“Teen Hygiene Drive” a Big Success!
weightlifting, and lacrosse. She’s about themselves for school. She
officer in the Mitchell Navy JROTC,
Mitchell High School and over
collected and delivered over 600
and captain of her soccer team at
the summer she heard Sheriff
items to the Pasco Sheriff Office
Tampa Bay United. Julie juggles
Nocco talking about the struggle
so they could distribute where
all this while maintaining a 3.9
of homeless teenagers in Pasco
help is most needed!
GPA. She volunteered over the
Julie Michael is a junior at JW
County and their challenges in returning to school.
summer at the new Starkey Ranch A few fun facts about Julie: in
K-8 school in the office and also
addition to this being her summer
for their football camp. She never
department to help and decided
outreach, she is the FIRST girl
stops and is always looking for ways
to run a “teen hygiene item
to ever play Varsity Football at
to help and to make an impact.
drive” so these students would
Mitchell High School. She also
have what they need to feel good
plays 3 other varsity sports: soccer,
Julie reached out to the Sheriff’s
Julie’s Twitter: @ JulieMichael_00
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