Ready for adentist that treats your whole body? HOLISTIC DENTISTRY for total-body wellness General and Specialty Dentist BioCompatible Materials Integrative Holistic Care Modified SMART Mercury Removal SDS/Swiss BioHealth Practitioners Patient-Centered, Relationship-Based Air Purification - Negative ION Generators Surgical Grade PPE - N95 Grade Masks 3-Day Coronavirus Tests - Aerosol Containment Complete Disinfection Between Patients 444 Community Dr #204 | Manhasset, NY 11030 516.627.8400•

When all else has failed, DIV OZONE THERAPY may be your only hope and the answer! The Healing Center The World Leader in Bio-oxidative Therapies 212-581-0101 200 W. 57th STREET • NEW YORK, NY 10019 (CORNER 7TH AVE BY CARNEGIE HALL) INITIAL CONSULTATION WITH THIS AD DR. HOWARD ROBINS Please call and speak to Dr. Robins to find out more about this amazing treatment and/or go to Dr. Howard Robins has been helping people using Ozone Therapy for over 30 years and is considered by many to be the foremost clinical expert in North America on Bio-oxidative Therapies for the SAFE treatment of diseases and illness with over 345,000 treatments performed. DIV Ozone Therapy has successfully treated Herpes I and II, HIV, all forms of Hepatitis, Diabetic ulcers/neuropathy, Allergies, Chronic Fatigue, Candidiasis, MS, RA, Lyme Disease, Arthritis, Shingles, Acne, Psoriasis, HPV and now RSD/CRPS just to name a few diseases and conditions. All Toxins, Virus, Bacteria, Fungus, Yeast and Parasites are Destroyed by Ozone Therapy, Safely! $50 OFF e DestroyerToxin INTRAVENOUS OZONE THERAPY

(631) 462 - 0801 | POLLACKWELLNESS.COM 66 COMMACK RD, COMMACK, NY 11725 At Pollack Wellness, we believe in getting to the root of the problem , not medicating the symptoms. We believe in treating individuals, not diseases. We understand the connection between the mind, body and gut and use comprehensive testing, natural supplements, and holistic practices to help our patients heal from their chronic conditions. IT'S TIME TO BE PROACTIVE ABOUT YOUR HEALTH & WELLNESS Our doctors have extensive experience with the holistic treatmentDIGESTIVEof: ISSUESAUTOIMMUNE DISEASESTHYROID CONDITIONS HOROMONE IMBALANCESANXIETY/DEPRESSIONWEIGHT ISSUES CALL TODAY TO SCHEDULE YOUR CONSULTATION!

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Natural Awakenings Magazine is ranked 5th Nationally in CISION’S 2016 Top 10 Health & Fitness Magazines CONTACT US 244 5th Avenue (Suite T250) New York, NY 10001 212-726-1420 Natural Awakenings Publishing Corporation 4933 Tamiami Trail N., Ste. 203 Naples, FL 34103 NATIONAL TEAM CEO/FOUNDER Sharon Bruckman COO/ FRANCHISE SALES Joe Dunne MANAGING EDITOR Linda Sechrist PRODUCTION DESIGNER Gabrielle Wyant-Perillo FINANCIAL MANAGER Yolanda Shebert FRANCHISE SUPPORT MGR Heather Gibbs WEBSITE COORDINATOR Rachael Oppy NATIONAL ADVERTISING Lisa Doyle-Mitchell © 2022 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Check with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate use of any treatment. Natural Awakenings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink. HEALTHY LIVING HEALTHY PLANET NEW YORK CITY | LONG ISLAND EDITION Natural Awakenings NYC naturalnyc CO-PUBLISHERS Cyrece MichaelLehrmanLehrman MANAGING EDITOR Nancy Somera MARKETING DIRECTOR Roger Dubin SALES DIRECTOR Carol Leitner BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Jordan Peschek DESIGN & PRODUCTION Steffi K. Kern DISTRIBUTION Creative Distribution LIKE US ON FACEBOOK
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We're all just walking each other~Ramhome.Dass T his letter is dedicated to Michael and his mother. A few weeks ago, after 50 years of fighting and surviving cancer, his mom put her sword down at 80 years young. Despite his own untimely bout with COVID during his mom’s final weeks, my husband found his usual way of embodying our article on page 23, “How to Create an Inspired and Empowered Life.”
Even before his mother’s final health battle began, Michael has started each day with meditation and yoga; now, he needed this even more to help him through the difficult days. He practiced walking meditations in the confined space of her room and throughout the beautiful gardens filled with waterfalls, giving him peace and tranquility during the most challenging days and hours.
The article cites “connection” as the first principle to inspired and empowered living, through breath and feeling present. The irony that her breathing woke him in the hospice care room is not lost on me. There are sounds the body emits as it loses its grip on life that are known to anyone who has been with a loved one at the end. Hearing her rapid breathing, he instinctively played her favorite music to help calm down what must have been her fear of finally letting go.
Michael has always been very in tune with his breathing, and he has helped me during times of anxiousness slow my breathing down and channel it in a more calm and symbiotic way. He gave this gift to his mother through music. This was their final connection; without words, their souls came together in one last “Self-Love”breath.isthe second principle. Parent/child relationships can be complex; even though the love is there, it’s not always shown. Learning selfacceptance, self-forgiveness and self-love can ease the empty feelings we may have when we lose our loved ones. May she fly free of pain, and let this letter inspire you to stay present and in the moment, each day of your remaining life.
SEPTEMBER 2022 DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS Thank you for being part of our community! Atlas Orthogonal 15 Aum Shanti Bookshop 41 Awakening Your True Voice 17 Biamonte Center for Clinical Nutrition 40 Bircher-Benner 21 Blue Star Biofeedback 18 Candida R. Diaz 17 Cariodontal back cover Center for Alignment of Body & Spirit 11 Cleansing Concepts 31 CopperZap 46 Doctor’s Biome Probiotic 25 Dr. Howard Robins Ozone Therapy 19 Edward Degel, DDS 41 Finker Wellness 13 Golden Dental 2 Herbasway 10 Holistic Dental & Wellness Center 15 Holistic Networking Group 43 Integrative Dental Specialists 29 Living the Miracle 28 Lithia Mineral Spring Water inside back cover Kate Mansfield Acupuncture 40 KnowWEwell 45 Manhattan Oasis Dentistry 39 Marconics 28 Mr. Natural NYC 42 Namaste Bookshop 41 Natural Awakenings Westchester 35 Nature’s Dental 5 NYU Langone Farmers Market 43 Ojaya 22 Osomate 27 Over 50 Fair 43 Pollack Wellness Institute 4 & 12 Present Center Therapies 43 Sacred Space 69 39 Skin Spa New York 39 The Chemist Shop 8 The Detox Studio 31 The Healing Center 3 Tina Stinson 40 Tori Quisling, MEd 21 Tribeca Integrative Holistic Dentists 42 Ukraine Please Donate 37 United Palace 41 Whole Foods Market 35 Yola’s Child 43 Cyrece 6 New York City – Long Island
letter from the publishers

DEPARTMENTS9communitynews briefs 12 kudos 13 oral health brief 14 health briefs 16 global briefs 17 global event 18 product spotlight 20 eco tip 21 practitioner profile 23 local insights 26 feature 30 fit body 32 healing ways 33 online exclusives 34 green living 36 healthy kids 38 natural pet 40 resources 43 calendars 45 classifieds 30 AGING GRACEFULLY How a Yoga Practice Keeps Us Young 32 HEADING HEADACHESOFF Natural Strategies Help Halt the Pain 34 CONSUMERISMCONSCIOUS The Rise of Sharing and Reselling 36 LEARNING TO GRIEVE How to Help Children Navigate Through Loss 38 HEALTHIER PETS Top Supplements for Dogs and Cats CONTENTS Natural Awakenings | New York City – Long Island | September 2022 GROWING YOUNGER 26 7September 2022

Organic Artisan Eatery & Juice Bar Reopens for Dinner
Location: 37 Broadway, Massapequa, NY. For more information, call 516-798-5670 or visit
After closing dinner operations due to COVID, Organic Corner has finally re opened its restaurant for dinner service and is offering any reader mentioning this news brief a 10 percent discount on dinner through October 31. This completely organic eatery located in Massapequa, Long Island serves a 100 percent gluten-free and plant-based dinner menu. The food is imaginative with a wide range of tastes and flavors. It’s daytime cafe menu has a variety of uniquely mouthwatering concoctions, including smoothies, flavorful nut mylks, fresh cold-pressed juices, tonics and acai bowls.
Organic Corner’s passionate staff works tirelessly to promote, educate and inspire its guests on the overwhelming ben efits of (re)connecting to “real” ingredients and living a more sustainable lifestyle. Spend time in the cozy, hip environ ment getting work done, connecting with family and friends, enjoying a workshop or listening to great music. The daytime cafe is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Saturday. The restaurant hours are from 5 to 9 p.m., Thursday and 5 to 10 p.m., Friday and Saturday.
9September 2022
"Nuts Over Chocolate" smoothieQuinoa Pattie
Location: Temporary studio is in Huntington, NY. Stay tuned for grand opening at 377 S. Oyster Bay Rd., Plainview, NY. For more information, call 631-988-0498 or visit
community news briefs
Claudine Gershowitz is the owner of Inspired Integrative Wellness and Pilates, a studio that combines the art of Pilates with affordable, personalized health and fitness coaching. A certified Pilates instructor since 2006 and a certified health coach from the Institute of In tegrative Nutrition, Gershowitz understands people have differ ent needs, conditions and goals so the right coaching and/or fitness program is not a one-size-fits- all. Gershowitz emphasizes daily exercise not only to build strong muscles and a healthy heart and lungs, but also to feel amazing through appreciation of one’s body. “There are no limits to how far our bodies can take us, if we take care of them,” she says. “And a positive approach or acceptance and determination will lead us to a lifetime of amazing things.” Through education and collaboration, she coaches clients in making happy, healthy choices for the rest of their lives. Clients are given recommendations, tools and support to make positive lifestyle choices and changes for them selves as well as their family, and, over time, they learn how to make balanced decisions that reflect the changing needs and dynamics of the real world that they live in day-after-day. With patience and a focused pres ence, Gershowitz listens to clients’ personal challenges, perspectives and habits related to fitness, eat ing and nutrition, and then together, she and the client develop an ideal program for optimal living. Clients learn how to focus on first provid ing the body with the nutrition that it needs and, more importantly, how other aspects of their lives can impact nutritional well-being.
Pilates and Health Coaching Leads to Optimal Living

10 New York City –
Break Free From Stress and Suffering
Participants receive 12, 90-minute sessions each week to help them clear limiting beliefs and apply the material to their lives. They also receive an introductory consultation with Berlin, inclusion in the private Facebook group for sharing, accountability and community support, and the Living the Miracle digital course to keep forever that teaches the five essential life skills, along with essential homework and exercises to apply to one’s life. “We create massive physical, emotional and spiritual transformations in record time,” says Berlin. “To truly transcend pain and suffering, you must upgrade your level of being, remembering and reinventing who you are, not what you do. It’s getting a new perspective, a new paradigm and a new lens to view yourself first, then all of Berlinlife.”isoffering a free, 30-minute consultation to learn more about the program and to create a deeper con nection to him and his work before signing onto the larger program. Cost: $1997 without discount; limited number of Natural Awakenings read ers receive half off the price. Location: online. For more information,,page28. Long Island
Dr. Mike Berlin
The Living the Miracle program is for anyone who is experiencing stress, worry, guilt, conflict, or emotional pain and wants to be free to live with more profound inner peace, love, spiritualconnection and passionate authenticity. A limited number of Natural Awakenings readers will receive half off the regular price.
community news briefs
Join Mike Berlin (“Dr. Mike) from 8 to 9:30 p.m., Tuesdays, online for on-going Living the Miracle group coaching classes. Specific class dates for the 12-week course are provided after applying. All classes are recorded for viewing outside the live class time.

