Natural Woman Magazine January 2013 Deluxe Edition

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Natural Woman Magazine is dedicated to bringing the most resourceful, entertaining, and empowering news, that will help each and every woman awaken to her TRUE self. Photography by GIDGETimages

“Love Life enough to Love Yourself”

PROMOTE, EMPOWER, INSPIRE Become a contributor or to advertise contact Natural Woman at Natural Woman Magazine is Media Cooperative Copyright © 2012

Natural Woman Magazine Contributors AZIZAH NUBIA Editor in Chief TAMMARAH OVERTON Chief of Beauty & Fashion


GIDGET HUNTER ALLEN GIDGETImages Photography Photographer/ Contributor

LIKIA CHRISTINE Contributor/ Health Wellness ZEPHANIE GARRETT Contributor/ Relationships TRAZANA STAPLES Contributor/ Environmental Green Living ISIS SWINK Photographer of Rare Jewel Designs/ Contributor JOHN G. STEVENSON of 2nd John Designs/ Graphic Design SHANELL BOWLES- RUSSELL Make Up Artist SAMANTHA RUSSELL Marketing/ Events DEANNA HILLARD Marketing/ Events ADVERTISING

Photography by Likia Christine GIDGETimages posing with Kevin Hart



Mission Kevin Hart Manifestors Prosperity 2013

12 23

7 Deluxe

Sticking to your New Year's Resolution.........


Mooney Twins : Wealth Portal


Cover Feature :Meet the Model Photography by GIDGETimages




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Making the Cover/ January 2013

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2 1. Azizah Nubia on the set of the Natural Woman Magazine photo shoot posing with Model Nicole Willis for the January 2013 issue. 2&3 . Nicole getting touch-ups by make up artist Shanell Bowles- Russell. 4. It's all fun with Natural Women Azizah, Nicole & Likia Christine of NWM

4 Photograpghy by GIDGETimages


Wordz from the Editor: Mission Kevin Hart New beginnings are presented to us everyday, with new chances to get it right. 2013 is the year that we define who we are and express ourselves to our highest potential. 2012 was all about breaking free from the chains that limited us from expressing our authentic self. Now is the time to begin the work of replacing what use to be, with what is. I want to share a great experience that me and my NWM team experienced over the past few weeks. I like to call this “Mission Kevin Hart”. One day, I was at my mothers house and my brother was watching a Kevin Hart interview on the computer, and in this interview I noticed that Kevin Hart knows a little “sumthin' sumthin'” about the Law of Attraction. This really amazed me, because it was becoming clear that some of the most successful people in the industry know about the power of attraction, and has even in some cases consciously applied it to their lives. Universal Laws are real; and if you become aware of them and use it for your benefit, you can really create your own way. With this new found fascination of Kevin Hart, I started to notice that he began to pop up everywhere! I took that as an intuitive hint to get Kevin Hart in the magazine. I did not know how this could happen, so I applied some tactics to get some contact info, but nothing worked. Then, one day while on facebook I saw a post that mentioned Kevin Hart would be in my home town Cincinnati, Ohio. It just so

Photograpghy by GIDGETimages happened that, I would be in It was amazing how Cincinnati that same weekend! everything I called up my “Cincy” Natural worked out and came together Woman crew, told them the so effortlessly! As I reflect plans and the adventure back began. on the experience it is more The night of the event Likia, clarifying that we do create Gidget and I were on the move our to get close enough to Kevin to realities, and we can achieve get a picture and a quick word any goal we put out for for the magazine. After my ourselves. During the entire experience with Nas in experience I never doubted November's issue of NWM I that knew what to do and what not I could get the picture. After I to do, so this quest ran much made the decision to get the smoother. When he came out, picture, I didn't give it any he was surrounded by his more crew, security, and a few fans. I thought; I applied the yelled for his attention to get a necessary picture, "Mr Hart! May we get a action and I got the expected pic and a quick word for result. Just see for yourself. Natural Woman Magazine!" He Kevin Hart is a great guy, very saw us, stopped and said "Oh, approachable. Make sure you they want a picture? I'll give catch him on THE LET ME them a picture, they have the EXPLAIN TOUR! professional camera.” He Dream Big! posed for the picture with me, Peace, then looked over to Likia and told her to come and get a picture too.


Ask Natural Woman To submit a question for Natural Woman visit our website at

Q: Just a little confused.

Natural Women means no makeup, right? No, Natural Woman represents -Pamela USA the inner feminine essences within every woman and honoring that. Make- up is not bad as a matter of fact the Ancient Egyptians wore make up, it is even seen on their statues and pictures. We only support natural make up products made from the earth and do not harm humans or animals. Its not about what you wear or what you have on, its all about your reason for putting it on. Is it to hide or to enhance?




