Kid Connect Jan-Feb 2015

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JAN./FEB. 2015


January/February 2015



Gentle Dental Care for the Whole Family! bb


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wwwzhealthysmileswenatcheezcom January/February 2015


Lessons Learned

photo taken by CLR Pho-

Nikki’s NotE

As I turn the calendar page to the new year, I am also reminded that my oldest daughter will be turning six years old this month! You would think that after being a mom for six years, I would have a few things figured out. However, I have to report: I have not yet perfected the art of parenting. Though, I feel like I have made great strides this year and can share a few of my lessons learned. Take Small Steps. After all, the great Martin Luther King Jr said this: “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” As long as you are moving forward and trying to improve, no matter how slowly, it is better than standing still. Every small step is an accomplishment.

Tone it Down. Birthdays, Hoildays, summer vacations, and even just weekends. Getting stressed about having the “best ever” of anything is not worth it. keep it small. keep it simple. It’s not the where you go, how much you do or how big of a party.... it’s about the quality of that time spent with your family. Cut your invite list in half. This will also cut your workload in half! And sometimes weekends need to just be spent at home, doing nothing. Get Involved. Nothing has been more fun this year than getting to volunteer in my child’s classroom and get to work with these beautiful, bright and fun kiddos! And the best feeling is getting the reserved one to crack a smile. Find a way to make a difference in someone’s life, no matter how small. Because I can guarenttee that YOU will be the one most blessed. Pracitice Gratitude. It’s so easy to be resentful of things you don’t have. Start a thankful journal and write three things every day that you are thankful for. You will find that your heart and your mind will be looking for these things more throughout the day than the negative things.


ki ox k i N C

Kid Connect PO BOX 347 Cashmere, WA 98815

Owner: Nikki Cox

(509) 834-8977

Advertising: Bonny Langford

(509) 433-4286 East Wenatchee Fred Meyer Gold’s Gym Library Upper Eastside Coffee Wenatchee Academic Toolbox Apple Valley Gymnastics Caffe Mela Gold’s Gym Library Performing Arts Center Safeway Smitty’s SPORT Gymnastics Wok About Grill Cashmere Aplets and Cotlets Brian’s Pizza Library Martin’s Marketplace Leavenworth Froyo Earth Good Mood Food Library Safeway Smallwood’s Harvest

Where to Find a Copy of Kid Connect For more options, visit:

Be More Selfish. You’ve heard the saying, “Happy wife, happy life”, and though we laugh about it, it really is true! Maybe this is more accurate: “Happy mom keeps the family calm”. So this year, I have intentionally set “dates” with other moms and friends to take a break and have some me time. It’s true that it’s easiest to accomplish this when you have as great of a husband as I have, who encourages it. But he has also learned how true this saying is. After just a bit of kid-free chat time with a friend, or an outing away from my normal environment, I am recharged and ready to go!

Volume 3, Issue 5 January/February 2015

it pays to follow us!

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W hat ’ s I nside ?



In This Issue 06 Skip the Resolutions! Instead.

Do This


34 All Seaons House Cleaning pg


7 Ways To Encourage Your Spouse’s Dreams

The Petersons

20 Are You Super Bowl Ready? 24 Calendar of Events 30 Weekly Events By Day 34 Story Times 50 Take 5 Devotional: Set Apart

03 Busk Family Dentistry 07 Academic Toolbox 09 Scarborought Fares 17 Country Financial 26 Family Expo 31 M O V E Gym 31 St. Paul’s Lutheran Church & Preschool

Scarborough Fares Delivery Service: New Delivery Business in Wenatchee

13 Navigating College Savings 18 Meet The Family:


Wenatchee Pediatric Dentistry


35 Inspirations Ceramic & Art Cafe

39 Faith Lutheran Church 41 Abundant Life

Chiropractic pg

January/February Cover Kids are the winners of the Kid Connect Seahawk Fan cover contest! These three handsome boys are Gabriel, Andrew, and Karym. Photos taken by Rebekah’s Photography,


42 Columbia Grove

Covenant Church

42 Saddlerock EPC 45 KI Fighting 47 SPORT Gymnastics 48 Wok About Grill 51 Columbia Valley Community Hospital

51 2 5

S.P.O.R.T. Gymnastics

Children’s Dentistry of Wenatchee

January/February 2015


A New Year

by Aricia Shaffer

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n s!

o i t u l o s e R

...Do this instead!

As we approach the end of the year, the idea of setting new resolutions seems the thing to do. Most often people will resolve the same or similar things year after year. Topping the list - losing weight, getting organized and saving more money. It’s not that those aren’t some terrific resolutions. They are. The problem is that usually we get all geared up, make a great start, find we can’t do it perfectly and quit. Then we feel bad about our efforts and dig into the cheesecake or go shopping. There are some wonderful articles about reframing resolutions to be goals that we don’t have to do perfectly. Or breaking big goals down into little bite sized nuggets we’re more likely to be able to handle. Creating a plan is another idea - so you have a manageable road map instead of some huge, nebulous monster you have to wrestle to the ground. I’d like to propose a different idea. Instead of setting goals or making resolutions, create a yearly bucket list.


We hear of people doing this as they get older or if they get sick. But most of us won’t know when we’re going to be exiting the planet. And while we may pass away five pounds thinner or with a beautifully organized closet, I think it may be more important to do the things we’ve always wanted to do. The best way to start is to create a long list of everything you want to do. No limitations. You never know when opportunities may present themselves. Do you want to scuba dive in Australia? Start a non-profit? Serve in the Peace Corp? Learn to play the violin? Get that stuff on a list! Then break it down into what you will do this year. Get your spouse, kids, friends and co-workers involved. If you share some dreams, maybe you can make them happen together with the added benefit of enriching your relationships! It may be that at the end of next year, you’re crossing things off your bucket list or getting closer to accomplishing them but it’s certainly more refreshing than creating puritanical restrictions on yourself. And along the way, you may find that you lose weight having adventures, get organized as a means to an end and save money because you’re doing what you love so you’re not having to invest in so much retail therapy!

Aricia Shaffer is an author and therapist offering weekly drop in telephone mentoring groups in parenting and career development. She also writes for You can reach her at

January/February 2015


Local Business

Want something other than pizza delivered to your door? Stuck at home without a car, but your prescription is ready for pick-up? Does your office need a Starbucks pick-me-up? Want to make something specific for dinner, but you are missing a couple of ingredients—and you don’t want to wake the baby from his nap and load up all three kids into the car, out of the car, back into the car, then back out of the car—just for some milk, eggs and a loaf of bread?

New Delivery Service in Wenatchee Valley! By Nikki Cox


Well, fear not, my friends. Wenatchee has a new business in town! Scarborough Fares Delivery Services is a full service business here to serve you. With their amazing customer service, quick turnaround time and reasonable rates, your options of restaurant delivery just got a whole lot larger! Bryan Scarborough moved to Wenatchee in 2013 from Northern California. He has started doing deliveries there with his previous Taxi business and it seems to generate a lot of excitement in the community. So after moving to Wenatchee, he decided to try

something new and focus solely on the delivery service. Deliveries of anything—restaurants, grocery stores, pharmacy, dry cleaning, buy flowers or a gift and deliver them—you name it. He is happy to give people options other than pizza and help folks who, for whatever reason, can’t shop for themselves. Or who maybe just want to be spoiled once in a while…! Scarborough Fares launched in September of 2014. As of right now, he is a one man operation, but is looking forward to growing and added more vehicles and employees in the near future.

So how does it work? It’s simple, really. Just call (509) 423-1956 first, before placing an order of any kind. You choose the restaurant or store and they do the rest. There are more details on the website, sfareswenatchee., and I encourage you to check it out! The cost is $10 for most deliveries, but really just depends on the size of the order and how far the delivery is from town. Senior Citizens get a discount and most deliveries are $8 for them. Scarborough also accepts debit and credit cards for payment.

I encourage you to check out their website, like them on Facebook, give them a try, let them know that Kid Connect sent you, and then tell your friends! In a community where most things are spread by word of mouth, let’s help Scarborough Fares out and let the people know! Now, back to thinking about making dinner tonight—I am thinking that Olive Garden sounds pretty tasty right now. Gee, I wish they delivered…

Bryan prides himself on his amazing customer service and going the extra mile. And his reviewers offer no reason to believe he provides otherwise! “This was EXACTLY what I needed when I needed it. So VERY glad that this service exists in the Wenatchee area! Bryan is courteous, professional, amiable and extremely accomodating. Highly recommend!” Matt Hoffman “Contacted Scarborough Fares and had a really great experience. Bryan was able to get to the store and pick up some items I had forgotten and bring them to my house. It was very affordable and easy to deal with. I will be using again!!!” Andrew Hickman “Fast and reliable delivery service, perfect for a last minute emergency when I couldn’t get out of the office!” Heather Miller

January/February 2015



Ways to Encourage Your Spouse’s Drea ms By Lara Krupicka

During a date night in the Ikea cafeteria, I discovered a new way for my husband and I to express our love for each other. I asked him if he had any goals for the next few years - something new he’d like to pursue. Tentatively he shared an invitation he received to run for a position in a sporting organization. After discussing how it would impact our family time, we agreed when the time came, he should go for it. It was one of our best date night conversations since our eldest child was born. Most of us are starry-eyed on our wedding day. We talk of hopes for the future. We envision an idyllic family life. And we eagerly support each other’s goals and ambitions. Fast-forward to life with youngsters. Conversations revolve around the kids’ needs and activities. Reality smacks the stars out of our eyes. But sometimes all we need to revive a bit of the old eagerness is to circle back to those hopes and dreams. This Valentine’s Day why not surprise your spouse by encouraging them toward a life goal. Try one of these seven ways to say “I love you”:



Think back to what she talked about before you wed. Did she want to take a particular trip or master a certain skill? The fact that you haven’t forgotten speaks volumes about how much you love her. You could say, “Remember how you used to want to...? Does that still interest you?” Listen carefully to her response. Has she outgrown that desire? Or did she write it off as unlikely in your current season of parenthood? Discuss what appeals to her about that pursuit. Affirm her being worthy of completing her goal - now or in the future.


If I hadn’t posed the question of goals, my husband may have never revealed his thoughts. It could have been a missed opportunity. If you are not sure of your spouse’s current desires, be direct and ask. During a quiet moment where you’ll be undisturbed by kids, ask him, “If you could do anything new or different during the coming five years, what would it be?” You may encounter silence. Be patient and ask again at a later date. When he does share, respond with an upbeat reaction. Renew the “sky is the limit” attitude you shared as newlyweds.


