Natural Awakenings is a network of natural lifestyle magazine publishers empowering local communities with knowledge, resources and connections to lead healthier lives on a healthy planet.

Natural Awakenings is a network of natural lifestyle magazine publishers empowering local communities with knowledge, resources and connections to lead healthier lives on a healthy planet.
To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 520-760-2378 or email: Holly@NaturalTucson.com.
Deadline for ads: the 10th of the month.
Email articles, news items and ideas to: Holly@NaturalTucson com.
Deadline for editorial: the 10th of the month.
All calendar events must be submitted online at NaturalTucson.com/events/news by the 10th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. No phone calls or faxes, please.
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Publisher Holly Baker
Editor Michelle Bense
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Circulation Amy Hass
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Natural Awakenings Publishing Corporation
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© 2023 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing.
Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business.
We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Check with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate use of any treatment.
HelloTucson! Welcome to our largest edition of Natural Awakenings each year—the 2023 Natural Living Directory. These pages are absolutely packed full of practitioners, businesses and professionals who are here in the Tucson area and beyond—all ready to help you in the next steps of your wellness journey.
Starting on page 10, the 2023 Health & Wellness Guide features profiles and spotlights to help you get to know the Tucson wellness community better. You’ll also find an expansive Community Resource Guide, with plenty of new faces alongside many familiar favorites who have been working with our readers for years.
Speaking of familiar faces, the bright smile you may recognize on our back cover is Dr. Elahe Wissinger, of E Dental Solutions. Get to know this spa-like dentistry practice in the Community Spotlight on page 38.
This edition also serves to focus on healthy eating, which is ideal to have handy in this issue that readers keep for the whole year. Choosing to eat healthier options is relevant every day. We don’t have to be perfect, but I’m sure we can all do better than we have been. On page 44, “Veggies for the Win” highlights reasons to live a plantbased lifestyle. Then, on page 50, we focus on ways to improve kidney health using diet.
But we didn’t forget the animals! Page 58 contains some great, natural remedies for common problems our pets may experience. Again, this is a great resource to keep at home so that you are ever prepared for every member of the household.
Thank you so much to the local community members who participated in this issue of Natural Awakenings, and to each one of our readers, who are the reason we are all here.
Cheers to your ongoing natural living journey,
Brian Johnson is the founder and CEO of Senergy360, dedicated to creating new standards of modern living by designing and building holistic homes of the future, today.
In 2020, Brian built and designed the world’s first Optimized Living Home in Tucson, Arizona. It is a model home that applies the best and newest science to create optimized living environments, and it serves as an educational model for other builders to adopt more sustainable solutions for their clients. Tours are available by request.
There’s no project too big or too small. We use the latest technologies to build sustainably green and safe homes, retreats, wellness centers, offices, tiny homes,and modular building structures.
Check out and post “What’s New”. Be Inspired, find opportunities, upcoming events & more
& join 200+ RWH Topic Communities. Power Search centralized local & global knowledge & resources
Your way from thought leaders and experts (curated articles, online webcasts, courses, live events
With your best matched, screened providers and organizations, plus like-minded members
With top doctors & experts in live video Q&A. Plus get members-only discounts on their programs
Access to a vast growing catalog of courses. Plus, curate your own library to track your progress
On top provider and expert services, healing programs, training, courses & products
Top In-Hub thought leaders and missionaligned partner communities with exclusive benefits
Page 11
• Wendy M Becker
Page 12
• Lisa Smith
Page 13
• Deb Beroset
• Danielle L Dvorak
Page 14
• Lance J Morris
Page 15
• Lisa Holliday
Page 16
• Joshua Reilly
Page 28
• COIL Center of Integrated Living
• Eckankar
Page 29
• Jessica Korff Studios
• Very Special Alternatives
Page 30
• A Lasting Touch Salon
• Atlas Life Coach
• Bruno Groening Circle of Friends
Page 31
• Get It Straight Orthodontics & Family Dentistry
• Colibri Holistic Coaching
Page 32
• Senergy360
• Journey to Healing
Page 33
• Deb Anderson Coaching
• Holistic Mind Body Life Coaching
• Via de Dios
Page 34
• Soulistic Healing Center
• TRU47
Page 35
• Transformational Coaching
Page 17
Advanced Frequency Wellness
Aesthetics and Medspa • Alternative Healing
Page 18
Animal Services • Aqua Therapy
Art & Dance • Astrology • Bodywork
Brain Health • Building Biology
Page 19
Catering • Center for Spiritual Growth
Ceremony/Events • Chiropractic Classes • Cleaning Services
Coaching, Counseling & Guidance
Page 20
Coaching, Counseling & Guidance
Colon Hydrotherapy • Computer Services
Creative Muse • Dentistry
Page 21
Detoxification • Electromagnetic Wellness
EMF Protection
Emotional Freedom Technique
Energy Medicine • Energy Work
Environmentally Safe Homes
Essential Oils/Aromatherapy
Page 22
Garden Therapy • Green Living
Grounding Health & Wellness
Healthy Home • Holistic Health
Page 23
Hydration • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Hypnosis • Insurance • Invisalign
Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy
Lympathic Drainage • Massage
Page 24
Massage • Medical Intuitive
Medicare Support
Medical Thermography • Meditation
Mindful Living • Naturopathic Medicine
Non-Toxic Living
Page 25
Office Space • Orthodontics
Permanent Jewelry & Makeup
Personal Growth & Development
Photography • Plant-Based
Psychedelic Integration • Reiki
Restaurants • Retirement Planning
Page 26
Retreats • Sales Training • Shamanism
Skin Care • Sound Therapy
Spiritual Counseling • Spiritual Teachings
Page 27
Spiritual Teachings
Technology Recycling Therapeutic Writing
TMJ Therapy • Traditional Chinese Medicine
Water Filtration • Wellness Center
Wellness Wear • Yoga
Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash520-495-8515 • HealWithWendy@gmail.com AxisVitality.com
Summary/services offered: Specialized services in NeuroAcupuncture and Quantum Alignment Technique offer unique efficacy for surprising results.
What drew you to this profession?
I was not drawn to this profession initially, as it did not exist at the time as it does now. My journey with this work has been an educational evolutionary process over the years. I am fortunate for the guidance of outstanding teachers and patients who have provided me amazing insights that keep me passionately inspired for what I do.
How does your work differ from others in your profession?
I am the only acupuncturist I know who uses these cuttingedge techniques together: Neuro-Acupuncture, Quantum Alignment Technique, Neural Reset and movement re-education therapies for consistent pain relief and optimized neurological functions.
What should someone expect from working with you?
Collaborative attentiveness to your concerns. We will have fun co-creating a renewed positive space for your entire well-being.
What changes do you plan in 2023?
Be on the lookout for a new website design and more hours of availability.
What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know?
I am your present, centered witness who delights in seeing you achieve your goals. For more than 35 years, I have been tirelessly curious, studying body-mind-spirit relationships to nurture and helping people return to harmonious, painfree living from three to five treatments. What I see as “holographically intuitive” is grounded in what I neutrally observe. Improvements in postural and neurological form and function connect the dots of identifiable patterns to restore and remove blocks to wellness.
The following practitioners and businesses are ready to help you achieve your health and wellness goals in 2023.
Summary/services offered:
Tucson’s homes, schools and offices are being increasingly exposed to unsafe levels of microwave radiation from Wi-Fi routers, “smart” devices and the 5G cell towers being rapidly installed across town. To protect and support you and your family’s health, EMF Wellness Tucson provides professional assessments and mitigation recommendations for microwave (wireless) radiation and three other common types of electromagnetic fields (EMFs): electric fields, magnetic fields and dirty electricity.
What drew you to this profession?
A few years back, two close family members became inexplicably sick with no cure in sight—even after visiting numerous conventional and alternative health practitioners. One (a child) recovered a few months after we determined and removed the cause: sitting next to a Wi-Fi router while using an iPad several hours a day. Unfortunately, the other (an elderly person) died after much suffering before we figured out what the problem was: living in a small home surrounded by electronic devices constantly emitting highly toxic microwave radiation. These personal experiences motivated me to learn more about EMF science, get advanced professional training at the Building Biology Institute and start EMF Wellness Tucson.
How does your work differ from others in your profession?
I conduct assessments using the most advanced, state-of-the-art professional meters and strive to provide mitigation recommendations that meet you where you are regarding your use of modern technologies. I am particularly devoted to keeping children’s learning, play and sleep areas EMF safe, and I consider your pets to be important members of the family too!
What should someone expect from working with you?
You should expect me to educate you about EMFs, give you the best of my professional skills to uncover any unsafe EMFs, and lay out your options for mitigation at the least possible cost to you. I give you tips and tools to maintain a safe environment on your own, so you don’t need me anymore.
What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know?
Solid, peer-reviewed science (more than for tobacco and asbestos) shows that overexposure to these EMFs puts stress on our bodies at the cellular level, leading to uncomfortable symptoms (for example, headaches, skin rashes, sleep disruption, ear ringing) and increasing our risk of many diseases, ranging from cancers and depression to Parkinson’s. It is very important to understand what EMFs are and ensure that our living and working environments—and the learning environments of our children and youth—are EMF safe.
Certified Tibetan Sound Practitioner
847-323-9188 • Replevyn.com
Summary/services offered:
Danielle Dvorak is trained and certified in Tibetan Sound Healing, aromatherapy, as a Death Doula, yoga teacher, spiritual coach and Reiki Master Teacher. She is also in training for certification as a Medical Intuitive (CMIP) through The Practical Path in Tujunga, CA. She has been a part-time faculty member of the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine’s IMER program for the last four years, teaching allopathic practitioners about sound and the human biofield.
What drew you to this profession?
Actively pursuing spiritual studies since her teens, Dvorak has dedicated herself to a rigorous spiritual path for approximately the last 40 years. This background of studying spiritual teachings, combined with her own personal work of delving into shadow through psychotherapy, shamanic work and more, has created a consciousness that is expansive and able to tap into other dimensions at will.
What should someone expect from working with you?
A typical Medical Intuitive reading will start with scanning of the entire physical body, followed by focusing in on areas that are of concern. After delving into the physical level, Dvorak will then move on to looking at emotional, mental and spiritual energies related to physical body challenges. Many of us are blocked from achieving better health by unconscious belief systems, life events, karmic decisions and life lessons that are brought to awareness in this process. Once awareness is gained, many clients are then able to release whatever has been holding them back from healing and achieving happier, overall healthier lives.
What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know?
Medical Intuition is not a substitute for working with licensed medical professionals, such as an MD, naturopathic doctor or mental health specialist. It works in combination with these other professionals, often helping to put the puzzle pieces of one’s medical challenges together to achieve a better picture and treatment plan. In this manner, Medical Intuition can often save time and be cost-effective, offering pertinent information and helping to hone a focused approach to care options. See ad, page 47.
Summary/services offered:
I’m a creative muse, coach, shaman, spirit guide and mentor of delight who specializes in supporting women in journeying to the center of what they truly want, putting their dreams in motion, and living full-tilt-boogie lives. Services include mini workshops, a curriculum of group programs, private coaching and mentoring, and an online community, Club Moxie, designed for soulful women who want to connect with their magic and each other.
What drew you to this profession?
I’ve been involved in different forms of transformational work my entire adult life. I think we are here to grow, evolve and love our experience here on earth. Moxie represents a combination of my strengths and passions, and to be able to provide women with reliable, effective ways to move toward what makes them come alive gives me tremendous joy.
How does your work differ from others in your profession? There’s an element of magic. I engage people’s imaginations in new ways, I spark their creativity, I create experiences, and I help them elevate their energy, tap into their own innate wisdom and get their passions expressed in life. And how we go on that journey involves some mystical, artistical, magical means. Ultimately, it’s all about unleashing your magic—that unique spark and song within each person.
What should someone expect from working with you?
The energetic signature of all Moxie’s offerings: joyful, emboldening and fun. Whether you’re taking part in a workshop, a group program, one-on-one work or Club Moxie, you can expect the experience will leave you with elevated energy, some fresh perspective and excitement, the courage to take new steps and enjoyment of the process. You’ll get acquainted with yourself on a whole new level, learn to honor your desires and become a woman who makes cool things happen in her life.
What changes do you plan in 2023?
This year Moxie is expanding our offerings to include retreats. What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know?
This is not therapy, nor is it a good fit for those who are attached to a victim mentality. We bring wonder and rigor together. If you’re willing to explore and discover new ways of thinking, being and living, you’ll love it. See ad, page 40.
2310 N Wyatt Dr, Tucson
Summary/services offered:
Clinical nutrition, herbal medicine, metabolic IV therapies, Oriental medicine, acupuncture, structural adjustments, detoxification programs, physical medicine, minor surgery, pediatric medicine, natural gynecology, integrative cancer therapy, counseling and stress management, prolotherapy, mesotherapy, platelet rich plasma (PRP), chelation, resonant sound therapy, massage therapy and homeopathy.
What drew you to this profession?
Natural Awakenings is a monthly publication for our community to pick up free of charge, made possible by the ongoing support of the advertisers you see within the pages of this magazine. If you enjoy the content provided within this publication, please support the advertisers who make this free magazine possible.
My personal story is one of chronic childhood bronchitis that was poorly treated by regular drug focused medicine. They were sometimes very effective in blocking symptoms but had no real answer about why I had bronchitis or how to resolve it. I was set up at an early age to seek out and find my own answers for my health. This led me to Naturopathic Medicine. In my ongoing personal health challenge, the most significant discovery I made was my allergy to dairy, the dominant contributing cause of my lifelong respiratory distress. Later in Naturopathic Medical school I learned that dairy is the number one food allergen and that virtually any symptom, associated with any condition, can either be caused, aggravated or mimicked by a food allergy or sensitivity.
How does your work differ from others in your profession?
Over the decades that I have been practicing Naturopathic Medicine, I have developed a powerful and effective tool set for treating any health issues, using clinical nutrition, botanical medicines, homeopathy, physical medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine/ acupuncture, IV therapies and a variety of other modalities.
Besides unique injection protocols and medicines, what really makes my practice different is my intuitive acumen derived from and applied through my bio-energetic healing modality, resonant sound therapy (RST). This is a therapy to unwind fascial torquing, to unblock the flow of Chi, to create a state of energy equilibrium. In this state, any and all healing is possible.
What should someone expect from working with you?
A personal, caring and unique treatment program for your healing journey.
What changes do you plan in 2023?
Always staying current on cutting-edge natural therapies.
What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know?
Expect life changing outcomes. See ad, page 42.
Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on UnsplashTHE CORNERSTONE OF OUR COMMUNITY.
Summary/services offered: Medical Thermography
What drew you to this profession?
I had a mammogram that produced a false positive, which created a lot of anxiety, and the reason for my first thermogram. Lab reports from my integrative doctor reported high inflammation within my body, but did not show me where the inflammation was. The thermogram allowed my doctor and myself to see where the inflammation was. My doctor was able to guide me with lifestyle changes and supplements that have produced significant improvements in my lab tests, and now we can monitor and see the progress with follow-up thermograms.
How does your work differ from others in your profession?
Inflammation Imaging of Tucson utilizes the most current leading-edge technology and best medical FDA registered infrared 640 x 480 camera in the world—over 340,000 pixels. There are only a handful of these cameras for medical use in the world. Patented TotalVision software provides accurate and consistent thermal images, and an electronic imaging stand and privacy screen allows complete privacy for the client.
What should someone expect from working with you?
We have partnered with Physicians Insight Clinical Interpretation, a group of board-certified MDs who specialize in thermogram interpretation, and assign risk values and evaluate areas of concern for thermal images. Your thermal image report and interpretations will be securely emailed to you and your practitioner.
What changes do you plan in 2023?
Inflammation Imaging of Tucson has collaborated and is sharing office space with Naturopath/Integrative Dr. Joshua Reilly, NMD at Wild Wellness, located at 7790 N. Oracle Rd., Ste. 120, Oro Valley.
What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know?
Medical Thermography is a “preventative” and proactive roadmap to monitor your health safely and a holistic approach for health discovery that may be able to reveal critical physiological changes within the “whole” body and see “dysfunctional” asymmetry blood flow patterns long before they can progress and form into a structure within the body. Thermography can possibly see where the root cause is emanating from, and monitor early patterns and areas of carotid arteries and heart health, immune function, dental infections, hormone and breast imbalances, thyroid issues, neuropathy, blood sugar irregularities, sinus issues, food allergies, digestive issues, arthritis, spinal and gait irregularities, and locating areas of pain. See ad, page 9.
This magical, marvelous food on our plate, this sustenance we absorb, has a story to tell. It has a journey. It leaves a footprint. It leaves a legacy. To eat with reckless abandon, without conscience, without knowledge; folks, this ain’t normal.
– Joel Salatin
7790 N Oracle Rd, Ste 120, Oro Valley 520-600-0211
Summary/services offered:
Dr. Joshua Reilly, NMD owns Wild Wellness Integrative Medicine, where “Every Clinic is a Blue Zone”. He sees and accepts patients of all ages and uses Natural and Integrative Medicine to prevent and reverse disease with a focus on lifespan (reversing aging) medicine.
How does your work differ from others in your profession?
Dr. Reilly utilizes both traditional cultural practices and modern medical advances to prevent disease through weight optimization, exercise, nutrition and emphasizing happiness through self-awareness for all patients. When you feel healthy, you are healthy.
What should someone expect from working with you?
Dr. Reilly supports the idea that aging is mainly due to the progressive appearance of hormone deficiencies driven by nutritional deficiencies and a poor lifestyle. By applying nutrition and lifestyle practices gleaned from the “Blue Zones” of the world, and by correcting nutrient deficiencies, hormone deficiencies and other important environmental factors, he has significantly reduced pain caused by the chronic diseases of age and has achieved great success with his naturopathic medical therapies—often beyond patients’ expectations.
What changes do you plan in 2023?
For select patients, in 2023, Dr. Reilly is offering a cutting-edge weight optimizing plan using both natural micronutrients as well as bio-identical hormones and insulin secretagogues like Semaglutide. Also, new and exciting in 2023 is his natural anti-aging protocol, which takes his diet and lifestyle plan to a new level. He intends to share this advanced protocol with patients who qualify and who truly wish to live longer, live happier and live more pain-free lives—possibly into their 100s.
What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know?
Dr. Reilly can, and does, function as a Primary Care provider for many of his patients and their families, and Wild Wellness offers lifestyle plans that fit all needs. He stresses that healthy living can be extended, and physiologic age possibly reversed, by combining traditional medicine with modern science. Having consistent regular medical check-ups is essential. Schedule a free consultation and learn more about what Dr. Reilly can do to help you lead a longer, healthier and happier life. Wild Wellness Naturopathic and Integrative medicine is accepting new patients. Medical Marijuana Certifications are also available for qualifying patients. See ad, page 9.
Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on UnsplashPAMPERED SKIN & SOUL STUDIO
Suzanne Pear, RN PhD LE CQH
5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, 85712
If you believe less is more, Dr. Suzie (PhD in Epidemiology) is the Nurse-Aesthetician for you. She provides customized nature-based, holistic skin rejuvenation therapies for all skin types, ethnicities and sensitivities while educating you about your skin concerns and care. See ad, page 45.
Elisabeth Heneage, MBA, ND 520-250-3871
This comprehensive resource guide includes community leaders in natural health, green living and personal empowerment. No matter what your vision or mission is for this year, we are certain you will find someone or something in the following pages that inspires and supports your efforts to become healthier and happier.
Axis Vitality, PLLC Neuro Solutions for Quantum Healing
3861 N 1st Ave, 85719
Wendy specializes in Five-Element, Neuro, SportsTrigger Point, Japanese and Esoteric forms of acupuncture combined with Quantum Alignment Technique. If you are new to acupuncture, you will be supported in your experience of acupuncture point sensations with single use disposable sterile needles and/or Quantum devices.
Marana: L Spa Therapeutic Massage & Skincare
Midtown Tucson: VG Beauty Lounge
Relieve pain and regain your vitality with custom frequencies combined with gentle microcurrent. Real-time analysis so you get the exact frequencies you need. You CAN take charge of your health—physical or emotional. In-person sessions, distance healing, or purchase your own device.
Rejuvenate the Entire Body! Healing codes stream into the body while watching vibrant visualizations and assimilating healing tones. Increase spiritual awareness, total energy restoration, stress reduction, balance health and nutrition, skin, hair and face renewal, weight management and body sculpting.
Dr. Joshua Reilly, NMD 520-600-0211
Lisa Holliday, CT 520-468-1530
7790 N Oracle Rd, Ste 120, 85740
Men and Women’s primary healthcare including Autoimmune
Conditions, IV Therapy, Cardiometabolic, Hormone Replacement, Gastrointestinal Health and more. Also offering Medical Thermogaphy, a safe, non-invasive, high-resolution medical infrared camera scan as a preventative and proactive means to monitor the current condition of your immune and health. See ad, page 9.
Human beings are of such nature that they should have not only material facilities but spiritual sustenance as well. Without spiritual sustenance, it is difficult to get and maintain peace of mind.
– Dalai Lama
Animal Communicator, Healing Practitioner
For 25+ years, Linda has been the voice of animals worldwide, bringing clarity and insight to emotional, behavioral, history, health and quality of life. Energy healing and flower essences often complement the session.
Animal Communication & Intuitive Healing Classes
Linda teaches how to develop intuitive skills and telepathic communication with animals. These skills can be applied in many areas like autism, dementia, stroke, comas, end of life and more. Check calendar on website for class listings; all levels available.
Dorothy Richmond, LMT since 1983
2301 N Santa Rita Ave, 85719
Aquatic Massage • Jin Shin Jyutsu
Craniosacral Therapy • Watsu
Integrative Massage
520-990-1857 • SantaRitaSprings@gmail.com
Water is life…80 minutes of Bliss. Immersed in heavenly 96-degree saltwater inside our poolhouse, receive massage, shiatsu, energy work, great stretches, flowing movement, and maybe Aquatic Craniosacral Therapy to deliciously unwind trauma and strain patterns. See ad, page 53.
Contact: Melissa Black
2400 E Prince Rd, 85719
The Center of Integrated Living (COIL) is a nonprofit affordable Live/Work sustainable Creative Community offering: dance, art gallery, private wellness sessions, classes, workshops, and events. COIL currently consists of three adjacent demonstration properties with long/short-term residencies, lodgings, and retreats.
Jodi R. Netzer
Facebook/LinkedIn: Jodi R. Netzer
Facebook Group: Tucson Contact Improv! Jodi R. Netzer helps heart-centered entrepreneurs and passion-purpose seekers to get more clarity, confidence, and capacity to create a happier, healthier, and more sustainable life and business. Experience Jodi’s unique mix of creative/soulful/practical coaching, deep/ playful/authentic healing, and catalytic community building.
Adult Lucid Movement
650 N 6th Ave 520-629-0237
ZUZI! Dance aspires to help dancers and non-dancers alike connect with their internal selves while improving the well-being of the physical body. Experience the unique chance to cultivate self-discovery, self-expression, and a deeper connection to the present moment with ZUZI!.
Julie A.M. Sherwood, CWC 425-260-7665
Julie uses true sidereal constellational astrology connecting you to the stars of your unique birth blueprint. She gives insight to your soul’s purpose, navigating challenges on your evolutionary path, and how to be in flow with the astrological energies.
5634 E Pima St, 85712
Taught through IFBM, a 501(c)(3) educational and charitable foundation. Offering low cost in-person and online trainings, workshops, and monthly meetup with continuing education available to massage therapists, nurses, and doulas. Private sessions available on a donation basis.
6550 E Carondelet, Bldg F, 85712
Sylvia Boyed, MA, VMT, CST. Now welcoming new clients. Restorative bodywork and energetic healing for physical and emotional well-being. 14+ years experience in energetically applied visceral manipulation and craniosacral therapies. Specializing in treatment of head injuries, tinnitus and post-surgical rehabilitation. See ad, page 53
Tired of the pain? Myofascial release frees you from what holds you back. Let go of past injuries and love life again. Zach specializes in myofascial release, structural integration and neuromuscular re-education with nearly 20 years of hands-on experience. See ad, page 3.
Dr. Carol Henricks, MD 7598 N La Cholla Blvd, 85741
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) saturates the body with oxygen, reducing inflammation and enhancing recovery from central nervous system injury including: traumatic brain injury, post-concussion syndrome, stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, birth injury, autism, spinal cord injury, near drowning, anoxic brain injury and other conditions.
Brian Johnson
Brian Johnson is a Building Biologist accredited by the Building Biology Institute with over 20 years of experience as a General Contractor. There are 25 BBI core philosophies we interweave into my practices. It’s about creating a safe space to heal our bodies. See ads, pages 7 and 39.
Event Planning, Catering
Loretta Carlson
Let us cater your party, event or meeting. From two to 300 guests, we are a full-service catering company specializing in Mexican, Middle Eastern and American food. Loretta can help plan your event, from the flowers to the table. See ad, page 49.
Francine Rienstra
3615 N Prince Village PL #101, 85719
Grow beyond your current understanding. Classes include meditation, silent prayer, yoga, healthy habits, creative thinking, integrative and contemplative lifestyle. Discover ancient prayer techniques. Experience transformation of daily existence into a joyful heart centered reality. Encounter experientially the presence of God.
Igniting UnityConsciousness and Heart-Centered Illumination. Weaving ancient wisdom, mysticism, shamanism, sacred feminine, energy medicine and new science to ignite and develop the highest potential within each of us, for the benefit of all. Private sessions, workshops, ceremony, retreats, events, blessings, clearings.
Dr. Nathan Conlee
3020 N Country Club Rd, 85716
Dr. Nathan Conlee has been treating auto and sports injuries since 1987. As a Chiropractic Neurologist he works with many neurologic disorders. Using gentle chiropractic, physiotherapy, acupuncture and metabolic nutrition, we have helped thousands of patients, from headaches to ankle sprains. Please visit www.PerformanceNeurology.com See ad, page 51.
Reiki Master Teacher, Healing Practitioner, Animal Communicator
Fun, supportive, interactive one day classes and once a month series. Topics include: Reiki Usui & Karuna (all levels), Tuning Forks for people and animals, animal communication, developing your intuition, discovering the healer within, 5-D consciousness and more.
PurMaid LLC provides professional green cleaning services to Tucson homes and businesses. Locally owned and operated. Special offer: 3 labor hours of cleaning, just $75. See ad for details. See ad, page 36.
Certified Life Coach
ATLAS Education
Text/Message: 520-406-8576
The uncertainty of the last few years has provided time for introspection. Interacting with a Life Coach may uncover goals to consider and explore to provide a more meaningful life. A Life’s journey requires taking just one step at a time.
Randy Usem, LMT, Radix Practitioner
Near Campbell & Grant
Affordable alternative or addition to traditional therapy. Radix is a neo-Reichian, deep feeling, regressive process similar to bio-energetics and primal therapy. Exploring with breath, body awareness, centering and grounding to access anger, fear, grief, longing and restore love, trust, pleasure, fulfillment and aliveness.
Bring your dreams into reality! What is next for you? A life review? Retirement preparation. Doing something different. Creating something new. Are you a frustrated artist? Are you “Other-Abled”? Just can’t gain traction. Prioritize and refocus. Begin again. Choose success!
Carla Echavarri MHS
I offer transformational life coaching and guidance by using techniques such as: EFT, neuro-linguisticprogramming, mindfulness, pranayama, meditation,visualization, cathartic release through verbal expression, Reiki and dream interpretation. I can also assist with post-psychedelic reintegration processes.
Facebook/LinkedIn: Jodi R. Netzer
Facebook Group: Tucson Contact Improv! Jodi R. Netzer helps heart-centered entrepreneurs and passion-purpose seekers to get more clarity, confidence, and capacity to create a happier, healthier, and more sustainable life and business. Experience Jodi’s unique mix of creative/soulful/ practical coaching, deep/playful/authentic healing, and catalytic community building.
Bill White, M.A., Love Coach
Quick and dramatic results are common. Bill is a master at navigating relationship challenges. Resolve anger, arguments, emotional distancing, broken trust, childhood influences. Free no-obligation consultation. Don’t be surprised if you enjoy the process.
Dawn Marie Davis 360-298-4812
Healing sessions customized just for you in the comfort of your surroundings or online. Helping you live a slower, more mindful life in a fast world with Hypnotherapy, Energy Healing and Guided Meditations. Ask me about packages and sliding fees.
Trish Devitt
Marana: L Spa Therapeutic Massage & Skincare
Midtown Tucson: VG Beauty Lounge 520-261-5194
Stuck repeating the same patterns? Neutralize subconscious patterns and traumas that are preventing you from living a selfempowered, fulfilling life. Access your inner wisdom. Create your authentic life. Attain your highest intentions. Custom sessions address your needs, challenges, and goals.
Julie A.M. Sherwood, CWC 425-260-7665
Julie takes a solution-focused approach to mind-body-spirit wellness with client agency and autonomy. She guides you to see your own potential for realizing your best hopes for a preferred future. Individual, group, peer coaching sessions and wellness workshops available.
Colon Hydrotherapy and Gut Nutrition, MA & LMT (FL & AZ), 45-year practice using closed system and abdominal massage. Board certified and member of International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy (IACT). Provides expertise on metabolic health, food addiction and gut motility. Certified Gut and Psychology/Physiology Syndrome (GAPPS) practitioner.
Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN 2028 E Prince Rd, Rm 9, 85719 520-403-1686
RN-delivered colonics. FDA-approved system integrated with a full, closed-gravity option. Infrared Therapy included! Probiotic reflorastation and ozone therapies available. Warm, supportive healing environment. Affordable rates and packages. By appointment, flexible hours. Free 15-minute consult! See ads, pages 3 and 37.
Don Gibbens
Office: 520-332-1485
Cell: 520-784-1243
Facebook: GE-Computing-and-Internet-Services
If your computer is "sick", we are here to help! "Computer ick? Call the Doctor." Your first half hour is no charge. We can serve you in your home in the Tucson area, or even via remote. See ad, page 46.
Deb Beroset
Unleash your imagination and name what’s calling you. Are you yearning to sparkle? To create? To be unabashedly yourself? Something’s been holding you back…now it’s time to elevate your vibe & take action. Book a FREE introductory call with Deb to find out more: MoxieTime.as.me/introductory-call. See ad, page 40.
Elahe Wissinger, DMD 2504 E River Rd, 85718 520-745-5496
Info@EDentalSolutions.net EDentalSolutions.net
Our mission is to build a partnership to achieve optimal dental health. The state-of-the-art technology, attention to our clients’ needs, and commitment to continuing education ensure that our clients receive the highest quality care, in a safe and comfortable environment. See ad, back cover.
Jeanne Anne Krizman, DMD, MPH 1601 N Tucson Blvd, Ste 35, 85716 520-326-0082
A centrally located biologic and integrative dental office with Tucson’s only International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology accredited dentist. Specializing in general and cosmetic dentistry, mercury-free fillings, safe amalgam removal, implants, extractions, cavitation treatment, and ozone therapy. Call for appointment today. See ad, page 2.
Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on UnsplashVERY SPECIAL ALTERNATIVES
Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN 2028 E Prince Rd, Rm 9, 85719
RN-delivered colonics. FDAapproved system integrated with a full, closed-gravity option. Infrared Therapy included! Probiotic reflorastation and ozone therapies available. Warm, supportive healing environment. Affordable rates and packages. By appointment, flexible hours. Free 15-minute consult! See ads, pages 3 and 37.
Lisa Smith, PhD, EMRS
Certified Building Biology Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist Info@EMF-Wellness.com
“Electromagnetic safety for a healthy life”
EMF Wellness helps keep Tucson’s homes, schools and workplaces safe from unhealthy levels of electromagnetic fields (EMFs). We offer professional EMF assessments with emphasis on reducing exposure to rising levels of microwave radiation from wireless devices and cell towers. Assessments include EMF education and mitigation counseling.
Sharon Whiteley is a serial entrepreneur, innovative consumer product manufacturer, author, and speaker with a passion for recognizing emerging wellness trends that enhance people’s lives. The company’s entire silver-based product line is featured direct to consumers on their website, TRU47.com. Wholesale accounts also welcomed.
EFT Practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist 520-780-0170
Emotions run high in many people right now. Do you need help in coping with life? Emotional freedom is just that: an easy tool to deal with upsetting circumstances, anxiety, fears, sickness. It combines energy therapy and psychology to eliminate and reduce emotions. Affordable and necessary.
Barbara is a carrier of Ancient Wisdom. She has facilitated 100’s of ceremonies, passed 100’s of Rites of Illumination, created and facilitated wisdom circles, offers classes, personalized sessions, blessings, clearings, meditations, events and retreats. Connect to discuss your needs.
Suzanne Pear, RN PhD LE CQH 5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, 85712 520-400-8109
Dr. Suzie (PhD in Epidemiology) is a Registered Nurse and Quantum Energy Practitioner offering chakra energy system re-alignment and balancing as well as auric field clearing, forgiveness and self-healing practices. Call 520-400-8109 to schedule an Energetic Assessment. See ad, page 45.
EFT, PSYCH-K, DECU, Reiki Master 520-825-4645
Linda intuitively blends healing modalities to quickly unravel many layers. She listens to your body’s wisdom, channels your guides’ light language, and reads cellular programs and belief patterns to help you transform old stories into higher frequencies of health and wellness.
Axis Vitality, PLLC
Neuro Solutions for Quantum Healing
3861 N 1st Ave, 85719
Subtle energy field and physical body structural alignments are keys to correcting functional imbalances for health and pain free movement! Quantum Alignment Technique, Neuro-Acupuncture and Oov core re-education will help you move more appropriately and increase your neural plasticity.
Brian Johnson
Building using materials and methods to create a space that is mold-free, low-EMF, non-toxic, and has clean air. Having homes that we can call our sanctuaries helps us thrive. Applying the true definition of sustainability, bringing green and non-toxic solutions together synergistically. See ads, pages 7 and 39.
Sharon Whiteley is a serial entrepreneur, innovative consumer product manufacturer, author, and speaker with a passion for recognizing emerging wellness trends that enhance people’s lives. The company’s entire silver-based product line is featured direct to consumers on their website, TRU47.com. Wholesale accounts also welcomed.
2130 N Alvernon Way, 85712
Yume Japanese Gardens of Tucson offers a scientifically proven 6-week long healing program that reduces anxiety, stress, and sadness and promotes joy and peacefulness. For details and start dates, visit YumeGardens.org. Open daily October to May.
Contact: Melissa Black
2400 E Prince Rd, 85719
The Center of Integrated Living (COIL) is a nonprofit affordable Live/Work sustainable Creative Community offering: dance, art gallery, private wellness sessions, classes, workshops, and events. COIL currently consists of three adjacent demonstration properties with long/short-term residencies, lodgings, and retreats.
Contact: Melissa Black
2400 E Prince Rd, 85719 520-256-0306
The Center of Integrated Living (COIL) is a nonprofit affordable Live/Work sustainable Creative Community offering: dance, art gallery, private wellness sessions, classes, workshops, and events. COIL currently consists of three adjacent demonstration properties with long/short-term residencies, lodgings, and retreats.
JODI R. NETZER 267-334-7857
Facebook/LinkedIn: Jodi R. Netzer
Facebook Group: Tucson Contact Improv! Jodi R. Netzer helps heart-centered entrepreneurs and passion-purpose seekers to get more clarity, confidence, and capacity to create a happier, healthier, and more sustainable life and business. Experience Jodi’s unique mix of creative/soulful/ practical coaching, deep/playful/authentic healing, and catalytic community building.
Lisa Smith, PhD, EMRS
Certified Building Biology
Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist
“Electromagnetic safety for a healthy life” EMF Wellness Tucson provides Electromagnetic Field (EMF) assessments and mitigation counselling, specializing in the creation of EMF-safe bedroom sleep sanctuaries. Services include measurement of electric fields, magnetic fields, dirty electricity, and radio frequency radiation from wireless devices and cell towers.
PurMaid LLC provides professional green cleaning services to Tucson homes and businesses. Locally owned and operated. Special offer: 3 labor hours of cleaning, just $75. See ad for details. See ad, page 36.
Brian Johnson
Sharon Whiteley is a serial entrepreneur, innovative consumer product manufacturer, author, and speaker with a passion for recognizing emerging wellness trends that enhance people’s lives. The company’s entire silver-based product line is featured direct to consumers on their website, TRU47.com. Wholesale accounts also welcomed.
MaritaSeen Valyan, LMT
20 Calle Iglesia, Tubac, 85646
Tubac’s premier destination health resort spa featuring 5 therapeutic copper-ionized jacuzzi tubs and lap pool, infrared sauna, and complementary stress-reducing modalities: massage, craniosacral therapy, Spiritual Counseling (Morontia Counseling and Tron Therapy), Pythagorean monochord sound therapy chair, and detoxifying Ionic foot cleanse. Shama Mystic organic locally hand-crafted CBD tinctures and salves. See ad, page 41.
