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July/August 2015
Your Ultimate
SUMMER Planning Guide!
Finish Your Summer Off With A Bang! July/August 2015
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July/August 2015
photo taken by CLR Photography
Nikki’s NotE
Well, here we are! Well into Summer now. And I am actually quite enjoying my summer, despite having the extra bodies home, creating more dishes, more mess and more NOISE! Wowie, the noise level is incredible! I really want to get one of those things they have at sporting events that read the level of noise. It would be quite entertaining to watch...!
My favorite day was at the end of June. My three girls and I had the whole day to ourselves. It was probably the best day of our summer thus far. We went to the Wenatchee Youth Circus, ate lunch in Leavenworth, came home and played LIFE (the board game), went to the Ice Skating competition, came home and made dinner, read some fun books and the day was over. Wow, it flew by! I don’t normally do that many things in a day with my girlies, but it was fabulous! And the best part about the day were the life lessons the girls learned.
Then, while we watched the skaters, one of the girls fell 3 times during her performance. Just prior to this performance, I was talking to KaeLee about how their skating routine is similar to the floor routine, only on skates. And as KaeLee just started her first year in competitive gymnastics, her greatest fear is messing up or falling during a competition. So after this young lady fell, she got right back up, continued on and had a smile on her face the whole time. Her last fall, she was holding her cheek and you could tell she hurt. She took a moment to pause but we were so proud of her for continuing on. You could tell she was a bit lost in her routine, but she danced it out and when the music stopped she posed. This is exactly what KaeLee’s coach Taryn has told her to do if they happen to forget the routine or mess up and get lost. This skater most definitely got a standing ovation from us when she was done. For KaeLee, it was because she was proud of her for getting back up and trying again. For me, it was for the same, but mostly for being a great example to my daughters. When you get knocked down, you get up and keep going. I feel like my days are usually filled with me trying to explain people’s bad choices to my girls and what we should be actually doing (examples…. Bad attitudes after a loss at competition, smoking, cursing, being rude to people, etc.) I’m so thankful for these young ladies that taught and lived out these valuable life lessons for my girlies! Speaking from experience, I know those things are heard WAY more by my girls when it’s SEEN by someone ELSE, and not just TOLD by MOM…!
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During the circus, one of the circus girls lost her shoe during her performance on swinging ladders. (I think that’s what it was called). My daughter, Hannah, was the first to notice. Hannah had lost her shoe in the middle of her (1st ever!)dance performance last month. A proud moment for mommy when she just kept on dancing on continued regardless. Well, the circus performer did just that, as well. It was a great comfort to Hannah to know that: 1. She’s not the only one who has lost a shoe during a performance. And, 2. She did the right thing by just continuing on. Because that’s what we do…!
Volume 4, Issue 1 July/August 2015
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W hat ’ s I n side ?
Summer Camps!
In This Issue
Summertime Schedules: How a structured summer works for our family
Dismantle The Mean Girl Time Bomb Before Middle School: A Primer For Moms
29 AppleSox 33 Fruit Tones Studio 37 Inspirations Ceramic & Art Cafe
41 Academic Toolbox 43 ArtIs 46 Summer Food Program 51 Wenatchee MOPS 53 Common Thread 55 Columbia Grove Covenant Church
Meet The Family: The Bjorklunds
18 Finishing Summer Off With A
Wenatchee Pediatric Dentistry
57 Kids Town
Learning Center
Take 5 Devotional: Truth From Ruth
61 Wok About Grill 63 Mostessori Children’s
Your 2015 Guide to Summer Camps and Programs
47 49 50
Calendar Begins Weekly Events by Day Storytimes
Columbia Valley Community Hospital
67 8 6
S.P.O.R.T. Gymnastics
Children’s Dentistry of Wenatchee
WHO’S ON THE COVER? These cute kiddos are celebrating the Fourth right! You will learn more about Kaitlyn, Adysen, ColtOn, Mason and their parents on page 14 in our Meet the Family Section! Cover Photo taken by: These kiddos’ awesome mama, Carley Bjorklund
July/August 2015
Summertime Schedules
How a structured summer works for our family by Nikki Cox
Since the last issue, I have had a lot of questions and interest to know more about my summer plans that I wrote about in “Nikki’s Note”. Really? I honestly didn’t even think anyone read that part! So, to expand on that short note, I have decided to let you in on summer in the Cox household. May it inspire you to add some structure to your summer, get creative with your own additions, or even just be a “copycat” (don’t worry, I won’t mind a bit!) There are a lot of great ideas out there for summer planning and structure, but this is what we do. I have tried the whole “no structure” thing, but kids really do crave some sort of structure and they thrive more and have a more memorable, relaxing summer if there is structure set in place. So here we go.
everyday morning tasks My girls have tasks that they need to complete every morning. During the school year they get a lot of reminders to do their morning tasks because we need to get out the door at a certain time; but in summer, we don’t necessarily need to be anywhere, so these tasks can easily be put off or left undone. So I have created a simple reminder chart for them. Their tasks include eating breakfast, getting dressed, brushing their teeth, brushing their hair, writing in their thankful journals, doing their summer bridge books and completing a household chore. (Oh, and giving mom a great big “happy hug!”) I have a list of household chores that they can choose from and they are easy, quick and ageappropriate. I like the idea of doing a household chore in the morning as a way of reminding them to help others first, then you can help yourself (to fun). Also, as per their request, I have allowed them to do more than one chore and they get .25c per extra chore as long as it’s done well. The first chore is not paid for, as helping around the house is part of our responsibility. As they get older, the numer of required chores will increase. As far as their thankful journals go, this was actually a consequence for my oldest daughter about a week before summer. She was being ungrateful for a lot of things and having a little too much entitlement attitude, so as a consequence she has to write three things that she is thankful for every day during summer vacation. My middle daughter does it also just because she wants to do everything her older sister does! This is the third year I have done the summer bridge books and we love them! This year at their school (Vale Elementary), if they bring back their completed book, they earn an ice cream party with the principle! And I had already told them, prior to the party knowledge, that doing their books would be a way they could earn money during the summer and I would give them 10 cents per page completed neatly. So I’ll just tell you now that they are quite motivated to complete this task each morning, often doing way more than those days’ assigned pages. If you are interested in summer bridge books, they are available at Academic Toolbox. Some schools also sell them at the end of the year for a fundraiser. Once their morning tasks are complete, they are welcome to enjoy the rest of their morning. The mornings are when they tend to play together best without much instruction or coaxing. It is also a great time to get some work done of my own. They may play outside, inside, or whatever they choose. They have this “free time” until lunch and then it follows with an hour of “quiet time” while the youngest one takes a nap. Quiet time is time spent in their rooms playing quietly, reading, or writing in their journals. The only days we really ever do anything in the mornings is on Mondays. The rest of our daily activities happen in the afternoon, after nap/ quiet time. Having these activities is a great incentive for them to behave in the mornings and also to know that while mommy may be busy and/or working in the mornings, you are guarenteed her attention in the afternoon.
Our Morning Tasks Chart I have a chart for both of my older girls. I laminated them and hung them up. We have clothes pins nearby and when they have completed a task, they place a clothespin over the coordinating picture.
July/August 2015
Mondays I don’t have a magical, fun title for Mondays, but we go to the library every Monday. We read stories, check out books, put on a puppet show and even do a craft if available. We come home and read all of our new books and the girls continue to “play library” for a good portion of the rest of the day. We even check out Reading Rainbow DVD’s and watch them together. On days that I am feeling extra creative, I will also plan a story time, complete with a craft that matches the book we read and a fun snack. My girls are avid readers and I think we own more books than the local library’s children section, but I realize not everyone’s child is as “into” reading. Another option for your Monday is “Make-it-Monday”, where you prepare a craft of some sort, bake or cook something, build something out of toothpicks, popsicle sticks, Legos, etc.
Take a trip tuesdays We signed up for the Kids Bowl Free program, so mostly; these days are spent at the bowling alley. Other trips could include going to the park, the museum, on a hike, to the movies, or to the beach (Confluence’s rocky beach of course). If I have a whole day free, maybe we will make a road trip to the zoo, a children’s museum, go to Grandma’s house, Remlinger Farms, etc. Or, if I am desperate for some groceries, our “trip” will be to Costco or Fred Meyer (can we say “free babysitting, while I shop alone and grab a coffee”?!?! Yes, please!). Got a sick kiddo? No car? A napping baby? Take an imaginary trip without leaving your house! Set up a tent in the backyard or make a fort out of sheets and blankets, and take a trip to wherever your imagination leads you!
wet wenesdays This year we decided not to put up our larger pool. So far our kids haven’t even noticed. (which tells me we made the right decision!) We spend our Wednesdays getting wet by means of many different things. There are local wading pools at the parks (Washington Park, Pennsylvania Parks and KiwanisMethow Park), there is a splash pad at Rotary Park that is loads of fun. There are public pools in Wenatchee, East Wenatchee, Cashmere and Leavenworth (try them all!), there are water parks just a short drive away (Chelan, Quincy, Moses Lake, Ephrata), and there is always your backyard! Fill up a small pool, turn on the sprinklers, have a water balloon or squirt gun fight, get sponges and a bucket and have wet sponge tosses. The ideas are countless! This year I have stocked up on
water balloons. And normally I hate them because they take forever to fill and tie and the effort doesn’t seem worth it for how long they potentially last! However, I found ‘Bunch O Balloons’ and they are amazing (see picture to the right). I bought them on Amazon. You can fill 100 balloons in less than a minute! Each group of balloons comes with 37 attached to it. You simply hook the garden hose to the end of it, fill them up, and when they are full, you give one strong shake and they all fall off their strings, perfectly filled and perfectly tied. Brilliant! Yes, they are more expensive, but my kids would probably never experience water balloons otherwise, because I don’t want to waste so much time filling and tying them, so they are more than worth it to me!
thoughtful thursdays
fun fridays
This means just that: Do something thoughtful! Whether it be making a card for someone, writing a letter to a friend, baking something sweet for a neighbor, bringing coffee to a friend, bringing some cookies to the firehouse or police station, washing the family car, visiting a nursing home, pull weeds in the garden for dad… whatever it is, make it thoughtful. What a great way to (attempt) to keep our kids humble, thankful and thinking of others. If this becomes a regular thing that they see you doing or that you do as a family, it will eventually turn into a habit and you will see your kiddos showing kindness to others without being prompted.
You could also choose to have “Friendly Friday” and let your kiddos have friends over on Fridays. For us, our Fun Fridays involve family game night (we love board games over here!) or movie night, where our girls get to stay up a little later than normal and get full attention during family night (I guess it could also be call “Family Fridays”). Fun Friday could also mean crossing something off your summer bucket list, doing a fun project or idea from Pinterest, having a picnic in your backyard, playing fun lawn games, etc. Whatever it is, make it Fun! Or Friendly! Or all about Family!
July/August 2015
Everyday evening tasks
In the evenings, the girls also have daily tasks to do such as take a shower, get pajamas on, brush their teeth, floss, brush their hair, clean up their rooms and the playroom, and a do household chore (again, choosing from a list of ageappropriate chores.) Then we read a couple of stories, say our prayers, say good night and then we can finally start our quiet evening together as husband and wife, playing a game, watching a show and sneaking some ice cream, obviously! (this all happens after we send the girls back to their beds about a dozen times, of course...!)
These are just a few ideas to get you started. Again, the goal is to not plan out your kids’ entire summer, but rather give them a loose structure for what to expect. Trust me; it will go a lot smoother. And there will be days that maybe they are playing so well together you don’t want to break up the peace and you save that day’s activity for another day. And there will be weeks where your schedule is thrown off with summer camps, family vacations or whatever it may be. Embrace the flexible days and don’t stress about whether everything goes as planned or not. Also, this is not meant to be complicated nor is it meant for you to be your child’s entertainment all summer. We, as adults, have our own jobs, responsibilities and our own summer bucket list… er, I mean to do lists! This is simply a great way to plan to spend time with your kids each day! Most things won’t take very long, but it is something for them to look forward to that day and it is time carved out of your day to ensure that you get some time with your kids without interruptions. Just as they have chores and to do lists to complete in the mornings, use that time to get your work done, or cross a few things off of your list. And most importantly, enjoy the summer! The kids will be back to school in no time and you will be longing for those long summer days again! And soon enough, our kids will be older and not want to be spending time with us and will be zipping off to be with friends, or not come home for summer during college! Enjoy the time you have left!
Dismantle The Mean Girl Time Bomb Before Middle School: A Primer For Moms by Christina Katz
he best way to make a positive impact on the girl vs. girl trend sweeping the nation is to address and redirect mean girl behavior in our daughters. Like many mothers of daughters I polled, I started noticing mean girl behavior early in my daughter’s public school experience. Ironically, the behavior wasn’t coming from acquaintances, but from girls my daughter considered friends. This brings up an uncomfortable reality: there is not much we can do about mean girl behavior in other people’s kids. We can report it to their parents or to school or organization authorities, but there is little more we can do to ameliorate mean girl situations once they are happening. So what’s a pro-active mom to do? Take heart. There is much you can do to prevent mean girl behavior in your own daughter. One more girl setting an example of how to be kind and emotionally intelligent, despite peer pressure moving in the opposite direction, can help turn the tide. If mothers can encourage their daughters to stay open, vulnerable, and in touch with feelings no matter what, we might be able to dismantle the mean girl time bomb that ticks silently away inside every girl, just waiting to go off when that girl is pushed too far.
Only when girls understand that bullying is never acceptable can a better example spread. If your daughter can embody healthier choices, she can help create harmony within her middle school girl tribe. Here are six crucial ways moms can prepare daughters to navigate the social pressures of middle school.
Define Meanness. Rudeness, meanness, and bullying exist on a behavior spectrum. Meanness is intentionally hurtful, as opposed to rudeness, which is unintentionally hurtful, as opposed to bullying which is consistently hurtful. One of the problems with mean girl behavior is that it can be subtle, insidious, and elusive. Teach your daughter the difference between the three types of behaviors and how to tell the difference between someone who is consistently, purposefully mean and someone who simply makes a mistake. Make sure your child understands that it’s okay to make mistakes, and that you expect her to be kind regardless of circumstances. Keep talking about what these three behaviors mean on an ongoing basis, until your daughter can tell the difference. Once she knows she always has a choice about how to respond in any situation, you are making good progress. July/August 2015
Encourage Self-acceptance Over Popularity. Left to their own devices, kids will
always decide that being popular is better than not being popular. In middle school, popularity is perceived as power and kids are instinctively hungry for it. Make sure you don’t secretly hope your child will be one of the popular kids. If you put this trip on your child, you are encouraging her to put perceptions over feelings, which can lead to imposter syndrome. If you want your child to be authentic and emotionally intelligent, this means accepting and liking her as she is so she can accept and like herself. If you want your daughter to have genuine self-esteem, conversations on selfacceptance need to start young, long before middle school. Then let the popularity chips fall where they may. After all, popularity does not necessarily equal happiness.
Teach How To Detach From Drama. No matter how secure and emotionally intelligent your child, hormones will be ebbing and flowing in middle school. Rather than letting this become an excuse for poor behavior, teach your daughter to step back from situations when erratic emotions are involved. Girl vendettas are common in middle school and can ignite for the slightest reasons. Your daughter may empathize with one or both girls and get inadvertently sucked
into a feud if she does not know how to avoid one. Teach your daughter to listen to the facts and form her own opinion without getting involved in any drama. Encourage her to not take sides when one girl turns against another, but to be the voice of reason whenever possible. Affirm that girls need to stick together and prop each other up when they are having a bad day without getting overly involved in solving each other’s problems. Once your daughter understands that drama is a distraction from personal priorities, she can more easily steer clear.
Model Healthy Communication. Girls often start to lose their authentic voices when they become teenagers. So your job as your daughter’s confidante is to keep the doors of communication open and let her be honest and real with you as she is trying to figure everything out. If your formerly sunshiny girl suddenly turns partly cloudy, don’t fret. She may push you away and not want to talk as much as she used to, but don’t give in to the common misperception that teenagers need to be left alone. Your middleschooler can’t navigate this brave new social world solo. If you expect her to, she is going to feel stressed and look for friends who can help her take the edge off. You have to be there, mom, every day, listening and responsive, whenever either of you wants to talk.
“Once your daughter understands the dynamics of mean girl behavior, she will keep you in the loop as to how she handled it. These are the kinds of conversations every mom hopes to have with her daughter in middle school.”
Keep Your Negativity In Check. When
confronted with a challenging situation, your daughter will intuitively imitate the way you behave. If you project negativity onto others, she is going to learn to do the same. If you are insecure, she will be insecure. If you are superior and competitive with others, she will follow suit. If you judge and condemn...I am sure you get the picture. You can’t hold your daughter accountable for her attitudes and actions, if you are not accountable for yours. Be sure you set a good example, mom, or you just might see your least appealing qualities reflected back to you in your daughter’s behavior.
Reinforce & Challenge Your Daughter’s Strengths. If you want your
daughter to be a leader, not a follower, she needs to know and use her strengths. If you and the rest of your family don’t reflect her strengths back to her, it’s going to take your daughter longer to activate her personal power. If you only reflect back her weaknesses, she is going to believe she is a walking, talking pile of not good enough, which makes her an easy target for mean girls. Girls with high self-esteem don’t usually become targets and self-motivated girls don’t focus on the behavior of others. If they have a negative encounter with another girl, they shrug it off and bounce back
Mean Girl Behavior Books For Elementary School Girls Stand Up for Yourself and Your Friends: Dealing with Bullies and Bossiness and Finding a Better Way by Patti Kelley Criswell
A Smart Girl’s Guide: Friendship Troubles: Dealing With Fights, Being Left Out & The Whole Popularity Thing by Patti Kelley Criswell A Smart Girl’s Guide: Drama, Rumors & Secrets: Staying True to Yourself in Changing Times by Nancy Holyoke A Smart Girl’s Guide to Knowing What to Say by Patti Kelley Criswell
quickly. So make sure your daughter is armed with something besides superiority and a sharp tongue. Be certain she knows what she is good at and encourage her to put her strengths to good use in your community for the benefit of all. If your daughter is busy exercising her skills, challenging herself to reach new goals, and striving to make a positive impact in the world, she will gain the healthy self-esteem and confidence that result from positive personal experiences. Happy, engaged kids are less likely to bully others.
Once your daughter understands the dynamics of mean girl behavior, she can steer clear of drama when it crops up and will keep you in the loop as to how she handled it. These are the kinds of conversations every mom hopes to have with her daughter in middle school. If you are not having them, then maybe your daughter needs the mean girl primer only you can give her. Take the time to educate yourself about how to avoid mean girl behavior before middle school starts, mom. Then share what you learn with your daughter. You will both be so glad you did.
Mean Girl Behavior Books For Moms Queen Bees and Wannabes: Helping Your Daughter Survive Cliques, Gossip, Boyfriends, and the New Realities of Girl World by Rosalind Wiseman Little Girls Can Be Mean: Four Steps to Bullyproof Girls in the Early Grades by Michelle Anthony and Reyna Lindert Ph.D. Odd Girl Out, Revised and Updated: The Hidden Culture of Aggression in Girls by Rachel Simmons *Christina Katz enjoys a close relationship with her daughter despite the fact that her daughter is a teenager. Together they enjoy watching chick flicks, going out to eat, shopping, and talking about life.
July/August 2015
Meet the family
Meet the
Bjorklund family
all photos taken by Carley Bjorklund
Hold onto your hats, folks, because you are about to meet, arguably, the best looking family in the Valley! Meet Brian and Carley Bjorklund. They first met in Cheney while attending Eastern Washington University. One look at Brian’s tapered jeans, white undershirt and motivating Marine Corp haircut was all it took for Carley to be smitten. They have now been married for 11 years and have lived in Cashmere for 9 of those years. They have four beautiful children, Kaitlyn (10), Adysen (8), Colton (5), and Mason (3). They are also in the process of adopting internationally and are waiting patiently to be matched with their daughter. This family is simply amazing. While they seem like a normal family from Wenatchee Valley on the outside... loving to spend their time outdoors, whether just in the yard or camping, riding motorcycles, sledding, snowmobiling, or going to the lake or river... they are truly so much more. They are a family that really care about others and it shows in their everyday lives. They instill compassion and empathy into their kiddos lives and they serve to be great role models for
anyone they cross paths with. They are a busy little bunch, involved in all things sports. Their kiddos enjoy soccer and basketball, their oldest has danced competitively and they are avid Seahawk and Bulldog (Cashmere, of course!) fans. Little Mason is the ultimate one man cheer squad on the sidelines as he waits his own turn to hit the fields in a few more years. Carley currently holds her dream job as a Kindergarten teacher at Vale Elementary in Cashmere. And is an amazing one at that! Brian is a System Operator Trainee at Chelan County PUD. I am not quite sure I have ever met a couple that love their kids more than Brian and Carley. They truly love spending their time together as a family and miss each other when they are not together. I love observing this family because of the encouragement they dish out to each other, their laid back personalities and how they just live to soak in the love from each other every day. The calmness and the patience they show with their kids and each other is amazing (even though they may not feel it on the inside...)! It is truly inspiring.
July/August 2015
When I was little, I dreamed about being: Mom: A mom and a teacher! How blessed am I that I get to experience both! Dad: a motocross racer. I rode my first motorcycle when I was 12. After a few wrecks on the track during my high school years, I decided motocross wasn’t my forte. I still love riding motorcycles though.
Now that we have kids….: Mom: Now that I have 4 going on 5 kids and am teaching kindergarten full time I just dream of being well rested. Ha! Along with the sleep I dream of being intentional every day. Dad: I dream of being able to start a business that my kids can be involved in. Seeing them grow drives my desire to set an example for them regarding what is possible for someone to do with a bit of hard work. My kids surprise me because they: Mom: are so patient with Brian and I as we figure out this whole parenting thing!
Dad: are all so unique and have such a range of talents and likes. Whether it is food, school subjects, or being outside, they all have their own view on the world.
other “stuff” Dad: taking life as it happens and just enjoying the present. Having a schedule is not a requirement for me!
Our favorite family activity is:
What’s your secret for balancing it all?
Mom: Camping! My favorite camping spot is Kalaloch on the Olympic Peninsula. It is a magical combination of ocean and forest. We have made some awesome memories there.