It can be discouraging to voice a longing without any hope of seeing it come to fruition. Once you know what your spouse hopes to do, create a plan - either on your own, or together. Look at what next steps can be taken. It may be as simple as giving your assent (as I did with my husband). Sign up for a class. Research travel options. Or set aside a portion of your budget to fund their dream, with a projected goal date for reaching full funding. Take action to demonstrate your willingness to help them reach their hopedfor destination.


Look for a tangible element that furthers or represents the goal. Turn it into a gift: a travel bag for a future trip, a voice recorder to take notes for that book she wants to write, or a certificate to a desired photography class. Seeing her dream encapsulated in a physical form can be a powerful reminder of your love.

January/February 2015



It’s not like we don’t know how to sacrifice. As parents we do it daily. And we do so gladly. But ponder this - when did you last sacrifice for your spouse (okay, so maybe it was last weekend when you woke early with the kids and let him sleep in)? Consider whether you could give something up in order to allow your spouse to move closer to his goal. Then offer it. The tenderness of your gesture won’t go unnoticed. And even if it doesn’t fulfill his goal immediately, he’ll understand the depth of your commitment to his future.


If you’re able to act at once, do it. Don’t put off what she has already been waiting for. Send her on that adventure with your blessing. Give her time to engage in that activity. If possible, share the experience. And in the days leading up to the goal, anticipate it with her. Create a countdown. Leave notes reminding her you’re thinking about what a great experience it will be.


Once your spouse has completed their goal, take time to celebrate. Better yet, plan a celebration in advance. What will you do to recognize the accomplishment? Will you be at the finish line of the marathon with a banner welcoming him? Could you order canvases of her best photographs from that class to display in your home? Be creative about how you will commemorate the success. The celebration can continue on long after the event itself, a standing reminder of your care and support. We all have goals and dreams. But there’s nothing like having someone in our corner who is invested in seeing us across the finish line. And who better than your spouse. Decide which of these methods you can incorporate into your observance this Valentine’s Day (and in the years to come). Your marriage and family could be all the richer for it.

Lara Krupicka is a parenting journalist, mom of three and author of Family Bucket Lists: Bring More Fun, Adventure & Camaraderie Into Every Day. She can’t wait to explore with her husband new ideas for what he’ll do in the future.


Navigating College Savings Pete Luchini, a local CPA, walks you through your options

Whether your child is in utero, in the last year of high school, or at some point in between, you’ll likely have pondered how to get said dependent through college. The easy answer is, as with many financial questions, it depends. Having good information and making a plan is the key to success. Planning for a very young child will look very different from planning for someone nearing graduation. Determining when you need to start saving, how much you’ll need to save, and in what method you’ll do the saving are the first steps to consider. These all depend on your individual circumstances. It’s important to remember one simple fact: while you can borrow for college, you can’t borrow for retirement. If you are not taking advantage of a company-provided match for 401(k) contributions or fully funding an IRA for yourself, you may need to consider that saving for college isn’t a top priority at present. A good financial planner can look at your circumstances and give you a recommendation if you need help in making this determination. ...continued on next page

January/February 2015


College Savings

Let’s, however, assume you are on track to have a reasonable retirement and that you are interested in assisting your child in paying for postsecondary education. There are a number of ways to set money aside for college: 529 plan, a Coverdell Education Savings Account, a UGMA/UTMA account, qualified U.S. savings bonds, a Roth IRA, or any other account in your name designed to save. All 529 plans are generally sponsored by individual states and are either savings plans or pre-paid tuition plans. Using a 529 savings plan, your account would be similar to a traditional investment account with options for mutual funds, money market funds, etc. With the prepaid tuition plan, savers generally purchase units, at a set rate, to be

held toward future college tuition and expense costs. The difference between the two is that one is fully invested in the market while the other is generally invested in the rising cost of tuition. It’s not quite so simplistic, but that’s the gist. The pre-paid plans often include a premium, which makes them less attractive for children already nearing their college years. Prepaid plans are typically very worthwhile when buying for young children. A key fact about both plans is that the money can generally be spent at any school in any state that takes a Federal Application for Financial Student Aid (FAFSA.) These can be private universities, state schools, community colleges, and technical or vocational schools. Washington State’s 529 plan is a prepaid tuition plan called the GET (Guaranteed Education Tuition).

Washington State law guarantees the investment in the units purchased. You may purchase up to 500 units (currently $172 per unit), which equates to five years of college tuition as a resident undergraduate at UW or WSU. Units go further at less expensive institutions. If your child goes to Wenatchee Valley Community College for two years and then to Central Washington University for two years, 500 units will be too many. With both plans, the tax benefit is that the investment grows tax free over time and no taxes are paid when the money or the units are used to pay tuition. A Coverdell Education Savings Account has a $2,000 per beneficiary per year contribution limit. The contributions must be made prior to the beneficiary attaining age 18, and the account balance must be used by age 30. There are also income restrictions, so if your earnings are over $95,000 for a single person, you may not be allowed to contribute. There is some flexibility in that some categories of K-12 expenses qualify. The downside to the 529 and Coverdell is when you’ve saved too much. That seems unlikely with today’s cost of college tuition, and while it is rare, it’s worth consideration. If you pull the money out for anything other than qualified costs, the penalty is 10% on the earnings in addition to your marginal income tax rate. The 529 and Coverdell both allow you to name a new beneficiary, so if there are younger siblings, transfers to alternate beneficiaries is often an option. Up to $10,000 in qualifying U.S. savings bonds have tax free earnings when they are used for qualified


tuition and fees expenses. In today’s interest rate environment, these haven’t necessarily kept up with the cost of inflation, so they are a very conservative method of college savings. One restriction is that the bond purchaser must be age 24 at the time of bond issuance. An UGMA/UTMA account (Uniform Gifts/Transfers to Minors Act) is a way to transfer or gift assets to children. Up to $1,000 in earnings and gains is tax exempt to the minor. Unearned income over $2,000 for some children is taxed at the parents’ rates. These accounts often take advantage of the annual gift tax exemption of $14,000 per donor per donee. That means Grandma and Grandpa can each gift $14,000 into one of these accounts in any given year, as well as the parents or any other relatives. In Washington, when the beneficiary (child) turns 21, the money is fully theirs to do with as they wish. Roth IRAs are intended to be retirement vehicles. But, if used properly, these can be a viable college savings option for a select group of account holders. The maximum annual investment is $5,500, but the account owner must have taxable compensation in order to contribute. If a son or daughter works in the family business or has a summer job, this is a great way to set money aside for

either college or retirement. Please consult a tax professional when using this option. If the limitations of a 529 plan are too great for your circumstance and you don’t want your kids to have all of the control but you still want to set money aside, doing so in any investment vehicle can be a good option. You’ll pay tax on the earnings and any gains that are harvested, but this may be best if you don’t know if your child(ren) will go to college. To further complicate matters is that the FAFSA, the federal aid form that almost everyone should fill out, factors in the parents’ and student’s assets when it determines how much the family can afford to pay. There is a complex calculation, but you are ultimately penalized on

needs-based aid for having saved in your or your child’s name. The good news is that academic scholarships generally aren’t based on need. The face of college has changed so much in the last decade. Keep in mind there are many ways to financially get through college now. Whether you believe in paying for your child’s postsecondary education or you believe they should borrow and/or work their way through is a personal decision that you will make as a family. Some very viable options are the local Running Start program which allows qualified high school students to take courses at Wenatchee Valley Community College during their junior and senior years at almost no cost to the family. Many of these students graduate high school with a two-year AA degree in their pockets as well. Even without running start, a community college is often a very affordable way to pay for the first two years of

January/February 2015


College Savings

schooling followed by a transfer to a state school for the remaining two years. Many students have successfully navigated this path. Private schools are sometimes a good option as well. They often provide academic aid which puts their overall costs in the same range as some state schools. The key is generally having a strong academic background in high school. This is true of most every school. Academic aid is the most common, and it goes to students who have earned good marks in high school. If you are counting on an athletic scholarship, be warned. These are much harder to come by. And, they are not very often the full ride that you’d hope for. Plus the rigors of maintaining a competitive athletic sport and studies can be challenging for some. By the time your son or daughter is ready to choose a college, you will have saved what you have saved, so the most important question you can ask yourself isn’t where should they go but what can you afford. Once that question is answered, you can move on to the where. Remember that good planning and dedication to savings will buy you freedom, the freedom of more choices when it comes to making decisions about college. As with any financial undertaking, consulting a trusted advisor is your best bet.

The following websites can be great resources as you consider your options:

**Pete Luchini is a Certified Public Accountant at Cordell, Neher & Company, PLLC. If you have any further questions and/or want to start saving today, give her a call at 509.663.1661

Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail. Start Today. Let This Be the Future of Your Children.


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January/February 2015


Meet The Family

The Petersons

Meet Brandon and Brenda Peterson and their 18 month old daughter, Briella. Yes, that’s right, all with the same initials, B.P! Brandon and Brenda are a fun-loving and energetic couple. They have a love of sports, travel, outdoor activities and anything they can do as a family. Brandon grew up here in Wenatchee, and then moved to Enumclaw for work, where he met Brenda in 2009, fell in love and got married in 2010. They moved back to Wenatchee in 2011 when Brandon got a new job with Millwright and they had their baby girl, Briella in 2013. Now at 18 months old, Briella is a happy, energetic and sweet baby girl, keeping her mama busy! And busy she is, as she plays a single mom role during the week while Brandon works out of town and is only able to come home on the weekends. Because of this unique situation, they are sure to squeeze in as much family time as they can when he is home. They love going to Wenatchee WILD games and are die-hard, full-blown Seahawk fans, never to miss watching a game!

photos taken by Rebkak’s Photography

One thing Brandon and Brenda are in need of more is date nights! Since Brandon is only home on weekends, they are excited to spend the time together as a family (and little Briella is anxious to spend time with her daddy) and finding time to get out together alone is quite a challenge. But for now, they are pushing through Briella’s youngest years, enjoying her quickgrowing stages and will continue to try and find some time to spend alone together as the New Year approaches.


When I was little, I dreamed about being:

not doing anything at all but being in each others company

Our favorite thing about living here is:

Mom: A nurse and a mom Dad: Tractor driver

If I was stranded on an island with one book and one meal, they would be:

Mom: We get to enjoy the outdoors and experience 4 real seasons! Dad: All the different aspects of Wenatchee… desert, river, mountains, lakes, etc

Now that we have kids….: Mom: Being a stay at home mom Dad: My childs hero

My kid surprise me because she: Mom: Grow so quick and has an amazing personality Dad: Learn and pick up on things so quickly

Our favorite family activity is: Mom: Watching Seahawks football Dad: Watching Seahawks football

Mom (Brenda) is the best at: Mom: Taking care of our home Dad: Being a good mom and a great wife

Dad (Brandon) is the best at: Mom: Being a great dad and husband. He works so hard to provide for our family by working out of town all week and not being home. He makes a lot of sacrifices to provide a good home for us. Dad: Providing for my family

What’s your secret for balancing it all? Mom: Not sure that I do… but I sure do try Dad: My wife

When the kids are all grown, we are going to: Mom: Miss them, but enjoy the time with my husband Dad: retire and travel

Mom: some kind of Italian and any type of romance novel…. But it would have to be a romance about real life, not the steamy yucky type Dad: Survival guide and abby’s pizza

What’s left on your bucket list? Mom: Wow hard question… I’ve never written one so not sure. I’d love to take a family trip and visit the national parks in the united states Dad: To do the rubicon trail in Colorado or Utah in my jeep

My favorite thing about Brandon is: Mom: His dedication to his family and job. He works so hard to provide for us, so I can stay home and raise our daughter.

