Offshore Wind International Business Guide 2019

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international BUSINESS GUIDE ‘19

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Offshore Wind Conference The 10th annual Offshore Wind Conference – part of Offshore Energy – brings together the entire offshore wind value chain to discuss current and future developments. This 2-day conference will take place on 7 & 8 October 2019 in Amsterdam. For all updates, the complete program, sponsor options and registration, please visit


















Š CWind, part of the Global Marine Group

EDITOR’S NOTE Dear reader, Welcome to the 8th edition of the Offshore WIND International Business Guide. This printed edition is intended, along with the online edition, to display the offshore wind supply chain companies with all their expertise. This industry thrives on innovation. In the past seven editions we have published many profiles of companies’ innovative services, equipment and ideas in the guide. What was innovative then, is seen today as being tried and tested, exactly what is needed for wind farm installation and maintenance. Please take time to look carefully through this edition for the profile of something that could help you and your company reduce costs, increase efficiency or improve performance. As a guide, both in print an online, we have been innovating ourselves. This printed Offshore WIND International Business Guide is only one part of an interconnected, multimedia base, each part with different properties designed to offer the readers with a wide range of relevant information. On video clips, photograph galleries and updated

information about the companies can also be found and you will see regular news items on the site generated to follow news of the guide’s profiled companies. The Offshore WIND team takes pride in the fact that this guide has played part in the promotion of the innovation. As you are reading this you have probably picked the copy up at one of the many events around Europe, or even further afield, like Asia and the United States, where they are distributed from the media area, or from Offshore WIND’s own stand. We have made sure that they will be available to pick up at as many events, where the offshore wind community meets, as possible.

Rebecca van den Berge-McFedries Editor-in-chief Offshore WIND








Stadt Test Sites

Offshore Wind Projects



Hywind Tampen

Føroyar (Denmark)

Shetland Islands








Karmøy Demonstration Site


Hywind Kvitsøy Demonstration Site

Stromness Kirkwall

Rennesøy Demonstration Site Larvik


Dounreay (DFOWDC) Scrabster

Egersund Arendal


Moray Firth Eastern Dev. Area Telford Offshore WF Beatrice Field Stevenson Offshore WF Maccoll Offshore WF Moray Firth Western Dev. Area

Beatrice Offshore WF







Hywind Scotland Pilot Park









TLP Wind European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre Kincardine Offshore WF


DEA Reserved Area Hanstholm

Nissum Bredning Vind Rønland I Vesterhavet Nord


Firth of Forth Zone Alpha Bravo Inch Cape Charlie




Delta Neart na Gaoithe Foxtrot Echo Golf Forthwind Demonstration Levenmouth Turbine Anstruther


North Shields



Walney 3

Oriel WF

Skerd Rocks


Spiddal Test Site

Codling Bank Codling Bank Ext



Burbo Bank + Ext.

Rhyl Flats Dublin Array

Hornsea Project 4 Project 2 Westermost Rough


Triton Knoll Race Bank Norfolk Bank Lincs Dollart “Emden” East Anglia 1-6 Inner Dowsing Dudgeon East Lynn Sheringham Shoal Windpark Fryslan Nord Holland EA-6 Tender Area 2019 Lely Westermeerwind EA-5 Irene Vorrink Scroby Sands Prinses EA-3 Egmond aan Zee Amalia Chinook EA-1.Nth Amsterdam EA-2 Eneco Luchterduinen EA-1 Galloper Zuid Holland Tender Areas 2019 Mermaid Greater Gabbard Northwester 2 Borsselle III+IV NETHERLANDS Gunfleet Sands 1-3 1 Belwind London Array I Borsselle I +II Noblewind Kentish Flats 1-2 Seastar London Norther Northwind Thanet Rentel Thortonbank Wilhelmshaven





Den Burg

Den Helder

Arklow Bank 2 Arklow Bank


Great Island


Cork Milford Haven



Dyfed Floating Wind Park






1. Poseidon P60 Mermaid Portsmouth






Rampion (Hastings) Plymouth


Le Tréport Fécamp




Calvados Le Havre


Saint-Brieuc Paris

St. Malo



Groix & Belle-Île


FIND OUT MORE about all offshore wind projects and the companies involved on

Floatgen St. Nazaire



St. Nazaire

Iles d’Yeu et de Noirmoutier les Sable d’Olonne

la Rochelle



Project 1 Project 3

Humber Gateway

North Hoyle


Lillegrund Dan Tysk Butendiek

Hohe See & Ext. Global Tech 1 Amrumbank West He Dreiht BARD Offshore 1 Kaskai II Veja Mate Nordsee Ost Gicon Test Deutsche Bucht Meerwind Sud & Ost Trianal Borkum I-II Merkur Borkum Riffgrund West I-II Gode Wind II Gemini I+II Gode Wind III & IV OWP West Gode Wind II Borkum Riffgrund II Nordsee 1 Borkum Riffgrund I Alpha Ventus Nordergründe Riffgat Hooksiel

Creyke Beck A


Gwynt y Mor





North Irish Sea Array



Walney 2 Walney 1 Ormonde Barrow West of Duddon Sands


Clogher Head



Isle of Man

Horns Rev I


Robin Rigg A & B Belfast


Dogger Bank (Creyke Beck, Sofia, Teeside) Blyth Offshore Teesside A Wind Demonstration Creyke Beck B

Blyth Offshore


Hvide Sande




DEA Reserved Area Danish Kattegat/ Baltic Sea Numbered Projects Vesterhavet Syd 1. Om Syd 2. Jammerland Bugt 3. Smålandsfarvandet Tender Area 4. Aflandshage 5. Borholm Nearshore Tender Area DEA Reserved Area 6. Saeby Nearshore Tender Area Horns Rev 3 7. Nordre Flint Horns Rev II

EUROPE Offshore Wind Projects Abstracted from the large scale map of the same name. Researched and produced by La Tene Maps Email: Website: Copyright © 2018 La Tene Maps





Tornio Royttan merotuulivoimapuisto



Ajos Kemin Ajoksen Meriperustushanke



Siipyy / Kristiinakaupunki



Tahkoluoto Ext. (Pori 2)


Raahe / Pertunmatala


Raahe / Maanahkiaisen Raahe / Ulkonahkiainen




Storgrundet Utposten II Utposten Utknallen



Tahkoluoto (Pori 1)

Gretas Klackar




Vyborg Hamina



Rata Storgrund

Kokkolan Merituulivoimapuiston






Oslo St. Peterburg

Svenska Bjorn Offshore





Hiiumaa Avamere Tuulepark

Vindpark Vänern



Narva Paldiski




Baltic Blue

Gustav Dahlen










Liivi laht - Kihnu



Frederikshavn I







I Kalmar


Stora Middelgrund



DEA Reserved Area

Ängelholm Karlskrona

Mejlflak Tuno Knob









Anholt Grenå



Kattegat Offshore




Södra Midsjöbanken


Renerga Klaipeda




Baltic Wind Energy

Baltex-5 Baltica 1 Lillgrund 4 MFW Baltyk Polnocny 1+2 Sprogø Bornholm Polenergia Baltyk II Kustvind (DK) FEW Baltic 2 Baltica 2 Baltica 3 Kriegers Flak II Kriegers Flak DEA Reserved Area 3 1-4 1 5 Baltic 2 Wikinger Wikinger Sud Arcadis Ost 1 Polenergia Baltyk III Baltex 2 Genmaker Baltic Eagle Gicon Arkona Rødsand II Baltic I Nysted Aegir 4 2








Darlowo Kiel

Breitling (Rostock) Lübeck


1. Baltic Power 2. A-Wind 3. C-Wind 4. B-Wind




Poland -Numbered Projects





Licenced/Consented Wind Farm Area

Wind Farm in Operation

Submitted Application for Farm Area

Wind Farm Under Construction Consented Wind Farm

Proposed Area for Wind Farm

Proposed Wind Farm


Wind Farm Licence Extension (UK 2018) Warszawa

Floating Wind Farm in Operation

Wind Farm Development/Tender Area

Floating Farm Under Construction

Reserved Area (Denmark)

Consented Floating Wind Farm

Decommissioned Offshore Wind Farm

Proposed Floating Wind Farm

Offshore Wind Farm Projects in the Mediterranean Sea Pula


A Arcachon


Nautilius DemoSATH Balea





Gruissan FWF Leucate FWF

San Sebastian


Mistral - Golfe de Fos PGL Faraman






P.E Golfo di Manfredonia

SPAIN Castellón de la Plana











P.E Porto di Taranto

Oristano Mahón Palma












Ceuta (Spain)











GREEK NUMBERED PROJECTS 1. Diapontia Islands Marathon Bay 2. Corfu 3. Marthakiou 4. Mathraki 5. Othonoi 6. Diapontia Wind 1-7 DWI Peloponnese 7. Thrakiki Wind 1 8. Thrace Wind N 9. Plaka Keros AG Eirini Kríti 10. MethonesE Kepoe 11. Lemnos A

South Andros


Khaniá (Canea)

Melilla (Spain)



MOROCCO Ljubljana



I La Goulette


S i c i l i a



Faro Malaga










M Cartagena


Ormos Kalidhonos IONIAN SEA


9-11 St Efstratios Agios Efstratios Golfe di Kymi Steno Kafirea













Porto Lagos Thasos Park


Porto Conte

Figueira da Foz


Tiranë Durres


Napoli Porto Torres









Sofiya (Sofia)





WindFloat Atlantic Ph.2



Portoferraio Bastia

Corse Ajaccio

WindFloat Atlantic Ph.1








(Kiev) Bucuresti









Gijón La Coruña






Ag. Nikólaos


N Zagreb



















European Wind Energy Masters The offshore wind energy industry is growing so rapidly that the only way to keep up is with new innovative technologies. The students of the European Wind Energy Master try to solve these challenges and are undergoing preparation to become the niche engineers the industry needs. This article intends to identify crucial developments in the offshore wind industry from a student perspective.

The main driving force behind the ongoing growth of the wind industry is upscaling of the capacity of the wind turbines and the rapidly dropping price per kilowatt. This is due to an ecosystem where large companies are present to carry the momentum and challenge each other to drive down the price through healthy competition. But it is equally important that the large corporations do not stifle smaller enterprises. There should be room for start-ups to cause disruption and acceleration in new technologies.


The development that is happening in Europe is essential to the role that Europe has and wants to play in the future. Established programs, like the European Wind Energy Master, underlines a commitment to continuing the role of Europe as the world leader in wind turbine technology. For example, the floating wind turbines developed here can prove a major step forward in installing large capacity offshore wind farms along coastlines with deeper waters such as in Japan and the Americas. China and Taiwan are also new players looking to make strides in the market. As the cradle of wind energy - especially offshore wind Europe should focus not only on the export of wind turbines, but also on their export of expertise and smart solutions. Global collaborative projects might mark the way forward.

This current growth of the wind industry is unprecedented, and ambitious experts in the field are required to overcome arising challenges. To maintain the supply of high end and ambitious experts, a close connection between the industry and academia is essential. The role of universities in this market should be to provide the industry not only with a better quality of specialised engineers, but also in greater numbers to meet the growing demand. It is up to the universities to formulate an education with the notion that most conventional solutions will not resolve all the future challenges. Overall, the offshore wind sector is experiencing a thriving growth with low tender prices and government push for renewable energy. But to continue this growth rate, it is important for the industry to keep pushing for new innovations. Here, the tightening of the relations between the offshore industry and the education is of crucial importance.

Dion Koreman Vice President ASE Aeolus Student Offshore track of European Wind Energy Master

ASE ‘Aeolus’ Kluyverweg 1 2629 HS Delft The Netherlands E I ASEAeolus


Belgian Offshore Platform The Belgian Offshore Platform (BOP) reunites the investors and project developers of wind energy in the Belgian part of the North Sea. BOP is the voice of the Belgian offshore wind energy.

Norther, representing 370MW capacity, is currently being constructed. It will be commissioned in 2019. The fully consented projects Northwester 2 and Seamade (resulting from a fusion of the previous Seastar and Mermaid projects), are in the development phase. Those projects are expected to be commissioned by 2020. With these developments, Belgium is currently the fifth highest offshore wind country in the world. With 1.186MW operational offshore wind capacity in the smallest EEZ in the North Sea, the Belgian companies active in the offshore wind industry are building on pioneering experiences in this field. Renewables target The eight windfarms are expected to be fully operational in 2020. They will represent 2.267MW wind capacity and provide an average of 8 TWh/year of renewable electricity, which is equivalent to 10 per cent of the current electricity demand in Belgium.


The European Union aims to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40 per cent for 2030, with a 32 per cent share of renewable energy. To contribute to this goal, the BOP actively advocates up to 2,5GW additional offshore wind capacity in the Belgian North Sea after 2020. This will increase the total North Sea wind capacity to Âą 4,6GW, which is an essential building block for the security of supply in the post-nuclear era. A nuclear phase-out Act of 2003 foresees to close-down all the nuclear reactors in Belgium by 2025. Continuing investment in offshore wind energy is therefore imperative. Innovation & expertise in the Belgian offshore wind value chain As early as 2003, Belgium started with the development of its first offshore wind farm on the Thornton Bank (C-Power). For the pilot phase, six gravity based foundations were constructed on which the first offshore 5MW wind turbines

were installed in 2008. This pilot phase was followed by the installation of 6MW wind turbines on jacket foundations. Several Belgian companies such as DEME, CG, Fabricom, Jan De Nul, Hanssen Industrial Transmissions, GeoSea, Iemants, G-Tech, etc., active in maritime construction, offshore electrical infrastructure, gearbox manufacturing and cable laying, contributed to the successful construction and operation of the Belgian offshore wind farms. This pioneering expertise of the Belgian offshore wind energy sector is already being exported abroad: many Belgian companies are active in European and international offshore wind projects. In 2019, construction activities will continue to be deployed in the Belgian part of the North Sea with the windfarm Norther (370MW) as well as with the construction of the Modular Offshore Grid (MOG) of Elia, which will connect four offshore wind farms to an offshore switch yard to bring the offshore wind power to shore. These offshore activities will continue to boost the Belgian offshore wind industry, and will keep these companies at the forefront of offshore wind energy in Europe and the world.


L Seamade/Mermaid - 235MW (2020) Northwester 2 - 224MW (2020) Belwind - 171MW (2010) Nobelwind - 165MW (2017) ore

Offshore wind energy in Belgium There are currently 8 offshore wind projects in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) representing a total installed capacity of 2.267MW offshore wind energy. In 2018, five projects, C-Power, Belwind, Northwind, Nobelwind and Rentel, representing 1.186MW, are fully operational and meet the electricity needs of about 1.200.000 homes or 5 per cent of the total electricity demand in Belgium.


Seamade/Seastar - 252MW (2020) Northwind - 216MW (2014) Rentel - 309MW (2018) C-Power - 325MW (2009) Norther - 370MW (2019)

Annemie Vermeylen Secretary General

Belgian Offshore Platform Koningstraat 146 rue Royale 1000 Brussels Belgium E I


Š gigifoto2018

Business Network for Offshore Wind U.S. Offshore Wind Moving from Plans to Projects The Business Network for Offshore Wind is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organisation solely focused on the development of the U.S. offshore wind industry and advancement of its supply chain. We bring together developers, policymakers, academia, global experts and more than 250 member businesses for critical discussions and unprecedented networking opportunities. We follow the market development everyday and have become U.S. offshore wind market experts.

National offshore wind target The U.S. Department of Energy’s Offshore Wind Technologies Market Update has reported that the current U.S. offshore wind energy pipeline is estimated at 25,464MW, with 14,585MW under exclusive site control by developers. The United States does not have a federal energy policy with goals for offshore wind, but the U.S. Department of Energy and Department of Interior Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) provide research, regulatory, planning and other support to the states. A major economic development in the U.S. marketplace was the acquisition of Deepwater Wind by Ørsted for $510 million, which closed in November of 2018. The states continue to drive energy policy and make decisions locally about energy mix, off-takes and planning. Currently, there is a policy goal to develop 2,000MW in Virginia by 2028; 2,400MW in New York by 2030; 3,200MW in Massachusetts and 3,500MW in New Jersey by 2030. Maryland is progressing on its two projects that total 348MW. Other states with offshore wind activity are: Maine, Rhode Island, Delaware, North Carolina, Ohio, California and Hawaii. Developers expect to have approximately 2,000MW of new offshore capacity operational by 2023. Current status of project pipelines (in MW) in most active U.S. states. The Block Island wind farm, a 30MW, five-turbine project three miles off of Rhode Island, is the only U.S. operating project, but the Fishermen’s Energy/Nautilus 24MW project in New Jersey and the Virginia Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind (CVOW) 12MW demonstration project (possibly the first in federal waters) could start construction in 2019 and be completed by 2020.


In Massachusetts, Vineyard Wind submitted the winning bid for its 800MW project at the surprisingly low price of

6.5 cents per kilowatt hour and has already leased dock space from the New Bedford Marine Commerce Terminal. New Jersey issued an 1,100MW solicitation with bids due in December 2018, and New York released an RFP with bids due in February 2019. Nearby, Ørsted’s 15-turbine South Fork Wind Farm, which will deliver power to Long Island could start construction as early as 2019 and be operational in 2022. Two other US Department of Energy (DOE) demonstration projects could be installed by 2020. The University of Maine’s 12MW floating turbine demonstration project called New England Aqua Ventus I may get back on track with a new, clean energy governor The Lake Erie Energy Development Corporation (LEEDCO) Icebreaker project, a six-turbine 20.70MW demonstration project is currently in the permitting phase. Future plans for OSW in the USA The offshore wind industry is ramping up quickly in the U.S., pushed by a requirement to begin construction aided by a national standards and guidelines setting initiative led by NREL. Ports, assembly areas and offshore wind industry infrastructure are currently being evaluated and developed. California grabbed global headlines in September when the State committed to 100 per cent clean energy by 2045, and 60 per cent by 2030. Also in September, BOEM announced four draft Call Areas for offshore wind development, one in the north and three off of central California. When these sites are leased, it will open up the world’s fifth largest economy to floating offshore wind. Role of U.S. in international market Initially, the U.S. will largely be an importer of technical expertise and equipment from Europe, but it is rapidly developing its domestic supply chain. As the market in the U.S. grows, it will look to export its innovations to the wider global market.



MA Liz Burdock President & CEO





Business Network for Offshore Wind 22 West Pennsylvania Ave, Suite 600 21204 Towson United States T +1 (0)20 24 03 75 07 PA F +1 (0)20 203 93 34 E I




3 4























DWIA The Danish Wind Industry Association In 2018, Denmark joined the - so far - exclusive club of countries with concrete plans for offshore wind all the way towards 2030. Three offshore wind farms of at least 800MW will be grid connected between 2024 and 2030. This is one of the positive outcomes of the energy agreement from June 2018, that a unanimous Parliament stands behind.

The newly agreed offshore expansion of minimum 2,400MW comes on top of the existing 1,300MW of capacity and 1,350MW under construction.

technology neutral tenders will be phased in from 2020 with trial runs based only on onshore wind and solar and opendoor offshore wind in 2018 and 2019.

Bearing in mind Denmark’s 2030 ambitions where all electricity must be renewable and 55 per cent of the energy consumption ditto, the offshore wind farms are very welcome. As the energy system in Denmark (and Europe) increasingly becomes electrified the need for additional offshore wind farms in Danish waters likewise will increase. For the same reason the political parties behind the energy agreement have decided to screen for where the next 10,000MW should be located.

The tenders for onshore wind in 2018 saw a massive reduction of subsidies of 84 per cent compared to the previous onshore subsidy scheme. The winning bid of 1,89 DKK øre/kWh (»0,25 €-cents/kWh) gives a good indication of just how close the cheapest renewable energy is to being subsidy free.

The development in offshore wind continues to be very rapid, and therefore it goes without saying that the coming three wind farms are – politically – expected to be subsidy free on the park-part. As an exciting new element, companies bidding for the wind farms are able to bid with both Feed in Tariffs and a Contract for Difference. This offers additional possibilities for bidding along with a further cost reduction for the government if the CfD-option is chosen.


Pausing open door offshore wind For many years, companies interested in offshore wind have had the opportunity to apply for building offshore wind in Denmark under the open-door procedure. The option persists but the right to object for local municipalities was enhanced with the energy agreement. In November 2018, the government chose to reserve large quantities of the Danish waters to prevent further applications for open-door wind farms. In DWIA, we see this as a temporary closure until the authorities have decided how to handle the growing interest for open-door offshore as the price of wind keeps falling. Competition goes onshore The energy agreement also introduces technological neutral tenders that will strengthen the competition between the energy technologies, as all electricity generating technologies (excluding large-scale offshore wind) will compete over subsidies. This full-scale implementation of

Testing further prioritized 2018 also saw a final decision to expand the test facilities in Østerild and Høvsøre with a total of four new test pads and at the same time increasing the maximum height at Østerild to 330 metres. This makes especially Østerild ideal for testing offshore turbines in the development stage as the wind speeds resemble those at sea, giving a unique opportunity for testing the durability of offshore wind turbines at land. Copenhagen becomes the epicenter of the offshore wind industry in 2019 In November 2019, Copenhagen will be hosting Wind Europe Offshore 2019 in collaboration with the Danish Wind Industry Association. Denmark which is considered the global leader in offshore wind look forward to welcoming the global industry and to share the latest knowledge, create business opportunities and establish new partnerships. The event will for three days gather policy makers, business leaders, the entire the supply chain, the R&D community, investors and speakers from both established and emerging offshore markets, making the Wind Europe Offshore 2019 and Copenhagen the global epicenter for the offshore wind industry.

Jan Hylleberg CEO

Danish Wind Industry Association Vodroffsvej 59 1900 Frederiksberg Denmark T +45 (0)33 73 03 30 E I


NORWEA Wind Wave Tidal Norway may be taking the first steps towards a domestic market, amid multiple initiatives for increasing offshore wind (OW) related exports.

Renewables target Norway has set a renewable target of 67.50 per cent of total energy use by 2020. New renewable electricity production is supported through the co-operative el-certificate scheme. Of the total capacity in the system, Norway is financing 13.20TWh, and Sweden 15.20TWh. Norway will achieve 13.20TWh towards its renewables target, irrespective of where the physical installations are built. The certificates are non-technology or country specific, and tradeable on a common exchange. From 2021, Norwegian projects will no longer be eligible for el-certificates. Sweden continues with the scheme through to 2030 with an additional 18 TWh target. The Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has tasked the Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) with providing a framework for future build-out of on-shore wind. No such plans have been made for offshore wind. Nonetheless, the ocean energy law (Havenergilova), regulating offshore wind in Norway, calls for zones to be opened to licensing applications. The NVE has presented an assessment of areas to be considered for offshore wind. Expectations are for the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy (OED) to open two zones for offshore wind development in the near future. At the same time OED is set to publish the secondary regulation which will underpin the licencing process for offshore wind.


Previously Parliament has asked for a support scheme for demonstrator projects by 2017, and this process is still pending. The Federation of Norwegian Industries, Norwegian Shipowners’ Association and NORWEA on November 9th, 2017 presented a list of 16 points that should be part of a comprehensive strategy on offshore wind. The Norwegian offshore wind market There are no commercial offshore wind farms in operation or under construction in Norway. In addition to the 2.30MW HyWind floating demonstrator, two other 10MW demonstrator licences exist in the waters around Karmøy in Rogaland. There is a 10MW demonstrator licence for floating installations near Stadt in Sogn og Fjordane.

Additionally, there is currently a process underway to realize a long-standing 350MW commercial offshore wind licence in the Norwegian Sea, named Havsul I. Energy company Equinor, together with its partners at the Gullfaks and Snorre fields have made public ambitions to realise an 88MW floating wind farm under its Hywind programme. The idea is for the 11-turbine construction to power oil and gas installations. Norway in offshore wind While no domestic market exists, both Equinor and Statkraft are Norwegian companies with experience in developing and operating offshore wind projects. Statkraft, however, has announced that it will not be engaging in new offshore wind projects. Equinor has completed installations of the spar-floatingconcept based HyWind Scotland wind farm, anchoring five 6MW turbines at 96-101 metre depth north-east of Aberdeen in the North Sea. Equinor co-owns the HyWind Scotland project with UAE-based energy company Masdar. Norwegian companies are represented in the market for – among other - jack-ups for installation, the building of service vessels, crane and access equipment, production planning and control software as well as weather forecasting. The Norwegian global market share for offshore wind related products and services are around 5 per cent, making offshore wind related export the largest Norwegian renewables export.

