained
¼ tsp plus a pinch salt, divided
½-inch fresh ginger, peeled and chopped
6 fresh curry leaves
½ green Indian or Thai chile, seeded (optional)
1 bunch kale (about ½ lb), washed, stems removed and torn into smaller pieces
1 tsp olive oil
Tiny pinch asafoetida [Indian spice]
¼ cup finely diced carrots
2 or 3 red radishes, diced
2 Tbsp celery, finely diced
¼ cup pitted black olives, chopped
¼ cup toasted pine nuts or walnuts
2 Tbsp fresh parsley leaves
1 Tbsp fresh mint leaves
2½ Tbsp olive oil
2 Tbsp fresh lime juice
1 tsp salt
¼ tsp freshly ground black pepper
In a medium saucepan, bring three cups of water to a boil over medium-high heat, then add the quinoa and one-quarter teaspoon of the salt. Cook uncovered for 12 to 15 minutes until a little tail-shoot separates from the seed. Drain. Spread on a plate or tray to let the quinoa cool completely.
In a food processor, finely chop the ginger, curry leaves and chile. Add the kale leaves and pulse until they are finely chopped but not pasty.
In a 10-inch skillet, heat the olive oil over low heat. Add the asafoetida, food-processed kale and carrots. Sauté for about three minutes, until the kale wilts but is still vibrant green and the carrots are softer but still crunchy. Season with a pinch of salt and set aside to cool.
In a small bowl, whisk together the olive oil, lime juice, salt and black pepper. Toast the pine nuts or walnuts in a small skillet on low heat. Move them frequently in the pan until they turn slightly golden in color. Transfer the nuts to a small bowl and let them cool completely.
In a large bowl, combine the quinoa, kale and carrot mixture, radishes, celery and olives. Just before serving, drizzle the dressing over the tabbouleh and toss to mix. Serve at room temperature and garnish each bowl with pine nuts, parsley and mint.
Recipe and photo courtesy of Chef Divya Alter from her cookbook, Joy of Balance (Rizzoli, 2022).
This delicious and attractive beverage presents with a beautiful ruby color and smooth texture. It stimulates digestive enzymes, soothes the digestive tract and delivers the many benefits of hibiscus and pineapple in a delicious way.
¼ cup dried hibiscus flowers
2½ cups fresh sweet pineapple juice, strained 2 to 3 Tbsp maple syrup (optional)
Place the hibiscus flowers in a one-quart vessel and pour in three cups of room-temperature filtered or spring water. Cover and leave on the counter for at least eight hours or overnight. Strain and reserve the liquid; discard the hibiscus.
Stir together the hibiscus water and pineapple juice. Add the maple syrup to taste for additional sweetness. Enjoy at room temperature or slightly chilled. Store refrigerated for up to three days.
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Recipe and photo courtesy of Chef Divya Alter from her cookbook, Joy of Balance (Rizzoli, 2022).
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by Kelcie Ottoes
The global dietary supplement industry reached sales of more than $177 billion in 2023. Natural supplements are gaining more attention for their emphasis on whole-food ingredients and for their holistic approach to nutrition.
A nationwide survey by the Council for Responsible Nutrition found that 74 percent of American adults take dietary supplements, with 92 percent of users
reporting that they are essential for maintaining health. According to the National Institutes of Health, although supplements cannot replace a healthy diet, they can help ensure adequate amounts of essential nutrients and improve health. For example, calcium and vitamin D support strong bones, folic acid decreases the risk of certain birth defects and omega-3 fatty acids may help some people with heart disease.
David Perlmutter, M.D., a neurologist and expert in gluten issues, brain health
and nutrition, sees an increased role of supplements in the future. He explains, “The world of health care is moving to a place of recognizing the fundamental role of metabolism in general health and compromising health through chronic degenerative conditions. I think there is a place for appropriate use of nutritional supplements when they are developed and validated in this arena.”
“Most nutritional supplements are the product of something going on in a chemistry laboratory,” laments Perlmutter, adding that manmade supplements contain nutrients that are artificially created, which may be harder for the body to recognize and process.
“Synthetic supplements are loaded up with excipients like magnesium dioxides, silica, etc.,” explains David Stelzer, founder and chief executive officer of Azure Standard, a producer of organic foods and natural products. “A lot of times, the minerals aren’t even predigested. If you’re taking iron, you wouldn’t be getting much better in those pills than if you were sucking on rusty nails, and that is not what the body can utilize.”
Sometimes referred to as farm-focused supplements, whole-food supplements are made by extracting nutrients from fruits, vegetables and herbs with an emphasis on raw, unprocessed ingredients. They often contain organic food extracts and include a variety of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants and phytonutrients in their natural forms that can boost absorption, compared to synthetic alternatives.
Whole-food supplements come in the form of multivitamins, mineral formulas, herbal blends and specialized formulations. Some food products such as energy bars, shakes and powders may also incorporate whole-food supplementation to boost their nutritional value and provide a natural source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
“What we want to look for [in
food-based supplements] is that they are sourcing sustainably; that they’re emphasizing organic, raw materials and non-GMO sources; that no harmful chemicals have been used, nor is there any part of the manufacturing process that does a significant amount of damage,” Perlmutter recommends. “Look for the emblems that indicate USDA Certified Organic ingredients. Some manufacturers also have B Corp certification, indicating the company is socially and environmentally sensitive.”
“Look at the source. Where is it from? What kind of products is it made from? What is being used as a flow agent or filler, if anything? How has it been produced? Make sure you can trust the company as well,” says Stelzer, adding that brands like Garden of Life, AzureWell, MegaFood and Standard Process promote their commitment to quality and transparency.
• Certifications: Choose products that are Food Alliance Certified, USDA Certified Organic, Demeter Certified Biodynamic, Non-GMO Project Verified and Rainforest Alliance Certified.
• Ingredients: Opt for organic ingredients and avoid supplements with artificial colors, flavors and fillers.
• Nutrient Density: Prioritize supplements that contain a variety of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients from whole food sources.
• Manufacturer: Visit brand websites, looking for the transparency of their manufacturing, quality control and sustainability disclosures.
“Food should be our medicine,” insists Stelzer. “Supplements, in and of themselves, should be the exception rather than the rule. There are some folks with exceptions. When your body has been depleted in nutrients for an extended
period of time, like those recovering from serious illnesses, supplements help their bodies to catch up. Also, if your body is depleted and showing signs of fatigue or illness, then there’s definitely a place for supplements.” As with any dietary changes, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting something new.
Kelcie Ottoes is a content writer for sustainable businesses, specializing in blog posts, case studies and white papers. She is a frequent contributor to Natural Awakenings.
by Megy Karydes
Whenever we’re swimming or participating in other waterbased activities, all of our senses are engaged and exhilarated. Aquatic sports can help us stay fit, strong and cool during the hot summer months. Here are a few recommendations to remain safe and reap all of the splashy benefits.
Cullen Jones, a four-time Olympic medalist and the first African American swimmer to hold a world record, credits his parents for encouraging him to learn to swim even after he nearly drowned at a water park when he was 5 years old. “I recommend getting infants into the water as early as 6 months old. This helps the child get acclimated to the water and pool environment, easing things when it’s time for professional swimming lessons by a
trained instructor,” says Jones, the watersafety expert for Leslie’s Inc., a pool- and spa-care retailer.
Jane Brenner, a water aerobics instructor and lifeguard at YMCA of Metro Chicago, similarly believes that it is never too early to expose young children to water and never too late to learn how to swim. “I see people starting their relationship and journey with water in their 50s, 60s and 70s,” she says. “And I think that’s just as beautiful.”
Jones notes that any exercise can be done in the water for the added benefit of staying cool. Activities such as running, aerobics, Zumba, cycling and resistance training become a bit harder in the pool, upping the workout benefits.
Hydrostatic pressure is another advantage. “When you get into a pool,
even if you’re just holding on to the wall, even if you’re not doing anything, you are wearing a gentle compression sleeve around your whole body,” Brenner explains. “The water is pushing down on you in a way that you barely even notice. You can’t register that slight increase in pressure, but it’s more than the air, and that’s going to increase blood flow. It’s going to decrease pain and swelling. It’s going to do all that while decreasing impact on joints.”
“While other activities may target only one region of the body, water sports— and in particular, swimming—offer a full-body workout,” Jones asserts. “When it comes to swimming, you are using your legs to kick, your arms to paddle and your core to hold it all together. Swimming delivers a wholebody workout and mind-enhancing experience.”
While people can and do enjoy being in the water without knowing how to swim, Brenner notes that anyone that feels they can’t learn is selling themselves short. “I really believe that there is space for a relationship with swimming and water in every person’s life,” she says.
Jones admits it took working with five swim coaches before it clicked for him. Had it not been for his parents’ persistence, he never would have become an Olympic swimmer and gone on to win medals.
According to a 2023 survey commissioned by Leslie's and conducted by The Harris Poll, only 63 percent of U.S. adults say
they are very comfortable being around water, and as much as 36 percent of those surveyed say they do not know how to swim. Nearly half the parents of children under 18 say their child does not know how to swim, and 61 percent say their child has not taken swimming lessons. At the same time, almost 30 percent of parents say they are concerned about their child drowning. “Swimming lessons save lives,” Jones says. “It’s also an important life skill
that can open up a whole new world of recreational and athletic possibilities, such as boating, fishing and competitive swimming, among others.” Still, Brenner and Jones say non-swimmers may enjoy the benefits of being in the water, whether to stay cool in the summer or to stay healthy and fit, both in mind and body. Brenner teaches water aerobics to people from all walks of life and all ages. She notes that there is a real sense of community that happens in those 50-minute classes. “People are bringing cookies, and others are telling us about the garage sale that’s happening down the street,” she quips. In addition to the physical benefits of water fitness, coming together at the community pool or in a natural body of water offers mentalhealth rewards and fellowship.
Megy Karydes is a Chicago-based writer and author of 50 Ways to More Calm, Less Stress: Scientifically Proven Ways to Relieve Anxiety and Boost Your Mental Health Using Your Five Senses.
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by Maya Whitman
“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive,” says the Dalai Lama, who celebrates his 89th birthday this month. Kindness is critical to our existence, and altruism—the authentic inclination to help or inspire others—offers health benefits for both the giver and receiver. According to Waguih William IsHak, a professor of psychiatry at Cedars Sinai Medical Center, in Los Angeles, repeated acts of consideration for others boost oxytocin (the love hormone), dopamine (the feelgood chemical) and substance P (a key neurotransmitter in pain reduction).
Benevolence not only make us feel good, but also provides health rewards. Research published in Psychoneuroendocrinology in 2017 shows a correlation between generosity and favorable changes in immune-cell gene expression, most notably helpful in the presence of cancer and cardiovascular disease.
