Natural Nutmeg April 2010

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April 2010




Connecticut's Resource For a Healthy, Active, Sustainable Lifestyle...Naturally Special Issue on Autism

The Light of Hope Healing Autism Jared Skowron, ND Tom Moorcroft, DO

Thriving in Difficult Times Bernie Siegel, MD Integrative Manual Therapy for Autism

Ayelet Connell-Giammatteo, PT,IMT.C

P.E.B.B.L.E.S. Autism Transition Technology

Eco-Destinations Miami, FL

Celebrate Earth Day April 22nd

April 2010


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April 2010

Sunshine in a bottle....



Vitamin D deficiency is a growing problem with serious consequences… According to a study entitled The vitamin D epidemic and its health consequences1, vitamin D deficiency is recognized as an epidemic in the United States. Vitamin D deficiency can manifest itself in a myriad of different ways that extend beyond bone health, including cardiovascular problems, blood sugar imbalances, and cognitive impairment. Vitamin D and the Sun Sunlight exposure to the skin is the best and only natural source of vitamin D. We make an estimated 90 percent of our vitamin D naturally from sunlight exposure to our skin. An increased need for Vitamin D in the winter… Unless you’re lucky enough to live in a place that enjoys year-round sunshine, you’lll likely see a decrease in your vitamin D levels during the winter. But even in a mild winter, the northern half of the U.S. simply doesn’t receive enough UV to power sufficient skin production of vitamin D. Emulsi-D3™ is a pleasant tasting, naturally emulsified liquid Vitamin D3. Unlike most other liquid Vitamin D products available, Emulsi-D3™ is a convenient, pleasant tasting and easily mixed formula. A natural, self-emulsifying technology allows us to produce a 2,000 IU per drop formula that quickly and completely disperses in liquid. Presented in a 1oz squeeze bottle, Emulsi-D3™ makes taking vitamin D very simple and accurate:

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Reference: 1. The vitamin D epidemic and its health consequences. Holick, MF; Boston University School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Section of Endocrinology, Vitamin D Laboratory • 1 (800) 367-4325

Emulsi-D3™ and other DFH Products are available exclusively through health care professionals. For more information, you can contact the following HCPs in Connecticut: • Dr. Frank Aieta ND, West Hartford 860-232-9662 • Alternity Healthcare, LLC, West Hartford 860-561-2294 • Caskey Wellness Center, Middlebury 203-758-1765 • Coastal Chiropractic, Mystic 860-572-7711 • Desert Light Health Associates, Bloomfield 860-761-2489 • Eclectic Naturopathic Medical Center, LLC, Newington • 860-665-1254 • Fowler Chiropractic, Middlefield 860-349-7034 • Glastonbury Naturopathic Center, Glastonbury • 860-657-4105 • Kensington Naturopathic Medical Center, Kensington • 860-829-0707 • Natural Health and Healing, LLC, Avon 860-677-4600 • Tamara Sachs, MD, New Milford 860-868-9565 • Alison Birks MS, RH, Woodbury 203-263-4868

April 2010


Inside This Issue


Departments News briefs 6

Integrative Manual Therapy for Autism Ayelet Connell-Giammatteo, P.T.,IMT.C 14

The Light of Hope: Healing Autism Two Physician’s Perspectives Dr. Jared Skowron, ND Dr. Tom Moorcroft, DO 20


Natural Medicine Update Shawn M. Carney, ND 9 Prescription for Living Bernie Siegel, MD 12 KnowyourHerbs Lisl Meredith Huebner 18 MovementasMedicine Jade Teta, ND & Keoni Teta, ND 30


Supplements101 Michael Dworkin, P.D.,MS 36

Eco-Destinations The Clifton Hotel, Miami Deb Percival 26

Healthy Family Dr. Lauren Gouin, ND 38 Healthy Cooking Chad Carns 42

P.E.B.B.L.E.S. Autism Transition Technology A. Harris Stone, Ed.D. Andrew Summa, Ph.D. 40

Community Resources 43


Community Calendar 47 NaturalPlanet Deb Percival 54


April 2010






ur mission is to provide valuable insight, information and resources that will allow our readers to maintain a healthy, active, sustainable lifestyle. Natural Nutmeg contains timely information on natural health, complementar y and alternative medicine, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, and the products and services that support good health.

PUBLISHERS Dr. Diane Hindman Chris Hindman ADVERTISING SALES Dr. Diane Hindman Chris Hindman STAFF WRITER Nancy Hinchey WEBMASTER Matt Milunic - ADVISORY BOARD Deanna M. Cherrone, M.D. Desmond Ebanks, M.D. Ann Aresco, N.D. Richard Duenas, D.C. Moshe Laub, D.C. Tom Moorcroft, D.O.

Natural Nutmeg Magazine P.O. Box 447, Avon, CT 06001 Ph. (860) 217-1239 Fax (860) 217-1721

© 2007-10 by Natural Nutmeg. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that permission be obtained in writing. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback.



pring is here and we hope you’ve all been enjoying this amazing weather we’ve been having! It almost feels more like summer than spring! This month we have a special issue on Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) featuring numerous articles and practitioners who work with autistic individuals. Ayelet Connell-Giammatteo, PT writes an informative article on Integrative Manual Therapy for Autism. She explains the hands-on, gentle, manipulative techniques used to promote tissue repair, normalize structure and restore function that is so important for people with any form of ASD. And Drs. Moorcroft and Skowron give us their perspectives on many illnesses that can present as ASD such as food intolerance, heavy metal toxicity, infections and the startling similarities to Lyme Magazine Disease. Drs. Stone and Summa of The Graduate Institute teach us about exciting new autism transition technology called P.E.B.B.L.E.S. It’s robotic video-conferencing consisting of two avatars designed to link hospitalized/home bound children to their school classrooms. Looking for an eco-friendly hotel for your next vacation? Don’t miss the informative article by Deb Percival on The Clifton Hotel in Miami. We spent a few days there last month and I have to say the hotel is amazing! Truly eco-friendly from the bedding to the shower, all the furnishings and beyond. They’ve made no exceptions. And they’re offering our readers a chance to win a 3-day/2-night vacation package – don’t forget to enter to win at This month Bernie Siegel, MD teaches us to thrive in difficult times, if we can learn that good things and new opportunities often come into our lives as a result of something that went wrong. And Drs. Jade & Keoni Teta educate us on how stress can make us fat. When stress is chronic and persistent, it affects brain chemistry in a way that changes our behavior, which is directly correlated to obesity. Let's all celebrate Earth Day on April 22nd. Wishing you health and happiness,

A Charter Member of the Slower Network. For information go to In keeping with our concern for the environment, Natural Nutmeg is proudly printed on recycled paper with soy based inks.

All issues are available for digital download at Natural Nutmeg is a free publication supported solely by our advertisers. With wide distribution throughout central Connecticut, the Litchfield Hills, and the shoreline. Please call for a location near you. Call us at (860) 217-1239 if you would like copies for your place of business.

April 2010



CenterIMT and Natural Nutmeg to present “Caring for our Children Naturally” symposium!


he Center for Integrative Manual Therapy (CenterIMT), Regional Physical Therapy (RPT), Desert Light Health Associates (DLHA), CSIMT and Natural Nutmeg present a FREE symposium on “Caring for our Children Naturally.” This symposium, which is open to the public will focus on Allergies and Nutrition, The Great Vaccination Debate, and utilizing Manual Therapy for Natural Child rearing. The event will take place, June 5th, 2010 from 8:45am-2pm at the offices of Center IMT located at 800 Cottage Grove Rd, Suite 2, Bloomfield CT 06002. This free event includes scheduled breaks at which time snacks wll be provided. Presenters: Thomas A. Giammatteo, D.C., N.D.,P.T.,I.M.T.,C: Allergies & Nutrition for Children. During this lecture, Dr. Giammatteo will speak on the importance of nutrition for children. He will present on the prevalence of allergies in our community and provide nutritional solutions for families. Dr. Giammatteo will also speak about some of the causes of allergies today and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. • Jo Feingold, MD., FAAP: The Great Vaccination Debate. Dr. Jo Feingold is an internationally recognized speaker in the field of Autism. During her lecture, she will speak about the controversies regarding vaccinating your child. • Ayelet ConnellGiammatteo, P.T.,I.M.T.,C.: Natural Childcare through the use of Manual Therapy. Natural parenting is becoming more common in today's world. Ayelet Connell-Giammatteo will speak about the benefits of Integrative Manual Therapy for maintaining a healthy childhood and preventing and correcting common current day issues. Space is limited to 70 people, so please register EARLY! To Register call The Connecticut School of IMT at 860-243-5220. See ad on page 29.

Glastonbury Naturopathic Center is proud to introduce our new practitioners


heryl Jones-Reardon MS, Life Coach, Mindfulness Stress Reduction Instructor and Health Fitness Expert. Known best for her book/ CD Mindful Exercise, former celebrity fitness trainer Cheryl Jones-Reardon is one of the most credentialed wellness coaches in the nation. Cheryl works with inspired individuals helping them to adopt a healthier lifestyle and develops stress management programs for organizations. What makes her approach unique is mindfulness, which simply put means living with ‘present moment awareness’. Cheryl Jones-Reardon, CEO of The Mindful Path, LLC holds a Master’s degree in Exercise Science from the University of Connecticut and a Certificate in Spirituality from Saint Joseph College. She has completed extensive training in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Cheryl inspires women over forty to practice a higher level of self-care. She is regarded as an enthusiastic and compassionate expert in mind-body-spirit wellness. A presenter at hospitals, businesses, and retreat centers throughout the state, Cheryl takes difficult concepts and techniques and explains them in an understandable, clear way. Cheryl is now accepting new clients at Glastonbury Naturopathic Center. Paul Aherne, Certified Stott Pilates Instructor , AIS Therapist, and Personal Trainer. Paul Aherne has treated clients with a wide range of physical dysfunctions from general stiffness to Parkinson's disease, Back pain, Sports Injuries, Sports preparation and many other postural problems caused by incorrect length tension relationship of muscles due to lack of or poor stretching techniques. STOTT PILATES, while preserving the integrity of the exercise system pioneered by Joseph Pilates, brings a contemporary approach enabling a complete exercise program that is individually designed to cover Strength, Flexibility, Mobility, Hand eye co ordination bringing the body back to its correct postural alignment. Pilates is not just a complete exercise program but an education that can be carried over to any sport activity and applied to other forms of training. It takes a minimum of 2 years to become a fully certified STOTT instructor. The Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) method of muscle lengthening and fascial release is a type of Athletic Stretching Technique that provides effective, dynamic, facilitated stretching of major muscle groups, but more importantly, AIS provides functional and physiological restoration of superficial and deep fascial planes. Paul is now accepting new clients at Glastonbury Naturopathic Center. Glastonbury Naturopathic Center 860-657-4105 18 School Street Glastonbury, Ct. See ads on page 15, 29. 6

April 2010

West Hartford Non Profit Holds Auction And Presents Award To Dr. Bernie Siegel


he Light Source Center will hold its 3rd Annual Auction and honor Dr. Bernie Siegel with its Joan Wilson Award. Dr. Siegel has lived in the New Haven area for many years. He founded Exceptional Cancer Patients (ECaP) in 1978. Through his work at Yale New Haven Hospital as a surgeon and professor and with ECaP, Dr. Siegel challenged the traditional medical establishment to rethink the way patients with severe illnesses are cared for. Through the organization and numerous support groups, he has taught countless individuals about the mind, body and Spirit connection. He has also written numerous books, including the bestsellers “Love, Medicine and Miracles” and “Peace, Love and Healing.” The Joan Wilson Award honors those who seek their truth and stand up for it regardless of public opinion, while respecting the truth of others. Joan Wilson was a student of the Light Source Center who was killed in a plane crash in May of 2007. Wilson, a resident of South Windsor, was instrumental in building the Light Source Center and was a mentor to many other students. The event will take place from 7 to 10 p.m., April 10, 2010 at the Simsbury Inn, 397 Hopmeadow Street, Weatogue and feature live and silent auctions. Tickets for the event are $50. A full buffet dinner will be served. The Light Source Center is a non-profit school located in West Hartford and dedicated to teaching personal growth through meditation. The Center creates an atmosphere where learning and growing is fostered and supported through a variety of activities, events and, through the connections created between students. Students are learning to Love themselves and experience the power that Love has to transform their lives.

Hula Hoop for Health


n a culture where so many of us spend time sitting behind desk, performing tasks for others in a structured environment, or are stay at home moms faced with the same daunting tasks day, after day. Hula Hooping allows for the exact opposite, there is no monotony here! It is an opportunity for us to shake our hips, laugh out loud, some good quality ME time, while getting a wonderful workout. Hula Hooping is not just for kids anymore! Give the hoop a whirl, and join one of the latest fitness trends to sweep the nation. Hula Hooping offers many extraordinary benefits for the body, mind and spirit. Hooping can burn up to 600 calories in an hour, build physical strength and overall toning, increase stamina and energy and improve posture and flexibility. In addition it can also improve digestion, release toxins and relieve stress. Hula Hoop for Health classes are a fun new cardio workout. Newly certified Betty Hoops Dance Therapy instructor, Karla Kress-Boyle is offering Hula Hoop for Health Classes at the Elmwood Community Center in West Hartford starting in April. She can also be hired to teach one day Hoop for Health workshops for women’s groups and fitness organizations. For more information about Hula Hoop for Health, contact Karla at or 860-490-6299.

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Invites you to Hops & Grapes, Toasts & Tastes Perfectly Paired for a Cure


n Friday, April 23rd, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Connecticut Chapter will host Hops & Grapes, Toasts & Tastes, Perfectly Paired for a Cure for the first time at Stepping Stones Museum for Children in Norwalk, CT. Hops & Grapes, Toasts & Tastes, Perfectly Paired for a Cure is LLS’ first annual food, wine, and beer tasting event. Local restaurants, vineyards, and distributors will come together to showcase a selection of appetizers, wines, and beers to over 200 people throughout the Fairfield County area. Showcasers to date are Bagel King, Butterfield8, Café Tavolini, Ducky Life Teas, The Ginger Man, Off The Vine, Roberto’s, Salt Water Grille, Star Distributors, and Stella’s. More showcasers are added weekly. LLS hopes to raise over $55,000 during this fun filled evening. A silent auction and raffle will also take place. Don’t miss the fun! Event is from 7pm to 10pm, event tickets $75 each or two for $125. Call 203-665-1400 for information or reservations. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society®, headquartered in White Plains, NY, with 60 chapters in the United States and Canada, is the world’s largest voluntary health organization dedicated to funding blood cancer research and providing education and patient services. LLS’ mission: Cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families. Since its founding in 1949, LLS has invested more than $680 million in research specifically targeting leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. For more information about blood cancer, visit or call LLS’ Information Resource Center (IRC), a call center staffed by master's level social workers, nurses and health educators who provide information, support and resources to patients and their families and caregivers. IRC information specialists are available at (800) 955-4572, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

April 2010


Newsbriefs Urban Oaks Organic Farm Certified Organic Seedling Sale!


tarting Friday, May 14th, Urban Oaks Farm will be having its certified organic seedling sale offering a huge selection of seedlings all ready to be transplanted into YOUR garden! Select from endless varieties of tomatoes (heirlooms & hybrids), over 50 varieties of peppers (bells, frying and hot), eggplant (Italian & Asian), herbs, salad greens, kale and much, much more! Sale will run every Friday and Saturday through June 12th. Hours are Friday 2pm - 6pm, Saturday 10am - 4pm. For information: visit or call 860-223-6200. Urban Oaks Organic Farm, 225 Oak St.New Britain, CT.

The Conduit’s Center for Sound Mind • Sound Body


ake a vacation from your focused conscious onslaught, and connect with the cosmic vibration of space, time and creation. The Conduit’s Center • Sound Mind Sound Body, opened its doors recently at 1227 Burnside Ave, #1 in East Hartford. Offering what they term “sonic massages” the Conduit Guides make use of age-old tools such as Himalayan singing bowls, Planetary gongs, aromatherapy to create a harmonious environment for a "vacation from everyday stresses.” Services vary from personalized sessions, couples activities, to large group events. In any one of their specialized sessions participants can target an array of benefits, from spiritual grounding, mental clarity, and reduction of stress, pain, and anxiety, to name a few. Group Meditation Concerts allow for an assembly to share the experience to take an exploration within themselves and in connection to each other using the common sound. Guests can try it out at the Spring Concert Series the Center hosts held every 2nd Tuesday and 3rd Wednesday of the month. Private functions are a mainstay, consisting of a broad range of Entertainment Performances, Wedding Packages, Day Spa Functions, Corporate Retreats, and Wellness Expos. Their location adjacent to the serene Wickham Park gives the space much more to offer, such as an outdoor venue, Walking Meditations, and a general intimacy with the beauty of nature. For more information about The Conduit and their new facility go to Their open public hours are Monday – Friday 2pm to 7pm with special events and hours on weekends.

One Life Mentoring & Coaching, LLC Offers Services for Autism


s a primary caregiver are you overwhelmed and exhausted? We understand your commitment to your child that has special needs and that because of your commitment; at times, your other responsibilities and interests may suffer. It is important to remember to take care of yourself. Respite care and utilizing the services of a mentor is essential to give you a break, so you can maintain your health and well-being. We are One Life Mentoring and Coaching, LLC and we offer in-home and community- based mentoring support services for children and adults with behavioral and mental health challenges. The types of challenges include Autism, ADHD, and other types of behavioral issues. One Life has a team of experienced mentors that will work collaboratively with you and your family to address goals such as completion of life skills (household chores), improving inappropriate behavior and social skills (verbal cues and suggestions for the child to ideally demonstrate a positive behavior in a given situation), and the development of skills necessary to compete in today’s work force. A typical session with a mentor may involve, but is not limited to; academic assistance, participation in recreation, games/ exercise and community activities which are utilized as a means of positive reinforcement to build a professional relationship, and an attempt to achieve the desired goals. In today’s world it’s paramount that our children have a positive role model to spend time with; someone that will listen to them, discuss any problems the child may have, and attempt to develop problem solving skills with them, so our children can grow up and be prepared for tomorrow. One Life recognizes the great need for quality, professional in-home support services and we take great pride in being a leader in this area for children with Autism. We currently serve children and adults in the central Connecticut area. Visit or contact Chris Tracy at 860-966-9887 or for more information and a free 30 minute telephone consultation.


April 2010

Natural Medicine Update

Shawn M. Carney, ND

Got Cell Phone Radiation On Your Mind?


or decades there has been concern as to whether cell phones cause an increased risk of local brain tumors, with no consensus among researchers and scientists. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the agencies with regulatory authority over radiofrequency emissions in the U.S., have both concluded that there are no demonstratable health hazards from using a wireless phone. Indeed, the FCC’s website states that “[t]here is no scientific evidence that proves that wireless phone usage can lead to cancer or a variety of other problems ...”. The FDA’s website similarly states that “[t]he weight of scientific evidence has not linked cell phones with any health problems”. However, a pair of recently published long-term epidemiologic reviews found positive correlations between cell phone use and tumors in the brain, notably among people using cell phones for longer than 10 years. These studies echo previous findings which concluded that there was an increased risk of tumor growth while other research has been done explicitly showing damage to human cells from cell phone radiation. Still other experiments have shown that damage to tissues from cell phones can be minimized by naturopathic anti-oxidants. So what are we to think about a correlation between cell phone use and tumors in the brain? Sometimes when attempting to sort out matters shrouded in controversy, you just have to go back to the basics. Unfortunately, even the basics are under debate in this topic. Linda Ehlreich, a researcher with 30 years of experience in environmental epidemiology who testified before the Senate Subcommittee on “Cell Phone Safety” in 2009, defined cell phones as utilizing radio waves and having a low enough absorption factor so that they cannot cause DNA damage and therefore they do not technically emit “radiation”. Likewise, an epidemiologic review of evidence on mobile phones published last year in Sweden is quoted as “[o]verall the studies to date do not demonstrate an increased risk within approximately 10 years of use for any tumor of the brain or any other head tumor” and criticized studies with positive correlations as having “key methodological problems ... with regard to ... inaccuracy and bias in recall of phone use”. Such research seems to be consistent with the direction of opinion taken by the U.S. regulatory federal agencies, as evidenced

by their official position. However, some studies reviewing cell phone use beyond 10 years have found correlations with tumors like astrocytomas, gliomas and acoustic neuromas. So we may be left wondering about the reviews themselves. Perhaps the negative correlation research done for less than 10 years was looking at too short a time period? Are some studies with positive correlations being marginalized because of stringent requirements of criteria for peer-review data collection? The adage comes to mind: “If you’re afraid of getting a rotten apple from the barrel, go to the tree”. Thus instead of considering long-term studies of exposure and trying to assess subsequent effects, we could instead consider less problematic studies with fewer variables, where conclusions can be made in a more direct fashion. Thankfully, such research has been done using cell phone radiation on human tissue and rats in laboratories. These studies are specifically aimed at measuring the direct impact of cell phone use. Many have focused on the male reproductive organs and several have shown that mobile phone radiation induces DNA damage in human sperm by increasing production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are the therapeutic targets of interventions like anti-oxidants. This is important because ROS function as free radicals in the body, which are a group of highly reactive molecules consisting of unpaired electrons in the outer orbit. ROS are continuously neutralized by anti-oxidants present in body tissues. Whenever production of ROS exceeds the scavenging capacity of anti-oxidants, it leads to oxidative stress and damage to body tissues by injuring DNA, which ultimately leads to the disruption of genes, or genomic instability. Thus it may come as no surprise that ROS production is actually increased in cancer cells. Elevated ROS levels have also been shown to elicit constant activation of transcription and growth factors which continue to escalate during tumor progression. Thus, ROS are thought to play multiple roles in tumor initiation, progression and maintenance. Indeed, last year a study even illustrated the pathophysiology of cell phone radiation, identifying plasma membranes as targets of the electromagnetic waves. With this evidence, we may leave the statisticians and epidemiologists grappling over study inclusion criteria and whether or not they can include Mr. Jones, because he couldn’t recall exactly

April 2010


how many days he was on the cell phone over the last decade. We know that cell phone radiation can damage living cells, which can then cause even more damage and undesirable outcomes. The good news is that there has also been research done on how to prevent cell phone induced oxidative stress and many of the therapies are commonly prescribed by naturopathic physicians. Ginkgo biloba, a botanical medicine commonly prescribed for memory improvement, was shown to preserve anti-oxidant enzyme activity in the brains of rats exposed to cell phone electromagnetic radiation. A second study done on rats injured from cell phone radiation used melatonin, an agent used in oncology and sleep disorders, and showed it likewise significantly prevented oxidative damage to the brain. Yet another study compared the protective effects of melatonin against caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE), a major component of honeybee propolis, in terms of protecting rat kidneys from renal tubular injury. This study was conducted in 2005 and likewise demonstrated a greater increase of ROS among control groups that were exposed to cell phone radiation than among animals receiving therapy, which had anti-oxidant levels increased. However, melatonin showed more potent effects and comparative benefit than CAPE. Despite this superiority of melatonin in the comparative study, two other articles published that year highlighted the anti-oxidant benefits of CAPE in rats against cell phone induced oxidative stress: one study focused on the kidneys and the other on the lungs. Yet another option which has been studied, certified as effective, and patented is the “MRET Shield”, an “Electromagnetic Radiation Shielding Material and Device”, available through BioPro Technology. Readers can find information about the MRET Shield online at the company’s website, including studies showing how it significantly reduced the level of discernable changes in the physiologic state from exposure to cell phone radiation. Beyond anti-oxidant supplementation, there are still other ways people can reduce the impacts of cell phone radiation. A commendable 42 page synopsis on the topic of cell phone radiation safety has been published this year by the Environmental Working Group and is available online for free download. This report found that Bluetooth headsets and wired hands free kits exposed the heads of users to less radiation than mobile phones operated at the head, though the hands free kits exhibit a 10

April 2010

low constant exposure. They also posted a comparison of 1,000 cell phones for highest specific energy absorption rate (SAR) on the internet where users are able to search for specific models as a way to limit their exposure. “Of note, while the Bluetooth headset reduces radiation exposure to the head, transmission strength from the phone itself is not decreased” and users that keep an activated phone in their pocket are exposing their internal organs to the radiation. Thus it may be advisable to keep activated cell phones away from the body and use a ‘speaker’ option. The comprehensive Environmental Working Group review also suggests that perhaps Big Brother wasn’t watching closely this time. They report that many of the older conflicting cell phone radiation studies were often done for a duration of less than 3 years and that in the 1980s federal regulators did not require safety studies. Furthermore, apparently FCC guidelines permit 20 times the level of radiation exposure to the head than the rest of the body, allow an industry suggested 4 times greater SAR than the comparative threshold set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – which was based on biological effects observed in animal experimentation, and still remain in effect today, despite being made 17 years ago. Though the controversy is unlikely to resolve anytime soon over the issue of cell phone radiation safety, readers can take precautionary measures to better minimize their risk of associated complications. Naturopathic physicians or other qualified healthcare professionals can help ensure people get the optimal amounts of anti-oxidants and people have the ability to shop for phones that have the lowest possible radiation emission. However, if this debate has irrecoverably shaken your confidence in modern technological forms of communication, there is another resource you should be aware of: people that will buy your old cell phone!! Therecyclingfactory. com and will each cover shipping and pay for your phone. But if you go this route be sure you have other communication options lined up, remember, the passenger pigeon won’t be coming back. Dr. Shawn M. Carney is a naturopathic physician specializing in science-based family medicine at Whole Health Associates in Avon. Visit for more information. See ad on back cover.