Dad: camping. Going somewhere where there are no lingering tasks to complete or distractions to divert my attention helps me to focus on the moment and enjoy my family as we are now. Mom (Carley) is the best at: Mom: getting everyone where they need to go and routines. I am also really good at drinking coffee! Dad: Keeping the family on schedule and keeping me in line. I could easily put off household tasks to go have fun with the kids! Dad (Brain) is the best at: Mom: living in the moment and always putting family before the
Mom: The saying “A little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus” comes to mind. Life is so full! I think the secret to balancing it all is not fretting about the balance (because we could fret every moment about
it) and just living for today. Dad: Taking time for family and for myself, whether it is convenient or not. It can be easier to stay at home on the weekend and get chores done, but a hot summer day is much more fun at the lake. When the kids are all grown, we are going to: Mom: probably be so sad its over! My grandma always tells me that raising your kids is the best time of your whole life and I absolutely believe that, even on the hardest days. Dad: spend time with any grandkids we might be blessed with. I am sure we’ll travel more, but we don’t have a grand plan at this point.
Something that might surprise you about me is: Mom: I love photography. Taking pictures, especially of my kids, is one of my favorite things to do. Dad: I love to learn how things work. It could be mechanical things like snowmobiles or cars, or how things around us are manufactured, or even how a business like an orchard is operated. What I love about our family is:
What’s left on your bucket list? Mom: taking some cooking classes would be really fun! Dad: Traveling aroud the world on a motorcycle Before I had kids, I never thought I’d: Mom: be in bed by 8 on a Saturday night. Dad: have more than two kids. After the first one, I was hooked.
Mom: they are my favorite people on the planet. Even on the hardest days there are no 5 people I would rather come home to. Dad: that we support each other. Whether it is soccer or school work, there are lots of compliments, helping hands when needed, and I love yous.
Favorite family hang-out in Wenatchee area:
If I was stranded on an island with one book and one meal, they would be:
Mom: South Dad: McGlinn’s. They are so good accommodating allergies for our daughter, plus great food and atmosphere.
Mom: Probably my devotional and a huge bowl of chips and guacamole. Dad: I’d have Chicken Pad Thai- the book wouldn’t matter, as long as it was really thick so I had plenty of chances to start a fire with it.
Mom: Walking along the upper ditch above our house Dad: camping up the icicle. Our go-to place to eat in Wenatchee:
Our favorite thing about living here is: Mom: My kid’s have endless adventure waiting for them outside our front door. Dad: the mountains, forest, lakes and rivers. I could spend all of my free time wandering the mountains around here.
My favorite thing about Brian is: Mom: Brian is hard working, selfless, intentional and boy does he love his kids. He sacrifices a lot for our family. I feel lucky to share this life with him! My favorite thing about Carley is: Dad: her passion for others. Carley is able to be a wife, mother, teacher, friend, and so much more to so many people. She usually comes home exhausted after work because she cares so much for the well being of others, especially kids.
July/August 2015
Summer Fun!
Finishing Summer Off With A Bang!
by Nikki Cox
Are your kids driving you crazy yet? Are the bored out of their minds? Are you wishing you put them in a summer camp? Wish you could afford a summer camp? Fear not! With minimal planning and with a low budget, you can host your very own summer camp! If you are feeling extra brave, you can invite another family to join you in the fun, or let your kids invite a friend over to join in. While planning these camps, Pinterest can either be your best friend or your worst nightmare. Stay grounded while browsing and don’t choose projects that are way over your kids’ heads or no one will enjoy it. You can challenge them a little bit and stretch their limits, but it should really be more about having fun, experimenting with a new skill and spending time together. And remember, this doesn’t have to be an all-day camp. If you have a little one that takes naps, this is a great time to have camp with your older kids! Honestly, 1-2 hours of messy get-up is about all this mama can handle! Also, don’t forget to take some pictures! It will be a memory to treasure forever! And last, but not least, don’t underestimate the talent and capabilities of your kiddos! Be brave and let them try things you think they may not be quite ready for…. They may surprise you! Here are a few ideas that you can do.
ART CAMP I did this last year with my kiddos, and let me just tell you—it was a blast! Throughout my parenting journey thus far, I have been known to avoid any and all messy projects, including finger-painting, watercolor painting, playdough, glitter, gak, clay, and even ring pops and ice cream. Yes, it was time to break out of my shell and do something brave. It was time to let my kids paint. Every day—for a week! Oi! We did all kinds of different styles of painting. We taped our canvases and painted, we painted on cardstock, then punched out holes and mod-podged them onto canvas, we did crayon melting art, we painted flower fields, we did our hand prints and foot prints, and we ended our week with splatter paint. This year, Art Camp has been requested again and we will add in some friends. I plan on doing some rock painting and making rock caterpillars, some cool whip painting, painting with squirt guns, solo cup stained glass, painting on texture, painting on foil and maybe giving the sharpie/rubbing alcohol effect a try. Art is great, because there are so many forms of it and the beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. There are no “rules” in art. You can paint on canvas, on cardstock, cardboard, paint boards, or whatever you would like. Browse the aisles of Hobby Lobby and get inspired! Or you can just grab a bucket of water, some paint brushes and paint the driveway or sidewalk. You can also paint some plain/ unfinished wood frames and then after your photography camp, you can frame your photos!
Is Art Camp Really Affordable? I found all the canvases at Hobby Lobby in a two-pack for a great price! And if you use your 40% off coupon, they are super cheap! (I had large walls downstairs that were still blank after a year of living in our new house, so I bought the large 16x20 two packs of two for only $4.79 after my coupon! Go to to print your own coupon.) We used probably the cheapest acrylic paint they had also. (Anita’s paint, $2.99 each for the large bottles and you can often find this on sale as well!). I chose six colors for the girls to use, so that way, when I hung them downstairs, they would all “go together” somewhat. And I picked up a few packs of assorted brushes and foam brushes. If you take care of these, they will be an “investment” and you won’t have to re-buy them for future projects! I think this camp cost me just over $50 in all for all the supplies. 5 large canvas projects for two kids and 2 small canvas projects for 3 kids. So, yes! Definnitely affordable!
July/August 2015
SCIENCE CAMP Again, I am not into messes, so this one is another challenge for me. But my advice: Take it outside! Fill your week will Mentos in soda pop, make your own rock candy, make a lava lamp, turn a flower a different color using science, make a balloon rocket, or use static electricity to roll an empty pop can (on your marks…. Get set…Go!). is a great resource for all things science experiments! You can simply do a demonstration, or you can ask some questions and find the answers yourself. “How do rockets work?” “What happens if we mix baking soda and vinegar in a sealed container?” “Can we pick up ice using just a piece of string?” “What happens when you microwave soap, and holy moly, WHY does that happen?” “How can we tell which objects are magnetic?” You could also let your child ask the question then explore it together. And you can even end your camp week with a special trip to the Pacific Science Center in Seattle! I guarantee you will learn new things too while having fun in the process! Oh, and did I mention that this camp will most likely ignite their love for science and motivate them to excel in science class in the coming school year?
Use these ideas to get you started on a photography scavengar hunt for your kiddos. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
A very relaxing place The biggest tree Something Shiny Funniest thing you can find Something that begins with the letter “W” Someone taking a picture The inside of something Something red An animal Your reflection in an unexpected place Light Interesting view of the sky Someone’s eye Something round A shadow Movenment A group photo Your shadow Someone making a silly face
PHOT OGRAPHY CAMP Do your kids love to sneak your camera or phone away and take selfies, photograph every stuffed animal they own, or capture their siblings posing their muscles in front of the mirror? Indulge in photography camp for a week! If you have a DSL camera, teach them the basics. If you have a camera phone, spend some time showing them how to create the best pictures by using the right settings. Teach them to be aware of their backgrounds, how to hold the camera, how to use the zoom, choosing a focus point, using the rule of thirds, using the focal lock, etc. Let them play around with the different modes, lighting, effects, flash/no-flash, burst shots, self-timer, etc. After all, we, as busy parents, often forget to take pictures of the everyday life with our kiddos. Why not teach them how to take great photos and you will most certainly not be short on the amount of amazing memories! (you know, instead of blurry pictures or beheaded people…) Be sure to review your child’s images with them, giving them tips on how to improve and mostly encouraging them on their great photos. You can even print a few of their stand out photos and frame them, or put them into a small photo album they can flip through any time. This will encourage them to keep practicing and will help foster their new-found hobby. Some fun things to try during the week would be to set up different photo-ops. Create some of those cool chalkboard backgrounds in your driveway! Or simply draw different hats in chalk, and then lie down under them so it looks like you’re wearing them. Or use sheets on the floor inside and create different scenes, having your subject (insert little sister here) lie down and pretend to be a superhero, or swimming through water. Have your child stand on a step ladder, the edge of the bed or the table to get the shot. You can also give them photography “assignments”, such as, best pet photograph, action shot, self portrait, give them a photography “scavenger hunt” list to go find things to photograph, have them photograph something of every color of the rainbow, or every letter of the alphabet. Or they can photograph something and then write a story about it. The ideas are endless!
July/August 2015
Cooking CAMP Cooking with kiddos can be a challenging, frightening thought for a lot of parents--especially if you are in a hurry, or you are a perfectionist or clean-freak. Kids will mess up. Kids will make a mess and kids will slow you down. But allowing your kiddos into the kitchen can, quite possibly, be one of the most important things you do. Everyone needs to learn how to cook eventually, and the younger you start your kids in the kitchen, the more confident they will be and will feel comfortable trying new things, being creative and maybe nurture a future cook! I have a friend who is great about letting her kids help, knowing it will slow her down. She plans for the slow down though and allows her kids to chip in, get messy and ask a lot of questions. Her oldest daughter is now 12 and for her and her husband’s anniversary, she wanted to cook them a special dinner all on her own. Grandma watched the other kids, and little Lucia slaved away in the kitchen for a good portion of the day, setting the table with candles, folded napkins and the whole bit! My friend said that it was probably the best meal they had had in the last month! So how do you have a cooking camp with your kids? Start with an overview of kitchen safety and the rules… always wash your hands, listen to the adult in the kitchen, there are no bad questions, pay attention and have fun! You can even begin your week with making and decorating your own chef hats with Construction paper and tissue paper. Or get some canvas aprons from the craft store and let them decorate them at the beginning of the week. Find recipes that are age appropriate, teach them how to cut with a knife (cut up bananas and strawberries and put them on skewers with grapes and make a snack!), show them all the cool gadgets in the kitchen and let them try them out. (Apple slicer, hand mixer-make some pudding, griddle-make grilled cheese for lunch, cheese grater, etc). You can also send them on a “scavenger hunt” to find a list of utensils and gadgets in the kitchen to test them on where to find things. (This also comes in handy later, when you want them to empty the dishwasher, but they complain that they don’t know where anything goes…!). You can make pizzas ahead for dinner that night, make banana pops, dried fruit if you have a dehydrator, fruit leather, ice cream in a bag, monkey bread, etc. If your kids are a little older, with all the basics down already, consider a themed cooking week (Italy, Mexico, China, All-American, Greece) and cook a different meal every day of the week that goes along with the theme. Or use one theme per day and make it a trip around the world! It could also be fun to make a cookbook at the end of the week with the recipes they made and even include a couple of others for them to try at a later date.
Have you ever seen the Bayeux Tapestry? I haven’t seen it in person. It lives in Normandy, France—ooh la la! I felt incredibly lucky to go to the grocery store alone this afternoon, so, you know, I don’t often get out to Normandy. But seeing pictures and reading about it will do for now. The tapestry narrates William the Conqueror’s victory at the Battle of Hastings. It’s very famous, very big, and sometimes very beautiful. The top side of it makes sense and tells a story. The underside is messy and looks like the weaver didn’t have a plan. God’s will throughout history is like a tapestry. We are underneath looking up, and all the random threads tied in knots and snarls don’t make sense to us. We can’t see the tapestry of history like God sees it. From His perspective, it tells the story of His love and plan for mankind from the beginning of time. Our earthly perspective is limited. For example, when God wove together the family line of Christ, He used people we would never expect. We assume the line of ancestry for the Son of God would be filled with respectable leaders. But God used women, foreigners, illegitimate children, and a prostitute. (Sidebar: the Bible is unique and awesome because it does include women, and in ancient cultures women didn’t often make the rosters.) Ruth was not only a foreigner; she was from an enemy country. The Israelites despised the Moabites. So when Ruth walked into town, that’s likely what they saw—a woman with the invisible sign “Moabite” hovering over her head. Not guilty herself, but an easy target for prejudice. And God reprinted with permission from chose to weave her
TAKE 5: Devotional
into His kingly line. See how the tapestry looks crazy from underneath?
Because we see Ruth’s story with the perspective of thousands of years, it seems to be all tied up with a pretty bow. But it didn’t feel that way to Ruth. After her husband died, her life looked like a chopped down tree: all stump and going nowhere. But God took that stump and gave it new branches, and that family tree became the line of the Messiah. When we look at Ruth’s children and their children, we can trace the line of David and of Christ. It is the greatest honor. This is the story God was penning all along, from the beginning of the book. It is His perfect design!
mean something.
God takes the despised and the rejected, the lowly, the insignificant, even His enemies, and He binds them to Christ (Psalm 87). Christ comes to us, takes the mess of our lives, and makes it
He takes the loose threads of our story, and weaves something beautiful. Even though Ruth couldn’t see the whole beautiful tapestry of her story, God had blessing and goodness planned for her. He promises that His plans are always good for us, and that He is enough (Rom. 8:27-28). He holds our future, and we are safe in Him. Lord, you are my portion and my cup of blessing; You hold my future. - Psalm 16:5
July/August 2015
Your 2015 Guide to Camps and Summer Programs
East Wenatchee Pool: 980 NE 3rd Street, (509)
WATER Wenatchee Park Wading Pool Program
There’s no need to register for the FREE program, just come to the park for some wading pool fun! Coof off on your own, or join recreation staff as they lead games, arts and crafts activities and more! For ages 6-14. Children under 6 must be accompanied by an adult. June 22August 14, Monday-Friday, 1pm-5pm. At Washington Park, Kiwanis-Methow Park and Pennsylvania Parks. The Splash Pad is also open at Rotary Park every day from 11am-8pm until Labor Day.
Velocity Swimming
Next session of swim lessons is May 16, 23, & June 13, Saturdays, 11am-11:45 at Wenatchee High School Pool, 1100 Millerdale Ave. Swim instructor, Max Cristofori can be reached at (928) 276-2050. To register, visit Beginning and advanced swimmers welcome, ages 4-99. Cost is $31.50 + annual registration fee ($67).
Public Pools
Wenatchee City Pool: 220 Fuller Street, (509) 888-3288 Public swim is $1 for toddlers, $3 for ages 4-adult, $2 for senior and $7 for a family Swimming lessons available in 2 week sessions, 4 sessions total. Register at the City Pool. Open swim is Monday-Friday, 1pm-2:45pm & 3pm-4:45pm. Saturdays, 11am-12:45pm, 1pm-2:45 and 3pm-4:45pm
662-2109 Open Swim Monday-Saturday 1pm-2:30pm and Monday-Thursday, 6:15pm-7pm. Admission is free is you are member of the YMCA, otherwise, it is $2 of kids 0-15 years, $6 for 16+. Swimming lessons available through the YMCA. Cashmere Pool: 104 Paton St (509) 782-1300. Open swim is 1pm-5pm Monday-Sunday and 6pm-8pm Monday-Friday. Swimming lessons and water aerobics are available. Cost is $4 general admission with individual and family season passes available. Leavenworth Pool: 694 Highway 2 (509) 548-5275. Open swim is Wednesdays 1pm-3:50pm and 6:40-8:30pm. Saturdays, 1pm-3:50pm and 5pm-6:50pm and Sundays 1pm-3:50pm. Under 2 are free, ages 2+ are $3.25 and Seniors are $2.25. Swim lessons, Kayak sessions and season passes are available.
Swim Lessons at the WRAC
Bobbin Babies: Intro class for 3 months to 3 years old with an adult in the water with them Level 1: Intro to swimming and fundamental skills Level 2: Stroke introduction and improvement Level 3: Stroke refinement Classes are 2 days a week (option for 1 day per week also), 25 minutes long. For ages 3 and up. Multiple Class times are available, both in morning and evening. $46/member, $58/non member. Sessions are as follows: Session 3: July 13-23 Session 4: July 27-August 6 Session 5: August 10-20 Private swim lessons are also available for both children and adults. The WRAC also offers Lifeguarding classes,
water safety classes, coaching/teaching opportunities & swim team . Please call Dave Wilson for more 6623544 or email
visit There are four division, all based on age and weight. All divisions are $150. Siblings are $100. Season runs from August-November.
Tiny-Hawk Soccer Camp
Flag Football Camp
Designed for beginning players, this camp focuses on dribbling, passing, shooting and ball control. By the end of the camp your child will have learned new life skills such as teamwork and sportsmanship, made new friends and improved their sport skills! For ages 3-4. Sessions are July 6-10, July 13-17*, July 27-31, Monday-Friday from 8am-8:45am at Walla Walla Point Park and are $59. *at Triangle Park. To register, visit or call (800) 804-3509.
TetraBrazil Brazilian Soccer Camp
The #1 Authentic Brazilian Soccer Camp in the USA. Learn the flair, creativity & passion of Brazilian soccer. The TetraBrazil curriculum has been designed by professional coaches to provide teams, coaches, and players with the same expert level of training received by professional clubs in Brazil. Camps take place at Eastmont Metropolitan Park District from July 6-10. Sessions include: Ages 8-12 years, half Day, 9am-12pm, $170. Ages 12-16: Half Day, 1pm-4pm, $170. or Ages 8-16 years, full day, 9am-4pm, $225. Register Online at Free Jersey offer deadlines May 22. for more info: e.telmes@ or 800-533-9374.
The camp teaches boys and girls skills on both sides of the line of scrimmage including the core components of passing, catching and defense—all in a fund and positive environment. For ages 6-12. August 10-14, 9am-3pm at Walla Walla Point Park, $139. To register, visit www. or call (800) 804-3509.
Wildcat Football Camp
Join the Eastmont High School Football Team and Coaches this summer to learn and improve your football skills! This two day camp will be focusing on FUN and getting you ready for the upcoming season. Day two of camp will be a Punt, Pass & Kick Competition! July 13-14, 9am-11:30am. For 1st-7th grades. At Eastmont Park Soccer Field. $40, includes a t-shirt and football if registered by July 3. Register online at or in person at 255 N. Georgia Ave. in East Wenatchee. Camp is put on by the Eastmont High School Football team and coaches.
GOLF Skykawks Golf Camp
Soccer camps: 5-7 year olds are from 10am-noon, 8-10 year olds are from 1-3pm are are $75. Sessions are: June 29-July 2 OR July 20-23 OR August 10-13. Camps include an academy Jersey. To register or for more information, visit, call 888-5200 or email
Boys and girls will learn the fundamentals of swinging, putting and body positioning. Using the SNAG (Starting New At Golf) system, we have simplified instruction so that young players can make an effective transition onto the golf course. All equipment is provided. For ages 7-12. Sessions are August 3-7, 9am-12 OR 1:30-4:30pm at Lincoln Park and are $115. To register, visit www. or call (800) 804-3509.
Goalkeeping Soccer Camp
Golf Instructional Camp
Sportsplex Summer Camps
July 13-16 at the Sportsplex. Cost is $95. Ages 8-11 is from 10am-noon, Ages 12-14 will be from 1pm-3pm. Includes an academy Jersey. To register or for more information, visit, call 8885200 or email
FOOTBALL Central Cascade Pop Warner
Kids compete with kids of similar age and size. Pop Warner is the ONLY youth football program (local, regional and national) that sets and enforces a strict AGE & WEIGHT MATRIX that reduces the risk and reality of injuries. Did you know that Pop Warner football is safer than soccer? Pop Warner football has 12% fewer injuries per capita among 5-15 year olds than organized soccer in the same age range! For more information and to register,
Join the Highlander Golf Course’s Head Professional for the 15th Annual Golf Instructional Camp. Participants will learn how to swing a golf club, drive, chip, putt a ball, basic rule knowledge and much more! Golf Clubs are available, for free at the Golf Course, to those participants who do not have their own. Session 1: July 7-9, 6-8pm. Session 2: July 14-16, 6-8pm. For ages 8-18 at Highlander Golf Course. Cost is $55, includes a free t-shirt if registered by June 26 (for first session) or July 3 (for second session). Register online at or in person at 255 N. Georgia Ave. in East Wenatchee.
TENNIS Youth Tennis Lessons
Youth Tennis Lessons are designed for the novice player, ages 7 and older. Lessons focus on tennis fundamentals,
July/August 2015
including ground strokes, serve and volley-play. Students provide their own racket and one can of tennis balls. Register online. Beginner-9:00am or 10:00am. Intermediate-11:00am. Session I: July 13-17, Mon-Fri $27/$29.50. Session II: July 20-24 Mon-Fri $27/$29.50 at Walla Walla Point Park. To register, visit www. or call (509) 888-3282.
Tennis Lessons
Looking for more one on one instruction? Advance your skills with individual or small group tennis lessons during the summer. The sessions do not build upon each other and are open to any skill level. The instruction will vary, depending on the skill level. Rackets are available! For ages 6-18 (beginner-intermediate). $60 per session. At Eastmont Park Tennis Courts. Instructed by Craig Vidano, WRAC Assistant Pro. 4 students max per session. Session 2: July 7, 9, 14 & 16 9:00-10:30 AM Register by June 26, $5 late fee after deadline. Session 3:July 21, 23, 28 & 30 9:00-10:30 AM Register by July 10, $5 late fee after deadline. Register online at or in person at 255 N. Georgia Ave. in East Wenatchee.
Tennis Adventure Camps at the WRAC
Camp is geared for learning tennis through the Quickstart method which utilizes specialized equipment, shorter court dimensions and modified scoring; all tailored to age and size of each student. Mon-Thurs, 9:30am-noon. $120/ member, $142/non-member. Mini Pros (ages 5-10) or Future Pros (ages 11-14) Afternoon Camp is available as a separate camp for $30 or you are welcome to attend all day as well! Afternoon and All Day Camp is for ages 6-14 and ends at 3pm. Afternoon camp includes soccer and swimming. For more details, please visit or call the wrac at 662-3544. All camps are offered each week from June 15-August 14, with the exception of July 13-16.
