Natural Texan Magazine - July/August 2019

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School Mommy Calling

Camp Huawni

A Family Tradition


July-August 2019 |



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CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Beth Brown, CNHP Katie Land Stephanie Welch

Nacogdoches Medical Center R&D Distributing, LTD Texas Glacier Ice To w n & C o u n t r y R e a l E s t a t e TR’s Steaks & More

W e c o u l d n’ t d o t h i s w i t h o u t y o u , Thank You! July-August 2019 | | 2

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July-August 2019 |



Table of

A Letter From the

CONTENTS Fea tures



EDITOR 4 years ago I was blessed with a vision to bring something that had never been in Shelby County before. The Natural Texan Magazine was released in August 2015 and was the very first local magazine for Shelby county. My vision was to bring stories that are hidden gems in this county, with business owners, and citizens that could share their stories that can forever be told. I have been honored and blessed with four amazing years in business. I want to thank each and every advertiser that makes this possible, every person that has allowed me to share their story with our community, anyone who has ever contributed an article, all of our followers, my amazing husband who believed in me and told me take a leap of faith and do what you’ve dreamed of, and Stephanie Snell for capturing all the fantastic photos. I am forever grateful and I look forward to many many more years to come. Happy Birthday Natural Texan Magazine!


L e t t e r F r o m the Editor


Camp Huawni





P l a c e s & F a c e s

Back to School

July-August 2019 |

Hugs and Kisses -

Mommy Calling

Baby Chest Rub | 4

July-August 2019 |



Camp Huawni in East Texas “A F a m i l y T r a d i t i o n”

A small Cherokee Indian tribe that at one time called the camp land their home was named “Huawni”


estled in the Pney Woods of East Texas, between Timpson and Center, is a co-educational summer camp that has been family-owned and operated since 1965. Camp Huawni is the dream-come-true of Earl and Retha Adams, two lifelong Texas educators who invested

their lives in the encouragement of youth. The summer camp they founded in 1965 where ‘kids could just be kids,’ is a tangible legacy of their Christian faith and their love for kids. Earl Adams grew up in New Prospect in Shelby County. His parents gave a portion of their land for New Prospect Church. The elder Adams’ house was behind the church. As an adult, “Daddy” Earl became an educator in Henderson – first teaching, then serving as a high school principal, and lastly, serving as Henderson ISD Superintendent for several years. His experience as an educator spilled over into wanting to give kids a place to have fun in a safe, relaxed place. So, he bought the 6o acres that now comprise the camp and proceeded to dig a pool and build cabins. When Daddy Earl retired, the operation of the camp passed to their sons, Pat and Mike Adams. Now the third generation, represented by CEO Travis Adams, owns and operates this special camp. July-August 2019 | | 6

July-August 2019 |



How did Camp Huawni get its unique name? A small Cherokee Indian tribe that at one time

8:20 am – Breakfast: Bacon and eggs, toast and fresh fruit

called the camp land their home was named

9:15 am – Cabin inspection

“Huawni.” Trekking through the Pineywoods

9:50 am – Activity #1 – Critter

past the Pinson Creek, one can see two original

10:40 am – Activity #2 Arts and Crafts

Huawni Indian ceremonial mounds.

11:20 am – Activity #3 – Canoes 12:20 pm – Lunch – Pizza and salad, dancing on

Camp Huawni is non-denominational, but it

the table

is based on Christian values and principles.

1:00 pm - Rest period, write home to mom

The mission of Camp Huawni is to LTK or love

2:10 pm – Activity #4 – Swim

the kids. LTK is agape love, where each child

3:10 pm – Break – lemonade and music

is accepted as he/she is. This love includes

3:40 pm – Activity #5 – Archery

using uplifting language, putting others first,

4:20 pm – Activity #6 – Obstacle course

embracing virtue, and encouraging friends.

5:30 pm – Dinner – Baked chicken & veggies

How is this love shared? It is a simple answer:

6:00 pm – After supper free time

sharing our time.

7:00 pm – Night activity – Cane pole fishing, S’mores, and Sing Song

Hiring goals for Camp Huawni aim to keep the counselor-to-camper ratio at 1:4, therefore,

9:30 pm – Cabin time and “midnight” snacks 10:15 pm – Lights Out!

the counselors can give campers undivided time and attention. Camp Huawni couselors

The cabins at Camp Huawni are open-air,

and directors work at giving away their time.

naturally cooled cabins. Sleeping is in spacious, double bunk beds, with a guard rail on the

