An Inspiration to Gather Global Power

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JCLEC Jakarta Center for Law Enforcement Cooperation

AN INSPIRATION TO GATHER GLOBAL POWER Tan Sri Prof. Drs. Da’i Bachtiar SH, AO Police General (Ret)

AN INSPIRATION TO GATHER GLOBAL POWER Tan Sri Prof. Drs. Da’i Bachtiar SH, AO Police General (Ret)

Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 19 Tahun 2002 tentang Hak Cipta Lingkup Hak Cipta Pasal 2: 1. Hak Cipta merupakan hak eksklusif bagi Pencipta atau Pemegang Hak Cipta untuk mengumumkan atau memperbanyak Ciptaannya, yang timbul secara otomatis setelah suatu ciptaan dilahirkan tanpa mengurangi pembatasan menurut peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Ketentuan Pidana Pasal 72: 1. Barangsiapa dengan sengaja atau tanpa hak melakukan perbuatan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 2 ayat (1) atau Pasal 49 ayat (1) dan ayat (2) dipidana dengan pidana penjara masing-masing paling singkat 1 (satu) bulan dan/atau denda paling sedikit Rp1.000.000,00 (satu juta rupiah), atau pidana penjara paling lama 7(tujuh) tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp5.000.000.000,00 (lima miliar rupiah). 2. Barangsiapa dengan sengaja menyiarkan, memamerkan, mengedarkan, atau menjual kepada umum suatu Ciptaan atau barang hasil pelanggaran Hak Cipta atau Hak Terkait sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 5 tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp500.000.000,00 (lima ratus juta rupiah).

An Inspiration To Gather Global Power Copyright © Tan Sri Prof. Drs. Da’i Bachtiar SH, AO Police Gen (Ret) Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang All right reserved Editor : Emmy Kuswandari Compiler : Craft Writer Club Graphic Design & Layout : Fandhyta Indra K. Wendie Artswenda Published by Indonesia Crime Prevention Foundation WISMA GKBI, 17th Floor, Suite 1702. Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 28. Jakarta 10210 Phone: +62-21-5740555, Fax: +62-21-5705227, Email:

Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC)

Foreword DR. N. Hassan Wirajuda Foreign Affairs Minister Republic of Indonesia

Indonesia has been the unfortunate victim of terrorism acts. Bali bombings on October 2002 and JW Marriott Hotel bomb blast in Jakarta in 2003 had shocked the world and the conscience of humankind. The Indonesian Government reacted swiftly and firmly to arrest terrorist networks operating in Indonesia. Within a relatively short period of time, the Indonesian National Police, under the leadership of General Police Da’i Bachtiar gained marvelous momentum in conducting cooperation with various countries, especially from the Australian Federal Police, was able to uncover the perpetrators behind those attacks. Almost all actors behind the bombings have been detained and sentenced. Interestingly, the joint effort in investigating the bombings, has become Indonesia’s success story which gained regional and international attention to further join Indonesian efforts to fight such common enemy. I have a close, personal and professional relationship with Da’i. He’s such a person who have faith in himself and enthusiastic in undertaking his work and state duties. During the time when Indonesia was at the lowest point of insecurity and uncertainty due to series bombing attacks, he managed to build trust and confidence among his team to complete the task well, in spite of all constraints and limitations. The strong determination and untiringly efforts of General Police Da’i Bachtiar and his team’ have yielded a significant result. The arrest of bombing suspects has boosted Indonesia’s image for fighting terrorism and restore national peace and security. i |An Inspiration To Gather Global Power

Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC)

General Da’i was well aware that terrorism is a threat that cannot be solved by a single state. The most important task to deal with terrorism is to strengthen a legal foundation that could protect the public interest, as well as to enhance joint cooperation and capacity building among countries in the region to prevent the recurrence of the tragedy. The bombings have inspired him on the need to establish an institution with a focus on facilitating various training courses to enhance the capacity of law enforcement officers in the Asia-Pacific region to cope with transnational crimes, including terrorism. JCLEC (Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation) establishment in July 3rd 2004 reflected the shared priority given by Indonesia and Australia to address transnational crimes issues in the region reached during the Bali Regional Ministerial Meeting on Counter Terrorism (BRMM-CT) on 4-5 February 2004, to raise global awareness in combating terrorism. This book portrayed a different perspective on General Da’i Bachtiar’s efforts to raise regional awareness in combating terrorism through the establishment of JCLEC which has already gained greater support from international community.

An Inspiration To Gather Global Power |


Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC)

Preface Tan Sri Prof. Drs. Da’i Bachtiar SH, AO Police General (Ret)

JCLECL was founded not only based on the experiences of investigating “Bali Bomb” but also because of the impressions of regional and transnational partners towards the security of Indonesia in the many meetings. In my impression, they paid less respect to Indonesian delegates because they see Indonesia security in its lowest state. The uncovering of Bali Bomb which received a lot of appreciations and attentions from the international public can be the means to improve the nation’s image. It was not easy to sell the idea and notion in this condition therefore the right momentum and support from others are needed. Fortunately the responds was very encouraging, Indonesia Foreign Affairs Minister, Mr. Dr. N. Hasan Wirayuda fully supports the idea and Alexander Downer, Australia Foreign Affairs Minister, was very interested in the idea. The supports of the idea was finally strengthen by the commitment of both Indonesia and Australia head of state, Megawati Soekarnoputri the President of Indonesia and John Howard the Prime Minister of Australia. Finally, I and Mick Keelty, AFP Comissioner, actualize the idea in the form of JCLEC foundation. The first “capital” can be offered at that time is the result of Indonesian Police Force hard work. Therefore without their achievement the idea would be hard to be actualized. Hopefully the monumental work of the JCLEC founding can become iii |An Inspiration To Gather Global Power

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the pride not only to the Indonesian Police Force and people but also to the law enforcers worldwide. Hopefully the JCLEC can be the means to enhance global cooperation in fighting crimes, especially transnational crimes and terrorism. Gratitude and honor on the founding of JCLEC is expressed to all parties.