Being kind to others can even improve our own mental health. A 2021 study published in Frontiers in Psychology found that participants with low-to-moderate levels of mental well-being experienced mental health improvements after performing acts of kindness for others. A 2022 study in The Journal of Positive
Psychology concluded that acts of kindness were more effective in reducing anxiety and depressive disorders than cognitive behavioral therapy.
Applying genuine thoughtfulness in our daily lives ripples outward. “Unlike random acts of kindness, intentional kindness is not always easy or convenient, but it’s always impactful,” says Tracey Gates, a kindness ambassador, author and wellness coach in Pennington, New Jersey. “It’s inviting the new student to sit at your table or being late for your appointment because a friend was in need.”
To make meaningful connections, Gates recommends employing conscious compassion, which has been pivotal in her own journey through a stressful work environment, caring for her mother and negative news when her health buckled under an autoimmune disease. “I needed to do something to tip the scales back toward positivity in my life, so I decided to conduct an experiment,” explains Gates. “If daily stress could impact me physically and emotionally, what would happen if I put a daily dose of kindness on my to-do list?”
Inspired by her late father, who always requested “a few kind words” instead of tangible gifts, she challenged herself to craft an unexpected, handwritten letter of appreciation to a different person every day for one year. The results were transformational in her own life and health and led to her book, The Power of a Few Kind Words: Create a More Meaningful Life, One Letter at a Time. “What I learned is that we are much more alike than we are different. We all just want to know we matter.”
Reaching out to others “can be as simple as sharing your time with no agenda, being curious, asking questions or offering to walk someone’s dog,” attests Jennifer Schmeisser, a health and wellness coach in Dublin, Ohio. “Kindness is much more than being polite. The world throws so much at you, and approaching it from an intentional place of kindness versus overwhelm is a game-changer.”
As a dedicated mother of an autistic son, Schmeisser has experienced unkind responses from strangers through the years, something she has taken as an opportunity to teach others sensitivity simply by being a positive example and not lashing out. “The intrinsic value of kindness is a larger picture of humanity outside oneself, regardless of gender, age, religion or ethnicity.”
For Gates, a more compassionate society begins at home. “If you want kindness, empathy and compassion to be core values in your child’s life, then it needs to be a core value in your life,” she says. “As a family, share each night around the dinner
table how you were kind today and how and if someone was kind to you.”
Talk of “self-care” is common these days, but to achieve well-being, we must put it into practice. “For me, self-kindness is letting go, not taking all the responsibilities on my shoulders and letting myself be human. Kindness is forgiving my flaws and allowing space for the hard emotions, too,” says Schmeisser.
For Gates, being kind to ourselves makes it easier to be kind to everyone else. It also involves unplugging from screens and reconnecting to others in real time. “Get out of your chair and put your phone down,” she affirms. “Ask a colleague how their vacation was or how life with a new puppy is going. Kindness and benevolence are readily available medicines to ease the burden of our technological age.”
Maya Whitman is a regular contributor to Natural Awakenings.
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By Cortney Katz
In the chaos of motherhood, many women find themselves grappling with a phenomenon commonly referred to as “mom brain.” Characterized by forgetfulness, mental fog and occasional lapses in concentration, mom brain can be both frustrating and perplexing for busy moms juggling multiple roles and responsibilities. It is especially so for those who are used to keeping lists in their head and not forgetting anything. While mom brain is often dismissed as a humorous side effect of parenthood, emerging research suggests that there may be more to this phenomenon than meets the eye. There are the obvious demands of motherhood—sleep deprivation,
multitasking and constant vigilance—but that’s not the whole picture.
Pregnancy and postpartum have profound hormonal shifts. Fluctuations in hormones like estrogen and progesterone can impact neurotransmitter activity and brain function. Furthermore, pregnancy and postpartum are times of increased metabolic demand on a woman’s body. The nutrients required in pregnancy and breastfeeding are just simply not being met by diet alone; this is why prenatal vitamins are recommended.
The role of feeding the brain cannot be underappreciated. Foods high in saturated fats and simple sugars contribute to cognitive decline. Micronutrients, such
as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, play a critical role in supporting the production and signaling of hormones and neurotransmitters essential for brain function. Deficiencies in key micronutrients can disrupt these processes, leading to cognitive symptoms characteristic of mom brain.
So, how can mothers support their cognitive health and combat mom brain?
• Eat the rainbow: Eating a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables provides a rich array of micronutrients essential for optimal health. Each hue represents unique vitamins, minerals and antioxidants crucial for supporting immune function, hormonal balance and cognitive health.
• Prioritize protein intake: Protein is essential for neurotransmitter synthesis and hormone production, both of which are crucial for cognitive function. Consuming an adequate amount of protein-rich foods, such as lean meats, fish, eggs, legumes and nuts, can support brain health and neurotransmitter balance. Aim for 30 grams of highquality protein per meal.
• Don’t skip breakfast: Breakfast sets the tone for the rest of the day, providing essential nutrients and energy to fuel cognitive function. Aim for a balanced breakfast that includes protein, healthy fats and fiber to stabilize blood sugar levels and support sustained mental clarity throughout the morning.
• Stay hydrated: Dehydration can impair cognitive function and exacerbate mom brain symptoms. Make hydration a priority by drinking plenty of water throughout
the day. Consider incorporating hydrating foods, such as fruits and vegetables, into meals and snacks. Adding electrolytes to the water can be especially important with those experiencing a lot of fatigue.
While addressing nutrient deficiencies is a crucial step in supporting cognitive health, it’s important to recognize that mom brain may also be influenced by other factors. A holistic approach that addresses the root cause of mom brain symptoms is key to achieving lasting improvements in cognitive function and overall well-being.
Cortney Katz, PA-C, CFMP, MSPAS, is a certified functional medicine practitioner who works virtually with mothers. Connect at CortneyKatz.com.
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by Thais Harris, BCHN
There is a growing disconnect between children and the origins of their food. It stems from the urbanization of communities and the prevalence of processed foods. As a result, many children don't know how their food is grown, processed and brought to them, contributing to a lack of understanding about the nutritional value and environmental impact of their choices.
A 2012 study by Stanford University showed that teaching young children that food is a source of diverse nutrients and explaining the importance of eating a variety of healthy ingredients significantly improved their understanding of nutrition, and even prompted them to voluntarily eat more vegetables at snack time.
“Gardens are a crucial part of how we change eating patterns and teach about health,” shares Sara McCamant, program director at Ceres Community Project (CCP), a nonprofit that provides meals to people facing health crises. “We put youth at the center of our program with the goal of having them understand where food comes from, as well as learning how to cook it, so it can create health. It is crucial that they understand the bigger picture of how food is grown and how the food system impacts access to healthy food. Many youth are also very concerned about the environment and climate change, and learning about growing food in a sustainable way gives them a way to make an impact on the environment.”
CCP reports that teens participating in their programs are more motivated to consume vegetables and fruits than other kids their age: 54 percent are
eating six or more servings of produce a day. By contrast, only 22 percent of California teenagers that have not experienced CCP activities eat five or more servings a day.
Pilot studies by Harvest for Healthy Kids and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture both found that hands-on experiences with different fruits and vegetables in the classroom, garden and kitchen caused children to be more likely to taste and enjoy a wider variety of foods.
“Children’s limited recognition of food mirrors a deeper loss of cultural identity and heritage,” laments Sebastian White, founder, president and executive director of The Evolved Network. The limited understanding of food through commercial packaging not only deprives children of the rich
stories and meanings embedded in their cultural diets, but also reflects broader implications for how they perceive and interact with the world.
“The Evolved Network addresses these issues by integrating the tangible aspects of food preparation, such as cooking skills and community building, with intangible values like cooking with love and the significance of meals as communal gifts,” White explains. “This holistic approach fosters a sense of purpose and inclusivity, treating food education as both therapeutic and educational, with the goal of restoring a deep connection to food that transcends mere nutrition and taps into cultural identity and self-expression.”
Empowering children with knowledge about their food sources is a vital step toward fostering a healthier and more sustainable future. By engaging in hands-on experiences and understanding the journey of food from seed to plate, children can develop a
deeper appreciation for nature, make informed dietary choices and support the environment.
• Visit local farms or farmers markets. Encourage children to ask farmers about how food is grown and the significance of seasonal produce. This direct connection can spark curiosity and appreciation for the hard work behind each item on their plate.
• Start a family garden. Create a small bed or planter box so children can grow some of their own vegetables, herbs and fruits. This active participation not only teaches them about the growth process, but also instills a sense of responsibility and pride in nurturing and harvesting their own food.
• Cook together using fresh, whole ingredients. Teach children how to read labels and choose organic and minimally processed options.
Preparing meals together provides an opportunity for practical learning about nutrition and the importance of making healthy choices. Plus, it’s a fun way to bond and instill lifelong skills.
• Eat as a family. Sit-down meals with kids can leave a lasting and positive impression, fostering a lifelong appreciation of dietary quality and communal dining. A 2007 five-year study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that more frequent family meals during adolescence predicted a higher consumption of fruits, vegetables and key nutrients, and a lower consumption of soft drinks. The young people also placed a higher priority on meal structure and social eating.
Thais Harris is a holistic nutritionist and author. Her children’s book, Little Red, told from the point of view of an apple, teaches children about the benefits of consuming fresh fruit. Find recipes and resources at NourishTogether.com.
by Ruth Roberts, DVM, CVA, CVH, CVFT, NAN
Dogs generally love to splash around and play in water, whether in a pool, a calm lake or the open ocean. This might give the impression that all dogs are natural swimmers, but that isn’t necessarily true. As responsible pet owners, it is important to realize that a dog’s swimming skills can vary based on their breed, age and health. Even for dogs that are good swimmers, it is crucial to keep a close eye on their health and safety whenever they are in the water.
Understanding a dog’s abilities and comfort level in water is crucial. Observing their behavior around water provides insights into their readiness to swim. Signs of comfort such as approaching puddles excitedly or displaying relaxed postures and tail wagging suggest a natural affinity for water. Conversely, hesitance or fear may be indicated by behaviors like barking at waves or avoiding even shallow water. To create a safe environment, select pools with gentle slopes or steps for easy access and exit. Consider factors like water depth, currents and potential entrapment hazards. Additionally, providing swim
accessories such as sunscreen, life jackets, ear protection and paw balm can enhance safety and comfort. Adding water-safe toys can enhance the enjoyment of the swimming experience.
Before allowing a dog to swim, it is essential to check the water quality and temperature. A 2014 study conducted at Chiang Mai University, in Thailand, reported that cold water below 77° F can elevate a dog’s heart rate and blood sugar levels after just 20 minutes of swimming, potentially straining their bodies, while very warm water above 98.6° F may cause rapid breathing. Water with a temperature around 91.4° F helps dogs stay comfortable and regulate their body temperature during exercise, minimizing the risk of hypothermia from prolonged exposure to cold water.