Vegan Chik'n Tacos with Charred Tomatoes

Ingredients ●2 plum tomatoes, ●4 vegan culets, ●1/4 teaspoon salt ●1/8 teaspoon freshly ground pepper ●2 teaspoons canola oil, divided ●1/2 cup finely chopped white onion 1 clove garlic, minced ●1 small jalapeño pepper, seeded and minced ●2 teaspoons lime juice, plus lime wedges for garnish ●2 teaspoons chopped fresh cilantro 2 scallions, chopped ●6 small corn tortillas, heated (see Tip)

Want to share your Healthy Food Recipes? Submit your recipe to

Preparation Heat a medium skillet over high heat until very hot .Add tomatoes and cook, turning occasionally with tongs, until charred on all sides, 8 to 10 minutes. Transfer to a plate to cool slightly. Cut the tomatoes in half crosswise; squeeze to discard seeds. Remove cores and chop the remaining pulp and skin. Cut chik'n into 1-inch chunks; sprinkle with salt and pepper. Add 1 teaspoon oil to the pan and heat over high heat until very hot. Add the chik'n and cook, stirring occasionally, until it is browned 3 to 5 minutes. Transfer to a plate. Reduce the heat to medium and add the remaining 1 teaspoon oil. Add onion and cook, stirring, until softened, about 2 minutes. Add garlic and jalapeño and cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Add lime juice, the chik'n and tomatoes. Cook, stirring, until heated through, 1 to 2 minutes. Stir in cilantro and scallions. Divide the chik'n mixture among tortillas. Serve with lime wedges.

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How Can We Become the Change We Seek in the World?


By: Trazana Staples On the 21stof December many were expecting the world as we know it to end. Many hoped that the suffering that most of us are enduring would have ended. Unfortunately, people are still sick, bills are still due, and many are still unemployed. This is not a blog of doom, but of enlightenment and encouragement. Life still goes on. There has indeed been a shift; a shift of consciousness. Many are beginning to ask questions and seek ways to improve or make their lives more fulfilling and happier. Life as we know it has and can change for those who seek change. As quoted by Mahatma Gandhi: “You must be the change you wish to see in the world”. We can change by changing our minds to be healthier, more prosperous, more loving, and more peaceful. We can seek a deeper insight with all that we have right now. We must all become activist for clean land, clean air and clean water. Everyone no matter what race, culture, or economic status needs and deserves a clean Mother Earth. We take so much for granted and carelessly waste what nature has given to us freely. The dumping of toxic waste pollutes our waters, air, and land due to our toxic wasteful habits which in turn causes us to be unhealthy. For those that choose healthy lifestyles, we can begin by choosing healthier foods. Making sure that more greens (kale, spinach, collards, turnips), fruits, and other vegetables are on your dinner table, grown by yourself or local growers. Not only will this ensure healthy food for you and your family but it will also help empower local growers and help boost the economy tremendously while reducing our carbon footprint (less carbon emitted in the air from trucks transporting food). Make sure you read food labeling so that the unsuspecting will know exactly what they are eating. Drink plenty of clean water, and nowadays, a water filter should be in every household. The driving force of the foods industry are the people; supply and demand. When “WE the People” as a whole begin to change our way of eating, then the food industry and our environment will change in a positive way

Equip yourself with knowledge to incorporate more natural options to your life by reading online periodicals such as; Natural Woman Magazine, Grist Magazine, Natural Awakenings Magazine, Natural News, and Mother Earth News. Support organizations who lead in education and environmental advocacy such as, Another Avenue Cultural Resource Center, EarthMatters Networks TN , National Resource Defense Council, The Sierra Club, Green for All, Nashville Urban Green Lab, and Tennessee Alliance for Progress. Staying informed will help you to make healthier choices and decisions for yourself and your family which will ultimately help improve and conserve Mother Earth. Finally, to be healthy requires a healthy mind, body, and spirit daily lifestyle. Surround yourself with positive thoughts, people, and activities to help stimulate and bring balance to your life. Chefs and natural healers make the transition easy with easy recipes, Universal practices, and information that are easily accessible on the internet. Dr. Jeff Menzise (J.Menaq), Djehuty Ma’at Ra, Dr. Llaila O. Afrika, Chef Ahki, and Queen Afua, to name a few, will help you get started as we embrace this shift and move into year 2013. "The world will not be destroyed by people who do evil, but by those who watch them by not doing anything”-Albert Einstein Another Avenue Cultural Resource Center provides healthy living education and resources to address critical health issues such as obesity, diabetes, and hypertension P.O.Box 280221 Nashville,Tennessee 37228 (615) 852- 6203


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Creating Reality

Everyone wants to reach that mountain top. Natural Woman Magazine wants to be that platform for all our Manifestors. This month's issue we want to shine light on Comedians.

