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Jill Andrzejewski LMT, RMT, Psychic Massage Therapy
Reiki & Chakra Balancing Angel Tarot, Oracle Card and Tea Leaf Readings
A Moment In Time Treasures items for self-care and healing workshops and classes
JillAMomentInTimeMassage@gmail.com AMomentInTimeMassage.com
Terri O’Brien Transformational Course Creator Fear Stomper Belief Changer
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Terri@MasterJoyandSuccess.com MasterJoyandSuccess.com
Celeste Emelia
Mattingly, LCSW
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Psychotherapy Healing Services, LLC, Celestial Empowerment Quantum Healthcare, LLC
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Scalar/biophotonic energy field system that creates an environment for cells to recharge and restore, so the body can heal itself.
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Summer is nearly upon us. The Summer Solstice is on the horizon, with all the powerful energy that it brings. “The summer solstice is a time for strength and vitality for action and movement,” said Carole Carlton. How will you channel the energy of this time of the year? What changes will you make? As we begin to enjoy summer’s physical beauty, fun, warmth, family and friend time, outdoor activities, road trips and so much more, keeping our mental, emotional and spiritual health in mind is also important.
In this edition, more focused on the vital topic of men’s health, we delve into men’s mental and emotional health and strength, connection and community with a local article from Jody Grose, founder of Return to the Fire. Dr. Patrick Fratellone talks about what helps his cardiology patients with their heart health using herbs, lifestyle changes and more. April Beaman explains how thermography can be used as an innovative diagnostic tool for men’s health.
We cover other topics such as prostate protection, building muscle more efficiently, CBD for dogs, summer and healthy kids, eco-tips to save our oceans, greening our homes, and so much more.
Remember to read the news brief section to find out the latest and greatest from practitioners and businesses in our six counties, including grand openings, new practices and services, interesting events, and more. As always, please check out our community resource guide to find the right practitioners for your health journey.
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Our July issue is our sought-after annual directory issue, where you can find out more about our local practitioners’ services and products, goals for the next year, and what drives their passion for their profession in the profile and directory sections. If you and your business are interested in being a part of this great edition that our readers keep nearby for resources all-year round, please reach out to us! © 2024 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved.
We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Check with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate use of any treatment.
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Natural Awakenings is a network of natural lifestyle magazine publishers empowering local communities with knowledge, resources and connections
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After 12 years of leadership at the Connecticut Women’s Consortium, Executive Director Colette Anderson is retiring. “Colette’s visionary guidance and passionate advocacy have shaped our mission and expanded our impact, leaving an indelible mark on the Consortium and the lives of those we serve. Her tireless work has brought about remarkable growth, fostering an inclusive and empowering environment for women across Connecticut. We are profoundly grateful for her contributions and wish her endless joy and fulfillment in this well-earned next chapter,” said the organization.
Alicia Feller, the director of programs, has been named as Connecticut Women’s Consortium’s new executive director. She brings nearly 30 years of experience from the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, where she last served as the CEO of the Southwestern CT Mental Health System.
For more information on Connecticut Women’s Consortium, visit womensconsortium.org.
Jody Grose has published Return to the Fire to Remember What We’ve Long Forgotten: Understanding and Celebrating Healthy Masculinity. The book explores the dynamics that have impacted men’s souls while offering a road map toward healthy masculinity. Shunning the circular reasoning of popular self-help models, this book unpacks the historical, cultural and psychological underpinnings influencing men’s daily behaviors. Using personal and clinical experiences, myths and Jungian archetypes, Grose invites inward reflection on one’s experiences and beliefs. Thus welcomed into a space of blessing and inward healing, readers will gain fresh understanding and compassion, thereby bringing hope in transforming how boys are raised, and how men live in relation to themselves, their relationships and the planet.
For more information about Jody Grose and Return to the fire programs or to order the book, visit ReturntotheFire.com, Amazon and other bookstores.
Intuitive Skin Care And More has been serving Connecticut since 1997 as an intuitive, wellness, esthetic and anti-aging practice. They recently moved to a new West Hartford office, located at 62 Lasalle Road. Owner Esther Nicholls is a Connecticut-licensed, certified master nurse esthetician, beauty apothecary and medical massage therapist. They offer a range of services, including energy balancing, age spot removal, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, permanent makeup, skincare coaching, natural handcrafted skin care products, meditation and chakra balancing, reflexology, lymphatic drainage, non-surgical laser lipo, nail enhancement, energy guided product and service selection, eyelash extensions, hair and braiding options, hair replacement systems, and more.
For more information and to make an appointment, call 860-951-9355 or visit IntuitiveSkinCare4U.com. Location: 62 Lasalle Rd., Ste. 220, West Hartford, CT.
Leaning toward a more holistic lifestyle can add up. On June 4 at 6:30 p.m., join the New Haven County chapter of Holistic Moms Network chapter to discuss and share ideas about saving money while still enjoying healthy foods and using safe products. Attendees can share local resources such as farmer’s markets, farms, which stores have the best deals and so much more. Come with your resources, links and ideas. The meeting will be held at Re:mind Wellness Boutique, located at 460 Naugatuck Avenue in Milford, Connecticut.
On July 2 at 6:30 p.m., join the chapter for its popular “Bring a Mug” event. The discussions at this annual July meeting are always thought-provoking and filled with amazing resourcesharing learning and experiences. Bring your own fun/inspiring mug, enjoy some tea, relax and have fun getting to know other holistic-minded people in the local community. The chapter will discuss attendees’ topics of interest and resources as well as recipes and information from Holistic Moms Network national partner Frontier Co-op, a member-owned wholesale buying co-op that offers a full line of natural and organic products, including herbs, spices, baking goods, essential oils, laundry products and much more. One of the many benefits of being a New Haven County chapter member is participating in a monthly order of wholesale goods from Frontier Co-op.
Re:mind Wellness Boutique (RemindWellnessCT.com) is a Milford center offering a variety of services, including group therapy, holistic life coaching, professional counseling, acupuncture, craniosacral therapy, salt room therapy, facials, infrared sauna, massage therapy and more. The center also has meditation classes, reiki sessions and spiritual readings. There are spaces available for private events and a storefront offering items such as apparel, jewelry, gifts, fragrances and skin care products.
The mission of Holistic Moms Network, a nonprofit support and discussion network, is to connect parents and others who are interested in holistic health and green living. It welcomes people wherever they are on their own holistic path in an environment that does not judge. The chapter meetings are open to the public and take place on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in Milford.
For more information, visit HolisticMoms.org or Facebook.com/ HMNNewHaven. RSVP for the event on the Events page on the Facebook page or message the chapter on Facebook Messenger.
In addition to the Energy Enhancement System (EES), Sanaré Wellness in Southington, Connecticut, has added a new modality to its energy wellness center. The BioCharger generates four beneficial types of energy: pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs), electrodynamic (voltage), frequencies and harmonics, and photonic (light).
Together, these essential energies that exist in nature can contribute to optimal cellular function to help the body rejuvenate the way it was intended to. The vast majority our time is spent indoors away from the sun. By exposing the body to these restorative energies, it stimulates cellular function, enhancing energy levels and improving mental clarity.
Regular sessions with the BioCharger can support overall wellness by promoting relaxation, reducing inflammation, accelerating recovery and improving sleep quality, making it a part of a balanced, holistic lifestyle.
For more information visit Sanare.life and BioCharger.com, call Sanaré Wellness for an appointment at 860-600-0106 or email Admin@Sanaré.life.
Founded by nurse practitioner
Melissa Wooldridge Breton, Eclipse Holistic Living has opened in Glastonbury, Connecticut, offering an integrative approach to health and healing. Breton is an advanced practice registered nurse with over 25 years of clinical nursing experience, certified YTT200 yoga instructor, certified M-Technique practitioner and reiki master. She offers integrative nurse coaching for individuals, groups and teams.
The studio offers live-in-person or virtual classes, special events, and programs, including yoga, meditation, breathwork and expressive movement. Modalities at the center include reiki healing, EFT tapping, vagus nerve toning, sound healing, ‘M’-Technique Hand & Foot, and more.
Breton’s services include a comprehensive integrative holistic wellness assessment; a personalized holistic living care plan to help you reach your goals; and access to holistic living guidance, support, modalities, tools and other resources.
For more information, visit EclipseHolisticLiving.com. Location: DERR Plaza, 30 Hebron Ave., Building E (above Ken’s Corner Restaurant), Glastonbury, CT.
The Hub has announced its location in Seymour. It is a membership-based, supplemental education and extracurricular center. The Hub offers access to education support with one-on-one and group tutoring, extracurricular activities, workshops and events for children and adults, coworking, and community for the whole family.
Their Hubling Playschool Program allows you to leave your child with caregivers for educational-themed programming while you enjoy the cafe, get work done in a parent pod or take a class.
Homeschooling families will find a wide range of support, including space to utilize for their studies, learning pods, community and more. Membership includes a stocked art space and onsite co-op storage. Registration opens June 1, 2024. Spots are limited. Take advantage of the Founders Membership at discounted rates.
The Hub aims to expand the boundaries of alternative education and bridge the gap between what schools can provide and what students need, said Jessica Hollander, Ed.D (doctoral candidate), M.A., The Hub’s founder and CEO.
For the most up-to-date information, visit TheHubCT.net and Facebook.com/TheHubofCT.
Trees have internal clocks that keep track of when to go dormant. Argentina’s National Scientific and Technical Research Council studied the effect of rising temperatures on lenga beech saplings, a deciduous tree native to the cool temperatures of the Andes Mountains. The researchers found that higher temperatures altered the genes that regulate the tree’s internal clock. These genetic oscillations resulted in smaller trees. Elsewhere, misaligned temperatures have caused other tree species to go into out-of-season dormancy. Researchers warn that future temperature increases could dramatically change the composition of forests in the Andean-Patagonian region and other vital areas around the world.
Cambridge University scientists have discovered a fossil forest in southwest England featuring plants with a woody root system and “twiglets” that are estimated to be 390 million years old. Their discovery was published in the Journal of the Geological Society. This forest is 4 million years older than an ancient forest discovered in 2019 in an abandoned quarry in Cairo, New York, and precedes dinosaurs by 150 million years. The oldest trees appeared approximately 500 million years ago, but it was the advent of forests that reduced global CO2 levels to near-modern levels, while supplying the Earth with oxygen, thus paving the way for more complex life forms.
Concrete is the second most used substance in the world after water, and it accounts for seven percent of global carbon emissions. That is roughly the same amount of CO2 produced by India. Large amounts of carbon dioxide are released when limestone and clay are super-heated to make cement, the glue that binds the sand and gravel together to produce concrete. This process is often powered by fossil fuels like gas and coal.
Driven by federal grants and state emission standards, a number of startup companies are developing technologies and techniques to produce cement with low or no CO2 emissions. Brimstone, for example, asserts that it can make cement from rocks that contain no carbon, while Partanna claims it can produce cement with less CO2. Eco Material Technologies sells coal and volcanic ash substitutes that reduce the amount of cement in concrete. Canadian startup CarbonCure Technologies has developed a process to pump the CO2 from the cement process back into the concrete. Many companies in the green cement business face challenges to make their products and processes cost-effective, and some have not yet built scalable factories. Nevertheless, cement makers have no choice but to continue to search for cheap ways to cut pollution.
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KCC_bc_final_vendor2.pdf 1 10/25/15 11:26 AM
Dr. Kevin Healy 1 (203) 245-9317 17 Woodland Road drkevinbhealy@gmail.com Madison, CT 06443 www.DrHealMe.com
860-266-7745 www.HolisticDrBeata.com Beata@HolisticDrBeata.com
The Great Barrier Reef, an ocean ecosystem the size of Italy situated off the coast of Australia, is experiencing another mass coral bleaching event, the fifth such occurrence since 2016. Until 1998, there had been no evidence of a bleaching event in the reef’s 500-year recorded history.
Bleaching occurs when the ocean water is unusually warm or cold or has high levels of acid. Under such conditions, the coral turns white when it expels tiny photosynthetic algae that live in its tissue. While bleaching does not necessary kill the coral, it makes the reef more susceptible to disease. Scientists are concerned that these repeated bleaching events over a short period of time will make it harder for the reef to bounce back. Compounding the warming effects due to climate change, a 2023 El Niño effect has produced unusually warmer water in the Pacific. Australian scientists are continuing to study this latest bleaching to evaluate its severity and potential impacts.
In an area between Mount Rainier and Mount St. Helens in Washington State sits a grassland expanse of naturally formed goosebumps known as mima mounds ranging from two to seven feet tall and up to 40 feet across. Despite research and monitoring over the last 50 years, the origin of these rare land formations has baffled scientists. Theories that have been published and debated include that they were built by pocket gophers; the result of wind-blown sediment being ensnared by vegetation; formed by glacial meltwaters; the result of earthquake waves; or the sediment from a glacial outburst flood that swept through the valley 17,000 years ago. No matter what created the mounds, visitors to the Mima Mounds Natural Area Preserve would agree the spring bloom of the purple camas flowers is a beautiful sight.