April 2010


Prescription for Living

by Bernie Siegel, MD

Thriving in Difficult Times


was asked to write an article entitled ‘Thriving in Bad Times’ but because of how I was brought up I don’t know what bad times are. Hence the change in the title. Let me explain. Whenever anything went wrong in our family my mother’s comment was, “It was meant to be. Something good will come of this.” We learned that because of our difficulties, good things often came into our lives. Our minds and lives remained open to the future and possibilities. The vast majority of people complain that life is unfair. But, we all have difficulties and problems. Life is not unfair, but it can be difficult. When you know how to use the dark times you can turn charcoal into diamonds or an irritation into a pearl and change your life. When I lecture, I hold up a white piece of paper with a black dot on it before the audience and ask them to tell me what they see. The closer you get to New York City the more time people spend describing the black dot. Finally I tell them I am holding a white piece of paper with a black dot on it. The paper is a symbol of everyone’s life. We all have black spots but remember there is a big area of white around it too. We decide what we focus on in our lives. When you learn to live in the moment—as children and animals do—life becomes a more joyful experience. I think the best definition of life I ever heard came from one of our children who called it, “Holy Shit.” Some of us create compost and enhance their personal growth while others live in the darkness of fear and statistics and visions of future problems that may occur. I have many letters from professionals who say, “Thank God I have cancer” or “Cancer is a blessing.” What they mean is that they are happy they didn’t die suddenly of a heart attack because they now spend more time with their loved ones and have time to experience


April 2010

compassion and love. Message number one, I offer you, is to accept your mortality and don’t wait for a disaster to awaken you to the value of your lifetime. As a child with cancer said, “Don’t wait for a tragedy to occur before you tell your family you love them and you’re glad they’re alive.” The next message I offer is to learn from those who have preceded you and given guidelines for thriving in difficult times. All the great sages of the past have done that but how often do you read their words? We say, ‘don’t fix it if it isn’t broken’ but that is not good advice. Too many of us break and then have to become strong at the broken places because of the addictions, illnesses and tragedies we learn to overcome. I suggest you become strong beforehand and resist breaking. Look for the common themes of cancer survivors, AA groups, spiritual leaders, our Armed Forces and many others who have learned the qualities of survivorship. To summarize: action, wisdom, devotion and meditation are the keys to self transformation. The way you answer these questions will tell you if you have a survivor personality: Do you have a sense of meaning in your life and activities? Do you express anger appropriately in defense of yourself? Do you ask for help from family and friends? Do you say no to the things you do not want to do? Are you the one who decides what prescriptions are appropriate for you? Do you have enough play in your life? Do you deal with depression and pain appropriately? Are you living a role to the detriment of your own needs? Are you dealing with your feelings and letting them help you decide what choices to make?

An attorney said that after a tragedy he came to a conclusion that was, “eminently reasonable, totally logical and completely wrong” because, “while learning to think I almost forgot how to feel”. Let me share the words of some natives who can help you deal with difficulties through their wisdom. I learned a lot when I thought one of our children was going to die of cancer in a year. I hadn’t learned to live one day at a time and this seven year old said, “Dad, you’re handling this poorly“. I knew I was because no one had prepared me. So go and talk to the natives who have lived the experience. Remember you don’t live a diagnosis, you live an experience. Most physicians are tourists until they or their loved ones get sick and then they write books about their education. We get medical information, but not a medical education that will help us deal with feelings and experiences...ours and yours. From a native: “In the east, a railroad track running from the valley of my arm to the hilltop of my breast. In the west, a creek bed curving along the ridge of a rib. It is not a perfect landscape - unfit for calendars, postcards or brochures But my husband is blind to the surface flaws and I see myself through his eyes: the eyes of a native who overlooks things that only a tourist would notice.” The woman who wrote that grew up in Texas and another poem of hers shares how she grew up. ‘I grew up in Texas where you learn about hurricanes, rattlesnakes, droughts...and where you learn how to ride things out.’ So living in Texas prepared her for difficult times and cancer. Remember that white piece of paper with a black dot? Well what if you were just a blank white paper or canvas and a work in progress? We must realize we are not just our bodies. Trees need pruning to survive and so do we at times. Animals know they are not their bodies. As a veterinarian said before her mastectomy, “I have learned so much from animals. I can amputate a leg or half of a jaw and they awaken and lick their owners’ faces. They are here to love and be loved and teach us a few things”.

credit card slip and told to sign at the bottom write, “At The Bottom” and hand the slip back! If ‘Nobody is Allowed’ go in and say you’re a nobody. If the sign says, Wet Floor, you know what to do! See the world through a child’s eyes and you will find things to laugh at that sustain you. Remember we are all here for a limited time so how much of it are you willing to spend unhappy. As Carly Simon sings, “I haven’t got time for the pain”. In the time of your life live and remember that life is a series of beginnings just as a graduation is a commencement not a termination. Now begin to thrive not just survive and as one woman wrote who did a number of things she loved to do in preparation for dying, “I didn’t die and now I’m so busy I’m killing myself.” Burn up, not out and remember to take a nap when you need one. Bernie holds a support group in Simsbury at Wisdom of the Ages the first Wednesday of each month from 7-9pm. Wisdom of the Ages, a special place to nuture your spiritual side. It's filled with items to calm the mind, heal the body & empower your spirit. They also provide massages & monthly meditation classes. Wisdom of the Ages is owned by Bernie's son & daughter- in-law, Keith & Jane Siegel. Located at 1408 Hopmeadow St. Simsbury. Please call for info or to register for Bernie's group. (860) 651-1172, www.wisdomoftheages. biz, See ad on page 35. Bernie also runs a Woodbridge Support Group which meets the Second and Fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at Coachman's Square, Bradley Road, Woodbridge, CT. Contact: Lucille Ranciato at 203-288-2839 or email her at

Another Native: “Seeing myself in the mirror it is not as though I lost my breasts to surgery. They seem instead to have been erased or painted over, as though the artist changed her mind. But see, there are other changes too. The shoulders back. The head held higher. The brightness in the eyes. The air of expectancy. Listening with keener ears. Observing with greater insight. Do we perhaps shed things as we go through life that other features may be enhanced? The canvas is not finished There is more color on the palette." Yes, we are works of art that need to be continuously worked on. We are a process, not a product. We are enabled, not disabled. Love is the great healer and the force that changes the lover and the loved, but there is something else that survivors know. When you have built a life of love, what helps hold it together? The cement is laughter. Healthy, childlike humor is always appropriate. A simple example for you: when you are given a

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Integrative Manual Therapy for Autism


ecovery from Autism is becoming more and more a reality. But with every child’s story of recovery, there is a long road leading to this point. Having worked with many families of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), one of the most common themes amongst these children’s stories is the multi-disciplinary approach that they follow. Many of these programs include ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis) therapy in school and at home, Sensory Integration, IV nutrition and chelation, elimination diets such as a gluten and casein free diet, Homeopathy, Hyperbaric Oxygen, and much more. Every child with Autism is different—their history, their age of onset, their behavioral presentation, their level of health, and more. This leads to a greater diversity in treatment programs. One child may present with high levels of mercury in their body. Another child may undergo testing showing high levels of yeast. Each test leads to a different treatment, all of which may be valuable. With all of our studies we have found that a comprehensive program leads to the greatest recovery. Integrative Manual Therapy Integrative Manual Therapy (IMT) is a hands-on approach to treatment of pain, disability, and disease. Developed by Dr. Sharon (Weiselfish) Giammatteo over the past 30 years, IMT is a new approach to health care developed to address the needs of complex patients. IMT practitioners identify and address the underlying causes of dysfunction using a comprehensive and holistic approach. While IMT diagnostics and treatment modalities are predominately hands-on, IMT also integrates a wide range of diagnostic and treatment technologies, and nutritional programs (i.e. natural supplements, diet, and herbs) to develop a customized solution for an individual patient’s needs. IMT treatment techniques are manual (hands-on), and generally involve gentle manipulative techniques to promote tissue repair, normalize structure and restore function. Unique to IMT is the integration of manual therapy techniques for all systems in the body (i.e. bone, nerve, fascia, muscle, organ, lymph and circulatory sys-


April 2010

tems). As each tissue type in the body has unique requirements for healing, tissue specific techniques are used to yield optimal results. Often, multiple systems are addressed to facilitate recovery, as a dysfunction in one system may influence or be influenced by a problem in another system. To illustrate, consider a patient with chronic shoulder pain. Upon being assessed, to determine which structures were contributing to their pain and/or dysfunction, treatment would ensue for the affected systems. As determined by the diagnostic findings, this may include treatment for muscles, fascia, joints, bones, nerves, circulatory vessels, lymphatic structures and/or organs. The order in which the involved systems would be treated would be determined by the diagnostic findings. Ultimately, IMT is the integration of techniques to assess and address all systems in the body. Integrative Manual Therapy: Structural versus Functional Rehabilitation IMT falls into the category of structural rehabilitation whereas other types of therapies may be categorized as functional rehabilitation. A helpful analogy to illustrate the difference between structural and

tional therapies is to imagine a child sitting in front of a piano. Let’s assume for this example, that the child does not know how to play the piano. If we teach the child how to play the piano, then the music should sound great. But what if the piano was out of tune or even broken? No amount of piano lessons would lead to great music because the piano does not have the potential for good sounding music. However, if the approach was to fix the piano and then teach the child how to play, then the music has the potential of sounding wonderful. In this scenario, teaching the child how to play the piano is considered functional rehabilitation. Fixing the piano illustrates structural rehabilitation. The simplest way to explain IMT is to use an orthopedic example such as a frozen shoulder. In this example, a functional approach would include strengthening and stabilization exercises as well as stretching. If the shoulder had structural dysfunction which is commonly the case with frozen shoulder, such as a compressed joint or a bone bruise on the joint surface, using a functional approach would cause stress on the joint and ultimately be unsuccessful in reducing symptoms and increasing function of the shoulder. However, beginning treatment with a structural approach such as IMT to correct the structural dysfunction such as decompressing the joint would create a potential for function. At this point, it would be more beneficial to introduce the functional exercise program. When utilized in this way, the results appear to be more sustainable. In the field of IMT and structural rehabilitation, performing a thorough assessment is important to discover underlying problems in the body that very likely are contributing to the person’s functional challenges. Integrative Manual Therapy for Autism No one would question that Autism is more complex than a frozen shoulder. But why? Firstly, no two children with Autism are alike. Secondly, Autism involves multiple body systems. If we were to consider the concept of structural and functional therapies for treatment of Autism, it is im-

portant to note here that they are both very important for recovery. Although there is such diversity among etiologies between children that have Autism, they share similar behaviors which led to the diagnosis. Let’s review some common Autism Spectrum Disorder behaviors: 1.Self-stimulatory behavior such as rock- ing, gyrating, waving of hands 2.Limited eye contact 3.Hypersensitivity to sound evidenced by covering of ears 4.Visual and auditory processing deficits 5.Aggressive behaviors Example: Hypersensitivity to Sound Let’s examine some of these behaviors to further illustrate the difference between structural and functional therapies. Let’s begin with hypersensitivity to sound. It is common knowledge that many children with Autism have a history of recurrent ear infections and allergies. In the field of IMT there are many patterns of dysfunction that have been identified in the body. The discovery of these patterns has led to the development of many treatment protocols. One commonly found pattern in children with Autism is severe compression of the inner ear. Within the inner ear, there are

multiple important structures for hearing, including the cochlea, ear drum, vestibular nerve, and more. When combined into the vestibular mechanism, these structures are not much larger then a peanut. They reside inside the ear, bordering up to the temporal bone. When there is severe compression, this peanut sized vestibular mechanism within the inner ear pushes up against the temporal bone. This can contribute to significant hypersensitivity to sound. Often, the child may have headaches, and very likely does not have the ability to express them. Much of their behaviors may be secondary to this dysfunction. A functional approach to addressing the hypersensitivity to sound may be a form of music therapy or Auditory Integration Therapy (AIT). This approach can be very successful when used at the appropriate time. But if there is severe compression of the inner ear, the benefits of AIT are limited. However, if IMT as a structural therapy is utilized first to help decompress the inner ear using a wide array of techniques, then the functional therapies have a greater potential to work. Often, the IMT alone can help to reduce and even correct the hypersensitivity to sound. But in the more severe cases, the functional therapies are very important to support the re-education of the region.

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April 2010


Example: Aggressive Behaviors When considering aggressive behaviors, the solution may seem more complex for a number of reasons. Firstly, because the child is aggressive, it may be challenging to work with them. Secondly, aggressive behaviors stem from a very specific part of the brain, the limbic system. The limbic system is the core part of our brain—the part of the brain that we share with animals—the reptilian brain. This is the part of our brain associated with survival mode and rage response. When the limbic system is in a state of dysfunction, there is a range of behaviors that may surface, including aggressive behaviors such as self-injurious behavior as well as aggression to others, obsessive

compulsive behaviors, and more. IMT is a wonderful tool to treat the limbic system when it is in a state of dysfunction. A common functional approach to treatment of these behaviors is ABA therapy or some type of behavioral modification. The challenge with these functional approaches is that the aggressive behaviors are reflexive—there is no voluntary thought process involved. Consider the example of a lion that has been shot, but not killed. It wants to destroy everyone and everything in its path. The lion is not thinking about consequences. Similarly, the child with Autism that lashes out is not thinking about consequences. They are purely acting on a reflex from their limbic system. Whereas ABA therapy can be very effective in help-

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ing to develop normal behaviors through repetition and role modeling, aggressive behaviors are rarely reduced with this approach. But when used in combination with IMT, there can be reduction and even elimination of aggressive behaviors. Integrative Manual Therapy for Autism Related Issues In addition to the behaviors that are so common to Autism, children that are on the spectrum typically suffer from many digestive issues as well as food allergies. Many children with autism have eczema and other types of skin related issues. IMT can also be used to help restore immunity in the body and decrease inflammation in the gut. A typical IMT treatment program would include manual therapy techniques for the digestive tract in combination with a nutritional program that included dietary intervention and nutritional supplementation. The nutritional supplementation and dietary intervention is helpful to accelerate recovery. For example, a Gluten-Free Diet is one of the more common dietary recommendations given to a child with Autism. Gluten is found in wheat, rye, barley, and oat. Gluten is pro-inflammatory. This means that when eaten, gluten will contribute to increased inflammation in the body, specifically in the body’s weakest systems. Most children with Autism already have digestive issues such as reflux, constipation, abdominal cramping, gas, and more. When gluten is consumed, the underlying problem may worsen. By removing gluten from the diet, often, much of the digestive problems disappear on their

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own. In addition to affecting the gut, gluten can also contribute to increased inflammation in the brain. Remember the child with aggressive behaviors secondary to limbic system dysfunction or the child with hypersensitivity to sound secondary to compression of the inner ear. All of these problems can worsen with increased inflammation. How to Include Integrative Manual Therapy into a Treatment Program IMT is practiced by many Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Massage Therapists, and Chiropractors. When designing a comprehensive multi-disciplinary treatment program for a child with Autism, IMT is an important component of the program. It can complement and even accelerate the benefits of other treatment approaches by addressing structural dysfunction in the body. Ayelet Connell-Giammatteo, PT.IMT.C, is the Director of Pediatrics for CenterIMT, Center of Integrative Manual Therapy and Diagnostics, headquartered in Bloomfield, CT. She is also the Dean of the Connecticut School of Integrative Manual Therapy (IMT). Ayelet has taught courses in IMT nationally and internationally for over 15 years. She is in the final stages of her PhD focusing on Autism. CenterIMT, Center for Integrative Manual Therapy and Diagnostics, is a network of national clinics specializing in IMT and nutritional wellness. To learn more about IMT, please visit www. or email See ad on page 29.

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April 2010



Lisl Meredith Huebner, Dipl.CH (NCCAOM), RH (AHG)


(Lonicera japonica) “…how sweetly smells the honeysuckle in the hush’d night…” Tennyson


ust inhaling the fragrance of Honeysuckle on a warm evening breeze is enough to make anyone pause and seek the source of her sweet cologne. Oh, there… that overgrown vine enveloping the hedge that your eyes always skip over on their way to a more pressing engagement, that’s where that heavenly aroma is coming from… the Honeysuckle. Beloved by bees and hummingbirds alike, this tenacious climbing plant boasts creamy white and yellow, or sometimes pink, two-lipped flowers in pairs. These delicate blossoms measuring one to two inches long, offer a sweet nectar making her very popular with the wee winged ones. Not long ago, when most people were still fairly attuned to nature, it was commonly noted that her flowers resembled lovers entwined, thereby making “Love Bind,” as she was sometimes called, a symbol of devotion and love. In Victorian times, it was said that if one brought a Honeysuckle bouquet into the house, a wedding would follow within the year. Prudence being the operative theme in those days, perhaps marriage was the only possible option for release of wanton desires, for it was well-


April 2010

known that the perfume that spills from her honey-lipped blossoms would spark dreams of passion and desire. Lonicera is a genus of plants from the family Caprifoliacae, of which the Elder is another well-known member. The name lets us know that goats like to eat the leavesthink “foliage” and “Capricorn”- and goats aren’t the only ones who enjoy browsing on the tender tips; the Honeysuckle is a major food source for the white-tailed deer. Over 100 of the approximately one hundred eighty species of Lonicera originated in Asia, the species used mostly in herbal medicine is L. japonica. The Honeysuckle is listed as a USDA National Invasive Species; it grows quickly, doesn’t succumb

easily to pests or diseases and has a grip that can strangle a small sapling. Honeysuckle propagates by seed or by the nodes on its trailing runners; these root runners can explore the area up to ten feet from the main plant and root down to depths of 4 feet. The seeds are generously scattered by the birds that enjoy the bright clusters of fleshy red (or occasionally black) berries and add a bit of fertilizer as they distribute them. The berries are not edible to humans, in fact, except for one elongated bell-shaped blue variety (L. caerulea), the fruit of the Honeysuckle is slightly toxic to people. The berry is not the medicinal part of the Honeysuckle; it is the young flower buds and the stems that contain the properties used to ward off disease. In fact, well-known herbalist Michael Tierra calls Lonicera the “Echinacea of Traditional Chinese Medicine.” According to medical traditions dating back thousands of years, Jin Yin Hua, literally “gold-silver flower,” is powerfully effective for the treatment of hot purulent infections. In TCM, Honeysuckle belongs to a class of remedies that Clear Heat Toxicity; in other words, the aspect of pathogens or infectious disease that makes one physically sick. Examples of Heat Toxicity can include swellings or inflamed

eruptions with fever and malaise, dysentery, abscesses, encephalitis, appendicitis and the like. Lonicera is anti-inflammatory, and anti-infectious, particularly suited to treating issues of the throat, eyes, skin, breast and intestines. For sore throats, headaches and conjunctivitis, Lonicera has been shown to be highly effective at providing relief, and for the early stages of contagious diseases it is often taken in a formula called Yin Chiao Chieh Tu Pien (pronounced “yin chow chee dew peein”). Cheap “patent formulas” are often available at Asian grocery stores or online, but often contain pharmaceutical agents that aren’t listed on the label. There is very little, if any, regulation when it comes to retail products from China (as we have sadly learned), so be sure to get your Yin Chiao from a trusted source. Excellent and safe brands that are regulated by strict US codes for safe manufacturing and handling are available, usually though a credentialed herbalist. For myself and a great number of my patients, we can’t get through a winter without the help of our legendary Yin Chiao! This renowned formula contains a combination of antibacterial and antiviral herbs, the most noteworthy of which is Forsythia fruit, and is indicated for the onset of severe colds and flu-like symptoms including sore throat, headaches, fever and possible chills. It is a very balanced prescription that addresses the infectious nature of the pathogen while keeping the body harmonized. It has been taken for upper respiratory infections, flu, acute bronchitis, measles and even for early stages of encephalitis and meningitis. Because it is an energetically cooling formula specific for virulent Heat-type symptoms, it is ineffective for colds with profuse, clear, watery mucous accompanied by a pronounced chilly feeling. In laboratory trials, Lonicera has been shown to inhibit the growth of various

pathogens in vitro such as streptococcus pneumonia, the two most prevalent antibiotic resistant hospital infections, staphylococcus and pseudomonas, as well as being especially effective against salmonella. Other studies have confirmed that its use against tuberculosis is particularly warranted. It is antiviral against several strains of influenza, and is used in ophthalmology for corneal ulcers, keratitis and conjunctivitis. Honeysuckle has even been shown to lower cholesterol in lab studies, making it a possible alternative treatment for balancing lipid metabolism. As if that weren’t enough, in Europe Lonicera is used to treat urinary problems (it is also diuretic), as well as asthma and to ease the discomfort of childbirth. In Japan, it is frequently included in products taken for the treatment of bloating, nausea, vomiting and even Hepatitis C. Recent research is investigating its use in the treatment of breast cancer and for the clinical suppression of AIDS. It is a mild herb that is safe for children and elderly alike, but it is not recommended if there is chronic diarrhea. Generally it’s the flower buds that are used medicinally, gathered May through June early in the morning before they open- mind the bees! Soothing syrups can be made from these sugary buds, or add the open blossoms to salads for some added charm. The tender stems gathered in autumn or winter, are also used in herbal medicine for the treatment of joint pain with inflammation or for sores and abscesses; in Pinyin it is called Ren Dong Teng, literally “stem that resists winter.” If the stem resists winter, then it’s no surprise that folklore once touted Honeysuckle’s ability to resist evil, especially on Mayday. Planted in the garden, it was supposed to protect the home and property from malevolent spirits. Modern practitioners using flower essences hold Honeysuckle in high esteem for its ability to attract wealth; the characteristics of the vine

also represent ascension in the quest to find one’s highest self. Our highest self is reflected in our integrity and our peaceful bliss which comes when we are able to release our grip on the past and the illusion of safety when we clutch tightly to what no longer serves our highest potential. Honeysuckle energetically can help us to have the courage to accept struggles with grace and ease and move forward with purpose. So take advantage of the plethora of wild Honeysuckle; harvest and dry some buds for the next flu season, toss a few flowers in with some greens, or bring a fragrant bouquet home to enjoy… just remember that it could mean a wedding in your future! Lisl Meredith Huebner, Dipl.CH (NCCAOM), RH (AHG) is a nationally board certified Chinese Herbalist, and a Registered Herbalist with the American Herbalists Guild. She is available by appointment at The Essence of Being at Johnnycake Mountain, Burlington, CT. Please call 860-673-6863 or email at if you have any questions, would like to schedule an appointment, attend meditations, weed walks, or are interested in taking classes. See ad on page 15.