Manifestors Ryan Gordon, 39, is creating a reality for himself

that so many sit on their couch and dream of. Cincinnati native, and graduate of West High School has a flare. His passion for life can be seen in his eyes and heard in his speech. There's an energy that he carries that will change the vibration in the room and lift the spirits of all he comes in contact with. Just like many of us, Ry G believed that you had to be born rich, or already know famous people to be an entertainer. After a few “9 to 5's”, he gathered up the courage to step outside the box and go for what he once felt was unrealistic. With encouragement and persuasion from his best friend, his dream has become his reality. You can find Ry G spreading laughter in any club that has a mic! I had the pleasure of talking with Ry G at my Interviewed by Likia Christine home, our interview was comfortable and informal. His perception of life in general is viewed from a lens of optimism, positive light, humor and love. LM: How does your audience benefit from your work? Likia Christine: Thanks for talking to me todayRy: Well, everybody has a problem, at least one. No matter who you are, you're going Ry G, I know you're a busy man. Who/ what through something. When I get on stage motivated you to get on stage? and I make people laugh, they forget about Ry: My best friend, Tina Feaster. She kept telling their problems in that moment. For me, me that I could tell jokes on stage, but I felt it was that's the highlight of my work. The money just a fantasy. She took the initiative and and the fame doesn't mean nearly as much scheduled me to perform at Go Bananas, a local to me as the satisfaction of the healing comedy club in Cincinnati, Ohio. I went ahead properties in laughter. It works for me too, I and got up there, and got a standing ovation! I get just as much pleasure in telling jokes, received a tremendous response, which made and it takes my mind off of my problems too me amazed at what I can do. LM: So tell me, have you always wanted to be in the moment. LM: Science has proved that laughter a comedian? opens the right hemisphere of the brain, Ry: I have always watched comedy on TV, and I allowing one to absorb messages. How would say to myself “I can do that, it's not do you use that opportunity to deliver complicated”. I've been a joker all my life with messages to your audience? family, friends, and coworkers. There was people Ry: I always send a positive message. I in my life who saw something in me that I didn't present the audience with more than just even see in myself. My support team boosted my jokes. confidence to pursue this. You know how Floyd Mayweather has the “Money team”? I spun off of that and created the Funny Team, which consists of my Mother, a coworker from my job, Tina and I. We put our minds together to come up with my 13 material.

I get the crowd's interest by making them laugh, then I deliver a message that may help them in their personal lives. Whether it's how to deal with illness, a relationship, family, etc. When driving home after my show I want the audience to say “Yeah, dude is hilarious, but did you hear what he said about _______? I can really work on that in my life� LM: How important is it to follow your dreams? Ry: Very important. I want to let people know that you can pursue whatever your dream is, and it can be your reality. I'm just like you, and I decided to go ahead and pursue my dreams. That's where DREAM CHASERS come from, I had to get a tattoo of that on me. That's what I'm on, doing the things that I want to do. A lot of people don't want to put in the time and effort that it takes to live your dream. So many more would be successful if they just believe in themselves. You have to have a strong work ethic, go after what you want persistently. Obstacles will come, but nothing worth having comes easily.

Making your Dreams Reality

Photography by GIDGETimages

Make Me Laugh!! Ron Ron Moseley of Nashville Tennessee is a

Interviewed by Tammarah Overton follow me on twitter and fb @comedianRonRon

Christian man, husband to darling wife Charasma, father of 3 to Karon,Corey,Karmyn,business owner of Clarksville Highway Memorial, and one who loves to make people laugh. " I Hope Sallie Mae does not receive this magazine and think that I've made it big because I owe them quite a bit of money." What inspired you to become a comedian and what do you enjoy most about it? Making people laugh is a natural God given ability. Once I realized how people respond to me and my humor I just went from there. Being a comedian just comes natural for me, its not something that I just sat down and thought about that I wanted to be. I do have a passion to make people laugh. So it comes easy to me. What fears and obstacles did you overcome to get where you are now? The biggest obstacle is balance between doing comedy and being a good husband and father and continuing to run my business effectively to provide for my family. What advice would you give to other upcoming comedians who are trying to get to where you are? My advice to my fellow comedians up and coming would be to stay focused, develop your individuality, be supportive of other comedians and don't expect "Hollywood" to come over night, work hard and you will be notice.



JuDee Brown Ms. Jackie of all Trades Meeting up with JuDee Brown was no simple task! She stays on the move, completing projects without end. I caught up with her at Skyline Community Center in Cincinnati Ohio, where she was recording a skit for her next show. JuDee Brown's Wild Out Wednesday Comedy show is definitely making an impression. Every third Wednesday of the month easily became a routine outing for many to check out a variety of some of the best comics in the country and abroad.

JuDee Brown, 41 is constantly on the move.

With as many roles as a Comedienne, Mother, Cheerleader Coach, Licensed Practical Nurse, one would wonder when she sleeps! Those are all characters that speak volumes of her nature. She pulls up to the community center, and you can feel a rush of energy around her. “I'm glad you have people with you so you can carry some of this stuff�, She said to us. She is a natural born leader, delegating duties to all of those around her. It's obvious that she is no stranger to teamwork. As we go into the community center, she hits the ground running, explaining to her comedians what the outline of the skit is. Everyone meets up in the gym to prepare, everyone is in high spirits and ready to work. She is equipped with a fat suit, a bed, a gallon of Hawaiian Punch and Junk foods...and we're in a gymnasium. You can only guess what it's about, so be sure to check out the links below! Everyone that was included in the skit was eager, and happy to work with JuDee, for she is known for producing quality entertainment. We caught up with each other later, to conduct the interview by phone, here is what she had to say: Likia Christine: As a nurse and a Comedienne, would you say they have a common intention?

