CT’s Top Bodyworkers, Holistic Spas, & Acupuncture
Dr. Hinchey’s 10B Approach— Core Principles for Healing Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease
Dr. Myriah Hinchey, ND
Inflammation Affects Your Brain: Can You Reverse It?
Dr. Lori Calabrese, MD
Resolving Autoimmune Disease
Dr. Zach Moran, ND
Retrieving the Shadow Through Strong Emotions
James Osborne, MS, LPC
Protect Your Cells with Hydrogen Inhalation Therapy
Agnes Chodkiewicz
BOOSTIE™: The Forgotten Foods > 12
You Are What You Eat > 48 Purpose + Metaphysical Psychotherapy > 22
What is Procrastination, Really? > 46 Spotlight + Imagine Float > 7 + Abundant Health Massage Therapy > 8 Spirituality + All Will Be Well > 21 + Nourishing the Soul > 26 May/June 2024 CELEBRATING OFPUBLISHING 18 YEARS
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3 NATURAL Nutmeg 2024 MAY / JUNE Departments 4 LETTER 6 HAPPENINGS 6 BUZZ Unpack and Heal Trauma With the Lady Down the Lane 7 SPOTLIGHT CT’s Top Bodyworkers, Holistic Spas, and Acupuncture 49 COMMUNITY RESOURCES Spirituality 21 All Will Be Well! By Charleen K. Miele, LPC 26 Nourishing the Soul: A Spiritual Spa Experience With Agnes Daddona By Agnes Daddona, MA, Intuitive Counseling Health 10 Why You Should Try Colon Hydrotherapy By Nina Veronesi, I-ACT 12 BOOSTIE TM : The Forgotten Foods Our Ancestors Ate By Goldie Rose, MS 14 Inflammation A ects Your Brain— Can You Reverse It? By Dr. Lori Calabrese, MD 16 Acupuncture Is Much More Than Pain Relief By Dr. Lyndsey Maher, ND, MSAc 18 Protect Your Cells with Hydrogen Inhalation Therapy By Agnes Chodkiewicz 29 Are Plants Ine ective and Weak in Skin Care? By Richard Fanelli 34 Jump-Start Your Health and Face Aging Head-On! By Sharon Sklar, BFA, LMT, CAR 41 The Connection Between Autoimmune Disease and Breast Cancer By April Beaman, RDH, CTT 44 10 Essential Steps for Women to Reinvent Themselves By Donna Bunte, MSOM, LAc 48 You Are What You Eat—And It All Starts With the Mouth By Dr. Kevin Norige, DMD Purpose 22 Metaphysical Psychotherapy: Weaving Ancient Wisdoms and Contemporary Psychology By Mary Anne Costerella, MA, LADC 30 Retrieving the Shadow Through Strong Emotions By James Osborne, MS, LPC 46 What Is Procrastination, Really? By Marcel Touponse CONTENTS 36 May/June 2024 Feature 32 Resolving Autoimmune Disease: A Sample Case Study By Dr. Zach Moran, ND 36 Dr. Hinchey’s 10B Approach— Core Principles for Healing Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease By Dr. Myriah Hinchey, ND
Hey, I’m Dr. Diane!
Ijustreturned from an amazing, restful, and rejuvenating trip to Sedona—my happy place! During one of my meditations, staring at those gorgeous red rocks, I was thinking about why so many people struggle with health issues, relationship issues, finances, trauma, or just feeling like they’re not where they want to be in their life. Even us holistic practitioners all have these struggles and find it hard to walk our talk sometimes!
What I heard loud and clear was this: “It’s because we let others (and ourselves!) talk us out of possibilities. We forget we have this incredible ability to create anything we want in our lives. We get caught up in frustrations, arguments, negative thinking, and listening to others complain. But there is a way out.”
“We let others (and ourselves!) talk us out of possibilities. We forget we have this incredible ability to create anything we want in our lives.”
—Dr. Diane Hayden, PhD
For me, practicing self-care is a significant way to stay focused on my goals and not get caught up in negative self-talk. I regularly see a bodyworker/massage therapist and acupuncturist and fiercely protect my self-care time. Not to mention the substantial health benefits of massage and acupuncture—stress reduction, pain resolution, lowering blood pressure, detox, healthy heart function, increased immunity, and so on.
But many people I know think of massage or bodywork or visiting the spa as a “luxury”—something they treat themselves to once or twice a year—if that! It’s time to educate people that self-care is not something to be viewed as a luxury—it’s a necessity! That’s why our May/June issue Spotlight is on Bodyworkers/Acupuncture and Holistic Spas. Plus, with Mother’s Day and Father’s Day around the corner, it’s a great time to give self-care as a gift.
Here are five tips to start practicing self-care in your daily life:
1. Find time each day to meditate and be still. Even if it’s only a five-minute walk outdoors in nature or five minutes in a quiet space in your home.
2. Find one thing you can do daily for thirty minutes to an hour to relieve stress. It could be exercise, yoga, listening to music, soaking in the tub, reading a book, or whatever works for you.
3. Go on a silent retreat at least once a year. During this retreat, time will come to a standstill.
4. Take time at the beginning of each week to organize and plan your goals and tasks. A Sunday afternoon or evening can be perfect for this, and starting the week off organized will do wonders in reducing your stress.
5. Start saying “NO” to what you don’t want to do and “YES” to things you want to do. And stop feeling guilty about either. Life is short, and time is speeding up; stop doing things you don’t like to do because you feel obligated or think you have to do them.
Wishing you health and happiness,
Dr. Diane Hayden, PhD Publisher & Owner, ELM Publishing
4 NATURAL Nutmeg MAY / JUNE 2024
Our mission is to provide valuable insight, information, and resources that will allow our readers to maintain a healthy, active, sustainable lifestyle. Natural Nutmeg contains timely information on natural health, complementary and alternative medicine, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.
Dr. Diane Hayden, PhD
Christopher Urso
Lori Hubbard
Ashley Frament layout@naturalnutmeg.com
Frank Aieta, ND
Adam Breiner, ND
Mark Breiner, DDS
Deanna M. Cherrone, MD
Erika Dworkin, Dip. C.N.
Greater Hartford and surrounding counties, please contact Natural Nutmeg. FFC—Tom Cossuto, Man In Motion, LLC
In keeping with our concern for the environment, Natural Nutmeg is proudly printed on recycled paper with soy-based inks.
Natural Nutmeg is a free publication supported solely by our advertisers and distributed throughout Connecticut. Please call for a location near you. (860) 508-0894 or email to publisher@naturalnutmeg.com.
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5 NATURAL Nutmeg 2024 MAY / JUNE
Parts of this
may be
and reprinted, with permission. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your feedback. July/Aug/Sept The Healing Your Body with Energy Medicine Issue Oct/Nov The Boosting Your Immune System Naturally Issue December The 10BEST/Essential Living Guide and The Mind/Body/Spirit and Stress Reduction Issue Here’s What’s Coming Up in Natural Nutmeg! Contact diane@naturalnutmeg.com to feature your business in Natural Nutmeg! TM
Wednesdays, May 8 and June 12
Psychic/Spiritual Development, 6:30–8:30pm $25
($20 for those over 65 and veterans)
The Psychic/Spiritual Development Monthly Study Group Is meeting in-person again! (as well as Zoom). New members welcome! There is a strong connection between spiritual growth and psychic development. Every session starts with a positive, lightfilling exercise and includes topics such as palmistry, oracle cards, pendulums, remote viewing, and spirit guides. Reclaim your natural gifts, assist others, and live your life more joyfully! We will meet on the second Wednesday of every month, unless otherwise noted.
Joyce St. Germaine, M. Ed., CHt., RYT-200. Join our email list and find detailed descriptions at www.thesacredjourney.biz. The Sacred Journey, 29 Davis Road, Burlington, CT 06013. Pre-registration required to save your in-person spot. 860.675.9706
Wednesdays, May 15 and June 19
Shamanism, 6:30–8:30pm $25
($20 for those over 65 and veterans)
The Shamanism Monthly Study Group is meeting in-person again! (as well as Zoom). New members are welcome; no experience needed! In this group, you will develop an understanding of cross-cultural shamanism, the importance of ceremony, and become adept at journeying into non-ordinary reality and work with animal allies and spirit helpers, ancestors, and elemental energies. All dedicated and compassionate people who wish to initiate positive change in the world are invited. We will meet on the third Wednesday of every month, unless otherwise noted.
Joyce St. Germaine, M. Ed., CHt., RYT-200. Join our email list and find detailed descriptions at thesacredjourney.biz
The Sacred Journey, 29 Davis Road, Burlington, CT 06013. Pre-registration required to save your in-person spot: 860.675.9706
Do you have an event (virtual or live) that you want Natural Nutmeg readers to know about?
Reach out to us at calendar@naturalnutmeg. com for information on listing your event and sponsorships. Event listings are in print and online. We also accept classified listings.
Unpack and Heal Trauma With the Lady Down the Lane
Summer is soon to be upon us—a wonderful time for new beginnings and new awakenings as well as new endings. It is a transformational time that can herald in healing and allow for new energetic frequencies to enter our lives. While holding this space of healing, it is common to have unresolved fears, traumas, and memories surface.
Traumas held in the womb space that can be alchemized include but are not limited to:
• Conception: Now what?
• Postpartum difficulties
• Fear of conception
• Miscarriage
• Abortion
• Twin loss
• Caesarian section
• Induction
• Infertility
• Hospital birth
• Still birth
It is my knowing and truth that much if not all of unresolved trauma is stored within the womb space. As a quantum hypnotist and quantum master healer, my passion is to empower women to return once again to the magical mysteries of the sacred womb. Together we will unravel and alchemize energies and belief systems that no longer serve you. We will connect energetically to what is binding you.
Lydia Remembrance is the owner of Lady Down the Lane. She is a trauma sensitive shamanic practitioner whose passion is to assist and empower woman to enable them to call back their sacred power. Lydia o ers a complimentary 30-minute strategy call. For more information visit www.ladydownthelane.com or call 475.301.4952. See ad on page 11 >
Have a Happening?
CT’s Top Bodyworkers, Holistic Spas, and Acupuncture
Bodywork is any therapeutic technique that involves working with the human body in a form involving manipulative therapy, breath work, or energy medicine. Bodywork techniques also aim to assess or improve posture and promote awareness of the “body/mind connection,” which is an approach that sees the human body and mind as a single integrated unit. Acupuncture is used on certain points of the body to improve the flow of blocked or stagnant energy.
DMichele Beaule, Owner of Imagine Float
are I say my first float was magical? I had never felt so relaxed, so at peace, so jelly-like in all my life. I was 45 years old, with four children at home, two of whom were struggling with their mental health; they were at four different schools, our house had just been struck by lightning, my husband was frequently out of town on business, and I didn’t have family close by who could help. I thought I was handling “life” wonderfully until I stepped foot in that float cabin. I had NO idea how incredibly exhausted I was, both physically and mentally.
My float forced me to stop, take inventory of my body and mind, and recognize that if I didn’t pivot, and soon, I was going to find myself in trouble and no longer able to be the caregiver my family needs me to be. I came home and slept for at least two hours because my body was finally relaxed. When I reemerged, I immediately began researching the benefits of floating. I knew I couldn’t be the only one who needed this respite from everyday life. I knew it could transform our relationship with our bodies and minds.
This transformative experience ignited my mission to share the healing power of float therapy with others. Thus, Imagine Float was born, just nine months later—not just as a wellness center but as a sanctuary for those seeking solace from the storms of life.
Since opening our doors, Imagine Float has become more than just a place to relax; it’s a community where individuals come together to support one another on their wellness journeys. We’ve witnessed remarkable stories of recovery, rejuvenation, and renewed hope. One client
had this to say: “Imagine Float has curated an awesome collection of biohacking, wellness, and nervous system tools to heal from autoimmunity, dial in your fitness, and extend longevity.”
Our clients, like myself, have found a safe haven to pause, reflect, and heal, impacting not only their lives but also those around them. It’s these stories that fuel our passion and commitment to wellness every day.
As we look to the future, our vision for Imagine Float is to expand our reach and deepen our impact. We’re always exploring new therapies and technologies to complement our existing services, ensuring we remain at the forefront of holistic wellness. Our goal is to not only grow our physical presence but also to cultivate an educational platform to raise awareness about the benefits of float therapy and other holistic practices, empowering individuals to take charge of their health and well-being.
We invite you to join us on this journey of wellness and discovery. Whether you’re seeking a moment of tranquility, a boost in mental clarity, or a supportive community, Imagine Float is here for you.
Visit us, share your story, and become part of our community that strives for a healthier, improved quality of life. Together, we can create waves of change, one float at a time.
Beaule, Owner, Imagine Float Award-Winning, Independent, Female-Owned Business 860.255.7771 • imaginefloat.com
7 NATURAL Nutmeg 2024 MAY / JUNE
Dr. Aimee Montanaro, DTCM, Dipl. OM (NCCAOM), LAc
Acupuncture specializes in women’s healthcare and offers a private, luxurious, healing environment punctuated by unique high-end design aesthetics, fresh flowers, calming music, and non-toxic aromatherapy. In order to prioritize patient comfort, treatment rooms are private yet spacious, and each treatment table offers extra cushioning and options for heat, negative ion therapy, or infrared therapy.
Dr. Aimee Montanaro, DTCM, Dipl. OM (NCCAOM), LAc, is the owner and operator of Integrity Acupuncture. She is passionate about women’s healthcare and how the integrative aspects of Eastern and Western Medicine can empower each woman to remain strong, vibrant, and healthy throughout each phase of their life. To resolve a variety of health concerns that women may experience, Dr. Montanaro has completed advanced training in women’s health and fertility, orthopedics, gastroenterology, stress management and emotional well-being, and geriatrics.
Dr. Montanaro’s needle technique is gentle, yet effective. In addition to acupuncture, Dr. Montanaro offers the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy, customized herbal formulas, cupping, moxibustion, gua sha, e-stim, movement therapy, breathwork, and diet and lifestyle recommendations. Dr. Montanaro isa national boardcertified acupuncturist and herbalist, and she is licensed in Connecticut. She has achieved the designation ofNCCAOM Diplomate of Oriental Medicine, which is a mark of excellence in both Acupuncture and Chinese Herbology. Integrity Acupuncture offers flexible office hours in order to accommodate requests for early morning, evening, and weekend appointment times.
Dr. Aimee Montanaro, D-TCM, LAc Integrity Acupuncture
250 Main St., Westport, CT
64 Huntington St., Shelton, CT
203.429.4406 | www.integrityacuct.com
Kristina Mozzicato, LMT, BCTMB Abundant Health Massage Therapy & Wellness
For the past 15 years, I have provided my clients with quality, customized therapeutic massage sessions. I am Board Certified through the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) and enjoy furthering my knowledge and expertise by successfully completing continuing education courses on a regular basis. I have been interested in holistic health and healing from an early age and have discovered that massage therapy is a very effective modality for treating stress, as well as pain. I wanted to offer my clients a drug-free alternative for relaxation and pain relief.
I am also trained in cupping, MediCupping, and facial cupping rejuvenation. In my experience, incorporating cupping into the massage session yields superior results. Cupping is a type of myofascial release. The suction that is created inside the cup separates the fascial layers and helps to relieve muscle knots. It’s a fantastic alternative for clients who need their muscle knots and soreness addressed but perhaps cannot tolerate the potential discomfort of deep-tissue massage. Cupping is also excellent for reducing pain and inflammation, improving joint mobility, and increasing local circulation. It’s also effective in stimulating collagen production, resulting in firmer skin and diminished fine lines and wrinkles on the face.
I’m excited to offer a new service this summer: Gua Sha Facial Fusion. It combines Gua Sha, Thai Herbal Poultice, and Lymphatic Drainage. This therapy achieves noticeable results: reduction of fine lines, wrinkles, dark circles, eye puffiness, and sagging skin.
Kristina Mozzicato, LMT, BCTMB
Abundant Health Massage Therapy & Wellness Farmington, CT • 860.778.0315 info@abundanthealthct.com www.abundanthealthct.com
WhenI was twenty-two years old, just out of college and absorbing everything I could about life, love, health, and connection, I had my first Rolfing session. During the second of the ten sessions, I received a loud and clear message that I was going to be a Rolfer and do this for the rest of my life.
I had a year or two of work, travel, and fun, figuring out who I was. I matured. I kept that clear, guided message close to my heart and soon started the two-year process to become a Rolfer.
My life has been devoted to the practice of Rolfing since 1981, when I was certified through the Dr. Ida Rolf® Institute in Boulder, Colorado. I continued my studies with Rolfing Movement Training, Advanced Rolfing Training, and Craniosacral® Manipulation with Dr. John Upledger, and pursued every course that made sense to me. I have also received EST Training, Landmark Education®, Living in Process® with Dr. Anne Wilson-Schaef, Yamuna® Body Rolling, a Year of Miracles® with Marci Shimoff, and most recently entered her Happiness for No Reason® Certification. Teachers show up for me just as Rolfing had shown up for me—it’s the life blood of my purpose on this planet.