Tan Sri Prof. Drs. Da’i Bachtiar SH, AO

An Inspiration To Gather Global Power

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Table of Contents Foreword .................................................................. i Preface ................................................................... iii Table of Contents ........................................................ v Chapter I An Inspiration To Gather Global Power On the idea and process of establishing Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC) .... 1 The JCLEC Foundation and JCLEC Opening Ceremony by the President Megawati Soekarnoputri ................. 8 President Yudhoyono’s First Impression .................. 10 Chapter II Creating Smart Leaders and Investigators On education and training programs at JCLEC ......... 14 Chapter III Professionalism Collaboration and International Standard On the facilities at JCLEC and PLATINA ................. 18 The facilities on PLATINA .................................. 21 Chapter IV JCLEC’s Journey Accomplished on the Fifth Year .......................... 25 Curriculum Vitae ......................................................... 32

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An Inspiration To Gather Global Power On the idea and process of establishing Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC) The Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC) was born when regional security situations, both in Asia and Europe, were threatened. Terror attacks have menaced countries throughout the world, including Indonesia. The nation has become the target and victim of these attacks. The Bali Bombings have turned into a phenomenon as well as struggle for Indonesia to fight against terror acts. Today, the JCLEC becomes a new power to resolve the issues of

Menlu RI Hasan Wirajuda and Menlu Australia Alexander Downer, Sub-Regional Ministerial Conference on Counter-Terrorism 5-6 March 2007.

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terrorism in the Asia Pacific. My motivation to establish the JCLEC was triggered by the devastating situation happening in Indonesia. The country’s position has weakened among other countries in the region. The image of Indonesia has worsened since the tension on May 1998 took place. I have attended ASEAN forums many times, such as the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Trans National Crime. Indonesia seemed left out and insubstantial. Indonesia is no longer considered as the big brothers in ASEAN. My colleague, Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Hasan Wirajuda, shares similar opinion. He also feels that the image of our country in the regional and international world has been damaged since the 1997 – 1998 conflict broke out. We suffered bad publication on stability issues in the country. Bombs being spread in public facilities. People looting after the clash. In such difficult situation, authorities did not seem to perform their best. They even seemed puzzled on how to react to such a mess. The first Bali Bomb on October 12, 2002,

Restoran Sari Club Bali, Bali Bomb 12 October 2002 An Inspiration To Gather Global Power |


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was the edge of the ever increasing downturn for the country, leaving it sliding to the lowest level. I was serving as Indonesia’s National Police Chief when the bomb blast in Bali occurred. Amid the devastation, a strong motivation emerged within me to reveal the perpetrators and the masterminds behind the bombing. Collaborating with the Australia Federal Police (AFP), I formed an investigating team. I assigned Gen. Pol. Made Mangku Pastika, the Regional Police Chief in Papua, to be the team’s head. Support came from other parts of the world, such as the United States’ FBI, England, Japan, and ASEAN countries. At last, our hard work made history. We found the perpetrators and a terrorism syndicate. Another thing that caught the public’s attention was our technique and method in revealing the bombing case, which is known as the crime scene processing. From the pieces of the car that we had found, we could discover not only the car’s owner, but also the actors behind the blast: Amrozy and his syndicate. The success in uncovering the Bali bomb was a new chapter for Indonesia to improve its position internationally. Indonesia started to be taken seriously by countries throughout the world. I, too, maintained and continued my tasks to investigate the previous bomb blast cases. I paid great attention in the process used in revealing the case, which I called scientific crime investigation.

Police Chief Da’i Bachtiar with Mich Keelty AFP Commissioner of 2001-2009

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In February 2002, I signed an MoU between the Indonesian National Police and Australia Federal Police (AFP) in Pert Western, Australia. The MoU includedcollaboration in the fields of training and educa-

Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC)

tion, as well as assistance in human resources and operations. This agreement was the most important part in creating cooperation to fight against terrorist attacks which were threatening the world. The MoU was then implemented when we managed the first Bali Bomb case, which took place on October 12, 2002, in Bali’s Kuta. I found the perfect moment. The success in uncovering the Bali Bomb case was a great advantage for showing the world the Indonesia that has good image and dignity. I thought of the idea to collaborate with other countries in establishing an anti-terror training centre in Indonesia. I proposed my suggestion to the Foreign Affairs Minister, Hasan Wirajuda, who responded positively. He then arranged a meeting for me and Australian Foreign Affairs Minister, Alexander Downer, who was scheduled to visit Indonesia at that time. I explained to him that Indonesia had an experience in revealing terrorism network, including locating the perpetrators of the first Bali Bomb. We used an investigation process which was supported by reliable theories and science. The success of the process was a result of the Indonesia– Da’i Bachtiar with Alexander Australia collaboration. I told him, Downer Australia Foreign Minis“We could really ‘sell’ this to many ter of 1996-2007 parties.” Alexander Downer agreed with my idea, and brought it to an international forum held in Bali in 2004, namely the Asia Pacific Ministerial Meeting on Combating Terrorism. The participants included law enforcers, foreign affairs ministers, attorney generals, and the police. Canada even requested to be invited, since it was not part of the Asia Pacific region. In the forum, we shared our experience when revealing the terrorist network in the Bali Bomb case. The meeting resulted in two working groups, which is a team An Inspiration To Gather Global Power


Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC)

collaborating with the law enforcers. The group was headed by Indonesia. The second team was to cooperate in legal matters, regulations or its legal substances, which was led by Australia. When discussing the working groups, Malaysian Foreign Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar said, “The collaboration which had been agreed in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, was aimed for Asia because that was the decision made at the 2002 Asian Regional Forum (ARF) in Brunei.” It was then decided that gathering cooperation to fight against terrorism in Asia would be centred in Malaysia. “We do not need to establish anything, there is one already in Malaysia,” said the country’s minister. Then, Alexander Downer invited me through AFP’s commissioner, Mick Keelty. “There seems to be some problems, General. Malaysia is questioning the purpose of this collaboration as one has already existed in Malaysia,” Mick Keelty told me. The three of us then met. “We understand that what was agreed at the ARF was before the Bali Bombings. Then first Bali Bomb occurred and we managed to deal with it. We have the experience,” I said. “Malaysia does not have the experience. Indonesia has dealt with bomb attacks before,” I added, “Indonesia can share its field experience. Malaysia can share the theories.” After I explained everything, Downer finally understood and supported Indonesia in being the centre of the collaboration. I did not know for sure as to why Malaysia was chosen. Perhaps because at that time Malaysia was known to be persistent on eradicating terrorism, following the September 11 incident. Meanwhile, Indonesia was considered not to be serious about fighting against terrorism. The United States sent an envoy to Indonesia; FBI director Robert Mueller. I knew Robert Mueller. I had met him several times. This time we met in Bali, when I was accompanying the then Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. 5 | An Inspiration To Gather Global Power

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I told Robert Mueller that Indonesia had become the victim of terrorist attacks. I showed him data on bombing cases in the country that took place before and after September 11. Robert Mueller finally realized the condition that Indonesia had to go through. We then thought about working groups. We planned the form of the cooperation, starting from the juridical laws to its real implementation. I was aware that we did not have much time as the Election was Robert Mueller - US FBI Diapproaching. “If Megawati still becomes rector of 2001-present the president, and Hasan will still be the foreign affairs minister and if I, Da’i Bahtiar, maintain the post of National Police Chief, this could be realized. However, the Election is coming. Who will realize this plan if there are changes in the formation? The presidential election is in July. If we all still maintain our current positions, we can continue our plan. But what if we don’t?” I asked my staff. Hence, we quickly planned and designed the training centre. We thought it would be best to place it at Jakarta’s Police Staff College (PTIK), but then the college was too small. Another idea for location was the Police Academy (AKPOL) in Semarang. After some considerations, we settled that Semarang would be the training centre because it has the required space. When we were designing the training centre, a bomb blast struck Madrid, Spain. From information in the media, the terrorists act was aimed at the supporters of the United States when attacking Iraq. Spain took part in it, and Australia was also one of the targets. I read the newspapers in Indonesia; Australia announced it will add its budget to deal with terrorism. I immediately called Mick Keelty. “Is it true, that your country will add its budget to fight against terrorism?” I asked. An Inspiration To Gather Global Power


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“That’s true. So, what can we do? Any suggestions?” Mick Keelty asked. “We build the training centre in Indonesia with the money,” I answered. “Great, we’ll send our team,” Mick Keelty said. When the Australian team arrived, I was designing the training centre at AKPOL. They saw the design, and approved it. They were even ready to cover the entire cost. The cooperation plan progressed following a second meeting at my office. He agreed to carry out two projects; the construction of Trans National Crime Centre in Jakarta, which will be located at the Indonesian Police Headquarter, and the establishment of a law enforcement centre in Semarang. At first, he was wondering why the law enforcement centre was to be located Inspirasi Menggalang Kekuatan Global in Semarang. I explained that there were no more suitable places available in Jakarta, and he understood. Meanwhile the Police Academy in Semarang still

JCLEC Opening Ceremony By Megawati Soekarnoputri President of Indonesia at that time

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has some space, and it is part of the Indonesian Police Headquarter. He then agreed and gave his support in the form of funds amounting A$ 36 million which was granted in installments on behalf of the Australian government. The JCLEC Foundation and JCLEC Opening Ceremony by the President Megawati Soekarnoputri With the assistance of some staff, I designed a foundation that would be the umbrella of the training centre. We wanted the foundation to be managed both professionally and seriously. We were thinking of the most suitable form to head the foundation. This is important because the foundation would not be funded by the National Budget but instead international cooperative foundations. Indonesia and Australia then agreed to establish a foundation as the umbrella. We decided that the foundation would be named the JCLEC Foundation (Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation). We thought, being a foundation, it would be much easier for us to distribute the funds granted by Australia. We made up our mind that the best legal body to manage the institution would be a foundation.