JuDee Brown: For sure. I believe there is healing in comedy. In my experience, I put my clients at ease through laughter. When they are in situations that are grim, in those cases laughing touches them psychologically. Which in turn aides in the healing process. LM:Have you always wanted to be a Comedienne? JB:I can't say that I always wanted to be a Comedienne, but I have always wanted to be in the entertainment industry. This aspect of the industry definitely chose me. What inspired me to do this is my desire to perform in front of a group of people, it began with me wanting it. Someone asked me to do a comedy show in a fundraiser for recovering addicts. I'd never done anything like that before, I didn't think I was funny. I was five years clean at the time, and these were some of the people that saved my life. They wanted to do a mock Kings and Queens of Comedy, and they asked me to play Sommore. I went ahead and put on the show, and when I got that mic I thought I was on Comic View or something! It was over 300 people there, and I received such an excellent response, so many of them told me I should be a comedian and I was really funny.


LM:As some may know, you were once a drug addict. Would you say that your work helped you to stay clean? JB:Well, I was 5 years clean before I started doing comedy on stage so it didn't help me to get clean. The situation was not funny at the time, but now I'm able to use that experience as something to talk about on a comedic level, which makes it very personal. Today though, to be able to laugh about it and just observe it as a memory is a good thing. LM:Some have compared your show to Def Comedy Jam, would you agree with that? JB:I actually tried out for Def Comedy Jam a couple of times, but my show is more comparable to Showtime at the Apollo. My audience gets to judge. One of my main goals is not only to give current comedians a platform to try out new materials in front of an audience that's going to keep it 100, but also for people who have thought about doing it but never got the chance. That's how I got started, I never thought about really doing it until I was encouraged. So, I want to give the opportunity for people to try. LM: How long have you been doing your show, W.O.W? JB: I had my first show in September 2011, so it's been a little over a year now. The show is the 3rdWednesday of the month, and my show airs five times a week on the Public Access Channel. LM: Tell me about Team Funny OH? JB: Team Funny OH, with the OH standing for Ohio; is my vision to get a group of Comedians together in the Ohio area. We will link up as a team to get our names, and our work out there. We will be known as a brand of comedy that is dedicated to self improvement and empowerment, and bettering ourselves as a whole. We aim to make a noise that will make people know Ohio, in a positive (and hilarious) light. We have tremendous talent in our State, so people will have to pay attention. When someone asks who is Team Funny OH? People will say “Oh that's JuDee Brown, Ry G, Mark Gregory, DeAndre Washington.....� and that list goes on with talent! Be SURE to watch this production! Check out the link below; And you can find Ms. JuDee Brown hosting her show, Wild Out Wednesday at Funny Bone comedy club at Newport on the Levee, Newport KY. Find her on FB at

Watch JuDee's latest Skit.. Click the Eye icon


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Azizah's Cupboard Benefits of Red Clover

Every Shopper should have....

The Ingredients Guide

A wonderful herb that should be in every cupboard is Red Clover. Red Clover is used in almost all of my special remedies for full body wellness. Red clover is considered to be one of the richest sources of isoflavones (water-soluble chemicals that act like estrogen and are found in many plants). It is used for hot flashes/flushes, PMS, lowering cholesterol, breast enhancement and breast health, improving urine production and improving circulation of the blood. It is also used to help prevent osteoporosis, reduce the possibility of blood clots and arterial plaques and limiting the development of benign prostate hyperplasia. Red clover helps purifies the blood and is commonly used during a detoxification. Due to its estrogen balancing properties, red clover is useful for dealing with premenstrual syndrome, menstrual cramps, and menopause. Red clover can also be used for treating skin conditions, including eczema, psoriasis, and rashes. This herb is also used to treat endometriosis and uterine fibroids, and respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis, coughing spasms, paroxysmal coughs, and whooping cough. It has also has potential as a possible cancerfighter / preventative.

Ways to use Red Clover

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Know whats in your food.

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Red Clover can be used as a tincture, tea,or in capsule form. Natural Woman Magazine/ WWW.ASKNATURALWOMAN.WEBS.COM

Earth Star Mama

Do it Yourself


DIY Laundry Detergent I'm always looking for ways to save money and I get excited when a DIY method is the perfect way to go. I recently came across a DIY Laundry Detergent and of course I jumped at the chance to make it. It boasts a large amount of laundry done at a minimal price per load. I made this last night and would suggest wearing a mask or doing it in a well ventilated area because of the dust that rises when you mix it. You will need : ●

1 (4 lb 12 oz) Box of Borax- Found in the detergent aisle

1 (3 lb 7 oz) Box of Arm & Hammer Super Washing SodaFound in the detergent aisle ●

1 (3 lb) Container of OxyClean- Found in the detergent aisle. (This is optional but I highly recommend adding it) ●

2 (14.1 oz) Bars of Zote Soap- Found in the detergent aisle (I used Ivory Aloe and it worked just as well !! Easier to find as well) ●

1 (4 lb) Box of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda- Found in the cooking aisle (You could also get two 2 lb box, we couldn’t find the larger 4lb box when we went) ●

1-2 (55 oz) Bottle of Purex Crystals Fabric SoftenerFound in the detergent aisle (This is 100% optional because the Ivory Aloe smells so good but it does say Natural on the bottle of Purex) ●

You can also use your favorite essential oils to make your laundry smell heavenly and to keep it green and natural. Grate the soap with a cheese grater and mix all the ingredients together. All you need is a 1 to 2 tablespoons per load because of the phenomenal cleaning power !!