BASEBALL/SOFTBALL AppleSox Baseball Camps
Wenatchee AppleSox instructional clinics are for kids ages 6+, who want to enhance their baseball and softball skills. Participants will learn techniques to improve hitting, fielding, pitching and throwing from AppleSox players and coaches. The AppleSox camps are led by Head Coach AJ Proszek, and he is assisted by his coaching staff and players. All Skills Camp: July 6-July 8, 9am-Noon, $79 Pitching and Defense Camp: July 13-July 15, 9am-Noon, $79. For more information and/or to register, visit
DANCE Next Step Dance Studio
August 10-12 & August 17-19 Summer workshops available in ballet, Technique, Tap, Jazz and Hip Hop. Please check with the studio in May for further details and registration. Fall Class sign up will begin in June and classes fill up quickly. So check with the office in May for a Fall schedule as well to prepare for Fall classes! www.nextstepdance08. com or 662-8987.
An Daire Academy of Irish Dance - Wenatchee
Come dance with Wenatchee Irish Dance! There is a one-time $35 registration fee per dancer or $50/family. More than one session can be taken. To reserve your space today, please call 509.630.3709 or email us at
Summer Session I: Jul 13th - Jul 24th
New Beginner Traditional Irish Step Dance ($40 per dancer), Mon from 3:30-5:30 (5-9 yrs); Tue from 4:30 6:30 (10-14yrs)
New Beginner Dance Team, Jul 13-Jul 24
No experience necessary. $100 per dancer. Includes 1 t-shirt and performance opportunity. Monday - Friday (11:00 - 12:00pm for 5-9 yrs; 1:00 - 2:00pm for 10-14 yrs)
Summer Session II: Aug 5th - Aug 14th
New Beginner Traditional Irish Step Dance; Mon from 3:305:30 (5-9 yrs), Tue from 4:30 - 6:30 (10-14yrs)
New Beginner Dance Team, Aug 5th-Aug 14th
No experience necessary. $100 per dancer. Includes 1 t-shirt and performance opportunity. Monday - Friday (11:00 - 12:00pm for 5-9 yrs; 1:00 - 2:00pm for 10-14 yrs)
Wildcat Dance Clinic
July 25, 9am-2:30pm $60, includes a t-shirt if registered by 10. $5 late fee after deadline. At Eastmont High School Gym. Go for the GOLD and dance with Team USA at the Wildcat Dance Clinic! Come meet our instructor, Amanda, from the Unviersity of Cincinnati’s Dance Team and Team USA! You will need to wear athletic/dance attire and nonmarking tennis shoes. Please bring a water bottle, sack lunch and a snack. You will have stretch and flexibility training, learn pom and dance techniques and routines. There will be a friends and family performance at the end of the day. To geister, visit or register in person at 255 N. Georgia Ave in East Wenatchee.
GYMNASTICS Apple Valley Gymnastics 8 Week Summer Classes
July 6-August 28 (no class July 29-31) at Apple Valley Gymnastics Classes include: Mom & Tot (18-36 months), rockers & rollers (3-4 years old), and Dynamites (4-5 years) Girls Rec classes, split up by grade levels. For grades 1-4+. Boys Rec Classes are also available for boys in at least Kindergarten. Please see the website for more details on days and times each class is offered. or call for any questions or to sign up, 663-2988
Bayley and Allison Babcock
July 8th, 15th, and 22nd. Only $45! This summer, enhance your skills for dance, gymnastics, or circus, or take on a new adventure! Call (509) 662-1971 for more information. Workshop is through Fabulous Feet Dance Studio.
CHEERLEADING Pop Warner Cheer Season
Central Cascade Pop Warner offers a great cheer experience for youth who want to cheer for a team and also participate in exhibitions. Cheerleading is offered to youth ages 5-15. CCPWL offers the opportunity to learn and improve cheer skills and have fun cheering for football players, parents and fans. Cheer runs the same as football season, from August to November. We practice during the week and cheer for games on Saturdays. Uniforms are provided with registration. These include shell, skirt, briefs, poms, and hair bow. The cheerleading squads are assigned to football teams and accompany them to all their home and away games—including post-season play at invitational bowls and regional/national competitions. The cheerleaders cheer during the games and also perform at halftime. Cheerleaders will be placed according to age, experience and the number of girls registering. Team preference and sibling players will be considered in squad placement. If you have any questions about our program or are interested in volunteering with us, please contact Jeremy West at or Sadie Scaramozzino at Register today at $175 for August-November season.
Wildcat Cheerleading Camp
This camp is packed full of cheerleading games, activities, cheers, drills and dance routines. Join your friends at this exciting, week long, camp and learn how to work together as a team and discover what cheerleading is all about. Please bring a water bottle and wear tennis shoes and appropriate clothing to camp. July 6-10, 9am-10:30am. For ages 6-14. At Eastmont Community Park Soccer Field. Cost: $55, includes a t-shirt is registered by June 26. Register online at or in person at 255 N. Georgia Ave. in East Wenatchee. Camp is put on by the EHS Cheerleaders.
Alexa Michel Lippert
Alyssa Orendain
KARATE Intro Class to Karate
Children in this program learn the beginning levels of the KI Fighting Concepts Karate program. Including coordination drills, focus, discipline, and self-defense techniques and concepts. Each child will test for a White belt to conclude the program! This program lays the foundation for a strong beginning in the KIFC curriculum leading the way to Black Belt! Equipment and supplies needed: none. 4 weeks of training, 1 day/week. Cost: $99, get half off registration fee (now only $25!) + 1 Free black uniform. Tuesdays in August (4, 11, 18, 25). To register, visit or call 662-7983.
July/August 2015
KI Fighting Summer Day Camp: Confidence and Focus in Movement July 7-9, 10am-12pm, for ages 3-5. Children in this program will learn to find their confidence in movement with fun karate drills and exercise. They will also be introduced to beginning level self-defense techniques and awareness skills. Every day will be filled with physical and tactile activities supporting FOCUS and CONFIDENCE in a safe and positive environment! Equipment and supplies needed: none. Cost: $99. To register, visit or call 662-7983.
KI Fighting Summer Day Camp: Balance, Nutrition and Exercise July 14-16, 10am-12pm for ages 6-7 July 28-30, 10am-12pm for ages 8-12 Children in this program will learn the importance of a balanced healthy lifestyle! We’ll have a certified nutritionist present a fun kid-friendly program explaining the significance of healthy eating habits. Your child will also be introduced to fun Karate techniques and drills. Every day will be filled with fun physical and tactile activities supporting BALANCE, NUTRITION, and EXERCISE in a safe and positive environment! Equipment and supplies needed: none. Cost: $99. To register, visit or call 662-7983.
KI Fighting Summer Day Camp: Boxing Drills and Fundamentals
August 4-6, 10am-12pm for ages 8-12 August 11-13, 10am-12pm for ages 13-16 Students in this program will learn beginning to intermediate level boxing drills and fundamentals. In boxing there are 4 basic punches; JAB, CROSS, UPPERCUT, HOOK. Each child will learn the mechanics and execution of each punch on focus mitts and heavy bags finding their IMPACT POTENTIAL. Every day will be filled with physical training and drills in a fun and safe environment! Equipment and supplies needed: hand wraps. Cost: $99. To register, visit or call 662-7983.
Other Sport Camps Rumble in the Rink
“What it takes to be a pro” Hockey camp July 20-24th, 10am-4pm at the Town Toyota Center $350/skater. conditioning, ice skills, team games, and battle drills. Join the 3 pro hockey players who know what it takes to get to the next level. Whether that is from youth to rep, from rep to junior, from junior to college hockey or from college hockey to professional hockey. Their mission is to pass this valuable information on and the camp is based solely around their knowledge of what it takes. Register today at
Wenatchee WILD Summer Skill Development Camp Hockey Camp, August 10-14 at Town Toyota Center Ages 13-15: 11:30am-1pm Ages 11-12: 1:15pm-2:45pm Ages 9-10: 3pm-4:30pm Ages 8 & Under: 5:30pm-7pm $250/player. Focuses on individual skill development skating, stickhandling, passing and shooting; high tempo drills with many puck touches, small group stations, small area games. Wild assistant coach, Chris Clark will work with the goaltenders at the camp. 2 Wenatchee WILD (Junior and U18 team) coaching staff members on ice at all times. 2 Wenatchee WILD players on the ice at all times. For more information and to print out a registration form, visit
Mini-Hawk Camp
The Mini-Hawk program helps young children explore soccer, baseball, and basketball in a day camp setting. There is no pressure, just lots of fun, while these young athletes participate in all three sports through unique Skyhawks games. For ages 4-7. Session are July 6-10 or July 27-31, Monday-Friday from 9-noon at Walla Walla Point Park and are $115. To register, visit www.skyhawks. com or call (800) 804-3509.
Youth Yoga
Wednesdays, June 24-July 29 at the WRAC 9:15-10:00 am, OR Thursdays, June 25 - July 30 at the WRAC, 4:30pm-5:15pm Ages 8-12 We’ll work our way through the animal kingdom, learning the basics of yoga and the many animal-named poses. Balance, bend, stretch, get strong and have fun learning yoga! Instructor: Courtney. Fee: $29/Mem, $36/ Non-Mem (+wsst), Drop-In $8. To register or for more information, visit or call 662-3544
Athletic Performance Camp
Ages 13-18 / 8:00-9:15 am / M-W-F July 13-31 On-field skills and drills combined with weight room techniques that are designed to take your athleticism to a new level. This program emphasizes a score set of athletic values so whatever your sport, you will be stronger, move quicker and outrun the competition. Athletic Performance Camp is led by, Keith Baier, a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist with more than 15 years experience at the collegiate, high school, and youth levels. Fee: Camp 1 (7 weeks): $88/mem, $114/non-mem. Camp 2 (9 weeks): $112/mem, $146/non-mem. To register or for more information, visit or call 662-3544
Celebrating summer one inning at a time!
5 14
SPo 6:05 Cor 6:05
BeLL 3:05
5 28
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Med 7:05
Sun Mon Fireworks July 3rd
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SPo 7:05 Cor 7:05
BeLL BeLL 7:05 7:05 ViC 6:35
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WW 7:05
Wenatchee AppleSox Baseball Club
SUMMER 2015 SCHEDULE Sun Mon Tue Wed ThurS Fri SaT
Wed ThurS
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KeL 7:05 aLL
CoW STar 7:05 7:05
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KiT 6:35 KeL 6:35
Ben 7:05 KeL 7:05 KiT 6:35 KeL 6:35
CoW 6:35 KeL 6:35 KiT 6:35 KeL 6:35
Wed ThurS
CoW 6:35 KeL 6:35
YaK 7:05
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CoW 6:35 KeL 6:35
YaK 7:05
ViC 7:05
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15 CS TBd 22
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YaK 7:05
APPLESOX.COM • (509) 665-6900 July/August 2015
Roller Skating is Back! Roller Skating is back for the summer at the Town
Toyota Center. Cost is $5 per person with a $2 skate rental. The ice rink is open as well and admission is good for entrance into either or both rink. The schedule will be: Open July 14-August 2 Tuesdays & Thursdays: 6pm-8pm Friday & Saturdays: 1pm-3pm AND 6:45pm-8:45pm Sundays: 1pm-3pm Special Additional Skate session: Friday, July 17: 9:00pm-12:00am TRI CAMP
Triathlon Training for KIDS! Mid July (date TBD) / 10 am-2 pm at WRAC / Ages 6-12 Keep a journal - Nutritional Talks - Bike Maintenance Basics -Race Transitions - Swim, Bike, Run - Yoga - Crafts. With a Friday Triathlon! Coach: Lynda Finegold. Fee: $138 mem./ $153 non-mem. To register or for more information, visit or call 662-3544
ART We All Scream For Ice Cream Tuesday-Thursday, July 7th-9th OR August 4th-6th
10am-12pm at Inspirations Ceramic & Art Cafe. Our favorite summertime treat is the theme for this cool camp for ages 6-16. We will be painting pottery, creating fused glass, designing candles and even making real ice cream sundaes. Snack and beverage provided. Cost is $90 for three days. ($80 early registration special by June 1st.) Register at the studio, 400 Ninth St. in Wenatchee or by calling 888-2464
Inspired by Kandinski with Amber
for Little Kids, ages 6-9 Friday, July 10, 9am-Noon, $30 At Art Is, 11734 Hwy 2, Suite C in Leavenworth. To register, or call 509-548-2278 Learn abstract expressionism while we explore shapes
and color. Learn about Kandinsky and his ability to create visual art from musical inspiration. We will paint, draw, cut and glue while we listen to music.
Little Scribblers: Toddler/Parent Art Mornings
for Toddlers (0-5 year olds) and their parent 4 week sessions At Art Is, 11734 Hwy 2, Suite C in Leavenworth. To register, visit or call 509-548-2278 July/August Session: Tuesdays starting July 14 (July 14, July 21, July 28, Aug 4) Admission is $40. Join in for messy and fun collaborative toddler and parent art making. We will encourage creativity and fine motor development through experimentation with color, texture and sensory stimulating mediums. This is a project based art class, so every week you and your child get to take home your own little masterpiece. Dress for mess! Instruction/ guide and all supplies included.
Owlsome Owls
Tuesday-Thursday, July 14th-16th OR August 11th-13th 10am-12pm at Inspirations Ceramic & Art Cafe for ages 6-16. WHO doesn’t like owls? Join us for this camp where our feathered friend take center stage. We will be creating a fused glass night light, and painting two adorable owl inspired pottery pieces. Snack and beverage provided. Cost is $90 for three days. ($80 early registration special by June 1st.) Register at the studio, 400 Ninth St. in Wenatchee or by calling 888-2464 www.
Let’s Get Messy
Tuesday-Thursday, July 21st-23rd OR August 18th-20th 10am-12pm at Inspirations Ceramic & Art Cafe for ages 6-16. Have you ever painted pottery with a squirt gun? Well, come give it a try at this indoor/outdoor art camp. We will be creating a wet clay project, painting with shaving cream and other fun-filled, tactile mediums. Snack and beverage provided. Cost is $90 for three days. ($80 early registration special by June 1st.) Register at the studio, 400 Ninth St. in Wenatchee or by calling 8882464
Art Alive
July 27-30 for ages 5-8 years old. 12:30pm-3:30pm, $125. Scholarships are available. Taught by Lara Kenoyer, class held at Seeds Learning Center in Wenatchee. All supplies and snacks included. Learn about Art History and Color Theory, as we learn about a new artist per day, and put their unique techniques to use to create our own works of art! To register, please call Lara at (509) 2643405 or email
Fun Summer Days
Tuesday-Thursday, July28th-30th OR August 25th-27th 10am-12pm at Inspirations Ceramic & Art Cafe for ages 6-16. This week is all about pottery! We will be creating a Tic-Tac-Toe game board, a personalized fingerprint embellished mug and a “how does your garden grow?” flower pot including a fun surprise. Snack and beverage provided. Cost is $90 for three days. ($80 early registration special by June 1st) Register at the studio, 400 Ninth st. in Wenatchee or by calling 888-2464
“All of Creation” Children & Families Art Instruction Day Camp August 7 and/or 8th, 10am-Noon at Pybus Market, 7 N Worthen St. in Wenatchee. Geared towards children ages 4 and up and their families. The camp is sponsored by Pacific Crest Church and is free and open to the public. Participants will create their own art under supervision of parents. On Saturday, August 8th, the art will be on exhibition in the Pybus Events Room for the public to view. For additional information, contact Jonathan Thomas at 509-670-8502.
Art Adventure
Ethan Tovar hanging out at the park
August 17-20 for ages 5-8 years old. 8:30am-11:30am, $125. Scholarships are available. Taught by Lara Kenoyer, class held at Seeds Learning Center in Wenatchee. All supplies and snacks included. Learn a different Art Element per day (line, shape, texture, etc), it’s history, and what well known artists use it. All student art will be focused on each daily element as we work through the week. To register, please call Lara at (509) 264-3405 or email
Art Camps and Classes all held at Artis
Artis is located at 11734 Highway 2 in Leavenworth. To register or for more information, visit or call 509-548-2278. Members of Artis receive a 20% discount. Classes range from 6-13 years old. Camps/Classes are as follows:
Upcycling Arts Course
July 6-27 on Mondays, from 4-6pm. For ages 9-13. August 3-24 on Mondays from 4-6pm for ages 9-13 $99. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle…Upcycle! In this class we will be turning old thrift clothes into new fashions and accessories, found objects into mixed media masterpieces, using our wild imaginations to repurpose things that may otherwise have ended up in a landfill. Each student will gain sewing skills, as our primary focus will be on fashion, thanks to the generous donations from the Community Cupboard, but we won’t stop there! Add basic art supplies and your imaginations to come up with fine, unique recycled art.
Mom, Tennille, and Jonas enjoying Ephrata’s Splash Zone
Bayley Babcock and Cameron
Ceramic Painting Class
July 17, 3pm-4:30pm $20 for kids ages 9-13. More details coming soon.
Drawing Horses Class
July 25, 9am-Noon. For ages 9-13 July 31, 9am-Noon, for ages 5-8 $30. Using models and books, Patti will teach you how to draw realistic looking horses. We’ll learn techniques to getting the shapes and movement just right, and use our imaginations to draw the horses of our dreams!
Clay & Flotsam Camp
July 27-30, 9am-Noon. $109 For ages 9-13. Ceramic hand building and mosaics out of odds and ends. Details coming soon.
Etching Press
August 4, 1pm-3:30pm, for ages 6-9. $30 Learn to use an etching press. Cut out shapes to mix and match and
July/August 2015
print on cards to share your unique collection. Send some and save some in a folded book. Instructor April Richardson starts with a drawing from life, and combines painting, printmaking, and collage to make mixed media monotypes, unique prints. Lush color, flowing lines and sensual curves and edges create a world within each painting. She applies thin layers of ink and paper and then scrapes or tears them away, rebuilding layer after layer to achieve depth and rich textures. Paint and other surface treatments transform a print to a complex and evocative painting.
Supply List. $50 tuition. Beginner.
August 10-13, 9am-Noon. For Ages 6-9. $110 Where art becomes alive. We invite students, ages 6-9, to play with the classical artists. Pablo Picasso, Georgia O’Keeffe, Jackson Pollock, Piet Mandarin, Maurits Escher. Learn about color theory, new vocabulary, history and create your own versions of famous masterpieces. Fantastic class to build a well rounded base of art knowledge. Instructed by Lara Kenoyer.
Grade 1-2 - Musical Theater Camp
Classical Art Explorers Camp
Robotics with Heidi
August 14, 9am-Noon, ages 6-9. $30. Details coming soon.
Dimensional Mosaics Camp
August 17-20, 9am-Noon, for ages 9-13. $109. Instructor Teri Zimmerman will take mosaics beyond the flat surface and on to three dimensional objects. Learn techniques of how to make a beautiful mosiac pattern and go home with a one of a kind work of art. Bonus - while we wait for the grout to dry we’ll also make nature talking sticks and bird feeders.
Elements of Art Camp
August 24-27, 9am-Noon, for ages 5-8. $110. All well rounded artists know about the elements of art; Line, color, shape and form, texture, value and FUN! In this class we will combine each element with a famous artist like Miro, Klee, Klimt and Kandinsky. Art history, new art vocabulary, interacting with masterpieces are part of the foundations of being and artist.
Kids Sewing Camp
Each project is chosen to build sewing skills and creativity in a fun and supportive environment. Some classes have a supply list and others require a kit. All classes are 5 days (one week) long, Monday through Friday. Classes are for kids ages 8 -13; each class is limited to 5 participants. Some previous experience is required to join the three sessions that are rated Experience Required. You’ll need scissors, pins & pincushion, a tape measure & sewing box (a shoe box works fine). New sewing machines are provided for classes. Supply Lists for the appropriate classes are available at Sew-Creative. Classes fill QUICKLY! Call or email today to reserve your space.
July 20 - 24:
Beach or Overnight Tote, 9:00 am - 10:30 am. Kit ($12). $50 tuition. Beginner. Upcycled Jeans Skirt + Small Purse, 10:35 am - 12:05 pm.
July 27 - 31:
Quilt Camp: “9-Patch” Cat + Quilted Purse/Tote, 9:30 am - 11:00 am. Kit ($15). $50 tuition. Experience Required.
August 10 - 14:
Pinwheel Quilt, 9:00 am - 10:30 am. Supply List. $50 tuition. Experience Required. TBD (open for requests), 10:35 am - 12:05 pm. ? ? ? ?
THEATER July 6-10 “Journey to Wonderland” What a great way to learn about the performing arts! This summer we’ll teach campers a new set of skills to match their always active imaginations! Discover hidden talents with our core workshops in voice, dance, and acting as we journey through songs and scenes from “Alice in Wonderland.” A short musical showcase will be shared with family and friends on the last day of camp. 1st -2nd Grade For kids who are entering 1st or 3nd grade in the Fall of 2015 AM Session: 9am -12:00pm Fee: Early Bird - $90, General - $95 ($100 on or after May 15) To register, visit stagekidswa. org
Grade 3-5 - Musical Theater Camp
July 6-10 “Journey to Wonderland” What a great way to learn about the performing arts! This summer we’ll teach campers a new set of skills to match their always active imaginations! Discover hidden talents with our core workshops in voice, dance, and acting as we journey through songs and scenes from “Alice in Wonderland.” A short musical showcase will be shared with family and friends on the last day of camp. 3rd - 5th Grade For kids who are entering 4th-6th grade in the Fall of 2015 Full day camp: 8:45am - 3:45pm Fee: Early Bird - $175, General - $195 ($210 on or after May 15) To register, visit
Grade 6-8 Musical Theater Camp
July 6-10 “Journey to Wonderland” What a great way to learn about the performing arts! This summer we’ll teach campers a new set of skills to match their always active imaginations! Discover hidden talents with our core workshops in voice, dance, and acting as we journey through songs and scenes from “Alice in Wonderland.” A short musical showcase will be shared with family and friends on the last day of camp. 6th - 8th Grade For kids who are entering 7th & 8th grade in the Fall of 2015 Full day camp: 8:45 - 3:45pm Fee: Early Bird - $175, General - $195 ($210 on or after May 15) To register, visit
Action Drama Camp
July 27-July 31. 9am-Noon, with performance on Sunday,
August 2. $30/student. Scholarships available. Groups for ages 6-18. Having fun, building confidence, and encouraging teamwork! Register at by July 9th to receive an Active Drama Camp T-Shirt! Registration is limited, so sign up soon! There will be a private dress rehearsal on Friday at noon. In addition, actors will arrive at 9:00 am Sunday August 2 to prepare for the all-community performance at 10:00 am as part of the worship service. For further information or to volunteer with registration, snacks, or supervision, please contact Director Laura Fox at 885-4322.
