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Natural Woman Magazine Contributors

Azizah Nubia Editor– in-chief

Tammarah Overton Chief of Beauty & Fashion

Gidget Hunter Allen of GIDGETimages Head of Photography

Shanell Russell Executive Beauty Director

Zephanie Garrett Creative Promoter

Natural Woman Magazine is an outlet of AZ Media Š 2014

This issue of Natural Woman Magazine is a very special issue for me. Dr. Maya Angelou has inspired the lives of many with her powerful words. She has opened doors for women like myself in the world of journalism and writing. I am forever grateful for her life. I love writing because it gives me an outlet to express how I feel in a powerful way. With my pen I can truly share with the world the love and inspiration I have for life. Even if I am upset or too afraid to speak up with my voice, my pen has always been my outlet to express. I remember watching an interview Dr. Maya Angelou shared with Dave Chapelle about her process when it comes to writing. She described it as her connection with the Creator. When she goes to her special sacred place to be alone with her words and God, she instantly connected with that powerful source and the words and wisdom begin to flow from her pen. If it were not for women like Dr. Maya Angelou I truly believe a lot of women would not have the courPhotography by: Gidget Hunter Allen of GIDGETimages age to say what's on our minds even with a pen. She was bold, courageous, and graceful. I never had the honor to meet Dr. Angelou, but I know she is within us all pushing for us to express our divine truth. This special issue is an issue of quotes by Dr. Maya Angelou, quotes that have inspired many around the world to live their passion. I hope that you find these words empowering and encouraging for you to continue to live the life of your dreams. Rest in Power Maya

Peace, Azizah Nubia @AzizahNubia

Photography by: Gidget Hunter Allen of GIDGETimages

Photography Credits pic of maya standing in gown/NWM Contributor's page: pic with president obama: q=maya+angelou+images&espv=2&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=0MuwU_rrF4maqAbd2oKQDw&sqi=2&ved=0CBwQsA Q&biw=1440&bih=779#q=maya+angelou+with+obama&tbm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=Hg98Ojz3cX8uvM%253A%3Ba53ra0B 252F05%252Fin-pictures-legendary-poet-activist.html%3B460%3B610 pic with oprah in peach sweater: maya laying on bed.leaning over to read magazine on suitcase/blk & white image: maya with the white "x" earings. grey top: maya as a child. blk & white image: maya with scarf on head. pearl-like necklace. blk & white image: maya on floor writing with glasses. afro.newspaper: FOR QUAD OF PICS: blk/wh scarf with hands to head/face. blk/wh image: skirt. leg exposed on step. blk/wh image: as a teenager.blk/white shirt/blouse. 9:35 a.m. clock behind her: with knit hat and knit top. triangular earrings. blk/wh image: maya with afro. laying head on hands.round earrings with holes throughout. blk/wh image:

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