April 2010


The Light of Hope: Healing Autism

Two Physician’s Perspectives


utism now affects 1 in 91 children, with 1 in 58 boys being affected. That’s almost 2% of boys being diagnosed on the autism spectrum. Consider that only 1 in 15,000 have Type 1 Diabetes, and 1 in 15,000 have cancer. This epidemic needs to be stopped immediately. Because autism never sleeps, autism never takes a rest; it is constant and unwavering. Unless we do something NOW, in 10-20 years, there’s going to be a lot of autistic adults. Unless we do something NOW, in 10-20 years, these adults will need housing, food, and caretaking. Unless we do something NOW, there still won’t be an answer. Autism is a developmental disorder, where children’s brains do not learn as they should. They have difficulty speaking, walking, and doing things that you and I take for granted. The epidemic rise in new cases of ASD has led parents, researchers and physicians to start looking for more questions, rather than only


April 2010

trying to find the answer. What complex set of factors is creating symptoms in this person? Why are these factors impacting this person differently than a sibling or the child down the road? If we immediately jump to how to treat Autism, we miss the individuality of each person and we miss the clues to how to help this amazing person sitting in front of us. We must ask the questions so we don’t miss the answer. As physicians, one of the questions we ask is why. Why this person and why not someone else. What makes this person totally unique and how can this help us support their healing? Many patients come in with a diagnosis of ASD, PDDNOS (pervasive developmental disorder – not otherwise specified), ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), Asperger’s syndrome, and other developmental disorders. They usually come in telling a story of having seen several healthcare providers prior to receiving their current diagnosis and almost always report that their diagnosing provider says something to the effect of, “this isn’t the way this disorder usually presents” or “your child is responding differently than most children with this disorder.” This is an excellent

opportunity to ask yourself what question have we forgotten to ask? Another question might be, is there another cause? Does my child truly have ASD or do their symptoms merely look like ASD. When we ask this question, we provide new opportunities for hope and healing. So the question becomes, what can look like ASD? There are many possibilities including food intolerances, alterations in nutrient status, heavy metal toxicity and infection. Yes, infection. Many of us may be familiar with the association between Candida yeast overgrowth and ASD, but there are other infections we should also consider. One infection that overlaps with ASD is Lyme disease. Lyme disease is a bacterial infection caused by the bite of an infected tick. This disease can be difficult to diagnose because less than 50% of people get the characteristic rash, less than 50% of people remember a tick bite and common blood tests miss 30-50% of people who are infected. Lyme disease is most common in 5-9 year old children (boys > girls) and young men. Most people think of

Lyme symptoms as joint pain, fatigue and other flu-like symptoms, when, in fact, the symptoms are quite variable, especially in children. The bacteria that causes Lyme disease seems to have a preference for causing problems in the joints, the brain, the gastrointestinal/digestive (GI) system and the urinary tract. In children, symptoms often include acute changes in personality (especially becoming withdrawn or exhibiting poor social skills), hyperactivity, rage, irritability, digestive difficulties, headaches, and anxiety. Children may also have problems with speech and motor skills and do poorly in school. Starting to sound familiar? It is also important to note that the ticks that carry Lyme disease can also carry other infections that can cause changes in behavior. But do symptoms tell the entire picture? Twenty to thirty percent of children with ASD have blood tests positive for Lyme disease. Additionally, due to immune system suppression, patients with Lyme disease may not test positive. In our blood and other body fluids, there are many markers that tell how our immune system is functioning, including antioxidant and detoxification markers. Similar alterations in these tests have been found

in patients with Lyme disease and ASD. They both can cause similar changes in brain scans as well. In 1993 there were approximately 8,000 new cases of Lyme disease and 19,000 cases of Autism. Currently there are about 260,000 new cases of Autism each year. There are more than 22,000 reported new cases of Lyme disease each year. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) believes Lyme disease is being underreported by about 90%, if this is true there are now over 220,000 new cases of Lyme each year. Strikingly similar numbers. A study published in the peer-reviewed journal Medical Hypotheses in September 2007

found that 10 of the top 15 states overlap for the incidence of ASD and Lyme disease. Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts happen to be 3 of the 10. Another similarity between Lyme disease and ASD is that successful treatment protocols are individually created. Most patients require comprehensive treatment approaches that may include medications, nutritional supplements, herbs, dietary changes, and structured exercise. Supporting GI function seems to be key to treating both ASD and Lyme disease. It just so happens that approximately 70% of your immune system is in your GI tract. It’s quite interesting that Lyme can cause

April 2010


GI problems that make the disease more difficult to treat and that successful ASD treatment almost always involves addressing gut health. Supporting detoxification of biotoxins, neurotoxins and heavy metals is also something to be considered. It’s starting to sound like Lyme disease and ASD may have much more in common than many people think. But, does this mean that all children with ASD have Lyme disease or that Lyme causes ASD? Not really. There are many possible conclusions that we can draw. Some of them include: 1. This is a lot of interesting information, but there is no relationship between these two dis-eases. Some people may


April 2010

have Lyme disease and ASD at the same time with no causal relationship. 2. In some people, Lyme disease causes symptoms that look like ASD. With successful treatment of Lyme, the ASD-like symptoms resolve. This person does not really have ASD. 3. A person has Lyme disease and this causes a body wide imbalance that makes a person more susceptible to other factors that lead to ASD, such as setting a person up to hold onto more heavy metals or changing the function of the GI tract which leads to food intolerance, digestive difficulties or yeast overgrowth. In other words, Lyme is making someone more susceptible to developing ASD.

While Lyme disease may not be the answer to ASD, in some people it plays a significant role. While we believe all children with developmental disorders should be evaluated for the possibility of Lyme disease, there are some clues that raise suspicion: any child with Lyme disease (clinical diagnosis, bull’s eye rash or positive Lyme test) prior to onset of current ASD symptoms should be evaluated for persistent Lyme disease; a child of a mother who had Lyme disease prior to or during pregnancy should be evaluated for possible Lyme disease. Two other very important clues are things changed overnight (or fairly rapidly) and things don’t add up (to you or your child’s doctors). Things changed overnight. Everything was going along fine and then BAM, one day everything changed. I currently have a patient who overnight became reclusive and antisocial when on a family vacation to one of his favorite places. After 4 years and many specialists, he was diagnosed with a developmental disorder, but no one wanted to give him a specific diagnosis because nothing added up. This patient tested positive for Lyme disease and with treatment has become more outgoing and social. He continues to improve. Things don’t add up. You’ve done all the research, seen all the specialists, and frequented all the online forums. You know what Autism is, but it just doesn’t make sense. This is the time to seek out a DAN practitioner as well as someone who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease. The DAN practitioner coordinates the biomedical therapies for autism. Analyzing diet to create the optimal food choices individually for each child. Some children need gluten-free, casein-free, while others have problem with carbohydrates or oxalates. One diet doesn’t work for everyone, so we test each child to see how their body reacts to foods. Nutrient status is usually poor in kids with autism. The body burns through nutrients very quickly, and if the diet is limited, new vitamins, minerals, fats, and proteins can’t supply the need. We analyze each child to see what nutrients they need, and give an individual therapy. Toxins are also extremely prevalent in children on the spectrum. Mercury, arsenic, lead, plastics, PCBs, and other toxins are everywhere. You can’t escape them, but they do cause damage to the brain. We need to remove them, we need to detoxify, because that is what really awakens children.

I will never forget my very first patient with autism. The mother ran into my office in tears, “I have my boy back!” I will never forget the child who couldn’t talk, finally, singing songs together with his mother. I will never forget every child that I see, as they begin to awaken, to go back to school, to play with brothers and sisters, to be a kid again. We must all work together to stop autism in its tracks. Because together we will change autism. Together we will find a cure. Together we will reverse the epidemic, and together we will make autism a thing of the past. We encourage everyone to continue seeking answers by continually asking the next question. Consider all possibilities, including chronic infection. Seek out qualified healthcare professionals and create a team that’s dedicated to helping find the unique keys to supporting your child’s healing. Dr. Skowron and Dr. Moorcroft work together to treat children on the spectrum to help children fulfill their optimal potential. Dr. Jared M. Skowron is a certified DAN (Defeat Autism Now) doctor, specializing in the biomedical approach to treating autism, and author of Fundamentals of Naturopathic Pediatrics. His private practice, Harvest Park Naturopathic Medicine, is in Wallingford, CT and provider with Anthem, Aetna, CTCare, Healthnet, and United. See ad on page 34 . Tom Moorcroft, DO practices Integrative Family Medicine, including the treatment of Autism and Lyme disease, at Origins Of Health in Glastonbury, CT. For more information, please visit his website or call 860-430-9790. See ad on page 32.

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April 2010


Tapping the Wisdom of Ancient Practices, Empowering Individuals toward Health


have become amazed with the grand architecture of my body. The structures, the systems and processes that make even the simplest things I do, like walking up a flight of stairs, or eating a bowl of oatmeal seem easy. The human organism is a complex structure made up of systems working together on a never-ending series of automatic corrections in the infinite task of achieving homeostasis; balance. This process of homeostasis goes on microscopically and unconsciously every nanosecond of every day while I am busy doing more important things like working, chasing my kids around, or updating my FaceBook status. Most of the time things go along swimmingly inside without my ever knowing what’s going on. While little imbalances happen every day, like when I indulge my love of spicy food and it doesn’t love me in return, my body usually bounces back pretty fast. When imbalance becomes chronic, however, it can lead to serious health concerns. Modern life offers a range of opportunities to be out of balance. Everyday life challenges can cause and contribute to pesky little ailments like anxiety, stress, and fatigue, which are bad enough; but when our response to those ailments is eating poorly, not exercising, thinking negative thoughts, and self-medicating, our behaviors can cause more serious maladies like obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and depression. Once our bodies are chronically imbalanced it requires more and more energy just to get through the day. Unfortunately for many of us, it takes a crisis to break the cycle and start on the path towards balance. We seldom make lifestyle changes because we see the light. We make changes when we feel the heat. Many maladies suffered today might be the result of small, ongoing and increasing imbalances brought on by runaway stress and lifestyle habits incongruent to our health, heart, and soul purpose. We ignore or accommodate these imbalances until they present inconvenient or uncomfortable physical symptoms, and then are often treated with powerful pharmaceuticals that can create a host of new problems that may require more medication. Some of us realize too late that there is rarely an “exit plan” to get

off medication once we’re put on a course of treatment. But I can imagine a time when we lived closer to the bone. A time when night was really dark and the quiet was enough for us to hear the pulse in our own veins or to sense the longing in our own hearts. Our nervous systems must have been more attuned to the rhythms of not only nature around us but to nature within us. I believe that some of the most amazing medical approaches originated from that era, centuries before human dissection was performed; a time when observation, intuition, experience, and an authentic connection to “the divine nature of things” were the healer’s tools. Throughout history all cultures had healers that used indigenous folk medicine based upon thousands of years of observing the natural functions of the body. They would diagnose by observing deviation in those natural functions, and then treat naturally - herbs, oils, diet, bodywork, bone setting, and spiritual practices. They counseled their patients on daily lifestyle that would support not only physical health, but also improved mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The goal was always to help restore balance. Recently I had the privilege to work with a Thai Reusi - a scholar, teacher, and practitioner of Thai medical and esoteric arts. Over the course of the retreat we explored elemental theory, pulse diagnosis, herbal remedies, meditation, breathing, Thai Yoga, and complementary therapies to help enhance my Thai Bodywork practice. The experience opened my eyes to the concept of maintaining health in subtle and natural ways everyday, and gave me an appreciation for the “barefoot doctor”. These days we don’t use terms like folk medicine, as they might conjure up images of witch doctors or flaky-new-agey healers, and if your doctor walked into the office without shoes you’d probably look for the door. But as fringe as it sounds, there is something to this concept that has been left behind in our march toward a scientific, cerebral understanding of the body. In addition to allopathic care, the world today could use wise, intuitive healers that practice such ancient arts as bodywork, herbal remedies, and acupuncture to help restore health and empower the patient as the primary stakeholder in their own health. Health and well-being is a balance that every individual must find for themselves. Looking to the ancient practices to help identify and correct minor imbalances before they become major problems may enhance our daily health as well as be a common sense approach to Health Care Reform. Rick Haesche has been a licensed massage therapist and Thai Massage Practitioner/Instructor for over 15 years. He recently completed an intensive 10-day retreat with Reusi Yogi Tevijjo on Traditional Thai Medicine. Rick has a private practice in Hartford Connecticut and can be reached at See ad on page 28.


April 2010



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April 2010



The Clifton Hotel, South Beach, Miami


range spandex bodysuits, Ferraris, teeny bikinis, boas (of the constrictor variety), sunglasses the size of saucers, a Latin beat, and an eco hotel? All in the same sentence?

All in the same city block, actually. The Clifton Hotel is one of the newest – and greenest – hotels in Florida. An oasis of calm in the midst of the South Beach Miami vibe. Oh sure, The Clifton has the vibe, the neon, the art deco, a bar that changes colors, and lots of little luxuries, but it also has a little bit of Zen, and a lot of eco-friendly attributes!

Are we looking at the future of travel? Upon arrival, I surveyed my room, then sat in the backless, ergonomic chair at the desk, jotted down a few thoughts, and checked my e-mail via the free Wi-Fi. Once business was behind me, I poured some wine from the mini-bar into one of the two champagne flutes that were next to the coffee maker, propped myself up on the king size bed made from 100% renewable resources, and watched a little TV on the Energy Star rated 42” plasma. I didn’t have an iPod to use in the docking station, but I did utilize its white noise function (I chose the sound of waves – it seemed appropriate.)


April 2010

After a wonderful night’s sleep (the bed, the pillows, the linens were all extremely eco-friendly and supremely comfortable) I woke to the recorded sounds of the ocean, mixed with the muted sounds of other guests heading out for the day. I gathered up the “Green Natura” soap, shampoo and conditioner that the hotel provided…and did a bad thing. I stayed in the shower longer than any eco-writer should. I couldn’t help it. The rainshower shower head was amazing, and the shampoo and conditioner were lovely. Leaving the shower was made easier by the best towels ever – and the waffle robe. I coveted the mattress, pillows, towels. I had to leave all those things there, but I slipped the left-over shampoo and soap into my bag. I made some coffee (with the supplied Starbucks packets), ironed my capris, threw my camera in the safe, and went in search of breakfast. I didn’t have to look far. Right across the street was a restaurant with indoor and outdoor seating and a nice menu. After breakfast I stepped into the sunshine, and headed off to interview Brian Scheinblum, President of Cambean Hospitality – the owners and managers of this and three other properties in the South Beach/Miami Beach area. My burning question? WHY DID YOU DO IT?! The Clifton is one of Miami’s wonderful Art Deco hotels, built in the 1940s, and

cated in the South Beach Art Deco National Historic District. Known as "SoBe," the area is considered the chicest place to be in all of Miami and is sometimes called "America's Riviera." Because of the historic importance, tearing the hotel down was not an option. But rehabbing it in a non-eco friendly way was an option. It would have cost far less, taken less time, and would have been a much easier sell – definitely to the hotel’s investors, and probably to many SoBe visitors. Frankly, as I scanned the area, I did not see a lot of Priuses and Tevas.

So why did Mr. Scheinblum want to push the envelope? “What better place to prove that you can be chic and eco-friendly?” Brian countered. “We bring the best of both worlds. We know people want to be comfortable and feel pampered, and we know that more people every day want to live in a sustainable manner.” The man is hands-on and detail-oriented. EVERYTHING in the hotel has been scrutinized based on comfort and ecofriendliness, to the point where he’s hoping the Clifton will be the first LEED-certified historic hotel in the U.S. Actually, he won’t be satisfied with that – he is hoping it will also earn a Platinum LEED Certification. That’s an extremely difficult certification to get, even with a new structure.

He doesn’t take shortcuts. He oversaw the entire renovation, which began with a complete gut of the building, took 2.5 years, and cost millions of dollars. He watches the monitors on the energy management system, analyzing patterns and looking for even greater efficiencies. Heat recovery units on the HVAC are used to heat all water in the property. The dual flush toilets are considered the best in the industry. He sought out locally manufactured furnishings, and had the beds custom made from bamboo, with mattresses made from 100% renewable resources. The mini bars, fans and televisions are Energy Star rated. The lighting is LED and dimmer controlled. The art is printed using water-based inks, and is framed with recycled wood and mat board. He argued with energy consultants who suggested that a wind turbine wasn’t a good option (as an adjunct to the solar panels already employed), dragging them up to the roof (where reflective roofing is installed), where they agreed it might work. The bar serves organic wine. Soon there will be notices in the guestrooms that describe the Cambean Earth Environmental Fund’s support of the Everglades Foundation and Audubon. There isn’t enough room in this magazine to list all the things Brian knows about “green,” or all that he’s lobbied for. This is a comprehensive approach, undertaken by a man who is genuinely committed to being as eco-friendly as possible,

without denying guests little luxuries. Brian wants this hotel to be such a huge success that, when the time comes, he can add eco-friendly modifications to his other hotels. Are there trade-offs? I think not. Are there things that could be better? Probably, but aren’t there always? And they’re part & parcel with the location. The first floor has a view of the sidewalk. (On the other hand, it’s one block from Ocean Drive and the beach, and it’s much quieter than Ocean Drive, which I appreciated.) I had a junior suite, which was nice and roomy, but the bathroom was small, as they often are in cities. A regular room didn’t have as much room to spread out, but still seemed sufficient, and the prices are reasonable, with average nightly rates ranging between $140 and $170. Does anyone go to South Beach to hang out in their room anyway? The pool was at another one of his hotels – the Carlton, which was a short walk from the Clifton. Since it was chilly, and the pool was somewhat enclosed, blocking the breeze, I opted for that over the beach. Either way, I would have walked about the same distance. Are there more advantages than disadvantages? Definitely. I want to see the world, and assuage my guilt over planes, trains and automobiles by travelling in a responsible manner. And if you’re still reading this article I’m guessing we’re of like minds.

Or, you might be thinking, “You baby – this is not eco travel.” Or even, “There is no such thing as eco travel, unless you walk to your destination.” Valid points. Those of you who live in a centrally located yurt and can walk to most of the places you need to get to are ahead of the curve. Bless you, and I mean that sincerely. For those who long to travel and are still learning how to live and travel sustainably, I’m willing to bet this hotel is greener than anywhere you’ve ever been. It made me feel better about Miami, frankly, where excess seems to be the norm. Maybe Brian’s hotels will change a few minds. Support Brian. Support his investors who took a chance on this. If you’re going to Miami, stay at the Clifton. Experience the beauty of the beach and the majesty of the ocean, take a trip to the Everglades, enjoy watching or participating in the whole SoBe scene, then go back to your truly eco-friendly room, where you get the good karma for doing the right thing, without feeling for a moment like you sacrificed at all! Author Deb Percival is a freelance writer in Connecticut. E-mail

April 2010


Community Spotlight Hartford, West Hartford & Bloomfield

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April 2010


MOVEMENT as Medicine

How Stress Makes You Fat


ow many calories does stress have? We agree this is a ridiculous question, but ask almost anyone if stress can make a person fat and you will receive a resounding yes. But if we agree stress has no calories, and we also believe fat gain is all about calories, then how does stress stimulate fat gain? The truth is the calorie model is not the whole story on fat loss. Stress and other lifestyle factors work through complicated hormonal and metabolic mechanisms that alter not only the amount of calories we eat, but also where on the body we store them and most importantly which type we burn—sugar, fat or muscle. We realize not everyone likes to delve into the deep biochemistry that is required to truly understand how stress causes fat gain, so we will do our best to make this as simple as we can. One thing is for certain, if you can understand the impact stress has on our physiology and why it makes us fat you will begin to see a whole new way of thinking about diet, exercise and lifestyle. A Historical Frame of Reference Before we can even begin to talk about stress, it is important to understand what it is and how humans have adapted to deal with it. Humans have evolved on this planet for mil-


April 2010

By Jade Teta, ND, CSCS and Keoni Teta, ND, CSCS, LAc

lions of years. We have had to deal with predators, food shortages, ice ages, natural disasters, rugged terrain, uncertain future and countless other “stressful” things. If you think you have it tough today, imagine walking down the street and having a pack of hungry wolves jump out from behind a dumpster and decide you are for dinner. Or walking into a food store where the cashier hands you a spear and points you towards the wild boar living in aisle 4. This may seem laughable right now, but understanding the physiological reaction of that kind of stress is exactly what is needed to decipher the impact stress has on fat gain. The bottom line is humans are designed for acute stress like running away from a hungry predator, fighting off an intruder, or catching dinner. That is because during the millions of years we have been on the planet, we encountered these types of stress all the time. These stresses were unpleasant yes, but short lived. We also encountered types of chronic stress, which usually came in the form of droughts and food shortages. These stressors never lasted for long and usually ended fairly soon. Your physiology is hard wired to the realities of your historic ancestors. Whether you are being chased by a pack of wolves, fighting a wild boar, under a severe deadline at work, facing financial uncertainty, or stuck in traffic your response to stress is exactly the same as far as your physiology is concerned.