Tired of mismatches in life, love and business? FREE APP DOWNLOAD 11September 2022
Osomate founder Lotus Huang is a holistic medicine practitioner and licensed acupuncturist with an established practice, Lotus Heals, on Lexington Avenue, in Manhat
Additional services include: Reiki • Acupuncture • Therapeutic Massage Dr. Gina www.align-me.com516-221-3500MarinoCenter for the Alignment of Body, Mind & Spirit 2050 Wantagh Ave. | Wantagh, NY 11793 Serving the community since 1993 Hope, Healing • Heal Your Body • Optimize Your Health We provide Gentle Chiropractic Care for people of all ages in a relaxing, friendly and supportive environment. New App for Finding SpiritualOsomateMatchisafreedating
app with a unique algorithm for match ing scores based on personal ity, zodiac compatibility, animal year compatibility, one’s desired information, an accurate horoscope combining the ancient zodiac system with Chinese and Western astrology is revealed to the user. With this foun dation of knowledge, users can search for matches and see a “match score” that reveals if the two users will truly empower each other. Users draw from a rich foundational knowledge, full of tools to help them learn more about their desires and the desires of others. The app shares with users a specific measurable score that is designed to indicate the energy that could be created with others. It is like a compass, helping users navi gate the sea of options. Balanced relationships, whether romantic or not, inspire a peaceful and successful life.

Finker has been in private practice in Bellmore, New York for almost 20 years. She specializes in women's health and is an expert in natural medicine, offering services in func tional medicine, nutritional counsel ing, fertility counseling, hormone bal ancing and individualized healthcare. She has been on various television programs, radio shows and frequently lectures Additionally,nationwide.Finkerwas the techni cal editor for Boosting Your Immunity for Dummies and Adrenal Fatigue for Dummies, and is currently editing other health books. First for Women's magazine has highlighted her work several times, along with other major journals and publications. Her lat est publication, It’s About Wellness, Naturally, is available on Amazon.
Location: 2308 Bellmore Ave., Bell more, NY. For more information, call 516-765-3272 or visit See ad, page 13. coming in october HEALTHY212-726-1420PLANET
12 New York City – Long Island
Dr. Jillian Finker is once again the winner in the Bethpage Best of Long Island contest for Alterna tive Medicine. This is the fourth time Finker has been selected the best alternative doctor; she also was rec ognized in 2011, 2012 and 2013.
Naturopathic Doc tor and NutritionCertifiedSpecialist

Oral Symptoms of Diabetes Services Include: Conditions Treated: Dr. Finker compassionately guides all of her patients back onto their path of well being. 516.765.3272 2308 Bellmore Avenue, Bellmore, NY Dr. Jillian Finker, ND Naturopathic Doctor ❂ Alternative Medicine ❂ Women’s Health ❂ Wellness Programs ❂ Nutrition ❂ Personalized Healthcare ❂ Pain Management ❂ Thyroid Issues ❂ Diabetes ❂ Insomnia ❂ Anxiety ❂ NOW OFFERING: Breast Thermography including Full Body Scans Healing with UnderstandingHealing with Understanding Now Taking AppointmentsVirtual 13September 2022
oral health brief Uncontrolled diabetes leads to a host of complications, including a higher likelihood that oral health problems will develop. This is because uncontrolled diabetes weak ens white blood cells, which are the body’s main defense against bacterial infections that can occur in the mouth. Some of the oral symptoms that might suggest diabetes include dry mouth, gum inflammation (gingivitis) and periodontitis. This is the result of decreased saliva flow, causing dry mouth, and the thickening of blood vessels, slowing the flow of nutrients to and waste products from body tissues, including the mouth. Since periodontal disease is a bacterial infection, people with uncontrolled diabetes might experience more frequent and more se vere gum disease. Other complications include slow healing of oral tis sues after oral surgery and other dental procedures due to damaged blood flow. Thrush, with its accompanying burning mouth or tongue, is also common among diabet ics because this mouth fungus thrives on the high glucose levels in the saliva of people with uncontrolled diabetes. If any of these symptoms are present, consult with a doc tor or dentist to rule out diabetes. If a diabetes diagnosis is given, prevention can go a long way in maintaining good oral health. It is vital to follow good oral hygiene practic es, pay special attention to any changes in the mouth and call a dentist immediately if any changes occur. Sugges tions to prevent or reduce oral health problems include:
• Brush teeth after every meal. Use a soft-bristled tooth brush.
• Remove dentures and clean them daily.
• If a smoker, talk to a doctor about ways to quit. Sourced by Dr. Jonathan Richter, DDS, FAGD, owner of Cariodontal, is located at 310 E. Shore Rd., Ste. 101, Great Neck, NY (516-282-0310 /, and Manhattan Oasis Dentistry, 525 West End Ave., Ste. 1G, New York, NY (212-874-2880 / ManhattanOasis See ads, pages 39 and back cover. Jonathan Richter, DDS, FAGD
• Get teeth and gums cleaned and checked by a dentist at least twice a year.
• Prevent plaque buildup on teeth by using dental floss at least once a day.

In a study published in Cancer Discovery, re searchers at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center reported that vitamin E can enhance immunotherapy responses in cancer patients by stimulating the activity of dendritic cells in tumors. Combing the records of patients with melanoma, breast, colon and kidney cancers that were being treated with immunotherapy, they found that taking vitamin E improved survival times and boosted treatment responses. In laboratory work, the researchers demonstrated that vitamin E directly binds and blocks the activity of the SHP1 checkpoint protein in dendritic cells, which primes T cells for an anti-tumor immune response. “This study broadens our understanding of factors that can influence responses to immunotherapies,” says author Dihua Yu, M.D., Ph.D. Unlike chemotherapy, which acts directly on cancerous tumors, immunotherapy treats patients by revitalizing their immune system and “teaching” it how to identify and destroy cancer cells.
Fermented Dairy Helps Sidestep Depression
Vitamin E Enhances Cancer Immunotherapy
14 New York City – Long Island
studies showed a link between beta-carotene and lung cancer, it was removed from the formula. Two carotenoids found in the retina—lutein and zeaxanthin—were added, and the formula was rebranded as AREDS2. In a new, 10year, follow-up study by the National Eye Institute (NEI), AREDS2 was found to reduce late AMD symptoms an ad ditional 20 percent compared to the original formula. “This 10-year data confirms that not only is the new formula saf er, it’s actually better at slowing AMD progression,” says Emily Chew, M.D., lead author of the study and director of the NEI Division of Epidemiology and Clinical Application.
Sales of fermented dairy products like yogurt and kefir have been steadily rising in the U.S., and a new study from Australia’s Deakin University might accelerate that trend. Researchers examined 24 years of nutritional and health data from 2,603 Finnish men between 42 and 60 years old. They found that men that ranked in the top third of consump tion of non-fermented dairy products such as milk and cream had double the risk of depression, while those in the top third of consumption of fermented dairy products like kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream and butter milk enjoyed a 45 percent reduced risk of depression.
Nettle Root Improves Prostate Symptoms
Revised Supplement Formula Slows Macular Degeneration
An enlarged prostate, known as benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), afflicts half of men by age 60 and 90 percent of men by age 85. Although it isn’t cancer ous, treatment can involve medications and surgery. European doctors often prescribe the herb nettle root, and Iranian research ers tested its effectiveness in a study that divided 80 BPH patients into two groups. One was given 300 mil ligrams of nettle root extract twice a day for eight weeks; the other group received a placebo. The researchers found the nettle root significantly improved urinary frequency, urinary urgency and night urination compared with the placebo group. It was not effective in modifying prostate volume, the feeling of incomplete emptying, intermittency, urine stream and straining.
health briefs
Age-related degenerationmacular(AMD), the most common cause of blindness in older Ameri cans, became less of a threat in 1996 when the national Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) verified that certain gression.andvitamintrients—beta-carotene,nuC,vitaminE,copperzinc—sloweditsproButafterother

Norman Bressack, D.D.S., P.C. has been dedicated to practicing healthy holistic dentistry for over 35 years. He is not only a mercury free dentist but a “mercury safe” dentist as well. Meaning that he uses safe removal protocols to ensure the protection of the patient, staff, environment and himself from exposure to mercury during the amalgam removal process.
Dr. Bressack’s mission is to treat his patients in the most healthy, caring, compassionate, and holistic way possible. Most importantly, he wants his patients to feel warm, welcome
AdventuresChildhood and Team Sports Boost Well-Being
• Metal Free Braces – Clear Aligner Therapy • Metal Free Zirconia Implant Placement • SMART Certified Safe Mercury Removal
Dr. Rizvi offers a full range of Dental services, treating both adults and children. In association with Dr. Norman Bressack, Dr. Rizvi provides all of Dr. Bressack’s services as well as:
and happier when they leave than when they came in. • Member of The International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology • Member of the International Association of Mercury-free Dentists • Trained At The Huggins Diagnostic Center HOLISTIC DENTAL & WELLNESS CENTER • Mercury Free & BPA Free Composite Fillings • 90% Less Radiation with Computer X-Ray Imaging • Over 45 Years Experience Dedicated to our Patient’s Needs • Non-Surgical Periodontal Treatments with Scientifically Proven Results • Metal Free Crowns & Cosmetic Dentistry • Teeth Whitening • Oral Pathology Screening with Velscope • Tens Cam Treatments – Energetic Healing for Pain & Inflammation • Ozone Therapy • Free 15 min Consult for 2nd Opinion of Proposed Treatment • Natural Bone Grafting with Stem Cells and PRF – Platelet Rich Fibrin HOLISTIC DENTAL & WELLNESS CENTER DR. NORMAN BRESSACK | DR. BATOOL F. RIZVI 1692 Newbridge Rd., N. Bellmore, NY 11710 | 516-221-7447 |
Batool F. Rizvi, D.D.S., P.C. strives to keep her patients smiling from the inside out. She believes in a holistic approach to health care. Her gentle touch, excellent listening skills and thorough explanations keep her patients educated, happy and healthy.
Dr. Rizvi offers her Dental services with an integrative and systemic philosophy in mind. She is one of the few doctors placing metal-free Zirconia Implants, and safely removing mercury fillings using the Huggins Protocol.
Cano/Unsplash.comCrehuetAdrià 15September 2022
The pandemic has challenged both children’s learning environments and their emotional well-being, but new research shows that playing adventurously outdoors and partici pating in team sports can help lower their mental health risks. Research ers from the UK University of Exeter surveyed nearly 2,500 parents of 5-to-11-year-olds in the UK and Northern Ireland. The study found that kids that climbed trees, rode bikes, jumped from high surfaces and had other outdoor adventures without adult supervision experi enced a lower incidence of anxiety and depression, and were more upbeat during the COVID-19 lock down. In another study, research ers from California State University, Fullerton, found that kids in team sports like volleyball and soccer, but not others in individual sports like gymnastics and wrestling, did better emotionally and mentally. Analyzing data from 11,235 kids between 9 and 13 years old, they found that com pared to kids that did not participate in sports, those that were on teams had a lower incidence of attention issues, social problems, anxiety, de pression and withdrawal. Kids that participated in individual sports had higher levels of those mental health challenges.