June 8 is World Ocean Day, a time to inspire action and celebrate the incredible splendor of the ocean and all of its wondrous life-forms. There is a growing movement that calls for the protection and management of 30 percent of the world’s lands, fresh waters and oceans by 2030. Scientists believe that this is the critical mass needed to stem biodiversity loss and climate change facing our planet.
Covering 71 percent of Earth, the global ocean is the largest ecosystem on the planet, performing vital regulatory functions that influence weather and climate systems, impacting even those living far inland. This invaluable life source is in a dire state due to the damage humans have inflicted and continue to impose.
Courtney Ayers / Firefly.Adobe.comEvery year, 17.6 billion pounds of plastic pollution enter marine environments. As we spew growing levels of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the ocean absorbs about 30 percent of it, causing seawater to become more acidic, to the detriment of sea life. Fertilizer runoff causes coastal algae to bloom, diminishing the oxygen in the water and causing massive fish kills that impact the natural food chain. Overfishing has ravaged certain species. And as global warming heats the ocean, glaciers melt, sea levels rise and ocean acidification intensifies.
There is much we can do to protect the ocean and encourage the sustainable use of marine resources.
u Purchase organic food and support regenerative organic agriculture.
u Choose plastic-free products.
u Reuse and recycle whenever possible.
u Organize beach, riverbank and land cleanups.
u Avoid products that harm the ocean, such as cosmetics derived from shark cartilage or jewelry made of seashells.
u Use microfiber absorbers to wash synthetic clothing.
u Write to legislators, pressing them to support policies that protect the ocean and marine wildlife.
u Bike to work, turn the lights out when leaving a room and keep the thermostat low.
u Buy sustainably caught, wild seafood.
u Leave nothing behind after a day at the beach or a picnic on the bay, making sure to dispose of all garbage.
u Spread the word about ocean pollution and let others know how they can help.
u Support reform of fishery management, focusing on practices that conserve ecosystems, while also sustaining livelihoods and ensuring food security.
u Join an ocean conservation group to strive for change with like-minded people.
As we approach midsummer and listen closely, an ancient song can be heard within the verdant heart of the season. The sun is at its peak, working in cosmic collaboration with our fertile Earth, and we find ourselves deep in sustenance with abundant crops and gardens, long-shadowed afternoons and carefree barefoot hours. Our ancient ancestors held lavish celebrations on the summer solstice that included greeting the sunrise and lighting bonfires after dark.
During this sun-dappled hour, it is easy to evoke the leafy-crowned magic of the Green Man mythos and honor the concept of the sacred masculine. The activating principle of yang within the feminine receptive yin, the divine masculine runs through many cultures—from the Hindu trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva embodying cosmic creation, preservation and destruction to the Aboriginal Rainbow Serpent, the powerful, symbolic essence of creation, transformation and renewal. The sacred masculine can also be glimpsed in our everyday heroes—the men in our lives. Whenever a father passes on the legacy of compassion to his children, protects his own or creates something from nothing, he is mirroring this multicultural, timeless energy. In its purity, the
animating masculine force is free of aggression, capable of deep creativity and resplendent with the spark of new ideas. He is a passionate and gentle lover, a strong guardian and an inspired innovator. Saint Francis of Assisi, the Italian Catholic friar, mystic and poet, embodied the sacred masculine, seeing God in the human flesh of our neighbors. His timeless Canticle of the Sun acknowledged the life force and consciousness of the heavenly bodies, the animals and the elements—earth, air, fire and water.
Like the divine feminine, the sacred masculine is, in essence, an archetype that exists in all people, regardless of gender. Taking positive, humble action when needed, healing our father wounds, tapping into the fire of our innate creativity and uniting logic with intuition are all ways to awaken this vital energy that is sorely needed in the world today.
Marlaina Donato is an author, painter and composer. Connect at BluefireStudio.art.
Men’s health has recently become a subject written about in magazines, blogs and books. However, when doing a Google search on men’s health and fitness, almost all results focus on physical health, such as ED, loss of testosterone, prostate health and overall cardiac issues. It leaves the inner/ emotional lives of men rarely discussed. On the other hand, men behaving poorly is written about and discussed regularly, while many women have expressed the lament, “Why won’t my man open up to me?” The cultural mandate is that men should be strong, problem solvers, providers and preferably non-emotional.
There are many reasons for this dynamic, yet the challenge is for both men and women to willingly seek understanding and acceptance while exploring such complex and ingrained cultural, historical and relational patterns.
The emotional health of men is far more complex than the physical. However, men’s mental or emotional health is still very much taboo. Many spiritual, religious and new age doctrines speak of unity, or seeking wholeness. Without access to emotions and the ability to express them in healthy ways, there cannot be wholeness.
For most men, their souls have been deeply wounded. While the patriarchy
has had some benefits for men, there has also been a tremendous cost. Our competitive, hierarchical, shame-based culture has fostered a pattern whereby men experience significant isolation and distrust of others and a profound cut-off from their inner world. To live without societal acceptance to feel and express the range of human emotions, except anger (which to a point is acceptable), many men swallow their feelings. It leaves many to live in their heads, disconnected from their bodies where emotions are held. Given the cultural mandate that men should be strong and stoic, the last place men will turn to when faced with the challenges of the human condition—loss, relationship issues and more—is to other men, leading to the isolation that many feel.
It is well documented that trauma and unexpressed emotions manifest both in physical and emotional maladies.
Courtney Ayers / Firefly.Adobe.comAfter survival needs, perhaps the most fundamental need—possibly more so than sex—that drives much of men’s behaviors is that of belonging and to not be shamed. Provided a safe and inviting environment where trust is established, men can begin to let down their shields and express the emotions that have long been stored within their bodies. These pent-up emotions diminish one’s overall energy, creativity and vibrancy, as well as ones physical and emotional well-being. The primary withheld emotion in men is grief. The cultural mandate for men is, “Big boys don’t cry, suck it up, swallow your feelings,” because having feelings is unmanly.
So how do men metabolize their grief? We eat to metabolize the nutrients which provide the necessary energy for life. This is also true with our emotions. When men gain the courage and support to express their grief, a noticeable aliveness follows. Grief is honoring the love you had for what was lost, whether that be a loved one, a phase in life or a cherished possession. There is a sweet tenderness in the presence of authentic grief, because there is also love.
As previously stated, unpacking the inner world for men is complex. There are not seven steps to wholeness as
The emotional health of men is far more complex than the physical. However, men’s mental or emotional health is still very much taboo.
many self-help authors would suggest. It requires courage and risk for men to seek support. That’s why it’s called “men work.” When men begin to talk honestly with others about the challenges they face, the stigma of men’s mental health will begin to be normalized. Seeking a therapist or mentor, or attending a men’s gathering or workshop for men, begins to provide men with the breakthrough experience that they are not alone. It helps them realize that what they’ve kept secret may be what they have most in common with other men. The call here is to shift the conversation from “toxic masculinity” to one that is guided by curiosity about what it takes to create healthy masculinity. Men need this, their relationships need this, the planet needs this.
Emotional health of men must take front stage with men’s physical health. For one without the other leaves men isolated, leading to lives of quiet desperation.
Jody Grose is the founder of Return to the Fire. It provides healing and growth opportunities for men and women, including weekend workshops in New Milford, Connecticut; individual sessions; and wilderness canoe trips for men and father-and-son teams. Connect at 203731-7755, HealingBear11@gmail.com and ReturntotheFire.com.
The Milford Regional Chamber of Commerce Health & Wellness Committee’s mission is to enhance community connection to high-quality health and wellness businesses to ensure a healthy Greater Milford Region. Learn more at MilfordCT.com
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Many men struggle with mental health issues, often experiencing debilitating emotional turmoil, alone and in silence. Evidence of this suffering can be quantified in a number of ways.
An epidemic of “despair deaths” related to alcoholism, substance abuse and suicide is documented to be worse in men than women. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American males were almost four times more likely to commit suicide than women in 2021. The National Institutes of Health reports overdose mortality rates for opioids and stimulant drugs such as methamphetamine and cocaine are two to three times greater in men. While men use drugs at higher rates than women, this alone does not explain the gap in overdose deaths.
Loneliness has become such a widespread problem that the U.S. Surgeon General recently called it an epidemic and the World Health Organization noted, “The effect of social isolation and loneliness on mortality is comparable to that of other well-established risk factors such as smoking, obesity and physical inactivity.” A 2021 report by the Survey Center on American Life stated that since 1990, the number of men saying they have no close friends has jumped from 3 percent to 15 percent.
COVID-19 incurred invisible costs such as increases in loneliness and mental health strain. Because men generally tend to spend less time and energy cultivating
meaningful social relationships but still require structure to thrive, the pandemic was particularly destructive to them.
Roughly one out of three men in America under the age of 30 reported having no sex in the last year (a 30-year low), which is an obstacle to building meaningful relationships and families. Men have become not only socially disconnected, but also more vulnerable to following dangerous groups, influencers and others with extreme messaging. Men that fail to attach to partners, communities or careers may grow increasingly resentful and act out with volatility and unrest. An African proverb says, “The young men who do not feel the warmth of the tribe will burn down the village to feel it.”
According to Gabor Maté, a Canadian physician, author and speaker on addiction, stress and childhood development, “The issue is men’s value has been defined in a very narrow sense, and when the power is taken away from people, people have a loss of agency and loss of control, belonging, meaning and value. Men have become deprived of a sense of meaning and belonging, and that’s a function of the culture we live in.”
Men’s Mental Health Advocacy: Shame is the biggest barrier, preventing men from seeking help and expressing vulnerability. We need to talk and stop shaming them.
Male-Specific Mental Health Treatment: Men communicate differently, so counseling must address unexamined feelings. Research shows that physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression, so sports activities that draw men together such as softball, surfing or martial arts can offer a win-win situation.
Emotional Communication Training: Men need to develop their emotional communication skills, such as how to express themselves and share feelings through language, vulnerability and emotional expression, to deepen relationships. Men can be strong and competitive while also being authentic, vulnerable and emotionally connected.
Maté advises, “Men need to accept their vulnerability and work it through, and not reject it or be ashamed of it. And to let go of, ‘I can’t be self-reflective; I have to be tough,’ and that takes a lot of help and support. Men who come back from war will heal by accepting their vulnerability and spending time in support groups. Another thing we should do is show respect for the courage of those men who choose to explore their vulnerability.”
Embracing Universal Masculinity and Femininity: We must realize there is masculinity and femininity in all of us. Neither masculinity nor femininity is the problem—hatred, oppression and inequality of opportunity are the problems, no matter the gender or ratio of masculine and feminine qualities within the individual.
Defining Healthy Masculinity: Masculine qualities are traditionally thought of as bravery, strength, courage, confidence, ambition, competitiveness, self-reliance and decisiveness. These standards are hard to live up to, so the question is how do we adapt healthy masculinity to be equipped with skills for success in changing times.
Offer Coaching Before Therapy: Because men may be more defensive, less open, less vulnerable and more disconnected from their feelings than women, many will respond to coaching over therapy, which can
be a gateway to start thinking about deeper purpose and well-being. A personal development program geared specifically for men to build skills, share support and figure out how to excel in a changing world of technology and role-confusion may be helpful.
Encourage Inspiration and Purpose: Men need to find purpose by doing something meaningful that inspires them and makes them feel energized and appreciated. The more they feel helpless and stuck in survival mode, the more loneliness grows.
Psychologist Elizabeth Lombardo explains how a survival mentality doesn’t allow for meaningful and purposeful pursuit. “Perceived or real threats put you in survival mode, and when you’re in this mode, your limbic system takes over and you’re not thinking about purpose, connection or collaboration (things that can pull you out of this mode); you’re just trying to survive.”
Men’s health needs to become a movement that encourages males to be proud of their masculinity, but also add new skills in emotional communication and vulnerability to find purpose, improve their health and have the best chance for success in turbulent times.
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Jeffrey R. Gladden is the founder and medical director of Gladden
Longevity, in Dallas, Texas, a clinic that helps people “live young for a lifetime”. He is the author of 100 Is the New 30, which provides an easy-tounderstand blueprint, identifying four target areas to be optimized: life energy; longevity, which includes the hallmarks of aging; health; and performance.
A board-certified cardiologist, Gladden earned his medical degree with multiple honors from Temple University and practiced for 25 years as an interventional cardiologist. He co-founded the Baylor Scott & White Heart Hospital, in Plano, as well as several cardiac catheterization programs around Dallas.
The best way to understand longevity medicine is to put it in context with what we currently are familiar with. Traditional medicine is called health care, but it’s actually reactionary, sick care that focuses on relieving symptoms with a sprinkle of preventive advice but offers no real health optimization. Functional medicine and integrative medicine look at the root cause of an issue to create a more complete and durable answer.
Longevity medicine, however, goes after the drivers of aging. So far, we’ve identified 16 hallmarks of aging that contribute to and accelerate the aging process. This is how we’re going to
enable people to live young for a lifetime, thereby creating the most durable, most comprehensive answer to the symptoms they are experiencing and the aging process itself.
When people first come to us to make them young again, we do extensive genetic testing and measure many biological ages for them. By knowing what cards they’re holding and where they are in the game, we know where to start. And then, many of the reversaltype interventions like stem cells, young
plasma, peptides or custom-made medications may be important but require a financial investment.