Ensure the water is clean and free from pollutants and harmful chemicals by regularly testing its quality, especially in pools, to maintain proper pH levels and chlorine content. Chlorine is commonly used to keep pool water clean and free of harmful bacteria, but it can be irritating to a dog’s skin and eyes in high concentrations. A 2012 study published in the Thai Journal of Veterinary
Medicine examining the effects of frequent swimming in chlorinated pools found that dry hair (21 percent) and dry skin (19 percent) were the most common side effects observed after the first swim. These percentages significantly increased with more frequent swims, reaching 78 percent for dry hair and 59 percent for dry skin by the fifth swimming session.
Keeping an eye on the dog while they swim is essential for their safety. Unexpected situations like strong currents or sudden deep spots can happen, and the dog may not know how to handle them. Dogs, like humans, can also become tired while swimming, making it crucial to monitor their energy levels. It can be easy for them to get lost or confused, especially in unfamiliar surroundings, which is where the owner’s guidance comes in handy.
While the dog is in the water, minimize distractions by avoiding phone use and selecting quiet areas away from crowds or loud noises. Keeping within arm’s reach of the dog allows for immediate response to any difficulties they may encounter. Providing regular breaks and offering
encouragement during swimming sessions helps maintain the dog’s comfort and confidence in the water.
“Common mistakes made by dog parents are rushing the process and trying to force a dog that is unsure or frightened,” says Beth Hrnciar, a dog trainer at Follow My Lead, in Connecticut. A dog with little to no swimming experience should never be thrown into the water or allowed to accidentally fall in, she adds, and if a dog displays fear, the swimming session should be terminated.
“Just because a dog is young and healthy doesn’t necessarily mean they can start swimming right away,” explains Hrnciar. Canine fitness instructors can design physical conditioning programs to help dogs avoid unnecessary strain on joints or the cardiovascular system.
Using a proper-fitting life jacket or vest made specifically for dogs will provide support and visibility. “Stick to the shallows until the dog is comfortable, using a floating longline for safety in large bodies of water,” Hrnciar suggests. “Consider having a dog swim with another dog that already knows how to swim and enjoys it, as they learn a lot from modeling other dogs.”
After a refreshing swim, it is essential to prioritize the dog’s post-swim care. Begin by thoroughly rinsing them with clean, fresh water to remove any chlorine, salt or contaminants that may irritate their skin.
Encourage them to drink fresh water to prevent stomach upset. Dry the dog with a towel, paying extra attention to areas where moisture can linger, including between paws and under the ears. Monitor the dog for signs of discomfort or illness such as ear infections or skin irritation, and seek veterinary care, if necessary.
Swimming can be a fun and enjoyable activity for dogs. With a few precautions and an eye on their safety and health, our furry friends can stay cool and comfortable during hot summer days by the water.
Ruth Roberts is an integrative veterinarian and holistic health coach for pets, as well as the creator of The Original CrockPet Diet. Learn more at DrRuthRoberts.com.
by Robin Fasano
People now spend over 90 percent of their time indoors and an average of 11 hours a day on a device, says Micah Mortali, author of Rewilding: Meditations, Practices, and Skills for Awakening in Nature and the founder of Kripalu School for Mindful Outdoor Leadership, based in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.
Mortali has been leading wilderness retreats for over 20 years and worries that fewer and fewer people have a connection with nature. The more time we spend on electronic devices, the more blind we become to the places where we live—a phenomenon known as “place blindness”.
“If you don’t love the land, you won’t protect it,” Mortali asserts. “And then we’ll lose it.” He stresses that the earth is a living system and our well-being is closely tied to the health of the planet. As he points out: You are the planet. “The air you’re breathing was on the other side of the planet a few days ago; you’re inhaling oxygen that the trees exhale. The molecules of your body are the same molecules of the planet: oxygen, carbon, water. If there’s pollution on the planet, it’s in you, too.” Everything is interconnected; there’s no separation.
Now more than ever, with the acceleration of global warming and climate change, there’s an awareness— and for many a sense of urgency—to shed any blinders and halt the change. “We know the statistics on climate change. And we’re beginning to see that we can’t continue at this pace,” explains Mortali.
On some level, people know that our current lifestyle isn’t conducive to optimal wellness for people, animal species or the planet. “Human beings didn’t evolve to sit at a desk for eight hours a day hunching over a computer
screen,” says Mortali. In buildings and windowless offices with fluorescent lights, we’re removed from our natural habitat.
Not surprisingly, people are stressed. What everyone is really hungry for, Mortali says, “is to feel alive, to feel good.” And that’s what not succumbing to place blindness is all about.
Spending time outdoors reminds us that we’re part of the natural world—the larger cosmos—and dependent upon it. Studies show that being in nature improves mood and sleep, accelerates healing, increases the ability to focus and boosts the immune system.
Just as you can feel the presence of a forest when you’re in it, the forest can also feel your presence, says Mortali. And so part of maintaining your vision of place is to ask: How can you make the earth healthier by your presence instead of the other way around?
Breathe. When you’re outdoors, put away your phone or don’t bring it with you. Take a deep breath, inhaling and exhaling slowly. Be mindful of the present moment. Bring awareness to the element of air that gives you life. Give thanks for the air flowing into and out of your lungs with each breath.
Nature meditation. Find a place outdoors, a park or a tree, where you can just sit and notice whatever is happening around you. Tune into the sensations and sounds you see and hear: the texture of bark on a tree, the shape of the clouds above. Do this throughout every season. This deepens your bond with the land, plants and animals.
Walk with awareness. Slow your pace so each footstep is conscious. Be aware of the sounds that surround you: the crunching of the ground
beneath your feet , the wind brushing the leaves, the swoosh of grass strands. Send gratitude down through your feet into the ground.
Start a garden. Dig in the soil with your fingers. Planting a garden— even planting a few small pots—can be a great way to get outside and connect with the plant kingdom.
Tracking. Notice animal tracks, especially in the winter months when snow is on the ground. Learn one animal’s tracks and then expand to others. This helps you connect with animal wisdom.
Ancient fire. Our ancestors ended the day by gathering around and gazing at a fire. Light candles, build a campfire or make a fire pit.
Robin Fasano has written for Spirituality & Health, Berkshire Magazine, Berkshire Living and The Massachusetts Review, among others. She lives in the rolling hills of the Berkshires in western Massachusetts.
Our natural living resource guides offers a special guide to natural health, green living and personal empowerment experts in your local community. We hope that you will reach out to a practitioner, business or education service in the following pages to help you accomplish your personal vision for this year and support you along your lifelong journey of health and happiness.
Page 38
• Bradford W. Tilden, Universal White Time Healing
• Sanaré Wellness
Page 39
• Renee Edge, Edge to Health
• Erik Harris, Chi for Healing
Page 40
• Shirley R. Bloethe
• Jody Grose, Return To The Fire
Page 41
• Catherine Shaw, Root Wisdom LLC
• Dr. Artemis Morris, Artemis Wellness Center
Page 42
• Mary Albanese, ZenZu Animal Communication & Energy Work
• Tim & Sandra Tynan, The Sanctuary Center
Page 43
• Lynn Mannix, Intuition At Hand
• Mary Grace Peak, Vibrant Interiors
Page 44
• John LeBeau, LeBeau Health
• Celeste Emelia Mattingly, Psychotherapy Healing Services, LLC
Page 45
• Joshua Copel, JOJO Vitamins, LLC
• Janice Juliano, The Red Barn in Durham
Page 46
• 3-21 No Kiddin NonAlcoholic & Functional Beverage Store & Social Club
• Simone Pyne, SPYNE Pilates Studio
Page 47
• Christy Greco, Local Gourmet, Kitchen & Market
• Bradford W. Tilden, Crystal Music Healing
Page 48
• Kristen Romans, Kristen Mara
• Tracey Angelo, Cup of TEA Life Coaching
• Julie Clark, Nikken Wellness
Page 49
• Katie Cavenagh, Sacred Cocoon Healing, LLC
• Rosemary Ostfeld, Ph.D., Healthy PlanEat
• Elizabeth Lane, Booked and Balance
Page 50
• Animal Communication
• Applied Kinesiology
• Beauty Products
• Chinese Medicine
Page 51
• Colon Hydrotherapy
• Counseling & Workshops
• Energy Healing
• Flotation Therapy
• Health Coach
Page 52
• Hemp Wellness
• Holistic Networking
• Hypnotherapy
• Integrative Medicine
• Life Coaching
Page 53
• Light Therapy
• Massage Therapy
• Nurse Practitioner
• Personal Development
• Professional Services
• Quantum Psychotherapy
• Skin Care
Page 54
• Spiritual Readings
• Sports Nutrition
• Tai Chi
• Transformation Courses
Page 55
• Wellness Center
• Wellness Promotions
• Wellness Travel
Bradford W. Tilden
Lead Teacher
Universal White Time Healing
Summary of education
offered: I offer certification courses in Levels 1-4 Universal White Time (UWT) Gemstone Healing, Levels 1-3 UWT Energy Healing and Levels 1-2 Lemurian Intuitive Natural Healing (LSINH). They are open to anyone but ideal for advanced energy healing practitioners to further their education and increase their abilities. With UWT, there is no limit to how strong you grow as a healer.
What is your program’s vision and how is your education program different from that of others in your field? The mission of UWT and LSINH is to initiate and certify strong excellent practitioners to heal the collective and accelerate the spiritual growth of humanity to ascend to the New Earth. This curriculum is not channeled knowledge. It connects the energy healing students with an ancient healing force with origins from beyond this universe and provides the strongest protections against negative energy and entities. Gemstone students are assigned three new life-long gemstone master guides and learn the technology of frequency healing with gemstones. All courses include powerful initiations that remove blockages in the aura for rapid understanding and development of the students’ intuition and healing abilities.
What should students expect from working with you and your program? My classes are small and intimate, life-enhancing, fun, and engaging. I strive to produce excellent healers and foster an ongoing sense of community, continual education and support.
Are you planning any enhancements or changes in the coming year? UWT is a growing global community. I am the leading gemstone teacher in North America. This year, I plan to become a Level 4 Energy Healing Teacher and Gemstone Teacher Trainer. I teach the Level 1 classes twice a year. I will travel to your local community to teach.
What do you most want Natural Awakenings’ readers to know about you and your program? People are scouted by the higher beings to receive this education. If you are drawn to becoming a White Time healer, it means there is something unique inside you they want you to develop. I would be honored to help bring the greatness out in you.
Southington, CT 860-600-0106
Sanare.life, EESystem.com, BioCharger.com
Summary/services offered:
Sanaré Wellness combines a 24 Unit Energy Enhancement System (EES) and The BioCharger. These are both revolutionary, state-of-theart wellness technologies. The EES works by moving scalar/biophoton energy through the crystalline cell structures of the body, increasing the cell’s millivolt energy to promote cellular health.
