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Andventures Near & Far
Visiting Disneyland: Tips & Tricks you need to know before you go! Adventures in Parenting: the Rubberband Method Backyard Adventures Adventures Around the Valley Explore the state around you
March/April 2015
Calendar Highlights
Get Connected Family Expo, Spring Break Camps and Classes, Special Olympics, Dr. Suess’ Birthday, Mud Bay Jugglers, Recycled Percussion, Easter Happenings, Monthly Movies at the PAC, Taste Leavenworth, Apple Blossom Events and much more!
March/April 2015
Saturday March 29th 7 March
10:00am-3:00pm 10:00am - 3:00pm @ Wenatchee High @ the Sportsplex School
------------------________________ Tickets Tickets
$3 Adults
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$4 Adults $2 Kids Ages 3-17 $3 Kids 3ages Under are 2-17 FREE Under 2 are FREE
**For vendor information or to reserve
Bring canned food for local food banks and be entered to win some great prizes!
Third SecondAnnual Annual
o Connect o Interact o Enjoy o
F ve ree aw ay s
Photo Booth
GE T CO N N ECT E D! Ph il M ip & ag aic He ian nry s
Family EXPO
St Photo Booth Sh ag o e
Free Giveaways
ra c t
Third SecondAnnual Annual Enjoy!
Saturday Photo Booth March 7 zoo! (12pm show, zoo all day) Reptile man and reptile March 29th 10:00am-3:00pm Face Painting Music 10:00am - 3:00pm Saturday Philip & Henry: The amazing magicians! (11am show) Games Activities @ the Wenatchee High @ Sportsplex PacificFree Science Giveaways! FunCenter for the whole Fa family! School P ------------------ce @ Wenatchee High School Gym a ________________ i n Inflatables Agility Lowes Kid’s build & grow workshop! tin Bring Tickets g Course Gymnastics canned food for $3Tickets $4 Adults, Kids (2-17) $3 Adults Meet Your Favorite Superhero! local Fun food banks $4 Adults
March 7
Family EXPO
Re p M tile an
Ki Low ds e Cl s in ic
and be entered $2toKids Ages 3-17 $3 Kids 3ages win some great Meet Under are 2-17 FREEYour Favorite Princesses! prizes! Reptile man and reptile zoo! (12pm show, zoo all day)
e fa et y su vo ou pe rit r rh e er o
by :
fla ta b
retirement. All with one goal: to help you grow your own way.
509-663-1927 509-670-4161 cell callie.klein@
And SO much more!
ec t
25 N Wenatchee Ave Ste 220 Wenatchee, WA 98801
Callie Klein
Inflateables, Games, Activities!
L-B o Cl w t ow he n
n er fo yo r Event Sponsored By: ne !
and be entered to in the future. That’s why at COUNTRY Financial we offer a win of some great Princesses! range insurance and financial optionsMeet -- fromYour auto Favorite and home insurance prizes! to financial planning, from education to
le s Giveaways Free
Photo Booth Inflateables, Games, Activities! Face Painting Music Philip & Henry: The amazing Ac magicians! (11am show) Games M more! Activities And SO much ee tiv fa t y Free Pacific Science Center Giveaways! Fun for the iti whole family! v Ga pr or our es i i nc te m es Always growing. Inflatables es Agility Lowes Kid’s build & grow workshop! Bring s Course Gymnastics canned food for e a booth, please email or call NikkiWe at (509) 834-8977** all decide what we need...what we want...what we need Meet Your Favorite local food banks Fun to protect...what really matters. COUNTRY Financial can helpSuperhero! m you protect what you have now and what you want to have Under 2 are FREE
2015834-8977** 3 **For vendor information or to reserve a booth, please email March/April or call Nikki at (509) 26
I’ve Got an Oil For That!
photo taken by CLR Photography
Nikki’s NotE
Six months ago, I would have told you that hearing “I’ve got an oil for that” is my biggest pet peeve. I had friends who were all about their oils and would encourage me to check out a class or try this oil or that. I am not one to like “what everyone else likes” Jamberry? Yeah, no thank you. It Works? No, it really doesn’t work. Nerium? Yeah, that doesn’t work either.
I just decided to dive into the land of Young Living Oils about two months ago. I ordered my starter kit, diffuser and all and I can’t tell you enough how much I love it! It’s already time to get another diffuser because between myself and my three girls, we are constantly at battle as to who gets the diffuser in their room that night...! HA! When one of my girls starts throwing a fit and having some attitude, she gets sent to her room to calm down. I recently ordered peace and calming and when this situation happens, I simply turn on the diffuser with some peace and calming and some valor and their meltdown is quickly over and they are truly calmed down. It’s like magic, really! If you are on the verge of wanting to try them, I encourage you to! I am not a consultant. I don’t throw “parties”. Or have catalogs. I just love them. Of course, if you want to try them out and want to take advantage of the wholesale price I get, instead of paying retail, I would be more than happy to order them for you! I think I love them most because the ways to use them and reasons to use them is neverending! I love ordering new oils and trying them out! And if you have a “problem” of any kind, I can guarantee that I’VE GOT AN OIL FOR THAT!
ki ox k i N C
Kid Connect PO BOX 347 Cashmere, WA 98815
Owner: Nikki Cox
(509) 834-8977
Advertising: Bonny Langford
(509) 433-4286 If you have a kid picture you would like to see East Wenatchee Fred Meyer Gold’s Gym Library Upper Eastside Coffee Wenatchee Academic Toolbox Apple Valley Gymnastics Caffe Mela Gold’s Gym Library Performing Arts Center Safeway Smitty’s SPORT Gymnastics Wok About Grill Cashmere Aplets and Cotlets Brian’s Pizza Library Martin’s Marketplace Leavenworth Froyo Earth Good Mood Food Library Safeway Smallwood’s Harvest
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But I just happened to get some sample oils of lavender and let me tell you what... it took me a while before I actually tried it, but once I did, I was hooked. Or, rather my kids were. They LOVE having oils rubbed on their feet at night. It has quickly become a fun, giggle-infused, must-have part of our bedtime routine! My husband rolls his eyes when I bring out the oils, but he also knows that when the girls have oils on their feet, they sleep the entire night! If we forget to put them on? -- they are up at least three times throughout the night. Multiply that by three kids and you’ve got two exhausted, cranky parents!
Volume 3, Issue 5 March/April 2015
it pays to follow us!
Support Our Sponsors! Shop Local, and tell them Kid Connect sent you!
W hat ’ s I nside ?
03 Family Expo 23 S.P.O.R.T. Gymnastics 26 Numerica Performing
Adventures in Parenting: The Rubberband Method
Adventures “Near”: Backyard Adventures
Adventures “Near”: Adevntures Around the Valley
12 Adventures “Near and Far”
Exploring the State Around You
Adventures “Near and Far”: Which zoo is better?
Adventures “Far”: Disneyland Adventures! Tips and Tricks you need to know!
Meet the Famly: The Thayers
Art Center
27 Wenatchee MOPS 28 Faith Lutheran Preschool 31 Academic Toolbox 33 My GirlFriend’s Closet 34 ArtIs 35 Inspirations Ceramic &
In This Issue 06
Wenatchee Pediatric Dentistry
Art Cafe pg
22 Easter Happenings 23 Spring Break Camps 25 Calendar Begins 30 Weekly Events by Day 34 Story times 50 Take 5 Devotional: Weekly Truth
Cover photo is Lexi Cox meeting Elsa at Disneyland. It took her a while to warm up to her, but luckily, Disney is amazing and they go the extra mile and take the extra time to care for your kiddos! Cover Photo taken by Nikki Cox Picture to the right taken by Rebekah’s Photography
37 St. Paul’s Lutheran
Church & Preschool
37 M O V E Gym 41 All Seaons House Cleaning
35 Inspirations Ceramic & Art Cafe
42 Columbia Grove
Covenant Church
42 Fruit Tones Studio 46 New Friend School 47 Warrior Challenge 49 Wok About Grill 51 Columbia Valley Community Hospital
51 2 5
S.P.O.R.T. Gymnastics
Children’s Dentistry of Wenatchee March/April 2015 5
Adventures in parenting
by Nikki Cox The Rubber Band Method is based on Jackie Ryan Masek’s story of when she was talking to her son’s psychiatrist about disciplining her son and her struggles with parenting. The doctor asked her, “Do you ever catch him doing anything good?” and that sparked the doctor giving Masek the Rubber band challenge. How it Works: Place 3 rubber bands on your right wrist and each day, your goal is to move them from your right wrist to your left wrist.
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in Pa r s e en ur t t n
When do you move them? You move them when you catch your child doing something good. When you praise your child. “Thank you for sitting so still while I read that book to you.” “You are so creative! I love this card you made for me.” “Thank you for picking up your army men when you were done playing with them. You are a great helper for keeping the house picked up!” “I like how you took your time brushing your teeth. They look so sparkly!”
e Ru M bbe r Band
Why the Rubber Band Method? The Rubber Band method is not just a form of discipline, but a form of parenting. Discipline shouldn’t be all about reprimanding our children when they do wrong, but praising them and pointing out when they do right. It shows your child, “yes! That is what you should be doing!” instead of the negative aspect of “no! That’s not should be doing!” If we are constantly telling them they are doing things wrong, we assume they naturally know how to do it right, which is not the case. It needs to be taught. They need to be told when they are doing things right to learn that it is indeed right and good. Sounds simple, right? That’s what I thought, too. So I decided to take on the challenge for 30 days.
Because I have three kiddos, I decided to use colored hair ties since I already had them. I chose 3 for each child, each a different color. Mistake number one: using brand new hair ties on my thick wrists. Halfway through the day, I was washing my hands and while rubbing soap on my right hand, I noticed I couldn’t feel it. I looked down and realized it was turning a different color and was looking swollen! Oh my! Not my most intelligent moment, but learned the lesson regardless. Perhaps you’ll be a bit smarter…
home the least, but this also made me question, “When she is home, is she hearing more praises or more negativity?” Probably the latter. She is not the happiest person in the mornings and it is often a struggle to get her out the door happily. Then, when she comes home from school, she has an attitude higher than Mt. Everest! She is unable to be kind to her siblings, her level of emotion is through the roof and she just needs to have some “alone time” for a while. (Boy, are we a nervous set of parents for when she hits puberty!— She’s only 6!)
For KaeLee, the best way for me to find ways to give her praise was to break out the chore chart. We had put it up originally because my youngest was putting the magnets in her mouth, but she’s over that now. KaeLee loves to do chores. She doesn’t always enjoy helping out when asked, but if it is on her chore chart, she is all over it! Thanking her and praising her for doing her chores without being asked and doing them so quickly, happily and first thing in the morning has helped tremendously in brightening her mood in the mornings. She actually
Tip # 1: Get large, colored rubber bands or well used hair ties! Or even silly bands. You’ll thank me when your hand is still attached at the end of the day! Before I started this adventure, I had thought that this would be a piece of cake. After all, I compliment, thank and praise my kids all the time! But let me tell you what… After the first day, I realized that it wasn’t as easy as I thought it was. I realized that I compliment and praise them to other people. And that I can be severely unbalanced between the three of them and “over-praise” one more than the others, tricking myself into thinking I have done it a lot that day. Yes, I had, but not to all three girls. And certainly not evenly. I realize that one of my kiddos is in school most of the day, and another goes to part time preschool, so there can easily be some unevenness due to the amount of time spent with them. But what really frustrated me was that I was finding it difficult to move my three rubber bands for my oldest, KaeLee. She is
March/April 2015
eats breakfast quickly, without whining (and without me whining about her whining) so that she can move on to her chores. She also got a Leapster GS for Christmas and that has also been a great incentive. She now earns her screen time by her behavior and how she treats her sisters and the people around her. She is eager to do this to earn screen time, and it’s easy for me to praise her for it. She has even begun being nice to them just to be nice, without having screen time in the back of her head. I think it’s safe to say it’s becoming a habit…! My middle child, Hannah, will be 5 this month. She is the complete opposite of my first in so many ways. Her love language is Physical Touch, Quality Time and Words of Affirmation. She definitely loves to feel special. She is very caring and treats her sisters kindly. She plays heavenly with my youngest while the older one is at school and before she goes to preschool. I can be in the office working and across the hallway, the two girls will be playing in the playroom. There is so many times where I look over at them and just watch them play because they are getting along so well and Hannah is being such a good big sister. I love witnessing this. But my problem, I have found, is that I don’t express to her that I do see this and how proud I am. She is also our “klutz” and we are constantly having to tell her to watch where she’s going, sit correctly in her chair, pay attention, shaking our heads when she trips randomly (constantly) over her own feet. So, unfortunately, she most likely hears this more than the positive. Through this experience, I have had to be intentional about praising her when she makes the right choices. She has definitely increased these acts of kindness and good choices in the last 30 days. The last couple of days of this challenge, we were in Disneyland and our whole family was walking through a store in Downtown Disney. We were leaving the store and our two older girls were not following. We waited outside the door, watching them to see what they would do. Our oldest looked around and spotted us, coming straight out to us. Hannah, our middle child, turned in a circle a few times, did not see us, and went straight to the last place we all were as a family (a statue in the store that I had just taken their picture in front of). She
did exactly what we told her to do if she “got lost”. She stayed right where she was. I was beaming with joy when I saw her do this because I would not have expected her to do that since she never acts like she is paying any attention to us when we talk to her. And she is also quick to give up, get upset and stop trying. But there she was, standing and waiting calmly, hugging the statue as if to say “I’m not going anywhere. This is where I am supposed to be”. I was so proud of her and I couldn’t wait to praise her for that! My youngest, Lexi, is only 2, and I thought she would be too young to really notice a difference with using this method. She’s so cuddly and lovable that I feel like it’s easy to praise her. However, I focused on being more verbal with her rather than just our normal cuddles and “I love you’s”. Of course, we still had plenty of those, but I started notice towards the end of the challenge that her most used phrases have become “You’re so funny”, “You’re a silly goose”, “Thank you” and “Sorry”. And whenever anyone comes home, she is the first to run to the door and exclaim her excitement… “You’re back!!”, “I’m so happy you’re home!” and “I’ve missed you!” So, even with the littles the constant positive words and praises that we say to them will become the habitual words and phrases that they, in turn, will say to others. However, my journey through this challenge was far from perfect. There were days when too many rubber bands would remain on my right wrist. There were days when I felt like I couldn’t possibly find anything positive in this child. And there were days when I would try to manipulate the method and try to say a sentence that contained three positives and convince myself that it counted for all three rubber band. I get it. Parenting is hard. Really hard. But I have a shirt that has this saying on it: “It doesn’t get easier, you just get better.” And though it’s meant for working out, I think it can easily apply to anything in life, including parenting. With practice, you will get better. Stop being so hard on yourself. You are doing a great job at being the best parent you know how to be. Keep going. Every day is a new beginning. It’s time we start acting like it and quit looking back at how we may have failed yesterday. Today is a new day. Do your best to make it count.