Neoscapebyrendering global SeattlebriefsProviding
A rooftop solar array and 1,182 solar panels on the sides will adorn an eight-story, $40 million, high-rise planned for West Melbourne, Australia, to provide the office building with most of its power. Avancis, a German firm producing glass panels containing solar cells, will supply the solar skin. Architect Pete Kennon says, “These things are possible, and the fact that a building can harness the sunlight from its own skin, it sounds like something you dreamed of, or you saw in a cartoon.” Generating 50 times as much power as a typical home rooftop solar array, the solar skin will save an esti mated 77 tons of CO2 emissions each year. Although this will be the first in Australia to use the panels, several projects in Europe have been built with the technology, including the world’s largest wooden sky scraper in Skellefteå, Sweden. “It feels urgent to innovate our building technologies to more sustainable methods,” says Kennon. “Collecting solar is a natural trajectory on our large-scale projects, particularly in locations that have great access to sunlight.”
16 New York City – Long Island
Electric Vehicle Chargers on Utility Poles
As people switch to electric vehicles (EV) to reduce their emissions, some homeowners and apartment dwell ers without installthings2030,belowemissionsreduceofdisadvantage.infrastructurechargingareataThecitySeattlesetagoaltotransportation83percent2008levelsbyandtomakeeasier,theywillchargersonlo
Common California Bumble Bees Go Missing
The Western bumble bee, once easily spotted in Cali fornia, could not be found in a recent survey led by the University of CaliforniaRiverside (UCR). The first statewide census of Califor nia bumble bees in 40 years found several other species absent, as well. UCR ento mologist Hollis Woodard’s research group collected bees from 17 sites representing six different ecosystems previously known to host a large variety of bumble bees, as documented in the journal Eco logy and Evolution. One of the missing species, the Western bumble bee, is an important pollinator of wild plants and crops. “We didn’t find it, even once,” says Woodard. This study was an effort to document changes in bumble bee populations across large geographic areas in Califor nia since the last one in the 1980s. Smaller-scale studies have documented significant declines in bumble bee pop ulations around the world due to climate change, develop ment of wild habitat and the use of bee-killing pesticides, so it is important to have data that documents bee health.
Bumble bees can fly in cooler temperatures and lower light levels than many other bees, helping to pollinate crops worth $3 billion annually in the U.S., including tomatoes, peppers and cranberries.
Australian Office Building to Feature Solar Facade
The Curbside Level 2 EV charging program is available to anyone on a first-come, first-serve basis. The person making the request must own or plan to own an EV within the next 12 months, and their ex isting address must not offer off-street parking (where they could buy their own). Once a request is made, the utility will evaluate the area and ask for input betheychargersposeownerspropertyneighboring50IfEVstallingbeforeneighborsfrominanewcharger.morethanpercentofopthe,willnotinstalled.
cal utility poles on demand. Seattle City Light will conduct the project as part of a more extensive portfolio of trans portation electrification investments and services to help the utility service area transition to zero-emission electric transportation options. Residents can accomplish some emission reductions with public transit, biking, walking and other options, but many still rely on personal vehicles for some trips.

Jean is a member of the faculty of the the Graduate School of the Arts at Columbia University and one of fewer than a dozen people personally chosen by Carl Stough to teach his principles of breathing coordination. Reestablish your natural coordinated way of breath ing. Strengthen your voice and lungs. Revitalize your body and mind. Includes almost two hours of video presentation and exercises, written explanation with graphics, and a half hour Skype or video lesson with Jean. $50 for Natural Awakenings Readers
For more info, visit
Carbon Labels Cut ImpactEnvironmentalofDining
The Inspiration Of Breath
Making changes while shopping at supermarkets, restaurants and with delivery apps can change minds about sustainable options and garner public support. Psy chologist Ann-Katrin Betz and her colleagues at Germany’s University of Würzburg studied the design of restaurant menus and tested how adding carbon labels indicating the greenhouse gas emissions per dish and changing the most prominent menu items to foods with a lower impact on the climate affected the choices people might make when diningWhenout.people were given menus with the low-emission option as the default, the share of high-emission choices decreased by an average of 31.7 percent. When given menus with carbon labels, the emissions associated with their dish choices averaged 13.5 percent lower per dish. Combining carbon labels with prominent placing for lowemission options appears to have the greatest effect. Other strategies might include increasing the availability of plant-based options; making them more prominent elsewhere (the meat aisle); and renaming veggie options to make them sound more appealing (slowroasted, butternut squash and seasonal vegetable lasagna versus vegetarian lasagna). Multiple practices are needed to persuade people to adopt sustainable diets, so all of these methods are just the beginning of a shift away from high-emission food by overcoming unconscious barriers.
17September 2022
Established in 1981, the United Nations-sanctioned International Day of Peace, or World Peace Day, is a holiday observed around the world on Septem ber 21 each year. The 2022 theme is “End racism. Build peace.” To that end, the General Assembly has dedicated this day to observing 24 hours of non-violence and Secretary-Generalcease-fire.António Guterres says, “But achieving true peace entails much more than laying down arms. It requires the building of societies where all members feel that they can flourish. It involves creating a world in which people are treated equally, regardless of their race.”
global PeaceeventDay Addresses Global Racism

product spotlight
On September 13, 2014, The New York Times pub lished an opinion by Dr. Anna Fels entitled “Should We All Take a Bit of Lithium?” The article states that lithium has been known for its curative pow ers for centuries, if not millenniums and mentions that Lithia Springs, Ga., with its natural lithiumenriched water, appears to have been an ancient Native American sacred site. The article quotes: “By the late 19th century, Lithia Springs was a famous health destination visited by Mark Twain and Presidents Grover Cleveland, William Howard Taft, William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt.”
Georgia’s Lithia Spring Water Returns to New York City
Lithia Spring Water is a premium boutique brand and is not mass produced. A proprietary manufacturing process ensures the retention of Lithia Spring Water’s natural healing properties. Directly from the pristine, sacred healing spring, the water is fed into a specially made 5-liter eco-friendly spout bag. Each 5-liter spout bag captures and retains freshness, ionic conductivity, lithium bicarbonate (LiHCO3) and other healthful micronutrients. Nothing is added or taken away. It is like drinking from the ancient Smiling Turtle Water Currently,Temple. Lithia Spring Water is seeking to authorize a few fine health food stores in the New York City area to carry its product. Interested health food store owners or buyers can call 678465-8486 to discuss product place ment opportunities. To order direct and receive a 10 per cent discount, call 678-465-8486 or visit and use discount code AWAKEN10%OFF. See ad, inside back cover. Our entire body continually vibrates at a subtle level, moving energy and information through our connective tissues. The L.I.F. e . Sy ST em scans nearly 7,000 energy patterns. By identifying which energy vibrations are out of balance, the system can put them back into harmonic balance, allowing your body to return to a state of rest and healing.
From 1888-1914 Lithia Spring Water was New York City’s most popular bottled water brand. It was prized as a medicinal mineral spring water that was cherished for its therapeutic health ben efits for both body and mind. The source of Lithia Spring Water is extraordinary. For thousands of years this water of legends has flowed from a prehistoric, megalithic water tem ple guarded by a gigantic smiling turtle, carved from quartz-laden, granite rock. The spring’s rare mineral composition creates America’s only com mercial source of natural alkaline lithium mineral spring water. This scarce, health-boosting water has up to 25 times more micronutrients than bottled water brands.
L IS a D O y L e - mIT che LL • Certified Biofeedback Specialist by the Natural Therapies Certification Board 239.851.4729#5771 Follow!com these emcounteractpowerfulbiostrongestdesignedbeautifulinterchangeable,pieceswiththeneodymiummagnetsandgemstoharmfulFs. Now Offering 18 New York City – Long Island

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So finally, you can stop wasting your money on products that have been shown to have virtually no value and take one that will really make a difference.
Doctors Biome Colon Health™. After years of costly research, in answer to over coming all the concerns and problems with probiotics
Dr. Jeff Gordon of “60 Minutes” said, “Despite disagreement about how or whether today's probiotics work, every scientist we spoke with was hopeful about the possibility of improving health by manipulating the microbiome”.
This is what was found and explains the comments and results of the researchers.
What makes this new, first of its kind probiotic so special is that it combines 15 strains of PATENTED (they have letters and numbers after their names), LIVING (when you swallow the delicious 100% organic vegeta ble-fruit juice they are ‘awake and alive adults’), NEXT GENERA TION SMART BACTERIA that are made and laboratory tested to survive the stomach 85+% and populate the wall of your gut.
If you have any questions or wish to set up a consultation, feel free to call my office at 212-581-0101, to discuss your problem and see if this wonderful treatment is fright for you. See ad, page 3. Copyright 2020. All rights reserved.
Extensive use and testing on patients by doctors from around the country have proven its benefits.
Professors Eran Elinav and Eran Segal at Israel's Weizmann Insti tute of Science collected thousands of samples from a small group of adult volunteers who were given probiotics following multiple endoscopies and colonoscopies to see what was in their gut. Half of the individuals were given placebos and half probiotics in very large amounts. What they found was that the probiotics, go in and just go out and they don't populate the gut. They were shocked!
D o you have a healthy gut? Why are probiotics so important?19 September 2022
ALL my patients need probiotics as my intravenous ozone therapy will destroy all bacteria, just not as fast as antibiotics. This is what led me to find a product that can really work. Is there an answer? Is there a product that can reallyFinally,work?YES!
“But it says they were alive at the time of manufacturing on the label”. Yes, they are supposedly in “suspended animation” but most are dead and those that are not will not come back to life even if they survive the stomach.
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Dr. Howard Robins reach your gut and the rest rarely if at all populate the gut wall as discussed and proven above by the researchers.
“Smart” bacteria can sense they're attached to your intestinal cells, and then remodel their expression of specific genes, includ ing those involved in metabolism, to beneficially exploit your cells and colonize your gut.
From the Desk of Dr. Howard Robins at The Healing Center in New York City…
To answer these basic but very important questions it is important to understand the following facts, many of which are simply Probioticastounding!bacteriahelp digest your food in exchange for a warm, safe place to live. They help process the food we eat, they make vitamins, they're able to produce essential amino acids (the basic proteins we need daily) and they're able to talk to and educate our immune system.
Have you ever had an antibiotic? Even once in your Lifetime?
You may say “I take a capsule, powder, or tablet probiotics everyThoseday”.probiotics are virtually 90+% destroyed in the stom ach by the stomach acids and digestive enzymes. They never
In fact, it was said, “All disease begins in the gut”, attributed to the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. On a recent CBS News show “60 Minutes” on probiotics Dr. Patricia Hibberd, an infectious disease specialist and a professor of medicine at Boston University, was asked, “Is there convincing evidence that commercially available probiotics have been found to be beneficial for reducing diarrhea from antibiotics, treating irritable bowel syndrome or decreasing allergies?” Her answer was, “NO!”. She went on to say “The whole idea that maybe throwing in good bacteria that we would take by mouth that hopefully would land in the right places in the GI tract and work with the immune system, we just don't know how to do any of that.” A major cause of confusion may be the placebo effect whereby some people using probiotics may feel better because they expect to feel better.
Well, guess what, all your good gut bacteria are gone! Antibiotics kill the good boys off with the bad bacteria rapidly.
Doctors, Biome Colon Health™ was finally created.