Megawati Soekarnoputri hit the gong as the sign of the JCLEC opening An Inspiration To Gather Global Power


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The foundation’s board of executives consisted of me, Dai Bachtiar as the National Police Chief, Gen. Cuk Sugiarto and Gen. Winarto from planning staff. From Australia, there were Mick Keelty and Peter Drennan, AFP National Manager. We divided the tasks. Experts from Australia would handle the design and architecture of the building. Indonesia chose a strategic location at the Police Academy in Semarang. We used the moment of the National Police’s anniversary on July 1, 2004 to officially begin the construction of the training centre. However, the schedule had to be moved because July 1 was the day of presidential campaigns. On July 3, we celebrated the National Police’s anniversary and inaugurated JCLEC. Two weeks earlier, we, as the founders, had begun the working group meetings in Semarang and a Senior Official Meeting (SOM). The SOM would reinforce the establishment of the JCLEC. We invited SOM members from Asia Pacific countries. Six foreign affairs minister and a number of AFP’s federal police chiefs were present. The ARF was concurrently held in Jakarta, allowing Asian ministers to attend the JCLEC as well. We also invited the Police Chiefs from ASEAN Plus, Australia, Japan, South Korea, China, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, New Zealand, East Timor, and several other countries in the Pacific. Physically, the construction of JCLEC was not even half completed. However, Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC) to us, this was a crucial moment, as it coincided with the ARF. We did not need to wait for the construction to be finished just to get the attention and publication from Asia Pacific countries and the world. After the JCLEC was founded, we received prompt responses from countries in Europe. The president of the European Union, who was also the Netherlands’ Foreign Affairs Minister, Mr Bout, praised JCLEC and granted funding. 9 | An Inspiration To Gather Global Power

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The first fund granted by the Netherlands totalled around ten million euro. The budget was allocated to construct the training building and a dormitory. If I am not mistaken, there was also assistance in information technology from European countries, amounting around five million. Considering the significant amount of funds granted by the European Union and the Netherlands, they requested to be included in the board of patrons. After some discussions with Mick Keelty, we refused their proposal. However, they would sit in the board of management, consisting of: Indonesia, Australia, and the European Union. Hence, we were known to not only be combating terrorism in particular but also trans-national crime in general. I had another discussion with Mick Keelty about European Union and the Netherlands wanting to be in the board of patrons. Indonesian President SBY visitWe could not accept their request ing JCLEC accompanied by Da’i Bachtiar - Police chief at that time. so instead we put them in board of management, comprising of Indonesia, Australia, and the European Union. The board of management controls the disbursement of the programs’ funds. President Yudhoyono’s First Impression The 2004 Election was over. President Yudhoyono replaced Megawati Soekarno Puteri. One day, President Yudhoyono would visit the United States. One of the things that needed to be promoted was JCLEC. “Pak Police Chief, I will visit the JCLEC. I want to see it”, President Yudhoyono told me. Sudi Silalahi, the cabinet’s secretary once told me that the president would visit JCLEC after he returned from the United States. An Inspiration To Gather Global Power |


Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC)

“Then the president said, “Sudi, I want to see the JCLEC before I leave for the US. How could I tell about JCLEC in the US if I myself had not seen it?” We quickly made preparations to welcome the president. He wanted to come on Friday, while I must fly to Bali on the Sunday. Then on Saturday the president had asked me to check the Hostage release demonstration

damages at Jayapura’s District Court in Irian, first hand.

A conversation of Indonesian SBY with JCLEC trainee.

Thank God that the National Police had their own airplanes which I could use. After receiving the president in Semarang, I departed for Jayapura, and arrived in Bali on Sunday Presidentafternoon.

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A conversation of Indonesian SBY with JCLEC trainer.


When the president was visiting in Semarang, we presented the international anti-terror training. We also showed some methods on how to manage terror attacks from various subjects, such as hijacks on a plane, train and bus, and hostages held at a VVIP house and a hotel. We President simulated several types of hostages, including one on a

We had built real homes and placed real buses, trains, and ships to simulate the methods. A system allowed us to view everything on camera or directly on the ground. The president was pleased with what the team achieved. He made time to give some directions and see the rooms at the JCLEC. There was a course in progress at that time. One of the participants came from Thailand. He and the president had a short discussion. A participant told the president, “I have attended many trainings overseas, but this one has given me the best impression.” When the president saw JCLEC, he commented, whispering, “Where are we? This feels different. The building is very environmentalfriendly. The big trees were not cut down. It is very green, the JCLEC.” This is a description of the JCLEC we made to many parties. I am both proud and ecstatic about our idea that we had proposed to many parties, which allowed us to found the JCLEC, had caught the world’s attention. I am confident that global terrorism can be dealt with, given that we have strong collaboration with countries in the world. To An Inspiration To Gather Global Power |


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me, the JCLEC has provided proof and an inspiration to create global power in combating international terrorism attacks. (*)

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Creating Smart Leaders and Investigators On education and training program of JCLEC It will produce leaders and investigators in Asia Pacific region, particularly Southeast Asia. It provides materials for education supported by qualified instructors. Since its establishment, JCLEC offers high quality education programs which have been the references of anti-terrorist education in the region. In August 3008, Indonesian National Police Chief General Sutanto gave his opinion on JCLEC education programs during the opening of Regional Executive Leadership Meeting (RELP), that the programs are very prestigious and useful in creating professional leaders and managers in the police. Since being established in 2004, JCLEC has developed several education and training programs for police officers from many countries. The programs are a form of a joint commitment to develop transnational strategic network. It all began from the national security situation in Indonesia, at that time facing terrorist attacks. This is what caused police institutions in Asia and Europe to agree upon building an anti-terrorist and international crime education agency. JCLEC’s establishment is a symbol of a joint commitment. The countries which support the establishment of this anti-terror education center are Canada, Denmark, European Union, France, Italy, Netherlands, Australia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, and United States. These are the countries that clearly keep supporting JCLEC education center being developed. An Inspiration To Gather Global Power |


Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC)

The support from those countries is, among others, financial donation. The donation is used to finance training courses; participants; instructors and key speakers from abroad. All the accommodation during the education term is covered by the financial donation from the countries aforementioned. In addition, the financial donation is also used to build the infrastructure, including computers and library. The donation is also used to invite instructors from overseas to educate and train Indonesian instructors.