Camp Huawni enrolls 130 campers in each

top bunk. Eight to 14 campers are assigned

of its summer sessions. For regular activity

to each cabin, and there are usually three to

days, campers are divided by age into small

five counselors that stay with campers in each

activity groups and are scheduled into three

cabin. The girls’ and boys’ cabins complex are

activity periods in the morning and three in

separated by Flagpole Hill with the girls’ camp

the afternoon, with campers participating in

on the South Campus and the boys’ camp on

a variety of activities. The daily schedule is a

the North Campus.

balanced combination of outdoor activities and sports events. The campers have fun at the

Counselors are held to a high standard. Every

critter, trolley, giant water slide, swimming

Huawni staff member must agree to three

pool, obstacle course, archery course, playing

things: 1. To be a role model by leading both

tennis, riding canoes, arts and crafts, frisbee,

at and away from camp; 2. To obey the law;

wiffle ball, dodgeball, ropes course, bikes,

and 3. To be teachable. Counselors are more

soccer, water balloon fight, slip and slide and

than willing to follow these rules, because

snow cones, to name a few.

their application process was so selective that only 28% of counselor applicants are hired for

An example of a typical day follows: 8:10 am – Flag raising – sing to all of camp and learn the action of the day

Camp Huawni. Travis says that, “We hold our counselors accountable to these expectations all year long, so that when you arrive at camp on opening day, you can be sure that your

July-August 2019 | | 8

July-August 2019 |



child’s counselor is truly some you’d want him/ her to grow up to be like.” Camp Huawni is steeped in tradition, taking campers away from tv and video games to playing outdoors as many of the older generation can remember. Campers have fun “doing” as they are outdoors, making new friends and learning to trust themselves. CEO Travis quotes from Clark Alrich’s book “Unschooling Rules.” He states: “There are 25 skills that are essential to learning – 16 of which campers get to practice at camp (i.e., adaptability, being a leader, communicating, practicing stewardship, solving problems innovatively).” Travis states that the focus at Camp Huawni is on the whole child. He says, “Our aim is for campers to grow physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. In achieving this, we are intentional about providing your child multiple opportunities throughout their time at camp to grow in each of these areas at their

PLACES & FACES 2019 Wa termelon Festival Center Play Day

own pace. “Although there’s structure and safety behind the scenes, our goal is for kids to feel like they’re never stuck to a schedule. This gives your child the space to connect with themselves and the freedom to connect with others.” Camp Huawni is about 3.5 hours from Dallas, and approximately 3 hours from the Houston area. From Austin, it takes about 5.5 hours to drive to camp and about 6.5 hours from San Antonio. Campers may fly into Gregg County airport (GGG) near Longview or Shreveport, Louisiana (SHV), which is only about 80 miles away. The camp address is 954 County Road (CR) 4235, Timpson, Texas 75974.

July-August 2019 | | 10

* email your submitted photos to By doing this, you grant the Natural Texan Magazine ownership and the rights to license and republish the photographs in any the issues. Submissions will be first- come-first- served basis.

July-August 2019 |




Submitted Photos - 2019 Wa termelon Festival

ygu 20 ea xn an J uJ u l yl AA uu gu s ts t2 0 1 91 9| | n n a ta ut u r ar la tl et x . n. n e te t| |1 21 2


Submitted Photos - 2019 Center Play Day

July-August 2019 | | 13

Back to School “Tips for Parents, Teachers, and Students”

“ Men make history and

by Beth Brown, CNHP

Essential Oils are good for anxiety and stress and work so quickly. We have a new line of essential oils in a little tin that slides open and is very cute and trendy and fun to use while actually really helping people feel better quickly. This is super easy to put in a pocket, backpack or purse. It is wonderful and pleasant to use a diffuser in your classroom to uplift the mood, focus attention, or calm them down for naptime, depending on which essential oil you choose to diffuse.


not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.”

~ Harry S. Truman

I have to mention that what we feed ourselves ime for a fresh new start! This is an exciting time of the year. The basics of good health

and our children can make a huge difference. I

include a quality multi-vitamin and an omega 3 supplement as well as a probiotic.

believe kids need some protein in the morning

Minerals are so important and most of us are deficient in them. Beyond that, we would

to get off to a good start. I don’t think kids

love to help you decide what is best on an individual basis depending on your concerns.

need much juice at all. Water or milk is a better choice. Juice is full of sugar and empty calories.

