Newsflash Offshore Energy no. 17

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Edition 17 | July 2013

Exhibition & Conference

Newsflash Offshore Energy offshore oil and gas E&P • drilling • offshore contracting • maritime services offshore wind • offshore supply • offshore vessels • transport and storage

Exhibitor News on page 4 Read more about: • Ampelmann Walk-to-Work: successfully used for ship to FPSO transfer • Heerema’s giant offshore ‘power socket’ starts journey • Keppel installs Global Tech 1 platform

4th WIND Installation and Maintenance Conference held simultaneously with Offshore Energy The fourth edition of Offshore WIND Installation and Maintenance (OWIM) will take place on Wednesday 16 October 2013 at Amsterdam RAI in the Netherlands, simultaneously with Offshore Energy. Conference topics include managing and

Column by Ruben Dijkstra on page 3

reducing interface risks throughout contracting, and cost reductions during installation and operations. Confirmed speakers represent Fred. Olsen United, Green Giraffe Energy Bankers and DNV.

“By reducing the cost, offshore wind

Previous OWIM conferences have

Pieter Tavenier (Eneco), and

energy will become increasingly competitive

brought together hundreds of offshore

presentations by Vattenfall, Typhoon

in comparison with fossil fuels.”

wind professionals and have featured

Offshore, Van Oord, Ballast Nedam, and

speakers such as Andrew Garrad

other prominent offshore wind supply

(Garrad Hassan), Kaj Lindvig (A2SEA),

chain companies.

By Ruben Dijkstra, Director offshore wind at Eneco

Continue reading on page 2

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OE13 Conference preview Preliminary program as of 1 July 2013. The program may be subject to change.

Tuesday 15 October 2013 Securing our energy future is the

next-frontier E&P projects, and marine


crosscutting theme of this year’s conference.

renewable energy. For the first time, Offshore

10.30 - 12.30 Industry Panel 2013

Because that is what anyone in this

Energy features a session on East Africa.

14.30 - 16.30 Drilling and Dollars Panel

industry does. From developing innovative

Fugro and International SOS have confirmed

Technical sessions

solutions that will extend the lifetime of

their participation in that session.

10.30 - 12.00 Advances in wave and

a gas field on the North Sea to the design

tidal energy

of a new offshore wind access system. And

Industry Panel

from new drill ships to tests with tidal

Building on the success of last year’s

energy generators. Working in the offshore

inaugural Industry Panel, Offshore Energy

15.30 - 17.00 State-of-the-art vessels for

oil, gas, and energy industry ultimately

again offers a panel discussion that combines

means contributing to the global security

C-level representatives in upstream oil and

of energy supply.

gas. Moderated by John Andrews, editor of The Economist, this year’s panel discussion

13.30 - 15.00 North Sea exploration & production the offshore industry

Wednesday 16 October 2013

The two day conference program offers

will focus on the future structure and

Colocated event

a full slate of C-level panels, technical

business strategies for the offshore industry,

9.00 - 15.30 4th Offshore Wind Installation

sessions, and side events and will feature

the increasing complexity, and how

an international faculty of expert speakers,

decision makers up and down the value

Technical sessions

representing the entire oil, gas and energy

chain can learn to deal with that growing

11.00 - 12.30 Developments in diverless

value chain.


and Maintenance Conference

subsea interventions 13.30 - 15.30 Opportunities in East-Africa

East Africa

More information on the Offshore Energy

Side event

Conference sessions focus on three themes:

2013 conference program can be found on

13.30 - 15.30 IRO Decommissioning

North Sea exploration and production,


Continued from page 1

Theo de Lange, Business Development

organization expects to create mutual

services with a table top display in the

Manager at Van Oord Offshore Wind

benefits for all its participants. Participants

refreshment break area for conference

Projects BV, returns as session chair.

in Offshore Energy are some of the first to

delegates. Special discounts for participation

Ernst van Zuijlen, Director Topconsortium

hear news of the latest developments in

apply for confirmed.

for Knowledge and Innovation Offshore

offshore wind. Similarly, OWIM delegates

Wind, has also confirmed as session chair

will have the opportunity to combine their

More information on the

for 2013.

conference participation with a visit to the

speaker faculty and about

Offshore Energy exhibition.

participation options can

By holding OWIM2013 at Offshore Energy

OWIM traditionally offers companies the

be found on

Exhibition & Conference, the event

possibility to showcase their products and

Offshore WIND Zone

Offshore WIND Route

Offshore wind now delivers an increasingly

Is your company active in Offshore Wind?

the Offshore WIND Magazine Business

vital part of global power generation.