Daniel Willoch Policy advisor

NORWEA Wergelandsveien 23B 0167 Oslo Norway T +47 (0)47 34 93 48 E I @NORWEA

© Statoil


Netherlands Wind Energy Association Huge fans of wind The sustainable sector association Netherlands Wind Energy Association (NWEA) is working with all stakeholders inside and outside the wind sector to expand wind energy, both onshore and offshore, as an essential part of the renewable Dutch energy supply. NWEA unites the wind sector in the Netherlands and accelerates the transition towards a renewable energy supply by spurring businesses and governments to invest in wind energy.

NWEA actively promotes the utilisation of wind power in the Netherlands, onshore and offshore. By initiating and supporting policy change to optimise wind energy deployment throughout the entire value chain, NWEA is actively involved in liaising with the national government. Moreover, NWEA supports companies in their endeavors to get foothold in the wind sector, both within the Netherlands and abroad, by developing initiatives to reinforce their network and exposure within the sector. Among the over 300 members of NWEA are developers of windfarms, owners of wind turbines, manufacturers, constructors, research institutes, electricity suppliers, consultants and maintenance companies. NWEA is a member of WindEurope, the European wind energy association, and the Dutch Association for Sustainable Energy(NVDE).


Offshore wind: history, status and outlook for the Netherlands The Netherlands was one of the first countries in the world to complete offshore wind farms. The first two, Egmond aan Zee (2007) and Prinses Amalia (2008), have a total capacity of 228MW. It took a number of years to expand capacity. This was reached in September 2015 with the project Luchterduinen. It comprises of 43 turbines with a combined capacity of 129MW. Furthermore the ‘in-shore’ project of ‘Westermeerwind’ was realised in 2016 in the IJsselmeer lake and has a capacity of 100MW. Gemini, 85 kilometres north of the Netherlands, became fully operational in 2017 with an installed capacity of 600MW. In September 2013 the ‘Energy Agreement for Sustainable Growth’ was agreed upon by the Dutch Government, the Dutch industry association, employers, trade unions and NGOs. In this agreement the renewable energy target for the Netherlands is set at 14 per cent for 2020 and 16 per cent in 2023. A substantial role is attributed to offshore wind.

In 2015 a new law for offshore wind energy was agreed by the Dutch Parliament which regulates the agreements made for offshore wind energy in the Energy Agreement. In 2016 the first tender was held. The subsidy and permits for the Borssele Wind Farm Sites I and II were awarded to DONG Energy (now Ørsted). Shell, Eneco en Diamond Generating (Mitsubishi) have won Borssele Wind Farm Sites III and IV. A major milestone was achieved in 2018, when the first subsidy-free tender for the Hollandse Kust Zuid Wind Farm Zone (Lots I and II) was awarded to Vattenfall. Together with existing wind farms and other projects under construction, the total installed capacity of offshore wind will reach 4.5 gigawatts in 2023. In the new Offshore Wind Energy Roadmap another 7 gigawatts of capacity will be built in the North Sea between 2024 and 2030, bringing the total capacity to 11.5 GW by 2030. Current wind farm zones under development in the North Sea: Borssele, Hollandse Kust (zuid), Hollandse Kust (noord), Hollandse Kust (west), Ten Noorden van de Waddeneilanden and IJmuiden Ver. With discussions taking off in 2018, NWEA will continue to be actively involved in negotiating the new Climate Agreement, that is aimed at reducing CO2 emissions with 49 per cent by 2030. Half of these reduction goals can be provided for by wind energy: the most cost efficient renewable energy source with the best CO2 balance. Alignment of supply and demand, grid connection and space allocation are important topics that should be taken into consideration while developing new offshore wind zones.

Hans Timmers Chairman of the board

Netherlands Wind Energy Association Arthur van Schendelstraat 550 3511 MH Utrecht The Netherlands T +31 (0)30 231 69 77 E I






Acta Marine ............................................................................................................................. 30


GeoSea Maintenance ................................................................................................ 58

ALL NRG ..................................................................................................................................... 31

GeoSea NV .............................................................................................................................. 59

Amsterdam IJmuiden Offshore Ports .................................................. 32

Global Marine Group: CWind ......................................................................... 60

AncoferWaldram Steelplates ........................................................................... 33

Global Marine group: Offshore ..................................................................... 61

ASM Industries .................................................................................................................... 34

GustoMSC ................................................................................................................................ 63

Azimuth Marine .................................................................................................................. 35


Height Specialists ........................................................................................................... 64

Biardo Survival Suits ................................................................................................... 36

Holland Hydraulics ......................................................................................................... 65

Bibby Marine Services .............................................................................................. 37

HTM Helicopter Travel Munich ...................................................................... 66

Bladt Industries .................................................................................................................. 38

Huisman ....................................................................................................................................... 67

Blue Offshore ......................................................................................................................... 39

Hydrauvision ........................................................................................................................... 68

Boskalis subsea cables & flexibles ......................................................... 40 Bourbon Subsea Services .................................................................................. 41 Braveheart Marine .......................................................................................................... 42


iPS - Powerful People ............................................................................................... 69


Jack-Up Barge .................................................................................................................... 72

Breman Machinery ........................................................................................................ 43


Cuxport .......................................................................................................................................... 44

James Fisher Marine Services ...................................................................... 75

C-Ventus Offshore Windfarm Services .............................................. 47

Jan De Nul Group ........................................................................................................... 76 Jumbo Offshore ................................................................................................................. 78


Damen Offshore Wind .............................................................................................. 50 DEKC Maritime ................................................................................................................... 52


Käufer .............................................................................................................................................. 79


MHO & Co ................................................................................................................................. 80

DHSS ............................................................................................................................................... 53 Dock90 .......................................................................................................................................... 54 DS Marine Finance ........................................................................................................ 55

MME Group ............................................................................................................................. 81


Mukran Port ............................................................................................................................ 82


EEW Special Pipe Constructions .............................................................. 56


Faccin S.p.A ........................................................................................................................... 57



Oceanteam .............................................................................................................................. 83


Temporary Works Design


Van Oord





Oceanwide ............................................................................................................................... 84 Offshore Boarding


Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference





Visser & Smit Hanab




Offshore Turbine Services Offshore WIND


Oil Control Systems


Principle Power









Westland Logistiek


WIND Cable Services Windcat Workboats







RanaWorks .............................................................................................................................. 94 REASeuro .................................................................................................................................. 96


Ridderflex & Plastics ................................................................................................... 97

Bladt Industries ..........................................................................Inside back cover

Rix Sea Shuttle



Royal IHC ................................................................................................................................... 100


SACOR Siderotécnica Scaldis





Seaproof Solutions Seaway 7





SeaZip Offshore Service



Sif Netherlands ................................................................................................................... 107 Sky-Access Smulders








Offshore WIND A cross-media concept reaching the entire offshore wind industry Offshore WIND is a powerful communication platform for the offshore wind industry with a strong global reach. With this cross-media concept of print, online and conference there is always a solution at hand that fits your company’s marketing strategy requirements. The Offshore WIND brand comprises of magazine, business guide, vessel directory, news portal and conference.


Offshore WIND magazine Founded in 2010, Offshore WIND Magazine was the very first, and remains to this day, independent international magazine exclusively dedicated to the global offshore wind industry. Published four times a year, the magazine succesfully provides readers with an indepth look at the development of and developments in the offshore wind industry. Topics range from country specific outlooks, finance and operations & maintenance to grids, research, legislation and human capital. Readers can digest indepth articles, interviews with key players and technical innovations. International Business Guide The Offshore WIND International Business Guide (IBG) is an anually promotional guide dedicated to the offshore wind industry showcasing the full spectrum of offshore wind companies. It creates year round cross-media exposure to all companies active in offshore wind energy. On a complete overview of all participating companies and projects can be found with advanced search options. The printed IBG is distributed to our subscribers and customers, but also available at leading offshore wind events. Vessel Directory The Offshore WIND Vessel Directory provides a detailed overview of all vessels active in the offshore wind industry subdivided per relevant category. Each vessel is published with a photograph, technical specification

Navingo BV Jan van Galenstraat 56 3115 JG Schiedam The Netherlands

T +31 (0)10 209 2600 E I I @OffshoreWINDmag

published by

international BUSINESS GUIDE ‘19

@OffshoreWINDbiz Offshore WIND magazine Vessel Directory

and other relevant information. The Vessel Directory can be found online on Conference The annual Offshore WIND Conference (OWC), held as part of Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference, offers delegates two days of networking, insights and knowledge sharing. Leading experts share their vision on offshore wind while also touching upon the financial, technical and future developments. Sessions are intertwined with ample networking oppertunities to encourage knowlede-sharing.

reporting on the global offshore wind industry developments. The editorial team provides the latest news and developments, with user friendly, custom made news alerts. Navingo BV The Offshore WIND products are created and produced by the Navingo Media Group. Navingo offers a worldwide cross-media platform for the maritime and offshore industry and easily reaches your potential customers, prospects and professionals. The complete Navingo product overview can be found on is internationally renowned as the online news platform 89




Jack-up vessel Vole au vent of Jan De Nul Group installing a monopile for the Borkum Riffgrund II offshore wind farm in Germany, using a noise mitigation system and a bubble screen. Š Jan De Nul Group









Acta Marine Serving the construction and lifecycle of offshore wind farms Acta Marine is a maritime support provider with a versatile fleet of over 40 vessels. We operate globally; supporting clients working on coastal infrastructure and offshore energy projects. With a long-term focus, we take care of all aspects of our business; our clients, business partners, our people, our assets, and the environment we work in.

the Acta fleet dedicated for walk to work, offshore logistics, and accommodation services for a variety of clients in the offshore renewable and oil and gas industry.

Acta Marine Het Nieuwe Diep 39d 1781 AE Den Helder The Netherlands K.P. van der Mandelelaan 34 3062 MB Rotterdam The Netherlands

T +31 (0)88 032 09 00 E I Contact:

Simon Anink General Manager Commercial Offshore

Total service Our versatile fleet delivers services during the whole lifecycle of Offshore Wind Farms. We have more than 40 vessels including: • DP2, Walk-to-Work OSV’s; • DP multicats; • shoalbusters; • crew transfer vessels; • survey vessels; • barges.


Preparation & survey Our DP Multicats and Survey Vessels support the initial stages of offshore wind farm development: • preliminary surveys; • geo-technical research; • UXO investigations and clearance.

Construction and O&M Acta Marine operates vessels suitable for every type of construction and O&M requirement, including balance of plant maintenance. Our DP2, Walk-to-Work, construction support vessels Acta Orion Acta Auriga and Acta Centaurus, together with our CTV’s offer construction and service operation support. The Acta Orion has proven capabilities: • 88 POB accommodation; • cargo space for 20 TEUs; • comfort class II; • Walk-to-Work gangway; • crane ten tonnes at 17.50 metre; • Winter workability; 2.50 metre Hs. In 2019, Acta Marine’s second new built Ulstein SX195 walk to work construction support vessel Acta Centaurus will join

Acta Auriga and Acta Centaurus provide: • safe and stepless people and cargo transfer by motion compensated gangway up to Hs 3 metres; • 3D motion compensated knuckle boom crane for 6 ton cargo handling in sea conditions up to Hs 2.50 metres; • Optimised hull form with Ulstein X-BOW and X-STERN to offer unmatched workability in adverse weather conditions; • State of the art hotel facilities to accommodate up to 120 persons; • 1,000m2 deck space for cargo storage. • Acta Centaurus will also be fitted with a Helideck. Cable operations Our distinctiveness lies in our shallowdraft. From 1,80 to 20 metres deep, we can support numerous cable related activities: • recovery and (re)burial; • shore-ends and landfalls; • shallow water passages.





ALL NRG A world of power

ALL NRG is a Leading Provider of Manning and Project Solutions to the Onshore and Offshore Energy Sector.

ALL NRG A/S Lyshøjen 4 8520 Lystrup Denmark T

+45 (0)70 10 10 22




Kristian Pedersen Senior Sales Manager

ALL NRG was established in 2014 by the acquisition of four prominent energyrelated companies, each with a long and strong track record. For more than 20 years, we have served the energy sector with flexible, cost-effective solutions. We take immense pride in serving the world of energy with the highest standards in the industry. Whether we supply a single technician or a full scope project solution, our focus is on safe, cost-effective execution – always tailored to customer needs.

World leading HV solution ALL NRG takes full responsibility for the grid connection and commissioning of individual wind turbines and/or an entire wind farm, both onshore and offshore. We have conducted the grid connection and other electrical installation jobs on more than 2,000 offshore wind turbines worldwide. Detailed Inspections for Turbine Insights ALL NRG provide a large number of inspection services to the on- and offshore wind industry. Our inspection

specialists are equipped with the latest methods and technologies to give a full documented report of findings, stating a clear overview of the current turbine status. Inspections are being performed both by traditional ground based methods and by the latest drone technology. Our world of services: • Technicians and engineering support • Project management and consulting • Pre-assembly teams • Installation and commissioning • Operations support • Maintenance and upgrades • Inspections • Drone Inspection


Competent and Flexible Manpower Solutions with a Unique Scope of Services Based on a deep understanding of the processes and logistics involved, ALL NRG provides solutions that help

increase customers’ efficiency while reducing their costs. Our company’s key value-adding drivers include agility, safety, quality, responsiveness and customer focus.



Amsterdam IJmuiden Offshore Ports Personal approach, clever solutions Amsterdam IJmuiden Offshore Ports, your entrance to a wealth of suppliers, maritime, logistics, sites, heliport, airport and seaports for clever solutions in offshore wind.

Amsterdam IJmuiden Offshore Ports Havengebouw De Ruyterkade 7 1013 AA Amsterdam The Netherlands T

+31 (0)6 10 92 25 54


+31 (0)20 626 49 69


I @AYOP_Offshore


Dorothy Winters Business Developer Offshore

For installation and O&M of the new Hollandse Kust wind farms, including electrical infrastructure, the North Sea Canal area offers everything you need at the shortest nautical distance.


Amsterdam IJmuiden Offshore Ports (AYOP) is a network of flexible partners with enormous experience and expertise. We are your first port of call for flexible suppliers, first-class logistics, and the best heliport, airport and seaport facilities. When it comes to smart solutions for offshore wind, AYOP has the answer.

Track record The first three Dutch offshore wind farms have been installed using our port region as well as near shore wind farm Westermeerwind. Operation and maintenance for the offshore is all three based in our area. Other facilities are a unique cable handling hub, catering to all major operators and cable producers.

About Amsterdam IJmuiden Offshore Ports AYOP’s major objective is to provide promotional support to the regional offshore industries and to promote the area’s unique facilities. Our partners not only includes many oil-and-gas, offshore wind and portrelated and maritime industries, but local government bodies as well. Find our members’ services at





AncoferWaldram Steelplates Structural strength in heavy steel plates

Over 100,000 tons of quality heavy steel plates in stock. AncoferWaldram Steelplates B.V. (AWS) is a stockholding wholesaler and steel service center, specializing in the supply of hot-rolled heavy carbon steel (quarto) plates, and profiled parts for more than 40 years now. Over the years, AWS has developed into a business that sets the standard for its industry.

AncoferWaldram Steelplates B.V. P.O. Box 190 4900 AD Oosterhout Nederland T

+31 (0)16 249 15 00


+31 (0)16 242 98 06


I AncoferWaldram Steelplates bv


Joost van Dijk Managing Director

Customer base With its 100 man workforce, the services AWS provides for all kinds of custom products together with the expert advice is what makes them a valued partner for customers in offshore fabrication and marine industry, steel and crane construction, pressure vessel equipment industry, heavy machinery, yellow goods. Plates from stock or profiled parts The choice is yours! It is the combination of comprehensive stocks of over 100,000 tons of heavy carbon steel plates plus the sophisticated profiling plant that gives AWS a decisive lead in experience, product range and customer service.

• P355NH / P355NL2, P460NH / NL2 acc. EN 10028-3 Certification and full material traceability Since 1991, AWS has operated an ISO 9001:2015 quality management system certificated in accordance with Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance. Company of Dillinger AWS is a company of Dillinger, Dillingen/ Saar, Germany, Europe’s leading producer of quarto plates, with a hot rolling capacity of 2.0 million tons per year. Please visit our website for more detailed information:


Delivery program AWS stocks an extensive range of 3.2 Lloyd’s Register / DNV GL certified plates:

• Shipbuilding grades Grade A, DH36, EH36, VLD36, VLE36, VLE36 / EH36 (+Z35), VLE36TM, VLF36TM • Construction plates in S235JR / S355J2+N / S355K2+N acc. EN 10025-2 • Fine grained construction plates S355NL acc. to EN 10025-3 • Offshore grades S355G10+M / S420G2+M / S460G2+M acc. to EN 10225, S355ML / S460ML acc. to EN 10025-4, S460NL (Z35-US) acc. to EN 10025-3 • High strength fine grained plates Dillimax 690-1100 (+Z35) • Wear-resistant plates - Dillidur 400/450/500/550 • Dicrest®5 (HIC resistant) acc. ASME SA 516 Gr. 60/65/70 • Pressure vessel grades P265GH / P295GH / P355GH acc. EN 10028-2



ASM Industries Powering the future Our vision: Inspired in the origins, challenging the present, fabricate the future. Part of A. Silva Matos Group, founded in 1980, ASM Industries (ASMI) is a holding company that operates in the field steel equipment manufacturing for renewable and marine industries, such as wind towers, offshore foundations and marine structures, having fabrication sites strategically located in Portugal. With a long track record and international recognition, ASMI is nowadays a reference supplier among the most demanded clients and partners in the global industry.

ASM Industries S.A. Zona Industrial dos Padrões 3740-295 Sever do Vouga Portugal T

+351 (0)23 459 05 00


+351 (0)23 459 05 01


I ASM Industries


Ricardo Morgado Commercial Director

What we do: Wind towers - Complete steel tower sections both for onshore and offshore application. Offshore foundations – Complete or parts for foundations both fixed (monopiles, transition pieces, jackets) and floating.


Marine structures - Wave energy, tidal energy, buoys, buoyancy modules, aquaculture. Where we do it: ASM Energia – Located in Sever do Vouga (Aveiro District) this facility is mainly dedicated to the serial manufacturing of wind tower, for onshore application, and other tubulars.

The headquarters of ASM Industries is located in the same address. ASM Offshore - Located in Aveiro Port, with clear access to the open sea and own quay side, this new facility will be fully operational by Q1 2019 and it will be dedicated to the manufacturing of wind towers, primaly for offshore application and offshore foundations, namely monopiles, transition pieces and other tubulars. ASM Marine – Located in Setúbal, inside Lisnave Shipyard, this operational site with access to a quay side and dry dock, is optimal on assembly and sub assembly works, alongside the fabrication capacity installed, adequate to a proper response to the challenges of the offshore industry.

Why ASM Industries? Because we do it Right, as we commit to quality and on time delivery, ensuring everyone’s safety. Better, as continuous improvement is part of our culture to achieve excellence. Passionately, as we have an enthusiastic team, motivated to achieve the highest performance. For you, as every project is special and we expect your challenges to help us exceed ourselves. What can you expect from ASM Industries? • Fully dedicated, skilled and motivated people; • customised solutions; • proactivity, cooperation and flexibility; • constant dialogue; • professional project management team; • dedicated and optimal production facilities, strategically located





Azimuth Marine ‘FlexTrack’ tensioner systems | Ship Agency | Project management | Offshore Support Azimuth Marine B.V. is an independently owned service provider to the maritime and offshore industry, specialised in ship agency, ship brokerage, marine surveys, installation, conversion and project management. Our diverse range of marine services is specifically tailored to meet our clients’ individual requirements. Our customers are provided with superior shipping support services in the Netherlands and at project locations around the globe.

Azimuth Marine B.V. P.O. Box 626 3195 ZG Pernis The Netherlands T

+31 (0)10 714 46 60


I Azimuth Marine BV Azimuth Rotterdam


Joost de Waal Managing Director

Offshore support Azimuth Marine is an expert in rendering services to the offshore and renewable energy industry. A specialised maritime trade requires specialised services and port agency from a team who understand the special needs and demands in this sector of shipping. With our own representatives familiar with the trade and on site, we can act fast and effective, wherever and whenever needed.

Project management Supercargo / Port Captaincy and logistic services: preparation, coordination and

supervision of loading and discharging, stowage, securing and lashing of cargoes such as heavy-lift, project, sawn timber, bulk, break-bulk, general cargo. Coordination and supervising installation of machinery and equipment, ship conversion. Coordination and assistance with the flow of documents between vessel, agent, port, transporter, authorities, etc. Port agency Azimuth Marine B.V. provides comprehensive technical and operational support to vessels on behalf of its owners, shippers, charterers, operators and/or managers. As your local representative and through our extensive network of suppliers, we render superior full-vessel agency attendance and ship husbandry services throughout the Netherlands.


Sales tensioners Azimuth Marine is the European sales agent and distributer for ‘FlexTrack’, an innovative, flexible, modular and compact tensioner system. This system will offer the advantage of flexibility to create the required pulling force by assembling tensioning units. The units can be positions in a linear configuration

or in a curve. It offers the possibility to create the required tensioning capacity by mounting several units with a maximum pulling force of two tonnes per unit. The compact size and light weight of the units makes fast shipment and installation on location possible. The engines can be used for a variety of applications and products, both on- and off-shore: • single unit cable engine; • cable-, pipe-, umbilical-engine in a linear configuration; • cable-, umbilical-engine in a curved configuration; • configuration of required pulling force and speed.



Biardo Survival Suits Sales, rental and maintenance of your safety equipment BIARDO SURVIVAL SUITS B.V. is a provider of personnel safety equipment in the Offshore Wind industry. We supply, rent-out and maintain Survival Suits & Lifejacket Systems for a wide variety of companies in the Offshore Wind industry. We have specially designed products to ensure optimal functionality and performance for all types of work at sea. Therefore we are working with the highest quality standards available for our products, like ETSO, EASA and SOLAS approvals.

The W470 MOB AIS is an extremely small and light personal safety device. Working on VHF maritime band as MOB AIS and Homing VHF 121.5 MHz, complete with GPS positioning. This personal locator beacon with AIS can be worn around the neck by its flexible silicone rubber covered antenna or it can be fitted directly into the lifejacket or lifeboat. It can be manually activated (by pressing the large button) or automatically through the marine sensors.

Biardo Survival Suits B.V. De Trompet 2800 1967 DD Heemskerk The Netherlands T

+31 (0)25 124 12 56


I @survivalsuits biardo_survival_suits


Frans Meeuwissen Managing Director

We supply many survival suits, such as working survival suits, immersion suits, helicopter transportation suits, pilot suits and trainings suits. We also have lifejackets with or without (re )breather system, personal locator beacons and receivers.


Biardo survival suits’ all in one solution for the offshore wind To provide all our customers the best SOLAS equipment to do their operations as safe as possible we put together a complete package to meet the highest safety standards offshore. The Dolphin working survival suit has a SOLAS-approval and is the perfect light weight working survival suit. This completely new survival suit is developed by Biardo Survival Suits B.V. and is made of new HP-Superlight breathable outer fabric. The parts on knees, arms and seat are reinforced. The neck and wrist seals are made of fire retardant neoprene. The ergonomic advantages of this suit, such as big pockets, socks, hood, gloves and elastic in the back, make this suit lightweight,

comfortable and easy to wear. These qualities make the Dolphin the perfect LIGHTWEIGHT SOLAS approved working survival suit. The BIARDO 300N SOLAS lifejacket can be used for all purposes. It is comfortable to wear and easy to use. This lifejacket has an automatic and manual inflation system. When the water sensitive cartridge comes in contact with water it activates the automatic CO2 gas inflation mechanism. The BIARDO 300N provides a minimum of 300 Newton when fully inflated and makes it suitable for user of 43KG upwards. As optional accessories a Personal Locator Beacon can be fitted to the lifejacket as follow up system for faster recovery during a man over board situation.

Our products: • Helicopter Transportation Suits; • Survival Suits; • Work Suits (ORCA); • Lifejackets; • Lifejacket with EBS or Re-breather System; • Personal Locator Beacons with GPS and AIS.

Our customers: • Contractors in the Offshore Wind; • Oil & Gas companies; • Helicopter companies; • Transportation (air or vessel) companies; • Energy companies.





