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W e c o u l d n’ t d o t h i s w i t h o u t y o u , Thank You! 2020 | | 2
Want to see your business or your story in The Natural Texan? Please call: 936-332-8144 Please email:
2020 |
Table of
CONTENTS Fea tures
A Letter From the
Be thankful for your life. Spend time in nature, breathe deeply, let go of your worries, forgive yourself & others. Build your life around what you LOVE.
L e t t e r F r o m the Editor
L u c a s Fa r m s
12- 13
The Gift of Life We Gain in Heaven
R&D Distributing
2020 | | 4
Home of the Month
Not This Body
2020 |
Lucas Farms
he Lucas name is well-known in Shelby County, as family members have been involved in land ownership, timber harvesting, chicken growing, and cattle for several generations. The Lucas family and Lucas Farms have earned several awards over the years.
Most recently, Claude Austin Lucas, Sr. was awarded the Honorary Lonestar Degree at the 91st Texas FFA State Convention on June 30, 2019. The Honorary Lonestar FFA Degree recognizes individuals who
Claude Austin Lucas, Sr. was awarded the Honorary Lonestar Degree at the 91st Texas FFA State Convention, which recognizes individuals who have rendered outstanding service to agricultural education and the Texas FFA.
have rendered outstanding service to agricultural education and the Texas FFA. Claude and his wife, Bonnie Goodrich Lucas were named the Farm Family of the Year in 1987; and their son, Austin, earned the award in 2007. These honors were awarded by the Shelby County Office of the (current) AgriLife Extension Service. Lane Dunn is the County Extension Agent and County Extension Agent for Ag and Natural Resources. All three of the Lucas children were involved in 4-H and FFA while attending Center ISD schools. They were members of the equestrian drill teams, as well. The Lucas family still own and ride eight horses. Another honor earned by the Lucas Family and Lucas Farms was the 2009 Moosberg Award. This 2020 | | 6
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award, named in honor of former Shelby County Agricultural Agent John Moosberg, is given to the top chicken growers in each complex. The award recognizes the struggles of the past - the sweat, tears, and blood that made the poultry industry in Shelby County a national leader then and even today. The history of the poultry industry began in 1948 in Shelby County when visionaries such as County Agent John Moosberg, Martin Middleton, Jack Motley, and Martin and Malcom Weaver dedicated themselves to establishing a poultry industry in the area. Agent John Moosberg, Martin Middleton, Jack Motley, and Martin and Malcom Weaver dedicated themselves to establishing a poultry industry in the area. “We built our first chicken house in ’79. We already had cattle. We had built his house right here in ’72,” Claude shared. “We started planting trees in ’78, contracting for the paper companies and the Forest Service. Austin was
The current patriarch and matriarch of the Lucas
and Will Lucas. Cheri’s children are Lucas (Luc),
in high school while we were planting trees,
family are Claude and Bonnie Goodrich Lucas,
Whitnee, Syndee, and Zane (deceased). Austin’s
but when he got out of school, he started doing
who married in 1964. The two were classmates at
children are Kwayd, Kamden (a vet student at SFA),
the same thing. We planted trees everywhere.”
Center High School. Claude, as stated above, is
and Kasen. Will’s children are Ashton and Alec.
a Shelby County native. Bonnie’s family moved Claude said the Lucas Farms have some oil and gas
to Texas from Maine when she was a child. Her
Members of the Lucas family have been in Texas
wells, but they “aren’t paying much at the present
hometown in Maine was Milo, near Bangor.
since before the Republic of Texas era, having moved from Tennessee sometime in 1835 to 1836,
time. I keep hearing that business is going to pick Bonnie Lucas’s father was from Vermont;
before Texas won its independence from Mexico.
her mother, from Maine. The two met at the
At that time, land grants were given to people
The Lucas family has had trees, chicken
University of Maine, when Mr. Goodrich moved
from the United States who were willing to
houses, and always, cattle. After also raising
from Vermont and enrolled as a student. When
immigrate to Texas to live.
watermelons in season in several Texas
the Goodrich family moved to Shelby County, Mr.
locations for many years,they phased out their
Goodrich became the logging superintendent at
Two men came to Texas during this period of
watermelon crops and other activities in favor
what used to be E.L. Bruce’s. Mr. Claude said that
Texas history: Clayton Lucas and his grown son,
of expanding their cattle herds.The Lucas family
he had worked at the company in Maine and was
David Clayton Lucas. Both men received two 640-
own over 1,000 head of cattle all together. Will
transferred to Texas.
acre grants of land – one in San Augustine County
up, but we aren’t seeing it right now.”
and one in Shelby County, according to articles in
and Austin Lucas have taken over the chicken
2020 |
growing for Tyson, from which Claude and
The couple have three children - Cheri Lucas
the 1988 History of Shelby County, Texas. David
Bonnie Lucas have now retired.