I invite you to look at the order and balance found in nature and apply that to yourself. Do you suffer from past injuries, accidents, or traumas? Rolfing helps to re-establish order and restore natural movement.
Inquiries are encouraged. Celebrating 43 years! Voted Natural Nutmeg’s 10BEST Bodyworkers for the last five years. Sharon
9 NATURAL Nutmeg 2024 MAY / JUNE
Sklar, BFA, LMT, CAR
Advanced Rolfer West Hartford,
Sharon Sklar, BFA, LMT Certified Advanced Rolfer® A CUP U NC TU RE NATURO PA T HI C SERV IC ES N UT R UT IONA L CONS ULT AT IO N MAS SA GE ME DIC A L STRET CHIN G SO UND HE AL IN G RE IK I CR A NIOS A CR AL THE RA PY HE RB A L ME DIC INE MO XA WH OL ENE SS A CU PUN CT UR E CE NT ER DI VE INT O REL AX ATI ON WE NOW ACCEP T ALL MAJO R INSURANCE S GULJAN NURMURADOVA, LAC/OWNER CYNDI RODRIQUEZ/LMT ALISON LAROCCA/LAC DR. ANA ENGELHARDT, ND JACQUELINE FUSARI/LAC CRYSTAL LANE/LAC WWW WH OLENES SACU P UNC TUR ECEN TE R. CO M CALL US AT 860-404-2197 10 FOREST PARK DRIVE, STE.1, FARMINGTON, CT I NF O@ WH OLENES SACU P UNC TUREC EN TE R. CO M 3 Forest Park Drive, Farmington, CT • 860.778.0315 abundanthealthct abundanthealthmassagect CT LICENSE #5956 Book Your Appointment Online Kristina E. Mozzicato, LMT, BCTMB Board Certified, Cupping & MedicuppingTM Therapist Certified Consulting Hypnotist VOTED A 10BEST MASSAGE THERAPY PRACTITIONER 2020–2023 abundanthealthct.com Kristina E. Mozzicato, LMT, BCTMB, Certified Cupping & MedicuppingTM Therapist Board Certified, Licensed Massage Therapist and Owner
CT • 860.561.4337 www.SharonSklarRolfing.com
Why You Should Try Colon Hydrotherapy
By Nina Veronesi, I-ACT
Have you heard people talking about colonics (also called colon hydrotherapy)? Word has been spreading about the importance of gut health and the healing results people are experiencing from this effective treatment.
“The job of colon hydrotherapy is to get your digestion working better by cleaning out a significant portion of the matter blocking movement in the intestine so it can learn to improve and function better.”
—By Nina Veronesi, I-ACT
The problem is that there are a lot of rumors and misconceptions keeping people who want to heal their digestion from exploring it more. So, let’s see if we can clean that up for you—no pun intended!
One of the misconceptions of colon hydrotherapy is that it will wipe out all the good bacteria in your gut. To put it plainly, no it will not. First of all, when you receive your colon therapy treatment, only a portion of the average 8–20 pounds of toxic matter stored in the large intestine makes its way out in an average colonic session. The amount of toxic material expelled varies, mostly depending on the client and usually affected by gut health, hydration, diet, their emotional state of being, and how much stress their body is holding onto. Most clients experience amazing results and feel a sense of lightness, comfort, ease, and clarity. After many years of being a colon therapist, I’m still amazed at how much the body holds onto and how much toxic waste is eliminated during a colonic session.
Colon therapy is a gentle treatment and, unlike laxatives, does not irritate the delicate gut lining. Helping the body expel some of the toxic build up will restore the good bacteria and relieve the strain on the immune system caused by excess toxins that cause a less than ideal gut biome.
Another common question is whether the process is painful. Through experience, I’ve found when clients follow our suggestions of eating a diet gentle on the digestive system for a few days before their scheduled treatment, avoiding gasproducing foods, and hydrating well, the colonics are usually pain-free. At most there could be a short period when the client may experience some pressure or light cramping as the large intestine (which is a large muscle in the abdominal and pelvic cavity) contracts to move larger amounts of matter through and out of the body. You will feel this, but it should not cause pain.
How Often Should I Have a Colonic?
This depends on the client and how chronic the digestive issue is. At The Colonic Institute, we make sure to set aside plenty of time to hear your story and ask and answer any pertinent questions. Most of us will benefit from a series of colonics to help rid, over time, a good portion of the 8–20 pound average old, toxic, hardened, compacted, stuck-on, mucousy, undigested matter, along with trapped gases that take time to eliminate.
As we work together to improve your digestion and gut health, we will get a better idea of how many are best for you. The average client benefits from a series of three colonics after their first consult and colonic, most often four within a month. After those initial sessions, some clients benefit from a session every month or two. For some, a few times a year is all they need to feel their best.
10 NATURAL Nutmeg MAY / JUNE 2024 Health
Will My Body Get Dependent on It?
Nope—unlike with laxatives, which the body will often become dependent on, needing more and more over time for them to work until they eventually stop working altogether. The job of colon hydrotherapy is to get your digestion working better by cleaning out a significant portion of the matter blocking movement in the intestine so it can learn to improve and function better. Good colon hydrotherapy practitioners will also offer guidance, including information on foods that help or hinder gut health (we’ll even share with you some of our gut-healing faves), fresh air and exercise (get that stress out of the mind to get it out of the body!), and good hydration alongside your colonic treatments. Over time, you should find improvement. That’s our goal!
What Should I Expect When I Come to the Colonic Institute?
Expect to feel relaxed, comfy, fully supported, surrounded by the healing atmosphere, listened to, and maybe even getting some much-needed stress-relieving laughter in. We’re here to listen and to help you find a way to improve your digestion or regularity. Even the most chronically constipated clients can have immediate success and leave with a happier tummy than they’ve had in a very long time.
Many clients share with us that they wished they hadn’t waited for so long to come in.
You can email us or schedule a phone conversation to answer any questions you have at any time. We’re here for you.
Nina Veronesi is the owner of The Colonic Institute in Avon, CT, and has practiced as an I-ACT Certified colon therapist for nine years. She is also certified in Bioelectric Lymphatic Drainage by the Internal Environment Institute and is a Reiki level three practitioner. She is joined by I-ACT Certified colon therapist Michelle Sutton and Reiki Master and Hypnotherapist Rio Comaduran at the institute. Call 860.481.2702 or email colonicsct46@ gmail.com to book an appointment. Visit our website at colonicct.com.
See ad on page 15 >
11 NATURAL Nutmeg 2024 MAY / JUNE
Scan the QR code for more information gentlemamacounseling gentlemamacounseling.com 16 Brace Rd. West Hartford, CT 06117 860-215-4710 In Person & Virtual Mom Groups for pregnant and postpartum moms
BOOSTIE™: The Forgotten Foods Our Ancestors Ate
“…the real foods I finally chose as part of my daily eating plan have enabled me to obtain perfect health. I live disease-free, painfree, vitamin- and supplement-free, and prescriptionfree, and I do not take over-thecounter meds. I aim to eat nuts, seeds (because they are so nutrient-dense), cacao nibs, and electrolytes daily. This combination reduces inflammation, helps heart health, brain function, digestion, blood sugar, and skin health, and boosts the immune system.”
—Goldie Rose, MS
By Goldie Rose, MS
Why am I offering a seemingly boring product that contains mostly nuts and seeds, with a bit of cacao nibs and an electrolyte version? Maybe I’m “nuts”!
Nuts and seeds are ancient foods our ancestors consumed for thousands of years. I think of them as the “forgotten foods”—yet they fit into every eating style that people adhere to these days. Maybe people are bored with them. Maybe they cause some people to bloat and/or have an upset stomach. Maybe people consider them fattening and full of fat.
Whatever the reason nuts and seeds have become “forgotten foods,” I do know that they’re powerfully healthy and need to make a comeback in a healthy lifestyle! Those I have chosen for BOOSTIE™ are rich in fiber, plant protein, calcium, magnesium, manganese, selenium, phosphorus, polyphenols, a spectrum of vitamin Bs, vitamin E, zinc, omega-3s, and more!
The Journey
My interest in healthful living began with my breast cancer diagnosis when I was 47 years old and premenopausal. I knew that despite the treatment I chose, because of my young age, I had to make dramatic changes to my eating style.
I immediately sought a clean diet and felt comfortable choosing the macrobiotic eating plan. This eating style is organic, mostly plant-based, seasonal, and excludes sugar. No artificial anything was permitted! While following this eating style, I consulted with nutritionists, and I began consuming many vitamins, herbs, and supplements.
When I passed my important five-year mark, I changed from the macrobiotic diet and focused on eating organic fruits and vegetables and antibiotic —and hormone-free proteins. I increased my vitamins and supplements and thought I was doing “the right thing” for myself.
Thankfully, my cancer did not return, but I was getting sick often. I suffered from arthritis, body aches and pains, colds, sinus infections, IBS, and various strange but not life-threatening diseases. I have always believed food is medicine, yet I had been relying on vitamins, herbs, and powdered supplements.
The Transition to Food as Medicine
When I was suffering from a trigger finger (one of the many strange things happening to my body), my holistic veterinarian recommended an energy doctor. With great skepticism, I went for treatment—and Dr. Yang helped me tremendously! She also addressed all the vitamins and supplements I was consuming. She believed I could get all the nutrients I needed from food. Although she gave me little guidance in this area, I started studying the idea—and it would take up far too much space to tell the details of my discovery journey.
What I can say is that the real foods I finally chose as part of my daily eating plan have enabled me to obtain perfect health. I live disease-free, pain-free, vitamin- and supplement-free, and prescription-free, and I do not take over-the-counter meds. I aim to eat nuts, seeds (because they are so nutrient-dense), cacao nibs, and electrolytes daily.
12 NATURAL Nutmeg MAY / JUNE 2024 Health
This combination reduces inflammation, helps heart health, brain function, digestion, blood sugar, and skin health, and boosts the immune system.
BOOSTIE™—For Your Health!
One package of BOOSTIE™ is one ounce (in this case, more is not better) of the finest ingredients I can source. Each of the ingredients is purposefully selected and combined to provide both a dense and broad spectrum of nutrients for our body. The magic is in the sprouting! Phytic acid is necessary for nuts and seeds to grow, yet works as an anti-nutrient when consumed.
Phytic acid can also result in bloating and an upset stomach. The sprouting process removes the phytic acid, thereby preventing bloating and tummy aches—but most importantly, renders all the dense nutrients very bioavailable to our body! The sprouting process also removes lectins, a wellknown antinutrient.
My mission is to make healthful eating easy— BOOSTIE™ does that!
BOOSTIE™ is loose sprouted nuts and seeds, and has more nutrients than ANY other one ounce of food!
And, by the way—it is delicious!
Goldie Rose holds an MS in Special Education/Learning Disabilities. When struck by premenopausal breast cancer thirty years ago, she started on a journey of getting and staying healthy. To her, being healthy means no diseases, no prescriptions, no over-the-counter meds, and zero pain. Her journey led her to a personal food plan that included clean and extremely nutrient-dense food. Her great state of health interested family and friends. BOOSTIE™ is an essential food in her anti-inflammatory daily eating program, and she began packing it, by request, for her family and friends. Desiring good health for all, her company was born. Visit www.BoostieYourHealth.com, email Goldie@ BoostieYourHealth.com, or call 800.988.7541 for more information. See ad on page 11 >
Holistic Therapies For Better Health
13 NATURAL Nutmeg 2024 MAY / JUNE
Holistic Medicine Individual Care Roots Natural Medical Center
are Naturopathic doctors who specialize in: Oncology/Cancer Therapy Lyme disease & Chronic Infectious Disease Environmental Toxicity (mold,heavymetals,etc.) Irritable Bowel Syndrome/Digestion Autoimmune Disease And More
Route 66 East, Columbia, CT (860) 471-1434
DR.ZACHARY MORAN Naturopathic Doctor DR.KORENE VARANO Naturopathic Doctor, Registered Nurse
Your destination for Conscious Living and Energy Resource Center Offering a wide array of physical, mindfulness, and spiritual holistic therapies, we have the perfect treatment for you. Join us for a personal or group session.
Mind, Body, and Spirit 787 Main St. S, Woodbury, CT 06798 NaturalSaltHealing.com (203) 586-1172 Winner in Natural Nutmeg’s 10 Best 2020-2023 Reader Nominated Award for Esthetician/Holistic & Organic Spa Here at Salt of the Earth you will find state of the art energetic/ frequency based systems designed for restorative healing and transformation. Call today to begin your personal journey to better health.
Rebalance your
Inflammation Affects Your Brain— Can You Reverse It?
“Your brain uses tryptophan to make serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate your mood, sleep, and appetite. It also uses tryptophan to make melatonin— handy for your circadian rhythm! Plus, adequate rest is vital for your well-being.”
—Dr. Lori Calabrese, MD
By Dr. Lori Calabrese, MD
Do you feel unease about situations that didn’t bother you in the past? Maybe about a presentation, or meeting moms at your kids’ school functions. Do you worry over things you used to take in stride? And the worrying goes on…until it feels impossible to make it stop. Or do routine challenges make you fly into a rage? Maybe you don’t even recognize yourself anymore? The problem—and its solution—may surprise you.
Inflammation—The Bad Kind
You’re probably familiar with twisting your ankle and then watching it swell. You apply ice, and after a couple of days, the pain subsides, and soon you can walk on it again. And remember scraping your knee as a child? That red area that developed around the scrape (if you didn’t use an antibiotic and a bandage) made it hurt more.
Both of these are examples of inflammation, which is supposed to be a built-in mechanism for fighting off infection and promoting healing. But too often, inflammation is triggered in your body and brain when it isn’t needed for healing. When that happens, it can be a big problem all its own.
What You Eat Makes a Difference
Refined carbohydrates and vegetable oils can trigger inflammation. This process disrupts your neurotransmitters in your brain and throws them out of whack. For a great example, look at the way your brain uses tryptophan.
Tryptophan is an essential amino acid—famous for being that ingredient in your Thanksgiving turkey, but it’s also found in salmon, eggs, cheese, nuts, pineapple, and tofu.
Your brain uses tryptophan to make serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate your mood, sleep, and appetite. It also uses tryptophan to make melatonin—handy for your circadian rhythm! Plus, adequate rest is vital for your well-being.
With some of the tryptophan that’s left over, your body manufactures glutamate and GABA. Glutamate, in general terms, speeds up and excites your brain cells, like an accelerator on a car, and GABA makes them calm and slow down, like the proverbial brake pedal.
Since these are the two most prolific neurotransmitters, it’s vital that they’re in balance. When they are, you feel a sense of well-being, right? You likely feel calm and productive, focused and alert.
14 NATURAL Nutmeg MAY / JUNE 2024 Health
Inflammation Damage
However, when you have excessive inflammation, it strips away and reduces the serotonin and melatonin you need. It reduces the brakes of your GABA and increases the accelerator glutamate… up to 100 times the normal level.
Which can be critical. This dangerous level of glutamate can lead to glutamate excitotoxicity. And that results in glutamate attacking and damaging proteins, membranes, DNA, and mitochondria throughout the brain.
Glutamate imbalances like this are at the center of severe psychiatric conditions like bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, OCD, severe depression, and Alzheimer’s disease.
So, what can prevent this catastrophe? You can protect your brain.
How? By avoiding refined carbohydrates and replacing them with a variety of delicious low-carb or high-fat vegetables, and by replacing vegetable oils with olive oil and coconut oil.
So, you ask, how can you stabilize blood sugar and reverse inflammation? The truth is that you can bring your blood sugar to a normal level within days by switching to a low-carb diet. And it’s a great way to slash your inflammation!
Keep it simple. Join us in our Touchpoints 180™ program to help reduce carbohydrates and increase the good fats in your diet. Enjoy nature walks, group support, and nutritional counseling… and celebrate your well-being!
Lori Calabrese, MD, is a Hopkins and Harvard-trained psychiatrist specializing in metabolic psychiatry. She offers novel advanced treatments for psychiatric conditions at her practice, Innovative Psychiatry, in South Windsor, CT. Her Metabolic Psychiatry practice provides a comprehensive treatment path with ketogenic and low-carb interventions through Touchpoints 180TM. 1330 Sullivan Avenue, South Windsor, CT 06074. For more information, call 860.648.9755 or visit loricalabresemd.com.
See ad on Inside Front Cover >
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Experience the power of molecular hydrogen with our molecular hydrogen inhalation therapy machine. The most potent antioxidant and anti-in ammatory molecule ever discovered, hydrogen therapy offers the following:
Lowers blood pressure
Reduces in ammation and CV disease risk
Reduces risk for dementia and brain related diseases
Improves sleep and reduces stress
Enhances immune system and is a super anti-oxidant
Increases energy
Burns fat and increases weight loss
Combine Hydrogen Inhalation Therapy with Zinzino BalanceOil to support normal brain, heart, and immune system function.