The flip side is that there are many things people can do that are not costly. If you’re smoking, drinking or eating excessive amounts of processed foods, stop doing that. If you’re not exercising, start exercising every day. The other thing that’s massively important and doesn’t cost much, if anything at all, is working on your mindset.
People stop asking the questions that drive progress, and they get married to their current answers. They think: I’m going to get older, retire at 65, take Social Security, play golf, visit my grandkids, travel and then wind down. This picture of the future is make-believe, quite honestly, even though society reinforces it. The beauty of being human is that you can create your own reality. What if you paint a different picture by asking, “What does it take to make my life better?” or “How can we make 100 the new 30?”
So many of us have been plagued with anxiety and depression, and all of us have had traumatic experiences. Because of the way our brains are wired, we live in reaction to that trauma, either consciously or unconsciously. The problem is that if we are confronted with something again, it triggers a stress response or maybe a post-traumatic response that we’re carrying with us from the trauma that we incurred, and now our nervous system is on high alert. Our stress levels are on high alert. Our cortisol, insulin, adrenaline and dopamine and the whole sympathetic nervous system is activated in a way that is accelerating disease, aging and decline.
You can never live young for a lifetime if you’re carrying all that burden. When
What is your personal goal in your longevity quest?
The target I’ve settled on right now is when I’m 100, I want to have a 30-yearold body and a 300-year-old mind, where I’ve solved, healed and transcended all of the mental health issues and past trauma, enabling me to have more wisdom and empathy, and freeing me to bring all of my gifts forward—my enthusiasm, artistry, intellect, compassion and my ability to help others and make the world a better place. If you have a clear target like that, all of a sudden you have a longevity mindset. You can never crack the code on aging if you don’t have a longevity mindset.
How do we stay the course and avoid falling back to old, unhealthy habits?
I think you have to be motivated by joy. If you’re motivated by fear you will definitely tap out. It has to come from this understanding that for me to bring all of my gifts to bear for the planet or for me to have my best life, I need to step into this concept of having a young body and a very mature, expanded, spiritual, intellectual, emotionally replete mind. That’s my target, and there’s so much joy in doing that, so every day I’m motivated by joy, not by obligation, and I think that’s what makes it sustainable.
To read a longer version of this conversation, visit naturalawakenings.com/ 2024/05/30/490204/jeffreyr-gladden-on-cracking-thecode-of-longevity or scan the QR code.
Sandra Yeyati is national editor of Natural Awakenings.
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Natural Awakenings Central & Eastern Connecticut sat down to chat about heart health and lifestyle with Patrick Fratellone, M.D. RH (AHG) FIM, an integrative physician and cardiologist who has practiced in New York City for 30 years as well as in Fairfield, Connecticut.
Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer in men. The two epidemics of obesity and diabetes lead to cardiovascular disease. Men must think about optimizing their lifestyle and controlling risk factors. Heart disease encompasses hypertension (high blood pressure), myocardial infarctions (heart attacks), valvular heart disease, hyperlipidemia (elevated cholesterol) and congestive heart failure. There are lifestyle changes every patient must consider, including dietary and exercise changes. In addition, there are some basic cardiac supplements that can support your cardiac system.
As a cardiologist, what are some of the basic recommendations you make to patients?
You must eat a balanced diet. In today’s fast-paced changing world, convenience often takes precedence over nutritional value. Hundreds of men walk a fast pace while consuming a bacon, egg and cheese on a roll in one hand and a Starbucks coffee in the other hand. Opting for taste can have a dire consequence with cardiovascular health. You need to recognize “bad” foods and either eliminate them entirely or consume them in moderation. When working side by side with the late Robert C. Atkins of the Atkins diet, I learned one key point from his diet: eat less to no white carbohydrates, thus eliminating sugar. I utilize food allergy testing and blood typing when discussing dietary lifestyle with my patients.
Can you provide an example with dietary changes?
Let’s consider having ice cream after dinner and before bed. Aside from the high saturated fat content in ice cream, the sugar in ice cream leads to obesity, which is a risk factor for heart disease. We know that obesity puts a strain on the heart, requiring it to pump harder, which can lead to high blood pressure and an elevated total cholesterol and the low density lipoprotein (LDL, the bad cholesterol).
If you feel ice cream is not that bad, consider the millions of Americans who still consume soda. Besides the sugar content in soda, there is caffeine and additives which contribute to the development of arteriosclerosis.
What type of diet do you recommend?
I adhere and prescribe to a balanced Mediterranean diet with lean protein, green vegetables and high antioxidant fruit. You must eat quality fish to get your omega 3 oils in your diet. If you do not eat fish, get your omega 3 from walnuts or algae.
A multivitamin is not needed if you eat a balanced diet. There are some heart-healthy
vitamins that you should take that are not present in foods. Coenzyme Q10 boosts your heart and brain as well as increases the pump function of your heart. The amino acid L-carnitine also increases the heart pump function, called the ejection fraction. The amino acid L- taurine acts as a natural diuretic if the patient has valvular heart disease. D-ribose is a natural sugar that keeps the heart healthy.
How does a change in exercise and more affect men?
You must commit to 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three times a week. This can reduce your cardiovascular mortality by 38 percent. Your doctor should encourage exercise in every patient. Men should consume enough water daily and get at least 6½ hours of continuous, uninterrupted sleep. The amount of water consumed should be half of your body weight in fluid ounces of water. To increase a man’s longevity, you must consume water, get enough sleep and increase your muscle mass as you age.
Since high blood pressure is prevalent among men, the herb Hawthorne can be used. Hawthorne (Crataegus ssp.) is an herb that lowers blood pressure, supports cholesterol and can assist with the electrical system of the heart, especially your heart rate. If a male has an increase in heart rate—called tachycardia and leads to an abnormal rhythm—Hawthorne is a great herb. It acts to slow down your heart similar to the conventional medicines called beta blockers. The berry of this herb is used in botanical medicine.
Hibiscus lowers blood pressure similar to the conventional medication class ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) inhibitors. This class of medications works through
the kidneys. Hibiscus lowers blood pressure similar to the ACE inhibitor. There are no reported side effects for this herb.
Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) is an herbaceous perennial plant in the mint family, Lamiaceae. Motherwort is used for fast heart rates known as tachycardia. It is especially useful for the anxious male. It is also helpful in cases of an overactive thyroid, known as hyperthyroidism. One essential nutrient, magnesium, is used for high blood pressure. There are many forms of magnesium on the market. Magnesium theonate is good for hypertension as it also contains theanine. Theanine is an amino acid to reduce stress.
What other lifestyle change do you suggest?
Lastly, you must incorporate some type of daily meditation into your life. Meditation is often individualized. Some consider yoga or a religious practice to be their meditation. Studies have shown that meditation can reduce your risk of heart disease by reducing stress and stopping living in a “fright-or-flight’ response. This increased level of cortisol, the stress hormone leads to heart disease. Reduce your stress by taking adaptogenic herbs as ashwagandha, rhodiola or gota kola. Following these lifestyle changes and taking some heart-healthy supplements can increase your longevity. Always consult your physician when using herbs and supplements, especially if you take any medications.
In addition to completing his cardiovascular fellowship at Lenox Hill Hospital in 1994, Dr. Fratellone (FratelloneMedical.com and IntegrativeMedicalCenterofConnecticut.com) was an adjunct professor at the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine from 2014- 2022, and currently is an adjunct professor at the School of Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture in New York City. In addition, he is a registered herbalist and a professional member of the American Herbal Guild (AHG). He completed his Integrative Medicine Fellowship at the University of Arizona. His passion is beekeeping. He is the president of the American Apitherapy Society.
Most men don’t usually think about their prostate until they face an exam or experience symptoms such as pain or difficulties while urinating. These symptoms may be attributed to a benign enlargement of the gland, usually in older men, or to the presence of cancer cells. This understated reproductive player, which can be stimulated for sexual pleasure, is responsible for regulating urine flow, secreting semen and converting testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) at puberty.
Prostatic cancer usually affects men over 65. African American and Caribbean men are at a higher risk. Although the American Cancer Society predicts almost 300,000 new cases this year, overhauling the diet and getting regular exercise can make a difference. “It’s never too early
to begin taking care of your prostate,” says Dennis Golden, a two-time cancer survivor and prostate-cancer coach from New Kent, Virginia.
“In terms of lifestyle, everything is accumulative. If you put in junk, your body doesn’t know what to do with it and stores all those chemicals that don’t belong there, and it all eventually catches up with you someday. Read labels. If you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it,” says Golden, who went back to basics when he faced his frightening cancer diagnosis.
According to Jon Lanman, a registered dietitian nutritionist in Bend, Oregon, “In health care, we talk a lot about lifestyle change, and the reality is that lifestyle change is hard, and it takes time.” He
advises tossing aside perfection and expecting slip-ups while committing to small changes that add up.
For Golden, eliminating restaurant food, excessive sodium and alcohol has been key. A fan of quick and easy meals, he relies on pan cooking for healthy, delicious fare with plenty of steamed veggies. “There’s no reason to grab a burger or to eat out when you can have a meal finished in 25 minutes. I veered away from beef and incorporated more chicken and fish like salmon and fresh trout,” he explains, adding that biking also made a difference. Now 81, he pedals 25 miles several times a week.
Lanman notes, “There is no single miracle food, but I’d recommend limiting sugars
and processed carbohydrates, as well as processed meats and red meats.” To amp up nutrients, he spotlights the Mediterranean and DASH diets that accentuate fiber from fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Lanman also recommends lycopene, a compound found in tomatoes, beets, radishes, cherries and pink grapefruit, which has shown promise in the treatment and prevention of prostate cancer.
The Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF) advocates cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower, bok choy, kale and Brussels sprouts. Packed with the phytochemical glucoraphanin that targets cancer cells, broccoli is a heavy hitter, as well.
Recent research points to a number of nutritional guidelines. A 2021 study published in European Journal of Public Health noted that nitrites as food additives were positively associated with prostate cancer risk. A 2022 study published in Frontiers in Nutrition also found a higher risk of the disease in those consuming red and processed meats.
In a 2022 study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers reported a lower risk of aggressive forms of prostate cancer in men under 65 that followed a diet rich in plant-based foods. After tracking men in a study for six years, a team of Harvard University scientists found that selenium supplementation was linked to a 65 percent lower occurrence of advanced prostate cancer, but it was contraindicated for individuals with high systemic levels of the mineral. Additional studies are underway to determine suggested dosages, but the researchers of this study suggested “a healthful diet that will provide good amounts of the mineral.”
Both Lanman and Golden recommend eliminating alcohol altogether. While research on the correlation between alcohol consumption and prostate cancer is inconclusive, a 2022 metaanalysis published in the journal Biomolecules suggests that alcohol intake and the development of prostatic cancer can create the perfect storm when poor diet, folate and fiber deficiencies, advanced age, race, smoking, obesity, genetics, stress and other factors are also present.
According to the PCF, extreme stress can have a cumulative effect on the body, allowing prostate cancer to take root and grow. This is because the stress response can activate certain hormones that make it easier for tumors to grow and spread, while also negatively impacting the immune system.
To relieve stress and learn better coping skills, PCF suggests adopting relaxation and meditation practices, counseling, group therapy and exercise. For Golden, better health is a mindset. He endorses journaling and having good expectations daily. “Focus on the positives,” he says.
Zak Logan is a freelance health writer dedicated to holistic living and getting back to basics.
4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts or thighs
1 28-oz can of organic, diced, fire-roasted tomatoes
¼ cup capers (4 Tbsp)
¼ tsp Himalayan salt
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried basil
2 medium-sized, fresh garlic cloves, peeled and thinly sliced
1 Tbsp organic, extra virgin olive oil
Preheat oven to 400°F. Place cast iron pan on a mediumhigh stove and sauté garlic until brown. Add chicken and pour fire-roasted tomatoes evenly over it. Add capers. Sprinkle salt, oregano and basil over chicken and tomatoes. Place uncovered cast iron pan into the oven for approximately 35 to 40 minutes or until chicken is tender. If desired, serve over garbanzo wheat-free pasta.
Recipe courtesy of frequent contributor Marlaina Donato.
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2 medium-sized cucumbers or 1 large English cucumber, sliced thin, peel optional
2 medium or large apples of choice, chopped into bite-sized pieces
¼ cup finely chopped fresh cilantro
½ lemon, juiced
½ lime, juiced
¼ tsp Himalayan salt
1 Tbsp organic, extra virgin olive oil
Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Gently toss and serve immediately.
Recipe courtesy of frequent contributor Marlaina Donato.
1¾ cups water
1 cup organic white quinoa
½ cup fresh or frozen organic blueberries
¼ cup finely chopped red or white onion
¼ cup finely chopped fresh Italian parsley
1 Tbsp aged balsamic vinegar
⅓ tsp Himalayan pink salt
Organic, extra virgin olive oil
Combine quinoa, water and salt in a medium pot. Bring to a boil; cover and reduce heat; and simmer for 15 minutes. Remove covered pot from heat and let sit for 10 minutes before removing lid and fluffing the grains with a fork.
Add vinegar, blueberries, parsley and onion; mix gently. Serve quinoa salad warm or cold with a drizzle of olive oil.
Recipe courtesy of frequent contributor Marlaina Donato.