Wheeler, Austin (Claude Austin, Junior) Lucas,
Clayton Lucas married Mary Jane Dillard, and | 8
2020 |
their first son, born in 1845, was David Allen Lucas. David Allen Lucas married Nancy J. Haley, and the couple had eight children – four sons and four daughters. The second son, born about 1872, was John M. Lucas, who married Betty Murray in 1891 in San Augustine County. His younger brother, Samuel Monroe (known as Bud) Lucas married Birdie Calcoat in 1898, also in San Augustine County. John and Betty Lucas’s son was named Alex, who worked for the Texas Highway Department when he left school. Alex Lucas and Linnie Stephens Lucas were the parents of Claude Austin Lucas, Senior. Claude Austin Lucas, Sr. had stated that Alex and Linnie Lucas were his parents, and that John Lucas was his grandfather. The Lucas family all have worked hard for what they have achieved. They typify the pioneer spirit of their ancestors who were willing to come to Texas before it became a republic, and to stay and raise their families here. 2020 | | 10
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The Gift of Life We Gain in Heaven
“She started the book before she passed away, and we only finished it for her,” stated her mother. “This was a very hard thing to do, going back over all this from the early days of her illness until the bitter end, but we did it all for our sweet girl!” Now that it’s completed, her family members’ plans are to fellowship with churches or any organization to share her beautiful book and sweet stories in celebration of her life. They are ready to bless others with their outreach! This is something she wanted so badly; Cecily wanted to do this herself as soon as she got better, but our Heavenly Father had other plans. So now, we will do what Cecily always imagined doing with her life: TELL HER STORY!
“ Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.”
~ Pablo Picasso
I know Cecily is an angel because she was a ray of sunshine to everyone that she met on earth...
ancer - the one word we all hate to hear! It’s sometimes hard to understand just what a family goes through when they have a family member diagnosed with cancer. Gina Raymond of Shelbyville lived through a truly tragic time with her daughter, Cecily.
Gina Raymond of Shelbyville got this devastating news about her daughter, Cecily, when she was diagnosed with brain cancer during her senior year of high school. Gina stated that Cecily had the tumor removed and had received radiation and chemotherapy. Sadly, in just a few short years, the cancer had returned. Sixteen months later, Cecily became a glorious angel in Heaven. I know Cecily is an angel because she was a ray of sunshine to everyone that she met
Sculpture by David Masterson
on earth. I can say that from personal experience, I had the honor to go to school with her and she was so very sweet and caring. I was able to sit down with her mother Mrs. Gina and talk to her about details prior to Cecily’s passing and what her ministry is about, and we want to share it with you! CRG (Cecily, Ruger, Gina) ministry was created to fulfill Cecily’s dream of bringing people closer to God with her battle of brain cancer. Cecily’s Hope is the name of the book that was launched October 24, 2019. 2020 | | 12
2020 | | 13
R&D Distributing
eptember 20th 1960 – Richard and Mary Ann Griffin purchased Gulf Oil from Will McLendon, which was located in East Center, be hide Shelby County Outreach Center. They had 1 truck driver at that time and hauled approximately 30,000 gallons of fuel a month, at that time there
was only gas and clear diesel. Mary Ann was a school teacher in Brounson at the time and in the evenings she would work on the books for Gulf Oil, as soon as that school year was out, she went to work full time at Gulf Oil. While fuel isn’t the only item they sold, they also had oil, hydraulic fluid and transmission fluid for tractors, cars and trucks. In the early 1980’s – Richard and Mary Ann saw an opportunity to grow their company and haul more fuel for other companies besides Gulf fuel. They changed the company name to Griffin Oil. During