The BioCharger generates four beneficial types of energy: pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs), electrodynamic (voltage), frequencies and harmonics, and photonic (light). Together, these essential energies that exist in nature can contribute to optimal cellular function to help the body rejuvenate the way it was intended to.
How does your work differ from that of others in your profession? Health starts within your cells. A high electrical charge in your cells leads you to experience health, while a low electrical charge leads you to experience disease. One of the main intentions of the EES is to charge the cells based on the principle that we interact with the energetic resonance of our environment.
What do you have planned for 2024-2025? The BioCharger! In addition to the EES, we have added this modality to our energy wellness center in June.
What should someone expect from working with you? Regular sessions with the EES and/or BioCharger can support overall wellness by promoting relaxation, reducing inflammation, accelerating recovery and improving sleep quality, making it an integral part of a balanced, holistic lifestyle! When spending enough time in an environment charged at 70–90 millivolts, your cells will begin to assimilate and sync to their optimal charge levels, allowing the body to heal itself.
What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know? Sanaré Wellness is conveniently located in Southington just outside the capital region of Hartford. Kathy and Mark Stalter opened their healing center after experiencing EES healing for themselves, giving them greater mobility, relieving their pain from inflammation and even improving Kathy’s vision. One of the first premiere centers of its kind worldwide, Sanaré Wellness launched its 24 Unit Energy Enhancement System in October 2022 and added the BioCharger in June 2024.
Renee@EdgetoHealth.com EdgetoHealth.com
Summary/services offered: I am a national board-certified health and wellness coach, focusing on functional nutrition. I take a holistic approach to health by incorporating food, sleep, stress, fitness and toxic environmental factors to reduce the impact of stressors or specific diagnosis on the body. I specialize in supporting children with anxiety, ADHD, autism, depression or trauma histories. I offer group workshops and trainings in addition to individual coaching and nutrition consultations.
What drew you to this profession? I am a formerly frazzled mom, whose experience grew from trial-and-error experimentation with my own children and foster children; it propelled me to study nutrition and achieve national board certification. I specialize in nourishing better behavior by helping families to change their child’s attention, behavior and mood using food everyone in the family will enjoy.
How does your work differ from others in your profession? There are three differences working with a national board-certified health and wellness coach focusing on functional nutrition. The process is driven by you and your goals. We consider all factors in your life and how they impact you and your food choices. It is about building from what you are already eating to a healthier version that meets your nutritional needs. Foods you value, or culturally specific foods, are integrated into your plan. We integrate mindfulness to aid you in developing an understanding of your choices.
What should someone expect from working with you? You will find that you are the driving factor in making the changes; I am just there to guide you. I will help you to cultivate your motivation to make and sustain behavior and habit changes over time, not by promoting radical change. You will see it is possible to honor your cultural foods and preferences, while still making small changes to increase your overall health and wellness.
How is your practice evolving for this year? This year will see the return of live workshops and group coaching in addition to expanded virtual offerings via Zoom.
What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know? In addition to your overall health, mood, behavior, sleep and stress are all impacted by the food you consume. Healing is possible with what you put in your grocery cart!
Erik Harris
The Red Barn in Durham
352 Main St., Durham, CT
Erik@ChiforHealing.com ChiforHealing.com
Practice summary and primary services offered:
Chi for Healing integrates Chinese medicine with holistic healing practices to provide a multi-faceted program to take back your health. Erik specializes in helping people suffering from chronic pain and illness to find and treat the root cause of dis-ease. He utilizes the Chinese medicine practices of tui na (acupressure), qigong, cupping therapy, guasha, moxibustion, tong ren therapy, auriculotherapy and Chinese herbs. He integrates the modalities of reiki, medicinal aromatherapy, crystal therapy and sound healing into his private practice. He offers holistic health coaching focusing on detoxing, virtual sessions and private instruction.
What first drew you to this profession? As part of my healing journey with chronic pain and illness, I was introduced to holistic healing practices with one being Chinese medicine. My life was changed from using these healing modalities. I decided that I wanted to help others find ways to heal themselves using the tools that helped me.
How is your work different from that of others in your profession? My practice is a collaborative approach to healing that focuses on the body, mind and spirit connection. With the multiple modalities that I work with, I have many avenues to support my clients’ needs. I have 15 years of experience working with people and helping them heal from a variety of conditions.
What should a patient/client expect from working with you? I create a safe, harmonious environment so that clients can feel comfortable to go within and heal. I work with my clients to create a plan to map out their healing journey’s goals. This gives them the tools that they need to take healing into their own hands.
How is your practice evolving in the coming year?
This year I will be hosting my fourth qigong for chronic pain certification course. I also offer a private membership group online called Gaia centric living where I teach people how to heal chronic pain and illness with nature. I will be starting a new podcast soon touching upon various topics related to Gaia centric living.
What do you most want Natural Awakenings’ readers to know about you and your practice? My mission is to empower people to take a holistic view of their health, to become more connected to themselves, and the natural way of life. My goal is to help people to create lasting change in their lives. I support people to move through their healing journeys and become the best version of themselves.
Shirley R. Bloethe
Holistic Events, Wellness Promotions, Minister 860-989-0033
offered: Holistic and wellness matchmaking, holistic events coordinator, ceremonies, and referrals as well as consulting for websites, marketing and collaborations. Business experience spanning over 40 years in multiple small businesses, both brick-and-mortar and online. I have hosted holistic events for the last 35-plus years and have over 40 years of experience in the holistic community, connecting people with products, modalities and teachings by practitioners and businesses. What drew you to this profession? I have always been drawn to self-help and personal growth opportunities. My passion is to introduce people to their empowerment options through a variety of products, programs, modalities and organizations.
How does your work differ from others in your profession? I have been involved in all types of businesses since my early years and also am a graduate of Hartford College in the Women’s Entrepreneurial Course. I was always on a holistic journey. In the early 1980s, I felt the pull to lead and learn about wellness in the seven areas of life: physical, spiritual, financial, family, career, mental health and education. Having connections to so many people allows me the opportunity to give great referrals. I know so many people who are excellent practitioners and I enjoy being a holistic matchmaker. Who do you need to meet? What are you looking for?
What do you have planned for 2024-2025? I am looking to grow the Holistic Community Professionals organization with upgraded marketing options for our membership and education with a focus on local networking and showcase expos. Also, a holistic cruise will be planned for practitioners with onboard trainings and workshops.
What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know? As head of the Holistic Community Professionals, I will offer the 2024 12th Bi-Annual EXPO: Passport to Health and Wellness. This event features some amazing exhibitors and speakers. Showcasing quality, reputable, local businesses and practitioners to the public is a win-win opportunity. I am happy to help and collaborate with you. My database of holistic practitioners and businesses spans the U.S. Natural Awakenings is the perfect partner to share information with the public about what I do.
Jody Grose
320 Kent Rd., New Milford, CT 203-731-7755
Healingbear11@gmail.com ReturntotheFire.com
Summary/services offered: Jody brings over 30 years of devotion to his personal healing and training to provide compassion, listening and experience to those seeking guidance. His life and practice have been informed by mentors, Native American spirituality, Buddhism, his own therapy and guidance from a therapeutic supervisor for decades. The journey of counseling often involves Soul Work to unpack false beliefs and old patterns while building internal awareness and empowerment to more successfully navigate relationships and life transitions. Jody’s new book, Return to the FireUnderstanding & Celebrating Healthy Masculinity offers a road map for men curious about bringing more courage and integrity to his life. It also provides women the framework to understand the men in their lives with greater compassion.
How does your work differ from others in your profession? Jody’s practice is the confluence of his life experiences, training in counseling and group facilitation, while incorporating Native American and Buddhist philosophies. Jody invites inward reflection on one’s experiences, wounds and beliefs to welcome these cut off or denied aspects into a space of blessing.
What should a client expect from working with you?
Each program is designed with the invitation to deepen selfawareness while identifying old triggers and patterns, thus fostering full self-expression and wholeness. A client should expect to feel the safety needed to explore their personal, familial, cultural and societal challenges in an environment that fosters curiosity. Within this container, transformation and healing are possible.
How is your business evolving in the coming year?
This year’s offerings include one-on-one remote counseling. A Path of the Open-Hearted Warrior men’s weekend engages men in assessing their authentic power while embracing the freedom of self-expression. Many men feel a longing to be seen, appreciated and belong. This weekend invites men to transform isolation into aliveness, passion and courage. Other offerings include a father/ son adventure weekend, father/daughter bonding weekend and Adirondack canoe trip. Book talks are available by request.
What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know? This “Being Human” provides challenges and opportunities to become who you are meant to be or become stuck. Jody’s healing experiences have revealed that with a guide, mentor or therapist, challenges have been transformed into opportunities to create healing and meaning, where authenticity and aliveness are birthed.
Holistic Nutritionist, Health Coach, Biofield Tuning Sound Therapist
Root Wisdom LLC 386-479-9019
Summary/services offered:
I specialize in Biofield Tuning, nutrition and health coaching. I work in Connecticut and remotely. My work focuses on root cause resolution to align mind/body/spirit and liberate vibrant life potential. Biofield Tuning is a modality based on the principle that each human is surrounded by an electromagnetic toroidal field. Medical-grade tuning forks are used diagnostically to find dissonance and therapeutically to introduce coherence. Biofield Tuning supports energy, clarity, inner peace, freedom, heightened intuition, awareness and groundedness. It can assist people suffering with PTSD, anxiety, depression, pain, digestive disorders, vertigo, migraines, fatigue, sleep disturbance, emotional distress, limiting beliefs and more.
What drew you to this profession? The challenges I have faced have been gifts and opportunities to learn, so that I can teach others who seek. Inspiration from wise ones I have learned and studied with, a sensitive nature, curiosity about the way of the world, and awe over our bodies’ magic have motivated me to support the healing of others.
How does your practice differ from others in your profession? A deeply sensitive nature, the courage to travel to depths with clients, wisdom gleaned through years of experience and discernment, my own personal suffering and healing, and the many geniuses I have learned from all inform the unique way I practice.
What should a client expect from working with you?
Clients who work with me are nurtured, supported and treated with respect for the unique people they are. They should expect to feel more vibrant, energetic, joyful, liberated and empowered. I support my clients in physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing. What changes do you have planned for 2024-2025?
I am accepting clients for Biofield Tuning and nutritional/health coaching support. I will be offering group workshops/Biofield Tunings and launching a YouTube page with informational videos. What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know? My mission is to be of service to people seeking true healing, to empower others to take control of their health and to pass on wisdom that will inspire people to live their best lives. When we feel our best, we have more energy to give to our loved ones and the world at large. I’d love to help you raise your voltage.