The Brain Adrenal Axis The stress response is regulated by a closely orchestrated communication between the brain (your hypothalamus and pituitary gland) and your adrenal glands (two little pieces of endocrine tissue that sit on top of your kidneys). This is known in science as the HPA axis (Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis). You can think of the brain as an army’s central command center. When it gets a warning that there is an incoming threat, it sends an immediate signal to the adrenal glands. In a fraction of a second the adrenal glands flood the body with hormonal signals like adrenaline, noradrenaline, and cortisol whose job is to give the body the energy required to stay and fight or run like hell. You know what this feels like. If you have ever been in a near car accident, you probably felt an intense surge of energy travel through your body that allowed you to slam on the brakes or swerve out of the way. That was your HPA axis in action. This is where things can go wrong. In the modern day there is nothing to run from and there is no giant Twinkie monster you have to kill to get lunch. So instead of moving in response to stress, you just sit there with large amounts of adrenal hormones surging through your body. This is not a good thing. The major action of adrenal hormones is to raise the amount of sugar and fat in the blood to supply the body with energy. The whole body mobilizes all at once to supply the body with everything it needs to survive.

April 30th.

April 2010


The liver is instructed to kick out stored blood sugar as well as make some extra. Muscle and fat aid the creation of new sugar through the release of amino acids from muscle and glycerol and from triglyceride (fat) respectively. In other words, stress burns fat, sugar, and muscle under normal circumstances. But when it becomes recurrent and chronic, fat is usually spared while muscle is taken. In a normal more healthy stress response, you are able to run your way to safety or fight your way out of danger. The process of the intense movement to run away or fight is just what the body needs because that triggers the release of other hormones like testosterone and human growth hormone (HGH) which act to repair damaged tissue and partition energy usage towards fat metabolism while at the same time sparing and even building muscle. The repair mechanisms of these two hormones rebuild the body back leaner, faster, and stronger improving the chances that the next stressful encounter will result in another success. All of this together feeds back on the brain and the adrenals allowing them to stop the alarms and go back to a rest and recovery physiology. Chronic Stress The problem in the modern day starts when stress, whether real or perceived, becomes constant and continuous, is not followed by intense activity, and never ends. Chronic stress is different because the stressors continually force the body to work harder and harder to compensate for the physiological disruptions. One of the


April 2010

first and most important things to change is relative amounts of cortisol. Relative is an important term, because it means how much cortisol do you have in relation to other hormones. The most important thing to remember here is that cortisol (one of your major stress hormones) exerts actions on the body that are beyond our awareness. High amounts of continuous cortisol secretion induce serious changes in our physiology. Two important changes occur in relation to hunger and cravings. Excess cortisol down regulates hunger and increases the urge for sweets and fatty food. A sure sign you have high stress levels is a lack of appetite in the morning. Two studies, one in Endocrinology 2004 (volume 145) and the other in Psychoneuroendocrinology (Volume 30 # 9), show how cortisol can decrease hunger and increase the desire and intake of sugar and fat respectively. This makes complete sense when you think about stress from a historic perspective. If walking out of your house could result in getting swept away by a giant Terradactyl then you would likely make fewer trips to the grocery store, seek out the most energy dense foods that will sustain you for longer so you could eat less frequently and avoid the danger lurking outside as much as possible. A comprehensive review by Dr. Pecoraro of UCLA San Francisco was published in 2006 in the journal Progress in Neurobiology (volume 79). In that paper, he cited research that showed this is exactly the case. This review showed that through several overlapping mechanisms chron-

ic stress caused animals to decrease the number of times they ate opting for a few big meals over lots of smaller ones. Stress also forced a preferential desire for sugar and fat over regular mixed composition meals. The study showed this happens at the level of the brain because glucocorticoids, like cortisol, affect brain chemicals, specifically dopamine and opiods that can lead towards depression or anxiety, lack of motivation, lack of spontaneous movement, and a desire for high calorie foods. Sounds a lot like what we call emotional eating right? The bottom line here is that stress, when chronic and persistent, affects brain chemistry in a way that changes behavior. These behaviors are directly correlated to obesity and appear to be coming from more unconscious centers of the brain. Cortisol and Insulin: A Bad Combination In addition to the brain effects that can alter the types of calories we eat and how much activity we do, this same chronic stress has negative consequences on the type of calories we burn and where we store fat. When cortisol and other stress hormones are around in high amounts, fat is burned from the arms and legs and redistributed to the middle. This has much to do with the liver since it plays a major role in responding to the demands of adrenal hormones by up regulating glucose production and raising blood sugar. However, high blood sugar levels are damaging to the physiology so the body compensates by releasing insulin to lower the sugar and push it back into the cells.

Insulin is an interesting hormone since it signals the body to store fat and not burn it. The combination of high insulin with high cortisol is a very bad mix and does make you fat. While cortisol alone will burn both muscle and fat for energy, the addition of insulin makes the use of fat much less likely forcing the body to use muscle instead. In addition, this combination may burn fat and muscle from the arms and legs, but it increases fat storage at the belly. This too is an ancient adaptation for a physiology that did not always see a ready supply of food. Belly fat is unique because it is anatomically closer to the liver allowing a quick and readily accessible fuel source from which the liver can draw. Animals preparing for hibernation show this same distribution of fat storage and it helps them survive many months without food. Humans no longer need to deal with this reality, but our ancient metabolism does not know the difference. There is a lot of misunderstanding about stress and cortisol. It is commonly assumed that people who store fat at the belly simply produce excess cortisol and that is what causes the problem. However, obese individuals do not have higher systemic levels of cortisol than thin people. A 1996 study in the May issue of Obesity Research showed obese individuals have lower—not higher—resting cortisol levels in the morning. Another study published February 2000 issue of the Journal of Internal Medicine pointed out that obese women have lower— not higher—systemic levels of cortisol. This is often a point of confusion among people who point to cortisol as being the major cause of belly fat. This is where an understanding of relative cortisol comes in. If cortisol is in a higher ratio to HGH and testosterone—whether or not is it considered absolutely high or not—it will cause problems. Savvy personal trainers and fitness enthusiasts should know the difference. Despite what the infomercials say, it is not cortisol alone causing belly fat. The most important thing to remember when it comes to hormones is that they never act alone. Hormones are like people and will behave differently depending on the other hormones they are “socializing” with. When you add cortisol and insulin into the mix what you will see is a whole host of changes that explain exactly what is happening and why stress makes us fat. The modern day diet, lifestyle, and exercise habits make us all have relatively higher levels of cortisol compared to other hormones. Whether we actually get fat or not depends on how much insulin we have as well. Here is how it works. Remember how the HPA axis regulates stress function and when you are under stress it causes the release of the stress hormones, which then release blood sugar? If that blood sugar is not used through activity the body will then secrete insulin to lower the blood sugar. You can think of cortisol and insulin like the opposite ends of a seesaw. In early stress the

two will work back and forth raising and then lowering blood sugar to help you cope with stress. However, over time with continuous stimulation the body will require more and more of each hormone to deliver the same response. In time you end up with relatively higher insulin and cortisol levels beyond the ability of other fat burning hormones to oppose them. Remember that cortisol is a fat burner as well as a muscle burner, but when insulin is around with it, the body will burn muscle NOT fat since insulin puts a lockdown on fat release. This causes leaner arms and legs and fat storage around the middle. The fat storage around the middle IS caused by cortisol, but not without the help of insulin and lower levels of HGH and testosterone. Insulin and cortisol together alter lipoprotein lipase, the keyregulating enzyme that leads to fat storage rather than fat breakdown, and this action is directed right at the belly.

April 2010


Putting the Breaks on Belly Fat, HGH and Testosterone If the effects of insulin and cortisol were not bad enough, it is made worse by the decreased secretion of testosterone and HGH. Sleep, intense exercise, and adequate protein intake are the only known stimuli to reliably increase testosterone and HGH in men and women. We have become a society that brags about not getting enough sleep, increasingly espouses vegetarianism, and focuses on low intensity and aerobic centered exercise. None of these behaviors help the situation. HGH and testosterone counter the effect of insulin and cortisol by “wrestling” cortisol away from the negative influences of insulin. When adequate HGH and testosterone are present with cortisol the fat storing effects at the belly are blocked. An August 2008 study in the American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology and Metabolism showed that a high cortisol to HGH ratio led to abdominal obesity in women. Two other studies, one in the October 1997 issue of Human Reproduction and the other in the 2000 issue of the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (Volume 85 # 2),


April 2010

show that not only do HGH and testosterone block the fat storing effects of stress induced insulin and cortisol, but actually alter the effect to be one of muscle building and fat burning instead. Based on these effects, stress can either make you fat or get you lean. It really all depends on your choice to move or sit.

duce an adequate release of HGH and testosterone. 3. Sleep. If you don’t sleep you have already created an unfavorable stress response and circumvented your natural release of the anti-stress hormone HGH.

Once you understand the admittedly difficult mechanisms involved in stress and fat, you are ready to attack stress head on. Here are 6 ways to beat the fat storing effects of stress.

4. Substitute protein for sugar. Rather than going for sugar, increase your protein. This will block the muscle wasting effects of cortisol by making amino acids available without the need to tear down muscle. Protein will also release another hormone that counters the effect of insulin.

1. Eat breakfast. By eating breakfast you will immediately blunt the rising cortisol levels that normally occur in the morning. This meal should focus on protein and not the standard American diet of cereal, toast, juice, and coffee, which to your body register as sugar, sugar, sugar, and stress and increases insulin and cortisol above and beyond healthy levels.

5. Use cocoa. We are not talking about chocolate with sugar, but the addition of 100% unsweetened cocoa powder to the diet increases the levels of PEA (phenyl-Ethyl Amine,) which is a dopamine mimicker and will decrease the pleasure seeking behaviors stress induces. This will decrease cravings and the excess intake of fat and sugar.

2. Exercise, exercise intensely, and exercise with weights. To counter the negative effects of stress you must pro-

6. Eat 4-6 times per day instead of 1-3. By eating smaller meals more often you will reduce the “fasting effect”. Research shows that animals that are hungry eat larger meals and produce more insulin and cortisol in response to those meals.

What can you do?

One last word for personal trainers and serious exercise enthusiasts, exercise can be a stress too. Long workouts that are heavy on cardiovascular training and light on resistance training skew your adrenal stress mechanisms further towards excess cortisol and low HGH. If you or a client of yours is having trouble burning fat especially at the belly you may want to consider harder workouts that are shorter. A twenty-minute workout that brings the body to full fatigue will be a much better option to remove belly fat than a twohour jog in the park. See you at the gym. Jade Teta, ND, CSCS and Keoni Teta, ND, CSCS, LAc are Naturopathic Physicians and experts in the science of exercise. For more information, visit www.

Are You Losing Your Hair? Thinning? Shedding and Don’t Know Why? Trichologist Donyelle Mcbride of McBride Hair Replacement LLC specializes in male and female hair loss. We offer a health and wellness approach using nature’s remedies such as vitamin supplements and herbs along with electro therapy to provide the proper environment to stimulate healthy hair growth. Ask about our “Risk Free” 30 day trial for non-surgical hair replacement. If you seriously want solutions to your problem, we want to help! Trichologist Donyelle McBride 133 Park Rd., West Hartford, CT 06119 • 860.985.2081 • Follow us on facebook/donyellemcbride

April 2010


Supplements 101

Michael Dworkin, P.D., M.S.

5 Vitamins, Amino Acids & Herbs to Manage Stress & Anxiety


o you ever feel that stress or anxiety is interfering with your daily life, productivity or happiness? Have you resisted taking anxiety medications due to concerns about side effects? Would you prefer to replace the drugs you have been taking with natural remedies? If so, you might want to explore some of the natural means of managing stress and anxiety discussed below.

Definitions & Symptoms Stress and anxiety frequently coexist, often with depression, eating disorders (like obesity), and substance abuse. In fact, it is estimated that unmanaged stress and anxiety may accompany or contribute to 90% of all illnesses, including diabetes, chronic fatigue, chronic headaches, hypertension, ulcers, heart disease and candidiasis. Stress is an automatic, negative, psychological, and physical response to various overwhelming internal and external forces called stressors (including lack of sleep, allergens, pain/poor health, and work/social pressures). It releases neurochemicals and hormones to prepare us for action (often called the “fight-or-flight” response) and, if excessive or prolonged, can wreak havoc on one’s life and health. Stress is generally characterized by fatigue,

sleep disorders, irritability, and constant worrying. Anxiety may be hereditary to some extent, can be provoked by internal or interpersonal conflict, and causes people to feel frightened and apprehensive for no apparent reason. Symptoms of anxiety can include severe muscle tension, excessive sweating, headaches, digestive problems, concentration difficulties, impatience/irritability, and insomnia/restlessness. The degree of anxiety can vary and, if extreme, might rise to the level of one of these five anxiety disorders: Panic Disorder (repeated episodes of intense fear that appear suddenly, often without warning and with varying frequency); Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD); Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)(can develop at any age, in a victim or victim’s family members, following exposure to a terrifying event/ ordeal in which grave physical harm was inflicted or threatened); Phobias; or General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) (chronic, excessive worrying about various personal matters well beyond the average daily level).

The Conventional Approach: Pharmacotherapy When a patient complains of excessive levels of stress or anxiety, conventional practitioners commonly prescribe various medications, such as benzodiazepines, selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs), and beta-blockers. All of the pharmacotherapeutic drugs have long lists of potential side effects, which include: (1) benzodiazepines (e.g., Valium®, Xanax®, and Librium®): increased anxiety, significant memory impairment, and addiction (especially in alcoholics); (2) SSRIs (e.g., Prozac®, Lexapro®, and Zoloft®): agitation, decreased libido, delayed/lacking ability to orgasm, and insomnia; and (3) beta-blockers (e.g., Tenormin® and Inderal®): fatigue, depression, erectile dysfunction, memory loss and insomnia.

Natural Approaches to Relaxation: Vitamins - Amino Acids – Herbs A variety of natural alternatives, either individually or in combination, can generally manage moderate levels of stress and anxiety safely and without side effects. The nutrients discussed here represent those that this writer, in clinical practice or through research, has found to be especially effective. Preferably with the guidance of a holistic practitioner, you might consider trying these relatively affordable remedies:

Niacinamide (Vitamin B3): “Nature’s Valium”


Niacinamide (also known as nicotinamide) is the major form of vitamin B3 in the blood. It penetrates the brain easily, is nonaddictive, and does not produce the flush effect of the niacin form of vitamin B3. In 1979, Hoffman La Roche, the Swiss drug company that manufactured Valium, described niacinamide as “a brain constituent that has benzodiazepine-like actions.” In clinical practice, this writer has determined that the generally effective daily dose is 2 grams, three times per day. April 2010

L-Theanine L-Theanine is an amino acid derived from green tea that easily crosses the blood-brain barrier and is thus readily absorbed by brain cells. It works by helping muscles relax, increasing the concentration of the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine, and supporting the production of alpha brain waves (associated with a calm, worry-free mind). Both animal and human studies have uncovered theanine’s ability to promote relaxation without daytime drowsiness, boost cognitive function, and support brain health. In 2004, researchers published the results of a double-blind human study comparing the effects of theanine and Xanax®, a benzodiazepine. Each of the 16 healthy volunteers took at separate times either 1 mg of Xanax® (a substantial dose), 200 mg of theanine, or a placebo. At the initial measurement of whether a person felt anxious, only the theanine evidenced a relaxing effect. In another study, Japanese researchers examined the effect of theanine on math anxiety and determined that it controlled the “fight-or-flight” response and thus suppressed the release of adrenalin and stress hormones. Without any known side effects, theanine is generally recommended on an empty stomach in daily doses of 100-400 mg.

L-Tyrosine L-Tyrosine is a non-essential amino acid that is a precursor to the neurotransmitters dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine (adrenaline), which regulate mood and stimulate metabolism. While its adrenaline-producing activity seems to contradict tyrosine’s potential role as a relaxant, its dopamine production balances its norephinephrine production, yielding an alert, clear, uplifted but calm mind state. It also may reduce stress and anxiety

by supporting the function of the adrenal and thyroid glands. In some sensitive individuals, tyrosine can cause rapid heart rate or hypertension. If you are concerned, start with a daily dose as low as 200 mg and work up to a level that manages your anxiety.

Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) Lemon balm, a member of the mint family, has been used since the Middle Ages for a variety of conditions, including stress, anxiety, and insomnia. It is available in capsule form, as a liquid tincture, in homeopathic remedies, or as a tea. Although most studies have examined this herb in combination with others, such as valerian, hops and chamomile, there are a few studies that have studied it alone. In one double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, 20 volunteers reported after two weeks that 300 mg of lemon balm administered twice daily produced: a 49% reduction in anxiety; a 72% reduction in anxiety-associated symptoms; and a 39% decrease in insomnia.

St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum)

ral approach, where appropriate, consider asking your doctor to help you first lower the dose of your medication. Also consider seeking the guidance of a natural practitioner (especially if you are pregnant, planning to have a child, or are breast feeding), and inform your doctor before terminating treatment with any anxiety medication. The statements in this article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. None of the natural remedies discussed herein are intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Submitted by Michael Dworkin, P.D., M.S., a Registered Pharmacist and State Certified Clinical Nutritionist (CT Certification #00203), with J. Erika Dworkin, J.D., Dip.C.N./Board Cert. Holistic Nutrition (pending). Owner of the Manchester Parkade Health Shoppe (860.646.8178, 378 West Middle Turnpike, Manchester), Pharmacist Dworkin has been guiding patients since 1956 and is available for consultation by appointment. Erika is available to speak to groups. References are available upon request. See ad on page 17.

Though most think of St. John’s Wort as an herb for depression, it can be effective for moderate levels of anxiety. It works as an SSRI (like Prozac®, Lexapro®, and Zoloft®) and thus increases levels of serotonin in the brain. Note that St. John’s Wort may cause increased sunlight sensitivity.

Conclusion While various vitamins, amino acids, and herbs can ease anxiety and stress, it is most wise to be well informed about these remedies and your own condition, and to know especially whether they interact with medications you are taking. If you take anxiety medication but prefer to try a natu-

April 2010


Healthy Family

Dr. Lauren Gouin, N.D.

Candida Infection: an underlying cause


ur digestive tract is a delicate balance of multiple strains of organisms creating an internal ecosystem that influences our genetic expression, hormones, neurotransmitters and immune system. The bacteria that live in our digestive tracts can be altered by many medications, lifestyle choices and foods. Supporting a healthy gastrointestinal ecosystem can be done as simply as a healthy whole foods diet, with stress management and exercise. Unhealthy bacteria and yeasts can overgrow in digestive tracts and cause numerous symptoms, from headaches to digestive complaints. Candida infection is a common buzzword in the health food store and is implicated as the underlying cause of many conditions. Candida albicans is a strain of yeast that can grow in digestive tracts and create imbalance. Risks for candida include: antibiotic use, oral contraceptive use, diets containing highly refined carbohydrates and sugars, hormone imbalances and/or low immunity. Symptoms associated with chronic candida infection are: thrush, frequent vaginal infections, digestive complaints, food sensitivities, fatigue, headaches, poor concentration, mood swings and sugar cravings. Diagnosis It is important to confirm that Candida is the cause of any symptoms being experienced. Hormone imbalance, fatigue and digestive symptoms could have other causes. Questionnaires regarding yeast symptoms may be helpful to consider the diagnosis, but should be followed up by a meeting with your physician to discuss testing. Conventional laboratories can test for Candida albicans with both blood and stool tests. Candida antibodies can be tested in the blood, which confirms that there has been or currently is an infection of Candida. The next test should then be a stool sample, to confirm that Candida is growing in the digestive tract. Using these diagnostic tests can confirm Candida in the digestive tract and confirm a need to focus on balancing the gastrointestinal ecosystem. Treatment It is important to remove yeast overgrowth and balance the healthy bacteria growth in the digestive tract, to promote balanced mood, hormones and digestion. There are several important phases to reestablishing balance in a digestive tract with Candida overgrowth. Refine the diet Certain foods can promote yeast growth in the digestive tract. Refined carbohydrates, sugars and foods containing yeast feed the unhealthy organisms in the gut. Imagine a bowl of fruit on the kitchen counter that has attracted fruit flies. While spraying the fruit flies with pesticides may kill the immediate bugs, the most effective way to rid the kitchen of the bugs is to get rid of the source, the fruit. Candida can be killed by many different medications and botanicals, however, dietary changes, removing the food source for the yeast, are the most effective measure in combating it.


April 2010

Removal Candida infection may require supplementation of anti-yeast agents to help restore balance in the digestive tract. There are many different botanical medicines that have anti-Candida properties, including Oregon grape root, garlic and grapefruit seed. Depending on the person and their other health concerns as well as their current lifestyle, the physician may decide to use one or more of these agents. In some cases, physicians will prescribe medications such as Nystatin to kill off the yeast. Supplementation with other yeasts, beneficial yeasts, such as Saccharomyces boulardii, also promotes the die off of Candida. Restore After ensuring that the Candida is being starved and eliminated, it is important to focus on restoring the bacteria in the digestive tract. Supplementation of Lactobacillus acidophilus and other beneficial strains of bacteria reintroduces healthy bacteria to the digestive tract. Reinoculating the digestive system with healthy bacteria restores balance for not only the bacteria but also the immune system, detoxification pathways and other body systems that depend on the good bacteria to function properly. Rejuvenate Digestive tissue can become damaged with chronic infection, such as Candida. The symptoms can involve increased sensitivity to foods and chemicals, as well as digestive disturbances, such as diarrhea or constipation. Specific nutrients, such as Vitamin A and the amino acid glutamine, are helpful at healing gut tissue and restoring vitality to the whole person. Healthy tissue can help ensure a balanced immune system, potentially less food sensitivities and less susceptibility to yeast overgrowth. Replenish A compromised digestive tract leaves an individual at risk for malabsorption. Once normalcy has been established with the digestive tract, nutrient deficiencies, proper hydration and body composition should be evaluated, as Candida overgrowth often causes the digestive tract to be less effective at absorbing nutrients. Candida albicans is an opportunistic organism that takes advantage of an internal environment where there are hormone imbalances, less protective bacteria and more refined carbohydrates in the diet. Proper diagnosis is important, as the symptoms of Candida overgrowth can look like many conditions. With nutrition, supplementation and healthy lifestyle choices, Candida overgrowth is a very treatable condition. Dr. Lauren Gouin is a board certified naturopathic physician with a family practice in Manchester and South Windsor. Dr. Gouin is accepting new patients and is an in network provider for most insurance plans. See ad on page 19.