March/April 2015
Back To School Adventures “near“
Backyard Adventures
By Nikki Cox
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to do ures so many ways different text do r, lo co y er collect Find one of ev ). Have them .. d. gi ri , th en with (fuzzy, smoo g carton, or ev eg an g, ba a e earlier their items in can go outsid u yo r O a. er find, print a digital cam of things you e ur ct pi ke them all. in the day, ta ild try to find ch ur yo t le d them out an
ssiblities are You can make u ca yo t ha w h it nging. Use endless w t or as challe an w u yo as e ops, tires, it as simpl ve... hoola ho ha y ad re al u , buckets, objects yo s, string, rope le od no ol po , around and ladders, nk under, over hi ed T . .. ds ar ” or maybe ti cones, bo hands allowed o “n nk hi T through. together. have to work to a partner to a! et the camer And Don’t forg
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Sometimes the most fun a kid can have on an average day is right in his own backyard. Sure, it may take some encouragement from you to get them out there or get something set up for them to do, but it is so worth it! Be sure to follow Kid Connect on Pinterest to find free printables, ideas, and endless amounts of fun on our ‘Backyard Adventures’ page! There are just too many fun ideas to put into print!
e ng. Get som ti in a P n u G me paper or Squirt ts, tape up so
t-shir d let them cheap, white squirt guns an r ei th ll fi h, ve some drop clot d, you will ha en e th In ! ve d new, self be creati will have bran ey th d an t ar ting, squirt beautiful Kids love pain .! . .. ts ir sh tIt’s a win-win designed ays outside! st s es m e th guns and
Adventures around the Valley many
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so many hiking to find a map .c w w w t si Vi of! wn to the loop ails. Or go do tr l ca lo e th l of al ound the loop ride a bike ar or n king ru k/ al w and moving by ta gym and get a to in jo up r d O ea l. trai mba. H l, tennis or zu al ding tb or ue ba cq ow ra up skiing, sn on ke ta d an Mission ridge is great for skiing (which y tr un co s os or cr !) Or join Run y, by the way il m fa summer! le ho w the for a 5K this y ad re t ge d Wenatchee an
The amount of exploring and adventure-taking that you can do in Wenatchee Valley would really last all year round! Pick a few new things to explore or something you haven’t done in a while. Remember that the more active you are and the more you challenge yourself, your kids are more apt to do the same! So keep it up!
ething elf. Try somad rs u o Y e g n e alre y been Chall ething that’s
it’s som white water new. Maybe le boarding or dd pa ke li ed w trail. Or mention exploring a ne ’s it be ay M class. Maybe rafting. taking a new t, or sp w ne or Class with trying a at Inspirations ve ti ea cr g in is to sign up it’s gett ur challenge yo be ay m r O ur kids! (see a Glass. lenge with yo al ch or ri ar w for the it! tever it is, do page 47). Wha
March/April 2015
Adventures “near and far“
Explore the State Around You
By Nikki Cox
With Summer around the corner and Spring Break even closer, you may want to start planning your get-aways now! And with the price of gas dropping so much lately, staying closer to home and within driving distance seems like a better plan now than ever before! These are just a few highlighted things to do and places to go in driving distance from Wenatchee. You’ll find that no matter which direction you go, you will run into some fun! So explore these options and take your pick! There’s FUN to be had this year, folks! You don’t have to go far from home to find adventure!
Water Fun
Zoo’s and Wildlife
Birch Bay Waterslides Lake Chelan Slidewater Wild Waves (Federal Way) Splashdown Family Waterpark (Spokane) Arne Hanna Aquatic Center (Bellingham) Snohomish Indoor Aquatic Center Great Wolf Lodge (Grand Mound) Triple Play (Hayden, ID) Quincy Aquatic Center Moses Lake Aquatic Center
Woodland Park Zoo (Seattle) Cat Tales (Mead) Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium (Seattle) The Outback Kangaroo Farm (Arlington) Cougar Mountain Zoo (Issaquah)
Fort Walla Walla Fort Vancouver Fort Nisqually (Tacoma) The Pioneer Museum (Eatonville) San Juan Island National Historic Park (Friday Harbour) Fort Simcoa (White Swan)
For an insider’s look at comparing Woodland Park Zoo and Point Defiance, please see page 14.
These are just a few of the places you can go and have a hands on look at what life used to look at and learn about it in an interactive way.
The Space Needle (Seattle) Gameworks (Seattle) Remlinger Farms (Carnation) Ride the Duck Tours (Seattle) Silverwood (Cour‘d’alene, ID) WiggleWorks (Puyallup & Bellvue)
Chidren’s Museum of Skagit County (Burlington) Children’s Museum of Tacoma Kid’s Quest Children’s Museum (Bellvue) Mobius Kids (Spokane) The Hand’s On Children’s Museum (Seattle) Children’s Museum of Walla Walla Kids Discovery Museum (Bainbridge Island)
Just a few of my favorites:
There are also a lot of Family Fun Centers around our state with go-karts, arcades, bowling, minigolf, batting cages, bumper boats, laser tag, etc. Just look for one whereever you end up!
Ohanapecosh, Mount Rainer National Park Colonial Creek Campground, North Cascades National Park Cape Disappointment State Park Eightmile Campground Seaquest Ste Park, Mt. St. Helens Oasis RV Park and Golf Resort Hobuck Beach Resort, Neah Bay Wallowa Lake State Park, Joeseph, OR
March/April 2015
Adventures “near and far“
Events Worth Traveling For There are always going to be the great places we just talked about (on pages 12-13), but what about specific events? What events happen outside of our little town that are worth the travel? Well, there are plenty, that is for sure! But for the sake of space, I have chosen to highlight a few for you that happen in the next couple months, are great for families with kids of all ages and are well worth putting on the calendar. Here we go...!
Spring Break Family Kite Fun
World Kite Museum hosts their annual Spring Break activities for kids and families. Everyone gets to make a kite! There is a treasure hunt that the whole family plays together to win coupons from local businesses. There are various short kite movies to watch. Come and learn all about kites for Spring Break Family Kite Fun! March 20-April 19, 2015 Open every day – 11:00 to 5:00. Admission: $5 for adults; $4 over 60; $3 children 3-16 For more information, visit
Special Needs Kids and Adult Fishing Event at Klineline Pond in Vancouver Friday, April 10 from 8am-4pm Geared towards kids ages 5-14 For more information, call (360) 608-7973 visit fishing/kids/klineline.html and register at
Skagit Valley Tulip Festival
(April) Nothing says spring more than daffodils and tulips. Skagit Valley, north of Seattle, is a major producer of flower bulbs. The flower fields burst into color each spring and provide the reason for several weeks of fun events. You can tour the bright fields, attend a street fair, or participate in a fun run or bike ride. That is just a sample of all there is to enjoy during the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival, held in and around the towns of La Connor and Mount Vernon. While this happens all month long, the Street Festival takes place in Mount Vernon from April 17th19th. Enjoy! And don’t forget your camera! You will indeed have gorgeous photos!
Long Beach Razor clam Festival
We are bringing back the Historic Long Beach Razor Clam Festival from the 1940s that helped put the Long Beach Peninsula on the map. Tons of fun for the whole family! Join us for FREE Razor Clam Digging lessons, contests, live music, entertainment, the Third Annual Chowder Tasteoff,
and cooking in the giant fry pan! April 18-19 For more information, visit longbeachrazorclamfestival. com/
Goodnight Moon
Mar 5 - Apr 19 at various times Lower Queen Anne, Seattle Children’s Theatre, 201 Thomas St., Seattle, Wa cost: $25-36 and is for ages: 3 + Show is approimately 90 minutes Goodnight Moon has been cherished by generations for over 40 years, and SCT’s lively musical production has been popular all over the country since the world premiere in 2007. Now SCT is bringing this signature piece home again so a new group of children and families can enjoy the surprise and delight of Bunny’s imaginative detours on the way to dreamland. In this intimate production, everyone will revel with Bunny in the fun of jumping cows, dancing bears and a room that springs to life. Goodnight Moon is a truly timeless theatre experience the whole family can enjoy. For more information and show times, visit
Which Zoo is better? Woodland Park Zoo vs Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
By Nikki Cox
A question I get asked quite often is which zoo is better? Woodland Park Zoo or Point Defiance? I’m no zoo expert, but I am a “frequent flyer”... Animals Woodland Park Zoo has a lot more variety of animals. More of your “traditional” zoo animals. It’s a bigger park, so it just seems natural to have more. Woodland is 92 acres, whereas Point Defiance is only a mere 29 acres. Point Defiance puts more of an emphasis on Northwest animals, but you can also find tigers, elephants and primates as well. Point Defiance also has the added bonus of the aquarium. See the sharks eye to eye? Yes, please! While it’s not as big as the Seattle Aquarium, I tend to like it better! Is bigger better? Not in my opinion. This is really where you need most to factor in the ages of your kiddos. Woodland Park is so big and the animal exhibits have a lot of walking in between them. The habitats for the animals are so big that often times you cannot see the animals, or if you can, they are super far away and it can become frustrating trying to point them out to your toddler. At Point Defiance, it is much smaller, but still has a great variety of animals, they are closer up with less places to hide a lot less walking! Your younger kids won’t get worn out so quickly. Woodland’s layout seems more like a maze and it can be easy to miss things. Point Defiance is a more manageable, easy to follow trail map. Also, at least with my own kids, if they are not constantly seeing animals, they are whining and start complaining and pretty soon you are wondering why you even bothered to make the special trip to the zoo in the first place! Activities for Kids Both zoos have plenty for kiddos to do. They both have the beloved Carousel. Woodland Park has Zoomazium, an
indoor place space. A great place to take a break from the weather outside if it is raining or too hot. (or if you go in December like us, too cold!) Point Defiance Kid Zone, an outdoor play area with climbing toys, soft padded play area, Meer Cats right at their level, a petting zoo and a learning center. Woodland also offers a petting zoo, but it’s tucked away in the corner and often overlooked. My kids love to milk the pretend cow they have. Cost Point Defiance is slightly less expensive, but they are overall comparative and there is not enough of a difference to say one is better than the other. However, parking is free and relatively pain free at Point Defiance whereas parking at Woodland’s lack of parking spaces cost $5.25 for the day. Get there early just to get a parking space! Which one is closer? They are both about the same distance. Point defiance will take you about 15 minutes longer. You will travel over Blewit pass and Snoqualmie Pass. If you go over Stevens to get to Woodland, it’s the same amount of time, just less miles traveled. So how do you choose? If you have never been to either of them, you really can’t make a bad choice. They are both great in their own ways. You can spend an entire day at either of them, but if you want a shorter trip, you are more likely to see all of Point Defiance a lot faster. If you are going over to Seattle for something in addition to the zoo, then choose the one closer to you. If you want to eat at the Cheesecake or Spaghetti Factory, then go to Woodland Park Zoo. If you want to
enjoy the water, visit Owen Beach and avoid downtown Seattle traffic, then go to Point Defiance! Another way that may help you decide is by checking out their websites to see if they have any special events or exhibits going on. Also, see what new babies there are! I know right now, Point Defiance has tiger triplets that were born in October, as well as four baby Meer Cats. Woodland has not had any new babies in the last year that I know of.
March/April 2015
Adventures “Far“
Disneyland Adventures Tips and tricks for your next (or maybe first?) trip
by Emily Floyd The sun is shining and the excitement is palpable. The smell of popcorn, corn dogs, and churros fill the air, as you walk down a pristine street. Where are you? Disneyland of course! Sounds perfect doesn’t it? My family of five went to the happiest place on earth just this last December. It was my eleventh time and my girls’ fourth time. While I am far from a Disney expert, I think I can at least claim the enthusiast title. In all my treks to Disneyland, I’ve learned a few things about enjoying the parks.
have a plan.
Nothing is First things first: worse than wasting valuable time scanning the map for the attractions your kids can, and want, to go on. This can all be avoided thanks to the interactive map at Not only can you get familiar with the park layout, you can also search rides by height requirement, thrill level and age interests. You can also see what
Emily’s three kiddos were over the moon about Tiger!
shows and parades will be happening and at what time. Use all these tools to come up with an idea of what your day (or days) in Disney will look like. California Adventure also has these tools. If you are a big planner (like me!) then you may want to utilize They not only have a crowd calendar, so you know what to expect from the crowds, but also have touring plans for you to
follow. Another great site is They have created an algorithm to optimize your ride time and minimize your wait time-what could be better! Even more impressive, RideMax allows you to choose the rides you want to go on and on what day, creating a completely personalized itinerary. I have used both these resources and have been very happy. But of course, also needed for a Disney trip, and who are we kidding, any trip with kids, is:
Having a plan is a great start,
but things like rides being down, potty breaks, and tantrums are unplannable. Know that you most likely won’t get to do everything. Focus on enjoying the moments as they come. Use your Disney plan as a guide and skip or switch things up as necessary. Over-stressing will not only damper your day, but your whole family’s day as well. Ask me how I know…
plan a break.
If you are going with kids, especially kids under ten, they will need a time to rest. And so will you. Not only is walking around the park exhausting, it’s also a highly stimulating place. Kids who are usually easy going can melt down seemingly out of nowhere because there is just so much to see, hear, and do. The afternoon is the ideal break time, since it’s also the busiest time at the parks. If you can, go back to your hotel to decompress, encourage kids to nap, and refuel with some food. If leaving the park is impossible, take a
break by going to Downtown Disney to eat and find a quiet corner to rest in. Or enjoy the Tiki Room show in Adventureland. But enough about lists, let’s talk about some lesser known Disney tricks. One of my favorite things about Disneyland is the care for parents with babies is and small kids. evidence of that. The Parent-Swap (also known as a ‘switch pass’) allows parents to ride the bigger rides with older kids or alone. Here’s what you do: when riding a ride with a height requirement (say, Space Mountain), before you stand in line ask the cast member (park employee) for a Parent-Swap. They will then hand you a lanyard with an attached card. You are then advised to hand it to the ride operator at the front of the line, he will then give you a Parent-Swap with the date and ride. You can then use that swap card for Space Mountain on that day and skip the stand-by line and go to the Fastpass line (without a Fastpass!). Sometimes they will tell you to go in the exit. The point is getting to enjoy a ride without having to stand in line twice, due to having a baby or small child who cannot ride.
the parent-swap
continued on next page...