this time they added 4 gas stations and over 10 employees. Their gas stations were, The Plant Station, by Blake Furniture, The Gulf Station, in SA, Cooks #1, located by Ivan Smith and Cooks #2 in Joaquin. During this time, laws began to change and dyed diesel was added for the farmers. Dyed diesel sales for less and can only be used in farming equipment. Its called by other names such as red diesel and farm diesel. If you’re caught with dyed diesel in a pickup or truck for road use, you will be fined. They also were able to capture the business in the chicken industry by providing dyed diesel for generators. 2020 | | 14
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As their company grew and their children Robert and David completed college, the boys were able to work for Griffin Oil and farm. In 1986 – They purchased their first 1986 Peterbuilt transport truck and were able to haul their own fuel into their plant, before they hired someone to haul it to them. In 2001 – They had outgrown their office space and fuel plant so they purchased Crump Oil and moved to Hurst Street. During this time, they moved Cooks#1 in front of their warehouse and soon after closed the store to make room for the Card Lock. We were able to set costumers up with a card they could use 24 hours a day 7 days a week. This also allowed costumers to use their own credit cards to get fuel. As time went on they sold the stores in Joaquin and The plant station and held onto San Augustine store changing the name to San Augustine Chevron. In 2004 – Robert and David bought Griffin Oil from Richard and Mary Ann Griffin and named it R & D Distributing. Although, Richard and Mary Ann still continue to have a hand in the
R-2276/191027 In town, located in Pine Terrace Subdivision! Neat & tidy charming home with covered patio, storage building, a great fenced backyard, also, the front yard is nicely landscaped!! It is a 2 bedroom, 1 bath. Could easily be converted back to a 3 bedroom house. The laundry room is VERY large and the kitchen has stove top, built-in oven and dishwasher. The carport offers MORE storage closets and accommodates 1 vehicle. Would be great for First Time Home Buyers, someone looking to downsize or just want to be close to town! $112,500
“Shopping for a home is exciting and fun! But, serious homebuyers need to start the process by getting pre-qualified! Then you know where to begin with the right Price Range”. We can help with this process! Call us for guidance, we will walk you through from beginning to end!”
company and guide them through the years. In 2014 – The store in San Augustine was tore down and rebuilt a larger store open 24/7 and had a deli that served breakfast, lunch and dinner. Along this time they had the opportunity to buy the Texaco station in Center
Bill Hughes
Bobbie Sue Scates
Cindy Mathis
Jodi Fountain
Kaleigh Jones
called Tetco. In 2018 – As business has grown over the years, they have had 2 transport trucks running and sometimes 2 bobtails. To date we haul an average of 506,000 gallons of fuel a month.
Margaret McBride
Nikki Postell
Rhonda Proffitt
Alma Jaimes
Town & Country Real Estate 114 Nacogdoches St. Center , TX 75935 • 936-598-6111 2020 | | 16
2020 | n a t u r aLicensed l t e x a in n Texas . n e tand|Louisiana. 17 Jodi Fountain Broker/Owner.
Not This Body
Much of the food we eat is terrible for our bodies
actually have a side effect of heart complications.
and has little to none nutritional value. How
I do not believe this is taken into consideration
much nutrition do French fries or milkshakes
when “cause of death� is determined.) Waiting
have? What about potato chips or Cokes? Zero
for the doctor to tell us their plan of action AFTER
nutritional value but lots of destruction for
a diagnosis is not good enough. At some point, we
our heart, digestive system, sugar levels and
MUST get to the place in our community where
inflammation levels in our bodies. Every day, we
we personalize our health, not our diagnosis.
choose to use beauty, hygiene, laundry, cleaning,
We have been told disorders such as high blood
gardening and more products which are full
pressure, diabetes, arthritis, IBS, gallstones,
of cancer-causing agents. Do we ever think to
kidney stones and many more are genetic.
reconsider what effect the products we use have
Why? Not only are they not genetic, they are
on our bodies? We are so conditioned to focus,
also preventable BEFORE they happen. They
instead, on what products are less expensive and
are correctable after they happen and without
which ones smell wonderful.
