for Days
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Boles Feed Co., Inc. Borders Poultry Supply, Inc. Covington Lumber & Construction Co. Dazzle Me Doches Credit Union Edward Jones
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table of
CONTENTS features
l e t t e r f r o m the editor
daylilies for days
a labor of love
p l a c e s & f a c e s
March 2019 |
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20 questions
easy gardening | 4
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a letter from the
pring - the time of year where everything is new. I may or may not have watched Disney’s “Bambi” too many times in my childhood and with my girls.
For this issue’s cover I decided that the Lily Farm that has been in Shelby County area for years, was no better place to use for the season on the cover. I mean it’s a little bit of heaven on earth. I was inspired by all the changes and colors that spring time brings. You will find the Shelby County Cookers who spend lots of their time to make Shelby County amazing with tasty food. Also, throughout the pages you will find tips from Dr. Jheri Lynn McSwain on spring gardens. Jeff and Ashley Dean have a local heart-felt story of high school sweethearts. In closing, I want to thank Stephanie Snell for making my visions come to LIFE through these pages, and it’s never anything less than perfect. Always remember, “To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the Heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8) ~ Live life in full bloom ~ xo,
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Daylilies for Days “Lily Farm Flou rishes After 34 Years in Business”
he Lily Farm, located 12 miles west of Center on State Highway 7 West, is a Shelby County institution. Started 34 years ago by Jack Carpenter, a Center ISD teacher, it originally had 14 daylilies. Jack’s nephew, Mark Carpenter, bought
The Lily Farm from his uncle 10 years ago, and its growth has been phenomenal. Jack Carpenter was world-acclaimed for his daylilies. “He was a hybridizer,” Mark said. “Not exaggerating, he would be one of the ten most-famous in the world. He did, and we do, create our own plants. We have varieties that you won’t see anywhere else. We don’t wholesale our plants; we want people to continue to come and enjoy the farm in person. “We now have over 50,000 daylily plants and are one of the largest daylily farms from here to Florida,” Mark Carpenter stated. “We have an online site,, and March 2019 |
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“We now have over 50,000 daylily plants and are one of the largest daylily farms from here to Florida�
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we sell daylilies from our online catalog. The peak bloom time for daylilies is from Mother’s Day through Father’s Day, and we welcome people to tour the farm and tag their blooms.” The Lily Farm has expanded beyond just daylilies. The Carpenters carry over 100 varieties of roses, shrubs, hanging baskets, and full-size trees, as well. “The nursery part of the business has brought a lot of people here that had not been here before,” Carpenter said. “This year, we added concrete fountains, pottery, and windmills. We’re trying to carry things that people can’t get elsewhere.” Mark Carpenter worked for H-E-B and Procter and Gamble for almost 30 years before he took on The Lily Farm full time. “I worked in marketing, so when I go to a trade show, I look for things that people might like. We have the bagged soils, really, we have a little of everything. We have people who come from all over – Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, and other states. We get two or three buses a year, and this is good, because they come here and are helping the local economy by staying at hotels, eating at our restaurants, and visiting other local businesses.” Mark said that they try to do local events. “This year for Mother’s Day, we’re going to give a portion of our sales that day to the Meals on Wheels program. Our local County Extension Agent, Jheri-Lynn McSwain, is going to head that program up. She’s going to have an information March 2019 |
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booth at our annual Mother’s Day Breakfast at the nursery. “But the Saturday before Mother’s Day, my mom comes in from New Braunfels and spends the whole day cooking breakfast food. We’ll have orange juice, free coffee. It will be from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, the Saturday before Mother’s Day. The last two years, the cars have been lined up outside the gates. This year for everyone who brings their mom, or anyone who buys anything, we give a daylily to.” In the fall, the Carpenters sell mums as a fundraiser for local organizations. “We sell a lot of those mums for almost no profit, because we want the churches to make a profit,” Mark shared. “It’s really important that we do community-based things – not just a business.” Besides the website,, the Carpenters maintain a Facebook page, The Lily Farm Nursery, where they post photos of plants and Mark answers questions that followers post. “I answer every question that our customers post,” Mark shared. Mark’s wife, Jill, is her husband’s partner on The Lily Farm, too. Winter is the “offseason.” The Carpenters spruce up their property and do any traveling during this season. The general nursery usually opens about March 1. Nursery hours are Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The nursery is closed on Sunday.