This school season, families have an opportunity to make Earth-friendly decisions as they prepare their children for a successful educational experi ence. These tips balance sustainability against kids’ desires for the coolest, newest gadgets and garments.
Before going to the store to buy new school supplies, search the house for items that can be reused or repur posed, such as half-spent notebooks or last year’s pens and pencils. A little elbow grease and TLC can refurbish old lunchboxes and backpacks—also af fording an opportunity to teach kids how to repair and extend the life of items.
Kids that have outgrown last year’s threads and are clamoring for a whole new wardrobe can be cheerfully introduced to the burgeoning used clothing market, which is both ecoresponsible and budget-friendly. Resist the temptation to purchase cheap “fast fashion” that too quickly ends up in landfills and pollutes the environment by using toxic dyes, fossil-fuel-derived textiles and other bad chemicals. Donate old clothes instead of throwing them away.
20 New York City – Long Island
Buy Secondhand Clothes
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
Buy SchoolEco-FriendlySupplies
If the family lives reasonably close to school, encourage kids to walk or bike. For young children that require supervision, enlist one or more adults to lead a convoy of walking or biking kids. School buses and carpooling are the next best eco-friendly choices. When transporting kids by car, make sure to turn the engine off while wait ing in the pick-up or drop-off line. En gine idling is a significant air polluter.
Avoid anything plastic, including single-use water bottles and Ziploc bags. Reusable, stainless steel, food and drink containers, as well as light weight, reusable bamboo utensils, are ideal. Homemade, whole and bulk foods are healthier and much more Earth-friendly compared to prepack aged snacks that are usually wrapped in plastic and jam-packed with sugar and other unhealthy ingredients.
Walk or Bike to School
Back to School with the Planet in Mind eco tip
Opt for durable items that are made with recycled or sustainable materi als and use minimal packaging. Avoid items made of plastic. Buy used text books whenever possible.
Pack a Non-ToxicWaste-Free,Lunch
Model StewardshipEnvironmental
Show kids that the family embraces an eco-friendly lifestyle. Kids will watch and learn as their parents regularly bring reusable shopping bags to the store, frequent local small businesses, participate in commu nity cleanup efforts and continually search for innovative ways to safe guard the planet.
Collette Schildkraut is a transfor mational therapist primarily helping women break free from the genera tional cycle of negative body image and a diet-filled life. A licensed mas sage therapist, she is also certified in emotional freedom technique (EFT), or tapping, rapid transfor mational therapy, conversational hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). Schildkraut has always been drawn to helping people. In a desperate struggle to figure out what was going on with her own food cravings, binge eating and constant diets, she managed to get to the root cause of her problems using a unique blend of healing modalities. Now, Schildkraut is determined to help other women struggling with weight to think, feel and behave differently around food, fixing the problem forever.
Schildkraut Transformational Therapist
Center for Clairvoyant and Intuitive
To schedule a virtual consultation, email or visit
“The way the world perceives women and their expecta tions of them is creating almost impossible standards to live up to,” she says. Her own healing journey made her realize that individuals need to heal from the inside out.
Development When You Find Out About These Magical Stones and How to Work with Them, You’ll Call Yourself a Clairvoyant Practitioner Too! Get practical, hands-on information so you can begin using crystals in your life immediately along with helpful techniques and photos from Clairvoyant Practitioner Tori Quisling. Enter your name and email address at this link to get instant access! Feeling Spiritually Awakened? For 35 years, Tori has helped thousands of spiritual seekers who lack confidence find their purpose, develop their intuition and enhance their spiritual practice. Tori is also a medium helping you connect with loved ones and baby spirits for fertility! Programs online and in-person in Port Washington, NY. Schedule your 20 Minute Free Clarity Session: NEW! Offering RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy) Hypnotherapy Sessions DEMENTIA EDITION BIRCHER - BENNER Subscribe to our newsletter BIRCHER - BENNER How to cure 21September 2022
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Schildkraut is a great listener and communicator, a nec essary skill for helping clients get to the underlying prob lem of why they are stuck in an emotional eating pattern. With her guidance, women can finally quit dieting and learn to reconnect with their bodies and eat for a healthy body, much like a child does. In the process of changing the way they eat, a deeper transformation occurs in her clients and they completely change how they feel about “Ithemselves.amalways thrilled by the transformation I see in every client. With freedom from constant food anxiety they are given a new view of their life. It never gets old,” she says.

PROFOUNDLY easier and far more potent than guided meditations, mindful practices, or any tedious efforts to “watch your breath,” the ancient OJAYA Deep Meditation “Armor” technique quickly settles you down into a calm state of deep, blissful, rejuvenating rest. It’s totally effortless, and so powerful that you do not need to meditate long hours. Just 10-20 minutes attacks and dissolves the deep roots of anxiety, lethargy and stress. Brain fog evaporates and your vital energies get recharged in mere minutes — the perfect antidote to the fatigue and frenzy of life in the real world , , , and a rare ancient beauty secret for healthy youthful aging
OJAYA makes you strong from the inside — so you can get out there to do something even greater. Closely guarded for generations, these classic secrets of the OJAYA “Armor” technique are now revealed to you on our exquisitely beautiful videos — produced with love in the Earthborn Rainforest. Learn OJAYA on our site — start now free. 10-20 minutes.
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To wake up each day and feel happy to be alive and inspired to create is possible. Every day we can feel empowered to speak our truth, set limits and boundaries and practice essential self-care. To do this, begin with practicing the following three principles:
How to Create an Inspired and Empowered Life by Nanci Deutsch
The first principle is connection. We can learn to develop a greater con nection with our feelings, our breath and our body, and practice becoming present by grounding. One of the ways to ground is by feeling our feet on the earth, whether in nature or at home. Bring awareness to the sensations as you place your feet in the sand, on the grass or even on the wood floors and carpet of your home. Breathe it in. Before we can make a deeper connection with others, connecting with ourselves is crucial.
Another aspect of this principle is to make a deeper connection with oneself and the universe by having more self-awareness, spending time in solitude and connecting to the deeper and higher aspects of oneself such as our Higher Self (a wise and unconditionally loving part of ourselves) and our soul. The second principle is self-love. The more we learn to love and believe in ourselves, the more our lives will change. Learning how to connect more deeply with ourselves will foster more self-love. Learning self-acceptance, self-respect and self-forgiveness are all important aspects of self-love. No matter where we are on our path of growth, expanding into more self-love is Weessential.areinfinite beings having a human experience and part of that experience is learning to love ourselves. We can choose to love ourselves in any moment, by placing a hand on our heart, feeling it’s beat, connecting to our breath and saying, “I choose to love me.” Making it a choice is empowering.
local insights
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The third principle is making decisions and acting by first tuning into and listening to our intuition. Our intuition is our gift from the Divine that can guide us every step of the way to creating a life we love. Before we can tune in, we need to quiet our mind or clear our energy, ask for guidance, and then allow the answers to be received. Tools such as meditation, prayer, yoga and jour naling can all be ways to clear our energy so we can connect more deeply to ourselves and receive the guidance that wants to come through.
Square West, NYC 23September 2022
the West Village NYC
Nanci Deutsch is a licensed clinical social worker, a certified hypnother apist and an intuitive breakthrough expert. She is the host of a TV show, Inspired & Empowered Living, which streams live every Tuesday at 11 a.m., on and is a podcast on To receive her Intui tive Decision-Making Meditation, visit updatestioncom/meditation.InspiredAndEmpoweredLiving.Formoreinformaandtoreceiveemailsand/oraboutherupcomingevents,call1-877-HiNanci,,orvisit Street, & Union

Dr. David Pollack, DC LAc CFMP, is a chiropractor and acupuncturist. He also has advanced studies in nutrition, Traditional Chinese Medicine and botanical medicine. His practice, Pollack Wellness Institute, is located at 66 Com mack Rd., Ste. 204, Commack, NY. For more information, call 631-462-0801 or visit ads, pages 4 and 12.
local insights 24 New York City – Long Island
Problems Within Thyroid Diagnosis
For those interested in reversing and healing Hashimoto's, a systematic approach of healing all the areas involved is necessary. Healing the gut, restoring and detoxifying the liver, unclogging the lymphatic system, balancing all the hormone systems of the body and ridding the entire body of inflammation are some of the most important steps in healing Hashimoto's. Appropriate treatments are neces sary, such as acupuncture, dietary modification, passive detoxification and other methods to speed up and more deeply heal the body. There are effective strategies to reversing Hashimoto's and attaining high energy, losing weight naturally and living life to its fullest.
In Hashimoto's, however, either or both the TG bus and TP enzyme is destroyed by the body's confused and hyperactive immune system resulting in a diagnosis of thyroid problems. No where is a slow or sluggish thyroid described. In fact, someone’s thyroid could be pumping out T4 because their body is screaming that metabolism is low, but no buses come to transfer it to the liver. The result would be an excess of T4 sitting in the thyroid but not the blood. The thyroid is not slow; the issue is one of trans portation and conversion. The excess T4 that piles up in the thyroid can lead to a nodule or cyst.
by David Pollack, D.C. Typically when learning of a thyroid problem, most people are led to believe that their thyroid has slowed down for some reason. Few get more details beyond a cursory mention of a high blood level of thyroid-stimulating hor mone (TSH) meaning a slow thyroid. These patients are prescribed medications like levothyroxine, synthroid and sometimes natural bio-identical hormones like Armour Thyroid and Nature-Throid, marketed to normalize thyroid levels and balance the metabolism. Despite the medication, many still feel the same hypo thyroid symptoms: fatigue, weight gain, brain fog, aches and pains, lack of motivation and more. In most cases, the problem lies within the diagnosis. The most common type of hypothyroid problem is called Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. It is an auto-immune disease and accounts for nearly 70 percent of all hypothyroid issues. The hallmark of Hashi moto's is the autoimmune process, not the slowing of the thyroid. In fact, the thyroid doesn’t slow at all; if anything, it tries to speed up. Our thyroid produces two hormones: Tetraidothyronine, or T4, and the forgotten hormone, calcitonin, which helps control how the body uses calcium. T4 is the weak inacti vated thyroid hormone that must be converted into T3, the active form. To do that, our T4 thyroid hormone jumps on a thyroglobulin (TG) bus. This protein bus, which is made by the liver, brings the T4 back to the liver. It is primarily in the liver that T4 is converted to T3, the active form, by the enzyme thyroperoxidase (TP), also made in the liver. The T3 then boosts our metabolism and life is good. *This o er cannot be combined with any other discounts and exclusive to rst time customers only. Taking our probiotics daily can help you: Looking for a probiotic to improve your gut issues and overall health and wellness? A proprietary blend of 15 patented, scientifically-backed strains of probiotics in an organic vegetable-fruit juice. Replenish healthy bacteria in your gut Rebalance your gut microbiome Boost your immune defense Enhance metabolism of nutrients and vitamins Get your first online order 20% OFF Just enter the promo code AWAKEN20 at check out. Scan this code with your mobile device for more info.