What’s the best age to take my children to Disneyland? Honestly, Disneyland is considered “The Happiest Place on Earth”, because, quite frankly, it is. And not just for children, but for adults as well! It really does not matter how old your kiddos are because there are so many rides that have no height restriction and can be enjoyed by the whole family! Have a child with special needs? No problem. Visit city hall for a Disability Access Card and be sure to tell them exactly what your child needs so they will know how to best serve your child. Also, if it is your child’s birthday, first time, or any other special occasion, be sure to visit city hall as soon as you enter disneyland and get your special button! If you have infants, take advatage of their baby care centers! You will find multiple changing tables, high chairs, a private nursing area, a microwave, and a little section with extra baby items for purchase. Most of all, the Baby Care Centers offer a clean, quiet place to give your baby the attention he needs. Having gone several times as a child, a teen, an adult, and a mom, I can tell you that it truly is a happy place to be, no matter what stage of life you are in! So no need to wait for your kiddos to “be old enough”... just go for it!
March/April 2015
parade and fireworks show.
Something else I would recommend is to watch the Not only does this serve as a great break from the hustle and bustle of the day, but it is a chance for your kiddos to see a lot of the characters that they may not see walking around the park. Get a front row seat early and send your spouse to go grab some food. Then enjoy the break and get ready to see some of the happiest faces you’ve ever seen on This was KaeLee’s reaction to seeing the your kids! genie from Aladdin in the parade. She has never even seen the movie! Pure happiness!
splurge on a character meal My favorite tip is to
. Yes, they are expensive, but oh so worth it! It’s a guarenteed time that you will you get to finally sit down and eat a full meal. And, more importantly, your kids will be entertained the whole time! Pick whatever restaurant strikes your fancy. Your kids will love to see any and all characters that come around to your table. A random bear from some movie your kids haven’t seen? He’s awesome! Your child must hug him! He is her new best friend! Most character meals are buffet style, which means you can stuff your face while Winnie-the-Pooh plays peek-a-boo with your baby. Drinks are included, so be sure to recharge with caffeine. We did two character meals this last time and I will say both were amazing. I am sitting! I have coffee! I have copious amounts of fried foods and sugar! Made to order omelets! I was in my happy place. I jokingly told my husband we should stay there all day, and I think he was plotting ways to make this possible.
Other Great Reminders for your trip: Use A Stroller! This may be a no-brainer if you have an infant, but even a four year old will tire easily and would appreciate the occasional ride. Strollers can be rented as well if you don’t want to haul yours! Drink lots of water! Remember that water is your best friend at Disneyland! Don’t take the chance of getting dehydrated! Pack some snacks! Pack a backpack and take turns wearing it, or strap it to the stroller if you have one. And bring your own water into the park so you aren’t paying $3/bottle. You will go through a lot of snacks since you will be exercising and burning off that energy faster. So don’t get too irritated with your kids when they constantly say they are hungry...! Get to the park early! The early hours are the least busy, so be sure to get to the park right when they open! You may feel like there are a lot of people there while you are waiting for the doors to open, but soon enough everyone heads in different directions and you are able to walk right on to most rides! And if you stay at a Disneyland hotel, take advange of the Magic Morning hour when you can enter the park early!
be silly!
Remember to And my last tip: experience Disneyland as a kid at heart. Put Emily got a picture taken aside the fact you’re bleeding money and enjoy! with Max during one of the character breakfast You’re in the Happiest Place on Earth.
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March/April 2015
Meet The Family
photos taken by Jennifer Brandt, Where Blue Birds Fly
The Thayers
Meet the Thayers! Glynn and Jill will be celebrating 8 years of marriage in April! Happy Anniversary to them! Jill grew up in Wenatchee, Glenn in Oroville. They both went off to college, Jill to SPU, Glynn to WSU and moved to Wenatchee after graduating. They met at Wenatchee Free Methodist Church shortly after moving back, where they both attended and were involved in various outreach ministries. They soon began dating and sure enough, falling in love. Glynn is an Entomologist here in Wenatchee and a great dad to compliment his job. Jill is an amazing mom, a coach, a substitute teacher (on occasion) and has been the Wenatchee MOPS Coordinator for the last four years. They now have three strapping young boys and just added a baby girl to the family in October. Kaleb is six years old, Ryan is four and a half, Spencer is one and a half and baby Anne is four months old. As for more kiddos in the future? They say they are done... It’s now time to enjoy watching them all blossom! The Thayer family is looking forward to raising their kiddos in the Wenatchee Valley and can’t wait for their littles to get involved in sports and other extracurricular activities. They are definitely an active, spontaneous family and are always on the go.
When I was little, I dreamed about being: Mom: A teacher. I loved the idea of working with kids Dad: a pilot. I thought it would be fun to fly
Now that we have kids….: Mom: being a mom Dad: being a dad
My kid surprise me because she: Mom: they catch on to things so quickly. It amazes me how their brains work and pick things up so fast Dad: they pick their noses and eat it. I never did that as a kid...
Our favorite family activity is: Mom: games – it is fun now that they can play games too Dad: nap time!
Mom (Jill) is the best at: Mom: planning, being prepared (most of the time) Dad: keeping things organized
Dad (Glenn) is the best at: Mom: teaching the boys outdoor activities – fishing, skiing, hiking, etc. Dad: wrestling with the boys – teaching them moves.
What’s your secret for balancing it all? Mom: Not getting too over committed. Dad: Understanding there is no balance.
When the kids are all grown, we are going to: Mom: work and travel Dad: work and travel
What I love about our family is: Mom: good kids and lots of laughs Dad: we have great kids.
If I was stranded on an island with one book and one meal, they would be: Mom: Meal: Buttermilk pancakes and scrambled eggs. Book: the Bible Dad: Meal: Steak and potatoes. Book: the Bible
What’s left on your bucket list? Mom: traveling in Europe and New Zealand Dad: go helicopter skiing
Before I had kids, I never thought I’d: Mom: be a minivan mom. However, they are made for moms and I finally caved and became one. Dad: Be so busy. Something you don’t realize what it will be like.
Favorite family hang-out in Wenatchee area: Mom: Confluence park. The toys are great, a nice little beach to play on in the summer. And usually not too many people there. Dad: Behive Lake – for fishing. Mission – for skiing. Marion Lake – for hiking.
Our go-to place to eat in Wenatchee: Mom: Café Rio Dad: Wok About Kids: Mc’d’s!
Our favorite thing about living here is: Mom: having all the seasons and the smaller community. Dad: The outdoors – the hiking, fishing, skiing is all so close to home
Something that might surprise you about me is:
My favorite thing about Glynn is:
Mom: I worked on a cruise ship for a summer. For 10 weeks I went from Seattle to Alaska working in the childcare department. Dad: I like to sew.
My favorite thing about Jill is:
Mom: The hard worker he is and the loving father he is.
Dad: She is a great mom.
March/April 2015
Walker and Austin Bell
Elizabeth Thompson
Easter Happenings
East Wenatchee Easter Egg Hunt Sunday, March 29 at Eastmont Community Park (Near the Aquatic Center) 2:00pm-4:00pm or until all the eggs are gone. Tickets are $1 and are good for finding 7 eggs. Max of 2 tickets may be purchased per child. Egg hunts are separated by age groups (ages 10 and under) with a special hunt for the visually impaired. Come hunt for eggs, win prizes, meet the Easter Bunny, and engage in fun activities! For more information, contact the East Wenatchee Events Office at 509-8866108.
Saddlerock Presbyterian Church Easter Sunday, April 5 at 10:00 a.m. Children ages 1-10 years are welcome, and there will be different start times/sections for age groups. Come hear the Easter Message, decorate a cookie, make a craft and find some Easter Eggs! And, new this year is a family photo booth!
Hannah Cox
12th Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Smallwoods 11am-3pm Events will be running all day with the Easter Egg Hunts broken down into age groups. Kids will love the FREE East Egg Hunt and Animal Balloon! For just $1 per ticket, enjoy Cow Train Rides, Face Painting, Petting Zoo, the Corn Maze, Hay Wagon Rides, Miniature Race-track, and fresh Kettle Corn. Hot dogs, sodas, snacks, and more will be available for an additional cost. This event is sure to bring a day full of smiles for the whole family. Accommodations for children with special needs will be available all day. For more information, call Smallwoods Harvest at 548-5807.
Easter For Kids 10am-Noon at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 312 Palouse in Wenatchee. This annual event includes crafts, games, goodie bags, and prizes, and of course an Easter Egg Hunt! Questions: Call 662-8790. Martin’s Market Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 4th 10 a.m. at Martin’s Market, 130 Titchenal Way in Cashmere The egg hunt is for kids ages 10 and under For more information, call Chris at 782-3801. Columbia Grove Covenant Church Easter Service on April 5th, 10am followed by an Egg hunt for the kiddos! Everyone Welcome! 19 McElmuray in East Wenatchee Easter Brunch At the Sleeping Lady in Leavenworth Celebrate this Easter holiday with a hearty, buffet style brunch. Adult $37, Kids 5-12 $11. Children 4 and under are free. call 509-548-6344 for reservations. Overnight packages are also available.
Spring Break Camps at Museum
Third through fifth grade kids will explore robotics from 9:00 AM to noon, March 30-April 2 at the Wenatchee Valley Museum & Cultural Center. Visiting experts and museum staff lead this exciting class for kids in grades 3-5 featuring walking field trips, art lessons, and science experiments. Students will build a LEGO robot, explore places humans can’t go, talk to robots, and much more. Sign up for one, two, three, or all four days! Classes are 9a-noon. Cost is $20/day for members, $25/day for non-members. To attend all week, cost is $70 for members and $85 for non-members. Call (509) 888-6240 to register.
WVC Basketball Camp
March 30-April 2, 1-4pm at Eastmont High School. For 8-18 year olds. Cost is $55 and includes a t-shirt if registered by March 20. Improve your dribbling, passing, shooting, offense and defense skills during this 4 day camp. This
Spring Break Camps <-------------is a great camp for beginning and experienced players alike. Instructors include: WVC Men’s basketball coach, Coby Weidenback and the WVC Men’s basketball team. Register online at www. or in person at 255 N Georgia Ave in East Wenatchee.
Strikers Baseball Camp
March 30, 31, April 1, 2, 10am-12pm at Eastmont Community Park 4Plex. For ages 6-12, $55 Registration Fee, get a t-shirt if registered by Mar. 20. Join the Strikers Baseball Team and Coaches during Spring Break and improve your skills and build new ones! This camp will be focusing on FUN and looking specifically at pitching, fielding and hitting to get you ready for the upcoming season. Register online at www. or in person at 255 N Georgia Ave in East Wenatchee.
Junior Row and Paddle Camp
The Wenatchee Row and Paddle Club is partnering with Wenatchee Parks and Recreation to bring you the second year of this fun camp! Participants will learn the fundamentals of sweep style rowing and canoe and kayak paddling through four sessions on land and on the Columbia River. Open to 4th through 8th graders. Space is limited. March 30-April 2 from 9am-12pm or 1pm-4pm. The cost is $40 for Wenatchee residents and $44 for those outside the City. Call Sarah at 888-3283 for more program information or to register. **More Camps/Classes on next page
Spring Sports and Classes 3rd grade-6th grade Volleyball League
April 6-May 28. Open to boys and girls. Cost is $60, includes a jersey and a trophey. Practices are from 5:30pm-7pm, days are TBD, depending on the coach and gym availability. Registration ends March 13, $5 late fee after deadline. There will be two divisions, 3rd/4th Grade and 5th/6th Grade. This is an instructional league and each team will have 2 practices a week and if there are enough teams, we will have games on Saturdays. Practices are assigned by the league, since gym space is limited, and they will start the week of April 6. Register online at or in person at 255 N Georgia Ave in East Wenatchee.
Wenatchee Irish Dance
including a tots class on Thursdays! More information is coming soon… check back at www. for more details.
Art Techniques Throughout History: Session 2
Stage Kids WA Spring Classes
Art Classes at ‘Art Is’ in Leavenworth
Financial Peace University
Tuesdays, March 3-24, 5:30pm-7pm at Eastmont Parks and Recreation Meeting Room. Cost is $65 (materials included). Learn the different techniques used by famous artists throughout history. Session 1 will include Michelangelo and Ghiberti and Session 2 will include Rembrandt and Giotto. Color theory, art history, drawing techniques, painting techniques and other art techniques will be taught during both sessions and art supplies are provided during class. Register online at or at 255 N Georgia Ave in East Wenatchee.
Tuesdays in March - Mixed Media Landscapes: Ink & Watercolor with Ally 3:15-4:15 for 6-9 year olds 4:30-5:30 for 10-13 year olds Tuesdays in April (starting the 7th) Photography Portraits in Landscape with Chris & Heidi 3:15-4:15 for 6-9 year olds 4:30-5:30 for 10-13 year olds Tuesdays in May Art of Architecture with Todd 3:15-4:15 for 6-9 year olds 4:30-5:30 for 10-13 year olds
Life During Grief Workshop
Angel, Evelyn, Isaac, Yulian
The Life During Grief Workshop will begin on Wednesday, March 4th, from 6:30pm-8:00pm. Have you suffered a significant loss? Are you having difficulty resolving your grief? Wenatchee Free Methodist Church is sponsoring an 8-week Life During Grief Workshop. The cost is $30 per person. For more information, contact the church at (509) 662-1502.
Beginning Acting Classes (for grades 3-8) and Groove and Move Classes (grades 1-2). 4:00pm-5:15pm at the PAC. Spring Term is from March 16May 13. These classes fill quickly! Cost is $95. 20% off for siblings. More information can be found at **You may also want to check out their summer programs and camps, because if the past is a predictor of the future, these will surely fill up quickly! Stage Kids WA is teaming up with the PAC this year and are combining their summer camps! More information is available on their website or at numericapac. org Prices increase for camps after March 1st.**
The Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University Class will begin on Sunday, March 8th at Valley View Seventh-day Adventist Church, 1201 10th St. NE in East Wenatchee. Are you struggling to make ends meet? Does your paycheck run out before the month does? Learn God’s ways of handling money with Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University and take control of your money. Through video teaching, class discussion, and interactive small group activities, this class presents Biblical, practical steps in managing finances. This plan illustrates how to get out of debt, manage money, spend and save wisely, and much more.This class meets from Sunday, March 8th through Sunday, May 17th. Please contact the church for more information on how to sign up.
Day by Day Calendar
Autumn Sutton
Your Guide to FUN in the Wenatchee Valley Note from Nikki: We are ultimately a calendar of events for kid and family activities. However, you will notice that on occasion, I will throw an adult only event in as well. No need to panic, I just feel that sometimes (or rather, a LOT of times!), parents need a date night, moms need a girls night out, or there may be a fundraiser benefiting youth that I feel us adults shoud support. While it is not an inclusive calendar with ALL events happening in the Valley for adults (there are other great publications for that!), this will explain why I throw in a few every now and then. Also, don’t miss the weekly events in a separate box on page 30! We have them placed there so that they don’t jam up the entire calendar, hiding other new events. We hope this makes your planning a little easier as you can go through and highlight, for yourself, the events you want to attend this Spring. Happy Planning and Enjoy!