Prevent cancer, blood vessel diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes
Agnes Chodkiewicz • 860-822-7515 h2inhalation@gmail.com • hydrogentherapyh2.com
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15 NATURAL Nutmeg 2024 MAY / JUNE
Acupuncture Is Much More Than Pain Relief
By Dr. Lyndsey Maher, ND, MSAc
“As for those women not yet interested in having children but keenly aware that their body’s hormones are seemingly unbalanced, acupuncture can provide assistance. This is a promising alternative to the number one suggestion: hormonal contraception.”
—Dr. Lyndsey Maher, ND, MSAc
hails from a bigger framework— commonly called Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)—that provides various treatment options for numerous ailments. However, it is very common to hear many of our friends and family using this modality to treat their pain, that is, if they have even heard of acupuncture at all. The beauty of acupuncture stems from its dynamic functionality. This is especially true in modern times, as the number of prescription medications the aging population is taking continues to increase. It can be challenging to prescribe supplements or herbs when a patient is on polypharmacy due to the increased likelihood of adverse reactions. Acupuncture is one such modality that provides no threat of interaction but yields great efficacy.
Acute Illness
Think twice about canceling that standing weekly acupuncture appointment due to symptoms of a potential cold or sinus infection. The concern typically being addressed may not be the target of therapy that day, but if there’s a cough, runny nose, headache, or fever, acupuncture can help provide some relief. This won’t necessarily negate the potential need for conventional modalities, but it can provide much-needed relief during these times.
Digestive Concerns
Move over, laxatives—acupuncture is here! Acupuncture addresses the functional and neurogenic components of digestive concerns. It can help relax the patient and get them into a more parasympathetic state while also helping to harmonize the various constituents to ensure all systems are a go—literally!
Acupuncture works for those individuals with decreased as well as excessive bowel movements, as well as gas, bloating, and other digestive symptoms. This is helpful for patients who are on painkillers or medications that are known to slow bowel transit time; it is a welcome relief since these individuals might be lucky if they have one bowel movement every four days!
Fertility and Women’s Reproductive Health
Reproductive health is an exciting area of utilization, as it is proving itself a contender in the ever-increasing landscape of “unexplained infertility.” Research is showing in both natural conception and assisted reproductive technology (ART) that acupuncture can help to increase the live birth rate and implantation rate while also almost doubling the odds of becoming pregnant. More families are now considering ART to grow their families, and acupuncture is significantly
16 NATURAL Nutmeg MAY / JUNE 2024 Health
increasing pregnancy rates in women with unexplained infertility going through any of the various ART modalities.
As for those women not yet interested in having children but keenly aware that their body’s hormones are seemingly unbalanced, acupuncture can provide assistance. This is a promising alternative to the number one suggestion: hormonal contraception. Supporting a woman throughout the various phases of her cycle will provide a way to optimize menstruation, support strong ovulation, combat hormonal acne, and so much more.
Stress and Anxiety No More
While the Western world affords us many conveniences, this is not without the things it takes from us in return. Stressful scenarios and anxiety abound in the fast-paced society we have created for ourselves, but that doesn’t mean living with these debilities is a necessity.
Acupuncture helps balance the nervous system and evoke appropriate responses to various stimuli. Certainly, the 45–60 minutes of “me time” doesn’t hurt, but there is power in the very intentional needle placement.
While this list is not exhaustive, it is fairly comprehensive and conveys how diverse a therapy acupuncture truly is. It isn’t uncommon for patients to reach out as a last-ditch attempt for help and begin to employ acupuncture techniques, but don’t save it for last. Acupuncture doesn’t need to be employed as a solo therapy for a specific concern; it is entirely safe to be combined with others, including pharmaceuticals.
Dr. Lyndsey Maher is the medical director of Soleil Acupuncture and Naturopathic Wellness in Hamden, CT, an integrative medical clinic. Her own health concerns in adolescence led her to naturopathic medicine so that she could give others the tools to make the most empowered and educated decisions for their own health. She sees various health matters in practice including but not limited to: hormonal health, fertility, and diseases of metabolism. Visit soleilholistic.com. See ad on page 31 >
17 NATURAL Nutmeg 2024 MAY / JUNE
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Protect Your Cells with Hydrogen Inhalation Therapy
By Agnes Chodkiewicz
molecular hydrogen may be the smallest molecule in the universe, it is a powerful antioxidant. Unlike traditional antioxidants, its size allows it to easily cross cell membranes and the blood-brain barrier and reach parts of the cell that other, larger antioxidants cannot access.”
—Agnes Chodkiewicz
hydrogen inhalation therapy has been on the rise in healthcare since a 2007 National Library of Medicine study exploring its antioxidant properties found that molecular hydrogen gas selectively neutralizes free radicals and has powerful antioxidant effects. Due to the antioxidant properties of hydrogen gas (H2), hydrogen gas inhalation reduces oxidative stress and inflammation in the body. This may help to slow natural aging processes and facilitate a natural healing reaction.
With all the unhealthy food and chemical products we consume, along with the pollutant-filled air we breathe, chronic inflammation, and oxidative stress plague our population. Almost all our ailments stem from oxidative stress and inflammation. Studies show that molecular hydrogen relieves oxidative stress by up to forty-five percent.
Since the 2007 study, other studies have explored the benefits of breathing hydrogen gas (or consuming hydrogen-rich water) and have found positive evidence of molecular hydrogen’s ability to reduce inflammation and support overall health. But as with any new wellness therapy, more questions are raised as we search for better answers for our health.
What Are the Types of Molecular Hydrogen Therapy?
Generally, when we talk about molecular hydrogen therapy, we’re referring to increasing the amount of available hydrogen for the body. There are several ways to increase the body’s hydrogen levels. A few of the most common forms of hydrogen therapy include:
• Hydrogen inhalation therapy
• Drinking hydrogen water
• Taking a hydrogen water bath (created with a hydrogen nanobubble generator)
• Hyperbaric hydrogen chambers
• IV injection of saline that is high in hydrogen All of these methods aim to deliver molecular hydrogen into the body and leverage its potential antioxidant properties. The advantage of inhalation lies in the speed of absorption: Molecular hydrogen inhalation offers faster absorption of hydrogen gas into the bloodstream.
What Is Hydrogen Inhalation Therapy, and How Does It Work?
In hydrogen inhalation therapy, molecular hydrogen is delivered to the lungs and body through a hydrogen inhaler machine, such as our H-1200 Molecular Hydrogen Inhalation Device. This powerful antioxidant is intended to help protect cells and genes from damage. The most potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory molecule ever discovered, molecular hydrogen inhalation therapy offers numerous health benefits and can potentially treat chronic and acute conditions.
Hydrogen inhalation therapy’s therapeutic and preventative properties have been observed for conditions affecting various areas, including the liver, pancreas, lungs, brain, and heart. Molecular hydrogen may have anti-inflammatory and antiapoptotic properties and mediate oxidative stress. For over fifty years, molecular hydrogen has been studied for its potential health benefits. Some researchers refer to it as a “master regulator” due
18 NATURAL Nutmeg MAY / JUNE 2024 Health
to its ability to harmonize various processes within the human body.
One unique advantage of molecular hydrogen is its size and bioavailability. Hydrogen gas is the smallest known molecule in the universe—it can easily penetrate all tissues, including the bloodbrain barrier. But although molecular hydrogen may be the smallest molecule in the universe, it is a powerful antioxidant. Unlike traditional antioxidants, its size allows it to easily cross cell membranes and the blood-brain barrier and reach parts of the cell that other, larger antioxidants cannot access.
Hydrogen inhalation therapy, or molecular hydrogen inhalation therapy, leverages the antioxidant properties of hydrogen. During an H2 therapy session, an individual breathes a two-to-one mix of hydrogen gas and oxygen, typically for about fifteen minutes. These sessions significantly increase the levels of molecular hydrogen in the body.
A brief overview of how this therapy works:
• Inhalation: You breathe in hydrogen gas or consume hydrogen-infused water or saline.
• H2 Enters the Body: The tiny hydrogen molecules easily travel through your body, passing through cell membranes and into your cells.
• Antioxidant Cleansing: Once inside your cells, hydrogen can neutralize harmful substances called free radicals, acting like a tiny, powerful antioxidant.
• Protection of Cells: By neutralizing these free radicals, hydrogen is believed to protect cells from damage caused by these free radicals.
• Reduction of Inflammation: Hydrogen can also help reduce inflammation in your body, which can help in healing and recovery.
• Balanced Health: Over time, these actions can potentially contribute to better health and prevention of certain diseases. However, short-term benefits include better sleep, more energy, and improved complexion.
19 NATURAL Nutmeg 2024 MAY / JUNE
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Other Benefits of Molecular Hydrogen Inhalation Therapy
•Boosts immune system
•Excellent source of antioxidants
•Improves hydration levels
(up to six times better than regular water)
•Improves nutrient absorption of supplements
• Enhances anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and anti-apoptotic properties
•Fights off free radicals and neutralizes them
•Prevents oxidation of the body
•Improves sleep quality
•Regulates gene expression
•Improves brain function and memory
•Stimulates energy metabolism
As with any treatment, each individual’s response to molecular hydrogen inhalation therapy will be different due to genetics, lifestyle choices, current health conditions, and environmental factors.
Molecular Hydrogen Inhalation Device (H-1200)
Experience the power of molecular hydrogen with our H-1200 molecular hydrogen inhalation therapy machine. Just ten minutes of hydrogen inhalation equals twelve tons of hydrogen water intake. This machine can help balance the immune system by neutralizing free radicals— typically generated by stress—and converting them into water.
With our H-1200 device, molecular hydrogen gas rapidly spreads to the lungs and the brain during inhalation. Aside from the numerous health benefits it provides, our machine also provides easy mobility, a simple display, and an easy setting. Our molecular hydrogen inhalation machine uses sterile water and can be used in your home, a clinic, or for commercial use. This device has a very low voltage and power consumption, yet it can run continuously for up to seven hours.
The best way to learn more about what molecular hydrogen inhalation therapy can do for you is to try it for yourself!
Agnes Chodkiewicz is a Certified Coach and trained in Theta Healing, Universal Healing, Quantum Touch, and Basic and Advanced DNA. Call 860.822.7515 or email h2inhalation@ gmail.com for more information. See ad on page 15 >
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20 NATURAL Nutmeg MAY / JUNE 2024
By Charleen K. Miele, LPC
All Will Be Well!
One of my favorite phrases is, “All will be well.”
However, when I use this phrase personally or with my clients, I often add the tagline, “We just may have to redefine ‘well.’” That may sound like double-speak, but I don’t see it that way.
Life is a journey, and every journey includes challenges. What makes it “well” is that if we simply trust, it will eventually work out. It may not feel so great right now, or in the middle, or even at the point we think is the end. However, at every moment of our journey, we have a choice. We have a choice to make a move, and we have a choice in how we will interpret our journey—what meaning we will add to what got us there, where we are, and where we are headed. When things don’t turn out the way I expected them to (and that happens
a lot), I have to remind myself that the “well” I was expecting is not the “well” I am getting! That doesn’t make it wrong—it just means I didn’t, and still don’t, have the bigger picture.
I recently attended a concert with 7,999 other people to see the band Elevation Worship. As part of the concert experience, Pastor Steve Furtick gave a sermon. One of the many things he said that stuck with me was, “When we see little, God is often doing big.”
I like that. It reminds me that I have only a small piece of the puzzle, and there is so much more that I can’t see. My “well” is not always God’s “well.” I have to trust. And I do.
All will be well.
Of that, I am sure.
“At every moment of our journey, we have a choice. We have a choice to make a move, and we have a choice in how we will interpret our journey—what meaning we will add to what got us there, where we are, and where we are headed.”
—Charleen K. Miele, LPC
Charleen K. Miele, LPC , is a Licensed Professional Counselor who started her journey as a teacher, church music director, and fitness instructor. Charleen works with clients both in person and via telehealth and has recently added Trauma Informed Breathwork to her work. Visit thesacredselfllc.com. Contact Charleen at thesacredselfllc@gmail.com or call 860.614.8382. Located at 171 Market Square #102, Newington, CT.
See ad on page 23 >
21 NATURAL Nutmeg 2024 MAY / JUNE Spirituality
Metaphysical Psychotherapy: Weaving Ancient Wisdoms and Contemporary Psychology
By Mary Anne Costerella, MA, LADC
“We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season in which we are born.”
—Carl Gustav Jung, Father of Analytical Psychology
As a licensed healthcare clinician, I believe putting the psyche (a Greek word meaning “soul”) back into the word psychology (the study of the psyche/soul) helps people understand personal karma, heal intergenerational trauma (wounds), and live their soul’s purpose.
Metaphysical (beyond the body and material plane of life) psychotherapy is an integrative treatment brand focused on the soul’s curriculum interpreted through the weaving of four Ancient Wisdoms—(astrology, numerology, cardology, and personology)—with contemporary psychologies.
Clients learn to seek existential answers to their life’s purpose and become aligned with the lessons their soul came here to teach and learn. The path is an intuitive journey and allows the sacred information derived from the date of birth to be the determinant and guide for their earthly experiences.
I believe it is imperative to understand and decode the soul’s map created before each client’s incarnation; soul is hidden/camouflaged in the name and birthdate of every human being…nomen est omen (Latin, “the name is a sign”)—the name and the date of birth are the destiny!
Ancient Wisdoms
Clients initially present for conventional therapy and gradually become curious about unlocking the psyche (Ancient Wisdoms) and allowing energetic blockages to release for deeper healing. As they choose to embark further on their path, they are asked to question, “Is the life I’ve been living the life that wants to live in me? Is my soul’s
compass aligned with my current path or have I (personality) wandered off course?”
I believe the body speaks the mind—it is the metaphorical house for the mind, emotions, and spirit/soul.
• The frame is the body or the earth (element).
• The roof is the mind or the air (element).
• The interior is the spirit/soul or the fire (element).
• The basement is the feelings/emotions or water (element).
Current psychology/psychiatry does not engage the soul in the art of healing. It denies the human energy system as a soul (the transmission of all energy) within the body and prefers to safely treat bodies/organs only as the “sole vs. soul” carriers of physiological imbalances.
The Language of the Soul
I believe the greater the distance between the mind (roof) and the emotions (basement), the deeper the woundedness of the spirit; when soul is disconnected from the personality’s behaviors— addictions, relational dysfunction, trauma, depression, codependency—toxic grief issues occur.
“When soul is neglected, it doesn’t just go away, it appears symptomatically in obsessions, addictions, violence, and loss of meaning.” —Thomas Moore
I use the Ancient Wisdoms (the psychologies of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Carl Jung, Pythagoras, Jesus Christ, Jeff Goldschneider (The Secret Language of Birthdays), and the Order of the Magi to energetically interpret the language of the soul
22 NATURAL Nutmeg MAY / JUNE 2024 Health
The following four psychologies are the informational technologies I interpret and integrate for clients who are interested in seeking a deeper dive into soul purpose and healing.
The client will learn how to use their zodiacal sign’s inherent characteristics in relationships, career and finances. They will learn about the inherent habit patterns of their personality based on the planetary ingredients defining their date of birth.
“We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season in which we are born.”
—Carl Gustav Jung, Father of Analytical Psychology
The client will learn how the letters in their name are really numbers that define their character and determine their personal destiny. They will also learn about the application of numbers in their full birth name and how it determines their character, life experiences and ultimate goals.
The client will explore the spiritual code camouflaged inside the Sacred Science of the fifty-two cards and revealed by the date of birth. Descriptions of the Birth Card, Planetary Ruling Card, and other important significators will inform about character traits, personality behavior, and planetary influences affecting this life and karmic patterns.
• Fifty-two cards in the common playing card deck and fifty-two weeks in the year, four seasons and four suits, twelve royal cards and twelve months…and adding the numerical value of every card in the deck = 365—as in days per year!
• The cards were never meant to be played with—they originated with the beginning of time. Every civilization owns a common deck of playing cards, and they’re referenced in the Bible in the Book of Revelations.
• Cards are the suits souls have chosen to wear in this lifetime to process their individual Karmic Curriculum—the Architectural Blueprint for Life!
• “He’s such a card!”
• “What’s your deal?
• “House of Cards”
• “What‘s your strong suit?”
• “It’s not about the cards you’ve been dealt; it’s how you play the hand.”