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Americans spend about 90 percent of their lives indoors, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Building and remodeling our homes to be eco-friendly, non-toxic and environmentally safe is more important than ever. Here are a few considerations.
Previous industrial activity, legal and illegal dumping of waste material, and even past farming that relied on pesticides, herbicides and fungicides need to be identified before selecting a building site. Developers also need to look at surrounding properties to evaluate the sources of groundwater and locate hazards like electric substations, high-tension power lines and cellular towers. Naturally occurring toxins such as radon should also be considered before developing a site.
Homes must be as airtight as possible to ensure efficient temperature regulation, prevent pests, keep out pollutants and withstand varying weather conditions, while also having breathable systems and allowing for proper ventilation. This is achieved by incorporating passive airflow through vents and windows, as well as active systems like air-handling systems that draw in filtered, fresh air and circulate it throughout the home.
Natural building materials such as wood, bamboo, clay, concrete and earth are breathable and produce negative ions that are found in outdoor environments like oceans, forests and waterfalls. A research review in Environmental Science and Pollution Research found that exposure to negative air ions may have a positive effect on amino acid metabolism, which manifests as reduced
inflammation and anti-oxidation. Further, an International Journal of Molecular Sciences article noted that negative air ions are widely used in air cleaning and may relieve dust and mold spore allergies. Good ventilation assists in clearing out positively charged ions.
Toxic mold is a common issue in homes. It is essential to inspect and test for mold during construction and before installing insulation and closing walls. To minimize the likelihood of mold growth, ensure adequate ventilation and properly install equipment, such as air conditioning units, which may contribute to condensation.
Acoustic protection from noise and vibration adds to the overall quality of living spaces. Thoughtful building practices incorporate materials that help block, absorb, mitigate or reduce noise and vibration. These include soundproofing, insulated walls, low
emissivity (Low-E) dual-glazed windows, and plaster- and clay-based paint systems.
Locally sourced materials like clay, limebased mortars and natural stone reduce a home’s carbon footprint by minimizing the need for extensive transportation. Avoid engineered wood, plastic, spray foams, metal, glues and adhesives that contain polymers and formaldehyde, which off-gas toxic chemicals. Some concrete fly ash contains naturally occurring uranium and thorium that have the potential to release radiation.
Incorporate energy-smart technology and appliances, and utilize renewable energy sources like solar power and geothermal climate systems. Select sustainably harvested timber, recycled steel, and products and appliances certified by the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute. Choose materials and appliances with lower environmental life-cycle costs, prioritizing options that are environmentally friendly in their production and have minimal negative effects when reaching the end of their useful life.
Green homes include water-saving technologies such as rainwater harvesting systems and low-flow toilets and showerheads. They also include water purification systems to reduce the occupant’s exposure to lead, heavy metals, chlorine, and other chemicals and pollutants.
Electromagnetic fields (EMF) are invisible areas of energy associated with the use of electrical power, as well as natural and manmade types of light. EMF exposure can originate from electrical fields generated by wiring, radio frequencies from cellular and wireless devices, and micro-electrical surge pollution from transformers, motors, power supplies or solar equipment. The International Agency for Research on Cancer evaluated cancer risks from radiofrequency radiation (RFR) and classified it as a
possible human carcinogen. A paper in Environmental Research concluded that “there is substantial scientific evidence that RFR causes cancer, endocrinological, neurological and other adverse health effects.” Accounting for these factors in a green build identifies areas to address for mitigation.
Prioritizing natural light and using colors in harmony with nature not only promote sustainability, but also create aesthetically pleasing spaces. Low-E windows allow natural light to enter the home while deflecting harmful ultraviolet rays and infrared light, reducing energy bills and blocking radio frequencies.
Home lighting considerations include light spectrums and intensities, color frequencies and placement decisions, all of which can affect our circadian rhythm and reduce EMF exposure. Newer indoor fixtures mimic the sun by automatically changing color, intensity and frequency throughout the day and night to support our natural body clock.
In a green home, the electrical panel and high-EMF-emitting appliances like the refrigerator are not placed against bedroom walls. Wires are run in single, continuous circuits, without junctions and extensions, to reduce the system’s EMF profile. Internet connections for computers, printers, televisions and game systems are hardwired, which also increase connectivity and speed. A green home’s phone is a landline that improves call clarity and reduces RFR exposure.
Brian Johnson is the CEO of SENERGY360, where he is a certified building biologist and general contractor working to bring optimized living solutions and approaches to modern living, creating efficient and sustainable home environments. Check out his monthly “Healthy Homes Show” at KnoWEwell.com.
To read a longer version of this story, visit naturalawakenings.com/ 2024/05/30/490355/greenhome-design-tips-healthyoptions-for-a-sustainable-sanctuary or scan the QR code.
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Men’s health often takes a back seat compared to women’s health initiatives, yet it is equally crucial. From heart disease to prostate cancer, men face unique health challenges that necessitate awareness, proactive management and effective treatment strategies. Delving into common conditions affecting men and exploring natural and holistic treatment options can show how thermography can help with assessing and monitoring men’s health.
• Cardiovascular disease: It remains the leading cause of death among men globally. Risk factors include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking and sedentary lifestyles. Symptoms often go unnoticed until a severe event like a heart attack occurs.
• Prostate health issues: Prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) are significant concerns for men, particularly those over 50. Symptoms of prostate issues can include difficulty urinating, frequent urination and pelvic discomfort.
• Testicular cancer: Though less common, testicular cancer primarily affects younger men aged 15-35. It is highly treatable when detected early, emphasizing the importance of regular self-examinations.
• Mental health: Men are often less likely to seek help for mental health issues such as depression, anxiety and stress. This can lead to untreated conditions becoming severe and impacting overall well-being.
• Diabetes: Type 2 diabetes is increasingly prevalent among men, often associated with obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. Symptoms include excessive thirst, frequent urination and fatigue.
• Respiratory diseases: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer are major health threats, particularly for smokers. Early symptoms like persistent cough and shortness of breath often go ignored.
(Be sure to check with your health care provider before starting any new treatment or regimen.)
A balanced diet rich in whole foods, fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats can significantly impact overall health. Reducing processed foods, sugar and unhealthy fats is crucial. For heart health, omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, flaxseeds and walnuts can reduce inflammation and lower heart disease risk. For prostate health, lycopenerich foods like tomatoes and watermelon may support prostate health. Green tea and soy products are also beneficial. With blood sugar management, high-fiber foods, including whole grains and legumes, can help regulate blood sugar levels.
Regular physical activity is vital for maintaining a healthy weight, improving cardiovascular health, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, including both aerobic and strength-training activities.
Saw Palmetto is commonly used to support prostate health and alleviate symptoms of BPH. Ginseng may enhance energy levels, reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Turmeric, known for its anti-inflammatory properties, can benefit heart health and joint pain.
The practices of yoga and tai chi can improve flexibility, reduce stress and enhance mental health. Meditation and mindfulness are effective for managing stress, anxiety and depression.
Early detection is key to managing many men’s health issues. Regular check-ups, screenings for cardiovascular health, prostate exams and self-examinations for testicular health are essential.
Thermography, also known as thermal imaging, is an innovative diagnostic tool that can play a significant role in men’s health. It involves capturing infrared images of the body to detect heat patterns and blood flow, which can indicate inflammation, irregularities and early signs of disease.
Thermography is a non-invasive, radiation-free imaging technique. It uses a specialized camera to measure and capture the heat emitted from the body’s surface. The resulting images, called thermograms, display different temperatures as distinct colors, highlighting areas of concern.
• Early detection: Thermography can detect subtle physiological changes and abnormalities long before they become symptomatic, allowing for early intervention.
• Monitoring inflammation: Chronic inflammation is a precursor to many diseases, including cardiovascular issues and arthritis. Thermography can identify areas of inflammation, guiding preventive measures and treatments.
• Prostate health: While thermography does not replace traditional prostate exams, it can identify abnormal heat patterns which may be associated with prostate inflammation or cancer, prompting further investigation.
• Vascular health: Thermography can detect changes in blood flow and vascular patterns, which are crucial for identifying early stages of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
• Musculoskeletal health: It is effective in assessing injuries, arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions by highlighting areas of inflammation and poor blood flow.
• Safe and non-invasive: Thermography involves no radiation or physical contact, making it a safe option for regular monitoring, especially for individuals who need frequent assessments.
Healthcare practitioners can incorporate thermography as part of a comprehensive men’s health strategy. Here’s how:
• Routine screening: Annual thermographic scans can be included in routine health check-ups to monitor overall health and detect early signs of disease.
• Targeted assessments: For men with specific health concerns, such as prostate issues or cardiovascular risks, targeted thermographic assessments can provide detailed insights and guide further testing.
• Monitoring treatment progress: Thermography can track the effectiveness of treatments for conditions like inflammation and vascular disease, allowing for adjustments to therapeutic approaches.
Men’s health encompasses a wide range of conditions that require diligent attention and proactive management. Natural and holistic approaches, including diet, exercise and mind-body practices, can significantly enhance overall wellbeing. Thermography offers a valuable, non-invasive tool for early detection and monitoring of various health issues, making it an essential component of comprehensive men’s health care.
By integrating thermography into routine health assessments, healthcare practitioners can provide men with a powerful means to monitor their health, catch potential issues early and tailor treatments effectively. Emphasizing the importance of regular check-ups, screenings and holistic lifestyle choices will empower men to take charge of their health and lead longer, healthier lives.
April Beaman, RDH, CTT, is a medical thermographer, certified by the Professional Academy of Clinical Thermology, and a professional member of Breast Thermography International. She has worked in the wellness industry for over 15 years and provides breast and full body thermography health screenings for both women and men. She is the owner of CT Thermography located in Farmington with satellite offices in Connecticut and Massachusetts. Connect at 860-415-1150 or CTThermography.com.
Muscles act like metabolic Spanx, holding everything in the body tighter, supporting joints to prevent injuries, keeping bones strong and helping the immune system remain resilient to infection. Skeletal muscle acts as an endocrine-producing organ, supporting a healthy metabolism and balancing hormones. Strong, healthy muscles help us feel better, move more easily and live more powerfully. Once someone crosses the threshold into their 40s, there is a natural decline in muscle mass and strength, known as sarcopenia. Adults can lose 3 to 8 percent of muscle mass per decade after turning 30, with losses accelerating after 60. Preventing this decline and supporting quality muscle is key. “Muscle can be stimulated largely in two ways: first, through dietary protein, and second,
through resistance,” explains Gabrielle Lyon, a board-certified family physician and author of Forever Strong.
The building blocks of protein fall into two categories: essential amino acids, which are necessary nutrients that the body cannot make on its own and must be acquired through dietary intake; and non-essential amino acids, which can be synthesized by the body from carbohydrates and other dietary sources. To promote muscle recovery and development, it is important to consume protein that contains all nine essential amino acids in optimal amounts throughout the day.
More than half of older adults are not getting enough protein, and sarcopenia may increase their need for it. To offset
age-related decline, every meal should contain a minimum of 30 grams of protein. Active people, including those that do resistance training, should target one gram of protein per pound of their ideal body weight daily.
The best animal proteins that offer all nine essential amino acids in the right balance include pasture-raised poultry and eggs, wild-caught seafood and grass-fed beef. Plant proteins often lack one or more crucial amino acid, so vegans or vegetarians should eat a minimum of 40 grams of protein per meal to reach an adequate intake.
Breaking an overnight fast with a proteinpacked breakfast jumpstarts metabolism and provides more sustained energy during the day, fueling morning activities and preventing mid-morning crashes. A proteinrich dinner supports muscle recovery and helps the body rebuild during sleep.
“The most important type of exercise is resistance training as you get older, because you need to build muscle," says Mark Hyman, a functional-medicine doctor whose latest book, Young Forever, explores the secrets to longevity. “Without muscle, you become frail and dysfunctional.” Building muscle can improve the capacity for everyday activities, diminish the likelihood of chronic illnesses and decrease the risk of falls and frailty. Resistance training also improves bone density, metabolic health and overall quality of life.
• Target multiple muscle groups simultaneously with compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, rows and overhead presses.
• Focus on lifting the maximum weight manageable while maintaining proper form to avoid injury.
• Gradually increase the resistance or intensity of exercises over time to continually challenge the muscles.
• Aim for two to four weekly resistancetraining sessions. Consistency and patience are the foundations for lasting strength and muscle-tone improvements.
• Engage all key muscle groups. For the upper body, try bench presses, overhead presses, dumbbell chest presses, pushups, pull-ups, bent-over rows, seated rows and lat pulldowns. To work the hips and thighs, try squats, lunges, deadlifts and step-ups. For core strength, consider planks, Russian twists and bicycle crunches.
• Perform two to four exercises for each muscle group, doing two to four sets for each exercise. Between sets, take 90- to 120-second rest breaks. Aim for eight to 15 repetitions per set.
To prevent injuries or burnout, rest is crucial, allowing muscles to repair and
rebuild. Give each muscle group 48 to 72 hours before targeting it again. It is normal to feel sore after a workout, but be mindful of the difference between soreness and pain. Soreness feels like mild, diffuse discomfort or stiffness and is a normal response to unfamiliar or intense exercise. Sharp, intense or persistent pain, particularly around a joint, indicates potential injury or overstrain.