Prosperity for 2013 Prosperity is a natural state of being, its not just about how much money you have or what you can buy. Prosperity is a state of mind. When you have a prosperous state of mind, you open yourself up to a unlimited resource of abundance. That is your birth right as a human being on this planet and if you are aware enough you can see that we are abundant in our everyday life. Everything we need is always supplied even the little things and we must remember to be grateful for everything because everything works together even when we do not want to see it.

How to allow prosperity to naturally flow into your life?


In order to attract prosperity you must feel prosperous, we are moving into a time where we have to attract to us the things we desire. You may have a tremendous amount of abundance but are you living in the flow of it? There is much talk about abundance but rarely a discussion on prosperity. What’s the difference you may ask? The difference lies in the movement and flow of the energy. In other words, abundance is how abundant youProsperity is that abundance in action! Natural Woman Magazine/ WWW.ASKNATURALWOMAN.WEBS.COM


Tip # 1 Get a clear picture in your mind of what you want to accomplish. Start with small upgrades to your current situation and as you see changes, do it again. Spend time each day visualizing your goal as having happened. Follow your inner guidance.

Tips # 6 Do one thing every day that you haven’t done before so you can adapt to change and move your life forward.

Tips # 5 Take Extreme Self Care of yourself. If you’re not well cared for, your ability to prosper will suffer (and besides, you want to be able to soak in all the great things coming to you!).

Move your body. Exercise is one of the most valuable things you can do for yourself. Just 15 or 20 minutes a day or brisk walking has enormous health benefits and stimulates the production of endorphins, which are brain chemicals that can keep you in a positive mood.

Tips # 3 Clean out the old to make way for the new. Get rid of clutter and give away things you haven’t used in a long time and probably won’t use again.

Tips # 4 When you are having financial difficulties, instead of thinking about who you can borrow money from, ask yourself, “How can I generate the money that I need

Understand that everything, every situation, is temporary

Whether you have more than or less than enough money to cover your needs and desires right now, your financial situation is temporary. Money, like your breath, needs to flow in AND out. Get intimate with your money, visit with it consistently (20 minutes a week should do it once you get a system in place) and it will teach you everything you need to know about your Self AND support you and your life purpose. The source of your supply comes from within. Until this very basic principle is learned and accepted, life will give you plenty of opportunities to master this. You are in complete charge of your Self. If that seems kind of overwhelming realize that there is no such thing as perfection which is why perfectionists tend to make themselves very unhappy. The greater your sense of consciousness the bigger the receptacle into which money will flow towards and from you. Natural Woman Magazine/ WWW.ASKNATURALWOMAN.WEBS.COM

Best Water to Drink

Healthy Lifestyle

The best water to drink is naturally clean, pure and full of naturally occurring minerals: · Well water comes from a hole drilled in the ground that taps into a water source. A pump brings it to the surface. If you do not have access to city water, then you would need a well. · Natural spring water flows up from a natural spring and is bottled at the source. · Artesian or spring waters come from a natural source but are bottled off-site and are processed and purified. · Mineral water could be natural spring water or artesian water, comes from an underground source, and contains at least 250 parts per million (ppm) of dissolved solids, including minerals and trace elements. All of the types of water mentioned above have essential minerals and nutrients like magnesium, potassium, and sodium.


Tap water is municipal water that comes out of the faucets and has been treated, processed and disinfected. It is purified with chlorine and generally has added fluoride But one of the byproducts from using chlorine in our drinking water is linked to cancer 1. Distilled water can be any kind of water that has been vaporized and collected, leaving behind any solid residues, including minerals. Distilled water has no minerals in it at all. · Reverse osmosis water has been forced through membranes that remove larger particles, pollutants and minerals. Reverse osmosis water is usually acidic2. Deionized water has had ionized impurities and minerals removed from it but not bacteria or pathogens. All of the above waters lack essential minerals that are necessary for good health. Mineral deficiency can lead to insulin resistance, migraines, high blood pressure, constipation and even heart beat irregularities! Natural Woman Magazine/ WWW.ASKNATURALWOMAN.WEBS.COM

Sticking to your New Year's Resolutions Make a plan that will stick. Your plan is a map that will guide you on this journey of change. You can even think of it as an adventure. When making your plan, be specific. Want to exercise more? Detail the time of day when you can take walks and how long you’ll walk. Write everything down, and ask yourself if you’re confident that these activities and goals are realistic for you. If not, start with smaller steps. Post your plan where you’ll most often see it as a reminder. Start small. After you’ve identified realistic short-term and long-term goals, break down your goals into small, manageable steps that are specifically defined and can be measured. Is your long-term goal to lose 20 pounds within the next five months? A good weekly goal would be to lose one pound a week. If you would like to eat healthier, consider as a goal for the week replacing dessert with a healthier option, like fruit or yogurt. At the end of the week, you’ll feel successful knowing you met your goal. Change one behavior at a time. Unhealthy behaviors develop over the course of time, so replacing unhealthy behaviors with healthy ones requires time. Many people run into problems when they try to change too much too fast. To improve your success, focus on one goal or change at a time. As new healthy behaviors become a habit, try to add another goal that works toward the overall change you’re striving for. Involve a buddy. Whether it be a friend, co-worker or family member, someone else on your journey will keep you motivated and accountable. Perhaps it can be someone who will go to the gym with you or someone who is also trying to stop smoking. Talk about what you are doing. Consider joining a support group. Having someone with whom to share your struggles and successes makes the work easier and the mission less Intimidating. Ask for support. Accepting help from those who care about you and will listen strengthens your resilience and commitment. If you feel overwhelmed or unable to meet your goals on your own, consider seeking help from a psychologist. Psychologists are uniquely trained to understand the connection between the mind and body, as well as the factors that promote behavior change. Asking for help doesn’t mean a lifetime of therapy; even just a few sessions can help you examine and set attainable goals or address the emotional issues that may be getting in your way.