87 Cherry St., Milford, CT 203-783-9802
Info@ArtemisWellnessCenter.com ArtemisWellnessCenter.com DrArtemis.com
Summary/services offered: Artemis Wellness Center integrates modern medicine with ancient healing wisdom to nurture your vitality and optimize health. Our expert team of naturopathic physicians and licensed acupuncturists co-create personalized diet, supplement and therapeutic plans using functional medicine labs and Eastern and Western diagnostics. With over 20 years of experience, our healing services include craniosacral therapy, facial rejuvenation acupuncture, herbal medicine, flower essence therapy, homeopathy, nutrigenomics and integrative therapies tailored to your healing journey.
We provide holistic primary care for the whole family, specializing in women’s health, heart diseases, stress and chronic disease prevention. We uncover the root cause of illness and design personalized plans for disease prevention and optimal well-being.
Educational offerings: We offer online programs and resources to enrich our community. Dr. Artemis Morris, our founder and medical director, is a renowned author and public speaker. She is actively engaged in groundbreaking research on the Mediterranean diet and the benefits of olive oil. She shares her expertise regularly on Kara’s Cures on Channel 3. The Mediterranean Nutrition Programs online are effective for weight management, lowering cholesterol and heart disease risk, lowering inflammation and hormone balance. We are also developing a breast health program.
What to expect: A comprehensive integrative wellness visit uncovers root causes of illness and sets you on a path to optimal health with a personalized plan. This visit includes membership to our private online community with discounts on supplements and services for the whole family. We provide a professional, collaborative and kind approach to your healing journey.
What drew you to the profession? Dr. Morris was drawn to medicine through a profound calling rooted in her Greek heritage, where she experienced the healing power of food and traditional medicine. Her academic and cultural foundation led her to pursue naturopathic medicine, the only primary care training that includes nutrition and herbal medicine. Her journey also included an internship in acupuncture in Shanghai, China. The healing power of integrative medicine drives her ongoing research, programs, writing and practice at Artemis Wellness Center.
ZenZu Animal Communication & Energy Work
Connecticut-based, globally available ZenZuac.com
Summary/services offered: I enable clients to deepen their connection with their domestic and exotic animal companions. Working intuitively, I offer insight into behavioral issues, health/ wellness concerns, lost animal location assistance, supporting animals in transition and facilitating reconnection with animals who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
What drew you to this profession? I have loved and cared for animals since childhood. My connection was more superficial until I became a communicator. This profession affords me the privilege of giving the voiceless the ability to speak and offers us humans a glimpse into the hearts and minds of our animal companions. How does your practice differ from others in your profession? Every session is tailored to that animal’s individual needs, beginning with communication and moving to adjunct energy work if needed. I work in concert with your medical professional, tracker, behaviorist, trainer, search and rescue team, nutritionist, and you and your family. I am formally trained, studied extensively with top communicators and worked with hundreds of animals before I was accredited.
What should a client expect from working with you? I liken the experience to getting into a rental car in a new place and turning on the radio. We never know what kind of station we are going to find, but we know we are going to hear something. During a session, a pet parent or caregiver will gain insight from their animal companion. It may not come through in a way that is expected or anticipated.
What changes do you have planned for 2024-2025? I am adding more online workshops and virtual events. I am offering oneon-one mentoring for those who are interested in following my path through my ZenZu Symposium. This program is fully mentored and custom designed for each individual. These are not group training sessions or pre-recorded with worksheets. Also, I have instituted a limited number of subscription packages which benefit my clients with financial incentives.
What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know? Our animal companions have thoughts and feelings that they want to share, just as we do. Communicating with your pet or those animals that you care for will have a profound effect on your relationship, a relationship that will be forever changed by your session.
Tim Tynan, Bodyworker/Structural Energetic Therapist
Sandra Tynan, Psych-K Facilitator and Coach 860-458-3826
Summary/services offered: Sandra offers a modality called Psych-K which reprograms our limiting subconscious patterns and beliefs to aid in living more consciously in our present day lives.
Timothy does a bodywork modality called Structural Energetic Therapy. This is a comprehensive therapy that looks to unwind the body from the inside to create balance and ease within the physical, mental, emotional and energetic bodies.
How does your work differ from others in your profession? Both modalities look to address the root causes in each situation, whether it’s emotional distress, life challenges or physical distinction. The end goal is always to live more conscious and present in our day to day lives and integrating what keeps us from being there.
What should a client expect from working with you? As people on their own healing journey, both Tim and Sandy do their best to meet people where they are, while also being fully authentic and transparent on what they see needs to be addressed to promote healing.
How is your business evolving in the coming year? Tim will be opening a second office in Southport and Sandra will be expanding her hours to Thursday and Saturday.
What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know? That sometimes the things they think are holding them back in their lives are often their way through it.
Intuition At Hand
2010 Silas Deane Highway, Rocky Hill, CT 860-518-4992
offered: Intuition At Hand is a metaphysical shop. It’s quite eclectic having a large variety of products, including crystals, altar tools, tarot/oracle cards, herbs, jewelry, custom clothing, incense, candles, books, reiki, readings, classes and more! Custom dog clothing and costumes too.
How does your work differ from others in your profession? Intuition At Hand is about bringing a community together. It’s been the dream of the owner to provide open and sacred space where people can come together as friends in a safe and welcoming space without judgement. It’s a place where like-minded people can share and grow their magickal gifts and learn from one another. It is a retail shop but offers so much more with classes and events and custom-made items by local artisans.
What should a client expect from working with you? Honesty, professionalism, empathy, grace, compassion. A safe place to come and just BE without judgement. Call for appointments. We are open nights and weekends.
Our practitioners include owner Lynn Mannix, a medium and spirit dowser, reiki master, TFT and NLP practitioner, and pet reiki healer and medical intuitive. Jen of Namaste Lou Lou Readings practices mediumship and card reading as does medical intuitive Lucy S. Mark Iwanicki studies and practices the hermetic arts of tarot, numerology, Kabbalah and astrology. Richard Cannon is an intuitive reader and crystal healer. Bob Smith Peterson, also known as “The Wizard of Weird,” works with tarot, runes and oracles and is a reiki master and teacher. Jared Parker is a reiki master, dream walker, astral traveler and dragon rider. Elizabeth Lupacchino CHt, RMP, a healer for over 25 years, is a hypnotherapist and reiki master. Reverend Denise Cassella is a clairvoyant, clairaudient, reiki master and teacher, and A Holden Qi Gong teacher. Martina Boyer is a reiki master and shamanic practitioner. Stephen Herman is a medium with over 40 years of study, practice and training. Sharon D’Angelo is a High Priestess of the Olde ways. Ingrid Romano, balancer of energy, is also fluent in light language. Mystic Maven is a medical intuitive and pet psychic.
How is your business evolving in the coming year? We just celebrated our second trip around the sun and are looking forward to the next.
Mary Grace Peak, Founder, Principal 860-794-8342
Summary/services offered:
Feng shui interior design; energy clearings and blessings for residential and commercial spaces; quantum living advocate helping you attain healing for the mind, body and home.
What drew you to this profession? Whenever I walk into a room, my mind excitedly plans how to efficiently arrange the furniture, how to maximize the light, and what accessories and color I would use to bring the space to life and support the person living and working there. It is my greatest joy and passion.
How does your practice differ from others in your profession? Vibrant Interiors is a holistic feng shui interior design studio that is dedicated to creating spaces that inspire and elevate your well-being! Our unique approach combines modern design elements with the ancient wisdom of feng shui, energy healing, reiki and customized design solutions that cater to your unique needs. Whether you are looking to redesign your home or office space, we are here to guide you through the process and create a space that promotes positivity, serenity and productivity.
What should a client expect from working with you?
Prepare to have fun and learn a lot about yourself in the process! We do a thorough intake of your life and goals. We also do an assessment of your current space to see where improvements can be made to exponentially increase your overall well-being. What changes do you have planned for 2024-2025?
Vibrant Interiors is committed to combining the Ancient Art of Feng Shui with modern day energy tools. We’ve added an incredible sound frequency tool to help clear stagnant, old energy, while welcoming in peace and transformation to the client.
What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know? Your environment is a direct reflection of your energy field and should be a reflection of your personality, style and values. A well-designed space promotes tranquility and positivity in your day-to-day life. Let us help you create a space that is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also infuses balance and harmony in all aspects of your life.
John LeBeau, Holistic Practitioner 860-637-7339
Summary/services offered: Services include biofeedback, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, vaccine injury, autoimmune issues, live blood analysis, EMF sensitivity, tuning forks and specialized bloodwork.
What drew you to this profession? Observing the failing allopathic “reactive disease care” system and the need for an alternative to germ theory care.
How does your practice differ from others in your profession? We educate and treat individuals using terrain theory, paying attention to your microbiome, including detoxing of chemicals, metals, viruses, poisons and parasites while demonstrating that functional nutrition, exercise and a clean internal terrain are best when seeking optimal health. We seek, discuss and discover the root cause of individual health issues.
What should a client expect from working with you? Clients can expect attention to detail in our 1.53-hour initial consultations with a focus on their main concerns, which may be physical, mental or spiritual in nature.
What changes do you have planned for 20242025? We are planning on more public speeches, seminars and information regarding the number one health issue today: vaccine toxicity.
What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know? We work with you and modify protocols as needed. With 5G working in conjunction with some vaccine ingredients, the amplifications of some minor health concerns have turned into more serious issues, including shedding. This should be one of the most important concerns for all.
Celestial Empowerment Quantum Healthcare, LLC
Celeste Emelia Mattingly, LCSW
Phone: 860-470-5404
Fax: 860-321-7353
Summary of services offered:
State-of-the-art multidimensional quantum psychotherapy for adults, Tachyon anti-aging and healing meditation sessions, reconnective healing, and quantum in-person and distance healing sessions. Accept insurance for psychotherapy.
What drew you to this profession? In 1999, I founded Psychotherapy Healing Services, LLC, with a mission statement promising to provide state-of-the-art holistic psychotherapy for adults.
How does your work differ from others in your profession? Twenty-five years later, I embody this mission statement, and am broadening my services to include quantum healthcare. I created a theory for integrating spirituality and psychology: Celestial Psychology (CelestialEmpowerment.com/ Celestial-Psychology-Celestial-Empowerment) and authored a guidebook and a workbook for Celestial Psychology available on Amazon (Amazon.com/Celestial-Psychology-Guidebook-CoCreating-Luminosity/dp/098598192X).
What should someone expect from working with you? Increase consciousness and navigate difficult life transitions such as divorce, the death of a loved one, domestic violence, loss of employment, obtaining disability, chronic illness, and diagnosing spiritual-emergence vs. spiritual or psychiatric emergencies. Overcome PTSD, depression, anxiety, alcoholism, gambling, sex addiction and other issues.
What changes/enhancements do you have underway for 2024-2025? We are building an exciting new community for spiritual empowerment. Sign up on Meetup.com to get the latest updates.
What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know? Call 860-470-5404 and mention this ad for a complimentary 30-minute Tachyon Anti-Aging & Meditation Healing Session.