On rest days, incorporate low-intensity, active-recovery activities like walking, yoga or swimming; try foam rolling, stretching and mobility exercises to improve flexibility and circulation; and consider meditation for mental-health benefits. Aim for seven to nine hours of quality sleep, which promotes tissue repair and growth-hormone release.
• To optimize strategies and identify areas for improvement, regularly measure the circumference of the biceps, chest, thighs, waist and hips.
• Keep track of the amount of weight, repetitions, sets and intensity of every exercise session.
• Track muscle mass and body-fat shifts with a body-composition scale and take consistent photos from various angles to document muscle definition and physique evolution.
• Adjustments to diet and training programs may be necessary based on changing goals or feedback from tracking methods.
• If progress stalls, adjust training variables such as workout intensity or frequency.
• Use fluctuations in muscle mass or body fat to refine protein intake or overall macronutrient ratios.
JJ Virgin is a certified nutrition specialist, certified fitness instructor and bestselling author of The Virgin Diet, JJ Virgin’s Sugar Impact Diet and their companion cookbooks. Learn more at JJVirgin.com.
For elementary school-aged kids, summer represents the promise of no homework and a whole lot of fun, but parents may be less enthusiastic. Figuring out how to keep children entertained, active and engaged while juggling work and household responsibilities, vacation schedules or camp sign-ups can be a little daunting. Here are some suggestions for the best summer ever—one that combines playtime, nature encounters and fun with chores, rest and time to daydream. This holistic approach encourages a balance of physical, emotional and creative development so that children can enjoy a sense of spaciousness and possibility during the summer, feeling refreshed and ready for school when it resumes.
Summer can be a perfect time to boost connection without having to plan
something extra-special like a trip or a fancy outing, says Caroline Griswold, a parenting coach and founder of Fertile Ground Parenting. She notes that kids are better able to appreciate parental attention and care when they see that their mom or dad is present and relaxed.
One way to promote free-flowing connection is by being playful or acting goofy with children, Griswold suggests. Such carefree playfulness sends a strong message that all is well, and that we find our kids irresistibly delightful. If our goofiness makes the kids laugh, even better, because laughter can help residual tensions of the school year float away, making kids emotionally and mentally available for summer relaxation and fun.
“Play more music, especially if it makes everyone want to dance,” Griswold remarks. “When you dance, get goofy! If
your kids laugh at you or roll their eyes, you’re on the right track. Our kids love to see us feeling relaxed and silly and might just join in.” Playing silly games is another winning option. Griswold recommends what she calls the “sock fight”, where family members put on socks and sit in a circle with their legs facing inward. The object of the game is to try to remove the socks off everyone else. “Hilarity ensues,” she promises.
Robert Kneschke/CanvaProIt is important to encourage kids to take a break from the constant stimulation of screens and social media. This will help them recharge and reduce stress. “Unstructured playtime is crucial for children to develop creativity and problem-solving skills,” says Dr. Michael Rich, associate professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and director of the Digital Wellness Lab at Boston Children’s Hospital. Such free time enables kids to explore their interests at their own pace.
“Mom, I’m bored,” are not words we often welcome, but there is an increased opportunity for creativity that arises out of boredom, according to a 2014 UK study at the University of Central Lancashire. Allowing a little of it for our kids can make them more open to discovery and inspiration.
Activities that provide an outlet for self-expression, physical experience and emotional release while also advancing a child’s intellect can support harmony and balance in our children, says Joseph Cooney, a family doctor at Berkshire Center for Whole Health, in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. Motor skill mastery and practicing dexterity through artistry and creativity is highly beneficial for the intellectual unfolding of children, nurturing their whole body and mind, he explains. Examples include playing with blocks, building structures, drawing, painting or fiddling with magnets.
Getting outside is a must for summering kids. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, “There is increasing evidence that outdoor play environments containing natural elements may offer health benefits that come specifically from engaging in the natural world. Recent studies have demonstrated that a broad range of outcomes are related to access to, and contact with, nature, including increased physical activity, reduced obesity, decreased stress and improved mental health.”
A study published in Journal of Attention Disorders reported that children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder were able to concentrate better after taking a 20-minute walk in the park. Integrating outdoor activities like hiking or swimming can provide a refreshing break from indoor routines. For an even more immersive experience, outdoor treasure hunts or building a fairy-house with items found in nature can transform natural settings into playgrounds of make-believe and connect kids to the wondrous life forms they encounter.
By embracing a holistic approach, we can provide children with a summer experience that not only entertains, but also nurtures their physical, emotional and mental well-being. The secret to summer magic is to boost nonsensical energy at home, encourage unstructured playtime, integrate outdoor activities, foster creative endeavors and remember to allow for plenty of leisure.
Thais Harris is a holistic nutritionist, bestselling author and international speaker, helping women and families nourish themselves into a more fulfilling life through holistic nutrition, mindful lifestyle practices and functionalmedicine strategies.
Outdoor Yoga . 8:30-9:30 a.m. Classes on June 1, 8 and 29, and July 13. These gentle style classes are nestled in a serene space surrounded by a pond, trees, and flowers. Classes held at Greene Art Gallery Garden, 25 Whitfield St., Guilford, CT. $20/class. Preregistration required: ShorelineCTYoga@gmail.com.
Womb Healing Workshop. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Workshop for women to discover the womb’s power as a source of intuition, creation and connection; learn about energetic and emotional imprints held within; and gain insights into the effects of past events, traumas and ancestral patterns. Workshop with InsightandIllumination.com’s Chel Benyair, a Certified Reiki Master, Sound Healer, Root Cause Practitioner, Akashic Record Reader. Celestial Empowerment Quantum Healthcare, LLC’s Suite #3. $245 (lunch included). Tickets: Facebook.com/events/337629932642851. Info: 917-922-7688.
First Saturday Kriya Meditation. 12:30-2:30 p.m. With Kriyacharya Andrew Burkamp. Join monthly to practice the sacred teachings of Kriya Yoga, a meditative style of yoga that uses focused breath, sound and visualization to quiet your mind and settle your emotions. $20 (cash or card). Fuller Yoga Pilates and Massage, 39 New London Tpk., Glen Lochen, Glastonbury, CT. Info: Hello@ FullerYoga.com. RSVP: FullerYoga.com/Events.
LevelUp Active Trapeze Yoga . 4-5:30 p.m. With Iliana Raffa. A holistic fitness experience grounded in scientific principles targeting the back and shoulders, unlocking energy blockages and relieving muscular tension while engaging in anti-gravity techniques. $45. Fuller Yoga Pilates and Massage, 39 New London Tpk., Glen Lochen, Glastonbury, CT. Info, RSVP: FullerYoga.com/ Events.
Shamanic Journeying Circle. 10:30 a.m.-Noon. Small group circle for participants who learned the shamanic journey continual practice to strengthen shamanic journey practice for their own inner healing work. April’s theme is commitment/being loyal to oneself. $20/person. Hidden Gem on Main, 33 N. Main St. Wallingford, CT. Register: Forms.gle/ kUfEGZ9KxznGpomY8. Info: HiddenGemOnMain.com/Pages/Events-Workshops.
Holistic Moms Network: Holistic Living on a Budget. 6:30-8 p.m. Join the New Haven County chapter of Holistic Moms Network chapter to share ideas about saving money while still enjoying healthy food and using safe products. Share local resources, best deals, links and ideas. Whether you have young, older or no kids, come network with like-minded, non-judgmental people during the monthly meeting. Free. Location: Re:mind Wellness Boutique, 460 Naugatuck Ave., Milford, CT. Info, RSVP: Facebook.com/ HMNNewHaven.
How to Communicate with Your Angels. 7-8:30 p.m. In person and live online with Robin Tesei. Experience how easy and empowering it is to ask your angels questions and receive messages through writing. Learn simple steps to spiritually connect, ask for guidance and learn your angel’s name. $44. 21 Sally Ann Dr., Trumbull, CT. Info, RSVP: 203-218-8640, AngelHappiness.com/Communicate-With-Your-Angels-Workshop.
LevelUp Restore Trapeze Yoga . 7-8:30 p.m. With Iliana Raffa. Workshop designed to lengthen and strengthen your spine while you release deep held tension. Easeful movements in the trapeze will hydrate and decompress your discs. For any fitness level. $45. Fuller Yoga Pilates and Massage, 39 New London Tpk., Glen Lochen, Glastonbury, CT. Info, RSVP: FullerYoga.com/Events.
Crystal-Sound Bath. 6-7 p.m. Every other Thursday. Join master crystal and sound healer Bradford Tilden for a deeply restorative Crystal and Sound Bath. Relax, recharge and release stress and unwanted energies from your body, mind and field. Bring a blanket, chair or yoga mat. Register: tinyurl.com/BridgeSoundHealing2024. $25. Walk-in: $30. The Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. 860-404-2578. BridgeHAC.com.
A Social Support Group for Empowerment. 7-9 p.m. First Thursdays. Be a part of a group of like-minded individuals, looking for conversation and support without judgment; to express your spiritual beliefs, listen to those of others, and work together to gain a deeper understanding. We discuss different topics from our practitioners who offer their services to teach selfempowerment techniques. Fee: small offering. Mystics by the Sea, 394 New Haven Ave., Milford, CT. Info, RSVP: 203-980-6272, MysticsBytheSea.com.
Watertown/Oakville Wake Up Your Business Networking for Professionals. 8-9 a.m. First Fridays The Watertown/Oakville Chamber invites business owners, representatives and potential members to make new connections, grow your business and create more visibility. The Local Sixty-Three Bar & Restaurant, 465 Main St., Watertown, CT. Registration: free, closes 4 p.m. on June 6. Questions, RSVP: WaterburyCTCoC. wliinc30.com/Events.
Restorative Yoga + Sound Healing. 6-7:30 p.m. Relax in a calming combination of gentle and restorative yoga, guided meditation, breath work and sound healing with Erin Schuster. No prior yoga experience necessary. $35. CENTER Yoga + Wellness, 36 Nod Rd., Clinton, CT. Info, RSVP: CenterYogaWellness.com/ Workshops/2024/Restorative-Yoga-Sound-HealingFebruary-mjkmn.
Restorative Yoga with Sound. 6:30-8 p.m. Join Julie Wallace of Verbena Holistic Center and Bradford Tilden of Crystal Music Healing for a rejuvenating 90-minute restorative yoga session paired with a live sound bath experience. $45. 92 North Summit St., Southington, CT. VerbenaHolisticCenter.com/Workshops.
JULY 19-21
Friday, 4 -9:30 p.m. Saturday, 8 a.m.-9:30 p.m. Sunday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Lifelong yogi Vedaji travels to Connecticut to help open hearts and quiet minds; join for yoga asana and philosophy, breathwork, meditation, kirtan and heartfelt community. Commuter and day passes available. Mercy by the Sea Retreat Center, Madison, CT Register: ChittaCleanse.com/OpenYourHeart Info: 860-808-8201 or Sangha@ChittaCleanse.com
Outdoor Yoga . 8:30-9:30 a.m. Classes on June 1, 8 and 29, and July 13. These gentle style classes are nestled in a serene space surrounded by a pond, trees, and flowers. Classes held at Greene Art Gallery Garden, 25 Whitfield St., Guilford, CT. $20/class. Preregistration required: ShorelineCTYoga@gmail.com.
Reiki Group Meditation with Sound Healing . 1-2 p.m. Monthly meeting. With Gina Ferrara. Reiki alone is a powerful relaxation tool. By adding in the vibrations of the Healing Bowls, the room becomes infused with sound creating an environment for peaceful meditation. Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. Donation. Info: BridgeHAC.com/Event/Reiki-Group-MeditationWith-Sound-Healing-4/2024-06-09.
New Haven County TLC Networking Lunch in Milford. 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Second Tuesdays . Opportunity to meet other healthy living entrepreneurs and practitioners at Tribe TLC’s networking lunch event in Milford at Stonebridge Restaurant. Info: 203TLC.com. RSVP to Beth Leas: 203-856-9566 (call/text), TLCBethLeas@gmail.com.
Therapists Supporting Therapists . Noon-1:30 p.m. Second Tuesdays . With Rio Comaduran, LCSW. A special support group for mental health providers. 60 minutes of communication, sharing resources, community building, organizing. 30 minutes of sound healing/relaxation (optional). Bring yoga mat, pillow and blanket. Donation. Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. Info, register: BridgeHAC.com/Event/TherapistsSupporting-Therapists-2/2024-06-11.
Proactive Health & Financial Wellness. 7-9 p.m.
Second Tuesdays. Presented by Rick Culver, Marisa Mangiameli and Marie Cancellieri. Networking and discussion of proactive nutrition methods that can change your physical and financial wellness. Free. Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. Info, register: BridgeHAC.com/Event/ProactiveHealth-Financial-Wellness-2/2024-06-11.
White Time Healing Circle. 7-9 p.m. Bi-monthly healing circle featuring White Time Energy and Gemstone healing. June’s gemstone layout is “Increasing Brain Capacity #2.” All are welcome. Facilitated by Bradford Tilden. $30. NEW LOCATION: Crystal Music Healing, 92 North Summit St. Studio West, Southington, CT. Register: tinyurl.com/WhiteTimeCircle. 860-830-5841, Info@CrystalMusicHealing.com.