23 NATURAL Nutmeg 2024 MAY / JUNE
171 Market Square, Suite 102 Newington, CT 06111 thesacredselfllc@gmail.com 860-614-8382 • thesacredselfllc.com Charleen K. Miele, LPC Licensed Professional Counselor (IFS level 2 trained) Trauma Informed Breathwork Facilitator Life, Spiritual Life, and Wellness Coach Now Offering Somatic Healing Through Transformational Breathwork Farmington • Glastonbury • Hamden • Westport ctthermography.com Voteda 10BEST 2020 - 2023 IntegrativeFunctional MedicinePractitioner No X -Ra y s! NoCom pr es si o n! No ninva s ive ! Re str i ct i ons A pply New clien ts receive 10% OFF of an Up per Body or Full Body Health Screening Ca ll t oday! 860-415 -1 150 Scan here to book online BR EA S T TH E RM O GR A PH Y
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“When soul is neglected, it doesn’t just go away, it appears symptomatically in obsessions, addictions, violence, and loss of meaning.”
—Thomas Moore
The client will learn about their unique soul map created before their birth to determine their life’s purpose on this planet. This portrait reveals the karmic journey the individual is destined to undertake in this lifetime. The path begins with a starting point indicating their innate talents and traces a spiritual route to a destination point or direction you’ve chosen to complete.
My soul purpose is to give my wounds/traumas a voice; a place where my deep guidance meets the world’s needs; I want to liberate the human spirit within self and others through a more in-depth understanding of the soul’s agenda; a psychospiritual mentoring through validation of our innate gifts and strengths developed in other lifetimes will remind people of their authentic purpose.
What Do I Value, and What Environments Bring Out the Best in Me?
The Ancient Wisdoms are path identifiers—they are an app for self-compassing and awareness. My purpose is to download them into our culture. Metaphysical therapy is an alternative healing modality that allows people to become informed about what they really came to this world to do!
Many of my clients are seeking their life purpose and looking beyond their careers, family, and possessions. They want to know why coincidences in their life occur, what they’re about, and why some people are able to connect as if they’ve always known each other. They believe there’s more to life than just the material plane!
If you are curious about observing traumas as karmic learning gifts and consider the people in your life (parents, siblings, partners, children, colleagues, friends) as a family of soul travelers here to help teach us what we need to learn, ancient wisdoms/spiritual sciences offer an opportunity to decode your destiny with deeper awareness.
“I’ve been doing Destiny Card readings with Mary Anne for over 10 years; I’ve always been intrigued by metaphysical practices such as astrology, numerology, and intuitive readings, but the Destiny Cards have been most accurate by far. My cards predicted my divorce, business expansion, health concerns, people who have come in and out of my life, a new relationship, and more. Their accuracy amazes me every time; it’s a confirmation I’m on the right path and following my soul’s unique destiny. Mary Anne has an incredible gift of not only explaining the card system in a way that’s easily understood, but also weaving all her knowledge of astrology, numerology, and personology into a reading as well. I cannot imagine not having her guidance and this incredible system to look forward to every year on my birthday.”
—Dr. Diane Hayden, PhD, CEO and Publisher, Natural Nutmeg Magazine
“I went into this Card Party reading as a believer with a very open and curious mind, and it was 1000% delivered. The volume of knowledge and information flowed effortlessly. It’s so clear that this passion and dedication of Mary Anne’s is truly a CALLING! The way she delivers each reading with such respect, genuine support, and connection, it was like we’ve known each other for lifetimes. Our group was relatively large, yet Mary Anne created and shared a very customized, personal, and thorough presentation. It was really like a comfortable night around a fire for everyone. It was so cool to hear each reading and be able to analyze, dive a bit deeper, and offer perspective to those who wanted it. Such a bonding experience! I loved it and look forward to my next session. Mary Anne is truly a gift of insight!”
—Jessica, Card Party Attendee
Mary Anne Costerella, MA, LADC, is a metaphysician, integrative psychotherapist, graduate of the Magi Fellowship Counselor Training Program, nationally certified Destiny Card Reader, and ongoing student of the Ancient Wisdoms.She utilizes the Destiny Card System in conjunction with Astrology, Numerology, and Personology to provide clients with an integrated approach to their journey to personal transformation. Mary Anne holds a BA in Secondary Education, an MA in Counseling Psychology and Pastoral Counseling, and is a certified Addictions Specialist. Visit www.maryannecosterella.com.
See ad page 15 >
24 NATURAL Nutmeg MAY / JUNE 2024 Health
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25 NATURAL Nutmeg 2024 MAY / JUNE
Nourishing the Soul: A Spiritual Spa Experience With Agnes Daddona
“We are beautiful souls here to learn and grow. This process of learning and growth can, at times, feel quite painful, but the beauty of the big picture that emerges with higher levels of learning and wisdom inevitably brings
a greater understanding of the reasons for the current circumstances of the person’s life, and in turn, begins a more profound process of healing.”
—Agnes Daddona, MA, Intuitive Counseling
By Agnes Daddona, MA, Intuitive Counseling
Spring, a season synonymous with renewal and rejuvenation, awakens nature from its winter slumber with a vibrant burst of colors and new life. Symbolically, it represents a period of cleansing and purification, both externally in the world and internally within the depths of our souls. Just as nature undergoes this process of renewal, so too can we cleanse our souls and embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation during springtime. It presents an opportunity to release the weight of the past, forgive ourselves and others, and embrace the present moment with clarity and purpose.
Today, where stress and anxiety prevail, seeking solace and rejuvenation for the soul has become increasingly essential. My Spiritual Spa emerges as a beacon of light in the realm of spiritual and holistic wellness, offering a unique and transformative experience. With a wealth of healing services meticulously designed to nurture the mind, body, and spirit, this sanctuary serves as a haven for those in pursuit of holistic healing and spiritual growth.
The Spiritual Spa offers a comprehensive pathway to wellness, catering to individuals seeking a multifaceted approach to healing and spiritual growth. Whether it is an intuitive reading, personalized healing session, high vibrational meditation, or an immersive workshop, each holistic experience
is designed to offer individuals a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment. By integrating various therapies and modalities, my holistic spa provides individuals with a well-rounded approach to wellness. From intuitive readings, counseling, healing, meditation, and mindfulness practices to manifestation tools, clients are equipped with the resources they need to foster holistic well-being on all levels—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
Connecting to the Divine
The spiritual spa experience begins with a personalized Intuitive Reading. These sessions are designed to provide insights into your soul’s purpose, life path, opportunities, gifts, and talents. During my signature Intuitive Readings, I receive messages of divine guidance on your relationships, finances, career, business, health, and more. I will use what I learn in this reading to craft your customized healing journey so that it aligns with your soul’s plan to remove obstacles, co-create with the divine, and manifest the life you truly want. If you would like to discover your life’s purpose, how to heal on a deep level, improve your love life, align with a perfect career, create financial flow, or manifest your biggest dreams, Intuitive Reading is the perfect experience for you.
26 NATURAL Nutmeg MAY / JUNE 2024 Spirituality
Healing Sessions: A Spring Cleansing for Your Soul
Following the intuitive reading, a range of healing services are tailored to address the specific needs identified during the reading.
At the core of my Spiritual Spa lies the cornerstone of healing sessions, meticulously crafted to delve into the root causes of personal struggles and obstacles to well-being. These sessions serve as a sanctuary for individuals seeking to confront and overcome deep-seated issues that hinder their growth and fulfillment. My healing sessions stand out for their deeply personalized approach.
Each session is tailored to the unique needs and challenges of the individual, ensuring that no aspect of their journey is overlooked. I take the time to understand your history, concerns, and aspirations, allowing me to craft a bespoke experience that resonates deeply with your soul. This deep healing experience might include trauma healing, past life regression, energy healing, hypnotherapy, or soul healing. These healing sessions serve as a catalyst for inner growth and empowerment. By providing a nurturing environment and personalized guidance, I facilitate a journey of self-discovery and renewal, enabling individuals to break free from the chains of their past and step into a future filled with possibility and potential.
Higher Soul Journey— Master Treatments
We are beautiful souls here to learn and grow. This process of learning and growth can, at times, feel quite painful, but the beauty of the big picture that emerges with higher levels of learning and wisdom inevitably brings a greater understanding of the reasons for the current circumstances of the person’s life, and in turn, begins a more profound process of healing.
Another cornerstone therapy within my Spiritual Spa is advanced therapies to grow your soul and enhance your manifestation power.
Crystal Bed Therapy: A Gateway to Manifestation and Healing
Imagine lying on a heated, vibrating amethyst bed, bathed in a high spectrum of healing lights, each corresponding to the chakras or energy centers of your body, listening to deeply healing meditation specifically aligned for your treatment needs. I enhance your session by using my connection to Angels to generate a high vibrational healing space for you, creating a Vortex of Light. You might be interested in Crystal Bed Therapy if you would like increased intuition and manifestation, a more pro found connection to the Divine, and a revitalized and purified mind, body, and spirit.
27 NATURAL Nutmeg 2024 MAY / JUNE
Ann Moureau Reiki Master and Teacher Be One with the Flow 802 780 7977 www.beoneflow.com Washington, New Preston, Litchfield, CT Reiki • Yoga • Ai Chi • Forest Bathing Distant Reiki treatment is available wherever you're located
“By integrating various therapies and modalities, my holistic spa provides individuals with a well-rounded approach to wellness. From intuitive readings, counseling, healing, meditation, and mindfulness practices to manifestation tools, clients are equipped with the resources they need to foster holistic well-being on all levels— physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.”
—Agnes Daddona, MA, Intuitive Counseling
DNA Therapy: Unlocking Your Potential and Accelerating Wellness
DNA Therapy represents a pioneering frontier in the realm of holistic healing, offered as a transformative modality within the Spiritual Spa.
DNA Therapy is a cutting-edge approach to healing that recognizes the profound connection between our physical health and spiritual state. By addressing imbalances at the genetic level, it helps unlock your body’s innate ability to heal and regenerate.
This innovative approach is tailored for individuals committed to delving deeper into their spiritual journey, seeking profound healing and evolution at a cellular level. At the core of DNA Therapy lies the intention to unlock the latent potential encoded within one’s genetic blueprint, facilitating a profound metamorphosis in consciousness and personal growth.
Whether you are dealing with anxiety, trauma, stress, lack of sleep, aging, weight gain, hormonal imbalance, physical pain, or illness, the DNA Therapy system is a new way to restore your body and mind to health and leave you feeling uplifted and revitalized.
Aura Photography: Visualizing Your Energy
Aura Photography is built on the principles, studies, and science of biofeedback, color psychology, human energy fields, and mind-body knowledge. The aura photography sessions offer a profound glimpse into the unseen realms of energy and consciousness. Through the lens of aura photography, clients are afforded invaluable insights into their energetic field and spiritual journey. By capturing the aura on camera, I provide clients with a tangible representation of their energetic signature, revealing the intricate interplay of colors, patterns, and frequencies that compose their aura. This visual depiction serves as a powerful tool for self-reflection and introspection, offering a deeper understanding of one’s unique gifts, challenges, and soul purpose, and strategies for achieving energetic balance and harmony.
If you would like to find out about your aura health and color, chakra strength, energy levels, personality type, and overall health and wellness, this experience might be for you. The session includes an Aura Photo with a corresponding fourteen-page report, as well as a chakra cleansing and balancing treatment.
Experience the Spiritual Spa Today
My Spiritual Spa offers a holistic sanctuary for individuals seeking renewal, rejuvenation, and spiritual growth this spring. Through divinely
orchestrated Intuitive Reading, meticulously crafted Healing Sessions, personalized therapies like DNA Therapy and Crystal Bed Therapy, and innovative modalities such as Aura Photography, clients are guided on profound journeys of self-discovery and transformation. By delving into the depths of their souls, shedding past burdens, and aligning with their true essence, individuals emerge from the spa empowered, revitalized, and ready to embrace life with clarity, authenticity, and purpose.
As nature undergoes its renewal in spring, my Spiritual Spa provides a journey of awakening and renewal for your soul. I welcome you to my Spiritual Spa.
“My psychic reading was undoubtedly a unique experience. Although I was talking to Agnes about my troubles and concerns, the session was positive, and I gained so much inside and still feel much lighter. Agnes told me to drink a lot of water as we also did energy work. She even invited me for a healing session to work on my love life, and I was so grateful for that. I’m looking forward to our next session and changing my life for the better.
I recommend Agnes to anyone seeking clarity, healing, and creating a positive future. My session was life-changing, and I am incredibly grateful for that.”
—Irvine, West Hartford
“From my perspective, what makes Agnes different is that compared to other psychics I have been to, sometimes they will only give you the information. And with Agnes, there is healing, soul lessons, and teachings. She is helping that individual to integrate things and grow.”
—Dr. Diane Hayden
Agnes Daddona, MA, Intuitive Counseling, is one of New England’s best Psychic/Mediums and Spiritual Healers. The gift of intuition runs in her family for generations. For over 20 years, Agnes has worked with thousands of people worldwide through Psychic Readings, Mediumship, Channeling Angels, Counseling, Healing, and Teaching in English and Polish. Agnes has transformed many people’s lives to meet their dreams. She continues to solve the most challenging issues when no one else can help. To book your Intuitive Reading, contact Agnes at www.AgnesDaddona.com, email at agnes@IntuitiveCounselingllc.com, or call 860.941.2667.
See ad on page 19 >
28 NATURAL Nutmeg MAY / JUNE 2024
Are Plants Ineffective and Weak in Skin Care?
By Richard Fanelli
Which plants and their oils can cause severe damage to your skin? Which plants negatively affect around 85 million people per year?
Which plants send around 45,000 people to the emergency room every year? You’ve guessed it: poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac.
Can you think of anything else, even a medication, that can negatively affect your skin with such power? Maybe you or someone you know has experienced the excruciating effects of these plants and their oils found in nature. These plants contain a powerful oily resin called urushiol. When we unwittingly brush against its leaves, this sticky substance infiltrates and brutalizes our skin.
Here’s how it wreaks havoc:
1. Urushiol Penetration: Upon contact, urushiol seeps into our skin. It’s like an unwelcome guest at a party—it doesn’t leave easily.
2. Immune System Activation: Our immune system detects this intruder. Immune cells and skin proteins engage in a fierce battle. The result? Inflammation—the infamous rash.
3. Redness, Itching, and Blisters: The rash appears as redness, accompanied by maddening itchiness. Blisters may form, making us feel like we’ve tangled with a tiny, malevolent cactus.
4. Delayed Reaction: The rash doesn’t play fair. It often waits a day or two before making its grand entrance.
Can you even imagine if urushiol oil accidentally found its way into a jar of your skin cream? Yikes! I don’t even want to think about it. But this is the far negative end of the scale when it comes to the unbelievable power of plants.
The Positive Power of Plant Healing
Of course, there is a far positive end of the scale when it comes to the unbelievable healing power of plants, as well.
There are many rare plants and oils that can affect your skin in the most positive ways. When applied to your skin in precise amounts and when positive plant oils are able to penetrate your skin deeply, these botanicals can provide incredible healing, rejuvenation, and restorative properties.
Many plant oils are a rich source of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that help to boost collagen production in the skin. Many also have natural anti-inflammatory properties that can also help reduce inflammation associated with aging, sun damage, and a variety of skin problems. They do not aggravate your immune system like urushiol does.
When it comes to anti-aging and natural skincare, some skin creams do contain healing oils—and some of these unique creams not only rejuvenate your skin to youthful levels but can also improve some of the more extreme skin conditions.
This requires a trained, natural skin care formulator who can piece together different botanicals and create a variety of positive synergistic effects within your skin, which can help repair cell damage and virtually take years off your face. Now you have a winning formulation for a powerful anti-aging skin cream which can be a benefit to you in many ways and won’t damage your immune system or skin.
Do you now understand the power of plants? Remember: God heals his creation with his creation!
“There are many rare plants and oils that can affect your skin in the most positive ways. When applied to your skin in precise amounts and when positive plant oils are able to penetrate your skin deeply, these botanicals can provide incredible healing, rejuvenation, and restorative properties.”
—Richard Fanelli
Richard Fanelli is a relentless anti-aging researcher and professionally trained skin care formulator. His anti-aging skin cream, Immortal Opulence, was awarded best-in-category two years in a row by Natural Nutmeg readers. He resides in Connecticut. Visit www.MyImmortalOpulence.com to learn more.
See ad on page 45 >
29 NATURAL Nutmeg 2024 MAY / JUNE Health
Retrieving the Shadow Through Strong Emotions
By James Osborne, MS, LPC
“We can become aware of our Shadow side when we observe our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors without guilt, shame, or judgment.
We realize that everyone has a Shadow. Our task is to integrate our Shadow aspects and align our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors with our values.”
—James Osborne, MS, LPC
According to Jung, the Shadow is the disowned or unconscious parts of the persona, the masks or faces that we show the world. The parts of ourselves that are rejected by society, our friends, and families, we repress. Those aspects of ourselves go to live in the Shadow of our personal unconscious. There is also a collective unconscious and a collective Shadow, which are more than a repressed side of the individual ego complex—these buried aspects are more universal to humanity in a given time. This article will focus on the personal Shadow.