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A Labor of Love
ould you work with your spouse? Could you own a business with them? Well, for Jeff and Ashley Dean of Joaquin, that is a normal day for them. As of December 1, 2014, they became the proud owners of Cornerstone Construction in Joaquin.
Jeff and Ashley have a pretty awesome and interesting story to tell. Being high school sweethearts for some couples may or may not turn out to be their fairy tale life, but it is working for the Deans. When Jeff was asked what drew him to Ashley, he stated. “I was always a little shy, but she was so outgoing, and I loved that.” Jeff, being from Joaquin and having family land and roots here, didn’t want to leave. Ashley, also from Joaquin, knew she wanted to experience more than just the small town. So, as they both started on their separate paths (life after high school), Jeff attended Stephen F. Austin in Nacogdoches to major in forestry. Ashley went to play softball in Oklahoma and got a degree in teaching. After both going off to college and going their separate ways, they seemed to find their way back to each other, and they got married in June of 2002.
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In 2008 Georgia Pacific closed down the mill that Jeff was working for. 2014 was the year of change for the family. Jeff and Ashley have a 13 year-old son named Dylan, and a 7 year-old daughter named Alaina - your typical all- American type family, as some sources call it. Ashley taught 12 years and coached 5 years at Joaquin ISD. Ashley got burned out of teaching and wanted to be able to spend more time with her children. As most of us can relate, our babies come first. She started her Southern Heritage Designs and is helping her husband run their business.
“Being married isn’t always easy, especially once children get involved, but as the Deans say, you have to work through the bad times, because the good outweigh them.” Jeff and Ashley spend their spare time enjoying the activities that their children are involved in. Cross country and rodeo take up most of their time. Being married isn’t always easy, especially once children get involved, but as the Deans say, you have to work through the bad times, because the good outweigh them. I asked them for some advice tips they would leave for the millennial generation? Here were their responses that we will leave you with: “1. Don’t change who you are just to fit the other person; 2. communication is a big key ingredient to success; and 3. Having fun and being friends is very important.” March 2019 |
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PLACES & FACES 2019 princess ball and health fair
* email your submitted photos to By doing this, you grant the Natural Texan Magazine ownership and the rights to license and republish the photographs in any the issues. Submissions will be first- come-first- served basis.
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submitted photos - 2019 princess ball, health fair and butterfly release
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submitted photos - 2019 princess ball, health fair and butterfly release
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20 Questions “ G e t t i n g t o K n o w D e b b r a Jo h n s o n”
Debbra has been with the District Attorney’s office for 18 years and has worked 28 years in the field. She is married to Glenn Johnson and lives in Center, Texas.
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1 What is your favorite color? 2 What would you tell your 18 year old self? 3 What’s your favorite resturant? 4 Are you coffee, tea or neither? 5 What is your favorite chick flick? 6 What is your favorite movie? 7 What is your favorite Bible verse? 8 If you could be an animal in the world what would you be?
9 Whats your favorite book? 10 What is your favorite midnight snack? 11 What is your nick name? 12 What is your favorite past time activity? 13 Are you a walker or runner? 14 If you could have dinner with two people (dead or alive) who would it be?
15 What are your favorite words of wisdom? 16 What’s your favortie season? 17 Favorite song? 18 Favorite vacation spot? 19 Whats your bedtime? 20 What makes you laugh the most?
Yellow Go to college and get an education Posados Coffee Jumping the Broom Django unchained John 3:16
Puppy The Ring by Danielle Steele Pork Skins Princess Watching old westerns movies Definitely a speed walker
My husband Glenn and my sister Janice Do not take anything for granted. Life is precious and shorter than we realize, so live each day as if Jesus was returning today! God, family and friends! Summer Unchained Melody Crystal Beach 9:00 pm Talking with my Sister, Janice McKnight
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o amount of skillful invention can replace the essential element of imagination.”
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Easy Gardening
good plan is the first step in establishing a flourishing home vegetable garden. Planning includes selecting the garden location; deciding on the size of the garden; determining the types and varieties of vegetables to plant; and planning where,
when, and how much of each vegetable to plant in the garden.