My favorite thing about Brenda is: Dad: Her caring open heart and nurturing instincts

Before I had kids, I never thought I’d: Mom: I could love someone so much, before I met them. Dad: Enjoy being a dad so much

Favorite family hang-out in Wenatchee area: Mom: Wenatchee Wild Hockey Dad: Wenatchee Wild Hockey

Our go-to place to eat in Wenatchee: Mom: Red Robin or Bob’s Classic Dad: Bob’s Classic

Something that might surprise you about me is: Mom: I’m shy! Dad: How big of a softy I am when it comes to my daughter

What I love about our family is: Mom: The time we get to spend together Dad: We are perfectly content with

January/February 2015




l w o READY? B er

Gone are the rowdy college days. We are parents now. Responsible, mature, and good role-models. But who says we have to be boring? Finding a babysitter is most likely not an option on Super Bowl Sunday, as everyone else will also want to watch the game. So why not just make YOUR party the kid-friendly party and welcome the little ones to join in on the festivities! Here are a few tips to get you started.

PRE-GAME PARTY Have the kids over either before the party starts or, even better, let the kids have a sleep over the night before and you can do these fun pre-game activities the day before: Football Paper Chain These are so easy to make and are a fun décor item for the party! Just use brown construction paper and either white paint or glue on the white paper, cut out like laces.


By Nikki Cox

Let them make some chicks in a blanket (a slightly healthier version of pigs in a blanket) while you prepare the rest of the food for the big day. See recipe in the sidebar Prepare a backdrop for a photo booth Set up a designated area to have pictures taken. You can use something as simple as attaching a football tablecloth to the wall, placing a few balloons to either side and adding a couple layers of the football paper chain across the top. Get some fun props, or at least a football and some pomp oms (a great craft your kiddos could also make!) and click away! Get your game faces on! Simple face paint designs of footballs, stars, eye black (you know, the lines under the football players’ eyes), or all out face masks in your favorite teams’ colors are a fun addition for the kiddos at your party. They will surely make a dash to the photo booth after their game faces are on!

Chicks in a Blanket

Ingredients 1 package crescent roll dough 4 chicken apple sausages, or another flavor of your choice Yellow mustard, for dipping DURING THE GAME Football Bingo This will be a fun way for slightly older kids to enjoy the game with you. Visit to print out 8 different game boards for this fun bingo game! Watch the game and fill in your board as you see the items/ actions on your card. Be sure you pick up some small prizes for the winners! Football Helmet designs Find some free printables online for football helmets (here’s a good source: ) have a design contest and have a small prize for the winner. Word searches, crossword puzzles, color pages, etc There are numerous resources online where you can print off free activities for the kids to stay busy while the adults watch the game. There are football word searches, football crossword puzzles, football themed color pages, etc. Print off a slew of them for the kids to sit down and do intermittently through the

Directions 1. Preheat oven to 375ÂşF. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. 2. Carefully unravel crescent dough and divide it into four rectangular pieces. Wrap each sausage around one piece of dough, pinching edges of dough to seal it tightly around sausage. 3. Use a serrated knife to cut doughwrapped sausages into 6 equal pieces. There should be 24 pieces altogether. 4. Bake for 12-14 minutes or until dough is golden brown and sausage is heated through. Serve hot with mustard for dipping. January/February 2015


game. They can’t always be jumping off the walls, right?!? Let them go outside! If the weather permits, let them play outside while the game is on. Flag football, sardines, hide and go seek, etc. Or, you can set up an obstacle course for them and let them have their own competitions. Half Time Talent Show To miss or not to miss the Katy Perry half time show? We all know that half time is usually more about refilling our snacks (and drinks!), catching up on our chatter with our friends and taking bathroom breaks. Yeah, the half time show is still playing in the background, but I think it is one of those events that are WAY better if you were there in person. So maybe while it is still playing in the background (maybe even with the captions on), you could take a quick break to let the kids perform their talent show. Keep their “talents” to 90 seconds each, vote by clapping, and then you can get back to Katy. The kids will have gotten some wiggles out, feel accomplished and (hopefully) have gotten their fill of front-andcenter-attention. Practicing for their talent show would also be a great activity to keep them busy during the first half!


Consider having the game on multiple places If you are an expert Super Bowl party planner, you will already have the game on in every room and perhaps even a small one set up in the bathroom, so you and your guests are guaranteed to not miss a beat! But having a separate place for the kids to gather and watch is a great idea, since they can do a bit more talking (and squealing, laughing, running, wrestling, whining and complaining!) than the adults tend to care for while watching the game. It gives them the freedom to move around instead of sitting still and being a bit noisy instead of always being hushed. Trust me. It’s a must. Of course, they are welcome to watch with the adults, but they have the option of either environment and know the expectations/limits of each room.

THE FOOD Just like for adults, the food is also a main component for the kiddos! Treats that are “special occasion” eats, snacks, desserts…. The list goes on. This is the most important aspect of the party. Not necessarily the specific TYPE of food that is served, but that there is a lot of it and a good spread of choices. Kids are naturally pickier eaters and so if you have a good spread, they are bound to like something. Also, try to think about who is on your guest list. Vegetarians? Vegans? Dairy free? Allergic to nuts? Gluten Free? While ALL the


Creating a photo booth and props is a fun way to keep both kids and adults entertained! These are also great projects for the kiddos to help with!

silverware and napkins during the super bowl. If you are having chili, taco soup, or anything else requiring a bowl, be sure to pick up those as well.


food doesn’t have to cater to these specific people (unless there are severe allergies, then you may consider it!), there should be options for everyone. The possibilities are endless. You can have a theme or not. You can have all appetizers or do a full meal. My suggestions? Make it easy. As important as the food is, it does not mean that it all needs to be fancy or homemade! Pizza, chips and dips, slow cooker chili, fruit and veggie platters, a cookie tray, a cheese ball and crackers…. These can all be purchased. If you choose just 2-3 items to make, it will look like you have done a lot! If budget is an issue, ask everyone who is coming to bring something. Other popular favorites among both adults and kids are mini sliders (hamburgers or pulled pork), kabobs, taco bar, and many more! And don’t forget the drinks! Not only beer, but maybe a cocktail, or some wine. And don’t forget the non-alcholic drinks as well. Sparkling cider, punch (though, don’t go for bright red…. It is bound to spill and get all over your carpet!), water (you can do cute water bottle labels to make it more personalized), capri-suns, lemonade, soda, etc. Also, don’t go all fancy for the Super Bowl party. Use paper plates, paper cups, etc. Make sure the garbage can is in clear view, pulled out from under the sink (if you are like me and keep it there!) and have plenty of garbage sacks on hand and close by. Costco always has great themed party packages with cups, plates,

Don’t be shy in rallying in the troops to help with the clean up! Whether it’s taking out the garbage, condensing the food to smaller Tupperware, popping balloons, taking down decorations, folding up extra chairs, putting furniture back where it belongs, vacuuming…. You name it. Take advantage of the extra hands while you have them! You can reward the help by sending them home with a plate of leftovers! If you leave all the cleaning for yourself, chances are you are going to forget all the fun you just had and vow to never host a party again! Take the help, then fall into your favorite recliner once everyone is gone and give yourself a pat on the back for throwing the best Super Bowl party ever!

Follow Kid Connect on Pinterest for even more ideas, resources for free activity printables, recipes & decor inspiration for YOUR Super Bowl Party!

January/February 2015


Ashlynn, Conley, and Tenley McGinnis

Day by Day Calendar Your Guide to FUN in the Wenatchee Valley Note from Nikki: We are ultimately a calendar of events for kid and family activities. However, you will notice that on occasion, I will throw an adult only event in as well. No need to panic, I just feel that sometimes (or rather, a LOT of times!), parents need a date night, moms need a girls night out, or there may be a fundraiser benefiting youth that I feel us adults shoud support. While it is not an enclusive calendar with ALL events happening in the Valley for adults (there are other great publications for that!), this will explain why I throw in a few every now and then. Also, don’t miss the weekly events in a separate box on page 32! We have them placed there so that they don’t jam up the entire calendar, hiding other new events. We hope this makes your planning a little easier as you can go through and highlight, for yourself, the events you want to attend this Fall. Happy Planning and Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 30 Story Time 10:30am and 1:00pm at Academic Toolbox



Cohen & Malakai Davis

2nd Annual New Years Eve Concert and Apple Drop 8:00pm at Pybus Market. Square Productions presents the 2nd Annual New Years Eve Apple Drop at Pybus Market with acclaimed Seattle sensation Vaudeville Ettiqette, Wenatchee’s Gideon’s Daughter, and a special VIP performance by Portland comedian Nathan Brannon! This will be an unforgettable evening of celebration and the best way to ring in the New Year in all of NCW! Tickets are $15 advance, $20 door, $65 VIP. Get tickets and more information at: http:// New Year’s Party/Overnighter Drop the kids off for an awesome night of games, gymnastics, arts & crafts, pizza, movies and more! Call 667-1538 to Register now! The party only is from 6pm-11pm


and is $25. The Overnighter party is from 6pm-9am and is $40 for the first child, $35 for siblings. The proceeds go to scholarships and team expenses. For more information, call the number above or visit sportgymnastics. com

THURSDAY, JANUARY 1 Frozen Movie! Free showing at 7pm at Icicle Junction Activity Center in Leavenworth. For more information, call 1-800-961-0162

FRIDAY, JANUARY 2 Open Gym 7:00pm-9:00pm at Apple Valley Gymnastics. For kids 5-15 years old. $12 for the first child, $8 for siblings. Parents must sign kids in!