The notion that the Shadow or disowned parts are a collection of rejections is present in the work of Gabor Mate. He explains that the child has two driving needs: attachment and authenticity. To secure attachment, the child will bend or forfeit his authenticity to be accepted. Those disowned parts form some of the basis for trauma, alienation, and addiction.
Why is exploring or integrating the Shadow important? We can get a glimpse into the story of Peter Pan. For Peter to succeed in his adventures, he must first retrieve his shadow to begin his journey into maturity and integration. Peter tucked his Shadow away and Wendy eventually sews it back onto him. This is similar to what is accomplished in trauma work. The traumatized person holds their Shadow, begins to own it, explores it, and finds ways to mine the value of repressed and disowned aspects of themselves. The therapist assists in that process by guiding and supporting the discovery.
Examples of the Shadow in Action
A classic example of the
is demonstrated in the late nineteenth-century story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Dr. Jekyll is described as a well-respected and intelligent scientist who goes in search of his second nature. He brings that forth by transforming into Mr. Hyde, described as his evil alter-ego, who engages in vicious acts of aggression, including murder. Hyde represents the dark side of the human experience—unapologetic, self-absorbed, primal, unaware. Yet Hyde possesses an immense amount of power and energy, which, if mined, could have benefited Dr. Jekyll.
In the modern era, another example can be seen in the Star Wars films. Darth Vader, whose name means “dark father,” was a goodhearted Jedi before surrendering to the “dark side” and remaining unconscious to his humanity. It is not until he faces his humanity in his son Luke that he begins his journey of restoration.
Ways of Becoming Aware
In our daily lives, we can recognize the manifestations of Shadow all around us. Addiction, violence, abuse, envy, and greed all make their homes in Shadow territory. Nearly everyone has come up against one or more of these societal ills. It is the recognition of these aspects within ourselves that points us toward healing.
We can become aware of our Shadow side when we observe our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors without guilt, shame, or judgment. We realize that everyone has a Shadow. Our task is to integrate our Shadow aspects and align our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors with our values. We generally begin with the awareness of negative emotions such as envy/selfishness, anger/rage, or greed/desire, which we project out onto others. When we realize what we do not like or appreciate in others, we are on the verge of self-reflection. “How am I like that?”
Using acceptance, self-compassion, and critical thinking, we can explore what it is to be human and investigate the unresolved challenges that keep presenting themselves to us.
Using our awareness to explore our projections, such as anger, gives us the opportunity to see our Shadow side and begin processing our own reflections, attitudes, and demands that have been left unattended or unreflected. Addictions allow us the opportunity to reflect on our lives and behaviors. Recovery begins with the first step of the 12-Step Program, removing ourselves from the center of the universe and seeking ways through our pains and negative consequences to regain our independence as functioning individuals working toward individuation.
Another way into reflection on our Shadow is through the doors of loss and grief. This process
30 NATURAL Nutmeg MAY / JUNE 2024
may include having to face anger and regret if it is our own loss/grief. If we are grieving with someone who has also had the experience, we enter through the gates of empathy and compassion, acknowledging our connection to one another and to humanity. This is a journey of connection rather than projection.
Building Positive Change
We can build our awareness of our individual Shadows by employing some tools of reflection.
1. Self-reflect on our thoughts, actions, and emotions, especially uncomfortable ones. Examine where they might have originated and how and why they persist. Have I projected these onto others? (Also, am I projecting positive aspects of myself onto others, which I do not yet value in myself?)
2. Pay attention to our dreams and keep a dream journal. Look for themes, characters, and symbols. See what stories, myths, movies, and fairytales relate to the dream. Use your active imagination to see where the dream leads or how it continues. Dialogue with the elements of the dream.
3. Use the arts of writing poetry or stories, drawing, painting, or whatever creative expression you prefer to give substance to the characters and elements of your insights into the aspects of yourself that you see as negative. Give those elements their own life and embrace them with compassion and curiosity.
4. Employ therapy, self-help, journaling, conversations with others. Ask your friends for feedback on how they experience you. Be open to their comments and try them on like a new wardrobe and see if they fit you.
5. Meditate and pay attention to what arises. Allow the thoughts to pass gently without judgment. Treat your wounds and those of others with compassion and loving-kindness.
The purpose of integrating the Shadow is to embrace all aspects of ourselves and give us choices in our responses rather than being driven by unconscious forces.
James W. Osborne, MS, LPC, has been one of Natural Nutmeg’s 10Best Winners for Holistic Psychotherapy/LCSW/ Counseling every year since 2018. He is a Licensed Professional Counselor with over 40 years of clinical experience. He employs mindfulness, Jungian psychology, gestalt psychology, ACT, EMDR, and value-based techniques unique to the individual to support positive health changes. His undergraduate degree is in philosophy, and he views psychotherapy as philosophy in action. You can contact James at ProNatural Wellness Group in Berlin, CT, at 860.829.0707. See ad on page 35 >
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31 NATURAL Nutmeg 2024 MAY / JUNE
Resolving Autoimmune Disease: A Sample Case Study
“Many therapies can reduce the damage from the immune response, improve symptom profi le, and increase the normal function of the organ. Outside of immunesuppressive medication, therapies including diet and lifestyle intervention, adequate nutrition, nutraceuticals with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immune modulator properties.”
—Dr. Zach Moran, ND
By Dr. Zach Moran, ND
Did you know that all autoimmune diseases can be reversed? Did you know that all the symptoms and damage caused by an autoimmune disease can resolve. Unfortunately, disease resolution is not common practice in the United States. Instead, the conventional medicine describes autoimmune diseases as a lifelong condition that can only be managed with steroids, immune suppressants, and supportive care. However, we have the knowledge and tools to resolve these conditions through proper diagnostics and therapeutics.
Autoimmune diseases are an overreaction of the immune system due to an ongoing irritant. Often, that irritant is an infection, toxin, or allergen. This is why immune suppressive treatments like biologics and steroids will commonly reduce symptoms. Thankfully, medicine has used these therapies to save countless lives. But resolution of the disease requires more intervention; identifying the trigger that set off the immune cascade. If the trigger is not identified and removed, autoimmune diseases are known to progress and develop into multiple different autoimmune diseases in various locations and organ systems due to the continued over-reactivity of the immune system.
Example—Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
This strategy can be used with any autoimmune disease, so let’s apply this to a case of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. The current standard of care includes monitoring the disease state, management of symptoms, and thyroid medication once the thyroid is no longer functional due to the damage of the immune response. Once this happens, the patient is likely going to rely on thyroid medication for the rest of their life.
After many years of research and clinical success, we have learned the thyroid is very susceptible to certain toxins like medications, mycotoxins from mold exposure, chemical toxins like fluoride and glyphosate found in our food and water, and heavy metal toxins and other pollutants found in our environment. The thyroid is also very sensitive to bacterial and parasitic infections commonly found in the gastrointestinal tract, and viral infections like Epstein–Barr, which can be found directly in the thyroid tissue when biopsied. All these irritants and more can easily be tested in blood, stool, and urine samples. Most patients will even report symptoms at the location where the irritant is manifesting, such as gastrointestinal IBS symptoms, indicating an ongoing dysbiosis or infection.
32 NATURAL Nutmeg MAY / JUNE 2024 Feature
When the body recognizes the irritant, the immune system responds with a flare of inflammation to reduce the growth of the infection or remove the toxin/allergen. The thyroid can be indirectly impacted by the inflammatory cascade or the victim of a direct attack from the immune system to remove an irritant, which is manifested in the thyroid. Once the irritant is identified and removed, the immune activity reduces, and the thyroid can heal. The major benefit of this root cause approach is that multiple autoimmune diseases can be resolved all at once by addressing the irritant, not the symptoms of inflammation.
The Takeaway
Identifying and addressing the root cause can take time. Therefore, supportive care is recommended until the disease is resolved. Many therapies can reduce the damage from the immune response, improve symptom profile, and increase the normal function of the organ. Outside of immune-suppressive medication, therapies including diet and lifestyle intervention, adequate nutrition, nutraceuticals with antiinflammatory, antioxidant, and immune modulator properties, as well as off-label use medication like peptides and low-dose Naltrexone can have a profound effect.
Because some autoimmune diseases have resulted in years of inflammatory damage, additional therapeutics can be used to expedite the recovery progress to improve optimal function. Some of the most effective recovery tools are high-dose vitamins and minerals with nutraceuticals or IV therapy and oxygenation tools like ozone therapy or hyperbaric therapy. Autoimmune disease is a resolvable inflammatory condition without the need for continued management with medication. By employing a root cause strategy, we can reduce chronic disease rates and, more importantly, increase quality of life.
Dr. Zach Moran of Roots Natural Medical Center is a board-certified and licensed naturopathic physician and has completed a medical residency program. He has an extensive research background and specializes in chronic infectious disease and environmental toxicity, which he believes to be at the core of most chronic diseases. Roots is a Naturopathic Medicinal Center that focuses on addressing foundational root causes of complex chronic diseases. The clinic aims to properly identify, diagnose, and treat patients with unexplained chronic illnesses. Our services are individualized and patient-focused, as medicine should be. Visit rootsmedicalcenter.com, email info@rootsmedicalcenter.com, or call 860.471.1434 to learn more. See ad on page 13 >
33 NATURAL Nutmeg 2024 MAY / JUNE
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Jump-Start Your Health and Face Aging Head-On!
By Sharon Sklar, BFA, LMT, CAR
When I went to Florida in late February to visit my wonderful mom, I used the nineday visit to activate myself from my inactivity of winter. The dogs and I hike almost every Sunday all year round, but the rest of the week, I’m admittedly a slug.
is a great time to strip off the collective immobility from the cold of winter.
The days are longer, with more light allowing for more outdoor time. You are not alone in your rebirth—it’s a natural shift after the stillness of winter.”
—Sharon Sklar, BFA, LMT, CAR
Throughout the winter, I do stretch some, and my whippets are still walked twice a day, but typically, I embrace a hibernation-like state in my cozy home. A true New Englander, I love the seasons and somehow succumb to laziness adding a few extra pounds even if I occasionally snowshoe, which has been harder with our nearly snowless winters of late.
Staying Active
Visiting my ninety-five-year-old mom is always a treat. I woke up earlier than she, so I enjoyed a quick half-hour jog, had breakfast with her upon my return, and would sometimes swim in her gated community neighborhood pool. If I arrived to swim before noon, I was the only one there. How great it was to stretch out in the water and swim for 30 minutes with total freedom. On the other days, we went to her favorite chair aerobics class. The joy and pride in taking a class with my mom are indescribable, as she is my role model in so many ways.
My mother was always active—skiing when she was much younger and having played tennis until she was over 90 years old. On the advice of her doctor, he urged her to look at the possibility of having an injury and that it could be the beginning of the end. So many older adults break a hip and then succumb to depression from both inactivity and perhaps living in a rehab center without their usual social constructs. Pneumonia can set in, which sometimes can lead to death in older people.
So, my sluggish behavior of winter had a jumpstart during my visit. It was a joy to get my running shoes on and just cut loose, sprinting a bit, and slow jogging a bit to get my muscles working again. Upon my return, I vowed to keep it going. Since I start my Rolfing® practice each morning at 7:30, I am no longer going to the gym at 4:30 am. My compromise was instead of walking the dogs for two blocks, we ran for three blocks. It gets me going, and they love it! As the weather improves, I add more time and distance. On my days off, I jog with the dogs for a half hour three times a week. The enjoyment of using my healthy, strong body is inspiring. I am self-motivated because, left with free time, I really want to fill it by being active.
Age Can Be Just a Number
This November, I will turn seventy. My age is only a number. Most days, when I wake up, I feel like I’m eighteen! I spring out of bed, have no pain, and begin my busy day filled with Rolfing clients, Zoom meetings, volunteering, and caring for my lovely pet family of two dogs and two cats.
I am also taking several classes, both online and in person, from decluttering to personal growth, a year of miracles to writing in a gratitude journal every day. I have been the recipient of countless Rolfing® sessions over the years. I was twenty-two years old when I was first Rolfed (which changed my life), and I believe my resiliency is because of the balanced structure I maintain.
My jump-start from winter to spring, my spiritual practices, and my practical habits all contribute to my well-being. What do you do to nurture yourself? That is something we all could be asking ourselves, especially this time of year.
34 NATURAL Nutmeg MAY / JUNE 2024 Health
Spring is a great time to strip off the collective immobility from the cold of winter. The days are longer, with more light allowing for more outdoor time. You are not alone in your rebirth—it’s a natural shift after the stillness of winter. It is a great time to set some goals and think about your future with a strong body that can take you into your later years.
May I suggest that you look to get outside and step up your healthy practices? Planting a garden filled with gorgeous flowers or fruits and veggies is a great way to get in shape. Planning and creating the space opens our minds while digging, bending, carrying, and lifting are all wonderful body movements that get us going—not to mention the glorious first bite of homegrown, nourishing food right from your backyard!
Face Aging Head-On
Start slowly and move more. Your ability to navigate older age starts with the health you accumulate when you are younger. It is never too late to begin to develop better habits that will certainly pay off later. Many of my clients come in to get Rolfed when they are more aware of their pains and imbalances.
People think the aches and pains are age-related. Rolfers believe those aches and pains are due to chronic imbalances and misalignments that can be addressed. The ten-session Rolfing series is designed to shift the body back to neutral, layer by layer, piece by piece, after the traumas, injuries, and accidents that accumulate through life, knocking us out of balance. That begins with pathologies of chronic pain, joint-related problems, or trouble standing, walking, or sitting.
We only have one go-round at this thing called life. Do what you can to make it happen with ease, joy, and well-being. Start new practices, embrace each day, and be responsible for your own health. Get outside, celebrate your wins, be with loved ones, eat to support your health, and be thankful that every day can be a jump-start to a more full, robust, and joyous life!
Sharon Sklar is in her 43rd year of private practice as a Certified Advanced Rolfer. She has been voted one of Natural Nutmeg’s 10BEST Bodyworkers for the last five years. Sharon works with direct manipulation of the soft tissue of the body and movement re-education over a ten-session series to help her clients feel freer, get more balanced, and reduce chronic pain. Great for athletes, children, and adults recovering from the stress, injuries, or traumas of life. Inquiries are encouraged! State Licensed. Call 860.561.4337 for more info or to schedule a consultation. www.SharonSklarRolfing.com
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35 NATURAL Nutmeg 2024 MAY / JUNE
EMDR, ACT Psychotherapy .............................. JWOsborne.MS.LPC@gmail.com
Dr. Hinchey’s 10B Approach— Core Principles for Healing Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease
By Dr. Myriah Hinchey, ND
As the public health landscape evolves, Lyme and other tick-borne diseases (TBDs), such as Babesia, have emerged as significant concerns due to their treatment resistance and increasing prevalence in the United States and globally. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported a dramatic increase in diagnosed and treated cases, from approximately 30,000 in 2003 to over 476,000 recently. The epidemic status and evolving complexity of TBD epidemiology are attributed to accelerated transmission rates, alternative insect vectors, and potential sexual and gestational transmission. TBDs exhibit a range of symptoms, from mild flu-like illnesses to severe, long-term complications affecting the nervous system, joints, and heart. These escalating statistics highlight the urgent need for proactive intervention strategies to address the growing burden of both acute and persistent phases of TBDs.
Long-Term Lyme
The CDC’s recent acknowledgment of persistent symptoms beyond initial treatment as PostTreatment Lyme Disease (PTLD) underscores the chronic nature of Lyme disease and emphasizes the importance of addressing lingering effects to
mitigate adverse outcomes. However, the term “Chronic Lyme Disease” is discouraged due to its “unknown causes.” Inflammation is identified as a central driver of ongoing symptoms in both chronic Lyme disease and PTLD, highlighting the importance of addressing inflammatory processes despite incomplete understanding of individual-specific factors. Still, misconceptions regarding the necessity of a bull’s-eye rash, regional prevalence, clinical nuances, and overreliance on laboratory tests hinder prompt treatment, exacerbating diagnostic challenges and fueling chronic TBDs.
Testing Is Not the (Only) Answer
While diagnostic testing remains a valuable tool in identifying TBDs, its limitations necessitate a nuanced approach to prevent infections from progressing to chronic states. Conventional two-tier methods (ELISA/Western Blot) at standard laboratories may yield false negatives if conducted too early, as peak antibody production occurs three to six weeks post-bite, and they fail to detect numerous Lyme strains and all co-infections. Recent updates supported by ILADS and the CDC stress the integration of laboratory findings with clinical assessment for optimal diagnostic accuracy and tailored therapeutic interventions.