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27 Joseph Groves Performs Live at Pybus 7pm-9pm. Joseph composes all of his own piano music… You’ve never heard piano played like this before! Special Olympics Opening Ceremonies will be held at the Town Toyota Center in Wenatchee at 8pm. All events are FREE to the general public. Athletes from across the state will converge on Wenatchee, Mission Ridge Ski Resort and Leavenworth to compete in six sports during the three-day event: Alpine Skiing, Cross Country Skiing, Figure Skating, Snowboarding and Basketball. The 1,500 athletes will be supported by nearly 300 coaches and 700 volunteers. Competitions are Saturday and Sunday, with a closing of competition after the last race. Lee Dewyze in Concert opening by Leslie DiNicola Doors open at 7pm at Cafe Mela. Show starts at 8, Lee is on at 9pm. Tickets range from $20-$50 and can be purchased at or in person at Caffe Mela on Wenatchee Ave. If the name sounds familiar, perhaps it’s from the song “Blackbird Song” from The Walking Dead… or maybe because he was the 2010
season winner of American Idol. He has since taken some time to write his entire album and is now ready to share it. 2015 is a year of touring for DeWyze as well as releasing an onslaught of music and video content. Come enjoy him at Cafe Mela while you have the chance!
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 Wenatchee WILD home game 7:05 vs Amarillo Bulls at Town Toyota Center. For tickets, visit tickets.wenatcheewildhockey. com Ava
Author and Book Buzz The semi-annual Think Local Authors First, where multiple local authors will be present to showcase their books, sign autographs and talk about their profession. For a list of authors, please visit Lowes Build and Grow Kid’s Clinic 10am at Lowes. Free, for kids ages 12 and under. Preregistration is appreciated at www. This week’s craft is a Moster Jam Truck, featuring Max-D! Child and Babysitting Safety (CABS) 9:00am-3:00pm. Cost: $50 for Y member, $60 for community
March/April 2015
members. Space is limited, register in advance. CABS is a certification course for building a safe and successful babysitting business for 6-9th grade. Course highlights include: safety and injury prevention, guidlines to make sure that everyone stays safe, leadership, strategies to build confidence when responding to conflict, play time, basic caregiving skills, tips on age-appropriate play and staying involved, fedding burping diapering and safe sleep practices, first aid. A light healthy snack will be provided. register: visit www. or stop by the YMCA, 217 Orondo Ave.
Women’s Escape is designed for beginners all the way up to the advanced skiers and riders. After a morning of coaching, we’ll meet back at the lodge for lunch and more socializing. Afterwards, you’re free to head out again and try anything new you learned and hopefully with a few new friends! Cost is $50 and includes lunch. Check in begin in the upstairs lodge. A lift ticket is required (if you need a ticket we are offering a special $10 Women’s Escape Ticket good for the day of the program). Register online at Space is limited.
Cinderwolf & the Three Little Pigs (Theater) 2pm at Icicle Creek center for the Arts, 7409 Icicle Road in Leavenworth. Local young actors, ages 9-18 will arrive at Icicle Creek for a Sunday audition, rehearse with professional
Wenatchee WILD home game 3:05 vs Amarillo Bulls at Town Toyota Center. For tickets, visit tickets. Women’s Escape 9am-12:30pm at Mission Ridge.
actors all week after school, and present a rollicking musical. Two twisted versions of fairy tales with hilarious singing, dancing and comic characters will thrill and entertain you! Tickets are $10 for general admission and $7 for youth. For more information, visit or call (509) 548-6347x47
MONDAY, MARCH 2 Childbirth Preparation Series Everything you need to know about having a baby. This is a 12 hour course similar to a Lamaze class. It will prepare you and your birth partner for the physical and emotional demands of labor. 6:30-8:30pm on the following dates: March 2, 9, 16, 23, 26 and 30. Cost is $95.94. Takes place in the Wenatchee Valley Hospital Sleep Center Conference Room, 1000 N Miller in Wenatchee. For more information, contact Joan
davis D furn ture Your home is at the hear t of all we do
Slack at 665-6140 or jslack@
Baker at 509-548-1830 or email
Dr. Suess’ Birthday: Read Across America 6:00pm at Hastings Join the fun with Dr. Suess story time and activities!
Soup Supper & Lenten Service Enjoy a soup supper and a craft time for children of all ages from 5:006:00 followed by our Lenten Service at 6:30. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 312 Palouse, Wenatchee. Questions: Call 662-8790.
TUESDAY, MARCH 3 Pybus University- “A Healthy Diet: It’s Not About the Food” 7pm-8:15pm Learn the 3 psycho-spiritual keys for a healthy relationship to your food. Explore the reasons diets fail and the powerful influence of our body-mind connection. For more information and to register, visit
THURSDAY, MARCH 5 Play and Learn Together For children 6 months-5 years and their parents. 10am-11am in the Youth and Teen Center at the YMCA.
Free to anyone in the community. While the kids play and make new friends, you can talk with other parents. 1st Thursday of every month. Questions? call 662-2109. Infant CPR infant CPR and choking management. For new parents and their families. Takes place in Education Classrooms 1 and 2 at Central Washington Hospital, from 5:30-7:30pm. Cost is $7. For more information, contact Joan Slack at 665-6140 or jslack@
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4 HIV/AIDS Education 3:30pm $20 What is HIV? How can we safely handle blood and other bodily fluids? Class also includes 1 hour of Bloodborne Pathogen certification through the American Red Cross. To sign up, please visit www. Course registration is required. Most courses are held at Cornerstone Christian Church, 12 N Chelan Ave in Wenatchee. Questions? Call Tracy Baker at 509-548-1830 or email First Aid Class 2 year certification in First Aid with the American Red Cross. $50 6:00pm at Cornerstone Christian Church, 12 N Chelan Ave in Wenatchee. Questions? Call Tracy Baker at 509-548-1830 or email CPR Class 2 year certification in CPR with the American Red Cross. $50 1:30pm at Cornerstone Christian Church, 12 N Chelan Ave in Wenatchee. Questions? Call Tracy
M o t h er s o f Pr e s ch oo l e r s
Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction Thursday, March 12, 2015 5:30-7:30 pm Wenatchee Free Methodist Church
1601 5th Street, Wenatchee, WA 98801 Kids (3-12) $5/$6 at door
MOPS is a community of moms doing life together. It is about meeting the needs of every mother of a child from conception through kindergarten, while equipping mothers of young children to realize their potential as mothers, women and leaders. We work in partnership with Wenatchee Free Methodist Church. For more information, go to:
All You Can Eat Dinner Provided By This auction and family dinner will support the Wenatchee Adults $9/$11 at door MOPS to provide scholarships and supplies to help support over 95 mothers and children Dinner 5:30-7:30 pm in our community. In addition, Silent Auction 6:00-7:30 pm the success of our fundraiser has allowed our chapter to Door prizes throughout the evening keep membership dues at the Contact a MOPS mom or the Event Coordinator for tickets same cost for over 6 years! Thank you for your continued Event Contact: Michelle Haight/ support. Tax ID # 91-6019060 According to the IRS, establishing a value for donated items is the exclusive right of the donor.
March/April 2015
FRIDAY, MARCH 6 Erin McNamee Live in Pybus Concourse 7pm-9pm Erin sings mostly folk music and multi-genre: opera, classical, chant, cabaret, jazz standards, music-theater, blues, roots, country, bluegrass, rock, Irish trad, Sean-Nos, Celtic and original music. Her song repertoire consists of somewhere above 400 songs.
SATURDAY, MARCH 7 Daylight Savings! Don’t forgot to turn your clocks AHEAD one hour tonight before you go to bed! 3rd Annual Family Expo Joni Kid Connect at the Get Connected at the Family Expo event! 10am-3pm at the Wenatchee High School Gym. Reptile Man will be there all day with his reptile zoo, and performing at noon on stage. Philip & Henry: the Amazing Magicians will be on stage at 11:00 and L-Bow the clown will be there all day as well, with a performance at 3:00. Enjoy Inflatables, Face Painting, a Lowe’s workshop just for kids, Meet your favorite princess and superhero! There will be games, prizes, activities, food, and so much more! Bring canned food for the local food banks and be entered into the raffle of your choice to win some great prizes! Tickets are $4 for
Mud Bay Jugglers 6:30pm at the PAC Their blend of juggling, physical comedy, dance, and music is as unique as their working style. You’ll be in on the fun. You’ll see what happens when drama, choreography and juggling create a flashpoint with the complex world of music. Great family event! Learn more at purchase tickets at www. or purchase tickets at the box office or by calling 663ARTS. Tickets range from $19-$29. 2nd Annual Legos Building Competition 10am-4pm at Pybus Public Market. There will be both casual building times and competitive Lego events throught the day. Though there will be some legos provided, make sure to bring Legos if you have them. There is no cost to participate. All entries must be built at Pybus in order to be eligible to win the prizes. Creations will be on display for the public to view on Sunday, March 8. For more info, visit Home Depot Kids Workshop Learn how to build a pair of bookends with sports or flowers
stickers. Free hand-on workshop, designed for children ages 5-12. All kids get to keep thier craft, receive a certificate of acheivment, a workshop apron and a commemorative pin while supplies last. Class is from 9am-noon on the first Saturday of every month. Registering online is appreciated.
SUNDAY, MARCH 8 Lego Competition entries on Display. Come check out the lego contest entries all day Sunday!
TUESDAY, MARCH 10 Pybus University: Family Art Night #2-Playing Watercolor Techniques 7pm-8:15pm, Artist Terry Valdez, returns with his team of fellow artists for another fun filled evening of art making. All materials provided. Ages: from 5-95. Limited to 32 participants. No materials fee. To register, visit Successful Breastfeeding A two-hour (free!) class that will cover the basics of breastfeeding. Topics include latch and positioning, common problems and troubleshooting, pumping and storing milk, resources for breastfeeding families and more. This class is appropriate for anyone
arn With U e L e s! m
Registration for Fall begins March 2nd!
adults and $3 for Kids 2+. Tickets are available at the door or pre purchase them online at eventbrite. com for more information
Preschool AM & PM T/TH 9-11:30am & 12:30-3pm Pre-K AM & PM MWF 8:30-11:30am & 12-3:00pm
~ (509) 888-3316 ~ 171 Eastmont Ave ~ ~ Like Us On Facebook! ~ 28
. . e r r the â&#x20AC;&#x2122; e w e e s g u a Bec tter to be During the season of early mothering, MOPS gives you the support and resources you need to be a great mom.
om M to ry Eve vited n is i OPS M
Food Fun Fellowship
Child care provi ded! Wenatchee
Where: Wenatchee Free Methodist Church When: 9am-11am; 2nd and 4th Tuesdays Contact: Jill Thayer, 509-393-4461 or Facebook:
Where: Church of the Nazarene When: 9-11am, select Fridays of each month Contact: Andrea Baker, 509-881-1592 Facbook:
East Wenatchee
Where: Faith Lutheran Church When: 9am-11am; 2nd and 4th Wednesdays Contact: Tori Jeffris, 630-3823 Facebook:
Where: Quincy Free Methodist Church When: 9-11:15am, Tuesdays Fall Session ends November 18th Spring Session: March 3-April 14 Contact: Katie Westby, 360-201-4323, Tierra Bierlink, 509-398-1804
March/April 2015
Weekly Events by Day EVERY MONDAY Indoor Park @ Apple Valley Gymnastics, 230 S Columbia in Wenatchee 9:30-11am, for ages 5 and under. $7 per child, $3 for siblings. Kaleidoscope Play and Learn Group A Free, fun and interactive time for the children in your life to learn through play! 10am-11:30 at Cahmere United Methodist Church, 213 S Division in Cashmere. For more information, please contact Jordan Metulis at 662-6761. Story Time 10:30am at Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas Rd. Questions? Call 662-5021 Indoor Playground 9-11am at the Community Center Social Hall, 504 S Chelan nin Wenatchee. $1/$1.25 per child. The program is designed for toddlers and parents to have a warm place to play during the cold winter months. The program runs through the end of March. For more information, call Wenatchee Parks and Rec at 888-3283
Story Time 10:30am at Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas Rd. Questions? Call 662-5021
Story Time 10am at Entiat Library, 14138 Kinzel St. Questions? Call 748-1517
Pajama Story Time 7:00pm at Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas Rd. Come in your PJâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s! For all ages! Questions? Call 662-5021
WVC Hepcats Swing Dance Lesson from 7-8pm, Dance from 8-10pm. All ages welcome! $5/night or $35 year membership. Come as you are and no need for a partner!
Story Time 1:30pm at Leavenworth Library 700 Highway 2 in Leavenworth Indoor Playground 9-11am at the Community Center Social Hall, 504 S Chelan nin Wenatchee. $1/$1.25 per child. The program is designed for toddlers and parents to have a warm place to play during the cold winter months. The program runs through the end of March. For more information, call Wenatchee Parks and Rec at 888-3283 Family Zumba 6:45pm-7:45pm at the YMCA Open to families with school age children (K-16 years) and adults. It is a cardio-based class that incorporates traditional exercise moves with Latin dance for a fun-filled workout. Children must be accompanied by an adult family member over the age of 21.
Citizenship Classes FREE; 6:30-8:30p, at Faith Lutheran Church, 224 Benton Street in Leavenworth. Citizenship classes to prepare for the citizenship application & exam. Bi-lingual classes Tuesday nights, Materials provided, English classes are offered simultaneously. Employers inform your employees! Takes place at P.D. Elementary. You can join classes any time! For more info, email office@ or call 548-7010.
Play Gym 9:30am-11:00am at SPORT Gymnastics, 10 S. Columbia St. For 6 years old and under. $5 per child or $9 per family.