Joshua Copel, Founder & Partner
Summary/ services offered: Bespoke prenatal vitamins. Doctors and midwives routinely recommend prenatal vitamin supplements to pregnant people without much thought beyond the basics, with all pretty much the same. Dr. JOJO Vitamins are designed for each state of pregnancy. Most pregnancies in the U.S. are unplanned, so we believe anyone who might get pregnant ought to be taking a prenatal vitamin, since organs are forming even before most know they are pregnant, when folic acid supplementation is most critical.
How does your work differ from others in your profession? Our vitamins were developed by two specialists in high-risk pregnancy with decades of experience. Our 0/1, preconception and first trimester, formula is specially designed for those trying to get pregnant and in the first trimester with the maximal amount of folic acid allowed by the FDA, critical for reducing the risk of neural tube defects (spina bifida). The second and third trimester formula (2/3) has all the standard supplements needed to support maternal and fetal health. There is also a postpartum version (4+) for the “fourth trimester,” with less iron to reduce constipation.
What should a client expect from working with you? High-quality, physician-designed vitamins made in a FDA-registered facility, lab-tested to ensure safety. All products are vegetarian with no artificial dyes.
How is your business evolving in the coming year? We plan to introduce a version with added DHA and choline and are considering gummy varieties.
What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know? JOJO Vitamins are the only prenatal supplements designed by specialists in the most complicated pregnancies and intended for every pregnancy.
Janice Juliano, MSW, LCSW
Founder and Director
The Red Barn in Durham 860-559-6151
Summary/services offered:
There are over 20 seasoned complementary and integrative healing practitioners at The Red Barn in Durham, which opened in 2018 offering holistic services for mind-body-spirit-heart. Four times a year, psychic artisan-practitioner fairs are held so the community can experience The Barn’s offerings. All psychics are vetted, artisans are hand-picked and practitioners offer mini-sessions. Within The Barn is the SoulShine Salt Cavern, Art Space, Earthly Goddess, Art to Nurture Your Soul and more. Offered is energy work, sound healing, massage therapy, reflexology, Chinese medicine, physical therapy, acupuncture, yoga and psychotherapy.
How does your work differ from others in your profession? The vision of The Red Barn was given by Spirit received by Janice in 2013 while hospitalized with a very rare disease and on life support. At the end of 2017, Janice went to The Barn and realized the vision’s possibility. After more than 35 years in the field of social work and as a psychotherapist—and being a student of indigenous studies beginning in the 1990s—it became apparent that healing occurred when all aspects of the individual— mind, body, spirt and heart—are treated.
What should a client expect from working with you?
When clients enter The Barn, they immediately feel the healing environment offered. Our experienced practitioners provide quality holistic services. We practice the ideals of the “New Earth” where integrity and collaboration are valued. At times, we combine services to work toward the best healing outcome for individuals.
How is your business evolving in the coming year?
The Barn will continue to offer individual holistic services as well as offer new classes and workshops. We welcome those interested in teaching new skills and therapies for healing. The Wholistic Journey Inc. nonprofit was created to raise funds to help fill the gap where insurance does not cover services for some.
readers to know? The Red Barn offers “New Earth” holistic services that consider the whole person. We continue to evolve and look for new opportunities to offer holistic healing for the community. We welcome the opportunity to showcase our services to all who may be interested. The inspiration always is received from Spirit.
Bobbie Malatesta, Owner
Summary/services offered: On the retail side, we sell functional drinks like mushroom coffee, elixirs and healthier energy drink alternatives. We also carry nonalcoholic spirits, wines, beer and mocktails. The Social Club aspect hosts free events regularly such as hikes, game night and book club. We also throw paid events like magic shows, vision boarding, and sip & paints. How does your work differ from others in your profession? We consider ourselves a supplier of options What makes us most special is we do everything in the absence of alcohol, gambling and children and are focused on mental, emotional, spiritual and physical wellness. We are one of less than 75 stores like this in the entire country. What should a client expect from working with you? Guests can expect a curated fun experience, whether it is to find drinks that are an amazing fit for their health goals or an evening out for some sober socialization and community.
How is your business evolving in the coming year? We will be launching a subscription box that can be delivered across the state. We also will be continuing to add a variety of inventory as we grow and get guest insights of what they are looking for.
What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know? You have a choice! You can choose what you drink, what you put into your body, who you want to socialize with and what kind of activities you want to participate in! Even if it’s not 3-21 No Kiddin’ related, we love you and are rooting for you and your best life!
Simone Pyne, Founder/CEO 1255 Middlebury Rd., Ste. 2-3, Middlebury, CT 77 Main St. N., Ste. 204, Southbury, CT 203-519-7496
Summary/services offered:
SPYNE Pilates Studio is a boutique Pilates and barre studio offering Pilates, mat, reformer and barre classes for small groups or private clients.
How does your work differ from others in your profession? Our mission is to deliver Pilates and barre classes in an inclusive community that’s positive, results-oriented and fun. Healthy clients who can continue to enjoy their lives without aches and pain are happy clients. Our sessions in some way work with the person who is in front of us; we take it a step further by focusing on postural alignment and creating balance throughout their body.
What should a client expect from working with you?
Our clients become more aware of their posture and more flexible. Their core strength will greatly improve. With all the benefits from our sessions, they will start feeling less aches and pains, and be able to reach their toes and twist with more ease. In time, they will feel stronger, more vibrant and be able to continue doing the things they love—such as riding a bike, walking more, being able to play with their children and grandchildren, and just enjoy life more. Our younger clients will get a more balanced work out as well that differs from their other fitness modalities, which we believe provides a challenge.
How is your business evolving in the coming year?
Over the 10 years of doing business, we’re now offering more classes. We’ve extended our days and times of operation. In addition, we are opening our second location this August 2024 in Southbury. This new studio will be all about the group reformer portion of our business. We’ve grown so much over the years, and we wanted to provide our clients with more space, more class offerings, and be able to accommodate new clients in our popular reformer classes.
What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know? We have one body in this lifetime. At SPYNE Pilates Studio, we meet you where you are now and help you take care of this body, keep you moving, and, with time, minimize your aches and pains. Currently, our clients range from late teens to 85. Take the time and invest in your future with us.
Christy Greco, Owner 203-262-4110
Summary/services offered: We are your local, gourmet prepared foods market located right on Main Street South in Southbury. We offer a wide variety of prepared foods including entrees, soups, salads, sandwiches, side dishes, healthy grain bowls, protein bowls, snack packs, overnight oats and so much more! We also have a large variety of gluten-free options in both our fresh and frozen cases. In addition, we offer both hot and cold catering for all your special occasions!
How does your work differ from others in your profession? We love food, and we love making people happy through our food. We pride ourselves in cooking fresh, homemade options to help make your meals easy. We have over 1,000 recipes that we rotate based on seasonal, fresh ingredients and customer requests. Our kitchen at The Local Gourmet is also known as “Christy’s Test Kitchen” because we are always testing out new, innovative dishes to keep our customers happy and coming back for more.S
What should a client expect from working with you? Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is here to help you every step of the way. Our grab & go model is filled with hundreds of options to choose from every day and our staff is happy to help guide you along the way! We are always cooking new dishes to make sure you always have something new to choose from when you visit.
How is your business evolving in the coming year?
We are going to be launching online ordering for our Southbury location this summer. We are also going to be offering Pop-Up Pickup Locations in various surrounding towns starting in Fall of 2024! More details to come!
What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know? We have a large selection of gluten-free items at our store. We have fresh entrees, deli salads, sandwiches, gardens-style salads, protein bowls and snack packs that are gluten-free every day. We also make gluten-free breaded chicken cutlets, meatballs, lasagna and soups for our freezer section.
Bradford W. Tilden, MM, CMT, UWT
Crystal Music Healing 92 North Summit St., Southington, CT And remotely via Zoom 860-830-5841
Info@CrystalMusicHealing.com CrystalMusicHealing.com
Summary/services offered: I offer healing sessions for lifting the burdens of life, spiritual growth, childhood and past-life trauma clearing, and selfactualization using sound, crystals, gemstones and Universal White Time (UWT). I offer certifications in UWT and private coaching to use your voice as a self-healing tool. I am also available to facilitate sound baths.
What drew you to this profession? The ability to inspire people to express their greatness is a gift I possess. Discovering my music has inspirational healing qualities led me to the healing arts. Sound healing and UWT Gemstone Healing quickly followed. I applied these modalities for my own personal health recovery, spiritual growth, empowerment and transformation.
How does your practice differ from others in your profession? I am a pioneering vibrational healer utilizing the power of light, sound, gemstones and vibration to support my clients’ spiritual healing and evolution. As such, I am one of the leading teachers of UWT in North America offering this powerful energy and along with it, unique spiritual upgrades that rapidly accelerate one’s spiritual growth.
What should a client expect from working with you? I aim to provide an effective experience. After a discussion I choose the best combination of my preferred tools (UWT energy, sound, gemstones) to help my clients enjoy lasting change, attain inner peace, empowerment and improved quality of life. Clients feel safe and quickly relax in my presence.
What do you have planned for 2024-2025? With my new location, I am planning more collaborative events with the Sanare Wellness Center and Verbena Yoga. I am training as a Giver of the Board of Knowledge Gemstones II, and planning to invest in a Vibro-Acoustic Therapy table to expand the offerings of my private practice.
What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know? My music is now available on all the major streaming platforms! You can contact me to organize UWT classes to your local community, or be interviews on your podcast. My sessions are equally powerful via distance as they are in person. You are loved.
Kristen Mara
Kristen Romans, Founder and Designer
As the designer and maker at Kristen Mara since 2004, I believe that selfadornment should feel authentic, expressive and effortlessly elegant. I design for you, the free spirited, and create jewelry to capture the soulful beauty of organic form in the indelible medium of metal.
In my first career, I was an environmental marine biologist and my commitment to protecting our environment remains a top priority. To create eco-conscious jewelry, I hand-cast my designs in my Connecticut studio in 100% recycled silver and bronze metals and source materials only from U.S.-based and socially responsible partners. I use modern and ancient metalworking techniques to create each design as a unique fusion of timeless simplicity and sophisticated sensibility to elevate your everyday style.
As a child, I lived in North Africa and traveled with my family into the Sahara to the ruins of ancient Roman cities. The raw beauty of the desert landscape and ancient artifacts we found, worn by the passage of time, shaped my love of simple lines and form that I translate into my designs.
“I love this piece so much,” one customer said. “I can’t explain the magic of putting it on and feeling like it is uniquely mine—like a thumbprint. It goes with everything and feels like an organic extension of me.”
Connect at 860-506-7330 or KristenMara.com.
Your journey is uniquely yours, a beautiful unfolding of selfdiscovery. If you feel called to dive deeper, to explore further into your well-being and mindfulness, consider joining me, Tracey Angelo, a certified professional coach, in a personalized coaching session. Together, we can navigate through your unique path, exploring with curiosity and unfolding each layer of your journey with kindness and understanding. Your story is waiting to be unearthed, and I am here, ready to walk alongside you in every step of this transformative expedition. Let’s journey together.