Bibby Marine Services SOV with W2W. More access. More efficiency. More comfort. More safety Bibby WaveMaster 1, a vessel designed specifically for operations & maintenance and construction support activities of wind farms. Bibby Marine Services has completed the building of Bibby WaveMaster 1, the first in a new generation of service operations vessels serving the needs of offshore windfarm operators. The vessels first project was to support the commissioning of Galloper Wind Farm, before starting a long term contract with Total NL.

Bibby Marine Services Ltd. 105 Duke Street L1 5JQ Liverpool United Kingdom T

+44 (0)151 794 10 34


+44 (0)151 794 10 99



I Bibby Marine Services Limited @bibbymarine


Mark Whitehead Commercial Manager

Bibby were delighted to be working with Damen, one of the great names in shipping. Damen and Bibby are a similar size, both have a strong marine heritage and, almost uniquely are both family owned. Both companies focus on innovation and have similar corporate values. A collaborative approach was adopted in the design process. Bibby added our input about what we felt the customers’ requirements were and Damen modified the vessel to suit our suggestions, particularly the internal layout, work flows and the need for a ‘step less’ approach. Additional customer feedback was then incorporated in the final design.

• 60 ensuite cabins, numerous offices and leisure facilities. Max 90 pax; • Comfort Class 2 accommodation. Bibby WaveMaster 1 is much more than a vessel it is a ‘total access and accommodation’ solution. The development of this vessel started from scratch as opposed to being an evolution of an existing design. Great care has been taken over the design period to incorporate customer needs to ensure suitability to the tasks for which it has been designed.


Designed to handle well in excess of 2.50 metre significant wave heights, the Bibby WaveMaster 1 is fully

adapted to cope with harsh North Sea conditions and crew comfort has been given the highest priority. Some of the features are: • unique hull form and DP2 ensure max stability and operability in severe sea states; • smart logistics/personnel workflows with step-less capability; • unique fuel saving dual engine power configuration for lower operating costs; • multi- stop elevator, height adjustable pedestal and UpTime W2W gangway for max access; • daughter craft, CTV landings/ refuelling, and helideck for increased access and max flexibility; • large covered/air conditioned 6 container warehouse, large deck area, ten containers with crane;





Bladt Industries Offshore substations and foundations built for the future During the last 18 years, Bladt Industries has been involved in the fabrication of more than 1,700 offshore foundations and 21 substations for the offshore wind energy sector. Today, we continue to contribute with complex steel solutions leaving our mark on large-scale, renewable energy projects around the world.

offshore foundations, including monopiles, transition pieces, XL foundations and jackets. We customise each solution in accordance with customer requirements, always striving to optimise every link of the supply chain.

Bladt Industries Norredybet 1 9220 Aalborg Ost Denmark T

+45 96 35 37 00

F +45 96 35 37 10 E I

Substation for Sandbank Offshore Wind Farm

Bladt Industries A/S Contact:

In 2017, we could celebrate, as the first in the world, to complete the fabrication of 100 offshore jacket foundations. Through the years, we have contributed to and left our mark on the majority of the European offshore wind farms giving us a unique knowledge of customer needs.

Lars Bender Vice President, Head of Commercial & Sales, Wind&Energy

Foundations for Veja Mate Offshore Wind Farm

We specialise in: • Offshore substations from PC to EPCI projects; • Offshore foundations: monopiles, transition pieces, XL foundations and jackets; • Constructions for the utilisation of tidal and wave energy.

Offshore substations Bladt Industries has been a dynamic and innovative player in the market ever since the very first offshore wind farms were erected. Since 2002, we have produced multiple substations, and for each project, we have added to our expertise and knowledge within this field. Today, we are a market-leading manufacturer of offshore substations, offering our customers a wide range of options – from production of individual steel structures to complete turnkey solutions. With a constant focus on functionality and efficient design, we manufacture high quality and customised solutions – always delivered on time.


Jackets for Wikinger Offshore Wind Farm

Offshore foundations We specialise in the production of

A few of the projects we are and have been involved in: Beatrice, Hornsea Project One, Arkona, Walney 3 & 4, Wikinger, Veja Mate, Bligh Bank, Burbo Bank Extension, Nordsee One, Sandbank, Gode Wind 1 & 2, Baltic 2, Nordsee Ost, Borkum Riffgrund 1, West of Duddon Sands, Northwind, Gwynt y Môr, London Array, Walney I & II – and many more. We provide: • Customised solutions; • A professional project management team ensuring successful completion of the projects; • Result-oriented knowledge sharing and competent feedback; • A strong team of project managers and technicians; • Optimal production and quay facilities. Through dialogue and involvement, we guide our clients through the entire process – from inception to successful completion. Our steel solutions are built for the future.





Blue Offshore Solutions for subsea cable installation

Blue Offshore supports its customers with worldwide installation, transport, storage, field jointing and repair solutions for subsea high voltage cable, array cable, flexible pipe and umbilicals. Our mission is to assist international customers with the development of the world’s oil, gas, wave, wind and tidal potential.

Our solutions Our solutions include the rental of innovative modular offshore deck equipment. Our full range of rental deck equipment consists of basket carousels, tensioners of 10 and 15 tonnes, loading towers, roller highways and chutes. We can also provide tailor-made solutions.

Blue Offshore Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 191 2593 BN Den Haag The Netherlands

Blue Offshore supports vessel’s deck and equipment engineering, Finite Element Method calculations, sea fastening and stability analyses, project management and project engineering. We also provide offshore crew to operate the deck equipment during operations and to support mobilisation, hook-up, commissioning, maintenance and demobilisation. Our basket carousels have a modular design and have variable product carrying capacities up to 5,000 tonnes for dynamic use and up to 7,000 tonnes for static use. The outer diameters of the basket carousels are 15m, 18m and 23m. Our basket carousels are Lloyds’ Register certified. The basket carousels have an integrated grillage for sheerleg lifting or SPMT (de)mobilisation. The grillage is strong enough to support lifting the basket carousel in one single lift during (de)mobilisations. We have developed a Lloyd’s certified 15m outer diameter basket carousel that can be lifted loaded with 1,000 tonnes of product. Also our loading towers can be lifted in a single lift.

+31 (0)70 711 37 74




It allows flexible product loading and installation schedules with an increased choice of product installation methodologies. Our recent projects • For splicing operations for the Hornsea project, Blue Offshore supports VBMS with a 23m OD - 8m height basket carousel onshore; • Blue Offshore provides a flexible storage solution for NKT cables for the Hornsea project, by providing a 23m OD - 10m height basket carousel on a barge; • Blue Offshore has supported Subsea 7/EMAS with the offshore installation of a flexible pipe for the ENI OTCP project in Ghana, by providing a rental modular system. The system consisted of an 18m OD - 6m height

Renate Richter

basket carousel system, associated equipment and crew; • Saipem involved Blue Offshore in the Zohr 1 Field Development project in Egypt. Blue Offshore provided a rental 23m OD - 8m height basket carousel system and crew for the transportation and installation of umbilicals; • EMAS AMC (Chiyoda) contracted Blue Offshore to provide a rental 15m OD - 4m height basket carousel system, able to lift 1,000 tonnes of umbilicals, and crew, used for the installation of umbilicals for Woodside’s Julimar Development project in Australia; • Blue Offshore has supported Subsea 7 with the installation of a flexible pipe for Statoil’s Oseberg Delta 2 project by providing a modular system, consisting of a 23m OD - 8m height basket carousel.


Our equipment can easily be installed on a wide range of vessels or placed on the quayside. Cost and risks are reduced due to the modularity of the equipment.




Boskalis subsea cables & flexibles Creating new horizons in offshore energy

Boskalis Subsea Cables & Flexibles (formerly VBMS) specialises in subsea power cable installation. The company delivers added value with its robust end-to-end project management and multi-disciplinary grid-to-grid solutions.

Boskalis subsea cables & flexibles Rosmolenweg 20 3356 LK Papendrecht the Netherlands T I

+31 (0)78 696 90 00 Boskalis Subsea Boskalis Subsea Boskalis Subsea Boskalis Subsea

We collaborate closely to understand each project’s particular goals and objectives, eliminating time-consuming interfaces to increase overall efficiency. Our focus on quality balanced with cost effectiveness yields consistently high results, while our focus on safety reduces risks to your operations.


To compete in today’s market, any large-scale offshore project needs solid engineering expertise and state-of-theart project management systems. Safety above all Boskalis is committed to sound QHSE principles as the key driving force behind a continually improving business. We have engineered an effective safety culture, with management scorecards that aim to improve safe conditions

and encourage pro-active behaviour. Our clients rest assured that we aim to eliminate QHSE hazards at source and/or reduce them to as low as practicable. Engineering expertise By choosing Boskalis, you’re choosing to trust the industry’s most skilled engineers. We utilise state-of-the-art technology to maintain consistent quality controls. This focus on quality helps to mitigate the inherent risks attached to any offshore project. It’s our focus on expertise and quality that has given us a reputation for delivering solutions on time and within budget. Specialised vessels With Boskalis, you’re assured that specialist equipment is available –

whatever your project needs may be. Our vessels are specifically designed for laying export cables and array cables. However, if your project has specific challenges, we also design and fabricate special equipment at our private facilities. With our leading edge on innovation, we are proud to meet the challenges that your project provides.



Bourbon Subsea Services Handling the most complex challenges associated with offshore subsea operations. Deep water is our playground. Bourbon Subsea Services provides clients with a full range of services to assist at every stage of the life of their oil field, from the survey and exploration phases, during the subsea construction and the offshore operations, through to decommissioning.

Bourbon Subsea Services 148 rue sainte 13007 Marseille France T

+33 (0)49 113 08 00


I BOURBON @bourbonoffshore bourbon offshore bourbonoffshore

Bourbon Subsea Services supports its oil & gas and renewables energies clients at every stage of the life of their fields offering a wide range of solutions worldwide from marine & ROV asset chartering to full integrated services and project solutions.

Our main operating areas: West Africa (with a fleet of 20 MPSV and 25 ROV, Bourbon Subsea Services is the first IMR service provider in this area today); Mediterranean/Europe, Middle East and India; Asia; and Central America.

Our expertise covers four main domains: • Subsea construction (integrated projects & services); • Inspection, Maintenance & Repair for oil & gas clients; • Vessel and ROV chartering; and • Renewables energies (integrated solutions for installation of floating wind farm, underwater turbine and power cable, etc).

Contracts are executed through project management, heart of the interface with all stakeholders, coordinating the resources required for delivering solutions to clients, from internal vessel and ROVs supply, engineering, expert and operations teams and supply chain management.

Our floating offshore wind installation expertise: Bourbon Subsea Services has a unique and one of the best track records in floating offshore wind installation, starting with the first project performed in 2011. With the experience and expertise gained from the various projects already delivered or under way off the Portuguese, Scottish and French coasts, our company is a leader in the floating wind installation.






Braveheart Marine High performance through flexible service

Braveheart Marine is proud to provide marine services to a large number of nationally and internationally well-known dredging and offshore companies. Our fleet operates worldwide. Braveheart Marine is specialised in hydrographic studies, crew transfers, offshore wind farm inspections, diving support and subsea oil-spill detection services.

Braveheart Marine BV De Meer 9 8321 MT Urk The Netherlands T

+31 (0)52 768 38 39


I Braveheart Marine


Harm Jan van Meekeren Project Manager

By deploying fast, high performance vessels for this purpose, they are able to operate very competitively. The vessels are equipped to gather data at a speed of no less than 20 knots, with a maximum wave height of 3.50 metres.


Special depth measurements are done allowing clients to effectively manage working processes like dredging-, port-and-water-way-maintenance and replenishment work. The vessels can be deployed to survey the water column and the sea bed, using deck equipment, such as an A-frame, winch and crane, CDT and density sensors can be lowered down to the bed in a controlled manner. The crew tender vessels operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week and sail

back and forth between dry land and working areas like platforms, wind farms and trailing suction hopper dredgers. With room for up to twelve persons on board, some of the vessels transport not only people but also provisions, packages and materials. The fleet operates in waves up to four metres in height, sailing at a speed of 20 knots an hour. Our Javelin Design Javelin International is a sister company of Braveheart Marine. Javelin International designs and develops effective vessels for the offshore and windfarms. The practice experience they have gained in the offshore and windfarm industry is combined with the demand and needs of the market. In order to design multifunctional vessels

but also to increase the work area. If you are interested in a company with experience in the field of hydrographic survey and crew transfers, please do not hesitate to contact us. Braveheart Marine is focused on the future, taking further steps into new fields of expertise, for example the development of software to detect oil without the need for ROV inspection. Braveheart Marine represents a global community where flexibility, innovation and commitment leads to satisfied clients.



Breman Machinery Extreme precision

Breman Machinery is an all-round supplier of special welding constructions, heavy sheet metal work and machining of extreme precision parts.

Breman Machinery b.v. Sasdijk 20 8281 BM Genemuiden The Netherlands T

+31 (0)88 273 62 00


I Breman Machinery B.V.


Jan Boer Sales Engineer Jacob Gnodde Sales Engineer

Extreme precision Breman Machinery b.v. has the experience to make your wishes become reality. Our team of 130 well-experienced employees has the knowledge to create workpieces of extreme sizes with maximum precision. We have a good record of projects for oil and gas companies, Mechanical Engineers, aerospace companies and industrial firms. They consider us a partner in the construction of machines and implementation of projects. We do not turn down any challenge.

With 30 milling, boring and turning machines we have the possibility to offer unique services. Our largest boring machine has a range of X=26.500, Y=10.000 and Z=2.500 mm and the largest turning machine can handle a length of 16,000 mm. Our preservation department can protect your projects with all kinds of different painting systems. The workshops in Genemuiden have a surface of 21,000 square metres with a maximum height of 25 metres. The crane capacity is up to 320 tonnes. Our location is situated next to open water, which means we have a direct connection to the international ports.

Quality The highest quality is one of the most important things within our company. We are certified according ISO9001, ISO3834-2, EN1090-1 and VCA**.


Capacity The welding of high strength and stainless steels like S355, S460, S690 and Duplex etc. All done by qualified welders according qualified procedures

approved by third parties such as Lloyd’s, DNVGL etc.


Cuxport Services provider for the offshore wind industry The services that the terminal operator Cuxport offers its customers are as varied as the demands of the wind power sector. Located in the German Bight at the mouth of the river Elbe, with 16 m water depth, the port operating company has gained a reputation as an efficient partner for offshore service providers, EPCI foundation contractors and energy supply companies.

Cuxport GmbH Neufelder Schanze 4 27472 Cuxhaven Germany T

+49 472 174 81 26


+49 472 174 81 99




Roland Schneider

The German port of Cuxhaven epitomises the combination of a production site and an installation, service and maintenance port for the offshore business. Various skills required to set up and expand or maintain wind farms out at sea and generate clean energy are available at the offshore base port in the German state of Lower Saxony.


Port logistics company with a wide range of services for the wind power sector The wind power sector can make full use of the expertise and capacity at the Cuxport multi-purpose terminal when seeking logistical support for these projects. The port logistics company has increasingly geared itself to meet the

differing demands of this young market sector since 2007. Many customers are already using the services at Cuxport – in particular the terminal’s ability to handle very heavy loads and the extremely strong RoRo ramps at the deep-water berths. Able to handle heavy loads As wind turbines are continually becoming larger, Cuxport moves enormous weights, if tower sections or foundation structures are to be lifted. The company not only has a private heavy-haulage-road, which runs from the manufacturers’ production sites (German Offshore-Industry-Center Cuxhaven) to Cuxport, but also a heavy-duty platform for transshipment purposes.

Flexible Cuxport can point to many years of experience in the project business – not least based on its original design as a heavy goods terminal. The port logistics provider offers the necessary flexibility and the relevant transshipment equipment both for services in the installation field and when providing supplies for production processes. The trend towards larger wind turbines and the use of modern installation vessels from the edge of the quay goes along with high qualified and a flexible workforce. Cuxport is repeatedly able to introduce its existing logistics expertise in projects, which accompany the offshore wind power industry in all its varied facets.

For example, Cuxport organises the transportation and storage of grout in big bags or the full service for customers’ container offices on site. Forward-looking Proximity to the wind park projects, which have already been completed and are being planned in the German Bight and the surrounding area, make Cuxhaven generally suitable to play a role in the service and maintenance business – and Cuxport in particular, with its capacity to handle special tasks. In the course of the establishment and expansion of offshore wind farms, safeguarding the operations of the wind turbines, which have been installed out at sea and are subject to extreme weather conditions, will increasingly become the focus of attention during the next few years. The advantage of being very close to the wind farms and access to the North Sea without any locks or reliance on tides were enough to persuade Cuxport as independent solutions provider for

the German Offshore-Industry-Center Cuxhaven, comprising production and supply companies.

duty terminal, fully tarmacked and illuminated, comprises the possibilities to store components of all kind and size.

In 2018 the Cuxport multi-purpose terminal was extended by another 290 m quay length (berth no. 4). Installations vessels can jack-up in front of the quay side, without any required maintenance of the seabed in front of the quay. Another 85,000 square metres heavy

The construction of additional capacity at the quay side as well as at the hinterland will be one of the most important tasks at Cuxhaven in the future, so that Cuxport can meet the growing challenges of the offshore business successfully in future too. 45

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C-Ventus Offshore Windfarm Services Professional Partners for a Sustainable Future C-Ventus Offshore Windfarm Services was established in 2011 in response to a growing demand for a dedicated service provider with specialist knowledge in offshore windfarm installation, Operations and Maintenance (O&M) and decommissioning. C-Ventus specialises in both topside and subsea works over the full life-cycle of an offshore wind farm. We have a highly experienced in-house team of project managers, engineers, SHEQ professionals and technicians to meet the needs of the industry. Combined with significant in-house assets including a range of ROVs, diving, Rope Access and survey equipment.

C-Ventus Offshore Windfarm Services BV Havenkade 100 A 1973 AM IJmuiden The Netherlands T

+31 (0)25 582 00 20


I C-ventus Offshore Windfarm Services BV


Peter van Veen Commercial Manager

Installation Support | BoP Inspections, Repair & Maintenance | Decommissioning Above water-line installation services • Rope access • Cable Pull in • Termination & testing • Foundations inspections & repair • Coating inspections & repair • Confined space inspections Subsea installation services • Diving & ROV works • Survey • Anode installation & replacement • UXO remediation • Pre-lay grapnel runs • OOS cable & Boulder removal

C-Ventus is certified in accordance with: • ISO 9001:2015 • ISO 14001 • OHSAS 18001 • IRATA

Most recent projects: The Netherlands • Egmond aan Zee OWF • Luchterduinen OWF • Prinses Amalia OWF • Westermeerwind Belgium • Nobelwind OWF • Belwind OWF • Rentel OWF • Northwind OWF Germany • Nord See Ost OWF • DanTysk OWF • Trianel Borkum II OWF • Gode Wind OWF


© Jumbo Offshore




Damen Offshore Wind The best tools at sea Damen Offshore Wind Vessels aim to support both energy companies and offshore contractors at every stage of an offshore wind farm’s lifecycle: development, installation, operations and maintenance. Damen has been working hard to introduce new designs, showing that they seriously mean to remain a step ahead in terms of providing the right solutions to the market.

Damen Shipyards Gorinchem P.O. Box 1 4200 AA Gorinchem The Netherlands T

+31 (0)183 63 99 11


+31 (0)183 63 21 89


I Damen Shipyards Group Damen Shipyards Damen Industrieel Damen Shipyards damenshipyards Damen Shipyards Damen Shipyards


David Stibbe Director Business Development & Market



ASV 7017 The Accommodation Service Vessel 7017 builds on the experiences gained from the larger ASV9020 in a smaller, lower-cost package. It facilitates optimal logistics flows for carrying out maintenance and repairs for the offshore wind industry. The vessel is equipped with a motion-compensated gangwayand-elevator solution, 3D motion compensated crane, daughter craft and well-appointed accommodation for up to 60 persons. A hybrid-drive power solution and innovative low-noise and efficient thruster configuration ensure efficient and reliable service.

ASV 9020 The ASV 9020 features an optimised hull form, perfect for the stable transfer of personnel and equipment. The vessel’s optimised logistics flow enables smooth, safe maintenance, repair and construction support for both the offshore wind industry and the oil & gas sector. The ASV 9020 is equipped with a motion-compensated gangway, stepless access, 3D motion compensated crane, a capable daughter craft and an integrated heli-deck. The vessel features proven, best-in-class operability and comfortable, well positioned accommodation for up to 90 persons.

FCS 2710 Based on the success of the FCS 2610 and improved all round in close cooperation with the offshore wind industry, the FCS 2710 is Damen’s new Twin Axe design. The vessel can accommodate over 24 industrial personnel and comes with a single level foredeck, light and spacious accommodation areas and increased comfort and operability. The accommodation features no stairs towards the bow of the vessel, significantly building on HSEQ characteristics.

Damen, in cooperation with the Delft University of Technology invested a great deal of time improving the hull design of the Twin Axe. The development ensures the new vessel’s ability to achieve unrivalled seakeeping behaviour at high speeds. The Twin Axe hull shape, along with the increased height of the vessel above the waterline, mean that the vessel can operate at these speeds in higher sea states, greatly extending the operating window. The Twin Axe hull of the vessel works by significantly reducing the accelerations that the vessel encounters whilst sailing in waves. In addition to providing comfortable transportation, it confers on the vessel the additional benefit of considerably improved fuel efficiency. Comfort is additionally improved by the positioning of the superstructure to the aft of the vessel. The vessel design offers a single level working deck area with extensive cargo capacity. The FCS 2710 is extremely versatile, as can be seen by the range of options that can be included to suit the vessel to any customer’s needs. FCS 3410 In an elongated version of the FCS 2710, the Fast Crew Supplier 3410 gives even larger capacities and flexibility. The vessel can be delivered with additional accommodation space with up to twelve single cabins for industrial personnel. Alternatively, the foredeck can be extended in order to transport up to four TEU containers. The additional length of the vessel and its increased accommodation capacity provide the FCS 3410 with the capability to remain at sea for periods of up to five days at a time. Damen is preparing for the vessel to be built under licence at non-Damen yards in the USA, in accordance with the Jones Act. DG JACK The DG JACK range is collaboration between Damen and GustoMSC, based on GustoMSC’s strong track record in the design of jack-ups and provision of jacking systems, combined with Damen’s extensive experience in shipbuilding and weight optimisation, financing and worldwide after-sales services.

The DG JACK range features four jack-ups, the DG JACK 6136 P, 7140P, 5632P and 14350P, with the capability to operate at 60, 80 and 55 metres of water depth respectively. The DG JACK 14350 P has a capacity to carry three complete next generation wind turbines including complete towers, nacelles and blades. The crane of the DG JACK 14350 P has a capacity of 1250t at a height of 135 above the working deck – 160m above sea level for installing towers and complete nacelles. For installing monopiles the crane can also lift 2000t at 110m above deck. DG JACK 14350 P is equipped with the high standard VFD controlled GMSC jacking system for smooth and safe operation. With a total leg length of ca 107m, DG JACK 14350 P can stand in a waterdepth up to 65m.The accommodation is suitable for 70 persons in single berth cabins and can be increased to 130 persons in double berth cabins. The joint Damen and GustoMSC team is fully aligned to provide an optimised solution covering the complete lifecycle of the units, including the design, construction and delivery as well as services during operational life. The decision to partner up to deliver the DG JACK was based on extensive feedback from the market. Industry trends towards larger turbine capacity demonstrate the need for such a range. At the same time, operational experience to date has shown the requirement for jack-up intervention. And, with operational life of a wind farm being between 20 and 25 years, the case for JACK is clear. Wind & Offshore Lifting Factor (WOLF) 2500 (patent pending) The Damen WOLF 2500 is a robust new platform able to work across the offshore renewable and non-renewables markets as well as in decommissioning in North Sea conditions. The WOLF’s crane delivers multi-market versatility enabling the vessel to install and decommission not only transition pieces and monopoles, but also jackets for oil & gas installations. The vessel is 148 metres long, with a beam of 49 metres and shallow draft capabilities. It will sail at speeds of up to 12-14 knots with a

crane capacity of 2,500 tonnes. Safety is a key feature that runs throughout the design’s features, for example in the safe passageway below deck by which the 80 persons on board can move around the vessel away from the working areas. The WOLF 2500 is designed to reduce the cost of wind farm installation. This is achieved by various means. The design is cost-efficient, featuring limited non-essential equipment and an optimal logistical flow. The WOLF 2500 has a large deck for transporting foundation pieces, with crane located amidships to the side – within reach of the foundations. With 5000m2 free deck space there is no need for a support vessel. And, with installation carried out with a state-of-the-art DP system there is also no requirement for mooring winches, anchors or wires and, as such, less risk to underwater infrastructure. Installation on DP also significantly increases the speed of installation. Damen Shipyards Group Damen Shipyards Group operates more than 35 shipyards and related companies worldwide. Consistent quality and short delivery times, due to standardised designs, modular construction and keeping vessels in stock, are Damen hallmarks. Proven technology, reliable performance and continuous (scientific) research enable Damen to offer customers innovative vessels with great Total Cost of Ownership. Damen’s portfolio encompasses different types of tugs, workboats, high-speed craft, fast ferries, and cargo vessels, all of in-house design. In addition to the series-built, standard-type vessels, Damen is also active in the designing and building specialised workboats and patrol vessels, such as buoy laying vessels, pipe-laying barges, naval and patrol vessels and other large seagoing workboats. In addition to shipbuilding Damen offers supporting services, such as Damen Technical Cooperation (i.e. vessel packages for local building), repair and maintenance services (incl. spare parts), asset management systems, customer finance and crew training programmes. 51


DEKC Maritime Design Engineering Knowledge Center (DEKC) We are familiar with every step of the development process. From first consultation concerning project requirements, through general and structural design (including detailed engineering) to supervision of construction projects. Thanks to our extensive knowledge and experience we are capable of making complex projects manageable and successful. We involve 3D presentation at an early stage with a complete navigable full-scale model. By taking the vessel’s life cycle into account, we look beyond sea trials and warranty period and map out total cost of ownership, incl. future developments.

