Natural Texan Magazine - September 2020

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Belrose Elizabeth Pinkston:


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Table of

CONTENTS Fea tures



L e t t e r F r o m the Editor


Teresa Belrose


Elizabeth Pinkston: Trip of a Lifetime


P l a c e s & Fa c e s : Quarantine Edition

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The Church Habit

A Letter From the

EDITOR Whew!!! What a year it has been… and it’s not over yet! I can’t even begin to type all the feelings or emotions that this year has brought - I’d have to write an entire book. Well, we all know that’s not something I want to do. That would possibly take me an entire decade! As I sit here and think, there are so many topics that have hit me over the last few months during all the quarantine. To be honest, it’s very sad the way the world has changed so quickly. Scared? Upset? Sad? Worried? All these come to mind when I think about all the changes. Then I realize there is only ONE thing that we all can do to try and fix everything! PRAY!! Yes, I said it - PRAY! I don’t want to get on a soap box, so I plan to leave it super short and sweet :) I hope you enjoy this issue and I want to say a very special thank you to all my supporters throughout these difficult times.You’re the best!

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Teresa Belrose


he name of Teresa Belrose is well-known in Center and surrounding areas in Shelby County and beyond. She has taught swimming and gymnastics here for many years.Counting the years taught in Dallas with her dad, Horace Smith “Smitty” Duke, she has taught these skills for a

total of 44 years. [Smitty was a volleyball player who competed in the 1968 Summer Olympics. He passed away in 2010.] Teresa began her career at age 14, teaching swimming with her dad at age 14. They were qualified in water safety. The family lived in Dallas, where Teresa spent her elementary and early junior high years. Teresa began her gymnastics teaching at age 16, teaching all day on Saturdays. She says, “I found my gift - motivating students, giving them a belief in themselves.” After high school, Teresa turned down a volleyball scholarship to marry Lester Belrose, who was a teacher/coach. He taught P.E. and coached football and girls’ volleyball during his career. Teresa stayed home when her children began arriving - the Belroses have three sons and two daughters. She 2020 | | 6

home-schooled for seven years - the older ones until junior high, and the youngest until fifth grade. As the children grew, Teresa taught swimming in the summers. She added gymnastics during the school year. She strongly believes that her gifts “are God-given. It is my privilege to serve. Besides the teaching, my husband, Lester and I have ministered to many lives through counseling married couples. God has blessed us richly.” The Belrose’s children are: Austin, who lives in Sherman; Tyler, who lives in Center; Jordan, who lives and teaches in Nacogdoches, and Grant, who runs Cross Fit 936 studios in Center and Nacogdoches. The second daughter is a nurse [note-I need to get her name and location.]

“God has blessed us richly” Although it would seem that Teresa has no free time with her schedule, she does enjoy gardening, especially planting flower beds. She said that with the quarantine due to COVID-19, she has had the time this year to enjoy her favorite hobby. Teresa stated, “I love God, and I love teaching. 75 to 80% of kids I am now teaching are the children of parents that I also taught.” There are no plans for retirement anytime soon.

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Elizabeth Pinkston:

Trip of a Lifetime


n April of this year my husband, Richard, and I both caught Covid-19. We were home for so long being quarantined, we decided as soon as we could we were taking a road trip. So we started planning. Richard wanted to climb a 14’er, and I wanted to see the rock formations in Utah. 4,000

miles and 15 days later we were able to see and do so much. Our trip started off headed to Colorado with my mom and step dad, Connie and Mike Belgard. I don’t go anywhere without bringing my DoTerra Essential Oils along the way. With everything going on OnGuard hand sanitizing spray is a MUST! I also have a car sick kiddo who doesn’t go anywhere without bringing along Ginger E.O.. We made a pit stop in Colorado to visit the Great Sand Dunes National Park. If you ever decide to visit here make sure to go EARLY! The sand gets incredibly hot! Masks are required almost everywhere we went (besides on trails). I learned that a drop or two of your favorite essential oil inside your masks makes them a little more bearable. Any citrus scent or Breathe are my favs.

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Once we made it to Twin Lakes, Colorado we did a lot of relaxing and enjoying all the beauty that Colorado has to offer. Being in a new place was really playing with my allergies. Peppermint, Lavender, and Lemon are my go to for seasonal allergies. I had the mixed in a roller bottle to rub on my neck and under my nose, it does the trick every time. The boys did some fishing, while the girls and I kayaked. When we finally got the nerve up, we woke up at 5AM to start our hike up Mt. Elbert. 5AM is extremely early for this non morning person. I put a few dropped of peppermint in my palms, inhaled deeply and then rubbed the extra on my neck and through the tips of my hair. Not only does it smell amazing but its energizing, giving you just the little boost you need. Mt. Elbert is the second tallest mountain in the lower 48 states. Did I mention we have three

“Of all the places we went and saw I’m not sure I can pick a favorite. Each place was unique and gorgeous in its own little way.” kids, our youngest was just a little shy of 2 years old. Our oldest, Kinzley, got altitude sickness. Nora, our youngest, thought she was very independent and did not want to ride in the backpack carrier. After many hours and a few tears later we finally made it to the top…. then journeyed back down. It may have been one of the hardest things we have ever done as a family. It was hot, exhausting, mentally and physically, but man was it worth it! Im not sure I would have made it without the Deep Blue Rub. Every muscle in my body hurt after that climb, Deep Blue helped soothe my muscles. After being in Colorado for a few days we parted ways with Mom and Mike and took off towards Utah. We stopped a few days in Moab, Utah. We were able to see Arches National Park, and 2020 | | 10