Senergy360 is committed to changing the way home building is done. National organizations report statistically over 80% of homes are sick, referred to as SBS—sick building syndrome. This applies to existing homes built from the 1970s to today. We are here to change that! See ads, pages 7 and 39.
Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN 2028 E Prince Rd, Rm 9, 85719
What or who do you need? RN consultant ~ assessment, information, referral. Skilled nursing ~ phlebotomy, IV therapy, home services. Education ~ detox protocols, colon health, ozone therapies and resources. By appointment, flexible hours. Free 15-minute consult! See ads, pages 3 and 37.
Food is symbolic of love when words are inadequate.
– Alan D. Wolfelt
Brian Johnson
Our water systems increase energy and clarity through ionic technology by increasing photonic and biofield energy. Increased bioavailable oxygen means better hydration, increased absorption by reducing surface water molecule tension. The water structuring process in return reduces toxins and free radicals by altering the molecular and energetic structure. See ads, pages 7 and 39.
Dr. Carol Henricks, MD
7598 N La Cholla Blvd, 85741
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) saturates the body with oxygen, reducing inflammation and enhancing recovery from central nervous system injury including: traumatic brain injury, post-concussion syndrome, stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, birth injury, autism, spinal cord injury, near drowning, anoxic brain injury and other conditions.
Certified Hypnotist and Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) Practitioner
Sessions available via Zoom
Nori Muller is a certified hypnotist and Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)
Practitioner specializing in helping clients with feelings of anxiety, weight issues, stress, fears, performance anxiety, persistent sadness, low confidence and self-esteem issues, motivation, achieving goals, improving relationships and finding your life’s purpose.
1100 E Ajo Way, Ste 206, 85713 520-207-3967
NW Medical Massage
205 West Giaconda Way, 85704
At Tracey Prieto-Webber Insurance we offer health insurance options that can be used in the naturopathic/homeopathic environment. We are brokers with the best affordable choices for your health, life, business, and personal insurance needs. Call us for a no obligation quote.
Elahe Wissinger, DMD 2504 E River Rd, 85718 520-745-5496
Looking to fix your bite issues but avoid the “metal mouth” phenomenon? At E Dental Solutions, we can help you understand how to keep the aligners and your teeth clean and make it easy for you to fit into your best smile. See ad, back cover.
125 E Mabel St, 85705 520-214-0818
Skilled Manual Lymph Drainage and decongestive therapy for lymphedema, lipedema, lymphatic health. Post-op Lymphatic Massage to reduce pain, swelling and fibrosis after reconstruction, lifts, tucks, lipo, fat transfer, radiation. Certified Lymphedema Therapist and compression garment fitter since 2008.
Susan Couture, LMT, MLD/CDT
6700 N. Oracle Rd., #239, 85704
Heal faster – Heal better. Immune boosting, detoxifying manual lymph drainage, pre- & post-surgery care for aesthetic and restorative Surgery. MLD reduces inflammation, assists with organ, endocrine, circulatory, digestive, neurologic and lymphatic systems. LifeWave X39 Stem Cell Activation patch distributor. Lifewave.com/SusanCouture. See ad, page 53.
Healing Spirit Soaks
1074 N Swan Rd, 85719
Brandie Lynn Garcia LMT works alongside you in your Healing Journey of the Mind Body and Soul. Using a variety of massage techniques and Fascia Blasting sessions to help reduce cellulite, spot reduce subcutaneous fat, reduce pain, and increase blood flow.
Are you new to the world of therapeutic psychedelics? Look no further than our friendly, knowledgeable staff to guide you. Services currently offered are psychedelic integration and psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy with ketamine.
The Right Touch Massage Therapy
2984 E Fort Lowell, 85716
Tucson Touch Therapies
3903 E Pima St, 85712
520-881-7337 • TucsonTouchTherapies.com
Experienced Pain Relief therapist and wellness provider with 25 years as Reiki/Cranial therapist. Shiatsu and Thai Massage available at both locations. Cupping/ Gua Sha, Stones/ Aromatherapy treatments available. Book today online at RightTouchMassageTherapy.com or call 520-326-7675.
Dorothy Richmond, LMT since 1983
2301 N Santa Rita Ave, 85719
Aquatic Massage • Jin Shin Jyutsu
Craniosacral Therapy • Watsu
Integrative Massage
520-990-1857 • SantaRitaSprings@gmail.com
Water is life…80 minutes of Bliss. Immersed in heavenly 96-degree saltwater inside our poolhouse, receive massage, shiatsu, energy work, great stretches, flowing movement, and maybe Aquatic Craniosacral Therapy to deliciously unwind trauma and strain patterns. See ad, page 19.
Danielle is a trained and certified Medical Intuitive (CMIP) through The Practical Path in Tujunga, CA. Medical Intuition utilizes clairvoyance and the sense of intuition to view and assess an individual’s physical body, along with their unique energy system. See ad, page 47.
Shared Office Space with Wild-Wellness
Dr. Joshua Reilly ND (Naturopath)
Lisa Holliday, CT
7790 N Oracle Rd, Oro Valley, 85704 520-468-1530
Medical Thermography uses an infrared camera to see the current condition of your health, and blood flow dysfunction/ patterns, possibly years before a structure has time to form. Early intervention may help your practitioner with lifestyle/medical testing recommendations for the best outcome. $25 off any thermal health study. See ad, page 9.
Holly Baker, Retirement Specialist PO Box 69820, Oro Valley, 85737 520-760-2378
We here at Life Solutions Advisors and American Senior Benefits are a team of local medicare advisors and experts. As your trusted independent advisors, we work with all Medicare carriers and companies to best serve your needs and preferences. Complimentary Medicare cost and coverage review, call 520-760-2378. See ad, page 55.
3929 E Pima, 85712 520-323-1222
The Yoga Connection, a non-profit center, serving Tucson over 35 years, offers all levels of yoga and specialized classes. We offer Yoga teacher training leading to 200-hour and 300-hour certification. Ask about scholarships and payment options.
Deb Beroset
Deb@ItsTimeForMoxie.com 312-436-2160
What do you want to do with your one wild and precious life?
It’s not about knowing more, it’s about learning how to be more YOU. Learn how to tap into your soul’s desires and elevate your mood and energy. Book a FREE introductory call with Deb to find out more: MoxieTime.as.me/introductory-call.
See ad, page 40.
Transformational Medicine
2028 E Prince Rd, 85719
• TFMND.com
Dr. Saber is a primary care naturopathic physician who specializes in endocrinology and functional medicine. Using science-based information as well as your personal symptoms, we will together find the best way to optimal health.
See ad, page 3.
Transformational Medicine
2028 E Prince Rd, 85719
Dr. Emily Takeuchi Miller, or “ Dr. Em” as she prefers, enjoys seeing patients of all ages and is committed to helping them live well no matter what their current condition. Her special interests include primary care medicine, pediatrics, and Mind-Body medicine/ biofeedback. See ad, page 3.
Dr. Lance Morris
2310 N Wyatt Dr, 85712
Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing “nature cure” to heal mind, body and spirit. Developer of Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 42.
437 W Thurber Rd Ste #3, 85705
Offering medical marijuana evaluations and certifications as well as soft tissue and osseous manipulation, acupuncture, shiatsu, craniosacral therapy, hydrotherapy, regenerative injection therapies and electromagnetic and thermal therapies. Book a free consultation today. See ad, page 9.
Brian Johnson
Sustainably Green Building Techniques and principles of Building Biology and our dedication to creating healthy homes are of the utmost importance to us. We aim to use the safest building products and solutions on the market and work with many trusted sources. See ads, pages 7 and 39.
10371 N Oracle Rd # 201, 85737
We offer various options for space rentals, virtual offices, and additional amenities. We make things simple and affordable for those who need somewhere to call home for their business. Contact ThinkSpace Executive Suites today to learn more information about our office rental spaces. See ad, page 43.
See ad, page 3.
Nitalya B. Williams, DDS
801 N. Wilmot Rd, Ste F2, 85711 520-745-5051
Quantum Coach, PSYCH-K, Emotion Code Healing Practitioner
Feeling overwhelmed, stuck, anxious or depressed? Free yourself from trapped emotions and inherited ancestral experiences, subconscious patterns, habits and illnesses. Restore wholeness, claim your power and self-worth as you create a perfect partnership with body, spirit, mind.
Comprehensive general dental and orthodontic care with compassion serving all ages. Braces/ Clear Aligner treatments for kids, teens and adults up to 70. TMJ therapy, appliances treating bruxism, grinding and clenching as well as Snore and sleep apnea appliance therapy. See ad, page 5.
Yvette Dwornik • 520-869-5593
Sarah Dwornik-Olivo • 520-869-4040 5350 E Broadway Blvd, Ste 162, 85711 YDwornik@yahoo.com
Now offering Lovely Links Permanent Jewelry, a forever accessory. Claspless and tailored to fit each individual, you may choose a bracelet, necklace, ring or all three. Beautiful, natural looking permanent makeup. 20 years of experience. Eyebrow, eyeliner and full lip color procedures. See ad, page 43.
Jessica Korff is an awardwinning photographer that helps thought leaders and change-makers cut through the noise to create photos that drive their message home, tell their story and help them stand out to their right and perfect clients. See ad, page 4.
I help you regain your physical well being through Whole Food Plant-Based Living. Register for my free Webinar or join my Small Group Coaching program called Simply Planted. Find all the details on my website. Private Coaching available.
125 E Mabel St, 85705
Reiki Master & Embodied Movement Coach
The Feel Good Method, founded by Leah Jacobson, is a healing technique that stems from two healing forces: Reiki and Embodied Movement. With either service, (or combining the two) you'll be feeling good from the inside out!
Julie A.M. Sherwood, CWC 425-260-7665
Master Usui Reiki Practitioner via direct lineage to Dr. Usui, Julie helps you balance your life force energy, increase relaxation, loosen blockages to reactivate flow of chi to harmonize mind-bodyspirit. In-person and distance sessions available.
2990 N Campbell Ave, Ste 120, 85719 520-325-7766
Lovin’ Spoonfuls provides outstanding vegan comfort food in a relaxed atmosphere. Serving breakfast, lunch, dinner and desserts. The 100% plant-based meals are enjoyed by vegans and non-vegans alike. Favorites include the house-made burgers and Fried Chicken Dinner.
Holly Baker, Retirement Specialist PO Box 69820, Oro Valley, 85737 520-760-2378
Providing Solutions for Your Retirement
Despite large amounts of talk therapy or medications, do you still need help in healing treatment resistant trauma or depression? Tucson Counseling Associates’ well-trained and experienced team of psychedelic integration therapists can support you and discuss this emerging field of psychedelic assisted therapies.
We here at Life Solutions Advisors and American Senior Benefits are a team of local advisors and experts specializing in the concerns of our young seniors heading into retirement. Areas of focus: Medical Expense Planning, Retirement Income Strategies, Legacy & Estate Preservation and Health Solutions. Complimentary cost and coverage review, call 520-760-2378. See ad, page 55.
Healing Practitioner
Offering new, expanded 1-2 day Healing Retreats in Tucson. These will be available throughout the year and provide the opportunity to be nourished in a high vibrational atmosphere without leaving town or being away for the night. Check website for upcoming dates.
Don Zavis is an accomplished executive with a successful history of taking private and public organizations to new levels of sales and profitability. See ad, page 49.
Barbara is a carrier of Ancient Wisdom. She has facilitated 100’s of ceremonies, passed 100’s of Rites of Illumination, created and facilitated wisdom circles, offers classes, personalized sessions, blessings, clearings, meditations, events and retreats. Connect to discuss your needs.
Suzanne Pear, RN PhD LE COE
5160 E Glenn St, Ste 150, 85712
Dr. Suzie (PhD in Epidemiology) specializes in providing customized holistic skin care treatments for all skin types and concerns. Make an appointment today and start on your path to creating beautiful skin for life. See ad, page 45.
Relax and receive while your energy field is cleansed by antique Tibetan singing bowls, Gantas (bells) and more in the Tibetan Sacred Sound Healing tradition. Danielle is trained and certified through TibetanBowlSchool.com, and also a lifelong, classically-trained musician, intuitive empath and more. See ad, page 47.
Dr. Lance Morris
2310 N Wyatt Dr, 85712
Dr. Morris treats all conditions, pediatric through geriatric, emphasizing ‘”nature cure” to heal mind, body and spirit. Developer of Resonant Sound Therapy. See website for more information. See ad, page 42.
Higher Heart Healing
As a Spiritual Coach and energy healer, Anna uses a variety of healing modalities including reiki, shamanic and quantum healing, that take you from feeling disconnected, anxious and fearful— to centered, joyful, healed and whole. Text 313-303-0651 for the scheduling link today. See ad, page 53.
Van/Gabriel of Urantia/TaliasVan, co-founder Marayeh Cunningham, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychology
20 Calle Iglesia, Tubac, 85646
Psychospiritual “soul” healing modalities Spiritual Morontia
Counseling and Tron Therapy developed over the past 30 years by “Soul Surgeon” Van / Gabriel of Urantia / TaliasVan. Designed to assist those with a wholehearted desire to holistically heal any dis-ease of the body, mind, and soul. See ad, page 41.
Due to extraordinary healings, Bruno Groening made headlines around the world in the 1950s. When he died in 1959, many believed that this phenomenon ended. However, people on all continents are still attaining help and healing, thanks to this man’s teachings.
Sunday Service: 3322 E Ft Lowell Rd, 85716
A spiritual alternative. We offer spiritual solutions to everyday challenges. You can learn about us at TucsonCSL.org
Celebration Service 9:30am, Meditation 9am. For information about our Sunday services please email Admin@Tucsoncsl.org or call 520-319-1042. See ad, page 37.
The Path of Spiritual Freedom
Eckankar is an active, individual, creative spiritual practice. A companion and road map for your Self-Discovery and God-Discovery journey. Discover the most secret part of yourself. The key to spiritual freedom lies within you. Explore life as a Soul Adventure. See ad, page 53.
5326 E Pima St, 85712
Learn meditation and other practical methods to cultivate mental peace in your daily life. KMC Arizona offers a path of wisdom and compassion to help anyone find a happy, meaningful life through explanation and practice of Kadampa Buddhism. Everyone welcome!
Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash1702 E Prince #140, 85719
FB: Self-Realization Fellowship, Tucson Meditation Group
Tucson Meditation Group, is composed of members of Paramahansa Yogananda’s worldwide organization with international headquarters in Los Angeles CA. We meditate on Thursdays and Sundays. See Calendar for details.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet
4105 N 20 St, Ste 115, Phoenix
Learn about your inner divine self through The Teachings of the Ascended Masters by Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Free online classes on Archangels, Karma, Chakras and the Story of Sanat Kumara. SummitLighthousePhoenix.org. Click on “Free Spiritual Lessons”. More classes on Zoom.
Don Gibbens
Office: 520-332-1485
Cell: 520-784-1243
Facebook: GE-Computing-and-Internet-Services
Have computers in your closet, not being used? We can remake them to be useful again, or we can wipe them clean and recycle them. Let us give you our opinion for no charge to help you decide what to do. See ad, page 46.
Free Pilot Program
Kim Green & Marcia Williams Call/Text: 678-938-2777
Awardwinning author, Kim Green, and Licensed Professional Counselor, Marcia Williams, present … Write to Heal, to serve those with unresolved trauma to experience the healing power of therapeutic writing. Seeking 16 people for free pilot program. Dates/Times TBA. Email/call to express your interest.
Nitalya B. Williams, DDS 801 N. Wilmot Rd, Ste F2, 85711 520-745-5051
Brian Johnson
Brian@Senergy360.com • Senergy360.com
Senergy360 systems are designed to emulate Nature through motion and materials. Water Vortices have long been known as water’s way of self-cleaning and energizing itself and the environment. Natural Action utilizes a specific flow form geometry to establish a balanced vortex motion within the water. See ads, pages 7 and 39.
DeeAnn Saber, NMD
Emily Takeuchi Miller, NMD
Zach Saber, LMP
Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN
2028 East Prince Rd, 85719
520-209-1755 • TFMND.com
We are like-minded healing professionals who have created a collaborative, patient-focused environment to provide healthy experiences for those ready to reach optimal health and wellness. See ad, page 3.
Comprehensive general dental and orthodontic care with compassion serving all ages. Braces/ Clear Aligner treatments for kids, teens and adults up to 70. TMJ therapy, appliances treating bruxism, grinding and clenching as well as Snore and sleep apnea appliance therapy. See ad, page 5.
Axis Vitality, PLLC Neuro Solutions for Quantum Healing 3861 N 1st Ave, 85719 520-495-8515 • AxisVitality.com
Come experience a naturally facilitated processes of integrative acupuncture, cupping, bodywork, herbal and dietary services. In as few as 3-5 treatments you will see improvements without iatrogenic side effects.
800-915-6147 • TRU47.COM
Sharon Whiteley is a serial entrepreneur, innovative consumer product manufacturer, author, and speaker with a passion for recognizing emerging wellness trends that enhance people’s lives. The company’s entire silver-based product line is featured direct to consumers on their website, TRU47.com. Wholesale accounts also welcomed.
3929 E Pima, 85712
The Yoga Connection, a non-profit center, serving Tucson over 35 years, offers all levels of yoga and specialized classes. We offer Yoga teacher training leading to 200-hour and 300-hour certification. Ask about scholarships and payment options.
I dwell in possibility.
– Emily Dickinson
The Center of Integrated Living (COIL) is a nonprofit affordable live/work sustainable creative community offering dance, an art gallery, private wellness sessions, classes, meditation, workshops and events. COIL currently consists of three adjacent demonstration properties with long- and short-term residencies, lodgings and retreats. Enjoy a variety of activities for beginners and experienced explorers of life and business.
COIL also offers a variety of opportunities and experiences, such as: art classes, art gallery, art studio, business coaching and opportunities, dance/movement classes, events, health and wellness offerings, housing, investment workshops/opportunities, lodging, massage, meditation, membership, music, nomadic belonging, personal development, parties, private wellness sessions, real estate, retreats, salon (gathering with presenters), shared sustainable living, yoga and more.
You are invited to experience COIL’s creative community.
Location: 2400 E Prince Rd, Tucson. For more information, call 520-256-0306, email Support@CenterOfIntegratedLiving.org or visit CenterOfIntegratedLiving.org.
What is the greatest creative force you can use for healing? How do miracles occur? Where does healing come from? How can you heal the past to help yourself now? ECK Wisdom on Health and Healing will help you find the answers to these questions and many more.