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Mechanisms of Persistent Lyme Disease
Tick-borne diseases, already challenging to detect due to testing limitations, may also act as underlying triggers for various rampant health conditions, including neuropsychiatric disorders, developmental disorders, autism spectrum disorders, mood disorders, PANS, breast cancer, lymphoma, and MAST cell syndrome. Incorporating chronic TBDs into the framework addressing these health challenges could yield significant benefits.
Persistent TBDs induce immune dysfunction and chronic inflammation, creating a conducive environment for infection and treatment resistance. Lyme and co-infections also employ tactics to evade host immunity, impeding conventional antibiotic therapies. Prolonged or excessive antibiotic use may exacerbate immune dysfunction by disrupting the microbiome, increasing gut permeability, and altering detoxification pathways. Additionally, antibiotic-induced persister cell formation may contribute to treatment resistance and illness chronicity. Herbal antimicrobials, however, have shown equal or greater effectiveness in eradicating pathogens than conventional treatments.
While the CDC supports a single dose of doxycycline for acute Lyme disease prophylaxis, the evidence is unreliable, and the support study was flawed in many ways. Additionally, the ten to fourteen days of antibiotics the CDC recommends for Erythema multiforme (EM) rash (diagnostic of acute Lyme disease) is insufficient to treat the infection based on the lifecycle of Borrelia, which is the spirochete that causes the disease. The International Lyme and Associated Disease Society (ILADS.org) advises against this approach and recommends 20 days of doxycycline for tick bites and four to six weeks of antibiotics for EM rashes to prevent chronic Lyme disease. If symptoms persist, exploring other causes before further antibiotic treatment is suggested. However, an optimal approach may require additional considerations.
A Holistic Treatment Plan: The 10B Approach
The collective impact of TBDs has reached endemic levels, imposing physical, emotional, and economic burdens. As a result, comprehensive intervention strategies are imperative for affected individuals and communities.
Dr. Hinchey’s 10B Approach provides a comprehensive solution to tick-borne diseases, integrating immune modulation, inflammation reduction, and therapeutic interventions to create an inhospitable environment for infections. By simultaneously addressing pathogenic load reduction, restoring physiological function, and implementing dietary,
lifestyle, and herbal interventions, this holistic system balances the body’s terrain and targets the root causes of immune dysfunction. Central to this approach is the emphasis on optimizing the immune system, responsible for either eradicating the infection or inducing remission.
The 10 Bs:
1. Background Check
2. Band-Aids
3. Block Inflammation
4. Buffer the ANS
5. Balance the Immune System
6. Build the Gut
7. Break Down Biofilms
8. Bolster
1. Background Check: Investigate all the Things That Fill the Patient’s Stress “Bucket,” Causing Them to Become Hospitable to TBDs
Addressing multifaceted functional deficiencies is essential to enhance therapeutic responses in patients. Individual constitution, genetics, and epigenetic factors contribute to an inflammatory milieu that supports TBDs. These include micronutrient deficiencies, dysfunctional digestion, food sensitivities, inflammatory food, prescription intake, overburdened detox pathways, hormone dysregulation, mindset, mental, emotional, and physical stressors, HPA axis dysregulation, sleep and circadian rhythm dysregulation, inactivity, poor social networks and relationships, biotoxins/mold, environmental toxins, and lack of nature.
2. Band-Aids: Temporarily Utilize Interventions to Alleviate Severe Symptoms and Enhance Quality of Life During Treatment
The objective is to mitigate inflammation and stress, promote the parasympathetic nervous system for healing, and target underlying causes. Examples of interventions: adaptogenic herbs like Rhodiola rosea, Ashwagandha, holy basil, and eleuthero; anti-inflammatories (both pharmaceutical and natural agents) like LDN, omega-3 fatty acids, and curcumin, nutrient repletion, sleep aids, limiting stimulants, HBOT, PEMF, infrared sauna, cranial sacral and massage therapy, and counseling.
3. Block (Three-Part)
• Block Galectin-3: Gal-3, a carbohydratebinding protein, promotes inflammation by modulating immune responses and releasing pro-inflammatory cytokines. Elevated Gal-3 levels contribute to chronic inflammation,
“Dr. Hinchey’s 10B Approach provides a comprehensive solution to tickborne diseases, integrating immune modulation, inflammation reduction, and therapeutic interventions to create an inhospitable environment for infections.”
—Dr. Myriah Hinchey, ND
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Detoxification 9. Bind Toxins (Herxheimer) 10. Blast Bugs
“Lyme and co-infections also employ tactics to evade host immunity, impeding conventional antibiotic therapies. Prolonged or excessive antibiotic use may exacerbate immune dysfunction by disrupting the microbiome, increasing gut permeability, and altering detoxification pathways.”
—Dr. Myriah Hinchey, ND
fibrosis, and immune suppression. Modified citrus pectin (MCP), a natural Gal-3 inhibitor, disables immune suppression, stimulates NK cell production, and controls inflammation.
• Block inflammatory cytokines: The inflammatory cytokine cascade facilitates TBD progression and proliferation by promoting inflammation and immune dysregulation, aiding pathogen survival and dissemination within the host. Polygonum cuspidatum (Japanese knotweed) and Scutellaria baicalensis (Chinese skullcap) inhibit all inflammatory cytokines involved in Lyme disease.
• Block inflammatory enzymes that degrade collagen, extracellular matrix (ECM), and endothelial cells: Polygonum cuspidatum root, Echinacea angustifolia, Withania somnifera, curcumin, Salvia miltiorrhiza, Scutellaria baicalensis, and Withania somnifera
4. Buffer: Reduce the Effects of Stress on the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
TBDs cause autonomic dysfunction. The ANS regulates involuntary bodily functions. Comprising the sympathetic (SNS) and parasympathetic (PNS) divisions, it maintains homeostasis and responds to stimuli. The SNS activates during stress, while the PNS promotes relaxation and internal healing mechanisms.
The ANS is supported with vitamins B1, B12, C, D, MSM + silica, salt, pre- and probiotics, and IV hydration, anti-inflammatory foods that nourish the microbiome, low glycemic diet, probiotics, mindful eating, physical activity, sleep hygiene, circadian rhythm balance, acupuncture, craniosacral therapy, grounding, reduced EMF exposure, breath work and meditation, biofeedback and HRV, creativity, neural reprogramming: EMDR, DNRS, EFT, and community/supportive relationships.
5. Balance: The Immune System
TBDs hijack the immune system and get it to work for them instead of for the host in both the acute and chronic infection phases, increasing inflammation, pathogen infection, and immune system suppression. Balancing TH1 and TH2 immune responses is essential. TH1 responses are essential for combating intracellular pathogens. TH2 responses are involved in antibody production and allergic responses. An imbalance, with excessive TH2 and suppressed TH1 responses, leads to chronic infections and persistent symptoms.
To support TH1/TH2 balance: Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha), Astragalus spp., Uncaria tomentosa, and Echinacea angustifolia
6. Build the Gut: A Healthy Gut Microbiome is Essential to Modulate Inflammation and Support Optimal Immune Function
Optimizing GI tract health is crucial as it houses over 70% of the immune system. Improving digestion, supporting nutrient absorption, and maintaining a healthy microbiome are essential for reducing inflammation and combating infection spread. Healing and sealing the gut lining is vital to prevent the translocation of pathogens, immunogenic food particles, and endotoxins, which can downregulate detox pathways, increase Herxheimer reactions, and contribute to inflammation and immune hyper-reactivity.
Ways to support gut health:
• Eliminate food sensitivities/allergies; pathogenic bacteria, yeast, mold; gluten/ dairy/sugar/processed/non-organic foods; environmental toxins/reducing toxic load; PPIs, NSAIDs, excessive antibiotics
• Replace deficient micronutrients, digestive enzymes, bitters, HCl
• Anti-inflammatory and phytonutrient-rich diet
•Heal the gut lining: glutamine, demulcent herbs, zinc
• Modified citrus pectin
•Serum-derived bovine immunoglobulin (SBI)
•Balance opportunistic bacteria, prebiotics, probiotics
•Intermittent fasting
•Adequate sleep
•Stress management
7. Break Down: Biofilms
Biofilms shield pathogens in a protective matrix, aiding infection persistence and treatment resistance by creating microbial communities enveloped in extracellular polymeric substances. Crucial in Lyme disease and co-infections, disrupting biofilms makes pathogens vulnerable to treatment, enhancing eradication.
Ways to disrupt biofilms: MCP (modified citrus pectin), proteolytic enzymes, botanicals such as berberine, curcumin, grapefruit seed extract, oregano oil, garlic (allicin), olive leaf extract, and monolaurin.
8. Bolster: Detoxification
Proper detoxification, crucial in TBD management, involves optimizing the drainage funnel, from bowel movements to cellular detoxification. Herbal compounds protect cells, support cellular health, and aid tissue detox. Maintaining intestinal barrier integrity (compromised by pro-inflammatory
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cytokines and enzymes) prevents toxin reabsorp tion, which is crucial in mitigating TBD-induced immune alterations and inflammation, thereby reducing systemic toxicity and organ damage.
Ways to support detoxification:
•Fix tight junctions: MCP, glutamine, butyrate, glutamine, tryptophan, zinc, A/D/C, polyphenols
•Correct dysbiosis: Probiotics, berberine, GFSE
•Nrf2 induction: Sulforaphane
•GSH conjugation: NAC, selenium, alpha-lipoic acid, cruciferous veggies, curcumin, sulforaphane
•Methylation: Methyl folate, Methyl B12, B6, choline
•Sulfation: Cysteine, methionine, molybdenum
•Acetylation: Vitamins B1, B5, C
•Glucuronidation: EPA/DHA, limonene
•Decrease B-glucuronidase: calcium-d•glucarate, pre- and probiotics, EGCG, milk thistle, artichoke, bupleurum root
•Bind endotoxins: Chlorella, MCP, bentonite clay, etc.
•Routes of elimination and self-care
9. Bind: Toxins
The goal of binding toxins is to reduce inflammation and inhibit a Herxheimer reaction—a transient worsening of symptoms during antibiotic treatment due to pathogenic die-off, resulting in acute inflammatory changes and symptoms such as fever, chills, nausea, headaches, muscle pain, tachycardia, hypotension, hyperventilation, flushing, and myalgia. In TBDs, a high toxic load, reduced detoxification capacity, and increased intestinal permeability contribute to heightened inflammation and exacerbation of symptoms during a Herxheimer reaction.
To support relief of a Herxheimer reaction:
•Bind LPS: MCP, SBI, chlorella
•Detox: support tight junctions, coordination of Ph1 and Ph2 liver detox pathways (NAC), micronutrients for detox, elimination, selfcare, sauna, Epsom salt baths, etc.
•Alkalinization: Alka-Seltzer Gold, chlorella, minerals, salts
• Anti-inflammatories: NAC, JKW, Chinese skullcap
10. Blast the Bugs: Use Proven Herbal Remedies to Eradicate Pathogens
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Educate, Empower and Embrace
The Mission of Parent Connection is to educate and empower our community in the prevention of substance abuse to embrace families stuck in crisis. At our Hope & Support groups we provide a safe place to work with individuals and families, helping with questions/concerns and to build resiliency and strength. We have three weekly locations: Milford, Newtown and Middlebury.
Effective eradication of infectious organisms, including persister forms and biofilms is critical in Lyme and TBD treatment. Studies show (203) 270-1600 www.ctparentconnection.org
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numerous herbs have “potent activity against Lyme disease bacteria, especially the dormant persister forms, which are not killed by the current Lyme antibiotics.”
Evidence-based herbal remedies include:
• Polygonum cuspidatum (Japanese knotweed)
• Artemesia spp. (Sweet Annie)
• Andrographis paniculata
• Teasel
• Houttuynia cordata
• Uncaria tomentosa (cat’s claw)
• Scutellaria baicalensis (Chinese skullcap)
• Juglans nigra (black walnut)
• Cryptolepis sanguinolenta
• Garlic
• Olive leaf extract
• Grapefruit seed extract
Chronic or persistent TBDs present multifaceted challenges stemming from immunological dysregulation and inflammatory responses. Effective resolution of TBDs relies on understanding three key factors: the infection, the terrain, and the treatment. This involves grasping how the infectious organism thrives, assessing the patient’s circumstances that facilitate infection, and understanding the mechanisms of available treatments, including medications, herbs, and nutraceuticals. By adopting the 10B Approach, practitioners can implement tailored holistic treatments, enhancing outcomes to prevent chronic conditions and prolonged suffering associated with persistent TBDs. This approach provides optimism for managing TBDs effectively and improving patient well-being.
In addition to naturally treating patients with complex medical conditions at TAO in Connecticut, Dr. Myriah Hinchey created LymeCore Botanicals™ to provide quality, clean, and effective herbal formulas for Lyme disease and other tick-borne infections and is highly active in sourcing, testing, and making the herbal formulas she uses to treat her patients. Dr. Hinchey also founded LymeBytes™, a multimedia company dedicated to educating patients and other practitioners on the truth about Lyme disease and tick-borne disease and focuses on bringing patients, practitioners, and resources together for healing Lyme disease.
Join us for the LymeBytes™ Symposium on October 25 and 26 at The Hilton Mystic in Mystic, Connecticut, or attend virtually. This transformative event aims to instill hope and promote healing for those impacted by tick-borne diseases. Connect with leading Lyme physicians, industry experts, and non-profit organizations for quality information tailored for practitioners, patients, and families. Visit www.lymebytes.com for more information and to register for this immersive two-day conference. See ad on page 25 >
40 NATURAL Nutmeg MAY / JUNE 2024
The Connection Between Autoimmune Disease and Breast Cancer
By April Beaman, RDH, CTT
In the intricate landscape of women’s health, a compelling narrative unfolds—one where the complexities of autoimmune diseases intertwine with the unique challenges women face. An autoimmune disease, a group of disorders where the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s own tissues, disproportionately affects women. This article delves into specific autoimmune diseases impacting women, explores their potential correlation with breast conditions and breast cancer, and holistic ways to manage these conditions. Additionally, it delves into the role of thermal imaging as a non-invasive tool for monitoring autoimmune conditions and breast health.
Autoimmune Diseases Affecting Women
• Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA): RA is a chronic inflammatory disorder predominantly affecting joints, leading to pain, swelling, and stiffness. Women are three times more likely than men to develop RA, and its impact extends beyond joint health, affecting overall well-being.
• Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE): Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease affecting various organs. It is more prevalent in women of childbearing years, and its symptoms range from skin rashes to joint pain and organ inflammation.
• Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune condition targeting the thyroid gland, leading to an underactive thyroid. It affects metabolism and energy levels.
• Multiple Sclerosis (MS): MS is a neurological autoimmune disorder characterized by the immune system attacking the protective covering of nerve fibers. Its impact can vary from mobility issues to cognitive challenges.
• Sjögren’s Syndrome: Sjögren’s is an autoimmune disorder affecting glands that produce tears and saliva, leading to dry eyes and mouth. It’s more frequently diagnosed in women, and it often coexists with other autoimmune conditions.
Holistic Approaches for Managing Autoimmune Diseases
• Nutrition and Diet: Adopting an antiinflammatory diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and omega-3 fatty acids can help manage autoimmune conditions. Certain foods, such as turmeric and ginger, have natural anti-inflammatory properties.
• Supplements: Some individuals find relief from autoimmune symptoms through supplements like vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, and
“By embracing regular health assessments, adopting a balanced lifestyle, and incorporating innovative technologies like thermography, individuals can take proactive steps toward maintaining their overall well-being.”
—April Beaman, RDH, CTT
41 NATURAL Nutmeg 2024 MAY / JUNE Health
“Adopting an anti-inflammatory diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and omega-3 fatty acids can help manage autoimmune conditions. Certain foods, such as turmeric and ginger, have natural antiinflammatory properties.”
—April Beaman, RDH, CTT
probiotics. Consultation with a healthcare professional is crucial for personalized supplement recommendations.
• Hydrate: Proper hydration is essential for overall health. Drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day to support bodily functions and maintain optimal hydration.
• Gentle Detoxification: Supporting the body’s natural detoxification processes can be beneficial. This may involve activities like dry brushing, sauna sessions, or incorporating detoxifying foods like cruciferous vegetables.
• Stress Management: Chronic stress can exacerbate autoimmune symptoms. Practices such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises can aid in stress management and contribute to overall well-being.
• Regular Exercise: Regular, moderate exercise can help manage autoimmune conditions by promoting joint health, reducing inflammation, and improving overall mobility.
• Adequate Sleep: Prioritize quality sleep to support the body’s healing processes. Create a calming bedtime routine, maintain a consistent sleep schedule, and ensure a comfortable sleep environment. Explore holistic therapies such as acupuncture, chiropractic care, or massage therapy. These complementary approaches may help manage symptoms and improve overall comfort.