Site S e l e c tio n Choose a place where the soil is loose, rich, level, and well-drained. Do not choose low areas where water stands or the soil stays wet. Vegetables will not grow in poorly drained areas. Do not plant where weeds do not grow; vegetables will not grow well there either. Vegetables need sunlight to grow well. Do not plant where buildings, trees or shrubs will shade the garden. Most vegetables need at least 6 hours of sunlight daily. Do not plant vegetables under the branches of large trees or near shrubs because they rob vegetables of food and water. Plant the garden near a water supply if possible. In many areas a garden can grow without March 2019 |
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watering, but it is more likely to be
If you want to plant ten rows of vegetables,
successful if it is irrigated. Water is needed
the garden must be 30 feet wide.
especially during long dry periods or when planting seeds.
D e c i d i n g Wh a t t o G row
Few people have the perfect garden
What to grow in the garden is as big a
location, so look for the best spot possible.
decision as where to locate it. Consider the following points in selecting vegetables:
Ga rde n Siz e Making the garden too large is one of the most common mistakes of enthusiastic,
Space available. Do not plant watermelons in a small garden. They
take up too much room. Other vine crops
first-time gardeners. A garden that is too
such as cucumbers and cantaloupes can be
large will be too much work. When
grown in small gardens by trellising them
determining the size of your garden,
on a fence some other structure.
consider these factors:
Available room. For apartment dwellers, the garden may be a planter
Expected production from the crop. The smaller the garden, the more
important it is to get high production from
box. In a suburban or rural area, however,
each row. Small, fast-maturing crops such
there may be plenty of ground space for a
as radishes, turnips and beets yield quickly
and do not require much space. Tomatoes,
bush beans, squash and peppers require Available time. If the only time you have for gardening is after work or
school, or on weekends, there may not be enough time to care for a large garden. Family size. If gardening is a family
more space but produce over a long season.
Cost of vegetables if purchased. Plant vegetables that are expensive to buy
at the grocery store. Broccoli is usually one
activity, a large space can be cared for.
of the more expensive vegetables that can
A larger family also can use more
be grown in most home gardens.
Reason for gardening. If the garden is purely a recreational activity, a
Food value of vegetables. All vegetables are good, but some are more
nutritious than others. Grow different
container or flower bed garden may be big
kinds of vegetables to put more variety in
enough. If you want to grow vegetables for
your diet.
canning or freezing, a bigger area is needed.
Types of vegetables to be grown. Some vegetables take a lot of room. Most
need at least 3 feet of space between rows.
Personal preference. This is especially important if the garden is purely for
recreation or personal enjoyment. Grow vegetables your family likes to eat.
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Loc a tio n o f V e g e ta b l e s in the G a r d e n Arrange vegetables in a way that makes the most efficient use of space and light.
Figure 3. A garden planting guide.
Group tall vegetables such as okra, corn and tomatoes together on the north side
Ti mi n g o f P l a n t i n g
of the garden where they won’t shade shorter vegetables such as bush beans.
Vegetables are divided into two general
Also, group vegetables according to
groups—warm season and cool season.
maturity. This makes it easier to replant
Cool-season crops can stand lower
after removing an early crop such as
temperatures; plant them before the soil
lettuce or beets (Fig. 2).
warms in the spring. They also can be planted in late summer to harvest after the first frost in the fall. Warm-season crops cannot tolerate frost and will not grow when the soil
Figure 2. Plant tall vegetables where they won’t shade shorter plants.
Plant small, fast-maturing vegetables between larger ones. Plant vine crops near
temperature is cool. Plant them after the last frost in the spring and early enough to mature before frost in the fall.
T e mpe r a t ur e Cl a s s i f i cat i o n o f S o me V e g e t a b l e s
a fence or trellis if possible. Make a drawing on paper to show the location and spacing of vegetables in the garden (Fig. 3.)
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H ow M uc h to P l a n t Some vegetables produce more than others so fewer plants will be needed. The amount to plant depends on family size, expected production, and whether or not you plan to do any freezing or canning. Do not plant too much. Over-planting is wasteful and takes too much work.
Amou n t to P l a n t p e r P e r s o n
Acknowledgments: The original version of this publication was authored by Sam Cotner and B. Dean McCraw. March 2019 |
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