The countries also fully support the education programs available at JCLEC. Every education program is officially certified and adjusted to overseas education institutions. The programs are even at the same level with formal education in Indonesia and abroad. The official certification is issued by higher education body or university. This is a part of inter-state cooperation in building an education and training center of terrorism and transnational crimes. The formal certification is issued by education bodies in many countries grouped in academic affiliations, between JCLEC and Australia Institute of Police Management, Bramshill Police Staff College, Canberra Institute of Technology, Charles Sturt University, Nanyang University of Technology, University of Melbourne, and University of Indonesia. The aim of the academic affiliation between JCLEC and the universities is to obtain formal accreditations for the antiterrorism training, for Graduate, Diploma Graduate, or Master Degree of some programs. The programs are Terrorism, Safety and Security; the studies on Leadership and Management; and the studies on Investigation and 14 | An Inspiration To Gather Global Power

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Intelligence. The academic affiliation comprising the colleges is also aimed to obtain a formal accreditation for student’s forensic course program, which is of equal level with Forensic Investigation Diploma. The affiliation also has a purpose of opening the network and access to university libraries and utilizing members of university, such as professors, lecturers, also experts from other institutions. Through Australian Federal Police, the Australian government cooperates with JCLEC to design and build the latter’s education programs. The Australian and Indonesian government have specifically cooperated in the education development and performance at JCLEC. This bilateral initiative is an appreciation of other countries which supported the realization of JCLEC’s goals by promoting JCLEC “Learning and understanding through shared experience” as regards fighting against terrorism and transnational crimes. The Australian government’s commitment takes the form of assistance amounting to AUD$36.8 million for five years for Indonesian Police (Polri) for JCLEC’s development and operation. Australia Federal Police (AFP) also plays an important role in designing the education programs, including composing education curriculum of JCLEC.

Instructors and trainees of Australian Bomb Data Center Workshop, held 4-15 Mei 2009 at JCELC, a cooperation program between Australian Federal Police and JCLEC. An Inspiration To Gather Global Power |


Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC)

AFP and Polri designed about three education programs. The first is the Regional Executive Leadership Program (RELP). This program is designed to build the alumni of police senior staff who cooperate in strengthening regional law enforcement for the next 15 years. This program is offered to police officers who will still be active in the next five years in Southeast Asian region. The aim of RELP is to improve police senior staff’s skills, either at personal, organizational or regional level, focusing on antiterrorism movement, transnational crimes, intelligence and decision-making. This program is carried out in collaboration with several parties, including Indonesian Police, Australian Federal Police, Australian Institute of Police Management, Bramshill Police Staff College and Charles Sturt University.

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The second program is Leadership in Criminal Intelligence Program (LCIP). This program is offered to senior analysts and intelligence officers, focusing on specific management challenges in facing criminal and intelligence security issues in a law enforcement scope. This program also prioritizes in-depth analysis into anti-terror movement. This program was started in 2006 and is deemed as a succesful program. There are three main topics in LCIP, namely the role of International Management of Serious Crime (IMOSC), This program is also designed to produce senior practitioners of law enforcement who are responsible and committed to beable to lead and organize investigation into serious criminal cases. Therefore this course may reflect a multi-jurisdiction and multi-institutional approach in serious crime investigation, with participants from a larger context and international law enforcement enhancement. The three programs were designed so as to bear results based on international-standard, either the participant qualification, the training concepts and training materials as well as the instructors. Each program design takes into account the level of participant—ranging from operational manager, middle and senior level manager, to technician practitioners from certain fields. In addition to JCLEC education program designing, AFP also formulates some education and training curriculums. The education curriculums at JCLEC are Investigation, Intelligence, Forensic, Financial Investigation, Communication and Training-based Computer.

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Professionalism Collaboration and International Standard On the facilities at JCLEC and PLATINA JCLEC is build based on a thorough concept. The whole facilities are built in accordance with international professionalism standard. The unity becomes the center of education and training that is well known for its high quality and prestige. Countries in Asia Pacific have agreed upon the donation for establishing the Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC). The Netherlands’ government has also shown a strong commitment, which is manifested in the donation for the construction of building facilities and instructor’s villa amounting to 5.99 million euros. The facilities in JCLEC location are divided in some buildings, depending on the function. Building One comprises classrooms, server and office. One classroom has the capacity of between 20 and 30 people. The classrooms are equipped with around four square desks and comfortable chairs. The classrooms also has a projector for presentation purpose. Building Two consists of some syndicate rooms, library and classrooms. The syndicate room is smaller compared to the training 18 | An Inspiration To Gather Global Power

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room, with the capacity of between 5 and 12 participants. The class in syndicate room has the same facilities as the classrooms in other buildings. Building Three is used for administration room, instructor’s room, café and computer laboratory. Therefore the role of the laboratory is significant, not only in terms of technical skills, but also the knowledge on case management intelligence system. The participants can attend the training optimally as the laboratory is equipped with 20 computers. In the Executive Building there are management room, staff room, conference room and auditorium. The Executive Building has an exclusive luxurious interior. The conference room is aimed at maintaining professionalism, especially during major and important forums held at JCLEC. In the auditorium theatre, the seats are in curved tiers. Besides those buildings, JCLEC also built some facilities in order to support the participant’s activities. Like the buildings, the facilities are built with strictly in accordance with professional and exclusive activities. These include well-maintained and clean swimming pool, fitness center with up-to-date equipments, sports field with lights and recreation lobby for relaxing. How about the participant’s accommodation? This issue is a serious concern. The rooms located in JCLEC are exclusive. The rooms contain air conditioners, spring beds, television sets and DVD players.