SATURDAY, JANUARY 3 NCW Bridal Premiere 10-5pm at Town Toyota Center, 1300 Walla Walla St. in Wenatchee. FREE entrance! Featuring Wedding & Reception Venues, Wedding Planners,

Wedding Gowns, Bridesmaids Dresses, Tuxedos, Floral, Catering, Wineries, Jewelry, Photographers, DJ’s, Health & Fitness, Specialty Event Rentals, & so much more! Be sure to register to WIN some of the many door prizes! View the many gorgeous Wedding Gowns, Bridesmaids Dresses. All of NCW’s première bridal & wedding professionals will all be available to speak with, answer questions & assist you. For more information, call Katrina Anderson at 509-662-1691 Home Depot Kid Workshop Learn How to Build a Mini Sled, 9am-noon Free hands-on workshop designed for kids 5 to 12, All kid get to keep their craft, receive a FREE certificate of achievement, a Workshop Apron, and a commemorative pin while supplies last. Pre-registration appreciated: http://workshops. kids-workshops Recycle Your Christmas Tree! 8:00am-4:00pm at Chelan County Public Works Ship, 310 Easy St. The Boy Scouts are sponsoring a Christmas Tree Recycling program. Drop off your Christmas tree to be chipped and recycled. Christmas trees can be dropped off for free. There is an optional $5.00 donation which would benefit the scholarship fund for Troop 7 Boy Scouts


Evangelical Presbyterian Church entitled “Perspectives on the World Christian Movement” Mondays 6pm-9pm @ Grace City Church office, go to www. for more info.

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7 Junior Roller Derby Info Meeting 7pm at Leavenworth Fest Halle 5 months long, open to ages 6-17. Meet the coach, get your questions answered and then feel free to stay and observe the league practice afterwards at 8pm. Teaches kids how to skate and how to play roller derby. There will be practice one night per week for two hours. Cost is $40 per month. CPR Class 1:30pm at Cornerstone Christian Church in Wenatchee. Put on by Leavenworth Learning Become CPR certified by taking this class and passing the test at the end of class for a 2 year CPR certification. Cost is $55. For more information, visit Registration is required. First Aid Class 6:00pm at Cornerstone Christian Church in Wenatchee. Put on by Leavenworth Learning Become First Aid certified by taking this class and passing the test at the end of class for a 2 year First Aid certification. Cost is $55. For more information, visit www.leavenworthlearning. org. Registration is required.

Financial Peace University will help you achieve your financial goals by showing you how to eliminate debt, save for the future, and give like never before. You will be challenged and motivated to make a plan for your money and change your family tree forever. Visit for more information about the class, about Dave Ramsey or to register online! If you have never taken this class, NOW is the time! It really is amazing and can be life changing! This is YOUR year! Upcoming nine week Classes available in January: Wenatchee Free Methodist Church 1601 5th Street, Wenatchee Starts: Jan 18th at 6:00pm 662-1502 Living Hope Community Church 11 North Chelan Ave, Wenatchee Starts: Jan 13th at 7:00pm 662-2558 The Living Room 230 N Georgia Ave, East Wenatchee Starts: Jan 11th at 6:00pm Valley View Seventh-Day Adventist Church 1201 10th St. NE, East Wenatchee Starts: Mar 8th at 7:00pm 884-3815 Saddlerock Evangelical Presbyterian Church 1400 South Miller Street, Wenatchee Starts: Jan 11th at 9:00am 663-1187 Gateway Cinemas sponsored by Saddlerock EPC 151 Easy Way, Wenatchee, WA Starts: Jan 13th at 6:30pm 663-1187

Beginning of a 15-week class sponsored by Saddlerock

January/February 2015


o Connect o Interact o Enjoy o


Third SecondAnnual Annual

Saturday March 29th 7 March


10:00am-3:00pm 10:00am - 3:00pm @ Wenatchee High @ the Sportsplex

School ------------------________________ Tickets Tickets

Family EXPO

Photo Booth Pacific Science Center on Wheels: Engineering fun! Photo Booth

Event Sponsored By:

Free Giveaways

$3 Adults

$4 Adults $2 Kids Ages 3-17 $3 Kids 3ages Under are 2-17 FREE Under 2 are FREE

Face Painting Music Philip & Henry: The amazing magicians! Activities Games PacificFree Science Giveaways! FunCenter for the whole family! Inflatables Agility Meet Your Favorite Superhero! Bring Course Gymnastics canned food for Meet Your Favorite Princesses! local Fun food banks

and be entered to win some great prizes!

Inflateables, Games, Activities! Agility Course, Face painting And SO much more!

**For vendor information or to reserve a booth, please email or call Nikki at (509) 834-8977**



Largest in t he resource r Valley fo ily Kid & Fam ! activities

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January/February 2015


Junior Roller Derby! Is your daughter interested in Derby? Check out the all-new Junior Derby! An informational meeting will be held on January 7th, 7:00pm at Leavenworth Festhalle. The program is 5 months long, open to ages 6-17. Meet the coach, get your questions answered and then feel free to stay and observe the league practice afterwards at 8pm. Teaches kids how to skate and how to play roller derby. There will be practice one night per week for two hours. Cost is $40 per month.

THURSDAY, JANUARY 8 “Of Mice and Men” 7pm at the Snowy Owl Theater Golden Globe® winner and Academy Award® nominee James Franco (127 Hours, Milk) and Tony Award® nominee Chris O’Dowd (Bridesmaids, Girls) star in the hit Broadway production Of Mice And Men, filmed on stage by National Theatre Live and broadcast to Snowy Owl Theater. This landmark revival of Nobel Prize winner John Steinbeck’s play is a powerful portrait of the American spirit and a heartbreaking testament to the bonds of friendship. Advance tickets $10. Door tickets $13. **Contains Adult Content Make It A Play Date 10am at the YMCA, FREE While kids play and make new friends. Talk with other parents. Interactive songs and activities for children. Ages 6 months to 5 years old. Call the Y for questions: 509-662-2109

Lexi Cox Emy Yarbrough


Women’s Escape 9am-12:30pm at Mission Ridge A day of skiing or snowboarding, socializing and professional coaching for ladies only! Check in begins upstairs in the lodge at 9:00 a.m. We’ll divide in to groups according to ability level and take off with our teams at 9:30am. Women’s Escape is designed for beginners all the way up to the advanced skiers and riders. After a morning of coaching, we’ll meet back at the lodge for lunch and more socializing. Afterwards, you’re free to head out again and try anything new

you learned and hopefully with a few new friends! For more information, visit missionridge. com/events

FRIDAY, JANUARY 9 Open Gym 7:00pm-9:00pm at Apple Valley Gymnastics. For kids 5-15 years old. $12 for the first child, $8 for siblings. Parents must sign kids in!

SATURDAY, JANUARY 10 Bob Eubanks: The Not-SoNewlywed Game 7:30pm at the PAC “The Not so Newlywed Game” is a live replica of the television game using four local married couples: Clyde & Ruth Ballard, Dave & Linda Herald, Scott & Jennifer Devereaux, and Norma Gallegos & Gustavo Montoya. It’s the perfect date night! Bob narrates hilarious clips from the TV show then plays a version of the original Newlywed Game. PLUS one lucky audience member will be chosen at random for a chance to WIN $100,000!! This event is sponsored by your very own Kid Connect! Adult tickets start at $30 and are available at, at the PAC box office or by calling 663-ARTS. Spanish CPR & First Aid Class 8:00am -2:30pm at Cornerstone Christian Church in Wenatchee. Put on by Leavenworth Learning. Become CPR & First Aid certified by taking this class and passing the test at the end of class for a 2 year CPR & First Aid certification. Cost is $55. For more information, visit

. . e r r the ’ e w e e s g u a Bec tter to be During the season of early mothering, MOPS gives you the support and resources you need to be a great mom.

om M to ry Eve vited n is i OPS M

Food Fun Fellowship

Child care provi ded! Wenatchee

Where: Wenatchee Free Methodist Church When: 9am-11am; 2nd and 4th Tuesdays Contact: Jill Thayer, 509-393-4461 or Facebook:


Where: Church of the Nazarene When: 9-11am, select Fridays of each month Contact: Andrea Baker, 509-881-1592 Facbook:

East Wenatchee

Where: Faith Lutheran Church When: 9am-11am; 2nd and 4th Wednesdays Contact: Tori Jeffris, 630-3823 Facebook:


Where: Quincy Free Methodist Church When: 9-11:15am, Tuesdays Fall Session ends November 18th Spring Session: March 3-April 14 Contact: Katie Westby, 360-201-4323, Tierra Bierlink, 509-398-1804

January/February 2015


Weekly Events by Day EVERY MONDAY Indoor Park @ Apple Valley Gymnastics, 230 S Columbia in Wenatchee 9:30-11am, for ages 5 and under. $7 per child, $3 for siblings. Kaleidoscope Play and Learn Group A Free, fun and interactive time for the children in your life to learn through play! 10am-11:30 at Cahmere United Methodist Church, 213 S Division in Cashmere. For more information, please contact Jordan Metulis at 662-6761. Story Time 10:30am at Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas Rd. Questions? Call 662-5021 Indoor Playground 9-11am at the Community Center Social Hall, 504 S Chelan nin Wenatchee. $1/$1.25 per child. The program is designed for toddlers and parents to have a warm place to play during the cold winter months. For more information, call Wenatchee Parks and Rec at 888-3283

EVERY TUESDAY Citizenship Classes FREE; 6:30-8:30p, at Faith Lutheran Church, 224 Benton Street in Leavenworth. Citizenship classes to prepare for the citizenship application & exam. Bi-lingual classes Tuesday nights, Materials provided, English classes are offered simultaneously. Employers inform your employees! Takes place at P.D. Elementary. You can join classes any time! For more info, email office@ or call 548-7010. Play Gym 9:30am-11:00am at SPORT Gymnastics, 10 S. Columbia St. For 6 years old and under. $5 per child or $9 per family. Story Time East Wenatchee Library, 271 9th Street. 10:30am Stories, songs, poems, action rhymes. Questions? Call 782-3314 Story Time


10:30am at Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas Rd. Questions? Call 662-5021 Pajama Story Time 7:00pm at Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas Rd. Come in your PJ’s! For all ages! Questions? Call 662-5021 Story Time 1:30pm at Leavenworth Library 700 Highway 2 in Leavenworth Indoor Playground 9-11am at the Community Center Social Hall, 504 S Chelan nin Wenatchee. $1/$1.25 per child. The program is designed for toddlers and parents to have a warm place to play during the cold winter months. For more information, call Wenatchee Parks and Rec at 888-3283

EVERY WEDNESDAY Play Gym 10am-11:30am at SPORT Gymnastics, 10 S. Columbia St. For 6 years old and under. $5 per child or $9 per family. Story Time Cashmere Library, 300 Woodring St. 10:00am Got Questions? Call 782-3314 Story Time 10am at Peshastin Library, 8396 Main St Wuestions? Call 548-7821 Story Time 10:30am at Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas Rd. Questions? Call 662-5021 Story Time 10am at Entiat Library, 14138 Kinzel St. Questions? Call 748-1517 WVC Hepcats Swing Dance Lesson from 7-8pm, Dance from 8-10pm. All ages welcome! $5/night or $35 year membership. Come as you are and no need for a partner!

