Natural Woman Magazine

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Top 30 Sexy Beards Ask Natural Woman

The Beard Gang movement has reached its highest peek with the formation of the new FB group BeardGameMatters. Within in 24 hours the group reached over 1 million memebers and left women around the world around their knees. Natural Woman Magazine has joined the movement by spending hours of searching for some of the sexiest beards on the internet with our NWM top 30. We searched through over thousands of bearded brothas to bring to you ladies the most fluffiest, soft, conditioned, and groomed beards we could find. Putting this issue together has been hands down the most entertaining magazine issue of the year. I could not end this issue without giving a huge shout out to my brother @Dareal_LG and his beard, I know if I do not give him some beard shine he was throw a fit. Be sure to follow these brothas on their social media pages and thank you for reading.

Surviving a relationship with R. Kelly Ex Girlfriend Speaks UP

Natural Glowing Skin Natural Hair Tips What’s YOur Natural Hair Type?

O’Brien Caldwell

Edwin Henderson Houston, Texas

Master P to Colin Kaepernick “Who needs the NFL? Let’s start our own League.” With so much racial tension in the NFL from Colin Kaepernick taking a knee during the national anthem because of the racial injustice in America, to him being black balled by every team in the NFL. Master P has a message for Colin Kaepernick. “WHO NEEDS THE NFL?” Master P told TMZ Sports if the league won’t let Kaep ball, he’s down to help Colin start up his own shop, and take down the shield. Master P knows about sports startups, his Global Mixed Gender Basketball league is off to an incredible start, attracting big name talent like the Gonzalez Twins, Glen “Big Baby” Davis, and Metta World Peace. TMZ met up with the Hip Hop Legend in L.A. and shared his thoughts about Kaep’s situation, and P had a very simple answer, “if you can’t join ’em, beat ’em”. “I’ll help him start his own league. I think he should, I mean he’s a great football player. I think the NFL should have some competition.” Not a bad idea especially since P Diddy made it clear that he wants to buy the NFL. Why not come together and start a new leaugue?

Melvin Mayweather III, Arlington, Texas

Rio Skot Memphis, Tennessee

Lance Lorenezo, Miami Florida

Jerry Newman

Christopher Lawrence North Hollywood, California

Nick Crawford Monroe, Georgia

Christopher Matthews Palm Beach Florida

DJ HD Cincinnati, Ohio

Mike Tombs Cincinnati, Ohio

Demetreous Washington Fayetteville, North Carolina Barney Brown Jr. Xavier Deshawn Jenkins Albany, Georgia

Jermaine Wilson Phildelphia Pennsilvanya

R Kelly’s Ex Girlfriend Spills the Tea on their 2 Year Abusive Relationship writer Jim DeRogatis’ bombshell BuzzFeed featured in July. Exposing R Kelly of alleged physical abuse, sexual coercion, and emotional manipulation. Living by rules, that included her to ask what and when she could eat, how to dress, when to go to the bathroom and how to perform for the singer sexually. Jones shared that when she did something wrong she would be punished by either physical abuse, starvation, or Jones claims that she and R. Kelly were together having her cell phone taken away. from 2011 to 2013 and she suffered physical, emoYou may have remembered Jones from a live skit tional, and mental abuse for the entire relationship. from one of R Kelly’s shows. Kelly brings Jones onJones met R Kelly while hosting the Beat-sponsored after-party at Fat Daddy’s, a club in suburban Mans- stage with two men dressed in white lab coats with field, Texas. Jones tells Rolling Stone that Kelly went her arms chained inside a white cage. Kelly enters as to shake her hand after small talk, he gave her a piece a white sheet is draped over the cage, obscuring the of paper with his phone number and told her to text couple. The cage begins rocking as the band’s music him her number. Jones says that after she texted Kelly intensifies, with Jones and Kelly eventually shown silhouetted. After Kelly simulates oral sex on Jones, from the bathroom, he replied, saying to always call the two re-emerge, and a mock-fatigued Jones is led him “daddy” – ­ never call him Rob. offstage. “‘I’ve never paraded around anybody before,’” Jones says Kelly told her before the tour started. According to Rolling Stone Jones expressed her “‘I’m gonna make sure people see us together.’” 2-year draconian ruled relationship as a nightmare Jones shared with Rolling Stone that Kelly would that had her even contemplate attempting suicide. frequently fly girls in for sex, and order her and his Jones expressed the same kind of treatment that Another woman has come forward in the latest R Kelly Sex Cult Scandal. Kitti Jones a former Radio DJ for Dallas, Texas hip-hop and R&B station 97.9 shared an exclusive interview with Rolling Stone, sharing detailed information about her 2-year relationship with famed R&B Superstar.