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Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC)

The instructors or lecturers in JCLEC are serviced in some villas in the same location as the training site. The construction of the villas were financed by the donation from the Netherlands. Nine villas are available for the instructors, domestic and overseas. There are restaurants which are professionally managed in the instructor’s villas and the accommodation. This can be seen from the menu, cooking tools, the chefs who are experts in healthy and nutritious food. The restaurants are open for 24 hours. Participants are welcomed to have dinner at Tulip Restaurant, located in Nusantara Building. In addition to the professional management of restaurants, JCLEC’s facilities management prioritizes participant’s comfort with regard to clothes. The laundry and dry cleaning room has classy washing machines and ironing set. The participants can have this service free, every day. Cleanliness and neatness of participant’s outfit are important parts of quality service in this institution. The participants are also given health service, from general health service to emergency measures. Transportation to hospital for medical problem is on stand-by. The service also includes administration of travel insurance, either for individual participant or organization. The staff will provide health service by taking into account the health condition of person from Indonesia and other countries. The health service is varied depending on participant’s requirement and request, such as the duration, health cost and hospital. Accommodation security is also provided. JCLEC has a comprehen20 | An Inspiration To Gather Global Power

Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC)

sive security strategy which is aimed at keeping every participant safe. The participants are briefed on safety at the beginning of the training program by the intelligence security staff. The participants are free to communicate to the intelligence safety staff, particularly with regard to additional security, health or any other information on safety. JCLEC pays a lot of attention to environment health in the building. The building management has set up smoke free zones. There is a special room in the building which is intended for smokers. The Facilities at PLATINA The International Anti Terror Training Center (PLATINA) is situated in Police Academy Semarang complex, as is JCLEC. The place is specially built for a training location for tackling terrorism in the world, which the cases are growing in number. Moreover, Indonesian National Police (Polri) has not in fact had an ideal training location for anti-terror squad. The training center was established because of Polri’s success in disclosing many terrorism acts in Indonesia. PLATINA is build to improve anti-terror squad’s ability and skills in tactical and technical levels. The training center is then used as a training arena for the countries joined in Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC). This is in line with the vision of Polri’s anti-terror Detachment, namely to realize Indonesian region which is free from terrorism, which threats the life of the citizen, the nation, national interest, and most importantly to create the international world which is sensitive to antiterrorism measures. Polri Anti-terror Detachment Squad has the missions of, among others, stopping terrorism act based on legal supremacy, independency principle and indiscriminative character. The missions also include fostering cooperation with other countries in the field of anti-terror training and terrorism crime tackling. PLATINA is built on an oval-shaped wide land, comprising shooting An Inspiration To Gather Global Power |


Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC)

ground, watchtower, houses, hotel, driving circuit, and contains aircrafts, train,helicopter and ship. All the facilities are used during simulation training of Anti-terror Detachment squad to face terrorism acts and hostage takeover in trains, aircraft and ship. All those facilities are the main medium during simulation. For instance, the anti-terror simulation in storied building. The hotel erected on PLATINA area has four levels, with two rooms on each floor. In the hotel there are also entrance door and windows, surveillance camera on each side of the room. Such design of a hotel supports the members of Anti-terror Detachment squad in facing terrorist acts, allowing them to climb the walls using ropes. The houses, on the periphery of PLATINA, are used as terrorist base, which is the main target of the anti-terror squad with regard to ambush and bringing the terrorists down as well as defusing bombs which are stored inside the house. It appears that during the simulation the demonstration may destroy the house doors, terrorist base by a small explosion technique which could overcome the enemies inside. In terms of bomb defusing, the anti-terror squad is armed with equipments of professional and international standards, such as explosion-proof outfit, anti-terror special squad vehicle, computers with special signals to control bomb-defusing robot that is made by the enemy. 22 | An Inspiration To Gather Global Power

Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC)

The bomb-defusing and terrorist base attack simulations also involve the police troops which process the evidence at the crime scene. A demonstration showing a crime scene team entering the site after the anti-terror squad performed its task. This reflects the coordination and cooperation among anti-terrorism teams. The other simulations are freeing the hostage from the terrorist

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Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC)

group in a train, with a helicopter, regaining control over an aircraft which is hijacked by a terrorist group and an ambush against a terrorist group which occupied a ship. In every training program the participants would experience trainings of overcoming terrorist attack with simulation models and the facilities. As a result, PLATINA can provide training simulations for tacking terrorist attack toward crucial spots and public or strategic places. The public facilities are those of air, sea and land transportation.