Line Dancing 7:00pm at Alt 12 Fitness in Wenatchee. Free for members, $5 for non-members. More info, 289-0125 Indoor Playground 9-11am at the Community Center Social Hall, 504 S Chelan nin Wenatchee. $1/$1.25 per child. The program is designed for toddlers and parents to have a warm place to play during the cold winter months. For more information, call Wenatchee Parks and Rec at 888-3283

EVERY THURSDAY Scottish Dancing 6:30pm at Irish Dance Studio in Wenatchee. All levels welcome. more info, call 6633743 Kaleidoscope Play and Learn Group A Free, fun and interactive time for the children in your life to learn through play! 10:00am-11:30 at Wenatchee Public Library, 310 Douglas St. in Wenatchee. Play Gym 9:30am-11:00am at SPORT Gymnastics, 10 S. Columbia St. For 6 years old and under. $5 per child or $9 per family. Leavenworth Farmers Market 4pm-8pm @ Lions Club Park in Downtown Leavenworth. leavenworthfarmersmarket. org Story Time Quincy Library, 208 Central Ave. 10:30am Preschool Storytime 4:00pm Bilingual Storytime 2 Left Feet Public Dance Party 7pm at Pybus Market. Free to join in! For more information, call 888-390

EVERY FRIDAY Play Gym 10am-11:00am at SPORT Gymnastics, 10 S. Columbia St. For 6 years old and under. $5 per child or $9 per family.

Kaleidoscope Play and Learn Group A Free, fun and interactive time for the children in your life to learn through play! 9:00am-10:30am AND 11:00am12:30pm at Hope Childhood Development Center in Wenatchee. For more information, please contact Jordan Metulis at 662-6761. Baby/Toddler Story Time 10:00am at Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas Rd. Questions? Call 662-5021 Story Time 11:30am at Leavenworth Library, 700 Highway 2. Questions? Call 548-7923 Nights Out, Lights Out Public Ice Skate @ The Rink at Town Toyota Center. 7pm-9pm $5 admission, $2 skate rental. 667-7847, Mom & Tot Rosary Group 11am at St Joseph’s Church 625 S Elliott Ave, Wenatchee, WA in the Bride’s Room

EVERY SATURDAY Play Gym 9:30am-10:45am AND/OR 11am12:15pm at SPORT Gymnastics, 10 S. Columbia St. For 6 years old and under. $5 per child or $9 per family. Famer’s Market 8:00am-1:00pm Inside Pybus Market, 7 N Worthen St. in Wenatchee Opening Day: May 10th!! Social Dancing Waltz, Swing, Night Club, Latin, Country. 7:00pm on Saturdays at Mountainview Fitness in East Wenatchee. Beginner lesson until 7:30pm, open dance until 9:30pm, no partner needed. $5. For more information, 630-2947 Indoor Park @ Apple Valley Gymnastics, 230 S Columbia in Wenatchee 9:30-11am, for ages 5 and under. $7 per child, $3 for siblings.





All-In-One Gym KidFIT Kickboxing Tuesday @ 6:30pm

KidFIT Class Monday, Wednesday and Friday @ 6:15pm

Mommy & Me Tuesday @ 10am

$10 Drop-In, 11th Drop-In is always FREE 2619 Euclid Ave Suite E in Wenatchee, (702) 466-7467 or (509) 264-5344

January/February 2015

31 Registration is required.


January 17 & 18 in Leavenworth

Barvarian Ice Fest

Seattle Mariners Q & A and Autograph session 12:30-1:30pm at Pybus Public Market. They will also have prizes to give away!


Frozen themed Story Time 10:30am at Academic Toolbox Enjoy a story and maybe a craft or activity. And don’t forget to come dressed as your favorite Frozen character!

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14 CPR Class 1:30pm at Cornerstone Christian Church in Wenatchee. Put on by

Leavenworth loves winter, and each year on MLK Jr. weekend we celebrate winter’s bounty with IceFest! The village is still dressed in over half a million twinkling lights and this weekend is a flurry of frosty frivolity. Come celebrate winter with us! *Full schedule of events to come! Here’s a taste of what’ we’re planning* Snow Sculptures! Gather a team of five and register at 9am Saturday at the Gazebo to compete, or just enjoy our featured sculpture crafted by a family that has been coming to IceFest for 17 years! (Competition Saturday; sculptures up Sunday) IceFest Games & Activities! The Great Frisbee Sweep! The Ice Cube Scramble! Kid’s Crafts! Snowball Toss! Ice Fishing! Bavarian Mug Relay! Smooshing! Tug-O-War! (Saturday) Snowmobile Sled Pull! Let our local boys, the Bavarian Boondockers, give you a sled ride behind a snowmobile! (Saturday) Live Ice Carving! Ice. Chainsaws. Art. Need we say more? (Saturday; sculptures up Sunday) Dog Sled Rides on Blackbird Island! Our friends at Northwest Dog Sled Adventures would love to take you on the ride of your life through the trails on Leavenworth’s beautiful Blackbird Island! (Saturday & Sunday) Rail Jam Hosted by Stevens Pass! Stevens Pass comes to Leavenworth’s Front St Park! With a beer garden and DJ, you just have to decide whether you want to spectate or participate! (Saturday; click here to register) Chili Crawl! Follow our map featuring made-from-scratch chili at local area restaurants and businesses and vote on your favorite! (Sunday) Fireworks! We’ll end the festivities Sunday evening with a BANG! (Sunday) * Many of these events and activites are dependent on snow and may be cancelled, but we guarantee that IceFest will be a blast regardless of Mother Nature’s plans! Just like in 2014 when we threw a luau instead!

Leavenworth Learning Become CPR certified by taking this class and passing the test at the end of class for a 2 year CPR certification. Cost is $55. For more information, visit Registration is required. First Aid Class 1:00pm at Cornerstone Christian Church in Wenatchee. Put on by Leavenworth Learning Become First Aid certified by taking this class and passing the test at the end of class for a 2 year First Aid certification. Cost is $55. For more information, visit www.leavenworthlearning. org. Registration is required. Frozen themed Story Time 10:30am at Academic Toolbox Enjoy a story and maybe a craft or activity. And don’t forget to come dressed as your favorite Frozen character!

THURSDAY, JANUARY 15 Monthly Movie Series: Gone With The Wind 6:30pm at the PAC $5/Ticket, can be purchased at the PAC box office, online at or by calling 663-ARTS. Gone With The Wind is a 1939 American epic historical romance film adapted from Margaret Mitchell’s Pulitzer-winning 1936 novel. Set in the 19th-century American South against the backdrop of the American Civil War and Reconstruction era, the film tells the story of Scarlett O’Hara, the strong-willed daughter of a Georgia plantation owner, from her romantic pursuit of Ashley Wilkes, who is married to his

Tickets Start at $20! Restrictions, exclusions and additional charges may apply. Subject to availability.

Sat. JAN. 24 H 1:00 & 4:00 PM TOWN TOYOTA CENTER


Buy Tickets: • 509-667-7847 • Venue Box Office #DisneyLive

January/February 2015


cousin, to her marriage to Rhett Butler. This movie is rated PG and runs 238 minutes.

Got that “I need to clean the house but I want to play with the kids” feeling?

All Seasons House Cleaning the best of both worlds! Get 25% off your Deep Clean in January and February! Mention this ad & get 20% off! Contact us today All Seasons House Cleaning, 509-663-4130

“Pretty Faces” 7pm at the Snowy Owl Theater Pretty Faces is a film celebrating women who thrive in the snow. The concept for the film was originated by professional big mountain skier and SheJumps co-founder, Lynsey Dyer with the objective of giving women and girls, young and old, a source of inspiration through a unique look at what is possible when boundaries are broken, dreams captured and friendships cultivated. In Lynsey’s words “I wanted to give young girls something positive to look up to…I wanted to give them their Blizzard of Ahhs, Ski Movie or High Life, but done in a way that also shows the elegance, grace, community and style that is unique to women in the

mountains. Advance tickets $10. Door tickets $13.

FRIDAY, JANUARY 16 Wenatche WILD home game 7:05pm vs. Corpus Christi IceRays at Town Toyota Center. For tickets, visit tickets. Lake Chelan Winterfest January 16 - January 25 Lake Chelan Winterfest is an event for the whole family. Presented by the Lake Chelan Chamber of Commerce, Winterfest is a weeklong event spanning two weekends of ice sculptures, music, wine tasting, ale tasting, kids activities, polar bear splash, beach bonfire, fireworks and more! Plan your trip and create memories at the lake during Lake Chelan Winterfest, January 16–25. For more information, call 509-682-3503 or

Storytimes Cashmere Library

Chelan Library

300 Woodring 782-3314

310 Douglas Street 662-5021

417 Bradley 682-5131

Story Time: Wednesdays 10:00am

Story Time: Mon. Tues. & Wed. 10:30am

Story Time: Wednesdays 10:00am

East Wenatchee Library

Baby Rhyme Time: Fridays 10:00am in the Children’s room

14138 Kinzel Street 748-1517

271 9th Street NE 886-7404 Story Time: Tuesdays 10:30am Stories, Songs, Poems, Action Rhymes

Peshastin Library 8396 Main Street 548-7821 Story Time: Wednesdays 10:00am


Wenatchee Library

Pajama Story Time: Tuesdays 7:00pm Come in your PJ’s! All Ages

Leavenworth Library 700 Highway 2, 548-7821 Story Time: Tuesdays 1:30Pm

Entiat Library Story Time: Wednesdays 10:00am

Quincy Library 208 Central Ave, Quincy Story Time: Thursdays 10:30 Bilingual Story time: Thursdays 4:oopm

visit Piatigorsky Foundation Concert 6pm at WVC The Grove Recital Hall, Music and Art Center featuring Marcus Thompson, violinist, and Doris Stevenson, pianist


CPR & First Aid Class 9:00am -2:30pm at Cornerstone Christian Church in Wenatchee. Put on by Leavenworth Learning. Become CPR & First Aid certified by taking this class and passing the test at the end of class for a 2 year CPR & First Aid certification. Cost is $55. For more information, visit www. Registration is required. Bavarian IceFest Front Street Leavenworth, All Day, Fees vary Snow sculptures, games & activities, snowmobile sled pull, live ice carving, dog sled rides on Blackbird Island, Rail Jam hosted by Stevens Pass, Chili crawl, fireworks. For more information please visit: Multicultural and Martin Luther King Festival 10:00am-2:00pm at the Wenatchee Valley Museum. Annual Multicultural & Martin Luther King festival will celebrate our community’s diversity. Visitors will experience local multicultural groups from our community through booth displays

of art, food, crafts, clothes, and pictures. This fun event is free to the public! For more information, please call Linda at 888-6240