DEKC Maritime Osloweg 110 9723 BX Groningen The Netherlands T

+31 (0)50 575 39 50


+31 (0)50 575 39 51


I DEKC Maritime DEKC Maritime


Cor Lettenga Managing Director

Van Oord ‘Offshore Installation Vessel Aeolus’ DECK was responsible for concept, basic, detail engineering of the conversion.


Design and design support Our team of highly trained naval architects, structural designers and mechanical engineers are constantly focused on new developments and innovations in the maritime industry. With our structured design method we are able to implement new ideas and the client’s requirements in an efficient and creative way into the design. We can make complete ship designs or support our customers in every phase of the design process, from concept to complete basic design and further. The design & support department is specialised in hull design and optimization with CFD, making complex stability calculations, seakeeping analysis, structural design, finite element analysis, marine system design, engine

room design, and flag and classification regulations. With our combined specialists, we find the most optimal solution for every design question!

naval architects, structural specialists, hydrodynamic experts, mechanical engineers and regulation specialists we will find the best solution.

Operational support Through experience we developed a hands on and no nonsense attitude. We assist our customers in all operational questions, complex calculations and other challenges. We offer our practical services for complex transport operations, (temporary) foundation design, complete logistical management, consultancy in case of ship damage, refits, feasibility studies, classification issues and much more. Our team is always stand-by to assist in a fast and constructive way to help our clients with a problem or challenge. With our

Detail engineering Our detail engineering department covers the complete range of marine engineering from construction workshop drawings, production fairing, shell plate development, pipe isometrics and outfitting drawings to tailor made production information. Our experienced staff is working with the newest 3D software and forms the vital step between the design phase and the production of a vessel. With our extensive knowledge of the shipbuilding process we can help our customers to optimize the cutting, forming, building and logistic processes.





DHSS One Single Source is all you need We deliver the full package onshore, so you can focus at your projects at sea. DHSS is an experienced company with a demonstrated history of working in Offshore Renewable Energy Industry. Our main activities are Vessel & Port Agency Services, Helicopter Services, 3PL Warehousing and Freight Forwarding. With A1 located ISPS support bases in Port of Den Helder, Eemshaven, IJmuiden and Amsterdam, DHSS takes care of your port calls, crew changes and related requests.

As your agent we are your facilitator and contact between Onshore and Offshore. DHSS has longterm relationship with various Port Authorities, Pilots, Customs, Immigration, ship chandlers and other suppliers. Your crew will be taken care of. Not only with provisions and fresh water but also with meet & greet services, husbandry services, hotel bookings, shore passes and travel arrangements.

DHSS Het Nieuwe Diep 22 1781 AC Den Helder Netherlands

3PL Warehousing & Yard storage – the Gateway to your equipment Our 3PL warehouse management system is the gateway to client stock under

+31 22 361 47 00


+31 22 381 48 48


I DHSS @DHSSAgencies

Authorized Economic Operator DHSS is an AEO (Authorized Economic Operator). This AEO Certificate issued by Tax Service and customs to companies that operate internationally. It regards us within the European Union as being safe and reliable, especially where Customs activities and warehouse procedures are concerned. Offshore Helicopter Services Getting to work by helicopter is of great importance in our Offshore Energy Industry. To get this planned and arranged, our DHSS Aviation team plans and coordinates helicopter crew changes and/or hoisting flights from A to Z. We deliver the full package onshore, so you can focus at your projects at sea. DHSS Aviation is active from various Offshore Heliports in the Netherlands, Germany and UK. DHSS is registered in the European database as accredited air cargo agent, under ID number NL/RA/00560-00/1220.



Wim Schouwenaar CEO

our custody. Our dedicated teams are providing first class domestic, import and export service including sea freight, air freight and road freight services: • Bonded warehouses and external storage at all our support bases; • Temperature controlled storage for critical components; • Customs clearance; • Long and short term storage; • Stock control and reporting; • Barcode scanning; • Multimodal Air-Road-Sea transport; • National, European and worldwide logistics by land, sea and air; • Experienced and qualified personnel to handle all requirements; • Project management services; • DNV 2.7.1. Offshore certified container rental depots.

At all our locations, DHSS is licensed to receive and store Customs goods, as of our AEO certification. At your service Projects: • Gemini • Veja Mate • Merkur • Borkum Riffgrund 2



DOCK90 Maritime & offshore communication partner cmyk 71/0/20/0

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As 7/56/84a full-service communications agency, we help maritime & offshore companies to stay pms u/c ahead of the game in a constantly changing world. 295 rgb

DOCK90 maritime & offshore communication partner Rhijnspoor 255a 2901 LB Capelle aan den IJssel The Netherlands T

+31 (0)78 843 99 51


I Dock90 maritime & offshore communication partner


Barry Stolp Communications Advisor Maritime & Offshore


The maritime & offshore industry has invested heavily and successfully in its development. It is powerful, innovative and has a strong position today. However, this is no guarantee for success in the future. The conventional, commercial processes and the role of communications have changed. Today we deal with more digital processes, with a new generation at the helm, with more transparency and wider globalisation. The maritime & offshore industry is characterised by niche markets, complex project teams, technically intensive organizations and long-term purchasing processes. Engineers need to be helped in their quest for innovation. Buyers seeking the most efficient solution. Your decision makers and

influencers need the right information at the right moment via the right channel. Full-service communication agency Dock90 works with both traditional and modern means of communication. This combination ensures a perfect balance between purpose and interaction. Dock90 is organized as an international agency with exclusive partners across all oceans. With our full service approach there are no restrictions in the execution of your strategy, campaign or production. Our services Define: the right audience • Buyer profiles • Customer journeys • Content strategy • Brand strategy

Produce: the right message • (offshore) Film productions • Copy & editing • 3d animations • (offshore) Photography & illustrations • Corporate identity development Distribute: the right channel • Online communication • Publications & printed matter • Exhibition stands • Interactive applications • Games • Virtual Reality • Internal communications • Communication campaigns Optimise: the right moment • Analytics • Marketing automation • Communication planning



DS Marine Finance The work boat finance specialists DS Marine Finance is one of the leading arrangers of specialist marine finance for vessels used in the offshore wind market, with a proven track record of finance facilities arranged for over 100 vessels in the last six years.

Every marine finance package we arrange is a bespoke solution unique to each customer. We source banks and funders to finance your vessels and are involved from the start to the end of the deal. Key products and services include marine mortgages, marine rental agreements and shortterm finance agreements. We can also advise on mergers & acquisitions, trade sales and potential vessels that may be for sale. Customers include work boat operators, crew transfer companies, shipping companies and renewable investment funds in the UK and Europe. Vessels financed range in size from twelve metres to over 28 metres, including crew transfer vessels, multi-cats, jack-ups and flat top barges, with up to 100 per cent loan to value. We also offer finance on other marine assets including ROV’s, access systems, cranes, system and navigation upgrades. DS Marine Finance is completely independent, with a proven track record of experience gained from over 100 vessels in the last six years. We have in-depth knowledge and understanding of the workboat market, demonstrated by the fact that every one of our customers has returned to DS Marine Finance for a subsequent deal - helping us to become the go-to name in the sector for all vessel financing.

London United Kingdom T

+44 (0)79 73 18 78 88


+44 (0)20 77 76 65 98




DS Marine Finance has an extensive network of finance providers with facilities available from a range of UK High Street Banks & Merchant Banks, specialist UK marine funders, European Banks, American Funders, Middle Eastern Banks, Renewable Investment Funds and Private Funds. DS Marine Finance offer some highly innovative approaches to finance including; the co-ownership of vessels, enabling you to pay for use of the vessel rather than ownership; the ability to resell vessels at the end of the finance facility; the purchase of older vessels to release cash for new ones; the sale and lease back of older vessels; the re-financing of entire fleets; the first ever deal with two funders. For banks we also offer a distress vessel management service.

Peter Curtis

Banks/funders/investors – we have deals prepared and ready for you. Vessel builders – we have customers wanting stock. If you have vessels out on rental, we would like to buy those agreements from you. Operators – we have funds ready to deploy. We can help you sell your early stock, and we could also re-finance your entire fleet.


Key products and services include marine mortgages, marine rental agreements and short-term finance agreements, whilst we can also arrange the financing of “used” vessels.

DS Marine Finance


EEW Special Pipe Constructions Discover new dimensions - foundations by EEW SPC EEW Special Pipe Constructions GmbH (EEW SPC), located in Rostock, has been engaged in the production of heavy steel pipes and related pipe components since 2008. Our customers, concentrated in Germany and other European countries, are mainly active in the offshore wind industry and offshore oil & gas sector. EEW SPC has its roots in the Erndtebrücker Eisenwerk GmbH & Co. KG (EEW) which was founded in 1936. The EEW Group has 2,100 employees world wide with production facilities in Germany, UK, South Korea, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia, as well as several sales offices in every continent.

EEW Special Pipe Constructions GmbH Am Eisenwerk 1 18147 Rostock Germany T

+49 (0)38 181 71 60


+49 (0)38 181 71 61 10




Michael Hof COO / Managing Director


Photo: Ulrich Mertens

Thick-walled, longitudinally welded large pipes, with diameters of up to ten metres, lengths of up to 120 metres, and up to 1,500 tonnes unit weight can be fabricated in Rostock. The annual capacity of 200,000 tonnes per year is based on the use of stateof-the-art machines and innovative manufacturing methods. EEW SPC has a total of 32,000m² fabrication capability under roof and 198,000m² of storage area. The own quay guarantees direct access to the sea. EEW SPC is also ideally prepared to face the challenges of future offshore wind farms in deeper waters. Based on investments in special fabrication halls and equipment, the production facilities for offshore wind products have been considerably enhanced. Now monopiles with a diameter

of up to ten metres and with unit weights of up to 1,500 tonnes can be produced. These XL monopiles could be used for offshore wind farms with higher turbine power and in deeper waters up to 40 metres and are the most economic foundation structure available at present. With the company EEW Offshore Structures (Britain) based on by the River Tees, we are also able to manufacture offshore steel structures in the UK. The facilities are particularly well suited for the production of large tubular offshore wind foundations, most notably transition pieces. With our current order intake included, EEW SPC has participated, as foundation manufacturer, in the installation of over 1,700 WTGs for OWF projects in Germany, UK, the Netherlands and Belgium.

Large-diameter pipes by EEW SPC production programme: • monopiles/Transition pieces; • prefabricated components for jackets; • pin piles for jackets; • suction piles.

Photo: Andreas Duerst, STUDIO 301


Faccin S.p.A. Integrated solutions for your onshore and offshore projects Faccin S.p.A. is a very powerful group which combines some of the best brands – Faccin, Boldrini and Roundo – in metal forming machines, used all over the world by wind tower manufacturers for their most challenging fabrication projects. The company is proud of its contribution to green energy production through the fabrication of energy saving machines and trusts in the future of the wind industry, in particular offshore where the use of powerful, accurate, reliable and fast plate rolls are critical in increasing a return on investment.

Faccin S.p.A. Via dell’Industria,19 25010 Visano Italy T

+39 (0)30 995 87 35


+39 (0)30 995 87 71




Andrea Comparin Area Sales Manager

What we do We provide a rolling package - ‘Faccin’s Wind Tower Automation System’ - that combines a powerful super-sized plate-rolling machine along with key components like strong side support, sturdy top support and a feeding table provided with an alignment device. Furthermore, all accessories are controlled by a highly advanced

fully programmable CNC designed to automate the most complex rolling projects. Maximising Profits High technological plate rolling machines able to work 24/7 are designed to maximize productivity, thus the profitability of the wind tower manufacturer by a fast and precise rolling of the cans, reducing the time in later stages of assembly and welding. We specialise in • 4 rolls – Plate Bending Machines – Series HEP and HEL; • 3 rolls – Plate Bending Machines – Series HAV; • Profile Section Rolls – Series RCMI and R.

We provide • High level of supply availability; • 100 per cent in-house manufacturing; • Tailored solutions for a variety of wind environments; • The lowest possible processing time as a priority; • Tablet Management App to monitor productivity & machine status and to check capacities & production cost evaluation; • Installation; • Training to develop the operator skills. Certifications ISO 9001 OHSAS 18001











GeoSea Maintenance Your offshore service partner. From start to finish, we deliver. GeoSea Maintenance provides supporting services to asset owners and turbine suppliers in the offshore wind sector. Through intensive cooperation with its clients and listening to their needs, GeoSea Maintenance understands their requirements and works towards tailor made solutions that meet the customer’s demands which allows them to keep their costs under control.

GeoSea Maintenance NV Haven 1025 - Scheldedijk 30 B-2070 Zwijndrecht Belgium T E

+32 (0)32 50 53 12 info.geoseamaintenance@

I demegroup @DEMEgroup demegroup demegroup demegroup


Mr. Nicolas Degand General Manager

GeoSea Maintenance is active in three major fields. Major component exchanges Offshore wind turbines are getting bigger. The industry needs supply chain partners that can follow this trend. GeoSea Maintenance has currently the biggest track record of major component exchanges in the large class wind turbine segment (>5MW) and is well equipped to meet todays and future demands.


With our fleet of jack-up vessels we can ensure availability and guarantee shortest response times to ensure your turbine is up and running again in no time.

Optimising logistics With our innovative approach and operational experience as a vessel owner, we strive to offer our clients the most efficient solutions for transferring their technicians and spare parts safe, fast and comfortable from the base port to their wind turbines. Depending on the wind farm location we can support sea-based and shore-based maintenance campaigns. O&M Packages in all lifetime stages of an offshore wind farm Service concept definition? Scheduled/ unscheduled maintenance? Inspections above or below the sea surface, during the O&M phase? Cable surveys? Complete decommissioning of the offshore wind farm? We have the knowhow, experience and partners that will

deliver you optimal solutions according to the latest market developments. Backed by the DEME group and building on the operational experience of GeoSea in offshore contracting, owning a well maintained fleet of hightech marine assets and supported by a large experienced in-house engineering department, GeoSea Maintenance ensures safe and timely execution of any offshore service activity.












GeoSea NV Innovative Marine & Offshore Solutions

GeoSea offers first-class offshore contracting solutions to global clients. We have the skills, the technology and the equipment to perform in the most challenging marine environment. Always working closely with our clients, we understand what it takes to define and deliver a project cost-effectively, safely and on time.

GeoSea NV Haven 1025 - Scheldedijk 30 2070 Zwijndrecht Belgium T

+32 (0)32 50 53 12


I demegroup @DEMEgroup demegroup demegroup demegroup


Jan Klaassen Business Unit Manager Offshore Renewables

World-class track record Our scope of work consists of EPCI contracting for foundations, monopile installation, pre-piling & post-piling jacket foundations, wind turbine logistics & installation and maintenance services during operational lifetime of wind farms. GeoSea’s jack-up platforms include INNOVATION, APOLLO, NEPTUNE, THOR, GOLIATH and VAGANT. They are assigned to projects around the globe, including on the North Sea, the Middle East and Australia.

Certified quality Our plant, platforms and vessels may be huge and the offshore constructions we build may be enormous, but the tolerances we respect, the accuracy we aim at and the precision of our

realisations are unequalled. An offshore wind turbine tower may rise to the skies but its foundations are piled at vertical and relative tolerances measured in millimetres. This quality is guaranteed by numerous certificates, incl. ISO 9001, VCA** and OHSAS 18001. New capacities With the recent acquisition of A2SEA, GeoSea has now additional wind turbine installation vessels and capacities based on a vast track record of more than 1,500 wind turbines installed. With the development of the new floating installation vessel ORION we will bring a game changing installation concept into the offshore wind market. This vessel will even further contribute to a greener future by its LNG fuelled engines and faster and cheaper installation capacities.


Safety: our first priority Safety is the key factor in any successful offshore project. Working at sea requires a safe and healthy environment for all of us. GeoSea adheres to strict weather and sea state condition regulations, and we make our safety performance visible through transparent reporting.

Continuous innovation To better serve our clients, we continuously develop new techniques, methods and tools in our own Research and Development department. This approach has made us a competitive bidder and cost-efficient partner. We often are the first in the world to propose new solutions with net gain in safety, working time and accuracy. As an example, among many others, GeoSea developed several seabed templates, for accurate installation of piles for jacket foundation of different sizes and configurations.








Global Marine Group: CWind One interface, supporting the complete lifecycle of an offshore wind farm, topside and subsea

As part of the Global Marine Group (GMG), CWind provides topside, splash zone and subsea engineering services to the offshore renewables and utilities market. Utilising Group assets, engineering expertise, highly skilled teams, and a track record of successful project delivery, CWind has the capability to provide effective, innovative solutions, to meet client needs, across the construction and O&M sectors.

CWind Ocean House, 1 Winsford Way Boreham Interchange Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 5PD United Kingdom T

+44 (0)12 45 70 20 00


I CWind @CWind_Ltd


Gail Clark Director of Marketing



With experience at 50 UK and European offshore wind farms, CWind is an established, trusted partner. CWind’s ability to execute integrated turnkey solutions throughout the entire project lifecycle of a wind farm is demonstrated through existing long-term O&M contracts, completion of more than 890 cable pull-ins to date, commissioning scopes of work at almost 600 turbines and pre-assembly work packages at over 760 turbines.

CWind Training The Company also has its own UKbased training facility, CWind Training, providing a range of bespoke and GWO, IOSH and STCW accredited safety training courses. CWind Training has access to a full offshore simulation pool and partial turbine for simulating working at height, and confined spaces. All courses are delivered by a highly capable team of trainers, who have professional experience in the offshore wind industry.

Taiwan CWind Taiwan Additionally, in 2018, CWind Taiwan was established as a joint venture between CWind and International Ocean Vessel Technical Consultant (IOVTEC). Based in Taipei, CWind Taiwan, provides offshore wind farm construction, O&M support services, cable installation and repair solutions, and training to Taiwanese offshore wind farm developers and owners. CWind Taiwan successfully completed its inaugural contract at Yunlin Offshore Wind Farm for a bathymetric survey, positioning the Company as a key member of the domestic Taiwanese supply chain.







Global Marine Group: Offshore Installation, repair & trenching of power cable, pipelines & umbilicals Since being acquired by the Global Marine Group in November 2017, Global Offshore has delivered successful back-to-back projects with significant client feedback and satisfaction. The Group has been in offshore wind since its conception, and was responsible for installing the inter array cables at the UK’s first offshore wind farm, Blyth in 2000, at Horns Rev in 2002, which was Europe’s first offshore wind farm, and in 2004 at Kentish Flats, the UK’s first commercial offshore wind farm. To date, the Group has provided service support for over 13 GW of power generated by the offshore wind sector, working more recently at sites including Merkur, Kincardine and Rampion taking the Group’s power cable installation tally to over 850.

Global Offshore Ocean House, 1 Winsford Way Boreham Interchange Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 5PD United Kingdom T

+44 (0)12 45 70 20 00


I Global Offshore @_GlobalOffshore


Gail Clark Director of Marketing

Complete Cable Care Complete Cable Care Launched in 2018, Complete Cable Care proactively reduces risk and offers rapid mobilisation to minimise system downtime and loss of revenue in the event of a power cable fault. Utilising the ASV Pioneer, a pre-mobilised barge based in Blyth, Global Offshore already has two, five year cable repair frameworks in place with Vattenfall and Transmission Capital Partners, covering a large proportion of the wind farms in Europe. The dedicated cable repair and maintenance barge has already completed a cable project in the North Sea.

Engineering Excellence With a team of highly experienced, respected project engineers and project managers, supported by offshore teams and capable assets including the Global Symphony and Q1400 jet trencher which has worked on more than 15 offshore wind farm projects to date, Global Offshore delivers diverse cable projects in the harshest of seas and most challenging of seabed conditions. The Company has developed a reputation as a trusted partner, with many clients returning following successfully executed projects. These long-standing relationships have been forged through

flexibility, and an understanding of the client’s needs to ensure projects are engineered and delivered right, first time.


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GustoMSC The pioneers of offshore engineering GustoMSC is a reputable design & engineering company of mobile offshore units and equipment. In close cooperation with our clients, we translate experience, science and technical knowledge into realistic & innovative ideas. The performance of new and existing jack-ups, vessels and semi-submersibles is further optimized by our operational support and engineering consultancy. In this way, GustoMSC enables and supports safe and efficient operations at sea, contributing to a sustainable future.

GustoMSC Karel Doormanweg 35 3115 JD Schiedam The Netherlands T

+31 (0)10 288 30 00


+31 (0)10 288 30 01


I GustoMSC


Jan-Mark Meeuwisse Commercial Director

From 2010 up to February 2018 a total of 3,507 offshore wind turbines have been installed in the North Sea. 74 per cent of these wind turbines have been installed with a GustoMSC designed installation unit. Installation platforms at sea are key in order to carry out the necessary installation work in an efficient and safe manner. However, the next generation of offshore wind turbines is pushing engineers to think more creatively and cost-effectively about construction.

GustoMSC’s latest innovations to address the challenges imposed by the next generation of offshore wind turbines include the telescopic boom leg crane, enabling installation of 12-15MW turbines, and when they’re retracted they become sturdy and strong and can add capacity for foundation installation. Key to these innovations is an integral approach to the design of the jack-up platform and

its crane and combining them into an integrated heavy lift tool. Floating wind Floating offshore wind turbines have a great potential to unlock deep water wind resources. The key requirements for the commercializing of floating wind are lowering the costs and enabling the industrialization at large scale. The robust and cost-effective GustoMSC TriFloater satisfies these requirements. Our future We see our future as a technologically driven strategic partner for our clients. We do so in the firm belief that broad, integrated and well thought-out solutions are the only appropriate response to the challenges of working at sea. 63

Pushing the boundaries Only the most capable installation jackups currently operating, such as the Scylla, a GustoMSC NG-14000X design, are able to install the larger offshore wind turbines. Whereas vessels such as the Oleg Strashnov, with its unique

hull shape and a 5,000t revolving crane, are representative of the technology engineered to support the installation of much heavier turbine foundation structures. It’s key that a new generation of technology should not only be able to carry larger loads, but also has the capacity to enable higher hoisting heights.






Height Specialists Industrial Rope Access Height Specialists has had a leading role in the application of rope access techniques for on- & offshore since 1995. We offer practical and efficient solutions for working at height and difficult to access locations. With our large group of permanent employees we can quickly and flexibly deploy our staff. We are your reliable partner offering an all-round package of services.

Height Specialists Weg en Land 48 2661 KR Bergschenhoek The Netherlands T

+31 (0)15 256 56 62


I Height Specialists @RopeAccess HeightSpecialistsNL


Robert Boek Sales Manager

When rope access techniques are applied, locations at height or difficult to access locations are reached safer and faster. Additionally, the impact on other operations is kept to a minimum.