My areas of focus are stress reduction, meditation, energy healing, goal setting, personalized coaching, corporate energy leadership index facilitation, wellness and mindfulness workshops, and aromatherapy.
I am committed to empowering clients to discover their potential for self-healing, growth, and sustained well-being.
Connect at 203-500-0310, Tracey@CupofTeaCoach.com and CupofTeaCoach.com. Virtual appointments are available and physical location determined by client preference.
Research and development company Nikken has invested over 47 years studying how to make our lives healthier. Through consultants like Julie Clark, MT(ASCP), Nikken accomplishes this by helping people achieve balance with the 5 Pillars of Wellness: healthy mind, body, family, society and finances. Nikken products make being healthy simple, convenient and affordable.
“I know that Nikken makes a difference in the lives of those who choose Nikken Wellness. I am a retired medical technologist who left my hospital ‘sick world job’,” explained Clark. “My husband and I have been using, loving and benefitting from Nikken for 27 years . Most people are on one of two roads, and I believe in prevention and not prescription. Good health is priceless, and prevention is the key.” Clark helps those who are suffering physically or financially to feel better. She teaches about better choices, including organic, grounding, technologies of nature and more. “We create ‘wellness homes’ to give our bodies the environment needed for better health, with products to comfort and support the body,” she said.
Clark recommends the PiMag Waterfall System for purified, structured, mineralized, low-redox, magnetized and alkalinized water. The KenkoAir is a high quality (no ozone) HEPA air purifier, much like the CDC website recommends. She also notes the Magnetic Energy mStride Insoles, MagFlex back magnet and KenkoGround grounding mat. Some wellness products Clark suggests are Jade GreenZymes (nature’s super food), Immunity, which is made of 14 strains of organic mushrooms in one capsule, and the new Pink Collagen Complex .
Connect at 203-206-8640, Jimc133@hotmail.com or JulieClark.MyNikken.com.
Katie Cavenagh, Owner
AtThe Sacred Cocoon, we work to uncover the root of challenges, focusing on the client’s overall well-being by using a multitude of healing techniques. This creates a sustainable way of living that relies on personal commitment for wellness. We teach our clients to heal themselves and continue their personal healing journey even after their sessions end.
ICBCH-certified hypnotist and professional sound healer Katie Cavenagh offers guidance and assistance for living an awakened life. Owner of Sacred Cocoon Healing, LLC at The Red Barn in Durham, Katie teaches spiritual and personal development classes including quantum shifting, oracle reading and sound healing (certification program available) as well as provides group and individual services.
SoulShine Salt Cavern experiences can also be booked for private or group sessions in addition to Katie’s monthly offerings. Apprentice and mentorships are available for sound healing, magick/energy work and business; they are designed on a personal basis for what you desire to learn and practice. Spiritual business coaching and copywriting services are also on hand to help bring you to your next level with confidence and clarity.
Whether you’re looking to unlearn your patterns, shift onto a new timeline, heal your body, discover new wellness techniques, manifest your dream life or simply relax, there are classes and services to accommodate you. Using a combination of hypnosis, coaching and sound, Katie creates powerful pathways for transformation and sets you up for success to achieve your goals.
Connect at 860-655-5527, Katie@FeelYourLight.com and SacredCocoon.com. Location: 352 Main Street, Durham, CT.
Elizabeth Lane, CEO/Owner
Rosemary Ostfeld, Ph.D.
Healthy PlanEat is an online farmers market which exists to increase access to healthy and environmentally sustainable food. It includes over 30 environmentally sustainable local farms and food artisans around Connecticut that you can shop for fresh food directly from.
Its founder, Rosemary Ostfeld, Ph.D., grew up in East Lyme, Connecticut, and studied sustainable agriculture at Cambridge University in England where she was a Cambridge Trust Scholar. She returned home and launched Healthy PlanEat because she believes it is important for people to be able to purchase directly from local, environmentally sustainable farms and food artisans.
You can shop and either pick up in-person or have food shipped to your home. The Healthy PlanEat sustainable shipping program was one of the World Wildlife Fund’s Conservation Highlights of 2022. It is a convenient way to receive fresh and delicious local vegetables to your door.
Healthy PlanEat also has a fresh new podcast called Food For You and the Planet on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. The podcast has featured guests from the Rodale Institute, Regenerative Organic Alliance, Compassion in World Farming, Demeter USA and other organizations.
Visit HealthyPlanEat.com to sign up for a local customer account and start shopping. Listen to the Food For You and the Planet Podcast at bit.ly/ListenFoodPlanet. Do you know a great local farm? Encourage them to join our growing community. Contact Rosemary at Info@HealthyPlanEat.com with any questions.
In today’s fast-paced business world, having a reliable bookkeeper is essential for maintaining organized and accurate financials. A professional bookkeeper excels in recording, categorizing and reconciling financial transactions; ensuring compliance with regulations; and providing a clear financial overview of your business. This meticulous financial management not only supports daily operations but also simplifies tax preparation, enhances financial analysis and informs strategic decision-making, driving your business toward long-term success.
At Booked and Balance, we understand the evolving landscape of virtual applications and remote offices. Our services are designed to support business owners on the go, allowing you to focus on what truly matters: building and growing your business. Let us handle your bookkeeping needs while you pursue your dreams.
With over 45 years of combined experience in finance and accounting, our adaptable methods and practices are tailored to meet the unique needs of your business, whether big or small, and with or without a traditional office setting. Our expertise spans across accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, accounts reconciliation, sales and use tax, and other critical financial aspects.
Trust Booked and Balance to manage your financials with precision and professionalism. Our seasoned team is prepared to tackle any situation, ensuring your business’s financial health and fluidity. Partner with us for a seamless and stress-free bookkeeping experience, and watch your business thrive.
For a free consultation and more information, call 203-204-8007, email Beth@BookedandBalance.com or Info@BookedandBalance.com, or visit BookedandBalance.com.
Certified Animal
Aromatherapy Specialist
Reiki Master, Energy Medicine Practitioner
Animal Holistic Health and Nutrition Coach CarriePurcell.com
Carrie teaches pet parents and those called to work with animals holistic techniques, including animal communication, energy healing, aromatherapy, acupressure and nutrition, to help animals live healthy, happy, high quality lives. Pet owners can learn how to use simple, at-home techniques in her Pet Parent class series. No experience with aromatherapy or energy healing needed to support your pet and witness positive changes. In person and online classes.
Kevin Healy, DC 17 Woodland Rd., Madison, CT 203-245-9317
KevinHealy@sbcglobal.net DrHealMe.com
Applied kinesiology is a neurological evaluation to find and treat dysfunction, addressing causes instead of chasing pains. Dr. Healy tests if a therapy alleviates dysfunction, finding immediate answers as to which provides the most improvement. Chiropractic, craniosacral, myofascial and acupressure are among the therapies Dr. Healy uses. Generally, no single cure exists as disease and dysfunction typically involve multiple areas of the body. The goal of any therapy—physical, chemical or emotional—is to improve function; a combination of therapies typically yields the best results. See ad on page XX.
Homemade Natural Vegan Soap
Donna Richards 860-918-2536
FB/IG @MistyCoveSoap
Misty Cove Soap creates handmade vegan soap scented with essential oils in plasticfree packaging. Our line includes natural exfoliants, clays and sea salt soaps. We carry a wide variety of soap scents and soap sizes. We also have shampoo bars, pet shampoos and gift boxes. Need favors for a shower? Our soaps can be customized to suit your needs.
Erik Harris
The Red Barn in Durham, 352 Main St., Durham, CT 860-593-8397
Chi for healing integrates Chinese medicine with holistic healing practices to provide a multifaceted program to take back your health. Erik specializes in helping people suffering from chronic pain and illness to find and treat the root cause of dis-ease. He offers in person and virtual consultations for tui na (acupressure), cupping, auriculotherapy, Chinese herbs, tong ren therapy, holistic health coaching, detox foot baths, medicinal aromatherapy, qigong, meditation instruction and more.
Elizabeth Regal
106 Rte. 66 East, Columbia, CT
SourceColonHydrotherapy@gmail.com RootsMedicalCenter.com
Colonics promote hydration and loosening of waste matter, assisting elimination by natural peristalsis of the colon. Sessions are offered at Roots Natural Medical Center in Columbia on an FDA-approved closed system device. I-ACT certified hydrotherapist. More info and videos on colonics at RootsMedicalCenter.com.
Jody Grose
Counseling is a collaborative process where the transitions, challenges and traumas of life are viewed as a gateway into a more authentic life. With guidance to reframe their personal stories, Jody’s clients are empowered to free themselves from ineffective patterns and make significant personal growth. Call, text or email now for a free consultation. Workshops this summer: men’s, father & daughters, father & son adventure weekend, Adirondack canoe trips.
Cathy Stubbs
Remote-based healing
Eagle Flight Healing’s shamanic energy healing service provides transformative energy work helping clients resolve the traumas, pain, shame and struggles of the past. They experience new selfvalue and mattering, and feel more vitality, happiness and joy with which to enjoy life and dream the future. Make an appointment today to change your life. See ad on page 17.
Milford, CT or remote (475)-3EM-MOJO
Energy healing, intuitive guidance, medical intuitive, psychic-medium, spiritual counselor, intuitive business coaching, pet readings, meditation music. Empower the inner you! Find your Mojo! Contact today for your FREE 20-minute consultation. See ad on page 9.
Rona Jan Danbury, CT
Increase the investment in your own well-being by partnering with Rona to support your unique pathway to healing, spiritual development and increasing your own wellness toolkit. Rona is an intuitive, channel, Reiki master, shamanic practitioner, certified yoga/ meditation teacher and educator. She weaves her talents, wisdom and skill to co-create your practical and user-friendly “Healing Toolkit.” See ad on page 9.
Sanaré Wellness, LLC
Southington, CT
Kathy@Sanare.Life Sanare.life
The Future of Energy Medicine is here! This 24unit Energy Enhancement System creates multiple bioactive, regenerative energy fields, including scalar waves and biophotons, that can assist your body’s ability to repair and heal itself from disease. The body can become capable of rejuvenating and recalibrating itself back to homeostasis. Appointment only. See ad on back cover.
Crystal Music Healing Southington, CT and via Zoom 860-830-5841
Want spiritual healing and growth? Release anxiety, stress and trauma with the energy and benefits of Universal White Time (UWT). Receive spiritual development support through gemstone healing, energy work, sound and guided visualization. Schedule your free discovery call! Bradford also offers certification courses in UWT for people to transform their lives or professions.
