November/December 2020
Sunday, November 1st
Thursday, November 19th
Sharon Salzberg Workshop (via Zoom): Real Change from 1–3pm. Visit westhartfordyoga.com for schedule, pricing, and studio policies. Membership is not required; classes can be purchased individually, via affordable class cards, or as an unlimited access subscription.
Five Financial Tips For Women in their 50s. Online. Free. Are you a woman in your 50s, ready to positively influence your financial future? Join Certified Financial PlannerTM Caroline Wetzel for a ZOOM where she’ll share five key questions that women in their 50s can use to gauge how ready they are to enjoy a satisfying lifestyle with financial confidence over time. Caroline’s offering the same program three times in one day:
Wednesday, November 11th Psychic/Spiritual Development Virtual Monthly Study Group with Joyce St. Germaine, M. Ed., CHt., RYT-200. 6:30–8:30pm. $20. Every session starts with a positive, light-filling exercise and includes topics such as palmistry, oracle cards, pendulums, remote viewing, and spirit guides. Reclaim your natural gifts, assist others, and live your life more joyfully! Register at www.thesacredjourney.biz. or join my email list there to receive regular announcements. The Sacred Journey, 29 Davis Road, Burlington, 860.675.9706, jsgermaine@aol.com
Saturday, November 14th Jam Practice with Kate Feiner (In-studio and Livestream) from 5–6:15pm. Visit westhartfordyoga.com for schedule, pricing, and studio policies. Membership is not required; classes can be purchased individually, via affordable class cards, or as an unlimited access subscription.
Wednesday, November 18th Shamanism Virtual Monthly Study Group with Joyce St. Germaine, M. Ed., CHt., RYT-200. 6:30–8:30pm. $20. No experience needed! In this group, you will develop an understanding of cross-cultural shamanism and become adept at journeying into non-ordinary reality and working with animal allies and spirit helpers, ancestors, and elemental energies. Register at www.thesacredjourney.biz or join my email list there to receive regular announcements. The Sacred Journey, 29 Davis Road, Burlington, 860.675.9706, jsgermaine@aol.com
Planning an Event? List it in the NN Calendar!
Virtual Morning Coffee with Caroline, 10–11am. RSVP & info https://tinyurl.com/AMcwcNov. Virtual Lunch & Learn with Caroline, 12–1pm. RSVP & info https://tinyurl.com/LLcwcNov. Virtual Happy Hour with Caroline, 5:30–6:30pm. RSVP & info https://tinyurl.com/HHcwcNov
Saturday, November 21st WHY Power Yoga teacher training FREE info session (via Zoom) from 4:30–5:45pm. Visit westhartfordyoga.com for schedule, pricing, and studio policies. Membership is not required; classes can be purchased individually, via affordable class cards, or as an unlimited access subscription.
Wednesday, December 9th Psychic/Spiritual Development Virtual Monthly Study Group with Joyce St. Germaine, M. Ed., CHt., RYT-200. 6:30–8:30pm. $20. Every session starts with a positive, light-filling exercise and includes topics such as palmistry, oracle cards, pendulums, remote viewing, and spirit guides. Reclaim your natural gifts, assist others, and live your life more joyfully! Register at www.thesacredjourney.biz. or join my email list there to receive regular announcements. The Sacred Journey, 29 Davis Road, Burlington, 860.675.9706, jsgermaine@aol.com
Wednesday, December 16th Shamanism Virtual Monthly Study Group with Joyce St. Germaine, M. Ed., CHt., RYT-200. 6:30–8:30pm. $20. No experience needed! In this group, you will develop an understanding of cross-cultural shamanism and become adept at journeying into non-ordinary reality and working with animal allies and spirit helpers, ancestors, and elemental energies. Register at www.thesacredjourney.biz or join my email list there to receive regular announcements. The Sacred Journey, 29 Davis Road, Burlington, 860.675.9706, jsgermaine@aol.com
Saturday, December 19th Jam Practice with Kate Feiner (In-studio and Livestream) from 5–6:15pm. Visit westhartfordyoga.com for schedule, pricing, and studio policies. Membership is not required; classes can be purchased individually, via affordable class cards, or as an unlimited access subscription.
Contact Diane at diane@naturalnutmeg.com to learn more!
Natural Nutmeg - November/December 2020
West Hartford Yoga Zoom Classes. 7 days/week, varying times; Varied price structure; visit westhartfordyoga.com. West Hartford Yoga is now streaming 25+ interactive yoga classes each week via Zoom. To participate in these classes, you will need to be able to log in and register via our MindBodyOnline using your email address. Additional information at westhartfordyoga.com. info@westhartfordyoga.com
Tuesdays WHY at the Hill-Stead Museum. 6–7pm. $10 drop in, online pre-registration required. West Hartford Yoga has partnered with the Hill-Stead Museum for outdoor yoga classes! Join Nykki on Tuesday evenings for a fun, all-levels practice. Bring your yoga mat, towel, and water. Classes are weather permitting, with appropriate personal protection and social distancing. Directions, maps, and additional information at westhartfordyoga.com. info@westhartfordyoga.com. Hill-Stead Museum, 35 Mountain Road, Farmington
Wednesdays WHY in the Parks: Eisenhower Park. 5:30–6:30pm. FREE, but donations welcome. West Hartford Yoga, in cooperation with West Hartford Parks & Pools, is bringing FREE socially-distanced yoga to the parks! Join Katie Wednesday evenings for a fun, all-levels class (weather dependent). Bring your yoga mat, towel, and water. Directions, maps, and additional information at whyintheparks.com. Online pre-registration required: capacity is limited. info@westhartfordyoga.com. Eisenhower Park, 33 Sheep Hill Drive, West Hartford.
Fridays Qigong for Health and Relaxation. 10–11am. $10/session. Qigong to destress and open your energy channels. This ancient Chinese form of exercise will help to calm your mind and nervous system, stimulate your acupuncture meridians and boost your immune system with slow moving exercises, breathing techniques and meditation. Zoom class. Must preregister $10 donation or free to try! Email Donna Bunte at health@donnabunte.com
Saturdays Chen Taiji classes Elizabeth Park. Saturdays and some week days. Times TBA. Classes taught by Stan Baker who has over 30 years experience. Call for more info 860.836.1068. stanbaker27@cox.net.
Sundays WHY in the Parks: Beachland Park. 9–10am. FREE, but donations welcome. West Hartford Yoga, in cooperation with West Hartford Parks & Pools, is bringing FREE socially-distanced yoga to the parks! Join Miranda Sunday mornings for a fun, all-levels class (weather dependent). Bring your yoga mat, towel, and water. Directions, maps, and additional information at whyintheparks.com. Online pre-registration required: capacity is limited. info@westhartfordyoga.com. Beachland Park, 847 Quaker Lane South, West Hartford.
Office space available in professional suite in West Hartford. Perfect for an Alternative practitioner. A lovely space with reasonable rent. Call 860.965.6214 for details.