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Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC)


JCLEC’s Journey Accomplieshed on the fifth year Realizing a professional training center for overcoming transnational crimes, including terrorism, is the desire of the governments of Indonesia and Australia. This shared approach is the bud of the memorandum of understanding that was inked between the Police of the Republic of Indonesia (Polri) and Australia. This deal was made firm during the ministerial meeting in Bali that specially initiated the handling of terrorism on February 6, 2004. “In the declaration, the governments of Indonesia and Australia stressed the necessity of full cooperation as to national and international efforts for the eradication of terrorism groups and all forms of crime across countries,” said Brig. Gen Pol. A. Mujiono, who is currently the Executive Director of JCLEC. The more concrete form of this cooperation is the two countries agreed to form the center of law enforcement cooperation Jakarta, which was then called JCLEC. JCLEC then became an international training center in this area. “The platform of education and training is purposely planned and prepared for continuous development, so that the training and education in the JCLEC become professional,” he said. Mujiono explained, the training is carried out based on the principles of steady law enforcement education also sharing experience and doing multi-jurisdiction cooperation. The trainings on law, intelligence, money laundering, judiciary and other transnational crimes are carried out. These activities are done by working with law enAn Inspiration To Gather Global Power |


Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC)

forcement agencies in the Asia Pacific region, in the form of sharing experience with respective experts. “We are always working on a better cooperation, especially in the field of investigation and management of multi-jurisdiction investigations which is aimed at isolating the transnational criminal and terrorism network in the Asia Pacific region”, he added. No less than 781 trainers or lecturers have already shared their knowledge since this training center is opened. So far 213 courses and training have been conducted. According to Mujiono, the Dutch government has successfully run education program of aviation and airport security between 2007 and 2008, attended by 120 RI National Police (Police) personnel. The follow-up of the training is that now trainers and Polri have already been able to provide similar training program for airport security in 2009. “The trainers from Polri who were previously trained by Dutch trainers are now able to transfer knowledge to the other officers,” said Mujiono. The result now can be enjoyed by many parties. The results of the enhanced understanding on aviation and airport security improved the relationship between institutions, and the training for police on duty at the airport. Another program is JBT program that is part of the UN OOC in August 2007. JBT program or computer-based training program is very helpful as an independent study center. JCLEC Monitoring Compliance Workshop a ttended by delegates from Pakistan’s Financial Monitoring Unit (FMU), State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) and Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) 26-29 May 2009.

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Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC)

There are 27 training modules that include training on transnational crime in the Indonesian language and English. This class will be developed into distance learning class in 2009, and has been performed in the Bali Police. A Police Academy and West Nusa Tenggara Police would follow. Since August 2007, the JBT has already been attended by 1079 participants, and accessible to more than 13,100 participants by online. “This way the independent and quality training has spread out” Mujiono went on. This method ll also be integrated into the Taruna Police Academy in the last education year. “We continue refining the existing methods of education,” he added. The refinement of the up-to-date education and simulation training method is also highlighted by the former Governor of Police Sciences Academy (PTIK) Farouk Muhammad. According to him, the JCLEC training drafters must make concepts which are sophisticated and comply with the development of cases worldwide. Terrorism group will use different ways to run its measures. “The challenge of terrorism in the future is not easy. That’s why those who have passed JCLEC training must have adequate ability to learn new things quickly. The drafters must develop the training, “he said. Farouk acknowledged that on a national scale, the police’s ability is quite well known as regards handling terrorism problems in the country quickly with concrete actions in the field. “JCLEC’s role is apparent in the context of terrorism eradication in Indonesia. The results of JCLEC education are real,” he added. As a trainer in the police environment, Farouk said that now the progress of Polri has been very significant. In the eyes of the donors, according to Farouk, JCLEC ‘s existence is widely recognized as a training center that is integrated with international standards. An Inspiration To Gather Global Power |


Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC)

In addition to updating the training materials, Farouk also suggested that in the future JCLEC would structurally be integrated with the Police Academy (Akpol). “Indeed, when it was established, JCLEC was not a part of Akpol system, but there is nothing wrong with JCLEC later becoming a part of Akpol. On condition that the donor countries agree with this idea,” said the former Governor PTIK for period 2002 - 2006. Farouk who is also Secretary of the Presidential Advisory Board Members for Defense and Security, appreciated this Dai Bachtiar’s idea to establish an integrated anti-terror training center. “We are not a developed country, but we have ideas and concepts and even concretely implement the ideas. We encourage the international community to be aware of the idea that Mr. Dai Bachtiar. This is not only a matter of the police’s pride but also the nation’s,” he said. The pride of the training center was also addressed by President Yudhoyono. “This training center has a much different atmosphere. The environment is well maintained,”said President Yudhoyono during a visit to JCLEC in 2004. Participants from 41 countries also admired the same thing. Since the JCLEC establisment, more than 4776 participants locals and abroad, such as from Asia, Asia Pacific, Europe, the United States and Latin America, have become active training and course participants in JCLEC. Professionalism shown in JLEC opened the opportunity for donor countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK, Spain, Ger28 | An Inspiration To Gather Global Power

Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC)

many, the United States and Europe to provide support continously. At the age of five, JCLEC has already showed results. Indonesia’s efforts to combat acts of terrorism have so far been seen as adequate. Australian Foregin Minister Alexander Downer said, the most important things in the business of terrorism is political leadership from the government. For, terrorism itself is a global phenomenon, so it is inter-state coalition is required to overcome this issue. Downer made this statement when opening the counter terrorism training program, “Regional Executive Leadership Program (RELP) 2007”, in Semarang Police Academy complex. The training program that lasted for 3 hours was followed by 23 police officers from 13 countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The countries that took part in this were Indonesia, Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, South Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, and Cambodia. According to Downer, JCLEC’s existence is important to help training and law enforcement toward the perpetrators of terror. Bali Bombing I incident that killed many Australia and U.K citizens became the reason for those two countries to also finance the JCLEC program. He added that, another thing that is no less important is public support. “As regards this issue Indonesia is quite good, so do other countries that taken actions,” he said. Furthermore, management and leadership are also important, especially to resolve the issue in a long term. A similar statement was also conveyed by Foreign Affairs Minister Hassan Wirajuda. The existence of JCLEC which was established in July 2004 is very important to take counter terrorism action. “Since its establishment, JCLEC has been experiencing rapid growth both in terms of facilities and training,” said Wirajuda.