Daily Workout Routine

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Vegan Shortbread Cookies 1 cup vegan butter 1 cup icing sugar 2 cups flour 1/4 tsp salt Preheat oven to 325 Using an electric mixer beat butter and sugar. Slowly add the flour and salt. If it seems a little dry add a tbsp of rice/soy milk. Roll out and cut into shapes. Bake for 12-15 minutes.

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Shea butter has been known to work well against stretch marks. It also benefits those suffering dry skin, dermatitis and sunburn, quick skin healing and cinnamic acid, which protects the skin against the harmful UV rays of the sun. Since Shea butter is well tolerated by the skin, it usually does not trigger off any allergic reactions. This makes it ideal for use by persons with sensitive skin. Small:$5.00 Large: $ 10.00 S&H not included

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If you’re feeling low on Energy and need Balance this is perfect for you. White Sage helps cleanse and purify yourself of unwanted Spirits or bad and negative energy. 2oz Bag $5.00 5oz Bag 10.00 S&H not include



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13 Signs Astrology

Ra Imhotep has been a advocate and artist of astrology for over 10 years. In the course

of researching astrology he has picked up various gifts, crafts, and talents pertaining to the field of the occult, so called new age, and spiritual sciences. Tarot, numerology,herbology,intuitive capabilities, meditational healing and crystal grid building, are just a few of his additional gifts. Whether its health related, spiritual based, financial based, relationship based, or life purpose oriented, Ra Imhotep will be able to assist and enlighten you. You will leave out of this consultation with the much needed solutions to your obstacles and challenges in life.

Services Include: Natal Reading Natal Reading w/ Consultation Relationship Compatibility Limited Time Only Spiritual Consultations on Sale!

Get these services and more by visiting the Natural Woman Web-Store To Learn more about Ra Imhotep visit his WEBSITE


The Mooney Twins: Wealth Portal Daryl & Dwayne Mooney son's of the Godfather of Comedy Paul Mooney. Are all about health, awakening humanity, and bring in that cash flow. The NWM team had the pleasure of talking to Daryl in a 2 hour interview he shared so much information, spiritual guidance and of course humor, it was a pure pleasure being in his presence. Azizah: What are some of the steps that led you to have a prosperous state of mind. Did you always have it because your Father was in the industry and well rounded or was it something you had to grow into?


DM: Well for all of you who don't know Paul Mooney is our father, he is the only man in show business who has children older then him. (We all laugh). So the great thing about that is that we were around some of the greatest in comedy like Richard Pryor, Red Foxx, Eddie Murphy, Robin Williams, and Jay Leno. Being in Hollywood we saw a lot of wealth and so called prosperity. We were around when Richard Pryor first became rich and we saw what money can do you. To me during that time I thought money was evil. I thought it made you crazy , I saw what it did to people money was a negative thing to me back then. It took me years to look at money in a different light to know what prosperity is how money can be something good, spiritual, and powerful. My shift happened a few years ago, my brother and I were out there doing our conscious comedy in the community not only giving our humor we were also teaching. We covered black empowerment, sexuality, wellness and health. We began to notice that many of our Afro-centric leaders were not into the power of wealth but more into correcting history. But no one was really strong on the money, so a book that came across our path called 'Think and grow rich A Black Choice� from a black perspective. That book opened me up to prosperity and helped me break that poverty mind set.


Everyone Deserves to be Rich!!-

Mooney Twins

DM:As Black people we are not taught to be entrepreneurs, and to make our own money. We are taught JOB (Just Over Broke), something is definitely wrong with that picture. Traditional schools do not teach you about creative ideas, drive, or ambition. They socially engineer you to be okay with working for someone else rather than being a owner and writing the checks. NWM:For a person who is living a prosperous life, but has yet to see the prosperity materialize, but you expect it to come. What is some advice to help that person hang in there. DM: Have you heard of the Law of Attraction NWM: Yes DM: The law of Attraction works with the law of correspondence and that means “as within so without�. Its not believing then you see it, its seeing and then you believe it. For most of us you have to be able to visualize and affirm prosperity for you. You must cultivate prosperity within you.