Then consider the Offshore WIND Route.

Directory. Full package information is

Offshore Energy will once again feature

This option includes on-site visibility, along

available on

a clearly defined Offshore WIND Zone,

with a short blurb about your offshore

and can be sent on request.

focusing on the new products and services

wind activities in the event catalogue and in

of offshore wind supply chain companies.

Offshore WIND Magazine. Your company

Participation in the Offshore WIND Zone

name and logo will also be entered in

comes at no extra cost.

WIND Route participation from € 795

Column by Ruben Dijkstra


The future is renewable Energy independence is playing an increasing role in world politics in which renewable energy has become an important factor. The Dutch government made a clear statement of the direction in which it wants this industry to go when it announced a renewable target increase from 14 to 16% by 2020. Clearly the North Sea, with its huge offshore wind potential, will have to play an important role in reaching this target. Building large scale wind farms in the North Sea, thereby making the most of the sustainable resource created by high winds, will create giant steps to reaching this target. Not only that, the NIMBY effect experienced by onshore wind farms will also be avoided.


Ruben Dijkstra, Director offshore wind at Eneco

Cost reduction

turbines delivering green electricity to

Professionalizing the industry

Currently we can see developments which

nearly 150,000 households by the autumn

We are one of the Dutch government’s

will eventually reduce the cost of offshore

of 2015.

consultation partners for the wind farm

wind. Industry and government are working

zone licensing process. Currently the

together to reduce costs to 60% of today’s

With our second Dutch offshore wind farm

process takes, on average, 7 years. The

value by 2020, and to make 100 EUR/MWh

we are introducing cost reducing innovations

goal is to create greater flexibility within

a reality. A crucial factor here is the

at several stages.

this process to allow for changes following

availability of specifically designed multi

new developments in the industry, such as

megawatt (> 5 MW) class offshore turbines.

For the foundations we have chosen a grout

By reducing the cost, offshore wind energy

free design. The use of grouting has led to

will become increasingly competitive in

some technical problems in the industry in

This is just an example of the steps that are

comparison with fossil fuels. Added to this

the past. With this new foundation design

being taken to industrialize the offshore

is the fact that it offers a stable energy

we are avoiding these risks and therefore

wind industry. Another development is

output for at least 20 years. The argument

unexpected costs in the future. The design

the introduction of wind farm installation

for offshore wind is proven yet again.

does not include an individual transition

vessels (WTIVS) that are specifically built

larger turbines.

piece, which significantly reduces the

to install larger turbines. A good example is

Innovative wind farm: Eneco Luchterduinen

amount of steel that is needed and decreases

Van Oord’s Aeolus. In July 2014 the Aeolus

the complexity of installation. In addition,

will start her first installation at Eneco

We are supporting the need for renewable

the inter array cables will be installed


energy as part of the energy independence

within the foundation, hanging freely.

strategy. We aim to provide our customers

This makes external structures, such as the

The industry is becoming more professional,

with 100% green energy by 2050, and

j-tube for guiding the cables, unnecessary.

building knowledge and experience.

offshore wind is playing a role here. The

As a result, external forces created by

Utilities, for example, are increasingly

innovation and cost reduction vital to our

waves and currents against the foundation

working together, in consortia. They do

goal becomes clear with the involvement

pile and splash zone will lessen, again

this partly to minimize risks, but also to

in the Dutch Far and Large Offshore Wind

adding to cost reduction.

accelerate the exchange of knowledge. As a consequence, the offshore wind industry

program. In addition to this, we are realizing an innovative offshore wind farm

We are also looking at the possible

will become a young, professional, promising

23 kilometers off the coast of Noordwijk

advantages of using a Floating Lidar met

market. One that attracts more and more

and Zandvoort: Eneco Luchterduinen.

buoy as an alternative to installing a

new investments from organizations such

The wind farm will have 43 Vestas V112

temporary met mast to collect accurate

as pension funds.

wind data at the site.