Young Artists Theater Camp: Acting
July 19-July 25. An extraordinary overnight (or day camp) for aspiring young actors, directors and playwrights ages 10-20. This camp is a week long training ground where talented students come together to learn from an amazing team of theater professionals working in Seattle, New York, and more! All classes, master classes and workshops cater to each student’s specific needs and skill levels by creating a safe and nurturing environment for all kids to express themselves creatively through theater. Acting groups are assembled to receive age-appropriate instruction. This program is designed to give young people life-changing experiences in theater instruction, skill acquisition, and the confidence to use them. Outdoor activities and extracurricular opportunities are built into students’ daily schedules. The camp culminates in a performance by the students on the last day of camp. Cost is $950 for overnight campers. Please visit icicle. org or call 548-6347 for more information and/or to register.
Young Artists Theater Camp: Musical Theater
July 26-August1. An extraordinary overnight or day camp experience for aspiring young musical theater performers (ages 10-20) in a spectacular mountain setting. Talented students will work with an amazing team of musical theater professionals (actors, singers, and choreographers) to become “triple threats” of the stage: acting, singing, and dance! Singers and nonsingers will learn to find “their voice,” dancers and nondancers will learn to move on stage with confidence, and all students will learn
to apply excellent acting techniques to their musical theater performances. All classes, master classes and workshops cater to each student’s specific needs and skill levels by creating a safe and nurturing environment for all kids to express themselves creatively through theater. Acting groups are assembled to receive age-appropriate instruction. This program is designed to give young people life-changing experiences in theater instruction, skill acquisition, and the confidence to use them. Outdoor activities and extracurricular opportunities are built into students’ daily schedules. The camp culminates in a performance by the students on the last day of camp. Cost is $950 for overnight campers. Please visit or call 548-6347 for more information and/or to register.
Young Filmmakers Camp
August 17-August 21: Land Sea and Water! Film campers are in for a fun and exciting hands-on introduction to the media arts in a beautiful natural setting. Start the week filming around the natural beauty of the Icicle Creek Campus, followed by two days of editing and post production training at the Wenatchee Valley Technical Skills Center. From concept to final cut, young filmmakers will experience each step of the creative process and experiment with new technologies. Campers will learn how to conduct a meaningful interview, handle a camera, set up a shot, record audio, shoot aerials from a drone and even get their feet wet learning the basics of underwater cinematography. And once the footage is all gathered,
Summer Jammin’ Big Kids Classes Start July 6th ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fall Semester begins in September Enroll today!
An International program with studies proving music learning supports all learning Discover the Joy of Music and Movement WITH your child in classes for ages Birth-4 years Big Kids classes for ages 5-7 nourish independent musical growth
Ask us about birthday parties! July/August 2015
Kids bowl free! Looking for a great, CHEAP, way to spend those “too hot” summer days? Sign your kids up for FREE bowling! Go to and sign them up for 2 free games PER DAY in the summer (June 15-August 28). That is over $500 in value! Standard shoe rental rates still apply. All free bowling coupons are sent to your email at the beginning of each week. For kids agese 18 and under. These coupons are good for Eastmont Lanes in East Wenatchee, 884-3593. Their summer hours are Mon-Friday: Noon10pm, Saturday: 10am-10pm and Sunday 10am-6pm. Now, go get signed up and have a aummer full of fun, free fitness! Who’s ready to get your bowl on?!?! of course, it all has to be organized and edited. By the end of the week, campers will have planned, shot and edited their own movie and we’ll cap it all off with a family screening complete with popcorn! Optional transportation between Wenatchee and Leavenworth is available. Tuition is $450 with an optional commuter bus ride for $100. Camp runs from 8am-4pm daily. Please visit or call 548-6347 for more information and/or to register.
MUSIC Music Together Class
For kids birth through Kindergarten and their parents. Each child participates at his or her own developmental level in singing, moving, chanting, listening, observing or exploring musical instruments. The whole family is welcome to join in this important family music experience and any caregiver can bring the child to class. to see a mixed ages class in action, check out the wonderful video at To register for the following 10 week classes, please visit Mixed Ages Class -- Thursdays beginning June 11, 10:15-11am OR Fridays beginning June 12, 10:15-11am. Each class is $90, $60 for siblings
Young Pianist Camp
August 2-August 9. This Icicle Creek Center for the Arts program welcomes young aspiring pianists, ages 13-18 years, for a week long session of individual lessons, practice, masterclasses and workshops, inspiring nature hikes in the spectacular Cascade Mountains, and outings to the Bavarian Village of Leavenworth. Piano Camp is
open to intermediate and advanced pianists who have had at least five years of private lessons and have studied and performed standard repertoire of equal or greater difficulty to: Bach, Inventions; Movements of Classical sonatas of Haydn, Mozart or Beethoven; Chopin, Preludes, Waltzes or Nocturnes. Cost is $950 for overnight campers. Please visit or call 548-6347 for more information and/or to register.
Columbia River Music Conservatory: School of Rock Camp August 3rd through August 7th, “School of Rock” Camp -Did you ever wanna be a Rock Star? Well here is the camp for you! Charlie Sol brig, Camp Director, will give you the opportunity to get your “Rocker On”. Campers will be divided by age, skill and instrument to form four person bands. Bands will work all week on music to perform at Friday’s BIG ROCK CONCERT. There is limited space so please reserve your spot in the coolest camp this summer! Presented by the Columbia River Music Conservatory, call 664-0412 or visit Cost is $160 for the week.
School of Rock
July 27-30, 6:30-8:00pm. Do you have a desire to learn how to play an instrument? Use your voice? Come join the band for a week! Camp takes place at Columbia Grove Covenant Church, 19 McElmurray in East Wenatchee and is lead by Pastor Andrew Thompson, a local singer and songwriter who trains worship leaders. You will gain confidence, grow your musical strengths and have fun fellowshipping with other rockers! Then, on Sunday, August 2, you will get to perform during worship service at 10am! $20, but scholarships available. space is limited, so register today! To sign up, or for more information, call the church office at 884-4001. For more details about the camp or Columbia Grove, visit
EDUCATIONAL Reading Readiness Workshop
July 7-10 from 10:30-11:30 at Academic Toolbox. Class is hosted by Annie Hinsey of Academic Associates. They offer four-day workshops for children ages four and five (and sometimes very advanced three-year-olds) where they play, sing, and do activities that encourage early phonics skills and a love of reading. Parents are encouraged to stay for the duration of the class, and at the end our teachers coach parents on the best ways to read oneon-one with children. Class size is limited to 12 students only, so be sure to sign up soon! to sign up, email Anni at or call (509) 579-2740
Seeds Learning Center Mini Morning Camps
Morning camps are from 8:30am-noon, Monday-Thursday, for “nearly” 3 to “barely” 5 year olds. Camp cost is $100/ week or all 6 weeks for $580. Camp Themes and dates are as follows: July 6-9: It’s a Bugs Life! July 13-16: Mad Scientists! July 20-23: Not So Scary Monsters! July 27-30: Din-o-mite! These camps fill up fast, so act quickly! More details of each week and registration can be found online at or by calling the center.
Seeds Learning Center Mini Afternoon Camps
Afternoon camps are from Noon-3pm, Monday-Thursday, for ages 5-8. Camp cost is $100/week or all 6 weeks for $580. Camp Themes and dates are as follows: July 6-9: Sizzling Summer Spanish! July 13-16: Sizzling Advanced Summer Spanish! July 20-23: Art Extravaganza! These camps fill up fast, so act quickly! More details of each week and registration can be found online at or by calling the center.
Sunshine Summer Camp
discover new and exciting things in art and science and make a few new friends along the way!
Session 3: Let’s Go Camping! July 28-30.
We are headed off on a camping adventure! We are building forts, playing summer camp games, making crafts, finger painting, exploring the great outdoors, and even getting a little bit wet!
Reading Beginnings
The Learning Path Tutoring, 103 Aplets Way in Cashmere July 6-9, 2pm-3pm, For ages 4-6 (Pre-K and K), Cost is $55 Participants will enjoy creating a word wall, discovering new books and creating their own book! For more information or to register, call 509-393-1849 or email
Reading Discovery
The Learning Path Tutoring, 103 Aplets Way in Cashmere July 6-9, 3:15pm-4:45pm For kiddos who have completed grades 1 & 2. Cost is $75 Participants will enjoy story time exploring new books and play time in which reading games and creative writing fun will be the focus. For more information or to register, call 509-393-1849 or email
A new preschool is opening in East Wenatchee called Room 2 Bloom! Come check it out during summer camp! Camp days are Tues-Thurs. each week, from 9am-11am. Parents are welcome to join in. The cost is $45 a session that inclues the cost of all projects, games, crafts, toys etc. that we will be using. Register for all 3 sessions for only $100! For ages 3-6. Please email jodilynntruscott@ to register! 3 Sessions available:
Summer Book Clubs
Come dive in and explore the ocean with us! We will be making ocean art projects, ocean science projects, ocean water activities and just having too much fun learning!
11 Weeks of Day Camp at St. Pauls!
Ahoy Mateys! Join us as we search for buried treasure,
Clowning, Independence, Recycling, Summer
Session 1: It’s All About the Beach, July 14-16
Session 2: Pirates and Mermaids, July 21-23.
The Learning Path Tutoring, 103 Aplets Way in Cashmere July 13-30, Mondays and Thursdays 3pm-4:30pm Cost is $90. For kiddos who have completed grades 3 & 4. Participants will read aloud and do fun learning activities that go along with the book. Book selection is “The BFG” by Roald Dahl. For more information or to register, call 509-393-1849 or email June 15-August 28 for Ages 3-12 $135 a week or $500 a month. Register Today! 6699977. Weekly themes include Arts, Camping,
Emma, Jonny, Jessa, & Gisselle
Clara, Emma and Savannah enjoying the Cashmere pool
July/August 2015
Celebration, Sports, Under the Sea, VBS, and Western. Camps take place at St. Paul’s Lutheran School
and childcare center, 10 N Buchanan St. in Wenatchee.
Summer Science at Rocky Reach
FREE weekly programs at Rocky Reach Visitor Center, taught by Visitor Center staff, are tailored for the gradeschool scientist. Please call 663-7522 to register. Classes are from 9:30 - noon on Wednesdays and designed for students entering the following grades: 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. : Students entering Kindergarten and 1st grade. 11 a.m. - Noon: Students entering 2nd and 3rd grades. On Aug. 5 classes will be followed by an Icicle Arts’ “Adventure in Art” class from 12:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. Please call (509) 663-7522 if interested in registering for these classes. These classes are open to students entering kindergarten through 3rd grade. July 8: Circle Power - Discover the wonder of centrifugal and centripetal force. There is power in circular motion, witnessed as the earth spins and rotates. Included is creation of water tornadoes and a centripetal competition. July 15: Living in a fish’s house - Explore many of the fish who make the Columbia River their home. Take home fish cards and understand predator/prey relationships, while learning other interesting fish facts. July 22: Gravity and Balance – Explore the marvel of gravity. Learn how to balance a quarter on the edge of a dollar and much more. It’s not magic! It’s understanding the center of gravity. July 29: The Power of Magnets- Make paper clips levitate, go magnetic fishing and learn other amazing ways to use magnets. Aug. 5: Sustainable Natural Alternative Power Sun, Wind, and Water- Experience three clean incredible sources of power. Meet our solar-powered grasshopper and become the on-off switch for our solar-powered water fountain.
Super Summer Adventures at the Wenatchee Valley Museum 11 weeks of both morning and afternoon camps are offered! You are bound to find something your littles will LOVE! For a complete description of all camps, please visit You can register for camps by calling 509-888-6240, print off registration online and mail it with a check to WVMCC, 127 S Mission St Wenatchee, WA 98801, or bring the form and payment to the museum between 10am and 4pm Tues-Sat. Cost for all camps is $85 ($70 for members). If your child attends both morning and afternoon camp, the weekly cost is $170 ($140 for members). Camps run Monday-Thursday, 9am-noon and 12:30-3pm. Here are a list of camps by date:
July 6-9 Grades 1 & 2: Quirky Creature Art
Camp OR Wizarding 101 Grades 3-5: Science of Cooking, Wonders of the Deep, STEAMin’ Up Summer OR CSI: Hollywood Heist Grades 5-7: Secret Life of Spies, Mixed Media & Picasso Portraits, OR Snap! Crackle! Run! Afternoon Camp for all Ages: More Snap! Crackle! Run! July 13-16 Grades 1 & 2: Find Your Inner Hero, Electric Engineering, OR Calling All Pirates Grades 3-5: Master Chef, Camp STEAM, OR Music Olympics Grades 5-7: Back to the Future: Time Machine Challenge OR Momentum Madness Afternoon Camp for all Ages: More Momentum Madness July 20-23 Grades 1 & 2: Circus! Circus! OR Squiggle, Smudge and Splat! Grades 3-5: Yummy Art-Art that’s Good Enought to East, OR Da Vincineers: 3D Me! Grades 5-7: Energy and Me OR Engineering Extravaganza Afternoon Camp for all Ages: Calling All Engineers! July 27-30 Grades 1 & 2: Dance! Dance!, Art Adventure, OR Seuss is on the Loose Grades 3-5: Design and Destruction, Mysterious World of Cells, OR Music Exploration Grades 5-7: Amusement Park Science, OR Summer Sensations Cooking Class Afternoon Camp for all Ages: Amusement Park Science, Take II August 3-6 Grades 1 & 2: Survivor: Engineer’s Cove, OR Slimy Science Grades 3-5: Da Vincineers: War Machines and Inventions Grades 4-7: Tinkerbells! Grades 5-7: Explorations in Fine Art OR International Snacks and Treats Afternoon Camp for all Ages: Crafty Cooks August 10-13 Grades 1 & 2: Shoot for the Moon, Time Machine Adventure OR Comic Capers Grades 3-5: Journey in Fine Art: Painting, OR Random Acts of Robotics Grades 5-7: Foodie Fun, OR Explore, Imagine, Discover Afternoon Camp for all Ages: More Foodie Fun August 17-20 Grades 1 & 2: Get Your Groove On,
OR Wizarding 101: Take 2 Grades 3-5: Studio Art OR All in a Wreck Grades 5-7: Journey in Fine Art: Drawing OR Olympics of the Mind Afternoon Camp for all Ages: More Olympics of the Mind August 24-27 Grades 1 & 2: Catch a Criminal OR Claytoons! Grades 3-5: Botanical Blast OR Music Mania Grades 5-7: Art Intensive OR May the Force Be With You Afternoon Camp for all Ages: Exploring the Force, Take II
Mountain Sprouts Discovery Camps
just what lies under our feet, over our heads and in front of our noses. How do we know which plants are which? Why do some rocks sparkle? Why don’t elephants live here? Let’s figure out the where’s what’s and how’s of nature’s wonders right in our own backyard! August 3-6: “Arteests”. Make art that hits all the right notes. Learn about famous artists of the past, and pair it with music from that time period. Set the tempo for your own art pieces that capture that music’s rhythm and energy. This camp is a perfect blend of music inspiration and history’s finest arteests! August 10-13: “Imaginaerum”. Have you ever wanted to shrink down to a few inches tall? This week, we will build our own imaginariums. Small worlds built just the way you dream them up using items found in nature and around the house. This camp will inspire building skills, dramatic play, imagineering and of course, our artist selves! August 17-20: “Builders & Makers”. We challenge you to invent, construct and create something new using an assortment of found object and materials. Maybe you want some new bedroom decor? Maybe you have an idea for the next best “picker-upper” device? Or maybe you just need to start messing with things before your ingenious idea pops into your head and comes alive!
Camp is 9am-3pm, Monday-Thursday, with an early start option from 8am-9am for an extra $10. Cost is $170, 15% off per child if enrolled in three or more camps. For children entering 1st-3rd grade. Takes place in the red Art Barn at Tierra Learning Center, five miles outside of Leavenworth at 12000 Sunitsch Canyon Road. To register, email or call 509-548-6880 ext. 229. Or you can complete the Discovery Camps Enrollment Packet at Weekly Camp Themes include: July 6-9: “Art of Nature”. Everything around us was created to have shape, texture, and color. Lines and spots and swirls and patterns… all around us everyday at camp, allowing us to make art that 400 Ninth Street is influenced by and incorporating Wenatchee, WA mother nature herself. We will (509) 888.2464 combine the elements of art with the elements of Earth to innovate Mon-Thurs. 9am-7pm and add your own sparkle to nature. Friday 9am-9pm July 13-16: “Mad Science” Saturday 10am-9pm We’re gonna need a balloon, a Sunday 12pm-5pm bar of soap, some eggshells and a Wh er Masterpieces! watermelon… this camp is going e com e i b n to make your brain boggle with t spir ed projec excitement. Put science to the test like never before and come up with An energetic, fired-art studio where you can paint your some on your own. own pottery and design your own fused glass creations. July 20-23: “Voyagers”. Seal up the hatches, we’ll be taking the Currently Offering: yellow submarine! Come with us as we dance like a true Balinese, walk Pottery Painting Project class like an Egyptian, explore the Irish the 1st Friday each month hills, and more. We will be sweeping through the countries of Ireland, Fused glass class Egypt, Indonesia and Austria as we the 3rd Friday each month dive into their traditional lifestyles and experience the richness of Summer Camps Coming Soon! their cultures. Birthday Parties, Bridal/Baby Showers, Ladies Night Out! July 27-30: “Backyard Biologists”. We will get to know
July/August 2015
NATURE CAMPS Move & Ponder
July 6-10, $200. For kids entering grades 3-6. Do you like to MOVE?! Come explore the woods and trails through super fun running games and activities. Sometimes your heart will really be pumping, but all the time you’ll be working with friends to solve adventure challenges. After cooling off with water games, and refueling with lunch, you’ll look at nature more closely and draw and write about it in nature journals. Camp runs from 10am-3pm with drop off at Barn Beach Reserve (347 Division Street, Leavenworth) between 9:45-10am. To register and/or find more info, visit
Nature In My Hands
July 20-24, $200, for kids entering K-3 or 4-7. Our most popular camp offers the best of both world: Nature AND Art! You’ll get to play outside while learning about the natural world and tap into your creative side through really cool art projects. Big group games and lots of fun with water are added to make this camp a hit! Camp runs from 10am-3pm with drop off at Barn Beach Reserve (347 Division Street, Leavenworth) between 9:45-10am. To register and/or find more info, visit
Kids vs. Wild
August 3-7, $250, for kids entering grades 4-7. How do people really make fire without matches? How can you make rope from just plants? What are the 10 essential items you should always have with you in the backcountry? Build forts, track animals, and learn how to thrive in the wilderness in this camp that’s all about the science of survival. At the end of the week, you’ll test your new skills with an overnight stay at Barn Beach Reserve. Will you survive the night outside? Camp runs from 10am-3pm with drop off at Barn Beach Reserve (347 Division Street, Leavenworth) between 9:45-10am. To register and/or find more info, visit
Nature Chefs
August 3-7, $200, for kids entering grades K-3. Roll up your sleeves and see where your food really comes from. We’ll get messy in the garden and in the kitchen as we learn how seeds can be transformed into a snack. This camp combines cooking with science and teamwork in a week of delicious discovery. Camp runs from 10am-3pm with drop off at Barn Beach Reserve (347 Division Street, Leavenworth) between 9:45-10am. To register and/or find more info, visit
Critter Camp
August 17-21, $200, for kids entering grades K-3. Head
out on an ecosystem safari with this camp all about wild critters. Learn about what life is like for mammals, birds, invertebrates, and fish as you explore the awesome adaptations of nature’s coolest creatures. You’ll even get to hold and feed our live education animals! Camp runs from 10am-3pm with drop off at Barn Beach Reserve (347 Division Street, Leavenworth) between 9:45-10am. To register and/or find more info, visit
July 13-15, 6:30pm-8:30pm, FREE, for Pre-K-5th grade. Located on Ohme Gardens Road in Wenatchee. The theme is Hometown Nazareth. We’ll explore what life was like when Jesus was a kid. You’ll craft cool projects in the Marketplace, laugh as you play Bible-times games, visit with Jesus’ mom, Mary, and eat foods just like the ones Jesus ate. Plus, you’ll meet lots of new friends! Go here to register: or call 663-8808
Cascade Mountain Bible Church VBS
July 13-16, 9am, at 1025 Chumstick Hwy in Leavenworth At the amazing SonSpark Labs, children will explore God’s life-changing plan as they find out the answers to life’s most important questions. They will discover that God loves them and that through Jesus they can be members of God’s family and personally experience God’s plan for each of us. Call 509-548-4331 for more info or to register.
Cascade Christian Academy VBS
July 20-24, 9am-Noon, FREE Theme: God’s Beautiful Children. camp includes bible stories, songs, crafts, games and lots of fun! For more information or to register, visit, email or call 662-2723
“Everest” VBS
July 20-July 24 at Leavenworth Church of the Nazarene, 111 Ski Hill Drive in Leavenworth. For kids from 4 years old to 6th grade. 10:30am-1:30pm At Everest, kids discover what it means to hold on to God’s mighty power in everyday life. Kids participate in memorable Bible-learning activities, sing catchy songs, play teamwork-building games, experience one-of-a-kind Bible adventures, collect Bible Memory Buddies to remind them of God’s love, and test out Sciency-Fun Gizmos they’ll take home and play with all summer long. Plus, kids will learn to look for evidence of God all around them through something called God Sightings. Each day concludes with a Summit Celebration that gets everyone involved in living what they’ve learned. Family members
and friends are encouraged to join in daily for this special time at 1:05 pm. For more information, please call (509) 548-5292
or to volunteer with registration, snacks, or supervision, please contact Director Laura Fox at 885-4322.
Calvary Crossroads VBS
July 27-30, 6:30-8:00pm. Do you have a desire to learn how to play an instrument? Use your voice? Come join the band for a week! Camp takes place at Columbia Grove Covenant Church, 19 McElmurray in East Wenatchee and is lead by Pastor Andrew Thompson, a local singer and songwriter who trains worship leaders. You will gain confidence, grow your musical strengths and have fun fellowshipping with other rockers! Then, on Sunday, August 2, you will get to perform during worship service at 10am! $20, but scholarships available. space is limited, so register today! To sign up, or for more information, call the church office at 884-4001. For more details about the camp or Columbia Grove, visit
July 20-July 24, 10:00am-12:30 at Calvary Crossroads on Maple St. in Wenatchee. For ages 4-12. The theme is Journey Off the Map (Isaiah 30:21). You may register in the office, or by calling 888-2767.
Calvary Crossroads VBS
July 20-July 24, 9:00am-Noon at 284 Crawford Street in Wenatchee. For ages 4-6th grade. Theme this year is Camp Kilimanjaro. For more information or to register, please call 662-5500.