Once it starts to be felt on the inside and you begin taking action on the outside, then you start attracting and manifesting and bringing prosperity to you. Law of attraction is one side of the equation, its the magnetizing part but the electrifying part is the action. You must have the yin yang balance. Action is required, you have to get off your butt and do something. Create a plan, set your goals, create what you want, see what you want. NWM: What is the Wealth Portal DM:The Wealth Portal was created for the average person who wants to build wealth. Our private membership provides an assortment of cash flow programs and alternative investments little known to the general public. To learn more about the Wealth Portal and the Mooney Twins please visit


The Mooney Twins Wealth Portal

Benefits of Thyme

Thyme contains an essential oil that is rich in thymol, a powerful antiseptic, antibacterial, and a strong antioxidant. The oil of thyme is used in mouthwashes to treat inflammations of the mouth, and throat infections. It is a common component of cough drops. Because of its essential oil, thyme possesses expectorant and bronchial antispasmodic properties, making it useful in the treatment of acute and chronic bronchitis, whooping cough, and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Thyme enhances the action of the cilia in the bronchi and directly acts on the bronchial mucosa. The terpenoids are responsible for the expectorant activity of thyme while a variety of flavonoids are responsible for the spasmolytic effect of thyme on the bronchioles.




By: Likia Christine

When laughter is shared, it binds people together and increases happiness and intimacy. Humor and creativity work in similar ways, says humor guru William Fry, M.D., of Stanford University–by creating relationships between two disconnected items, you engage the whole brain. Humor is infectious. The sound of roaring laughter is far more contagious than any cough, sniffle, or sneeze. Laughter also triggers healthy physical changes in the body. Humor and laughter strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, diminish pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress.

What can laughter do? Lower blood pressure. ●Increase vascular blood flow and oxygenation of the blood. ●Give a workout to the diaphragm and abdominal, respiratory, facial, leg, and back muscles. ●Reduce certain stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline Increase the response of tumor- and disease-killing cells such as Gamma-interferon and T-cells Defend against respiratory infections-even reducing the frequency of colds–by immunoglobulon in saliva. ● Increase memory and learning; in a study at Johns Hopkins University Medical School, humor during instruction led to increased test Scores. ●

Laughter is a powerful antidote to stress, pain, and conflict. Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. Humor lightens your burdens, inspires hopes, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused, and alert. With so much power to heal and renew, the ability to laugh easily and frequently is a tremendous resource for surmounting problems, enhancing your relationships, and supporting both physical and emotional health. We change physiologically when we laugh. We stretch muscles throughout our face and body, our pulse and blood pressure go up, and we breathe faster, sending more oxygen to our tissues. People who believe in the benefits of laughter say it can be like a mild workout -- and may offer some of the same advantages as a workout.

Humor works quickly. Less than a half-second after exposure to something funny, and electrical wave moves through the higher brain functions of the cerebral cortex. The left hemisphere analyzes the words and structures of the joke; the right hemisphere “gets” the joke; the visual sensory area of the occipital lobe creates images; the limbic (emotional) system makes you happier; and the Natural Woman Magazine/ WWW.ASKNATURALWOMAN.WEBS.COM motor sections make you smile.

Celeb Yogis Faith Hunter Faith is a Washington, DC based yoga instructor who has a passion for beauty, movement, love, and soul freedom.

Lebron James


Yoga could be your ticket to your perfect body type, research from the University of California in Berkeley finds. Women who practiced regularly rated their body satisfaction 20 percent higher than did those who took aerobics, even though both groups were at a healthy weight. The secret may be that yoga asks you to tune in to how your body feels and what it can do—not how it looks.

India Arie

When asked about his off-season "I had to leave the road and yoga practice and how it's helped get myself together," Arie told his stamina, James replied: Yoga Journal magazine in an “Does it work for everybody? I interview for their September don’t know. I’m not a guru about 2012 music issue. how to be in the best condition — don’t let me sit here and tell you that. But it works for me.” Natural Woman Magazine/ WWW.ASKNATURALWOMAN.WEBS.COM


Miss Too's Fashion Tips

The 3 R's of Shopping Recycle



The Seasons of Scarves Thrifty shopping is smart shopping. Supporting locally owned thrift stores and 2 nd chance shops can save you more money while shopping for great bargains. The average American throws 54 pounds of clothes and shoes into the trash each year. That adds up to about 9 million tons of wearable that are sent into the waste stream, according to the Environmental Protection Agency —





Check out these smart buys, they will spice up any winter wardrobes. Not to mention they are under a few bucks.


Meet the Model : Nicole Willis Nicole Willis, also know as “Nicci”, is

more than just a beautiful face. “ I am a wife, mother, business owner, I love music, natural hair, I just love life.” Nicole tells me during our interview with a Laugh. Azizah: Has modeling been a passion for you? What got you started? Nicole: Yes it is, actually modeling was a bucket list thing for me. When I got the opportunity to do it and I took it. Azizah: Interesting, well you can mark it off the list. Azizah: What are your passions?

Photograpghy by GIDGETimages

Azizah: Nice. We can not forget our youth. That's really great Nicole. Azizah: Tell me more about your Business? Nicole: My business is called Party Sitters, LLC, we specialize in on site childcare. We come to any location for any event and we entertain the children. We've been in business since 2010 and its going great. We have our own security too. Azizah: Well Nicole, you are a inspiration to many women out there. You are a wife, mother, business woman, now model. Please give our readers your 3 keys to success.