Canyonlands National Park. These two parks are breathtaking! Arches is a must see at sunset. It’s amazing to see all the things that God has created that are all so close to home. After two days in Moab, we went to our final destination of Orderville, Utah. We chose Orderville because it was driving distance from Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, Powell Lake, Arizona, and The Grand Canyon. While in Orderville we stayed in a yurt, which was an experience in itself. The kids loved it! We climbed rocks, hiked trails, jumped off cliffs, kayaked through canyons, and made amazing memories. Of course being out doors for most of every day, we saw more sun than we were used to. One of the last days there we came in with smiles and sunburns. Fun days outside plus too much sun meant lots of Lavender! Lavender is a calming oil great for sleeping, but also great for the skin. I mixed a few drop with a non scented lotion and by the next day the redness was almost gone. I know you’re thinking-your nerves- how did you handle being gone that long and all the traveling without going crazy? Easy! Adaptiv has literally become my favorite oil/best friend. It’s perfect for life’s crazy moments, and we know during this time we have a lot of those. I wear it daily on my wrists. It smells great plus keeps me calm and happy. Win Win! Of all the places we went and saw I’m not sure I can pick a favorite. Each place was unique and gorgeous in its own little way. During a time of so much turmoil and darkness, it was nice to be able to see so many wonders of this world. Three kids, 6 National Parks, a 14’er, and 4,000 miles later, we finally made it back to deep East Texas where our hearts truly belong. Even though we love to travel and see new places, we really love coming back home. 2020 | | 11

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R-2276/191027 In town, located in Pine Terrace Subdivision! Neat & tidy charming home with covered patio, storage building, a great fenced backyard, also, the front yard is nicely landscaped!! It is a 2 bedroom, 1 bath. Could easily be converted back to a 3 bedroom house. The laundry room is VERY large and the kitchen has stove top, built-in oven and dishwasher. The carport offers MORE storage closets and accommodates 1 vehicle. Would be great for First Time Home Buyers, someone looking to downsize or just want to be close to town! $112,500

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Bill Hughes

Bobbie Sue Scates

Margaret McBride

Cindy Mathis

Nikki Postell

Jodi Fountain

Rhonda Proffitt

Kaleigh Jones

Alma Jaimes

Town & Country Real Estate 114 Nacogdoches St. Center , TX 75935 • 936-598-6111 0 2 0 |Broker/Owner. n a t u r a lLicensed t e x a n in .n e t and | 1 Louisiana. 3 Jodi 2Fountain Texas

PLACES & FACES Quarantine Edition

* email your submitted photos to By doing this, you grant the Natural Texan Magazine ownership and the rights to license and republish the photographs in any the issues. Submissions will be first- come-first- served basis.

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The Church Habit by Stephanie Welch


have been reading a lot of stories lately on the importance of taking your kids to church and why you should go even if you don’t feel like it etc. Reading those articles inspired me to share a little of my story and hope it is an encouragement to you.

I like to say I was born in church, not literally born there, but my parents had me sitting on the second pew as soon as they were able to take me out of the house. From a very young age, I have memories of many different scenarios at church from singing hymns, sitting next to my mom while she prayed at the altar, playing with my brother a little too loud and getting a gentle reminder to quiet down, to being carried out of church by my dad because I had fallen asleep during service, wanting to sing on the stage with my brother, but being too afraid. The list of memories as a young child could go on endlessly. As I grew older, I began to just have a knowing that it was a church day and we would be going to church. It was NEVER a question in my mind if we would be going to church that day or not! I remember my parents having families over for bible study while all of us kids played in my room. This type of gathering is what we would call a “cell group”, “small group” or “life group” today, except 2020 | | 17

what is a planned and organized event now, just

time, I was being taught by my parents that this

“happened” back in the day! Noone organized

is what we do! We come to church and give our all

such an event, they simply gathered up for food

to Jesus because of what He did for us. We go to

and fellowship and to study and share the word

grow stronger in God’s word so we can be strong


and help others. The “habit” of going to church taught me so much.

My teenage years became more of the same, no need to ask if we were going to church, we were.

I encourage you to not give up on taking your

This was normal for me and I never remember

kids to church. Don’t let the fact that they are

wishing I didn’t have to go. It was just a part of

little and sometimes noisy stop you from the

our life, and the older I became, the more I began

habit! You might have to slip out and sit in the

to grow and understand God’s word, I saw Him

nursery or the mothers room that many churches

work in people’s lives, I saw people get healed,

offer these days, you may have to carry them out

saw relationships get restored and the list goes

sleeping because service went a little long, but

on. I even saw church fights and disagreements

don’t let that stop you, don’t let the weekend

and even a church split it or two. But even in

events that can easily overtake your schedule

the dramatic and sometimes traumatic events

keep you from developing the habit of going to


A settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up that I saw in the church, I never saw “church” or

church! Like one man we know said “My gift

“God” in a negative light. I knew God wasn’t in

is just showing up!” Everyone can “show up”!

those things. I knew He did not approve, I knew

Church attendance does not save you, Jesus saves

He wanted better for His people. I knew this

you when you ask him, but church attendance

because Sunday after Sunday, Wednesday after

can give you all the tools you need for your future.

Wednesday, week after week, year after year, I

Make a habit of church attendance, show that

was in church! I may have played with my brother

consistency to your children. When it is a habit in

when mom had her eyes closed at the altar, or

your life, your kids will make it a habit in theirs.

snuck into the nursery to play with the babies

It is our job to lead our children to a place where

when I supposed to be going to the bathroom, I

they can make a decision for Christ. You may

may have fallen asleep (as a little kid, not a big

very well be the one who prays with your child

one lol) but in all that, my spirit was hearing

for salvation, but you may also be the person who

what my ears maybe weren’t, I was surrounded

faithfully gets them to a place that will stir up that

by the presence of God during prayer and worship

hunger for salvation and for the things of God.

2020 | | 18

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2020 | | 19

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2020 | | 21





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