Conserving Your Own Energy While Going Green!

Simple tips for going green in today’s busy world


have a confession. During my undergraduate years I was a tree hugger. I enjoyed hiking, eating granola and making plans to save the planet. Several years later I find myself talking on a cell phone, running one or more computers at the same time, driving all over the place and feeling bad about ruining our planet. At home I do my best to minimize impact, but I have the usual refrigerator, freezer, dishwasher, clothes washer and dryer, TV, DVD player, telephone and more. How can we balance our goal of living as one with Mother Nature with our business’s needs and the other things in life we enjoy? There are five simple strategies to use that seem to be successful and, most importantly, easy. 1. When it’s time to replace an old appliance, replace it with something that is energy efficient. In many cases it is probably better to wait until your old appliance has reached the end of its functional life than to go out tonight and replace it with the most energy efficient model available. There’s a lot of energy and raw materials that go into creating an appliance, typically much more than the energy savings you realize over the life of that new super energy efficient model that’s calling your name. 2. Buy local, when you can. Join a CSA or drop by your local farmer’s market. This decreases transportation costs (energetic and monetary) and you’ll find the food is fresher, healthier, and tastes better. 3. The simple things really make a difference. Turning off lights when you’re not in the room. Turning off the water while you brush your teeth. All things you’ve heard before, but they work. Our family as well as our business both use less than the national average of electrical energy each year. 4. Buy a windmill! Or at least a share in one. Ever thought it would be cool to put up a windmill or put solar panels on your house? You would be totally electrically independent and creating a safer environment for the future. Unfortunately,

both of these options are very expensive and not feasible for most people. For the last several years, we have been working with Community Energy, a company that has been bringing new renewable energy to the market for over ten years. We first started with our family home. For about $75 a year on top of our regular electric bill 100% of the electricity use in our home is generated from renewable sources (33% New Wind Energy, 33% National Wind Energy, 34% Low Impact Hydro). What’s even more exciting is that we recently signed up for this service at our business. We are now reducing our carbon footprint by nearly 20,000 pounds of CO2 (carbon dioxide) per year! Take it a step farther; we can purchase carbon credits to offset

the carbon emissions from both our vehicles, that’s another 23,000 pounds of CO2. That’s 43,000 pounds of CO2 created by 2 people. The exciting thing is that we can offset the carbon emissions from our vehicles and purchase 100% renewable electricity for our home and business for about 92 cents a day. Visit for more details. 5. Your paint doesn’t need to stink. V.O.C.s (volatile organic compounds) are what give newly painted rooms their unforgettable odor and poison our bodies. Clean up your environment and improve your health by choosing Zero V.O.C. paints. The cost difference between regular paint and Zero V.O.C. paints seem to be nominal these days. The paints look great, painters love the way they coat and they don’t smell! We’ve used these very successfully in our office where our patients with chemical sensitivities have given them rave reviews. Going Green doesn’t have to be difficult. It just takes a little effort. Start small, buy local, flip off the switch, harness the power of the wind and take a deep breath of fresh indoor air. Live Green and Be Well.

Dr. Tom Moorcroft, DO breaths fresh indoor air and practices Integrative Family Medicine at Origins Of Health in Glastonbury, CT. For more information, please visit or call 860-430-9790. See ad on page 32.

April 2010


P.E.B.B.L.E.S.* Autism Transition Technology … a bridge to communication, education, transformation, and personal freedom.


or the purpose of establishing a working definition of ASD for this article, Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) are defined as a group of disabilities characterized by atypical development in three behavioral domains: 1) social interaction; 2) language, communication and imaginative play; and 3) diminished range of interests and activities. However, the thrust of this article is not to examine reasons for the increased prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Rather, this article is intended to herald a promising new technology, referred to as the P.E.B.B.L.E.S. Autism Transition Technology, that holds the potential to address the educational, social, and communication needs of students diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. The P.E.B.B.L.E.S. Autism Transition Technology, referred to as “PATT”, is designed to connect autistic individuals to their regular school environment and/or community through the use of a revolutionary robotic assistive technology that utilizes telepresence to effect three measurable outcomes: 1) promote self-sufficiency and interpersonal (i.e., social) skills that facilitate transitions from autism center-based placements to inclusionary school classrooms or workplace settings; 2) enhance the academic, vocational, sensory, and psychological development of individuals on the

Inner Health. Outer Beauty.

autism spectrum; and 3) facilitate learning that converts disparate information into personal meaning. P.E.B.B.L.E.S. Operational Design P.E.B.B.L.E.S. is an enhanced robotic videoconferencing technology, consisting of two avatars designed to link hospitalized, homebound, or autistic children to their school classrooms. Controlled by the child at his/ her remote location (i.e., home or autism center), it serves to place the child in virtual actuality of their regular (i.e., school site) classroom – in real-time and with dynamic communication potential. P.E.B.B.L.E.S. integrates children with their regular classroom activities by enabling them to function and interact as if actually being at school. It creates a “telepresence” in the classroom where teachers and classmates interact with hospitalized, homebound or autistic children. Thus, P.E.B.B.L.E.S. brings a dynamic force to the life of the hospitalized, homebound, or autistic child. As a result, it eases the tension associated with placement at an autistic center or hospital, mediates anxiety, maintains the child’s educational, social, and familial networks, and introduces fun and hope into the child’s difficult daily life while hospitalized or assigned to a remote autism center. How P.E.B.B.L.E.S. Works P.E.B.B.L.E.S. accomplishes its goals through highly developed, yet simply oper-

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April 2010

ated, assistive robotic technology that provides seamless videoconferencing between the remote site and the school classroom. Using two robotic avatars, with both units controlled by the child, P.E.B.B.L.E.S. allows the child to interact with the teacher and engage in all classroom activities and school functions, while communicating directly with the classroom practitioner (i.e., the teacher) and speaking in real-time to friends and classmates throughout the school day. A gamepad controller allows the student to manipulate the P.E.B.B.L.E.S. avatars. The Autism Transition Technology. P.E.B.B.L.E.S. in transformation One perspective concerning the profound increase in diagnosis of children on the Autism Spectrum Disorder is grounded in the relationship between new media (i.e., digital technology, iPod, and iPad etc.) and it’s deadening effect on language and social development and, by extension, the neural development of young children. With the advent and popularity of infant/early childcare programs, language development as an integral component of neural development has been seriously truncated by many custodial-based childcare programs. In essence, the behaviors demonstrated by many autistic children, ages 3-12, may be the exacerbated result of their relationship with new media technology. Clearly, oneway digital technology has created a generation conditioned by the fragmented focus induced by deep and repeated involvement with pseudo-interactive technology. The P.E.B.B.L.E.S. Autism Transition Technology (PATT) provides a developmental bridge connecting the world of the autistic child to the environmental trappings and institutions of society. It expands children’s early operant conditioning induced by many childcare facilities by providing enriched opportunities for language development in real world applications. The P.E.B.B.L.E.S. technology allows children on the Autism Spectrum Disorder to assume full control of their personal interactions, including formal and informal communication. It also accelerates their cognitive development in both “remote” (i.e., Autism Centers) educational settings and/or authentic classroom settings (i.e., public school classrooms). The P.E.B.B.L.E.S. technology offers opportunities that mitigate traditional programmatic

constraints that inhibit educational, social, sensory, and cognitive development. The technology also impacts the autistic child’s access to, and comfort level with, the implicate order of his/her perceived external world. Realities of Autism Autism, a developmental disability with a complex set of psycho-social implications, is manifest as a developmental disorder in a variety of ways in afflicted individuals. Although a high percentage of children and adults diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorders possess above -average intelligence, they are often constrained from participation in traditional learning environments (e.g., classrooms) by their inability to communicate directly with others, lack of control of their emotional state, or inappropriate social behavior. In many cases, these individuals are mysteriously captured in a world of silence. Their interactions with peers and adults are often characterized by having little or no eye contact, absence of speech, and the inability to be in control of their own emotions, cognition, and spirit. The condition is profoundly debilitating to the individual, extremely disruptive to the achievement of productive educational outcomes, and extraordinarily costly to families, schools, communities and, by extension, to the nation’s culture. P.E.B.B.L.E.S. Engagement Protocol: The Parallax Phenomenon The P.E.B.B.L.E.S. Autism Transition technology addresses the visual and social engagement issues so critical to educating children diagnosed with autism. The P.E.B.B.L.E.S. technology utilizes the Parallax Phenomenon, available only through the medium of “telepresence”, as an instrument to transform an autistic person’s behavioral traits. The parallax phenomenon addresses the “direct view (i.e., eye gaze) aspect of a child’s interactive diversion,” a behavior common to children with autism, by facilitating less threatening child-adult visual and social interactions. Utilizing the naturally occurring downward gaze intrinsic to the P.E.B.B.L.E.S. telepresence technology, the child’s visual and cognitive connectivity to the classroom environment is supported by the effect of a slightly diverted interactive gaze of the teacher as projected through the P.E.B.B.L.E.S. “telepresence” camera technology. This subtle aspect is crucial to enabling student-teacher connectivity through the phenomenon of priming, the condition in which readiness and receptiv-

ity for learning becomes manifest. Thus, learning is facilitated by the indirect eye gaze phenomenon (i.e., Parallax Phenomenon) of the revolutionary P.E.B.B.L.E.S. technology. In the cognitive domain, the P.E.B.B.L.E.S. Autism Transition Technology (PATT) autonomically informs the child’s implicate cognitive, social, sensory, and cultural experience. It allows for the child’s explicate interaction with external environments through the internalization of language, creation of personal meaning, ordering and filtering of sensory stimuli, interpreting and integrating symbolic language, and facilitating personal communicative processes. In the affective domain, the P.E.B.B.L.E.S. technology facilitates the stabilization of emotion-based behaviors. Moreover, the technology facilitates the autistic child’s capacity to experience the explicate world as perceived by non-autistic individuals. In its first phase, extending from 2001 to the present, P.E.B.B.L.E.S. Technology demonstrated its efficacy in mitigating the constraints that many Local Educational Agencies (i.e. school districts) faced when confronted by the needs of educating medically fragile children. The P.E.B.B.L.E.S. technology enabled numerous hospitalized or homebound children to maintain virtual contact with their educational community. The technology also allowed medically fragile students to sustain their academic performance and social connectivity to a degree which not only fulfilled their educational needs, but also contributed to their recovery from challenging medical afflictions. The scope and severity of the autism epidemic requires a bold and innovative approach. The P.E.B.B.L.E.S. Autism Transition Technology (PATT) may be the panacea to remedy the scourge of this disorder. * P.E.B.B.L.E.S. is an acronym for Providing Education By Bringing Learning Environments to Students. A. Harris Stone, Ed.D. is the Founder and Chancellor of The Graduate Institute in Bethany, CT, where he pursues his interest in developing educational offerings that affect the positive transformation of culture. Andrew Summa, Ph.D., Ed.S., Ed.D., is the Vice President for Institutional Development at The Graduate Institute, where he oversees the growth and expansion of the Institute’s Master’s degree programs in emerging fields of inquiry. See ad on page 12.

April 2010


Healthy Cooking TheGOuRmeTBachelOR.cOm Simple Gourmet Recipes

Chad Carns

put his award-winning, graphic design career on hold to study global cuisine and wine and to write The Gourmet Bachelor: Global Flavor, Local Ingredients cookbook. Carns brings exciting gourmet dishes & wine pairings to your home in minutes.

Balsamic chicken This recipe is always a big hit at dinner parties and especially successful for a romantic dinner for two. The neon-green parsley olive oil looks so impressive on a white plate. And the balsamic reduction adds an extra dimension. Try the reduction on vanilla ice cream and strawberries for extra bonus points with your date. inGReDienTs 1c 8T 1T 1 lb

balsamic vinegar olive oil fresh parsley, chopped chicken breast, 1-inch pieces

3 8 oz 1

garlic cloves, crushed mushrooms, mixed lemon, halved

DiRecTiOns: Simmer balsamic vinegar for 20 minutes or until

Saute chicken in 2 tablespoons of olive oil for 3 minutes per side. Remove. Saute garlic for 2 minutes. Add mushrooms and saute for an additional 5 minutes. Spoon parsley oil onto white plate. Drip balsamic reduction onto plate. Add mushrooms and chicken to plate. Serve with lemon. Watch Chad prepare Balsamic Chicken @

PaiRinG: Barbera, Italy 42

April 2010

Learn how to cook like a restaurant chef in 5 easy steps after you read “How to Achieve the Perfect Sear or become the wine expert at your next cocktail party after you read the essential wine guide. Enjoy this recipe, wine pairing & more in Chad’s new cookbook, The Gourmet Bachelor: Global Flavor, Local Ingredients @

CommunityResources Acupuncture

Stan Baker, L. Ac., Dipl. Ac. 35 Nod Road, Suite 106, Menla Holistic Health, Avon. (860) 836-1068 Stan Baker is a fully licensed Acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine practitioner with offices in Avon, CT and Springfield, MA. He has been a practitioner in the Oriental healing arts for 25 years. He specializes in difficult cases including back pain/sciatica, headache/ migraine, allergies, and arthritis. His treatments are holistic incorporating body, mind and spirit. Most people say "I wish I came to you first" after trying years of other unsuccessful therapies. He is also a teacher of advanced Chen Tai Chi, Aikido and Sun Do Mt. Yoga. See ad on pg 34. Glastonbury Naturopathic Center Dr.Helene Pulnik, ND LAc. 18 School St., Glastonbury,Ct 6033 (860) 657- 4105, Dr. Pulnik is a licensed, board certified Acupuncturist and Naturopathic Physician with over 25 years experience as a healthcare professional. She specializes in acupuncture for infertility, womens' health, migraines, anxiety/ stress/insomnia, arthritis, back & neck pain, sciatica, allergies, chronic sinusitis, and more. See our ad on page 15, 28.

Chiropractic Physicians Center Chiropractic Nutrition & Wellness Ctr. Dr. Steve Oberle, D.C., M.S. 29 N.Main St. W. Hartford. (860) 521-2929 Dr. Oberle is a chiropractor and clinical nutritionist, who combines these two areas of expertise to help patients attain maximum health. Chiropractic treatment helps with back and neck pain, disk and shoulder problems, whiplash, and headaches. Nutritional counseling helps acheive weight loss, increased energy, detoxification, diabetes management, and healthy cholesterol levels. See ad on page 30. Westside Chiropractic 557 Prospect Avenue, West Hartford,CT (860) 523-5833, Our mission is to provide chiropractic care, naturally based generalist, primary or specialty health care, for persons of all ages. We are committed to educating our patients about their health and wellness and providing them with tools for self improvement. We seek to work in partnership with you to achieve good health and well being in a way consistent with your way of life. Visit our location in West Hartford See ad on page 19.

Chiropractic Physicians West Hartford Chiropractic Dr. Moshe Laub 345 North Main St., West Hartford, Suite 322 (860) 232-5556 Dr. Laub is the founder of West Hartford Chiropractic and Wellness. Dr. Laub’s quest to treat the person as a whole and the underlying cause of disease, inspired him to study Chiropractic in Canada. He taught Chiropractic at the University of Bridgeport. He then went on to found West Hartford Chiropractic and Wellness, a multidisciplinary practice where he unites the best of alternative and allopathic medicine. See ad on page 35.

Colon Hydrotherapy Glastonbury Naturopathic Center 18 School St., Glastonbury, Ct. 06033 (860) 657- 4105, Constance Jones is New England’s senior Colon Hydrotherapist. During her 30 years of practice, she has performed well over 40,000 colonics. Connie is certified through both the International Association of Colon Hydrotherapists (I-ACT) and The National Board for Colon Hydrotherapy. She creates a nurturing, serene, and safe environment, and maintains your utmost privacy and comfort. See our ad on page 15, 28.

Companion Travel PEN PAL TRAVEL Penelope Besmond 860-970-9778 Introducing Pen Pal Travel, a new medical travel companion service, providing help to those who want or need to travel, but cannot do it alone. With a nursing background, EMT certification and many years of travel experience, Penny will assist those who require medical reminders and interventions, or need the undivided attention of a caregiver throughout their journey. Verifiable references available upon request. See ad on page 21.

Creative Copywriting Karen M. Rider, M.A. 860-638-8140 Does your promotional copy align who you are and what you do with the needs of potential clients? Professionally written copy makes all the difference in getting a response from your target audience. Karen Rider, crafts custom copy for print ads, websites, brochures, e-newsletters, press releases and book jackets. Ghostwriting and co-writing services available for articles, interviews and books. Her work appears in local, regional and national publications. View Portfolio at:

Dentist Dr. Steven Hinchey 2249 New London Turnpike South Glastonbury, CT. (860) 633-6518 See ad on page 41. Dr. Kevin Norige, D.M.D. 112 Deming St., South Windsor, CT. (860) 644-0113 See ad on page 16.

Hair Replacement Donyelle McBride Trichologist 133 Park Rd,W. Hartford Ct 860.985.2081 Donyelle McBride is a licensed Cosmetologist, Trichologist, and Hair Replacement Specialist treating male and female hair loss. We use follicle stimulation and DHT blockers to promote hair growth along with a health and wellness approach using nature’s remedies such as vitamin supplements and herbs. Ask about our “Risk Free” 30 day trial for non-surgical hair replacement. Call for consultation! See ad on page 35.

Health Food Stores Manchester Parkade Health Shoppe The Manchester Parkade 378 West Middle Turnpike Manchester, CT 06040 860.646.8178 M-SAT 8am-9pm • SUN 9am-6pm The Manchester Parkade Health Shoppe is an information- and service-oriented health food store that has served its community since 1956. We are a true oasis for learning and achieving optimal wellness. The owner, Michael Dworkin, P.D., M.S., a Registered Pharmacist and State Certified Clinical Nutritionist (CT Cert. #00203), is available for consultation by appointment. Our other staff nutrition consultants provide customers with instore guidance in choosing vitamins, herbs, sports nutrition products, natural body care, natural and allergen-free foods, and life style changes. Many of our products are discounted every day. Ask us about our gym and other special discounts. See our ad on page 17.

April 2010


Holistic Health Centers The Essence of Being at Johnnycake Mountain 184 Johnnycake Mountain Rd. Burlington, CT (860) 673-6863 A holistic health care retreat providing a safe, beautiful and relaxing environment for your mental, physical and spiritual needs. Practitioners Lisl Meredith Huebner Dipl.CH, and John Odlum LMT offer many healing modalities including Medicinal Aromatherapy, Chinese & Western Herbal Medicine, Massage Therapy, Reiki, Quantum Touch™, PlantSpirit Medicine, Auriculotherapy, Weed Walks, Classes, Certification Courses, Meditations and more. See ad on page 15.

Alternative Health, Inc. 17 S. Highland St., West Hartford, CT 860-218-2838, 800-322-6855 We are dedicated to the health, vitality and appearance of our clients. Our goal is to help the body help itself naturally. We seek to provide the most natural ingredients in the highest quality possible, in order to offer the nutrition and building ingredients that the body and skin need most to reach a level of complete wellness. We seek to beautify and better the body through researched methods and total programs that are all-natural. We use the body’s own ability to achieve goals of improvement, rather than introducing harmful chemicals, surgery or addictive drugs to reach an end. See ad on page 36.

Holistic Health Monika Benoit BA Psy, CH, HHP, EFT-ADV CT Wellness Connection LLC 82 Salem Turnpike, 2nd Floor Norwich, CT 06360. 1-888-446-2338 As a certified holistic health practitioner, Monika specializes in providing holistic solutions for women, children & families. Schedule a free consultation to learn more about her fully customized therapeutic programs, including stress-management for parents, specialized support for childbirth, relief from prenatal discomfort, post-partum healing, help with PMS and relief from menopausal discomfort. Schedule a free consultation on-line at & download a free gift! See ad on page 22. 44

April 2010

Martial Arts

Copper Mountain Aikido 21 Copper Hill Road, Granby, CT 06035 (860)986-3617 Copper Mountain Aikido is a member of Birankai International (North America) under the direction of T. K. Chiba, Shihan. Birankai International is recognized by the Aikikai Hombu Dojo in Japan. Copper Mountain Aikido is a traditional Japanese “country-style” dojo offering Aikido, Aikido Weapons, Internal Aiki Training, Iaido (Japanese Sword Art), and Zazen (Zen Meditation). All instruction is conducted by the Certified Chief Instructor licensed under Birankai International (North America). All are welcome!

Massage Ingrid Staecker, LMT, PT(Germany) Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork Guilford CT. Ph. (203) 710-0454 For 17 years Ingrid worked with clients of all ages and various health conditions. She utilizes Swedish massage, Deep Tissue techniques, Myofascial Release, Craniosacral Therapy, Reflexology and Acupressure. Therapeutic sessions can include joint movements, positional release and stretching. Ingrid is also experienced in Pregnancy and Pediatric Massage. House calls are available for clients who are unable to visit the office. Wholistic Spa 18 School Street, Glastonbury 06033. (860) 657-4105, Dr. Helene Pulnik ND, LAc, Med. Director Wholistic Spa™ is a haven of total wellness. From the moment you step into our quiet space, we are focused on your complete wellness. Our treatments at Wholistic Spa™ use the purest natural and organic ingredients, with no toxic synthetic ingredients. We offer organic facials, hand & foot treatments and signature massage services for women, men and couples, featuring EMINENCE Organic Skin Care from Hungary. Inner Health. Outer Beauty™. See ad on page 40, 29.

Natural Products Designs For Health 2 North Road, East Windsor, CT 06088 1-800-367-4325, For 20 years, Designs for Health has been the health care professional's trusted source for research-backed nutritional products of superior quality. Driven by our "Science First" philosophy, our team of nutritionists and clinical experts utilize both clinical feedback from leading industry pioneers, and sound, scientifically researched literature as the basis for designing our products; all Designs for Health nutritional therapies are designed by health care professionals for health care professionals. See ad on page 3.