other girlfriends to hook up with them. “You can’t say no because you’re going to get punished,” she says. “You just become numb to what’s happening. It’s so traumatic the things that he makes you do to other people and to him.” Jones shared how she had to engage in sexual acts with other women including witnessing two young women being urinated on. In which she describes as amusing to the R&B Superstar; “It was just a game for him,” she says. “He just went back and forth [on them] when he was peeing and told [another girlfriend] to clean it up afterward. That was the worst that I’ve ever seen.” In September 2013 according to Rolling Stone, Jones told Kelly that she wanted to visit Dallas to take her son, now back from Europe, school shopping. “I was fed up with just everything,” she says. “Fuck what people are gonna think. You need to take your ass home.” She left her possessions in Chicago, flew to Dallas with two suitcases and never returned. “She had to be careful as to what she was packing,” Howard says. “Nothing that had heels or club clothing. She just had to have her sweats and T-shirts.” Two months later, after leaving R Kelly Jones shared that, Kelly went to Dallas for a show and met with Jones, ostensibly to return some items she left in Chicago. Jones says he remained amiable before meeting her, inviting her to his tour bus, but when she got on the bus, Jones alleges Kelly assaulted her. “I walked on the bus and I was like, ‘Hey daddy!’ And I went to go hug him and he was like, ‘Bitch, I’m not giving you shit’ and he was just attacking me,” says Jones. “I knew he wasn’t going to kill me, but it was a lot of force. I was thinking, ‘I’m not going to call the police.’ I just felt so stupid,” she says. Rolling Stone reached out to Kelly with a detailed list of allegations Jones made against him, Kelly categorically denied them. “Mr. Kelly is aware of the repeated and now evolving claims of [Ms. Jones],” Kelly’s representative wrote in a statement. “It is unfortunate that Ms. Jones, after public statements to the contrary, is now attempting to portray a relationship history with Mr. Kelly as anything other than consensual involvement between two adults. As

stated previously, Mr. Kelly does not control the decision-making or force the actions of any other human being, including Ms. Jones, by her own admission. Any claim of wrongdoing of any kind or of mistreatment of any woman by him is false, ill-motived and defamatory.” Last December, Timothy and Jonjelyn Savage, the parents of 22-year-old Joycelyn Savage, who is currently living with Kelly and other women, asked Jones for advice on how to get their daughter to leave the singer, the couple confirms to Rolling Stone. Jones hadn’t been keeping up with Kelly’s current girlfriends, but initially tried to help the Savages. She shares that, “I cried when she showed me photos of her daughter, and then I called [Joycelyn] ’cause I said, ‘Maybe this is my moment to help somebody, ’cause I’m sitting here on this information that can stop [him]…. I felt like I had the power to stop him earlier.” Jones says she no longer is in communication with the Savages but the conversations spurred her to consider going public with her story. Jones told Rolling Stone that R Kelly reached out to her this past May. “He said, ‘If someone came to you right now and asked them how I treated you, you can’t fucking say that I didn’t treat you good. … You had a roof over your head. You went shopping. You didn’t have to want for shit. So you can never go around and say that I was a monster like other people say that I am,’” Jones says. “I was so scared when he was talking to me. I was like, ‘This guy really thinks he did me a favor.’ He doesn’t look at the sexual stuff as scarring and damaging people.” Since leaving the Superstar Jones has made steps to rebuild her life she now sells car insurance and has even got back into radio. She has started a Non-Profit Organization called Stop Protecting Your Abuser. “By me being silent, it allowed him to feel untouchable, that he could keep things going as long as he could pay people off and put enough fear and shame in us that you would never speak on it again,” she says. “Staying silent absolutely protects your abuser.”

Jones story continues a long list of alleged sexual misconduct and abusive behavior against the famed singer. Unlike most of R Kelly’s alleged victims where the women were young girls under the age of 25. Jones was an established woman with children and a career, that fell under the spell of the Piped Piper, suffering two years of domestic abuse that will probably take her a lifetime to heal from mental and emotional trauma. One of Jone’s biggest fears were the opinions of the public who she felt would call her stupid for putting up with the abusive behavior for two years. But after hearing more stories about other victims of the singer’s way of life, she felt that it was her duty to shed light on the truth of who R Kelly truly is. She shared with Rolling Stone that if she would have come out sooner with her story, she could have saved other women from the alleged abuse and once and for all expose to the public that our beloved R Kelly is a broken man that needs some serious mental therapy and possible jail time.

Nellz IamNellz Austin Baltimore Maryland

Byron Williams Detroit, Michigan

Corion Brown Chicago, Illinois @h1moverder from the YouTube show Her Vs. Him

@memoirs_of_a_king Jamel Marshall, New York City @thisiskiethjacobs Singer Houston, TX

@K_Ralpheal Model, Charolette NC

@0nly0ne0 Fitness Trainer

Lamont Johnson Model Atlanta, Georgia

Cam Page Model / Photography at Freelance model / photographer

Hip Hop Artist Paydro from Cincinnati, Ohio

Flyy society đ&#x;’Żđ&#x;’Ż photographers

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