Salt, Stones and Sound. 6:30-7:30 p.m. Gift yourself rejuvenation at this healing experience combining Bradford Tilden’s vocal sound with a gemstone treatment to assist with transformation and empowerment within a salt-room sanctuary. Limited to 9 participants. $75+tax. Revive Salt Therapy, 374 New Haven Ave., Milford, CT. Info: Gail at 203-306-8441 or Hello@ ReviveSaltTherapy.com. RSVP: ReviveSaltTherapy. com/Healing-Events.
Outdoor Yoga for a Cause. 5-5:50 p.m. Enjoy an outdoor gentle yoga class donated by Erin Schuster, founder of ShorelineCTYoga.com. All proceeds fully support the Women and Family Life Center (WomenandFamilyLife.org). 29 Whitfield St., Guilford, CT. Preregistration required: ShorelineCTYoga@gmail.com.
Sound Healing Sessions w/Kelvin Young & Maria del Carmen. 6-7:30 p.m. Every other Thursday Create a safe space during a sound healing gathering to share feelings and hold space for each other while sipping on cacao. Relax to the sounds by Kelvin Young, RSS and Maria Del Carmen, MBA. The Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. Info, register: BridgeHAC.com/Event/SoundHealing-Kelvin-Young/2024-06-13.
Monthly Healing Class with Tong Ren Therapy. 7 p.m. Second Thursdays. Tong ren is a distance energy healing modality that taps into the bio electrical system of the body to allow healing to occur. Start by getting into a meditative relaxed state. Focus on 3 things you would like healed and 3 people you would like to send healing. $10 donation. Red Barn In Durham, 352 Main St., Durham, CT. Info, RSVP: ChiForHealing.com, Erik@ChiForHealing.com, 860-593-8397.
Waterbury Wake Up Your Business Networking for Professionals. 8-9 a.m. Second Fridays . The Waterbury Regional Chamber invites business owners, representatives and potential members to make new connections, introduce and grow your business, and create more visibility. Raymour & Flanigan Furniture and Mattress Store, 410 Reidville Dr., Waterbury, CT. Registration: free, closes 4 p.m. on June 13. Questions, RSVP: WaterburyCTCoC.wliinc30.com/Events.
Fuller Fridays. 5:30-7 p.m. Monthly gathering to connect, get to know each other better, and enjoy local food and drinks with Fuller Yoga Pilates and Massage. A different restaurant selected each month. Bring cash as you will be ordering off the menu. Need to pre-register for restaurant reservations. Limit: 25 people. Info, register: FullerYoga.com/Events.
Restorative Yoga with Reiki. 10-11:30 a.m. With Vilma Annicelle. Enjoy a beautiful 90-minute restorative yoga class infused with reiki. Bring a yoga mat, sweater/socks, eye cover. $30. Info: The Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. Info, register: BridgeHAC.com/Event/RestorativeYoga-With-Reiki-10/2024-06-15. Register: DelphiniumHealingandWellness.com/Book-Online.
Monthly Spirit Circle. 12:30-2 p.m. Third Sundays. A supportive, safe space to enhance your psychic abilities or to practice mediumship with Mindy Schroeder and Lynne Hartwell. $25 suggested donation. The Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. Info: BridgeHAC.com/Event/Monthly-SpiritCircle-2024-05-19-2024-06-16/2024-06-16. Register: Circle.Bound.Sister@gmail.com, 860-707-5211.
mark your calendar
Sept. 7-8, 9:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.
Open to the living wonder of crystals with this ET-based crystal healing education and tool for spiritual awakening.
Learn to heal yourself, others, animals and the environment with this rare, ancient knowledge. All levels of experience welcome. $475 early-bird price ends Aug. 7, $600 thereafter. $100 deposit. Register by Sept. 4: tinyurl.com/UWTGem1-Sept2024.
Crystal Music Healing, Southington, CT Info: 860-830-5841, Info@ CrysalMusicHealing.com
Mandalas & Tea. 1-2 p.m. Third Sundays. With Sierra Marie Robinson. In this workshop, you will make your own artwork, meditate, sip delicious tea while you create. No artistic ability required. $25, includes all materials. The Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. Info, RSVP: BridgeHAC.com/ Event/Mandalas-Tea-2/2024-06-16.
Free Talk on Universal White Time. 6:30-8 p.m. Is White Time right for you? In this free Zoom presentation by Bradford Tilden, one of the leading UWT Teachers in North America, learn about this powerful new healing tool, why it is different than other energy healing modalities and hear testimonials from practitioners. Attendees receive a free group spiritual upgrade valued at $125. Register: tinyurl. com/FreeTalkUWTJune2024.
Crystal-Sound Bath. 6-7 p.m. Every other Thursday Join master crystal and sound healer Bradford Tilden for a deeply restorative Crystal and Sound Bath. Relax, recharge and release stress and unwanted energies from your body, mind and field. Bring a blanket, chair or yoga mat. Register: tinyurl.com/BridgeSoundHealing2024. $25. Walk-in: $30. The Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. 860-404-2578. BridgeHAC.com.
Southbury Wake Up Your Business Networking for Professionals . 8-9 a.m. Third Fridays The Southbury Chamber invites business owners, representatives and potential members to make new connections, introduce and grow your business, and create more visibility. Calvary Southbury, 354 Kettletown Rd., Southbury, CT. Registration: free, closes 4 p.m. on June 20. Questions, RSVP: WaterburyCTCoC.wliinc30.com/Events.
Summer Solstice Restorative Yoga & Sound Healing. 6-7:30 p.m. With Melissa Pieciak. Utilize the power of the Solstice to relax, release tension and align mind, body and spirit with restorative yoga poses and sound healing with Tibetan singing bowls, crystal singing bowls, chimes and drums, and tuning forks and tingshas. Fuller Yoga Pilates and Massage, 39 New London Tpk., Glen Lochen, Glastonbury, CT. Info, RSVP: FullerYoga.com/Events.
Summer Solstice Celebration w/ Fuller Yoga. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. With Lauren Fuller, Melissa Pieciak, Caitlin June. Fuller Yoga retreat to Lake Terramuggus. Day filled with an all levels yoga class, food, swimming, paddle boarding yoga class, relaxation, crystal bowl sound healing and meditation, and more. $245 (early bird price)/$275 (after June 1). Info, register: FullerYoga.com/Events.
Full Moon Solstice Mini Retreat. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. with Synergy Holistic. Join for an afternoon of relaxation and release. Activities will include sound healing, art, energetic clearing and self-empowerment. $60/person. Teachers receive a half-off discount. Synergy Holistic, 282 Main St. Ext., Middletown, CT. Info, register: SynergyHolisticCT.com.
2nd Anniversary Psychic Fair. Noon-5 p.m. An outdoor event offering a variety of modalities, tarot/ oracle readers, psychic mediums, crystal readings, sound healings, reiki sessions, henna artist and a raptor education session with A Place Called Hope with one of their birds. Free admission. Intuition At Hand Store, 2010 Silas Deane Hwy, Rocky Hill, CT. 860-518-4992. IntuitionAtHand.com.
Solstice Meditation in the Salt Cave. 4-5:30 p.m. The mediation will begin with qigong exercises. There will then be a guided meditation with a combination of sound healing instruments, aromatherapy, crystal healing, salt therapy, and an inspirational reading at the end. $65. The Solshine Salt Cave at Red Barn In Durham, 352 Main St., Durham, CT. Info, RSVP: ChiForHealing.com, Erik@ChiForHealing.com, 860-593-8397.
Summer Solstice Meditation. 4-5:30 p.m. Celebrate the solstice and the full moon with mindful movement qigong, guided meditation with aromatherapy, sound healing, crystal healing and salt therapy. $65. Soulshine Salt Cavern at Red Barn In Durham, 352 Main St., Durham, CT. Info, RSVP: ChiForHealing. com, Erik@ChiForHealing.com, 860-593-8397.
Bridge Open House & Wellness Fair. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Meet Bridge practitioners, have a psychic reading, support local vendors, private sauna and meditation rooms available (call 860-404-2578), browse Gift Shoppe, learn from local experts, free snacks and refreshments, and more. The Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. Info, RSVP: BridgeHAC.com.
Singing Bowls Level 1. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Experience the healing properties of bronze, brass and crystal singing bowls in a class designed to give you a foundation for building your sound healing technique and practice. $250. Location: The Red Barn in Durham. Please email Katie@FeelYourLight.com to register or for more information.
Solstice Sound Crystal and Fire Ceremony. 6-8:30 p.m. Bradford Tilden and the Sanare Wellness Center are offering a high-vibrational healing experience for the Summer Solstice. Enjoy a Piano Concert/ Sound Bath in the EES Room followed by a crystal-fire ceremony outside. tinyurl.com/SS-EES-SoundFire. $88. The Sanare Wellness Center, 92 N. Summit St., Southington, CT. Call Kathy for reservations: 860-600-0106.
Sound Healing Sessions w/Kelvin Young & Maria del Carmen. 6-7:30 p.m. Every other Thursday Create a safe space during a sound healing gathering to share feelings and hold space for each other while sipping on cacao. Relax to the sounds by Kelvin Young, RSS and Maria Del Carmen, MBA. The Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. Info, register: BridgeHAC.com/Event/SoundHealing-Kelvin-Young/2024-06-27.
Naugatuck Wake Up Your Business Networking for Professionals. 8-9 a.m. Fourth Fridays. The Naugatuck Chamber invites business owners, representatives and potential members to make new connections, grow your business and create more visibility. The Ion Bank Community Room, 270 Church St., Naugatuck, CT. Registration: free, closes 4 p.m. on June 27. Questions, RSVP: WaterburyCTCoC.wliinc30.com/Events.
Universal White Time Healing Certification Level 1. Friday 6-9 p.m., Saturday 9:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m., Sunday 10:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. UWT is a powerful energy healing modality that works with all frequencies of color and time to grow beyond current limits in life and healing practice. It provides tools and the power to heal yourself and others on a deep soul level. $525. tinyurl.com/UWTHL1. Register by June 21. Crystal Music Healing, 92 North Summit St., Southington, CT. 860-830-5841, Info@CrystalMusicHealing.com.
mark your calendar
A 2-day gathering of yoga, wellness & spirituality.
September 14-15, 2024
8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Attend 90 workshops on herbalism, yoga, meditation, tantra, astrology, self-defense, puppy yoga and so much more! Shop the Mindful Market with over 50 vendors. Purchase a weekend or Saturday pass and attend the after-fest Saturday from 8:30-11:30 p.m.
Learn more about the schedule, vendors and facilitators at TranscendFest.com.
Powder Ridge Mountain, Middlefield, CT
LevelUp Flow Trapeze Yoga . 4:30-6 p.m. With Iliana Raffa. Workshop is for all levels of practice. It will help you find a deep stretch to follow along, leaving you feeling longer and leaner by the time the session finishes. $45. Fuller Yoga Pilates and Massage, 39 New London Tpk., Glen Lochen, Glastonbury, CT. Info, RSVP: FullerYoga. com/Events.
Restorative Justice Integrated: In Our Policies, Relationships & Daily Lives with Marlee Liss. 9 a.m.-noon. Explore restorative justice principles, including empathy in relationships, restorative practices in schools and communities, alternatives to public shaming on social media, and the power of accountability and conflict transformation. $70. 3 CECs available to behavioral health professionals. Virtual via Zoom, hosted by The Connecticut Women’s Consortium. Info: WomensConsortium. org, 203-909-6888, training@womensconsortium.org. Sign up: WomensConsortium.Configio.com/pd/1031/ Virtual-Training-Restorative-Justice.
Father & Son (6-17-Years Old) Adventure Weekend. Grandfathers and grandsons welcome. Jody Grose & Return To The Fire Program. Weekend provides fathers and sons experiences that creates a bond and memories for life. Group challenges, games, stories around the fire, play, Island theater, free time, swimming, canoeing. $325. Private island retreat center in New Milford, CT. Info, RSVP: 203-731-7755, HealingBear11@gmail.com, ReturntotheFire.com.
Men’s Adirondack Canoe Trip. Jody Grose & Return To The Fire Program. Spend 5 days and nights in the wilderness of the Adirondacks. This lake trip offers connection with nature and self, community building, and fun. Time in camp for relaxation, canoe or hike excursions, community. All food and equipment provided. Bring your personal gear. $475. Private island retreat center in New Milford, CT. Info, RSVP: 203-731-7755, HealingBear11@gmail.com, ReturntotheFire.com.
Developing Leadership Presence Through Mindfulness with Alicia Davis, PCC. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Leaders can cultivate presence through focus, intention, vulnerability and authenticity. Learn foundational mindfulness principles and skills to enhance focus, emotional steadiness and meaningful connections with others. $100. 6 CECs for behavioral health professionals. The Connecticut Women’s Consortium, 2321 Whitney Ave., Ste. 401, Hamden, CT. Info: WomensConsortium.org, 203-909-6888, Training@ WomensConsortium.org. Sign up: WomensConsortium.Configio.com/pd/1041/Developing-LeadershipPresence-Through-Mindfulness.