Functional medicine, with its focus on the biologybased root causes of disease, is also a rising star in the arena of age reversal.
Until recently, age was determined by the year on our birth certificate, but “bio age” is the new number to pay attention to. It might not only predict health outcomes down the road, but also add years to our lives. In groundbreaking work in 2017, anti-aging researcher Steven Horvath at the University of California, Los Angeles, used algorithms to calculate biological age on the basis of how extensively our genome is modified by a process called DNA methylation. Researchers are now understanding what factors can turn on positive gene expressions and turn off those that may activate life-threatening diseases.
by Marlaina Donato L
Age Is Not Just a Number
No matter which path we follow to aging vibrantly, the most inspiring takeaway is that lifestyle, not genes, determines destiny. “On average in the United States, the last 16 years of life are spent with multiple diagnoses and on multiple medications. We are giving our hard-earned money to pharmacies, hospitals and nursing facilities,” says Kara Fitzgerald, a naturopathic doctor in Newtown, Connecticut, and the author of Younger You: Reduce Your Bio Age and Live Longer, Better. She and other researchers contrast “lifespan”, the years from birth to death, to “healthspan”, the years spent in good health free of age-related disease and disability. “Lifespan is not necessarily health span, and we can change that,” she says.
ongevity, a human quest through the ages, is now a hot topic among scientific researchers that assert there has never been a better time to maximize our potential for metabolic renewal. Biological age—the state of our health at the cellular level—is in the spotlight, as are the anti-aging benefits of science-supported phytonutrients, cell-rejuve nating foods and safe, non-surgical, stem cell procedures.
“Bio age is how fast our bodies are aging, and aging is the main risk fac tor for all diseases, including Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia Long Island
26 New York City –

Chronic systemic inflammation is now understood to be the physiological springboard for most diseases ranging from cancer to depression, but its connection to uric acid is critical in produc ing free radicals that accelerate aging. “Unfortunately, most doc tors look upon uric acid solely as a risk marker for gout. We now recognize that uric acid serves as a powerful signal in the body to prepare for food and water scarcity,” says neurologist David Perl mutter, author of The New York Times bestseller Grain Brain and the recent Drop Acid, a guide to lowering uric acid in the body. “Uric acid levels above 5.5 milligrams per decilitre trigger the body to raise the blood pressure, increase the blood sugar, become insulin-resistant and increase the formation and storage of body
The results, published last year in the journal Aging, showed that three years of bio age were reduced in the target group in just eight weeks compared to the control group. “What we eat, our stress load and our response to it, the quality of the air we breathe and if we exercise are all drivers or reducers of our bio age. Knowing this, we absolutely need to take responsibility for our lives,” says Fitzgerald. This bio age reversal is good news when we look at the grim statistics. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Cancer Society, approximately 610,000 people die of heart disease in this country each year and more than 600,000 Americans are predicted to succumb to cancer this year alone.
The Trifecta of Acid, Inflammation and Stress
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Molecular Magic Harvard genetics professor David Sinclair, author of the seminal Lifespan: Why We Age—And Why We Don’t Have To, discovered antioxidant-rich resveratrol in grapes in 2003. Since then, he and other researchers have found additional compounds with the ability to activate longevity pathways. Nicotinamide adenine di
supplements are also on the market, but consuming foods like naturally fermented sauerkraut, raw milk, nutritional yeast and pumpkin seeds is also a good strategy.
SIRT6, an enzyme in close relationship with NAD and respon sible for many molecular anti-aging processes, including DNA repair, is abundant in seaweeds, especially the strain Fucus vesi culosus, commonly known as bladder wrack. Research published in the journal Marine Drugs in 2017 indicates bladder wrack’s anti-inflammatory and anti-tumoral properties, as well as its potential to protect the liver and normalize high blood sugar and bloodFisetin,pressure.apowerful flavonoid found in certain foods like strawberries, peaches, apples, persimmons, tomatoes, onions and cucumbers, rivals ever-beneficial quercetin. Research published last year in the European Journal of Pharmacology cites fisetin’s numerous potential benefits for neurodegenerative condi tions such as Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke and vascular dementia.
and neurodegenerative disorders,” says Fitzgerald, noting that only 10 to 20 percent of longevity outcomes are genetic. Fitzgerald and her team drove this point home with the first randomized, controlled study on the power of lifestyle and diet to turn back the biological age clock. Based upon functional medicine, the program enrolled 18 healthy men between ages 50 and 72 in a target group and 20 in a control group. Those in the target group ate a nutrient-rich diet, slept seven hours a night, practiced relaxation techniques and took supplemental probiot ics and phytonutrients. They ate only between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., exercised for at least 30 minutes five days a week, avoided sweets and consumed two cups of dark, leafy, greens and three cups each of cruciferous vegetables and colorful vegetables daily, as well as six ounces of animal protein.

Eating to reduce inflammation is key, and there is power on our plates when we add some of Fitzgerald’s longevity boost ers like turmeric, green tea, shitake mushrooms, wild-caught salmon, eggs, liver and sunflower seeds. A study last year in Ex perimental Gerontology reported that the amino acid L-theanine, found particularly in green tea, reduced oxidative stress, liver degeneration and inflammatory responses in aging rats.
Radical Renewal Without Surgery
inflammation, which is the cornerstone of all chronic degenera tive conditions,” says Perlmutter. “Those conditions as a category are ranked by the World Health Organization as the number one cause of death on our planet today.”
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Marlaina Donato is an author, composer and painter. Connect at No matter which path we follow to aging vibrantly, the most inspiring takeaway is that lifestyle, not genes, determines destiny.
Fitzgerald concurs, “Excessive inflammation—an imbalanced immune response—accelerates the aging process, and it increases with stress. Stress is the gasoline on the fire of aging.”
“Stem cells improve DNA methylation and telomere length, and result in a reduced physiologic age compared to your chron ologic age,” says Chadwick Prodromos, a Chicago-based, boardcertified orthopedic surgeon and the founder of the Prodromos Stem Cell Institute, in Antigua. “Joint replacements are offered quite liberally nowadays, but most of our patients with severe arthritis who were offered joint replacements do well in our care without them for virtually any joint in the body.” Prodromos and his team combine umbilical cord-derived stem cell treatment (non-embryonic/fetal) with specially selected nutritional supple ments and in some patients, platelet-rich plasma and hyaluronic acidEveninjections.withexciting advances in the promotion of long life, ex perts are unanimous in stressing that going into our golden years disease-free begins and ends with individual lifestyle choices, starting with what we put in our mouths. “Diet is the most criti cal variable in terms of our metabolic destiny. It’s been said that a person can’t exercise away a poor diet, and there’s great wisdom in this statement,” says Perlmutter.
“While stem cell treatment has been quite effective, it is impor tant to remember that avoiding chemicals in the environment, exercising vigorously and maintaining a low BMI [body mass index] are clearly the most important factors in good health,” advises Prodromos.
In the daily survival game, the body’s stem cells generate special ized cells to replace those throughout the body that are dam aged and dying. This ongoing repair process slows down as we advance in years, but cutting-edge procedures offer new hope for conditions ranging from arthritis to age-related brain fog.

My Dentist Says I Need a Root Canal, What Should I Do?
The most feared dental news from a dentist is “You need a root canal!” Dr. Jeffrey Etess says, “Do not fear,” as root canals are often over-recommend ed and unnecessary. Skill and expertise are not necessarily synonymous with every dentist. Technique is the key to success. Some people experience tooth pain and/or sensitivity from an improp erly placed dental composite filling and are then told they need a root canal.
Root canals get a bad rap because 74 percent of general dentists per form the procedure without a sterile barrier, commonly referred to as the rubber dam. With no rubber dam, the root canal becomes contaminated with mouth germs from the very beginning, thereby never having a chance for success. A poorly executed root canal can lead to systemic illness. Dr. Etess has treated many failed root canals properly resulting in improvement or disappearance of the patients lingering autoimmune dysfunction. More than 50 percent of the root canals undertaken by Dr. Etess are failed root canals. “Do it right or do not do it at all” is his mantra. He incorpo rates cutting-edge root canal cleaning and disinfection protocols, including but not limited to photo acoustic/photo mechanical laser, ozone and intra-root canal ultrasonic shockwave cavitation root canal therapy. It is the best root canal therapy available, and Dr. Etess refuses to be anything less than the best. All the materials used are bio compatible and biomimetic in nature. Some patients are convinced that biological root canals, even those that Dr. Etess provides, are still “dead vesicles” harboring bad bacteria that will cause them harm. What if the tooth can be made alive again? With ToothRegenesis it can. ToothRegenesis is a proprietary procedure which com bines all the disinfection protocols of Dr. Etess’ biological root canal with the regenerative properties of the patient’s own stem cells from their platelet rich fibrin (PRF) derived from the patient’s own blood. This has been a GAME CHANGER in a patient keeping their own tooth. Dr. Etess prides himself on bringing you top-notch, unmatched care. We work toward one standard, the HIGH EST standard. If you are looking for the finest, safest, healthiest and most predictable results to correct your dental issues that are supported by the most advanced dental technology, contact Integrative Dental Special ists to make an appointment with Dr. Etess today. More info: Email "Dr Jeff": Long Island: 516-253-1800 245 Hillside Ave, Williston Park, NY Manhattan: 212-845-9740 120 E 56th St, New York, NY Advertorial 29September 2022
tegrative ntal cialists Long Island: 516-253-1800 245 HIiiside Ave, WIiiiston Park, NY Manhattan: 212-845 9740 120 E 56th St, New York, NY Dr. Jeffrey Etess, DMD, NMD, IBDM Biomimetic Cosmetic Dentistry & Implant Surgery Endodontic Dental Surgical Specialist IVY League Trained, Top 10% of Class Board Certified Naturopath 23+ Years of Practice Email "Dr Jeff": drjeff@ldsll com "We're not waiting for the future in dental care... we're creating it." Our Family of Informational Websites I I www allonimplant com I www I • Biomimetic Cosmetic Tooth Rejuvenation & Reconstruction • Minimally Invasive Comprehensive Dentistry • IAOMT "SMART" & Safe Mercury Filling Removal • Flouride, BPA, Mercury-Free Biocompatible "White Fillings" • Life-Like Natural Chroma/Value/Hue Color Matching • Meta-Free Crowns & Bridges (Same-Day 3Shape Ceramic Crowns Available) • Biolase iPlus Laser Peria/Gum Therapy • Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique/Minimal Invasive Gum-Lift • Next Generation Digital Dentistry (3D Impressions, 3D Printing, 3D Milling) • Lowest Radiation Digital X-Ray & 3D Cone Beam Jaw Scan • Gum & Bone Tissue Regeneration Utilizing Advanced Grafting Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) & Stem Cell Recruitment) Our Brands: • Biological/Integrative/Holistic Laser & Ozone Dentistry • Single & Multipe Dental Implants (Titanium or Metal-Free Zirconium) Reconstruction w/Guided Real Time Computer Assisted XGuide Available! • Proprietary Customized Dental Treament Planning Biological & Regenerative (Tooth Regenesis) Ozone Laser Root Canals • Therapeutic Trigger Point Injections Utilizing Ozone for Oral, Facial, & TMJ Pain • All Phases of Orthodontics - Including Metal-Free lnvisalign or Clear Correct • Orofacial Aesthetics & Lip Rejuvenation w/Natural Fillers TMJ Functional Therapy • Titanium Metal-Free Zirconia and the all NEW hybrid TitaniumZirconium Hybrid Implant 0,V\,,-oNim;:,l.<:?,i,7(�) Schedule your visit TODAY and DISCOVER what YOU 1 VE been missing!