In this pocket-sized booklet, you’ll find inspiring stories and three special spiritual exercises to begin your journey of spiritual healing today. See yourself and your state of health from a higher perspective than you’ve likely ever imagined possible. It makes a perfect gift for anyone looking for new perspectives on health and healing.
Author Sri Harold Klemp says, “Divine Spirit often heals through the field of medicine and guides you to the doctor who is right for your condition. Yet the ways of healing by Divine Spirit are truly endless.”
You are invited to learn and also share your healing explorations by joining on Zoom on April 8, June 10, September 9 and December 9, from 3 to 4:30pm. Come to one, a few or all of these discussions. No need to have the book to participate, but if desired, books are available on ECKBooks.org or Amazon.com.
For more information, visit EckankarArizona.org. For the Zoom link/dial-in info, email Welcome@EckankarArizona.org or call 877-300-4949 and leave a message. See ad, page 53.
Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on UnsplashJessica Korff, of Jessica Korff Studios, is an award-winning photographer and active member of our business community, lifting up other women in everything she does. She is in the second year of a project called “The Art of Her”, which creates a place for women to tell their stories of challenge, trauma and of overcoming.
Every woman has a story, and Korff creates a safe and loving place for her to tell it. She then creates her artist’s rendition of who they are, in all of their strength and beauty, in their allowance to demand they can and deserve to take up space, and in their reminder that to change how they believe, they are allowed to show up in this world. She photographs them in a way that reminds them of the incredibly powerful woman they are—and that for all the things in this world meant to keep us small, we rise.
This project will culminate in a portrait exhibition and women’s event coming in the summer of 2023. The project is limited to 25 women, and Korff is still looking to fill some of these slots with those who want to be part of this project, who have a story in them they want to share.
Everyone knows a woman in their life who has a story, but society has somehow taught her to play small, brush off what she went through and get back to doing what she needs to do. Whether it is surviving cancer, abuse, rape or even escaping a belief that kept her living within constraints of society expectations and not living her full self and life. You know a woman who has no idea how powerful she is, how much her story could help someone know they aren’t alone and who, given the safe space to share and be lifted up, could even find healing. Korff would love to invite her to be part of this special project.
Last year the women spoke on the importance of this project and how it helped them heal and feel loved. A video compilation of those stories and how this project affected some of these women can be found at JKSArtofHer.com
For more information, call 520-975-9051, email Jessica@JessicaKorff.com or visit JKSphotos.com. See ad, page 4.
Very Special Alternatives is celebrating 30 years of providing services for Tucson’s holistic and alternative medicine community. Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN, specializes in infusion services, ozone therapies and colon hydrotherapy. With more than 40 years in health care, her eclectic experience ensures a special touch to support and care for her clients and patients, often in conjunction with other practitioners or providers.
A warm, safe environment and supportive confidentiality create a relaxed atmosphere for first time clients or those who prefer a more comfort-focused setting. Albrecht thoroughly reviews each person’s health history and consults with them to develop a plan tailored to their needs. Information, suggestions or recommendations center on simple additions and changes to help them achieve their healthcare goals. Extra time is included with every appointment to assess client progress, answer questions or address concerns.
Albrecht marks 27 years this year as a colon therapist and 13 years utilizing her gentle, “Slow Flow” method for colonic irrigation. The gentle infusion of water to exercise the colon and cleanse the buildup of waste can improve or restore function and maintain the foundation of health and well-being. As science continues to prove the importance of gut and microbiome health, colonics continue to grow in popularity as a safe, simple and effective therapy.
“Routine care can facilitate efficient elimination,” Albrecht says. “Provide your body with a foundation for effective detoxification, improved immune function and health rejuvenation. Go with the flow...The road to health is paved with good intestines.”
New Location: 2028 E Prince Rd, Rm 9, Tucson. For more information, call 520-403-1686, email VerySpecialAlternatives.net or visit Heal.me/vonnie-schultz-albrecht-rn. See ads, pages 3 and 37.
To me, working is a form of sustenance, like food or water, and nearly as essential.
– Katharine Graham
Dwornik, daughter Sarah Dwornik-Olivo, and granddaughter Kayla Dwornik, are now offering Lovely Links Permanent Jewelry at A Lasting Touch Salon. Permanent jewelry is a new and upcoming trend that has gained popularity in social media, the news and in Hollywood. The application of Lovely Links welded permanent jewelry can be a wonderful bonding experience for family, friends and coworkers, linking our loved ones for many years to come.
Lovely Links offers sterling silver, 14k gold filled and 14k rose gold filled. Solid 14k gold can be custom ordered. You can mix and match different chains, charms and base metals to create your favorite bracelet, anklet, necklace or ring. Great for special moments like bachelorette parties, bridal showers, girls night out, birthdays and anniversaries. The possibilities are endless. Call to schedule your special pop-up event or appointment at the beautiful midtown salon.
The team at A Lasting Touch is excited to meet you and introduce this new, fun and upcoming trend that has gained so much attention. Visit ALastingTouchSalon.com and follow them to learn about upcoming events.
Location: 5350 E Broadway Blvd, Ste 162, Tucson. For more information, call/text
520-869-4040 (Sarah Dwornik Olivo) or 520-869-5593 (Yvette Dwornik) or visit LovelyLinksPermanentJewelry.com. See ad, page 43.
Bruno Groening (1906-1959) held faith lectures in Germany after the Second World War, where belief in God was put to the test as never before. He wanted to lead the thousands of people who flocked to him back to believing in God. Just by attending his public events alone, countless people became healthy, experienced improvements in their familial relationships or were helped in other ways.
Even today, thousands have become and are becoming healthy through his knowledge by which they learn how to connect with the Divine energy—the “Heilstrom”, as Groening called it—to absorb it and simply let it work. The teaching of Groening is based on the influence that spiritual forces have on human beings. This teaching is passed on in the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends.
Groening compared a person to a battery. In daily life, everyone burns up energy. However, often not enough new life energy is absorbed to replace it. In the same way that an empty battery is incapable of functioning, a body without energy is also unable to fulfill its tasks. The consequences are fatigue, exhaustion, nervousness, anxieties and finally, illness.
The Bruno Groening Circle of Friends is a voluntary, international association of people who have recognized the teaching of Groening as helpful and valuable, and live according to it. They are not affiliated with any religion, belief or denomination. The group finances itself entirely through donations, and all helpers work voluntarily.
For introduction to the teachings of Bruno Groening and the Circle of Friends, call 520-508-8804 and leave a message, or email EvelynWeissman1954@gmail.com
Connect at Bruno-Groening.org and Facebook.com/BrunoGroeningCircleofFriends.
In the 21st century, we are fraught with the stresses, complexities and uncertainties of life that have taken their toll on individuals
and on society. People are seeking some direction in their own lives which can indicate or clarify the next steps to be taken. In the last few decades of the 20th century, a new avenue to help people emerged—the availability of engaging a life coach.
A life coach is not a therapist, one who deals with the past events; or a psychologist, who helps you to identify, accept and acknowledge who you are; or a medical professional, who can prescribe medications which can modify behaviors.
A life coach is someone who listens and provides feedback based upon private conversations. Oftentimes, it is a person’s inner voice which needs to be heard over the dialogues, opinions and chaos of everyday life.
A life coach, like Albert Lavenziano, of Atlas Life Coach, helps to identify common patterns and connections. This can assist in unscrambling the directions for a person’s future. From that point, the choices made can lead to a more satisfying and fulfilling work-life balance. Ultimately, isn’t that what we all aspire to achieve?
For more information, text 520-406-8576 or email Atlas.LifeCoach22@yahoo.com.
Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on UnsplashDr.
Nitalya B. Williams is the owner and Orthodontist of Get It Straight Orthodontics and Family Dentistry in Tucson. She has been practicing orthodontics for more than 12 years, and serving the Tucson community for over seven years. Orthodontics is the dental specialty which addresses misaligned teeth and jaws, how teeth fit together when biting, as well as identifying and treating early childhood developmental discrepancies in the jaws.
Williams practices a modern approach to aligning the teeth, offering both clear aligner treatments and self-ligating braces. Although traditional braces with “colors” are the tried-and-true treatment that most people are familiar with, self-ligating braces are a more contemporary method providing many benefits. They do not require “o-ties” or the “colors” to hold the wire in position. The self-ligating braces allow the teeth to move faster, reducing total treatment time and decreasing the frequency of orthodontic appointments from every four weeks to every eight. It also allows for a more hygienic environment making it easier to keep the teeth clean. Williams prefers the self-ligating brackets (braces), especially in patients with overcrowded, misaligned teeth, because the system reduces the probability of tooth extraction which would otherwise be required with traditional braces with o-ties.
Another form of treatment Williams offers, clear aligners, have become increasingly popular over the years. “My patients love them because the aligners are virtually invisible, they can be removed while eating whatever food they’d like and my aligner patients can maintain their normal hygiene routine,” she says.
Treatments are successful with great patient compliance, wearing the aligners daily for 20 to 22 hours, changing out to new ones every 10 to 14 days. With so many television and print ads, it may be confusing to know which aligners work best. “It is best to undergo orthodontic care, even with clear aligners, under the constant care of a trained, licensed dental professional, preferably an orthodontist,” implores Williams.
Over 30 percent of Williams’ patients are adults. With so many more treatment options than years ago, adults ranging from 21 up to their 60s and 70s are finding orthodontics an attractive possibility. “Most times patients want straight teeth for the aesthetic result. But many times, orthodontic treatment is for overall health and function,” says Williams. Aligning the teeth can make it easier to keep the teeth and gums healthy and clean, preserving the stability and longevity of the teeth, preventing early tooth loss.
Williams and her team are passionate about providing the best care to her patients throughout their smile transformation journey and making happy, confident lifelong members of the Get It Straight Orthodontics family along the way.
Location: 801 N Wilmot Rd, Ste F2, Tucson. For more information, call 520-745-5051, email TucsonInfo@WeDoBraces.com or visit GetItStraightBraces.com. See ad, page 5.
Emotions are the outward movement of our psychic energy; they are the feeling part of our thoughts.
Emotional energy is
extremely powerful in humans. It can lead us to success or bury us under a mountain of chagrin. Social and emotional intelligence (SEI) is the ability to understand and manage emotions to our benefit. This makes the difference between a peaceful life or one filled with pain and drama.
To engage our SEI abilities, we must use our emotions to make constructive decisions about our behavior. Knowledge about SEI is limited, so it is easy to get overwhelmed and lost in the hectic pace of our daily lives; hence, we lose selfawareness and the ability to act thoughtfully and appropriately. The good news is that SEI can be learned, and results are immediate.
Carla Echavarri, of Colibri Holistic Coaching, helps clients learn to reconnect with their inner wisdom through mindfulness techniques. This process allows the client to actively run their life, instead of letting unchecked emotions run it for them.
For more information, text Carla Echavarri at 720-774-0010 or email ColibriHC1@gmail.com.
You should know what is taken out of the ecosystem in order to give you a moment’s sustenance.
– Sylvia Earles the founder and CEO of Senergy360, Brian Johnson is dedicated to creating new standards of modern living by designing and building holistic homes of the future, today. Johnson is a Building Biologist accredited by the Building Biology Institute with over 20 years of experience as a General Contractor. He has a lifelong passion for health, athletic performance and wellness, and is highly accomplished in the top Ironman and Xterra events, making the top 1 percent classification as an All-World Athlete. Today, Johnson is on a mission to provide access (and the know-how) to the proven cutting-edge technologies and systems for building holistic living structures.
In 2020, Johnson built and designed the world’s first Optimized Living Home here in Tucson. It is a model home that applies the best and newest science to create optimized living environments, and it serves as an educational model for other builders to adopt more sustainable solutions for their clients. Tours are available by request. The home features the latest solutions in every aspect of the living environment to support optimal health and living. This one-of-a-kind home is equipped with cuttingedge systems and solutions for circadian lighting, EMF protection, 5G shielding, water purification, air quality and mold-resistant materials. Every aspect of the home was
Now, Johnson and Senergy360 offer consultation, remodeling and home building for holistic living. They bring optimized living solutions and approaches to modern living, creating safe, sustainable living environments. Senergy360’s mission is to educate industry professionals and homeowners on ways to optimize healthy living spaces. They offer many services, including general contracting, consulting methods and specifications for any type of building. They help consult on the design, build,
Senergy360 has a combined total of over 20 years of contractor expertise with proven Building Biology methodologies and wisdom. As a result, they have created a unique, one-of-a-kind method for building state-of-the-art environments for optimal living.
The company is a licensed General Contracting firm currently licensed and building in Arizona and California. No project is too big or too small. Senergy360 is using the latest technologies to build sustainably green and safe homes, retreats, wellness centers, offices, tiny homes and modular building structures. They are also open to working and collaborating with any open-minded architects and engineers, as well as offering these services with partnership Designers and Architects upon request.
Methods and techniques used include mold-free building, EMF-free building, sustainably green building techniques and more. They identify potential environmental stressors to find solutions to address any pre-existing conditions, such as: mold, chemical exposures, drainage issues, stagnate water, VOC outgassing materials, identifying unsafe building materials and more.
For more information, call 951-634-3588, email Brian@Senergy360.com or visit Senergy360.com. See ads, pages 7 and 39.
LindaJohns of Journey to Healing is excited to offer a new healing service here in Tucson—the Bioharmonic Technologies Vibrational Individualized Body Enhancement Systems (VIBES). Created by Dr. Schwartz, who specialized in the advanced treatment of chronic illness, allergies, autoimmune diseases and emotional imbalances since 2000, VIBES uses exclusively energy, light, frequency and vibrational sound therapy.
Using the VIBE system starts by choosing from the 21 custom healing protocols from a playlist. The person would lay fully clothed on the ergonomic body contour bed for full-body vibration. The skin is the largest sense organ in the body and can perceive vibrations way below normal hearing ranges. Wearing headphones allows one to hear the Sonic-ceutical therapeutic music that incorporates mathematical ratios, physiological frequencies, sacred geometry and advanced music theory designed specifically for supporting and influencing physiology in a variety of different ways—creating a field of harmonic vibrational throughout all levels of body, mind, emotions and spirit.
Stress is a major contributing factor in almost every diagnosed disease. VIBES gives you access to the most primal levels of your nervous system and human physiology. These frequencies create access to easily relax, meditate, activate, detoxify, transform, restore, recover, balance, ground, release and harmonize yourself.
Call to schedule a 60-minute Vibrational Healing session.
For more information, call 520-825-4645 or visit JourneyToHealing.com.
Johnson is the founder and CEO
Senergy360, dedicated to creating standards of modern living by and building holistic homes future, today.
In 2020, he built and the best and newest builders to adopt more Tours are available support optimal health circadian lighting, EMF of the home was sourced
Aftera successful 21-year career in the military, Retired Lt Col and now Certified Life Coach Deb Anderson uses her passion for plant-based living to help people make a smooth and simple transition to plants. Anderson found whole food plant-based living as a solution for her own health struggles. Now as a seasoned Plant-Based Enthusiast, she uses her world-class life coaching tools to help others with this challenging change in lifestyle.
What is whole food plant-based (WFPB) living?
Eating whole plant foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts/seeds, beans, berries, potatoes and more. Why should you go whole food plant-based?
The top five reasons to go WFPB: 1. Prevent or reverse lifestyle diseases like heart disease and diabetes; 2. Effortlessly maintain a natural weight; 3. Load up on antioxidants and phytonutrients to prevent cancer; 4. Heal your gut naturally and feed your good gut bacteria; 5. Boost your immune system.
In Anderson’s group coaching program called Simply Planted, you will gain a wealth of knowledge and the mindset strategies to create permanent change in your lifestyle. You will find her free “How To Live Plant Based In Real Life” webinar and her group program on her website. Private coaching is also available.
For more information, call 520-977-3105, email Deb@DebAndersonCoaching.com or visit DebAndersonCoaching.com.
Holistic Mind Body Life Coaching with Dawn Marie Davis offers customized experiences to disrupt your cycles of stress, tension and pain. She recently immersed herself into “I AM Yoga Therapy Training, The Integrative Amrit Method of Body Psychology”. Working at a psychosomatic level, Yoga Body Psychology releases excess physical, mental and emotional tensions, creating an optimal environment for the body to tap into its natural ability to heal.
You will enjoy a total body stretch with the assistance of props and/or a wall and be guided to move in a slow, supportive way into areas that are normally tight and stiff. By holding the body in these positions for longer periods of time, combined with breathwork and meditative dialogue, tensions are released from the body and the mind. Yoga Therapy offers similar benefits as a yoga class, yet done in a more personal method so you can receive benefits more quickly in a way that is just right for you. If movement is difficult, there are options that don’t require any stretching.
Davis is a certified Yoga Therapist and Transformational Life Coach who has been studying and integrating holistic modalities since the late ‘90s. She has extensive knowledge in yoga, meditation, energy healing and breathwork. With her expertise in the field of holistic health and wellness, she has helped many individuals to shift their lives into a more balanced state of being. Her unique approach to life coaching combines ancient wisdom with modern science to help people create lasting transformation in their lives.
For more information, call 360-298-4812, email YogaWithDawnMarie@gmail.com or visit DawnMarieDavis.com.
Viade Dios is a HUB, a center that offers an environment of learning and relationship building. As a resource for individuals seeking well-being wholistically in body, mind and spirit, Via de Dios serves our community by encouraging unity, partnering and hosting organizations, developing programs and events that suggest “out-of-the-box” natural and healthy ways of thinking.
The Ancient Art of Contemplative Prayer, Silent Prayer or Meditative Prayer is a focus that many folks discover as one of the many tools and techniques of how to live a life of peacefulness in the midst of chaos.
The Spiral logo represents life’s journey, individuals in a myriad of colors and ethnicities that come together seeking a deeper experience of God, the source of all. Walking the path one steppingstone at a time, being transformed daily to impart the deepest expression of the power of love to all is a conscious and continuous practice.
The 6-year-old nonprofit organization is celebrating their new location near Prince Road and Campbell Avenue by inviting you to come and see—to experience dimensions that you may not have known before, to cultivate your full potential.
Location: 3615 N Prince Village Pl 101, Tucson. For more information, call 520954-1811, email ViaDeDios.AZ@gmail. com or visit ViaDeDios.org.
Relax. Breathe. Rebalance. It’s time to revitalize, and the opportunity to do so is just one hour south of Tucson. Located in Tubac, the Soulistic Healing Center offers a relaxing retreat and healing respite from the stressful times in which we live.
Choose from a variety of soulistic modalities, from massage (with or without CBD-infused massage oil), reflexology, craniosacral therapy, Reiki, Watsu aqua therapy, Hydro-Pilates classes, IonCleanse detoxifying foot soaks, to sound vibration sessions utilizing tuning forks and the Pythagorean Monochord Chair.