Story Time 10am at Peshastin Library, 8396 Main St Questions? Call 548-7821
Story Time East Wenatchee Library, 271 9th Street. 10:30am Stories, songs, poems, action rhymes. Questions? Call 782-3314
Play Gym 10am-11:30am at SPORT Gymnastics, 10 S. Columbia St. For 6 years old and under. $5 per child or $9 per family. Story Time Cashmere Library, 300 Woodring St. 10:00am Got Questions? Call 782-3314
Story Time 10:30am at Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas Rd. Questions? Call 662-5021
Line Dancing 7:00pm at Alt 12 Fitness in Wenatchee. Free for members, $5 for non-members. More info, 289-0125 Indoor Playground 9-11am at the Community Center Social Hall, 504 S Chelan nin Wenatchee. $1/$1.25 per child. The program is designed for toddlers and parents to have a warm place to play during the cold winter months. The program runs through the end of March. For more information, call Wenatchee Parks and Rec at 888-3283
EVERY THURSDAY Scottish Dancing 6:30pm at Irish Dance Studio in Wenatchee. All levels welcome. more info, call 663-3743 Kaleidoscope Play and Learn Group A Free, fun and interactive time for the children in your life to learn through play! 10:00am-11:30 at Wenatchee Public Library, 310 Douglas St. in Wenatchee. Play Gym 9:30am-11:00am at SPORT Gymnastics, 10 S. Columbia St. For 6 years old and under. $5 per child or $9 per family. Leavenworth Farmers Market 4pm-8pm @ Lions Club Park in Downtown Leavenworth. Story Time Quincy Library, 208 Central Ave. 10:30am Preschool Storytime 4:00pm Bilingual Storytime
2 Left Feet Public Dance Party 7pm-8:30pm at Pybus Market. Free to join in! This is a local dance enthusiast group. There will be a beginner dance lesson at the top of the hour followed by carefree social dancing. Dance styles will be 1940s swing with a bit of salsa, blues, waltz or tango thrown in. For more information, call 888390 or visit
EVERY FRIDAY Play Gym 10am-11:30am at SPORT Gymnastics, 10 S. Columbia St. For 6 years old and under. $5 per child or $9 per family. Kaleidoscope Play and Learn Group A Free, fun and interactive time for the children in your life to learn through play! 9:00am-10:30am AND 11:00am12:30pm at Hope Childhood Development Center in Wenatchee. For more information, please contact Jordan Metulis at 6626761. Baby/Toddler Story Time 10:00am at Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas Rd. Questions? Call 662-5021 Story Time 11:30am at Leavenworth Library, 700 Highway 2. Questions? Call 548-7923 Nights Out, Lights Out Public Ice Skate @ The Rink at Town Toyota Center. 7pm-9pm $5 admission, $2 skate rental. 667-7847, Mom & Tot Rosary Group 11am at St Joseph’s Church 625 S Elliott Ave, Wenatchee, WA in the Bride’s Room
Family Zumba 5:30pm-6:15pm at the YMCA Open to families with school age children (K-16 years) and adults. It is a cardio-based class that incorporates traditional exercise moves with Latin dance for a fun-filled workout. Children must be accompanied by an adult family member over the age of 21.
EVERY SATURDAY Play Gym 9:30am-10:45am AND/OR 11am12:15pm at SPORT Gymnastics, 10 S. Columbia St. For 6 years old and under. $5 per child or $9 per family. Famer’s Market 8:00am-1:00pm Inside Pybus Market, 7 N Worthen St. in Wenatchee Opening Day: May 10th!! Social Dancing Waltz, Swing, Night Club, Latin, Country. 7:00pm on Saturdays at Mountainview Fitness in East Wenatchee. Beginner lesson until 7:30pm, open dance until 9:30pm, no partner needed. $5. For more information, 630-2947
Grace McGee
Indoor Park @ Apple Valley Gymnastics, 230 S Columbia in Wenatchee 8:30-10am, for ages 5 and under. $7 per child, $3 for siblings. No Indoor Park on March 7th Baby/Toddler Story Time 10:00am at Wenatchee Library, 310 Douglas Rd. Questions? Call 662-5021
March/April 2015
preparing to breastfeed an infant. You are encouraged to bring baby’s father or another support person. Class located in Rooms A and B at Central Washington Hospital, 1201 S. Miller St. from 6:30pm-8:30pm.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11 HIV/AIDS Education 3:30pm $20 What is HIV? How can we safely handle blood and other bodily fluids? Class also includes 1 hour of Bloodborne Pathogen certification through the American Red Cross. To sign up, please visit www. Course registration is required. Most courses are held at Cornerstone Christian Church, 12 N Chelan Ave in Wenatchee. Questions? Call Tracy Baker at 509-548-1830 or email First Aid Class 2 year certification in First Aid with the American Red Cross. $50 1:00pm at Cornerstone Christian Church, 12 N Chelan Ave in Wenatchee. Questions? Call Tracy Baker at 509-548-1830 or email CPR Class 2 year certification in CPR with the American Red Cross. $50 6:00pm at Cornerstone Christian Church, 12 N Chelan Ave in Wenatchee. Questions? Call Tracy Baker at 509-548-1830 or email Soup Supper & Lenten Service Enjoy a soup supper and a craft time for children of all ages from 5:006:00 followed by our Lenten Service at 6:30. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 312 Palouse, Wenatchee. Questions: Call 662-8790.
THURSDAY, MARCH 12 Giving HOPE Breakfast 7:00am-8:00am
Join the YMCA for a Giving Hope Breakfast at Cafe AZ’s, 212 First Street in Wenatchee. For more information, call 662-3531 x125 Wenatchee MOPS presents: Olive Garden Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction Open to everyone! Dinner 5:307:30pm, Silent Auction 6-7:30pm. Door prizes throughout the evening. At Wenatchee Free Methodist Church, 1601 5th St. in Wenatchee. Kids (3-12): $5/$6 at the door. Adults: $9/$10 at the door. Contact a MOPS mom or the event coordinator for tickets at michelle. This auction and family dinner will support the Wenatchee MOPS to provide scholarships and supplies to help support over 95 mothers + their children in our community. Learn more about MOPS on page 29 & 33. WVC Almost Spring Friends and Family Concert 7:00pm at the Grove Recital Hall at Wenatchee Valley College, 1300 Fifth Street. A concert to celebrate the arrival of spring with the WVC Chamber Singers. Admission is $5/person, and $10/family. Proceeds benefit the Choir Assistance Fund. This event is part of the 75th anniversary of WVC.
FRIDAY, MARCH 13 KPQ Home and Garden Show 12pm-7pm at the Town Toyota Center. Free Admission! Over 150 exhibits! Bring the family and join the fun and exciting attractions throughout the three day event. More information, visit Saturday hours: 9am-7pm, Sunday hours: 10am-4pm Heart to Home Women’s Conference Calvary Crossroads presents the Heart to Home Women’s Conference on Friday and Saturday, March
13th and 14th in Wenatchee. You are invited to this free simulcast event focusing on building your relationships, sharing your home, connecting with other women, and passing your faith along to the next generation. The Heart to Home Women’s Conference features the Women of Duck Commander, including Christian author Dr. Joneal Kirby, family member of the Robertson’s and creator of Heart to Home Ministries. The free two day simulcast event will be Friday night 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM and Saturday from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Lunch will be served free of charge on Saturday. Sorry, childcare is not available. Please RSVP to: info@ or call (509) 888-5355. Marriage Encounter March 13-15 at the Bavarian Village of Leavenworth Marriage Encounter weekend is a chance for you as a husband and wife to come away from the pressures, hurriedness, and routine of everyday living and concentrate on each other. This event is for couples who recognize that good marriages don’t “just happen”; good marriages require time alone together, away from distractions, where the two of you can focus on your relationship. Marriage Encounter is open to any husband and wife. There is no age limit; any couple is welcome. Whether you’ve been married five years or fifty, you can benefit from Marriage Encounter. Space is limited. A $55 per couple non-refundable registration and deposit fee will confirm your reservation. For more information, please visit www. Open Gym at Apple valley Gymnastics 7pm-9pm for ages 5-15 $12 for first chld, $8 for siblings.
March/April 2015
Classes t r Creative A For All Ages artisinleavenworth
Artis (formerly Icicle Arts) is a registered 501(c)(3) non profit organization Connecting community through creative art.
Free 5K Fun Run 10am at Pybus Public Market Celebrate Pi Day with a FREE Fun Run! No cost and registration. Runners will be greeted with goodies including T-shirts, stickers and a chance to win free raffle prizes. Stick around after to recover as there will be lots of Pi/Pie themed goodies and treats. The route will be marked, but not timed. If you are a walked, you are encouraged to start at 9:30 so you can finish with the runners. For more information, contact Doug Wood at dwood@ Spring Fest A Benefit for the Wenatchee Valley Farmers Market 6pm-9pm in the Pybus events room. If you love our wonderful Farmers Market, please support them by attending this fun evening. Lite Hors d”oeuvres, Desserts and No-Host Bar, Silent and Live Auction with dozens of items, Raffles, Drawings. Local attorney Gil Sparks will M/C the
event. Tickets are only $25.00 per person. Call 663-8712 to purchase by mail or buy tickets at the Pybus Market information booth or business office. 100% of the proceeds benefit the Wenatchee Valley Farmers Market. Lowes Build and Grow Kid’s Clinic 10am at Lowes. Free, for kids ages 12 and under. Preregistration is appreciated at www. This week’s craft is a Moster Jam Truck, featuring Max-E! Toro Loco Benefit Dinner and Dessert Dash 5:30-9:00pm at St. Joseph’s catholic Curch, Kuykendall Hall, 625 Elliot Ave S in Wenatchee. Celebrate St Patrick’s holiday with fun, food, entertainment and community! A delicious St Patrick’s Day-inspired dinner will be catered by The Ivy Wild. The highlight of the event is our Dessert Dash ! - a lively auction of delectable desserts by distinguished local culinarians. All proceeds go to support the programs at Catholic Family & Child Service,
Storytimes Cashmere Library
Chelan Library
300 Woodring 782-3314
310 Douglas Street 662-5021
417 Bradley 682-5131
Story Time: Wednesdays 10:00am
Story Time: Mon. Tues. & Wed. 10:30am
Story Time: Wednesdays 10:00am
East Wenatchee Library
Baby Rhyme Time: Fridays 10:00am in the Children’s room
14138 Kinzel Street 748-1517
271 9th Street NE 886-7404 Story Time: Tuesdays 10:30am Stories, Songs, Poems, Action Rhymes
Peshastin Library 8396 Main Street 548-7821 Story Time: Wednesdays 10:00am
Wenatchee Library
Pajama Story Time: Tuesdays 7:00pm Come in your PJ’s! All Ages
Leavenworth Library 700 Highway 2, 548-7821 Story Time: Tuesdays 1:30Pm
Entiat Library Story Time: Wednesdays 10:00am
Quincy Library 208 Central Ave, Quincy Story Time: Thursdays 10:30 Bilingual Story time: Thursdays 4:oopm
“bringing hope to life for those most in need.” Individual tickets $35, young adult (21 to 30 years of age) $25 dollars, table for ten $350.
event. More information, visit
Gnome Valley, U SA
KPQ Home and Garden Show 9am-7pm at the Town Toyota Center. Free Admission! Over 150 exhibits! Bring the family and join the fun and exciting attractions throughout the three day event. More information, visit Sunday hours: 10am-4pm
Real Women, Real Faith Wenatchee Nazarene Women’s Ministries presents this compelling two-day presentation on Monday and Tuesday, March 16 and 17, by Tahmina Martelly. Martelly was born in Bangladesh to a strict Muslin family. Her story is one of how encountered God and found Jesus in the middle of a war. 6:00pm in the Pybus Event Center, both days. Cost is $20. To register, call 663-6025 or purchase online at wnchurchfamily. org. No child care provided
Have you heard about the Gnomes living in Cashmere? Their doors keep popping up! We know the city as “Cashmere”, but to the gnomes, it’s known as Gnome Valley USA. Visit to find a map of the gnomes that have been discovered and start a hunt for the 6 inch doors yourself! This would be a great activity to do with your kiddos! You can even write to the gnomes! Want to gnow more? You can learn all about the gnomes and their stories on the website.
Bead Wire-Wrapping Workshop 9am-4:30pm at Grunewald Guild in Leavenworth Students will create one-of-a-kind sterling silver wire-wrap jewelry using beautiful ceramic beads made by artisans at the Grunewald Guild. We will learn to utilize round- and flat-nose pliers and wire cutters to make coiled wire bracelets and/ or earrings. Each participant may expect to bring home at least one completed bracelet and at least two pairs of earrings of their own unique design and style. All experience levels welcome, including beginners. ages 16+. Cost is $125. For more information and to register visit www.grunewaldguild. com/upcoming/bead-wirewrapping-workshop
SUNDAY, MARCH 15 Chili and Trivia Night 6pm-8pm at Columbia Grove Covenant Church Bring your thinking cap and some chili to share. Everyone is welcome! Contact Pastor Adam for more details at KPQ Home and Garden Show 10am-4pm at the Town Toyota Center. Free Admission! Over 150 exhibits! Bring the family and join the fun and exciting attractions throughout the three day
HAPPY ST. PATRICKS DAY! Don’t forget to wear your green!
You’ll hear the best of Irish and Scottish ballads featuring fiddle, mandolin, guitar and hammered dulcimer. Be sure to wear green to win some special Pybus Market prizes!
St. Patrick’s Day Music…”All Strings Considered” 5pm-7pm at Pybus Public Market.
Cashmere St. Patrick’s Day Parade The shortest St. Patricks Day parade in Washington State occurs on
400 Ninth Street Wenatchee, WA (509) 888.2464
Mon-Thurs. 9am-7pm Friday 9am-9pm Saturday 10am-9pm Sunday 12pm-5pm
pir ed
m beco
An energetic, fired-art studio where you can paint your own pottery and design your own fused glass creations. Currently Offering: Pottery Painting Project class the 1st Friday each month Fused glass class the 3rd Friday each month Birthday Parties, Bridal and Baby Showers, Ladies Night Out! March/April 2015
Cottage Ave. Activities include live entertainment, parade and food.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18 Free To Be You & Me Performance by the Wenatchee High School Drama Club. Directed by Paul Atwood. 7:00pm at the WHS Auditorium. Adults $10, Students $5. Tickets available at Pak-It-Rite, 36 N Chelan Ave. or online at whs. For more info, call 888-0780. Additional performances on March 19, 20, 21 at 7pm and a Matinee showing on March 21 at 2pm. Soup Supper & Lenten Service Enjoy a soup supper and a craft time for children of all ages from 5:006:00 followed by our Lenten Service at 6:30. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 312 Palouse, Wenatchee. Questions: Call 662-8790.
Kiya Huffaker
Monthly Movies on the Big Screen “How the West was Won” 6:30pm at the PAC. Tickets are $5. Rated G, 164 minutes. Setting off on a journey to the west in the 1830s, the Prescott family run into a man named Linus (James Stewart), who helps them fight off a pack of thieves. Linus then marries daughter Eve Prescott (Carroll Baker), and 30 years later goes off to fight in the Civil War with their son, with bloody results. Eve’s sister, Lily (Debbie Reynolds), heads further west and has adventures with a professional gambler (Gregory Peck), stretching all the way to San Francisco and into the 1880s. Buy tickets at www., 663-ARTS, or at the box office. FREE Admission to WA State Parks In honor of the Washington State Parks 102nd Birthday, ALL Washington State Parks will have free admission! No Discover Pass required! For a list of Washington State parks, please visit
Free To Be You & Me Performance by the Wenatchee High School Drama Club. Directed by Paul Atwood. 7:00pm at the WHS Auditorium. Adults $10, Students $5. Tickets available at Pak-It-Rite, 36 N Chelan Ave. or online at whs.wsd. For more information, call 888-0780. Additional performances on March 20, 21 at 7pm and a Matinee showing on March 21 at 2pm. Empty Bowls 2015 Soup Supper 1st Seating 5:30pm, 2nd Seating 6:45pm at Cascade High School in Leavenworth. $15 to buy a painted Bowl, $5 Soup only. To learn more about the story of Empty Bowls, please visit The summary is of the story: Every January, hundreds of people participate in buying unglazed, undecorated bowls made by local artists and paint the bowls over a five day period with a design of their choice. The bowls are then fired and returned to those who painted them in March at this community dinner. Empty Bowl Festival is an annual fundraiser to support the Community Cupboard, as well as art education in local schools.