“What I learned is that we need four es sential physical skills to navigate through life as we age—strength, flexibility, balance and agility—and we get that from yoga. We can find independence in our everyday life, and we don’t need a vigorous yoga class to do that,” says Ruth Pipitone, a gentle yoga instructor at various studios and senior centers in Northeastern Pennsylvania. For those that only associate the practice with youthful bodies and hip yoga gear, yoga is a full-spectrum practice. “Anyone can do yoga—gentle yoga, chair yoga and even wheelchairAccordingyoga.”toa 2016 study of 227 par ticipants reported in the journal Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, just 12 minutes of daily gentle yoga over 10 years improved bone mineral density in the spine and upper legs. About four in five participants had osteoporosis or osteopenia (low bone density), indicating that yoga is a good strategy for the 10 million Americans over the age of 50 with osteoporosis and the 44 million with osteopenia. For Terecita “Ti” Blair, yoga offered a new way of life after a catastrophic automobile accident in 2009. The Denver-based trauma and resilience educator and 2017 Silver Sneakers Instructor of the Year says, “Virtu ally any style or type of yoga can appeal and work well for you today, but not tomorrow. Therefore real ‘yoga’ is about adaptability, and yes, those of us with compromised joints, immune systems, pain, disability and illness can absolutely benefit from yoga.”
Ancient Moves for Modern Life
Those with conditions ranging from cancer to Parkinson’s disease can reap benefits from an appropriate yoga environ ment. In 2021, a meta-analysis of 12 stud 30 New York City – Long Island
PeopleImages/ Gracefully
fit body Aging
I n 1967, Tao Porchon-Lynch left a successful Hollywood career as a model and actress to become a fulltime yogi in her 50s. At age 87, she added ballroom dancing to her list of passions and at 93, she landed in the Guinness World Records as the oldest yoga teacher on the planet. She continued to teach a weekly yoga class just days before her death at age 101. “I love seeing students realize what is possible,” Porchon-Lynch said in an interview, and her words are an added incentive to reap the many benefits of a regular yoga practice at any age. Whether it involves getting down on a mat or practicing modified poses with the use of a chair, yoga helps us to stay nimble, manage stress, reduce symptoms of depres sion and tame high blood pressure. Yoga has been around for thousands of years for good reason, and health organizations like the Johns Hopkins Arthritis Center are now recommending the healing modality for a better quality of life.

The keystone of all yoga practice is working with the breath, an action that is naturally compromised by just getting out of bed and into the day’s challenges. “Most adults breathe from their chest. That’s where we activate the stress response of fight, flight or freeze. We need to use the lower lungs, too, so we can activate the parasympathetic nervous system to find calm,” says Pipitone Blair, who specializes in helping others to find emotional equilibrium after trauma, concurs: “The nervous system is symbiotic with the breath, and vice versa. A long, deep inhale and a long, slow exhale can act as an immediate elixir for the nervous system to recognize that, in that moment, we are okay.” She has taught groups of people, some in wheelchairs and hospital beds, and she “still experienced the entire room shift when breathing together. As long as we are able to consciously notice breath, we can do yoga.” No matter how many trips we take around the sun, tapping into the life force can give us a new perspective. “I use asana (yoga poses) to examine my thoughts and feelings and to find introspection to exam ine what is happening with myself physi cally, as well as mentally and emotionally,” says Pipitone. “You become more mindful of what you need to carry with you and what you don’t need to carry with you.” In essence, we deepen as we age, and yoga can meet us on a multidimensional level. “Yoga does not have to mean poses. Possibilities are infinite, and adaptations are unlimited, based upon our needs,” says Blair.
The Breath of Now
To empower individuals to live a healthier lifestyle on a healthier planet.
To educate communities on the latest in natural health and sustainability.
ies published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that yoga can increase muscle strength, mobility, balance and lower body flexibility in mature adults. An older study from Temple University showed that Iyen gar yoga can improve balance and prevent falls in women over 65 years old.
To connect readers with local wellness resources and events, inspiring them to lead more balanced lives.
Connect with Maya Whitman at
mission statement
31September 2022
Find some Tips for Getting Started

tion. Headaches can also be provoked by certain allergens, such as cigarette smoke, exposure to harsh chemicals in cleaning or beauty products, mold, dust, caffeine, alcohol and fermented foods.
healing ways
by Carrie Jackson
eadaches are one of the most common pain conditions in the world. According to the Cleveland Clinic, up to 75 percent of adults have had a headache in the past year. While symptoms vary in scope and intensity, understanding the un derlying cause of a headache can lead to better treatment outcomes. Most headaches can be treated holistically, and lifestyle modifications can be key to lasting relief. There are more than 150 types of headaches, with the most common being tension, mi graine and cluster. Migraine attacks, which according to the Migraine Research Founda tion affect 12 percent of people in the U.S., are about three times more common in women than in men. Classic symptoms, which can be mild to severe, include throbbing or pound ing pain located in the sinuses, forehead, back of the head or one of the temples
Triggers Migraine can be triggered by changes in the weather, fatigue, stress, anxiety, insufficient sleep, dehydration and hormonal changes, according to the American Migraine Founda
Heading Off Headaches
According to Alexander Feoktistov, M.D., Ph.D., founder of the Synergy Inte grative Headache Center, in Chicago, many headaches are caused by some form of stress. “Both physical and emotional stress can manifest with headaches. These are often triggered by changes in a routine or schedule, which throws the body’s regula tory rhythm off. Skipping meals, varying 32 New York City – Long Island

your sleep patterns and exercising incon sistently can all confuse the body and lead to a headache, varying in intensity from dull and distracting to severe and debili tating,” he explains.
Supplements Help
Feoktistov recommends that patients experiencing headaches start with lifestyle modifications and over-the-counter meds such as ibuprofen. “Practice good sleep hygiene, stay hydrated by drinking water and minimizing caffeine, and introduce meditation as a way of focusing on what’s physically and emotionally going on in your body,” he says. “If headaches disrupt your daily routine, are severe or frequent and/or poorly controlled with over-thecounter medications, it’s time to seek help from a headache specialist or other medi cal professional who can work with you on a path to healing.” Carrie Jackson is a Chicago-based writer and frequent contributor to Natural Awakenings magazine. Connect at Most headaches can be treated holistically, and lifestyle modifications can be key to lasting relief.
meat, fatty fish and legumes.”
“The best acupressure point for head aches is the soft skin in-between the thumb and pointer finger. Massage it for 20 to 30 seconds at a time to relieve pain or hold it for 10 seconds,” she says. “Mi graines are caused by vascular dilation in the head, so I recommend putting your hands and feet in hot water or taking a bath to stimulate blood flow away from the head to the rest of the body.”
Try Acupuncture or Acupressure Evidence suggests that acupuncture is ef fective in relieving the pain of headaches by changing the flow of energy, increasing blood circulation, releasing endorphins and relaxing muscles. Acupressure and other techniques can be done anywhere, says chiropractor and acupuncturist Michele Renee, director of integrative care at Northwestern Health Sciences University, in Bloomington, Minnesota.
Nutritional supplements can also be helpful, Renee says. “Increasing nutrients such as magnesium, coenzyme Q-10 and riboflavin can help minimize pain. Before stocking up on supplements, be sure to consult with a holistic practitioner to make sure you are making the wisest and safest selections for you. Many nutrients can be found andgreens,late,darkfoodscommoninlikechocoleafyseedsnuts,
Don’t Forget Exercise
The Mind-Body Connection While not completely understood, mental stress and anxiety can also be a trigger. “The mind-body connection is fierce,” says Christina P. Kantzavelos, a licensed clinical social worker who specializes in chronic illness and pain at Begin Within Today, in San Diego. “It’s important to keep in mind that pain literally originates in the brain. I use a Constructed Aware ness approach with clients and bring curiosity to the pain they are experienc ing, including headaches. What thoughts and emotions are coming up when they focus on the pain?” she says. “Physical symptoms are often the manifestation or tangible evidence of what is going on in your unconscious mind. Our bodies self-criticismstate.emotionalingdependorstrongerbecomeweaker,onourFear, and invalidating the self can be the root of a headache.”
Renee also suggests maintaining a regular exercise routine to ward off headaches. “The less active someone is, the tighter their muscles are and the more likely they will experience headaches. Make sure to get out for a walk every day, or try running to keep the body and mind moving. Yoga is another great activity as a mindfulness practice that decreases stress and also keeps the body moving to eliminate tension.”
Good Practices
Find additional articles and videos online at . Go to the Home page and click on the “In This Issue” image in the right column. CONSCIOUS EATING FOODBestMADEDEHYDRATIONEASYWaystoPreservetheHarvest INSPIRATION LIVING LIFE IN FULL COLOR WISE WORDS LISSA RANKIN on the Mysteries of Healing 33September 2022

by Sheila Julson
T ucked into the Blue Ridge Moun tains of North Carolina, Asheville is a DIY kind of community, attracting artists, musicians, yoginis, homesteaders and other folks looking to live a simpler life. When they garden and undertake home repairs, Ashevillans find it easy to cut expenses: They’ve formed a collective tool shed, the Asheville Tool Library, which offers them the use of 2,000 donated tools ranging from safety goggles to leaf mulchers and circular saws. Conscious Consumerism
“When you need a pressure washer once a year or decide to put in a garden, you don’t really need to own those tools,” says treasurer Stephanie Kane. People are allowed to take on projects they couldn’t otherwise afford, she says, “or they utilize existing skills to build the life they want, or even get a business off the ground.”
34 New York City – Long
To combat inflation, which is squeezing family budgets, Americans are increasingly exploring shared resources and eco-friend ly alternatives like thrift stores, flea markets
AshevilleToolLibrary.orgofcourtesyImage and rummage sales. Often aided by online technology, local shared enterprises and secondhand shops are saving people money and reducing the impact of excess consumerism on the environment.
green living
Another way that people share resources is through Little Free Libraries—the charming “library on a stick” boxes on neighborhood posts and fences that give away books to passersby. It began in Hud son, Wisconsin, in 2009, when Todd Bol built a tiny model of a one-room school house as a tribute to his deceased mother, an educator and voracious reader. He stocked it with books and put it on a post in his front yard for neighbors and friends. The concept became so popular that he built more and gave them away. Today, more than 150,000 Little Free Libraries are found in communities worldwide. Island
Neighborly Sharing More than 50 tool-lending libraries ex ist in cities like Denver, Seattle, Atlanta and Washington, D.C., allowing people to “cut down on waste and overbuying, while helping out neighbors,” reports The Washington Post. Typically, they are staffed by volunteers and supported by nominal, income-based annual fees. Starting a tool-lending library begins by connecting with other people in the com munity, using local online groups and coop bulletin boards to attract volunteers and donations, or hosting a drive for people to clean out their basements, Kane says. As memberships grow, additional tools can be purchased and employees can be hired. Web site design and inventory tracking in Asheville and elsewhere is simplified by the “library of things” software from