Soak and swim in copper-ionized chlorine- and chemicalfree therapeutic jacuzzi tubs and heated lap pool or detoxify in the infrared sauna—a great complement to any holistic health and wellness program. And coming soon, the FLOWPresso Therapy Lymphatic Compression Suit will provide a 3-in-1 sensory treatment.
A full line of Shama Mystic organic, locally hand-crafted CBD tinctures and salves (great for arthritis and neuropathy) is available as well.
Exclusive to the Soulistic Healing Center are Spiritual Morontia Counseling and Tron Therapy—two modalities designed to foster psychospiritual growth and the soulistic healing of body, mind and soul. These modalities have been developed over the past 30 years by co-founder and “Soul Surgeon”, Van/ Gabriel of Urantia/TaliasVan.
Location: 20 Calle Iglesia, Tubac. For more information, call 520-398-3970 or visit SoulisticHealingCenter.org. See ad, page 41.
TRU47 is an innovative wellness company created in response to the desires and needs of today’s health conscious, curious and discerning audiences. Every TRU47 product harnesses the benefits and power of silver, considered a “noble element”. Silver has been scientifically reported to inhibit the growth of bacteria, viruses and fungi on contact, and supports one’s immune system, among other benefits. Becoming ever more important today is the fact that silver is a protective and shielding element from compromising radiation resulting from EMFs/RFs.
Three distinct collections have been developed at TRU47 over the last seven years. They include: sanitizing and grounding accessories, made with pure silver fabrics; a line of face, body and home goods, all made with pure organic botanicals and colloidal silver (including a line of silver imbued 100 percent pure organic essential oils); and an expanding line of textiles, called Wellness Wear. Garments feature functional and fashionable protective apparel—including scarves, hats and ponchos, all for year-round wear.
Sharon Whiteley, founder, is a serial entrepreneur, innovative consumer product manufacturer, author and speaker with a passion for recognizing emerging wellness trends and bringing them to market to enhance people’s lives. The company’s entire silver-based product line is featured direct to consumers on their website. Wholesale accounts are also welcomed.
For more information, call 800-915-6147 or visit Tru47.com.
It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.
–Rainer Maria Rilke
Trish Devitt has evolved her 20-plus years of experience with frequency wellness, coaching and energy work to create MetamorphosisNow, a comprehensive service for clients who are ready for that “something more” in their lives. Her clients return to wholeness—physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Break Free Transformational Coaching reveals and releases hidden blocks and unconscious patterns that keep clients stuck. These methods enhance and accelerate results that often take months or years to resolve.
Old dramas and traumas prevent us from living the life we desire. Using Emotional Clearing/Trauma Release, Devitt helps clients release old patterns and neutralize the charge of traumas. Clients feel lighter and unshackled from burdens of the past, without re-living or re-telling their stories.
Aura analysis with chakra balancing scans your energetic field and identifies negative energies lodged in your aura. Using advanced frequency technology, blocks are cleared and imbalances are harmonized.
Advanced Frequency Technology with microcurrent restores balance in the bioenergetic field and the cellular level. This holistic approach helps clients return to wellness in all aspects of their lives.
With Devitt’s spiritual growth workshops and group coaching, clients explore and engage their inner lives to improve their outer lives, in a supportive, interactive environment. Services are available in person and remote.
Location: L Spa, 7620 N Hartman Ln, Marana. For more information, call 520-261-5194 or visit MetamorphosisNow.com.
to purchase or read more!
Write to Heal’s Pilot Program is underway. With only a few spots left, the free pilot program will launch April 12 through May 3. The second pilot program will be held in September. The four-week program will consist of eight participants, with four, 90-minute sessions each covering universal traumafocused experiences. The pilot will be led by awardwinning author, Kim Green, and Licensed Therapist, Marcia Williams, LPC.
With the belief that all traumatic experiences follow the same recovery process, participants will be encouraged to share in a confidential group environment, to feel empowered to put their thoughts and feelings into words as a part of the healing process. Each session will include a brief writing exercise to familiarize participants with the art of written expression. The goal is to inspire participants to explore and articulate their own trauma.
Each session will start with a brief meditation and a therapeutic look at that week’s topic, followed by sharing and group discussion. The topic of each session will be explored through a therapeutic lens as well as a “creative” discovery lens. Participants will then be asked to spend the week writing about their trauma for personal processing, with the option of sharing their written piece with the group. Each Zoom session will feature a private “break-out” room for individuals to work through triggered feelings, if they arise, with Williams.
Williams is an experienced psychotherapist with expertise working with couples, groups and individual therapy. She specializes in domestic abuse, drug addiction, marriage and family dynamics. For more information, contact her at 240-971-8745.
For more information about participating in the pilot, text or call 678-938-2777.
The Gift of Silver is a book about Earth’s noble elements and healing gems and the life-giving treasures found on its surface. The Earth is our rock when it comes to our health, giving off nourishing electrons to keep our bodies in balance and in step with natural disease-fighting stamina, while harboring minerals and honoring plants that protect us from bodily harm.
The shining star of this book is silver. A symbol of wealth and health for millennia, silver is the stuff of legends and lore, with mythical powers and medicinal prowess that defies its position as the second fiddle to gold in terms of price and prestige. In this easy read, you will discover what fans have known for more than 4,000 years BC, as we continue to celebrate silver for its beauty, healing powers, good fortune and ability to ward off evil spirits.
The story of silver began when it was first mined from the Earth in Turkey and Greece, where it was molded, coined and traded as currency. Its journey as a metal of distinction continued in the medical studies of Hippocrates, the father of medicine, and for decades to follow. It made its way into the coffers and tables of blue bloods and aristocrats in Europe and the new world, keeping them safe from tainted water and food. It surfaces in battlefields and hospitals in the 1800s, where surgeons used silver to fend off infectious invaders. It emerged throughout time as nature’s precious anti-microbial healing hero, renowned for its ability to fend off bacterial foes and defend the body from illnesses—and, in those days, mythical creatures, too. Good health comes down to Earth in this book, offering you time-tested remedies—and priceless nuggets of wisdom—that will enhance your well-being. Author Sharon Whiteley is a serial entrepreneur, innovative consumer product manufacturer, speaker and the founder of TRU47, which has an entire silver-based product line.
For more information, call 800-915-6147 or visit TRU47.com.
Integrated Gravity-Flow Water S ource - encourages deeper cl eansing and release.
Cozy Environment and Infrared Therapy - provide gent le, calming support for a r elaxing, effective session.
Gentle, Easy Detox Protocols a nd Reflorastation Therapyfacilitate recovery and restore b alance.
Ozone Therapy and ABO Bl ood Typing - elevate your Self-care program.
Affordable Packages and Flexible Scheduling - help you t o achieve your health goals.
RN delivered colonics using “SlowFlow” technique to cleanse and revitalize Vonnie Schultz Albrecht, RN 520.403.1686
Schedule your consultation!
Centrally Located
2028 E Prince Rd, Room 9 Tucson, AZ 85719
Elahe Wissinger, DMD, uses her spare time pursuing relaxing hobbies like hiking, traveling and spending time with family and friends. She’s also a firm believer that her patients should be able to feel relaxed from the moment they walk into her dental office until they leave. That is why the space at E Dental Solutions doesn’t feel like a dental office.
“We have a Zen environment with a fountain to help soothe and relax patients. The reception area is like a living room,” says Wissinger. “Our patients can enjoy themselves by watching a beautiful nature show filmed for us here in Arizona.” Indeed, the entire staff works hard to create an atmosphere that allows patients to feel like guests in a home, complete with hot and cold beverages, reading materials, Wi-Fi, blankets and pillows.
Years of five-star reviews across the internet tout the E Dental facility as beautifully designed, impeccably clean, open and spacious and as comfortable as home. And that’s all above and beyond the stellar reviews regarding superior dental care that many say is the best they’ve ever found.
Wissinger was inspired to become a dentist after working in a dental office and seeing how the dentist could change someone’s smile that then led to changing the person’s personality for the better. Seeing these people become more outgoing and confident was the spark that ignited her passion. “I wanted to do that for people—make them smile,” she says.
After graduating from Albuquerque High School, Wissinger went on to the University of Massachusetts Boston and received a BS in Psychology. Then she continued at Boston University’s Goldman School of Dental Medicine for her DMD degree. She began practicing dentistry in Boston in 1996 and moved to Tucson in 2001. Since 2003, Wissinger has owned and operated E Dental Solutions, which is in the foothills of the Santa Catalina Mountains. She is proud to have a team that is very well trained, with each member coming from the top of their field. As a whole, the team at E Dental Solutions provides the best care possible through their philosophy, materials and expertise.
Part of that philosophy is treating people as a whole, because current research has shown that the prevention of oral diseases is linked to the prevention of systemic diseases. “We realize that the oral cavity is not a separate entity from the body, but intimately involved in the overall health of the individual,” says Wissinger.
E Dental Solutions offers a wide variety of dental health services including bite improvement, treatment of gum disease and full-mouth reconstruction. In addition, cosmetic dentistry is offered with the latest state-of-the-art treatments so that patients of all ages can easily achieve a beautiful, healthy and aesthetic smile. These treatments can include options such as whitening, veneers, orthodontics using Invisalign, porcelain onlays and many more methods that are determined for each individual based on their desired outcome. The office also provides snore guards and sleep apnea appliances that can help people breathe better and maintain health.
How is oral health linked to total body health?
Oral hygiene plays a crucial role to our overall health and wellness. Bacteria found in periodontal disease, for instance, can predispose individuals to cardiovascular disease, GI disease, pregnancy complications such as low birth weight babies, diabetes, insulin resistance and Alzheimer’s disease. That is why I recommend regular checkups and hygiene appointments. We also review proper home care with all patients, which includes brushing and flossing, including hydro flossing techniques. We feel it is important to educate our patients so that each person joining our office knows what products to use to help reduce oral bacteria and help keep the mouth and the rest of the body healthier.
What dental procedures does E Dental Solutions specialize in?
I am a general dentist; however, I specialize in biologic/holistic dentistry with a focus in cosmetic dentistry. Safety of our patients is of the utmost importance in our
practice, which means we don’t use any products that may be harmful to the body. The oral cavity is the gateway to the body and creating a healthy environment in the mouth will aid in balancing other factors in the body. We feel passionate about personalized individual care and take pride in the services we provide. We want our office experience to be an exceptional one for every one of our guests.
What is one holistic method that sets your practice apart from others?
We offer safe mercury removal using the safe protocols for mercury amalgam fillings set forth by International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology. Mercury amalgam fillings contain about 50 percent mercury, which is the most toxic neurotoxin known to date. When it is used in the mouth it can release great amounts daily when heated by chewing, drinking or eating. To avoid exposing the patients and providers to
Our systems are hand crafted to integrate filtration and ionization technologies. Design philosophies are similar to the nuclear power and aeronautics industry offering innovative designs and precision quality in residential, commercial and industrial applications.
Natural Action Technologies. Inceasy to install, operate and maintain. Each individual system is engineered specifically for Senergy360.
The System Benefits Include:
• Re-structuring water to help the body optimally hydrate and revitalize the skin
• Absorb nutrients and heal from everyday stress
• Enhances showers and bathing experience by introducing restructured water
• Features the world’s most advanced pressed carbon block filtration
• Removes and reduces exposure to harmful compounds and chemicals
• Helps protect plumbing and hardware
• Flood protection safety valve
• Upgradable • 10 year warranty
this toxic mercury vapor, we place the patient on pure oxygen. Providers wear a special mask that protects them from the mercury vapors. The tooth with the mercury filling is then isolated to protect the patient from mercury particles and fragments.
How do you help patients who present with fear of pain or dental phobia?
The majority of dental clients have some level of dental phobia, so we try to make every dental experience as free of pain as possible. We often get compliments for our anesthetic technique. I firmly believe anesthetic given properly can greatly decrease anxiety in addition to decreasing the need for multiple numbings, which can overdose people with what is not needed. I believe in practicing with a “soft touch”, which all our patients recognize and appreciate.
Dental hygiene or dentistry does not have to be painful or scary. Superior quality can be delivered with a soft touch. We even have many patients that fall asleep during procedures, but that always comes with familiarity and trust in the provider’s ability.
What is the most essential message about dentistry that you want people to understand?
I feel it is very important that everyone realizes the importance of a properly maintained mouth. This is not just with hygiene maintenance or products and exams but shifting the thinking from emergency care to routine care. My team and I are very focused on preserving teeth, smiles and health and integrity of the teeth so that no one would need to go through emergency care if it can be helped. For example, we look at an individual’s bite to see if crowding is present and, if it is, then we look further to see if that can lead to teeth fractures or periodontal issues. In some cases, we see slight to severe loss of tooth structure as a result of crowding.
I feel it is always better to take care of smaller issues so that we can prevent larger issues later. Sometimes consequences of refusing preventative care can lead to devastating results. A small
issue, if left untreated, can lead to a much larger issue which can even lead to tooth loss. Therefore, I am a firm believer in prevention rather than emergency care. We all need to use the same philosophy used with our bodies. Prevention is the key.
How do you stay informed with advancements in dental care?
I am a continuing education junkie. I take courses in dentistry and urge my team members to do so as well. I also find it very important to have educated clients. We spend quite a bit of time educating all of our patients so that they have a very high dental IQ, which then aids them in selecting the best dental care for themselves. Information empowers one to make the appropriate decisions regarding dental health and well-being.
Your practice gives back to the community. What does that involve? We donate services and financial aid to different organizations because community participation and leadership are important to the team at E Dental Solutions. We spend numerous hours each year volunteering and donating to local organizations such as Hopefest, Arizona Mission of Mercy, American Diabetes Association, Parent Aid for child abuse prevention, Arizona List and World Care.
Can you describe your dental practice in one sentence?
We are compassionate about our patients and dentistry, we provide excellence in dentistry with a holistic approach and we are gentle.
E Dental Solutions is located at 2504 E River Rd, Tucson. The office is open Monday through Thursday from 8am to 5pm. For more information on services offered or to make a new patient exam and consultation appointment, call 520-745-5496 or visit EDentalSolutions.net. See ad, back cover.
Julie Peterson is a freelance writer who has written hundreds of articles on natural approaches to health, environmental issues and sustainable living. Connect at JuliePeterson2222@gmail.com.
When it comes time to replace the water heater, homeowners have an opportunity to save money and significantly lower their carbon footprint by choosing more efficient appliances. In the U.S., most homes are equipped with water heaters that require a large storage tank. The water has to be heated continually, leading to $400 to $600 water heating bills every year. A tankless model requires less space, lasts longer and costs less to operate. Because it does not hold water, cold water flows into the unit and is heated only when needed. This can save energy because the unit does not need to heat gallons of water that aren’t being used.
One drawback is that tankless devices may require a gas line and may be a challenge for older homes because of the necessary permits and electrical upgrades. Whether it has a tank or not, choose an Energy Star-certified model, which is deemed to be more efficient and often comes with a rebate or tax credit. Visit EnergyStar.gov for more information.
Some people may opt for a solar water heating system, which can cut annual hot water costs in half. Homes that generate their own power with solar panels may eliminate the annual cost altogether.
Another option is a heat pump water heater that uses 70 percent less energy than standard water heaters and is currently eligible for a $300 federal tax credit. According to Energy Saver, a U.S. Department of Energy consumer resource (Energy.gov), heat pump water heaters use electricity to move heat from one place to another instead of generating heat directly.
After installing a new unit, be sure to recycle the old water heater. Ask the retailer of the new appliance if they participate in a take-back program, or coordinate with the installer to arrange for proper recycling.
If the water heater doesn’t need replacement yet, consider that for every 10-degree decrease in the temperature setting on a conventional tank there is a corresponding 3 to 5 percent energy savings. Lower temperatures also reduce mineral buildup and corrosion in the tank and pipes.
Keep in mind that the easiest way to lower a household’s water heating is simply to use less hot water. Look for ways to decrease the family’s use of hot water by taking baths or shorter showers, washing laundry with cold water and running the dishwater on the energy-efficient setting.
A new study may shed light on why some people gain more weight than others regardless of diet and activity levels. Led by researchers at the University of Copenhagen and published in the journal Microbiome, the study found that being overweight may also be related to the makeup of a person’s gut microbiome. The researchers studied 85 overweight adults and found that 40 percent of the participants had more Bacteroides in their gut microbiome, which are more effective at extracting nutrients from food, possibly causing leftover food to be stored as fat. Before they began their study, the researchers had hypothesized that a long digestive travel time would allow people to extract more energy from their food, but they found instead that people with shorter digestive travel times were actually the ones that extracted the most nutrition. Those with Bacteroides had shorter intestinal transit times and higher body weight.
A new study conducted by researchers at Brown University has identified certain supplements that may be beneficial for heart health. The meta-analysis published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology reviewed more than 884 studies on 27 types of micronutrient supplements among 883,627 participants and found strong evidence that omega-3 fatty acid, folic acid and coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) are micronutrients that reduce cardiovascular risk. Omega-3 fatty acid was found to decrease mortality from cardiovascular disease; folic acid lowered stroke risk; and CoQ10 decreased all-cause mortality. Omega-6 fatty acid, L-arginine, L-citrulline, melatonin, magnesium, vitamin D, zinc, alpha-lipoic acid, catechin, flavanol, curcumin, genistein and quercetin also showed evidence of reducing cardiovascular risk.
For centuries, brazilwood (Paubrasilia echinata) has been used to make the finest bows for classical stringed instruments due to its unmatched ability to project sound. The wood comes from Brazil’s Atlantic Forest, one of the most threatened biomes in the world. This once abundant wood is now endangered, and its trade is regulated under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
Since 2018, Brazilian authorities have been cracking down on brazilwood smuggling. They’ve confiscated almost 150,000 bows (and sticks) and last year raided 37 properties connected to their manufacture. In November 2022, signatories to the CITES treaty voted to expand restrictions and require permits to export newly made brazilwood bows. The classical music industry and several of its stars have voiced their opposition to such restrictions, but ecologists assert it is the only way to save the species.