I live in this community. I see my friends and
As an Iridologist, I understand the many options
loved ones falling on the left and right, prey
we have with our health. Iridology is the study of
to the complications to cancer. Cancer is the
your body (physical and emotional) according to
second most often killer in America. Heart/blood
the signs in your eyes. This tool allows individuals
complications rank first (This stat is somewhat
to see what weakness he/she are born with and
skewed, since chemotherapy and radiation
if the weakness has advanced. It also suggests
ow many times have we heard sermons and believers say that we will have a new body in Heaven? I cannot count the times I have heard it, myself. Upon researching that idea, I have found nothing that suggests that we will have a new body in heaven. Furthermore, I find
nothing that suggests that Christ will hand us as rolodex of photos, assuring us that we can have the body we choose forever (the common perspective). IF we DO have a new body that will be ours in heaven forever, it will be the body we leave this world with, only it will be a spiritual body and not a fleshly one. Our body we die with will be what we have forever, in a spirit form. Why am I saying this? Stay with me here. It has been my understanding that we WILL live forever in a body; our body we have now. This causes me to be very sober with what I do with my life and body. If this body I have is mine for all of my earthly life and all my eternal life, I must be proactive and responsible. As Americans, we have the perspective that everything is disposable. Not this body. We only have one. Unfortunately, our culture seldom considers what we do with our bodies, what we feed our bodies, what we put onto or into our bodies. We consider little about what is taken out of our bodies. 2020 | | 18
2020 |
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Mary P. Masterson
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personality types and digestive health. This is a great tool to receive insight to our health. Another tool is knowing your blood type. Blood types dictate foods which are antagonistic, and beneficial to your body. It also can suggest what types of exercise is more beneficial to your body type. Center Health & Harmony offers many tools for research, Certified Health Professionals, trained and educated employees who are eager to help our
Newborn | infant toddler | youth | tween
community learn how to personalize our health responsibility. We are happy to offer “Lunch & Learn” opportunities at your place of business. Let’s take our health back into our own hands, one citizen at a time. Rebecca Mott, CCII
2020 | | 20
girls & boys apparel, shoes, & accessories 902 TENAHA STREET, CENTER, TEXAS 936-427-5073 or 936-590-6822 2020 |
(936) 598-6111
Now Licensed in Texas & Louisiana
135 Shelbyville St. Center, TX
114 114 Nacogdoches Nacogdoches St St || Center, Center, TX TX
Winter Crossword
R & D Distributing, LTD. 936-598-5361 936-598-3511 Fax: 936-598-3346 Robert Griffin 936-590-0537 P.O. Box 1507
David Griffin 936-590-0539 Center, Texas 75935
Winter Crossword Solution
2020 | | 22
1. Off Kilter 6. Asian sauce 9. Building extension 12. Yule visitor 13. King Kong, e.g. 14. View 15. Maryland’s capital 17. Crow’s call 18. Nuisance 19. Wine (Fr.) 20. Fat or frying 21. Mature 23. Distress letters 26. Wipe out 29. Upright 31. Lymph _____ 32. Pleasant 36. 14th letters 37. Relate 38. Lincoln, et al. 40. Psychic letters 41. Valley 45. Moved swiftly 46. TV and radio (2 wds.) 48. Newark time zone (abbr.) 49. Compass point (abbr.) 50. _____ acid (nutrient) 51. Braying beast 52. Rent 53. Musical tones
1. PDQ’s kin 2. Lion’s hair 3. Country lodgings 4. EMT’s word 5. Chump 6. Mouth liquid 7. Stated a viewpoint 8. Positively! 9. Adventure 10. Shakespearean king 11. Bawdy 16. Finished 20. Insane 21. Prevent 22. Fine fabric 23. Baltic, e.g. 24. Association (abbr.) 25. Snakes 27. _____-gallon hat 28. 19th letter 30. Average grades 33. Relaxed (2 wds.) 34. Small hound 35. Mouth parts 38. Locale 39. Freshwater fish 41. Floor model 42. Revise 43. Fishing string 44. Thailand’s neighbor 46. Director _____ Brooks 47. Fellow
2020 |
The best thing about winning awards is that we win them by helping you. A COMMUNITY BUILT ON ACHIEVEMENT At Nacogdoches Medical Center, we always feel that there’s more to care than medicine. There’s compassion. Attentiveness. And a healthy dose of kindness. Which is why when it comes to your care, all of us are here to treat you and your family well. Thank you for again voting Nacogdoches Medical Center “The Best of Nac” in the following categories: Best Hospital Best Emergency Room Best Place to Have a Baby Best Outpatient Therapy Best Nurse and Best Pharmacist
To learn more or schedule an appointment, please call (833) 222-9068 or visit 2020 | | 24