FRIDAY, MARCH 20 First Day of Spring! Story Time at Academic Toolbox 10:45am 2127 N Wenatchee Ave. Bring your littles for a great story and a fun activity! Wenatchee WILD home game 7:05 vs Lone Star Brahmas at Town Toyota Center. For tickets, visit tickets.wenatcheewildhockey. com Rocklyn Road Band Live in Pybus 7pm-9pm in the main concourse. Danika Nolton and Gary Johnstad are the artists in the band, who regularly tour eastern Washington playing a mix of classic rock, country, and
“rockabilly.” They’re fun to listen to and will have your feet tapping the floor from their first song. My Girlfriend’s Closet Fundraiser for Junior Service League 9am-7pm Open to the public. New location this year: 212 Fifth Street #9 in Wenatchee. Come with your girlfriends and shop like you’ve never shopped before! Great prices on thousands of pieces, from business attire to casual, to shoes and accessories! If you have gently used items that you would like to donate, donations are being accepted through March 15th. Please contact Nicole for drop off locations at 433-8440 or jslw. And follow Junior Service League and or My Girlfriends Closet on Facebook to learn more about the event! Free To Be You & Me Performance by the Wenatchee High School Drama Club. Directed by Paul Atwood. 7:00pm at the WHS Auditorium. Adults $10, Students $5. Tickets available at Pak-It-Rite, 36 N Chelan Ave. or online at whs.wsd. For more information, call 888-0780. Additional performances on March 21 at 7pm and a Matinee showing on March 21 at 2pm.
SATURDAY, MARCH 21 Wenatchee WILD home game 7:05 vs Lone Star Brahmas at Town Toyota Center. For tickets, visit Kid’s Club 11am-1pm at Wenatchee Valley Mall. Join the club and join the fun! Free events for the kids the third Saturday of every month. Membership is always free for kids 11 and under and comes with perks. Members receive a passport to every event, receive a star for attending and win cool prizes. Attend 3 events in a row and receive a Kid’s Club goody bag. Acheive perfect attendance and receive a certificate and a Kid’s Club backpack.
All-In-One Gym KidFIT Kickboxing Tuesday @ 6:30pm
KidFIT Class Monday, Wednesday and Friday @ 6:15pm
Mommy & Me Tuesday @ 10am
$10 Drop-In, 11th Drop-In is always FREE 2619 Euclid Ave Suite E in Wenatchee, (702) 466-7467 or (509) 264-5344
March/April 2015
Recycled Percussion 7:30pm at the PAC Their junk rock music became a national phenomenon week after week during their smash hit performances on America’s Got Talent in 2009. Playing over 4,000 shows in over 15 countries, Recycled Percussion is coming to Wenatchee! They have elevated their energy level, created new performance elements and continues to bring junk rock music to the Las vegas Strip nightly at The Quad Resort and Casino! Learn more and buy tickets at or get tickets in preson at the box office or by calling 663-ARTS. Tickets range from $19-$29. Women’s Escape 9am-12:30pm at Mission Ridge. Women’s Escape is designed for beginners all the way up to the advanced skiers and riders. After a morning of coaching, we’ll meet back at the lodge for lunch and more socializing. Afterwards, you’re free to head out again and try anything new you learned and hopefully with a few new friends! Cost is $50 and includes lunch. Check in begin in the upstairs lodge. A lift ticket is required (if you need a ticket we are offering a special $10 Women’s Escape Ticket good for the day of the program). Register online at Space is limited. My Girlfriend’s Closet Fundraiser for Junior Service League 9am-7pm Open to the public. New location this year: 212 Fifth Street #9 in Wenatchee. Come with your girlfriends and shop like you’ve never shopped before! Great prices on thousands of pieces, from business attire to casual, to shoes and accessories! If you have gently used items that you would like to donate, donations are being accepted through March 15th. Please contact Nicole for drop off locations at 433-8440 or jslw. And follow Junior
Service League and or My Girlfriends Closet on Facebook to learn more about the event! Free To Be You & Me Performance by the Wenatchee High School Drama Club. Directed by Paul Atwood. 2:00pm and 7:00pm at the WHS Auditorium. Adults $10, Students $5. Tickets available at Pak-It-Rite, 36 N Chelan Ave. or online at For more information, call 888-0780.
SUNDAY, MARCH 22 Crab and Spaghetti Feed Fundraiser for St. Joseph’s School Parent’s Club. 4:30pm-10:00pm at St. Joseph’s Church, Kuykendall Hall. All you can eat dinner, Drinks and dessert for purchase. Adult (13+): $35, Child (5-12): $10, Family (2 adults, 2 children): $80, children 4 and under are free. This is the biggest fundraiser of the year, please show your support! Tickets are available at the school office. Last day to order is March 18th. Questions? Call Debbie at 670-5660 or Cathy in the School Office at 6632644. My Girlfriend’s Closet Fundraiser for Junior Service League 9am-2pm Open to the public. New location this year: 212 Fifth Street #9 in Wenatchee. Come with your girlfriends and shop like you’ve never shopped before! Great prices on thousands of pieces, from business attire to casual, to shoes and accessories! If you have gently used items that you would like to donate, donations are being accepted through March 15th. Please contact Nicole for drop off locations at 433-8440 or jslw. And follow Junior Service League and or My Girlfriends Closet on Facebook to learn more about the event! Wenatchee Valley Lacrosse Jamboree 9am-5pm at Walla Walla Point Park
The Ice Breaker Jamboree uses four fields at Walla Walla Point Park. The tournament generally features players ages 9-15 and usually attracts 25+ teams. Visit www. for more information. Pack Walk (Dogs and People!) 3:00pm-4:00pm @ Pybus Public Market. Join us for a fun, social dog walk along the riverfront! Meet on the Riverfront Loop Trail behind Pybus Market, next to the boat launch. No pre-registration required. All are welcome! Go as far or short as you want, as fast or slow as you desire. Bring your dog on a leash, your friends and your family for this casual outing. Questions: email info@wenatcheefido.ORG or see our web site or our FaceBook page Wenatchee FIDO
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 Diversity Justice Day for Youth 8:30am-2:00pm at Wenatchee Valley College For more information, call Melissa Hernandez at 509-888-2828 or Faviola Barbosa at 509-682-6868
THURSDAY, MARCH 26 17th Annual NW Mariachi Festival 8am-5pm @ Wenatchee High School Mariachi Workshops Thurs/Fri March 26/27 Wenatchee High School Mariachi Festival Gala Concert :Sat March 28.2015 2pm and 7pm at Wenatchee High School Info: Ramon Rivera 509-393-8871 6:30pm at St. Paul’s Lutheran School 1st through 5th graders present the musical “Esther-Ordinary Faith”. This musical written by Kathie Hill will make a great family evening out while learning about the sovereignty of God and the confidence we can have in trusting Him with the greatest of problems by displaying our own Esther-Ordinary Faith! The musical will be presented at our elementary campus located at 1520 McKittrick in Wenatchee (Wenatchee
First Assembly building). Admission is free and we will be collecting nonperishable food for the packing friendship service program. Questions: Call 662-4757.
FRIDAY, MARCH 27 Wenatchee WILD home game 7:05 vs Topeka RoadRunners at Town Toyota Center. For tickets, visit “Just Us Band” Plays at Pybus 7pm-9pm Band members are Kyle Flick (Guitar), Brad Blackburn (Drums), Mark Sele (Bass), Heather Houtz (Vocals) and Bonnie McClaine (Vocals). Enjoy a spring night of Blues, Classic Rock and Pop 17th Annual NW Mariachi Festival 8am-5pm @ Wenatchee High School Mariachi Workshops Thurs/Fri March 26/27 Wenatchee High School Mariachi Festival Gala Concert :Sat March 28.2015 2pm and 7pm at Wenatchee High School Info: Ramon Rivera 509-393-8871 www. Open Gym at Apple valley Gymnastics 7pm-9pm for ages 5-15 $12 for first chld, $8 for siblings.
SATURDAY, MARCH 28 Wenatchee WILD home game 7:05 vs Topeka RoadRunners at Town Toyota Center. For tickets, visit Lowes Build and Grow Kid’s Clinic 10am at Lowes. Free, for kids ages 12 and under. Preregistration is appreciated at www. This week’s craft is a TBD. Check the website closer to the date to find out what craft is planned. Dummy Downhill 4pm at Mission Ridge, in the base area next to the Ski School building. The Dummy Downhill is back for another year. Participants in this quirky
event use their creativity to present a non-human dummy on either skis or a snowboard. The entry must be in either human or animal form and weigh no more than 100 lbs. See a quick video that shows what it’s all about at It’s really worth the watch! There are Youth entries (only $5), adult, corporate, employee, and Alumni categories (all $15). So fun to watch! Judging begins at 4pm. Awards go to most creative, most likely to survive, judge’s choice, best carnage.
Tanner & Hayden
Wenatchee Valley Appleaires Greatest Hits 2:00pm AND 7:00pm performances at the PAC. For more information and for tickets, visit You can also get tickets in person at the box office or by calling 663-ARTS
SUNDAY, MARCH 29 Wenatchee WILD home game 3:05 vs Topeka RoadRunners at Town Toyota Center. For tickets, visit
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY! What trick will you attempt today? Share your stories on our FB page! Red Cross Blood Drive 11am-4pm at Pybus To register to donate blood or for additional information, contact: or call 1-800-733-2767
THURSDAY, APRIL 2 Play and Learn Together 10am-11am in the Youth and Teen Center at the YMCA. For children 6 months-5 years and their parents. Free to anyone in the community. Whle the kids play and make new friends, you can talk with other parents. 1st Thursday of every month. Questions? call 662-2109.
March/April 2015
SATURDAY, APRIL 4 12th Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Smallwoods 11am-3pm Events will be running all day with the Easter Egg Hunts broken down into age groups. Kids will love the FREE East Egg Hunt and Animal Balloon! For just $1 per ticket, enjoy Cow Train Rides, Face Painting, Petting Zoo, the Corn Maze, Hay Wagon Rides, Miniature Race-track, and fresh Kettle Corn. Hot dogs, sodas, snacks, and more will be available for an additional cost. This event is sure to bring a day full of smiles for the whole family. Accommodations for children with special needs will be available all day. For more information, call Smallwoods Harvest at 548-5807. Martin’s Market Easter Egg Hunt 10 a.m. at Martin’s Market, 130 Titchenal Way in Cashmere The egg hunt is for kids ages 10 and under. For more information, call Chris at 782-3801. Easter For Kids 10am-Noon at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 312 Palouse in Wenatchee. This annual event includes crafts, games, goodie bags, and prizes, and of course an Easter Egg Hunt! Questions: Call 662-8790. Home Depot Kids Workshop Free hand-on workshop, designed for children ages 5-12. Craft for this week is TBD. All kids get to keep their craft, receive a certificate of achievement, a workshop apron and a commemorative pin while supplies last. Class is from 9am-noon on the first Saturday of every month. Crafts vary from month to month. Registering online is appreciated. 2nd Annual Ohme Day Help get the gardens ready for visitors. It’s a fun filled day of activities from dead heading, getting flower bed preparation and planting.
They’ll have coffee, donuts and all the necessary tools. It’s always a good idea to bring your favorite pair of garden gloves. FREE Admission to WA State Parks ALL Washington State Parks will have free admission to celebrate Spring! No Discover Pass required! For a list of Washington State parks, please visit
SUNDAY, APRIL 5 HAPPY EASTER! Easter Brunch At the Sleeping Lady in Leavenworth Celebrate this Easter holiday with a hearty, buffet style brunch. Adult $37, Kids 5-12 $11. Children 4 and under are free. call 509-548-6344 for reservations. Overnight packages are also available. Easter Celebration Saddlerock Presbyterian Church 10:00 a.m. Children ages 1-10 years are welcome, and there will be different start times/sections for age groups. Come hear the Easter Message, decorate a cookie, make a craft and find some Easter Eggs! And, new this year is a family photo booth! Easter Celebration Easter Services at 8:00 and 10:15, Easter Breakfast at 9:00, and children’s crafts and an egg hunt at 9:30. St. Paul’s is located at 312 Palouse, Wenatchee. Questions: Call 662-8790.
Methodist Church. Spring session of Family kicks off tonight and happens every Wednesday night through May 13th. Dinner will be served from 5:30-6:15. After a delicious meal, please stay for Family worship and then choose between the family teaching time or the marriage class, both of which will vary each week in topics covered. For more information, please contact Heather Scott at 662-1502. Oh, and did I mention it is free? Come fellowship with other families, grow together with your own family, enjoy a great meal and learn lots of great stuff! HIV/AIDS Education 3:30pm $20 What is HIV? How can we safely handle blood and other bodily fluids? Class also includes 1 hour of Bloodborne Pathogen certification through the American Red Cross. To sign up, please visit www. Course registration is required. Most courses are held at Cornerstone Christian Church, 12 N Chelan Ave in Wenatchee. Questions? Call Tracy Baker at 509-548-1830 or email First Aid Class 2 year certification in First Aid with the American Red Cross. $50 6:00pm at Cornerstone Christian Church, 12 N Chelan Ave in Wenatchee. Questions? Call Tracy Baker at 509-548-1830 or email
Easter Service and Egg Hunt 10:00am at Columbia Grove Covenant Church, 19 McElmuray in East Wenatchee. Egg hunt for kiddos following the service. Everyone welcome!
CPR Class 2 year certification in CPR with the American Red Cross. $50 1:30pm at Cornerstone Christian Church, 12 N Chelan Ave in Wenatchee. Questions? Call Tracy Baker at 509-548-1830 or email
Family Night 5:30pm at Wenatchee Free
An Evening with the Author of “The Boys in the Boat”
7:00pm at the PAC. North Central Regional Library presents this one book series. Visit your local library to check out a copy of The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Each of our libraries will also be hosting a discussion about the book prior to the event. We invite those who have and those who have not read the book to attend this engaging talk from the New York Times Best Selling author Daniel James Brown. This improbable, intimate account of nine working-class boys from the University of Washington who showed the world that true grit really meant at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. This free presentation will be followed by a book signing. A Book for All Seasons bookstore will be selling copies of Mr. Brown’s work.
of distracted driving, but they don’t always practice what they preach. Texting and drinking while driving is highly dangerous and can kill people. the “Arrive Alive” Tour brings a car to Pybus Market that has a simulator in it that replicates what it is like to drive while intoxicated or while texting! That’s right, sit in a car and find out how dangerous either is …. after this experience, you’ll never drink or text and drive again. Did you know: >>> Sending or receiving a text takes a driver’s eyes from the road for an average of 4.6 seconds, the equivalent- at 55 mph- of driving the length of an entire football field, blind. >>> One in six teens binge drink. Only 1 in 100 parents believes his or her teen binge drinks. Bring your family to Pybus from 10-4 for this important public awareness event.