Natural Products Earth Turns All Natural Health & Beauty Products 1-800-507-3604 prides itself on exceptional customer service. All natural, chemical free health and beauty products at great prices. All of our products are made in America to assure quality. Ships SAME DAY, Monday-Saturday. See ad on page 27 . Fortuna Cedar Oil Fortuna Builders, LLC Natural Pest Control for Home, Yard, Hotels (203) 263-0773, Cedar oil has been used for thousands of years as nature’s insect repellant. We have dozens of 100% natural, 100% chemical free insect control products for the home, yard, hotels, barns and stalls. All are easy to use DIY products that are more effective and less expensive than chemical products. They pose no health risk to humans, pets, or the environment. Get rid of ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, bed bugs, ants, spiders, and more the completely natural way. See ad on page 33.

Naturopathic Physicians Advanced Allergy Relief CT Anne Mitchell, ND (203) 265-3546 North Haven & W. Hartford See ad on page 37.

Connecticut Natural Health Specialists Lauren Gouin, ND 1330 Sullivan Ave., South Windsor, CT (860) 644-2437 Dr. Lauren Gouin is a naturopathic physician with a family practice in Manchester and South Windsor. Dr. Gouin is accepting new patients and is in network with most insurance companies. For more information, contact her at (860)644-2437 or visit www. See ad on page 19. Glastonbury Naturopathic Center 18 School Street, Glastonbury Dr. Helene Pulnik. (860) 657-4105 Glastonbury Naturopathic Ctr. is a multidisciplinary healthcare center focusing on natural alternatives for individuals to achieve and maintain optimal health. Dr. Helene Pulnik, ND, LAc. is a board-certified licensed Naturopathic Physician and Acupuncturist with over 25 years experience as a healthcare professional. Offering Naturopathic Medicine, Colon Hydrotherapy, Acupuncture, Cleansing & Detoxification Programs, Weight Management Programs. See ad on page 25, 28.

Naturopathic Physicians Kensington Naturopathic Medical Ctr. Dr. Ann Aresco 355 New Britain Rd, Kensington. (860) 829-0707, Centrally located in Connecticut, Kensington Naturopathic Medical Center provides comprehensive family healthcare. Our team of specialized health professionals is dedicated to facilitating our patients’ optimal health, and offers a wide range of services, including supplementation, homeopathy, acupuncture and Chinese herbs as well as nutrition, holistic health counseling and weight loss/life style changes. See ad on page 31. West Hartford Naturopathic Medicine 301 N. Main St. West Hartford, CT (860) 232-9662 Dr. Frank Aieta, founder of West Hartford Naturopathic Medicine, is a board certified licensed Naturopathic Physician who specializes in the treatment of both acute and chronic disease utilizing the most advanced natural therapeutics. He offers a wide range of natural, non-toxic treatments which include: Acupuncture, Spinal Manipulation, Clinical Nutrition, Detoxification, Pain Management, Herbal Medicine and Natural Hormone Balancing. See ad on page 17.

Organic / Gluten free Divine Treasures 404 Middle Tpk. West Manchester, CT. (860) 643-2552 Specializing in artisan organic chocolate made with luxuriously healthful ingredients. Explore vegan, sugar-free and gluten-free selections along with Greater Hartford’s only dairy-free holiday ice cream cakes. See ad on page 18.

organic landscapng Earthwise Organic Greg Hazelton, West Suffield, CT. (860) 306-9604 NOFA accredited organic land care. See ad on page 17.

Physicians, M.D. Alternity Healthcare, LLC Desmond Ebanks, MD 639 Park Rd, 2nd Floor, West Hartford, CT (860)748-4064 or (860)561-2294 Dr. Desmond Ebanks, founder of Alternity Healthcare, is a board certified Internal Medicine specialist with more than 22 years of experience treating patients. Dr. Ebanks uses a comprehensive evaluation and stateof-the-art diagnostic equipment to expose a patient’s total health picture and develop a customized program incorporating bioidentical hormone balancing, clinical nutrition and exercise counseling and lifestyle modifications. He is the first physician in CT to offer the HeartSmartIMTplus; a non-invasive diagnostic scan endorsed by the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology. See ad on page 2, 31.

Whole Health Associates, LLC Dr. Jennifer J. Stagg, Dr. Mark S. Stagg, Dr. Shawn Carney 100 Simsbury Rd., Suite 209, Avon, CT (860) 674-0111,

Center for Integrative Healthcare & Healing 533 Cottage Grove Rd, Bloomfield, CT (860) 243-2224,

Whole Health Associates, LLC is an integrative family practice offering naturopathic, chiropractic, acupuncture and massage therapy services. The approach to patient care at Whole Health Associates differs from most other provider’s offices. Every person is addressed on an individualized level, tailoring treatment plans to meet the specific needs of each patient. Consideration of all aspects of the patient’s life is taken into account. Unique services include comprehensive food allergy and neurotransmitter testing, stomach acid analysis, body composition testing and gentle chiropractic techniques. The doctors are providers for many insurance companies. See ad on back cover.

The first of its kind in the country, Connecticut Multispecialty Group (CMG) is a large multispecialty group with its own Integrative Medicine Department. The physician-directed model uniquely blends conventional medicine with complementary therapies. Over 70 physicians work collaboratively with licensed massage therapists, licensed acupuncturists, certified energy workers, and registered dieticians. The end result is comprehensive model of healthcare delivery that focuses on whole person wellness and optimal health. CMG also features an electronic health record that interconnects all providers and offers portable flash drives with personal health information to all its clients. See ad on page 29.

Physicians, M.D. Deanna M. Cherrone, M.D. Natural Health & Healing, LLC 12 West Main Street, Avon, CT. (860) 677-4600. Dr. Deanna Cherrone, founder of Natural Health & Healing, is a board certified Internal Medicine physician who has changed the focus of her practice from traditional Internal Medicine to Functional Medicine. Functional Medicine is a science based approach to health care that involves looking at each patient as a whole being with interconnected systems that function best when they are all in balance. See ad on page 55. Tamara Sachs, MD Functional Medicine & Integrative Care 15 Bennitt St., New Milford (860) 354-3304 See ad on pg. 13.

Physicians, Osteopathic Origins Of Health, LLC Jill Moorcroft, DO Tom Moorcroft, DO 844 Hebron Avenue Glastonbury, CT 860-430-9790 Origins Of Health is a holistic medical center that specializes in Osteopathic Manipulation, including Cranial Osteopathy, Integrative Medicine and Nutrition. Founders Drs. Tom and Jill Moorcroft integrate their personal passion and extensive training as Family Medicine Physicians while working with you to develop a personalized approach to health that stimulates the self-healing forces within. Our goal is to assist you in realizing optimum health while being free to enjoy life and all it has to offer. See ad on page 32.

Psychotherapist Dori L. Gatter, Psy.D., LPC 17 S Highland St West Hartford, CT 06119 203.258.4113 Dori Gatter,Psy.D., LPC is trained in a broad palette of therapies, which include: Body Centered Psychotherapy, Reiki, and Mindfulness. She has co-written two books and runs training programs and workshops nationally on Bonding and Attachment. Also an Image Consultant, she started her image consulting business knowing that in addition to needing support for our inner process, we need support to integrate our image with our growth. She has created an entire program for developing the self from the inside out. For more information please check out her website at or contact her directly either by phone at 860.258.4113 or email See ad on pg. 24. April 2010


CommunityResources Psychotherapist Soul Support Counseling Nancy M Brockett, PhD, LPC 860.223.2232 West Hartford Feeling stressed, confused, anxious or depressed? Imagine yourself breaking free from worries and fear and then confidently doing what you haven't been able to before! We work together from the perspective of the whole self to get to the heart of what’s troubling you. Using painless, drugfree treatments, Dr Brockett helps you uncover and build on your own inner strengths so you can free yourself from negativity and live with more joy in your life. See ad on page 23.

Schools Connecticut Institute for Herbal Studies LauraMignosa, NCCH Nationally certified Chinese Herbologist 900 Wells Road (RT. 175) Wethersfield, (860) 666-5064, Founded in 1992, the CT Institute of Herbal Studies focuses on Traditional Chinese Medicine and offers a Certified Herbology Program with a foundation in both theory and clinical diagnosis as practiced in China today. See ad on page 20. The Graduate Institute Leslie Cahill Director of Admissions and Recruitment (203) 874-4252 • The Graduate Institute is an accredited institution of higher education that offers Master of Arts degrees in emerging fields of inquiry. Degree programs include: Experiential Health and Healing, Peace Studies, Oral Traditions, Holistic Thinking, and Conscious Evolution. Classes meet one weekend per month and programs are offered in Hartford, Bethany, New Milford, and Stamford, CT. For more information or to find an Information Session near you, call (203) 874-4252 or visit See ad on page 12.

Skincare Anew You Skincare & Wellness Center Melissa Martin, 16A Ensign Drive, Avon. (860)284-9730, We are committed to strengthening your overall well-being and skin health through the use of excellent quality products and extraordinary services that produce amazing results. Only natural ingredients are used, including plenty of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and essential oils! We want you to be "WOWED"! See ad on page 37. 46

April 2010

Spas / Day Spas Wholistic Spa 18 School St., Glastonbury, CT (860) 657-4105, Dr. Helene Pulnik ND, LAc, Med. Director Wholistic Spa™ is a haven of total wellness. From the moment you step into our quiet space, we are focused on your complete wellness. Our treatments use the purest natural and organic ingredients, with no toxic synthetic ingredients. We offer organic facials, hand & foot treatments and signature massage services for women, men and couples, featuring EMINENCE Organic Skin Care from Hungary. We also offer an array of deeply therapeutic and purifying services to help you achieve optimal health from the inside out! Inner Health. Outer Beauty™. See ad on page 40, 29.

Vibrational/Energy Healing Simply Fitness for the spirit, mind and body Priscilla Bengtson, ATP® 122A Naubuc Avenue, Ste 210, Glastonbury, CT (860)632-8434 Simply fitness for the spirit, mind and body offers programs and services that help spiritual beings get unstuck in their human experience. Owner Priscilla Bengtson is dedicated to helping people live a joyous and fulfilled life and offers classes and workshops that help people achieve this. Private sessions are offered for intuitive and angel readings, hypnosis, reiki, mandala healing, and health coaching. Psychic parties are also offered in your home or at the center. See ad on page 9.

Yoga Centers Yoga Center of Collinsville 10 Front St. No. 102 Collinsville, CT. (860) 693-YOGA (9642) Nestled in the hub of one of the Top 10 coolest towns in America, Yoga Center of Collinsville and Bev Kent have been serving the Farmington Valley for over 25 years. "More than just a Yoga Center,” we also offer: Yogalates, Belly Dancing, Zumba, Meditation, Workshops and Special Events. Our openhearted and skillful staff teaches with respect, kindness and equanimity. Come experience the joy of our center! Kula Yoga Center 136 Riverdale Farms,Bldg. 4, 2nd Flr. Avon. (860) 676-8800, Join us in our spacious, naturally lit studio, overlooking Talcot t Mountain for a variety of classes including Gentle Yoga, Anusara Inspired, Power Yoga, D y n a m i c F l o w, a s w e ll a s P r i v a t e Yoga Classes and Thai Yoga session. With no membership fee and drop ins welcome, we take the stress out when you walk in the door. We look forward to having you be a part of our community atmosphere at Kula Yoga. Merriman Woods Yoga & Life Coaching, LLC Migdalia Merriman Burlington, CT 06013 (860) 675-3684

Robin Clare Inner Wisdom Guide 10 Crossroads Plaza, W. Hartford, CT. 860-232-3331 •

Offers on going Yoga & Wellness classes, workshops & retreats in Art, Chinese Medicine, Aruveda, Yoga, Meditation and Chakra Balancing with Migdalia Merriman and guest teachers. Visit for a complete listing of offerings. See ad on page 33.

Clare-ity is the private practice and speaking series created by Robin Clare, Chief Inspiration Officer of Enlightened Professionals. The Clare-ity Method , when combined with our other advanced energy healing techniques connects you to your core center and access to your inner wisdom and ultimately, greater balance in your life. See ad page 15.

Sacred Rivers Yoga Paula Scopino LMT, E-RYT 500 IAYT Owner / Director 2934 Main Street, Glastonbury, CT 06033 PH. 860.657.9545 • FAX. 860.657.3161 See ad on page 9.

L.O.V.E. Lightworker of Vibrational Energy LLC Gayle Franceschetti Med,CHt. 36 Cheshire Road Wallingford,CT 06492 203-265-2927

SunDo Mountain Taoist Center 45 S. Main St., Ste. 90 West Hartford, CT 860.523.5260

Gayle Franceschetti is the founder of the L.O.V.E. Institute and is an acclaimed intuitive counselor and healer, Reiki Master, certified Hypnotherapist and past life regressionist. As an open channel for Divine Energy, Gayle integrates the power of universal love, compassion and understanding in all her workshops and healing sessions. Gayle conducts healing and mentoring sessions in person, by phone and hosts a variety of workshops and power journeys throughout the U.S. and around the world. See ad on page 20.

In Taoist Yoga & Meditation, practitioners progress through special sets of postures that are held while breathing very slowly and deeply. Together, the postures and breathwork help to revitalize the body and mind by cultivating Qi - the life force energy within us. In addition, SunDo Retreats are held are held several times a year at our Taoist Retreat Center in Vermont. For more information, please visit our Retreat Calendar or the SunDo Main Center section on our website. See ad on page 10.

CommunityCalendar Tuesday, March 30th Find Peace of Mind! Meditation Classes in April. Through April 30th. Prayers for World Peace: Sundays 11am-12:15pm, Meditation Class: Tuesdays 7:30-9pm, Simply Meditate! Thursdays 6-7pm. $10 or free for members. Find peace of mind! Come hear teachings on Buddhism and learn practical meditation techniques. Everyone welcome! OBC is a 501(c)(3) organization. Please visit our website for more details: Odiyana Meditation Center, 297 Oakland Rd. South Windsor. Kitty Sanders. 860-268-7251. Integrative Medicine for Arthritis Sufferers. 7-8:30pm. Free. Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease, is the most common form of arthritic disease and affects a large proportion of the population over 40 years of age. Dr. Shawn M. Carney, a naturopathic physician, will discuss how osteoarthritis develops, where osteoarthritis is commonly found and how it varies from other less common forms of arthritis. Dr. Carney will also discuss the most common avenues of osteoarthritis management such as nutritional supplementation, exercise, and physical therapies. Passiflora Tea Room and Herbal Shoppe, 526 Main Street, New Hartford. 860-379-8327 YogaKids. 4:00-5:00 pm. Playfully explore yoga and tune into yourself and your own creativity! Open up your mind and body and feel freedom to express yourself from the heart. Stretch your imagination and explore through yoga poses and movement, sound and music, color, art, and visualization. For children ages 6-12. $60 for 6 week session beginning 3/4 or $12.50 drop in. Preregistration strongly recommended. 860-676-8800 or

Friday, April 2nd Crystal Bowls Sound Healing. 7 - 8:30 pm. $15. Edie Jemiola, RMT, facilitates. Everything in and about our bodies resonates to sound. Sound used with intention can shift the energy in and around the body to help reestablish physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. Experience the purity and passion of Edie's voice and quartz crystal bowls. Bring a mat, pillow and blanket if you wish. Offered at Spirit Matters, 19 Pinney Street/Rt. 286, Ellington, CT, Register with Edie: (860) 933-8145 by April 1.

Saturday, April 3rd Inner Peace Guided Meditation Retreat. 1011am; 12-1pm; 3-4pm; 5-6pm. $5 per session/ $20 per day. Find a happy, calm mind through these guided meditations on the Lam Rim, or stages of the path to enlightenment. Join us for just one or all four meditation sessions. Everyone welcome! OBC is a 501(c) (3) organization. Visit our website for more

details and upcoming events: Odiyana Meditation Center, 297 Oakland Rd., South Windsor. Kitty Sanders. 860-268-7251.

Gayle @203-265-2927, email sunnispirit@, or visit

“Achieving Optimal Health: Keys to Aging Youthfully”. 3-4pm. Free. Do you feel as energetic, happy and motivated as in the past? Have you gained weight? Sleep less soundly? Lost your interest in sex? Are you concerned about your health? Learn how you can recapture the vitality of your youth, avoid chronic diseases and grow younger every year at a seminar exploring the science of aging youthfully. Join Desmond Ebanks, MD of Alternity Healthcare, LLC at Whole Foods café, Bishops Corner, West Hartford.

Healing in Harmony Night. 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Free. Stop by the center for a healing service. Participants will sit individually with healer Priscilla Bengtson and receive a healing. Each healing will be approximately 8 – 10 minutes. You will be served in the order in which you enter the center. The healing services are offered one night each month. simply fitness for the spirit, mind and body, 122A Naubuc Avenue, Suite 210, Glastonbury, CT. For information please contact Priscilla Bengtson at 860.301.1468 or visit

Mindful Knitting. 10am-12pm. Free will donation. Debby Bailey, LMT & Lisa Burch, LCSW facilitate. Learn to knit as we come together for meditation, fellowship & community service. We’ll start with shawls to be donated to those in need of comfort. Silent knitting and concepts of mindfulness will be woven into each session. Instruction provided for new knitters. Offered at Spirit Matters, 19 Pinney Street, Ellington, CT Call Lisa to register at 860871-9295 x2 by Thursday, April 1.

Monday, April 5th Enlighten Your Chakras and Energy Field. 7- 9 pm. $75 for 4 week series on April 5, 12, 19 and 26. Dr. Marian Vitali, DC, shamanic practitioner, facilitates. Each week you have the opportunity to brighten your inner light and color the world with your true nature. Guided chakra meditations, shamanic journeying, and healing exercises will guide us through the major chakras throughout the 4 weeks. Learning about our chakras through experience is a deep and open-hearted way to lighten our spirits. Offered at Spirit Matters, 19 Pinney Street, Ellington, CT www. To register, call Marian at 860-918-8703, Monday Evenings Women's Health Series 6:00-7:00p Please sign up at customer service 860-652-9800. April 5th Terry Walters- Clean Food and women's health. April 12th Dr. Kaushick - Ayurvedic and womens's health. April 19th Dr.Diane Hindman - Thoughts Become Realities: The Modern Woman's Guide to a Spiritual, Sustainable and Immensely Satisfying Life. April 26th Dr. Alicia Stanton - Hormone Harmony: How Nutrition and Lifestyle Can Help You Achieve Hormone Balance. Whole Foods Glastonbury.

Tuesday, April 6th Astral Travel. 6:30-8:30 Gayle Franceschetti. Learn to safely travel the mental and ethereal realms to free yourself from the limitations of the earth's plane and the laws of time and space. Cost $25 36 Cheshire Road Wallingford. No previous experience necessary. To register or for more information please contact

Wednesday, April 7th

Aroma-Bar!! 7-9pm. $15.00 cover charge. Experience rare and exotic fragrances from around the world -some you may have never even heard of! Ask questions, sample what you like and bring a friend! This social and educational event comes complete with delicious refreshments such as non-alcoholic “Aroma-tinis” and tasty snacks made with Wisdom of the Earth essential essences–recipes are available!! The Rose/chocolate strawberries are so heavenly that eating them approaches a religious experience. John Odlum & Lisl Meredith Huebner, The Essence of Being at Johnnycake Mountain,84 Johnnycake Mountain Road, Burlington. To register call: 860-6736863. Email: Interested in learning more about the field of Archetypal Cosmology? Join The Graduate Institute for a free Information Session on a new Master’s program in Conscious Evolution that explores the relationship of psyche and cosmos. 5 pm at The Graduate Institute. Also April 22nd. 171 Amity Road, Bethany, CT. To RSVP, call (203) 874-4252 or visit Journey Through A Course In Miracles. 12 Wednesdays 7-9:30pm. $144: 12 week course. Master Clairvoyant Medium, Cathy Camera, student and teacher of A Course In Miracles, will take you through the origins and principles of this complex teaching. During this 12-week program you will learn how to apply these teachings to your life to gain a greater sense of inner peace and Spiritual insight. 12-person max. Workbook included. Pre-reg requested. The Spirit of Light, 1161 S Broad St, Wallingford. 203641-3371.