Path of the Open-Hearted Warrior Men’s Weekend. Jody Grose & Return To The Fire Program. Focus is to inspire and engage men is assessing and integrating their authentic power while embracing the freedom of full self-expression. Many men feel a longing to be seen, appreciated and belong. Transform isolation into aliveness where passion and courage are accessed. $325. Private island retreat center in New Milford, CT. Info, RSVP: 203-731-7755, HealingBear11@gmail. com, ReturntotheFire.com.
Father & Daughter (7-16-years old) Bonding Weekend. Provides fathers and daughters a rich and playful experiences that creates a bond, connection and memories for life. The days are filled with group challenges, structured actives, father & daughter time, free time to swim, canoe, play, and more. $325. Private island retreat center in New Milford, CT. Info, RSVP: 203-731-7755, HealingBear11@gmail.com, ReturntotheFire.com.
Clinical Applications of Yoga Therapy for Trauma with Christine Saari and Sara MerrickAlbano. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Introduction to using yoga therapy for trauma recovery. Learn to apply yoga therapy frameworks, methodologies and traumasensitive protocols to adapt somatic practices for clients and learn strategies for administering home practices. $100. 6 CECs for behavioral health professionals. The Connecticut Women’s Consortium, 2321 Whitney Ave., Ste. 401, Hamden, CT. Info: WomensConsortium.org, 203-909-6888, Training@ WomensConsortium.org. Sign up: WomensConsortium.Configio.com/pd/1049/Clinical-Applicationsof-Yoga-Therapy-for-Trauma.
All-Level Flow Yoga. 6:30-7:30 p.m. With Lisa Ordazzo. Other times available. A well-balanced flow that will engage your entire body. Offering up several variations of the poses as well as guidance with props. Class accessible to everyone. Just Be Yoga & Wellness, 234 New Haven Ave., Milford, CT. Info, RSVP: 203-693-3174, JustBeYogaandWellness@gmail.com, JustBeYogaandWellness.com.
Gentle Yoga & Japa Meditation. 7-8:15 p.m. With Lauren Dailey. Move through gentle hatha yoga postures and nourishing breathwork. End your practice with a potent guided japa meditation (also known as mantra meditation). Japa is a form of meditation where resonant sounds are repeated, providing a healing vibration in the body. Beginners welcome. Raven’s Wing Yoga, 27 South Main St., Branford, CT. Info, register: FillUpYourCup.org/Events.
Mojo Monday Meditation Online. Zoom at 8:30 p.m. Join online on Mondays for a relaxing, uplifting meditation and optional energy healing wave with host Rev. Annie Mojo. Optional fun, spiritual community chat after. Suggested Donation: $10 per live meditation session. Every Monday night May through September. For online link, contact 475-335-6656, Mojo@EmpathicMojo. com, EmpathicMojo.com, Heal.me/EmpathicMojo.
All Abilities Chair Yoga. 4:30-5:15 p.m. Using a chair and yoga props, you will take part in postures and breathwork. No experience necessary. All postures modified to each individual and their abilities, building up to a level of comfort that your body allows. $20. The Center for Higher Living, 130 Webster Square Rd., Berlin, CT. Info: MindfulWithMary. com. Registration required: MindfulWithMary.com/ Booking-Calendar/All-Levels-Chair-Yoga.
Restorative Yoga. 5:30-6:30 p.m. Gather to support one another through the practice of movement, breath and meditative body scans with Mary from Mindful Movement & Meditation. Class opens with a few minutes of finding your space and grounding your breath, followed by gentle yoga sequences and a final resting pose. $20. The Center for Higher Living, 130 Webster Square Rd., Berlin, CT. Info: MindfulWithMary.com. Registration required: MindfulWithMary. com/Booking-Calendar/Restorative-Yoga.
Yin + Meditation. 6-7:15 p.m. With Tracy Blasioli. This slow-paced, meditative practice explores yin yoga postures with vinyasa flow movements, breathing practices and mindful reflection. Classes informed by yoga, mindfulness, ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Taoism. Yin Yoga involves longer, more passive holds in yoga postures to target the connective tissues rather than focusing on the muscles. $20. Blissworks Yoga & Healing Arts, 228 State St., New London, CT. RSVP: BlissworksYoga.org/Schedule.
Weekly Sound Healing Meditation. 7-8:15 p.m. Relax and let the sound waves take you on a journey within. Rotating weekly topics. Plan to arrive early and bring a mat, blanket, pillow and water. $35/session or $100/4 sessions (use within 3 months). The Red Barn in Durham, 352 Main St., Durham, CT. Register: Katie@FeelYourLight.com.
Qi Gong Class. 10-11 a.m. Qi gong focuses on breath and movement to open up the energy flow in the body. There will be a meditation with a combination of singing bowls, aromatherapy and an inspirational reading at the end of class. $20/class or $50/month. The Red Barn in Durham, 352 Main St., Durham, CT. Info, RSVP: ChiForHealing.com, Erik@ChiForHealing.com, 860-593-8397.
All Level Flow. 5:15-6:15 p.m. With Lenora Clark. This class is a moderate-paced flow where you will be guided through sequences and modifications will be offered for different levels of practitioners. Some previous yoga experience is beneficial. $15. Just Be Yoga & Wellness, 234 New Haven Ave., Milford, CT. Info, RSVP: 203-693-3174, JustBeYogaandWellness@gmail.com, JustBeYogaandWellness.com.
Navigate Your Spiritual Journey. Wednesdays in June, 5:30 – 8 p.m. Hone your skills, tap even deeper into your gifts, explore self-healing practices and protection, work as one with your energy and Source, and strengthen your relationship with your guides. Location: The Red Barn in Durham. $99/session or $333 for series. Register via email to Katie@FeelYourLight.com.
Develop Your Intuition. 6:30-8 p.m. 5 classes on April 3, 10, 17 and 24, and May 1. With Gayle Franceschetti. Tap onto your innate ability of “knowing.” Through meditation, sharing and experiential exercises, master techniques of accessing creativity and intuition. $97 for series. On Zoom. Info, RSVP: 203-631-7803, Return2Love3@gmail.com.
Buddhist Meditation Class. 7 p.m. Learn simple techniques to start a meditation practice. Guided meditations and Buddhist teachings. Everyone welcome. $12 (no one turned away for lack of funds). Odiyana Buddhist Center, 450 New London Tpk., Glastonbury, CT. Info, RSVP: 860-266-6041, MeditationInConnecticut.org.
Self Defense & Fitness: The Warrior Within. 7-8:30 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays. Traditional Wing Chun self-defense and martial arts classes for women, men and teens 16+. With Sifu Quincy Cooke. Noncompetitive, non-intimidating classes. For all body types, fitness levels. Cost: $100/month, ongoing classes, first class free. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes. Bring water. Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. Info, register for classes: BridgeHAC.com/Events/Month/2024-05.
Yoga Philosophy Class. 7-8 p.m. With Hara Keshavi Devi. Vedaji’s Connecticut sangha (community) gathers weekly to dive deep into the teachings of yoga and to connect with one another virtually. No experience necessary. Free. Zoom online. RSVP: 860-808-8201 or Sangha@ChittaCleanse.com.
Explore Health Challenges Guidance Call. On Thursdays, sign up for a free 15-minute guidance call with Dr. Beata Harasim to explore your health and wellness challenges, and get the exact steps to improve your well-being using holistic and integrative approaches. Use code GUIDANCE at bit.ly/DrBeataGuidanceCall.
Thursday Morning Yoga Flow. 9-10 a.m. Start off the morning with Mary from Mindful Movement & Meditation in an awakening meditation that leads into an invigorating yoga flow, utilizing fluid, repeated sequences to warm your body and breath. Ages 16+. All abilities welcome. $20. The Center for Higher Living, 130 Webster Square Rd., Berlin, CT. Info: MindfulWithMary.com. Registration required: MindfulWithMary.com/Booking-Calendar/ Thursday-Yoga-Flow.
Hatha Yoga. 5:15-6:15 p.m. With Kelly Warters. Hatha yoga is considered the umbrella to many styles of yoga, including vinyasa. Hatha is often practiced at a slower pace than flow classes, focusing on the proper alignment of the asana (pose). $15. Just Be Yoga & Wellness, 234 New Haven Ave., Milford, CT. Info, RSVP: 203-693-3174, JustBeYogaandWellness@gmail.com, JustBeYogaandWellness.com.
Qigong. 6-7 p.m. Qigong focuses on breath and movement to open up the energy flow in the body. There will be a meditation with a combination of singing bowls, aromatherapy and an inspirational reading at the end of class. $20/class or $50/month. Red Barn In Durham, 352 Main St., Durham, CT. Info, RSVP: ChiForHealing.com, Erik@ChiForHealing.com, 860-593-8397.
Sound Meditation for Conscious Healing. 6:45-8 p.m. Every other Thursday. Through the utilization of energy medicine practices and reiki, guided meditation, aromatherapy, and sound healing, participants are guided to a state of healing with Kristin Vece. Yoga mats, meditation seats available. Bring zero-gravity chairs, pillows, blankets, props, etc. to make you more comfortable. Elevate Healing Arts, 75 Berlin Rd., Cromwell, CT. RSVP: BookUs.page/ ElevateHealingArts/Events/Sound-MeditationGroup-Healing-Session.
Buddhist Meditation Class. 7 p.m. Learn simple techniques to start a meditation practice. Guided meditations and Buddhist teachings. Everyone welcome. $12 (no one turned away for lack of funds). Odiyana Buddhist Center, 450 New London Tpk., Glastonbury, CT. Info, RSVP: 860-266-6041, MeditationInConnecticut.org.
Intermediate Flow Yoga. 9-10 a.m. With Diane Carlson. Intermediate class for students that understand the relationship between breath and movement, have a solid understanding of the basic yoga postures, and have begun to explore a wider variety of poses and styles including arm balances and inversions. Just Be Yoga & Wellness, 234 New Haven Ave., Milford, CT. Info, RSVP: 203-6933174, JustBeYogaandWellness@gmail.com, JustBeYogaandWellness.com.
Goat Yoga. 10-11 a.m. With Linda Obedzinski. Join Bradley Mountain Farm’s baby goats and the friendly goat herd for a silly yoga session. Upbeat yoga practice tailored for all levels, outdoors on the farm. After yoga, you will get to meet the goats and take pictures. Recommended age: 10+. $35. Bradley Mountain Farm, 537 Shuttle Meadow Rd., Southington, CT. Register, info: BradleyMountainFarm.com/Goat-Yoga.
Goats N’ Pajama Party. 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Every other Saturday on April 6 and 20. Brush, feed and dress up the goats in pajamas, tutus and costumes. Possible goat parade weather permitting. Meet and learn about the goat herd members on the farm. All ages welcome. $20/person. More info, register: BradleyMountainFarm.com/Goats-N-Pajamas-1.
Yang Yin Yoga. 10:30-11:45 a.m. With Lauren Dailey in person or virtual through Raven’s Wing. Warm up through invigorating movement and postures and then slow down for more passive postures. Relaxation and meditation end the session. Beginners welcome. Raven’s Wing Yoga, 27 South Main St., Branford, CT. Info, RSVP: FillUpYourCup.org/Events.
Beginner Qigong . 1-2 p.m. With Sifu Quincy Cooke, The Warrior Within. A weekly class that helps you to lower stress, improve overall health and increase longevity. Chinese practice that combines meditation, controlled breathing and movement exercises. $20 suggested donation. Bridge Healing Arts Center, 304 Main St., Farmington, CT. Info, register for classes: BridgeHAC.com/Event/ Beginner-Qigong/2024-06-01.
Gentle Yoga. 9 a.m. Offered at other times during the week. A slower flowing practice to give all levels of practitioners the ability to find proper alignment in their bodies. This class is great for those who are new to yoga. Just Be Yoga & Wellness, 234 New Haven Ave., Milford, CT. Info, RSVP: 203-693-3174, JustBeYogaandWellness@gmail.com, JustBeYogaandWellness.com.
Buddhist Meditation Class. 10 a.m. Learn simple techniques to start a meditation practice. Guided meditations and Buddhist teachings. Everyone welcome. $12 (no one turned away for lack of funds). Odiyana Buddhist Center, 450 New London Tpk., Glastonbury, CT. Info, RSVP: 860-266-6041, MeditationInConnecticut.org.
Goat Yoga. 10-11 a.m. With Linda Obedzinski. Join Bradley Mountain Farm’s baby goats and the friendly goat herd for a silly yoga session. Upbeat yoga practice tailored for all levels, outdoors on the farm. After yoga, you will get to meet the goats and take pictures. Recommended age: 10+. $35. Bradley Mountain Farm, 537 Shuttle Meadow Rd., Southington, CT. Register, info: BradleyMountainFarm.com/Goat-Yoga.
Goats N’ Pajama Party. 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Every other Sunday on April 14 and 28. Brush, feed and dress up the goats in pajamas, tutus and costumes. Possible goat parade weather permitting. Meet and learn about the goat herd members on the farm. All ages welcome. $20/person. More info, register: BradleyMountainFarm. com/Goats-N-Pajamas-1.
Women’s Group. 11 a.m.-1 p.m. This women’s group, facilitated by reiki master and psychic medium Jill Andrzejewski, LMT, of A Moment In Time Massage, is a place to gather, have fun and meet others on their personal journey to self-help and healing. $20/person. Reserve your spot: 203-909-1108.