Choose Your Own Adventure Camp VBS
July 26-30 (Sun-Thurs), FREE, 6:30-8:30pm at Wenatchee Free Methodist Church, 1601 5th Street. An Adventure Camp for every child. Classes include Sports, Crafts, Photography, Cooking, Drama and Worship. Sign-up starts on June 1st at Be sure to register early to get into the class you are most interested in. Some classes have limited space. 662-1502 for more info
Action Drama Camp
July 27-July 31. 9am-Noon, with performance on Sunday, August 2. $30/student. Scholarships available. Groups for ages 6-18. Instead of the traditional VBS camp, this is a great way to learn about God through having fun, building confidence, and encouraging teamwork! Register at by July 9th to receive an Active Drama Camp T-Shirt! Registration is limited, so sign up soon! There will be a private dress rehearsal on Friday at noon. In addition, actors will arrive at 9:00 am Sunday August 2 to prepare for the all-community performance at 10:00 am as part of the worship service. For further information
International Spy Academy VBS
July 27-31 from 8:30am-11:30am at Saddlerock Presbyterian Church, 1400 Miller St. in Wenatchee. For children entering Kindergarten-5th grade. VBS is Free, with a suggested donation of $5/child. Register online at or call 663-1187.
New Song Community Church VBS
July 27-30, 9am-Noon, at New Song CC, 11 South Iowa in East Wenatchee. The theme is SonSparks Labs. At the amazing SonSpark Labs, children will explore God’s lifechanging plan as they find out the answers to life’s most important questions. SonSpark Labs has kids engaged and eager to learn about God’s plan from the moment they enter the building! Leaders and volunteers will help kids discover God’s plan for each of them-God’s Plan 4 U = Jesus! For more ino or to register, call 886-0310.
Parent/Toddler Class Thursdays 9am-11:30am Preschool AM & PM T/TH 9-11:30am & 12:30-3pm Pre-K AM & PM MWF 8:30-11:30am & 12-3:00pm
! Us
W n r ith a e L e om
Registration is going on now!
School of Rock
~ (509) 888-3316 ~ 171 Eastmont Ave ~ ~ Like Us On Facebook! ~ July/August 2015
Emma and Molly
Celebration Lutheran Church VBS
August 2-6. Registration will begin at 5:00pm, followed by a meal, singing/ skits, group rotations with crafts, games, stories, then will close with worship and send you off with some snacks for the road. 5pm-8:30pm. Please register by calling the office at 884-3817 or email
Wenatchee Valley Baptist VBS
August 3-7th, 6pm-8pm at 650 Crawford Ave in Wenatchee. Children entering 1st through 6th grade are invited to participate in Son Sparks Vacation Bible School. Parents/Guardians must register each child. Pre-registration will be available beginning July 1st on the web page, For more information, contact the church office, 509-663-4868
Faith Lutheran VBS
Everest: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power August 10-14. 9am-Noon Free at Faith Lutheran in East Wenatchee (171 Eastmont Ave). Contact Laura for more information at 884-7623 or register online at
DAY CAMPS Ingalls Creek Cool Beans Camp
July 16, 9am-1pm for campers between 4 and 7 years old. Each camper must come with an adult for supervision (3 campers per adult). $12 for the first child, $8 for each additional sibling. Camp includes hands on nature exploration, crafts, games, and music. For more information, visit www., email or call 509-393-3123.
Ingalls Creek Day Camp
Elijah, Catherine, Savannah, and Dominic Broussard
July 27-31 for kids entering grades 2-6. Includes games, skits, hands on nature exploration, crafts, bible studies, hikes, water games, zipline, . For more information, visit, email or call 509-548-3306. Cost is $125 if registered by July 6. Camp is 8:45-4:00pm. Transportation is available for $25 per child.
Leavenworth Adventure Camp
August 17-21, $300, for kids entering grades 4-7/ This camp is truly an outdoor adventure! Campers will challenge themselves through team building exercises, rock climbing in the stunning Icicle Canyon, stand up paddle boarding along the Icicle River, and mountain biking over some of LEavenworth’s finest trails. Certified guides and most equipment will be provided. Campers will leave with great memories, increased confidence, and perhaps the love of a new outdoor pursuit. Campers can bring their own bike or rent one at an additional cost. Helmets are required. Camp runs from 10am-3pm with drop off at Barn Beach Reserve (347 Division Street, Leavenworth) between 9:45-10am. To register and/or find more info, visit
Wenatchee Parks/Rec Day Camps
Gideon Floyd hamming it up!
Join the fun in this popular Day Camp program! Activities include: Field trips, arts & crafts, games, swimming and much more! Registration has begun! You can sign up for one week or the whole summer! These camps are for children entering 1st-5th grades in 2015. Dates of camps are every week from June 15-August 21, Monday-Friday from 7:30-5:30pm and take place the Assembly of God Church. Please visit for more information
and to register, or stop by the Wenatchee Parks/Rec office (1350 McKittrick) to register. Camps are $88.50 per resident per week if paid 1 month in advance ($97.50 for non-residents), or $97.50 for residents if paid 10 days prior to camp ($107.25 for non-residents).
Eastmont Parks & Rec Day Camp
Join Eastmont Parks & Recreation for a summer filled with tons of games, activities, sports, arts & crafts, swimming and much more! Every Wednesday we take an all day field trip to a fun destination in our area, including: Moses Lake, Quincy and Ephrata Aquatic Centers.Themes include: Week 4, July 6-10, Disney (Wed. Trip to Ephrata Water Park) Week 5, July 13-17, Super Hero (Wed. Trip tp Ephrata Water Park) Week 6, July 20-24, Planes, Trains & Automobiles (Wed. Trip to the Pangborn Airport and Quincy Water Park) Week 7, July 27-3, Fitness is Fun (Wed. Trip to Sport Gymnastics and Quincy Water park) Week 8, August 3-7, Under The Sea (Wed. Trip to Moses Lake Surf n Slide) Week 9, August 10-14, Wild Wild West (Wed. Trip: Ohme Gardens, Appleachee & Rotary Park) Week 10, August 17-21, Going Green Week (Wed/ Trip to Cider Works and Quincy Water Park) Week 11, August 24-28, All Camped Out (Wed. Trip: Movie Theater & Rotary Park) Register now online at or in person at 255 N Georgia Ave in East Wenatchee. Must register Friday prior to camp week. For ages 6-11. 3 day minimum$20 for full day or $12 per half day. $80 for 5 full days or $70 for 4 full days. Drop off no earlier than 7:30am, Pick up no later than 5:30pm Located at Eastmont Parks Meeting Room. Visit the website for even more details about each week’s theme!
YMCA Day Camps for Grades K-4 in May 2015
Each one week session of the Y’s Summer Day Camp program is packed with exciting activities like Climbing Wall time, a trip to Slidewaters, Fitness Arcade, bus trips to area parks, group games, educational activities, and field trips. Children in Y programs have chosen the special activities related to each weekly theme and every Summer Day Camper receives two free swimming lessons each week. Professionally trained staff provide a safe and caring environment and age appropriate activities that allow each child to learn, grow and thrive. Children may be signed in as early as 7:30 am and signed out between 4:45 and 6:00 pm at the Y. For more information or to register, visit Weekly Themes are: July 6-10: Under the sea! Dive down deep and discover how much fun the ocean can be! Laugh and learn with friends and Y staff and water games and activities! You will have all of the fun and excitement of the deep sea without needing a towel (unless you are going in the pool of course!) July 13-17: Dino Days! Calling all young archeologists! Come to the Y and take a bite out of summer! Dig up some great memories and even some fossils! Y staff will help you make boring summer days extinct! July 20-24: Superhero! Up up and away! Join the Y for a week of superhuman fun! Our staff will lead crafts, games and activities that will awake your inner hero, no super powers required! July 27-31: Safari Expedition! Experience the savannah! The Y will make this week one too remember! Have fun in the sun with your friends and Y staff! Make sure you bring your sunscreen and be ready for adventure! Aug. 3-7: Rumble in the Jungle! It’s a Jungle out there, and we want to play in it! You won’t need to worry about lions or tigers or bears this week but you will make new friends and have fun at the Y. Release your inner Tarzan and join us for a jungle adventure! Aug.10-14: Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.
July/August 2015
Cyrus and Salem Winterstein hanging out with Grandma while camping
It doesn’t matter how you get here as long as you are ready for fun! We will explore different ways that people get from point A to point B and everywhere in-between. This week our destination is excitement! Aug. 17-21: Life’s a game, Play to win. Sports and games are some of the best parts of summer! Why not play them at the Y! We will play your favorites and teach you some new games as well! We are all on the same team and our goal is fun! Aug. 24-28: Endless Summer! School is almost here, but not at the Y! Surfs up this week as we grab our sunscreen and towels, and have as much fun as humanly possible before autumn gets here! Catch a wave at the Y and make memories that will last all the way to next summer!
YMCA T-Wave Day Camps
Grades 5-7 in May 2015 T-Wave is a Teen Day Camp Program. The Y provides staff leadership and transportation and allows participants to plan their own schedule each week. Participants will experience service learning, team building, budgeting, and varying recreational activities in an environment of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility. Past activities have included swimming at EYAC, trips to Slidewaters, going to a movie, community service projects, miniature golf in Leavenworth, and hanging out with friends in a supervised environment. Weekly sessions run Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm. For more info or to register, visit Camp dates are as follows: July 6 - July 10 July 13 - July 17* July 20 - July 24 July 27 - July 31* August 3 - August 7 August 10 - August 14 *Overnight experience at Lake Wenatchee Y Camp
Natalya Page-Green and Rilya Scott, best friends since birth!
Cousins Yvette and Jessalin running through the sprinkler
Overnight Camps Camp Erin Wenatchee
Camp Erin™ Wenatchee is a free, weekend bereavement camp for children and teens ages 6 through 17 who are grieving the death of someone close to them. Partnered and funded in part through a grant provided by The Moyer Foundation. The Moyer Foundation continues to provide a long-term commitment to bring hope and healing to thousands of children each year by offering this camp in select locations across the U.S. Campers participate in fun, traditional camp activities combined with grief education and emotional support, led by Grief Place Support Staff and trained volunteers. Camp Erin is held at Tall Timbers Ranch, near Leavenworth, on a weekend (Friday - Sunday) in late August every year. Registration and intake are required prior to attending. For more information and to register, please visit, call Kriss at 662-6069 or email office@
Tall Timber Ranch Camps
Tall Timber is one of the most beautiful places! Since 1957, Tall Timber has provided inspiring camping experiences for people of all ages. Camp provides a chance to get away from the demands and distractions in your life. It provides wholesome fun and exciting activities which stretch and challenge you. It provides solid Biblical teaching. Most of all Tall Timber provides Christian role models: camp
staff, Spiritual Leaders, and Counselors who are deeply committed to follow Christ, and seek to share this with you and your kids. This combination provides a catalyst for growth and change that is simply dynamic! The following list is a fraction of the camps provided. There are also family camps, caravan camps, work weekend, youth leadership training and more! Please visit for all camp details and descriptions, watch videos, register and more! Junior camp: July 5-10, for campers entering grades 4-6. $309. Fun activities include cooking over an open fire, archery, climbing on the rock wall, Giant Swing, horse rides, BMX bikes, hikes, swimming in the river, water slide, arts and crafts, campfires, great friendships, outstanding games and recreation, Bible study, and more. There will be an expanded Nature Program at both camps where we will be learning about God’s marvelous creation. Film Camp 101: July 12-17, for campers entering grades 8-12. $369. This 5-day camp will introduce campers to the process, language, and techniques of filmmaking. Teams of 4-6 participants will write scripts, organize shoots, direct actors, edit video, and produce a short film. Various instructional workshops presented by other young and experienced filmmakers will give campers the skills needed to present their creative work on the screen. The mountain setting of Tall Timber Ranch will provide young filmmakers with the inspiration to create movies in a manner that glorifies God. The week will conclude with a film festival where participants’ families and friends will be able to see the world premieres. Primary Plus Camp: July 12-16, for campers entering grades 2-5. $246. Primary Plus Camp is the beginning of many great memories at Tall Timber. Because this is often a first-time camp experience for many children, there are extra counselors at this short week. The fun activities include Bible times, crafts, nature studies, swim time at the river, horse rides, great games, a cookout, and singing at the campfire. We end with a special picnic program for the folks. Junior High Camp: July 19-25, for campers entering grades 6-8. $369. There will be plenty of thrills at Junior High Camp. You will go on adventures, make loads of new friends, and learn more about Christ. The ropes course, rock wall, giant swing, 1,000’ zip-line, bmx bikes, mountain boards, horse rides, swimming, crafts, and crazy fun await you! Two sets of morning activity classes feature many activities listed above, plus creative options like drama, dance and crafts. Senior High conference: July 26-August 1, for campers entering grades 9-12. $369. The big event is the Senior High Conference. - It includes worship times at the campfire, teaching with great leadership, small group Bible study, and relevant seminar topics. Special activities include a day on the beach at Lake Wenatchee, a square dance, a Christian concert, rock climbing, mountain biking, ropes course, 1,000’ zip-line, Giant Swing, and much more.
Classes t r Creative A All Ages r Fo artisinleavenworth
Artis (formerly Icicle Arts) is a registered 501(c)(3) non profit organization Connecting community through creative art.
Camp Ghormley Meadows
Camp Ghormley Meadows is a year round camp retreat that offers adventures for every age! It is located in Naches, WA. Here are just a few of the camps offered. Visit for more camp information and to register! Primary Camp: For campers entering grades 2-4, $200. June 14-17 OR July 5-8. Primary Camp is non-stop energy! We keep your kiddos busy from the moment they step on camp to the moment they go home. This is probably our most popular age group, so don’t wait to sign up! Activities include Swimming, Meadow Games, slip n slide, arts n crafts, zipline, campfire, fun songs and great speakers who love Jesus! Launch Camp (Boys and Girls are separate): For campers entering grades
William Peery
July/August 2015
5-8, $200. June 18-20. Launch Camps are our new genderspecific Mid-High camps for 5th-8th graders. We limit the number of campers so your child will have a truly unique experience! Many say this was their favorite camp of the summer due to the unique activities we plan and the lower camper numbers, which means more individual attention for each child! These camps are a huge bang for your buck! Don’t miss out! Activities include paintball, swimming, ropes course, fun group games, plus tons more crazy fun activities geared just for each gender! Junior Camp: for campers entering grades 5-6, $250. June 21-25 OR July 19-23. Junior Camp is loads of fun! It’s a definite step up from Primary Camp, but not quite as intense as a Mid-High Camp. The games are awesome and the memories with friends are even better! Activities include swimming, paintball, awesome game night, slip n slide, arts n crafts, zipline, campfire, fun songs and great speakers who love Jesus! Mid-High Camp: For campers entering grades 6-8, $355. July 12-18 OR July 26-August 1. Mid-High Camps are endless action! Mid-High Camps include all standard camp activities the younger kids enjoy, plus things like the Challenge Course, Lake Day, River Tubing, awesome worship sessions, and so much more! This is a week you don’t want to miss!
Camp Zanika
Camp Zanika is put on by the NCW Camp Fire USA and takes place in Leavenworth. For over 80 years Camp Zanika has provided children, grades 1-12, an opportunity to live beneath the trees, learn under the stars and experience the wonder of the great outdoors. Camp Zanika’s forest setting on the shores of beautiful Lake Wenatchee is ideal for kids to learn new skills, have fun, and make friends & memories that will last a lifetime. Activities include Ropes Course (5th grade+), Archery, Campfire, Swimming, Art n Crafts, Kayaking, Tie Dye, Cookouts, Fishing, Rafting (fee), Hiking, Horseback riding (fee), Teambuilding, Initiatives, Backpacking, Canoeing, Group Games, Songs and More! Find out more information and register online
Gwen and Avie Floyd playing in the sand
Here is a list of their summer camps: Session 1: July 6-11,ages 6-17. $324 Session 2: July 12-18, ages 6-17. $349 Session 3: July 19-25, ages 6-17. $349 Session 4: July 26-Aug. 1, ages 6-17. $349 Session 5: August 2-8 for ages 6-17. $349 Session 6: August 9-15, ages 6-17. $349 Extended: July 19-Aug. 1, ages 11-17 $699 LIT Program: July 12-25, ages 14-15. $599 CIT Program: July 6-11 (with opt additional weeks) for ages 16-17. $599
Lake Wenatchee YMCA Summer Camps
They say people of good character are made not born... welcome to the factory. Character counts, and that character development starts at an early age and continues throughout our lives; and, that the development of character begins with teaching Christian values. The values we emphasize are those shared by people from many cultures, faiths, and belief systems.They are the values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility. We believe that Lake Wenatchee YMCA Camp offers unique opportunities for the development of character in youth. Since 1928, our 26 acre camp has made its home on the north shore of beautiful Lake Wenatchee, just off Highway 2 in north central Washington State. We are 21 miles west of Leavenworth and 25 miles east of Stevens Pass. We currently serve over 1500 youth, teens, adults and families each year with seasonal camping operations May—September. Here a list of some of the camps offered this summer. To learn more about these and other camps, please visit for details descriptions, more information and to register. Weekly Themes: WEEK 1 July 5-10 is HARRY POTTER WEEK! Camp Magic is everywhere as we turn camp into Hogwarts! Sorting hats, Quidditch matches, magic campfires and even Camp Director “Timbledore’s” disappearing cookie spell are just some of the magical fun we have in store for you this week! WEEK 2 July 12-17 is PIRATE WEEK! AHOY THAR ME MATIES!! This be Cap’n Timbers and I be looking for a few good pirates to join me crew. We be pullin’ up anchor this week and heading where eve’r the wind takes as we seek GOLD...and cookies...ARRRRRRGH! WEEK 3 July 19-24 is SUPER HERO WEEK! Who can leap tall buildings in a single bound, run faster than a speeding locomotive, and smash 100 mosquitoes in a single swat? You can! Dress up as your favorite superhero or be your super-self as we celebrate what is truly SUPER about camp! WEEK 4 July 26-31 is STAR WARS WEEK! Grab your light sabers and your pod racers as we blast off to a galaxy far far away (or about an hour drive from Wenatchee). Our Jedi Training Academy is run by only the
best Jedi Masters. Together we will lead you in an action packed week battling the Galactic Empire and the dreaded Sith Lord - Darth Vader. WEEK 5 August 2-7 is COLOR WARS WEEK! Our most colorful week by far! Four teams this week will compete for victory in the first ever Lake Wenatchee YMCA Camp Color War. Throughout the week the Blue team, Green team, Yellow team, and Red team will compete in challenges to win points. The last challenge will be one epic and colorful event to decide the victor. Whose team will you be on? Will your team be the first ever Lake Wenatchee YMCA Camp Color War victors? Camps Offered during these weeks: (note: YMCA member prices are $20 less and all grades of child are as of May 2015) Mini Camp (K-2) $235 Discovery Camp (Grades 2-4) $415 Discovery Camp: Art (grades 2-4) $570 - offered week 5 Discovery Camp: Fishing (boys, grades 2-4) $570 - offered week 2 Discovery Camp: Horse (girls, grades 3-4) $570 - offered weeks 1 & 3 Explorer Camp (grades 5-7) $415 - offered weeks 1, 2, & 3 Explorer Camp (girls, grades 5-7) - offered week 4 Explorer Camp: Hiking (girls, grades 5-7) $570 - offered week 2 Explorer Camp: Hiking (boys, grades 5-7) $570 - offered weeks 3 & 5 Explorer Camp: Fishing (boys, grades 5-7) $570 - offered weeks 1 & 4 Explorer Camp: Stand Up Paddleboarding (boys, grades 5-7) $570 - offered weeks 2 & 4 Explorer Camp: Stand Up Paddleboarding (girls, grades 5-7) $570 - offered weeks 3 & 5 Explorer Camp: Horse (girls, grades 5-7) $570 - offered weeks 2 & 4 Leadership Development Program (grades 8-9) $765 - offered weeks 4 & 5
Willow and Bentley Dye
Piper, Bella and Dixie
Camp Camrec
This camp is nestled up Chumstick Creek Road in Leavenworth. At Camp Camrec, in thanks for all the gifts we receive from God, we will: Nurture children in the love of God, the love of others, and the love of Creation. Welcome adults to a place and spiritual framework for rest and restoration. Care for this beautiful part of Creation and the extended landscape around us. Embody Anabaptist/Mennonite values of peacemaking, simple living, service, and community. You can learn more about Camp Camrec and the additional camps they offer year long. Here is a list of the camps offered this summer, going on since 1967. Junior Camp Completed grades 3 - 5, July 20- 24, $160 This five-day camp includes most of our favorite activities such as group games in the meadow, day trips to Lake Wenatchee, campfire, chapel, nature, and crafts. Limit 40 campers. Junior High Camp Completed grades 6 - 8, July 25 - 30, $180 Building friendships, capture the flag, skit night, campfire, day trips to Lake Wenatchee, and/or other off-campus adventures make this week unforgettable. Limit 40 campers. Pre-Junior Camp Completed grades K - 2, July 31 - 2, $70 (plus $35 for each adult or sibling). This weekend offers campers and their parents an opportunity to become familiar with the Camrec summer camp experience. Campers are assigned to cabin groups, and parents are encouraged to join other volunteers to staff the camp. Parent involvement helps to keep our registration fees low and it’s a lot of fun. Children may register alone or with a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, etc. Limit 30 campers.
Jessalin and Janessa
July/August 2015
Free lunch is available to all kids ages 18 and younger 12 Noon. No fees. No registration. Just show up! Monday - Thursday, June 15, 2015 - August 20, 2015 Visit or call 888-9495 for more information
East Wenatchee:
Rock Island Community Park (5 Garden Ave) Clovis Middle School (1855 4th St SE) Grant School (East Lawn) (1430 1st SE ) Eastmont Community Park (Shelter #1) Douglas County Land Services (140 19th St NW) Kenroy Park (North James and 8th St) Lee Elementary (1445 N. Baker)
Lincoln Park(1410 Mission Street) Methow Park (420 Methow Street) Pennsylvania Park (210 Pennsylvania)
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Offiice of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, S.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 or (202) 720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Day by Day Calendar Your Guide to FUN in the Wenatchee Valley Note from Nikki: We are ultimately a calendar of events for kid and family activities. However, you will notice that on occasion, I will throw an adult only event in as well. No need to panic, I just feel that sometimes (or rather, a LOT of times!), parents need a date night, moms need a girls night out, or there may be a fundraiser benefiting youth that I feel us adults shoud support. While it is not an inclusive calendar with ALL events happening in the Valley for adults (there are other great publications for that!), this will explain why I throw in a few every now and then. Also, don’t miss the weekly events in a separate box on page 49! We have them placed there so they don’t jam up the entire calendar, hiding other new events. We hope this makes your planning a little easier as you can go through and highlight, for yourself, the events you want to attend this Summer. Happy Planning and Enjoy what’s left!