Scientists have warned for years that as forests and grasslands are disappearing at unprecedented rates and oceans are pressured by pollution, humans are pushing Earth beyond tenable limits. In December 2022, nearly 200 countries agreed on a Global Biodiversity Framework at the United Nations 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity. The historic agreement represents hope for real progress to halt the loss of biodiversity. Among its numerous provisions, the framework commits nations to protect 30 percent of the world’s lands, inland waters, coastal areas and oceans by 2030; increase financing for nature restoration and protection; halt human-induced extinction; and protect the rights of indigenous people. The protections will emphasize areas of particular importance for biodiversity and ecosystem functioning and services. Throughout the talks there was division over the strength of the measures and how to finance them. In a statement released by the Wildlife Conservation Society, vice president of international policy Susan Lieberman said, “The [framework] is a compromise, and although it has several very good and hard-fought elements, it could have gone further to truly transform our destructive relationship with nature.” During negotiations, some countries called for a new fund to be set up to help preserve biodiversity, but this recommendation was not included in the final pact.
Many of us have come across the term “plant-based eating”. Perhaps the regimen was recommended to us by a medical or nutritional professional. We may have read about it in a magazine or seen a documentary on the subject. Scientists around the globe have studied this lifestyle choice, and persuasive evidence is mounting that eating a preponderance of foods from plant sources has health merits.
The concept is attributed to T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., the Jacob Gould Schurman professor emeritus of nutritional biochemistry at Cornell University. Based on his extensive research, he has advocated a low-fat, whole food, plant-based diet since the 1980s, and his commentary appears in Forks Over Knives, an influential 2011 documentary on the subject that is still worth viewing.
Americans love their cheeseburgers and french fries, and breaking a habit that we thoroughly enjoy might be challenging at first. But we need not completely ban such delights from our menu, so long as our plates are brimming with vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, beans, healthy oils, nuts and seeds most of the time. Gradually transitioning to a whole food, plant-based, low-fat diet is the winning formula for positive change and long-term compliance.
Here are five compelling reasons to make this promising dietary shift.
As so many Americans struggle with chronic health issues, including obesity, diabetes and heart disease, physicians are hard-pressed to find the right combination of treatments to help their patients lead healthier lives. At the same time, healthcare costs continue to skyrocket. In 2020, health spending rose to $4.1 trillion, or $12,530 per capita, according to the American Medical Association.
In a 2013 article published in The Permanente Journal, California physicians surveyed leading research and case studies and found that plant-based diets offer patients a low-risk, cost-effective intervention to regulate weight, blood pressure, blood sugar
and cholesterol levels. They also asserted that such eating regimens could reduce the number of medications patients would have to take for chronic disease, and that physicians should recommend such diets to all of their patients, especially those suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease or obesity.
Besides saving money on drugs and medical procedures, a plant-based menu has never been easier or more affordable. According to recent data conducted by the UK nonprofit Veganuary, plant-based meals eaten at home cost 40 percent less than meat- or fish-based meals and take one-third less time to prepare.
“The most powerful tool I discovered while in practice for both preventing and treating chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure and arthritis was the implementation of a plant-based nutritional plan to a patient’s life,” says Ted Crawford, a board-certified family physician featured in two inspiring documentaries about the life-changing benefits of a plant-based diet: Eating You Alive and PlantWise.
The latest food trend is a “burger” made entirely of plants. The race is on to see which one looks and tastes closest to a juicy, all-beef patty. Whether it’s mushrooms posing as “steak” or wheat-based seitan kneaded into “chicken”, recipes catering to carnivores have their audience. For some, these tasty alternatives may offer a path toward becoming a vegetarian or vegan.
Oven-roasted on a sheet pan, splashed with extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice, sprinkled with fresh herbs and spices, served with a creamy dip, slow-cooked in a crockpot, baked into a pie, frothed into a sweet smoothie or freshly pulled from the vine, consider the fact that whole, plant-based foods taste delicious on their own and deserve the spotlight.
They are good and good for us, packed with nutrition while low in fat and calories. The vibrant colors of fruits and vegetables—as varied as the rainbow—are evidence of the many healthful attributes they offer. Ditching animal fats, white flour and sugar in favor of fresh, whole plant foods found at a local farmers market ensures a rich intake of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, phytonutrients, fiber, antioxidants, flavonoids, protein, fiber and more—the building blocks of a robust, disease-fighting body.
Those that believe a plant-based diet is too limiting might be surprised to learn that there is a wealth of meat-free culinary possibilities. Garth Davis, M.D., author of Proteinaholic: How Our Obsession With Meat Is Killing Us and What We Can Do About It, notes, “Just 12 plants and five animals compose about 75 percent of the world’s food, and yet there are approximately 300,000 known edible plant species, only about 150 of which are used commonly around the world.”
There are so many plant-derived flavors and recipes yet to explore. Try a new plant-based recipe weekly. Let the kids select their favorite fruits and veggies to prepare. Enjoy reimagining old favorites like lasagna, enchiladas, chili and tacos. Simply swap out the meat in favor of beans, tofu, tempeh or faux meat products, which have become quite sophisticated in recent years.
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While acute inflammation is a protective bodily response to heal infections and repair tissues, metabolic inflammation— or metaflammation—refers to chronic, systemic inflammation. According to a 2020 study published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, metabolic inflammation is associated with increased risk of Type 2 diabetes, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and cardiovascular disease. Numerous studies have explored the inflammatory and anti-inflammatory effects of foods. According to a 2021 article in Harvard Health Publishing, the following foods cause inflammation: refined carbohydrates like white bread; fried foods like french fries; sodas and other sugary drinks; red meat; processed meat, including hot dogs, sausage and cold cuts; and margarine, shortening and lard. Conversely, the best anti-inflammatory foods are tomatoes; olive oil; leafy, green vegetables such as spinach, kale and collards; nuts like almonds, walnuts, pistachios and pecans; and fruit such as apples, strawber-
ries, blueberries, cherries and oranges. Omega-3 fatty acid-rich fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna and sardines are also recommended for their anti-inflammatory properties.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, total greenhouse gas emissions from global livestock represents 14.5 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. Cattle raised for both beef and milk are the animal species responsible for the most emissions, which include methane and represent about 65 percent of the livestock sector’s emissions. Industrially produced meat is also a leading contributor of global deforestation and habitat loss as large swaths of the Amazon and other land masses are cleared for cattle ranching and to produce animal feed.
According to a new model developed by California scientists and published in the journal PLOS Climate, a global phase-out of animal agriculture and a
shift to plant-based diets over the next 15 years would have the same effect as a 68 percent reduction of carbon dioxide emissions through the end of 2100, thereby boosting humanity’s chances of avoiding the projected devastation of climate change. Such benefits would result from a decline in the methane and nitrous oxide emissions associated with industrialized meat production, coupled with a recovery of natural ecosystems as fewer forests and land masses are cleared for animal feed production.
Sarah Thomsen Ferreira, an integrative registered dietician and manager of clinical nutrition at the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine (CCCFM), notes, “Certain foods and nutrients help your brain to make chemicals that can impact your mood, attention and focus, while other foods can zap your energy.”
The CCCFM recommends a diet that combines complex carbohydrates with lean proteins and colorful produce. While lean proteins may include white-fleshed fish and white-meat poultry, healthy, plant-based, lean proteins are also found in beans, peas, lentils and tofu.
Diet can support emotional well-being and perhaps even help ward off depression and anxiety. A 2017 clinical trial explored how a plant-based diet, daily exercise and mindfulness techniques would affect 500 adult men and women diagnosed with moderate to severe depression and anxiety. After 12 weeks, participants reported improvements in depression and anxiety, according to the study abstract published in the journal Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice.
Eating a plant-based diet makes sense on many levels. Make the switch.
Kiki Powers is a health writer, blogger and national speaker specializing in plant-based nutrition and healthy green living. Learn more at RawKiki.com.
Dropping off a homemade treat on a neighbor’s porch or going out of our way for a stranger can make the recipient’s day, but the giver also gets a boost. Thanks to a scientifically proven cascade of feel-good chemicals like oxytocin, serotonin and dopamine, performing regular acts of kindness forges new neural pathways in the brain, amping up our cognitive ability while reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression.
The “helper’s high” is as real as the runner’s high and, according to sources cited by the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, neurotransmitters stimulated by compassion have a stronger influence on health and longevity than exercise and other positive lifestyle factors.
Studies show that practicing kindness for just seven days increases happiness, but the magic is ephemeral. Oxytocin, the “love chemical” that bonds humans to each other, floods the bloodstream for only four minutes after a positive interaction, which means the more doors we hold for each other and the more we offer small soul-gifts to others, the more we train our brains to be happier and our bodies to be less sensitive to chronic pain patterns.
Of course, giving must be counterbalanced with a healthy ratio of receiving. Expressing compassion to ourselves is equally as important and effective. Including the self is paramount in purposeful generosity. Allowing ourselves the full range of human emotions without judgement, giving our bodies that much-needed extra hour of sleep, buying fresh flowers for our office and crediting ourselves for daily accomplishments are all easy ways to turn on endorphins.
The more joyful we can be in our own skins, the more likely we are to beam that joy out into the world. Being both giver and receiver to ourselves blesses us with an understanding of why expressing benevolence is vital to the planet. “The more you are motivated by love, the more fearless and free your action will be,” said the Dalai Lama, exemplifying how giving in itself is the greatest reward.
Marlaina Donato is an author, painter and host of multimedia art exhibits intended for healing the community. Connect at WildflowerLady.com.
Terry Wahls, M.D., is a certified practitioner at the Institute for Functional Medicine, as well as clinical professor of medicine at the University of Iowa, where she conducts clinical trials testing the effect of therapeutic diet and lifestyle to treat multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms. She is the author of The Wahls Protocol: A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles, as well as an accompanying cookbook, The Wahls Protocol Cooking for Life. When Wahls was diagnosed with MS and later relegated to a tilt-recline wheelchair in the early 2000s, she decided to fight back. Drawing upon her medical background, she identified certain nutrients that were critical for brain health and started taking supplements. The disease’s progression slowed as a result, spurring
her to dig deeper. Since then, through rigorous scientific study and numerous clinical trials, Wahls has developed groundbreaking dietary and lifestyle recommendations that alleviate autoimmune disease symptoms. No longer bound to a wheelchair, she bikes to work every day and stands as a living testament to the power of tenacity and strenuous scientific inquiry.
The protocol is a lifestyle that supports the steadily improving health of everyone, not just MS patients. It focuses on eating more vegetables and fruits, and ensuring sufficient protein. It reduces or eliminates added sugars, ultra-processed foods, dairy and gluten-containing grains. While the diet may get more complex, a great place for anyone to start is including more non-starchy vegetables, less processed food and more meals cooked at home. The protocol also includes lifestyle interventions, such as time in nature, meditation, mindfulness and physical activity. Even for patients who are wheelchair-bound, going from chair to bed, exercise will improve their quality of life. It is a way of approaching living that creates a more healthy, nurturing environment.
What excites you most about your current MS study?
Seeing what happens with brain volume and quality of life. We hypothesize that lifestyle changes will get the rate of brain volume loss to match that of healthy aging. MS patients have brains that are shrinking three times faster than in healthy aging. This increases the risk for anxiety, depression and early cognitive decline. Our study will be the largest and longest dietary intervention study done in the setting of relapsing-remitting MS. We are recruiting people ages 18 to 70 diagnosed with MS. During the participants’ three visits, they will complete surveys, conduct functional tests, provide blood and saliva samples, and get an MRI. The participants will be divided into three groups. One will follow a modified paleo diet; the second an olive oil ketogenic, time-restricted diet; and the third will be the control group. We are optimistic that the first two groups will get to healthy aging, and the control arm will likely improve, as well.
Fasting improves metabolic flexibility—the ability to switch between protein, fat and glucose for fuel. Fasting for two days increases stem cells. While periodic fasting is beneficial for metabolism and regenerative processes, it is hard to sustain because of our strong biologic drive to eat and dislike for being hungry. An easier dietary pattern to sustain long term is timerestricted eating in a window of six to eight hours. Our current clinical trial incorporates this eating pattern.
How important managing stress is. When I was diagnosed with MS, I could tell that stress made my symptoms worse. I feel I would have done much better had I maintained my meditation. I am fond of hormetic stress, that “sweet spot” where stress could be beneficial. Without stress, our bones and muscles disappear. Without the stress of having to learn, our brain disappears. We just need an equal measure of relaxation and recovery.
You can reverse symptoms of MS and restore function. You can have a great and meaningful life at your level of function. It is important to find joy, gratitude and purpose in life as it’s unfolding now, and doing so will help with the energy and commitment needed to do the work that can change the direction of your healing journey.
To learn more about Wahls’ studies, visit wahls.lab.uiowa.edu. To participate, visit wahls.lab.uiowa.edu/join-study or contact the study team at MSDietStudy@healthcare.uiowa.edu.
Our kidneys are prodigious multitaskers. Through the production of urine, they filter toxins, excrete waste and balance bodily fluids. They also produce certain hormones that regulate blood pressure and aid in other vital functions. While the kidneys don’t usually fail all at once, their effectiveness can deteriorate slowly over years, and chronic kidney disease (CKD) is most often the result of uncontrolled diabetes or high blood pressure.
Simple blood and urine tests help physicians evaluate kidney function and diagnose CKD, which is divided into five stages. The first three stages are mild or moderate, and can respond well to lifestyle modifications and alternative interventions, while the more severe, later stages become increasingly more complex to treat and may require dialysis to mechanically perform the kidneys’ functions. In end-stage CKD, many patients are relegated to dialysis treatments several times a month to prevent the accumulation of deadly toxins, while many wait and hope for a life-saving transplant.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that one in
seven adults are diagnosed annually. Most of these 37 million Americans do not feel ill or notice symptoms until they are in advanced stages of the disease, which is why people with diabetes and high blood pressure should be tested regularly and take steps to protect their kidneys. Managing CKD requires a multilevel approach, including lifestyle and diet changes, use of prescribed medications, avoidance of kidney-harming toxins like alcohol and cigarettes, and close supervision by a doctor that specializes in kidney disease (nephrologist) to ensure that other prescribed medications and over-the-counter or herbal treatments are safe.
Integrative and holistic approaches may be of help for those in earlier stages of kidney disease or for those striving to prevent it. “I have been really blessed to be connected with a global team of people who, like myself and everyone I work with, understand that kidney disease is treatable, and the recovery of kidney function is actually possible,” says Fiona Chin, an Australia-based naturopath and co-founder of KidneyCoach.com. Chin adds that she and her colleagues have witnessed significant patient improve-
ment from tailored diet and lifestyle regimens during and after diagnosis, especially when root causes are addressed.
Promising research published last year in Frontiers of Pharmacology shows that combining Western treatments and Traditional Chinese Medicine can have a positive impact on even late-stage renal failure. Isaac Eliaz, M.D., an integrative medical doctor and founder of Amitabha Medical Clinic, in Santa Rosa, California, says, “Preventing and reducing chronic inflammation is a critical aspect of minimizing CKD risk. An anti-inflammatory diet, moderate exercise program and attention to stress reduction all work to decrease the pro-inflammatory milieu.” He also highlights the importance of protecting and boosting beneficial gut bacteria, which can be addressed with supplements or prebiotic foods like garlic, leeks, onions and jicama.
Piling whole, plant-plentiful goodness onto our plates and embracing an alkaline diet are key measures in the prevention of CKD by lowering the risk
for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Mayo Clinic offers renal-supportive recipes with fruits, vegetables and grains like quinoa. It also recommends avoiding many packaged and processed foods that have phosphorus added to prolong shelf life and enhance taste, such as convenience foods, sodas and sports drinks, flavor-enhanced meats and processed cheeses.
Jarrod Cooper, ND, founder of Advanced Functional Medicine, underscores the importance of nixing pro-inflammatory foods such as sugars, refined carbohydrates, excessive red meat, trans and saturated fats, caffeine and alcohol. Alcohol negatively impacts liver function, and over time reduces blood flow to the kidneys, leading to CKD, he says. That extra glass of wine can also crank up blood pressure, a surefire path to renal compromise.
Kidney-loving fruits, according to Cleveland Urology Associates, include pineapple, cranberries, red grapes and apples, all of which pack an anti-inflammatory punch.
Chin notes that although salt is essential for nerve and muscle function,
a balancing of fluids in the blood and healthy blood pressure, not all salt is beneficial. “Salt is a healthy thing to have in your diet in moderation and in the right form,” she asserts. “Table salt is manufactured salt that is stripped of its natural minerals. During salt processing, the balance of sodium to other valuable minerals is lost. Most salt companies also add anti-caking agents that contain aluminum.” Chin recommends good-quality Himalayan salt or sea salt that also contains traces of other natural minerals.
Various types of seaweeds, like dulce, nori and kombu, are natural sources of sodium that are safe for people that do not have kidney disease. They offer significant benefits for inflammation reduction, blood sugar balance and heart health, including
lower blood pressure. Sea vegetables have also been shown to help reduce the risk of kidney stones by inhibiting the formation of calcium oxalate
Marlaina Donato is an author, painter and host of multimedia art exhibits intended for healing the community. Connect at Wildflower Lady.com.
1 head cauliflower, chopped (or 6 cups)
1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 garlic cloves
¼ tsp pepper
¼ tsp salt
3 Tbsp fresh lime juice
¼ cup fresh cilantro, chopped
Rinse the cauliflower and pat dry. Chop into florets, then pulse in a food processor or blender. Alternatively, the cauli-
flower can be left whole and grated with a box grater.
In a large pan, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Sauté garlic for a few minutes until fragrant and lightly browned. Increase heat to medium high and add cauliflower. Sauté about 5 minutes.
Transfer to a bowl and toss with salt, pepper, lime juice and cilantro.
Excerpted from Multiple Sclerosis Diet Plan and Cookbook. Copyright © 2019 Noelle Citarella. Used with permission from Rockridge Press, Emeryville, CA. All rights reserved.
1½ tsp paprika
1½ tsp cumin
1½ tsp dark brown sugar
½ tsp garlic powder
½ tsp onion powder
½ tsp kosher salt
½ tsp chili powder
¼ tsp black pepper
2 cups broccoli slaw
2 cups shredded purple cabbage
1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
3 Tbsp mayonnaise
2 Tbsp cilantro, chopped
der and black pepper. Sprinkle over the flesh side of the fish, reserving about 1 teaspoon for the slaw.
Preheat a medium skillet over medium heat, add the olive oil and coat the pan evenly. Place the salmon in the preheated pan, flesh side down, and allow it to sizzle for 4 minutes to allow it to brown. Flip it to the skin side and cover the pan for the last 4 minutes or until it reaches the desired temperature.
Meanwhile, combine the slaw ingredients in a large bowl and mix well. Heat the corn tortillas. Fill each with about 2 ounces of salmon and about ¼ cup of slaw.