Key to all services we offer is safety and our expert knowledge. A structured approach and open communication ensure a qualitative and successful completion of every project. Our working methods are based on IRATA, ISO-9001 and VCA-P certifications.

Height Specialists and its international strategic partners offer the following services to the manufacturing industry, shipbuilding and on- & offshore markets worldwide: • maintenance; • modifications; • inspections; • decommissioning; • heavy lifting; • stand-by rescue teams; • IRATA and safety training. Height Specialists is a IRATA certified operator company as well as a IRATA certified training center. This, in combination with our many years of experience, gives us the ability to advise you on work at height and in hard to reach places in the best way possible.





Holland Hydraulics Movement Driven By Quality

Holland Hydraulics B.V. is specialised in drive technology and high-quality hydraulic systems for the offshore industry. Over the years, we have built a well-established reputation in various markets, serving customers worldwide as a reliable partner.

Holland Hydraulics B.V. Binnenhavenstraat 14 7553 GJ Hengelo The Netherlands T

+31 (0)74 291 78 48


I Holland Hydraulics B.V. hollandhydraulics


Bram van den Nieuwboer Commercial Director

Holland Hydraulics B.V. is a family business, founded in 1994, specialised in drive technology and high-quality hydraulic systems used in the industrial, maritime, and offshore market. Over the years, we have built a well-established reputation, serving customers worldwide as a reliable partner. Customer-speciďŹ c solutions With a team of skilled engineers, extensive know-how and experience, we secure the optimal customer-specific solution. We work closely together with our customers and suppliers all over the world and we keep the communication lines short. This enables us to meet the customer’s requirements excellently.

Turnkey solutions Managing the entire procedure of consultancy, engineering, manufacturing, installation, controls, commissioning, and maintenance, we provide the customer with a comprehensive, turnkey solution.

All hydraulic components, systems, and turnkey solutions are in accordance with the required quality and safety standards. We provide outstanding service, 24 hours a day.

High-quality components To offer our customers a wide range of high-quality hydraulic components, we are proud partner of reputable manufacturers such as HEB Hydraulik Elementebau GmbH, HKS Dreh-Antriebe GmbH, Jahns Hydraulik GmbH, The Oilgear Company, Parker Hannifn B.V., Rickmeier GmbH, ScanWill Fluid Power ApS, and SSH Stainless a.s.




HTM Helicopter Travel Munich Your Partner for offshore passenger transports and helicopter hoist operations The helicopter operator HTM Helicopter Travel Munich GmbH has been supporting the offshore wind energy from the very first beginning. Today, the company is the leading provider for helicopter hoist-operations to offshore wind turbines, serving 12 offshore windfarms. Until now HTM performed more than 58.000 hoist cycles and trained more than 1.700 technicians.

missions since 2009 and is the world leading operator by counting the number of hoist cycles performed on Goodrich Hoist.

HTM Helicopter Travel Munich GmbH Gorch-Fock-Str. 107 26725 Emden

Our offshore fleet includes seven Airbus EC135 and one H145 which are based at Emden (as main base with 4 EC 135), Island of Borkum (one EC 135), Island of Helgoland (one EC 135) and NordenNorddeich (one EC 135 and one H145).

Germany T

+49 (0)49 21 58 68 26


I HTM Helicopter Travel Munich GmbH HeliTravelHTM helitravel


Mr. Bernd Brucherseifer Accountable Manager


HTM was founded in 1997 as a small helicopter company located in the surrounding of Munich, initially specialised in film and movie productions. Since then the company has enlarged its field of operation and size to what it stands for today. The entire HTM Group consists of six subsidiaries, that also includes an own training organization and an EASA Part 145 maintenance- and an EASA Part 21 design approval facility. TheAOC (air operation certificate) holder HTM is certified for flights under Instrumental Flight Rules (IFR), Offshore Operations (HOFO), Helicopter Hoist Operations (HHO) Specialised Operations (SPO;including high risk operations), Helicopter External Sling Load Operation (HESLO), Helicopter

Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) and Dangerous Goods operation. Currently HTM has a staff of 140 employees and is operating 26 helicopters as well as three business jets. Since upon HTM’s start in Offshore Wind in 2009, there were no standards in place, HTM started to develop and implement procedures to enable a safe operation to and within the windfarms. HTM furthermore integrated recommendations from the Alpine Rescue Comitee ICAR related to hoist operations as there had been already a long-term expertise in flying human external loads and performing winching missions in the mountains. HTM is performing offshore helicopter hoist

The crews of pilots and hoist operators (HHO) who are operating our helicopters are all highly experienced in hoist missions at sea. Before they go into action they pass a comprehensive training to ensure our high safety standards. HTM also holds the internationally recognized ISO 9001 and OHSAS 18001 accreditations for our processes in Quality and Health & Safety Management. Our services: • Offshore Hoist Operations • Offshore Passenger Transports • (External) Cargo Flights • Charter Services • Transport of Dangerous Goods • Secure Air Transports • Movie Flights • Training and Education • Sightseeing Flights



Huisman Innovative solutions for wind turbine installation Building on the successful operation of existing Huisman products for the installation of offshore wind turbines and foundations, Huisman developed a dedicated range of cranes for the offshore wind industry. Good examples are the Leg Encircling Crane for Seajacks ‘Scylla’ the 1,600mt crane for Van Oord’s ‘Aeolus’ and the crane for dedicated foundation installation vessels such as for the Boskalis ‘Bokalift 1’. In addition, Huisman is developing motion compensation systems for floating installation and maintenance works on the future’s wind turbines. We also deliver sophisticated monopile gripper systems, like the monopile gripper for Jan de Nul’s ‘Vole au Vent’.

Huisman Admiraal Trompstraat 2 3115 HH Schiedam The Netherlands T

+31 (0)88 070 22 22


+31 (0)88 070 22 20


I huisman-equipment-b-vHuisman Equipment


Timon Ligterink Sales Manager

Offshore wind installation cranes The product range for customised offshore wind installation cranes is a result of decades of experience in designing and building heavy lift offshore cranes, complemented by operational know-how of our clients, which is incorporated to improve our designs.

Installation tools Approximately one year ago, Huisman’s concept team started the development of wind turbine generator installation tools. The idea was to develop some innovative concepts to initiate a discussion with our clients through which we could present ourselves as potential suppliers of tailormade lifting tools. Many ideas found their way to our clients, such as the universal lifting tool and smart spreader bars. In 2018 Huisman managed to surprise clients and competition as efforts led to a contract award for the first monopile gripper. Even though grippers of many sizes and shapes exist in the market, this gripper is unique in its flexibility in operation and upgradability to cope with the monopile sizes of the future.


Our range includes pedestal cranes and mast cranes for both jack-up vessels and floating vessels. The lifting capacity of these cranes ranges up to 5,000mt. In addition to the low construction weight, small footprint and small tail swing of the Huisman cranes, our cranes come with electric variable frequency drives, unparalleled lifting heights and an optimised minimum radius for increased workability.

As an example of the success of these new cranes, Huisman built the world’s largest Leg Encircling Crane to date, capable to lift 1,540mt at 34m for ‘Seajacks’’ jack-up vessel Seajacks Scylla which entered into service in 2016. Also in 2016, Huisman was awarded the 1,600mt Leg Encircling Crane for Van Oord and The 3,000mt Offshore Mast Crane for Boskalis. The new crane enables Van Oord to install bigger and heavier foundations and turbines for offshore wind farms. The 3,000mt Offshore Mast Crane for Boskalis was installed onboard one of its existing F-class heavy transport vessels, ‘Bokalift 1’ which was converted into an offshore transport and installation crane vessel. Both cranes were delivered in 2018.




Hydrauvision Your partner in hydraulic drive technology Hydrauvision is an expert in all systems that include hydraulic drive technology. We offer total solutions that incorporate and combine drive technology, construction technology, and control technology. High-performance engineering, a multidisciplinary perspective, and flexibility are the hallmarks of our approach. In addition, we offer custom rental solutions including power packs, winches, reel units and offshore frames. This way, you can rely on quality equipment whenever and wherever you need it, without considerable investment or concerns about storage, maintenance or certification.

Rent your equipment Investing in hydraulic equipment is not always the best option for every situation. For example, if you only need equipment for a single project, or temporarily need additional hydraulic capacity, the rental of hydraulic systems is an excellent option as it can help you avoid a costly investment. Hydrauvision offers custom-made rental solutions by the name of HydrauRent. Our range of rental equipment includes hydraulic power packs, winches, filtration units, and more.

Hydrauvision Buys Ballotstraat 14 4507 DA Schoondijke The Netherlands T

+31 (0)88 574 70 00


I Hydrauvision Hydrauvision


Elbert van den Brink Sales Manager Rental Equipment


Hydrauvision provides ready-made solutions for the most diverse issues. Hydrauvision engineers are involved from the first design up to the installation. Our system engineers, designers, constructors and mechatronics engineers work daily with the most advanced programs to create the best solutions for our customers. Hydrauvision engineers design, among others, hydraulic systems. These systems are built in our workshops in the Netherlands. We deliver turnkey hydraulic systems to our customers worldwide. The service engineers install the systems for operation. As a result, our solutions in the field of hydraulic drive technology always meet the needs of our customers perfectly.

Multidisciplinary approach Characteristic of the hydraulic engineering of Hydrauvision is the multidisciplinary approach. Our engineers work closely with specialists in the field of mechanics, control technology, and electronics. By involving all the disciplines at an early stage in the development process, everyone has the most upto-date information at their disposal. This way we work efficiently, we avoid reconciliation problems and quickly come to the best solution. At an early stage, we make the design insightful in clear 3D models, so you know what we are working on from the start. Of course we take technical feasibility into account, but we also keep the user-friendliness, safety, and operational security in mind.

Our rental fleet Hydrauvision is active worldwide. Our unique rental fleet is immediately available to deliver our products, onshore and offshore, all over the world. Hydrauvision offers a flexible solution to almost any demand for (extra) hydraulic capacity in a variety of situations. We provide the delivery, installation, and commissioning of our advanced hydraulic systems 24/7. Our engineers are offshore-certified and have extensive knowledge of and experience with the fleet of rental equipment. In addition, the offshore frames have been approved and built with DNV2.7 certification. And, of course, we are able to provide maintenance and service to our installations throughout the entire project. Benefits of renting at Hydrauvision Our rental solutions guarantee flexibility, wide availability, and the ability to control costs. Renting at Hydrauvision helps you to avoid high investment costs and any concern about storage, certification, and maintenance.





iPS - Powerful People Personnel | Projects | Payroll

iPS is your source for personnel and payroll solutions within the renewables and offshore oil & gas industries. We are committed to achieving the ideal match between client and candidate, with outstanding cross border payroll solutions. Worldwide and 24 hours a day.

iPS - Powerful People Rivium Boulevard 101 2909 LK Capelle aan den IJssel The Netherlands T

+31 (0)88 447 94 94


+31 (0)88 447 94 95


I ips–powerful-people powerfulpeople iPS.Powerful.People iPSPowerfulPeopleCapelleaandenIJssel


Hans van Burk Director

Who is iPS? Since 1988 iPS is an international recruitment agency which combines experience, in-depth knowledge and people to successfully serve businesses in the following industries: maritime, energy and civil. In addition, iPS is specialised in cross border payroll solutions. With operating offices worldwide, iPS has its headquarters in Capelle aan den IJssel, the Netherlands. What can I expect from iPS? Qualified staff and crew, flexible and professional personnel solutions, complete payroll services, global services, personal service and 24/7 responsiveness.

iPS’ worldwide personnel solutions iPS is the key source for personnel solutions regarding all aspects of the maritime, energy and civil industries. iPS recruits highly trained and experienced personnel, from a single specialist to a full crew. The in-house consultants are able to attract, select and deploy qualified personnel worldwide.

iPS’ payroll solutions Working internationally with personnel and clients, iPS takes into consideration international law and legislation, tax systems and social security. Next to constructing the right payroll packages, iPS takes care of all administrative procedures. iPS fulfils the need for flexible payroll services, respecting the different regulations.

The iPS approach With hundreds of people deployed around the world, iPS stands for a personal touch given to both clients and personnel. This is enhanced by the efficient support and planning given by staff utilising experiences combined with high tech software for the best services and solutions possible.


Foundation and transition piece installation by DEME’s DP2 installation vessel ‘Innovation’ at the Hornsea Project One Offshore Wind Farm, United Kingdom. © DEME




Jack-Up Barge Offshore, at your side Jack-Up Barge is a privately owned and Dutch registered company which was founded in 2003. The head oďŹƒce is situated in Sliedrecht, the Netherlands. JUB is your competitive partner for reliable offshore support services. Our versatile applicable self-elevating platforms operate in shallow water. With a dedicated team of craftsmen supporting you globally with accommodation and lifting services.

Jack-Up Barge Krausstraat 14-16 3364 AD Sliedrecht The Netherlands T

+31 (0)184 42 00 91


+31 (0)184 42 95 96


I Jack-Up Barge BV


JĂźrgen de Prez


Commercial Director




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Marine Services

James Fisher Marine Services Serving the needs of the offshore wind industry

James Fisher Marine Services Ltd (JFMS) has successfully supported the specific requirements of the UK’s offshore renewables industry over the past 10 years with its unrivalled expertise and specialist marine solutions, as part of one of the world’s leading marine services providers, James Fisher and Sons plc –a UK listed FTSE 250 company.

James Fisher Marine Services Ltd James Fisher Marine Services Fisher House LA14 1HR Barrow-in-Furness United Kingdom T

+44 (0)13 26 21 82 18


I James Fisher Marine Services (JFMS) Ltd @JFMarineService


Ben Hooker Key Account Director T +44 (0)7803 508 172

In support of the UK’s industry-wide drive to reduce the cost of offshore wind, JFMS launched its integrated services model that offers the breadth of services within the James Fisher group, along with local SME supply chain partners, through a single interface to reduce the costs and risks linked with managing multiple suppliers in the offshore renewables industry. The company anticipates in 2018 it will benefit from revenues of c.£70-80 million in offshore wind and is proud to be one of the largest UK-owned companies operating in the offshore wind sector. Wherever JFMS operates, it develops and supports initiatives that will unify the supply chain, provide ‘UK content’ and add value to the local economy.

JFMS has developed a number of offshore wind specific advancements to accelerate the sector, including state-of-the-art software solutions that benefit the industry-wide drive to lower the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) and deliver secure, low carbon electricity for UK communities. At the forefront of this technology is the award-winning Offshore Wind Management System® which provides real-time data to ensure the safe, efficient and economic management of offshore wind farms – a solution JFMS dedicated £3m to developing in a live operating environment on Galloper Wind Farm and has now been adopted by leading developers including; E.ON, Innogy and ScottishPower Renewables.

JFMS has also made significant investments in the UK, primarily Aberdeen, Grimsby, Falmouth and Lowestoft, to help develop local jobs and skills that meet the needs of the industry, placing the company at the heart of the respective supply chain plans so JFMS can work together with its partners to deliver excellence and cost-effective solutions. James Fisher is expanding internationally, currently in Germany and Taiwan, and is ideally placed as an established partner to support the requirements of global offshore wind owner/operators, due to its experience in deploying UK skills and expertise to emerging and fast-growing markets worldwide. 75




Jan De Nul Group Constructing offshore wind farms on an EPCI-basis Services for the offshore renewable energy industry are a key part of the services provided by Jan De Nul Group. The combination of the in-house design and detailed engineering, a very modern and well-balanced fleet, and the overall experience in dredging, marine, civil and environmental projects all over the globe enable Jan De Nul Group to offer clients a total package on an EPC(I) basis.

Jan De Nul Group 34-36 Parc d’Activités Capellen 8308 Capellen Luxembourg T

+352 (0)39 89 11


+352 (0)39 96 43




Philippe Hutse, Director Offshore Division Carl Heiremans, Business Development Manager Jef Monballieu, Business Development Manager


Services Jan De Nul Group provides services related to the installation of offshore wind farms, including installation of export and inter array cables, fabrication and installation of gravity based foundations, transport and installation of jacket or monopile foundations and high voltage stations, installation of scour protection around the foundations, and installation of the entire wind turbines itself. Fleet Through a constant pursuit of quality and technical innovation, Jan De Nul Group has a very modern and wellbalanced marine fleet for all stages involved in the seabed preparation, wind farm installation and ballasting of the structure, as well as in cable and umbilical installation.

The company owns two jack-up vessels Vole au vent and Taillevent that were especially built to install offshore wind farms. The large cargo deck space and payload, and the lifting capacity of their on-board cranes enable swift and safe installation of the heaviest foundations and other components of offshore wind parks. Both vessels are 140 metres long. The Vole au vent is equipped with a 1,500 tonnes crane and four spuds to lift itself above the sea level for stable working conditions. She can install all kinds of foundations, as well as the latest generation of wind turbines, in water depths up to 50 metres. The Taillevent has a 1,000 tonnes crane, six spuds and a maximum working depth up to 40 metres. The Group also disposes of

versatile and most efficient multipurpose vessels and in-house designed trenching tools to overcome unnavigable tidal areas. These multipurpose vessels can be deployed on a variety of projects: installing subsea cables, trench dredging and subsea rock installation, which definitely makes those vessels unique. The multipurpose vessel Isaac Newton in cable-installation mode for instance is able of transporting and laying cable in one single length with a total weight of approximately 10,500 tonnes. Jan De Nul Group continues investing in its fleet. Beginning 2017, two new multipurpose vessels were delivered: Adhémar de Saint-Venant and Daniel Bernoulli. The construction of multipurpose vessels allows Jan De Nul Group to better meet the clients’ requests

to have a project executed by one contractor of one vessel and to reduce the mobilisation costs for its clients.

Track record Jan De Nul Group has executed several offshore wind projects in Belgium, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Germany. In 2018, Jan De Nul secured its first offshore wind projects outside Europe: the design and installation of the offshore wind parks Changhua and Formosa 1 Phase 2, the very first offshore wind farms in Taiwan. More specifically in Belgium, Jan De Nul installed the Nobelwind farm with 50 turbines of 3.3MW each in 2016. In 2019, the Group will commence with the installation of the Northwester 2 wind farm with 23 turbines of 9.5MW each, the largest offshore wind turbines in the world.

#WEAREITA Onsite health and safety are given absolute priority, supported by thorough training and maintaining constant safety awareness, using the Group’s internal awareness programme ‘Imagine. Think. Act.’ ITA makes Jan De Nul employees imagine what is possible and put those ideas into action in ways that demonstrate care for our co-workers and the environment. ITA is the Group’s guarantee for sustainable, safe, creative and successful solutions that are tailored to the Client’s specific project. Thanks to these ongoing efforts, the company has received several safety certificates, including the “A rating” in Australia.


EPCI Clients are increasingly seeking a complete, one-stop-shop solution for their projects – with an integrated approach from first designs to final installation. Jan De Nul Group’s deep expertise in marine design, procurement and construction engineering enables the Group to respond with a total package on an EPC basis, eliminating the risks for the client. Jan De Nul Group has an in-house engineering department that designs new equipment, or modifies existing equipment, as needed. Each offshore job brings new challenges. Vessels and equipment are constantly adapted to find the ideal solution to

specific customer needs, even if it’s only for one particular project.








Jumbo Offshore Foundation Installations

Jumbo is a privately owned company with a state-of-the-art and versatile fleet of specialised offshore transportation and installation vessels which are operated worldwide in the offshore oil & gas, subsea and renewables markets.

Jumbo Offshore Havenstraat 23 3115 HC Schiedam The Netherlands T

+31 (0)10 790 03 00


I Jumbo Maritime @JumboMaritime Jumbomaritime Jumbomaritimeofficial


Thomas Spanjaard Head of Sales & Business Development (Renewables)

Jumbo is a privately owned company with a state of-the-art and versatile fleet of specialised offshore transportation and installation vessels which are operated worldwide in the offshore oil & gas, subsea and renewables markets.


With five decades of maritime industry experience, Jumbo today is a leading offshore installation contractor providing customers with simple, robust and efficient offshore installation solutions. In recent years, Jumbo has become increasingly active in the Offshore Wind market. We have installed many hundreds of wind turbine foundations for the largest offshore wind farms.

Our market leading costs, and efficiency in executing all offshore works on a lump sum basis enables our customers to build scale for their wind farm developments. With our track record and technical expertise, we have built a solid reputation in reliably delivering what is promised. Monopile foundations In relative shallow water environments, we are experts in the installation of monopiles and transition pieces. Jacket foundations In deeper water, our unique DP2 heavy lift crane vessels excel in providing efficient solutions for jacket foundations with either driven- or suction piles.

Floating structures As wind farms further develop into deeper water, Jumbo will draw on an unsurpassed subsea and mooring installation experience, gained in the oil & gas industry, to grow unique T&I solutions for floating wind farm structures anchored to the seabed. Outlook The decision to build a new LNG Powered Heavy Lift Crane Vessel equipped with a 2,500 tonne main crane, positions Jumbo ideally to provide complete transport and installation solutions for the next generation of wind turbine foundations.




blade access systems

Käufer Blade & Tower Access Systems

Käufer, the world’s leading company in the business of blade access systems, has developed and built access system for more than 30 years. We can offer suspended access systems and platforms for wind turbine generators and rotor blades. We designed the first suspended platform for rotor blades already in 1996.

Käufer Befahrtechnik Mühlenberg 5 42499 Hückeswagen Germany T

+49 219 29 20 30


+49 219 292 03 33




Dirk Käufer Managing Director

The Journey Käufer, the global leading company in the development of Blade Access Systems (BAS) for On and Offshore WTG blade services have pioneered and engineered in the suspended access platform industry for more than 30 years, 20+ of that truly dedicated into Wind. Käufer provides; sophisticated

technology, sales, service, spare parts, rental, advanced training and delivers unique customized BAS. Present Recent Käufer commissioned one of their latest innovations. The TÜV SÜD certified K-BP-O-V is the second certified and unique BAS solution for the Offshore

Wind and especially designed for use on the 80 m. extending blades on the MHI Vestas V164. Again, Käufer sets a new standard for effective, cost conscious and safe access for advanced service applications on the next decennia MW+ WTG blades.










MHO & Co We deliver! Crew and cargo offshore 24/7 - 365 CEO Mik Henriksen founded MHO-Co in 2015 and three years later, the vision of designing vessels of the best reliability and safety in the industry, and at a low cost, is a reality. Today, boasting five vessels and already reached the 2020 target – MHO-Co covers the demand for transportation between shore and wind farm in the most ‘green’ and economically viable way. In MHO-Co we are confident that we can build vessels that fulfil the markets’ demands in the future too.

MHO-Co A/S Morsøgade 4 6700 Esbjerg Denmark T

+45 53 62 46 45


I Mik Henriksen


Mik Henriksen CEO

MHO-Co are working for companies as Siemens, Ørsted, Vestas, Equinor, E.ON, Vattenfall, Energinet and TenneT, to name but a few, and they all have an interest in bigger and more efficient CTVs. The clients benefit from saving fuel and time goes directly on the bottom line.


In the future the offshore wind is moving further from shore and ports. The demands coming from this, is what we are looking into as our core business. Our vessels will be bigger and more seaworthy than others servicing the industry today. The plan is to have boats that can operate in the hardest conditions and for the longest time without breakdown or a need for port call or service breaks. We design vessels

specifically with the focus on safety, reliability, comfort for technical staff, and with operational limits second to none. For the new markets in Taiwan and Japan, MHO-Co is partnering up with solutions provider WindPal, who aims to offer a broad range of European expertise backed services to the offshore wind industry, with further focus on offering local content. While these two markets are very different in terms of technical requirements for safe personnel transfers, the lessons learnt after 1 year of cooperation, has been that the knowledge of equipment and performance limits, gained over so many years in the European market, is also a highly sort after commodity in the new markets in Asia.

With the ambition of becoming the leading developer and operator of XL-CTVs, LUVs (Light Utility Vessels) and FSVs (Fast Support Vessels) whilst setting the future standard for fast vessels operating more than 50Nm offshore, our expertise and business acumen will certainly continue to drive MHO-Co forward, making this company one you’ll definitely be following.








MME Group A longer life

Nothing is more valuable than life. Both human life and that of our planet. MME Group is a leading customer-oriented provider of products and services that enable companies and individuals to safeguard the integrity and profitability of their assets and products for the entire lifecycle. In doing so, MME Group helps protect the lives of those involved with them: “A longer life”.