Correlation Between Autoimmune Diseases and Breast Conditions
Emerging research suggests a potential correlation between autoimmune diseases, breast conditions, and breast cancer. The inflammatory nature of autoimmune diseases, coupled with immune system dysregulation, may contribute to an environment conducive to breast cancer initiation and progression. Women with certain autoimmune conditions might have an altered risk profile for developing breast cancer.
• Inflammation and Breast Cancer Risk: Chronic inflammation, a common feature of autoimmune diseases, has been linked to an increased risk of various cancers, including breast cancer. Inflammation can foster cellular changes that contribute to cancer development.
• Impact on Breast Health: Autoimmune diseases may have direct implications for breast health. For instance, medications used to manage these conditions can influence hormonal balances or bone density, affecting breast health.
• Hormonal Factors: Hormonal factors play a crucial role in both autoimmune diseases and breast cancer. Conditions like lupus, known to affect estrogen levels, may influence breast cancer risk.
Thermography screenings can play a valuable role in monitoring women with autoimmune diseases and assessing breast health. Here’s how thermography can contribute to the comprehensive care of individuals with autoimmune conditions, particularly in the context of breast health:
Detection of Inflammation
• Autoimmune diseases often involve inflammation, which can impact various organs, including the breasts.
• Thermography captures temperature variations on the skin’s surface, making it sensitive to changes related to inflammation.
• Early detection of inflammatory patterns can provide insights into potential issues, allowing for proactive intervention.
Noninvasive, Painless Imaging
•Thermography is a noninvasive and painless imaging technique suitable for individuals who may be averse to more intrusive procedures.
• This characteristic is especially beneficial for women with autoimmune diseases who may experience discomfort or have concerns about other imaging methods.
Dynamic Monitoring Over Time
•Thermography allows for dynamic monitoring of breast health over time.
•Regular screenings can track changes in temperature patterns, providing a longitudinal perspective on the effects of autoimmune conditions and potential impacts on breast health.
Risk Stratification and Personalized Care
•Integrating thermography into routine health assessments allows for a personalized and risk-stratified approach to patient care.
•By understanding the dynamic nature of temperature patterns, healthcare providers can tailor monitoring and intervention strategies based on individual needs.
Complementary to Traditional Imaging
•While mammography focuses on anatomical structures, thermography provides a functional assessment.
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•Combining thermography with traditional imaging methods enhances the comprehensive evaluation of breast health, offering a more holistic perspective.
Early Warning Signs Beyond Structural Changes
•Thermography may detect early warning signs before structural changes are visible through other imaging methods.
• This early detection can be crucial for women with autoimmune diseases, allowing for timely intervention and potentially improving outcomes.
No Radiation Exposure
•Unlike mammography, which involves radiation, thermography is radiation-free. This makes it a suitable option for individuals who may need frequent monitoring without concerns about cumulative radiation exposure. The intricate link between autoimmune diseases and breast conditions and breast cancer underscores the need for a holistic approach to healthcare. By embracing regular health assessments, adopting a balanced lifestyle, and incorporating innovative technologies like thermography, individuals can take proactive steps toward maintaining their overall wellbeing. As we continue to unravel the complexities of the immune-cancer relationship, it becomes increasingly clear that a comprehensive and personalized approach to health is critical to preventing, detecting, and managing both autoimmune diseases and breast cancer.
April Beaman, RDH, CTT, a certified medical thermographer acknowledged by the Professional Academy of Clinical Thermology and a professional member of Breast Thermography International, boasts over 15 years of experience in healthcare. Specializing in medical thermal imaging and wellness support, she is the founder of CT Thermography, based in Farmington, with additional satellite offices spanning Connecticut and Massachusetts. For inquiries or appointments, contact her at 860.415.1150 or visit CTThermography.com.
See ad on page 23 >
43 NATURAL Nutmeg 2024 MAY / JUNE
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10 Essential Steps for Women to Reinvent Themselves
By Donna Bunte, MSOM, LAc
“Positive habits are the backbone of lasting change. Integrate habits into your daily routine that support your goals, like adopting a healthy diet and a simple exercise routine, getting enough sleep, saying no to distractions, journaling, and meditation. These will not only help you attain your objectives by feeling better physically and mentally but also foster a sense of discipline and well-being.”
—Donna Bunte, MSOM, LAc
Are you ready to take the plunge into a new phase of your life and emerge as the architect of your personal 2.0 version? Reinventing yourself from your core requires commitment, mindfulness, and a steadfast belief in the adventure of change. For women in their 40s, 50s, and 60s or those considering a career shift, these steps illuminate a path toward self-empowerment. By engaging in these reflective, proactive practices, you’re not just turning the page—you’re starting a whole new chapter. Here are ten steps to ensure your reinvention shines with authenticity and resilience.
1. Self-Understanding and Self-Awareness: The Starting Point
Before you can reinvent yourself, you must know who you are. Self-understanding is the key to identifying your strengths, weaknesses, passions, and, essentially, what drives you. This is the reflective phase, where you look inward and assess your current state with honesty. Mindfulness, meditation, and introspective journaling are tools that can help you gain a deeper understanding of your identity.
2. Define Your Core Values: Your North Stars
Pinpointing your core values is crucial as they serve as guiding principles. Once defined, these core values can help you align your life’s direction with what truly drives and fulfills you. Take the time to contemplate and identify at least three core values that resonate deeply within you, and then create your personal vision statement.
3. What Do You Want to Change, and Why?
Once you know who you are and what you stand for, it’s time to reflect on what isn’t serving you
anymore. Maybe it’s a career that no longer fulfills you, or it could be certain habits that you’ve outgrown. Articulate clearly what aspects of your life you want to change and why. Understanding the reasons behind your desire for change will enhance your motivation and commitment to the process.
4. Set Realistic Goals and Milestones
Reinvention is a monumental task and can be overwhelming if you don’t break it down into smaller, achievable chunks. Setting realistic goals ensures that you can measure your progress and celebrate your milestones. Be specific about what you want to achieve and set a timeline for your targets. Remember, though, to make sure these deadlines are challenging but achievable—don’t set yourself up for failure.
5. Build Positive Habits That Sustain Change
Positive habits are the backbone of lasting change. Integrate habits into your daily routine that support your goals, like adopting a healthy diet and a simple exercise routine, getting enough sleep, saying no to distractions, journaling, and meditation. These will not only help you attain your objectives by feeling better physically and mentally but also foster a sense of discipline and well-being.
To embed these new habits, start small and be consistent. Whether it’s practicing yoga for just 15 minutes every morning or dedicating time to a creative project each week, these seemingly small steps sculpt the path to reinvention.
6. The Art of Self-Reflection
Self-reflection is like an assessment checkpoint. Regularly check in with yourself to evaluate your progress, reassess your goals, and adjust your
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path where necessary. Make time for this without distractions, in a quiet place. Journaling your reflections can be a powerful method to track your evolving mindset and experiences.
7. Holding Yourself Accountable
Accountability is a significant motivator. Routinely check in with yourself, and if you veer off the path of your goals, acknowledge it and adjust. Personal accountability ensures that you are responsible for the direction of your life.
8. Seeking and Utilizing Support
Big journeys are often less daunting with company. Don’t be afraid to seek support from close friends, family members, or mentors whom you trust. Sometimes, merely vocalizing your ambitions out loud can give them life and make them seem more achievable.
9. Surround Yourself with Positive Influences
Surrounding yourself with supportive, like-minded individuals can lift you higher than you’d reach alone. Seek out networks, communities, or groups where individuals share similar objectives or values. The camaraderie and mutual support in such circles can be a formidable source of strength and inspiration.
10. Celebrate Your Success, No Matter the Size
Every step in your reinvention is a victory, and every victory deserves celebration. This positive reinforcement builds confidence and fuels further determination to continue reinventing yourself. Self-reinvention is a courageous and empowering choice. It’s about being conscious of where you are, deciding where you want to go, and taking the necessary steps to get there. Take it step by step, savoring the learning and growing each phase brings, and revel in the woman you’re becoming.
Donna Bunte of Donna Bunte Whole Health is a whole-life and health coach who combines all her tools of the last 30 years as a natural health practitioner. She focuses on women in transition who desire to reinvent themselves, helping them find their center and their passion using mindfulness, journaling, and tools to become aware of what is holding them back. Donna can be reached by email at health@donnabunte.com or by calling 203.253.9885. See ad on page 47 >
45 NATURAL Nutmeg 2024 MAY / JUNE
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What Is Procrastination, Really?
“What is often labeled as lazy is usually much more involved, and when we oversimplify, it’s detrimental. Without understanding the cause of our hesitation, it will always seem as though we’re just letting the time pass by without living up to our potential.”
—Marcel Touponse
By Marcel Touponse
While working with a group of clients on motivation, I discovered something rather liberating: animals procrastinate! It’s true— studies have shown that many members of the animal kingdom will trade comfort for progress when push comes to shove. That’s right; it’s natural, so go ahead and finish reading this article later. Take a nap, watch the next episode, and don’t worry so much. There’s always tomorrow!
While we’re on the topic of tomorrow, that nagging list of things you haven’t accomplished yet remains, and with each sunrise, another tomorrow is gone. That’s where we differ from the rest of the animal kingdom. For right or wrong, we grapple with our mortality and legacy for a disproportionately large portion of our lives.
Okay, so forget what I said earlier—get going! What are you waiting for? You and I both know you should’ve learned that second language, written your first novel, and developed glutes of iron by now. Why haven’t you? What stops us from attempting the things we wish to achieve?
Turns out, the reasons for procrastination are just as complex and ingrained as anything else that drives our quirky little species to do or not do the things we do or don’t do.
How’s your self-esteem? Honestly, how do you see yourself compared to others? Do you fear failure? Does everything have to be perfectly aligned before you act? Studies have indicated that procrastination is, at times, a manifestation of depression. Not feeling deserving of success or fretting over potential embarrassment due to a perceived failure are core concerns for most of us.
This programming goes back further than most of us realize. What is often labeled as lazy is usually much more involved, and when we oversimplify, it’s detrimental. Without understanding the cause of our hesitation, it will always seem as though we’re just letting the time pass by without living up to our potential. This inactivity acts as a dam, holding back a reservoir of frustration, which only serves to exacerbate the feelings of low self-esteem or fear of failure that prevents us from acting.
The Subconscious Mind
Our subconscious mind, powerful though it may be, is still a toddler when it comes to what it wants. It wants us to feel good and safe now. Not later, now. This comfort zone we spend much of our time in is also the prison of potential.
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Summoning the will to wake up and take a new direction is difficult. It goes against the program. Temporary inconvenience or discomfort is always required for growth and change. It’s unpleasant, it’s difficult and that’s why accomplishment feels so wonderful. Regardless of the change you’re interested in making, it will require you to behave differently.
Aligning your subconscious mind with your goals is the most effective way of mitigating the pain associated with substantive change. Through hypnotherapy and neurolinguistic modeling, the motivation to leave the comfort zone behind in search of growth will come from within. Developing new neural pathways will lead to different reactions when opportunities for growth arise. You’ll feel energized and full of certainty, ready to grow.
Think of anyone you truly admire. Did they suffer hardship, put themselves in the way of adversity, or take on a task that seemed insurmountable? Of course, they did—and that’s what you admire about them.
Learning that second language, writing that first chapter, running your first 5k, or anything else that you want to do but have yet to do are your opportunities for growth.
How would you feel about your own reflection after having notched one of these accomplishments? You’re the star of the show, but that doesn’t mean you need to do it alone. You already have all the motivation and resources you’ll ever need to accomplish everything you want. Blackbird Hypnosis can help you access all that and more! Let’s go!
Marcel Touponse is a Hypnotherapist, Sound Healer, Life Coach, and Tarot Reader. He co-owns The Blackbird House in Old Wethersfield and operates Blackbird Hypnosis. Marcel’s goal is to assist you in “becoming aligned with your mind.” He offers regular workshops on Self-Hypnosis and is available for small and large group tarot readings.
Erin Touponse is a Mystic Healing Reiki, is a Reiki Master/Teacher, Hypnotherapist, Pranic Healer, Tarot Scholar, and student of Shamanic studies. She is co-owner of The Blackbird House in Old Wethersfield and author of Soul’s Journey—A Practical Guide to Reading the Tarot. Her goal is to help you “awaken your inner healer.” Erin offers classes including Reiki, Tarot, and Master Healer Workshops. See ad on page 17 >
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47 NATURAL Nutmeg 2024 MAY / JUNE
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You Are What You Eat—And It All Starts With the Mouth
“In an attempt to make certain foods taste better (e.g., refined sugar), have better consistency (e.g., lecithin), or last longer on grocery shelves (e.g., preservatives) or for any number of other non-nutritive characteristics, many things that we might ordinarily (and formerly) have considered foods are nothing more than toxins masquerading as foods.”
—Dr. Kevin H. Norige, DMD
By Dr. Kevin H. Norige, DMD
Asa physician of the oral cavity, I have never seen a mouth come into my practice without its body. The mouth and the body are intimately and intrinsically involved with each other. The mouth is the gateway to that magnificent temple known as the human body.
The health of the mouth supports and protects the health of the rest of the body. Every nutrient to sustain life must pass through the oral cavity to become part of a healthy living body. The responsibility for maintaining systemic health and preventing disease, discomfort, and disability starts squarely with the health of the mouth and what passes through that gate.
So the question is, is this relationship between mouth and body determined solely by our genes and our DNA, or are there other factors that ultimately shape who we are physically throughout our lives? The long prevailing wisdom of life proclaimed that who we become and how long we live is solely determined by our genes. But newer research reveals there is much more to the story. The new area is called “epigenetics,” or in simple terms, “above the genes”; it’s the other “things” that really control who and what we become physically and our longevity.
The Five Precepts of Health
The five following phrases are common to most of us and reflect the hint of this more significant impact by our genetic environment controllers that we have spoken intuitively for a long time:
1. English proverb: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”
2. Hippocrates: “Let thy food be thy medicine.”
3. Chris Crowley: “Don’t eat crap.”
4. Ancient Greek adage: “Everything in moderation.”
5. William Cowper: “Variety is the spice of life.”
These five precepts could form the basis of a very successful health regimen that would improve the likelihood of vitality, stamina, health, and longevity.
The “things” we put in our mouths to ostensibly enhance living come in only two types: nutrients or toxins. Nutrients are those things we usually call “foods,” while toxins are commonly called poisons. But here is where the distinction gets blurred. In an attempt to make sure foods taste better (e.g., refined sugar), have better consistency (e.g., lecithin), or last longer on grocery shelves (e.g., preservatives) or for any number of other non-nutritive characteristics, many things that we might ordinarily (and formerly) have considered foods are nothing more than toxins masquerading as foods.
However, since the primitive nature of our genetic codes is influenced by their “helpers,” the epigenetic factors and unforeseen and unintended consequences ensue, leading to all of the chronic inflammatory diseases and conditions of modern society.
In short, we must be vigilant about what we let past that gateway known as the mouth.
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48 NATURAL Nutmeg MAY / JUNE 2024 Health
Kevin H. Norige, DMD, is the founder and chief dentist at South Windsor Smiles, a private dental practice that focuses on oral health as part of the whole-body system. For 35 years, he has worked with patients to achieve healthy mouths and live healthier lives. Call 860.288.2111 or visit SouthWindsorSmiles.com. See ad on page
COMMUNITY RESOURCES Local Experts In and Around Connecticut
Acupuncture of Greater Hartford
Stan Baker, LAC West Hartford, CT 860.836.1068 acupuncturestanbaker.com
Dr. Aimee Montanaro, DTCM, L.Ac Integrity Acupuncture
Shelton & Westport, CT • 203.429.4406 draimee@integrityacuct.com www.integrityacuct.com
Dr. Aimee Montanaro is an acupuncturist in Shelton & Westport, CT. She specializes in Traditional Chinese Medicine, which resolves acute and chronic concerns while simultaneously restoring the body’s functional & structural integrity. Dr. Montanaro’s approach is rooted in evidence-based and evidence-informed research. Her needle technique is gentle yet effective.
The Sacred Self, LLC
Charleen K. Miele, LPC • Newington, CT 860.614.8382 • thesacredselfllc@gmail.com thesacredselfllc.com
Licensed Professional Counselor (IFS level 2 trained); Trauma Informed Breathwork Facilitator; Life, Spiritual Life, and Wellness Coach. Somatically release stored trauma and foster healing as you discover your sacred self within.
Nature’s Gi s
304 W Main St., Avon, CT • 860.995.4444 naturesgi s-usa.com/
Nature’s Gifts is an independently owned, family run CBD Store in Avon, CT. Stress, sleep, and pain solutions available. Our knowledgeable staff will happily guide you through our offerings to find the perfect CBD product for your needs. Don’t pay too much for your CBD—stop in, say hello, and let us help you feel like you again.