4 salmon filets, 4 oz each
2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
8 small corn tortillas
2 small jalapeños, seeds removed and chopped
1 Tbsp lime juice
In a small bowl, combine and mix the paprika, cumin, brown sugar, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, chili pow-
Excerpted from Multiple Sclerosis Diet Plan and Cookbook. Copyright © 2019 Noelle Citarella. Used with permission from Rockridge Press, Emeryville, CA. All rights reserved.
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts may sound like a trendy buzzword reserved only for experienced athletes, but this versatile, shortform exercise is safe and effective for just about everybody, including beginners, as long as it is done properly. According to Bogdan Goia, fitness expert and founder of Far Hills Fitness, in New Jersey, “HIIT training can benefit almost any age demographic, from teenagers to clients in their 70s and 80s.”
In a recent study, even menopausal women diagnosed with osteoporosis successfully completed 13 months of high-impact HIIT with a very high adherence rate, with no injuries and high satisfaction ratings,” shares Debra Atkinson, a medical exercise specialist, certified strength and conditioning coach, and founder of Flipping 50 (FlippingFifty.com)
A HIIT workout consists of a series of short bursts of intense activity interspersed with periods of rest or low-intensity movement called “active recovery”. A session is deemed to be high intensity when it is at or near peak effort, which translates to an eight or nine out of 10 on the exercise intensity scale, or 80 to 95 percent of an individual’s maximum heart rate. Such exertion is characterized by heavy sweating and an inability to
say more than a few words without gasping for breath.
While HIIT workouts provide many of the same benefits as traditional, “steady state” exercise training, where the required amount of effort remains relatively consistent, HIIT sessions are typically shorter in duration, ranging anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes. HIIT is the perfect solution for busy people that are short on time or those hesitant to commit to longer exercise routines.
The exercise format is easily adaptable to most types of physical activities, such as running, weightlifting, swimming or biking, as long as a high level of intensity can be maintained. Adding to the con-
venience factor, HIIT does not require a gym membership or access to specialized equipment.
HIIT workouts have been the subject of numerous studies and have been shown to help with fat loss, improved metabolism and muscle gain. One study found that participants burned 25 to 30 percent more calories during a HIIT workout than in other forms of exercise. Because HIIT boosts metabolism, calorie burn has also been shown to last beyond the workout.
Researchers have discovered other health benefits, from reducing blood sugar levels, resting heart rate and blood pressure, to balancing hormones, slowing the rate of cellular aging and even increasing longevity.
The practice also reduces the wear and tear that chronic cardio can inflict on the body. While federal guidelines currently recommend 150 to 300 minutes per week of moderate exercise, only 75 minutes per week are recommended when the exercise is vigorous.
For those looking to improve aerobic fitness, intervals typically involve a one-to-one or one-to-two work-to-rest ratio. For example, in a one-to-one cardio workout, the person would exercise strenuously for 30 seconds and rest for 30 seconds.
If the goal is to gain strength, longer rest intervals are needed, with at least a oneto-five work-to-rest ratio. A person might exercise for 30 seconds, followed by 150 seconds of rest, for example, allowing their targeted muscles to recover and heart rate to drop before the next exertion.
HIIT should not be performed daily or when energy levels are low, to avoid injury and give the body enough time between workouts to rest and repair.
Atkinson cautions, “Injury rates increase considerably doing more than 50 minutes per week of HIIT, due to the additional stress and need for recovery between. The
good news is, there’s no need to do more. Short sessions actually get the best results.”
According to Goia, “I believe the key is to have a fitness professional select the exercise, monitor form and function, adjust work-to-rest ratios and monitor heart rate variability. HIIT workouts give my clients a 60-minute workout in 30 minutes and, if done correctly, will greatly increase the vitality, longevity and strength of any client.”
For a flexible, efficient path to fitness, HIIT checks all the boxes. By starting small and slowly working up to a high level of intensity, a whole host of fitness gains and health benefits are possible without sacrificing time.
Kirby Baldwin is an editor and writer for KnoWEwell, the Regenerative Whole Health Hub and parent company of Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp.
In her book One Makes the Difference: Inspiring Actions That Change Our World, environmental activist Julia Butterfly Hill asserts, “Everything we do and say does change the world. Even our inactions have impact.” Spring-boarding from Hill’s keen observation, the efforts each of us make can add up to much more than we ever imagine. This year, the International Day of Forests and World Water Day are celebrated during the spring equinox (March 21 and 22), when nature kicks into high gear for annual renewal. For those dedicated to Earth awareness, this is a wonderful opportunity to commune with like-minded activists and learn about our impacts on vanishing resources.
It is easy to be hopelessly discouraged when we look at the statistics of vanishing rain forests, polluted waterways and an astonishing output of “forever chemicals”, but focusing instead on the headway we’ve made worldwide can be a shot in the arm.
The ozone layer, according to reliable accounts, is in recovery, thanks to reduced production of chlorofluorocarbons. Plastic policies in cities across the U.S., Europe and Australia are reducing waste, especially plastic shopping bags, plates, straws and cutlery. To fight the demise of vital coral reefs due to ocean acidification caused by the plastic pandemic, scientists are seeding reefs with coral offspring to promote restoration. The United Nations biodiversity conference held last year initiated an agreement among world leaders to restore 30 percent of natural resources by 2030 through concentrated efforts across the globe.
Major culprits of deforestation are food production (soy, corn and livestock), illegal logging and excessive paper manufacturing, which uses hazardous chemicals that compromise
the air and human health. But there is much we can each do to counterbalance this devastation.
Besides going paperless whenever we can at home and work, opting for paper alternatives like bamboo, hemp and sugarcane can reduce energy production and pollution. “The three Rs—recycle, reuse and reduce are still very important,” says Todd Larsen, executive co-director at Green America. “Look for paper products made with postconsumer recycled fiber, and consumers can encourage companies they support to use recycled paper as much as possible.”
The people behind TreeSisters.org, a registered charity in the UK spearheading social change and tropical reforestation, explain, “Tropical forests are more than ‘the lungs’ of our world. They are the beating heart of the hydrological cycle. As weather stabilizers, rain creators and cleansers, they are intimately tied to our health and our food.”
Supporting reputable organizations for land and water extends beyond funds. Volunteer work, initiating a fundraiser and
spreading the word about their efforts on social media or over a coffee break are love in action. Choosing to buy from organic farmers with Earth-positive practices like crop rotation, cover cropping and composting is an investment in the future. Brady Smith, the public affairs officer for the Coconino National Forest, in Arizona, emphasizes, “If people can practice ‘leaving no trace’ ethics, that would go a long, long way in helping preserve our forests.”
It is a frightening prospect that the world’ s oceans will have more plastic than marine life in just 30 years. The impact of overfishing adds to the grim reality, but we can choose sustainable, wild-caught seafood that requires minimal fresh water (and produces fewer carbon dioxide emissions than the beef industry).
According to UNICEF and the World Health Organization, one in three people suffer from the consequences of contaminated water. Supporting clean water projects sponsored by charities like Water.org
can help provide safe drinking water for families in impoverished countries. Donating $200 can help a family receive a water credit loan to connect to a water supply inside the home. A borrower’ s payback rate in a country like the Philippines is an inspiring 99 percent.
Even surfing the net can have environmental implications. Instead of conducting web searches on Google, consider Ecosia. They use the profit they make from people’s searches to plant trees where they are needed most. What we do matters.
Canadian activist Maude Barlow’s inspiring words at the World Future Council last year remind us, “We can’t know what the outcome is going to be, but we have to have faith that others are doing very important work and that, collectively, that’s going to make a difference.”
Marlaina Donato is an author, painter and host of multimedia art exhibits intended for healing the community. Connect at WildflowerLady.com.
“The Mouth Is To Humans What Roots Are To Plants”
Your Pain, Fatigue & Chronic Illness May Be Rooted in:
1.Crowded Teeth & Deficient Jaws
2.Pinched Airway
3.Clicking/Popping Jaw Joints
4.Teeth Grinding
5.Tongue-Tie & Abnormal Swallowing
6.Weak Chin, Double Chin
7.Sunken Mid-Face, Flat Cheekbones
8.Teeth Pulled & Spaces Closed For Braces.
Impaired Mouth Symptoms Short List:
1. Aches & Pains in Head, Jaws, Neck Shoulders & Back
2. Fatique, Brain Fog, Lack of Motivation
3. Post-Nasal Drip & Frequent Colds & Flu
4. Teeth Grinding & Jaw Joint Troubles
5. Snoring, Sleep Apnea, CPAP Intolerance
“Get your airway back, get your sleep back, get your life back” – Angela, patient “Impaired Mouth Diagnosis should have been the first course in dental school.”
Dr. J. Yelle, Monument, CO
An AMD’s Mission: To help you turn back illness and turn on wellness naturally through our evidence-based impaired Mouth diagnosis and Holistic Mouth solutions HolisticMouthSolutions.com
Join free Webinar to learn
Natural remedies and healing therapies are not just for humans, they also help pets overcome illness and maintain optimal health. Used properly, plants, herbs, essential oils and other natural, non-toxic substances can complement and often replace drugs and other chemical agents. Here are seven healthful solutions.
Coconut oil is a source of medium-chain triglycerides, which benefit cognitive function. It is also rich in lauric acid, a powerful antimicrobial agent for yeast infections, allergies and skin conditions (when used topically). Feed dogs and cats one-quarter teaspoon of 100 percent organic, cold-pressed, humangrade coconut oil for every 10 pounds of the pet’s body weight twice daily.
Manuka honey is an all-natural, effective remedy. Clinical trials have shown that it can eradicate hundreds of strains of bacteria, including certain antibioticre- sistant varieties.
A Unique Manuka Factor rating of 10 or higher is recommended for medicinal use. Manuka honey can be used to manage resistant ear and skin infections, as well as large, superficial wounds that cannot be closed surgically. Given orally, manuka honey is effective at addressing H. pylori, the bacteria that contributes to gastrointestinal irritation, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and excessive E. coli blooms in animals with dysbiosis.
Aloe vera has multiple applications. To reduce a dog’s discomfort from skin irritations, cuts or wounds, clean the affected area and apply the raw, inner gel of the plant to provide a soothing effect. For constipation, a small amount of whole leaf aloe vera juice, a natural laxative, can be added to a dog’s food. Inner leaf aloe juice, which doesn’t contain
the skin, helps heal gastric ulcers, colitis and leaky gut.
Lavender oil is used in aromatherapy to help calm nervous or anxious animals. For a dog with noise phobia, place a few drops on their collar or bedding before a stressor occurs, if possible, or diffuse the oil around the house for a calming effect. Lavender oil can also be beneficial for treating hot spots. Add a few drops to manuka honey or coconut oil and apply after disinfecting the wound twice daily.
Oregano oil contains potent antibacterial and antiparasitic properties. It can be used to calm itchy skin, soothe irritated gums and assist in balancing a dog’s gut flora. It is also a beneficial herb for dogs with kennel cough or recurrent infections. Oregano oil should always be diluted before using it in or on pets.
Ginger is a widely used, non-toxic, nonirritating remedy for soothing tummy troubles. It can be given orally or used in oil form by adding a few drops to a carrier oil, such as coconut or olive oil, and massaging the mixture into the skin on the pet’s belly. Alternatively, add small amounts of freshly grated ginger or the dry herb to a tasty meatball or other yummy treat. Use no more than one-sixteenth teaspoon for kitties, one-eighth teaspoon for small dogs under 10 pounds, one-quarter teaspoon for medium-sized dogs, one-half teaspoon for large dogs and three-quarter to one teaspoon for giant breeds. Give the ginger one to three times a day, as needed.
Chamomile is an effective calming agent that has analgesic and anti-spas-
modic properties and is beneficial in soothing the central nervous system. Use a cool chamomile tea bag against a wound, irritation or bug bite on the dog’s or cat’s skin to provide a soothing effect. Something else to consider is a soothing chamomile after-bath rinse. Add five chamomile tea bags to two quarts of very hot water and steep until the water is cool for up to three hours to
allow the maximum amount of polyphenols to release into the water. Remove the tea bags and pour the rinse over a freshly bathed pet from the neck down. Massage into the skin and do not rinse.
Veterinarian Dr. Karen Shaw Becker has spent her career empowering animal guardians to make knowledgeable decisions to extend the life and well-being of their pets. To learn more, visit DrKarenBecker.com.
Using light energy through distance healing, your healing process can move forward more smoothly.
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Robert, Gainesville, GAPracticing by donation for nearly 10 years. Questions? Call Bill at 770-990-9191 or visit https://www.distancehealer.me
All events were accurate at press time; we suggest confirming these the hosts before attending. Please check NaturalTucson.com to enter your events or find others. Thank you for your understanding and stay well.
Yoga for Increased Energy and Focus – 8-9am. With Ken Reader, certified instructor. Morning yoga awakens your senses, finds your breath and gets the blood flowing. An all-level class with seated, flow and wall poses. Ends with a guided meditation. $12. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima. 520-323-1222. YogaConnection.org.
March 2 • 5pm
Bio-Touch Center • 5634 W Pima St Bio-TouchDoveMounatin.com/meetup
March 18 • 9am-4:30pm
Live/On-Line. 8 hours of CE for nurses, doulas, and massage therapists
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March 23 • 6pm
Live on Facebook and YouTube Facebook.com/biotouchhealing
Enigma of Shadows: A Butoh Performance by Funhouse Movement Theater – 3/3: 6-7pm or 7:15-8:15pm. 3/4: 3-4pm or 4:15-5:15pm. Funhouse movement theater returns to Yume Japanese Gardens to take you on an exquisite butoh journey between enigmas and shadows. Advanced ticket reservation is required. $28/GA; $15/children (3-15), $25/members/seniors. Yume Japanese Gardens of Tucson, 2130 N Alvernon Way. 520-332-2928. YumeGardens.org.
Advanced IV Health Open Clinic – 3/4: 8am5pm and 3/5: 9am-2pm. Offering free B-12 or Vitamin D shots all weekend $40 value). No charge. 1011 N Craycroft Rd, Ste 400. 520-4000819. AdvancedIVHealth.com.
Drinking Water: What’s Healthy, What’s Not – 9:45-11:30am. First Saturday. Learn about the health benefits of Kangen special ionized drinking water (electrically charged): alkaline, super hydrating, detoxifying, rich in antioxidants. Please RSVP. No charge. Pristine Naturopathic Medicine, 2469 N Country Club Rd. 520-7951300. TheHealthyCouple.com.
Advanced IV Health Open Clinic – 3/4: 8am5pm and 3/5: 9am-2pm. Offering free B-12 or Vitamin D shots all weekend. ($40 value). No charge. 1011 N Craycroft Rd, Ste 400. 520-4000819. AdvancedIVHealth.com.
Yoga for Anxiety Class – 11am-12pm. Psychoeducational presentation of what depression is and the difference between sadness and clinical depression, discussion that focuses on the reduction of tamas and cultivation of sattva and a 15-minute yoga sequence. $20/plus Eventbrite fee. Palo Santo Psychotherapy and Wellness, 48 North Tucson Blvd, Ste 106. 520-425-6572. Tinyurl.com/Yoga-for-Anxiety-Class.
Medical Thermography and Heart Health –12-3pm. Wild Wellness Naturopathic/Integrative Medicine and Inflammation Imaging of Tucson will be Presenting: Medical Thermography and Heart Health, “Blue Zone” Nutrition, Longevity and more. No charge. Natural Grocers, 6320 N Oracle Rd, Oro Valley. Contact Lisa Holliday at 520-468-1530.
Full Moon Labyrinth Walk – 7-8pm. Join Janet Salese and some of your metaphysical friends for a meditative practice, walking a beautiful outdoor labyrinth under the light of a full moon. No charge. CSLTucson at Unity of Tucson’s Outdoor Labyrinth, 3617 N Camino Blanco. TucsonCSL.org.
A Day of Breast Health – 9am. Inflammation Imaging of Tucson and Wild Wellness Naturopathic/Integrative will be Hosting: A Day of Breast Health with HerScan Ultrasound. No charge. Wild Wellness Integrative Medicine, 437 W Thurber Rd, Ste #3. 520-600-0211. For information, contact Lisa Holliday at 520-468-1530. Concert Series: Duo Chinoiserie – 6-6:45pm or 7:15-8pm. Enjoy handpicked Japanese pieces played with instruments from both sides of the world in perfect cohesion by award-winning Duo Chinoiserie. Advanced reservation required. $27/adults; $10/children (3-15). Yume Japanese Gardens of Tucson, 2130 N Alvernon Way. 520332-2928. YumeGardens.org.
Free Webinar: How to Live Plant-Based in Real Life – 10-11am. Coach Deb Anderson shares the Top 3 things to do to make Whole Food PlantBased Living simple, easy and fun. Just starting out, or looking to re-commit? Bring your questions. No charge. Register: DebAndersonCoaching.com.
Free Beginner’s Astrology Class – 11am-12pm. 3 planets change signs this month. Where do they show up in your natal astrology chart? What can you expect from these changes? No charge. ASAOM & Han University of Traditional Medicine, 2856 E Fort Lowell Rd.
Yoga for a Better Night’s Sleep – 1-3pm. This workshop offers tips to create better sleep habits through yoga. Marty Twitchell, RYT-500, YACEP, leads this workshop offered online or instudio. $15. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima. 520-323-1222. YogaConnection.org.
Experience the Sound of Soul – 4-5pm. Enjoy the chance to share your spiritual experiences, ask questions, and chat with other spiritual adventurers. We’ll engage in spiritual conversation and enjoy community. No charge. Email Rvoec@ EckankarArizona.org for Zoom link. EckankarArizona.org.
A Puppet Show: “Little One-Inch”, Issun Boshi by Red Herring Puppets – 11am-12pm or 12301:30pm. Red Herring Puppets bring this centuriesold Japanese coming-of-age story to memorable, colorful life. Advance purchase required. $25/ adults; $15/children. Yume Japanese Gardens of Tucson, 2130 N Alvernon Way. 520-332-2928. YumeGardens.org.
Experience the Sound of Soul – 7-8pm. Enjoy the chance to share your spiritual experiences, ask questions, and chat with other spiritual adventurers. We’ll engage in spiritual conversation and enjoy community. No charge. Rio Vista Recreation Center, 8866 W Thunderbird Rd, Peoria. Email cvtl@EckankarArizona.org for more information. EckankarArizona.org.
March 17 • 7pm
An uplifting concert served with decadent desserts.
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Free Webinar: How to Live Plant-Based in Real Life –9-10am. Coach Deb Anderson shares the Top 3 things to do to make Whole Food Plant-Based Living simple, easy and fun. Just starting out, or looking to re-commit? Bring your questions. No charge. Register: DebAndersonCoaching.com.