Corrosion is one of the largest threats to the long-term integrity and profitability of offshore constructions. Regardless of the asset’s lifecycle phase you should worry about its exact condition and about how to protect it from corrosion. The consequences of failing to do so could truly be catastrophic.

MME Group Rietdekkerstraat 16 2984 BM Ridderkerk The Netherlands

T +31 (0)180 48 28 28 E I MME Group

Thankfully, MME Group has decades of accumulated knowledge and experience in applying sacrificial anodes and impressed current systems to protect these structures. With in-house corrosion engineering (FEM-analysis) and value added services such as Non-Destructive Testing, IRATA certified rope access and a destructive testing and corrosion laboratory, MME Group provides a “one stop shop” for offshore wind farm integrity. Our products & services: • non-destructive testing; • metallurgical laboratory; • marine surveys; • rope access; • NDT training courses; • cathodic protection (CP); • MGPS (ICAF); • harbinger boarding equipment.

MME Group MME Group MME Group MME Group Contact:

Eric Bouman Sales Manager

Design, manufacturing and supply of Sacrificial Anodes (SA): • Rampion OWF; • Luchterduinen OWF; • Humber Gateway OWF; • Beatrice OWF; • Prinses Amalia OWF; • Seagen Tidal Stream Generator; • Skysaver OWF; • Blyth OWF; • Walney Extension 3 & 4; • Borkum Riffgrund II.

NDT / rope access services: • Belwind OWF (UTM/ET/UT/coating inspection/rope access); • Prinses Amalia OWF (MPI/UT/rope access); • Global Tech I OWF (MPI/UT/ET); • Dantysk OWF substation (MPI/UT); • Riffgat OWF substation (MPI/UT); • Bligh Bank OWF; • Greater Gabbard (MPI/UT).


Our offshore renewables references: Design, manufacturing and supply of in-/ external Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP): • Nordsee I OWF; • Nordergründe OWF; • Gemini OWF; • Bard Offshore I OWF; • Seagen Tidal Stream Generator; • Skysaver OWF; • Norther OWF.




Mukran Port Offshore installation and O&M base port for the Baltic Sea Mukran Port is a deep-water port in the north-east of Germany. Its well-developed infrastructure served as a reliable basis when several offshore wind farms were under construction in the Baltic Sea. With ideal conditions both in nautical and geographical terms, Mukran Port has become a base for offshore installations and a service hub for operations and maintenance. Its water depth of 11.50 m make the terminal the perfect port of call for highly specialised offshore vessels such as jack-up barges, floating cranes, and cable-laying vessels. Access to the port is not restricted by locks, bridges or tides and short distances between Mukran Port and offshore wind farms allow significant cost savings for operators and suppliers – just as the easy approach to the port without compulsory pilotage or tug services.

Mukran Port Im Fährhafen 20 18546 Sassnitz Germany


+49 (0)38 39 25 52 41 +49 (0)17 33 15 20 57 Mukran Port


Jörn Gorzelski Head of Offshore Wind Robert Krüger Offshore Wind Development


More than 210 wind turbines, 280 jacket piles, 70 jacket foundations, 60 transition pieces and 76km subsea cables have been transhipped via Mukran Port since 2014. During construction of the wind farms EnBW Baltic II, Wikinger, and Arkona, the port contributed with its infrastructure and extensive know-how to more than 1000MW of green offshore energy harvested in the Baltic Sea. Tailor-made solutions to meet customer needs Upon completion of the second multipurpose terminal, Mukran Port has doubled its offshore terminal area to 250,000m². The quay length of 750m on both terminals including heavy-duty platform, a surface load up to 50t/m² and an adjacent Ro-Ro ramp are further improvements to the infrastructure.

The rail extension to the quay site enables delivery of subsea cables by rail and the near-quay storage of subsea cables allows a quick and easy transhipment to cable-laying vessels. In 2018 a new record was set for the installation of the Arkona wind farm. “The excellent offshore infrastructure of the port in Mukran [...] has made its contribution to this. The offshore wind farm Arkona sets a benchmark for the offshore wind business in Germany and beyond,” said Christian Pegel, State Minister for Energy and Infrastructure. As the complexity of the projects is growing with future wind turbine sizes, the port management has specialised in finding tailor-made solutions to meet customer requirements. The on-going construction of the 400-metre-long quay along the breakwater demonstrates steady

progress and future oriented port development. In addition to a wide range of associated port services, Mukran Port has also become attractive for various industrial settlements. Offshore Service Hub Mukran Port recently completed the works on a separate O&M harbour which is situated within the boundaries of the port area. Alongside three quays, the maintenance and service port offers sufficient facilities for CTVs, tugboats, and all types of smaller service vessels. Two major companies from the renewable energy sector have already signed their lease contracts to maintain and operate their wind farms for the next 25 years.







Oceanteam Deep-water offshore support vessels and subsea cable equipment & services Oceanteam is the preferred ‘one-stop shop’ for offshore shipping, equipment and solutions. The company operates on a global basis and is comprised of two operating segments: Oceanteam Shipping and Oceanteam Solutions. Oceanteam Shipping owns, charters and manages deep-water offshore support vessels (CSVs) and fast support vessels. Oceanteam Solutions provides cable equipment and services to support its client’s offshore cable laying, on- and offshore cable storage, cable handling, and cable transport projects.

Oceanteam Westerdoksdijk 473 1013 BX Amsterdam The Netherlands


+ 31 (0)20 535 75 70 + 31 (0)20 535 75 88 Oceanteam


Shipping Oceanteam Shipping’s fleet consists of two high-end large deep-water offshore Construction Support Vessels and two Fast Support Vessels. North Ocean Series CSV Bourbon Oceanteam 101 is 125 metres at length with a 27-metre beam. It has excellent seafaring capabilities, two heave compensated cranes of 150 tonnes and 100 tonnes, moon pool, 2000m2 free deck space and 120 accommodation which enables the 101 to be utilised for field support, construction, installation and IRM support.

Solutions Oceanteam Solutions provides a complete set of high quality equipment suitable for offshore cable laying, on- and offshore cable storage, cable handling, and cable transport. Equipment Oceanteam Solutions designs, builds and owns demountable turntables in various sizes, with a capacity of up to 5,300t. The company also supplies loading towers, tensioners and other cable handling equipment. From its deep-water base in Velsen Noord,

the Netherlands the company accommodates all sizes of vessels for (de)mobilisation. Cable transport, storage and handling On behalf of its clients Oceanteam Solutions selects, charters, equips and manages vessels for cable transports. Its cable storage facility in Velsen Noord, the Netherlands is situated immediately behind the North Sea locks of IJmuiden. Key details of the base: non-tidal port, 400 metres of quay, maximum draught 12 metre, 100 ton crane on the premises and a closed compound under surveillance. The company performs cable handling activities at its own cable storage facility, but also both the equipment and cable crew can be mobilised to work at any worldwide project location.


The CSV Southern Ocean is a DP2 Construction Support Vessel, has two heave compensated cranes of 250 tonnes and 100 tonnes,

2400m2 free deck space, 10.000 tonnes DWT, extensive accommodation and excellent seafaring capabilities. These characteristics enable Southern Ocean to be utilised for field support, construction, installation and IRM.

Saskia Tans






Oceanwide Maritime and offshore manpower services

Oceanwide is an international provider of manpower services focused on the maritime, offshore and energy industries. With offices and agents around the globe, Oceanwide is able to recruit and provide qualified and experienced staff for your job. The history of Oceanwide dates back to 1976 when the first office was established in the Netherlands.

Oceanwide Bellamypark 3 4381 CG Vlissingen The Netherlands

T +31 (0)11 842 95 10 E I Oceanwide OceanwideBV

Wind Energy We recruit and employ technical staff for various projects in the (offshore) wind energy sector. The job positions we recruit for include technical, operational and management level positions.


Maritime We recruit and employ qualified maritime crew for a wide range of vessel types such as towage, merchant shipping, dredging and several types of offshore (support) vessels. Our services focus on temporary positions to fill the gap as well as full crew management. Oil & Gas We supply technical staff for various types of production platforms, (drilling) rigs and barges for clients active in the oil & gas and offshore construction industry. A careful selection process of highly

qualified personnel for positions such as process operators, mechanics, E/I technicians, electricians, welders etc. assures the satisfaction of our clients and the trustworthiness of our employees. Offshore Catering Services We offer hotel and full catering services for platforms, barges and vessels in the maritime and offshore industry. We have vast experience on the North Sea and across Western Europe. Recruitment & Selection We offer recruitment & selection for permanent and project positions. Our recruitment & selection services are flexible and tailored to meet your requirements.

Services & Certification We manage all HR related issues, allowing you to focus on your core business. Services we provide include assessments, travel, payroll, training and development. We work together with training centers around the world to offer personal development and training programs that fully comply with customer requirements and standards. Our personnel is STCW, NOGEPA, OPITO, GWO or otherwise certified. Oceanwide is ISO 9001, NEN-4400, VCU certified. Oceanwide is your reliable partner in personnel services. We are committed to people, quality and customised services. We provide the opportunity for our personnel to develop themselves and to add value to your company.






Offshore Boarding

To improve the safety and efďŹ ciency of your offshore operations we developed tools for the safe transportation of crew and cargo Offshore Boarding B.V. is your innovative partner for quick and cost-saving lifting solutions when safety matters. Our management team consists of highly experienced specialists, with a proven track record in developing and producing innovative products for the offshore industry.

Offshore Boarding B.V. Huis ter Lucht 26 3155 EB Maasland The Netherlands T

+31 (0)10 591 11 57


+31 (0)10 591 11 89


I Offshore Boarding B.V.


Ch. Goddijn Sales Director

The best ideas are often said to be the simplest, at Offshore Boarding we have taken a simple idea to completely reimagine the way loads are attached to a crane hook. Traditional methods require a manual connection using slings and a crane hook, with crew members standing by to connect or disconnect the load, often working at height, and particularly in the offshore environment, in unstable conditions. The risk of accidents and injury during these operations is ever present and delays in transfers have a negative impact on many types of projects.

With the drive for ‘hands-free’ systems in the offshore working environment, Offshore Boarding has developed a system that is an innovation in safety and simplicity. With multiple applications, from container lifts to personnel and crew boat lifts. Offshore Boarding has developed a transfer process that is fully ‘hands-free’ which means safer, faster and more cost effective handling of offshore transfers.


Offshore Boarding was established in 2016 to develop a number of ‘hands-free’ technical systems, which increase the operating window, safety and efficiency of the transfer process; connecting,

lifting and disengagement, without any personnel involved at the point of connection and disconnection from the crane. The solution is simple and involves the crane operator lowering a steel ball into a funnel, which activates a trapping mechanism. The cargo can then be lifted and placed in a new location upon which the crane operator can disengage the trapping mechanism. At no time during the lifting operation can the trapping mechanism open and no crew is required to make the connection or disconnection with the cargo.

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Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference Oil & gas I Offshore wind I Marine energy Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference (OEEC) is Europe’s most important event where the energy transition takes place. It is unique in bringing together the oil & gas, offshore wind and marine energy industry. OEEC offers offshore energy professionals the ideal meeting place to network, discuss and learn about the future of energy. Over 60 per cent of the visitors have an offshore wind focus and are present at the event to network and further enable the energy transition. OEEC 2019 is held at Amsterdam RAI on 7, 8 and 9 October.

Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference Office address Jan van Galenstraat 56 3115 JG Schiedam The Netherlands T

+31 (0)10 209 26 00


I Offshore Energy @navingooe OffshoreEnergy

Exhibition The exhibition is the meeting area where contractors, researchers and supply chain companies showcase their products and services. It welcomes a defined and targeted visitors profile, consisting of decision makers in the oil & gas, offshore wind and marine energy industries. As well as directors, purchase managers project managers and engineers of oil companies, subcontractors, offshore services, operators and students. The 2018 edition attracted 550 exhibiting companies and more than 10,000 unique attendees.

Conference The three-day conference features an extensive program offering a platform for discussing key topics and solutions for the offshore community. Speakers and delegates from all levels representing the full offshore energy value chain gather to share knowledge, discuss ideas and network.

Date & venue Exhibition: 8 and 9 October 2019 Conference: 7, 8 and 9 October 2019 Amsterdam RAI, the Netherlands (Halls 1,2,3 & Amtrium)

Special Events Offshore Energy offers two special events besides the exhibition and conference sessions. • The Offshore Energy Opening Gala Dinner & Awards Show (7 October); • Exhibitor Networking Drinks (8 October).








Offshore Turbine Services Crew transfer vessel operators in the renewables and marine civil engineering industries OTS operates a fleet of fast, fuel efficient, versatile vessels that transport technicians, cargo and fuel to offshore work sites. Its Integrated Management System ensures quality, safety and protection of the environment are at the forefront of everything we do. Its experienced personnel will ensure that your project is completed safely and on time. ISO 9001 and ISM accredited.

The company first started on the London Array and Gwynt-y-Mor wind farms back in 2012 but since then it has worked on the majority of the wind farms in the UK as well as in Finland, Holland, Belgium and Germany.

Offshore Turbine Services Limited 3, Maypool Building, Dartside Quay TQ5 0GD Brixham, Devon United Kingdom

T +44 (0)18 03 84 55 77 E I Offshore Turbine Services Offshore Turbine Services Contact:

Robin Jones Finance and Business Development Director

OTS’ operations base is in Brixham in Devon. Since 2012, they have launched seven vessels all of which are 18.5 resin infused catamarans with Rolls Royce jets.


These vessels are very economical to run and produce much lower CO2 emissions in comparison to even small aluminium CTVs. They have a shallow draft and can be used close inshore whilst also having a moveable wheelhouse which allows them to be configured for optimum operational capability allowing more deck space fore or aft as required for dedicated workshops or cargo. Five of the vessels are certified to MCA Cat 2 and the last two additions to the fleet to Cat 1 and are capable of 25 knots and only use 150 litres per hour at a cruising speed of 22 knots.

OTS has a dedicated service department available 24 hours with rapid response teams across UK and Europe and each vessel has a full range of key spares and skippers and crew are trained to follow a pro-active maintenance regime in order to ensure vessel downtime is minimised and this has resulted in a 99.30 per cent vessel on contract uptime statistic since 2012. As well as providing safe and efficient personnel transfers, the company also has experience in equipment and fuel transfer offshore. It also provides support vessels for blade inspection, cable laying and ROV operations. Their vessels have also been used as guard vessels and to support marine civil engineering work such as the Phillips 66 pipeline in the Humber River where they worked with Van Oord.

Projects worked on: • London Array • Humber Gateway • Gwynt-y-Mor • West of Duddon Sands • Burbo Bank • Greater Gabbard • Thanet • Kentish Flats • Walney • Nord See Ost (Germany) • Borkum Riffgrund (Germany) • Baltic 2 (Germany) • Phillips 66 Pipeline, Grimsby • Gunfleet Sands • Rhyl Flats • Westermost Rough • Wikinger (Germany) • Tahkoluoto (Finland) • Princess Amalia (Holland) • Thorntonbank (Belgium) • Rampion




Offshore WIND A cross-media concept reaching the entire offshore wind industry Offshore WIND is a powerful communication platform for the offshore wind industry with a strong global reach. With this cross-media concept of print, online and conference there is always a solution at hand that fits your company’s marketing strategy requirements. The Offshore WIND brand comprises of magazine, business guide, vessel directory, news portal and conference.

Offshore WIND magazine Founded in 2010, Offshore WIND Magazine was the very first, and remains to this day, independent international magazine exclusively dedicated to the global offshore wind industry. Published four times a year, the magazine succesfully provides readers with an indepth look at the development of and developments in the offshore wind industry. Topics range from country specific outlooks, finance and operations & maintenance to grids, research, legislation and human capital. Readers can digest indepth articles, interviews with key players and technical innovations. International Business Guide The Offshore WIND International Business Guide (IBG) is an anually promotional guide dedicated to the offshore wind industry showcasing the full spectrum of offshore wind companies. It creates year round cross-media exposure to all companies active in offshore wind energy. On a complete overview of all participating companies and projects can be found with advanced search options. The printed IBG is distributed to our subscribers and customers, but also available at leading offshore wind events. Vessel Directory The Offshore WIND Vessel Directory provides a detailed overview of all vessels active in the offshore wind industry subdivided per relevant category. Each vessel is published with a photograph, technical specification

Navingo BV Jan van Galenstraat 56 3115 JG Schiedam The Netherlands


+31 (0)10 209 26 00 Offshore WIND magazine

published by

international BUSINESS GUIDE ‘19

Vessel Directory @OffshoreWINDmag @OffshoreWINDbiz

and other relevant information. The Vessel Directory can be found online on Conference The annual Offshore WIND Conference (OWC), held as part of Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference, offers delegates two days of networking, insights and knowledge sharing. Leading experts share their vision on offshore wind while also touching upon the financial, technical and future developments. Sessions are intertwined with ample networking oppertunities to encourage knowlede-sharing.

reporting on the global offshore wind industry developments. The editorial team provides the latest news and developments, with user friendly, custom made news alerts. Navingo BV The Offshore WIND products are created and produced by the Navingo Media Group. Navingo offers a worldwide cross-media platform for the maritime and offshore industry and easily reaches your potential customers, prospects and professionals. The complete Navingo product overview can be found on is internationally renowned as the online news platform 89


Oil Control Systems Inflatable cable | hose | pipe floaters

Oil Control Systems supplies the well known‚ ‘Twin Boom’ inflatable cable floaters which are used during ‘beach pull’ operations. Over the years this product has gained a good reputation during its wide use in offshore wind farm cable floating operations.

Oil Control Systems Vlotlaan 232 2681 TV Monster The Netherlands


+31 (0)17 428 16 75 +31 (0)17 428 12 75


Mr. D.A. van der Mout Managing Director

Some references: NorNed project, Northwind windfarm project, Troll A gas platform project, Lincs offshore windfarm project, Korea 154kV Power Cable Installation Project, Vietnam Phu Quoc-HA Tien, Qatar cable etc. A whole range of ‘Twin Booms’ or ‘Single Booms’ with different buoyancy capacities are available. Recently big improvements are made in order to maintain airtightness and durability over a long period of time.


We also supply a wide range of oil pollution recovery equipment, spill prevention and storage solutions. We can make custom made solutions, all we need is the project specifications and we will make you a free offer.





Principle Power Principle Power is an innovative technology and services provider for the offshore wind energy market. Principle Power is an innovative technology and services provider for the offshore wind energy market. PPI’s proven, patented technology, the WindFloat – a semi-submersible floating wind turbine foundation – provides access to transitional (40-60 metres) and deep-water (over 60 metres) sites, globally – by offering an enabling technology for the development of the OFW industry as whole and opening new deep water markets.

Principle Power, Inc. 5901 Christie Ave. Suite 303 Emeryville CA 94608 Emeryville USA

T +1 71 34 12 77 14 E I Principle Power @principlepower Principle Power Contact:

Kevin Banister Vice President, Development

located 5km offshore Portugal. In its five years of operation, the prototype has delivered over 17.5GWh of electricity to the grid and survived waves of up to 17m without sustaining any structural damage. PPI is now in the path towards commercialization with several projects around the world. The three most advanced projects include a 25MW project in Portugal by 2019, a 50MW project in Scotland by 2019, and a 24MW project in France to be operational by 2020. These projects are unlocking the development potential of commercial deployments ranging from 100 to 1,000MW (PPI is currently involved in ~9,000MW) in world markets from the US, Europe, to Japan, Taiwan, Korea and China. The WindFloat technology is launching a new industry with vast potential; global potential for floating wind is estimated at 6,500GW.


The WindFloat technology is an efficient, semi-submersible platform that comprises three stabilising columns with water entrapment plates, and a system to control flow of ballast fluid between internal volumes. The system is designed to work with any commercial offshore wind turbine which is mounted on one of the three columns to minimize material requirements and reduce structural complexity. Due to its shallow draft and inherent stability, the WF allows installation of the wind turbine at port and can be towed to site using standard tugs, eliminating the need for offshore construction with expensive jack-up crane vessels, reducing cost and risk and bringing a major paradigm shift to the industry. The technology has been fully proven through our full-scale prototype (2MW Vestas V80 turbine)

Š Height Specialists







RanaWorks Integrated solutions for the offshore energy market

RanaWorks provides integrated solutions that meet the needs of the offshore energy market. A fast growing track record and over 80 years of experience of its shareholders RANA Diving SpA and Workships Contractors BV, prove that we not only understand the needs of our clients, but are also fully committed to providing the best possible solutions.

RanaWorks K.P. van der Mandelelaan 34 3062 MB Rotterdam The Netherlands


+31 (0)10 453 05 23 +31 (0)10 453 05 24 RanaWorks


Rutger Lieverse Commercial Manager

Due to our deep knowledge of the technology, systems and vessels we use, we are able to offer maximum flexibility in the dynamic offshore energy market. Our service portfolio includes

an array of stand-alone services both subsea and above waterline, which can be easily combined into an integrated package to achieve the best value for money without compromising safety and quality.


Strong relationships RanaWorks prides itself on building strong relationships based on personal approach, flexibility and proven reliability, ensuring that clients receive practical solutions to their operational challenges. RanaWorks is certified to the international standards expected by the industry such as ISO-9001, ISO14001, OHSAS-18001, IMCA and IRATA. Extensive experience RanaWorks has built up an extensive reputation and track record within

twelve months after its establishment and provided services at more than five offshore wind farms and various offshore assets already . RanaWorks’ track record affects both short and long term operations consisting of installation support, survey works, rigging operations, mechanical repairs, protective coatings, modifications of electrical systems, steel works, Destructive and Non-Destructive Testing as well as engineering, fabrication and project management. Rana Diving has more than 50 years’ experience in commercial diving and subsea operations, which includes owning, developing and operating air and saturation diving systems, ROV’s as well as engineering and survey.

Workships has been a marine asset manager and vessel operator for nearly 30 years, with extensive experience in the oil & gas and offshore wind industries.


Integrated Solutions Together with our committed team of professionals, RanaWorks delivers integrated solutions by the use of diving, ROV, working at height, rope access services and drone operations, through all stages of the offshore asset lifetime: • Preliminary surveys and installation support - surveying works - UXO detection and removal - pull-in support - scour protection - base harbour support • Inspection, repair and maintenance - visual and NDT inspections - electrical and mechanical support - technical maintenance and repairs - anti-corrosion services - removals and upgrades • Lifetime extension services and decommissioning • Logistics, engineering and project management • Marine asset supply and management






REASeuro Explosives Experts! Unexploded ordnance (UXO) services are our business. We have perfected our knowledge of all different UXO aspects through years of experience in this field of expertise. REASeuro offers a unique range of UXO related services, varying from on-site EOD Management, Marine UXO Training and UXO Survey, Identification and Clearance services. We provide these services to our clients in the offshore wind, oil & gas and dredging sectors. REASeuro is recognized for its innovative and tailormade solutions and its focus on safety, quality and cost-efficiency. By making available the best people and latest technology, we provide UXO solutions to large-scale and complex marine projects worldwide.

REASeuro Alphenseweg 4a 5133 NE Riel The Netherlands


+31 (0)13 518 60 76 +31 (0)13 518 60 77 REASeuro


Greg Jones Commercial Manager


Our activities REASeuro is an independent Dutch company that is fully focused on all explosives topics onshore, offshore and nearshore. Established in 1998, we offer a wide range of UXO services comprising: • EOD management • UXO consultancy and advice • UXO operations onshore, offshore and nearshore – UXO survey, identification & clearance and disposal operations • ALARP certification • Marine UXO training & certification We have developed a comprehensive approach for our UXO operational process, which consists of five separate phases being: Historical Desktop study, Project Risk Assessment, Project Plan, Execution and Clearance Certificate &

Final Report. This five-phase approach resulted in a proven track record of successful project executions over the last twenty years, including OWF Deutsche Bucht, BorWin 3, Borssele 1 & 2 and COBRAcable. Our future The renewable energy transition will continue at a high pace over the years to come, with investments in offshore wind solutions playing a major role. Also REASeuro sees the potential of this market and proceeds to invest in this specific segment by offering among others innovative nearshore detection methods, offshore multisensor detection, remote systems for UXO identification and clearance and real-time EOD management via integral GIS applications. These investments

perfectly fit in the innovative character of our company, whereby we aim to provide effective and efficient UXO related solutions to our clients via our skilled employees, our modern equipment and software and our optimal operational processes. As REASeuro we aim to take over responsibility for the complete UXO mitigation process and thereby unburden our clients from this complex matter.




