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iiiiii.i.fi iii iii a door ve space Opening a door e ve space
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.fi iiiiii i iiii ii.E.it ii iii
There is an implicit negative space that arises from storing the space of all possible wrong moves
www.E Alan EEEEE tweet pruned e.g betrayal failedproject etc if if tfI Insteadmid c f Fffethsfhedth.LI uhhh
In a wayyoumayfind some analogueto there may also be data lessons in the Mistakes
I would imagine that in the phase space of ideas MistakeNeuralSynaptic
T.sn ectivessiiti tmeni Eii ii i it ii EEii
pattern andthen remember tEÉ a'iii is.it tiiifii iiiowcata ne.thinratraining
9 in ChessetcAlgorithm Wouldn't it beuseful toadd afunctionalitynot onlyin rewardinggood
EEagationmeohani.sn HITthe min Lewd Ifstill Ides to us a potML should the aft in ratherprimitive
It's Called Trauma 1 it pin to lasttimet.fifgEiifiIwiiEYit again f i iii t.ge man often it canbeunbelievably disorienting
To tame uptansthatarenecessarilycomposed of fifteen is Eethigijiffilii teams
It is almost as if one can fall into these optimization thermodynamic landscapes aswell making itvery difficulttoescapewithinsufficientenergy e ftp.fffggggihgf.gg t.fifIp.ii than
Youcanthinkofthenewonliterally being nourishedwith fifty.fifiifffiiif fiiifffffi.fiiifff g guy man yyuy.am um may a guy guy my my threatensbe a I bus them
But it is as such that one can see that the ÉÉiÉmechanisms are constructed as such to explore not only distinct strategies butalso to identify antistrategies
For example in developmental Morphogenesis it is peculiarly beautiful to understand how such intricate topographic directionality like µ fight yyfgygygyfggyq.ggyyqyyyyygyyggg.ggqq.ggyyqgggz ggyq
9T tw tisteatfage acn fit at EE iiiiiiiii iiiiii fiiiiifiiiiiIiii ii iiiiiii.ineiEfiiiii a TT
e withonly4morpho.ge byoverlappingthemandthygggff pL ggymggggggggggfggy.gg Iggy
mindvirus pervades as a memory with a peering intothe vastchasmof unknown Once I iii iiiiiiiii.it
in some sense the
misfit items.ae iies.inthprocessofunwetg
the expansive fabric These knots of difficulties is not only inevitable but Perhaps essential to find One might say in the similar context of popper falsifiability a scientific theory can never really be proved for nobody knows when a happenstance of experimental evidence will disprove it otherwise In this sense disproofs and mistakes are the only fundamental objects here For one cannever truly confirm that their current strategy upon life is effective for perhaps a grand failure will begin to show its cracks in your ways any day coming soon Theonly time one ever really learns anything in assurance is Failure You can confirm that that is indeed an anti strategy and not to be repeated
It's simply impossible to derive any new science by glays onlyaiming to confirm experimentation The objective is
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gyn.thggggygegBregggyyegg a with surprises when the stakesGet Bigger
eston y fzgi yyy iii jiiiiiiiigg.gg
To elucidate more clearly Zizer's point in Thesublime Object ofIdeology11989
Theway I understood it best was that one oughtnot to seek happiness they should merelyseek Happiness should come as a byproduct If youpursue it youare lost Interestinglythishas quitethe Neurobiological profundity in regards to Dopamine NOIas a reward molecule butrather as
iiiii iiiiiiiii.fi iii
fgfggf fj fffffffeff É
to epinephrineadrenaline so tospeak
g yfepingyqghmg.gggigginggaponiferable good
hike appears to manifest at the peak of the mountain but the reality is that most of the dopamine was synthesized Reacted during the difficult process ofthe
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fiiiiiitiiiitii.it 1
if man knows not to which porthesails Newindis favorable
Which I findfascinatinglythat there exists a double entendre Sure if no Plans are set then nopcularwind isfavorable Butto imagine beingstranded on a quiet windless ocean is immeasurably worse I wouldamendSeneca'squoteto if man knows not to which porthesails
But even so is is favorable to a stagnantSea
we seas IE
the Mistakes are essential The Greatest failures often hide your Biggest clue
One ought to be hunting to make as many mistakes as one can while they can afford it
One might say that what NOI to do is more fundamental than what to do