Thursday, April 8th Introduction to Tarot. 7:00-9:00 pm. $20.00. Tarot is about accessing the destinies currently available to you and helping you to be aware of the healthiest choices. Good Tarot readings are in tune with Spirit, and the reader’s job is to guide you in accordance with the Angels, your guides, and your own intentions. This Introduction to Tarot is a discussion of how and why Tarot works and includes a sample reading for all participants. April 2010


CommunityCalendar Jennifer Lilienthal, The Essence of Being at Johnnycake Mountain, 184 Johnnycake Mountain Road: Burlington. To register call: 860-6736863. Email: Join The Graduate Institute for a free information session on a new certificate program in “Exploring the Integrative Care Continuum.” 4 pm at New Milford Hospital, Room(s) Robison A & B. To RSVP, call (203) 874-4252 or visit Cleansing for Wellness Program. Supervised by Dr. Marie Mammone, ND. 7-8:00PM. $185 before March 31st after is $199 (covers meetings plus 1 UltraClear Plus). Also Apr. 15, 22, 29. Register for 2 attendees for the program the cost is $299 until 3/31/10 then $320 (covers meetings plus 2 UltraClear Plus). Repeat attendees please call office for addition discount. Remove toxic buildup from the body, heal the gastrointestinal tract, heal the liver, improve your diet and lifestyle. Chinese Medical (Qigong) cleansing exercises and an acupuncture treatment for stress included. Naturopathic Health Center-350 Silas Deane Hwy., Suite 201, Wethersfield, CT. (860) 529-1200 or CleansingDetoxProgram.aspx. Metabolism, Your Weight & Your Health. 7pm, free, no reservation. Ms. Toni Quinones, Nutrition Specialist & Sports Trainer. How to burn fat—without exercising. At Thyme & Season, 3040 Whitney Ave., Hamden 4078128 1 mile s. of QU & 1.5 miles n of Town Hall. 203-407-8128 Questions? Ask Linda, CNC (M-F 9-5). Our 20th lecture series. Coupon to all attendees. Realigning with your Divine Feminine. (5 Session Series)- Gayle Franceschetti. 6:30-8:30pm. Align with and honor this Sacred Presence that resides in all of creation. Through the use of ceremonies, meditations, dance and other modalities you will be able to heighten your awareness of the Divine Feminine that is within you. Reawaken to your ancient wisdom of this great creative force in the universe. To register or for more information please contact Gayle @203-2652927, email, or visit Also April 15, 22, 29 & May 8. $97 for all 5 sessions (creative financing available). YogaKids. 4-5pm. Playfully explore yoga and tune into yourself and your own creativity! Open up your mind and body and feel freedom to express yourself from the heart. Stretch your imagination and explore through yoga poses and movement, sound and music, color, art, and visualization. For children ages 6-12. $60 for 6 week session beginning 3/4 or $12.50 drop in. Preregistration strongly recommended. 860-676-8800 or


Friday, April 9th Yoga for Teen & Tween Girls. 6:00-7:30 pm. Playfully explore yoga and tune into yourself and your own creativity! Open up your mind and body and feel freedom to express yourself from the heart. Stretch your imagination and explore through yoga poses and movement, sound and music, color, art, and visualization. For girls only ages 11 to 15. $15 drop in. Preregistration strongly recommended. 860-676-8800 or Yoga for Menopause. 7:00-9:00 pm. In this celebration we will embrace our changing minds and bodies with humor and dignity; soothe symptoms with yoga postures, breathing and relaxation; and sample teas to cool us down, balance the endocrine system, strengthen and relax the nervous system, strengthen the heart, and improve circulation. $20 before 3/26, $25 advance registration, $30 day of event. Preregistration strongly recommended. 860-676-8800 or Relaxation Therapy Class. Instructor: Sharon Giammatteo, PhD, PT, IMTC. 1:15pm1:45pm. Free. This class will walk the student through a series of techniques to aide in relaxation and letting go of stress. CenterIMT, 800 Cottage Grove Road, Building 2, Blomfield. To obtain additional information or to sign up for this class, please contact Matt Connell-Giammatteo at or by calling (860) 243-5220 x 128. Private Group Reading with Patti Sinclair. 7-9pm. $80. Be a part of a private group reading with one of New England’s most sought after spiritual mediums! In a small group reading all participants will receive a message. The intimacy and depth of this event will leave you speechless and in touch with your loved ones in a way you had only before dreamed could happen! Only 10 guests may attend so be sure to reserve your space early. NO more than two family members may sit in the group reading together. Check out Patti every other Monday on HOT 93.7 FM. Pre-registration required. The Spirit of Light, 1161 S Broad St, Wallingford. 203641-3371. Spring Cleanse. 7-8:30pm. Free. Find out how a cleanse can be as easy as sipping a cup of herbal tea, without harsh side effects that rely on laxatives, with benefits that can include: a deeper sleep, more energy, less swelling, brighter complexion, improved digestion and elimination. Laura Roy has a BS in Biology from SJC, with additional graduate coursework in genetics and environmental toxicology. Laura represents the nutritional and supplements company Flora and has worked in the health food industry for 6 years. Passiflora Tea Room and Herbal Shoppe, 526 Main Street, New Hartford. 860-379-8327 Beginner’s Guide to Cultivating Qi (Life Force Energy) 6:00-8:00PM. Fee: $35. Zhan

April 2010

Zhuang (Standing Post) & walking Qi Gong are simple techniques for building and cultivating Qi which can produce profound benefits in our overall health and well being. These easy to learn exercises can have a significant impact on our health and enhance benefits we receive from Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Yoga and other practices. Breathe… more, 68 Hartford Turnpike (Rte 30) Colonial Square in Tolland – Presented by George Hoffman, Silver Dragon Tai Chi & Qi Gong. Call (860) 875-9642 by Apr 7 to register.

Saturday, April 10th Psychic Saturday. 11:00a.m.–5:00p.m. $20.00 for a 20-minute reading. Do you need guidance on your life, career, or your relationships? Stop by for a private reading and receive guidance from your angels, spirit guides and loved ones. Intuitive and Angel Therapy Practitioner® Priscilla Bengtson will connect with her guides and angels to provide you with the information you need. Pre-schedule or try your luck by walking in. There is a maximum of two sessions per person. simply fitness for the spirit, mind and body, 122A Naubuc Avenue, Suite 210, Glastonbury. To register, please call Priscilla Bengtson at 860.301.1468 or visit Yin Yoga. 2-4pm. $20 pre-registration or $25 at door. Also April 24th. Fuller Yoga, Pilates & Massage 1477 Park Street, 2nd Floor, Hartford 860-951-9642, The quiet practice of opening joints and relieving deep held tension. Open Your Life Force Energies with Dr. Ming Wu workshop. 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Experience the ultimate in opening your life force energies in this Tai Chi class, Traditional Chinese Medicine discussion and Tea Ceremony with teas that are infused with healing energy and Qi. Fee: $45.00. Hosted by Merriman Woods Yoga & Life Coaching, LLC. Burlington, CT 06013. For complete details visit: To pre-registration required call 860-614-0917. Certified Chinese Herbology Program. Start (9 weekends in one Year) with Laura Mignosa, NCCH. (Start of *pre-requisite course in Chinese Theory and Terminology needed to begin study). Also Sunday, Apr. 11th. 9:304:30pm. $2395.00. The objective of this course is to teach the fundamentals of Chinese Medicine as well as the diagnostic principles for the therapeutic use of over 150 herbs and more than 35 Chinese herbal formulas.Case studies, review of organ disharmonies, and clinical observation will be included. Additional TCM educators will present throughout the year. Connecticut Institute for Herbal Studies, 860-666-5064,, 900 Wells Road, Wethersfield, CT 06109. Introduction To The Chakra System – Kerri Mitchell. 1-3:30pm. $36. In this class Master Intuitive Psychic, Kerri Mitchell, will introduce the 7 core chakras, their meanings, functions, psychological properties, and

process of alignment. This is a great beginners class for anyone interested in learning about the basics of the energy body. To register The Spirit of Light, 1161 S Broad St. Wallingford. 203641-3371.

Sunday, April 11th Understanding the Difference Between Psychic and Medium. Kerri Mitchell, Cathy Camera. 2-4:30pm. $36. This class will offer the definition of a Psychic and a Medium. Discussions on Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, and Clairsentience. Sample readings with Master Intuitive Psychic, Kerri Mitchell and Master Clairvoyant Medium, Cathy Camera. Teens welcome. The Spirit of Light, 1161 S Broad St, Wallingford. 203-641-3371. Ayurvedic Workshop: Developing a Daily Plan for Weight Management and Healthy Living through Ayurveda and Yoga. 3–5pm The workshop includes a review of Ayurveda; developing a daily Sadhana Practice; Learning Abianga; Yoga for weight loss and tips on eating with the seasons and grocery lists. With Sarajean Walsh. $30. Pre-registration required. Space is limited. Sacred Rivers Yoga, 2934 Main Street, Glastonbury. 860.657.9545. A Morning of Oneness. 9:30-11:30am. $20 suggested donation. Join us for a relaxing morning of conversation, meditation and receiving an energy transfer of Oneness. The energy transfer removes the endless chatter of the mind and brings you fully into the moment where there is only peace and joy. It is an experience, not a concept. Our special guest will be Pat Caffrey who is the voice for the Angelic Council of LIGHT. The Council through Pat will share messages from the angelic realm. Location: West Hartford Senior Center – 15 Starkel Road. To register call Enlightened Professionals at 860-232-3331 or Private Appointments with Pat Caffrey, Master Channel.12:30 to 5:30 - $125 for 1 hr / $85 for ½ hr. Pat Caffrey is a clear vessel of love. She is a voice for the Angelic Council of LIGHT, beings of love and light that have been manifested to lead and guide humanity on Earth. They are sometimes known as the Elders of the Angelic Realm. As a voice for the council, she brings you both global and personal wisdom, information and messages. Location: Private Office – 10 Crossroads Plaza. To register call Enlightened Professionals at 860-232-3331 or http://patcaffreyapr.

energy and crystals. She prepares a crystal grid that brings in the higher energies of the spiritual realm bringing Peace, Love and Balance to all who participate. The workshop will be from 7 - 9 PM. Mystic, CT - Wellness Concierge Centers, 23 Clara Drive: 860-5724805 Meditating with the Masters. 6:30–8:30pm. $20. Gayle Franceschetti. Enhance your meditation practice by meditating in the vibration of the Archangels and Ascended Masters. These Divine beings will be guiding and supporting you on your quest in discovering you true authentic self . By allowing yourself to be in the presence of these Divine beings, you open yourself to higher vibrational changes and heightened clarity. 36 Cheshire Road Wallingford. No previous experience necessary. To register or for more information please contact Gayle @203-265-2927, email, or visit How to Prevent and Treat Osteoporosis Naturally. 7:00 - 8:00pm. Free. Dr. Shawn M. Carney, a naturopathic physician located in the Hartford Hospital Avon Wellness Center, will explain how osteoporosis develops over a lifetime and how we can help prevent its effects. He will clarify common confusion about what can be done once osteoporosis or osteopenia is discovered by discussing effective natural treatment options. Donatella Fino, LMT, will accompany Dr. Carney and review muscles associated with osteoporosis as well as how massage can offer symptomatic relief. Garden of Light Natural Foods Inc. 2836 Main Street, Glastonbury. Contact Holly Bishel at 860-657-9131.

Wednesday, April 14th Book Signing/Sacred Geometry Workshop. 4-6 PM/ 7-9 PM $20.00 Barbara Evans will have a book signing for Messages Of Universal Wisdom: A Journey of Connection through the Heart from 4-6 PM. She will present an experiential workshop at 7 PM creating a sacred place in the heart of traumatized New York City with an Image Key Crystal Grid that will bring Love, Peace and Unity. Her sacred geometry Image Keys will also be on display in the gallery from Apr. 3–May 31, 2010. New York City, NY - East West Living, 78 Fifth Avenue at 14th Street: 212-243-5994 De-stress techniques for Educators, Caseworkers, and Caregives. Free. With Shoshanna Silverberg at The Graduate Institute. 5 pm. 171 Amity Road, Bethany, CT. To RSVP, call (203) 874-4252 or visit

Tuesday, April 13th

Thursday, April 15th

Book Signing/Crystal Healing Workshop. 4-6 PM/7-9 PM $20.00 Barbara Evans will be available to sign her new book, Messages Of Universal Wisdom: A Journey of Connection Through the Heart. Barbara will also give a workshop to introduce people to the healing energies of the combination of sacred

Healing and Strengthening with Clean Food. 7-8:30pm. Free. Terry Walters. Take a closer look at how stress creates imbalance and disease, and what we can do to regain and maintain good health. We’ll take about how stress is not always a bad thing, how the body responds and how we can change

the response. All this will be seasoned with a healthy dose of healing and strengthening with Clean Food. We will be serving a vegetarian Spring seasonal dinner from Terry’s cookbook, Clean Foods. Fixed price of $11.99; half the sales form 5 to 9 pm will go towards Urban Oaks Farm, New Britain, CT. Passiflora Tea Room and Herbal Shoppe, 526 Main Street, New Hartford. 860-379-8327 Spring Allergies. 7pm, free, no reservation. Dr. Anne Mitchell, ND, of Advanced Allergy Relief of Connecticut. At Thyme & Season, 3040 Whitney Ave., Hamden 407-8128 1 mile s. of QU & 1.5 miles n of Town Hall. 203-407-8128 Questions? Ask Linda, CNC (M-F 9-5). Our 20th lecture series. Coupon to all attendees. Past Life Regression Therapy: The Healing Power of Our Past. 7-8:30 pm. Free. Norton Berkowitz, PhD, facilitates this event sponsored by The Alliance For Holistic Living, part of a monthly series to be held at different venues East of the Connecticut River to introduce the community to holistic healing modalities, centers and practitioners in the region. Learn about past lives and the power they have to eliminate many illnesses. A group regression permitting the whole group to experience one or more past lives will be led. norberk@aol. com, 860-875-1969. Offered at Spirit Matters, 19 Pinney Street/Rt. 286, Ellington, CT. No advance registration. The Power of Now – Cathy Camera. 7-9pm. $25. Cathy Camera will introduce Eckhart Tolle’s body of work. At the core of his teachings lies the transformation of consciousness, a spiritual awakening that he sees as the next step in human evolution. An essential aspect of this awakening consists in transcending our ego-based state of consciousness to an enlightened state of being available to us in the NOW. Learn some tools of how to accomplish this enlightened state of being. www. The Spirit of Light, 1161 S Broad St. Wallingford. 203-641-3371.

Friday, April 16th Healing Through Dance. Kerri Mitchell. 7-9:30pm. $20-All ages. Create your centering balance through the free movement of Dance. You are welcome to share your favorite piece of music with the class. Dress in comfortable clothing. 13-person max. www. 203-641-3371. The Spirit of Light, 1161 S Broad St, Wallingford. Coyote Talking Circle. 7-9 pm. Free will donation. Ray Hardy, artist/Marine Corps Vietnam combat veteran/Reiki Master is offering a talking/sharing/healing circle based on the work of Lewis Mehl-Madrona, MD, PhD of Cherokee and Lakota Heritage (www. utilizing deep listening, active imagination, dream work, art, storytelling, music and ceremony as well as other traditional practices. Offered at Spirit April 2010


CommunityCalendar Matters, 19 Pinney Street/Rt. 286, Ellington, CT, Contact Ray Hardy at, 860643-8168 to register by Tuesday, April 13. Qi Gong Intensive I – Part 1 - Qi Gong Fundamentals and Balancing the Body's Energy. 6:00-8:30 PM. This workshop includes Qi Gong fundamentals and an overview of the body's energy system to better understand how energy balancing works. Come away with stance, movement and breathing techniques to help balance your body's energy for improved health & emotional balance and a sense of how Qi Gong can play a role in your long term health. CT Institute for Herbal Studies, 900 Wells Rd, Wethersfield, CT. George Hoffman, Silver Dragon Tai Chi & Qi Gong. Fee: $45. Call 860-742-5892 by April 14 to register. Attend this workshop and either the Marrow Washing OR Organ Cleansing workshop for $80 OR, attend all 3 for $110. Make Your Own Beauty-Full Things. 6:309:30 PM. $25.00. Personal care products loaded with toxins are bad for you and the environment. Natural products are great, but costly! Homemade beauty products are so much more than store-bought items, are less expensive and contain only natural ingredients. Now that you’ve done your taxes, you’ll recall how important that is! This class will provide you with the know-how and resources to make your own Beauty-Full things!! Lisl Meredith Huebner, Dipl.CH (NCCAOM), AHG. The Essence of Being at Johnnycake Mountain, 184 Johnnycake Mountain Road: Burlington. To register call: 860-673-6863 Email: Ergonomics & Body Mechanics Class. Instructor: George Giannoni, PT, GDMT, IMTC. 1:15pm-1:45pm. Free. This class provides the student with the basic essentials for proper body mechanics as well as proper ergonomics throughout daily activity. CenterIMT, 800 Cottage Grove Road, Building 2, Blomfield. To obtain additional information or to sign up for this class, please contact Matt Connell-Giammatteo at mattconnell@centerimt. com or by calling (860) 243-5220 x 128.

Saturday, April 17th Reiki, Level 1 Training. 10 am – 4 pm. $150. Lauren Mas, RMT, facilitates. Reiki (ray key) is a simple, yet profound healing technique that can be learned by everyone. In this one day class you will be introduced to the history, theory and practice of Reiki and receive your attunement as a Level I Practitioner, allowing you to give healing to yourself and others. Class size is limited; pre-registration is required. Includes written and recorded materials for follow-up practice. Offered at Spirit Matters, 19 Pinney Street/Rt. 286, Ellington, CT, Contact Lauren to register, www.morningsunreiki. com, at 860-202-9981 by Monday, April 12. 50

April 2010

Meditating for Consciousness. A retreat with Allan Hughes, D.C. 10:30am -1:30pm Free. This profound workshop with mystic meditation awakens us to our spiritual potential, tapping unbounded love and joy. . Includes meditation, veggie lunch. Friends Meeting House, 57 Hunting Lodge Road, Storrs, CT. Please register, 860 487-3597. Sponsor: Science of Spirituality. Re-New Your Spirit By Connecting With Your Chakras workshop. 2:00- :00 p.m. $45 per person. THE WHEELS OF LIFE - These Energetic Centers help us to Balance our Time, Energy and to bring Harmony to our Mind, Body, and Spirit with Migdalia Merriman Certified Life Coach & Yoga Instructor. In this workshop you will be gently guided to Chakra activation through meditation and a mixed level yoga class which will also integrate breathing exercises. Hosted by Fuller Yoga Center 1477 Park Street, Hartford CT 06106-2237 860) 951-9642. New Series!! Natural Prescriptions Part I:Spring Detox & Spring Tonics. 1:00-5:00 PM. $45.00. In this class we'll discuss when to detox and when to tonify and how and when to do both. You'll learn several ways to detox... and learn what's appropriate for different types of people. Several options for herbal tonics will ignite your pilot light! Join us for a fun day of foraging, harvesting, creating refreshing tonics and sampling them all. Lisl Meredith Huebner, Dipl.CH (NCCAOM), AHG The Essence of Being at Johnnycake Mountain, 184 Johnnycake Mountain Road: Burlington. To register call: 860-673-6863 Email: Kirtan with the Divine! Sing with Durga to the All in One. 8:00–9:30pm. Kirtan is a call-and-response singing practice with mantras (energized Sanskrit sounds) put to simple melodies. It devotionally honors the One in All, awakens you to the inner and outer Divine, and anchors you in pure being. Durga has led kirtan satsang (spiritual community) throughout the Northeast since 2000, and brings a shakti (energy) that unifies the group. Cost: This event is free, with donations gratefully accepted; $20 suggested. Please call to pre-register. Sacred Rivers Yoga, 2934 Main Street, Glastonbury. 860.657.9545. Reiki I. 9:00-2:00pm. $125. Gayle Franceschetti. Reiki is the science and art of activating, directing and applying natural, universal life energy, to promote energy balancing, healing and wholeness. Reiki is one on the more widely known forms of healing. It attunes you to receive the universal, life force energy. You will learn to do Reiki treatments on yourself and others. 36 Cheshire Road, Wallingford To register or for more information please contact Gayle @203-265-2927, email, or visit

Sunday, April 18th Weed Walk. Weather Permitting. 9:30 am -12:00 pm. Cost $15.00. Join nationally board certified herbalist, Lisl Meredith Huebner for an informative and entertaining morning of meeting the leafy green neighbors you never knew! Tour forest and field to identify all manner of useful plants for food, healing and crafts. Come away with a new appreciation of Nature, a renewed connection to the Earth and some healthy ideas for delicious, nutritious and free organic meals for your family and friends. The Essence of Being at Johnnycake Mountain, 184 Johnnycake Mountain Road: Burlington. To register call: 860-6736863 Email: Vessels of Light Peace Tour. 5:30 PM to 9:00 PM. $25.00. Sponsored by CALM: Community for Awakening, Light and Mindfulness. Join us for the final performance on the Vessels of Light Peace tour. Our evening begins with a community pot-luck supper, gathering together to receive the Oneness Blessing and then a very special concert. Sheryl Blumenthal and Rashid Lanie will bring us together for a two hour sacred forum to share music and teachings in a way that will aid in assisting the participants toward higher ascension. West Hartford Senior Center – 15 Starkel Road. To register call Enlightened Professionals at 860-232-3331 or Essence Meditation. 1:00-3:00 pm. $15.00. Join John and Lisl for a wonderful guided meditation/journey aided by pure plant and tree essences that help you access profound Inner Wisdom and integrate that knowledge in order to create a more fulfilling life. Reclaiming your relationship with Nature through the Wisdom of the Plants and Trees is the most direct route back to yourself and the manifestation of your Personal Destiny. John Odlum, LMT, CMA, Lisl Meredith Huebner, Dipl. CH (NCCAOM), AHG. The Essence of Being at Johnnycake Mountain, 184 Johnnycake Mountain Road: Burlington. To register call: 860-673-6863 Email:

Monday, April 19th Group Past Life Regression. 6:30-8:30pm w/Gayle Franceschetti. $30. Past Life Regression therapy is an effective way to discover the reasons for current fears, recurring dreams and personality tendencies. Through exploration of your past lives, you can learn some of the reasons you are repeating patterns, why you were born into your particular family or why you have certain behaviors. 36 Cheshire Rd, Wallingford. No previous experience necessary. To register or for more information please contact Gayle at 203-265-2927,email sunnispirit@sbcglobal. net or visit

Tuesday, April 20th Finding Your Personal Scent using Aromatherapy with Vera Reed, LMT. 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM (Two Eves). Cost: $59.00 (5 CEU). Also Apr. 22nd. This unique workshop will explain the history of aromatherapy & its holistic uses today. Learn the properties of at least 10 oils as well as blending them for your personal use and health. Vera will guide you through the art of smelling blends for notes and help you find your fragrance personality. She will also help you discover and design a personal scent of your very own. Connecticut Institute for Herbal Studies, 860-666-5064 ~ ~ 900 Wells Road, Wethersfield, CT 06109. Janet Hulme – Bladder Class. Instructor: Marilyn Gross, PT, IMTC. 1:15pm-1:45pm. Free. Based on the work of Janet Hulme – focus on bladder strength and stability. This class is structured to provide individuals suffering from bladder/pelvic pain with an easy set of functional exercises. CenterIMT, 800 Cottage Grove Road, Building 2, Blomfield. To obtain additional information or to sign up for this class, please contact Matt Connell-Giammatteo at mattconnell@centerimt. com or by calling (860) 243-5220 x 128.

Wednesday, April 21st Meet your Angels and Spirit Guides. 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. $45.00. Receiving spiritual guidance is easier when you understand who you are connecting with. During this workshop you will learn about your primary spiritual guides and guardian angels. Through meditation, we will meet them and receive information from them on how they would like to work with you. simply fitness for the spirit, mind and body, 122A Naubuc Avenue, Suite 210, Glastonbury. To register, please call Priscilla Bengtson at 860.301.1468 or visit Lowering Cholesterol and Triglycerides Naturally. 6:30 - 7:30pm. Free. The most commonly prescribed drug in the United States is a statin medication prescribed to lower high lipid levels. Unfortunately, these types of medications can have serious side effects. Dr. Shawn M. Carney, a naturopathic physician located in the Hartford Hospital Avon Wellness Center, will discuss science-based natural methods to lower cholesterol and triglycerides to acceptable levels. Dr. Carney will also address the influence of glycemic index and insulin levels on blood lipids. Health Food Corner 390 Main Street, Winsted, CT. Contact Sue Bailey at 860-738-9222. Round up your girlfriends and take the night off to celebrate Earth Month! 6-8pm. Enjoy a delicious variety of products from each department while treating yourself to a complimentary massage, facial, make up application, vendor samples, product giveaways, prizes to win and more! Support our efforts to recycle and reuse by participating in the Whole Foods Market/Uptown Consignments clothing swap. Bring new and clean, gently

used clothing, shoes, scarves, hats, books, jewelry & accessories that you no longer use. In exchange you can choose from the variety of items that other swappers bring to the event! All items that aren't swapped will be donated. Whole Foods Glastonbury.

living life with awareness, we are creating the world in which we live. 31 Carriage Dr Meriden To register or for more information please contact Gayle @203-265-2927, email, or visit

Thursday, April 22nd

Qi Gong Intensive I – Part 3 - Qi Gong for Organ Cleansing and Clearing Toxins. 6:008:30 PM. This workshop uses energy channels and five element theory as a framework to understanding how sound, movement, breath and intention can be used to tonify and detoxify our body’s organs. Learn stance, movement, breathing and healing sounds techniques to cleanse and detoxify the organs to improve your long term health and well being. Center for Progressive Therapies, 192 Hartford Rd, Manchester, CT – Presented by George Hoffman, Silver Dragon Tai Chi & Qi Gong. Fee: $45. Call 860-742-5892 by April 21 to register.