Ridderflex & Plastics Specialist in custom-made polyurethane, rubber and plastic products. Ridderflex excels in the production of custom-made polyurethane, rubber and plastic products. We develop and produce essential components for the offshore wind industry. Do you have a technical problem? Or are you looking for a complex product? Ridderflex takes up the challenge. Our team will always find the best solution for your specific requirements. We are continuously in search of new materials, techniques and products.

Ridderflex supplies amongst others parts to construction and installation companies of wind turbines and components. Our product range include components for: • Use in and around wind turbines; • Installation; • During transport; • Storage of components and • Maintenance and repair.

Ridderflex & Plastics B.V.

Polyurethane specialist As a polyurethane specialist, Ridderflex’s strength is developing and producing PU products. Polyurethane is a unique material. We can adapt the material properties to the application of the product. There are no other materials in our product range, that are so flexible and versatile. Experience shows us that PU products can be the solution to numerous technical problems.


2984 AW Ridderkerk The Netherlands

T +31 (0)180 46 34 71 E I Ridderflex & Plastics BV Nick van der Steen Sales Manager

Ridderflex excels in customised products Ridderflex develops and produces essential components in any desired polyurethane, rubber or plastic material. Completely custom-made. We can advise you on applying the best solutions and help you match your different products to each other. Ridderflex products for the offshore wind industry include: • Bearings (pads); • Bend restrictors; • Bend stiffeners; • Centralisers; • Cradle linings; • Cross-overs; • Fenders; • Gaskets and seals; • Hang-offs and plugs;

• • • •

Pile gripper linings; Profiles; Seafastening solutions; Tensioner track pads.

Ridderflex supplied amongst others products to: • Beatrice; • Borkum Riffgrund 2; • Borssele; • Gemini; • Hohe See; • Horns Rev 3; • Rentel; • Walney Extension. Ridderflex: small enough to be flexible, big enough to solve your problem.


Recent projects include: • PU bearings (pads): an excellent alternative for all elastomeric bearings on the market. It allows higher loads without the use of steel reinforcements and different hardnesses can be combined in one pad. These pads are developed to dampen the impact loads during jacket set down on preinstalled foundation piles. • PU hang-offs and plugs: our hang-off is a tool that is used on the transition piece to lead the cable through the cable entry. The hang-off prevents damage to the transition piece during these activities. The plug prevents damage to the cable when it is pulled through the cable entry under seawater.

Touwslagerstraat 5

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Rix Sea Shuttle Offshore windfarm support vessels & services Rix Sea Shuttle Ltd. provide offshore crew transfer vessels that have been purposely designed to assist in the construction, maintenance, operation and transfers associated with offshore wind farms around the United Kingdom and Europe. Our offshore support vessels are built to highly technical specifications - both on the inside and out - and have been equipped to exacting safety standards ensuring comfort and safety for your staff at all times.

Rix Sea Shuttle Ltd. Witham House 45 Spyvee Street HU8 7JR Hull United Kingdom


+44 (0)1482 33 88 33 +44 (0)1482 33 88 37 @rixseashuttle


Mandy Masters Sales & Marketing Manager

were the first United Kingdom company to own and operate a fully certificated 24 passenger CTV.

Our fleet of offshore support vessels range from 19 metres to 27 metres offering the very latest in crew transfer vessel capability. The most recent addition to our fleet is the Rix Lynx, a 24 pax BMT Nigel Gee design (sister vessel to Rix Leopard). Rix Sea Shuttle

Rix Sea Shuttle also holds the internationally recognised ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 accreditations for our processes in quality , health and safety and environmental management.

All of our vessels have a two - three man crew, who are all highly experienced seafarers and are directly employed by Rix Sea Shuttle. Our safety record is second to none winning two safety performance awards through the HOHSG (Humberside Health and safety group) award for our exemplary health and safety record.

Services we offer include: • personnel transfer; • operations & maintenance support; • construction support; • transport of equipment; • fuel transfer capability; • survey work; • dive platform capability; • on dock warehousing; • fuel bunkering; • Packaged Work including Inspection and Rope access Services


Rix Sea Shuttle Ltd. was founded in 2012 but is part of the JR Rix & Sons group of companies, which was established in 1893 in shipping. Today the group operates three coastal tankers and three estuarial barges as well as a modern fleet of offshore support vessels. The Rix group also have important port locations on the East Coast of the United Kingdom, in Hull and Montrose, with the very latest in cargo handling machinery, warehousing and storage.



Royal IHC Reliable partner for efficient offshore wind solutions

At Royal IHC, we have the knowledge and experience to rise to the challenges facing the industry by providing cutting-edge solutions to our customers worldwide. IHC prides itself on providing robust and reliable solutions for every stage of an offshore wind farm’s life cycle.

Royal IHC Smitweg 6 2961AW Kinderdijk The Netherlands

T +31 (0)88 015 25 35 I RoyalIHC @Royalihc RoyalIHC

Dynamic outrigger frame


It all starts with the planning and financing phase, we can provide structural and hydrodynamic analyses, marine operations engineering and equipment design. Our independent subsidiary, Vuyk Engineering Rotterdam, is highly experienced in this sector and has an extensive track record in the offshore oil and gas, and wind sectors. Foundation and installation During the installations phase, IHC can design, build and integrate any missioncritical equipment and tooling required for foundations and turbines. To cope with the increasing weight of foundations, we also design and build efficient floating heavy-lift solutions like the dynamic outrigger frame which enables monopile installation from a heavy lift vessel while being on DP. IHC IQIP is a market leader for the delivery of large diameter hammers, which are used

to install the industry’s largest monopiles. IHC IQIP also provides solutions for deck handling equipment and the installations other foundations types. Cable lay and trenching In the cable-laying market Royal IHC can offer engineering services, cable-laying systems, carousels or fully integrated cable-laying vessels. Furthermore we have over 15 years success in the supply of trenching machines and ploughs for burial of fiber optic and power cables in the subsea industry. Our award-winning Hi-traq trencher is ideal for projects in the harsh environments typical to the offshore wind industry. It is equipped with a unique self-levelling suspension system for the installation and burial of power cables. It can perform both jetting and mechanical cutting operations.

Operations and maintenance IHC has designed a service operation vessel with crew, passenger safety and a comfortable living and working environment in mind. Furthermore we kept vessel the efficiency in terms of workflow and propulsion in mind. Floating and innovation We use our extensive track record in mooring systems for FPUs for the development of cost-effective solutions for the mooring of floating wind turbines. IHC’s patented blade tool enables heavy-lift vessels to install turbine blades in wind speeds of up to 15 metre per second and at an angle proportional to the horizon. This significantly increases the operational profile of the vessel.





SACOR SiderotĂŠcnica Celebrating 60 years in 2019. Anodes for corrosion protection all over the world SACOR has experience and tradition supplying Anodes for Cathodic Corrosion Protection of steel underwater structures all over the world. High quality, on time and fast delivery, very competitive prices and full attention for all details: all to retain our customers preference.

Sacor SiderotĂŠcnica S.A. Rod. Washington Luiz, 6000 25055-009 Duque de Caxias - Rio de Janeiro Brazil


+55 21 36 58 99 11 +55 21 36 58 99 11 SACOR Siderotecnica SA


Henrique Osorio Santos Director

SACOR ANODES are tested and approved by time, by global customers, and different water and environmental conditions, like world records of deep waters. We work hard and are focused to achieve and retain customers preference. This preference reached by continuous improvement in all aspects during our 60 years of existence. We understand that our customers require high quality, on time and fast delivery, very competitive prices, responsibility with people and the environment. And we act continuously to improve our process, equipment and people knowledge, focused on our customer satisfaction and preference. Our team, equipment, raw material and

processes are prepared to offer the best and state of the art in terms of Anodes for Cathodic Corrosion Protection. Northern Sea, Baltic Sea, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, South America, Brazil, West Africa, Asia, Australia, all over the world SACOR Anodes are protecting subsea steel structures with no report of failure or reduced protection. We understand that today with high competition level, can only survive those with high efficiency and productivity levels. And we understand and take very seriously the importance of Cathodic Corrosion Protection for the safety of people and for the life and operational safety of the subsea structures. 101


Scaldis Lifting at a higher level

SCALDIS is a dynamic, innovative and expanding marine offshore contractor specialised in offshore transportation and installation with a core business and expertise in heavy lifting. Scaldis has earned a reputation as a solid and reliable partner to contractors and clients. Scaldis provides cost-effective solutions for projects using its multi-purpose heavy lift vessels.

Scaldis Salvage and Marine Contractors North Trade Building Noorderlaan 133, box 31 2030 Antwerp Belgium


+32 (0)35 41 69 55 +32 (0)35 41 81 93 Scaldis Salvage & Marine Contractors NV ScaldisSMC

SCALDIS is active in five distinct market sectors namely: • Oil and gas; • Renewables; • Deconstruction; • Civil works; • Heavy lifting related to salvage works.


One of the many strengths of Scaldis is its willingness to work closely with its client from an early stage in order to develop the most efficient and effective methodology. Scaldis’ current heavy lift vessel, the Rambiz, has a unique arrangement having two cranes, shallow draft, large deck space and extensive accommodation facilities. This gives the vessel the ability to operate in areas where many other vessel cannot access. Her ability to work in both deep

and shallow waters provides valuable flexibility. The combination of two deck cranes enables the Rambiz to lift and install complex structures.

• DP2; • Skidding cranes to allow greater flexibility to deck space; • Helideck.

The two cranes can work independently or be synchronised to provide an unrivalled flexibility in handling structures. Scaldis is a significant participant in the rapidly expanding offshore markets and in order to meet the increasing demands of these markets, Scaldis will operate a new heavy lift vessel with a lifting capacity of 4,000 tonnes. The Gulliver will possess many of the key assets of Rambiz but will also incorporate the following new developments that will extend the possibilities for the vessel: • Lifting capacity of 4,000 tonnes; • Fully self-propelled;

With its increased capacity and enhanced features, the new build heavy lift vessel Gulliver will extend the boundaries of what can be achieved and will enable Scaldis to perform more work across a wider geographic area. With the delivery of the new vessel early 2018. Scaldis strives to achieve the highest level of quality, safety and environmental awareness throughout its activities. Certification according ISO9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 is a demonstration of its commitment to deliver and improve the quality of service to its clients.




Seaproof Solutions Fully integrated cable protection systems and associated products Established in 1989 Bergen-based Seaproof Solutions designs and manufactures advanced cable protection systems (CPS), bend stiffeners and restrictors, flexible and retrofit J-tubes and pre-terminated cable covers predominantly for the global offshore wind sector.

Seaproof Solutions Sandbrekketoppen 38 5224 Nesttun Norway

T +47 55 33 20 50 E I seaproof-solutions @SeaproofSolut Contact:

Henrik Bang-Andreasen

The company’s unique and patented fibre technology cable protection systems provide environmental protection at the foundation entrance where cables are exposed. Recognised as the market leader for CPS the company was the first to introduce diver-less removable cable protection and has successfully delivered more than 1,500 systems to offshore wind farms around the world.


Taking a proactive approach to the concept of levelized cost of energy (LCOE) Seaproof is working on the next generation of cable protection systems to ensure offshore wind remains a competitive component of the energy mix in the medium to long term. In 2018 Seaproof Solutions was acquired by Balmoral Offshore Engineering,

a UK company specialising in subsea buoyancy, elastomer and insulation products. The synergies of this acquisition effectively doubled Seaproof’s production capacity making the company stronger and more flexible allowing it to provide turnkey packages covering analysis, support engineering, product development, product certification, etc.







Seaway 7

Seaway 7, the Renewables & Heavy Lifting business unit of Subsea 7, is a uniquely capable and experienced partner for the delivery of efficient and flexible solutions to the offshore energy sector.

Seaway Heavy Lifting Louis Pasteurlaan 5 2719 EE Zoetermeer The Netherlands

T +31 79 363 77 00 E I Seaway Heavy Lifting Seaway Heavy Lifting Contact:

Richard den Hollander

Seaway Offshore Cables Bavinkstrasse 23 26789 Leer Germany

T +49 49 191 24 30 E I Seaway Offshore Cables Contact:

Seaway 7 provides project management, engineering, fabrication, heavy lifting, cable installation and decommissioning services for offshore energy infrastructure developments. Seaway 7 delivers these in a comprehensive array of contractual structures including EPCI (Engineering, Procurement, Construction & Installation), T&I (Transportation & Installation), BoP (Balance of Plant) and integrated services to our clients in the renewables and oil & gas industries.

Seaway 7 is comprised of two companies: Seaway Heavy Lifting (SHL) which manages and performs the transportation and heavy lifting of offshore structures. Seaway Offshore Cables (SOC) which manages and performs submarine cable installation, trenching activities and related IMR services.

Lars Muck

Seaway 7 provides these services supported by its four dedicated specialist vessels augmented by vessels from Subsea 7’s fleet which provide support when required. The Heavy Lift Vessels Oleg Strashnov & Stanislav Yudin; the industry-leading Cable Lay Vessel Seaway Aimery and Installation Support Vessel Seaway Moxie are dedicated to Seaway 7.


This combination of SHL, SOC and Subsea 7’s people, strength, experience, vessels and facilities provides clients with a uniquely capable partner across a wide array of services.







SeaZip Offshore Service High performance, safe offshore operations

SeaZip Offshore Service focusses on robust, manoeuvrable crew transfer, support and survey vessels. They can rapidly and flexibly be deployed in short-term and long-term projects in the offshore oil & gas industry and the offshore wind industry.

SeaZip Offshore Service BV Korte Lijnbaan 25 8861 NS Harlingen Netherlands


+31 (0)517 43 12 25 +31 (0)517 43 17 20 Seazip Offshore Service @SeaZip_Offshore Seazip Offshore Service


Jan Reier Arends Managing owner


SeaZip Offshore Service provides sophisticated service and support vessels and excellent ship management. We use the specific requirements of our customers regarding transport capacity, comfort and performance levels as benchmarks for developing our service vessels in cooperation with leading builders such as Damen Shipyards. Our strong position in ship design, ship building and ship management offers our customers the opportunity to promptly react to the latest market developments. We take into account the specific needs that large numbers of offshore projects at ever increasing distances from the coast will generate. Meet your offshore service company SeaZip is founded in 2010, the Dutch offshore shipping company is part of

the JR Shipping Group and, therefore, it has a robust maritime background. The operations of the SeaZip offshore service and support vessels are managed by the shipping group’s fully ISPS- and ISO/ ISM-certified ship management division.

• Bubble curtain noise mitigation services • Supply and refueling of generators • Motion measurement equipment • Emergency response services • Under water cleaning

SeaZip provides the following services: • Crew transfer vessels • Other vessels like tugs, barges, multicats, survey vessels, guard vessels • Marine geophysical and hydrographic survey • Marine coordination services • ROVs for underwater services • Drone (AUV) inspection of blades and nacelles • Diving services • Rope Access • Painting campaign services

High performance, safe offshore operations Our vessels and trained crew members are key to the continued high quality of our offshore services. Our vessels can be hired within customer-specific service concepts that are customised to the dynamics and characteristics of the markets that they serve for short-term, non-scheduled services and for longterm projects.



Sif Netherlands Shaping tomorrow. Performing today. Sif was founded in 1948 and is among the largest steel tubular manufacturers for offshore foundations for wind farms and oil & gas platforms. The offshore market is continuously changing. This requires vision and innovation that shape future developments. At the same time, we recognise that we have to perform every day. Sif has proved itself as a reliable business partner because Sif is already meeting these challenges today.

Sif Netherlands b.v. Sif Headquarters Roermond Mijnheerkensweg 33 6041 TA Roermond The Netherlands Sif Maasvlakte Harbour number 8322 Pieter van Vollenhovenweg 101 3199 KV Maasvlakte Rotterdam The Netherlands

T +31 (0)47 538 57 77 E I Sif Group Contact:

Michel Kurstjens CCO


We continue to invest in new technologies, production capacity and future-proof production facilities. In addition, in the 70 years of history, more than 1,700 foundations have been produced for offshore wind and oil & gas. Sif is responsible for delivering large components of practical every major oil & gas jacket foundation. This, together with our agile approach, makes us a strong player and reliable partner in the market. We are involved at a very early stage at all levels to ensure an optimal total cost solution for our customers. We shape product design to meet the highest demands. Additionally we know the importance of on time delivery and that’s why we attach great importance to process optimisation and strategic partnerships, enabling us to ensure our promise: delivering quality on-time.



Sky-Access Your partner for blade inspection, repair and modiďŹ cation Sky-Access delivers services using an industrial rope technique, called Rope Access. Sky-Access uses rope access to get to any location where technical assistance is needed, for both onshore and offshore wind turbines. Being a partner with strong technical skills and certified technicians, Sky-Access limits the downtime of the turbine to an absolute minimum, saving both time and money. Sky-Access is the logical choice for your blade inspections, repairs and modifications.

Sky-Access Vaartveld 4 4704 SE Roosendaal The Netherlands

T +31 (0)88 123 36 00 E I Contact:

Ing. Robin Driessen mba Managing Director

Industrial Rope Access Solutions Sky-Access is the first IRATA and Sprat certified company in the Netherlands active in the wind turbine sector.

Rope access is the perfect technique for inspecting and repairing blades on wind turbines. It allows our technicians a safe and quick access to the blades, both onshore and offshore.


Economise with Sky-Access With strong technical skills on board our certified technicians are equipped to inspect as well as repair and modify blades. In most cases repair and maintenance work can start at the very same day the inspection has taken place. Saving you time and money. Sky-Access Sky-Access BV specialises in Rope Access, industrial rope techniques for mechanical and electro-technical maintenance purposes. We perform welding, NDT, (tank) inspections,

assembling and disassembling, constructing, blasting and painting, blade repair and blade inspection. Our main areas of expertise are on & offshore wind, Industry & Offshore Oil and Gas, SkyDeck suspended platforms. Sky-Access is IRATA and Sprat certified.

Sky-Access offers the unique combination of blade inspection and repair with certified technicians. Rope access allows huge cost economies and significant time savings.




Smulders Passionate about steel With over 50 years of experience in the construction, manufacturing, supply and assembly of steel constructions, Smulders was the logical choice for offshore wind structures back in the pioneering days of wind energy more than 15 years ago. Today, Smulders is an established market leader that offers a full range of services from engineering and fabrication of steel foundations to the complete turnkey solutions (EPCI) of Offshore High Voltage Substations.

Smulders Hoge Mauw 200 2370 Arendonk Belgium


+32 (0)14 40 81 02 +32 (0)14 67 20 92 Smulders @SmuldersEifage Smulders


Jef Verdickt Commercial Director

Production facilities All aspects of the production process are managed in-house and divided amongst different production facilities. This ensures a time and cost-efficient process under safe working conditions and guarantees that the high quality and environmental standards are being met. By using a well-balanced mix of locations, capacity and facilities, Smulders has optimally geared itself towards the production of foundations for the offshore sector throughout the years. This, together with the flexible setup of the centralized project organization enables a quick turn-round.

Product portfolio Smulders offers a product portfolio comprising transition pieces, jackets,

tripods, tripiles, towers, secondary components and offshore high voltage substations. The current production capacity covers more than 200 transition pieces, 100 jackets and five offshore high voltage substations per year. Major References A total of over 1,7500 steel foundations for offshore wind turbines, such as: - Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm: 28 jacket foundations; - Trianel Borkum II: 32 transition pieces; - Hohe See: 88 transition pieces. More than 20 Offshore High Voltage Stations for offshore wind farms, such as: - Hohe See: 1 topside & jacket - Norther: 1 topside & transition piece - Deutsche Bucht: 1 topside & jacket - Merkur: 1 topside & jacket


Smulders operates from following facilities: - Arendonk (Belgium): sales, project management, design, engineering

and fabrication of steel structures for substations and foundations; - Balen (Belgium): design, engineering and fabrication of steel structures for substations and foundations; - Zary (Poland): production of secondary steel components; - Hoboken (Belgium): production and assembly of foundations, substations and large offshore structures; - Vlissingen (the Netherlands): production and assembly of foundations and substations; - Newcastle upon Tyne (United Kingdom): production and assembly of foundations and substations and large offshore structures.

Boskalis Subsea Cables & Flexibles installing inter-array cables for Hohe See Offshore Wind Farm. © Carel Kramer Photography








Temporary Works Design Engineered to function Temporary Works Design (TWD) is the market leader for the design of offshore wind installation equipment. With oďŹƒces in the Netherlands and the UK, over 120 engineers, naval architects and designers help contractors worldwide with their transport and installation challenges. By working together with contractors as part of an integral team, we strive to design the optimal solution and focus on gains during execution. This resulted in numerous successful innovative designs and a track record covering over 60 offshore wind farms.

Temporary Works Design Rotterdam Science Tower Marconistraat 16 3029 AK Rotterdam The Netherlands

T +31 (0)10 294 03 74 E I Temporary Works Design Contact:

Tijmen Gombert Technical Sales Manager


Experts in the best solution TWD specialises in the design of tailored structures and tools for offshore projects. Working from concept to detail, TWD provides creative designs for the offshore wind market. Our design philosophy is to think beyond the initial questions asked. Whether the challenge is simple or complex, a sea fastening, lifting tool or monopile gripper, our functional design method leads to smart, practical and cost-effective solutions. Optimise work offshore Offshore wind installation projects have a highly repetitive character, which makes their success largely depending on the chosen installation methods. Due to our experience, we understand the critical aspects of each transport & installation cycle. With logical deck layouts,

innovative and practical handling tools and well-thought installation procedures, we can contribute to a significant reduction of the offshore cycle time. Together with our sister company Barge Master we are experts in motion compensation and bespoke solutions that increase your workability offshore. The HAMMOCK Seafastening for Monopiles TWD introduces a monopile seafastening that accommodates all foundations, including those used today up to the 11-metre diameter in the foreseeable future without any changes to the support structure. The innovative seafastening consists of two supports fixed to the deck of the vessel either transversally, across the vessel, or longitudinally, from bow to stern. One

side of the support is fixed rigidly upright while the opposite side frame is hinged at the base. Between the two sides a special designed rope is slung in a cross-over pattern, designed to avoid lateral movement of the monopile. The whole seafastening uses less steel than conventional designs saving on cost and weight. Mobilisation and demobilisation time between projects will also be faster and easier.



Van Oord

As a global maritime contractor, Van Oord focus on dredging, oil & gas infrastructure and offshore wind, offering innovative solutions to marine challenges. Safety and sustainability goes hand in hand in this respect.

Sustainable EPC and marine contractor Climate change and the need to reduce CO2 emissions are drivers for the rising demand of renewable energy sources. With proven experience and an impressive 15-year track record, Van Oord is leading the way in the energy transition towards renewable energy by constructing offshore wind projects. With our innovative solutions, we contribute significantly to making wind energy more competitive.

Van Oord Jan Blankenweg 2 PO Box 458 4200 AL Gorinchem The Netherlands


+31 (0)88 826 51 00 +31 (0)88 826 51 10 Van Oord


We furnish all-round solutions, often as turnkey projects including engineering, procurement, and construction in order to assume full responsibility for entire projects for our clients. We focus on Balance of Plant contracts (BoP, all supporting components and auxiliary systems other than the wind turbines) and on transport and installation (T&I) projects. We also provide services such as scour protection and inter array cable installation. Looking back and forward Our leading position as Balance of Plant contractor was in 2018 displayed in the offshore wind projects Deutsche Bucht and Norther that are still in progress the coming year. In addition, transport and installation contracts were performed on the East Anglia ONE project and Borkum Riffgrund 2 cable project.

Manager Business Development

to strengthen our global offshore wind installation works. Our offshore installation vessel Aeolus was upgraded with a new impressive 1,600 tonnes crane, making the vessel ready to handle the latest generation of foundations and turbines for future offshore wind projects. Another addition to our fleet is subsea rock installation vessel Bravenes. This vessel is able to install rock very close to offshore platforms, such as monopiles. Finally we have extended our cable laying and burial capabilities, with the newest trencher Dig-It. This remote-controlled trench jetting and cutting system means that Van Oord can offer its clients in offshore wind construction a complete service package. Regarding the innovations, which is a crucial component

in this fast changing industry, we are at the moment working on an oyster project at the Borssele V innovation site. This will increase our understanding of how to speed up the recovery of oysters in the North Sea, something that is very important for improving biodiversity there. For the year ahead we will work on, besides above mentioned projects, the projects Borssele III/IV and the Fryslân nearshore windfarm in the Netherlands. In addition to executing the Balance of Plant contract, Van Oord is also a consortium partner of the Borssele III/IV. Would you like to stay up to date about the newest offshore wind projects of Van Oord? You can register for news updates and our online magazine on


Besides these projects, we also invested in our organisation, fleet and in innovations. We acquired the MPI offshore organisation in the United Kingdom and two of its jackup installation vessels last year,

Mr. Dirk Katteler









Visser & Smit Hanab Offshore Wind High Voltage Specialists

High voltage solutions form the basis of our company, both onshore and offshore. Visser & Smit Hanab’s Offshore Wind division specialises in High Voltage solutions. Our extensive track record includes High Voltage Terminations and Testing on a multitude of major wind farms and substations in North Western Europe.