236 Church St., Guilford, CT 203-506-9142
Curious about the benefits of floating? Float therapy can relieve stress, anxiety and depression symptoms as well as soothe chronic pain from arthritis, fibromyalgia, inflammation and tendonitis. Relaxation can have monumental effects on the body, mind and spirit. We can help you maximize those effects with our relaxing, reenergizing massage, floating and reiki sessions for the ultimate in self-care.
Root Wisdom LLC
Nutritionist, Health Coach, Biofield Tuning Plantsville, CT (+ remotely) 386-479-9019
Body-mind-spirit are all connected. I help people heal the root of their suffering through nutrition therapy, lifestyle choices and a profound modality called Biofield Tuning. It can shift mindsets/beliefs and ease physical ailments. Let me help you liberate your true potential for vibrant health and raise your voltage!
Reset With Dian HealthCoachDian@gmail.com
Real Food. Real People. Real Results... Join our RESET Program! It’s NOT about perfection & it’s not a “diet.” It’s a lifestyle with immediate results that addresses root cause(s). RESET provides tools for a lifetime of vibrant & sustainable health!
Rewind Wellness
Certified Integrative Health Coach & Professional Chef
Work with women to address weight management, nutrition, sleep, nervous system restoration, stress and hormone balance. Holistic approach with an emphasis on creating mindset shifts and lasting habit changes for lifelong health. Book a free 30-minute consultation at RewindWellness. com to see how we can work together to achieve your wellness goals in a non-judgmental, caring space. See ad on page 23.
Edge to Health
Board-certified health/wellness coach with certifications from Cornell University (nutrition/healthy living), Epidemic Answers (nutritional impacts on childhood illnesses) and Mindfulness Educators (mindfulness facilitator). Partnering with individuals and families to bring about positive health changes with functional nutrition and mindfulness. Help remediate the biological and behavioral impacts of trauma, ADHD, autism, anxiety, depression and more to improve physical, mental and emotional health. See ad on page 33.
Holistic Hemp Wellness
Green Compass Advocate 631-877-0441
LaurenMagel.GreenCompassGlobal.com/ share/191341
Lauren offers small group education sessions and individual consultations in Connecticut and online to help you identify products to feel your best every day with a full line of USDA-certified organic hemp wellness products, including full-spectrum and broad-spectrum CBD, collagen, skin care, topicals and drink powders. Let’s get you started with a CBD brand you can trust.
Shirley R. Bloethe, Executive Director 860-989-0033
Holistic Community Professionals is an organization of holistic practitioners and businesses focused on improving health and wellness with products and services throughout New England. We also connect consumers with a wide variety of modalities, holistic products, and services as well as offering two expos a year at The DoubleTree by Hilton in Bristol. See website for details. See ad on page 2.
Milford, CT 203-907-7710
JoannDunsing@gmail.com JoannDunsing.com
Joann skillfully gets to the root of what is preventing you from living the life you want. Root work is at the core of client success at Joann Dunsing Hypnosis. Sessions live or Zoom. Call for your complimentary phone consultation.
Holistic & Integrative Doctor of Physical Therapy
Beata@HolisticDrBeata.com www.HolisticDrBeata.com
Specializing in gut health, nutrition, nervous system regulation and alternative modalities. Provides expert care for chronic fatigue; autoimmune, digestive and skin conditions; food allergies, sensitivities and intolerances; anxiety; depression; acute and chronic pain; colic; reflux; eczema; and more. Feel empowered, calm and confident with your custom health plan for you or your family. See ad on page 7.
Lynda Mettler, ACC Transformation Coach, Reiki Master Lynda@YourWisdomCoaching.com
Specializing in Internal Family Systems, Reiki energy and meditation. Guiding clients to transform their inner view to embody self-compassion and trust. Ready to embark on an extraordinary adventure to ignite your spark and unleash your talents? This coaching is for you. Now offering Clarity Coaching, a single session to ease decision-making stress.
Tracey Angelo, Certified Professional Coach & Energy Leadership Practitioner
Guilford, CT 203-500-0310
Tracey@CupofTeaCoach.com CupofTeaCoach.com
Cup of TEA Life Coaching offers individualized coaching services, energy leadership assessments and personalized workshops. Through my own personal growth journey, I became inspired to give back and hold space for others to know you are not alone. First call is complimentary.
Karuna Holistic Therapies LLC
The RoXiva lamp uses flickering light to simulate the brain’s natural production of neurochemicals. Experience deep meditation, let go of stress and anxiety and improve mental health. Light therapy is combined with sound for an immersive light and sound journey. Karuna Holistic Therapies also offers massage, Reiki, NLP, yoga, grief recovery, channeling, meditation and nutritional counseling.
Jill Andrzejewski, LMT, RMT, Psychic Medium
3490 Whitney Ave., Ste. 205, Hamden, CT
We partner to set physical, mental and spiritual goals to empower you. I advocate gentle stretching, crystals and breath work to maintain grounded, calm feelings. Services: massage; Reiki; chakra balancing; angel tarot, oracle card and tea leaf readings; group events/classes. A Moment In Time Treasures items available for purchase. Appointment only. See ad on page 14.
Wallingford, CT
Celebrating 30 years as a licensed massage therapist, Carol focuses on restorative massage, her Feldenkrais Method training and movement education to guide individuals from a state of pain to feeling freer and more empowered in their bodies. She offers restorative massage, group and individual Feldenkrais lessons, cranial sacral therapy, and manual lymph drainage. Call/email Carol for your next appointment.
Empowered Wellness
5 Durham Rd., Guilford, CT
EmpoweredWellnessCT. AMTAMembers.com
Scar tissue release, manual lymph drainage, cupping, deep tissue, oncology and relaxation massage. Inside Guilford Holistic Health.
Integrative Medicine Nurse
Berlin, CT and remote 203-484-2069
Info@CuozzoHealth.com CuozzoHealth.com
CT’s first FAIHM-credentialed NP! Focus on chronic multisymptom illnesses, undiagnosable conditions and military service-related issues. Personalized treatment plans, vitamin and herbal therapies, acupuncture, cupping. Cost-saving memberships, packages and military discounts available. Cuozzo sees adult patients in Berlin, CT. Virtual visits available. See ad on page 33.
352 Main Street, Durham, CT 860-655-5527
Katie@FeelYourLight.com Sacred-Cocoon.com
Focus on personal development and transformation through spiritual healing practices, hypnosis, sound healing, energy/card readings and education. Unlearn your patterns, shift timelines, heal your body and manifest your dream life. Group classes and personalized individual services. Sound healing training and certification program available. ICBCH-certified hypnotist. Copywriting and spiritual business consulting. Apprenticeships for sound healing, magick/energy work and business.
Productivity Consultant
In Person or Virtual
Feeling overwhelmed? I help business owners and leaders create personalized systems to reduce stress, reclaim time, and achieve peak productivity. We ditch endless to-do lists, prioritize effectively, streamline workflows, and more. Find flow, focus, and freedom to pursue your wildest ambitions. I can help you reduce stress and reclaim your time. Contact me today!
Celeste Emelia Mattingly, LCSW 860-470-5404
Take a quantum leap to improve your quality of life with Celestial Psychology and Tachyon Chamber Zero Point Energy technology. Celeste incorporates standard psychotherapy with state-of-the-art holistic modalities, including Tachyon and antiaging products and tools. Come meditate in New England’s largest Tachyon Chamber. Stay tuned for workshops, lectures and special events. Accept most insurance plans for psychotherapy, including Medicare and CT Medicaid. See ad on page 7.
Intuitive Skin Care Coach
Intuitive Skin Care And More West Hartford, CT 860-951-9355
Energy balancing, age spot removal, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, permanent makeup, skin care coaching, natural handcrafted skin care products, meditation and chakra balancing, reflexology, lymphatic drainage, non-surgical laser lipo, energy guided product and, service selection, eyelash extensions, and more! Happily serving CT and the world since 1997.
Explore Taro’Chi, LLC
Higganum, CT
203-896-0577 (call/text)
ExploreTaro.Chi@gmail.com ExploreTaroChi.com
Move beyond awareness into action and purpose with psychic/tarot readings with shamanism/astrology/numerology/mediumship elements, energy healing/reiki and mentoring/spiritual coaching. Psychic clairvoyant/clairaudient and Master Tarot Reader for three decades. Individual & couples work, classes & private parties, virtual & in-person. Reach out today to better understand your current situation and healing potential. See ad on page 17.
Redeeming Life Nutrition, LLC. Southbury, CT 203-718-6335 Drew.Mulvey@ RedeemingLifeNutrition.com RedeemingLifeNutrition.com
Specializing in elevating athletic performance in youth and young athletes with disordered eating and autoimmune conditions through comprehensive plans, metabolic profiling with alternative lab testing and individualized nutritional therapies. Address gut health, hormone balancing, inflammation symptom prevention or management, mindset reformation, and food relationships. Sign up for a FREE 1-1 Ice Breaker Call.
Shirley Chock, CCWS 49 Research Dr., Milford, CT 203-795-0203
AipingTaiChi.com/links Info@AipingTaiChi.com
Discover Aiping Tai Chi, recommended by The New York Times for Tai Chi beginners. For nearly three decades, we’ve been a trusted authority, imparting authentic Tai Chi, Qigong, and internal martial arts. We were founded by the renown Chinese Martial Arts Grandmaster Aiping Cheng and presently led by her disciple, “The Stressbender” Shifu Shirley Chock. Experience our inclusive international community, uniting 150K+ followers of diverse backgrounds, ages and genders on our social media platforms (@aipingtaichi). When you are ready to let go of tension and cultivate resilience, we can teach you how to be strong not hard, soft not weak. See ad on page 12.
Terri’s specialty is using her fear and hypnotherapy training to produce audio and instructional courses to rewire your internal mindset, tell yourself a better story and stomp our fear. Vastly improve your life and productivity by using these inspirational, creative and confidence-building courses. Visit the MindSHOP on the website to experience the sample audio course, Breathe, Relax and Let Go.
87 Cherry St., Milford, CT
ArtemisWellnessCenter.com DrArtemis.com
Artemis Wellness Center is a sanctuary dedicated to holistic healing and rejuvenation. We offer a wide range of services tailored to nourish the mind, body and spirit. Our team of experienced practitioners is committed to guiding you on your wellness journey, providing personalized treatments and empowering you to achieve optimal well-being. Our comprehensive approach combines the best of traditional and modern medicine with naturopathic medicine, acupuncture, craniosacral therapy, functional nutrition, personalized nutraceuticals and Mediterranean nutrition programs so you can find balance, harmony and transformation. Experience the power of holistic wellness at Artemis Wellness Center today.
Pass It On LLC
Shirley has the intuitive ability to find just the right referral for anyone looking for health and wellness support. Whether it is a new or existing business owner (or the general public), her extensive resources will likely be a great match for your needs. She also is able to offer low-budget, effective solutions for holistic businesses and practitioners.
Christina & Chip Bafumo
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