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Sheila Julson is a freelance writer and regular contributor to Natu ral Awakenings magazine.
Read "Warnings for Secondhand Shoppers: Safety and Quality Control Tips" at
35September 2022
Online Pluses and Minuses
Secondhand Thrifting Whether housed in a local storefront or existing digitally online, resale shops have become big business due to pandemic-inspired decluttering and belt-tightening pursuits. Industry analysts expect thrift store clothing sales to grow globally 11 times faster than fast fashion and to be worth twice as much, at $84 billion, by 2030. Buying secondhand benefits not only shoppers, but also local governments struggling with the expense of operating landfills. Hennepin County, Minnesota, which includes Minneapolis, has resolved to send zero waste to its landfills by 2030. Part of this effort includes the Choose to Reuse campaign, which encour ages people to shop secondhand as a way to save money, help the environment, reduce packaging, support local businesses and find uniqueNonprofititems.thrift stores like Goodwill Industries and The Salva tion Army or those run by longtime charities like the American Cancer Society and Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani mals have well-established reputations and proven track records. Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore has more than 900 locations nationwide, offering an ever-changing stock of secondhand furni ture, household items and building materials like doors, windows and lighting fixtures. On the other hand, for-profit thrift stores, even if they claim a link to a worthy cause, often donate a much smaller percentage of profits to charity and are reluctant to release financial figures, reports
An influx of online resellers adds even more choices for second hand items. Although they make shopping more convenient, online sites carry risks: In 2019, the Federal Trade Commission reported more than 173,000 instances of online shopping fraud. When shopping online for secondhand items, experts advise, it’s wise to shop and pay on a trusted website or app, and to avoid us ing a personal debit card. Be sure there are photos of the product. On sites like Craigslist, eBay and Facebook, check each seller’s rating and thoroughly review all buyers’ comments before making a purchase.Withalittle enterprise, savvy and flexibility, mass consumerism can be circumvented by sharing community resources and fre quenting quality secondhand stores. As Kane puts it, “The sharing economy is essentially about leading a less consumerist lifestyle.”

According to Papageorge, her book is intended to serve as a roadmap through grief that parents and kids can read together. “It’s important to acknowledge
healthy kids
In My Yellow Balloon, an award-winning children’s picture book, a little boy named Joey comes to love the lemon-colored balloon he receives at a carnival. Tied to his wrist, it isn’t just Joey’s favorite toy, it also becomes a loyal companion through many fun adventures.
The beginning pages of My Yellow Balloon are rendered in full color to illustrate Joey’ s innocence. He has never known pain. After he loses the balloon, the ensuing pages turn black-and-white. “Loss is disorienting. I wanted to give kids that visceral under standing that it feels like the whole world turns upside-down and you just have to sit there helpless and watch your balloon float away—watch your life as you knew it get ting away from you,” Papageorge says.
“At first, Joey misses his yellow balloon all of the time, then he misses it most of the time, then a lot of the time and then just some of the time, and the color slowly comes back into his world. At the end, when he says, ‘I still miss you, but when ever I see the sun, I’ll feel you with me,’ that’s when the color has shadow, light and range, because when you go through a profound loss and feel your feelings, you can see the world with greater depth and empathy for those around you.”
by Sandra Yeyati
Learning to Grieve
A dults often want to shield children from suffering, but that isn’t always possible or advisable. Loss and grief are natural parts of life. Acknowledging and express ing uncomfortable feelings are necessary lessons in being human, and while there is no right way to grieve, adults can provide gentle guideposts. Most importantly, kids need to know that they aren’t alone as they process complicated emotions and inte grate lessons of empathy and acceptance.
One day, the string slips off his wrist and Joey’s best friend flies away, catapulting him on a journey through grief. “The yellow balloon is a metaphor for all kinds of losses—divorce, death, grade school graduation,” explains the book’s author and certified grief worker Tiffany Papageorge. “We think of loss as the death of a person, but loss can also be any change, transition or disappoint ment—big or small. The older we get, the more we shake them off, but some disap pointments can feel big in the moment, especially for little kids.”
36 New York City – Long Island

Expressive writing (journaling using emotion words) promotes regulation of the nervous system, which in turn lowers that stress response and creates physiological relief, Collins notes, adding, “Scientific data suggests that the metacognition involved in identifying feelings and writing feeling-based words in narratives improves immune and liver function, elicits higher quality-of-life scores and improves psychological well-being.”
yganko/ PLEASESUPPORTUKRAINEDONATE.THANKYOU!ORGANIZATIONSACCEPTINGDONATIONSTOHELPTHEUKRAINIANHUMANITARIANCRISIS: UNICEF | Doctors Without Borders | CARE International Medical Corps | Sunflower of Peace International Committee of the Red Cross Save the Children | UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) 37September 2022
and validate the pain a child is experiencing,” she says. “When a toddler throws a tantrum at the store, instead of ignoring them or telling them to stop it, say ‘I know you’re disap pointed and sad. I understand that; it doesn’t feel good. I’m here with you.’ Something magical happens when anyone at any age is acknowledged and understood.”
According to Brittany Collins, an educator, curriculum designer and author of Learning from Loss: A Trauma-Informed Approach to Sup porting Grieving Students, “Grief elicits a fight-or-flight stress response, and chronic exposure to high levels of stress hormones can have deleterious effects on develop ment, especially in adolescents when the prefrontal cortex is still in development. At the same time, neuroplasticity, the ability of the brain to grow, change and adapt at any point in life, is also at play. So, adolescence is a wonderful moment to introduce teens to coping strategies they can use throughout their life, whether that’s mindfulness, different types of emotional regulations, storytelling activi ties, meditation, journaling or yoga.”
Adults should resist the temptation to jump in and assume they know what’s best for a grieving child, Collins coun sels. “Ask open-ended questions like, ‘What would be most helpful to you in this moment?’ or, ‘What makes you feel calm or connected?’ Find ways to inspire introspection and reflection without telling young people that we know the answer.” Making space to remember a lost loved one or to honor something we’ve lost can be healing for both kids and adults. Collins sug gests that we ask kids how they’d like to memo rialize a loss, preferably in community. Maybe they want to plant a tree in honor of someone’s memory or create a fundraiser for a cause that the loved one cared about. Ultimately, the greatest gift we can give grieving children is our presence. According to Collins, one of the best predictors of adjustment is a psychological concept called “perceived sup port availability.” Letting young people know that we’re think ing about them and that we’re there if and when they need us can go a long way.
Collins suggests that caring adults shift their mindset away from being a savior, because grief is not something to be fixed or solved, and instead serve as a facilitator of connection. “Think about what form of outlet might resonate with young people and shift the onus away from one adult being the person that says and does the right thing, and instead wrapping a community around them for support,” she says. Helpful resources include mental health profes sionals; youth engagement programs where kids experiencing loss can share and learn from each other; and activities that offer release and friendship, such as theater, dance, sports or music.
Sandra Yeyati, J.D., is a professional writer and editor. Reach her at
When we lose a loved one, we lose what psychologists call hidden regulators—sensory facets that subconsciously make us feel that things are okay in the world. It could be the sound of a parent’s car pulling into the driveway after work or the smell of a loved one’s cologne. Collins says that teachers and parents can counterbalance a destabilizing loss by introducing routine and predictability in children’s schedules, perhaps starting class the same way every day with a five-minute free-write, or scheduling regular visits with a special mentor or relative every Saturday. Kids come to rely on such anchors in times of stress, upheaval and loss.

As a result, probiotics are useful for treating dogs and cats with a variety of medical problems, including leaky gut syndrome, acute non-specific gastroenteri tis, antibiotic or other medication-induced diarrhea, allergies, stress, obesity, neuro degenerative disorders, high cholesterol levels, inflammatory and irritable bowel disorders, and GI and parasite infestations.
natural pet
Vitamins, Minerals and Joint Support
Fatty Acids
A good fatty acid fish oil supplement is also important. There are many brands on the market; some offer the flexibility of being administered either as a liquid (pump) or gel capsule. Phytoplankton, which serves as a food source for fish, is the source of the active ingredients docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).
Enzymes and Probiotics
he market for pet products is awash with supplements, so it’s not surprising that it can be challenging to figure out what a dog or cat really needs. The foundation of any healthcare program for dogs and cats, regardless of age and breed, is a healthy diet, well-chosen and appropriate supplements, minimal vaccines and medications, and veterinary check-ups.
Digestive enzymes are used in supplemental form to improve or increase digestion and nutrient absorption. They can be derived from pancreatic, plant or microbial sources
Basic helpful additions to a pet diet include a vitamin-mineral product, an enzyme and probiotic combination, and a fatty acid. For older animals, a choline supplement may delay the onset of cognitive disorder. Any tweaking of diet and supplements should follow regular testing that may diagnose a disease in its early stages. Here’s an overview of the top basic supplements every dog or cat should have.
such as bacteria or fungi. Enzymes are important especially when the animal’s digestive processes become exhausted or inefficient, such as during periods of stress or such gastrointestinal diseases as acute gastroenteritis, pancreatitis or either liver or inflammatory bowel disease. Enzymes may also be helpful for cancer, allergies andProbioticsarthritis. are living, healthy bacteria and yeasts, many of which are a part of a dog’s or cat’s microbiome. They can assist with healing in a variety of ways, including producing healthy fatty acids; decreasing the attachment of harmful bacteria and yeasts to the intestinal walls; increasing antibody production; support ing immunity; restoring healthy GI flora; and reducing inflammation.
Healthier Pets
Fish oil tends to be derived from cold-wa ter fish rich in EPA and DHA such as wild (not farmed) salmon, mackerel, sardines andThisherring.isbeneficial for the treatment of heart disease and may reduce atheroscle rosis, thrombosis (blood clots), coronary heart disease, arrhythmias, heart failure, 38 New York City – Long Island
To provide immune and antioxidant support, and to bolster digestion, skin and coat health and overall wellness, a basic supplement should contain vitamins and minerals as well as small amounts of glucosamine and chondroitin for joint support.
Probiotics may also be helpful for middleaged and older dogs and cats, because GI microbial diversity diminishes with aging.