Healing the Feminine Matrix – 6pm. With Barbara Gray. Come together in sacred retreat to release, re-pattern, ignite and illumine our power of creation – within ourselves, and the Feminine Matrix. $285. El Rancho Robles Retreat and Event Center, 1170 N Rancho Robles Rd, Oracle. AlchemyForTheNewEarth.com. Tinyurl.com/ Healing-the-Feminine-Matrix.
The Bliss of Tantra – 1-4:30pm. Buddha’s Tantric teachings are methods that harness the imagination to produce powerful inner transformation and deep inner peace. $20. Kadampa Meditation Center, 5326 E Pima St. 520-4411617. MeditationInTucson.org.
Online Booklet Discussion on “ECK Wisdom on Karma & Reincarnation” by Harold Klemp – 3-4pm. Join a lively, facilitated discussion and be prepared to leave with spiritual gifts to assist you throughout life. All welcome. No need to have the booklet to participate. No charge. Questions: 877-300-4949 or Welcome@EckankarArizona. org. To register: EckankarArizona.org.
Free Webinar: How to Live Plant-Based in Real Life – 10-11am. Coach Deb Anderson shares the Top 3 things to do to make Whole Food PlantBased Living simple, easy and fun. Just starting out, or looking to re-commit? Bring your questions. No charge. Register: DebAndersonCoaching.com.
Free Online Book Discussion on “The Road to Spiritual Freedom” – 11am-12:30pm. Explore keys to spiritual freedom found in this book by Harold Klemp, Spiritual Leader of Eckankar. No charge. Questions: Guest Services 877-300-4949 or Welcome@EckankarArizona.org. To register: EckankarArizona.org.
Tibetan Style Gong Bath – 4-5:30pm. Harness
March 25 & March 26
Come learn about permaculture, beekeeping, and zero waste on route 66. Mesquite pancake breakfast, seed exchange, art walk, and fair with vendors, children’s area, game zone, and workshops from the Mohave County Master Gardeners and the Arizona Mushroom Society. Take home an oyster mushroom grow bag!
Veteran’s Park • Golden Valley, Arizona GVMesquiteWeekend.com
the power of sound and higher frequencies. Release that which does not serve you, calm your nervous system, meditate, pray, journey, etc. Please bring a mat, for comfort. It is advised that you not eat within 2-hours of the Gong Bath. $25. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima. 520-3231222. YogaConnection.org.
Gratitude Rainshower – 6:30-7pm. With Sharon Whealy, practitioner. 30-minute gratitude rain shower. Each participant has opportunity to share their gratitudes and bask in the effervescence of the gratitude rain shower that flows through everyone. Contact CSLT admin@tucsoncsl.org for Zoom information. No charge. TucsonCSL.org.
April Group Coaching for Writers – April 3 to June 12. Award-winning author Kim Green takes authors of all levels from “book idea” to finished book. 10-week immersive includes orientation, 4 weeks of fundamentals of writing, an outline, and six one-on-one sessions focused on your first chapters. Kim Green: 678-938-2777. BlankPageConsult.com.
Marketing Bites by The Marketing Collective - 10am. This in-person Marketing Bites is a 1.5 hour networking and marketing mastermind event put on by Jessica Korff- Branding Photographer, Raechel Larsen- Brand Expert and Web Designer and Heather Rosson - Marketing Strategist. Email Jessica@JessicaKorff.com for more details.
Via de Dios March Calendar of Events – 8am8pm. Register online for an event. Check out the Free Videos page to view highlights of classes we’ve offered. Cost varies. Via de Dios, 3615 N. Prince Village Place, Ste 101. 520-400-2137. ViaDeDios.org.
Spring Ikebana Festival: Yume 10th Anniversary Celebration – 2/23-3/5. 9:30am-4:30pm. Traditional to contemporary flower arrangements presented by local artists of the five major ikebana schools and displayed in original vases. $18/GA; $5/children <15; $10/members. Yume Japanese Gardens of Tucson, 2130 N Alvernon Way. 520332-2928. YumeGardens.org.
Warmpool Peaceful Floating – 10am-6pm. Wednesdays-Saturdays. 90 minutes, by appointment. Santa Rita Springs invites you to float in our indoor warm pool. $20/solo/duet; $35/3-5 guests. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave, Tucson. Text: 520-990-1857. SantaRitaSprings@ gmail.com. SantaRitaSprings.com.
Watsu Aquatic Massage – 10am-7pm. Wednesdays-Saturdays. 90 minutes, by appointment. Shiatsu, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Cranial-Sacral Therapy, Integrative Massage methods in our private indoor 96-degree saltwater pool. $150/90-minutes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. Text: 520-990-1857. SantaRitaSprings@gmail.com. SantaRitaSprings.com.
First Sunday Antique Vintage Fair – 8am-2pm. 1st Sunday. Over 100 vendors, great deals, and a beautiful park. No better way to spend your Sunday. Medella Vina Ranch, 4450 S Houghton, Tucson. 520-298-1983.
Meditation – 9-11am. Come together to support spiritual practice through meditation techniques as taught by Paramahansa Yogananda. Join us in deepening your own meditations and spiritual practice. Self-Realization Fellowship, Tucson Meditation Group, 1702 E Prince, #140. 520-792-6544.
Tucson Metaphysics Fair – 10am-4pm. Third Sunday. Psychics, Mediums, Intuitives, Angelic, Oracle and Tarot Readers, Reiki and other healers, Pet Psychic, vendors of metaphysical merchandise and jewelry. Prices vary. Tucson Elks Lodge #385 1800 N Oracle Rd. 520-579-8930. TucsonMetaphysicsFair.com.
Worship Service: Casas Adobes Congregational Church – 9:30am. In person and live streamed. Faith-centered, music-loving Christian congregation with a variety of worship and spiritual enrichment opportunities. No charge. Info@CAUCC.org. CAUCC.org/Welcome/Natural.
CSL Sunday Celebration Services In-Person – 9:30-10:30am. In-person Services in the Main Theater. Masks required indoors. Live-stream on YouTube and Zoom. Please join us. By donation. CSL Tucson @ Live Theater Workshop, 3322 E Ft Lowell Rd. 520-319-1042. TucsonCSL.org. New Mind, New World – 10-11:15am. Purpose of these classes and meditations is to train to make our mind calm and peaceful. $10. Kadampa Meditation Center AZ, 5326 E Pima St. 520-441-1617. MeditationInTucson.org.
Sunday Feast and Bhakti Program – 5:30pm. 7pm ten-course feast. Govinda’s Hare Krishna temple and vegetarian restaurant hosts a wonderful program. We observe social distancing and pay close attention to CDC guidelines. No charge. Govinda’s Natural Foods, 711 East Blacklidge. 520-792-0630. GovindasOfTucson.com.
Spirituality Program from Higher Heart Healing – 9am. First Monday. 8-weeks. Help for newly sparked empaths to ditch confusion for clarity and start their spiritual journey, understand their soul path, and make sense of their gifts. Go at your own pace. See website for pricing and information. tinyurl.com/HHHSpiritualityProgram.
Cultivate the Relationship of Your Dreams, with Dreamwork! – 9-10am. Begin with a meditation, and a different exercise each week to breathe life and connection into our dreams, build a bridge with our subconscious and find the magic, wisdom, guidance and more, that dreams offer us. $10. Eventbrite.com/e/470459847067.
Speed and Accountability Networking – 1011am. Third Tuesday. For Networkers truly serious about leads and referrals. Arrive early. Timed sessions. Bring handouts/cards. Everyone welcome. Registration or questions: Jennifer Coyle; 520-621-8300, Jennifer.Coyle@ClubCorp.com. Arizona Sands Club, UofA Football Stadium, 565 N Cherry Ave. DonZavis.com.
Hydro-Pilates Classes – 12pm-1pm. With Skyy McNair, certified Hydro-Pilates instructor. Strengthens muscles, improves core fitness and
May 5 through May 8
Leslie & Rachel have created a retreat experience that is a catalyst for soul healing and deep transformation. Experience an itinerary full of healing modalities, nourishing foods, majestic red rocks, and sisterhood. For more information or to register: TheLeslieMedley.com/Sedona-Retreat
balance; helps correct posture; relieves stress; creates a more streamlined shape. Bring towel, water bottle, hat or sunglasses. $10. Soulistic Healing Center, 20 Calle Iglesia, Tubac. 520-398-3970. SoulisticHealingCenter.org.
Yin Yoga – 4-5pm. With Joseph Moffit, RYT500. Sessions target connective tissue and fascia with floor-bound positions held for 3-5 minutes. Experience greater mobility of your hip joints and spine. $12. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima. 520-323-1222. YogaConnection.org.
Laughter Yoga Tuesdays – 5-6pm. Come join us as we use laughter, play, fun and deep breathing as forms of exercise and connection for peace and healing. All ages and abilities welcome. Masks required. No charge. Saint Francis in the Foothills Church, 4625 E. River Rd., Room 50.
Transformational Coaching Program –6-7:30pm. Break free from old patterns that have held you back. Reveal and release hidden blocks for clarity and self-empowerment. Vibrational support + insights from group interaction. Personal results in a group setting. $25. Trish Devitt, 520-261-5194, MetamorphosisNow.com.
Modern Buddhism – 6:30-7:45pm. Powerful teachings with Buddhist nun Gen Lingpur to develop a strong, stable mind of patient acceptance, love, compassion and wisdom. $10. Kadampa Meditation Center, 5326 E Pima St. 520-4411617. MeditationInTucson.org.
Taizé Service – 6:45-7:30pm. First Tuesday. Taizé is a service of prayer, music, readings, and silence. Contact Steve: 520-400-2137. No charge. St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, 602 N Wilmot Rd. SJTucson@aol.com
Business Networking Wednesday – 7am-12pm. Second and Fourth Wednesdays. 7am: Kick-off group breakfast. 8am: Education corner, productivity area. 9am: Networking Session. 10am: Special presentations/panel. 11am: Recommended early lunch. Call for cost: 520-370-8232 Arizona Sands Club, UofA Football Stadium, 565 N Cherry Ave. DonZavis.com.
Virtual Psychedelic CommuniTea Support Group – 10-11am. First Wednesday. A safe space to ask professionals your Psychedelics for Healing 101 questions, share and find support and integration in community with like-minded and curious peers. No charge. TucsonCounselingAssociates@ gmail.com. Eventbrite.com/e/461126520837.
Tucson Friendly and Fearless Death Cafe –10-11:30am. First Wednesday. Death Cafés are safe, respectful, open forums to discuss grief, loss, death and dying topics. All welcome. By donation. Zoom ID: 89313889525. Passcode: 583513. Zoom Link: Tinyurl.com/TFandFDCZoom. IsabelDeathCafe@gmail.com. Facebook. com/TucsonDeathCafe.
Aquacize with Rebecca Lennon – 12-1:15pm. Join us in a 96-degree private indoor salt water pool for a safe, head to toe aquatic workout focusing on strength, balance and joint mobility. Free trial class. $200/8 consecutive classes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. Register: 520-444-8636 or B43Lennon@aol.com. SantaRitaSprings.com.
Qigong for Health – 8-9:15am. With Christopher “Kiki” Apodaca, RN. Qigong is a mind-body practice that has the potential to improve physical, emotional, and spiritual health via practicing different Qigong postures. Offered online or instudio. $12.The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima. 520-323-1222. YogaConnection.org.
Hydro-Pilates Classes – 12pm-1pm. With Skyy McNair, certified Hydro-Pilates instructor. Strengthens muscles improves core fitness and balance; helps correct posture; relieves stress; creates a more streamlined shape. Bring towel, water bottle, hat or sunglasses. $10. Soulistic Healing Center, 20 Calle Iglesia, Tubac. 520-398-3970. SoulisticHealingCenter.org.
Cultivating Death Awareness – 1-2pm. Discover ways to make the most of our human life to prepare for death without fear or denial. $10. Kadampa Meditation Center, 5326 E Pima St. 520-441-1617. MeditationInTucson.org.
Contemplative Christian Prayer: The Prayer of Silence – 4-6pm. The practice of Contemplation is a way of experiencing the unconditional love of God and is the foundation of our daily journey in life. $30. $20/members. Via de Dios, 3615 N Prince Village Place, Ste 101. 520-400-2137. ViaDeDios.org.
Back Care Yoga – 4-5:15pm. Led by Danielle Dvorak, CSP, RYT 200, CA, this class focuses on strength, body posture, alleviating neck and back pain, and lengthening and decompressing the spine. Beginners welcome. Offered in-studio or online. $12. The Yoga Connection, 3929 E Pima, Tucson. 520-323-1222. yogaconnection. org/class.html.
Meditation – 6-8pm. Come together to support spiritual practice through meditation techniques as taught by Paramahansa Yogananda. Join us in deepening your own meditations and spiritual practice. Self-Realization Fellowship, Tucson Meditation Group, 1702 E Prince, #140. 520792-6544.
Taizé Inspired Worship – 6:30-7:15pm. Second Thursday. Taizé is a quiet, 45-minute Christian service with gentle music, singing, subdued candlelight, scripture readings and includes time for reflection, time for silence and time for meditation. Casas Adobes Congregational Church, United Church of Christ (UCC), 6801 North Oracle Rd. 520-297-1181. caucc.org
It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.
– Rainer Maria Rilkesaturday
Master Class 1.1: Foundations of Christian Spirituality – 8:30am-12:30pm. Fourth Saturday. Explore the ways prayer and Christian communities developed and have changed over the last 2000 years. $20 for the series. Via de Dios, 3615 N. Prince Village Place, Ste 101. 520-400-2137. ViaDeDios.org.
Contemplative Prayer Group – 9:30-11am. 9:30-11am. 25-minutes of silent meditation, followed by a DVD by a spiritual teacher such as James Finley, Richard Rohr, Thomas Keating and others, then discussion. No charge. St. Luke›s Home Chapel, 615 E. Adams St, Tucson. 520-400-2137. SJTucson@aol.com.
Drinking Water: What’s Healthy, What’s Not – 9:45-11:30am. First Saturday. Learn about the health benefits of Kangen special ionized drinking water (electrically charged): alkaline, super hydrating, detoxifying, rich in antioxidants. Please RSVP. No charge. Pristine Naturopathic Medicine, 2469 N Country Club Rd. 520-7951300. TheHealthyCouple.com.
Simply Meditate – 10-10:30am. Guided meditations designed to lead to inner peace and mental clarity and to increase our love and compassion for others. $5. Kadampa Meditation Center, 5326 E Pima St. 520-441-1617. MeditationInTucson.org.
Ai Chi with Connie Seddon – 10-11:15am. Guided aquatic moving meditation. Calms thoughts and nerves, gently stretches muscles, improves balance, range of motion and energy, while standing in 96 degree saltwater indoor pool. $20/class. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. Register: 520-245-6616 or ConnieSeddon@ gmail.com. SantaRitaSprings.com.
Aquacize with Rebecca Lennon – 12-1:15pm. 96-degree private indoor salt water pool for a safe, head to toe aquatic workout, focusing on strength, balance and joint mobility. Free trial class. $200/8-consecutive classes. Santa Rita Springs, 2301 N Santa Rita Ave. Register: 520-444-8636 or B43Lennon@aol.com. SantaRitaSprings.com.
Tucson Paranormal Society Cocktail Party – 4-6pm. First Saturday. Admission is free and one complimentary beer or wine is included. No charge. Encantada Banquet Area, 11177 N Oracle Rd, Oro Valley. TucsonParanormal.Society@ gmail.com.TucsonParanormalSociety.com.
First Saturday artWALK:– 4-9pm. Join us for artWALK located in the Historical Arts Warehouse District in Tucson. Food, music, art, good cheer. Support your local artists. No charge. Steinfeld Warehouse Gallery & Studios, 101 W. 6th St. SteinfeldWarehouse.org.
BREAK FREE IN ‘23. Break free from your old patterns, and reach your highest intentions with Transformational Coaching. Unique program reveals and releases your hidden blocks for maximum clarity and selfempowerment. Individual and Group programs. Trish Devitt: 520-261-5194. MetamorphosisNow.com
and lap pool for pain management of arthritis and other ailments. Soak, swim laps, meditate, rejuvenate, and unwind in five chlorine-free mineral healing pools. Detoxify in the far infrared sauna. Soulistic Healing Center, Tubac, 520-398-3970. SoulisticHealingCenter.org.
COACHING. Liberty is freedom from pain and restrictions in life. Science represents the evidence-based scientific methods forming the basis of Vera’s method of Neuro-Functional coaching which uses the brain’s plasticity to improve quality of life, work, business, and retirement. Call Vera at 520-275-8755 for 15 minute Discovery Call.
FOR 6 YEARS, TUCSON COUNSELING ASSOCIATES has been dedicated to providing quality, anti-oppressive, affordable trauma-informed mental health treatment specializing in psychedelic integration and Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP). You are the expert in your own life and with the right tools, can connect with your inner healing wisdom. E-mail with questions: TucsonCounselingAssociates@gmail.com.
Classes include Meditation, Silent Prayer, Yoga, Healthy Habits, Creative Thinking, Integrative/Contemplative lifestyle. Discover ancient prayer techniques. Transform daily existence into a joyful heart-centered reality. Experience the presence of God. Via de Dios, 3615 N Prince Village PL 101, 85719. 520-954-1811. ViaDeDios.org
2023 can be your best with an eye-opening, life-altering coach! Call for a free 30-minute consultation. I’ll ask the right questions while you discover that all of the answers are within. BlankPageConsult.com or 678-938-2777. Sliding scale pricing.
Dr. Elahe Wissinger has been practicing since 1996, when she graduated from Boston University School of Dental Medicine. Her general practice encompasses a wide variety of services ranging from simple hygiene maintenance, teeth-whitening, oral cancer screening and tooth-colored fillings to more complex treatments including full-mouth rehabilitations. Dr. Wissinger is known for her superior diagnostic abilities, workmanship and treatment-planning skills, gleaned from many years of experience and training, and evidenced by her loyal patients. She has been featured in many national publications as well as presented multiple awards throughout her career, including top Dentists for family & cosmetic dentistry.
Dr. Wissinger understands how your oral health can influence your general health and vice versa. She believes the mouth is a gateway to your body, and thus when creating treatment plans, she strives to use procedures and materials that are biocompatible and also can be customized to match the color of your enamel. When removing amalgam fillings, she follows additional safety measures set by the International Academy of Medicine and Toxicology to minimize toxic exposure to their patients. E Dental Solutions also offers safe alternatives to fluoride to help keep your enamel strong and prevent tooth decay