Beverley Blass Integrative Health
Hartford Family Institute
• BeverleyBlass.com 17 S. Highland St., West Hartford, CT 860.206.1129 • BeverleyBlass@gmail.com
Beverley Blass is an integrative intuitive healer, offering bodycentered psychotherapy, soulcentered hypnotherapy, and colon hydrotherapy. She focuses on her client’s “whole body” experience—spiritual, physical, mental, emotional health, and healing—working with you to create an all-encompassing tapestry of transformation. In-person and online sessions.
The Colonic Institute
Nina Veronesi • colonicct.com Avon, CT • 860.481.2702 colonicsct46@gmail.com
The Colonic Institute offers closed-system colonics by I-ACT trained colon therapists. Additional services include bioelectric lymphatic drainage, ionic detox footbaths, ear coning, reiki, and hypnotherapy.
Roots Natural Medical Center
Elizabeth Regal Columbia, CT • 860.634.7523 sourcecolonhydrotherapy@gmail.com
Colon hydrotherapy promotes hydration of the colon and loosening of waste matter, assisting elimination by natural peristalsis of the colon. Our naturopathic medical center is offering colon hydrotherapy on our FDA-approved closed system device. Contact Elizabeth Regal, I-ACT certified colon hydrotherapist for an appointment.
Vitalized Performance Group
Glastonbury, CT • 860.800.6775 VPGwaves.com
VPG Waves offers an open system colonic on the LIBBE device, GAINS/Femi/AcuteWave treatments for head/face pain to toe pain, scar tissue, incontinence, and sexual wellness issues. We have ionic foot baths and biomat/infrared heat, cupping, naturopaths and acupuncture. Combining modalities for thorough healing is key!
CT Conscious Movement
Katherine Allen & Lisa Galinski Avon, CT • Azul Certified Conscious Movement Teachers CTConsciousMovement@gmail.com
Conscious Movement is a dynamic practice of free-form, intuitive dance that awakens your aliveness, clarity, expression and connection ~ an empowering body-centered practice of sacred remembering. We are passionate about offering a healing movement practice and building community. Join us for weekly movement classes and women’s embodiment circles in Avon, CT.
Jacqueline M. Kane
Low Back Pain Specialist and Master Energy Healer
111 Main St., Collinsville, CT • 860.307.0232
jacqueline@jacquelinemkane.com jacquelinemkane.com
Jacqueline facilitates deep healing of trauma, low back pain, and chronic conditions tied to limiting mindsets impacting health and wealth. Clients’ proven results are reclaimed energy, moving freely and powerfully, and manifesting their goals aligned with soul purpose. If you’re ready to reach your health and wealth goals, visit jacquelinemkane.com.
Sanaré Wellness, LLC
92 N. Summit St., Southington, CT 06489 kathy@sanare.life • 860.600.0106
The future of Energy Medicine is here! This 24-unit Energy Enhancement System creates multiple bioactive, regenerative energy fields, including scalar waves and biophotons, that can assist your body’s ability to repair and heal itself from disease. The body can become capable of rejuvenating and recalibrating itself back to homeostasis.
Dana Mascalo, CFP®, RLP®, AAMS®, C(k)P®
Managing Partner, TrinityPoint Wealth Milford, CT • 203.693.8521
Fax: 203.693.8524
Goldie Rose • BOOSTIETM Houston, TX • 800.988.7541
BOOSTIE™ Is an intentionally selected combination of organic sprouted nuts, seeds, and cacao nibs (some versions include electrolytes.) The vitamins, minerals, omega-3s, plant protein, and fiber have many benefits: heart health, cholesterol, brain function, blood sugar, immunity, and weight management. And, BOOSTIE™ has more nutrients than any other one ounce of food!
49 NATURAL Nutmeg 2024 MAY / JUNE
The Blackbird House 146 Main St., Old Wethersfield, CT theblackbirdhousect@gmail.com
TheBlackbirdHouse.com • 860.416.3177
The Blackbird House
The Blackbird House is a Healing Center and Gift Shop located on Main Street in Old Wethersfield. We offer Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Pranic Healing, Massage Therapy, Tarot/Intuitive Readings and more. Our monthly schedule of events include Reiki and Tarot classes, Self Hypnosis, Sound Healing, and Intuitive Development Meetings. Visit us online to learn more.
James Osborne, MS, LPC, BCPC ProNatural Physicians Group, LLC Berlin, CT • 860.829.0707 pronaturalphysicians.com
James Osborne is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Board Certified Professional Counselor, Board Certified PTSD Clinician, and a Fellow in the American Psychotherapy Association with over 40 years of clinical experience.
Dr. Mark A. Breiner, DDS, FAGD, FIAOMT Fairfield, CT • 203.371.0300 WholeBodyDentistry.com
A recognized authority in the field of holistic dentistry, Dr. Breiner treats patients for a myriad of dental concerns including sleep breathing disorders, TMD, mercury toxicity, and hidden infections from cavitations and root canals. “If you have unexplained symptoms that won’t go away, the answer could be in your mouth.”
Dr. Steven F. Hinchey, DMD South Glastonbury • 860.633.6518 drhinch@agd.org • dochincheydmd.com
Thank you to our wonderful patients who trust our team to care for their improved oral health. A healthy, disease-free mouth will help your overall health. It is all connected—the mouth and the body. And we can help you get there.
Lady Down the Lane
156 East Ave., 2nd Floor • Norwalk, CT 06851 475.301.4952 • ladydownthelane.com lydia@ladydownthelane.com
Lydia Remembrance is a holistic/ shamanic practitioner whose passion is to create a sacred space as you embark on your healing journey. Lydia is also a reiki master/teacher, holistic birth doula, master practitioner in quantum energy healing, and a quantum hypnotist. Lydia offers a complimentary strategy call, complemintary consultations are also available upon request and by appointment.
Agnes Chodkiewicz Bristol, CT • 860.822.7515 email h2inhalation@gmail.com hydrogentherapyh2.com
Agnes Chodkiewicz is a Certified Coach and trained in Theta Healing, Universal Healing, Quantum Touch, and Basic and Advanced DNA. The most potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory molecule ever discovered, molecular hydrogen inhalation therapy offers numerous health benefits and can potentially treat chronic and acute conditions.
Beverley Blass Integrative Health
Hartford Family Institute • BeverleyBlass.com
17 S. Highland St., West Hartford, CT 06119 860.206.1129 • BeverleyBlass@gmail.com
Beverley Blass is an integrative intuitive healer, offering bodycentered psychotherapy, soulcentered hypnotherapy, and colon hydrotherapy. She focuses on her client’s “whole body” experience— spiritual, physical, mental, emotional health, and healing—working with you to create an all-encompassing tapestry of transformation. In-person and online sessions.
Michele P. Rousseau, MA, CH
Middletown, CT • 860.704.9054
mprousseau@sbcglobal.net micheleprousseau.com
Tamara Sachs, MD
Functional Medicine & Integrative Care LLC
15 Bennitt St., New Milford CT 860.354.3304 • tsachsmd.com
Dr. Sachs prevents and treats chronic illness by uncovering and correcting the underlying root causes of your health concerns while respecting the uniqueness and complexity that make us human. She comprehensively and thoughtfully creates personalized plans explaining why and how each area of your healing will be addressed.
CMT Design Group
Carolyn Tierney • Simsbury, CT • carolyntierney.com 929.390.1742 • info@carolyntierney.com
CMT Design Group integrates beautiful design and interior style with health and wellness principles that matter to your family’s well-being. With over 20 years of experience focused on residential interior design and healthy, holistic living, our depth of industry knowledge enables us to create functional and stunning modern spaces where your family can thrive.
Abundant Health Massage Therapy & Wellness
Farmington, CT • 860.778.0315 abundanthealthct.com
Kristina Mozzicato is Board Certified in Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork by the NCBTMB and has been practicing massage for the past 12 years. She provides professional, therapeutic, customized sessions. In addition to massage, she offers cupping, medicupping, body contouring, Himalayan salt stone massage, and Reiki sessions. Convenient online booking.
Stamford, CT • 203.751.1369 uzma@bloom-higher.com • bloom-higher.com
Uzma Zakir RPh, founder of bloomHigher consulting, is passionate about sharing her expertise on the healing benefits of cannabinoids. By combining current research, her experience in treating patients since 2015, and her pharmacy background, she has developed a unique approach for patient care and lectures extensively on best practices and cannabinoid science. Contact Uzma today to see if cannabis is the missing piece in your health and wellness journey.
Lori Calabrese
Innovative Psychiatry
South Windsor, CT • 860.648.9755 loricalabresemd.com info@loricalabresemd.com
Metabolic psychiatry is where we use our deep psychiatric expertise, metabolic mastery, and approach to nutritional ketosis to transform your brain energy, lift depression, put bipolar into remission, tamp down anxiety, and produce clear thinking. Let Touchpoints 180TM restore your mitochondrial health to get you back to your best self.
Dr. Adam Breiner, ND
Fairfield, CT • 203.371.8258
Focusing on brain health and Lyme disease, Dr. Adam Breiner offers cutting-edge therapies that include hyperbaric oxygen, neurocognitive therapies, including sophisticated brain-imaging equipment to evaluate brain injuries and brainwave patterns associated with metabolic imbalances, infections, and allergies. Conditions treated include concussions, TBI, stroke, PTSD, ADD/ADHD, anxiety, depression, and more.
50 NATURAL Nutmeg MAY / JUNE 2024
Riverstone Naturopathic Health
63 West Street, Suite B1 Litchfield, CT • 860.361.9494
Christina Amicone, ND, is a naturopathic physician seeing patients at Riverstone Naturopathic Health in Litchfield, CT. Her focus is on oncology/cancer (including supportive therapies during conventional cancer treatments), naturopathic detoxification, gastrointestinal health (including IBS, IBD, and SIBO), women’s health (hormone imbalances, menstrual problems, and menopause), autoimmune diseases, and food sensitivities.
Roots Natural Medical Center
106 Route 66 East • Columbia, CT 06237 860.471.1434 • info@rootsmedicalcenter.com rootsmedicalcenter.com
Roots is a Naturopathic Medicinal Center that focuses on addressing foundational root causes to complex chronic disease. The goal of the clinic is to properly identify, diagnose and treat patients with unexplained chronic illnesses. Our services are individualized, and patient focused, as medicine should be.
Soleil Acupuncture and Naturopathic Wellness
2661 Whitney Ave., Hamden, CT 203.871.3262 • admin@soleilholistic.com soleilholistic.com
Soleil is a holistic clinic specializing in integrative and functional medicine. We are pleased to offer IV and IM nutrient therapy, craniosacral therapy, and general and facial acupuncture, with our roots in naturopathic medicine. We are passionate about using our tools to get our patients feeling their best!
Vis Wellness Center, LLC
Dr. Nicole Klughers, ND, PharmD, MSAc Rocky Hill, CT & Virtual Visits (234) 2-ACU-DOC hello@drnicoleklughers.com DrNicoleKlughers.com
West Hartford
Naturopathic Medicine
Frank Aieta, ND 301 N. Main St., West Hartford, CT 860.232.9662 • www.DRAIETA.com
Jake Williams, MA, LPC
Rocky Hill, CT • 860.208.6964 CT Neurohealth.com
Jake is an experienced therapist, neurofeedback provider, and cat lover. He has dedicated his life to helping people resolve traumatic experiences and overcome challenges created by focus or anxiety.
Erika Dworkin, BCHN®
Certified in Holistic Nutrition Vitathena Wellness
South Glastonbury, CT • 860.646.8178 edworkin@vitathena.com • vitathena.com
Through education, Erika empowers her customers to make the decisions that best enable them to maximize their well-being and longevity. She offers private nutrition consultations and speaks regularly about various health topics.
Grant’s Nutrition & Wellness
Jane Grant, RD CD-N Berlin, CT • 860.357.2282 grantj@grantsnutrition.com grantsnutrition.com
Jane is trained in integrative and functional nutrition utilizing a personalized, holistic approach to chronic disease and weight management. Integrative and functional nutrition combines the very best of modern science, clinical wisdom, and integrative therapies to address the root cause of disease and promote abundant health.
Farm to Bath
South Glastonbury, CT, and Virtual 860.266.5682 • info@farmtobath.com farmtobath.com
Brenda Sullivan, herbalist and maker of herbal products, uses lavender, one of her primary crops, to make natural soaps, soothing salves, aromatic oils and more. She loves knowing the medicinal benefits of herbs, because it ensures her recipes are made with only the best ingredients.
Intuitive Counseling Holistic Spa
Agnes Daddona • 860.941.2667
Avon, CT • AgnesDaddona.com
Agnes Daddona is one of the best Psychic/Mediums in New England. She is also a Counselor, Healer, and Spiritual Teacher. For more than 20 years, Agnes has worked with thousands of people across the world in both English and Polish. Her Holistic Spa in Avon, CT, is a one-stop shop and offers high vibrational healing for the mind, body, and soul.
Metaphysically Speaking
Mary Anne Costerella Glastonbury, CT 860.918.3949 maryannecosterella.com • malc7119@aol.com
Decode Your Soul Purpose: Metaphysical psychotherapy is an integrative Treatment weaving ancient wisdoms with contemporary psychology. The spiritual sciences of astrology, numerology, cardology, and personology combined with my extensive clinical knowledge of psychology, trauma, codependency, addiction, anxiety, depression, and grief offer my clientele a transformative and existential healing experience.
Be One with the Flow
Washington, New Preston, Litchfield awm440@hotmail.com • 802.780.7977 www.beoneflow.com
Ann Moureau is a Traditional Usui Reiki Master, offering Reiki classes, hands-on and distant treatment. Ann feels the flow of energy in her yoga, Ai Chi (in the water), and forest bathing classes. Ann has been on her holistic path for thirty-three years and loves to share her practices.
Rolfing®—The Art and Science of Body Change
Sharon Sklar, BFA, LMT, Cert. Adv. Rolfer West Hartford • 860.561.4337 sharonsklarrolfing.com
Rolfing®—The Art and Science of Body Change. A dynamic 10-session bodywork series that eases pain, improves movement, and restructures your body when you feel “out of whack.” A hands-on and educational approach that establishes order and balance after life’s injuries, stresses, and accidents. Since 1981.
Imagine Float
290 West Main St., Avon 860.255.7771 • imaginefloat.com
April Beaman, RDH, CTT
CT Thermography
Farmington and Glastonbury, CT 860.415.1150 • ctthermography.com
CT thermography specializes in medical thermal imaging. Breast thermography is a compression and radiation-free screening tool that’s used to monitor breast health to detect physiological changes that may be early warning signs of a disease process. As a Certified Thermographic Technician, I help empower women to take a proactive approach following their thermography screening for optimal breast health.
Sacred Rivers Yoga
East Hartford, CT • 860.657.9545 sacredriversyoga.com
Paula Scopino, E-RYT 500-Hour, C-IAYT, CT Licensed LMT, YACEP, is the owner/director of Sacred Rivers Yoga and Allied Health Therapies and “Sacred Rivers Yoga for Every Body,” a Yoga Alliance 200- and 500-hour registered school, as well as a member of IAYT (International Association of Yoga Therapy.)
51 NATURAL Nutmeg 2024 MAY / JUNE
• Listens, takes time, fi nds your answers.
• Discovers the root cause of symptoms.
• Uses detailed testing, not guessing.
• Provides safe, all-natural solutions.
• Voted 10BEST Naturopathic Physicians & Holistic Weight Loss Centers of CT.
Dr. Klughers is a licensed naturopathic physician, former pharmacist, and wellness educator. As a pharmacist, Dr. Klughers observed the limitations of conventional medicine in its ability to offer long-term, sustainable solutions for chronic health concerns. Oftentimes, patients could only take a medication for so long before another health condition, complication or side effect developed.
As a naturopathic physician, Dr. Klughers is often called a health detective, as her approach involves listening attentively to clues and utilizing detailed testing to investigate and �ind the culprit. Solving the case, she offers all-natural solutions to restore optimal health. If you’re like most of her patients, you are seeking an alternative or complement to conventional medicine. You want to get to the root cause of your health issues rather than take medications for the rest of your life. You prefer to live a life of wellness.
Her practice at Vis Wellness Center has helped many people just like you by treating their symptoms on a deep, core level that produces lasting healing and transformation. She understands that wellness is so much more than the absence of disease. Your health is the most precious asset you have. There’s nothing more important than getting proactive about your health, investing in your well-being, and choosing a lifestyle that allows your body to be a symbol of longevity and vitality.
Dr. Klughers provides care to individuals of all ages and all levels of wellness and helps people with health issues such as: fatigue, brain fog, hair loss, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, weight gain, thyroid disorders, digestive issues, autoimmune disorders, insomnia, hormonal imbalances, infertility, menopause, migraines, chronic stress, hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes.
Dr. Nicole Klughers, ND, PharmD, MSAc • Vis Wellness Center • Rocky Hill, CT & Virtual Call/Text: 234.222.8362 • hello@drnicoleklughers.com • www.drnicoleklughers.com