Snow Shoe Tours Winter Life Snow Shoe Tours Enjoy the winter season during a free guided snowshoe tour on the Icicle River Trail. No experience necessary and snowshoes are provided. Fridays 1pm. Saturday 10am and 1pm, Sundays 10am. Registration Required at www. or 509-548-2931

Wenatche WILD home game 7:05pm vs. Corpus Christi IceRays at Town Toyota Center. For tickets, visit tickets. Kid’s Club 11am-1pm at Wenatchee Valley Mall. Join the club and join the fun! Free events for the kids the third Saturday of every month. Membership is always free for kids 11 and under and comes with perks. Members receive a passport to every event, receive a star for attending and win cool prizes. Attend 3 events in a row and receive a Kid’s Club goody bag. Achieve perfect attendance

and receive a certificate and a Kid’s Club backpack.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 18 Bavarian IceFest Front Street Leavenworth, All Day, Fees vary Snow sculptures, games & activities, snowmobile sled pull, 400 Ninth Street Wenatchee, WA (509) 888.2464


Mon-Thurs. 9am-7pm Friday 9am-9pm Saturday 10am-9pm Sunday 12pm-5pm


pir ed


m beco


An energetic, fired-art studio where you can paint your own pottery and design your own fused glass creations. Currently Offering: Pottery Painting Project class the 1st Friday each month Fused glass class the 3rd Friday each month Birthday Parties, Bridal and Baby Showers, Ladies Night Out! January/February 2015


live ice carving, dog sled rides on Blackbird Island, Rail Jam hosted by Stevens Pass, Chili crawl, fireworks. For more information please visit: Bella Sera Event 10am-4pm at The Wenatchee Convention Center A showcase for the best wedding vendors in NCW Washington! There will be venues, photographers, caterers,limos, everything you need for your big day! The Bella Sera Fashion Show will be at 3pm on the PAC Stage. This year we are planning a high fashion runway show that’s sure to dazzle. You won’t want to miss this! Free Admission! For more information call Cindy or Debbie at 663-0121.

MONDAY, JANUARY 19 Frozen Day Camp 8:45am-3:45pmOffered by Stage Kids WA, this camp may be one of the “hottest” tickets in town for kids looking to have their fantasies come to life! Kids will make snow and other Frozen crafts, costumes, and treats. Plus fun with songs and scenes from one of their favorite Disney movies of all time. “Off-School” Day Camps are at the Numerica Performing Arts Center (PAC) for boys and girls in grades 1-5. Camp registration is $55/$45 for second child. Space is limited. Visit for more information and to register! The Compassionate Friends Sharing Meeting 7pm at Grace Lutheran Church (1408 Washington St. in Wenatchee) meetings are open to all bereaved


parents, grandparents, siblings and friends. Meet with others who are suffering the loss of a child, share your story and receive friendship, understanding, emotional support and more in a safe place. There are no fees or religious affiliation. Meets the third Monday of each month. For more information, contact Carol at 860-3620 or visit

Raeanna Dosch

THURSDAY, JANUARY 22 Our Town 7:30pm at Riverside Playhouse, 233 B N Wenatchee Ave. Thornton Wilder’s Our Town is an inspiring play about the transience and beauty of human life. Its apparent simplicity helps it appeal to a multitude of audiences, while also unveiling the devastating importance and impossibility to fully appreciate life in the here and now. Playwright Edward Albee has called Our Town “...the finest American play ever written.” Tickets can be purchased at the PAC box office, online at or by calling 663-ARTS. The Fantasticks 7:00pm at the Snowy Owl Theater in Leavenworth. The longest running show in the history of American musical theater. This wonderful story of fatherly abduction and the triumph of young Love will take you on a mystical adventure of crazy characters and magical interventions with songs like “Try to Remember” and “Soon It’s Gonna Rain.” Directed by S. Henry Hettick. Tickets are $20/each or $60 for a family. $24 at the door.

Brianna, Natalya and Keyonna

Joslyn and Laslene Perez

Baby Aspen, Sydney, and Macy

We hope your family had a great Christmas season and that your kids had as much fun as these cute Kid Connect readers!

Iliana Cabellero

Alyssa Orendain Ryan, Connor, and Mia Morrison

Madelynn, Easton, and Nicholas

Bryson and AJ

Belle and Zander

Hannah and Gabby Miller

January/February 2015


For more information, please contact the Box Office at (509) 548-6347 x47


Austin, Lexi, and Kylie

Child And Babysitting Safety (CABS) A Certification course for building a safe and successful babysitting business for 6-9th grade. Babysitting is usually a teenager’s first attempt at building and running a small business. Our Child and Babysitting Safety (CABS) course comes in a magazine-format guide designed to engage and inform the aspiring babysitter. It gives teenagers everything they need to know from getting started, to dealing with parents and children, to key safety, caregiving, and first aid tips. COURSE HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE:         

Safety and Injury Prevention Guidelines to make sure that everyone stays safe Leadership Strategies to build confidence when responding to conflict Play Time Basic Caregiving Skills Tips on age-appropriate play and staying involved Feeding, burping, diapering, and safe sleep practices First Aid A light, healthy snack will be provided. Please bring a sack lunch.


Saturday, January 24, 2015 at the Y 9:00 am - 3:00 pm (Please arrive 5 min early)


$50 Y Members $60 Community Member Space is limited, register in advance Registration closes January 21, 2015

Register: WWW.Wenymca.Org or Stop by the Y 217 Orondo Ave; Wenatchee, WA 98801 Questions: Call the Y at 509.662.2109


Our Town 7:30pm at Riverside Playhouse, 233 B N Wenatchee Ave. Thornton Wilder’s Our Town is an inspiring play about the transience and beauty of human life. Its apparent simplicity helps it appeal to a multitude of audiences, while also unveiling the devastating importance and impossibility to fully appreciate life in the here and now. Playwright Edward Albee has called Our Town “...the finest American play ever written.” Tickets can be purchased at the PAC box office, online at or by calling 663-ARTS. The Kingston Trio 7:30pm at the Numerica PAC Tickets start at $30 for adults, $20 for youth. This Trio brought the rich tradition of American Folk music into the mainstream for the first time in 1957. The enjoyed record sales and worldwide fame in the late 50s and early 60s. Through the changing times, the Trio has played on, remaining popular for a simple reason: great songs that sound as good today as the first time you heard them! Tickets available at, at the PAC box office, or by calling 663-ARTS. Open Gym 7:00pm-9:00pm at Apple Valley Gymnastics. For kids 5-15 years old. $12 for the first child, $8 for siblings. Parents must sign kids in!

The Fantasticks 7:00pm at the Snowy Owl Theater in Leavenworth. The longest running show in the history of American musical theater. This wonderful story of fatherly abduction and the triumph of young Love will take you on a mystical adventure of crazy characters and magical interventions with songs like “Try to Remember” and “Soon It’s Gonna Rain.” Directed by S. Henry Hettick. Tickets are $20/each or $60 for a family. $24 at the door. For more information, please contact the Box Office at (509) 548-6347 x47 Numerica Night = FREE 4:30pm-8:30pm at Mission Ridge Free skiing & snowboarding. Free live music. Good times and a very good night at Mission Ridge Jan. 23. Thanks Numerica! Numerica Credit Union is opening up Mission Rige for a speical evening of night skiing, music and fun. Family friendly. Fire pits. Beer garden, tasty food, hot chocolate, apple cider and a live band playing outside the ski school. Band TBD. For more information, visit

Visit to watch conference previews

SATURDAY, JANUARY 24 Disney Live! Pirate & Princess Adventure A never-before-seen live show featuring characters from Sofia the First and Jake and the Neverland Pirates, filled with new music, amazing effects, thrilling actions, and endless surprises! Includes a Doc

January/February 2015


McStuffins pre-show. Town Toyota Center, 1300 Walla Walla Ave Wenatchee 2 show times! 1pm & 4pm Tickets are $22-$49 Spanish CPR & First Aid Class 8:00am -2:30pm at Cornerstone Christian Church in Wenatchee. Put on by Leavenworth Learning. Become CPR & First Aid certified by taking this class and passing the test at the end of class for a 2 year CPR & First Aid certification. Cost is $55. For more information, visit www. Registration is required. Bundle-Up Festival 10am-2pm at Stanley Civic Center Fountain Plaza Join us in downtown for lots of family fun! S’mores, crafts, L-Bow the Clown, Kid’s 1K run, hay rides and MORE! For more information, visit wendowntown. org. Event is Sponsored by Wenatchee Pediatric Dentistry, Wenatchee Parks and Rec and Run Wenatchee. Bundle-Up Run (5K Run/Walk and 1K Kids Run) Third annual Bundle-Up is held in conjuction with the Bundle-Up Festival in downtown Wenatchee. Late January is a great time to get outside for a run or a walk and our course along the Wenatchee waterfront is ideal for such a jaunt! The first 500 people to sign up will get a free bundle-up coffee mug. The kids race is free for children 8 years and younger. Therre will also be a costume contest among the participants with many great prizes to give away. It will be


held adjanct to the Stanley Civic Center Plaza. The run benefits Wenatchee High School runners. Start time is 11:30 for the kids race, noon for the 5K run/walk. To register, go to bundleup. or on race day. For more information, visit or call 6302090. Our Town 7:30pm at Riverside Playhouse, 233 B N Wenatchee Ave. Thornton Wilder’s Our Town is an inspiring play about the transience and beauty of human life. Its apparent simplicity helps it appeal to a multitude of audiences, while also unveiling the devastating importance and impossibility to fully appreciate life in the here and now. Playwright Edward Albee has called Our Town “...the finest American play ever written.” Tickets can be purchased at the PAC box office, online at or by calling 663-ARTS. Child and Babysitting Safety 9am-3pm at the YMCA For 6th-9th graders. Babysitting is usually a teenager’s first attempt at building and running a small business. Our Child and Babysitting Safety (CABS) course comes in a magazine format guide designed to engage and inform the aspiring babysitter. It gives teenagers everything they need to know from getting started, to dealing with parents and children, to key safety, caregiving, and first aid tips. $50 for members, $60 community member. Space is limited, registration closes

on Jan. 21. Register at: www. or stop by the Y. Questions, call: 509-662-2109 The Fantasticks 2:00pm at the Snowy Owl Theater in Leavenworth. The longest running show in the history of American musical theater. This wonderful story of fatherly abduction and the triumph of young Love will take you on a mystical adventure of crazy characters and magical interventions with songs like “Try to Remember” and “Soon It’s Gonna Rain.” Directed by S. Henry Hettick. Tickets are $20/ each or $60 for a family. $24 at the door. For more information, please contact the Box Office at (509) 548-6347 x47 Bavarian Bruisefest Tournament Apple City Roller Derby 10am-6pm at Leavenworth Fest Halle. 6 teams competing all day in a round robin style tournament. Tickets available at Bavarianbruisefest.