Exhibitor News Heerema’s giant offshore ‘power socket’ starts journey On 18 May the topsides of the topside of the DolWin1 converter platform was loaded out from Heerema’s Zwijndrecht fabrication yard at the Drechthaven, located on the Oude Maas river. This operation marks the start of the platform’s journey through Schiedam to its final offshore destination: the DolWin area in the German North Sea. Here it will be positioned on top of the already installed jacket in the summer of 2013. The platform is a crucial part of DolWin1. This offshore direct current grid connection system will have a length of 165 kilometers and a capacity of 800 MW. It is planned to connect three wind farms. The platform of DolWin1 was built by Heerema Fabrication Group’s Zwijndrecht yard,

Ampelmann Walk-to-Work:

as a subcontractor of TenneT’s main

succesfully used for ship to FPSO transfer

contractor ABB, who was responsible for the construction of the platform

Many platforms require extensive work

for FPSO’s. This system has to connect

and installation of the complete

programs that need a lot of extra people

securely to not only to the offshore

electro technical equipment using

offshore to execute the activities in the

platform but also, more importantly,

HVDC Light converters as basic

time available. Therefore one of the

between two vessels. Both of which

technology. The converter platform

main challenges is how to accommodate

are constantly rising and falling. And

will be installed in the German North

all the extra people that work 12 hour

with different deck heights due to the

Sea in summer of 2013 and is one of

back-to-back shifts. Most platforms have

offloading cycles of the FPSO.

the main components of the TenneT DC offshore grid connection ‘DolWin1’.

only a limited number of beds, and not nearly enough to accommodate the

The Ampelmann uses a self-stabilizing

The platform is 45 meters wide, 77

additional workforce. These challenges

platform. It stands on six hydraulically

meters long and approximately 80

have been encountered the last couple of

powered cylinders that adjust to

meters high (from the waterline to

years, creating the growing deployment

compensate for all six degrees of freedom

\the top of the crane) and weighs

of Walk-to-Work systems.

through which the vessel can move.

more than 9,000 metric tons.

During test projects, waves of 3.2 meters The Walk-to-Work system involves using

high were measured, and the hydraulic

In Schiedam the fabrication activities

a vessel that can provide the workforce

compensators kept the gangway perfectly

will be continued by Heerema

with accommodation and transfer them

stable throughout the operation. Despite

Fabrication Group to further complete

to a landing point at their place of work

the fact that the gap between the vessel

the DolWin alpha topsides for its final

through a walkway that connects the

and FPSO was constantly changing with

offshore operations.

two locations. The Ampelmann has

the sea’s movements, the compensators

already worked successfully on fixed

also ensured that the pressure on the

structures, but now also offers a solution

landing area was maintained. 109 Blue


Exhibitor News

Keppel installs Global Tech 1 platform Keppel Verolme BV, a subsidiary of Keppel

grid. It is also equipped with critical

where the electricity generated by its 80

Offshore & Marine Limited (Keppel

control systems that serve as a backup

wind turbines is merged and the voltage

O&M), has successfully completed

power supply for the wind farm in case

transformed from 33 to 155 kilovolt.

and installed a floating, self-erecting

of emergencies, and provides permanent

substation platform, Global Tech 1,

accommodation for up to 32 people.

Currently still under construction, Global Tech I is located approximately

at an offshore wind park in the North By serving both energy transmission

100 km from the Dutch shore. When

and wind farm maintenance functions,

fully operational, this wind park will be

Installed at a water depth of 40 meters,

the offshore substation platform helps to

capable of generating some 1.4 billion

the substation platform will collect and

enhance the operational reliability and

kilowatt hours (kWh) of electrical energy

increase the electricity generated by the

efficiency of Global Tech I, contributing

each year, supplying 445.000 households

offshore wind park’s 80 wind generating

overall to a sustainable environment.

with clean energy.

turbines, each with a capacity of 5 MW,

The platform is the center piece of the

to feed into Germany’s national power

Global Tech 1 North Sea wind park,

Sea’s German Exclusive Economic Zone.

Annemieke den Otter

Laurens Kuiper

Exhibition Manager

Sales Manager

Femke Perlot-Hoogeveen

Philip Mulder

Conference Manager

Marketing Manager


Denmark reaches 1 gigawatt of offshore wind power The Anholt Offshore Wind Farm is now complete.

It is a time for breaking records in Denmark,

A new feature will be the fact that small,

which, in recent years, has focused strongly

near-coastal farms – probably 6 of them

on wind projects to meet the EU’s 2020

around Denmark – will supplement the

objective of covering 20% of its member

offshore wind farms. With a total capacity

countries’ consumption of power before

of 450 megawatts, the near-coastal farms

2020 by means of wind power.

will contribute significantly to Denmark’s efforts to reach a capacity of 2 gigawatts

Denmark thus reached 1 gigawatt of

before 2020. If Denmark succeeds in this,

installed capacity in March this year when

50 % of the country’s power consumption

the first of its 111 turbines were connected

will be covered by energy from offshore

to the power grid at the Anholt Offshore

wind turbines.