sudden cardiac death and stroke. Due to its anti-inflammatory effects, fish oil is often used for dogs and cats for the treatment of skin problems, arthritis and cancer, along with heart, inflammatory bowel, autoim mune and kidney diseases. It may reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radia tion therapy in cancer patients, decrease cancer growth and metastasis, and reduce wasting in undernourished animals.
Choline For dogs and cats 5 years old and up, a choline (phosphatidylcholine) supplement addresses aging changes that affect the brain and can lead to cognitive disorder. Choline is a component of several major phospholipids that are critical for normal cell membrane structure and function. The body uses it to maintain water balance; to control cell growth and gene expression; as a component of lung surfactant; and most importantly, to produce the major nerve transmitter acetylcholine. It may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by lower ing homocysteine levels. Choline is used to treat high cholesterol, improve memory and protect the liver. It may prevent fatty liver syndrome (espe cially in diabetics), help prevent or treat cognitive disorder and support liver func tion. It may reduce insulin requirements in diabetics and can reduce seizure frequency. Supplements other than these can be used as needed, based on the results of diagnostic testing and regular veterinary health exams. Under the guidance of a holistic or integrative veterinarian, supple ments can add to a dog’s or cat’s health and longevity. Shawn Messonnier, DVM, owner & Claws Animal Hospital and Holistic Pet Center, in Plano, Texas, is the author of several books on veterinary medicine. Under the guidance of a holistic or canveterinarian,integrativesupplementsaddtoadog’sorcat’shealthandlongevity.
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natural solutions for patients with difficult dental issues and those who seek just a good family dentist. Our recently renovated, stateof-the-art facility, offers among other things, laser dentistry, metal-free implants, non-in vasive oral cancer screening, ozone and al ternatives to surgery and root canal.
include Colon Cleansing, Ionic Detox Foot Baths, BELD Lymphatic Drain age, Therapeutic Cup ping, Infrared Sauna & Wellness Cocoon, FIT Body weight loss wraps, and Ear Candling. We also created our own line of digestive care products, including Detox Clay and Es sential 4 Digestion Kit, that can be delivered right to your doorstep. See ads, pages 31. NEW YORK CITY | ISLAND
frustrated with their past health care; con ventional or holistic. Most seek help with their thyroid, weight loss, digestive disorders, hormone imbalances including infertility, menstrual & Low T. We accept those with or without diagnosis, complex and simple dis orders. Most insurance policies accepted for many services. See ads, pages 4 & 12.
Online Retail SACRED SPACE 69, LLC Theresa Mayo Angela https://sacredspace69.comSacredSpace69@gmail.comBrooklyn,ValerosoNYSacredSpace
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Roger InstagramMrNaturalNYC@gmail.com917-699-6492Dubin@MrNaturalNYCMymission
69 (SS69) is Gen-X Owned. Filipina Owned. We are Wellness Enthusiasts and Light Workers. SS69 sells a vari ety of offerings from crys tals and bracelets; to a wide array of tarot card decks, space sprays, handmade candles, and soaps that help with holistic healing. Journey with Us, as we welcome YOU to our Tribe. See ad, page 39.
is to connect people with the beauty and health benefits of hiking and nature. I share this on my In stagram and practice it by supervising over 60 miles of trails in Harriman State Park and being a hike leader and naturalist for the Nature Place Day Camp. I am also the Marketing Director for Natural Awakenings where I help people and businesses further healthy living on a healthy planet. Email me for hiking tips and route suggestions. Find Hikes: Expose your kids to Nature:
CLEANSING CONCEPTS 269 East Main St, Suite Smithtown, NY • 631-656-6313 825 East Gate Blvd. Garden City, NY • CleansingConceptsworld.com516-640-5322Ourservices
~ Nicholas Sparks Holistic Dentistry NATURE’S DENTAL 50 Broadway, Greenlawn • NY 11740 631-316-1816 • NaturesDental.netWhatismadeby nature is always going to be better than what is artificially made. This is why at Nature’s Den tal the conservation of your natural tooth structure— the Biomimetic approach to dentistry—is at the core of our minimally in vasive practice philosophy. See ad, page 5.
•UtilizingDrFinker.comNaturopathic Medi cine to help her patients feel better naturally. Many illnesses can be treated by nutrition, botanicals, and nutraceuticals. Dr. Finker provides personalized health care solutions for her patients. See ad, page 13.
MARCONICSMarconics Robin Landau, Master Teacher Marconics.comRobinjoylandau@gmail.com516-369-3653
POLLACK WELLNESS INSTITUTE 66 Commack Rd, Commack NY 631-462-0801 •

offers Clairvoyant Readings, Psy chic Development classes. Over 20 years experience, training at the Berkeley Psy chic Institute, Tori assists you in deep spiritual answers, past lives, relationships and energy balance. See ad, page 21.
YOLA'S CHILD Rev. Nancy Dominique Dessables, LMSW Glen Oaks, 516-703-4616NY•
JUMPSTART YOUR HOLISTIC PRACTICE / BUSINESS Carol Leitner, MBA. Fridays, September 16 & 30 noon-1pm Carol Leitner, a marketer and certified Kripalu Yoga instructor, is accepting clients and holistic doctors/practitioners for her September program. Included is business and holistic/spiritual coaching by Carol and her team of experts on effective marketing and use of social media (Facebook and Linkedin); networking that works; creating alternative income streams; raising the emotional temperature of potential clients; showing your value and charging appropriately, etc.
Spiritual Counseling
Spiritualyolaschild.comCounseling (SC) is a gentle, caring, therapeutic ap proach that honors your unique spiritual beliefs. It is not about proselytizing but rather about honoring what spiritual ity means to you. SC can help you cultivate a deeper sense of peace, experi ence greater joy, find meaning and purpose, and heal from life's inevitable traumas and setbacks. Schedule a 40-minute pro-bono ses sion with me today. Together we will develop a fee structure that works for you.
READINGS & CLASSES 516-423-1794 •
Michael Mongno, MFT, Ph.D, LP Upper West Side •
Ozone Therapy DR. HOWARD ROBINS The Healing Center 200 W 57th St, Ste 807, NYC 212-581-0101 •
Immerse yourself in the energies of Ascension with like-minded seekers as you explore the deeper truths of humanity’s origins and your role in the shifting galactic paradigm. discount September 16 - 20 Long Beach, NY October 8 - 12 Lake Worth, Fl Robin Landau, Marconics Master Teacher
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Part health/wellness fair and part activities/ lifestyle expo for adults age 50+. Over 50 exhibitors and over 20 classes plus energy healings, health evaluations, chair massage, singles lounge, dance demo, and photo booth…all free with admission. Sunday, September 18 10am-4:30pm Tickets are $5 in advance, $7 at the door, and free for Veterans with ID. Melville Marriott, 1350 Walt Whitman Road, Melville, NY 11747.
Upcoming Workshop: Marconics Levels I - III Certified Practitioner Training Register for one Level or all three at a
Leitner will market a networking event for the client, who will then present services and products there. The client will also have the opportunity to have an article published in Natural Awakenings magazine.
Info: Call 516-242-8270, email
if your condition can be treated, call or email Dr. Robins today. See ads, pages 3 & 19.

WANTED | Seeking an entry level clinical assistant position, in a ho listic health-minded practice. Recent CUNY graduate with B.S. in Holistic Healthcare. Prefer Lower Westchester or NYC metro area. Please Contact Nanci: 917 569-1811.
Classified rates are $1 per word, per month. To place a listing, email content to
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NATURAL AWAKENINGS READERS | We want to spotlight one of you in the next edition. To learn more, please NYC FITNESS PRACTITIONERS | We want to spotlight one of you in the next edi tion of Natural Awakenings magazine. Please email to learn more. ROOMMATE WANTED FOR GOR GEOUS HOME in the Lake Waubeeka Community, Danbury, CT. Available October 1. Single lady, non-smoker, nature lover, cat lover, quiet, responsible, and spiritual. Shared bath, access to the entire house, gorgeous kitchen, etc. $1000/month. Email me at: for more details.
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PUBLISHER | Have you dreamed about owning your own business, or thought about owning a home-based franchise? Are you passionate about living a healthy lifestyle, and enjoy sup porting health and wellness businesses? Natural Awakenings Westchester-Put nam-Dutchess franchise is for sale. Visit: to learn more. income opportunities FANTASTIC $ 10 SPECIAL | each FLU-RICE POLISHING POWDER ELECTROMAGNETIC PREVENTION CALL JAN 718-624-3750. help wanted BE A PART OF SOMETHING BIG | Work from home FT/PT. Turn your passion for wellness into a paycheck! Be at the intersec tion of the booming natural health field and work from home in an e-commerce industry. Contact Cindy Rosenbaum of Rosenbaum Wellness. 914.806.6559.
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Iyear.coldsgetIhappened.never“Theexclaimed.hecoldusedto2-3badeveryNowusemy device whenever I feel a sign I am about to get sick.” He hasn’t had a cold in 10 years. After his first success with it, he asked relatives and friends to try it. They all said it worked, so he patented CopperZap® and put it on the market. Soon hundreds of people had tried it. 99% said copper worked if they used it right away at the first sign of germs, like a tickle in the nose or a scratchy throat. Longtime users say they haven’t been sick in years. They have less stress, less medical costs, and more time to enjoyCustomerslife. report using copper
Copper can stop a virus before it starts
Hundreds of studies confirm copper kills viruses and bacteria almost instantly just by touch. That’s why ancient Greeks and Egyptians used copper to purify water and heal wounds. They didn’t know about viruses and bacteria, but now we do. “The antimicrobial activity of copper is well established.” National Institutes of Health.Scientists say copper’s high conductance disrupts the electrical balance in a microbe cell and destroys it in seconds.TheEPA recommended hospitals use copper for touch surfaces like faucets and doorknobs. This cut the spread of MRSA and other illnesses by over half, and saved lives. The strong scientific evidence gave inventor Doug Cornell an idea. He made a smooth copper probe with a tip to fit in the bottom of the nostril, where viruses collect. When he felt a tickle in his nose like a cold about to start, he rubbed the copper gently in his nose for worked!”seconds.60“It
New research: Copper kills viruses in seconds. ADVERTORIAL
Nature’s Virus Killer
Statements are not intended as product health claims and have not been evaluated by the FDA. Not claimed to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
By Doug Cornell
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against:Thehandle is curved and textured to increase contact. Copper can kill germs picked up on fingers and hands after you touch things other people have touched. The EPA says copper works just as well when tarnished. Dr. Bill Keevil led one of the science teams. He placed millions of viruses on a copper surface. “They started to die literally as soon as they touched it.”
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Scientists have discovered a natural way to kill germs fast. Now thousands of people are using it against viruses and bacteria that cause illness. Colds and many misery.andtheythemyoumultiply.nosegetwhenillnessesotherstartvirusesinyourandIfdon’tstopearly,spreadcause
“It saved me last holidays. The kids all got sick, but not me.”

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