Puppet Show 11am @ Entiat Library, 14138 Kinzel St.
Stained Glass Paper Art 2pm at the Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas St. in Wenatchee. Downstairs in the children’s room
Craft Hour 2pm at the Leavenworth Library, 700 Highway 2 4th of July Story Time 10am at Peshastin Library, 8396 Main St. in Peshastin. The Next Step Dance Studio Registration for Fall classes begins today! check out their Fall class schedule at www.nextstepdance08. com and get signed up today! Play Gym 10am-11:30am at SPORT Gymnastics, 10 S Columbia St. in Wenatchee. $5 per child or $9 per family. Enjoy unstructured play time for you and your child. It includes gymnastics equipment, balls, hoops, mats, tunnels and more. Summer Family Night 6pm at Confluence Park Bring your own meat and a side dish or dessert to share. Discover pass required ($30) Hosted by Wenatchee Free Methodist Church. Come enjoy fellowship, worship and fun with the whole family. Every Wednesday night through August. For more information or for questions, please contact Jill Thayer at
Kennedy and Sophia Westby enjoying the Dru Gimlin basketball tournament in Quincy!!
Kids Cape/Mask Craft 3:30pm at Peshastin Library, 8396 Main St. in Peshastin. Story Time 10:30am at Wenatchee Free Methodist Church, in the Kindergarten Room. For more information or questions, email Casey at Music Festival Special Opening Concert 7pm at Canyon Wren Recital Hall, 7409 Icicle Road in Leavenworth. Enjoy unforgettable music performed by world-class artists in a spectacular setting. Preeminent American pianist Gilbert Kalish performs Charles Ives’ Concord Sonata. This festival runs until July 18th. For a list of all concerts, please see the website. Fee is $24 at the door, $10 for students. For more information, call 548-6347 or visit
Hannah Cox at Rotary Park
Cloee, Sophia, and Hannah Geocaching at Rocky Reach!
FRIDAY, JULY 3 Wenatchee Youth Circus 10am AND 7pm shows! at Eastmont Community park, 255 N Georgia Ave in East Wenatchee. Come see the Biggest Little Circus in the World in your
July/August 2015
backyard! $5/person, $20/family for more information.
Happy 4th of July!
NW Truck Pull and Fireworks At the NCW Fairgrounds in Waterville. Gates open at 5pm. NW Truck Pull at 6pm. Fireworks at 10pm Adults $10, Kids 6-12 $6. Kids 5 and under and active military are FREE. Is your truck tough enough? Prove it! $20 entry fee/$20 per hook. LIVE music with Hometown Hooligans! This cover band from Coulee City will be sure to get your toes tapping. Trinity Inflatables will have their large Jumping Castle; Slide; Outlaw Obstacle; and will feature their 4-Way Extreme Challenge for kids during intermission. 4-H and Hinderer Concessions will offer food and shaved ice while Tillicum Riders runs our Beer Garden! For more information, visit events, or call 509-745-8480
Home Depot Kids Workshop 9am-Noon at Home Depot. Free hands-on workshop, designed for children ages 5-12. Craft for this week is building a minions scooter. All kid get to keep their craft, receive a FREE certificate of achievement, a Workshop Apron, and a commemorative pin while supplies last. Registering online is appreciated. com
Indoor Park @ Apple Valley Gymnastics, 230 S Columbia in Wenatchee 9:30-11am, for ages 5 and under. $7 per child, $3 for siblings.
Don’t Say No to the USO. Patriotic Musical by Stage Kids WA 2pm at the Numerica PAC. $5 at the door. The setting is a U.S.O. club in Brooklyn in 1942, where soldiers and sailors can take a turn on the dance floor with club hostesses, thanks to the new jukebox. Could there be spies at the club? It’s up to Private Joe Kilroy (whose habit of leaving a funny cartoon wherever he goes is drawing a lot of attention) to find out. The suspense keeps building until a wild radio broadcast brings down the house. This sensational show has it all — humor, suspense, nostalgia and terrific music sure to keep those toes tapping and hands clapping. AppleSox Home Game 7:05pm vs. Klamath Falls at Paul Thomas Sr. Field (at the College on 5th Street). 665-6900. Into the Woods 8pm at the Ski Hill Amphitheater in Leavenworth. More info. on page 59
Wenatchee Youth Circus 11am at Eastmont Community park, 255 N Georgia Ave in East Wenatchee. Come see the Biggest Little Circus in the World in your backyard! $5/person, $20/family for more information. Kinderfest 11am-3pm in Downtown Leavenworth. Each year the Bavarian village celebrates Independence Day with Kinderfest, a free event packed with fun for the whole family, including games, prizes, crafts, bike parade, “touch a truck”, face painting, cupcake walk, balloons, cotton candy, shaved ice, popcorn, and much more! The Kinderfest Bike Parade (for kids), organized by Das Rad Haus, will kick things off at 11am! If you’d like to participate, meet at Das Rad Haus (1207 Front Street) at 10:30am to decorate your bike! Kids 12 and under. Other fun events happening: Mini Golf Tournament at Icicle Village Resort from 2-4pm Free Cookie Decorating at Gingerbread Factory from 11-3pm One Fork Farms Caramels + Old Salt Merchants Ice Tea for the kids at Posy from 3-6pm July 4th Community Day at the Festhalle from 2-9pm So grab your favorite kiddo and celebrate with free, family fun!
Kaleidoscope Play and Learn Group A Free, fun and interactive time for the children in your life to learn through play! 10am-11:30 at Cahmere United Methodist Church, 213 S Division in Cashmere. For more information, please contact Jordan Metulis at 662-6761. Story Time 10:30am at Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas Rd. Questions? Call 6625021
EVERY TUESDAY Story Time East Wenatchee Library, 271 9th Street. 10:30am Stories, songs, poems, action rhymes. Questions? Call 7823314 Story Time 10:30am at Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas Rd. Questions? Call 6625021 Pajama Story Time 7:00pm at Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas Rd. Come in your PJ’s! For all ages! Questions? Call 662-5021 Story Time 1:30pm at Leavenworth Library 700 Highway 2 in Leavenworth Family Zumba 6:45pm-7:45pm at the YMCA Open to families with school age children (K-16 years) and adults. It is a cardiobased class that incorporates traditional exercise moves with Latin dance for a fun-filled workout. Children must be accompanied by an adult family member over the age of 21.
EVERY WEDNESDAY Story Time Cashmere Library, 300 Woodring St. 10:00am Got Questions? Call 7823314
Weekly Events by Day Story Time 10am at Peshastin Library, 8396 Main St Questions? Call 548-7821 Story Time 10:30am at Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas Rd. Questions? Call 662-5021 Story Time 10am at Entiat Library, 14138 Kinzel St. Questions? Call 748-1517 Bookmobile Visits Bookmobile at Rocky Reach Dam Visitor Center every Wednesday, 9am-Noon and at PYbus Public Market from 1-5pm With more than 3,000 books inside, the bookmobile serves schools across a fivecounty area. Get a library card, find the hottest books for K-12 readers, ask a librarian to read a story, or grab some chalk and leave your mark at the market! Climb aboard this summer at Pybus Market. WVC Hepcats Swing Dance Lesson from 7-8pm, Dance from 8-10pm. All ages welcome! $5/night or $35 year membership. Come as you are and no need for a partner! Line Dancing 7:00pm at Alt 12 Fitness in Wenatchee. Free for members, $5 for non-members. More info, 289-0125
EVERY THURSDAY Scottish Dancing 6:30pm at Irish Dance Studio in Wenatchee. All levels welcome. more info, call 663-3743 Kaleidoscope Play and Learn Group A Free, fun and interactive time for the children in your life to learn through play! 10:00am-11:30 at Wenatchee Public Library, 310 Douglas St. in Wenatchee. Leavenworth Farmers Market 4pm-8pm @ Lions Club Park in Downtown Leavenworth. Story Time Quincy Library, 208 Central Ave. 10:30am Preschool Storytime
4:00pm Bilingual Storytime 2 Left Feet Public Dance Party 7pm-8:30pm at Pybus Market. Free to join in! This is a local dance enthusiast group. There will be a beginner dance lesson at the top of the hour followed by carefree social dancing. Dance styles will be 1940s swing with a bit of salsa, blues, waltz or tango thrown in. For more information, call 888390 or visit
EVERY FRIDAY Kaleidoscope Play and Learn Group A Free, fun and interactive time for the children in your life to learn through play! 9:00am-10:30am AND 11:00am12:30pm at Hope Childhood Development Center in Wenatchee. For more information, please contact Jordan Metulis at 6626761. Baby/Toddler Story Time 10:00am at Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas Rd. Questions? Call 662-5021 Story Time 11:30am at Leavenworth Library, 700 Highway 2. Questions? Call 548-7923 Nights Out, Lights Out Public Ice Skate @ The Rink at Town Toyota Center. 7pm-9pm $5 admission, $2 skate rental. 667-7847, Mom & Tot Rosary Group 11am at St Joseph’s Church 625 S Elliott Ave, Wenatchee, WA in the Bride’s Room Family Zumba 5:30pm-6:15pm at the YMCA Open to families with school age children (K-16 years) and adults. It is a cardio-based class that incorporates traditional exercise moves with Latin dance for a fun-filled workout. Children must be accompanied by an adult family member over the age of 21.
EVERY SATURDAY Social Dancing Waltz, Swing, Night Club, Latin, Country.
7:00pm on Saturdays at Mountainview Fitness in East Wenatchee. Beginner lesson until 7:30pm, open dance until 9:30pm, no partner needed. $5. For more information, 630-2947 Baby/Toddler Story Time 10:00am at Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas Rd. Questions? Call 662-5021 Kids Crafts 1pm-3pm at Craft Warehouse. Monthly class calendars come out at the beginning of each month. Cost typically ranges from $1$5 per craft. Be sure to stop by the store and pick up the most recent month’s list! Or view it online at Indoor Park @ Apple Valley Gymnastics, 230 S Columbia in Wenatchee 8:30-10am, for ages 5 and under. $7 per child, $3 for siblings. Wenatchee Valley Farmers Market The popular Wenatchee Valley Farmers Market is open every Saturday from 8:00am to 2:00pm in the west parking lot at Pybus Market. all offered by local residents and small business people. You won’t find fresher food items …. most had been picked the night before. Ol’ Blue Tractor Tours Tours are on the hour from 11am-4pm at Wedge Mountain Winery (8534 Saunders Road in Peshastin). $12/adult and includes the tour and glass of wine. Children are free when accompanied by an adult. Wedgeucation! With our antique blue tractor pulling the orchard trailer, enjoy the tour through orchard, vineyard and beyond with winemaker Charlie. For more information, email or call 5487068.
EVERY SUNDAY Kids Crafts 1pm-3pm at Craft Warehouse. Monthly class calendars come out at the beginning of each month. Cost typically ranges from $1$5 per craft. Be sure to stop by the store and pick up the most recent month’s list! Or view it online at
July/August 2015
5th Annual River Run 5K & 10K. Begins at Pybus Market in Wenatchee. 8am-11am. Register in person on Friday, July 3rs at Pybus from 4-7pm. 2nd Annual Washington State Cherry Pit Spit Contest 1pm-3pm at Pybus Market in Wenatchee. What could be more American than Wenatchee cherries on the 4th of July? And of course, their pits! Age divisions for 0-6 years, 7-11, 12-18, Women’s Open, Men’s Open, and Seniors. An open competition for any age, sex, height, weight, or size of mouth. Please feel free to dress in a patriotic theme! For questions, call 888-3900 or email Don’t Say No to the USO Patriotic Musical by Stage Kids WA 2pm at the Numerica PAC. $5 at the door. The setting is a U.S.O. club in Brooklyn in 1942, where soldiers and sailors can take a turn on the dance floor with club hostesses, thanks to the new jukebox. Could there be spies at the club? It’s up to Private
Joe Kilroy (whose habit of leaving a funny cartoon wherever he goes is drawing a lot of attention) to find out. The suspense keeps building until a wild radio broadcast brings down the house. This sensational show has it all — humor, suspense, nostalgia and terrific music sure to keep those toes tapping and hands clapping.
L-Bow the Clown Performance 4pm-4:45pm at Walla Walla Point Park, 1351 Walla Walla Ave. in Wenatchee. Come watch your favorite local clown perform on stage at the Independence Day Celebration for free! He will also be available for pictures in the photo booth and would love to make you a balloon animal. Face painting will also be accompanying him until 7pm Ride the Miniature Train 1pm-5pm at Wenatchee Riverfront Railway, 155 N Worthen Street. Adults, $3 Children 12 and under, $2. Questions? Call 509-888-6240
Independence Day Celebration 4pm-11pm at Walla Walla Point Park in Wenatchee. Come help us celebrate the Fourth of July in a BIG way! Food vendors, arts and crafts vendors and Kid’s Activities are happening from 4pm-9pm (food open until 10pm). Elite Hoop Effects will be there conducting mini training sessions from 4-9, the WRAC’s Tennis Pro will be there from 4-6pm conducting mini hit and fun sessions on the Tennis courts. There will be a pie eating contest at 5pm, including a youth division. A Kid’s dance party from 6-6:30pm, Chavez Family Mariachi performance is at 6:30pm, David Dunn performs at 7:30pm and Chelan Waterdog performs at 9pm. At 9:50pm, the military Salute and Fireworks will begin. The fireworks will be accompanied by a live performance from the Wenatchee Symphony Orchestra. Or you can tune into KOHO 101.1 to enjoy the performance to music if you are watching the fireworks from afar. If you are wondering where to park, there are free shuttles between the park and Shopko every 15 minutes
Storytimes Cashmere Library
Chelan Library
300 Woodring 782-3314
417 Bradley 682-5131
Story Time: Wednesdays 10:00am
Story Time: Mon. Tues. & Wed. 10:30am
Story Time: Wednesdays 10:00am
East Wenatchee Library
Baby Rhyme Time: Fridays 10:00am in the Children’s room
14138 Kinzel Street 748-1517
271 9th Street NE 886-7404 Story Time: Tuesdays 10:30am Stories, Songs, Poems, Action Rhymes
Peshastin Library 8396 Main Street 548-7821 Story Time: Wednesdays 10:00am
Wenatchee Library 310 Douglas Street 662-5021
Pajama Story Time: Tuesdays 7:00pm Come in your PJ’s! All Ages
Leavenworth Library 700 Highway 2, 548-7821 Story Time: Tuesdays 1:30Pm
Entiat Library Story Time: Wednesdays 10:00am
Quincy Library 208 Central Ave, Quincy Story Time: Thursdays 10:30 Bilingual Story time: Thursdays 4:oopm
starting at 8pm. Returns to Shopko will begin when the fireworks are over, and run until approximately 11:30pm. Town Toyota parking lot opens at noon and cost $5/day. Lowe’s parking lot in designated areas until they close at 6pm, and then the whole lot is available. Visit for more details.
Puppet Show 4pm at Peshastin Library, 8396 Main St. in Peshastin.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 8 Puppet Show 2pm at the Cashmere Library, 300 Woodring in Cashmere.
Author/Illustrator Erik Brooks AppleSox Home Game 1pm at the Entiat Library, 14138 7:05pm vs. Klamath Falls at Paul Kinzel St. in Entiat. Thomas Sr. Field (at the College on 5th Street). 665-6900. Craft Hour 2pm at the Leavenworth Library, 700 4th of July Fireworks Float Highway 2 6pm. BBQ & live music by Sergio & friends before floating down river to Cape Cruisador Storytime and Craft the fireworks at Walla Walla Point 10am at Peshastin Library, 8396 Main Park. Watch from the boat! Best St. in Peshastin. seat in the house. Hosted by Osprey Rafting. For more details and to Play Gym register, visit or 10am-11:30am at SPORT Gymnastics, call 548-6800.
SUNDAY, JULY 5 AppleSox Home Game 6:05pm vs. Klamath Falls at Paul Thomas Sr. Field (at the College on 5th Street). 665-6900.
10 S Columbia St. in Wenatchee. $5 per child or $9 per family. Enjoy unstructured play time for you and your child. It includes gymnastics equipment, balls, hoops, mats, tunnels and more.
Summer Family Night 6pm at Confluence Park Bring your own meat and a side dish or dessert to share. Discover pass required ($30) Hosted by Wenatchee Free Methodist Church. Come enjoy fellowship, worship and fun with the whole family. Every Wednesday night through August. For more information or for questions, please contact Jill Thayer at Transitioning to Parenthood A 4-week class for expecting parents! Beginning Wednesday, July 8th, 7-8:30pm, running through July. Come join other pregnant parents to
Celebrate Lavishly
Embrace Rest
Notice Goodness
Celebrate Lavishly
Embrace Rest
Notice Goodness
"For you shall goLavishly out in Joy Embrace Rest Celebrate and be led forth in peace..."
Notice Goodness
"For you shall go out in Joy and be led forth in peace... "For you" shall go out in Joy Isaiah 55:12
Isaiah 55:12
Pacific Science Center 10am at Leavenworth Library, 700 Highway 2 AppleSox Home Game 7:05pm vs. Bend at Paul Thomas Sr. Field (at the College on 5th Street). 665-6900.
TUESDAY, JULY 7 Bilingual Storyteller Deb McVay 10:30am at the Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas St. in Wenatchee. Downstairs in the children’s room AppleSox Home Game 7:05pm vs. Bend at Paul Thomas Sr. Field (at the College on 5th Street). 665-6900.
and be led forth in peace..." Isaiah 55:12
MOPS, Mothers of Preschoolers, is for moms with kids ages 0-6 or expecting. During the season of early mothering, MOPS gives you the support and resources you need to be a great mom. Childcare is provided. Come and flourish with us this year!
016 2015-2 016 2015-2
0 2015-2
WENATCHEE MOPS Where: Wenatchee Free Methodist Church When: 9am-11am; 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, Sept-May Contact: Church Office, 509.662.1502 Facebook:
July/August 2015
Farmers Markets One of the best things about living in our Valley is the amount of fresh produce! You can find just that along with all kinds of fun, unique and local foods and handmade items. Here are our local Farmer’s Markets:
Thursdays, 2pm-9pm Lions Club Park 696 Highway 2
East Wenatchee
Eastside Farm to Market Thursdays 8am-1pm Grant Rd & Georgia St.
Saturday Market 8am-2pm at Pybus Public Market 7 N. Worthen St. Wednesday Market 4pm-8pm at Pybus Public Market
*Wednesday Market is a smaller version of Saturdays. Follow us on FB to find out about special events at our Farmers Markets!
learn about yourself, your partner, and becoming a family. This is not a childbirth class. It’s a chance to explore your ideas, your concerns and fears and find strength and connection with others in the same phase of life that you are. This class is appropriate for pregnant parents, and adopting parents. Cost is $50 for members and $75 for non-members, $15 extra for spouses. space is limited. To register and for more information, please visit
AppleSox Home Game 7:05pm vs. Bend at Paul Thomas Sr. Field (at the College on 5th Street). 665-6900.
THURSDAY, JULY 9 Meet a Real Super Hero! “Fiat” the Guide Dog-in-training 2pm at the Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas St. in Wenatchee. Downstairs in the children’s room Chris McFann Comic Artist 2pm at Peshastin Library, 8396 Main St. in Peshastin. For TEENS Story Time 10:30am at Wenatchee Free Methodist Church, in the Kindergarten Room. For more information or questions, email Casey at Loop Trail Extension Grand Opening 8am-5pm at Apple Capital Recreation Loop Trail. While the Apple Capital Loop Trail northern extension may be open to the public in June, the grand opening ceremonies will take place today. The extension will add another 5.25 miles to the 10-mile Loop Trail and 2.2-mile extension to Kirby Billingsley Hydro Park. The trail will be open to hikers, runners, skaters, bikers and other non-motorized recreationists. Time of the celebration TBA. For more information, visit
unReal 7pm at the Snowy Owl Theater in Leavenworth. $10 in advance, $13 at the door. Part of the Summer Film Series. We see you there. Stuck in the real world. Staring blankly at your computer screen. Hoping to find something, anything, to take you away. It’s time to let your friends at Teton Gravity Research & Anthill Films transport you to a place beyond the real world. Watch. Dwell. Share. Rise into the unReal and explore the imagination of some of the best mountain bikers on the planet, creating a world where snow is fair game, 1000-pound mammals are riding partners, and anything is possible. Learn more and buy tickets at
FRIDAY, JULY 10 Waterville Days Kicks off tonight with a spaghetti feed in Pioneer Park (in Waterville) from 5pm-7pm catered by the Douglas County Fire Dept. Volunteers. From 7pm-10pm, the 1st annual Waterville Stomp & Beer Garden will happen in Pioneer Park with Live Music featuring Jumper Flats. Free Admission. Waterville Days continues tomorrow with vendors in the park (9am-5pm), classic car show, live entertainment, kids activities, quit show, chili cook-off, horseshoe tournament, food vendors and a parade at noon. Free Summer Concert Series 7pm-9pm at Centennial Park, 10 South Wenatchee Ave. Tonight’s show: Jason Spooner
SATURDAY, JULY 11 Lowes’ Build and Grow Workshop 10am at Lowes. Free, for kids 12 and under. Pre-registration is appreciated. This week’s craft is a Black Widow’s Sky Cycle, inspired by Marvel’s Avengers Assemble, the animated series on Sunday mornings on Disney XD.
e r ’ e w e s u Beca
Park Play Pennsylvania Park- Wading Pool Pack a picnic lunch and your swimsuit, and join us Tuesday July 7th @ 12pm at the Pennsylvania Park Wading Pool, 219 Pennsylvania Avenue in Wenatchee, Wenatchee Parks and Recreation staff also lead free games, arts and craft activities from 1-5pm; children under 6 must be helped by an adults
Park Play Washington Park- Wading Pool Pack a picnic lunch and your swimsuit, and join us Tuesday July 21st@ 12pm at the Washington Park Wading Pool 110 S Miller St Wenatchee Wenatchee Parks and Recreation staff also lead free games, arts and craft activities from 1-5pm, children under 6 must be helped by an adult
JULY 2015
Kid Krazy KID KRAZY Playdate -FREE Monday July 15th@ 10:30am-12:30pm All ages welcome, We will have a small bouncy house! Please bring a sack lunch Christ Center Church/Kid Krazy Play Area, 100 Apple Annie Ave, Cashmere, WA 98815
Story Time Storytime At Academic Toolbox, 2127 N Wenatchee Ave, on Wednesday, July 29th @10:30 Beach theme and book followed with action activities, a craft & treat Feel free to let your kiddos wear their swimsuits and bring a beach toy to “pretend”! Thomas Train, Calico Critters friends, Corolle baby dolls will be waiting to be played with; Mom’s grab a coffee/latte & come to the Toolbox!