Childbirth Preparation SeriesEverything you need to know about having a baby. This is a 12 hour course similar to a Lamaze class. It will prepare you and your birth partner for the physical and emotional demands of labor. 6:308:30pm on the following dates: April 9and 10, 6-9pm, and April 11, 9am3pm. Cost is $95.94. Takes place in Rooms A and B at central Washington Hospital, 1201 N Miller in Wenatchee. For more information, contact Joan Slack at 665-6140 or
Lowes Build and Grow Kid’s Clinic 10am at Lowes. Free, for kids ages 12 and under. Preregistration is appreciated at www. This week’s craft is a TBD. Check the website closer to the date to find out what craft is planned.
FRIDAY, APRIL 10 Open Gym at Apple valley Gymnastics 7pm-9pm for ages 5-15 $12 for first chld, $8 for siblings.
SATURDAY, APRIL 11 “Arrive Alive” Tour Simulation Shows Distracted Driving Dangers. 10am-4pm at Pybus Public Market. Most people think they know about the dangers
Taste Leavenworth! 11am-5pm in Leavenworth Saturday and Sunday. Join us for a culinary crawl through Leavenworth complete with live music and a “Taste Passport” bursting with juicy deals for foodies of all ages! Stay tuned for more details! Passports will be available for pre-sale on Brown Paper Tickets on March 2! Pre-Sale tickets are $25, Day of tickets are $30, kids are $5. For more information, email info@ or call 509-5807.
SUNDAY, APRIL 12 Sheryl Crow in Concert, 7pm at Town Toyota Center
Got that “I need to clean the house but I want to play with the kids” feeling?
All Seasons House Cleaning the best of both worlds! Get 25% off your Deep Clean in March and April Mention this ad & get 20% off! Contact us today All Seasons House Cleaning, 509-663-4130 Taste Leavenworth! 11am-5pm in Leavenworth Saturday and Sunday. Join us for a culinary crawl through Leavenworth complete with live music and a “Taste Passport” bursting with juicy deals for foodies of all ages! Stay tuned for more details! Passports will be available for pre-sale on Brown Paper Tickets on March 2! Pre-Sale tickets are $25, Day of tickets are $30, kids are $5. For more information, email info@ or call 509-5807.
MONDAY, APRIL 13 Childbirth Preparation Series Everything you need to know about having a baby. This is a 12 hour course similar to a Lamaze class. It will prepare you and your birth partner for the physical and emotional demands of labor. 6:30-
March/April 2015
Worship: 6:30pm, Saturdays & 10:00am, Sundays Seniors Worship Service: 2pm, Sundays at Bonaventure High School Youth Group: 6:30, Sundays Middle School Youth Group: 6:30, Thursdays
Join us this Easter Special childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s program during service followed by an Easter Egg Hunt!
19 McElmurry Lane, East Wenatchee 884-4001 â&#x20AC;˘ 509-663-2276
Register now for Spring Semester Classes begin the week of March 16th *Discover the joy of music WITH your child *Music and Movement classes for Birth-7 *Big Kids classes to nourish independent music growth *Try a class for FREE
Ask us about birthday parties! Follow us on
8:30pm on the following dates: April 13, 20, 27, May 4, 11 and 18. Cost is $95.94. Takes place in the Wenatchee Valley Hospital Sleep Center Conference Room, 1000 N Miller in Wenatchee. For more information, contact Joan Slack at 665-6140 or jslack@
TUESDAY, APRIL 14 Masters of Soul 7:30pm at the PAC Masters of Soul features music made famous by record labels including Motown and Stax, and celebrates the legendary songs and performers that defined soul music. The tribute show features stylishly costumed, fully choreographed performances of both male and female groups backed by a live band. Take the ultimate stroll down memory lane and re-live (or discover for the first time) the incredible harmonies and smooth moves made famous by many of the greatest recording acts of all-time, including: Temptations, Gladys Knight & the Pips, Four Tops, Martha Reeves & Vandellas, Marvin Gaye, Tammi Terrell, Jackson Five, Smokey Robinson & The Miracles, Aretha Franklin, Diana Ross & The Supremes, Commodores, Pointer Sisters, Stevie Wonder, and many more! Tickets range from $20-$35 and can be purchased online at, by calling 663-ARTS, or in person at the PAC box office. Successful Breastfeeding A two-hour (free!) class that will cover the basics of breastfeeding. Topics include latch and positioning, common problems and troubleshooting, pumping and storing milk, resources for breastfeeding families and more. This class is appropriate for anyone preparing to breastfeed an infant. You are encouraged to bring babyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s father or another support person. Class located in Rooms A and B at
Central Washington Hospital, 1201 S. Miller St. from 6:30pm-8:30pm.
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15 Ohme Gardens OPENS for the season! 9am-6pm Come enjoy the gardens! Wizard of Oz Tickets on Sale! Tickets available beginning TODAY for the performance of The Wizard of Oz, May 28-31 at the Riverside Playhouse. Performance is put on by Stage Kids WA and you can expect tickets to go fast! Look for tickets at or at numericapac. org. Play performance description: Little Dorothy Gale of Kansas, like so many girls her age, dreams of what lies over the rainbow. One day a twister hits her farm and carries her away over the rainbow to another world. Come join Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tinman, the Cowardly Lion and Toto as they travel the universe of Dorothyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s imagination. Be transported to the wondrous discoveries of the Emerald City and the characters of Oz. Journey on a quest to find heart, courage, brains and most importantly, home. Family Night 5:30pm at Wenatchee Free Methodist Church Spring session is happening now! Every Wednesday night through May 13th. Dinner will be served from 5:30-6:15. After a delicious meal, please stay for Family worship and then choose between the family teaching time or the marriage class, both of which will vary each week in topics covered. For more information, please contact Heather Scott at 662-1502. Oh, and did I mention it is free? Come fellowship with other families, grow together with your own family, enjoy a great meal and learn lots of great stuff! HIV/AIDS Education 3:30pm $20
What is HIV? How can we safely handle blood and other bodily fluids? Class also includes 1 hour of Bloodborne Pathogen certification through the American Red Cross. To sign up, please visit www. Course registration is required. Most courses are held at Cornerstone Christian Church, 12 N Chelan Ave in Wenatchee. Questions? Call Tracy Baker at 509-548-1830 or email First Aid Class 2 year certification in First Aid with the American Red Cross. 1:00pm at Cornerstone Christian Church, 12 N Chelan Ave in Wenatchee. Questions? Call Tracy Baker at 509-548-1830 or email CPR Class 2 year certification in CPR with the American Red Cross. 6:00pm at Cornerstone Christian Church, 12 N Chelan Ave in Wenatchee. Questions? Call Tracy Baker at 509-548-1830 or email
THURSDAY, APRIL 16 Monthly Movies on the Big Screen: Wizard of Oz 6:30pm at the PAC Tickets are $5 Rated G, 103 minutes. When a tornado rips through Kansas, Dorothy (Judy Garland) and her dog, Toto, are whisked away in their house to the magical land of Oz. They follow the Yellow Brick Road toward the Emerald City to meet the Wizard, and en route they meet a Scarecrow (Ray Bolger) that needs a brain, a Tin Man (Jack Haley) missing a heart, and a Cowardly Lion (Bert Lahr) who wants courage. The wizard asks the group to bring him the broom of the Wicked Witch of the West (Margaret Hamilton) to earn his help. Tickets can be purchased online at www., by calling 663-
March/April 2015
ARTS, or in person at the PAC box office. Travis Tritt in concert, 7:30pm at the Town Toyota Center Girls Night Out Shop 12:00-7:00 p.m. at participating stores Doors open @ Inna’s Cuisine at 7pm. Raffle and Auction begin at 8pm in Downtown Wenatchee. Purchase your Swag Bag for $20 - this is your ticket to the event. Stop by Merriment Party Goods Wednesday, April 15th from 4-6pm or on April 16th beginning at 10am to pick up your bag. To purchase bags call 662-0059. There are only 100 bags available this year! The Swag Bag includes goodies from participating stores, map of businesses and coupon book. Your bag is also a ticket to the after party at Inna’s Cuisine with raffle prizes, live handyman auction, food and drinks (1 complimentary per bag bought). Buy your Swag Bag Now! Supplies are limited! Call 509-662-0059 to pre-purchase! Receive one raffle ticket for each $10 spent that day at participating businesses. Raffle bins will be at key participating locations!
FRIDAY, APRIL 17 “Just Us Band” Plays at Pybus 7pm-9pm Band members are Kyle Flick (Guitar), Brad Blackburn (Drums), Mark Sele (Bass), Heather Houtz (Vocals) and Bonnie McClaine (Vocals). Enjoy a spring night of Blues, Classic Rock and Pop Wenatchee Marathon Health and Fitness Expo Noon-8pm at the Wenatchee Convention Center Features businesses selling gear and products, organizations promoting endurance sport events and groups that have a connection to the outdoors, tourism and health.
Registration and packet pick up for the Marathon, Half Marathon and 10K is held at the expo as well. The Wenatchee Marathon will take place the following morning just outside the convention center. For more information, please visit http:// or call Steve at 509-630-2090 Geology Hike at Saddle Rock! Get a great view of the local geology from the top of Saddle Rock! Ever glanced up from Wenatchee and wondered why Saddle Rock looks the way it does? Join geologist Kelsay Stanton for a hike to the top - with lots of stops to discuss what we see along the way. We’ll meet at the Saddlerock parking area at 11:30 am on Friday, April 17th. The hike is strenuous but we will take it slow, expecting to be at the top around 1:30-2pm. We’ll all hike down at our own rate. Participants will be emailed with more details the week before the trip. This trip is limited to 15 people. To register, visit www., or call or email Hillary at or 667.9708.
SATURDAY, APRIL 18 Kid’s Club 11am-1pm at Wenatchee Valley Mall. Join the club and join the fun! Free events for the kids the third Saturday of every month. Membership is always free for kids 11 and under and comes with perks. Members receive a passport to every event, receive a star for attending and win cool prizes. Attend 3 events in a row and receive a Kid’s Club goody bag. Achieve perfect attendance and receive a certificate and a Kid’s Club backpack. Child and Babysitting Safety (CABS) 9:00am-3:00pm. Cost: $50 for Y member, $60 for community members. Space is limited,
register in advance. CABS is a certification course for building a safe and successful babysitting business for 6-9th grade. Course highlights include: safety and injury prevention, guidelines to make sure that everyone stays safe, leadership, strategies to build confidence when responding to conflict, play time, basic caregiving skills, tips on age appropriate play and staying involved, feeding burping diapering and safe sleep practices, first aid. A light healthy snack will be provided. To register, visit www. or stop by the YMCA, 217 Orondo 4th Annual Spring Tea and Silent Auction Benefitting the Wenatchee YoungLives, a ministry of Young Life to teen moms. 2:00-4:00pm at Wenatchee First Assembly of God, 1520 McKittrick St. in Wenatchee. Tickets are $10 and are sold at Encouraging Words and Academic Toolbox. For more information, call the Young Life House at (509) 6621480 Wenatchee Valley Symphony Orchestra presents Clarinet Monsters: Music of Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw and Jeff Brooks 7pm @ the PAC. This exciting program will feature clarinetist Jeff Brooks performing the music of well-known clarinetists. Gordon Schuster’s Clarinet Concerto, Op. 10 will also be performed. Concert patrons may join Music Director and Conductor Nikolas Caoile in the theatre at 6pm for a Concert Prelude with information on the program. All patrons are invited to attend a post-concert reception in the lower lobby following this final concert of the season. Tickets range from $18-$37 and can be purchased online at, by calling 663-ARTS, or in person at the PAC box office. Free Kids Fishing Day! 8:00am-12:00noon at Rock Island
Ponds (off the Highway SR-28 in Rock Island… turn by the gas station and it is next to the golf course) Whether child has fishing experience or not, this is a day of fun. Rods & reels are available, as well as instruction. Sponsored by the Wenatchee Sportsmen’s Association. Contact: Ron Bruno, 509-884-9369 for more information.
health and development through the experience of toddlers, children in middle childhood and adolescents.
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22 Administrative Professionals Day Say thank you to those you work with or may come in contact with today (any front desk associate, office staff at schools, healthcare offices, etc!)
The Compassionate Friends Sharing Meeting 7:00pm at Grace Lutheran church, 1408 Washington St. in Wenatchee 860-3620. Our meetings are open to all bereaved parents, grandparents, siblings, and friends. We are not here to judge, or to provide professional counseling; we are here to offer our friendship and understanding of your pain and to learn from each other through our shared experiences. Our meetings provide emotional support and a safe place to express your feelings. You are free to share or just listen, to cry, and even to laugh over happy memories of your child. For some, it may be the only place where they are able to talk about their child and their grief. All comments shared will be kept confidential. There are no fees for membership or to attend the meetings. We have no religious affiliation even though we meet in a church. It can take courage to make it to a meeting, but we encourage you to attend at least three. You never know when you might meet the right person, or hear the right words that will help you on your journey toward healing. More information: www.
Earth Day! Fun things to do: Try to go all day without creating any garabage. Go to a local park and pick up trash. Make a trip to the recycle center. Go to earthday. org to learn more about today!
Earth Day Walk at Jacobson Preserve Come out for an evening walk to explore the springtime beauty at Jacobson Preserve on Earth Day! This trip has a maximum size of 14, and the group will be split
Environmental Film 7:00pm at Wenatchee Valley Museum, 127 S Mission Mother Nature’s Child explores nature’s powerful role in children’s
Family Night 5:30pm at Wenatchee Free Methodist Church . Spring session is happening now! Every Wednesday night through May 13th. Dinner will be served from 5:30-6:15. After a delicious meal, please stay for Family worship and then choose between the family teaching time or the marriage class, both of which will vary each week in topics covered. For more information, please contact Heather Scott at 662-1502. Oh, and did I mention it is free? Come fellowship with other families, grow together with your own family, enjoy a great meal and learn lots of great stuff! FREE Admission to WA State Parks In honor of Earth Day, ALL Washington State Parks will have free admission! No Discover Pass required! For a list of Washington State parks, please visit www.parks.
into two groups while on the hike. Susan Ballinger and Julie Banken will lead sections of the walk. Susan will share her expertise in wildflowers and plant biology, while Julie Banken, an entomologist, will explore the hidden lives of insects at Jacobson. This event is free to the public. Please be advised that this event is a moderate to more difficult walk, with uneven terrain and an elevation gain of up to 500 feet. Participants should be prepared with sturdy shoes, water, and clothes appropriate for hiking. To register, visit, or call or email Hillary at hillary@ or 667.9708.