Wind Farm – a farm that is located in the inner Danish waters. The turbines are built

Preliminary surveys related to the near-

The vessel SEA POWER installing one of the

to be connected as they are set up, which

coastal offshore wind farms are in full swing

111 wind turbines at Anholt Offshore Farm

is why the Danes were able to celebrate

and include surveys of sea mammals, birdlife,

reaching the significant 1 GW milestone.

the fact that they had set a record at the

the seabed, and possible consequences for

Courtesy: A2SEA

point when half of the turbines had been

sailing activities.

set up. in the market for offshore wind turbines.

with the installation of these wind turbines.

Communicates knowledge of offshore wind

Despite the fact that the installations were

The national knowledge center for the

with OEDK Renewables says: “Denmark has

put up during the winter period, we’ve

offshore sector, OEDK Renewables, gathers

20 years of experience with offshore wind

succeeded in maintaining satisfactory

and communicates data and knowledge of

progress in the realization of Anholt Offshore

offshore wind turbine projects in Denmark.

projects, and we’re quite prepared to share

Wind Farm,” says Project Director Flemming

Through international development and

this knowledge with other countries – for

Thomsen from DONG Energy, the national

research projects such as GADOW (German

instance, through international projects.

energy company that operates Anholt

and Danish Offshore Wind) and ECOWindS,

Anholt Offshore Wind Farm is yet another

Offshore Wind Farm.

the center aims also to collaborate across

great leap forward towards the exploitation


of sustainable energy sources and, apart

“We’ve reached a significant milestone

Morten Holmager, Development Manager

from providing lots of green energy,

With its 400 megawatt capacity, Anholt Offshore Wind Farm will be the largest in

Through the 4-year project ECOWindS, OEDK

this also creates an offshore sector with

Denmark, while Horns Rev 1 and 2 plus

Renewables collaborates with European

significant international competences.”

Nysted and Rødsand are some of the other

partners to tie research and industry closer

14 offshore wind farms in Denmark.

together. In this way, the project could pave

In addition to communicating

the way for new research and knowledge

knowledge, OEDK Renewables organizes

More near-coastal offshore wind farms

in order to reduce costs of installation,

a large, international B2B forum for the

operation, and maintenance of offshore

offshore wind turbine sector each year in

Anholt Offshore Wind Farm is but one of

wind turbines. This would also ensure a

November/December. The Offshore Wind

several offshore wind turbine projects in

lower and more competitive cost of power.

International Business2Business Event is

Denmark. Last year the Danish Government

The project could also ensure the survival

an opportunity for sub-suppliers, energy

decided to launch 2 more offshore wind

of small and medium-size companies,

companies, and producers to meet and

turbine projects: Horns Rev 3 at Denmark’s

and strengthen European competitiveness

have brief, informal meetings.

western coast and Kriegers Flak in the Baltic Sea. These projects are expected to be put out for tender shortly after spring 2013, and to ecome operational before 2020.

Danish Blue Water Shipping confirms participation in Offshore Energy 2013


Looking for new employees?

Career Pavilion

Job Route


Created out of the need for qualified and

Get noticed straight away by job

With less than 3 months to go before

schooled technical and operational staff

seekers. Companies that take part in

Offshore Energy 2013 kicks off for the sixth

with an interest in the offshore and energy

the Job Route benefit from special print

time, registration is now open.

industries, the Offshore Energy Career

and online advertising options in the

Pavilion gives jobseekers the ability to

period leading up to Offshore Energy,

Go to

speak to employers who are eager

and are shown on a dedicated floor

and register for:

to meet new talent. No other exhibition

plan in the event catalogue.

• Offshore Energy Exhibition Visitor

in the Netherlands offers you the

• Offshore Energy stand personnel

possibility to meet as many employers

Full package information is available on

with a maritime and offshore focus and can be

as here at Offshore Energy.

sent on request.

The exhibition creates an excellent

Please contact Annemieke den Otter,

meeting place for both jobseekers and

Event Manager for full package

potential employers. For example, Atlas

information at

The following registrations

Services Group, Multi NV, and Expro

will open shortly:

North Sea Ltd. will be exhibiting at the

• Offshore Energy Conference

Career Pavilion.

• Offshore Energy press • Offshore WIND Installation and

Please contact Nancy Slob for more

Maintenance 2013 (OWIM)

information at or call +31 10 209 2600

For any regarding the registration please contact Lisa Stegers, Marketing Coordinator at

Career Pavilion participation

Job Route participation

starts at € 2750

from € 895

Stay in touch

@NavingoOE #OE13

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