THURSDAY, JANUARY 29 Our Town 7:30pm at Riverside Playhouse, 233 B N Wenatchee Ave. Thornton Wilder’s Our Town is an inspiring play about the transience and beauty of human life. Its apparent simplicity helps it appeal to a multitude of audiences, while also unveiling the devastating importance and impossibility to fully appreciate life in the here and now. Playwright Edward Albee has called Our Town “...the finest American play ever written.”

Tickets can be purchased at the PAC box office, online at or by calling 663-ARTS. Great Bear Stakeout 7:00pm at the Snowy Owl Theater in Leavenworth Great Bear Stakeout presents the secret life of the grizzly. Get closer than ever before to North America’s grizzy bear. A must see film for any bear-lover! Tickets are $10 in advance or $13 at the door. For more information, visit Women’s Escape 9am-12:30pm at Mission Ridge A day of skiing or snowboarding, socializing and professional coaching for ladies only! Check in begins upstairs in the lodge at 9:00 a.m. We’ll divide in to groups according to ability level and take off with our teams at 9:30am. Women’s Escape is designed for beginners all the way up to the advanced skiers and riders. After a morning of coaching, we’ll meet back at the lodge for lunch and more socializing. Afterwards, you’re free to head out again and try anything new you learned and hopefully with a few new friends! For more information, visit

FRIDAY, JANUARY 30 Our Town 7:30pm at Riverside Playhouse, 233 B N Wenatchee Ave. Thornton Wilder’s Our Town is an inspiring play about the transience and beauty of human life. Its apparent simplicity helps it appeal to a multitude of audiences, while also unveiling

the devastating importance and impossibility to fully appreciate life in the here and now. Playwright Edward Albee has called Our Town “...the finest American play ever written.” Tickets can be purchased at the PAC box office, online at or by calling 663-ARTS. The Fantasticks 7:00pm at the Snowy Owl Theater in Leavenworth. The longest running show in the history of American musical theater. This wonderful story of fatherly abduction and the triumph of young Love will take you on a mystical adventure of crazy characters and magical interventions with songs like

United Marriage

Grow in Your Faith and Your Marriage Don’t just count your blessings; totally enjoy them by getting United! God intended for married couples to enjoy very special blessings. Through United, you and your spouse learn how to make your marriage all that God wants it to be. Classes begin in February. Contact Wenatchee Free Methodist Church for details. 662-1502. Please sign up in advance. • Be each other’s best and most loyal “friend” • Welcome and celebrate each other’s differences • Talk with each other, not at each other • Give and accept forgiveness without fear • Become more cohesive working through life’s challenges • Share in and support each other’s dreams • Believe in and re-commit to your marital and spiritual journey together

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Dr. Jake has advanced certification in taking care of pregnant women and babies. He trained in one of the largest Chiropractic Pediatric practices in the US.

Dr. Jacob Kragt

509.888.5260 1925 N Wenatchee Ave. Suite D

January/February 2015


Worship: 6:30pm, Saturdays & 10:00am, Sundays Seniors Worship Service: 2pm, Sundays at Bonaventure High School Youth Group: 6:30, Sundays Middle School Youth Group: 6:30, Thursdays

19 McElmurry Lane, East Wenatchee 884-4001



Saddlerock EPC Children’s Ministry presents:

Basketball Clinics for Kids!

Saturday, Feb. 7th and Mar. 7th 4-6 year olds: Sport Development class from 9:00-9:45 Includes exercise and games to help teach skills necessary for basketball and a short devotion. *Limited to 15 participants. 1st and 2nd grade: Basketball clinic from 10:00-11:30 Includes large group teaching, drills, rotate to stations, devotion and light snack. *Limited to 30 participants.

Saturday, Feb. 21st and March 21st 3rd-5th grade Basketball clinic from 10:00-11:30 Includes large group teaching, drills, rotate to stations, devotion, and short scrimmage time

Call or email to sign up. 663-1187, Registration forms will be available on Saddlerock website by mid-January! 42

“Try to Remember” and “Soon It’s Gonna Rain.” Directed by S. Henry Hettick. Tickets are $20/ each or $60 for a family. $24 at the door. For more information, please contact the Box Office at (509) 548-6347 x47

SATURDAY, JANUARY 31 KOHO Radio’s Annual Chili Cook-Off Contest Ally Day at Pybus Market. This is the public’s chance to taste and vote on the region’s tastiest chili from some of the top restaurants and chefs in the North Central Washington. Contact KOHO radio for more info. 509-667-2400 Our Town 2:00pm AND 7:30pm at Riverside Playhouse, 233 B N Wenatchee Ave. Thornton Wilder’s Our Town is an inspiring play about the transience and beauty of human life. Its apparent simplicity helps it appeal to a multitude of audiences, while also unveiling the devastating importance and impossibility to fully appreciate life in the here and now. Playwright Edward Albee has called Our Town “...the finest American play ever written.” Tickets can be purchased at the PAC box office, online at or by calling 663-ARTS. The Fantasticks 7:00pm at the Snowy Owl Theater in Leavenworth. The longest running show in the history of American musical theater. This wonderful story of fatherly abduction and the triumph of young Love will take you on a mystical adventure of crazy characters and magical

interventions with songs like “Try to Remember” and “Soon It’s Gonna Rain.” Directed by S. Henry Hettick. Tickets are $20/ each or $60 for a family. $24 at the door. For more information, please contact the Box Office at (509) 548-6347 x47

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 The Fantasticks 2:00pm at the Snowy Owl Theater in Leavenworth. The longest running show in the history of American musical theater. This wonderful story of fatherly abduction and the triumph of young Love will take you on a mystical adventure of crazy characters and magical interventions with songs like “Try to Remember” and “Soon It’s Gonna Rain.” Directed by S. Henry Hettick. Tickets are $20/ each or $60 for a family. $24 at the door. For more information, please contact the Box Office at (509) 548-6347 x47

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5 Our Town 7:30pm at Riverside Playhouse, 233 B N Wenatchee Ave. Thornton Wilder’s Our Town is an inspiring play about the transience and beauty of human life. Its apparent simplicity helps it appeal to a multitude of audiences, while also unveiling the devastating importance and impossibility to fully appreciate life in the here and now. Playwright Edward Albee has called Our Town “...the finest American play ever written.” Tickets: the PAC box office, online at or by calling 663-ARTS.

Jazznights with the Pros 7:30-9:30pm at Numerica Performing Arts Center, 123 N Wenatchee Ave. $10-$24. For more information, call 669-2105 The nonprofit Wenatchee Jazz Workshop brings worldclass jazz to the valley with Jazznights, featuring LA6. These six musicians from L.A. and New York spend all week working with high school and middle school band students. Thursday the pros give a concert, and Friday another concert features the students plus pros. The workshop is an affiliate of the Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center. Call 663-ARTS for tickets.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6 Our Town 7:30pm at Riverside Playhouse, 233 B N Wenatchee Ave. Thornton Wilder’s Our Town is an inspiring play about the transience and beauty of human life. Its apparent simplicity helps it appeal to a multitude of audiences, while also unveiling the devastating importance and impossibility to fully appreciate life in the here and now. Playwright Edward Albee has called Our Town “...the finest American play ever written.” Tickets can be purchased at the PAC box office, online at or by calling 663-ARTS. Jazznights with Students and Pros 7:30-9:30pm at Numerica Performing Arts Center, 123 N Wenatchee Ave. $10. For more information, call 669-2105 The nonprofit Wenatchee

January/February 2015


Jazz Workshop brings worldclass jazz to the valley with Jazznights, featuring LA6. These six musicians from L.A. and New York spend all week working with high school and middle school band students. Thursday the pros give a concert, and Friday another concert features the students plus pros. The workshop is an affiliate of the Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center. Call 663-ARTS for tickets.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 FREE Basketball Clinics

4-6 year olds: Sport Development class from 9:00-9:45. Includes exercise and games to help teach skills necessary for basketball and a short devotion. Limited to 15 participants. 1st and 2nd grade: Basketball clinic from 10:00-11:30. Includes large group teaching, drills, rotate to stations, devotion and light snack. *Limited to 30 participants. For more information or to register, please visit or call 663-1187. See ad, page 42

Our Town 7:30pm at Riverside Playhouse, 233 B N Wenatchee Ave. Thornton Wilder’s Our Town is an inspiring play about the Registration for Fall begins March 2nd!


transience and beauty of human life. Its apparent simplicity helps it appeal to a multitude of audiences, while also unveiling the devastating importance and impossibility to fully appreciate life in the here and now. Playwright Edward Albee has called Our Town “...the finest American play ever written.” Tickets can be purchased at the PAC box office, online at or by calling 663-ARTS. Broadway’s Next H!T Musical 7:30pm at the PAC Tickets start at $30 for adults, $20 for youth. Broadway’s Next H!T Musical is NYC’s original, award-winning improvised musical comedy. It abandons the same ol‘ song and dance to create a brand new, fully improvised musical comedy every show! Every lyric, melody and jazz hand is madeup on-the-spot to create a show that is energetic and absolutely hilarious! The show’s first act is an award ceremony spotlighting songs from four ‘Best Musical’ nominees based on audiencecreated song titles. The second act is the entire musical based on the winning song from

act one. Tickets available at, at the PAC box office, or by calling 663-ARTS. Establishing an Elk Lodge in the Wenatchee area 6:30pm-8:00pm at Red Lion Hotel, 1225 N Wenatchee Ave Want to know how to help your community, veterans, and youth programs from one place? Join us in an informational meeting on establishing an Elk Lodge in the Wenatchee area. Find out what it means to be an Elk. The meeting is open to all who are interested in receiving more information. Elks care, Elks share

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12 Wenatche WILD home game 7:05pm vs. Topeka RoadRunners at Town Toyota Center. For tickets, visit tickets. Women’s Escape 9am-12:30pm at Mission Ridge A day of skiing or snowboarding, socializing and professional coaching for ladies only! Check in begins upstairs in the lodge at 9:00 a.m. We’ll divide in to groups according to ability level and take off with our teams

arn With e L e Us m ! o Parent/Toddler Class Fri. 9-10:30am Preschool AM & PM T/TH 9-11:30am & 12:30-3pm Pre-K AM & PM MTW 8:30am-11:30am & 12-3pm

(509) 888-3316 ~ 171 Eastmont Ave ~ Fait hlut ~ Like us on Facebook! 44

at 9:30am. Women’s Escape is designed for beginners all the way up to the advanced skiers and riders. After a morning of coaching, we’ll meet back at the lodge for lunch and more socializing. Afterwards, you’re free to head out again and try anything new you learned and hopefully with a few new friends! For more information, visit

hearts happy! Age: Boy and Girls, Grade 1-5 Location: The Numerica Performing Arts Center (PAC) Cost: $55 / $45 for second child. For more information or to register, visit


Rails and Ales 5:30pm in Downtown Wenatchee The second installment of the massively populat Rail Jam event Karate Classes in downtown Wenatchee. More Enrolling details are coming! Stay tuned NOW! at

Wenatche WILD home game 7:05pm vs. Topeka RoadRunners at Town Toyota Center. For tickets, visit tickets. I “heart” Valentines Day! Day Camp 8:45am-3:45pm at the PAC Offered by STAGE KIDS WA, kids will get to celebrate their day off with making Valentine treats, and family gifts. The day will include high-energy team activities, plus singing and dancing to songs about L.O.V.E.! We’ll end the day with a short musical demo for kids to express their love to their family! Guaranteed to make Grace, Violet and Ivy

Open Gym 7:00pm-9:00pm at Apple Valley Gymnastics. For kids 5-15 years old. $12 for the first child, $8 for siblings.Parents must sign kids in!