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Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC)

Indonesian Foreign Affair Minister Hasan Wirajuda (red tie) with Australia Foreign Affair Minister Alexander Downer (left of Mr. Hasan) with the delegates of Ministerial Conference on Counter Terrorism, Jakarta 5-6 March 2007.

With the good coordination among the police in the Asia Pacific region, it is expected that the police’s capabilities and capacity to deal with the counter terrorism measures can be increased. “Hopefully it can not only cushion the danger of terrorism but also reduce terrorism acts in the general public,” he explained. According to Hassan, JCLEC performance is not only to eradicate terrorism but also to deal with other transnational crimes such as drug abuse and money laundering. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono reminded that the police continue improving the abilities to anticipate all forms of crime including terrorism. The Police should not be defeated by criminals and terrorists from. On the contrary, it must be more superior. Therefore, enhanced education, training, techniques, tactics, strategy and doctrine of the police are absolutely necessary. “Looking ahead, the police’s challenge in the future will be more complex. As other countries, Indonesia will never be isolated from 30 | An Inspiration To Gather Global Power

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the crime. Therefore, the police as the protector and guard of the community as well as law enforcement element must improve its performance and professionalism. Continue increasing the capacity and quality of training, education, strategy and integrity, so that a professional police can come true,� said the president. As regards terrorism crime, the President said, the police must continue updating its techniques, tactics as well as weaponry quality. Terrorists are not static. They are dynamic and always develop their strategies. Creativity and innovation must be done so that the police can surpass the terror perpetrators. As an excellent training center, JCLEC, according to the president, has received high appreciation from within the country and abroad for being as a means of training highquality anti-terror troops. This trust must not be waste. The trust is essential to establish international cooperation. “Transform JCLEC into a center of excellence. Our center cannot lose to similar centers in any country. The facilities are quite good, so I ask that the technique, tactics, and the real training methodology can be improved,� he said.

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Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC)

Curriculum Vitae Da’i Bachtiar • Police General (Retired), Former Chief of Indonesian National Police • Chairman, Indonesia Crime Prevention Foundation (ICPF) • Special Envoy to the President of Indonesia for Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area • Professor of Security and Counter Terrorism, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia • Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Malaysia Police General (Ret) Da’i Bachtiar has more then 30 years of service for the Indonesian National Police (INP). He has hold several key positions before reaching to the top of leadership in the INP, among others: Head of Public Information Service, Chief of National Criminal Investigation, Chief of East Java Regional Police Command, Head of National Police Academy, Executive Director of National Narcotics Coordination Board and the top position as the Chief of INP from 2001 - 2005. During his top leadership in the INP, Police General Da’i has built phenomenal project so-called “JAKARTA CENTER FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT COOPERATION” (JCLEC). This center is dedicated to cater for the need of law enforcement officers to practically study and learn the skills in the area of dealing with terrorism in the region. Police General Da’i is the one who directly has supervised the course of action for the rescue, recovery and investigation of Bali Bombing, J.W. Marriot and the one in front of Australian Embassy. Police General Da’i Bachtiar is currently assigned as a special envoy to President of the Republic of Indonesia for BIMP (Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippine) in East Asean Growth Area (EAGA), being responsible to enhance cooperation in the field of se32 | An Inspiration To Gather Global Power

Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC)

curity, economic and human resource development among members of East ASEAN countries. Apart from that Police General Da’i is also Chairman of Indonesia Crime Prevention Foundation, affiliated with ACPF in Japan, which has 80 branches all over Asia and the Pacific region. This foundation is actively promoting crime prevention and counter terrorism. Police General Da’i was educated at Police Academy, then pursued his further study in the College of Police Science, BKA Investigative Course in Wiesbaden, Germany, Police Staff and Command Course in Bandung, Joint Armed Forces Course, Senior Police Officer Course in Paris and one time studied at University of Bhayangkara, Indonesia, for his dedication for the security of global world he was awarded Professor from Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia. He lives in Jakarta and married with Ida Yulianti Bachtiar and has three children with 7 grandchildren. Police General Da’i has, several time, been invited as an international speakers on issues of terrorism and security related subjects including at Interpol 73rd General Assembly Meeting, Cancun, Mexico 2005; International Airport, Port and Transport Security Conference, Dubai, UAE, in April 2006; Airport and Maritime Security APS Asia Expo, Hong Kong, in June 2006, ASEANAPOL Conference, Bali in May 2005, Keynote Speaker at an International Seminar titled “Building International Cooperation Against Terrorism “, Jakarta, February 2006. During his time of service, he has attained some recognitions including: Medal of “Bintang Mahaputera Adi Pradana (the highest medal in Indonesia) conferred by the Government of Indonesia; Medal of Australian Order (AO) from the government of Australia and the Knight Order (Tan Sri) from the Royal Kingdom of Malaysia plus other 14 medals granted by the Government of Indonesia.

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Jakarta Center for Law Enforcement Cooperation

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