Nicole: I love empowering people and working with children. I help to bring out their highest potential. Natural Woman Magazine/ WWW.ASKNATURALWOMAN.WEBS.COM

Nicole: Wow, my 3 steps to success, Well number 1 would be “faith” you cannot do anything without faith. “If you don't have faith you'll starve” Second is don't be afraid to ask, you never know what opportunity you'll miss. Finally don't loose who you are in the process, always stay true to who you are. Azizah: Thank you so much Nicole you are truly an inspiration, and I am so pleased to have you in Natural Woman Magazine. Nicole: It was my pleasure


Get Up! Get Out! Let Go! The clock is ticking and once again the time is near. As seasons change we bring in a new year. Powers from above are preparing your spirit to end a chapter and await a new beginning to be revealed. Seems like you’ve dug deeply down to the earth’s core through the chaos of this year. Each hardship and experience of pain aiding you to create a shield of armor that protected you from life’s harsh and deadly blows, so many in this battle have fallen or given up. You will arise knowing every wound and battle scar will be gloried as a product of your victory. The greatest testimony is that your still standing through it all. You are a survivor, and the world has yet to see the wonders of your triumph. Just move forward step by step, push pass your hurt and push pass your pain. There was a reason you went through your experiences.. You can change your emotions like you change your thoughts. Don’t reflect the emotions or mood you have on others. Instead why not reflect the mood and attitude you desire. This isn’t the time to throw a pity party. Do something different in order to get a different result. The only way to obtain growth is by changing your prospective, which is, getting out of your comfort zone. Learn more… do more.. give more of yourself to people deserving to know the beautiful person you are. As far as the people who don’t, I know we have a hard time forgiving ourselves in our relationships that go bad, let alone forgive the person we built our trust in that disregarded us in the end. If you take in nothing else please heed my warning. That it takes more energy to hold on to a grudge then to forgive and let it go. True it will not happen overnight, but it will be all worth it once you free yourself. The grudging spirit has been weighing you down for far too long. It won’t want to let you go but you can let it go. Stop the lingering pain, depression, disappointments, abandonment, and anguish dead in its tracks. Don’t let people and things you can’t control stress you out and take away anymore joy. Declare, from this day on you we live with purpose and joy on purpose. No more time will you waste. Get ready to get up, get out, and let go!!!




From A Male Perspective


thought it would be helpful to add to this

beautiful publication by interjecting a male perspective to provide insight and understanding into common issues that arise in relationships between women and men, whether they be intimate or platonic. A topic that I have thoughts on and would like to delve into is communication. From my experiences, I have gathered that men typically communicate differently than women. Women tend to be more open to talk about things that are going on that bother them, while men hold in their emotions and suppress them. After awhile that conflict in interest begins to take a toll on the relationship and something as small as a miscommunication can cause a rift as big as the Grand Canyon. Besides trust, communication is the most vital aspect of a relationship in my opinion. Often times many of the issues that we go through can be resolved if we communicated more effectively. When we are dealing with people we love, we have to communicate using the heart instead of the ego.

We get caught up in who's "right or wrong" and the issue that causes the conflict still goes unresolved. Communicate with the intentions of being clear and unbiased with your personal opinions and it will help you and the other party to the conversation reach a better understanding in less time. Also, learning how to manage stress in the moment is key because if you are discussing something passionately you have to understand your emotions as well as the person that you are communicating with. Recognize when you are becoming stressed and take a moment to calm down. What I like to do is find humor in the situation(while not being insensitive) A little laughter can go a long way toward making the mood lighter and refocusing a conversation on the issues being discussed. In the times that we are living in, it's extremely important that we understand each other and communicate openly and effectively.

BeNaturally YourHealTHYSelf

Entrepreneur Spotlight

Tell me more about your business, why you started it? YenYangyoga’s mission is to promote health through providing education of the yogic principles of fasting and internal cleansing, diet and nutrition, meditation, physical poses and postures of Kemetic Yoga. Would you say that your life experiences prepared you for this moment? Why? Oh my gosh, DEFINITELY. Every since high school, I loved yoga. I loved how relaxed it made you feel AFTERWARDS. It was like the whole world gets quieter, more simple. I reacted differently, smiled more, and just felt BETTER. I knew there was something to this yoga thing and I am so happy to be discovering it now and sharing it with others. Depending on one’s perspective, our world can be stressful at times, truly, Yoga is one way to deal! What do you hope to accomplish with your work? In my work, I hope to inform folk on what yoga REALLY is; it is not an exercise. It is a healing art practiced through meditation, movement and breathing of the physical body to bring awareness of the union of body and spirit. As a result of that awareness you have more control of your body, health that is essentially YOUR LIFE. I’d like to see more women and men who are truly at peace and happy in their lives, by knowing how to access the solutions that reside inside of them. I hope to work with men and women to decrease the instances of obesity in the African American community. And Inspire individuals to take an active preventative role in maintaining their health by recognizing their whole being; mind, body, and spirit and the use of holistic healing solutions. What inspiration can you give our readers so they to can live their passion? Universal Law says; “As within, So without. The Word of God says, “ The kingdom of Heaven is in you.” Buddha said, “ The way is not in the sky, the way is in the heart.” The past has left a beaten path for us to walk. All that you are, all that you dream, all that you desire can happen. If only you look within. There you will find every resource you need! And then be like Nike and JUST DO IT!

Owners Name: YenNefer Maat Business Name: YenYangYoga How long in Operation: Since April 2011 Website:

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