Feed the Unhoused. Noon-1:45 p.m. Join volunteers with Food4Lives, a nonprofit dedicated to uplifting consciousness through the weekly sharing of vegetarian meals to the unhoused and underserved. Cooks, servers and other skills welcome. Barnard Park, Hartford, and in front of Buttonwood Tree, Middletown. RSVP: 860262-0248 or Seva@Food4Lives.org.
Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. DEADLINE: All listings must be received by the 12th of the month prior to publication.
Certified Animal Aromatherapy Specialist
Reiki Master, Energy Medicine Practitioner Animal Holistic Health and Nutrition Coach CarriePurcell.com
Carrie teaches pet parents and those called to work with animals holistic techniques, including animal communication, energy healing, aromatherapy, acupressure and nutrition, to help animals live healthy, happy, high quality lives. Pet owners can learn how to use simple, athome techniques in her Pet Parent class series. No experience with aromatherapy or energy healing needed to support your pet and witness positive changes. In person and online classes. See ad on page 25.
Kevin Healy, DC 17 Woodland Rd., Madison, CT 203-245-9317
KevinHealy@sbcglobal.net DrHealMe.com
Applied kinesiology is a neurological evaluation to find and treat dysfunction, addressing causes instead of chasing pains. Dr. Healy tests if a therapy alleviates dysfunction, finding immediate answers as to which provides the most improvement. Chiropractic, craniosacral, myofascial and acupressure are among the therapies Dr. Healy uses. Generally, no single cure exists as disease and dysfunction typically involve multiple areas of the body. The goal of any therapy—physical, chemical or emotional—is to improve function; a combination of therapies typically yields the best results. See ad on page 8.
I-ACT Certified Colon Hydrotherapist Roots Natural Medical Center, Columbia, CT 860-634-7523
SourceColonHydrotherapy@gmail.com RootsMedicalCenter.com/Team/ Elizabeth-Regal
Colon hydrotherapy is a gentle, waterwashing of the large intestine. Purified water promotes hydration of the colon and loosening of the waste matter, assisting elimination by natural peristalsis of the colon. It is helpful for constipation and may also be an alternative preparation method for colonoscopy. More info and videos on colonics at RootsMedicalCenter.com.
Gregg Allen 646-320-3639
Computer slow and glitchy? We can assess your Apple or Windows system, and provide options to repair, upgrade or repurpose your computer. We partner with you for your technology needs, system optimization and backup solutions for a secure and private personal computer setup. We can also help with data recovery. See ad on page 15.
Celeste Emelia Mattingly, LCSW
Take a quantum leap to improve your quality of life with Celestial Psychology and Tachyon Chamber Zero Point Energy technology. Celeste incorporates standard psychotherapy with state-of-the-art holistic modalities, including Tachyon and anti-aging products and tools. Come meditate in New England’s largest Tachyon Chamber. Stay tuned for workshops, lectures and special events. Accept most insurance plans for psychotherapy, including Medicare and CT Medicaid. See ad on page 6.
Cathy Stubbs
Remote-based healing
Eagle Flight Healing’s shamanic energy healing service provides transformative energy work helping clients resolve the traumas, pain, shame and struggles of the past. They experience new self-value and mattering, and feel more vitality, happiness and joy with which to enjoy life and dream the future. Make an appointment today to change your life. See ad on page 29.
Annie Mojo, HMPO Milford, CT or remote (475)-3EM-MOJO Mojo@EmpathicMojo.com EmpathicMojo.com Heal.me/EmpathicMojo
Energy healing, intuitive guidance, medical intuitive, psychic-medium, spiritual counselor, intuitive business coaching, pet readings, meditation music. Empower the inner you! Find your Mojo! Contact today for your FREE 20-minute consultation. See ad on page 19.
Danbury, CT
Increase the investment in your own well-being by partnering with Rona to support your unique pathway to healing, spiritual development and increasing your own wellness toolkit. Rona is an intuitive, channel, Reiki master, shamanic practitioner, certified yoga/meditation teacher and educator. She weaves her talents, wisdom and skill to co-create your practical and userfriendly “Healing Toolkit.” See ad on page 19.
Sanaré Wellness, LLC
Southington, CT 860-600-0106
The Future of Energy Medicine is here! This 24-unit Energy Enhancement System creates multiple bioactive, regenerative energy fields, including scalar waves and biophotons, that can assist your body’s ability to repair and heal itself from disease. The body can become capable of rejuvenating and recalibrating itself back to homeostasis. Appointment only.
Crystal Music Healing
Southington, CT and via Zoom 860-830-5841
Want spiritual healing and growth? Release anxiety, stress and trauma with the energy and benefits of Universal White Time (UWT). Receive spiritual development support through gemstone healing, energy work, sound and guided visualization. Schedule your free discovery call! Bradford also offers certification courses in UWT for people to transform their lives or professions.
Rewind Wellness
Certified Integrative Health Coach & Professional Chef
Work with women to address weight management, nutrition, sleep, nervous system restoration, stress and hormone balance. Holistic approach with an emphasis on creating mindset shifts and lasting habit changes for lifelong health. Book a free 30-minute consultation at RewindWellness.com to see how we can work together to achieve your wellness goals in a non-judgmental, caring space. See ad on page 15.
Edge to Health
Board-certified health/wellness coach with certifications from Cornell University (nutrition/ healthy living), Epidemic Answers (nutritional impacts on childhood illnesses) and Mindfulness Educators (mindfulness facilitator). Partnering with individuals and families to bring about positive health changes with functional nutrition and mindfulness. Help remediate the biological and behavioral impacts of trauma, ADHD, autism, anxiety, depression and more to improve physical, mental and emotional health. See ad on page 17.
Holistic Hemp Wellness Green Compass Advocate 631-877-0441
LaurenMagel.GreenCompassGlobal.com/ share/191341
Lauren offers small group education sessions and individual consultations in Connecticut and online to help you identify products to feel your best every day with a full line of USDA-certified organic hemp wellness products, including full-spectrum and broad-spectrum CBD, collagen, skin care, topicals and drink powders. Let’s get you started with a CBD brand you can trust.
Shirley R. Bloethe, Executive Director
Holistic Community Professionals is an organization of holistic practitioners and businesses focused on improving health and wellness with products and services throughout New England. We also connect consumers with a wide variety of modalities, holistic products, and services as well as offering two expos a year at The DoubleTree by Hilton in Bristol. See website for details. See ad on page 2.
Holistic & Integrative Doctor of Physical Therapy
Beata@HolisticDrBeata.com www.HolisticDrBeata.com
Specializing in gut health, nutrition, nervous system regulation and alternative modalities. Provides expert care for chronic fatigue; autoimmune, digestive and skin conditions; food allergies, sensitivities and intolerances; anxiety; depression; acute and chronic pain; colic; reflux; eczema; and more. Feel empowered, calm and confident with your custom health plan for you or your family. See ad on page 8.
Lynda Mettler, ACC Transformation Coach, Reiki Master Lynda@YourWisdomCoaching.com
Specializing in Internal Family Systems, Reiki energy and meditation. Guiding clients to transform their inner view to embody self-compassion and trust. Ready to embark on an extraordinary adventure to ignite your spark and unleash your talents? This coaching is for you. Now offering Clarity Coaching, a single session to ease decision-making stress.
Karuna Holistic Therapies LLC 808-382-4614
The RoXiva lamp uses flickering light to simulate the brain’s natural production of neurochemicals. Experience deep meditation, let go of stress and anxiety and improve mental health. Light therapy is combined with sound for an immersive light and sound journey. Karuna Holistic Therapies also offers massage, Reiki, NLP, yoga, grief recovery, channeling, meditation and nutritional counseling.
Jill Andrzejewski, LMT, RMT, Psychic 3490 Whitney Ave., Ste. 205, Hamden, CT 203-909-1108
JillaMomentinTimeMassage@gmail.com AMomentinTimeMassage.org
We partner to set physical, mental and spiritual goals to empower you. I advocate gentle stretching, crystals and breath work to maintain grounded, calm feelings. Services: massage; Reiki; chakra balancing; angel tarot, oracle card and tea leaf readings; group events/classes. A Moment In Time Treasures items available for purchase. Appointment only. See ad on page 29.
Wallingford, CT 203-415-8666
Celebrating 30 years as a licensed massage therapist, Carol focuses on restorative massage, her Feldenkrais Method training and movement education to guide individuals from a state of pain to feeling freer and more empowered in their bodies. She offers restorative massage, group and individual Feldenkrais lessons, cranial sacral therapy, and manual lymph drainage. Call/ email Carol for your next appointment.
CHERYL CUOZZO, MSN, APRN, ANP-C, FNP-C, FAIHM Integrative Medicine Nurse Practitioner Berlin, CT and remote 203-484-2069
Info@CuozzoHealth.com CuozzoHealth.com
CT’s first FAIHM-credentialed NP! Focus on chronic multi-symptom illnesses, undiagnosable conditions and military service-related issues. Personalized treatment plans, vitamin and herbal therapies, acupuncture, cupping. Cost-saving memberships, packages and military discounts available. Cuozzo sees adult patients in Berlin, CT. Virtual visits available. See ad on page 17.
Productivity Consultant
In Person or Virtual JenniferGloverKeller.com
Feeling overwhelmed? I help business owners and leaders create personalized systems to reduce stress, reclaim time, and achieve peak productivity. We ditch endless to-do lists, prioritize effectively, streamline workflows, and more. Find flow, focus, and freedom to pursue your wildest ambitions. I can help you reduce stress and reclaim your time. Contact me today!
Intuitive Skin Care Coach
Intuitive Skin Care And More West Hartford, CT
Energy balancing, age spot removal, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, permanent makeup, skin care coaching, natural handcrafted skin care products, meditation and chakra balancing, reflexology, lymphatic drainage, non-surgical laser lipo, energy guided product and, service selection, eyelash extensions, and more! Happily serving CT and the world since 1997!
Redeeming Life Nutrition, LLC. Southbury, CT 203-718-6335
Drew.Mulvey@RedeemingLifeNutrition.com RedeemingLifeNutrition.com
Specializing in elevating athletic performance in youth and young athletes with disordered eating and autoimmune conditions through comprehensive plans, metabolic profiling with alternative lab testing and individualized nutritional therapies. Address gut health, hormone balancing, inflammation symptom prevention or management, mindset reformation, and food relationships. Sign up for a FREE 1-1 Ice Breaker Call.
Shirley Chock, CCWS 49 Research Dr., Milford, CT
Discover Aiping Tai Chi, recommended by The New York Times for Tai Chi beginners. For nearly three decades, we’ve been a trusted authority, imparting authentic Tai Chi, Qigong, and internal martial arts. We were founded by the renown Chinese Martial Arts Grandmaster Aiping Cheng and presently led by her disciple, “The Stressbender” Shifu Shirley Chock. Experience our inclusive international community, uniting 150K+ followers of diverse backgrounds, ages and genders on our social media platforms (@aipingtaichi). When you are ready to let go of tension and cultivate resilience, we can teach you how to be strong not hard, soft not weak. See ad on page 11.
Terri’s specialty is using her fear and hypnotherapy training to produce audio and instructional courses to rewire your internal mindset, tell yourself a better story and stomp our fear. Vastly improve your life and productivity by using these inspirational, creative and confidence-building courses. Visit the MindSHOP on the website to experience the sample audio course, Breathe, Relax and Let Go.
Pass It On LLC
Shirley has the intuitive ability to find just the right referral for anyone looking for health and wellness support. Whether it is a new or existing business owner (or the general public), her extensive resources will likely be a great match for your needs. She also is able to offer low-budget, effective solutions for holistic businesses and practitioners.
Christina & Chip Bafumo
Interested in an escorted tour, or a resort, rail vacation, river, ocean or exploration cruise? We plan vacations on all 7 continents. Let us take the stress away; you can start relaxing now. Specials announced on website and Facebook.com/TheTravelingBuddies page. Get deals and quarterly Cruise Planners contests: TheTravelingBuddies.com/TravelDeals/OptIn. See ad on page 13.
January | Health & Wellness Feature: Aging Gracefully
February | Heart-Healthy Lifestyle
Feature: Oral Health for Healthy Heart
March | Food & Nutrition Feature: Plant-Based Healing
April | Eco-Travel Feature: N. American Eco-Adventures
May | Women’s Wellness Feature: Hormonal Health Journey
June | Men’s Health Feature: Mental Health for Men
July | Keeping It Cool Feature: Eating Seasonally
August | Finding Your Tribe Feature: The Power of Community
September | Emotional Healing Feature: Trauma & Addiction Recovery
October | Whole Body Alignment Feature: Chiropractic & Bodywork
November | Grateful Aging Feature: Becoming a Wise Elder
December | Reconnect & Rejuvenate Feature: The Gift of Self Care
*Start curating your own learning library. KnoWEwell Pathfinder members get 50+ and growing courses for free, plus discounts on expert courses for less than a smoothie a month! Natural Awakenings readers receive a 30% discount on KnoWEwell memberships. Join at: https://www.knowewell.com/community/join-individuals. Apply code: KWW30