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14 Happy Valentine’s Day! Wenatchee Valley Symphony Sweetheart Musical Soiree 7:00pm at Wenatchee Valley Museum. Celebrate with your sweetheart at the Symphony’s Valentine-themed musical soiree featuring Symphony soloists and ensembles, wine tasting, light fare and desserts. Faith Pennington

Classes available for Children – Teens - Adults Take advantage of our Introductory Special: 4 weeks + Uniform for just $99

Also through January and February, get 50% off Registration fee!! We help build: Call -Self Confidence today! -Focus 662-7983 -Discipline -Self Respect -Positive Attitudes -Excellent cross training for all other activities In a fun and safe environment! K I Fighting Concepts Wenatchee Quality Martial Arts Gym – Serving you since 1989 Located on the Corner of Kittitas and Columbia Street 4 Kittitas St. Ste. 101

January/February 2015


Tickets: $40 purchase at PAC box office, at, 663-ARTS or at the door. for more information. Wenatche WILD home game 7:05pm vs. Topeka RoadRunners at Town Toyota Center. For tickets, visit tickets. Lowe’s Build and Grow Kid’s Clinic- FREE 10am, for kids ages 12 and under. Pre-registration is appreciated:

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16 Story Time 10:30am at Academic Toolbox Enjoy a story and maybe a craft or activity. Be sure to follow Kasey, Lexi, Austin, and Kylie

Academic Toolbox on Facebook to TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 get more details and find out the theme as the day comes closer! Story Time 10:30am at Academic Toolbox The Compassionate Friends Enjoy a story and maybe a craft Sharing Meeting or activity. Be sure to follow 7pm at Grace Lutheran Church Academic Toolbox on Facebook to (1408 Washington St. in get more details and find out the Wenatchee) theme as the day comes closer! meetings are open to all bereaved parents, grandparents, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 siblings and friends. Meet with others who are suffering Winter Ice Gala the loss of a child, share your 6-10pm at Town Toyota Center story and receive friendship, A magical evening of ice understanding, emotional skating and a formal dinner support and more in a safe to benefit the Arena Youth place. There are no fees or Enrichment Fund. – Presented religious affiliation. Meets the by Numerica Credit Union. 6:00 third Monday of each month. Complimentary champagne & For more information, contact hors d’ oeuvres. 7:00 - Dinner Carol at 860-3620 or visit (black-tie optional). Guests will be seated on decked ice. 8:00 - Ice Show featuring World class gold medalists pair Jean-Luc Baker & Kaitlin Hawayek with special guests Miss East Cascades, Ashley Lowers and the Wenatchee Figure Skating Club. RSVP by calling Colleen at 509.667.7847 $125 per person/ limited seating.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21 WVHS Auction for the Animals 5:30pm-10pm at Wenatchee Convention Center This is the largest fundraiser for the Wenatchee Valley Humane Society. We will feature a delicious dinner, live and silent auction items, and plenty of activities to entertain while you help raise money for the shelter. $50/person. For more information, call 662-9577 or visit


Polar Bear Plunge Noon at Walla Walla Point Park watch (or join in!) as people take the plunge into the frigid river to raise money for the Special Olympics. For more information, call 888-3282 “A Night of Disney” production The Next Step Dance Studio performs a fun show for the whole family! Tickets go on sale to the public on February 2nd and can be purchased through the PAC box office or at performance takes place at the PAC. There will be two show times: 1:00pm and 6:00pm. Contact The Next Step Dance Studio for more information. FREE Basketball Clinics

3rd-5th grade Basketball clinic from 10:00-11:30. Includes large group teaching, drills, rotate to stations, devotion, and short scrimmage time. For more information or to register, please visit or call 663-1187. See ad, page 42

Kid’s Club 11am-1pm at Wenatchee Valley

Mall. Join the club and join the fun! Free events for the kids the third Saturday of every month. Membership is always free for kids 11 and under and comes with perks. Members receive a passport to every event, receive a star for attending and win cool prizes. Attend 3 events in a row and receive a Kid’s Club goody bag. Achieve perfect attendance and receive a certificate and a Kid’s Club backpack.

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 Tartan Terrors 7:30pm at the PAC Tickets start at $25 and are available at, the PAC box office, or by calling 663-ARTS. Tartan Terrors are their own Celtic Invasion, mixing rock’s energy with traditional folklore, dance, and humor. With an arsenal featuring classic pipes and fiddle, driving drum tones, and signature guitar styles, standing-room only audiences understand why Dig This Magazine declares “(The Terrors) one act to keep an eye on!” The Terrors use their Sonic blitz to score award winning

Step and Highland Dancers and internationally recognized comedic performers alike.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27 Open Gym 7:00pm-9:00pm at Apple Valley Gymnastics. For kids 5-15 years old. $12 for the first child, $8 for siblings.Parents must sign kids in! Special Olympics Opening Ceremonies will be held at the Town Toyota Center in Wenatchee at 8pm. All events are FREE to the general public. Athletes from across the state will converge on Wenatchee, Mission Ridge Ski Resort and Leavenworth to compete in six sports during the three-day event: Alpine Skiing, Cross Country Skiing, Figure Skating, Snowboarding and Basketball. The 1,500 athletes will be supported by nearly 300 coaches and 700 volunteers. Competitions are Saturday and Sunday, with a closing of competition after the last race.



SPORTGYMNASTICS.COM January/February 2015


Zane Coy Cattin



Wenatchee Valley Symphony presents: John Williams: Maedtro of the Movies 7:00pm at the Numerica Performing Arts Center Performance pieces include: The Cowboys Overture Excerpts from Close Encounters of the Third Kind Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Adventures on Earth from E.T. That’s Entertainment Three Pieces from Schindler’s List, featuring violinist Tarn, Travers, Tango from Scent of a Woman, featuring violinist Tarn Travers, Star Wars Suite Tickets start at $18 and are available at PAC box office, at, 663-ARTS or at the door (if still available). for more information.

Family Expo - March 7th see ad, page 26 More Details to come, but here are some things to look forward to: Magician, Pacific Science Center, Meet the Princesses and Superheros, lots of games, fun and activities! Located at Wenatchee High School from 10am-3pm.

Wenatche WILD home game 7:05pm vs. Amarillo Bulls at Town Toyota Center. For tickets, visit tickets.wenatcheewildhockey. com

Ysabel Cabellero

You create it... We grill it!

Second Location


Downtown Leavenworth across from the Brewery 548-1965 48

“Wizard of Oz” Auditions March 8/9th Have a kiddo interested in actiing? Don’t miss this! Puto on by Stage Kids WA Dummy Downhil - March 28th at Mission Ridge, www. - check out last years’ videos! **All Calendar events are subject to change or cancel. Kid Connect is not responsible for any changes that may occur and advises you to confirm event details before attending. We want to provide you with the most accurate calendar possible, so if you find any changes that do occur, please let us know and we will update our facebook page and our website for our readers.**


Raeanna Dosch KaeLee and Hannah Cox

Emy Yarbrough

Ashlynn, Conley and Tenley McGinnis

Cohen & Malakai Davis

January/February 2015


TakeD 5


Set Apart

devotional from

But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do. – 1 Peter 1:15 The command ‘Be ye perfect’ is not idealistic gas. Nor is it a command to do the impossible. He is going to make us into creatures that can obey that command […] The process will be long and in parts very painful, but that is what we are in for. Nothing less. He meant what He said. - CS Lewis, Mere Christianity Peter is one of those Biblical figures that I just get. He’s living his life, doing his thing, working hard at what he does. And then he encounters Christ. And everything changes. When Jesus looks at Simon Peter, He doesn’t just see him as a crusty (and likely, smelly), hard-working fisherman, focused on the ordinary tasks of an ordinary day. Jesus, as Lord, can see beyond Peter’s exterior appearance and actions. Jesus sees him as a rock. A fisher of men. Jesus sees Peter as holy. As we read Peter’s first letter, we have the advantage of knowing the author’s story. We know that Peter himself wasn’t always prepared for action (1 Peter 1:13). We know that he himself has lived in ignorance (1 Peter 1:14). And we can believe him when he says we too can receive grace and be holy in all that we do (1 Peter 1:16), even when we fall short, as we know Peter himself did. Peter himself is an example of the power of the gospel. Does the fact that God used an imperfect, unfaithful fisherman cause you to exhale in relief today? Sisters, the Lord doesn’t call us to be something we cannot be. We can be set apart, just as Peter was, despite his crusty, selfinterested ways. We can intentionally cast our nets and steer our boats, and we can ask the One who calls us to wash us clean. As we pursue holiness, we’ll begin to look less like the world around us and more like Jesus. Only He is completely Other, wholly set apart from the wreckage of sin and wholly entrenched in that which is good, pure, and lovely.


Being holy has less to do with being perfect and more to do with the transformation that takes place in our hearts after we’ve come to Christ. It is not about what we become for Him; it is about what He makes of us for His glory. Jesus raised the bar for Peter, and He raises the bar for us. He wants to be your all in all, in every part of your life. All you have to do is let Him help you out of your stinky boat.



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January/February 2015


Give Your Child A Superhero Smile EE! R F t i s rst Vi s old)


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February is National Children’s 
 Dental Health Month

Dr. Cara Schroeder

Chief Smile OfÞcer

Dr. Britt Bovio Director of Smiles


When it comes to choosing a dental office your child deserves the very best. Dr. Cara, Dr. Bovio and our Super Smile Team believe in child-focused dental care. We also understand the importance of caring communication and gentle dental treatment. We believe going to the dentist should be fun! Our office is designed with your child’s comfort in mind, no matter their age.

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