July/August 2015
Waterville Days Join the fun festival in Pioneer Park in Waterville. The arts and crafts booths, classic car show and food vendors will be there all day, 9am-5pm. Kids Activities will be happening all day and include the story barn, L-Bow the Clown, bounce house, chalk on the block, ping pong drop, kiddie parade (10am) and a stage performance by Joel Brantley. The horseshoe tournament and the Quilt show begin at 9am and the grand parade is at noon. Come early and spend the whole day! And bring the whole family! It’s a fun, FREE event! Makerspace 2pm at the Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas St. in Wenatchee. For TEENS Nutcracker Day It is a day dedicated to the Nutcracker... with open house at the Nutcracker Museum, including free admission, a free poster to each family, & a chance to crack hazelnuts with a variety of different nut crackers. A drawing will be held for a signed Steinbach nutcracker. Drawing takes place at 4:30pm, you do not need to be present to win. 11am5pm at Leavenworth Nutcracker Museum, 735 Front Street in Leavenworth. For more information, visit or 548-4573 Into the Woods 8pm at the Ski Hill Amphitheater in Leavenworth. More info. on page 59 Racing at WVSO Come out to the races at wenatchee valley’s Super Oval! Pits open at 1:30pm, races start at 5:30pm. Races include: North American Big Rigs, OTRA Can/Am Early Stocks, Pro4 Trucks, Lonepine Fruit & Espresso, Mini Super Stocks, Dick’s Heating & Air Conditioning, Thunder Card, Jerry’s Auto Super Super Tuners, WVSO Youth Tuners. For further info, call 669-1315.
Prenatal Bonding Class 9am-Noon, Half day workshop for expectant parents. Learn how to experience bonding with your unborn baby and why this is important. Class is $25/individual, $35/couple for members or $40/ individual, $50/couple for nonmembers. For more information and to register, visit com or call 509-387-1083.
SUNDAY, JULY 12 2nd Annual Northwest Stunt Fest 1pm-5pm at Don Morse Memorial Park in Chelan (485 W Manson Hw) Don’t miss out on this year’s most exciting cheerleading event in the Northwest! At Stunt Fest athletes will have the opportunity to learn and participate in college level stunts and tumbling and practice with some of the nation’s best cheerleaders. There will be music, contests, awards and a video team to capture it all! Make sure to bring and complete a waiver (http://1drv. ms/1K000rg) so you can be a part of this awesome one-of-a-kind experience! This event is exclusive to participants that are 16 and older! This will surely be worth the drive! For any questions, please contact
MONDAY, JULY 13 AppleSox Home Game 7:05pm vs. Kelowna at Paul Thomas Sr. Field (at the College on 5th Street). 665-6900.
TUESDAY, JULY 14 “Make a Button Tree” art project 2pm at the Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas St. in Wenatchee. Downstairs in the children’s room Tween Craft Comic Book Wallet 10am at Peshastin Library, 8396 Main St. in Peshastin.
AppleSox Home Game 7:05pm vs. Kelowna at Paul Thomas Sr. Field (at the College on 5th Street). 665-6900 Infant CPR for Family and Friends 5:30pm-7:30pm The American Heart Association CPR for Family and Friends Course is a non-credentialed entry level CPR course. This course includes infant CPR and choking management. For new parents and their families. Cost is $7 and takes place at Central Washington hospital, 1201 S Miller St. in classrooms 1 and 2. For more information, please contact Joan Slack, 665-6140 or
WEDNESDAY, JULY 15 Dan Gemeinhart Mission View School Librarian and Author of “The Honest Truth” 2pm at the Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas St. in Wenatchee. Downstairs in the children’s room. Recommended for ages 10 and up. Comic Book Hero Story time 10am at Peshastin Library, 8396 Main St. in Peshastin. Craft Hour 2pm at the Leavenworth Library, 700 Highway 2 Story Time 10:30am at Academic Toolbox Play Gym 10am-11:30am at SPORT Gymnastics, 10 S Columbia St. in Wenatchee. $5 per child or $9 per family. Enjoy unstructured play time for you and your child. It includes gymnastics equipment, balls, hoops, mats, tunnels and more. AppleSox Home Game 7:05pm vs. Kelowna at Paul Thomas Sr. Field (at the College on 5th Street). 665-6900
(Loving God) (Loving Others)
(Serving our World) saturdays 6:30pm sundays 10:00am 19 McElmurry Lane, East Wenatchee, wa 98802 509-884-4001
Summer Family Night 6pm at Confluence Park Bring your own meat and a side dish or dessert to share. Discover pass required ($30) Hosted by Wenatchee Free Methodist Church. Come enjoy fellowship, worship and fun with the whole family. Every Wednesday night through August. For more information or for questions, please contact Jill Thayer at jthayer81@ Anything Goes 8pm at Hatchery State Park in Leavenworth. More info. on page 59
THURSDAY, JULY 16 Monster Art 2pm at Leavenworth Library, 700 Highway 2. For TEENS. Tween Light Art Workshop 1pm-6pm at Peshastin Library, 8396 Main St. in Peshastin.
Tween Monster Art Kit Workshop 12-2pm at Peshastin Library, 8396 Main St. in Peshastin. Childbirth Preparation Series Everything you need to know about having a baby. This is a 12hour course, often referred to as “Lamaze� class. It will prepare you and your birth partner(s) for the physical and emotional demands of labor. At central Washington Hospital, 1201 S Miller Ave. in rooms A & B. Classes in this series are Thursday and Friday, 6-9pm and Saturday, 9am-3pm. For more information or to register, please contact Joan Slack, 665-6140 or Cost is $95.94 Story Time 10:30am at Wenatchee Free Methodist Church, in the Kindergarten Room. For more information or questions, email Casey at
Just Eat It 7pm at Snowy Owl Theater in Leavenworth. Part of the Summer Film Series. We all love food. As a society, we devour countless cooking shows, culinary magazines and foodie blogs. So how could we possibly be throwing nearly 50% of it in the trash? Filmmakers and food lovers Jen and Grant dive into the issue of waste from farm, through retail, all the way to the back of their own fridge. After catching a glimpse of the billions of dollars of good food that is tossed each year in North America, they pledge to quit grocery shopping cold turkey and survive only on foods that would otherwise be thrown away. Tickets are $10 in advance, $13 at the door. Film is 74 minutes long. For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit Into the Woods 8pm at the Ski Hill Amphitheater in Leavenworth. More info. on page 59
July/August 2015
FRIDAY, JULY 17 Free Summer Concert Series 7pm-9pm at Centennial Park, 10 South Wenatchee Ave. Tonight’s show: Daniel Kirkpatrick & The Bayonets Parent’s Night Out at Art is 5pm-8pm. Admission is $36. Geared for ages 5-8, younger or older permitted with permission. Take the night off and let us entertain your kids with art! These fun, art filled evenings will happen each third Friday in the summer. We’ll make super fun art projects, eat pizza, and chill out with a movie or story time.
Olivia Bella Kent
Every Third Friday night in Summer. For more information or to register for this event, visit or call 548-2278. Art Is is located in Leavenworth, 11734 US Hwy 2.
Anything Goes 8pm at Hatchery State Park in Leavenworth. More info. on page 59
SATURDAY, JULY 18 Chris McFann Comic Artist 2pm at the Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas St. in Wenatchee. For TEENS Kid’s Club 11am-1pm at Wenatchee Valley Mall. Join the club and join the fun! Free events for the kids the third Saturday of every month. Membership is always free for kids 11 and under and comes with perks. Members receive a passport to every event, receive a star for attending and win cool prizes. Attend 3 events in a row and receive a Kid’s Club goody bag. Achieve perfect attendance and receive a certificate and a Kid’s Club backpack. Ride the Miniature Train 1pm-5pm at Wenatchee Riverfront Railway, 155 N Worthen Street. Adults, $3 Children 12 and under, $2. Questions? Call 509-888-6240 SNL Vets: Rob Schneider, Jon Lovitz and Tim Meadows 8pm at Mill Bay Casino/Deep Water Amp. in Manson. Visit Colvillecasinos. com for details and tickets. Into the Woods 8pm at the Ski Hill Amphitheater in Leavenworth. More info. on page 59
Jenna Lebow enjoying some good ole summer BBQ
The Compassionate Friends Sharing Meeting 7:00pm at Grace Lutheran church, 1408 Washington St. in Wenatchee 860-3620 Our meetings are open to all bereaved parents, grandparents, siblings, and friends. We are not here to judge, or to provide professional counseling; we are here to offer our friendship and understanding of your pain and to learn from each other through our shared experiences. Our meetings provide emotional support and a safe place to express your feelings. You are free to share or just listen, to cry, and even to laugh over happy memories of your child. For some, it may be the only place where they are able to talk about their child and their grief. All comments shared will be kept confidential. There are no fees for membership or to attend the meetings. We have no religious affiliation even though we meet in a church. It can take courage to make it to a meeting, but we encourage you to attend at least three. You never know when you might meet the right person, or hear the right words that will help you on your journey toward healing. More information: www.
TUESDAY, JULY 21 Chelan Co. PUD 1:30pm with a repeat show at 2:30pm at the Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas St. in Wenatchee. Downstairs in the children’s room. OR at 10am at the Cashmere Library, 300 Woodring in Cashmere.
Puppet Show 10am at Leavenworth Library, 700 Highway 2
Bilingual Storyteller Deb McVay 11am at the Entiat Library, 14138 Kinzel St. in Entiat
Tween Shrink/Art Chain Craft 3:30pm at Peshastin Library, 8396 Main St. in Peshastin.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 22 Craft Hour 2pm at the Leavenworth Library, 700 Highway 2 Incredible Shrinking Story Time 10am at Peshastin Library, 8396 Main St. in Peshastin. Play Gym 10am-11:30am at SPORT Gymnastics, 10 S Columbia St. in Wenatchee. $5 per child or $9 per family. Enjoy unstructured play time for you and your child. It includes gymnastics equipment, balls, hoops, mats, tunnels and more. Summer Family Night 6pm at Confluence Park Bring your own meat and a side dish or dessert to share. Discover pass required ($30) Hosted by Wenatchee Free Methodist Church. Come enjoy fellowship, worship and fun with the whole family. Every Wednesday night through August. For more information or for questions, please contact Jill Thayer at
Leavenworth. Part of the Summer Film Series. India is surging with global ambition. But beyond the luxury hotels surrounding Mumbai airport lies a makeshift slum, full of people with plans of their own. Zehrunisa and her son Abdul aim to recycle enough rubbish to fund a proper house. Sunil, twelve and stunted, wants to eat until he’s as tall as Kalu the thief. Asha seeks to steal government anti-poverty funds to turn herself into a ‘first-class person’, while her daughter Manju intends to become the slum’s first female graduate. Tickets are $10 in advance, $13 at the door. Film is 74 minutes long. For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit
FRIDAY, JULY 24 Yard Sale Fundraiser 8am at Wenatchee First Assembly of God Church. Proceeds go towards the church’s Ensenada Mission Trip. Yard
Sale runs both Saturday and Sunday.
Family Movie Night 7:00pm is FREE Family Movie Night. This event is open to the public and will continue on the last Friday of every month. Come join us at Wenatchee Valley Baptist Church, 650 Crawford Ave. in Wenatchee. For more information or to find out which movie is showing, please call the church office at 509-663-4868 Limo’s and Laser Tag 6-8 pm at Columbia Grove Covenant Church, 19 McElmurray in East Wenatchee. This is a date night for Dads and Daughers, & Moms and Sons. Snacks and dessert will be provided. Cost is $25 per person. Space is limited! One group will take a limo ride together while the other will play laser tag in the church then they will switch. At the end of the night all will play a game of laser tag together. For more information, contact Meghan at meghan@ or 884-4001
Into the Woods 8pm at the Ski Hill Amphitheater in Leavenworth. More info. on page 59
THURSDAY, JULY 23 Create with Fusion Beads 2pm at the Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas St. in Wenatchee. Downstairs in the children’s room. Adults helps needed for children under 8. Anything Goes 8pm at Hatchery State Park in Leavenworth. More info. on page 59 Story Time 10:30am at Wenatchee Free Methodist Church, in the Kindergarten Room. For more information or questions, email Casey at Behind the Beautiful Forevers 7pm at Snowy Owl Theater in
July/August 2015
Where’s Waldo In Leavenworth, of course! The questions is... can you find him? Pick up a Find Waldo passport at A Book For All Seasons in Leavenworth, and locate the 25 different Waldos at local businesses to win prizes! The hunt lasts the entire month of July, then join in the big Where’s Waldo party on July 31 the store. There’s no charge for participating. Questions? Call A Book For All Seasons at 548-1451. Free Summer Concert Series 7pm-9pm at Centennial Park, 10 South Wenatchee Ave. Tonight’s show: Nick Foster Band or call 509-3871842.
Peshastin Ice Cream Social 7pm-9pm at Peshastin Library, 8396 Main St. in Peshastin. Lowes’ Build and Grow Workshop 10am at Lowes. Free, for kids 12 and under. Pre-registration is appreciated. This week’s craft is TBD. Go to for updates and to register. Super Oval Races Come out and enjoy the races at the super oval! Races start at 5pm and include: WESCO Winged Sprints, Vintage Modifieds, Pepsi-Cola PRO Late Models, Lonepine Fruit and Espresso Mini Super Stocks, Dicks Heating and Air Conditioning, Thunder Cars, Jerry’s Auto Supply Super Tuners, and WVSO Youth Tuners wvso. com for more details.
Chelan County PUD 2pm at Peshastin Library, 8396 Main St. in Peshastin.
AppleSox Home Game 7:05pm vs. Yakima Pippins at Paul Thomas Sr. Field (at the College on 5th Street). 665-6900
Into the Woods 8pm at the Ski Hill Amphitheater in Leavenworth. More info. on page 59
Anything Goes 8pm at Hatchery State Park in Leavenworth. More info. on page 59
SUNDAY, JULY 26 MC Hammer in Concert 8pm at Mill Bay Casino/Deep Water Amp. in Manson. Visit Colvillecasinos. AppleSox Home Game 6:05pm vs. Yakima Pippins at Paul com for details and tickets. Thomas Sr. Field (at the College on 5th Street). 665-6900 AppleSox Home Game 7:05pm vs. Yakima Pippins at Paul Thomas Sr. Field (at the College on 5th Street). 665-6900
SATURDAY, JULY 25 Sunburn Classic 3 on 3 Tournament at the Town Toyota Center. Put on by Elite Hoop Effects. For both kids and adults and includes and special olympics, wheelchair and men’s open money divisions. For more information on being in the tournament, go to www.
MONDAY, JULY 27 Chelan County PUD 3pm at Leavenworth Library, 700 Highway 2
TUESDAY, JULY 28 Author/Illustrator Erik Brook 2pm at the Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas St. in Wenatchee. Downstairs in the children’s room. OR 10:30am at the Cashmere Library, 300 Woodring
WEDNESDAY, JULY 29 Play Gym 10am-11:30am at SPORT Gymnastics, 10 S Columbia St. in Wenatchee. $5 per child or $9 per family. Enjoy unstructured play time for you and your child. It includes gymnastics equipment, balls, hoops, mats, tunnels and more. Craft Hour 2pm at the Leavenworth Library, 700 Highway 2 Button Tree Story Time 10am at Peshastin Library, 8396 Main St. in Peshastin. Light Art Workshop 12pm-2pm at Peshastin Library, 8396 Main St. in Peshastin. For TEENS Summer Family Night 6pm at Confluence Park Bring your own meat and a side dish or dessert to share. Discover pass required ($30) Hosted by Wenatchee Free Methodist Church. Come enjoy fellowship, worship and fun with the whole family. Every Wednesday night through August. For more information or for questions, please contact Jill Thayer at American Red Cross Blood Drive 10am-3pm at Pybus Market in Wenatchee. To register to donate blood or for additional information, contact: http://www.redcrossblood. org/ or call 1-800-733-2767 GodSpell 8pm at Festhalle in Downtown Leavenworth. More info. on page 59
THURSDAY, JULY 30 Story Time 10:30am at Wenatchee Free Methodist Church, in the Kindergarten Room. For more information or questions, email Casey at
Short Shakespeareans’ preview of “As You Life It” 2pm at the Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas St. in Wenatchee. Downstairs in the children’s room. Puppet Show 2pm at Peshastin Library, 8396 Main St. in Peshastin. Show Business: The Road to Broadway 7pm at Snowy Owl Theater in Leavenworth. Part of the Summer Film Series. Tickets are $10 in advance, $13 at the door. Film is 1 hour, 44 minutes. The real drama happens behind the curtain in this fascinating and rare look at four highprofile Broadway musicals (Wicked, Taboo, Caroline, Or Change, and Avenue Q) and their fearless journey to the Tony Awards®. Including a starstudded cast, this entertaining film takes viewers on an unprecedented behind-the-scenes view of the creative process that captures all
the heartbreak and hilarity of trying make it big in Show Business! For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit
Where’s Waldo Party Have you found Waldo yet? Either way, join us on our leafy deck for fun, games, yummy treats and maybe even a glimpse of Waldo… 1pm-2pm at A Book For All Seasons. For more information, call 548-1451 Anything Goes 8pm at Hatchery State Park in Leavenworth. More info. on page 59
FRIDAY, JULY 31 Light Art Workshop 1pm-6pm at Peshastin Library, 8396 Main St. in Peshastin. For TEENS Free Summer Concert Series 7pm-9pm at Centennial Park, 10 South Wenatchee Ave. Tonight’s show: The Hoyer Brothers
Summer Sidewalk Sale in Downtown Wenatchee. Come down and shop the biggest sale of all our downtown Wenatchee businesses! Happening all day during business hours, 10am-6pm. Into the Woods 8pm at the Ski Hill Amphitheater in Leavenworth. More info. on page 59 Martina McBride in Concert 8pm at Mill Bay Casino/Deep Water Amp. in Manson. Visit Colvillecasinos. com for details and tickets. AppleSox Home Game 7:05pm vs. Victoria at Paul Thomas Sr. Field (at the College on 5th Street). 665-6900
SATURDAY, AUGUST 1 Home Depot Kids Workshop 9am-Noon at Home Depot. Free hands-on workshop, designed for children ages 5-12. Craft for
Leavenworth Summer Theater Productions
LST’s Show are always greatly anticipated each year! Please note that children under 5 years old are not admitted to LST Shows. For more information, visit
A collection of favorite fairy tale characters burst to life in Stephen Sondheim’s Into the Woods, a Tony Award winning modern fable. The witty and touching story follows characters such as Little Red Riding Hood and Cinderella as they search for their happily ever afters in the face of giants, hidden identities, mischievous spells and, perhaps most frighteningly, the complexities of modern relationships. The delightful story and gorgeous music will enchant audiences, making a truly magical production out under the stars at the Ski Hill Amphitheater! A perfect location for this adventurous tale. Running time: Approximately 2.5 hours including intermission.
Gangsters, socialites, British nobility, and a dazzling young debutante collide on the S.S. American for comic mayhem on the high seas. Sultry Reno Sweeney and her tap dancing Angels lead the way through classic Cole Porter music, providing the perfect setting for showstopping dance numbers, comic hijinx, intrigue and unexpected love stories. Performed under the stars at the Hatchery Stage, this classic musical will be a perfect night of fun! It’s delightful, it’s delicious, it’s de-lovely! It’s ANYTHING GOES! Running time: Approximately 2.5 hours including intermission.
An explosive hit on Broadway and around the world, GODSPELL tells the familiar stories of Jesus and his apostles in clever, unexpected, and often hilarious ways. Originally written in 1970, this timeless show has been updated and exuberantly brought into the 21st century by original composer Stephen Schwartz, the brilliant mind behind the international blockbuster Wicked. A cast of energetic actors, dancers, and musicians bring memorable songs like “Day by Day” and “God Save the People” to life as the show walks through the Gospel of St. Matthew, exploring the joys and struggles of present day life. Running time: Approximately 2 hours including intermission.
July/August 2015
this week is TBD. All kid get to keep their craft, receive a FREE certificate of achievement, a Workshop Apron, and a commemorative pin while supplies last. Registering online is appreciated. com
Sr. Field (at the College on 5th Street). 665-6900
Anything Goes 8pm at Hatchery State Park in Leavenworth. More info. on page 59 GodSpell 2pm at Festhalle in Downtown Leavenworth. More info. on page 59
Summer Sidewalk Sale in Downtown Wenatchee. Come down and shop the biggest sale SUNDAY, AUGUST 2 of all our downtown Wenatchee businesses! Happening all day during AppleSox Home Game business hours, 10am-6pm. 6:05pm vs. Victoria at Paul Thomas Sr. Field (at the College on 5th Street). Ride the Miniature Train 665-6900 1pm-5pm at Wenatchee Riverfront Railway, 155 N Worthen Street. MONDAY, AUGUST 3 Adults, $3 Children 12 and under, $2. Questions? Call 509-888-6240 Puppet Show 2pm at Cashmere Library, 300 AppleSox Home Game Woodring in Cashmere. OR 11am at 7:05pm vs. Victoria at Paul Thomas Entiat Library, 14138 Kinzel St. in Entiat
TUESDAY, AUGUST 4 Puppet Show 1:30pm show with a repeat show at 3:30pm at the Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas St. in Wenatchee. Downstairs in the children’s room.
Porter and big sister Delany playing on the trampoline
Grace and Violet Neely, Ivy Rios Camping
Light Art Workshop 1pm-6pm at Peshastin Library, 8396 Main St. in Peshastin. For TEENS AppleSox Home Game 7:05pm vs. Walla Walla at Paul Thomas Sr. Field (at the College on 5th Street). 665-6900 Into the Woods 8pm at the Ski Hill Amphitheater in Leavenworth. More info. on page 59
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5 Steve Miller Band Doors open at 6:30pm, show starts at 7:30pm at the Town Toyota Center. For tickets,, call (866) 973-9611 or in person at the TTC box office.