THURSDAY, APRIL 23 Inspiration Day at Memorial Park This day is filled with local church children’s choirs, local Christian Artists singing, and an all-Valley worship service in the evening. A very positive day to kick off the Apple Blossom Festival! Alpine Spa Open House 5pm-6:30pm at Alpine Spa in Leavenworth. Gather your girlfriends (or maybe your husband!) and join us for some yummy appetizers from JJ Hills and sneak peek to the new spa, opening in May! We will have cair & hand massages along with our expert estheticians on hand to answer any questions about your skin & beauty regime. You will be entered to with a 75 minute facial gift certificate for attending. 565 Highway 2 in Leavenworth. For more information, call (509) 5488081, email chandra@iciclevillage. com or visit
FRIDAY, APRIL 24 Arbor Day Plant a tree, visit a nursery, climb a tree or lean back against a tree, relax and read a good book.
March/April 2015
Columbia Chorale presents Riversong! in Wenatchee 7:30pm at the PAC Adults: $15, Students: $10. Songs of rivers and streams from around the world will be the focus of this official 2015 Washington State Apple Blossom Festival event. Tickets can be purchased online at www., by calling 663ARTS, or at the PAC box office.
Story Time at Academic Toolbox 10:45am 2127 N Wenatchee Ave. Bring your littles for a great story and a fun activity! Chance Brothers Brings fun Country/Western to Pybus 6:30pm-9pm in the Pybus concourse The Chance Brothers in its purest form is Bruce on acoustic guitar and Rob on upright bass. Bruce writes most of the material which ranges from black hat C & W to folksy/ jazzy blues. There’s freshness and an honesty and openness about the Chance Brothers and their music. The Rustique Divas Vintage Market All day at Pybus Market That’s right … their famous summer show in Waterville comes to Pybus Market in Wenatchee. They will have regional vendors selling antiques and collectibles; refurbished and rusty, purses, jewelery and everything in between!
Funtastic Shows Carnival There is a wide array of rides and games for all age groups. For more information, contact the Apple Blossom Festival Office at 662-3616 or Funtastic Shows Carnival is located at Riverfront Park at the foot of Fifth Street on the Columbia River and there are no gate fees, however tickets for rides must be purchased. 2015 Pay-One-Price (P.O.P.) nights April 27 - April 30 * $30 per bracelet Location: River Front Park at the foot of 5th Street on the Columbia
New Friend School Families are invited to visit our classroom and meet exceptional students, ages three to six
New Student Registration Is Now Open! 1610 Orchard Ave Wenatchee, WA (509) 421-1207 New Friend School, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, does not discriminate based on child’s race, religion, national origin, gender, or marital status of parents.
River Time: Grand Opening - 4/24 @5:30pm Weekdays: Opens @ 5pm Weekends: Opens @ 12pm Open Gym at Apple valley Gymnastics 7pm-9pm for ages 5-15 $12 for first chld, $8 for siblings.
SATURDAY, APRIL 25 Apple Blossom Youth Parade 11am- claim your spots early! Parade Route: begins at Triangle Park on Orondo (Cherry St./Orondo St. intersection), takes a left on Mission and travels down to 7th. Over 4,500 children ages 14 and under participate in this celebration. for more information. Ride the Miniature Train 1pm-5pm at Riverfront Park, 155 N Worthen St. in Wenatchee. Adults are $3, children 12 and under are $2. This is so much fun for the kiddos! NCW Dahlia Society Annual Tuber Sale 8am-2pm at Pybus The NCW Dahlia Society is back at Pybus with tubers from some of the top dahlias in the country. They will also be back on May 9 and May 16. At $3/tuber, the price can’t be beat by any other tuber source, making it possible for dahlia growers to try out numerous varieties in that search for the perfect flower. Members of the NCW Dahlia Society will also be there to offer tips and answer questions about growing and caring for dahlias. For additional information, see: 2015 WSU Chelan-Douglas County Master Gardener Plant Sale 9am-2pm at Pybus. The sale will feature more than 20 varieties of tomatoes including both heirloom and favorite hybrids. Plenty of the winning tomatoes from the Tomato Gala held last August will be for sale. A good selection of perennials, vegetable and herbs grown by Master Gardeners will be available
March/April 2015
as well as the popular Walla Walla perennials. There will be between 3,000 and 4,000 plants for sale. Lowes Build and Grow Kid’s Clinic 10am at Lowes. Free, for kids ages 12 and under. Preregistration is appreciated at www. This week’s craft is a TBD. Check the website closer to the date to find out what craft is planned. Taste and Turns 7:00pm at the PAC Imagine this…a sumptuous dinner and private dance performance, all in the intimate setting of the Numerica PAC! This exclusive dinner show will showcase an assortment of talented dancers from ballet and lyrical to modern and tap, together with featured singers to highlight the evening. As you dine right on the Numerica PAC stage, you’ll have closer than “front row seats.” Captivate the senses with an exquisite meal, fine wine, and an intimate performance. Tickets are $75 and can be purcahsed online at, by calling 663-ARTS or in person and the PAC box office. Wenatchee Valley Super Oval Tri-Track Apple Blossom 200, Legends Regional Race, and ministock “Spring Spectacular”. Actual start times are TBD. Races are on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. For more information, visit www.wvso. com/schedule.html 8th Annual Wenatchee Renaissance Faire 10:00 AM -6:00 PM at Wenatchee Valley College, 1300 Fifth St. in Wenatchee. Come be immersed into the Medieval Life! Knights, Jousting, Pirates, Fairies, Gypsies, Peasants, Shakespeare, Belly Dancers, Fire Breathers, Storytellers, Blacksmiths, Music, Rapier, Swords, Archery, Leather, Castles, Games, Crafts, Shields, and more. Saturday April
25, and Sunday April 26 at the Wenatchee Valley College. Over 30 merchants, and wonderful entertainment at this two day event. Lots of family friendly interaction. $9 for Adults, $6 for Children ages 5-17, Free for Kids under 5, Free For WVC Students Valid ID. For More Information: Matthew Harrison, 509 669 0202 or visit
25, and Sunday April 26 at the Wenatchee Valley College. Over 30 merchants, and wonderful entertainment at this two day event. Lots of family friendly interaction. $9 for Adults, $6 for Children ages 5-17, Free for Kids under 5, Free For WVC Students Valid ID. For More Information: Matthew Harrison, 509 669 0202 or visit
Pepsi-Cola Youth Day 11am-4pm in Memorial Park (Orondo and Chelan intersection) in Wenatchee. This is always one of the highlights of the Apple Blossom Festival. Great performances and activities just for kids. There’s also a kids pie eating contest, Art 4 kids awards ceremony, and much more going on! Visit for more info. All dancing, singers and bands on this day are performed by kids! This is a FREE event!
Columbia Chorale presents Riversong! in Leavenworth 7:30pm at the Snowy Owl Theater in Leavenworth. Adults: $15, Students: $10 Songs of rivers and streams from around the world will be the focus of this official 2015 Washington State Apple Blossom Festival event. Tickets can be purchased online at, by calling 663-ARTS, or in person at the PAC box office.
Wenatchee Valley Super Oval Tri-Track Apple Blossom 200, Legends Regional Race, and ministock “Spring Spectacular”. Actual start times are TBD. Races are on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. For more information, visit www.wvso. com/schedule.html Ride the Miniature Train 1pm-5pm at Riverfront Park, 155 N Worthen St., Wenatchee. Adults are $3, children 12 and under are $2. This is so much fun for the kiddos! 8th Annual Wenatchee Renaissance Faire 10:00 AM -6:00 PM at Wenatchee Valley College, 1300 Fifth St. in Wenatchee. Come be immersed into the Medieval Life! Knights, Jousting, Pirates, Fairies, Gypsies, Peasants, Shakespeare, Belly Dancers, Fire Breathers, Storytellers, Blacksmiths, Music, Rapier, Swords, Archery, Leather, Castles, Games, Crafts, Shields, and more. Saturday April
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29 Family Night 5:30pm at Wenatchee Free Methodist Church. Spring session is happening now! Every Wednesday night through May 13th. Dinner will be served from 5:30-6:15. After a delicious meal, please stay for Family worship and then choose between the family teaching time or the marriage class, both of which will vary each week in topics covered. For more information, please contact Heather Scott at 662-1502. Oh, and did I mention it is free? Come fellowship with other families, grow together with your own family, enjoy a great meal and learn lots of great stuff!
THURSDAY, APRIL 30 Monty Python’s Spamalot 7:30pm performance at the Riverside Playhouse Lovingly ripped off from the classic film comedy MONTY PYTHON AND
THE HOLY GRAIL, SPAMALOT retells the legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, and features a bevy of beautiful show girls, not to mention cows, killer rabbits, and French people. Did we mention the bevy of beautiful show girls? To buy tickets, visit, call 663-ARTS or buy in person at the PAC box office. Performance dates are: April 30 & May 1-2, 7-9, & 14-16 at 7:30 PM with Matinees on: May 9 & 16 at 2:00 PM Fed Up 7:00pm at Snowy Owl Theater Everything we’ve been told about food and exercise for the past 30 years is dead wrong. FED UP is the film the food industry doesn’t want you to see. From Katie Couric, Laurie David (Oscar winning producer of AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH) and director Stephanie Soechtig, FED UP will change the way you eat forever. Tickets: $10 in advance, $13 at the door. For a preview of this movie, visit www.
FRIDAY, MAY 1 May Day! Dance around a Maypole! Leave some flowers (either real or paper) on someone’s front porch, ring the doorbell and run! It’s tradition, after all!
Classy Chassis Parade 6:30pm in East Wenatchee Claim your spot on the parade route early! More information, visit www.
Wander through Memorial park and enjoy over 100 talented artists, musicians, and crafters from throughout the Northwest. Friday and Saturday 10-7, Sunday 11-5
Arts and Crafts Fair 10am-7pm in Memorial Park Wander through Memorial park and enjoy over 100 talented artists, musicians, and crafters from throughout the Northwest. Friday and Saturday 10-7, Sunday 11-5
Home Depot Kids Workshop Free hand-on workshop, designed for children ages 5-12. Craft for this week is TBD. All kids get to keep their craft, receive a certificate of achievement, a workshop apron and a commemorative pin while supplies last. Class is from 9am-noon on the first Saturday of every month. Crafts vary from month to month. Registering online is appreciated.
Monty Python’s Spamalot 7:30pm performance at the Riverside Playhouse. For details and description, see April 30.
SATURDAY, MAY 2 Apple Blossom Grand Parade 11am. Parade Route: Begins at Triangle Park (Cherry/Orondo intersection), down Orondo, Left on Wenatchee Ave, ending at 7th. Get your places early, it will be busy! Classy Chassis Car Show 12pm-4pm @ Eastmont Community Park in East Wenatchee. Come see all the cool vehicles you saw in the parade and enjoy good food, lots of vendor booths, fun for the whole family! Arts and Crafts Fair 10am-7pm in Memorial Park, Wenatchee
Ride the Miniature Train 1pm-5pm at Riverfront Park, 155 N Worthen St. in Wenatchee. Adults are $3, children 12 & under are $2. This is so much fun for the kiddos! The Four Freshman 7:30pm at the PAC, Tickets are $20$29 The Four Freshmen: four parts harmony, a twist of elegance, with a splash of swing, and a whole lot of fun! As the Wall Street Journal exclaims, “Long live The Four Freshmen. May they never graduate!” Learn more and buy Tickets at Or buy tickets in person at the PAC box office, or by calling 663-ARTS
You create it... We grill it! Second Location
Downtown Leavenworth across from the Brewery 548-1965 March/April 2015
TaDke 5
Weekly Truth We believe memorizing scripture is one of the best ways to carry the Word of our God with us wherever we go—to have God-breathed truth, instruction and reproof in our hearts and minds as we live unto Him each day. “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” - Ephesians 2:10, NLT Write this verse down—copy it twenty time if that helps! Post it on your mirror or at your desk, in your car or on the fridge— anywhere you’ll see it often. We want to be a community that is intentional about scripture memorization. visit us at to join our weekly truth.
Monty Python’s Spamalot 7:30pm performance at the Riverside Playhouse. For details and description, see April 30. Apple Blossom 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament All Day long at the new location this year: Wenatchee Valley College. Enjoy the beautiful weather and the good ole game of basketball! All ages are involved, from 3rd grade to adult teams. Schedules will be posted on April 30th at www.
SUNDAY, MAY 3 Arts and Crafts Fair 10am-7pm in Memorial Park Wander through Memorial park and enjoy over 100 talented artists, musicians, and crafters from throughout the Northwest. Friday and Saturday 10-7, Sunday 11-5 Ride the Miniature Train 1pm-5pm at Riverfront Park, 155 N Worthen St. in Wenatchee. Adults are $3, children 12 & under are $2. This is so much fun for the kiddos! **All Calendar events are subject to change or cancel. Kid Connect is not responsible for any changes that may occur and advises you to confirm event details before attending. We want to provide you with the most accurate calendar possible, so if you find any changes that do occur, please let us know and we will update our facebook page and our website for our readers.**
(Events from May 3- April 20th that are worth putting on the calendar now!)
May 9-10 Maifest The sun is out, the apple and pear blossoms are springing to life, and the wildflowers are bursting at the buds! It’s time for our very Bavarian celebration of spring - Maifest!
Join us downtown Leavenworth for a full weekend of entertainment including plenty of music, the traditional maibaum (maypole) dance, traditional German dance lessons and the Festzug (Grand March) on Saturday. This is a free event, happening all day both Saturday and Sunday! May 10 FREE Admission to WA State Parks ALL Washington State Parks will have free admission to Celebrate Spring! No Discover Pass required! For a list of Washington State parks, please visit May 15 Child and Babysitting Safety (CABS) 9:00am-3:00pm. Cost: $50 for Y member, $60 for community members. Space is limited, register in advance. CABS is a certification course for building a safe and successful babysitting business for 6-9th grade. Course highlights include: safety and injury prevention, guidelines to make sure that everyone stays safe, leadership, strategies to build confidence when responding to conflict, play time, basic caregiving skills, tips on age-appropriate play and staying involved, feeding burping diapering and safe sleep practices, first aid. A light healthy snack will be provided. To register, visit www. or stop by the YMCA, 217 Orondo Ave. May 16 Warrior Challenge The 2015 Warrior Challenge is going to be a fun and exhilarating 3.5 Mile Obstacle course that will help push your limits of fun! It’s time to Run through Mud, Fire and Brimstone in what is to be one of the highlights of Apple Blossom Weekend! This race is indeded for all ages 5 & Up. So whether you are a kid running it for the first time or a marathon runner looking to push your limits, this is the race for you. Find out more about the race and register online today at:
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March/April 2015
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