We have quite a few great choices to help with attention and focus. There is no need to put your child on a prescription of a controlled substance when beneficial and safe supplements are

Last, but not least, I want to mention hemp

available that can nourish your child instead of causing scary side effects. We even have a cream

and CBD products. People are giving us great

that will work wonders for adults and children both. A new product that I was so happy to find

testimonies after using our hemp products.

is Nordic Natural Omega Focus Junior for kids ages 6-18. I believe this is going to help so many

The main thing people use them for is pain,


anxiety, stress and sleep. We have quality brands that work. This is a new frontier that is

Of course, we want to keep our immune system working at full capacity so we don’t get sick.

opening to us so it is important to get products

Elderberry is great and of course vitamin C and probiotics as well as the essential oils such as

from reputable companies, products that really


work. We can help you because we have done the research and have the feedback. Special

A big concern for many is anxiety. We have several great supplements that are safe and effective.

needs children can also benefit from these

No need for a child to dread school. Sometimes we just need a little extra help and that’s

products. We have tinctures (liquids), capsules,

okay. Anxiocalm is a best seller and safe for kids. We even have a delicious little lozenge with

gummies, lozenges, roll-ons, salves, and

passionflower in it that is like a little candy that helps with stress. I have quite a few teacher

creams. Come see us soon and we will help you

customers who love these for themselves!

with your specific needs.

July-August 2019 | | 14

Painting by David Masterson

July-August 2019 |






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July-August 2019 |



Mommy Calling “Pray, Praise, Prioritize” by Stephanie Welch

There are so many more important things in life than “getting it all right”


t the beginning of each new school year, I found myself making plans to be a better mom, be more organized, more structured at home, etc. The BIGGEST lie I told myself this time of year was that my girls were going to get a home cooked breakfast EVERY morning before school

(insert Laughing Emojis here!). What started out as a well meaning attempt at provide that “home cooked meal” each morning, actually very quickly turned into “First day of school breakfast” and “TAKS test breakfast”. I would then begin to feel like a terrible mom. I just wanted to “get it right” with my girls. Then one day I heard my oldest daughter ask “What’s for TAKS breakfast tomorrow?” I realized in that moment that I was not failing my girls, but instead I was creating a tradition and memories that they would remember for years to come. Who knows, maybe they will carry on this tradition with their children one day. There are so many more important things in life than “getting it all right”! So, if you find yourself trying to do it ALL for your kids but feel like you keep coming up short, remember these three words: Pray, Praise, Prioritize. Pray and ask God for wisdom, Praise Him for all that He has done in you, and prioritize what is most important. July-August 2019 | | 18

July-August 2019 |



Moms, you are not called to do it ALL! You are called to be the best YOU that you can be for your spouse, your kids, your job, your family and your church.

Release yourself from the idea that you have to do it ALL! You Don’t!! There will be days or even weeks that you may get it all done, on those days and weeks, be thankful! But DO NOT belittle yourself on the days and weeks that you do not get it all right! Clothes, cleaning and home cooked meals can all wait (that’s what restaurants are for!) What CANNOT wait is the peace, love and security that mom brings to the home! You must be at your best to give your best. I find my best when I spend time with the Lord. If you have a hard time finding the time to pray, begin to utilize

Baby/ Child Cough Buster Recipe:

your shower or bath time, those few minutes in the car before you drop your kids off to school

Roller bottle

or daycare, pray while you are cooking or even

Olive oil

while you are folding the laundry! Use these

5 drops lavender essential oils

moments to fill your soul with Godly thoughts,

5 drops lemon essential oils

songs of praise and thanksgiving, and watch

3 drops copabia essential oils

God fill you and your home with Joy, peace and

3 drops frankincense essential oils

thanksgiving! He will help you be the mom that He called you to be! Keeping yourself

I’ve been using essential oils for 6 years now.

built up spiritually will bring love, peace and

When other medicine has not worked for me

perspective to your life each day!

I use essential oils to get the job done.Young living is the essential oil brand I use. It’s the

July-August 2019 |

Jude 1:20-21: But ye beloved, building up yourselves

only one I trust to put on my baby. You can

on your most holy faith, praying in the Spirit, keep

buy youngloving at member

yourselves in the love of God.

#2078556 | 20

July-August 2019 |



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Robert Griffin David Griffin 936-590-0537 936-590-0539 NOTE: This is your proof for Natural Texan - Life in the Pines Magazine. If any changes are necessary please contact us immediately.

If no approval response is given after 7 days of verified delivery your artwork will print as-is. P.O. Box 1507 Center, Texas 75935

July-August 2019 |



The best thing about winning awards is that we win them by helping you. A COMMUNITY BUILT ON ACHIEVEMENT At Nacogdoches Medical Center, we always feel that there’s more to care than medicine. There’s compassion. Attentiveness. And a healthy dose of kindness. Which is why when it comes to your care, all of us are here to treat you and your family well. Thank you for again voting Nacogdoches Medical Center “The Best of Nac” in the following categories: Best Hospital Best Emergency Room Best Place to Have a Baby Best Outpatient Therapy Best Nurse and Best Pharmacist

To learn more or schedule an appointment, please call (833) 222-9068 or visit July-August 2019 | | 24

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