Makerspace 2pm at Leavenworth Library, 700 Highway 2. For TEENS Caveman Story Time 10am at Peshastin Library, 8396 Main St. in Peshastin. AppleSox Home Game 7:05pm vs. Walla Walla at Paul Thomas Sr. Field (at the College on 5th Street). 665-6900 Summer Family Night 6pm at Confluence Park Bring your own meat and a side dish or dessert to share. Discover pass required ($30) Hosted by Wenatchee Free Methodist Church. Come enjoy fellowship, worship and fun with the whole family. Every Wednesday night through August. For more information or for questions, please contact Jill Thayer at Anything Goes 8pm at Hatchery State Park in Leavenworth. More info. on page 59
THURSDAY, AUGUST 6 Story Time 10:30am at Wenatchee Free Methodist Church, in the Kindergarten Room. For more information or questions, email Casey at “All of Creation” Children and Families Art Instruction Day Camp 10am-Noon at Pybus Market, 7 N Worthen St. in Wenatchee. Geared towards children ages 4 and up and their families. The camp is sponsored by Pacific Crest Church and is free and open to the public. Participants will create their own art under supervision of parents. On Saturday, August 8th, the art will be on exhibition in the Pybus Events Room for the public to view. For additional information, contact Jonathan Thomas at 509-670-8502. Make a Superhero Banner 2pm at the Wenatchee Library, 310
Douglas St. in Wenatchee. Downstairs in the children’s room. Adults helps needed for children under 8.
GodSpell 8pm at Festhalle in Downtown Leavenworth. More info. on page 59
Knights of Veritas 4pm at Peshastin Library, 8396 Main St. in Peshastin.
The Search For Freedom 7pm at Snowy Owl Theater in Leavenworth. Part of the Summer Film Series. Tickets are $10 in advance, $13 at the door. This is a story told through the eyes of a group of people who helped create a cultural phenomenon. It is about the freedom that is accessible to everyone; the freedom that comes from living in the moment and doing what makes us feel the most alive. This documentary written and directed by Jon Long (IMAX® Extreme) is about the infinite possibilities available to anyone willing to drop in. It’s a visceral, visual experience via some of the brightest pioneers, legends, visionaries and champions of surfing, snowboarding, skiing, skateboarding, mountain biking and more.For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit AppleSox Home Game 7:05pm vs. Walla Walla at Paul Thomas Sr. Field (at the College on 5th Street). 665-6900
Free Summer Concert Series 7pm-9pm at Centennial Park, 10 South Wenatchee Ave. Tonight’s show: Down North “All of Creation” Children and Families Art Instruction Day Camp 10am-Noon at Pybus Market, 7 N Worthen St. in Wenatchee. Geared towards children ages 4 and up and their families. The camp is sponsored by Pacific Crest Church and is free and open to the public. Participants will create their own art under supervision of parents. On Saturday, August 8th, the art will be on exhibition in the Pybus Events Room for the public to view. For additional information, contact Jonathan Thomas at 509-670-8502. Into the Woods 8pm at the Ski Hill Amphitheater in Leavenworth. More info. on page 59 Michael McDonald 8pm at Mill Bay Casino/Deep Water Amp. in Manson. Visit Colvillecasinos. com for details and tickets.
SATURDAY, AUGUST 8 Wag N’ Tails Dog Day 8am-12pm at Eastmont Community Park 4Plex in East Wenatchee Complete with a costume contest, ice cream eating contest, best voice contest, look-a-like contest, best dog trick contest, this event is all dog and all fun! Come watch the fun, or if you want to register your dog, they must be registered 15 minutes prior to the competition. Contest winners will receive a prize donated by Coastal Farm and Ranch. There will also be a vendor fair of all sponsors of the event. Lowes’ Build and Grow Workshop 10am at Lowes. Free, for kids 12 and under. Pre-registration is appreciated. This week’s craft is TBD. Go to for updates and to register. Child Art Exhibit at Pybus Come down to Pybus today from 9am-2pm to check out the art that was made in the family Day Camp from the previous two days! Be inspired to create your own masterpieces! Anything Goes 8pm at Hatchery State Park in Leavenworth. More info. on page 59
Lean Meats, Fresh Vegetables & Delicious Sauces Perfection!— —A ll Grilled To
Washington State
Micro-Brews & Fine Wine
Downtown across from Brewery 509.548.WOK2 (9652)
Downtown across from the PAC 509.662.1154
July/August 2015
Summer Concerts at Ohme Gardens
A great date night! Ohme provides the perfect backdrop for good music and good food! For details and tickets, visit All food is catered by Tastebuds in Wenatchee. This summer’s concerts are all at 6:30pm & include: July 9: Michael Powers Group July 16: Kelly Thibodeaux and Etouffee July 23: The Lloyd Jones Band July 30: The Peter Rivera Band August 6: Wenatchee Swingin’ Big Band
Annual Salsa Making Competition and Zucchini Car Races 10am-11am at the Farmer’s Market at Pybus in Wenatchee. There will be two divisions this year: amateur and professional chefs. Samples available to the public at no cost. To enter, complete the application at or call event sponsor COUNTRY Financial at 509663-1927. For the kids, there will be zucchini car races throughout the day (8:00am to 2:00pm). Kids can make, decorate and race zucchini cars. Comic-con 2pm-4pm at the Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas St. in Wenatchee. For TEENS Dog Paddle Swim 5pm-7pm The Wenatchee City Pool is going to the dogs! Bring you dog and their favorite water toy for an evening of swimming in the city Pool. The pool is reserved for dogs only, no humans. $5 for residents/$5.50 for non-residents. Bump To Pass Come out to the races at Wenatchee Valley’s Super Oval! Races tonight include: PRO 4 Alliance, WMRA
Midgets, Lonepine Fruit and Espresso Mini Super Stocks, Dicks Heating and Air Conditioning, Thunder Cars, Jerry’s Auto Supply Super Tuners, and WVSO Youth Tuners for more details.
GodSpell 2pm at Festhalle in Downtown Leavenworth. More info. on page 59
MONDAY, AUGUST 10 Bilingual Storyteller Deb McVay 10:30am at the Cashmere Library, 300 Woodring OR 1pm at Leavenworth Library, 700 Highway 2. Chelan County PUD 11am at the Entiat Library, 14138 Kinzel St. in Entiat
TUESDAY, AUGUST 11 Build your own Superstructure with LEGOS 2pm at the Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas St. in Wenatchee. Downstairs in the children’s room.
fellowship, worship and fun with the whole family. Every Wednesday night through August. For more information or for questions, please contact Jill Thayer at
GodSpell 8pm at Festhalle in Downtown Leavenworth. More info. on page 59
THURSDAY, AUGUST 13 Magic Show 2pm at the Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas St. in Wenatchee. Downstairs in the children’s room. Bilingual Story Time with Deb McVay 2pm at Peshastin Library, 8396 Main St. in Peshastin. Story Time 10:30am at Wenatchee Free Methodist Church, in the Kindergarten Room. For more information or questions, email Casey at
End of Summer Reading Program Party! 2pm at Leavenworth Library, 700 Highway 2
Childbirth Preparation Series Everything you need to know about having a baby. This is a 12hour course, often referred to as “Lamaze” class. It will prepare you and your birth partner(s) for the physical and emotional demands of labor. At central Washington Hospital, 1201 S Miller Ave. in rooms A & B. Classes in this series are Thursday and Friday, 6-9pm and Saturday, 9am-3pm. For more information or to register, please contact Joan Slack, 665-6140 or joan.slack@ Cost is $95.94
Space Hero Story Time 10am at Peshastin Library, 8396 Main St. in Peshastin.
Into the Woods 8pm at the Ski Hill Amphitheater in Leavenworth. More info. on page 59
Summer Family Night 6pm at Confluence Park Bring your own meat and a side dish or dessert to share. Discover pass required ($30) Hosted by Wenatchee Free Methodist Church. Come enjoy
Man and Superman 7pm at Snowy Owl Theater in Leavenworth. Part of the Summer Film Series. Tickets are $10 in advance, $13 at the door. Movie runs 3 hours, 30 minutes. A romantic
Children’s Craft Rocket pack 3:30pm at Peshastin Library, 8396 Main St. in Peshastin. Anything Goes 8pm at Hatchery State Park in Leavenworth. More info. on page 59
comedy, an epic fairytale, a fiery philosophical debate, Man and Superman asks fundamental questions about how we live. Ralph Fiennes takes the role of Jack Tanner in this exhilarating reinvention of Shaw’s witty, provocative classic broadcast from London to the Snowy Owl Screen. Jack Tanner, celebrated radical thinker and rich bachelor, seems an unlikely choice as guardian to the alluring heiress, Ann. But she takes it in her assured stride and, despite the love of a poet, she decides to marry and tame this dazzling revolutionary. For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit
FRIDAY, AUGUST 14 Comic-con 2pm-4pm at Peshastin Library, 8396 Main St. in Peshastin. For TEENS Free Summer Concert Series 7pm-9pm at Centennial Park, 10 South Wenatchee Ave. Tonight’s show: Aaron Crawford
prizes. Attend 3 events in a row and receive a Kid’s Club goody bag. Achieve perfect attendance and receive a certificate and a Kid’s Club backpack.
Ride the Miniature Train 1pm-5pm at Wenatchee Riverfront Railway, 155 N Worthen Street. Adults, $3 Children 12 and under, $2. Questions? Call 509-888-6240 Chris Young 8pm at Mill Bay Casino/Deep Water Amp. in Manson. Visit Colvillecasinos. com for details and tickets. GodSpell 8pm at Festhalle in Downtown Leavenworth. More info. on page 59
SUNDAY, AUGUST 16 Color Rush Fun Run! This could, quite possibly, be the most fun you have all summer! The 3.1 mile (5K) fun run starts on
Worthen street adjacent to Pybus Market. Check-in on Saturday is at Pybus Market from 4:00pm to 7:00pm and again on Sunday before the run from 7:00am to 7:55am, also at Pybus Market. Cost is free for ages 6 and under, and $35-$40 for all other ages. For additional information, contact the local United Way at 509-662-8261 or see: http://
MONDAY, AUGUST 17 The Compassionate Friends Sharing Meeting 7:00pm at Grace Lutheran church, 1408 Washington St. in Wenatchee 860-3620 Our meetings are open to all bereaved parents, grandparents, siblings, and friends. We are not here to judge, or to provide professional counseling; we are here to offer our friendship and understanding of your pain and to learn from each other through our
Anything Goes 8pm at Hatchery State Park in Leavenworth. More info. on page 59
SATURDAY, AUGUST 15 Town Toyota Center Parking Lot Yard Sale 8am-4pm. Come shop away! If you would like a spot, please register at The Rink Monday-Friday from 9am6pm or call 667-7847. There will also be a kids corner featuring a coloring contest. For more information, visit Kid’s Club 11am-1pm at Wenatchee Valley Mall. Join the club and join the fun! Free events for the kids the third Saturday of every month. Membership is always free for kids 11 and under and comes with perks. Members receive a passport to every event, receive a star for attending and win cool
July/August 2015
shared experiences. Our meetings provide emotional support and a safe place to express your feelings. You are free to share or just listen, to cry, and even to laugh over happy memories of your child. For some, it may be the only place where they are able to talk about their child and their grief. All comments shared will be kept confidential. There are no fees for membership or to attend the meetings. We have no religious affiliation even though we meet in a church. It can take courage to make it to a meeting, but we encourage you to attend at least three. You never know when you might meet the right person, or hear the right words that will help you on your journey toward healing. More information: www.
TUESDAY, AUGUST 18 Successful Breastfeeding 6:30pm-8:30pm at Central Washington Hospital, 1201 S. Miller St. in Wenatchee. Our free breastfeeding class is a two-hour class that will cover the basics of breastfeeding. Topics include latch and positioning, common problems and troubleshooting, pumping and storing milk, resources for breastfeeding families and more. This class is appropriate for anyone preparing to breastfeed an infant. We encourage you to bring baby’s father or another support person. For more information, please contact Joan Slack, 665-6140 or joan.slack@ GodSpell 8pm at Festhalle in Downtown Leavenworth. More info. on page 59
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19 Summertime Story Time 10am at Peshastin Library, 8396 Main St. in Peshastin.
Summer Family Night 6pm at Confluence Park Bring your own meat and a side dish or dessert to share. Discover pass required ($30) Hosted by Wenatchee Free Methodist Church. Come enjoy fellowship, worship and fun with the whole family. Every Wednesday night through August. For more information or for questions, please contact Jill Thayer at jthayer81@ Into the Woods 8pm at the Ski Hill Amphitheater in Leavenworth. More info. on page 59
THURSDAY, AUGUST 20 Story Time 10:30am at Wenatchee Free Methodist Church, in the Kindergarten Room. For more information or questions, email Casey at Anything Goes 8pm at Hatchery State Park in Leavenworth. More info. on page 59
FRIDAY, AUGUST 21 Wenatchee Youth Circus 10am AND 7pm shows! at Walla Walla Point Park in Wenatchee. Come see the Biggest Little Circus in the World in your backyard! Free Summer Concert Series 7pm-9pm at Centennial Park, 10 South Wenatchee Ave. Tonight’s show: Blake noble Parent’s Night Out at Art is 5pm-8pm. Admission is $36. Geared for ages 5-8, younger or older permitted with permission. Take the night off and let us entertain your kids with art! These fun, art filled evenings will happen each third Friday in the summer. We’ll make super fun art projects, eat pizza, and chill out with a movie or story time. Every Third Friday night in Summer.
For more information or to register for this event, visit or call 548-2278. Art Is is located in Leavenworth, 11734 US Hwy 2
GodSpell 8pm at Festhalle in Downtown Leavenworth. More info. on page 59
SATURDAY, AUGUST 22 Lowes’ Build and Grow Workshop 10am at Lowes. Free, for kids 12 and under. Pre-registration is appreciated. This week’s craft is TBD. Go to for updates and to register. Wenatchee Youth Circus 10am AND 7pm shows! at Walla Walla Point Park in Wenatchee. Come see the Biggest Little Circus in the World in your backyard! Clothes 4 The Classroom Formerly “Back to School Giveaway”, This annual event takes place in the Saddlerock Presbyterian Church’s parking lot from 8am-Noon. Serve Wenatchee will be giving away new clothes, shoes, haircuts, and more! If you need clothing for you children, please come to the church at the above listed time and date! Children must be present to receive clothing. Limited to children in Chelan and Douglas Counties. Parents, please bring ID. For more info, for questions or to help, visit Racing at the Super Oval Come out to the races at Wenatchee Valley’s Super Oval! Races tonight include:West Coast Vintage Racers, Columbia River Legends, Pepsi-Cola PRO Models, Dicks Heating and Air Conditioning, Thunder Cars, Jerry’s Auto Supply Super Tuners, and WVSO Youth Tuners for more details. Into the Woods 8pm at the Ski Hill Amphitheater in Leavenworth. More info. on page 59
TUESDAY, AUGUST 25 GodSpell 8pm at Festhalle in Downtown Leavenworth. More info. on page 59
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26 Silly Willy Story Time 10am @ Peshastin Library, 8396 Main St in Peshastin Summer Family Night 6pm at Confluence Park Bring your own meat and a side dish or dessert to share. Discover pass required ($30) Hosted by Wenatchee Free Methodist Church. Come enjoy fellowship, worship and fun with the whole family. Every Wednesday night through August. For more information or for questions, please contact Jill Thayer at Into the Woods 8pm at the Ski Hill Amphitheater in Leavenworth. More info. on page 59
THURSDAY, AUGUST 27 NCW Fair The Fair begins today at the Fairgrounds in Waterville. The fair runs from August 27-30 and features Joe Diffie in concert on Friday, August 28th at 7:15pm with the opening act from the Wild Turkeys! There is also a carnival, the rodeo and horse racing, the Big Bend Round-Up, and great entertainment going on the
community hall stage throughout the 4 days fair. You can check out all the details at and download a copy of the fair booklet. For questions, please call 745-8480.
Story Time 10:30am at Wenatchee Free Methodist Church, in the Kindergarten Room. For more information or questions, email Casey at A Mid Summer Night’s Dream 7pm at the Meadow Stage in Leavenworth. Tickets are $15 in advance/$17 at the door, or $10 for students in advance/$12 at the door. Bring a chair and blanket and enjoy this family-friendly, pared down, and wild version of the comedy classic by William Shakespeare! Bring the whole family to this community event where a cast of locals and professional actors will combine forces with singers, dancers, acrobats, clowns, and belly-dancers to present a very unique outdoor show directed by S. Henry Hettick. This lean-and-mean outdoor version of Shakespeare’s most famous fantasy play will feature food and drink, live popular music, wacky characters that sing and dance, and many of your neighbors! GodSpell 8pm at Festhalle in Downtown Leavenworth. More info. on page 59
FRIDAY, AUGUST 28 Family Movie Night 7:00pm is FREE Family Movie Night. This event is open to the public and will continue on the last Friday of every month. Come join us at Wenatchee Valley Baptist Church, 650 Crawford Ave. in Wenatchee. For more information or to find out which movie is showing, please call the church office at 509-663-4868 NCW Fair--Joe Diffie Concert! The Fair continues at the Fairgrounds in Waterville. The fair runs from August 27-30 and features Joe Diffie in concert on Friday, August 28th at 7:15pm with the opening act from the Wild Turkeys! There is also a carnival, the rodeo and horse racing, the Big Bend Round-Up, and great entertainment going on the community hall stage throughout the 4 days fair. You can check out all the details at and download a copy of the fair booklet. For questions, please call 745-8480. A Mid Summer Night’s Dream 7pm at the Meadow Stage in Leavenworth. Tickets are $15 in advance/$17 at the door, or $10 for students in advance/$12 at the door. Bring a chair and blanket and enjoy this family-friendly, pared down, and wild version of the comedy classic by William Shakespeare! Bring the whole family to this community event where a cast of locals and
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Wings & Wheels, Disney LIVE!, Walk To Rememb er, Movies Apple Days, in the Park, Festival, MOPS Chelan Begins, Autumn County Fair, Salm on Leaf Festiv September/Octob al, Heart er 2013 1
Calend ar Highli ghts
Contact us today to see your ad in the next issue of Kid Connect! or call Bonny at (509) 433-4286
Summ o Conc er Camps Galor e o Crab Feederts in the Park o Lake Chela o Flea Market Wag N Tails n Rodeo o Movie o Libra Dog Day ry Event o NCW s at the Mall Distr s o ict Fair Kids July/Augu Art in the Parko st 201 3 1 July/August 2015
professional actors will combine forces with singers, dancers, acrobats, clowns, and belly-dancers to present a very unique outdoor show directed by S. Henry Hettick. This lean-and-mean outdoor version of Shakespeare’s most famous fantasy play will feature food and drink, live popular music, wacky characters that sing and dance, and many of your neighbors!
Anything Goes 8pm at Hatchery State Park in Leavenworth. More info. on page 59
SATURDAY, AUGUST 29 NCW Fair--Joe Diffie Concert! The Fair continues at the Fairgrounds in Waterville. The fair runs from August 27-30 and features Joe Diffie in concert on Friday, August 28th at 7:15pm with the opening act from the Wild Turkeys! There is also a carnival, the rodeo and horse racing, the Big Bend Round-Up, and great entertainment going on the community hall stage throughout the 4 days fair. You can check out all the details at and download a copy of the fair booklet. For questions, please call 745-8480. LEAP 2015 12:00pm at the PAC. LEAP is central Washington’s once-a-year creative melting pot for local visual and performing artists and beyond. This year, LEAP is featuring brand new works and artists including a deconstructing textile art piece, ballet/hip hop fusion, group slam poetry, a community paintby-numbers wall, original music artists, and more. For tickets or more information, please visit If you are interested in auditioning for LEAP, auditions take place on July 19th at 4pm. Auditions are for all ages. See website for more details.
A Mid Summer Night’s Dream 7pm at the Meadow Stage in Leavenworth. Tickets are $15 in advance/$17 at the door, or $10 for students in advance/$12 at the door. Bring a chair and blanket and enjoy this family-friendly, pared down, and wild version of the comedy classic by William Shakespeare! Bring the whole family to this community event where a cast of locals and professional actors will combine forces with singers, dancers, acrobats, clowns, and belly-dancers to present a very unique outdoor show directed by S. Henry Hettick. This lean-and-mean outdoor version of Shakespeare’s most famous fantasy play will feature food and drink, live popular music, wacky characters that sing and dance, and many of your neighbors! Into the Woods 8pm at the Ski Hill Amphitheater in Leavenworth. More info. on page 59 Pat Benatar & Neil Giraldo 35th Anniversary Tour with Special Guest, Eddie Money 8pm at Mill Bay Casino/Deep Water Amp. in Manson. Visit Colvillecasinos. com for details and tickets.
SUNDAY, AUGUST 30 NCW Fair--Joe Diffie Concert! The Fair continues at the Fairgrounds in Waterville. The fair runs from August 27-30 and features Joe Diffie in concert on Friday, August 28th at 7:15pm with the opening act from the Wild Turkeys! There is also a carnival, the rodeo and horse racing, the Big Bend Round-Up, and great entertainment going on the community hall stage throughout the 4 days fair. You can check out all the details at and download a copy of the fair booklet. For questions, please call 745-8480.
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 Infant CPR for Family and Friends 5:30pm-7:30pm The American Heart Association CPR for Family and Friends Course is a non-credentialed entry level CPR course. This course includes infant CPR and choking management. For new parents and their families. Cost is $7 and takes place at Central Washington hospital, 1201 S Miller St. in classrooms 1 and 2. For more information, please contact Joan Slack, 665-6140 or
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 Morris Day & the Time and Salt N Pepa with Naughty by Nature, Tone Loc, and Sir Mix-A-Lot 8pm at Mill Bay Casino/Deep Water Amp. in Manson. Visit Colvillecasinos. com for details and tickets.
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 Ride the Miniature Train 1pm-5pm at Wenatchee Riverfront Railway, 155 N Worthen Street. Adults, $3 Children 12 and under, $2. Questions? Call 509-888-6240 2nd Annual Leavenworth Lions Craft Fair 10am-4pm at Lions Club Park Craft works by 70+ local crafters. Great gifts for holidays, birthdays or any occasion. Light breakfast and lunch food service available. For more information or to be a vendor, visit leavenworth-lions-craft-fair. or call 860-0355. **All Calendar events are subject to change or cancel. Kid Connect is not responsible for any changes that may occur and advises you to confirm event details before attending. We want to provide you with the most accurate calendar possible, so if you find any changes that do occur, please let us know and we will update our facebook page and our website for our readers.**
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