Clean Energy for Earth Day. 7-8:30pm. Free. Judi Friedman, Chair of PACE (People's Action For Clean Energy) will discuss the latest net zero energy homes and residential ideas for saving energy. Included in the discussion will be a Radalert (radiation measuring device), a Trifield meter (for electro-magnetic measurement), a marvelous Thermal Leak Detector, a model solar house and handouts on a variety of environmental energy topics. Green is the new red, white and blue! Passiflora Tea Room and Herbal Shoppe, 526 Main Street, New Hartford. 860-379-8327 Flying Lessons with Margo Hennebach, GCFP. Your arms begin with your shoulder blades--your wings--and in these lessons you will discover connections between your shoulders, arms, neck, eyes, and hands that will free the way you move and how you sense yourself. This Feldenkrais series will benefit those of you who work with your hands—musicians, body workers, dancers, gardeners and artists—as well any of you challenged by shoulder, neck or arm pain. All levels are welcome. Four Thursdays: April 22 to May 13 at 6pm. $48 in advance for four lessons, or $16/class on a drop in basis with prior consent. Sacred Rivers Yoga, 2934 Main Street, Glastonbury. 860.657.9545. Cranial / Sacral Adjustment – “Get Your Head On Straight”. 7pm, free, no reservation. Dr. James Sensenig of Natural Health Associates. When the bones of the head are not moving properly -- and they should be constantly moving -- a great number of things can go wrong--headache, migraines, sinus problems, TMJ, neck & back pain, spinal curvature, chronic pain, poor posture, and more, even sapping your energy and compromising your immune system. Demonstration included. At Thyme & Season, 3040 Whitney Ave., Hamden 407-8128 1 mile s. of QU & 1.5 miles n of Town Hall. 203-407-8128 Questions? Ask Linda, CNC (M-F 9-5). Our 20th lecture series. Coupon to all attendees.

Friday, April 23rd Heart Mind Wisdom Group. Gayle Franceschetti April 23 6:30pm-8:30pm & April 24 9:00am-4:00pm $175 (creative financing available). Clear a path to learn, use, and live from your “heart-mind” in everyday life. Discussions using the underlying core beliefs of the Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, as well as the ancient wisdom of other modalities and experiential activities will lead to a deeper understanding of the belief that by

Saturday, April 24th Natural Approaches for Patients with Asthma. 12:00 - 1:00pm. Free. Dr. Shawn M. Carney, a naturopathic physician located in the Hartford Hospital Avon Wellness Center, will describe potential causes of asthma including inflammation, food sensitivities and environmental allergens. He will address these problems using natural medicines, dietary recommendations and lifestyle approaches. Donatella Fino, LMT, will also discuss muscular complications associated with asthma and how massage can be used to relieve those ailments. She will also be providing a massage demonstration and breathing techniques. Nutrition Kingdom 28 East Street, Plainville. Contact Nancy Giannini at 860747-0164. Attention Yoga Teachers! Continuing Education! Anatomy/Palpation Yoga Asana with Megan Todt, PT, RYT 9am – 1pm. Cost $95, please call the studio to pre-register. Open to Health Care Professionals (OT’s, PT’s, RYT’s, LMT’s, Naturopaths, Acupuncturists, etc.). Sacred Rivers Yoga, 2934 Main Street, Glastonbury. 860.657.9545. Spring Into Health. Living in Harmony with Nature Using Traditional Medicine to Balance Your Health workshop. 9:00 - 5:00 p.m. Fee: $125 per person. Kenyon Keily, Hebalist and Migdalia Merriman, Certified Life Coach & Yoga Instructor. We will explore the effects on the mind, body and spirit with the changing seasons from winter to spring. To support these effects we will present Ayurvedic seasonal routines, cleanses, diet, yoga and pranayama (controlled yogic breathing techniques). Hosted by Merriman Woods Yoga & Life Coaching, LLC. Burlington, CT 06013. Please Bring Your Lunch For complete details visit: to pre-registration required call 860-614-0917

April 2010


CommunityCalendar Quarterly Abraham Study Group and Dinner. 6:00PM. $20 per person. Join us for our 7th gathering! Meet like minded people to study the teachings of Abraham (Esther and Jerry Hicks). Discover how to attract the elements of a wonderful life. Enjoy a great buffet (not too spicy) with old and new friends. Location: Taste of India. 139 South Main Street. W. Hartford. Reservations required – call 860232-3331. Earth Day: Celebrate at the Hamden Middle School. Dixwell Avenue, near Whitney Ave., & the Library: 10 – 3pm. Visit Thyme & Season’s Booth, get a coupon, and go organic for Earth Day. 203-407-8128 Questions? Ask Linda, CNC (M-F 9-5). Our 20th lecture series. Coupon to all attendees. Spirit Journeys Gallery Readings. 6:309:30pm. $50. Join Master Clairvoyant Medium, Cathy Camera and Master Intuitive Psychic, Kerri Mitchell for an evening of personal connection to Spirit. As a team Cathy and Kerri will bring forth messages from your energy field and/or loved ones who have crossed over. During this 3 hour event you will not only receive personal messages and guidance, but you will also have your current Animal Totem identified and a Past Life read to you. Limit 10 attendees. Pre-reg required. The Spirit of Light, 1161 S Broad St. Wallingford. 203-641-3371.

Monday, April 26th Understanding a Lightworkers Way Through Cards. Kerri Mitchell. 6-9pm. $33. Join Master Intuitive Psychic, Kerri Mitchell as she defines the art and teaches the technique of tarot, angel and animal readings. Kerri will offer guided messages to students of this class as they do sample readings. If you have a favorite deck of your own, please feel free to bring it. www. The Spirit of Light, 1161 S Broad St. Wallingford. 203-641-3371. Meditating with the Masters. 6:30–8:30pm. $20. Gayle Franceschetti. Enhance your meditation practice by meditating in the vibration of the Archangels and Ascended Masters. These Divine beings will be guiding and supporting you on your quest in discovering you true authentic self . By allowing yourself to be in the presence of these Divine beings, you open yourself to higher vibrational changes and heightened clarity. 36 Cheshire Road Wallingford. No previous experience necessary. To register or for more information please contact Gayle @203-265-2927, email, or visit

Tuesday, April 27th Holistic Moms Network. 7-9pm. Free. Nonprofit organization connecting parents interested in holistic health and green living. United Church of Chester, 29 W. Main St., Chester. www. 52 April 2010

Wednesday, April 28th How to Prevent and Treat Osteoporosis Naturally. 7 - 8pm. Free. Dr. Shawn M. Carney, a naturopathic physician located in the Hartford Hospital Avon Wellness Center, will explain how osteoporosis develops over a lifetime and how we can help prevent its effects. He will clarify common confusion about what can be done once osteoporosis or osteopenia is discovered by discussing effective natural treatment options. Donatella Fino, LMT, will accompany Dr. Carney and review muscles associated with osteoporosis as well as how massage can offer symptomatic relief. Garden of Light Natural Foods Inc. 395 West Main Street, Avon. Contact Tim at 860-409-2196. "Free At Last!" 7-9 pm.West Hartford LifeLearn Class. $19 Residents, $25 Non-Residents. If fear of public speaking is holding you hostage, come learn a simple technique to release the power fear has over you. Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is easy to learn and soon you'll be able to stand up and say what you want to say-- at the office, at the PTO, at a conference-- wherever fear is keeping you silent. Nancy Brockett, PhD walks you through the basics and you'll leave able to use this skill immediately with impressive results. Conard High School. Register online at or call 860-561-6900.

Thursday, April 29th Vibrational Healing Meditation. 7-8:20 pm. $15. Lisa Burch, LCSW & Marna Walter, RN, RMT, facilitate. Relax with this blend of guided imagery, mindfulness meditation and sound healing with the Tibetan singing bowls. Build your ability to experience the present moment fully, releasing what no longer serves you. Bring a mat, pillow and blanket if you wish to lie down. Offered at Spirit Matters, 19 Pinney Street/Rt. 286, Ellington, CT, www. Register with Lisa at 860871-9295 x2 by Monday, April 26. Menopause. 7pm, free, no reservation. Dr. Lily-Marie Blecher of Natural Health Associates. At Thyme & Season, 3040 Whitney Ave., Hamden 407-8128 1 mile s. of QU & 1.5 miles n of Town Hall. 203-407-8128 Questions? Ask Linda, CNC (M-F 9-5). www. Our 20th lecture series. Coupon to all attendees. YogaKids. 4-5pm. Playfully explore yoga and tune into yourself and your own creativity! Open up your mind and body and feel freedom to express yourself from the heart. Stretch your imagination and explore through yoga poses and movement, sound and music, color, art, and visualization. For children ages 6-12. $40 for 4 week session beginning 4/29 or $12.50 drop in. Preregistration strongly recommended. 860-676-8800 or

Well Being is your Birth Rite. No experience Necessary. 7-8:30pm. Free. Brian and Marcey Hickey. Well being can be created by practicing the exercises which produce well being. Laughter is the simplest and most powerful exercise that all human beings can do to improve well being. Laughter, like humor, appears to enhance learning as it creates positive emotions which improve memory, feelings of self worth, self esteem and self confidence are enhanced, raises your endorphin level, further boosts the immune system, and many more. Passiflora Tea Room and Herbal Shoppe, 526 Main Street, New Hartford. 860-379-8327

Friday, April 30th Gallery Night. 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. $45.00. Priscilla is a certified Angel Therapy Practitioner®, medium and psychic intuitive who connects with angels, spirit guides and those who have crossed over. The evening will begin with a short introduction to working with the other side and through a meditation, we will invite Spirit Guides, the Archangels, Guardian Angels and deceased loved ones to be present with us. Intuitive readings will be done gallery-style with Priscilla providing messages to the audience as they come through to her. Seating is limited and pre-registration is required. simply fitness for the spirit, mind and body, 122A Naubuc Avenue, Suite 210, Glastonbury. To register, please call Priscilla Bengtson at 860.301.1468 or visit Private Channeling Sessions with Sheryl Blumenthal. $125 per hour/$85 per hour. Through Sunday, May 2nd. Sheryl has remained an avid love of light and is passionate about helping people to journey towards achieving their soul's quest and realizing their true gifts. A private session with Sheryl is an opportunity to be in conversation with both your and Sheryl’s spiritual guides. A recorded tape of your session will be provided. (Save the date: Sat. May 1- 7:30 PM - Group Channel with Sheryl at the W. Htfd Senior Ctr.) Location: Private Office – 10 Crossroads Plaza, W. Hartford. To book an appointment or purchase tickets, please call Enlightened Professionals at 860-232-3331 or

Friday, May 7th Hill-Stead's 24th Annual May Market Home & Garden Emporium. 10-4pm. Also May 8th. Special Guest Gordon Hayward, a nationally renowned garden designer, lecturer and award-winning author, will speak on Fine Painting as Inspiration for Garden Design, the topic of his tenth and most recent book, Art and the Gardener. Lecture times to be determined.. Visit for program updates. Daily garden and cooking demonstrations, live music, homemade goodies at the Cupcake Café, Zoodle Face Painting and crafts activities for children, and Theodate's Attic, a space filled with pre-loved collectibles. $8 for members, $10 for members-to-be at the gate. Call 860.677.4787 or visit www. for more information.

Ongoingcalendar monday Life-Energy Qigong. 10:30-11:30a.m. Sullivan Senior Center, 88 E.Albert St. Torrington. Focus is on gentle movement, meditation and breathwork. NQA certified instructor Daline Dudley. Call 496-8312 for details. Tai Chi for Health sponsored by Hartford Hospital. 6:30 - 7:30pm. Safe & Effective. Tai Chi is proven to decrease blood pressure, relieve stress, increase balance & prevent falls. It helps people alleviate the symptoms of arthritis, osteoporosis & diabetes. This program was designed by tai chi AND medical experts. Come & see what it can do for you. Classes start in March. $160 for 16 classes. Call 1-800-545-1888 or Avon Wellness Ctr. 100 Simsbury Rd. Avon.

tuesday Tai Chi/Qi Gong Class. 11-12 pm Beginner class learning easy movements, releasing tension and opening up spaces in your body. Relieves stress and pain while improving your health. 1 hour 8 classes for $80.00 or walk in $15.00 Suffield Massage and Wellness Center, 230 Mountain Road, Suffield Call to sign up (860) 668-1969 or call Marcey Hickey 860-844-8535. Tai Chi/Qi Gong. 12:30pm-1:00pm - Great stress relieving class, get your energy moving. Learn to cultivate, circulate, clear, transform, balance and bring more energy into your body. 8 classes for $80.00 or walk in $15.00 Suffield Massage and Wellness Center, 230 Mountain Road, Suffield - Call to sign up (860) 668-1969 or call Marcey Hickey 860-844-8535.

Women at Midlife: A therapeutic support group. 6:30 -8 pm. Midlife is a time of transition and great possibilities! This group is an invitation to join other women in exploring questions and concerns you may be holding about life purpose, career, menopause, empty nest, intimate relationships. New group forming in April. 6 week series meeting alternate Mondays in Avon, CT. Facilitated by Kathleen Zecchin MA, LPC. For more information, please call 860-306-4199 or


Power Yoga. 6:15pm. ,Drop Ins & Class Cards Accepted. Fuller Yoga, Pilates & Massage 1477 Park Street, 2nd Floor, Hartford 860951-9642, Healing detox flow with strong standing postures.

Training Program Class. 6-7:30. FREE. Hartford Family Institute's Center for Healing Arts Professional Training program or Human Relations Training program. Topics covered are: MIndfulness, Spirituality and Psychotherapy, Quantum Physics, the Origins of Pain and Illness, Buddhist Conflict Resolution, Shamanic work, Energy Healing, Dreamwork, and much more. Visit our website to learn more. Reservations are required. Hartford Family Institute's Center for Healing Arts. 17 S Highland St., West Hartford, CT. 860.236.6009

Intro to Yoga. 6:15pm. Drop in rates & class cards apply. Fuller Yoga, Pilates & Massage 1477 Park Street, 2nd Floor, Hartford 860951-9642, Learn the basics of yoga from the ground up. Great for beginners! Mention this listing and new students 1st class only $5. Hip Hop. 6 weeks starting 4/19. 7:30pm. $60 for 6 weeks. Fuller Yoga, Pilates & Massage 1477 Park Street, 2nd Floor, Hartford 860-951-9642, Learn basic coordination and dance moves while having fun! Great for adult beginners.

tuesday Informational/Open House Sessions for Yoga Alliance Teacher Trainings. Sacred Rivers Yoga is offering informational sessions each Tuesday at 6:45pm in regards to the Weekend and Weekday 200 and 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training programs, all of which are ongoing. You may schedule an alternate time to discuss the programs by contacting the studio. Sacred Rivers Yoga, 2934 Main Street, Glastonbury, CT. 860.657.9545.

Holistic Moms Network. Hartford County, CT chapter of a non-profit organization. Meetings held the last Wednesday of each month from 7-9pm at The Jewish Community Center, 335 Bloomfield Ave, West Hartford. Email or visit Ct Assoc. of Classical Homeopaths. advanced study group meets every 3rd Wednesday of month, 7-9 PM. Joy Pacitto-860-529-8313.

Stress relief! Free sessions of Reflexology, TT, CST, Reiki, Guided Imagery, and more during EPIPHANY. Ist Wednesday of the month except January and July. 6-8:30pm. 225 Commerce Drive in Canton. Also in Southington from 1-3pm at 232 Bristol Street. 2/3, 3/3, 4/7. Children welcome. Sessions may enhance learning skills. Yang Style Tai Chi. 7-8:30pm. Ongoing Yang style Tai Chi classes using a number of short forms including Yang 24 form - George Hoffman, instructor. $72 for 8 weeks. Call 860742-5892 to register. Classes held at CT Institute for Herbal Studies, 900 Wells Rd (Rte 175)Wethersfield. 860-666-5064.

friday Power Yoga. Fridays @ 5:45pm. Drop Ins & Class Cards Accepted. Fuller Yoga, Pilates & Massage 1477 Park Street, 2nd Floor, Hartford 860-951-9642, Healing detox flow with strong standing postures.

saturday Hartford shambhala meditation group offers mindfulness/awareness meditation instruction at no charge Morning Meditation from 9:00 a.m. to Noon. All Day Silent Meditation Retreats from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Once per month we have a longer practice session, including sitting meditation, walking meditation, and a dharma talk or reading. Once per quarter we have an all-day silent meditation retreat. Come for all or part of the day. The location is at the Quaker Meeting House (see address, above). Check our website for dates: Readings: Angel Card Yearly Spread. Kerri Mitchell. 10am-3pm. $55. Wouldn’t it be great to know what energies are coming into your life over the next 12 months? Wondering what’s in store for you? Master Intuitive Psychic Kerri Mitchell forecasts your upcoming year through the use of Angel Cards and her highly tuned Psychic abilities. The session is broken down into a month by month overview. Kerrie will highlight what’s coming up for you regarding Health, Career, Relationships and Finances. The Spirit of Light, 1161 S Broad St, Wallingford. 203-641-337.

sunday Women's Temple In Her Name. 10:30-11:45, Collinsville, CT. Suggested Donation $5-10. (860) 693-9540.

Sign up for our monthly E-zine with additional articles, tips and information on living a healthy lifestyle. Go to

Power Yoga. 6:15pm. ,Drop Ins & Class Cards Accepted. Fuller Yoga, Pilates & Massage 1477 Park Street, 2nd Floor, Hartford 860951-9642, Healing detox flow with strong standing postures.

April 2010


Natural Planet

by Deb Percival

A monthly compendium of tips, thoughts, and updates about our shared home.

One Man’s Quest to be Green: Michael Fallquist and Viridian Energy Question: What happens when a Seattle-born, Prius-driving, nature lover gets an MBA? Answer: If you’re lucky, you get an environmentally-minded business person who wants to make a difference. Meet Michael Fallquist, the founder and CEO of Viridian Energy – one of the newest “green energy” providers in Connecticut. He’s on a mission to help you reduce your carbon footprint. “It’s hard to grow up at the foot of the Cascades, on the shores of Lake Washington, and not be passionate about the environment,” says Michael. “I want to positively affect the future of our planet, and do so in the biggest way I can.” Viridian offers Connecticut residents and small business owners a win/win situation. With one phone call you can save money and support the development of renewable resources. Viridian Meets the U.S. 2020 Goal Today The Federal Government’s goal for green energy is to have everyone using a minimum of 20% renewable energy sources by the year 2020. Viridian meets that goal today. This also significantly exceeds Connecticut’s Renewable Portfolio Standards, which require electricity suppliers and utilities to get at least 14% of their electricity from clean energy sources. In addition, Viridian will offer a 100% renewable fuel option in the near future. Supporting Renewable Fuel for a Better Future “When people support renewable fuel sources, they support environmental improvement, increased diversity and security of energy supply, lower natural gas prices, reduced price volatility, and local economic development,” says Michael. “This is a great opportunity. Everyone can do that with just one phone call.” Many Connecticut residents and businesses have switched electric suppliers. Except for the savings, the change is invisible. You’re billed by the same company that bills you now (CL&P or UI); the power is still transmitted by CL&P or UI; and the lines are still maintained by CL&P or UI, so if there’s a power outage, you call the same number you’ve always called and get the same service you’ve always received. Variable Rates Many energy suppliers offer variable rates, including Viridian. “Market fundamentals are so bearish,” says Michael. “Variable rates allow us to pass along our savings to the consumer. And, if you decide down the road to switch to another supplier, there’s no charge to change.” With Viridian, there’s no contract and no add-on fee of any kind. Adhering to Higher Standards “All our renewable resources are Class One, which means they have the highest environmental benefit,” reports Michael. “In 2009, we purchased wind power to support our additional green content, because of its environmental benefit and availability from local and regional sources. In the future we anticipate investing in renewable generation assets, such as wind and solar 54

April 2010

farms, to further enhance our value proposition and become a vertically integrated renewable energy company.” Why Some Suppliers are Less Expensive than CL&P and/or UI. CL&P and UI are utilities and as such are regulated by the State of Connecticut. They must buy predetermined amounts of energy, on a set schedule. This system was designed to keep prices from spiking. However, if it’s time for them to buy and prices are high, they have to buy anyway, and pass that cost along to you. Viridian buys power when they think they can get the best price. In fact, if they see a price they like they can purchase power at that price on a forward basis, which provides price stability for their customers. In addition, Michael says Viridian is a mission-based company. “We take a smaller margin to provide higher green content. The long-term gain is enhancing the market for clean energy and a brighter legacy for our children.” Viridian’s Marketing Difference Yields Savings Viridian markets through referrals. “We work with Independent Associates who tell their acquaintances about Viridian,” explains Michael. “When someone signs up through an Associate, that Associate receives a referral fee each month the customer pays their bill. The Associates explain clean energy more effectively and less expensively than we could with a big marketing program, and the savings are passed along to the consumer.” Support a Non-Profit In another unusual marketing twist, Viridian invites not-forprofit organizations to sign up and receive $2 per month, every month, for each household or small business that signs up through them. In other words, non-profits (such as your local watershed, house of worship, youth sports team, etc.) can sign on as an Independent Associate with Viridian, and invite their supporters to switch to Viridian. Their supporters save money on their electric bills and the non-profit makes money. If you are part of a 501(c)(3) and would like to learn more, contact Independent Associate Jenna Marzullo at 860-309-1345, or e-mail Why Viridian “I started the company for two reasons,” says Michael. “I saw an underserved market and an opportunity to introduce a value proposition that no one else was really delivering – a higher

green content and a great value. Two – Viridian makes me feel good. We provide a sustainable fuel mix at a low price, which allows our sales force to have an excellent income opportunity and helps create a cleaner, more sustainable world.” Author Deb Percival is a freelance writer in Connecticut. Email

April 2010



April 2010

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