Visser & Smit Hanab bv Rietgorsweg 6 3356 LJ Papendrecht The Netherlands


+31 78 641 72 22 +31 78 615 51 63 Visser & Smit Hanab


Arjan Paardekoper General Manager Terminations & Testing

Manpower Visser & Smit Hanab employs the largest team of in-house offshore wind specialists in the industry. We work exclusively to the highest requirements and quality standards. Offshore Wind Expertise Our services include consultancy, pre-assembly, installation and life cycle support. We always use the latest techniques, cutting-edge equipment and test sets.

Activities • Consultancy, Advice and Inspection • Drilling Outfalls and Landfalls with HDD • Pre-assembly of High Voltage Cable Sets • Array Cable Termination (33-66kV) • Export Cable Termination (33-220kV) • Top-side Cable Installation • High Voltage & Fiber Optic Testing • Maintenance • Fault Finding • Quick Response Services 24/7 World Wide


Figures Turbines connected

High Voltage Terminations

Fiber Optic Connections




Further information For further information regarding highvoltage assembly or testing solutions, please feel free to contact us. We’re more than happy to assist and advise you.




Vryhof Total mooring solutions

FLOATING RENEWABLES. Vryhof is one of the world’s leading suppliers in offshore mooring technology. An unrivalled track record from 45 years of operation and a deep understanding of the specific set of rules of the Marine Floating Renewables Sector have positioned Vryhof as the preferred partner for this market.

Vryhof Karel Doormanweg 7 3115 JD Schiedam The Netherlands

T +31 (0)10 266 89 00 E I Contact:

Senol Ozmutlu Projects Director Clément Mochet Commercial Director

Pragmatic, solutions-driven and cost effective, our contribution to your project may consist but is not limited to any of the following scopes: • Advice on soil data requirements and site investigation campaign; • Analysis of site and soil data, geotechnical characterization; • Optimization of the mooring system, design basis and design loads; • Optimization and selection of most suitable anchor concept and sizing; • Turnkey delivery of mooring systems; • Supply of offshore specialists and installation tooling; • Installation procedures definition and implementation in partnership with renowned offshore contractors.

As the Floating Wind Industry is maturing, we keep redefining boundaries of mooring to make deployment of commercial scale farms a viable reality.

This is our commitment. We are the Total Mooring Solutions Providers, and we are here to support you.


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Westland Logistiek Forwarder and specialist in transport solutions

Westland Logistiek BV is a logistic forwarder specialised in matching transport or logistics demands with available equipment & logistic solutions. We offer a one-stop shop aimed at maritime shipping, offshore and industry. We provide safe haulage of cargo, as well as tailored solutions in project movements.

Westland Logistiek BV Veenderveld 2371 TW Roelofarendsveen The Netherlands

T +31 (0)71 331 00 02 E I Contact:

John Sluiters Owner

Westland Logistiek your reliable partner We are fully aware that transport demands from regular freight to exceptional transport can be highly diverse, all with one thing in common. Goods must arrive safely and on time at the required destination. Strong network Westland Logistiek presides over a strong network of offices and agents enabling to always meet your demand with the best solution.

Regular transport services For our regular transport services we use a wide range of trucks and trailers, which all comply with all possible requirements for safe haulage. Exceptional transports Exceptional transport call for a professional logistics partner who has the right contacts, permits and equipment. Westland Logistiek fits this profile perfectly. We assess your query and provide you with a customised solution.

Customs & clearance International transport often entails drawing up export documents or declaring import shipments. Westland Logistiek has the network and therefore is exactly the right address to assist you with all these activities or to find answers to all other questions you may have regarding customs handling. Distinguishing characteristics • No-nonsense mentality; • 24/7 service; • direct communication; • offering custom solutions rapidly.


Whether it is about storage or transhipment, road transport, air- or sea freight, regular haulage, courier services or exceptional transport, Westland Logistiek will take care of it.

Courier services In case you have urgent shipments we will do everything to make delivery within required time schedule. Getting into gear as soon as you have called us. We will assess all possible options and offer you one or more solutions.


WIND Cable Services Specialist in subsea cable logistics WIND is a shipping company providing specialised logistic services to the subsea cable industry and is active worldwide. Its client base includes subsea cable manufacturers, subsea cable installation companies, offshore marine contractors and utility companies. WIND provides the following services: • cable transport (chartering, mobilisation works); • cable storage and handling; • rental of cable equipment (carousels, cable engines, loading arms, track, chutes); • supply of cable crew (Supervisors, Operators, Coilers).

WIND Cable Services BV Oudegracht 164 - 168 1811 CP Alkmaar The Netherlands


+31 (0)725 19 32 50 +31 (0)725 19 32 60 WIND


Erik Thomas Tom Nooij


Lennert Hug





Windcat Workboats Pushing energy to the max Windcat Workboats is Europe’s leading provider of specialist Crew Transfer Vessels for offshore wind power, oil and gas and other offshore projects. The unique design of the vessels results in simple, fast, safe and comfortable transfer of personnel and equipment offshore. With over 1,600,000 safe transfers completed, the vessels have proven to operate in more challenging sea conditions than competing vessels. Windcat Workboats was founded in 2002 and currently has a fleet of 43 vessels operating and several vessels still under construction.

Our vessels have a proven operational track record in the offshore wind industry, having worked in England, Scotland, Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany and Sweden.

Windcat Workboats Trawlerkade 106 1976 CC IJmuiden The Netherlands


With our fleet of 43 dedicated Crew Transfer Vessels and over 16 years experience we have the largest fleet of specialist crew transfer vessels for the offshore wind industry globally and we can offer our clients the most suitable vessels with an optimum use for their project. Windcat MK3.5 Windcat Workboats is currently launching the fourth vessel in the MK3.5 vessel series, the Windcat 43. Being part of the industries LCOE reduction goals, Windcat has put significant effort into developing a vessel which fits to the ever evolving client requirements for comfort and performance delivered in a cost- and fuel-efficient way. The latest technologies and regulations have been adopted to create a state of the art vessel.


increasing the performance of the vessel on transferring personnel to offshore structures. The high thrust developed by the controllable pitch propellers and the unique fender design combined with the shape of the hull results in a steady platform while pushing on to a structure, allowing safe transfers also in high sea states. The vessel is built according to the new rules and regulations for carrying more than twelve technicians. The vessel has been designed to meet the highest standards to allow working on international projects without difficulty. The Windcat MK3.5 series has been a nominee for the KVNR innovation award 2018 for its innovative contribution towards fuel efficient and CO2 reducing solutions in the shipping industry.

Willem van der Wel

Windgrip System To improve the safety of offshore transfers and to increase the accessibility of wind turbines, we have developed the Windgrip System (Patented) which is currently installed on 24 vessels. By using constant tension winches, a smart control system and specially designed straps, the grip on the turbine’s boat landing is increased. This improves the safety of a transfer and also stops the vessel dropping away suddenly in extreme sea conditions. The tension can be adjusted to remove the need for the vessel to have its engines engaged, therefore reducing fuel burn and CO2 emissions. Due to the globalisation of offshore wind. Windcat Workboats is also looking into widening the scope and look for possibilities in the US and potentially Asian markets. 119

The hull shape has been studied in detail in order to optimise for efficiency, comfortable see keeping and performance. This has resulted in a highly efficient 23 metre vessel, with a top speed of 31 knots using only two 720kW engines, setting a new industry standard for efficiency. This results in low emissions and low fuel consumption (360 litres per hour at 31 knots and 250 litres per hour at 25 knots speed) which creates cost savings for the end user. The hull shape further assists in

+31 (0)25 55 20 33 6 +31 (0)25 55 18 91 0






Components & Cables Acta Marine ............................................................................................................................. 30 ALL NRG ..................................................................................................................................... 31 Amsterdam IJmuiden Offshore Ports .................................................. 32 Azimuth Marine .................................................................................................................. 35 Blue Offshore ......................................................................................................................... 39 C-Ventus Offshore Windfarm Services .............................................. 47 GeoSea Maintenance ................................................................................................ 58 GeoSea NV .............................................................................................................................. 59 Global Marine group: Offshore ..................................................................... 61 Height Specialists ........................................................................................................... 64 Holland Hydraulics ......................................................................................................... 65 Jack-Up Barge .................................................................................................................... 72 Jumbo Offshore ................................................................................................................. 78 MME Group ............................................................................................................................. 81 Oil Control Systems ..................................................................................................... 90 Ridderflex & Plastics .................................................................................................... 97 SACOR Siderotécnica .............................................................................................. 101 Seaproof Solutions ........................................................................................................ 104 Seaway 7 .................................................................................................................................... 105 Smulders ..................................................................................................................................... 109 Visser & Smit Hanab ................................................................................................... 114


Contractors Acta Marine ............................................................................................................................. 30 Bibby Marine Services .............................................................................................. 37 Bladt Industries .................................................................................................................. 38 Blue Offshore ......................................................................................................................... 39 Boskalis subsea cables & flexibles ......................................................... 40 C-Ventus Offshore Windfarm Services .............................................. 47 GeoSea NV .............................................................................................................................. 59 Jan De Nul Group ........................................................................................................... 76 Jumbo Offshore ................................................................................................................. 78 MHO & Co ................................................................................................................................. 80 Oceanwide ................................................................................................................................ 84 Offshore Turbine Services .................................................................................... 88 Scaldis ............................................................................................................................................ 102 Seaway 7 .................................................................................................................................... 105 Van Oord ..................................................................................................................................... 113 Visser & Smit Hanab ................................................................................................... 114


Communication Dock90 .......................................................................................................................................... 54 Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference ..................................... 87 Offshore WIND .................................................................................................................... 89


Consultancy ALL NRG ..................................................................................................................................... 31 Azimuth Marine .................................................................................................................. 35 DS Marine Finance ........................................................................................................ 55 Global Marine Group: CWind ......................................................................... 60 Global Marine group: Offshore ..................................................................... 61 GustoMSC ................................................................................................................................ 63 Holland Hydraulics ......................................................................................................... 65 iPS - Powerful People ............................................................................................... 69

MHO & Co ................................................................................................................................. 80 MME Group ............................................................................................................................. 81 REASeuro ................................................................................................................................... 96 SeaZip Offshore Service ........................................................................................ 106 Temporary Works Design ..................................................................................... 112 Visser & Smit Hanab ................................................................................................... 114


Developers MHO & Co ................................................................................................................................. 80 Offshore Boarding .......................................................................................................... 85 Temporary Works Design ..................................................................................... 112


Engineering & Construction Acta Marine ............................................................................................................................. 30 ALL NRG ..................................................................................................................................... 31 AncoferWaldram Steelplates ........................................................................... 33 Bladt Industries .................................................................................................................. 38 Blue Offshore ......................................................................................................................... 39 Boskalis subsea cables & flexibles ......................................................... 40 Breman Machinery ........................................................................................................ 43 DEKC Maritime ................................................................................................................... 52 GeoSea Maintenance ................................................................................................ 58 GeoSea NV .............................................................................................................................. 59 Global Marine Group: CWind ......................................................................... 60 Global Marine group: Offshore ..................................................................... 61 GustoMSC ................................................................................................................................ 63 Holland Hydraulics ......................................................................................................... 65 Huisman ....................................................................................................................................... 67 Hydrauvision ........................................................................................................................... 68 James Fisher Marine Services ...................................................................... 75 Jumbo Offshore ................................................................................................................. 78 Oceanteam .............................................................................................................................. 83 Offshore Boarding .......................................................................................................... 85 Offshore Turbine Services .................................................................................... 88 Principle Power .................................................................................................................. 91 RanaWorks ............................................................................................................................... 94 Ridderflex & Plastics .................................................................................................... 97 Royal IHC .................................................................................................................................... 100 Seaway 7 .................................................................................................................................... 105 Smulders ..................................................................................................................................... 109 Temporary Works Design ..................................................................................... 112 Van Oord ..................................................................................................................................... 113 Visser & Smit Hanab ................................................................................................... 114 Vryhof ............................................................................................................................................... 115


Events Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference ..................................... 87 Offshore WIND .................................................................................................................... 89


Finance, Insurance & Brokerage DS Marine Finance ........................................................................................................ 55 iPS - Powerful People ............................................................................................... 69 SeaZip Offshore Service ........................................................................................ 106




Foundations, Towers & Equipment AncoferWaldram Steelplates ........................................................................... 33 ASM Industries .................................................................................................................... 34 C-Ventus Offshore Windfarm Services .............................................. 47 EEW Special Pipe Constructions .............................................................. 56 Faccin S.p.A ........................................................................................................................... 57 GeoSea Maintenance ................................................................................................ 58 GeoSea NV .............................................................................................................................. 59 Height Specialists ........................................................................................................... 64 Jumbo Offshore ................................................................................................................. 78 MME Group ............................................................................................................................. 81 Oceanteam .............................................................................................................................. 83 Ridderflex & Plastics .................................................................................................... 97 SACOR Siderotécnica .............................................................................................. 101 Seaway 7 .................................................................................................................................... 105 Sif Netherlands ................................................................................................................... 107 Smulders ..................................................................................................................................... 109 Temporary Works Design ..................................................................................... 112 Vryhof ............................................................................................................................................... 115

Lifting Equipment AncoferWaldram Steelplates ................................................................... 33 C-Ventus Offshore Windfarm Services ...................................... 47 GeoSea Maintenance ........................................................................................ 58 GeoSea NV ...................................................................................................................... 59 Height Specialists ................................................................................................... 64 Huisman ............................................................................................................................... 67 Jack-Up Barge ............................................................................................................ 72 Jumbo Offshore ......................................................................................................... 78 Käufer ...................................................................................................................................... 79 Offshore Boarding .................................................................................................. 85 Sky-Access .................................................................................................................. 108 Temporary Works Design ......................................................................... 112

Maritime Operators Acta Marine ..................................................................................................................... 30 Azimuth Marine .......................................................................................................... 35 Bibby Marine Services ...................................................................................... 37 GeoSea Maintenance ........................................................................................ 58 GeoSea NV ...................................................................................................................... 59 Jan De Nul Group ................................................................................................... 76 MHO & Co ......................................................................................................................... 80 Oceanteam ...................................................................................................................... 83 Oceanwide ........................................................................................................................ 84 Offshore Boarding .................................................................................................. 85 Offshore Turbine Services ............................................................................ 88 Rix Sea Shuttle ........................................................................................................... 99 SeaZip Offshore Service ............................................................................ 106 Visser & Smit Hanab ....................................................................................... 114 WIND Cable Services .................................................................................... 118 Windcat Workboats ......................................................................................... 119


Operation & Maintenance ALL NRG ..................................................................................................................................... 31 Bibby Marine Services .............................................................................................. 37 DHSS ............................................................................................................................................... 53 GeoSea Maintenance ................................................................................................ 58 GeoSea NV .............................................................................................................................. 59 Global Marine Group: CWind ......................................................................... 60 Global Marine group: Offshore ..................................................................... 61 Height Specialists ........................................................................................................... 64 HTM Helicopter Travel Munich ...................................................................... 66 Jack-Up Barge .................................................................................................................... 72 James Fisher Marine Services ...................................................................... 75 Käufer .............................................................................................................................................. 79 MHO & Co ................................................................................................................................. 80 MME Group ............................................................................................................................. 81 Mukran Port ............................................................................................................................ 82 Oceanteam .............................................................................................................................. 83 Oceanwide ................................................................................................................................ 84 Offshore Turbine Services .................................................................................... 88 Principle Power .................................................................................................................. 91 RanaWorks ............................................................................................................................... 94 Seaway 7 .................................................................................................................................... 105 SeaZip Offshore Service ........................................................................................ 106 Sky-Access .............................................................................................................................. 108 Visser & Smit Hanab ................................................................................................... 114 WIND Cable Services ................................................................................................ 118 Windcat Workboats ..................................................................................................... 119


Personnel & Safety Training Global Marine Group: CWind ......................................................................... 60 Height Specialists ........................................................................................................... 64 HTM Helicopter Travel Munich ...................................................................... 66 iPS - Powerful People ............................................................................................... 69 MME Group ............................................................................................................................. 81 Oceanwide ................................................................................................................................ 84 REASeuro ................................................................................................................................... 96


Port & Logistics ASM Industries .................................................................................................................... 34 Azimuth Marine .................................................................................................................. 35 Cuxport .......................................................................................................................................... 44 DHSS ............................................................................................................................................... 53 GeoSea Maintenance ................................................................................................ 58 GeoSea NV .............................................................................................................................. 59 Mukran Port ............................................................................................................................ 82 Sif Netherlands ................................................................................................................... 107 Westland Logistiek ........................................................................................................ 117 WIND Cable Services ................................................................................................ 118





Subsea Services Acta Marine ............................................................................................................................. 30 Blue Offshore ......................................................................................................................... 39 Bourbon Subsea Services .................................................................................. 41 Braveheart Marine .......................................................................................................... 42 C-Ventus Offshore Windfarm Services .............................................. 47 DHSS ............................................................................................................................................... 53 GeoSea Maintenance ................................................................................................ 58 GeoSea NV .............................................................................................................................. 59 Global Marine Group: CWind ......................................................................... 60 Global Marine group: Offshore ..................................................................... 61 James Fisher Marine Services ...................................................................... 75 Jan De Nul Group ........................................................................................................... 76 Jumbo Offshore ................................................................................................................. 78 MHO & Co ................................................................................................................................. 80 Oceanteam .............................................................................................................................. 83 Offshore Turbine Services .................................................................................... 88 RanaWorks ............................................................................................................................... 94 REASeuro ................................................................................................................................... 96 Seaway 7 .................................................................................................................................... 105 SeaZip Offshore Service ........................................................................................ 106 Visser & Smit Hanab ................................................................................................... 114 Vryhof ............................................................................................................................................... 115


Survey Services Acta Marine ............................................................................................................................. 30 Bibby Marine Services .............................................................................................. 37 C-Ventus Offshore Windfarm Services .............................................. 47 DHSS ............................................................................................................................................... 53 GeoSea Maintenance ................................................................................................ 58 GeoSea NV .............................................................................................................................. 59 Global Marine Group: CWind ......................................................................... 60 Global Marine group: Offshore ..................................................................... 61 James Fisher Marine Services ...................................................................... 75 MHO & Co ................................................................................................................................. 80 MME Group ............................................................................................................................. 81 Offshore Turbine Services .................................................................................... 88 RanaWorks ............................................................................................................................... 94 REASeuro ................................................................................................................................... 96 SeaZip Offshore Service ........................................................................................ 106


Systems & Manufacturers Biardo Survival Suits ................................................................................................... 36 Bladt Industries .................................................................................................................. 38 Breman Machinery ........................................................................................................ 43 Holland Hydraulics ......................................................................................................... 65 Hydrauvision ........................................................................................................................... 68 Käufer .............................................................................................................................................. 79 MME Group ............................................................................................................................. 81 Offshore Boarding .......................................................................................................... 85 Oil Control Systems ..................................................................................................... 90 SACOR Siderotécnica .............................................................................................. 101 Seaproof Solutions ........................................................................................................ 104 Visser & Smit Hanab ................................................................................................... 114


Vessel Designers & Builders Braveheart Marine .......................................................................................................... 42 Damen Offshore Wind .............................................................................................. 50 Global Marine Group: CWind ......................................................................... 60 GustoMSC ................................................................................................................................ 63 MHO & Co ................................................................................................................................. 80 Oceanteam .............................................................................................................................. 83 Royal IHC .................................................................................................................................... 100


Wind Turbine Installation Vessels GeoSea NV .............................................................................................................................. 59 GustoMSC ................................................................................................................................ 63 Jumbo Offshore ................................................................................................................. 78


Other Amsterdam IJmuiden Offshore Ports .................................................. 32 AncoferWaldram Steelplates ........................................................................... 33 Biardo Survival Suits ................................................................................................... 36 Bladt Industries .................................................................................................................. 38 GustoMSC ................................................................................................................................ 63 Hydrauvision ........................................................................................................................... 68 iPS - Powerful People ............................................................................................... 69 Oceanwide ................................................................................................................................ 84 Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference ..................................... 87 Offshore WIND .................................................................................................................... 89 Principle Power .................................................................................................................. 91 REASeuro ................................................................................................................................... 96 SACOR Siderotécnica .............................................................................................. 101 Westland Logistiek ........................................................................................................ 117




AWEA Windpower 20 – 23 May Conference & Exhibition Houston, USA

Wind Expo Japan 27 February – 1 March Conference & Exhibition Tokyo, Japan

WINDFORCE Conference 21 – 22 May Conference Bremerhaven, Germany Navingo Career Event 23 May Exhibition Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Maintenance 27 – 28 March Conference & Exhibition Antwerp, Belgium maintenance-2019

Hannover Messe 1 – 5 April Exhibition Hannover, Germany WindEurope Conference & Exhibition 2 – 4 April Conference & Exhibition Bilbao, Spain IPF 8 – 10 April Conference & Exhibition New York, USA FOWT 24 – 26 April Conference Montpellier, France


WINDFORCE Baltic Sea 13 – 14 February Conference Gdansk, Poland


All Energy 15 - 16 May Conference & Exhibition Glasgow, United Kingdom

Seanergy 5 – 7 June Conference & Exhibition Dunkerque, France US Offshore Wind 10 – 11 June Conference & Exhibition Boston, USA offshore-wind WindDays 12 – 13 June Exhibition & Conference Rotterdam, the Netherlands Seawork 11 – 13 June Exhibition & Conference Southampton, United Kingdom

HUSUM Wind 10 – 13 September Conference & Exhibition Husum, Germany FWP Atlantic Forum September/October – TBD Conference France

Offshore Wind Conference 7 & 8 October Conference Amsterdam, the Netherlands Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference (7), 8 & 9 October Conference & Exhibition Amsterdam, the Netherlands Ocean Energy Europe October – TBD Conference & Exhibition Dublin, Ireland



SubSea Expo 5 – 7 February Conference & Exhibition Aberdeen, United Kingdom





WindEurope Offshore 26 – 28 November Conference & Exhibition Copenhagen, Denmark Floating Offshore Wind November – TBD Conference & Exhibition United Kingdom floating-wind

Global Offshore Wind 25 – 26 June Conference & Exhibition London, United Kingdom


To have your event included in the next edition of Offshore WIND or on the website please contact Offshore WIND at




PUBLISHED BY Navingo BV Jan van Galenstraat 56 3115 JG Schiedam The Netherlands T +31 (0)10 20 92 600 F +31 (0)10 43 68 134 E I I SALES Jeroen Tresfon | Maarten Molhoek | Pascal van der Molen | EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Rebecca van den Berge-McFedries | EDITOR/DISTRIBUTION Pam van Nieuwenhuize | MARKETING Marleen Varekamp | DESIGN & ILLUSTRATING Grafisch Bedrijf Crezée PRINTING Grafisch Bedrijf Crezée COVER PHOTO Bourbon | Installation of the first floating wind turbine of the Kincardine Offshore Windfarm INSIDE OFFSHORE WIND ENERGY MAP La Tene Maps INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS GUIDE ‘20 Is your company missing from this publication but want to get included in the International Business Guide ’20? Book your profile right now and we will publish your online profile straight away. Please contact our sales department. ABOUT

Offshore WIND International Business Guide 2019 is a publication of Navingo BV, a multimedia maritime company based in the Netherlands. The title Offshore WIND is a combination of a printed magazine, news website, international business guide, vessel guide and events unique to the international offshore wind energy industry.


© 2019 Navingo BV. The entire contents of this publication are protected by copyright. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means without the permission of the copyright owner. While every care has been taken in the preparation of this publication, neither the publisher nor the editor are responsible for the views and opinions expressed in this publication or for any inaccuracies in the articles.

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